Gazette and General Advertiser (New York Gazette & General Advertiser)
Library of Congress—New York Gazette and General Advertiser, 1828-1839, bound volume, lots missing
John Lang & Co pub
New York Gazette & General Advertiser—Library of Congress, scattered issues
Single issues for April/May/June 1833
Whiggish, pro-Webster, friendly with the American. Didn’t see NAD ads.
April 26 1833, John Lang & Co publishers, Hanover Squaare
p. 4 Huge ad for Dubufe’s grand moral ptg of Adam and Eve
May 11, 1833 notices Am Inst trustees
June 6 1833, June 12
NYPL Mfilm, March 16-1837-Oct 14-1837
The executors of the late John Lang, publishers, RU Lang, ed, 67 Wall st
James Bleecker and sons advertise.
I looked at March then skipped to Apr 19, finished it, May 5 the editor of the American and he agree about Frelinghuysen’s bad idea for indiscrim dog killing 23 Willis portrait in Mirror by Harding exquis, hope he has a better looking face than this. By the 25th it’s RU Lang and CF Daniels, 67 Wall st 31 Hannington doing the African Glen big hit in London 19 pro Webster. puffs Bufford’s engr of the Merchants Exchange 29 happy Marryat will write for Mirror July 3 Watson and Kelley new weekly NY Native Am, nativist, wish them success. Stopped after the 4th.
Skipped to Sept 1837: just CF Daniels now. 2 Channing opppsed to Texas. 3 Daily News started with Barnabas Bates, Demo, post office 9 love Ogden Hoffman, cry of Hot corn excruciating; 1st rater Bryant port in Mirror 19 Fisher in Boston finished two large pics of escapes fo Gen Putnam, story excellently told capital lascape 22 lots of love for Robinson caric 25 Dubufe’s ptgs: favorite pupil of cele David, a great painter, not technical judges but of v highest class of excellence, outdone Adam and Even with Byron pics, superb, magical effect of light and shade, looks like statuary. Likes Comm Advert 14 Endicott is doing DC Johnson’s sheet of drolleries.
October 27, 1837, CF Daniels, ed, 67 Wall st, bigger in size, covers Great Whig mtg
Jumps to Oct 27 1837, CF Daniels, ed, 67 Wall st instead of Hanover Sq. Then to March 13, 1839, office in Glass’ Bldgs, May 20, had been crit of Stephens re appt to Euro, retracts. Not a fan of Commod Elliott, so doubtful re Cooper’s history.
Scattered June issues—11, notices Catlin, who advertises.
NYPL Mfilm Oct 1837- May 1838
Oct 16 most exquis work of art, Acad on Barclay st, a wonder, ruins of Paestum in mosaic. Grand alleg natl ptg by Etex at same place, we will be honest, give our opinion to exhibitor candidly. There are some exquis details, finest heads and bodies of men women and children, red and white savage and civilized that we have seen anywhere. Full length port of Franklin in foregrd a tolerable likeness and superb ptg, GW near him also exceedingly fine but innocent of all resemblance to the original. Seems the case with all the figures, coloring aside fr too glaring, is beaut. But design is most execrable and impious. Alleg is too late in the day.
idea of getting Liberty to present GW to our Savior with some of his friends is too serious to be ludicrous and too ludicrous to treate seriously. But still more trying to people who would avoid laughing at an artist of unquestionable talent, Franklin in mid heaven presenting divine person with a copy of his works—no greater incongruity. say severe things, pic is imposing, pencil of no common power of execution. Likes Jim Crow, Sarony in Robinson great. I stopped at Oct 21.
looked at late November, 22-30. Mathias an ignoramus.
then to April 23, 1838, 29 notice NAD open, numerous and as good as any other one 28 Sully
May 10 Heideman’s litho of Mayor Clark the Eve Star says is capital, best style; Gazette says an indiff likeness
NYPL Mfilm May 21- Dec 1838
May 22 p2 Exhib of NA, after visiting gallery a few days since put on paper some remarks, but destroyed as might be unjustly severe. Opinion of exhib as a whole is unchanged, a disgrace, bad drwg, gaudness, affectation predominant, the worst ever. But Cole has some five and the Return alone worth it, tho not the favorite in comp with Shroon mtn, a grand pic tho less to our tste than the other, Durand’s Twilight also one of best. Inman, Ingham Huntingdon Thompson and Powell also good 26 really hates the Truth Teller
June 1838 4 curious exhib wool ptgs 6 DA Whiting a conservative, McKeon a locofoco 11 Paff died, had correct taste and judgement in art 18 loves the wool ptgs at Stuyvesant, large size, , all the force, accuracy and beauty of oil ptgs, no needlework, v extraordinary 26 Martineau and Basil Hall both unsexed themselves 27 Orangoutang at the Amer museum great curiousity, connecting link betw the brute and human works of the creator, resemblance to humanity is most wonderful. Only fear is that some abolitionist will try to free him.
July 6 prefer Am Mo Mag when has less polit matter; full length of Queen Vic by Philips of London, not beaut but exceedingly pretty 7 has more on her, large blue eyes, grace and elegance, struck with feeling of being in her presence (by **)
I skipped to September 3, 8 Catlin 9 like a new engr of Dec of Indep by Trumbull from Boyle. almost every issue notices Robinson 25 personal friends of Mayor Clark had splendid port of him ptd by Shegogue, promising young artist, presented with neat and appropriate speech, compliment 27 more on Bunker Hill. 28 poet JJ Adams works for Snowden’s ladies companion
stopped at end of Sept.
NYPL mfilm
Jan-July 1839 still Daniels but now in Glass’ bldgs, wall st and water st
I skipped to Jan 22; hostile to Calhoun and crit of Eve Star for trying to reconcile Whigs to him and nullification, like Edw Everett speech at merc Lib, praise leggett Plain Dealer. Robinson’s last caricatures v good, esp of Woodbury, Picture of 1841 pretty good, Professor Wise too literal, disgusting 24 Park Benj poem, likes Tasistro.
Feb 1 disappointed in Simmons’ lecture on Amer poetry, but ignorant of many, esp satirical writers like Trumbull, Alsop, Fessenden, Barlow undeserving of contempt, never heard Dwight’s Canaan, Bryant Halleck and Drake not mentioned. Mostly just ridicule of Dermot McMurrough of Mr Adams and Columbiad, attacked in hearsay. hope NY Lit Gazette will succeed. 8 Mrs Miller paying Dixon’s bail. 14 Saml colman and Rufus Dawes gd. 15 Mirror has sweetest lscape by Ward. 20 Americanus writes saying we need a monument to GW, we’re ungrateful, some worthless stones thrown together in some parts of the country with gd intent
March 1 1839 p.2 For the NY Gazette ball at Mushroom’s house, a grocer who got rich, Tammany demo, married girl fr Chatham st, built house in splendid square etc but couldn’t get int o society. friend told him to go abroad, bring back old pics and give a ball. (by Camblet Cloak, a reg contrib) 2 Bryant a former federalist. Albion engr of Queen Vic magnif 7 likes Hawthorne 11 likes New Yorker, not Sunday Times. Loves Knick 19 puffs gallery in Barclay st, Dubufe 29 Gazette is a party paper, no neutrality, but speaks for itself and best interest of country 30 Gen Scott a good candidate, but not ours. hate Mrs Gove.
April 1839 1 Corsair might publish home works instead of piracy. Robinson caric. Catherwood panos. 4 Boston Gazette account of 8 foot orangoutang in Rocky Mtns, brought back alive, April fool’s joke. 8 Annelli’s ptgs, haven’t been yet ourseles, but friends say one of finest in city, artist of great merit 15 likes Morning Dispatch, penny sheet, Weld a man of genius. After losing the mayoral election, all the Whig papers want a registry law 19 Aristides writes to them too on registry law; Dubufe. 23 p.2 Stout’s statue of Victoria; praises it tho could use more drapery 24 recommends Dem Rev 26 puffs Terrapin lunch. Robinson caric. on election frauds 29 says some stats “smell a little of the shop”
May 1839
2 like NY and Erie rrd 4 editor of this paper looking for a partner 7 likes Spirit of the Times. 13 editor seems careful and gmanly, though hates Tappan due to church conflicts. 14 dislikes anti- British rhetoric 15 praises Napoleon Sarony at Robinson’s again, a boy of genius 17 hostile to Cooper 21 Robinson/Sarony of Clifrton. J Childs sends his lithos a subscriber objected to in Sat issue on Amalgamation, not grossly disgusting or indecent, agree with them, just expose fanaticism May 20 1839, critical of Cooper/libel, apologizes for getting it wrong about Stephens’ nomination by the Senate May 22 crit of Commod Elliott 27 A Lady Reader has long encomium on Catherwood’s panos 28 likes Jack Downing papers with Johnson illus 31 really liked Leggett
June 1839 4 NY Whig should stop disparaging the Wall st press; notices old pics in Barclay st, 350 pictures, some 5 or 6 lscapes worth examination, vaunted as originals of Claud ePoussin Tintoretto, but as copies repectable prodctions and commend them, two in mode ofVernet, some fine sculptures, fine copy of Canova Venus 6 notices Infernal Regions, June 7, 8, gives Frelinghuysen’s speech on becoming univ Chancellor, fr Comm Advert, but the desire of knowl may become inord and dangerous, don’t question Biblical truths June 11 praises Catlin (advertises), Knick, So Lit Mess, 13 p2 Sully’s victoria, magnificent, open for exhib, design exquis gracefil, coloring clear rich and harmonious, with purity he alone knows how to give, manner of handling and genl style more like Lawrence than any other ptr living, with a poetic influence belonging to him alone, got gd reviews in London 15 Column fr other paper on Audubon 19 delicacy of Sarony’s Tree etc fror Robinson 20 hates the Post, for calling them an offshoot of Courier 22 dislike J of Commerce and the Express, have printer rats in their offices, Boggs of Eve post used to be in Comm Advert, our own demo compositors dislike him 25 Sully’s port of Victoria, adds to interest to see his study for the ptg; opinion re misunderstanding with St Geo Society, shld have more respect for royalty than to quarrel 26 Clay for pres.
July 1839 2 long bit on Robinson’s new caricature mocking Demos fear of man-worship. Stopped after the 6th.
Sept 16 Am Inst Fair