New York Standard (& Statesman)
New York Standard, John L Mumford, latin motto fr Sallust, 40 Wall st, $10 per annum. (preceded by NY Standard & Statesman, also Mumford?) Democratic Republican paper Excelsior is their engraving inside the cover, but also has a Tammany symbol
Jan 3, 1833 p. 2 ‘Fine Arts’ much gratified fellow citiz Mr Cole studio visit, lately returned 4 yrs treasures of art adorn principal Euro capitals, results of diligence several excellent pictures, far famed scenes, magnificent view ruins cquaducts, rich exquisite Tivoli. Beautiful art that brings longing eyes splendors, permanence to fleeting, familiar with wonders, robs nature of glories to make them immortal. Who would not if he could be a ptr
missing days?
Jan 16 p. 2 benefit at the Park for Dunlap, deserving artist; follows up on this with several notices
Skips to Feb 4, more skips. Likes Miss Edgeworth, likes Saml Woodward (the poet/playwrite), likes CR Colden’s NY Sporting Mag, w/colored engr, handsome, likes Miss Kemble
May 10 p. 2 notice discoverer of lithography Senefelder has new invention, impressions of oil ptgs, transfer color with all original brilliancy and singular accuracy, to canvass, w/litho printing press
NY Standard & Statesman, Mumford, 40 Wall st, Sallust quote.
March 15 1833
Taken over by Henry Hone, all else the same, Apr 29, 1834. Same articles as in the Standard.
1834 new name, Henry Hone, ed and proprietor, same motto, same authority to publish Laws of US.
Jan 29 p. 2 copies fr Comm Advert a bit about JG Bennet being ejected fr a Phila paper bcause not loyal to Kitchen Cabinet (his new paper to be the Evening Star there). Hone calls Bennet a libeler, dishonest, traitor to the US Bank, whose service he is in
Apr 21 p.2-3, letter fr Geo D Strong, contradicting attack by C & E on him, including that he mobilized a mob. It is an organized combination of wealthy individs determined to ruin him and his firm’s credit. Reflects on C&E’s party.
NY Standard--Extra Sept 22, 1840 (speech of Benj Butler defending Van Buren)
The Standard--Extra, Nov 6. Symbol is OK (repeated) and a rooster. Astor Hse advertises.
fragment fr Mar 26, 1841. p. 2 Calls the NY American the organ of the administration. Likes So Lit Messenger.
(NYPL misc reel) The New York Standard, by John I Mumford, Sept 28 1849 7 Wall st vol1, no 24; for president Martin van Buren and Richd M Johnson, for gov Wm Bouck. Oct 23, 1840