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American Eagle Magazine

American Eagle Magazine: A Journal Ded to Sci, Art and Lit. June 7, 1847. No. 1?

Brief Notices of the Statuary and ptgs in the Cap at Wash, no. 1. Apelles, p. 51

            Vanderlyn’s landing of Columbus, some gd pts, details excellent and grouping of figs, but first impression of genl disappointment. Light and shadow sd Henry Inman alone make a picture. Noble adjuncts in landing, yet must try too hard to be satisfied. Columbus too theatrical in effect and costume to satisfy preconceived notions of hardy bold sea king of a bold age. Minute labor of the pencil not alw hidden. Error in forest growth, no tropical veg, but oak and maple forest of New Eng or NY, tho sandy shore are in keeping. Gold greedy looks of sailors highly char and creditable. Vanderlyn owes it to himself to make improvements.

  1. 37 has article no. 3 on Egyptia, ptg and sculp, by Cheops.