HomeKatz's Unofficial Index to Antebellum New York City NewspapersKatz's Notes on Antebellum New York City NewspapersChristian Parlor Magazine

Christian Parlor Magazine

Christian Parlor Magazine,

1845 article on Fourier. profile of Bayard Taylor, 1848 Mrs Stowe sketch. JT Headley


May 1846 praise Baker & Scribner’s C Edwards Lester Artists of America


Sigma on Paintings a Humbug, Apr 1 1848, cites Healey


May 1 1848 article on Cole’s ptgs, plate of Cole’s genessee falls

Jun 1 1848, NAD p 62

            glanced at pics, fewer portraits, more design, improvement that will contrib to popularity. Ingham perfect and lifelike


May 1 1850 has Danl Huntington on Character of Thomas Cole; May 1 1851 a poem on Youth, suggested by Cole’s painting. Sketch of Wash Allston.


Oct 1 1848 Hannington’s Deluge not good, Martin’s antediluvian world, Banvard, Art Union gallery good. The Fine Arts in America by an American Artist, our taste for art is for living, not dead art, fresh and new, life free and uncontrolled as the life we live, instead of going to masters of by gone age, going to Nature


Dec 1 1848, Beauty by an Am Artist, 2 indiv looking at a statue, one a man of correct taste, the other not, one points out faults—impossible attitude or disproportion, and the other who thought the statue beaut must no longer see it. Truthful pic of deformed subj still beaut for its truthfulness. Only safe guide for artist is Nature, steps beyond, enters a wilderness inhab by monsters. beauty is truth etc


Jan 1 1849 Am AU prize of Voyage of Life; Intl AU commendable, Dubufe’s ptgs of Adam and Eve, most finished specimens, delighted


Mar 1 1849, the Snow storm, a sketch by an American Artist


May 1 1852 portrait of Kossuth

May 1 1854 Root’s daguerrean gallery