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Advocate (Weekly Advocate)

Weekly Advocate $1.50 per year, vol 1 no 1 Jan 7 1837 Philip A Bell genl agent, pub Robt Sears at his book and job office, 2 Frankfort st oppos Tammany Hall. LOC mfilm

Editorial, our undertaking, moral improvement and amelioration of our race. small. opposed to colonization, infidelity, universal suffrage and universal education, temperance in all things, advocate and true friend of all. Immed emancip. Jan 14 is describing the US, has an engraving of the Capitol and on p2 a story about slavery in Washington, esp dealers selling them on. Adds to masthead Conducted by a Committee of Colored Men, For the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Masthead has two men, standng and sitting outside, hard to make out. 21 page 2 expose lies of the Transcript about the colored, unChristian and illiberal. Jan 28 NY Sun apologizes for abusive language in response to TVR, but don’t support emancipation. p3 penny press and respectable sixpennies,, pamphlets poems and fiction, go everywhere spreading vice, must be able to detect unadulterated truth

Feb 22 petition to get laws allowing slavery off Ny books. opposed to theater. 25 Rev Saml Cornish in charge now of editorial dept, new name Colored American. Clay does injustice to free people of color, Jackson lauded them.


Mar 4 1837 with new masthead. more on Jackson’s liberality. Free men of color shld vote, they are citizens Mar 18 p2 fr the NY observer,neglected free colored brethren, must be elevated, written by our highly esteemed friend Mr Morse. Apr 22 Justice Bloodgood’s racism affects his decisions. Praise King of American.  NY Evangelist also anti-slavery Jul 8 1837 takes story of Beaut Slave fr NY Sun and points out the sexual exploitation the Sun saw as benevolence. p2 always thought Morse of NY Observer opposed to slavery, but pages for last five years flimsy sophistry, with Tracy have given opiates lulling communities to moral sleep. Whittier poem. Aug 5 Cornish refused service at Pattinson’s Eating hse, by a foreigner in a cellar cookroom. Pattinson’s customers are agents of bible and tract society, zion watchman, evangelist, vindicator, observer, etc., it’s a temperance house. Thomas Van Rensalaer letter confirms he told Pattinson to serve colored. Don’t go into proscribed Negro pews in a church. Sept 30 phrenology tends to infidelity and ruin, fatalistic. 30 reprint an editorial fr Comm Advert Nov 4 p3 National Inconsistencies of Character: could a broadside fo the Catskill or Allegheny mtns be polished to a mirror, in which the Am people might look and see their national character, as their conduct portrays it to the civilized world abroad, we think America would blush to her ears, and visibly, across the Atlantic. Now helping edit and publish the paper are Thomas L Jinnings, and Chas B Ray, Dr. James McCune Smith and Isaiah DeGrasse Nov 18 we have voted with the Whigs, but experience knows those in pwer sacrifice interests of the poor Nov 25 black borders for Elijah Lovejoy


Feb 3 fr J of Commerce, v critical of Genl Jesup tricking the Indians with flag of truce. Mar 3 crit of Webb of C&E in Cilley affair, and Graves. last issue in Apr unreadable Jun 9 now also Phila July 14 Life’s Voyage, poem by Mrs Gray of Easton PA, a lot like Cole. Aug Sigourney on diff of color Park Benj poem Sept 15 Is Jim Rice mixed blood? we’ve found individs who pass are the greatest persecutors and villifiers of colored people. excerpts Daily Whig. Paulding story. poem Juan de Pareda: the painter’s slave Oct 20 The runaway slave by Audubon. excerpts fr Morning Herald story about county in danger fr abolitionists, Eve Post, support the administration. Bradish and freedom. O’Connell. J of Commerce subservient to the slaveholding South. Eve Star’s Noah.