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Democratic Review

US Magazine and Democratic Review, Jun 1844

Alexander Everett’s Greenough’s Statue of Washington: truly sublime, colossal grandeur, design to indic ascendancy of civic and humane over military virtues, the great glory of his character, not the precise circumstance of his resignation (need to be standing in mod milit costume and with group of Congressmen. Sword reversed and finger up indic moral sentiment, without the details. Face fr Stuart, modified to exhib highest point of manly vigor and maturity, doesn’t corresp exactly with any port, but proper one for the purpose. Expression adjusted to char of subj and intention of work, stamped with dignity, radiant with benevolence and moral beauty. Exec finished to perfection, exquis bas reliefs, Hercules and Apollo, Columbus and indian chief, comparatively diminutive, heighten grandeur.

            inscription above Greenough’s name not grammatical or appropriate, Wash will survive even if liberty should perish. Light unfavorable, so moved fr Rotunda to temp bldg in garden, but meanness of bldg unpleasant contrast, need better spot.

            magnif product of genius not appreciated here in NYC, even by people of good taste, but mostly minor objections, can be forced to acknowl grandeur and beauty of whole.  Unfashionable group of women, but one an artist, said more sublime than Niagara. Objections to size, attitude and costume and likeness proceed from incorrect idea that artist was trying to represent his person and countenance, but he was trying to call forth the sentiment of the moral sublime, so colossal antique and youthful are true to nature but increase moral impression. Seated emphasizes civil character. Want of repose, arms extended in a way that could not be for any length of time, but goal was not expression of repose, but expression of habitual control over his nature that let him resign his military chieftanship.

            superior to Apollo, Laocoon, Canova, Thorvaldsen, Sergell and Chantry. Based on Phildias Olympian Jupiter, itself fr the Iliad, subj more divine than Jupiter. Maybe move it to Mt Vernon.


Democrat’s Review: John Osullivan and Langley, but Washington? really long articles

Sept 1852 article on NY Society: critical of casual literature that refers to Cod Fish Aristocracy an dSnobs, seems to disapprove of those who make their own fortunes, though that should be the pride of America. too much false sentiment. Cites sneer in Hunt’s Merchants Mag, make people ashamed of selling milk. Wealthy and refined should give dignity to labor. Middling classes need better housing, women indep support, School of Design etc