Le Courrier des Etats-Unis
Le Courrier des etats-unis: Journal politique et litteraire, 9 Nov 1839 is first issue. 4 pages, small. 94 Broadway.
3 Dec critical of Corsair (uses word Humbug) and its person in Paris who treats of 1830, so we treat of humbug of the july 4th p462 student of Daguerre arrives, better dags than Americans
5 Dec corresp of Corsair is really Thackeray; Comm Advert came to Corsaire’s defnse? corresp of Courier and Enq a British tory. Comm Advert reveals la susceptibilite nationale. More on Gouraud’s rich coll of dags.
Gouraud is advertising 57 Broadway. Quarrels with Star and Signal over dags. A lot of fiction.
3 Jan Guizot on Wash. 11 Jan E Durand writes in about Gouraud. 14 Jan new editor is Frederic Gaillardet, author of Historical Memoirs, Chevaliere d’Eon and other dramas. 16 Wish to be journal of all French speakers in No America, neutral in politics in this country, 6 Feb Americans have too much liberty, take too much with others. Herald is three quarters Whig. hostile to british. 27 Feb have a correspondance de salons (by EB)
3 March new masthead, organe des populations franco-Americaines. p.3 Masquerade ball last week, they are in vogue in the Bowery, but first time in hi society, don’t understand here the idea of carnival, here don’t comprehend they are not an orgy. Herald, the Figaro of american journalism, reported as if the salons of brevoort were those of Congress, Attree or Ariel. young lady seduced there?
move to Astor hse. 24 March salaries in US, carpenters in 1840 make same as in 1830, so do masons and tailors 31 alw calls Dems locofocos 18 April front page Corresp de salon, deferred, opening of Salon, superficial thought it feeble, portrait of Mdme Rachel place of favor, portraits and landscapes arebest, Sheffer, Champmartin, Isabey, history ptgs Delacroix, Boulanger, Fleury, Sheffer, Philippotezux. Sad Ary Sheffer and Ingres, Decamps, Delaroche and Vernet absebt. Etex in sculpture. p. 87 story of Horace Vernet and pacha of Egypt, dag of harem
. Seem ok with Elssler, but 28 May seem involved in controversy over her and Celeste with Herald and Evening Signal (FG is critic)
16 June of the American Press: war on Herald, describes French journalists as missionaries, Amer journalists as commercial, 18 june second article goes into detail 2 july third article on Herald 3 July continued on Herald 14 July long column on Mdme Restell
4 Aug Vernet anecdote
Elie Berthet writes story for them 22 Aug p.312 the politics of Elssler, her fans are the Butt enders and democrats, but are at war with the Germans who will vote Whig accordingly, abandoning Mayor Varian
5 sept p 336 describes palace of the chamber of Deputies, sculptures by Rude, column of July (celeb Bastille and 1830) in bronze Barye sculptures, colossal elephant statue, Flatters expose 1828 Milton statue of Satan fr Paradise Lost, to the Louvre, Lafitte thought it indecorous, this was vandalism, when an artist sells his work he does not abandon it, Flatters goes to London to make bust of Louis Bonaparte 10 Sept portrait of the shah 24 Sept more Vernet, marochetti model for tomb of Napoleon not adopted, Isabey masterpiece
3 Oct notices a painting sale, Granite bldg, battle victories of Americans by Lami, Isabey et al. Diorama of Paris advertises by Daguerre, in Lockwood’s rooms 411 Broadway 24 Oct Whigs accused of election fraud, Glentworth, Wetmore Grinnell Draper Blatchford. Praises Morning Signal. Mocks Comm Advert.
1 Dec defends Louis Philippe agst Albion
skipped fr 28 Jan to 13 Feb story about a portrait of a woman by Rigaud to the end of Feb and the volume; next volume is March 1841 to Feb 1842
24 March 1841 de Salon has anecdote of a celebrated painter about the masque, hiding expression; also anecdote of Decamps, his jealous femme, came home to a national guardsman at his door, a cousin of the maid, long anecdote
8 Apr black borders for Harrison 29 April p 104 Apollo Assoc, under title classic, descirbes organiz, we’ve responded to the appeal, rapid inspection some works encouraging, three charming copies of grand masters (Dolci Guido Van Dyck, one by an amateur woman, a young Lazzaroni by M Huntington, many portraits, 6 miniatures by Mdme Guillet, small masterpieces, favorite miniaturist in fashionable NY. Jun 1, still no Salon! a new reproductive technique. Pinteaux of Café des Mille Colonnes advertises, as do Palmo’s and Arcade baths. 4 Jun likes New World, editor symp to Whigs, is mad at Tyler. 13 July Mille Colonnes, Paul Decret ornamented the establishment with pictures that are not without merit.
Skipped August. 14 Oct de Salon conversation about a copy of a portrait of the king for a town, to do with the minister of the interior, jokey. 28 Oct de Salon, young ptr of 21 Alfred Petit fell in love with an actress, unhappy ending 13 November explain word humbug 18 Nov de Salon discusses collection of Count Demidoff, spent 50,000 francs on works of art, Barye Sheffer Charpentier; also discusses rich décor of Mdme Rothschild. Celeb sculptor David d’Angers, bust of a man long time resided in US, poetry on base praises patriotism. Cooper lawsuits. lots on Prince de Joinville
20 Jan p.566 une statue de Washington, petition to NY common council, signed by merchants, in the capital of NYC by sculptor James V Stout native of NYC who proved his talent of a first order in two statues of Queen Vic and Fanny Ellsler. We have seen the new work, the head and bust of Wash is not finished, colossal dimension. All ports of GW spirit of calm, Stout give poetic and grand historic, if the Wash of history is a statue sublime, the statue of Stout is a man sublime. 1 Feb de Salon, speak of works remarkable that will figure in next expo at Loure, amateurs visit the studios, a young man with elegant simplicity presented himself at studio of most celeb genre ptr and demanded to see Decamps, Duc d’Orleans his patron there, admires the designs and oriental scenes etc, joke about pantalon
1842 new volume: March-Feb
26 Mar front page Nos Mefaits, in conflict with th eamerican, the Herald, The Sunday Mercury, the C and E, American translates with hypocritical prudery? 2 Apr another long attack on the American. 26 April de Salon, by AP, Cherubini, have seen his portrait by Ingres, illustrious artist a cruel fiasco at the salon with his Saint-Symphorien, gave up submitting his works to the public galleries of the Louvre, necessary for artists to expose themselves there? Cherrubini with muse of music, a belle ouevre, Ingres posed his models –combine the seances M Bertin with his painting? Bertin has hands and legs, in this position. Ingres ptg duc d’Orleans portrait, price of a sitting extravagant, for Nemours, even higher for Louis Philippe who declined. Anecdote also of Cunin-Gridaine, representation de la Dot de Suzette, a la Gaite? portraits. 19 May EB doing de Salon again. Balzac story in June. 30 Jun AP in de Salon about la celebrite, commission artists to do bust, litho, statuette just to become a celebrated and expose oneself on print shop on blvd des Italiens, false celebrity p. 214 23 Jul big ad for Paul at Bowery, acrobat and strong man 31 Jul black borders, not sure why 9 Aug EB has long anecdote of a nameless painter offered 2000 francs for his painting, but also criticized for its lack of decency p. 290 1 Oct p 394 Chronique Parisienne, fr paricular correspondence, praises duc d’Orleans as a protector of artists, liberality, encourages them with discernment, visits studios, etc, regret his death. A different work of merit, 13 July, Ingres’ portrait of him, 6 mo ago did Cherubini to preserve for his family his traits, sustains artist’s rep, will be engraved, exactitude, a life in the portrait in the original, elegance and nobility. Gives stats on numbers of immigrants to US. 29 Nov de Salon by AP notes artists’ models are on strike for 6 sessions a week, 4 francs for a half day. jews refuse to represent the crucifixion?
p506 3 Dec Comm advert defects fr Henry Clay because of abolition?
7 Jan de Salon front page, controversy betw king’s architect Fontaine , marechal Soult, Marochetti to execute bronze statue for grande place of the dead prince (on Arc d Triomphe?), desire to have an open competition, Marochetti do an equestrian statue of Napoleon, etc 31 Jan EWJ writing Wash corresp 2 Feb are going to publish Sue’s mysteries of Paris I think; chronique parisienne has anecdote of sculptor contesting against embalmer for permanence
new volume Mar 1843-Feb 44
still like Gouraud, think Wise of VA is eminent (new consul to france) 25 March p.45 Chronique Parisienne by PD says Salon is open, many great names missing, Vernet travelling in Russia or working on Luxembourg or Versailles, Delaroche at Palais and Ingres only showing to intimates, Sheffer, mentions relig ptgs 8 April de Salon, taste for sculpture among women, if you visit in the afternoon the maid will say she is in her studio, disordered hair sign of inspiration, modeling Christ on cross, suzanne at the bath, Madeleine repentant, Mlle Fauveau, legitimiste is a long time head of women sculptors, Mdme Lamartine follows. The Academie des Statuaires has foreigners too who are women, by AP. p. 68 likes new magazine L’Artiste, French editor Robinson and artist Quarre, Bennett of Herald publisher 11 Apr puffs Franquinet’s sale of ptgs, I don’t see the ad, though there is one for Cyrus who colors dags; notices new port artist Menjaud in Bowling Green who does portraits/cameos 25 April p2 EB Paris chronicles has long story of an artist (nameless) 27 April Paris Chronicle front page has more on Salon, by PD
16 May front page Chronique Artistique includes Exposition de peinture americaine, intelligence de la critique locale, compares it to reception of Rousseau; portraits dominate, American calculating character 27 May Paris Chronicles, opening on blvd Bonne-Nouvelle une exposition supplementary of works refused by the salon, mostly mediocre, in this salon improved, encounter many ptgs detestable, but some not bad, can repondre with reason, many that are pavanent to the official salon. Why accept them and refuse these? conflict in the salon carre over lscape of extreme mediocrity, a malicious rapin tried to pay 5 centimes for it, to indicate the price of this academic work. another rapin counters with a sou.
Skipped August. 4 Nov Mike Walsh’s Subterraneans = sans culottes. conflict with c&E and J of Commerce over Native Americans. 25 Nov big exhib in London of Napoleon relics, inclu portraits 7 Dec artist of talent arrived, Leclere, has painted Algeria picturesque, studio 41 Warren st 12 Dec Bennett attacked, violinist Ole Bull or Robinson, Robinson had worked at Courrier and the Herald before that. A Robt Macaire also involved.14 Dec J of Commerce is organ of native american party, of abolitionists and protestant fanatics.
1 Feb moving to 12 Park place. p. 614 Paris chronicles mention sculpture at an industrial expo 3 Feb statue of Rossini at the Opera 29 Feb Vernet at inaug of statue of Moliere
new volume is Mar 1844-Feb 1845
Argus ed Fay Robinson for army. big gouraud new business puff. Puffs Plumbe’s. 21 Mar anecdote abt statue of Moliere 30 Mar Paris Chron by PD, artists enjoying last fetes of carnival, piquant costumes, keep up character for imagination, many are missing meeting deadline for Salon, give work the last touch. Jury examines 6000 artworks lots of masterpieces, some of an admiral might be refused despite merit, to obtain favorable place in exhib, artists seek protectors, jury is visited, solicited, vacant places in the Academy promised. Emile Deschamps a modest poet, many critics pretend he willl be presesnted to the Academy. 18 April salons admire marvellous art, Canova’s Magdalen, everyone asking if you’ve seen it
missing 25 Apr. 12 May a subscription for a monument to General Bertrand 20 May Paris Chron PD p. 178 Salon attracts everyone 28 May de Salon PD statuemania in small towns, Rossini.
Has lots of ads, now a weekly? 11 Jun covers Industrial expo in France. some July issues missing. Still publishing Sue.
Skipped August. 28 Sept have map, promise portrait of Sue 10 oct defend Pinteaux and his café.
Stopped at November.
LOC Vault Jan-Jun 1861
Charles Lassalle, editor-proprietor (F Gallardet their corresp in France). $8/year for the daily, $4 for weekly. just 4 (8 when there is a supplement, usu weekly) pages. 92 Walker st.
Jan 3 M Protin 100 Wooster st has busts of Napoleon III. Goupil has big ad (Knoedler taken over). Support the Crittenden compromise. Several dag ads. 15 Eve Post and Comm Advert are moderates? Times supports Seward, but with secret repugnance? Trib and C&E agree, both Seward organs? Herald did about face toward the Union. Seems to call the south revolutionaries. Lincoln wants war. 21 Genl Scott letter to Buchanan, anti-force in preserving Union. E Masseras writes letters. Gignoux has been elected president of the Artists Society of Brooklyn, will have exhib soon. Follow news of Garibaldi.
Feb: 11 LotusEater, statue by Miss Stebbins, reverie, the flowery domains of the imagination, escape and consolation for reality, where aspirations are free, seek refuge in contemplation of the ideal. When the imagination doesn’t suffice to deliver us from reality, seek aid of opium, hashish, narcotics irresistible temptaiton. Tennyson’s exquisite poem has the effect of inebriating most delicious, communicates to us the sensation. As he was inspired by antiquity, Emma Stebbins by his poem, beaut statue at Knoedler, subj was most diff to treat in this form, adolescent under a tree trunk, in a languid pose, head with a lotus garland, seems to regard visions. Has tempered the nudity to give tangible form to the poet’s idea? the pose is most happy, study of the details not legerement. congratulate her on the success of the work , rival her compatriots. Carl Hubner at Schaus, German emigrants, very good color, satisfying design, simple scene inspired by good sentiment.
Chronique de New-York by RT is where most of his local non-political commentary comes. 19 Victor Hugo symp to John Brown? 20 not impressed by Lincoln’s appearance as honest western farmer. Breakfasted with M Moses Grinnell. 23 Masseras in Wash
March: 5 Inaug doesn’t make Lincoln sound powerful. 6 Demo and indep press agree with us re Inaug. Times lyrically approves of it, C&E and Trib too. Herald article on it great force and logic, the Express and J of Commerce agree, incoherent, not working on compromise 18 Wm H Fry is spiritual music critic for Trib, will be secty for Chas Francis Adams of Mass as legation to Paris. 21 no force to keep south, I think. Seem to agree with Agassiz on terrestrial creation.
April 8 NAD by RT: inferior to previous, Church only has Star of the East, Mignot only a twilight on the Passaic. Works are of smaller dimensions, Eastman Johnson e.g. though admirable designs and color. Edwin White, debarkation of Huguenots, not happy(?). Frank Howland, have remakred on his works before, in Paris, Rendez vous has banalities we have too often condemned. Page, theory that contemp art consists of pastiches like Infant bacchus, bad design of Venus, indecent, but originality in Dolce far niente, but pose maladroitly, no pat has lifelike appearance, mannequins. And the sheep is impossible. Tilton’s orig consists luminism in ptg. Wm Hunt in contrast to the melange of incongruities at the exhibition, M Thayer remarkable vigor. His portrait of Mdme Hunt, finesse and grace. Superior portraits by Huntington, O Stone, Geo a Baker, HP Gray, E Leutze, E Bowers, WH Furness. Saintin no rival in crayon. Rowse, Rondel, Morgan, Darley. Kensett: grandeur, strength, simple subj, fidelity, light diffused perfet transparence. J MacEntee, finesse of color and design characteristic. JR Brevoort in same style, winter morning, intelligent force and finesse, premiere lscape of exhib. EW Hall also fine, well graduated color. MA Wust. Gifford, we have reproached more than once for abusing, ochre, abandons this predilection, great effect of vigorous color contrasts. Maybe a little forced. Hazeltine’s most impt is Saulaie, effect tranche, rendered with fidelity. Bellows, Suydam, Thorndike all qualities known for. de Haas good marines, Wm Bradford, omelette with tomatoes is his Abandom de l”hercules. Regret no CT Dix, MA Plagemann.
16 Argus attacked by crowds, very pro federalist policy of force, J of Commerce wants peace still, Daily News urges support south (!) 18 protests against the Herald, J of Commerce, Day Book Express Daily News, Frank Leslie’s Staats Zeitung. editors of this journal have with repugnance put up flag too? American population overenthusiastic, excessive 20 describe Union demonstration with Dix Fish Havemeyer Grinnell et al, statement re flag 22 RT gives a pretty passionate statement, les hommes libres entrent dans l’arene… 23 roundup of the press, describe C&E on the language and spirit of Washington in the bronze statue that dominated la foule, traitors have dishonored the memory of the past. Doesn’t often mention the Sun in its review of the press.
Stopped with May.