HomeKatz's Unofficial Index to Antebellum New York City NewspapersKatz's Notes on Antebellum New York City NewspapersLa Verdad

La Verdad

La Verdad (with rays of sun from its name bathing a flat river landscape) Boston Public Library, Rare books

            The patriotism of Cuba sustains this periodical for free circulation, 2nd vol, number 23,

La Verdad, for Cora Montgomery, “Luz y paz”

NY Nov 3,1848. story on annexation of Cuba, cites Trib corresp as refuting the Herald, they disagree, Herald is right, let’s annex. pro 1848 in Europe, sees it as natural and spontaneous product of civilization, incarnation of liberty

Dec 15, 1848

then to May 18, 1849

            “Negro Question in the Island of Cuba” critical of Spain for bringing in more negros for racist reasons, to ensure continued colonization.  Notes a regulation that Asiatic and Yucatecan Colonists may be flogged, even as free men, to compel to work or to testify.

            their opposition Spanish paper is the Cronica, edited in NYC

June 1, 1849, p.4

            Advices from Cuba, Colonial Government closes doors to every white man and throws them wide open to every black man, introduces a new race by importing constrained and unhappy Yucatecan Indians, and Chronicle in NY threatens rising in arms of their own negroes should colonists complain of tyranny

            addresses J of Commerce, which is resisting annexation, but likes them

july 1 1849, black borders for death of Polk and shows a gravestone illustration.   likes him.  bio of Kossuth.

Aug 1 1849, North will annex Canada and South will get Cuba and be better off when states split, south would also probably get much of Mexico inclu Yucatan, would have mercantile and geog superiority

Sept 21 1849 (102 Nassau St, ed T.E.)

            -atacks J of Commerce article opposing annexation, as failing to uphold ideals of liberty etc humanity

            Oct 1 1849 p. 4 argues again that the government wants to maintain and increase the confusion of races in Cuba and the diversity of political interests, divide and conquer, and have econ interests in the slave trade

Oct 15 1849

p.2 cites NY Mirror of Sept 19, a Whig paper it credits for first naming Taylor for pres.

NYPL misc: La Verdad, Feb 1, 1850, free. Has Cora Montgomery. 102 Nassau. Seems to support annexation?

Apr 26 1850 (skimmed a lot of issues)

            praises NY Sun, resents J of Commerce calling Cuba liberators pirates and filibusters, blames JQ Adams for antirepublican policy, has lots of New Orleans newspaper excerpts

jun 4 1850 in light of Cuban expeditions, reprints opinions fr NY papers, starting with ‘neutral” ones like Herald, have republican principles, which calls these armed expeditions the effect of influential and wealthy Cuban planters, leading Creoles, ok with Americans helping

Jul 25 1850 thanks congressmen soule, Bissell, buel, corwin, Yulee, Baldwin, Hale for supplying official documents on the political errors of the Whig admin, against principles of republicanism, in giving cuba to Spain

I stopped--no mention of art.  Took a quick look at much smaller edition of 1853 starting Feb 10,--without the fancy masthead, just 2 columns but 12 pages, office now at 32 Warren st.  fire destroyed old office, including type.  supported by daughters of Cuba.  more Spanish, just two English pages at end.  Printed at J Mesa office, 21 Ann st.


quotes NY Demo on England’s desire to Africanize Cuba, oppose Clayton Bulwer treaty; Cora also supports Pierce.  Critical of the Mirror’s Cuba stance and Fuller in particular.  Cath church is held subservient to the state.  quotes a NY Herald advoc warlike resistance to Spain or England boarding vessels, ostensibly to seize weapons for Cuba