HomeKatz's Unofficial Index to Antebellum New York City NewspapersKatz's Notes on Antebellum New York City NewspapersEvening Mirror (New York Evening Mirror)

Evening Mirror (New York Evening Mirror)

New York Evening Mirror, daily, Morris and Willis, corner of Nassau and Ann sts, two cents (by April 8 1845 LOC volume it is Morris, Willis and Fuller; LOCongress volumes covered April-Oct 1845, and Oct. 1844-)


Oct. 8 vol 1, no. 2, p. 2 won’t publish a correspo overly diffuse encomiums on Ball Hughes’ statue of Bowditch in Boston. Praise Bayard Taylor. Wish Palmo’s Ital Opera to be less serious, more hi fashion white gloves place. Praise Am Inst.

9 p. 2 Love Count d’Orsay (bust of Byron, still praising him a year later in 1845, part of Blessington circle). NY Gallery: many of Reed’s pics were by beginners in the art who were encouraged by him, several by Flagg, present successful ptr of female ports 184 Fulton st, sent abroad, he sent back port of a match girl fr life in London. Cole’s pics in this coll are fine poems, would have been a nobler poet than ptr. Excerpt fr Miss Johnson’s companion to pic galleries in London bit on tranquilizing effect, pics have a countenance that reveal certain expressions like those of a friend or lover, Elysium can refresh the soul.

10 p. 1 excerpts Eugene Sue’s Fourierist ideal of woman fr Wandering Jew

11 p. 2 letter fr Lydia Maria Child, the other day, I strayed into rms of the Art Union, and stood enchanted before a pic of Columb pleading his own cause to ferd and Isabella. 1st imp of exceeding beauty, as a whole superb, ea indiv fig by itself a gem. Coloring brilliant but so harmonized that the effect is pleasing, no exagg or glare, gorgeous hues lke powerful orchestra, unity. You know it sometimes happens that the triumpets try to overpower the horns, and the fifes to outscream the violins. Society at the present time is obviously an orchestra without a leader, where ea man’s ambition is to make his own part most prominent, without any reference to the whole. But in this pic there seems to be the perfection both of tone and harmony.

            Expr of char admirable, great variety marked indiv, but all true to nature and alive with soul, noble manly Columb enthus tempered but still intense, business like Ferd, deep feeling of hi minded Isabella, etc relieved by accessories, page preoccupied, epicure and fop. Attitudes, grouping, drapery exquis free and graceful, highly dec Alhambra, chivalrous and voluptuous, soft light, admirable pic ptd by EG Leutze, German parents, art at Dresden. In Gallery of Design last year Landing of columbus in Chains, arrested attn, ripened into golden fruit. That was purchased by AU after being exhib in Euro, sent it home, it is being engraved now by Schoff a native of Vermont pd $3000 for plate.

            AU formerly Apollo excellent institution, describes it, every picture sold for the last two years fr the Nat Gall of Design in this city has been purchased by the AU. Among the young artists partic noticed marines by GR Bonfield, of Penn, translucent coloring, exultance of riding the billows. At rms of Union, fine lscape of Jersey by Cropsey, son of a farmer, his first two pics purchased by AU. AU encourages early genius.

            Lottery objection wrong, it is demo and an association, no blanks.

With C&E approves Joseph C Neal, the loco foco, as author.

15 corresp  Venezuela Visigoth describes acrobatics at crossing Bowery, no room for his pencil sketch. Notices Dewey on slavery et al, ok for clergy to give their views. Letter fr G re The Washington Memorial, note the hi char and authority of the London Art Union Journal, which notices the proposed and accepted design for this, as having defects and improprieties, , wretched stuff for Gothic, and selection of the style in utter oppos to national feelings of the Americans. Writer agrees that every one must see the absurdity of a style of archit of dark ages of monkish superstition commemorating the Father of a country that has shown off shackles. Want a ftn and equestrian statue instead, let a coompetition be invited, Crawford just returned and let him be consulted

Oct 16, 1844 prefers Taglioni to Fanny E, notices Park Benjamin’s poem. notices blacks in office.  Regular poem on back page. Notices Am Inst Fair, which advertises.

19 Fr a City Corresp, “taste” is his name, re remonstrance in Express signed by residents in Union Square, suggest ideas for proposed monument, like them dislike plan offered and the erection in Union Sq. A Beaut composition, as an ornament, becoming, but Gothic not right for GW, ok for Scott, need Grecian style for him, shouldn’t heed cry for new and depart from age old standards. Dislike variety of uses, library, gallery, museum, etc, shld just focus on GW, fitness most impt. Recommend simple Doric column with his statue, or equestrian, novel to this country, and saddle his home, in Washington square. Will never love a cold, tall monumental pile like the one proposed.

            Editors recommend a school of archit.

21 admire Ethiopian minstrels’ opera, albeit sarcatstically. 23 note Advent of Youth, Juvenocracy in the Ascendant, gray head only wisest while there were no books, epoch of Young France, Young England, Young America, peculiar habits of our land have more prepared us than other countries for sovereignty of Youth (it was the Whig Young Men’s Mtg—included the Knickerbocker Club, the Brooklyn Owls), speakers included Cassius M Clay.

            Apologize for article suggesting bible shouldn’t be read in schools.

26 Poetry Among the Oysters: town tolerably aware that the loveliest known pic of a female heathen is the Venus rising fr the decanters behind Florence’s bar, certainly one of the most beaut ptgs of the french school, True Sun this morning has homage to it, inclu poem where he falls in love with her and the oysters.

28 Our Correspondence, A Note fr one of our Lady Friends, named May, addressed to Psyche, aware that in addition to several lady-artists in ptg and music we have in city a sculptress”

30 approve of Seward’s Elements of Empire in America


November 1844 [Fuller joins November 5 as an editor]

1 p.2 recd a pictorial sheet of Whig Procession, excellence in all respects, correct drwg of French bed full of ladies, artificial flower makers who want protection agst French imports. Notes Bishop Onderdonk has pubd a denial of rumors, agitations of a few yrs ago led to threats of his official destruction, renewed to influence body, injure him by false reports and hidden statements, have asked for canonical investigation. Portrait of Wordsworth by H Inman: like a worm who has used up one systemof artistic ideas and is now emerging on wing to a new one in England, had ripened fully here into identity, knew its in born peculiarities, before going to a sphere bewildering with glitter and supremacy of other models. How many ptrs have we seen confirmed into tame copyists by going abroad with a new born style just truggling into shape, not yet solidifying their natural idiosyncrasy. Powers went abroad at right stage, Greenough perhaps too early, Inman might have gone earlier, he has been for some time gaining little in his art from easy praise of our country, mind lay fallow.

            But looking at his head of Wordsworth, masterly tho but a sketch, truth to nature, his feebleness and his philosophic simplicities are there, majestic and weak, wise and silly, farsighted and credulous old man, looks like his poetry, nothing new in his books after seeing Inman’s pic.

2 describes Demo procession, also advocates of Polka and Free dancing

4 Prices of Women: Powers sold Grk Sl to Wm Preston for $3000, real white women sell less, so is his imitation an improvement on the model? Speech?

5 Fuller joins the masthead. mocks Webster a little. Our Corresp: Wash Mon, by I. Dislikes location, the monument at all, no need to tell GW’s story, bu tmanner in which it has been done is real problem, a private mtg, app to Legislature, design promoted and puffed by journals, not clear it was really disinterested or expert, opp  to support native genius monopolized, want an open competition and would give recognition to more. This way the arrogant pretender and unprincipled quack, those who have avarice or ambitious schemes to satisfy are the only ones gratified.

6 likes Schoolcraft’s idea to take numbered streets and give them Indian names, likes Courier’s praise of Catherwood’s views fr Yucatan, magnif plates

8 acknowledges that they backed Henry Clay in late election.

11 p. 3 Visigoth has a bit about lady’s hat, with a confusing illus

13 playfellows with Freeman Hunt. 14 notices mini ptr Saunders and Am AU

College of Heraldry advertises.

16 v critical of T Carlyle’s remedies for problems, inane twaddle. Fanny Forester a fave author. 19 does give some court reports.

21 praises Cherokee nation, lots of coverage of Hist Soc, likes Griswold’s poets of England, and Fine Arts: SS Osgood, unsurpassed port ptr, rms in Broadway nr Niblo’s. Most gifted artist in this country, partic in ports of ladies,, likeness alw gd while posit graceful and natural, satin velvet and lace exceed anything, call and see Mrs Norton and Fanny Osgood, excerpted fr J of Commerce

Nov 22 1844 p. 2 Ports of Mrs T(Tyler)  and Mrs P (Polk), most beaut engr port of ldy of retiring Pres to our office today, artist has a pendant likeness of ldy of coming Pres, Mrs P

  1. 3 Tiffany, Young and Ellis advertise fancy articles, all the theatres advertise, also Daguerrotype National Miniature Gallery on Broadway, Anthony Edwards & Co, Hunt’s Merchants Mag, Ladies National Mag (Ann Stephens), NY Museum andPicture Gall on Broadway, opposite City Hall, one shilling, the mechanical Battle of Bunker Hill at the Coliseum 450 Broadway, F Anelli’s very large ptg The End of the World, at the Apollo 410 Broadway, 25 cents. Also Geo Endicott lithographer, Plumbe Daguerrian Gall

23 TD English ed Aurora. Approve of Downing’s bks. P.4 To an Angry Beauty, by GW Flagg, one of the finest artist of the city, rather romanically dramaticwild light and rushing winds

26 claim the upper ten thousand—those uppermost in the city by wealth and position—are the most moral and scrupulous, the masses who control the polls less virtuous (in response to True Sun being anti-aristocratic)

27 p. 2 excerpt fr Yankee Punch the List of ptgs by the old masters in Punch’s coll, Boy twisting a pig’s tail, no 1, tone admirable, Titian’s women sellin donuts, etc—took photo. 30 Brackett’s splendid bust of Allston at Art Union rms


December 1844

2 missing. 6 notice prospectus for newspaper Young America—thought Mirror was already representing that. 11 Transfer of a pic fr Fanny Forester’s brain to canvass: glowing story of Dora now at Wms & Stevens 343 Broadway nearly opos Society Library, present to Fanny, but on display, fr Flagg the poet-artist, who sketched it and finished it in a beaut cabinet pic, maron adopts orphan girl who leaves to become a singer, Dora beauty, masterpiece, instant lasting delight, crit useless.

            Notices splendid free exhib of foregin ptgs at ranite bldg, pronounced superior

12 nasty dialect satire 13 Marsh best marine ptr in country (ship’s portraits) 16 excerpts fr True Sun on Onderdonk trial, dislike it taking on aspect of crim court with cross questioning 18 defends historian Bancroft 30 has a regular correspondent in Cinti, Publius




7 defends Onderdonk agst a pamphlet by someone with diff relig views of the church, prevalent opinion is that charges agst him have not been supported, Mrs Butler denies it for herself, hearsay evidence involved, party motives.

9 stuff on Beranger, has also had things on D’Israeli, not alw positive. P.2 “A Man of the World’s View of the Onderdonk Case” says no modest woman has been outraged by the liberties charged on Bishop, no woman ever invaded until enemy gives a signal fr within; pure woman’s look of surprise arrests boldest seducer. No modest woman would testify in such a case. No way to disprove such testimony. Prefer that improper men shld be socially cut.

            likes Gov Wright’s Message, astonished that he leaves out Texas. Disapprove of annexation.

            Drama  is not supported because it does not deserve, must burn or bury the old models, We need Art, in place of absurd conventionalities we demand principles of dramatic compos founded in Nature and in common sense, no ranting transcendentalism in the soliloquy or other atrocities

11 Seabury’s Churchman takes Willis’ view of Onderdonk trial. Willis sole resp for editorials. Likes Chas Lanman’s Letter fr a lscape ptr. His Our NY Ptrs has some judicous crit on Durand, Huntington, Edwards, Page, Mount Doughty, Wier, Inman, Ingham, Chapman and Harvey, and justice to Louis Legrand Noble

13 Mock the commerical Advertiser as Old Fogy. 

14 sad re death of Wm Snowden. 15 likes Philip Hone. 17 Cinti corresp is JWT, Duyckinck writing for Trib, Harry Franco editing Broadway J. 20 has Lowell on Poe 23 supports Cornelius Mathews and Duyckinck

27 Pay ofAm authors, Dem Rev article on Am Crit said contribs to Graham and Godey were trash, disagrees. Happy Eames ed New World, Winchester still pub., formerly scurrilous in its attacks 28 Townsend may sell out of Express. Continues to defend Onderdonk agst Courier, express and Herald. 31 visit to rms of McMaster, highly pleased, much promise, ports great care and finish, accurate likenesses, hi order of talent, coloring correct and lifelike, advise go see him 27 Granite Bldg


February 1845


AAS volume begins here. Feb 10, 1845, p. 2 Willis describes attack on him by NY C& E which he says represents more wealth than any other, by a reporter named Raymond, who says Amer artists in Rome blushed that Willis was their countryman, also accusing him of profligacy, libertinism and other aristo behavior, akin to that of his readers in Five Points

9 anti-annexation

Apr 10 p. 2 Anelli’s ptg End of the World attracted much attn recently, noble, allegorical, principal fig represents church of Christ in its spiritual sense.  worth attn as a work of art, much visited by curious as one of the novelties of the day.  Sacchi at gallery, bland humor. Advertises.  Likes Litho view of splendid hat store of Mr.s Beebe and Costar (an advertiser), engr by Endicott, beaut specimen, correct artistic style, impression v soft and clear, Endicott ranks highest in litho art.

Apr 21 fiction on front page as usual.  Apr 22, 23 article opposing mandated educ in classical languages, p. 2 praise Wiley & Putnam’s Library of Choice Reading, inclu the Amer series with Poe, Hawthorne, Hoffman, Schoolcraft, WA Jones, Simms, CF Briggs, John Neal;  story of modest draping of shoulders of a statue by Lady Campbell, a satinc ollerette on bosom of marble mother,

Apr 24, p. 2 seems to like Polk, albeit fr position of a Whig.  Exhib at the Academy:  want of a place to philander, chat, lounge, be seen and see sights was not the intent of the respectable Academy of Fine Arts in their exhib at the housetop, but has become such nevertheless.

            Gallery commences with Death of Abel, indeed a sin to be atoned for.  Other side of door v curious port Wenzler, a ldy so like and real, you would step aside, know the original, like a reflection in a mirror.

            Port Col Thayer by Weir also exact copy, flesh and action as good as Nature’s,  the clothes tho too bright and angular, too faithful to modern dress will look ridiculous in twenty yrs, not artist’s fault.  Wish had a subj by Weir that might have oozed some of the ptr’s poetry. 

            damages will be awarded to other military man whose portrait vis avis to this, Col Roumfort, top of his head shot off, hat slipping. 

            go speedily to Rothermel’s picture of Guatimozin, painter’s vision of woman compared to Durand’s ideal A Bride.  Durand an eye for Nature in lscape as exquisite as a surveyor in fairy land, but a man who paints this bride either as portrait or fancy picture has no idea of what is beaut in women.  There are such women with figures like shut up spyglasses, and maybe not women like Rothermel’s, but we prefer to be deceived.  A man who would find no more in woman’s beauty than a daguerreotype would copy is incapable of appreciating the sex and had better paint lscapes, which didn’t fall with Adam, so show all they were intended to be.  Women and lscapes will be equally easy to paint in paradise.  We can bathe soul and imagination in his ports of inanimate nature, but we solemnly believe he never saw a woman.  a veil hides them from him, won’t be removed til after we’re let back into Eden

Apr 25 p.2 corresp at Niagara wishes Cole might be there to immortalize it upon canvass

Apr 26 p. 2 Exhib at Academy:  Elijah at the Entrance of the Cave, by Cole, who expresses himself in a multipotent vein, melancholy deficiency of all his pictures, a nature capable of conceiving and designing, but wholly incapable of feeling, breathes through every one of them.  presume his head is phrenologically fine, seems to have all the furniture of genius (me, there’s an ad for genteel furniture on next page), pictures are wonders of cold contrivance, cold majesty, cold dexterity and force.  Need fire in a furnished house as need a warm heart on a painter’s palette, and our teeth chatter over Cole’s.  (me: his language is elliptical, hard to read) Any of Cole’s Kuhleborn pictures are better than this, hasn’t felt the glory of the passage of Scripture appended to this daguerreotype of rocks, better call it the entrance to a stone quarry by the sea-side and it might interest the stockholders, but we protest agst every trap-rock being labeled Sinai, every old beggar in a cloak answering for a prophet.  how much of this kind of humbug there is in this country where the extreme of goodness compels the other extreme to be hypocrisy and Mr Cole is the most American painter in America!  Deeply studied pretension to sublimity and inspiration--climbing to a steeple top and calling it soaring--characterize all he ever attempted that was original.  His lscapes are fine, for he has every thing except a soul, and he can copy nature and art--like Plumbe at the corner of Murray.  One or two of his sketches taken in Italy were the perfection of transfer from earth to canvass.  We have had the foregoing to say, every since we dropped flat, fr acquaintance with his lscapes, upon his soulless Course of E and Voyage of Life.

            No 54, portrait of ldy by Boyle, so successful a mingling of a sitter’s twenty looks in one, we commend artist to those who want pictures to remember by.  No 11 Mr Gray mastered v successfully one or two difficulties of his art, but needs knowledge of mankind and character.  texture coloring of flesh are worthy of mellowing in a palace in Italy, but lacks physiognommical concentration in expression of his portraits.  Souls in them are vaguely lodged.  has done what port ptr should not, paint people before making up his mind what kind of people they were.  penetration in reading character is quality most necessary to port ptr.  Our friend Chester Harding turned his sagacity and knowledge of the world to grt account in this way.  pictures glow in proportion to his liking of his subject.

            211 Rachel envying her sister, fine picture in some respects, but why look of promoted Lilliput abt all Chapman’s figs? paints as if he’d never seen any but v short people, gives effect of shortness to every figure.  head of Rachel big enuf for woman a foot taller, no two parts of a body look as if had any particular errand in coming together.  guess that he conceives his picts in v small separate portions, head on one day, foot on another, never clearly seeing the whole till he joins on the last fragment, then steps back to get the perspective.  baptism of Pocahontas the same, as if all the men and women had been druv in.  wonder whether a man’s ideal can have an incurable bodily defect? can imagination be naturally undersized?  inner Mr Chapman has full complement of ribs and vertebrae--an adult ideal, capable of milita duty, if embodied?

            92 subj fr Vicar of Wakefield only glanced at, seemed excellently conceived and proportioned, designed with breadth and elegant fancy.

            63 Italian beggar children drawn intrepid truth to nature and climate--truth to Italy.  Pity passed to them thru a NY barometer wasted, for their sorrows are steeped in an opiate of air.  short of starving, a beggar in Italy finds world more comfortable than it is found by speculators in Wall st. 

            We looked in vain for some pictures of beaut children.  artist in demand who had a feeling for the varieties of infantile beauty, cld pt them as they seem to parents, need affectionate man for this branch.  saw a child in an omnibus today, preserve a copy of its type, as grt pains to collect varieties of beaut birds, need Audubon of infantology, portfolio of rarer kinds of babies.  claim copyhold of the original suggestion

Apr 28 p. 2 letter fr M to editor, tremendous mistake in remarks on Durand’s Bride.  You took it for The Bride par excellence, instead of a Bride, one of many.  For the painter’s ideal--fr the fully developed and completely gestated child of his fancy, instead of what it is--a rigid and exact portrait, from nature, of one of 45 who last winter resigned the linteum superum for purple vest and chaplet of marjorum and roses.  you’ll allow that for real flesh and blood there is a sufficient degree of beauty, but that it doesn’t come up to the etherealized standards in your poetical noddles is no fault of ptr or subject.  Nature seldom works up to highest peg of the ideal, and well it does not, or what wld become of yr occupation as poets?

            Durand can’t paint a woman?  Meet me at his atelier and show you something take that conceit out of you.  Do you remember Il Passagiello, an Italian girl, with parrot, then remember abt as rich, deep, juicy and sentient a piece of ptd flesh as anywhere except on the canvass of Titian, and a face beaut exceedingly not with beaut of mere classical and regular features, but beaut with an expression of ultd tho dormant capacity and power of loving a man to death!  you do full justice to D in lscape, but don’t you think if he would let himself out a little more he would do still better? you or he won’t understand what I mean, am not sure I do myself, so won’t stop to explain--fear if did would prove the pyrites of criticism rather than the pure gold that shd glitter in yr columns

Apr 29 p. 1 ad for The Aristidean, ed Thomas Dunn English, Demo, not namby pamby or mawkish or for dandies, approved of by NY Plebeian, Mirror, Herald, Albany Argus, NY Times, Broadway Journal.  April issue noticed on p. 2.  Dunn satirizes Willis, Poe, Eames and others; review of Longfellow will be controversial.  Notices Columbian Mag, mostly female contributors, inclu Mrs Osgood, Mrs Ellet, and Mr Tuckerman.

            p.2 fr French papers, royal decree 12 new statues for Luxembourg gardens modeled from most beaut women in Paris, but competition too crazy, abandoned

Apr 30 p. 2 notes West’s picture of Christ Healing the sick exhib Lexington KY.  Doughty the Artist, mentioned in letter fr person in London, who visited his studio in Regent’s Park, fine situation, copying several pictures in Nat Gall for his Amer patrons in New Orleans, Boston and NY.  engaged upon a lscape, make his name as well known in England as in US, view in Ealing Park.  RA soon open, will exhibit 2 lscapes, one a view fr West Point on the Hudson.

            Postmaster Col Graham sent 3 admirable Litho Engrav views of NYPost Office, beaut specimens drwg lithotint Endicotts high state of perfection, admire approved plan of interior, beaut system, deserves to stay in office

May 1 p. 2 approves of Mr Mapes address to Mechanics Institute, esp on importance of arts of design, as in France’s domination of lux gds.  study antique to create taste for beaut, educate eye.  Two artists, one content to copy nature as he sees it, the other studies antique for ten yrs, the first may represent an object in accurate and pleasing manner, the other it will be far more beautiful, have lines of grace.  Hogarth--if a man draws letter S for ten yrs, the grace of that line its departure fr the straight, wld appear in all his designs.

            -arts of design taught to architects.  praises hse of Luman Reed in Greenwich st as rare specimen of classical, also the iron railings devised by Paulus Hedl and JW Bennet, an English artist who traveled thru Egypt with Belzoni

            Describes Ship Henry Clay (run by Grinnell?) as interior in Gothic style, the acknowledged type  of imperishable strength and beauty, its launch suggesting the availability of time tried time honored (political conservative architecture) for triumphant progress even amid stormy republic, shifting ephemeral systems of politics


Endicott, Brady, Weston’s dag gallery advertise. But don’t see NAD? They had been pro-Harper as Mayor, and seem fairly content with Polk so far.


May 1845

1 Wisdom for Mechanics, urges them to study arts of design, knowl of antique enable them to make things far more beautiful, should draw the letter S constantly for ten years if possible, so line of beauty would appear in all his work. Praises house of late Luman Reed in Greenwich st, so classical forget it’s a square rm (excerpted fr Mapes’ speech?). Titian’s Venus advertising.

5 card fr Palmo defending himself agst Dinneford’s card in the Friday paper

May 6 p. 2, The looks of Americans, Dress and republicanism (by a lady); perception of external beauty no monopoly, common to all, in some so intense it becomes creative reproduces beauty and is called genius; idiocy the other extreme.  Taste, judgment or analysis of these perceptions, is a matter of cultivation.  Dress is one of Fine Arts.  merit in sculptor or ptr to dispose draperies of ideal figs with grace of arrangement and harmony of color, equally in an individual.  effect in dress is as desirable as in any other of the arts, produces same pleasurable emotions in beholder.  too many dressmakers et al are artizans not artists, responsible for ugliness.

            announcement of Willis publishing a miscellany, ‘Dashes at life with a Free pencil” difficult submission to marketableness that he has broken up his statues at the joints, furnished ea fragment with head and legs to walk alone.  wanted to write a novel, but extravagant prices tempted him to shape tales for periodicals.  law of copyright also encouraged him to sell fragments, dashes at life with a free pencil, a true copy of a part of society, but conveying no portion of the meaning and moral of a whole, a portfolio of sketches for a picture never ptd, virtue is they are true to life, fr impressions freshly made, some even prefer sketch to finished picture, including author.

            Titian’s Venus at solicitation of gmen, be on view tomorrow 9-9 exclusively for ladies.  Ad p. 3 celeb ptg at Gallery, 449 Broadway, viewed 100,000 people in London, justly considered one of grtest works of art, unsurpassed in color and resemblance of perfectly formed woman

May 7 Disapproves of annexation of TX as extension of slavery will lead to disunion.

  1. 1-2 Likes Broadway Journal. excerpts “Household Furniture” from it. Expense equals beauty here, which is why interiors offend eye of artist, possess a want of keeping, akin to want of keeping of a picture, follow same undeviating principles of all art and nearly the same laws by which we decide on the higher merits of a ptg

            -inartistical arrangement, too many straight lines or right angles, or curves repeated into unpleasant uniformity, undue precision.  Too much drapery.  soul of apt is the carpet, hues and forms of furn follow it.  No representational designs, on upholstery generally

            -glare a leading error, gas and glass, rage for glitter (really is shapeless uniformity)

Describes an ideal room, lots of crimson and gold, ptgs relieve wallpaper, chiefly lscapes of an imaginative cast, fairy grottoes of Stanfield, or lake of the Dismal Swamp by Chapman, 3-4 female head of ethereal beauty portraits in the manner of Sully, tone of ea warm, but dark, no brilliant effects, just repose.  Not one is small, as sm ptgs give spotty look to a room, blemish of so many a fine work overtouched, frames broad but not deep, richly carved without being dulled or fillagreed, luster of burnished gold, lie flat on walls, no cords (tho designs are often seen better in that position)

May 8, 9. Likes Mrs Norton’s poems. Weird ad p. 3 for Mexican Figures, specimens of art unique elegant, beautiful designed copies fr nature finished in manner complete expressive, ea portion of human frame copied with exact life like likeness strikes curiosity and pleasure, instructive amusing, ornament to boudoir or mantel, presents for European friends, genius united with beauty, representing precisely ‘tout ensemble’ of Native Americans, A Jacobs and Sons, 287 ½ Broadway

May 10 p. 3 puff for Gurney’s daguerrian gallery, 189 Broadway, lifelike coloring, clearness and fidelity, crowded with elite.  vast diff in style and finish of these ports--Gurney’s are among v finest.

  1. 2 suggests joint occupancy of Oregon. publishes article approving of animal magnetism and mesmerism. 

            notice of Copy of Titian’s picture, wonderfully fine, head a little too brick-y in color, right great toe larger, a defect.  Our ignorance of the celestial mystery thus boldly put on canvass means can’t say whether intermediate proportions are true to nature, but are exquisitely beaut and do Titian grt credit if they are his invention

May 12, 13 likes Mayor Harper, now leaving office.  Likes Rev Mr Channing. May 15, 16, 17, 19, 20. Use stories fr Godey’s (Kirkland essay; he’s a contributor and his wife’s school advertises), Columbian Mag. 21, gives rather mixed review of Ital Opera. 24 likes Upjohn’s Trinity. Mad that Methodist church separated, of evils slavery or amalgamation, Mirror prefers slavery. Approves Geo wilkes’ book on Oregon. 26 Wm T Jennings and McDougall both have been advertising mini ptg. Praise John Van Buren, places himself at the popular head of Young America, recommend him for Pres in 1852. 29 not really supportive of the State Constitutional convention


June 1845

5 support the respectable Mrs Mowatt becoming an actress, prejudice wrong 6 an artist writes us thus of Venus: pic now exhib 449 Broadway and exciting such general remark, has properties peculiar to all real works of art, look and lookk again, Titian reigns triumph in color, his works like metors to dazzle the eye, whether pic be orig or not is a matter of little importance, a better pt never been before the public, luxuriously formed woman in bloom of health and beauty,, features remark animated, and whatever of impurity may arise is stricken down by the unconsciousness of her being beheld, and chasteness of her expression. Objections made to some partsof the drwg, and one or two things might be wished otherwise, yet let the eye seek the beauties etc (it’s a puff)

7 likes Chas Eames former ed of New World

10 Editorial Notices of New Books, believe that opinions ought not to be a marketable commodity, ought not to be a matter of purchase and sale, the best only will be noticed at lengtha nd the bad mentioned only to condemn them. Indiscrim puffing a great public evil, rapid multiplication of bks without regard to quality, won’t be led away by gd nature to praise what is trashy or vile in the lit of the day.

            Notes arrival of C Edwards Lester, another puff of Titian’s Venus, and on the 11th gives a letter fr him, ship manifest includes tons of marble for ornaments to homes, cemeteries, and an ideal bust by Powers, first of all living Sculptors, his Proserpine, exquis ideal head, for Carey of Phial, sculptural gem. Columbus astonished, what would tons of sculptured alabaster hae been supposed to do with the tastes of the red men? There are also 5 or 6 pics ptd by Saunders of Mobile, young ptr of great promise, first studies, Tuscan Flower Girl, will go into gallery, our artists slow to be recog at home even after admired abroad

            Puffs repository next door to our office 102 Nassau st (Endicott?) which has engr after Trumbull’s revolutionary battle scenes etc

14 notes fire at Penn Acad FA, some of best ptgs destroyed, Murillo’s charity, Hayden’s Christ, angelica Kaufman, Sully’s pic of actors, copies; loss of antique gallery, drawg hadn’t been permitted there.

            Seems ok with polka.

Likes Longfellow. Haas advert for dags. 19 Sporting Club trying to reform the dog law, editors agree wld be gd to save the valuable dogs by impound, and cld continue to kill the worthless curs, who unfortunately belong, too frequently, to equally worthless persons.

Not much interest in Jackson’s death, but they cover it (no black borders). Notes libel suit on Mirror by ‘well-known char.’

25 critical of Am Rev for attacking women’s abilities to write (and keep house).

‘Works of Art’ Lester’s orig port of Americus Vespucius, Bronzino, fr family itself a gift to Lester, family now poor, grateful to him for calling on them, sister of family has mortified herself, hope port will adorn Capitol as a natl pic. Other gem is the Ivory Crucifix, anatomical truth astonishes anatomist, char of expression makes even Powers wonder, never seen anything equal, gem, exquis.

            Likes Alfred Jones’  engr of Capitol, C Cushman poem The Peasant Boy on seeing pic by Danl Ricciarelli.

26 excerpts Aristedean exceedingly clever pen on EA Poe (he can do nothing in the common way), Richd Adams Locke of Moon Hoax, full of strange projects; Willis, strange capers, manly friend; Geo P Morris, great charitable feeling; Greeley might stand for a painter, who desired to represent sin, He is as ugly as sin, that is, as sin is, not as she appears, as untiring and energetic, but rather more honest; Chas Eames, transcendentalist, velocity of tongue; HC Deming of Sat Emporium, contempt for Fourier et al, humorous, shocked to find an orig idea in Longfellow’s poetry

26  more promotion of Lester. 30 enthus re JT Headly’s letters.


Skipped July and August.

Aug 1 p.2 Willis’ letters fr London, Powers’ statue of Gk Slave one of topics of London, which when it is Rome, will still be admired, Power shld be idealized by woman for that divine type of her, has elevated men’s ideal of the sex, that so wonderfully beaut can be true to nature, is a conviction that strikes every beholder, makes him adore woman, a girl of 18, face gives the nudea  character of purity, calm and lofty indignation, wholly incapable of willing submission. Mentions his Trollope connection.

            On the train saw a hundred delicious pics, one wish Mt cld have een, 30 or 40 haymakers eating their dinner on edge of a stream, poppies scarlet, rural scene a peculiar and racy mildness

Aug 25 has engr of Indignation mtg of the Newsboys, sketched by Brougham, poet, ptr and author-actor; they defend the Mirror agst the Express’ piracy of Willis’ letters (involved in an editorial controversy, wish wouldn’t use personalities/names)

30 puffs Weir’s port fo Genl Scott, complimented in C& E, his port of Col Thayer much admired at last NAD of West Point



1 Christ Healing the Sick soon at Tabernacle, Adam and Eve by Debuff last time large relig ptg exhib, goes on with a puff. Disapprove of ladies who run moral reform committee. 2 Hostile to anti-renters. Loves Erie rrd. 3 Progress of the Arts, masterpiece of litho, southern methodist convention at Louisville where the church split, Thom Wightman a pupil of Inman’s shows eight of prominent men of south deleggates, Endicott did tableau. 4 likes poet Wm Gallagher. Has lots of Fanny osgood. 5 praise Noah, has a defense of Am Inst fr “Examiner”

Doesn’t really seem to cover trials except in summary paragraphs on occasion.

13 admires issue of Dem Review. Nat Police Gazette will be ok if it avoids blackmail. 16 Likes Bishop Doane. Thinks Atlas wrong to crit beloved Mayor Havemeyer for closing stores on Sunday for fear of injuring poor.  Welcome new penny paper Eve Star. 18 Shakespeare’s bust at Stratford, Columbian mag improves

Sept 19, 1845. p. 2 still likes John Van Buren as presidential candidate (!).  Sale of the Bonaparte ptgs: yesterday, many of respectable, wealthy and influential, spirited biddings, grossed 20,000 $, 2 lions and a fawn by Rubens brought 2300, Vernet’s marine piece The Storm 1000; same for lscape by Dennis.  Rubens and Theiders grp of children with wreath 2000; lion in a net by Rubens 1800, other sold fr 100-500 dollars.  May influence fine arts in this country, may comment later.

            likes new weekly by man of genius, Strong’s Pictorial Age, genuine wit, pleasant fancies

23 defends Cooper weakly. Suggests Weir be employed to design new ftn for the Park, as a great historical ptr. 24 The Arts, few genuine works of art ever been produced here or brought fr abroad that have not attracted our attn, has always been one of our depts, and fine arts beginning to be appreciated; if an old master were to set up an auction in NY would find a bidder at some price rather than as before just for the frame. Have been invited t see statue of Belgian De Kuyper duplicate of one for King in 1843, admired by royalty, a young woman size of life who has just left the bath and is feeding a tortoise, face surpassingly lovely, approaches life, attitude graceful, formaiton of body exquis, eminent artists admire it, at NAD rms.

            Ivory Christ and sea serpent are advertising. Republish Osgood’s Labor fr Dem Rev.

26 puffs Ivory Christ. 29 likes Griswold’s Milton. Less sure abt Cornelius  Mathews and Little Abel. 30 interprets the Canadian rebel Mackenzie’s letters as an attack on John Van Buren (as well as Jesse Hoyt)


October 1845

1 p. 1 Cornelius Mathews affectation of quaintness, unnatural and grotesque machinery of the plot, marked orig and graphic local sketches, worth reading, his most successful yet, signed *.

            p.2 The Fine Arts in Broadway: v beaut ptgs in windows of 241 ½, valuable coll fr Paris, choice originals by Claude, artists of french classical school; At Woodworth’s too exquis copies by eminent Ital artist of Titian etc; at Society Rms  saw DeKuyper’s Coming fr the Bath which did not strike us as a v wonderful production, marble is spotted and impure in places, lower part of fig badly drawn, attitude by no means graceful, head and neck well done. Suggested the artist shld have called it a mermaid, concealed lower part of fig, exhib only the ‘better half.’ Signed *.

3 likes Thom L Nichols’ The Examiner, new weekly. Sculpture: friends of Brackett glad to know he’s projected a great life size statue of Allston, hope noble design will succeed

4 Letter fr Mrs Child p. 1 pufs Ivory Christ

6 Sortie du Bain advertises. Poe in Broadway J praises Simms as best, but voice of multitude doesn’t determine it, not as gd as Cooper.


Skips to Nov 15, 1845, p.1 had satire fr Aristidean on poetry, p. 2 Fine Arts: Mr Harvey, the lscape ptr, left rural retreat on Hudson, now teaching drwg here.  excels in lscapes, still life, and miniature, 11 Park pl, coll of ptgs can be seen, esp interesting to ladies.

            Reviews gift bks, esp Carey and Harts Diadem illust beaut Inman, Leutze, Landseer, other well known.   Also The Gift, engr Cheney, Pease, Humphreys and Dodson fr Mount, Huntington, Leslie etc.  D Huntington pictures in Longfellow bk.

            Editorial corresp addressed to Morris: has just read Lester’s Conversations with Powers, shd be named Glory and Shame of America, gft sculptor noble struggles glory, Amer Congress apathy to patriotism and Art the shame.  Powers unrivalled artist, grt man, profoundest crit and glowing enthusiasm, satire.  Earliest friends and patrons at home, Webster, Adams, Calhoun, Gen Jackson.  Recd commission fr Congress for funds for a bust of Marshall, but only one, while foreign obscure artists pd for desecrating rotunda of Capitol w/rude works.  a few yrs ago Hogan went to Rome, rose to eminence, and Dublin promptly had him do statue of O’Connell for $10,000.  Thorvaldsen’s return to native land hailed by holiday, yet he confessed he could not make a bust like Powers. Urges  home Vermont state legislature to order statues of Stark and Allen.  Beaut Grk Slave, finest creation of modern art, sacrified to an Englishman, while his Eve goes unbought here, as is his bust of Gen Jackson, Congress shd purchase it for Capitol with other presidents where like statues of Caesers may look with severity on a Senate awed by them into propriety and raised by them above party strife.  Powers has plan for a ftn recommends to city fathers as chief ornament for the Park.

            -ad same page for Leslie’s Artist, Merchant and Statesman of the Medici and our own time


1846 (NYHS volume)

Jan 2 p.2 Letters on Art NO 1 by C Edwards Lester, praises Cummings school of drwg, fault of our ptrs is they start with portraits in oil, not masatering drwg. Local News: sale of ptgs at Clinton Hall, Ainslie bought $700, his endorsements refused, took a hatchet and proceeded to cut thru doors, sent to Lunatic Asylum

4 anecdote of artist outsmarting banker re price of portrait 6 notice arrival at Astor Hse of great western artist Joel Hart with acclaimed (by Crittenden, Healy) bust of Clay 8 praise of JT Headley’s travel bk 10 Titian’s Venus exhib in DC, too corpulent 12 disapproves of court decision inMrs Stone vs Cooper, ought to be more restrictions on newspapers re libel.; Letter fr Cinti fr HJY, saw Beard’s No Carolina Emigrants, superb (sells in NYC for $800), Clevenger’s Harrison exquis, for NY Gall FA, likes JP Frankenstein’s portraits too. 19 death of Henry Inman, great, wonderful, wish he’d done more than portraits 23 Hoffman’s Excelsior praised for its local character 26 p. 2 Letter to the editor fr Amicus Artis, re articles in C&E pretending to be crit of R Peale’s Court of Death, as a friend of the artist, put in their true light the nature of those disingenous communications. A column of the mammoth daily, shows the importance of the pic in the mind of the writer, dwells with apparent delight on what he ignorantly calls the faults of the pic, and not satisfied with condemning every thing about the ptg, attempts by unmeaning personal allusions to detract fr the painter himself. Venerable and amiable artist, whose Washington now graces the Capitol of the country, purchased by unanimous vote of the Senate, is by this writer set down as of no reputation and an immense nonentity.

            Don’t require defense, abusive shafts wound the public, should visit ptg. Loss as to motive for unjustifiable attack, but Courier has treated him before in same manner, someone is personally inimical, regretted columns prostituted to so unworthy a purpose.

27 McLachlan, one of our assistants. Houston at the Herald credited with its success. In a war with the Herald over something—Bennett getting kicked out of a Clifton hotel? Augustus W Clason who cowhided him somehow involved too, a friend of Fuller and Wall st lawyer. 31 opposition to NY Pilots tied to opposition to Herald, who supports them

February 2 1846 praises Major Noah in the Times for criticizing Euro artists’ professional humbugs (p.r.) 5 big ad and notice earlier for Inman memorial exhibition; like Simms and Thom Dunn English. Anti capital punishment. 14 DC corresp disapproves of Congress not accepting the proposal to let Huntington complete Inman’s commission, narrow-minded. 16 has poem tomorrow by JH Beard. 17 moderate praise of C Mathews’ poems 20 likes Demo Rev. Puffs Hart’s Clay again. 24 p.2 Who is He? By RHJ.  JQ Adams asks this sarcastically, and what has he done, when q of Huntington finishing Inman came up, doubtless a man of prodigious learning and taste, complacent that he knows everything, to deny he is a perfect judge of all works of art would be bold, we won’t do it, likely he is a painter himself, the fact that he doesn’t know Huntington’s work is proof that H is an insignificant and unworthy artist, no business to be famous until he has ptd Adams’ portrait.

            Who is he—we reply the first living Am ptr, young, but greater natural power than artists who have done larger and prettier pics. Compared to Allston, Jarvis, Sully and a few others, wld be called a coarse ptr, but for effective coloring, powerful grouping and freedom of handling second to none of them. For boldness vigour brilliancy of style quite equal to master Inman, for expression and genl effect, superior, finest thing in coll at Rotunda is his Death Scene, one of his latest and best efforts, expression and attitude of dying man masterly, perfect to a touch, blue veins on emaciated hands have thick cold blood,

            Still young, a close student, ready for more glorious achievements, doesn’t have that superfine nervous sensibility that has proved a curse to geniuses. Energy, perseverance, masc determination, won’t upset his equanimity to receive this cavalier treatment of his propostition.

            Govt patronage a v clever and desirable thing, but not essential to prosperity. We take it for granted he won’t get the order, doesn’t need to supplement his regular private business, has been ptg capital pics constantly. Govt will lament its folly. 25 ought to be tennis courts for poor as well as rich

March 1846

2 RHJ has a follow up comparison of Painting and Sculpture, sculpture being a mechanical art versus ptg, we do have a ptr as great as Inman and Alston in this city, D Huntington gentle mild unassuming keen clear high towering amibition, will be a Raphael to future generations. 4 supports prison assoc. 5 anti all negro suffrage. 8 not too upset by House expelling Robinson of Tribune. 10 notices Brackett the sculptor, praises Young America in lit, defends C Edw Lester (who publishes a card agst Park Benjamin later). Wiley & Putnam’s Handbook of Oil ptg for artists and amateurs has big ad. 17 excerpt Typee. 19 praises Watt’s curiosity shop’s engravings. 21 love Sadd’s engr of Spirit of 76 in Columbian. 23 p. 1 Wm Cossel Allan, young Am artist in Paris and friend of DC corresp Cacholet, writes long letter, art in Engl not advanced fr Reynolds except for Wilkie and Landseer, Academy has hurt the arts not helped; idolatry of old masters is harming contemp art and continues 24 Am school must copy Am nature to be successful, taste for old alleg subjects and church pics is an artificial one, flood of Madonnas etc is so much poison to Am art, even excellent copies are not natural, pride ourselves on feeble reflection of foreign style. Powers has retarded the arts in Am at least half a century. Trumbull forced to paint US, valuable for his truth, better in this than Alston or West, Stuart ok for portrait of GW. Wm Page might do for ptg still, if not tempted by pecuniary advantages that flow fr fashionable rep of studying in Europe, ought to stay at home and pursue straightforward and indep course 31 approves Cloe’s plea for women’s suffrage

April 1846

3 praises Mrs S T Martyn’s White Banner. 6 p. 2 praises Schnellpost, and Noah’s Sunday Times. NA: Artists all busy varnishing, happy fellows, alone of all the upper classes in the country, have nothing to fear fr foreign competition, Vernet and Delaroche can’t be transl and sold in cheap editions like Dumas and Sue, so we have gd artists and poor authors, need a  protective tariff like bootmakers have. Tyranny of Euro writers here has led to reverting to monarchical principles, were it not for liberal opiininos dissem by the French republicans. Artists have NA, army has West Pt, artisans have Am Inst, need an intl copyright for men of mind. But people want cheap lit.

            Ptrs deal directly with the public, free fr middle men of publisher and printer, indep position a good seen every year in annual exhib and sale of art, NA doubtless done much to advance cause of art, but tis the nature of such institutions to cherish mediocrity rather than encouragegenius, duty of press to censure its mistakes as to applaud its merits, shall not hesitate to notice objectionable as regard directors as amenable to the public who they look for to support and as directors of the public taste. We have heard people express astonishment on finding the names of Shegogue and Whitehorne among the academists, while those of Elliott and Cropsey among the associates, but academies alw distrustful and wait til public give their cue to confer honors.

            Wrong to omit Am Art Union, doubtless done more real gd in short existence than any other society for similar objects, has regard for NA. They requested a sm pic fr an academician, but it was so bad ashamed to distribute it, felt bound to pay for it but contrived to lose it and at last distrib one of the lscapes that by some misunderstanding produced by another academician was so little calculated to confer credit that one of the committee members paid $150 of his own pocket to replace it with another. AU may have made some mistakes, but on whole entitled to great praise.

            Mentions Page, Hicks, gray, Morse (only gd pic is Lafayette), Elliott, Huntington, Durand, Cropsey and Mount

10 p. 1 letter fr Lydia M Child to Boston Courier, admires realism of Murillo’s Holy Family, alive, belonging to Brevoort who owns stylish mansion, had it restored in England. Admires CP Cranch’s ptgs, poetic eye for nature, improving skill. 13 likes Judge James Hall’s indian stories. 14 missing. 16 like Matsell, publishes defense of Lester in rln to Powers and accus of P Benjamin’s Western Continent.

April 20 p. 2 NAD: universal voice says exhib best yet, number of good pics--pics that everyone considers good—far larger than usu, and proportion of lamentable portraits is far less. Shall speak only of our favorites, without reference to rule.

            As the gem of the exhib, shld be inclined to name the head of the female in Durand’s A Passage in the Life of Woman, for figure tho draperied with exquis taste, too youthful for the face, and hands and arms too large and not beaut. Tone exquis, face angelic yet human loveliness volumes of poetry in its soft harmony. Invalid to whom she’s ministering escapes notice at first, and when we become aware of his presence,we fancy he wld have been as well away. Countenance and attitude of the girl enoug to tell the story.

            Another fave is head of mendicant in Huntington’s pic of fair girl giving alms, bashful air is sweet, contest betw pity and diffidence, face of object of  her charity has all the majesty of woe. Arrang and coloring of drapery too evidently copied fr Ital pics to be commended in artist who had opp of studying Ital nature, but there are exquis pts abt the ptg and it attracts much attn.

            So does Naomi and Ruth, no lovelier rep of her has ever been made, and Naomi tho too charming to be as venerable as we think her, looks as if might well have been the object of deep affection.

            Pic of somewhat kindred tone hangs in same rm, name unknown, no catalogs, a lovely woman holding a butterfly and lecturing one of the most glorious boys that ever shone on canvass.

            Pic by Wenzler who ptd the much commended lady with a muff last yr, v attractive, in same style, standing completely out of the canvass, curious fidelity so looks like reflection in a looking-glass. A v charming person reading in somewhat coquettish attitude, hardly help suspecting she is all the while conscious that we are looking at her. Shadow of the brows partic fine.

            Another pic excites much interest is angels carrying St Cath to her burial, after rack, genl outline of group so hard and clear agst evening sky that at first the impression is unfavorable, imagine it some fanciful circle of the hours or some classic fancy or other.  But become aware of a dead body of great beauty, sublime in its repose, angelic composure, angels of divine energy. Excites interest among artists tho not agreeable at first glance, beaut in detail.

            Leutze’s great Landing of the Northmen full of beauties and faults to our unpracticed eye. Female who forms center of groupstruck us at first as a mermaid, and not knowing the subj, thought the whole an alleg frSpencer’s Fairy Queen. Boat too small for so many people, lady’s dress not traveling attire, but water and men in it v fine, the vegetation extending to brink of ocean noticed as incongruous by many, to some interest added by recent story of Thiodolf, The Icelander, and if it were not for the almost tropical vegetation, the pic might have served for the landing of Isolde in that story.

            Need say nothing of lscapes of Cole, Doughty, Durand, Talbot and others who enjoy estab reps, if space wld speak of artists like Cranch who are preparing to place themselves beyond the praise of the unlearned. Cranch’s lscapes admired by artists as well as laymen, also praises a gman in firelight, a view of seamstress’s pale face as in imag when we read the Song of the Shirt, full of interest; Cromwell and Daughter a fine pic, so are twenty others.

Lester, Powers, Benjamin: letter fr JYH, P a man of honor, Lester proven his intimacy with him, S Yorke Atlee ed of Cintin Chronicle respectable. Forgery must exist somewhere.


April 22, 1846 p. 2 NA: fewer poor ptgs than in the last 5 yrs, fewer of all kinds, tho Hanging comm is still too lenient. 5 pieces by nameless amateurs with one exception could have been excluded and world would have lost nothing; 109 full length lady shows consid practice tho rather a pic of a white satin robe and blue bodice than a “lady”. Satin v nearly equal to some of elab textures of Ingham, wld make an admirable sign for Stewart’s new store.

            No sculp or archit, only one sculptor a member. 157 ports of 346, the rest are lscapes, Ital beggars, hist compos, low life, ports of peaches and plums, and an alleg pic by a  German in Rome. Some of the fancy pics are illus of poetical passages in catalog, indic tastes of ptrs. Durand As You Like It (finds tongues in trees) but the v fine lscape hardly illus the poetry, The Old Man’s lesson, but lesson of poet is taught without the aid of man. The solitary muser shld find tongues in trees and running water, but ptr has put tongue into head of an old man, instead of an old tree.

            Gray appends Timon to v gd head 94 with a beard, but with no more misanthropy in it than in the face of a fashionable tailor.

            JT Peele v touching little pic 219 of Song of the Shirt , girl’s eyes suffused with tears, mark of poeverty in little rm but no dirt, hands at rest, gentle complaining face, highly creditable..

            Cropsey illus AM Ide, Junior, a farmer’s boy in Mass. 259 Nameless river, shld be called themotionless river, a v beaut Am lscape but wants a little more atmosphere.  Stearns has woful illus ofHaynes Bayley’s most woful ballad of Mistletoe Bough. Boutelle’s Indian Hunter illus Eliza Cook, Durand’s v pretty young lady 290 who stands facing viewer with glass of some kind of liquor we took to be old Holland, well known compliment of Scott appended, ministering angel, brow of old gman in one corner which the imag of the spec may paint as wrong by the cholic or some other disaese requiring the palliation. CE Lester owns ptg by GW Jenkins 324 the Forsaken, poem by Alfred Wheeler, woman’s love and man’s deceitfulness, hope that nothing personal is intended in this application, but it sounds shockingly sarcastic. If no tears dropped over pic or poetry, it will prob be bcause spec has none to shed.

            Some pics quite unworthy of notice, loth to utter a word that will give pain, offspring you are ashamed to acknowledge.

Large Saloon: No 1 Tp Rossiter, Tasso and his friends. The best part is that which hld be subordinate, the view of Rome in the distance, while ‘man of men’ as his contemporaries called him is least attractive. No pt of interest in compos, at a loss where to look for the artist’s meaning, and poet’s friends might withdraw fr the scene without disturbing the interest. In point of color the pic is as bad as it well cld be, artist does himself great injury by employing pigments in his conceptions, appear infintely better in black and white. Earth and inhab must appear to him robed in buff and pink, all are tipped with these colors, exceedingly disagreeable when not properly mixed with other tints.

            13 Judas, E Latilla. New name to us, not a new ptg, so assume a foreigner, has 3 others, we prefer 70 ptd with great freedom and v pleasing effect, Italian looking young girl contemplating chidlish face in hand mirror, gives her immense satisf, color warm and rich. Judas n a similar manner, but less happy effect. In one had nature to copy from, in other his own imag, and superiority of truth to fancy v apparent. Judas does not carry his char in his face, looks like a villain, more anxious that his char shld be known than hid, when he must have been quite as smoothfaced and sanctimonious as a modern deacon who shaves notes all day and leads a prayer meeting at night. If he hadn’t been highly respectable, of excellentmoral character, he would never have been selected for the apostolic sub-treasurer. Don’t believ Leo ptd the head of Judas attrib to him in Last Supper, too great a genius to make such a mistake, person there depicted not the man to salute his master with a kiss. A cunning, money loving, plausible person, who alw had an eye to the future, but not to the future state.

            If any of our artists wld paint a gd Judas, let them find the gman who pays the highest price for a pew and makes the longest prayers, and request him to sit for one of the apostles, don't tell which one, will prob pay for the portrait. Nothing more unphilosphical than to rep Judas a ruffian in appearance, cld never betray, bcause cld never be trusted. Judas not a ruffian or wouldn’t have hanged himself in remorse, but exceedingly commoonplace char who loved money more than god tho had virtue enough to love the company of the godly better than the wicked. We abound in such char now, and if it were only possible to serve God and mammon, heaven would be full of them. We have farseeing apostles at the present day who sell theirGod for gold, but those who have the grace to repent and hang themselves are exceedingly rare (Judas not so commonplace after all).

23 p. 2 reviews Lester’s Artists of America, doesn’t think he’s done enough with his material, but works under a great head of steam.

April 24, p. 2 NA:

            14 Camilla and Gil Blas, GW Flagg

            altogether the most creditable performance we’ve seen by him. Figs not exactly Spanish, which is rather singular, as almost all the faces ptd by this artist have a decidedly Spanish character, but happily made out. Port of boy 10 hangs nearby fr same hand offers v unfave contrast to this delicate pic. Boy is ptd with one leg ona  chair, in a studied attitude of downright vulgarity, youngster shld not be repd in position which no well bred boy would take in presence of his elders. Premeditated rudeness like this is an error of the artist’s who shld instruct his sitters how to behave. We like an easy position, even in a port, but this young gmen taking it a little too easy.

            15 Cornish Coast Scenery, Geo Harvey. Best flower ptr in country, v cred minis, but pic is decisive proof of incompatibility of an artist for two opposite qualities of art. If cld paint a gd lscape, not be able to pt flowers. There are so many bad lscapes in the exhib that it wld be diff to select the worst, but if one is worse than it must be 325, winter scene by same artist. Not unlikely some people will extol this pic a s a fine one, as it certainly is in some respects, the elaboratenessof the pencilling being fine to a degree really painful.

            23 Girl and Rabbits, JT Peele. V sweet, highly finished, natural and chaste in feeling, equally well drawn and colored.

            23 PicNic Party, Cole, by nomeans one of his best, disting by some of his peculiar excellencies and faults, the latter being most prevalent. Picnickers rather a blemish on the scene, the Miss Nancy with a guitar in his arms is a dreadfully impertinent personage under the shadow of such a giant of an oak! Whose leaves appear to have drank up all the atmosphere, for there is not a breath among its branches. Observe several ports in exhibition ptd by well known artistic firm in city, and wish Cole would partner with some figure ptr, then we might have lscapes worth looking at. What could be finer than a lscape by Cole with figs by Mount or Edmonds?

            164 Cross in the Wilderness fr poem by Hemans, small circular pic with sun in center, looks like a wheel within a wheel, remids one of Emerson’s essay on circles. Pics sometimes praised for their roundness, but this possesses that qual to a superlative degree. It might be called the prophet’s vision of wheels, it makes one’s head turn round to look at it. But bating this circularity, which the frame maker shld be isntructed to find the square of, it is a warm and delicious pic.

            24 Rev TH Taylor, CL Elliott. Invariably forutunate if skill and genius can be called fortune in giving a striking likeness, highest praise for a port, must be true. We hear an immense deal of nonsense abt idealising ports, but it bears the same rln to a true one which a counterfeit or ideal bank bill does to one that is genuine. Who would attach any value to an exagg port of his grandmother, which would rep her pug nose as a Grecian? Elliott does not underrate his siterrs, as some ptrs do, whose lack of appreciation for the pure and beaut causes them to exaggerate the defects of their subj, but if they have any gd points he is sure to make the most of them, not by exagg, but by exhib them in the best light—that’s what we undertstand by the real.

            Port of Taylor immed recognized by all, reflects indiv like a mirror, tho ptd in a hi key and accessories are rich and brilliant to gorgeousness, color is harmonious and effect of compos subdued and pleasing.

            We see in this beaut pic the extreme refinement and luxury of xtianity. Such an impressive exhib of the fruits of piety must go far in ocnverting the thoughtless and wretched infidel. The ragged scoffer, starving heathen could not resist an appeal like this. If relig alw assumed a guise so captivating to the senses, our missionaries would be more fruitful of converts. Minister of Christ clad in purple and fine linen, reading desk resplendent with crimson velvet andgold fringe, book rich ingold and cobalt, vase of burnished silver, the Law blazes in letters of gold fr a tablet of Prussian blue, railing of altar of costly wood richly carved and even light of heaven not permitted in unadorned nakedness, it falls thru ptd glass, like an iris, on walls. Smoking censor alone wanting to complete religious voluptuous ness, all the rest the imag will furnish, the Parisian millinery of the worshippers, the Sybarite forms, soft carpets, hired choristers. The upholsterer and the gilder are the chief agents of our Protestant propaganda.

            28 Full length boy, CC Ingham, has but two ports, this and port of lady, but in his v best manner, subjects exactly adapted to his genius, lavished his highest skill in color and finish. Impossible not to admire such exquis pretty things, tho true his flesh resembles finest porcelain and foliage and rocks the softest velvet. But do we object to waxen flowers or marble busts? No right to complain about producing pleasing effects by such means, it is his manner, love to seeevery man accomplish his own ends in his own way. But should not attempt an effect for which his means are inadequate, for he then subjects himself to censure not for his manner but for his failure. If Ingham wld paint only these subjects, he would be above crit, but when he attempts to give the velvety complexion of infancy and girlhood to a veteran sailor, skin roughened by a thousand storms, must expect to be laughed at. If wld see a specimen fo a hearty old sailor, stock of gd nature tho life must have been as rough as a nutmeg grater, look at 305  Capt Nash De Cost by Elliott.

            29 Lscape Compos, Geo Innes, v fine pic, more truth to nature than we cld expect in a compos.

            30 Port Gman, W Page, a cluster of fine pics of which this is the best, tho least likely to attract attn fr its smallness, simply a head of lifesize, and low tone, so low it has appearance of head seen by moonlight, and linen is almost blue.But look at it steadily thru your hand until light fr other pics disappear, and you will find it the work of a master, matchless in finish, and nearly perfect in lifelike expression. Only ports compare with it for truth and beauty are best of busts of Powers. But isn’t a suitable ptg for an exhibition like this, where glare of bright colors and gaudy frames so dazzles sight that it’s impossible to look on a simple, low toned performance. To see it fully, shld be exhib by itself or in company of Titians and Vandykes. Hangers tho ought ot put like pics together on Homeopathic principle, put this with Sappho by Gray, in a corner where it is hardly discernible, and his other pics too so low in local color that the glare of other pics destroys their effect. No exhib of misc pics can ever be seen to gd advantage, variety of styles and subjects distracts the mind, prevents it fr appreciating any one performance. Glancing fr lscapes to portraits, beggars to princes, hot to cold, has same effect on eye which a variety of wines has on the palate, destroys all relish for any partic flavor, and produces intoxication without pleasure. Artists reluctant to promote their own best advantages.

25 notices Banvard

April 28 1846 p. 2 NA:

            33 Port Rev Dr. Potts, C Curtis. One of the best heads fr this improving artist, likeness v gd, cold coloring true to nature, hanging position bad, his 25 head of weatherbeaten fisherman in coarse straw hat and red baize shirt not a pleasant subj, but vigorously ptd and a striking contrast in color to Potts.

            46 Lscape Compos, Durand. His lscapes prove industry and talnet produce gd results in advanced life as well as youth, has tried his hand at much, some consid merit in  portraits, but lscape is forte. No romance in his pics such as we see in Cole’s, scens quiet and gentle. When Cole intros an animal it is a wild one, Durand delights in cows standing quietly in shallow stream chewing the cud. Trees wave gently, wind low, grass fresh and green, air warm, pics of rural life tha tmake us hate the city and long to be at large in the fields. 46 is incomparably finest of his two, the best lscape here, birch tree exceedingly fine, fills eye more pleasantly than thosee snaky looking trunks which disfigure many of his lscapes.

            53 Ld Metcalf, A Bradish, western new york needs only short residence in city to be disting as port ptr, one of most pleasing heads in exhib, sketchy and crude in color, but char most happily expressed, unusual accessories of diamod star and red ribbon.

            62 Port Gman, EH May, truly excellentof Joseph L white, great improvement.

            65 Italy D Huntington, female in dark green dress with pencil giving form to her inspiration, unquestionably his best in exhib, and highest effort of his genius we’ve seen. More intelligence in design, greater purity of thought, higher finish, more harmony of color than combined in his others. Nearly all his works something meritorious, but here nothing to disturb impression of simplicity and dignity.

            75 Port Cl Elliott, highly finished, sober, truthful, hair partic gd, uniformly happy in this essential part. Beard in 185 is magnificiently ptd and has been compared with Page’s port of Lowell the poet some 3 yrs ago, no higher praise.

            82 Landing of the Northmen, Leutze, historical painter par eminence of Am, but can hardly claim him for a countryman, educ and style formed in Germany. No historical or local truth in this pic, but truth of pleasing and highest kind, of the imag. Vessel couldn't carry, dresses never worn by Icelanders, grapes never found on ocean’s brink, but men and women are real personages, water is salt and liquid, surrounding objects are real, and we feel ourselves in the presence of beings we can claim kindred, coomprehend their emotions exult with brave and gallant savages on reaching the happy land. Northern char finely preserved, grey eyes have trifle too much look of inflamed gooseberries and hair of matted tow. But compos full of beauties which require thought and care to discover. 188 Cromwell and his daughter by same is small compos fo great power and beauty. Countenance of C lacks sternness or self command, but is not feeble or commonplace, face of daughter is best, but genl effect of her is destroyed by her huge arm, more becoming on a Hercules, both pics belong to John Towne of Phil.


April 29, 1846 p. 2 NA:

            84 Port of himself, SB Waugh, highly characteristic no doubt a striking likeness, but marvel at ill taste of an artist in choosing such a light to exhibit himself in. Light of day falling naturally on head is only light countenance can be truly seen in. Waugh here shows himself in a blaze, like a martyr at the stake, or a steak on the coals, There are two or three other portraits here, besides this, painted by ‘himself.’ It is well enough for ‘himself’ to paint his own head by way of practice, but ‘himself’ should never paint himself for an exhibition. The most unfortunate of all these portraits of ‘himself’ by ‘himself’ is that of Remb. Peale. If the spirit of the great Remb shld visit exhib of Nat Acad wld not feel over proud when he saw this port of ‘himself’ by his namesake. Swain 99 has been more successful, ‘Himself’ is modestly and truthfully represented.

            6 Lesson on Immortality of Soul, L Terry. Might have been called a lesson any other subject, with quite as much propriety. Subject is trite and threadbare, and figs commonplace and feeble. Young artist recent fr Italy has 5 ptgs of v equal merits, hardly reach level of expectancy of even moderate sight-seers. May be a man of genius, but nothing in pics here exhib to warrant such an asusmption. Aims hi, which is a gd sign, and a great fave with certain connoisseurs, which is a better, one, for men rarely excite admiration who have not in them soemthing admirable. Must see all his works to judge fairly, or know him personally to disting his mistakes fr his defects.

            131 Fishing along shore, WS Mount, something of the artist’s happy manner in this, but not by any means equal to his best. Negro woman, boy intent. Bright sunshiny day, not a particle of atmosphere, backgrd does not reced an inch fr the foregrd. Would not appear in the least incongruous if the woman shld light her pipe at one of the distant chimnies. But don’t look at such pics for the sake of the lscape, any more than we  look at Cole’s lscapes for sake of the figs. In 328 however Mount has lscape with figs subord, professes view of Catskill mtns, how an artist of his genius and artistic skill cld have ptd such a pic it is diff ot underst or why having ptd it, he shld have the folly to exhibit it. When we saw it we thought there must have been some concealed joke about it; but we have not been able to find any, and conclude it is meant for a serious pic. If so, it is the most laughable one he ever ptd.

            147 Port Lady, Wm Page, companion to 30 by the same, shld have been hung together, exec in same style and displays the same master hand, anyone with eyes may feel excellencies ofa work like this, but it is only aptr that can really appreciate them.

            147 Rebeccah and Abraham’s servant, JG Chapman, alw find womething to wonder at in his pics, the point of exclamation in this shld be affixed to the robe of veneered mahogany which covers the limbs of Laban’s daughter. 330 and 331 two little lscapes studies fr natureby same artist excited our wonder in an especial manner by their quiet beauty, real transcripts fr nature, ahppily colored and neatly finsished, prove eye for nature and hand capable of copying her charms, wonder he doesn’t do it more frequently.

            300 Wood scene study fr Nature, FW Edmonds, little piece of nature has taken us much by surprise as two studies by Chapman. Edmonds’ studies fr nature heretofore been in human nature, but a genuine love for trees and green fields.

            215 Old Knick, CL Elliott, so capital a port that not necessary in cat to disnt it by any other name, altho generally understood that a certain personage is v much of a gman when he has a mind to be, strangers puzzled with this odd cognomen will think old Knick a real gman and no mistake. Young imp just above 216 is Old Knick’s son, tho v pleasant, not half as well ptd as his father. 215 capital in all respects, drwg perfect, coloring fleshy and warm.

            227 Artist’s daughter in fancy dress, FR Spencer. Sometimes see little children toddling along Broadway or sleeping thru a prosy sermon dressed in such fantastical garments as to excite compassion for the poor little victims of a mother’s bad taste. But never saw fancy dressing carried to such ridiculous excess, makes the heart ache to see the poor child. Rubens himself, who is palpably burlesqued in this ptg, could not have rendered such a victime endurable to the eye. Jeptha did not deal so harshly with his daughter. Speaking of Jeptha, what in the world is he looking at or thinking about in that pic by Flagg, 255? And where in the name of Mons Dechaux did artist procure coloring matter and media employed on this pic and Queen Sheba’s visit to King Solomon? Together, in color and compos, not hazarding an unsafe opinion to declare that they ‘beat all natur.’ Nature herself would confess she never produced anything like them.

            67 Port Lady. Thos H Smith. Whoever takes trouble to look at this port, tho hung alm out of sight, will discover in it the touch of man of genius.


Apr 30 1846, H Fuller ed. p. 2 notices Miss Dix.  Artist’s Stratagem:  most disting artist in Paris ptd society lady’s port for spring exhib, lady celeb for beauty but 40, graceful attitude at toilette, splendidly dressed, striking likeness, but a grt mistake as a flattering one was wanted instead, she sd she didn’t recognize herself and rejected it.  Artist ptd her applying cosmetics, told her it is now a fancy picture, a tableau de genre, a cabinet picture of a coquette.  She pd for portrait.

            Bashes Simms.  Tuckerman’s thoughts on the poets welcome, fr Francis & Co.


May 4 Am review becoming apolitical 6 excerpts Geo H Calvert on Powers May 8 p. 2 NA: letter fr BA Campbell, 11 Wall st, to Fuller, a lawyer who was consulted by Whitehorne, who felt libelled by comments in the paper on him, improper and slanderous, aggrieved as had not provoked such ill natured remarks as to his char or profession. Fuller comments: astonished to learn who this was, regret very sincerely we mentioned his name at all, don’t know him, but a person of his delicate sensibilities is not a proper subj for newspaper notoriety. Whitehorne shld not exhib his ptgs in public, but he shld put them in a room by themselves, where none but Nat Academicians and admiring friends may be allowed to look at them. We understand how Academy works, but but natural for unenlightened who have an idea that merit will rise to official distinctionb y natural and inevitable laws, to express surprise at seeing the names of such artists as Elliott and Cropsey occupying a lower offical position than such artists! As—Mr. So and So,--observe, lawyers in Wall st, we name no name this time. We would not injure the feelings of an amiable gman because he was an indiff artist, and we have therefore selected the best artists in our animadversions because they could well afford to be censured and praise bestowed by other critics would heal any sores.

            Grateful to Acad for fostering art in this city, but radical defects in its constitution, perfectly willing artists shld manage affairs in own way, but when call on public to examine their productions, absurd to fly to a lawyer for redress when the opinion is not quite so laudatory. We had intended to do more notices of ptgs of which anything favorable cld be said, but this billet doux has frightened us.

May 9 loves Melville. Letter  fr H toeditor, bust of Clay by late Clevenger, none better than this, for sale for benefit of artist, equal to Powers, shame Cinti didn’t buy it.

            Letter to editor fr Many Readers, asking him to go on with notices of the Academy, and not be deterred in the least by the infinitesimal scruples of small artists. Newspaper conducted for benefit of the public, can’t listen to complaint of every caviler. If an Academician is aggrieved by an article (provided always there is nothing immoral in it) let him reply, and if his communication is well written, the public will read it, and the public is to be consulted. For what do artists hang up their pictures if they are not to be talked of. Compares it to Godey publishing Poe’s literati. By all means continue the sketches of the Acadmey, or you will be faithless to   Many Readers.

            See an advert for Titian’s Venus, but not NAD

May 19 crit of Texas war, praises 20 Bancroft’s reforms of the Navy 26 British writer’s account of Art in Rome 27 Thinks Poe’s stuff in Godey’s is folly and nonsense, not an admirer of Godeys 28 pleased with wartime patriotism, p. 4 poem on criticism

May 29 1846 p. 2 NA:

            271 View on the Kanawha, W Whitride, great beauty in this, water the best point, cool and translucent, glossy but not the smoothness of a mirror, sensation of depth and motion, consid merit in other parts too, may not be an accident

            293 Lscape T Doughty, one of most highly finished and carefully elab lscapes in exhib, tho small size embraces v extensive prospect, and sensationof varieites quite as strong as any of the large compartments in gilt borders which occupy the walls. The scene is one which he excels in, extensive woody country with cataract in distance and huge mtns in horizon, mtns here ill shapen and obtrusive, they destroy in a great measure the beauty of the pic. But great merit is the sky, nothing finer than the clouds and mist in this little pic, and aerian part shld have beent he most prrominent. Earthly part shld have been kept under, hidden in fogs and mist, to allow eye to dwell undsitracted upon exquis beaut clouds. One aspect of nature if properly delineated is sufficient for one pic, but when nothing is true a great variety of objects disturb the attn and prevent their defects fr being seen. You may look only at the part that is most pleasing, but that is quite impossible when a number of excellencies are grouped together. Evidences in the ptg of patient andloving investigation of nature, thorough acquaintance with grammar of art, translate it into language comprehensible to other observers. In London, where his lscapes have met with much favor, this is only one, happy purchased by Am AU.

            113 Capt Glen Claiming the Prisoners, T Matteson, only historical compos illus of early annals in exhib, attempt laudable, and if M had not displayed one half the ability we discern in this pic he’d be entitled to the consideration of the profession and patronage of the public. The Academy, to encourage other artists to a higher walk in art than is common among our young artists, at their last mtg refused to admit Matteson as an associate; but then, at the same mtg, Mr Spencer was admitted. This is not the only reward M has lately received for his patriotic exertions in art, he has been commissioned to paint Mayor Havemeyer for City Hall, and one branch of theAldermanic leg has passed a resolution cutting down the customary price just one half. Insult to late Mayor,  injustice to Matteson, hope other branch of City Gov will not sanction. Full price just pd for Spencer’s port of Mayor Morris.

            Matteson’s pic of Glen reflects great credit, canvas crowded with figs, many possess great merit, Glen himself admirably depicted, Indians esp well done, accessorial points in strict keeping, except the tea chest in foregrd, which is an anachronism.

            291 the Flower Love Letter, a portrait, SS Osgood, full length lady inTurkish dress, with flowers, his wife, we are told a gd likeness, bright in color but not rich, glaring but not warm. We cannot conceive fo a worse position for exhibiting one’s wife in, than that chosen by Osgood. But tastes differ. The picture has a meretricious, masquerade look, v far fr pleasing.

            114 Hooker and company, FE Church, great merit in this as a lscape, v little as a hist compos, happy thought to give additional interest by giving lscape local historical assoc

            160 Port Lady, Ferdinand Boyle, a v showy pic, and a gd port, effect v much injured by a blazing hot red curtain that fills up gd portion of backgrd, blue in sash helps cool the eye, but still the sensation of heat is intense. Posit easy and graceful, a fave with the artist, drapery fine flowing effect.

            168 C Vanderbilt, N Jocelyn, color in this is gd, but expression is bad, quite unlike orig.

            207 Port Geo Loder, J Cafferty, well drawn and well colored, expression truthful and dignified, has made great improvement. 170 HC Watson partic gd, color of hair perhaps little toowarm, but on whole honest lifelike head. 110 small head by same exceedingly well done, neatly finished, facility of exec and freedom of touch. 337 old man’s head displays greater degree of power than we had supposed Caffery possessed. Had regarded him as a promising lscape ptr, but seems to have given himself up to more profitable branch of art, 8 heads in exhib; can’t excel in both depts.


3 notices JTSpear’s version of Alston’s Belshazzar Feast (he completed it), says he ably wonderfully  realized its grandeur 5 notices receipt fo Wiley & putnam of new volume on lscape by Ruskin. Likes Longfellow, not Poe. Still defending Lester. Supports Scott. Would have liked Calhoun for president til now. Already advocating for Taylor. 17 to get into West point takes favoritism, once there it is by merit; but ought to educate common soldier, let him rise by merit not keep in debased servitude; exclusiveness, aristocratical tendencies less impt than this 20 praises engr fr Matteson in issue of Columbian 25 poem the Beggar Girl by B’hoy on wealth and glamor of Broadway vs girl at night poverty 27 letter to editor fr H re port of lady of Cinti exec in Euro by Kellogg, arrived in Great Western and can be seen at Art Union rms, recd valuable gift fr Sultan of Constantinople and reward fr Florentine nobleman, , writer can say this is a capital likeness, work will speak for itself re style and exec. His port of Judge Kent of city will arrive soon. 29 B’hoy also has a poem attacking Bennett. 30 praises Geo Sand and Consuelo; not interested in grabbing land fr Mexico. Snooks a poet.


Skipped July /August 1846 (NYHS)


2 like the Sunday Mercury, critical of management of the Park, dismal dullness, stale Keans

Sept 7 1846. Notices Graham’s Yankee Doodle Dandy, or Amer Punch.  “The Jeremy Diddlers of the Press” success by villainy of one (Bennett?) has meant lots of imitators, who trade a freebie for a gd notice;  a free ticket to an exhib  of picts will call forth criticism that would startle Winckelman; the favor of inspecting a plaster bust will cause such ecstacies as write of Canova and Michel Angelo

10 Artistic Intelligence: hope change in Nat Acad management so that cliqueism gives way to more liberal measures, during exhib and education. Cole at Catskills, pursuing the course by which he has realized his position of the master of the lscape art; Durand in Cornwall ptg pleasing studies with sweetness and a finish that seems lacking in his larger works. Cropsey at Greenwood, to the truth of outline in his last he has added v essential one of breadth, zeal has commissions. CP Cranch to Florence, to study out of door nature, wise resolution, backsliding of GL Browne and others present ample admonition. Talbot at Paterson NJ engaged on large view of Passaic Falls, his transcriptsof nature are sketches rather than studies, general recollections rather than minute local details.

            Gignoux accompanied by amateur/liberal patron; Innes, Richards an dBoutelle, Innes marked improvement, Boutelle seems to aim at a secondhand view of mossy banks and green trees thru the spectacles of an older artist. Ought to rely on nature, be less likely to be referred to as a copyist. Ope Wotherspoon will find clearer atmostphere than has hitherto presented to the public, in other parts on the right path. W Ranneypleasing pic of marine class in Art Union rooms. Ranney wants a better acquaintance with anatomyto render his figs more correct and truthful. Casilear of whose works the public sees too little is on tour with Pres of NA, WM Oddie done coquetting with art, will study fulltime. Beard fr Cinti engaged on series of pics illus emigration in Am commissioned by a wealthy collector in our city, the first hung in last exhib. Church and McConkey under guidance of Cole. Weir built a chapel decpratomg ot om frescp. Wo;; dpmate ot tp am E[oscp[a; cpmgregation. Huntington nearly finished large pic  of Henry the 8th, his best lscape now at Gir;eu

S sa;e r,, was ptd some five or more years ago.

            Wm S Mount doing portraits, has commissions for his pted stories, which when finished can be named without the catalog, so perfectly does he alw tell his tale. A v paltry engraving last mo fr his pic of the Haymaker’s Dance, a libel on his ddrwg and expression is too bad, shld make owners careful how their property is reproduced. Wilkie was v partic, the only inferior prints of them are French.

            Matteson busy designing Farmer’s Fireside, number of figs in it, indicates progress, trust he will take up some hist subj like his last. Edwin White doing outdoor studies, neither the Fair Student nor the Beggar Boy have met with purchasers, this shld not be. Few better pics there in feeling, drwg or color, worthy a place in any coll. Stearns a pic with some dozen figs, Ethan Allen’s seizure of Ft Ticonderoga, promises well in drwg and effect. PP Duggan fr West Indies, great skill in anatomy and industry. Shumway bold and masssive manner of minis, Chapman sketching fr nature, intends devoting his whole attn to hi art and declining practice as designer, with thorough study of antique an anatomy.

            RE Launitz sculptor now abroad, bust Rose of the Alhambra finest thing of kind exhib for many yrs now in coll of Mrs Gideon Lee. Shegogue ptr of a view in Hoboken distrib by Art Union now inParis, HP Gray returning, his recent work at NY Gall of FA. Powell’s sketches of Roman scenery spoken highly of. GA Baker jr, Hicks, Alfred Jones engraver, mechanical skill and powers as draughtsman hi rank. Freeman glorious portrait of him by Elliot, Elliot at work on governor’s port of WC Bouck for city hall. SB Waugh has at Art Union pleasing An Italian Festival. Vanderlyn returning with national pic, Doughty in Paris, Leutze, commissions fr US to amount of $30,000. Edmonds, JT Peele of Song of the Shirt.

Sept 14 1846 corresp likes M Fuller, Mirror reserves opinions, less enthus. 17 critical of Mdmle Rachel. 22 The Snobs of the Press: uses editorial we, he patronizes gneius by nodding to it, he is a patron of the fine arts, and has had his bust done in Plaster of Paris, he is editor and proprietor of his own paper of course, for if he were not the proprietor he cld not be the editor, v fond of assisting those who have no need of his assistance, the highest steeple gains him, a military title echoes the popular voice, this is the char of the conservative snob, but he sometimes assum the shape of a reformer, more offensive, he has a great abhorrence of sins he is not inclined to, he gets up an eccentricity on artistical principles and wears an old coat in preference to a new one, to be tolerant towards other  people is his aversion, because he is a snob.

Sept 24 p. 2 Our Painters: continued stream of witless crit which the press inflicts upon them, to write articles abt our artists appears to be the first effort of all scribblers and the last resort of all dunces. The last number of the American Review (Colton’s) has an article on our unfortunate ptrs which contains every kind of vile writing and loose thinking peculiar to this class of critical essays. Leaden, hopeless, repeats common whine about West, shows he is uttering the commmonplaces of newspapers. West not an Am ptr, an Englishman, if we have no better claims to artistic wealth than him better give up. Epitehtetical twaddle, rigmarole, attempt to praise Inman, gets it wrong, his portrait of Jacob Barker bore no resemblance to Vandyke, exactly the reverse in every partic, and it took 3 sittings. Beslobbers Huntington with incomprehensible praise, stupid flummery abt Leutze, then Beard who he calls wretched, Mirror says he is an artist of genius, recently come among us, little touching epidsodes, fine eye for nature, homely life, fein of Hogarthian satire elevate compos above genre, and in No Carolina Emigrants great success a pictorial sermon on debasding effects of slave system of South, one of the most epic and thoughtful pics, beaut little touches of nature. Writer bestows some well merited praise upon Elliott, but can’t value his words when he writes of Page that his heads lack character—no one has more as per ports of Mr and Mrs Pepoon in last exhib.

            But key is in remarks on Elliott, where he says the absence of truth gave his ports a greater air of reality, according to this theory, if forehead is low, shld be ptd hi, if sheeks sallow, shld be ptd red, true way to paint a faithful port is to paint it unlike the orig, an absence of literalism will add to its fidelity.

            We are indebted to the Trib and C&E for a knowl of this transcendant piece of artistic crit, those journals praised it so highly that we were induced to read it and have derived much amusement fr the prodigious ignorance and presumption of the writer.

25 Great Editorial Dinner, fantasy of concorde, mentions all the editors

29 Whig and Demo shld be dropped, Conser and Reformer instead, an ddisinterested men would not, as now, be in doubt as to which side they belong. On the one side we shld see arrayed the wealth, the learning, the aristocracy, the respectability, and the timid, and on the other wld be enlisted the genius, the youth, the  philosophers, the needy, the restless, the self educated and the braves of the country. Symp to free trade.

30 notices Am Inst Fair


Oct 1, 1846. C Edwards Lester a fan of Sam Houston.

Oct 2 p. 2 MrWC Allen, the artist, name well known to Mirror readers, returned fr Europe.  genius, country proud.  ‘Arrival of Distinguished Artist: Vanderlyn brings ptg of Landing of Columbus, exhib to public for benefit of artist before going to rotunda.  reports of connoisseurs who saw it in Paris have not raised hi expectations, but no doubt worthy of place by Chapman and Weir. Space supposed to be filled by Inman is uncommissioned, and will likely stay that way til after grt natl tableau Mex War finished and paid for.

            Also arrived less well known but deserving consderation is Geo L Brown, lscape ptr, spent 4-5 yrs in Florence, where found full employment and sales, 3 of his latest now at AAUnion, , rank with best, moonlight view of Doge’s palace, for Geo Tiffany of Baltimore, Roman views for J Collis of this city and Locke, ed Savannah Republican.  manner so unlike any other Amer ptr eye requires a little schooling to fully relish peculiar beauty.  All our young artists insensibly imitate Cole, so decided originality appears outré rather than excellent.  Brown’s pictures also give unfavorable impression at first glance as he lays on colors with heavy hand, when light strikes, shadows of pigmen produce appearance of stippling v far fr pleasant.  but even with disadvantage, sure to impress public taste, hi consideration amg true lovers  of fa.  Some of his picts seen here decidedly bad genl effect, tho sufficient evidence of genius for true connoisseur.  3 lscapes now in Art Union among the best our county has produced, moonlight view one of very few ptgs of the kind that can be called endurable.  best pts in his picts are distances, architectural drwgs, skies and water, in last excels any other Amer artist, in foliage and figs not so happy.

            Praises Ackerman’s new sign for the Mirror.

  1. 3 if portraits of revolutionary worthies on walls of Faneuil Hall cld hear oratory, smile grimly at revival of continental spirit. John Adams and other Whigs?

Oct 3,

Oct 7, 1846, only H Fuller as ed and proprietor on masthead. p. 2 declares political neutrality henceforth, disgusted with Polk for putting up bad tariff and Whigs for voting for Texas war, no party allegiance.  Have had in the past to condemn some of Mitchell’s productions at Olympic. (loves Forrest)

9 notice Am AU, some truly excellent  pics by Brown of Florence 12 lots of coverage of the Am Inst Fair, mentions Christian paper ed Wm Kirkland (later in month gives his obit) Unitarian and his wife Mary Claver doing lit section, symp to liberal xtianity, Xtian Inquirer. Hostile to new state constitution, not truly more popular.

Oct 19 1846 Vanderlyn’s Columbus: much expected, long time working on it, expensive, heralded, congressional discussion, room empty to see it, only one fellow visitor, Bryant. So much for our love of art. The pic disappointed us, it is infinitely better than we expected to find it. Columbus is anoble fig, no doubt historically correct dress at least highly pictque, expression calm and majestic, attitude simple natural, chief pt of interest, other figs admirably drawn grouped and draped with fine pictque effect excepting only some of the brown beaver hats which look as stiff and new as tho had just come out of water st. Natives well drawn and colored but too few to satisfy the sentiment, esp for Irving’s readers. Pic looks meagre for the lack of subjects of minor interest. So far, all is well and praiseworthy. Coloring tho harmonious as a whole, is deficient in particulars, flesh is all alike, and all like leather. Sea is only a daub of dull green paint, and sky not much better, but these are all accessories we know and shld be so treated. A really fine compos, worthy of its place, which is more than can be sd of its too companions and if exhib as a cartoon wld show to much better advantage than as a ptg.

20 C Mathews and Yankee Doodle despite rhetoric are slavish to English

23 takes Sivori’s side agst music critic  of C&E (RG White)


Nov 2, 1846.  Eve Post the organ of Wright-Van Buren clique. Nov 3,  Refrains fr commenting on sensational cases. Praises decision of judge in slave Geo Kirk case.  Nov 4 pleased w/election of Gov Young, choice of young progressive Whigs, not old wealthy ones swayed by personal interests and fears.  Nov 5 p. 2 continues this analysis, that Young by aid of most radical party in the state, known to be liberal, reforming, while the Demos adopted the Young America party but too late.  Grt mtg of artists: 150 who created the model of NY (a miniature city that has advertised a lot) are listed but I don’t recognize them.

Nov 6 p. 2 puff fr C & E of Plumbe’s, largest and finest coll of likenesses of disting men, accurate, vivid, alm as pleasing in genl effect as the best miniature ptgs.  Takes issue w/Trib’s mongrel philosophy. Nov 7, 9, 10, likes Oliver Wendell Holmes ok.  sm ad for GW Prosch $1 daguerreotypes, 179 Broadway, perfect likenesses. Nov 11 p. 2 Robinson issued capital caricature, alm as good as those of HB, representing the grt Tribunitarian philosopher dancing to orchestra of coons, animals well drwn, need more spirt of action in trombone player, add to effect.  Greeley well drawn. characteristics of order feature well preserved.  Letter fr Europe, port of the Duke by D’Orsay is in ptr’ windows, chief topic amg cognoscenti, wonderful likeness, literal, accurate, yet pregnant with character and expression.  Claudet’s daguerreotype was held to be the ne plus ultra of effigies of his grace, but this is an infinite improvement, the man as he actually lives, moves, has his being.  Full length,etc give us the orig as his countrymen wld wish to show him (eve dress, standing, garter.  D’Orsay and Claudet only ones, including Lawrence (which is faultlessly true) that obviate whistling air of niaiserie abt the mouth, notorious fr caricaturists.  unerring agency of sun and most accomplished flatterer both produced best likeness of hero of Waterloo.  More on D’Orsay, remarkable portr engr fr early sketch of Byron, bard looks unlike himself as possible, not at all romantic but vixenish, just as Count’s portrait of adult Byron in Blessington didn’t.  He’s publishing crayon series of sketches of fashionable, but not his friend Brougham, jealous of him? compares him to Sambo.

Nov 12, p. 2 at exhibs of NAD no gman allowed w/cane for fear he might destroy some of outrages on gd taste the academy obtrudes upon public notice once a yr.  Likes Mike Walsh. Inman at Comm Advert likes Willis?? Nov 13 notice of Bryant poems, illus Leutze. predicts Zachary Taylor will be next Pres.

Nov 14 p. 2 ‘beaut statuary’  sm coll statuary by young countryman HK Brown, just fr Italy, in antique rm of NAD in Soc Library, attn sight seers and connoisseurs.  Adonis, delicate masc beauty, partly finished fig of Rachel, 4 bas reliefs of Seasons, one piece for Chas M Leupp brok in passage.  consideration by lovers of FA, interest in prog of Amer art. true spirit of antique in exec, but feeling of xtian differ fr lifeless imitations mod sculptors often make fr ancient models.  quality of flesh lacks truthfulness of Powers’ unequalled heads, but imagination, purity of design, boldness, grace of expression, excels any other Amer sculptor.  characteristics are tenderness and grace fr nature of his subj and feeling impressed them. Ruth embodiment of regret, v grt beauty hi imagination, effect grtly heightened by tint of marble.  Adonis perfectly nude, alm as effeminate as antique hermapherodite.  sorry to see Mr Brown insulted moral taste of NY public and outraged Aesthetic perceptions with paper figleaf suggested by some prurient mind, hope he’ll remove it.  naked fig is legit obj of representation in art, public too refined for squeamish imputation on taste and morals.

            Plumbeotype, new style of engravings by Plumbe, no value as works of art, but interest indep of artistic beauty as inventions.

            Pro free trade.  Running a Dickens story (advertises Trippings of Tom Pepper in weekly ed).  Supports singer Leopold de Meyer. Attacks Yankee Doodle (assd with Tribune? Cornelius Mathews? C & E likes YD).  Only a very little bit on crime.

Nov 16, 17 p. 2 New Pictures at Gothic Hall, battle of Palo Alto, bombardment of Mtamoras, worth seeing gd idea of engagements, some merit as pictures, presume artist is French who has served, but told ptd on spot by Amer artist Hudson, working 2 yrs, tho events occurred last summer.  Ad p. 3, 316 Broadway, shows Genl Taylor in action, giant sized.

Nov 18, 19, 20, p. 1 Trippings Tom Pepper.  praises Godey’s as having much improved, frontispiece by Sinclair.  Columbian mag excellent, mezzo by Sadd fr Landseer, line by Dick fr Tiffany, Osgood, Inman articles et al,

Nov 21, 23, 24, 25, letter fr Robt Owen to Mirror p. 1.

            p.2 “Artistic Intelligence”: rooms of Art Union crowd looking for novelties, growing love for art, Mr Cole has two sm pictures, Old and New World, Kenilworth Castle and Lake In ca pa cho, both scnes have afforded materials for the novelist, Scott’’s Amy Robsart, and Hoffman’s romance Vigil of Faith. Mr C now engaged on mtn scenery.  Mr Durand nrl completed sm circular picture for Mr Austin of this city, Summer, one of series by four artists, Winter by Gignoux, Spring by Cropsey, Autumn by Cole.  Mr Huntington completed pict fr English history, now does Pilgrim’s Progress. M Chapman commenced another pict fr Jewish history.  M Cropsey at his rm some careful studies fr nature, also lrge pict Janetta Falls, NJ, many commissions to execute.  Mr Launitz back fr Rome, purchased two sculpts, a half size copy of Psyche fainting by Tenerani, fave pupil Thorwaldsen, and dancing fig w/cymbals by Bienaime, also a pupil of Dane.  Mr L engaged on monument afford scope for his talents.  M C Elliott sick, but pict Gov Bouck nearly finished.  Goes on and on.  Others mentioned: Matteson, GA  Baker jr, Stearn, Edwin White, WW Weekes, Wotherspoon, Paul Duggan, Wm S Mount, Shepherd Mount, Mr Cafferty (figs well drawn), TH Smith, EH May, GL Brown, Mr Talbot, JH Beard, Innes (clever), Thom Hicks, Kensett, Powell, HP Gray, (the little interest the public has had in him suggests he should change to a style more nearly allied to nature), W Ranney, CA Baker, fine eye for nature, needs to cultivate powers, McConkey, Sontag, Peale, Rossiter, why does Clonney select subjs of so low an order as Nigger Dancing? Antique school open, 25-30 students, life school open soon.


Nov 26, p. 2 Artistic Intelligence: crowd at AU rooms, eagerly looking for novelties, growing love for art. Cole has two pics of small size, old and ndw world, written about by Scott and Hoffman. Durand working for Austin of city on Summer as part of a series by four artists, Gignoux winter Cropsey spring Cole Autumn. Huntington on Pilgrim’s Progress, Chapman Jewish history, Cropsey careful studies and larg epic of Janetta Falls, Launitz purchased Tenerani and Bienaime sculptures by pupils of Thorwaldsen, CL Elliott sick Bouck, Matteson First Sabbath of the Pilgrims, GA Baker Jr pleasing Fruit Gatherer and doing a Carnival scene. Stearn’s Capture of Ticonderoga purchased by AU, researching Indians, Edwin White Preparing for Fishing and doing a pic illus scene in Tupper. WW Weekes ptd sketch fr Lear, capacity needs devt, Wotherspooon lscape at AU rms, improves, Duggan, Mount, Shepherd Mount, Cafferty at Art Union sea piece Fishermen well drawn, TH Smith, EH May pic of Cromwell signs of talent for compos, GL Brown, if nature is ssuch as B paints, she is far inferior school for study. Talbot completing set of seasons for wealthy manufacturer in Patterson, also Pilgrims Prog and Juniata River. Young Itinerant is best pic JH Beard exhib at Au rms, Innes has there a clever pic and study of clump of trees. Thomas Hicks Italia and Bacchante warmth and beauty. Kensett lscapes, Powell scene fr columbus, HP Gray fine imitations of old Italian pics. The little interest the public feels in Gray’s past and present works, indicate that a change to astyle more nearly allied to nature would tend to his benefit. W Ranney, GA Baker, sold 2 lscapes to AU fine eye for nature, McConkey 2 pics show improvement, lscapes bySontag of Cinti for sale, one at AU. Peale’s pleasing Boy catching a butterfly purchased by AI. David and Tamar by Rossiter at AU. Why does Clonney select subjs of so low an order as his Nigger Dancing, now in the AU rms. Antique school has 25-30 students.


December 1846

 2, 1846.  Wants free trade.  Artist Darley already appearing--earlier. opposes capital punishment

Dec 3, p. 2, Artistic Intelligence fr Cinti, arts and artists flourish as usual, Titian’s Venus so-called is exhibiting, but Venuses aren’t popular here, or anything classic or beaut.  When Mr Shoenbergen exhib Voyage of Life, proceeds given to orphans, they owed him $40.

Dec 4, Dec 5, 1846, p. 2 Artistic Intelligence:  Mr Chapman, NA, designed large illus for Pictorial Bro Jonathan, STa Claus.  A mezzotint by Doney fr Edmonds Facing the Enemy is in prep, A portrait of Franklin engr Sadd ptd Matteson, for subscribers to Albion.  Sadd also working on lrge engrav of Spirit of 1776 also fr Matteson

            Matteson illust Life of Putnam for Cooledge & Brother, Strather also illust for them; Wm Harvey doing Milton for Harper’s, also John Gilbert and Saml Williams and the Etching Club working for Harper’s.  New monthly mag with hi quality cuts under consideration.

7 Mike Walsh hates Cass.

Dec 8.  Loves Bryant.  Identifies Graham with Yankee Doodle. Prefers Judy, pub Burgess Stringer & Co, original humorous designs, first artists (ad). Dec 9, gives ok to Anglo-Sacsun. Dec 10, 11, p. 2 not possible as Geo Wilkes wants to build a rrd to Pacific.  “Hints to Art Union Critics”: title of essay in Amer Review last number, sufficient merit to negate dreary trash on art they’ve previously published, including half doz pages dismal nonsense ‘something abt our ptrs’.  ed should allow no article on art w/o ok of learned elegant author of this admirable essay, as editor himself wholly incompetent re merits of art criticism. 

            Author draws parallel betw the Three Haymakers of Mount, whose name isn’t mentioned, and an imaginary picture by Mieris or Teniers, which is unjust to Amer artist.  To object that his figs are not beaut rustic beings, full of jocund health, laughing rosy faces--if Mount had ptd Flemish rustics, wld have given their characteristics with same degree of fidelity as his Long Islanders, and if Teniers had lived at Stonybrook, he’d have ptd dyspeptic looking vagabonds.  merit of Mount is not that of an educated artist, in color, the clear obscure, in atmosphere, lscape and accessional parts of a pict that help fill up the ptr’s design, give agreeable impression to spectator, he is far below even mediocrity, a mere spoiler of canvas

            but nevertheless a man of genius, as a painter of national peculiarities, humorous phases of individ character, place by side of grtest artist. defects purely physical, throw away such crits.  Take him for what he is and his aims, not by works of other artists, not his fault his subjects aren’t agreeable, paints as he finds them, exquis discrim of indiv character unsurpassed.  ever so low and homely, never vulgar, as productions of genius never are.

            commend following extract to portrait ptrs, save rendering sitters hideous by attempting a smile: true objects of pictorial art, distinction betw poetical and artistical view of nature, see with diff eyes. poetic imag pcci[oes w/motion and change of things, movement, deed, revolution, but in representative art we see the fixed quality of things, Madonnas of Raphael, Antinous and Jove of Grk sculpture

Dec 12 p.2 praises Beach and Sons Pictorial Sun, eleg well exec engr approp for youth

Dec 14 p. 2 Treat for the Ladies: Stewart’s old store in Broadwya thrown open to display unparalleled coll of FA around world, by Tiffany Young & Ellis, auction, inclu some picts or an order of excellence above auction usual.  Mr Brown, The Sculptor’s Statuary, gifted, see best exhib in yrs

Dec 15 p.2 likes the Stingaree fr Mississippi.  Am Art Union: picture loving public auction the 18th, ptgs cost $10,000, by native artists, unusu rich coll, and engraving fr one of Leutze’s best.  protectionists and Native Amers shd subscribe to excellent inst. does more for dormant genius and domestic manufacture than a tariff.  get no recompense.

Dec 16 p.2 note sympathetic to Poe, despite having quarreled with him, think shd help him.  Letter to ed fr GW, re Prof Morse’s Claims as an Artist:  when admirable excellent Inman apptd to Rotunda and learned Morse was left out, he wrote Pres Van Buren offered to decline in his favor.  Inman dead, now it shd go to Morse in justice to him as an artist.

Dec 17, 18, likes Graham’s Mag (ad), pamphlet rich men of NYC worth more than a hundred thousand dollars, includes Beach of Sun, Bennett of Herald, Hale of J of Commerce. Francis Hall of Comm Adv, Girard Hallock of Jour of Commerce, SE Morse of Observer, T McElrath of Tribune.  Only authors were John L Stephens of Incidents of Travel and Gulian Verplanck, authors inherited theirs.  Only pulishers were D Appleton, Harpers more than any by a huge amt, Wiley, Huntington, Paine; also paper sellers and type makers

            calls Pictorial Sun (an advertiser)  an auxiliary of Amer AU, dissem picts, begetting love for art.  Beach suffers fr envious, but liberal, defends his banking business. notes his sympathies are for the administration party, pro free trade.  preferable to Trib’s reforms (p. 4 poem is parody of Song of the Shirt)

Dec 19 uses b’hoy and g’hal in crim column  puffs uncommonly rich collof oil ptgs recently imported Chambers st gall Granite bldgs, for auction

            ad for a diff auction same page, SM Chester coll thru Gurley on Duane st and Broadway, amateurs, artistic productions

Dec 21 p. 3 likes Bayard Taylor, in Wiley & Putnam series, tho on 19th one of his regular contributors may’ve satirized his travels, correct pleasant.

  1. 2 puffs three mile panoramic ptg of Mississippi river now in Boston, delight approbation, vastness originality, wonderful exactness minutest details. Port of Shakespeare found, best judges think it contemporary, in broker’s shop.  Grt Sale of Modenr ptgs, auction of cabinet pictures, gd copies of old masters, gd orig by modern ones, exhib hall Broadway and Church st, Tuttle and Ducluzeau

Dec 22, 23, puffs Matteson again, Tom Pepper, a Nathan Hale monument in planning, 24, 26, saw Young America at Tammany Hall.   p. 2 notices new work of art, admirable bust of Hon Philip Hone in lower rm of Mercantile Library, modeled and chiseled by Clevenger, finished by Power, one of finest busts, sat in prime bodily condition

Dec 28, 29, 30, p. 2 notices Frances Osgood’s bk thru Carey & Hart, most beaut of season, delicate subjects, also No Amer Scenery, cheap, artist E Whitefield new to us, reputation as lscape ptr

Dec 31



January—NYHS volume

2 publishing trippings of Tom Pepper. P. 3 Washington DC corresp Ze: Rossiter’s splendid ptg of Naomi Ruth and Orpan highest encomium in rotunda of Capitol, brought by Hon WW Campbell, two members of Congress were admiring it yesterday, one fr the south ptd at little boy near the ass and remarked to other fr NY “who is that little Indian boy” at same time looking thru the circle formed by the forefinger and thumb of the right hand. That replied his companion, is a Moabite. Ah, responded the southerner, I was not aware of that.

5 mocks City Items man of Trib. Thinks Whitney’s rrd scheme is ridiculous but YA shouldn’t try to break up meetings. 6 seems to like Gov Young. P. 2 letter to editor fr P, re visiting New Haven preacher at a Baptist church here condemning Art Union as gambling, desire to possess a gd pic dif fr desire to gamble, and offers Dewey’s remarks on it instead. 8 Praises Spirit of theAge, Scoville a wine importer turned temperance

12 judging fr Renwick’s churches here, won’t like his Smithsonian; shld have beena n open competition. Review TB Read’s poems creditable but too imitative of Tennyson

Jan 14  p. 2 The Vacant Panel of the Rotunda: learn fr the Express that a probability this will be given to Chas Deas, formerly of this city, now in St Louis, Benton sd to be in favor of it and he has already made a design for a pic. At least a baker’s dozen of artists who should be preferred before him, last commission of the kind the nation will have to offer, justice demands an open competition. The 3pics already there are not so superlatively gd that we can afford a bad one. Deas a young artist of decided genius and if properly instructed in the rudiments of his art, will no doubt become a great ptr, but noone can pretend to say that he is worty from what he’s done so far of such an impt commission.

            His pics have all been small and mostly low life, no evidence of execute or conceive historical composition of dignity of char and dimensions. Artists such as Page, Elliot, Huntington and Durand, gross folly to employ a young artist who has never done such an undertaking. We have not named Leutze, ranked among the best hist ptrs of the day, nor Sully, because think commission shld be given only to a pure Am, one born and educ in country. Invite artists to send cartoons of the size of the panel, and aproper commission to select. Express names Mount as an artist willing to accept the commission, but writer of article must have a strange idea of what is required in a hist pic to think that an artist of his powers wld be competent. Entertain highest respect for Mount as an artist, one of the most original ptrs that the country has produced, but his genius not of the kind required in such a work as shld be placed in the rotunda.

15 at war with Willis in Home J over divorce case. 16 Express parodies Mirror’s remarks; Subterranean gets feelings toward Walsh wrong 19 notices Merc Lib election, London Art Union Mag wonderful, Notices anatomical mus, 20 loves Duyckinck and praises Lit World idea, Sadd in Columbian is inimitable

25 newspapers ought to give the names of their regular critics

February 1847

1 loves Emerson. 2 Richard Grant White, writer of music crit for (me: nativist) Gazette & Times, has left to edit Yankee Doodle—seems contemptuous of White. 8 notices Century Club, Durand and Chapman the two founding artists, Verplanck and Stephens the authors, Sturgis and Seymour the amateurs

12 New Pics: at rms of AU, Greek Lovers by Gray for a liberal patron, the best ptg of his we’ve seen, easy position, drapery fine effect, color pure and harmonious. Background looks like a sky cut out of one of Poussin’s worst pics. No necessity for our artists to go all the way to Italy to copy the unnatural skies of the old masters, when we have such brilliant skies at home. Other accessories are in gd keeping and fine taste. If Gray wld paint more fr himself and less fr his recollections of Titian, sufficient natural power to produce much better.

            Elliott ports remarkable for color and drwg, first in this city, characteristic grace without destroying individ peculiarities elevates them alm into region of imag and history. His hasty ports are among his best. Genl manner v similar to Inman’s and has now a port of that lamented artist on his easel so exactly in the style of color peculiar to Inman that few cld distinguish it. Recent port of David Austen noticed in Knick, which says it’s one of best ever in this country, color magical, nature itself, pinnacle of port.

Really dislikes Yankee Doodle.

Feb 14 p. 2 Corresp fr Paris, Something about Art in France, Doughty has a raffle every fortnight, hopes to sell an autumnal scene to the king, Catlin has been sponging Louis Philippe  with some abominations, and a series illus La Salle, in hopes he will buy them.

            Artists’ benefit with modern pics, some finest works, Delaroche marvellosuly beaut Jane Gray, truthful, tho critics thought it lacked strength. Descamps v pop genl tone is of soft soap, ptd with a certain vigor but look like wild work of a maniac. Vernet, Robert. Admire Diaz v muchbest colorist living, cavinet pics. The modern worship of the old masters is a humbug, a great joke practised by picture dealers, day will come when Louvre gallery will be considered a mere collection of damaged curiosities. This age has surpassed all others in art.

            Persico here strong in hopes of getting govt to patronize him, has settled here for life.

Feb 16 Artistic Intelligence:

            Rms of Art Union, Gray’s Greek Lovers lent by AM Cozzens. Ranney novel and striking subj, eagle defending young, Janetta Falls pleasing transcript fr nature, vigorously handled, full of truth, purchased for distrib. Innes lscape improving, foliage in this and Cropsey’s might serve as studies for older artists. Seasons by Gignoux to Paris with E Dechaux their owner, Spring is effective. Clonney’s two pics won’t rank with the Militia Training ptd by him some yrs ago.

            Bust of Tragic Muse by Crawford at Launitzs, HK Brown v char bust of Bryant, bas relief in progress. TH Matteson study familiar life, The Point of Doctrine, acquiring material for elab hist Inauguration of Washington. GA Baker jr Carnival scene promises powerful color, efectively harmoniously arranged. Cropsey, Church much progress, hope he will get a better place in the exhib. JHCafferty port of Fashion the racer and nearly finished pleasing Broadway Vender. JC Simpson, White’s Ages Reverie, Kneeland model of equestrian statue.

17 trial for libel agst Poe, brought by Thom Dunn English—who published a card in the Mirror agst Poe maybe; Poe won

18 Greeley endorsed notes for True Sun, why they hate him

March 1847

1 happy Demo Rev now favors Intl Copyright, didn’t under O’Sullivan. 3 missing

6 The Vacant Panel: Among last acts of Congress and the most disgraceful in a small way was giving a commission to Powell to paint a pic for the Rotunda of the Cap. By what influences Congress induced to entrust so impt a work to an artist never given indic of first qualifications for such an undertaking, we don’t know, bu tit has the appearance of being a piece of politicial job-work. Consolations that Powell’s pic won’t injure the others in the rotunda, by being placed in comparison, as the work of some other artists would surely have done, and the panel will still be vacant enough even after his pic shall be placed in it. Huntington, Durand, Page, Elliott, Sully, Morse, Gray and host of young men, to throw away ten thous of public money in commissioning a ptr like Powell to produce a national pic is disgraceful to those who had a hand in doing it. No wish to underrate Powell’s abilities, but at least 20 men superior to him, nobody that has any knowl of art will pretend to deny. Can’t be expected Congress shld know much abt art or artists, ought not take upon themselves the selection, ought to invite designs and appoint acommittee, democratic and honorable. But here we job everything—from a picture to a Major General; nothing goes by merit, but everything by favor.

1847 March 9 p. 1 essay on Club Snobs. P. 2 Artistic Intelligence: NAD getting ready, and pics will likely be hung as heretofore, not on their individ merits, but on order of academy precedence, as in accordance with previous practice. After private view day, daily journals will say exhib excels all previous, academy advances art and public taste. Notice now Peele’s Children of the Country, 4 x 5 ft, powerfully ptd, pleasing treatment, handles nature with truth which alone is beauty, contrasts favorably with the mannerisms of style and subjects such as The Immortality of the Soul etc. Durand like wine improves as age increases.

            Cropsey Housatonic et al full of minute and circumstantial detail, made subservient to pictorial effect, fine gradation without tree lscape ptrs alw plant at one corner of their canvas. Huntington Lady Jane Gray; since he ptd Mercy’s Dream he has been forsaking nature, and is now in danger of confirmed mannerism. Gray’s pic has a little more of nature visible in it. Church Pilgrim’s Prog, Wotherspoon pleasing, Elliott fine Bouck, Stearns Mrs Dustan, White’s Age’s reverie full of pleasing subj and treatment, Shumway minis most pleasing is White. Duggan v elevated design. Matteson’s Frist Sabbath, and his Last of the Race at engraver.

            GA Baker jr pleasing mother and child, Charles Baker pleasing lscape, Glass Cromwell, Gigmoux.

            At Art Unionsketches by Weir and Innes, latter beech tree with more literal accuracy than recently met, numerosuly as beeches are ptd. Ranney’s GW on his Mission exhibits skill in manipulation, but no drwg or anatomy. Cranch perceives nature finely, needs practice. Beard Last of the Race. Mooney port of Cropsey will make fine char head of it

15 personally and politically opposed to Polk. Re Hutchinsons, C&E crit them as entertainng only to those who are thoughtless, abolitionists, and find pleasure in displays of human imbecility. Mirror says merits of Hutchinsons be what they may, they are unquestionably the most pop singers ever appeared, indicates condition of pop taste in music, just as the admiration bestowed on a certain class of ptgs, and upon our Gothic churches, shows the state of the pop taste in other depts of art.

March 16 Artistic Intelligence: Mattesons’s First Sabbath purchased by AU; large lscape by Handl in AU, extremes of hot and cold colors lavishly used, much in want of support fr intermediate grays to give harmony unity of effect, instance of change fr use of nonhomogenous colors may be scene in little pic of scene fr Irving by late H Inman.

            Ladd’s engr of Spirit of 76 almost done. Launitz’s statue of Bienaime’s nymph bought by James Phalen.

            Boutelle’s 3 pieces compared with his late works show a change of style fr the secondhand imitation of one artist’s labors, to an eclectic manner, which embraces the peculiarities of three diff artists, with the addition of some nature, the fruits of personal study.

            Birch, Hamilton marines, foregrd artificial, distance crude, rocks are libeled as a doughy texture, some water hapily ptd.

            AU purchased Stearns’ attack on Dustan fam.

            Cinti AU active. Tw Whitley, Fourierite etc of NY has started an opposition to the association, aim to improve social org by evening conversations and drwg school subscribers for $20 can send a scholar etc. Tw Whitridge, most promising and truth ptg lscape artist there, a view of Cinti. Frankenstein sent a lscape for NA Sontag ptg lscapes, WP Brannan sent port of Thomas D Jones sculpt.

17 praises Ackerman’s sign ptg

18 Days of monuments are passed, shold spend money on making sure everyone has adequate housing

Mocks the Express and C& E for idiotic positions on slavery.

24 mixed review of Griswold’s prose writers.

26 Artistic Intelligence: Mount and power of music purchased by Leupp; Elliott and Bouck; wish Weir was more active, Cropsey truthful artistically elevated, CS Gaylord, Deas, Rothermel, Cole fr Leupp coll masterly, Huntington, T McElrath has purchased Mount’s Ramblers, Powers Fisher boy. Recommends NAD amdit working class for a penny

30 Report on AU Affairs: excellent institution, successful. Indiscriminate outlay of money among artists would prob do as much harm as gd. It might benefit individuals, but it would injure Art. To foist the productions of feeble artists on the community, works which mislead the taste and impart no pleasure to educated minds, wld be a serious injury to Art. The purchases of ostentatious and vulgar millionaires can do no real mischief, thei r patronage is confined to individs of their own level, and the influ of their bad taste isconfined to their own ltd spheres. But AU acts in name of whole people, and scattered across Union, public fund, no pic shld ever be purchased which is not a work of positive merit, but above all it shld be grammatically correct, and pure in its sentiments. Incorrect drwg and untruthful feeling shld never be found. These are not matters of taste, they are positive qualities. AU generally with discrimination, reflect credit on taste and impartiality of managers, but in some instances have paid for names rather than works, and influenced by respect for ptrs rather than ptgs. But as a whole entitled to public confidence.Purchased from 65 artists.

            Subscribers may be unsatisfied with engr of Leutze’s Columbus by Schoff, who took 3 years on it at $35 a month, before man who drew pic demanded at pains of lawsuit that it be sent, so it remains half finished, and they should not have sacrificed public interest and resigned it. The replacement offer of Bingham and Huntington are like substituting two GPR James novels for one of Scott’s. Ought to at least have a copy made for the engraver, and should find a new engraver. It would have a healthy influence on cause of art, engravings heretofore not of a hi char, subjects not elevated in sentiment or feebly handled, but Landing of Columbus calculated to do gd among our people, pervaded with lofty sentiment and great hist interest, exec of highest order. Better than any issued by London AU.

31 Brooklyn corresp notes Herring ports and Frothingham

April 1847

1 p. 2 likes Upjohn’s monument to Lawrence at Trinity better than the Church. Vanderlyn’s Columbus: corresp of J of Commerce rejoices Vanderlyn improving his pcic in Capitol, says sea will be made more transp and ship in more approp place. We know of but one place more approp for the ship than the sea, and this is some place where it will not be seen. Incredulous as to his success in giving greater transparency to his water, having seen some of the productions of the artist whom he employed to do that job for him. But there’s a good time coming for Vanderlyn’s pic, as well as for everything else, and when Powell’s ptg is put up in the Rotunda, the landing of Columbus will doubtless appear a hundred percent better fr the effect of contrast.

            Artistic Criticism: Marg Fuller of Trib and another NY editrice are in Paris, writing bad crit, as on modern school of Fr ptrs, oracular manner, “full of talent and vigor, but also melodramatic and exaggerated to a degree that seems to give the nightmare passage thru the fresh and cheerful day. They sound no depth of soul and are marked with the signet of a degenerate age>”

2 p.2 Thoughts suggested by Viewing Brown’s statue of Rebecca, by Miss NC. For Eve Mirror, raises ambitions as to what women’s hands can do (for Eve Mirror)

3 Fine Arts: Exhib of Rossiter’s Ruth: in competition with NAD, like Haydon versus Tom Thumb, can’t resist current of popular favor which seeks the greater attraction. Don't remember a ptg where artist has done tolerable justice to subject and Rossiter’s is no exception.It is larger and more theatrical, but his group does not tell the story, the motives of the principals. Ruth is best, lovely, several shadeslighter complexion so hardly seems to belong to the pic, evidently a diff kind of being. Those familiar with the artist’s peculiarities of coloring will know what to expect and won’t be disappointed. Gives artist’s description, says it’s prob all artist intended (sentiment of loth to leave home).

            Page just  finished same subject, great injustice to send it to England rather than here, like sending breadstuffs out of Ireland when people are starving. Need excellent productions here to teach people what is excellent.

6 critical of Young re anti-renters. Notes Evening Post is noticing some of the prominent pics in Exhib of NA, has following remarks on Page’s port of Wm W Story (had reviewed his book really well), “another remarkable portrait” head of a young man in black beard, like heads by great old ptrs, tho Page no imitator, mastepriece of its kind, without affectation. Page ought not to waste talents on capricous experiments in coloring. Mirror says at a loss what that last means, when an Artist can show a pic like this as the result of his experiments, sounds oddly for one who can appreciate its hi merits, to talk of artist having wasted his great talents. Page a wholly self taught artist, has made his own discoveries in color, and if sometimes failed to produce the amed for effect, failures evidences of his orig and power, not of feebleness and imitation. Fashionable among artists to talk of Page’s experiments, as tho he were nothing more.

            Volume of NYHS ends there.


May 1 1847 NYPL microfilm

  1. 2 supports having Metropolitan Opera House, combined with a theater. Brooklyn Affairs: We paid a flying visit to the NA and among many excellent works saw a port of Rev M Thayer of Brooklyn, eminent and popular preacher, whom the limner has sketched w/o spectacles, an adjunct insep from him on all occasions, pub and private. artist has made a great mistake, renders painting, so far as it is itended to be characteristic of the orig, entirely valueless

May 3 p.2 attacks the Trib for favoring too much government, never supporting right of indiv to greater liberty except for slaves. Fine Arts: ptg on exhib at Looking Glass estab of Wms & Stevens in Broadway, ptd by one of the Frankensteins of Cinti, which editor of Post says bears a strong resemblance in color and beauty to the ptg of Rubens, a ep of Christ crowned with thorns, certainly displays  a considerable degree of vigorous ability in the artist. head of our Savior is simply a handsome young man with Grecian features, expressive of passive indifference, other heads in excited crowd much better done. Ptg is of that char which does not clearly mark the genius of the artist, so much of imitation and recollection of other pics that we are unable to form anopinion of the author’s powers. certainly evinces considerable dexterity and a good eye for color.

            also excerpts fr Eve Post a scrap on a new American sculptor, a law student at Utica, Edw C Clute, produced an excellent likeness without any previous study

4 now doing Dickens’ Dombey. p. 2 Promotes the American Literary Gazette and New York Mirror, ed JB Auld, EA Duyckinck, CF Briggs and HC Watson. Will be managed by Lit World’s first editor, while musical and artistic crit supplied by pens of present Mirror.

            -criticial of the Home Journal, publishes letter from Mary Howitt to Bayard Taylor, who in turn are very critical of Saunders and the People’s Journal

May 5 p. 2 gives a letter from Haydon the painter about the Quakers. critical of the Common Council reducing the payment for the full length portrait of the Governor and bust of the Mayor, formerly 1000 and 500, no w cut in half. Common Council of same political party, so just saving money, but won’t get a painting that would deserve a place in the city hall. Elliott rec’d a thousand for his port of Gov Bouck, and ptr of Gov Wright should be paid as much, artists should have sufficient self respect to resist

May 6, 7 p. 2 seems to have a critique of Mrs Bennet in the Brooklyn Affairs column, don’t know why those who have charge of the Herald publish such ridiculous twaddle and unseemly gossip

8 Auld used to write for Arcturus. Daily Brooklyn column.

May 10 1847 Exhib of NAD 3rd Notice p. 2. also critical of the Sunday Dispatch, editor should have been a minister, thinks war is the law of nature. Notes that a wiseacre who has written brief notices of the exhib in the Commercial Advertiser intimates that our own remarks have been slashing and unreliable because of error in review of Rothermel, which we’d acknowledged in our second notice. At end also attacks fine arts critic of Lit World who assumes we accused him of dishonesty, we only distrusted the correctness of his judgment from his acknowledged inadvertence.

            puffs Plumbe.

11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20,

21 p.2 loves Melville Omoo and Typhee, impartial, accurate, right about missionaries. Fine Arts Intelligence: Page, copying his great pic of Ruth. Elliot doing Halleck, Forrest and Miss Sedgwick. Powers’ Grk Slave shipped. Deas disting for his scenes in wild border life of So West.  22, 24, 25,

26 p.2 Artistic Intelligence: Sully commissions of Polk and Mason for Chapel Hill lit societies; Inness at Coually’s frame store in Chambers st small lscape v decided improvement, forms correctly made out, color silvery sweet tone, touch careful.  Cropsey to Euro with commissions inclu 2 for AU, NAD won’t show prev exhib works.Chas Burt Scottish engraver of Raleigh great merit. JW Glass another Cromwell subj, Matteson doing Last of the Races, Durand Indians Vespers now at AU has mannerism of his present works in exhib, huge objects in foregrd and dwarfish objs in mid and distance; foliage of diff trunks much the same in form; one end of pic flooded by strong sunlight, other v dense and flat, water as regular in curvature of waves as a carver with a chisel would make it, fig of Indian lacks bulk, as it gives name to pic, should have been of more imp. 27, 28, 29 p. 1 Letter from Corresp in Durope, p.1 visited artists studios, including p. 2 Gibson and Italians, Crawford lots of praise graceful beautiful novel etc; Freeman a modern Madonna, hicks and Terry.

31 p.2 The Am Art Union: new bldg, expenses born by generous members of Board of Directors as a loan on income of assoc, will have ample room for what city has long needed, gallery open whole year. Excellent scheme, business affairs managed with praiseworthy skill and prudence, wish as much could be said for prudence and taste in selections of ptgs. A v consid proportion of works must of course be poor and commonplace because but few gd pics, but when opp of procuring gd pics by artists of reputation, and instead select bad productions of ordinary ptrs, inflict a double wrong on the cause. By a pref to bad pics over gd ones, create a false taste among people, disgust true patrons, destrony incentive to artists, and nurse mediocrity while depressing real genius. Friend of art look at pics in NAD purchased by AU and compare with those have refused, would despair. Reward mediocrity, pd $150 for uneduc boy no persp, no educ person cld hang in a parlor, not one single pt of merit. Eve Post waggish remarks more effect as editor long connected with AU. And yet they neglected transcendant excellence as Mother and Child by Page? Prefer principle of Phila AU let winners select own pics, Leutze for engraving


June 1847 NYPL mfilm

1 praises Lewis Clark, NY native, Knick. 2,3,4 praises Modern Painters 5, 7, 8 critical of Rufus Griswold and his poets anthology 9 praises Headley and the Free Academy (J of Commerce opposes)

10 p. 2 Artistic Intelligence, At AU new pics, one of most striking by WJ Hubbard fr Scott, Jeanie Deans, many beauties of exec but wants unity or tone, colors too rigidly local. Print of AU creditable to engraver. Edwin White on one of his best compositions, Artist and his Pupil. JW Glass improves with Cromwell and his daughter, bought by James Phalen. JT Peele pathetic pic, TA Richards advances in color andin touch, as expr of indiv Char, Cole doing the poetical elevated, at Cinti AU thronged, JH Beard and McConkey, Whitridge there. Rumor says Powell is not American, family lives in Cinti but commission given to him solely being a western man. Launitz on a novel monument. Stearns Escape of Mr Dustan a sequel to Attack now in NA. Matteson illus for Kirkland’s mag. 11 p. 1 excerpts from Modern Painters to show that Turner is a poor artist, not grounded in first principles 12, 14, Lit World says Powers has a Porcupine on exhib in Phila, don’t believe even he could do it

15 p.2 Isaiah and Infant Savior, Cinti papers say Frankenstein’s beaut ptg Christ mocked is now in AAU, has completed another, conception of hi daring and poetic truth. Critic of Cinti Atlas, poet Gallagher, says his wonderful power of coloring rivals Rubens tho hasn’t seen his pics, expression and handling in hi keeping, noble ideal of entire conception, sublime; Gazette is equally warm, great spiritual unity. Will be in AU soon. Small Potatoes: Critical of Brooklyn Advertiser, for complaining about ultra natives among soi disant patrons of fine arts outcry agst Powell on account of being born in Wales. Before known, same papers praised, crit now is intolerance and antiAmerican illiberality ought to receive disapproation. Genius and talent’s country is whole globe. Mirror says act of Congress requires Americans, so Sully not given a panel, nor Leutze, and it was Powell’s friends appealing to western pride that members of Congress voted for him. Not unexceiptionable, choice universally ridiculed as nearly the worst that could have been made. Not one quality that recommends him for this. Our natl pics shld be ptd by nat artists, at least while they are superior to the foreign ones among us.   Am Lit Gaz advertises.

16, 17 p.2 The Fine Arts reviews Burt’s new engraving for Am AU of Leutze’s Raleigh. much superior to last two engravings by AU of London, subj more elevated and treated better than their artists, inferior in sentiment and feeling. Former engravings of AAU not elevated standard of Am art, low in thought, artistic merit, or badly engraved. But this is exactly adapted to wants of AAU, too bad one for 1847 won’t be worthy. AAU new list of purchased ptgs, some are not of v hi char but probably didn’t cost much, as a whole is creditable to art and taste, fr 42 diff artists. Could extend patronage even farther.  18, 19, 21 praises Unitarian Xtian Enquirer 22, 23 puffs Bleecker’s auction of Jos Bonaparte’s mansion and collection, Plumbe’s. 24 ,

25 p. 2 Washington monument: Americans are an anti-monument people, NY does not have one, compares it to British chessboard, then lists in US statues of GW in capitols, Baltimore, and huge figure of a naked warrior, inscribed with name of Horatius Greenough which is said to have been intended as a monumental statue of GW. While US can boast of greatest sculptor since Phidias, no sculpture, while national money lavished on an Italian stone cutter for images of marble which disgrace our national Capitol, and Powers is expatriate. Legislators waste money paying Chapmans and Powells and Persico, wanton neglect of native genius, some town etc shld commission him to execute a statue to honor great men, NY shld do Clinton Jay and Hamilton. City that employs such architects as constructor of Bowling Green ftn (has sd nasty things about him before) can hardly be expected to advance art. But private money now subscribed, prize, hope won’t decided until public gives popular feeling. Urban monument shld be expressive and ornamental rather than imposing in its dimensions, tho people feel majesty depends on magnitude rather than proportions and expressions and everything will be sacrificed to mere dimensional greatness. Hope won’t countenance Gothic, or that unites it with utilitarian function.  

26 missing 28 (Mirror is publishing the Am Lit Gaz) gives prices from Bleecker sale, a Rubens lion ptg sold most, Raphael next, David’s Nap crossing the alps didn’t make the minimum bid so sent back to Euro, David not esteemd so micj as in past 29, 30 NAD closing, better attendance and receipts, too bad not open on the holiday. donating proceeds for one day to Wash Mon.


July 1847 NY Mfilm—Hoffman editor since May

1, 2 p.2 “A Truth but Not a Truism, agree with Tribune’s well considered and well written notice of Elliot’s ports in NA exhib, critic said only repeat trite trusim calling port ptg highest art. Not trite, everyone denies it, only greatest discover this truth, including Ruskin and Hazlitt. But modern school of English artists and critics and our own, who try to reflect them, act on principles directly contrary. 1st thing our fine arts crits do on extering an exhib is lament presence of ports, sigh for “high art.” our soi disant connoisseurs carry their opposition so far that AAU exclude ports. They purchase and ehib dismal attempts of Shegogue at picture-making, but not portraits.


3 p.2 Lit World makes following remarks in letter in last AU Mag on Am artists: Huntington, whose rep is v high here, this forestalling public opinion in a strange land, and booking him so low as to set aside the position he has won, is certainly most improper. Crit might have spoken more severely if in so doing had recognized his popular esteem, and made his crit his own individ appreciation. What Lit World says should do is what critic did do, scredited Huntington’s popularity and higher talents than his works indicated, but own opinion that low standard of crit among people had confirmed artist in a bad habit. Critic says he is prolific, showy and commonplace but subjects well adapted to level of pop tastes, and ready sale. Coloring meretricious, drwg often incorrect, but compositions character please a half formed taste, and faults result of carelessness, due to low standard of crit not capacity. 3 hist ptgs in exhib, Pilgrim’s Prog, Lady Jane Gray, Old Man Reading fr Bible, no way remarkable for their excellence. Just what Lit World says to do. 6, 7 suggest muzzling hogs like dogs 8 p. 2 C is the correspondent in London, hasn’t seen Cropsey but Page’s painting getting lauded. Poe is sueing Fuller? 9 , 10 , 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,  Wash mon designs are on exhibition  17, 19,

20 p.2 Knick has alw defended intl copyright, letter in Douglas Jerrold’s mag lies. Wash Mon Competition: little interest among architects, only 6 designs, paucity of invention. Calvin Pollard a Gothic tower, J Coleman Hart a Gothic tower and a Corinthian column with statue on top, John Forsyth a Gothic Tower, DH Arnot a Gothic tower, John F Seaman a Roman fasces 300 feet hi, Minard Lefevre an Egyptian column. Cant believe anyone this side of Bloomingdale will think of a Gothic tower as a monument to GW, too preposterous to be laughed at, insane. Nor are designs feasible in time or money; don't expect Am architects to invent new order of architecture, but shouldn’t go to Gothic. Lefevre good deal of credit for Egyptian style, essentially monumental, seems impropriety in erecting it for memory of GW, more suitable than ecclesisastical tower, adapts universally recognized monumental style, not mere copy of others, no human invention so forccibly expresses ponderous idea of endurance. May be most suitable til something better shall be invented.

21 Am Review spiteful and gross in reviewing Melville 22,

23 M Lafever letter on Wash Mon designs, all the artists who sent in designs are respectable, but not eminent, no submissions fr French, Diaper, Mountain, Upjohn and Macvickar. Cit Courier and Enquirer in agreement that Gothic is unacceptable however excellent or beautiful, tho appropriate for Scott. C&E says of Lafever’s Egyptian that style lacks the beautiful, absence is their strongest national characteristic, grand gloomy and peculiar instead, Mirror says this is strange, they strove after it, all forms were eminently beaut, ornaments were types of most beaut forms in nature, simple and sublime, might copy grandur and simpolicity without imitating rudeness.

24 reprint Tuckerman on Leslie fr Lit World

26 p.2 NY Observer a soi disant religious paper, Morse the senior editor is wrong about copyright. Hart letter to editor re his Wash Mon design, must have been penned by a disinterested person whose malicious ideas corruptly originated with others, sole object being destruction of real merit to support own architectural incompetency. My Column can be constructed, statue 80 feet hi with stairs inside, just as Pompey’s was done. Editor says it’s still impossible.  Am Inst advertising 

27 Managers of Wash Mon decided agst all 7 designs and will try again 28, 29 missing, 30, 31 incomplete


August 1847, NYPL mfilm

2 late Wm Dumlap hist ptgs will exhib at Minerva rms 3, 4 p. 2 Artistic Intelligence: Richards, Matteson studies for American pictures., Cole full of truth and nature,View on Genesee, commission for Cinti AU, Elliot being engr his port of Halleck for Appletons edition, also illustrated by Durand, Edmonds, Chapman (his drawing book in another edition) Beard etc. Witherspoon, Gignoux and an amateur traveling, his Scene in Catskills bought by AU. Inness recent work at AU marked improvement. CS Gaylord. White doing ports and lscape studies, Artist and his Pupil. Glass, JB Stearns and Geo Harvey to England. Edw H May scene fr Scott, The Breakfast in the Aubergs, bought by AU. May Paul Duggan, Church’s Charter Oak bought by AU and two others in their gallery. Huntington, Halpin illus Simms poem, Cinti AU will do no engraving, have bought from Powell the vacant panel ptr, his Italian Shepherd Boy for $175, and several from Mrs Spencer at nearly the same prices, exhib shows well and is much talked about. Durand and Whitridge also commisseioned, Ridner the secty in NYC. In Rome, Crawford, Hicks, Cranch, Freeman, Terry and Fisher; Kensett Powers Brown elsewhere. Cropsey in England. 

5 p.2 London correspondent knows Cropsey, R compares London to NAD exhibitions, was disappointed with RA, some pics beneath contempt, and as in our own exhibs, the worst ptgs are from academicians, among them a battlepiece by Ward, which everybody laughs at supposing it bto be a burlesque. No port ptrs equal to two or three of ours, Page has not an equal living esp as a colorist, Elliot Huntington and poor Inman have ptd better ports than any in this exhib. In lscape they do better, exquis feeling for  little bits of blue distance, sunny banks, shady lanes, are homely quiet and pretty, they have no idea of grandeur in scenery. Struck with divisions and subdivisions of labor in this branch, Stanfield everlasting sea views, others with interiors, Gothic, greens etc. Turner stands alone, his best works are like dreams, and his later ones like insane daubs. His chief pic this yearis curious, a halo of bright reds and eyllows with dim spectre in centre, shadows of wheels, and a woman tending heap of bright green cabbages in the foregrd. Some of his are truly beaut, entitle him the greatest lscape ptr, Claude looks mean by the side of some of his best, but they are all falling into decay, next generation will only know him by name. Stanfield really great, bold orig tender full of sentiment, Pyne paints well, but not a finely ptd tree in whole, none approach Durand in this line, and as a genl ptr Cole surpasses all. In hist subjects they are our superior, we have no Maclise, Mulready; Leslie not as well as he used to. Landseer highest admiration, wonderful, guided by some supernatural power. Engravers have improved many English ptgs.

6 p. 2 very crit of Atwood’s port of Genl Taylor, despite certificates testifying to its vraisemblance, see nothing that reflects his character and no merit as a work of art; where the coloring is false and drawing bad, imposs to know what parts are exaggerations or in what the resemblance consists. merest caricature if conveys a striking idea of a man’s peculiarities enables one to form an opinion of the orig, as grotesques in Punch give idea of features of Wellington, but a badly drawn port that is not a caricature leaves you at a loss to the orig, can’t know how to make allowances for distortions and false colors.  But if  it has a resemblance, all others published are entirely false, and letters equally untrue. Protuberant under lip, square firm chin, short neck and white hair are all wanting. Only one feature in common with lithos in shop windows, the nose. Better to have done a daguerrean ports, more valuable than acres of ptd ports like that on exhib, or a good Crayon drwg better than a badly ptd full length. Genl McNeil says exact likeness, and to those who have seen the orig it may appear familiar, but notwithstanding conveys an impression entirely erroneous to those who have never seen him.

Courrier des Etats Unis, C & E, and Herald conspire to attack Mdme Bishop 

7 critical of Am Rev as feeble in its conservativeness. Trib not free trade. 9, 10 the musical editor “private gentleman” at C&E (RG White?) was the editor of Yankee Doodle before Cornelius Mathews p.3 M, a director of the first Wash Mon Assoc, writes in suggesting that utility be combined with ornament, recommends an observatory with near it a pedestrian or equestrian statue, with veterans staffing the building and garden. If instead a pillar of two hundred to five hundred feet is adopted, suggest put it in the Park with light to give light in the night to all around. 11 Marvel letters in C&E are gross, vulgar, attacks on women. Likes Sunday Courier, Wm Chase Barney and Watson pub 31 Ann st, Independent Whig opposes Taylor as Pres. Trib andC&E down on Yankee Doodle, didn’t used to. Merc Lib advertises. 12 p.2 The Sunday Age also joining attack on Mdme Bishop, Am Rev notices Modern Ptgs, wrong to think Turner is not a good colorist. Noah opposing Taylor as a military chief. 14 p. 2 Artistic Intelligence Wm Ranney at AU  rms, Peele, Elliot, Cole for AU Home in the Woods is attractive and full of truth, Page. 16 Admires Geo Sand 18, 19, 20 celeb ptg Christ healing the sick. 21,

23 p.2 Turner’s landscapes, continuing our promised remarks, don’t aspire to be consid as criticism, only information, many who haven’t seen have read Modern Ptrs and must be curious about artist with such opposite opinions about, some lauding others decrying as unintelligible absurdities.

In front of a later lscape, one of those controversial, first imp is extreme bewilderment, seems unfinished sketch, loads of brilliant color thrown on canvas, with more than ordinary brush, of top and bottom can make a great deal, upper sky with delicate clouds most truthfully given and water wonderful, but nothing else clearly distinguished, and not unfreq sky obscured by mist rain or snow and not much water elsewhere, nothing at all may be undistinguishable. Upside down anecdote. but go across room, just to distance where you would not be able to appreciate any other pic of the size, and obscure foregrd and distances develop themselves in strange way, spectral ship among icebergs and whales, galley tinged with sunset, hill looms through sun and rain and a locomotive at full speed. Sometimes even distance fails and obscurity remains. Claude and old lscape ptrs the reverse of all this, nearer you look more beauties strike you, distance has bad effect. Now which is the theory for a lscape of ordinary size, for a drawing room of any gman, ought bear close inspection? Turner not careless and inaccurate despite rough look. Work of art may impress either by giving us idea of much expenditure of time and care, or by a great effect with small means, as Ruskin points out comparing Rubens and Berghems. Turner a student of nature. Old Masters show nature in repose, while Turner’s most characteristic pics catch transient and evanescent phases. Explains some of his phenomena and vindicates fr unnatural coloring, scarlet grass—in peculiar lights grass does look red. Tries to represent aspects of nature no others attempt, better to give ordinary effect well or extraordinary one imperfectly? Can’t find a good standard to compare Turner to old masters Modern Painters written with gorgeous brilliancy rivals ptgs.

24, 25 missing, 26 p.2 notices young native artist L Brown’s port of Mdme Bishop; Powers Greek Slave (advertises) opens tomorrow, transcendent merits, Nat Govt turns back on men of genius, perhaps as well doesn’t have power or will to reward artists, for in little it has done, intrigue and corruption have diverted the public money fr deserving ment o mere apprentices and charlatans. Better to exhib works to public, get support fr people directly. No princes to purchase, only by pop exhibs people can become patrons of art.Copy fo one exhib in London last year, critics of press there unanimous in praise of it, finest since Phidias univerally agreed. Had extrav expectations of its beauty fr his other busts, majestic reality, nto one of those fine works that completely satisfies longing for truth and beauty, but overtops all previous conceptions of excellence in art,fills you with sense of its purity, sweetness and grandeur. Has been spoken of as nude, but so clothed with chastity of truth and innocence that we wonder thoughts of nudity occur. Faultless, must be visited again and again to be crit as a work of art.

27 lots of coverage of Newport fancy ball  28 missing. 30 death of Silas Wright, now his merits apprciated. 31 Love in the Bowery by a b’hoy


September 1847 NYPL mfilm

1, 2 p.2 Trib says of Delta’s remarks on Atwoods port of Genl Taylor: until Mirror brings better evidence, opinion is likeness not so bad, tho pic not by a Nat Academician. Not our fault if Trib can’t disting betw a distorted daub and a tolerably correct ptg; pic conveys no idea of the subj. The wheel of the gun carriage sufficient to enable one to forma correct opinion of whole performance. Don’t know that additional splendor would derive fr being ptd by a National Academician, splendor some of them would have given it would not have been perceptible at all. Bad as Atwood’s port is, much better than many annually exhib by Nat Acad.

3 Police Gazette ok. dig at Matzell. Subject for  National Picture: powell just returned from West with cartoon for great national pic for vacant panel of capitol, subj not yet transpired, prob the landing of Madoc the Welsh disover of this continent, or a composition representing that illustrious adventurer instructing the aborigines of the soil, in the  act of cooking a Welsh rabbit, if not, recommend as suitable the landing of Paredes at Vera Cruz, or entrance f Santa Anna into Mexico with Mr Polk’s pass. strictly national, as like the pic itself they are likely to cost the nationa  good deal of money, but peculiarly grateful to Polk as commemorating the two principal events of his reign. 6 Am Inst Fair advert heavily. 7 recommend drwg and ptg school of Signor Carlyo, advert, eminently qualified. (ad is on first page, it is Calyo, gov Wright’s portrait at Plumbe’s is excellent. Contemptible economy of Common Council aftersquandering larger amount of public money for useless purposes gave $500 for a full length for city hall, if by the Whigs, would have been an insult, but by Demos, parsimony. Paid $1250 for Van Buren, and no Gov less than $1000, no artist worthy of a port for City Hall would consent to less. Fear nothing was done, fine head of Wrght would add dignity to no very exalted collection. Much difficulty experienced in making choice of an artist, Gov himself has privilege, but Corporation shld select artist before Gov leaves office. Before Whigs leave office shld commission. 8, 9 p. 1 essay on Greenwood cemetery for EM. p. 2 puffs Powers Greek Slave, Page’s hist ptg of Ruth and Naomi of equal excellence, both wthout equals. Weekly Mirror promises gossip of art and literature. 11 Wm Chase Barney’s new paper the Monitor 102 Nassau whiggish in politics, gmanly, good foreign correspondence. London Art Union mag good. Merc Lib Assoc removes illustrations from periodicals,to prevent their being stolen, but better that than kept away. Many periodicals valuable only on account of their illus, and some as the Art Union cannot be read without them. Sept 13 missing, 14 p.2 Artistic IntelligenceWhitredge lscape at Ridner’s (who sells London Art Union), and is honorary secy for Western AU). Mount’s Novice will be shown in Art Union room soons, Stearns at work in Paris, Cropsey doing Art Union lscapes, identifies Ruskin as an amateur painter, also mentions Peere, White, Cole Durand, Gray Powell Matteson and Duggan. 15 Alston anecdotes fr Xtian Enquirer, his love of perfection and wholeness that would not let him finish. 16 p.2 more news of Taylor’s portraits, fr Picayune, artist Brown doing admirable ones, and Garbeille a bust. 17 missing. 18, 20, 21 missing, 22, 23,

24 p.2 Greek Slave: excerpts Tribune that Mr Snooks fr country visited this statue yesterday, surprised it not black. Doolittle also went, silent ten minutes, said aint it pooty. A very readable collection of ana might be made fr sayings abt Grk Slave, heard a gman yesterday praising its polish. Some v nice people can see nothing but its nudeness, others object to revolving pedetal, another to the drapery. Not one in a thous perceives marvellous truth and purity with which statue is clothed, or characterisation and majestic simplicity of design. Few who have intuitive perception of true objects of art, relative merits of an artist. Almost anybody can perceive positive merit of Grk Slave, but a cultivated taste to determine its exact value, in comp with others, cognoscenti of Florence saw his merits. But we have least toleration for squeamish re nudity, no one would pretend to be hurt by nudeness of this statue as no one would pretend to a foul mind, but such people aren’t fit for society, improper associates for virtuous women. Writer in Comm Advert who signs himself Puritas but shld have written Puritan, shocked by coed audience, to the impure all things are impure, sees indelicate a sleeping infant is really pitiful. attacks figleaf sensibility and rejects idea it should disnting Am females.

25 missing. 27 Waterston and Cummings schools also advertise. life of Jenny Lind. Chas King formerly of the American and more recently of the Evening Gazette & Times for last three years, will merge with Mirror, Henry Evans will be the business manager. FM Pinto the traveling correspondent hates Paris because it allows black students in their colleges, tells Pope that in his green forest home in the West we had painters, a Whitehorn, A Shegogue and a West, a Century Club and Nat Gallery. 28 p.2 Greek Slave, got the pamphlet produced, art that has escaped crit, can be admired but not criticized, some object to nakedness, but no condemnation of proportions or finish. 29, 30


October 1847 NYPL mfilm

1 notes New World reviving under Park Benjamin and Frank Forrester (Herbert), glad they are showing independence of Seward.

2 p.2 The Greek Slave: Comm Adv had an even more objectionable in tone letter on subj, in that v moral paper, propriety  of the thing remains a matter of feeling, minds so naturally corrupt as to be injured is proved by these letters. Wonder that men advertise immoral tendencies.have almost convinced us that it is damaging weak mmen. one wonders how such men could ever have looked at any naked Truth. they never look with a naked eye upon any thing, but cover with a film of prejudice and hypocritical squeamishness.; also gives medium review to port of Pope Pius IX, truly great pontiff full length, work of art well worth seeing, and as an authentic port. head is what we shld expect fr his char, marked traits of benevolence and firmness. Artist no higher talent than many of our own, accessories elab but head lacks life and fleshiness, but apparent fidelity is its merit. Oct 4-5 missing. 6 bigoted review in Trib of Melville


Oct 7, p.2  Am Inst Fair notice.  Works of art if not worthy of being exhib fr intrinsic value, shd have some extrinsic value to be admitted here.  But the artistic works that the Inst yearly exhibits would not be tolerated any other place, unless exec by a Natl Academician, and then they would be exhib at the Nat Acad.  But that Institution has not exhib anything quite so bad as specimens of ptg at Fair.   Notice of AAU:  popular, new gallery 497 Broadway, hundreds of invited guests at opening, first view of superb coll., more pictures and of higher order.  Purchases include nearly every living Amer artist of known talents, young artists whose reputation not yet achieved.  Mount, Page, Huntington, Cole, Durand, Leutze, Bingham, Deas and Hinckley, lovers of fa will subscribe.  Bought Mother and Child by Page fr last NAD exhib.

            Notices Brown’s Ports of Gen Taylor et al, highly commended, a stranger to us as an artist, but Richard Taylor says admirable likeness, hope artist has done justice to subj

            ad p. 3 for Model Artistes, Apollo Rms, Collyer’s male and female personifications of grt efforts of genius in fine arts

Oct 8 p.2 notices Exhib of Quidor’s grt ptgs of Christ Healing the Sick, raising Lazarus and Death on a Pale Horse at NAF will close.  Ad p. 3 calls it the Quidor Collection, first series, gigantic scriptural ptgs, finished in highest style of the art.  Also an ad for Public Exhib of Brown’s Ptgs of Heroes of Palo Alto, etc, 257 Broadway, also his celeb portraits of the military men of the war.  Ad for Powers’ Statue of the Grk Slave atNAD too.

Oct 9 p. 2 C&E only praises artists who have their bills printed there.  AD Paterson, ed of Anglo American and formerly of Albion, died.  Disapproves of ultraWhigs favoring Clay rather than Z Taylor.  Notices Brown’s Portraits of Genl Taylor and his staff; agreeably surprised and gratified by a viewing, considering circumstances under which they were ptd, highest credit on unknown artist, who went to Monterey to paint these.  grt picture of the collection is of Taylor in his check linen shirt and old brown coat, exactly what we were prepared to see, heroic old man, cares nothing for forms and trappings of society, estimates things at intrinsic no tconventional value, authenticity of the port is unquestionable, feel that it is true at a glance, happy in catching peculiar expression of his subjects. 2nd port not so pleasing, profile, for a medal.  Also a full length at tent with officers, a gd composition, accurate view of hq.  faithful portraits.  Surprised by their careful finish and gd color given ptd in camp.  second story of Stewart’s old store on Broadway

Oct 11, 12, p. 2 notice of Am Inst, disapproves of Jackson’s (an advertiser) fenders and grates, sing agst gd taste by putting ptgs into his coal grates, turning fireplace into picture gallery.  Notices gift bk fr Carey & Hart The Charm, litho by Ackerman, eleg colored grps

Oct 13, 14, p. 2 “Grk Slave Again”: the orig statue exhib in London praised without stint, visited by thous. refined highly educ classes, naked ness neer mentioned, purchased by priv gman, probably placed among family portraits and ornamental furn, excites no worse feelings than naked legs of chairs.  Here a v diff feeling, people traveled much in Euro seen many nude statues, see nothing wrong abt it, but ‘home-loving’ cits revolt at so grt an outrage on sense of decorum.  wrong to condemn a feeling which in either case is founded solely upon education.  If statue is offensive, nothing more to be sd, men are not to be crucified for their tastes or prejudices, those who can’t look on it without harm to themselves must stay away, but must not condemn neighbors whose minds aren’t disturbed.  We see nothing objectionable and think those who are injured by seeing it would be very likely to receive harm fr other and wholly unavoidable causes.  J of Commerce well reasoned leader on subj, speaks sentiments of lrge no of excellent people, with whose tastes we have no right to quarrel.  J of C credits Tribune with quoting a gman to effect that he never saw a piece of marble with such a beaut polish.  Some v nice people who visit Slave see nothing but its nudeness, others obj to revolving pedestal, one critc cld see nothing but drapery on the wall.  Not one in a thous has a perception of the marvelous truth and purity with which the statue is clothed, or the characterization and majestic simpliity of the design.  but few who have an intuitive perception of the true objects of art.  These comments were actually in the Mirror, Tribune may’ve copied them.

            notices Wiley & putnam’s publishing a series of Cruikshank picture romance, facile pencil

Oct 15 .p. 2 puffs Plumbe’s Daugerreotypes at Am Inst, run by Butler, exquis beauty, pleasantest lounges, miniature Walhalla. Oct 16 notes delicate ptgs of Jackson grates are merely for summer, easily displaced if prefer a diff ornament.  The Grk Slave, fr a correspondent, hubbub re public exhib, difficulty seems three-fold: statue is a repress of a naked form, sculptured after living models, excited impure ideas in the writers’ minds.  Those who look on exhib favorably won’t gainsay these assertions, but what does last prove?  that the evil minded in the statue rm in Broadway will see evil.  Poetry ptg sculpture are lawful occupations, and cultivation or appreciation of beauties of these arts is indispensable to complete education.  Powers of mind were meant to be improved, Taste like Reason or Judgment is one of these powers, need to educate and inform our faculties. Man is god’s noblest creation, so noblest product of Art in a sculptor must approximate the closest god’s wondrous work, needles and arrogant for man in a statue to affect what God did not do.  don’t mean we shd walk streets naked.   Defends living model on grouds that artist must go to first principles to become an adept.  that gazing on undraped statue will inevitably lead to think all manner of impropriety is monstrous. coarse indelicate minds will draw wickedness out of every object of sense, but differently constituted persons won’t.  absurd to withhold admiration fr Powers’ masterly production because living form assisted artist, as to boycott dinner of dishes sweetened with sugar made by slaves, or spices raised by heathens

Oct 18 p. 2 critical of Gothic design for Washington monument (NYC), 19 gives positive reviews to blackface minstrel troupes.  Notice of A Gem, Professor Christadoro found rare holy family among some old auction rubbish in this city, ptd by Stella, a Florentine artist grt genius, friend of Nic Poussin, restored and v eleg frame, rosewood case lined with velvet.  Rather it for a xmas present than any other we know of but Brown’s port of Z Taylor.

            Ads p 3 for Morand’s City Daguerrian Gallery on Pearl st and Chatham, for the American Musical Times and Art Union, Henry C Watson ed; BA Chilton auctioning estate of Jonathan Hunt, 122 Chambers st, inclu entire valuable coll of oil ptgs statuary rare illust bks, inclu pictures by Carlo Dolce, Guido, A Delsarto, Amer artist Cole, French and Flemish schls, full lengths and busts by Canova and Giovanna, Audubon

Oct 20 p. 2 Humbug Deterre: NY correspondent of Boston chronotype says pretended portrait of Pope Pius, at Masonic Hall, sd ptd by Gagliardi of Rome fr sittings, is a humbug ptd in NYC by Annelli, an Ital here the last 12 yrs.  We never believed the port was what it professes to be, exhib gave wrd that was genuine, cld not dispute him.  Notices a Counterfeit of Jenny Lind fr Firth, Hall & Pond, handsome litho port, might be a correct likeness.         

            Artistic Intelligence:  Antique Schl now open, Tues and Sat for ladies exclusively.  illiberal and unwise to discontinue evening schl.  Life Schl, male models have been secured.  Sketching assoc been formed by younger artists.  Rms in new Art Union bldg have been taken by May, Church and Shumway.  notes Western AU has bought Durand ptgs.  Mentions CH Lanman, J Cranch (Granite Bldgs, we hope meets encouragement his rank as an artist and worth as a man entitle him), Cropsey (work for AU) shows increased power; White, JF Peele recd commiss fr JR Schoolcraft of Albany; WS Mount doing a Reminiscence for Hon W Strong, Chapman’s Amer Drwg Bk soon to be issued

Oct 21 p. 2 notices H Tuckerman’s Artist Life, like a book of Amer Generals with Taylor left out, sketches of 23 painters, but leaves out two deserve above all others Amer ptrs fr greatness of talents and never left native soil, only orig ptrs this country has produced.  Every artist in the bk except Deas, a ptr of fine orig talents but lacking artistic educ, has studied abroad, and right of some to be called Amer is rather questionable.

            Tuckerman a catholic in art and lit, devoid of prejudices, but artists didn’t want public light.  quiet gmanly style, amusing, ingenious, don’t agree in all his opinions. handsome.

  1. 3 notes New World will contain a drwg of Powers Grk Slave for those who haven’t seen celeb statue can judge correctness of criticisms

Oct 22 John Inman is editing Columbian Mag, likes in it MRs Osgood’s vein of graceful pathos TS Arthur, critical notices racy and judicious

Oct 23. only v brief capsule coverage of sensational court cases. Oct 25, p. 2 notices Mrs Kirkland’s Union Mag of Lit and Art, Sadd mezzotint, line engr Osborne, steel plates by Matteson who superintends pictorial dept has true Hogarthian spirit, Novel Reader esp

Oct 26, p.2 Sunday Mercury independence, tells plain truths re blackmail pd by artists to daily paper it calls the Morning Bluster.  no public singer or artist noticed in that journal that does not patronize its printing office, look at daily puffs of Park, Bowery and Chatham in the Herald, and absence of Broadway and Olympic, see how Dempster Christy and Dumbolton are lauded and see why. contemptible.

Oct 27 p. 1 praise of Lowell and a  new school of Poetry fr Louisville journal, p. 3 notices a caricature of the C&E’s music critic, the Private Gentleman.  Oct 28, p. 2 notices fine Bust of Gen Taylor by Mr Garbeille, for city of NOrleans, had sitting, approval of Taylor.

Oct 29, death of sign ptr Alexander Neill shop on Ann st.  Oct 30 p. 2 notes Powers the sculptor proposes to furnish state of Vermont with statues of Ethan Allen and Thom Chittenden for $20,000 for Capitol at Montpelier


Nov 1 p. 2 more on Powers, no accurate portraits extant of these disting Vermonters, so will have to test power of his imagination in producing ideal features fr reading their history.  A historical ptg in Montreal has scene in life of Allen whose fig was ptd fr life, an essential aid to artist, but no doubt of his entire success in giving an individuality of expression to statues that will give them the value of portraits.  Proposes accurate costume, not Roman or Grk dress.  wish that Mr Greenough had same soundness of feeling, grain of gd taste.  Needs 6 yrs.  first public order our Grt Sculptor has recd.  Legislature hasn’t yet authorized it.  The committee recommending it says testify our respect for genius wisdom and valor than by encouraging noble ambition and labors of grt native artist

Nov 2 p.2 says Major Noah’s mock auction of the pictures in the Governor’s Rm in last no of Sunday Times has gd sly hits

Nov 3, 4, p.2 .  Guarded approval of Astor Place Opera Hse.  Humbug--believed by artists that Pope Pius never saw the port of himself now on exhib in this city.  AU: injustice to managers in stating that they withdrew their ad fr a certain paper because of unfavorable crits of its editor.  directors shd publicize noble objects of this association, need a Missionary of Art to lecture and take subscriptions, and spend more on advertising.  Intend to criticize their pictures, no reason why NAD shd monopolize all newspaper discussion of art in this city

Nov 5 p. 2 Grk Slave: friend fine eye and fine heart for beauty in all its natural and artistic forms sends extract fr Philly Ledger, writer does justice to statue and castigates fig leaf sensibilities; to the pure, all things are pure.  no affected modesty.  Greenough’s Chanting Cherubs in Boston demanded clothing, such modesty excites a blush in the most hardened.  Also quote fr Mrs Kirkland, statue excites passionate admiration, want better informed to sanction our emotions, they approve too.  but work requires no vouchers.  makes its own impression.

Nov 6, p.2 notices a Tom Meighan publication favorably, Appleton publishes a Taylor annual, 8, support int’l copyright.  Letter fr Mr Ferdinand Mendez Pinto in Rome, every Amer Artist here sends home a doz or two of portraits of beggars in character of Apostles or Virgin Maries.  a boot black tells me he’s been ptd 28 times as St Paul, etc; he’s a grt rogue, can’t afford to be a saint on what artists pay.  Proud of being sent to America, he or his family in every gman’s parlor in the country.

Nov 9, puffs AU.  Notes Harbinger is now a NY paper, discriminating cricitisms, inclu fine one on Page’s grt historical ptg Ruth.

Nov 10, 11, notices Robinson of Nassau st v handsome equestirian port of Taylor, admirers among all parties.  12,

Nov 13,  p.2, AAU: sufficient importance to be called an institution, striking instance of what may be effected by intelligent industry directed at worthy object.  Remember Genl Wetmore reading 1st report of this society, in Apollo rms, ten yrs since, pictures purchased sm in no and not v excellent in exec.  Its success evidence of directors prudence and gd management and growing taste among people for works of art, emulation in Phila andCinti. love of art grows with that on which it feeds.  as subscribers increase, so does number and excellence of works of art.   influ of AA helped young artists, who before worked precariously and pictures remained on hand, now every work of merit is sure to be purchased.

            Works already purchased inclu chef d’ouvres of grtest artists, Page, Cole, Mount, Huntington, Durand, Chapman, Chas Deas and Cropsey, those of lesser note but equal merit, touching little picture illust of Hood’s song of the shirt exhib at NAD 2 yrs ago, port of Tedesco by Rossiter, w/cs by Hill, lscapes fr Italy by CP Cranch, Doughty cgharming, admirable by Hinckley.  One of unusual interest at present, cabinet sized picture by Deas perilous encounter betw Capt Walker just died and a Mexican Ranchero.

            gallery in Broadway one of lions of city.  commemorative medal of Alston, engr CC Wright, most beaut work.  Engravings are A Sybil by Casilear after Huntington and Jolly Flatboatman by Doney after Bingham

Nov 15 p.3 puffs an Auction of lrge beaut fine coll Ptgs, Chambers st Gallery in Granite Bldg, Leeds & Co, lovers of fine art.

  1. 2 NY Gall of FA: founding of permanet gallery of ptgs, era of progress, challenge admiration of all of true taste, chasten others, classic, city council granted bldg, pictures bought and hung, select coll. splendid alleg ptgs by Cole, Course of Empire and Voyage of Life, series for all time, conception and exec a glorious triumph, exactions of a severe classical taste, sublime conceptions realized, learn history and teach lesson we shd heed.  Then Durand, The Old Oak, Wrath of Peter Stuyvesant a gemworthy its fame, Peldar displaying his Wares reminds one of Edmonds style, shades too brown, disagreeable monochrome.  excellent ports of Presidents, studies of heads striking and natural.

            Black Plume, Lafayette, Dr Channing and Lady with Flowers, best of CC Ingham.  GW Flagg has best (Chess Players) and worst (lady Jane Grey, wood choppers’ boy, murder of Princes.  WS Mount two best Barn Door Scenes, Truant Gamblers and Bargaining, both v excellent in their way.  Goltzius and Morlard gems, dogs fighting and Pan and Midas.

            Gall needs better location.  From Commercial Advertiser.

Nov 16, 17, 18 p. 2 Gurley &Co will sell pictures of late Ithiel Town, inclu large valuable Cole. Broadway and Duane.  Astor House artist always sweet on real heroes, ambition to monument to Taylor, of sugar

Nov 19 p. 2 Count Alfred D’Orsay’s portrait of Queen Victoria, full length equestrian, by Ldy Blessington’s protégé.  seen his artistic efforts, never any give him v hi rank as an artist.  Will be sent to Boston, where they think it has caused a sensation in London.  Thinks Collyer’s exhib is v beaut and style of tableau creditable

Nov 20, 22, p. 3 notices Poetical Works of NP Willis (follows Longfellow and Bryant, Carey & Hart), illust by E Leutze, unity of expression and sentiment, kindred genius, Leutze man of more imag than Willis, more earnestness and sincerity, pictures better than the poems, strength of sentiment and dignity of expression vs prettiness of poet.  One picture is bad, unsympathetic subject, the Solitary. port of author a bad likeness.  Wish Leutze was American.  Carey & Hart do hire native artists rather than reproducing English illustrations.  Also notices their Charm, that Ackerman’s lithos are almost as effective as oil ptgs, illust by graceful pen of MRs Ellett.

            puffs Art Union, works of genius.  Artistic Intelligence: Brooklyn Lyceum showing works by Huntington, Durand, Spencer, Edwin White, Duggan (designed Art Union medal), Doughty, Gray, etc, and aged looking pictures ascribed to Van Dyck, Ferrata, Maratti, Mignard, Zucarelli etc.  Western Art Union pictures distrib here are by McConkey, to J Sturges, and Beard’s Land Speculators to Mr Ridner.  Mentions Durand, Huntington in the Art Union Rms with Clonney, Wenzler, McFarren, Cropsey, Cranch, Ranney, Havel, etc.  Only half a doz students attending NAD schls. JW Glass in Europe.  Matteson’s Indian subject, GA Baker, lots on Duggan, Innes Cafferty and Wotherspoon.

Nov 23, 24, 26, p. 1 Trippings of Tom Pepper, Mrs Ruby suggests beautiful objects have refining effect, music and ptg and works of art elevate;  Tom says musicians and artists are the least elevated class of men I’ve known.  Inhabitants of Rome and Florence in atmosphere of art, finest examples, less pure and rational than our country villagers who see no pictures but the head of Washington or Lafayette.

            Mrs Ruby sees chimney sweep listening to music, children of Italy bring little plaster images redolent of art and beauty

Nov 27 p. 3 puffs Artists’ Exchange run by John  P Ridner, agent for London Art Union, in bldg of AAU, depot for sale of works of art and artists materials. elegance and taste.

Nov 29 p. 3 v critical of Owen Jones mode of book illustrating, overwhelms the poetry, appeals to wealthy idle aristocracy in search of distinction, gim cracks and hodge podge figs have no meaning more than Chinese dragons, eye deluded by shapeless lines, gold leaf, vermillion and Prussian blue, no thought or feeling reaches mind, just glitter and gew gaw, senseless assemblage of grotesques fr monkish missals or Islamic architecture, like a cashmere shawl or Turkey carpet thru inverted opera glass, kaleidiscope.  prefer real portraits, not fancy sketch (Elliott’s of Halleck, eg), feeling for nature

Nov 30 p. 2 composition of three criticisms a week, inclu salary of critic, at least $15 week.  Defends Opera Hse agst those who call it undemo.


Dec 1, 1847, p. 2.  Likes the Democratic Review, notices its portrait of Judge Strong by WS Mount.  Astor Hse gave its publishing to C&E, not Herald.  Dec 2 p. 3 says Cinti Herald expects Powers to return to US this yr. Dec 3, p. 1 Tom Pepper continued, love of nature more ennobling than love of art.  Ruby:  animal tastes and appetites no good.  She herself not accomplished artist, lack of skill had failed to conceal her cosmetics. 

Dec 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, notes that Blackwood’s reviews Wiley & Putnam’s Amer Library, NY Mirror agrees with it, esp their trashing of Cornelius Mathews. 

Dec 10, p. 1, corresp fr Philadelphia, poet-artist TB Read prepping a book of female Poets of America, and is in NY to paint the faces of all the Grace Greenwoods. p. 2 puffs Morand’s Dag gall.  Artistic Intelligence: exhibs open at Art Union, NY Gallery, Rubens, Grk Slave, Mrs Pelby’s Scripture Statuary.  AAU is encouraging w/c.  Have bought Mr Matteson’s Last of the Race (a work they puffed earlier), poetical, JT Peele, true and sterling work, also ones by Cranch, Hicks, Kensett, Innes, Woodside, Boutelle, etc, the latter looking at nature thru Mr Durand’s spectacles as much as ever.

            HK Brown the sculptor head of Bryant, one of finest ever here, bas relief.  JB Stearns Washington’s Mission to the Indians is an improvement, for AU.  At Ridner’s Art Repository coll of sketches for Longfellow, by Huntington, also drwgs by Edward Corbould and Kenny Meadows.  Goupil & Vibert, new agency.  Cole lscape auctioned to dealer who will reap great profit.  new hours at NAD for living model in evening, but Antique schl not open, tho Academicians need it.

            Two Sketching Associations, the Sketch Union in its 4th yr, 8 members, NY Sketch Club just started with 13.  Academy Sketch Club does not meet, but Old Sketch Club of literary men and artists goes on.  Page not in Phila with magnificient historical pict Ruth, still in his rooms at Murray st and Broadway, this grt master, best portrait painter living, is on head of Bryant, won’t be caricatured

            ad for Pelby celeb coll p. 3 size of life, moral scene

Dec 11, 13. p. 2 notices Banvard’s largest if not greatest ptg in existence, lion in Boston, Pano of Missi Dec 14, p. 3 The Opal SJ Hale, designs by Rothermel, peculiar eleg. p. 2 Phila corresp notes Root’s Daguerr Gall is a lion, calls Darby the Amer Cruikshank.  Dec 15 p. 2 opposes Herald’s position on theaters, slams against the Park, Broadway and Astor.  Likes Poe.  And Godey’s and Graham’s and Union.

Dec 16, 17, 18,  20,  21 p. 3 notices Banvard’s Pano, much gratified, Herculean labor, faithfulness greatest credit, nearly three hours not tedious, ad.  Dec 22 p. 2 notices Pelby’s coll of statuary, highly gratified, wax work, painfully real, admirable.  AU Pictures distrib, deliciously sweet picture just added by Peele, full of innocence, purity and truth (birds nest).  Flings at managers in papers, but diligent.  Henry Morford a freq poet.

Dec 23 p. 1 “Mr Brown” readers of Lit World astonished to read pretentious essay on Grk Slave, stupid, ignorant and malice, wicked nonsense.  Why opinions so divergent fr others? personal hatred of Powers.   He says scarcely any artist think it more than ordinary excellence, man of mediocre abilities do with patient labor and blind subjection to antique.  first thought was wretchedly tame, second an imitation of Venus de Medici.  Instead, writer promotes Mr Brown’s neglected works.  Signed ‘Vermont.”

  1. 2 notices new discovery in coloring fine engravings, making it equal in all respects to oil ptg, Wm H Butler, 251 Broadway. Notices fr Charleston Courier a new Amer sculptor there named For a, doing a head of Mr Calhoun, predict eminent success, excellent likeness.

Dec 24, 27, p. 2 notes Peale’s famous C of Death injured by fire at St Louis; 28, 29.

Dec 30 p. 1 “Page’s Ruth” from the Harbinger, a letter to the Boston Art Critic of the Harbinger, any thing peculiarly beautiful in Art, lucid and felicitous representations of its ideal in one department, tell you what they see.  first impressions of Page’s recently finished picture, exquisite narrative filial devotion.  Mr Page defines art to be the expression of the soul of a work to the soul of the spectator, better interpreter to Ruth, unfolded richness in her nature, deeper emotions, powerful passional force in action, whole tone of fig and expression of eye in harmony.   perfect sympathy of Ruth, sad remembrance, presence ofGod overpowering other emotions.  to rare insight, story tells itself at once, but most experience its force.  unlike any effect of art seen before, deeply religious.  p. 3 approves of Ned Buntlin’e;s Mysteries of NY!

Dec 31 p. 3 ad for Dan. Ames, miniature and portrait Ptr, ptgs made fr Dags, 181 Broadway



Jan 3, 4, p. 2 TS Martyn & Ely’s Lady’s Wreath, portrait of Ann Stephens fr excellent ptg FR Spencer of this city, exhib two yrs ago at Acad, ptg takes hi rank as work of art, justice here. Jan 5, 6, 7, p. 3 more on Lowell, and on No Amer Review, Boston still center of literary America, v gd article on the Oxford Graduate’s Modern Painters, judgment on race of lscape ptrs infest England, soon exercise malign influence here

Jan 8, 10, p.2 Banvard’s sublime sight, not a finished lscape ptg, but impression of river’s magnificence

Jan 11, 12, p. 2 AU of Phila: engraving after Leutze’s John Knox will be distrib, prizewinners select own ptg.  Not every man wants to ornament his parlor with Mr Shegoge’s ptgs or lscapes of Durand.  Notes Collyer’s model artists getting married, the Grk Slave to his brother

Jan 13, 14, 15, p. 1 cites Jane Eyre on women! review of National Galleries in Europe by Raph Worum, gives numbers of ptgs in each, Dec 17, 18, story identifying the DC correspondents of the papers;  notice of Garbeilles bust of Taylor:  artist’s reputation a great treat, but unprepared for rare merit, admirably modeled, rare fidelity, only Powers superior, exhibit it at Merchant’s Exchange, copies of head and statuette, man of genius, correct and dignified resemblance of favorite

Jan 19, 20, 21, p.2 Fine Arts: mtg at studio of FF Church for an assn to study living model, 40 persons, practical in art, elected EH May chair, Richards and Gay secretaries. Committee of Duggan, Matteson, Richards, Stearns and Childs, sent to Council of NAD. 

            Notice of Ship Portraits in window of Baldwin, Braodway bookseller, by Mr Marsh

Jan 22, 24, p.1 Eugene Sue never sat for his portrait, engravings are stolen sketches taken at theatre or public place.  Mr Brisbane of NY ordered young Amer artist in Paris to paint his portrait, gave letter to Sue asking for sittings, he ignored.  Not sympathetic to beggars tho the working man’s champion.

Jan 25, p.2 another puff of Garbeilles Statuette of Taylor, full length portrait in plaster, most accurate interesting view, unmilitary costune, genius, benevolence, not station, old brown coat, pose of Napoleon in place Vendome.  exec grt facility. $5, grt merit as works of art

            ad for white kid gloves

Jan 26, 27 p. 2 Fine Arts: another mtg at Church’s studio, committee reported approved use of room, NY Life Schl, directors Matteson, Duggan, Childs, Curtis, Kyle, Stearns and May, committee to get models Walcott, Duggan, Wortherspoon, Kyle and Stearns, Treasurer Falconer.

            notices London Art Union Journal, admirable, marvel, orig engravings in highest style, useful and parlor mag

Jan 28, p.1 Tom Pepper, visits gman’s rooms in one of best hotels in the city, sumptuous but want of taste, heavy, rich, ill assorted colors, mirrors; pictures were bad copies of voluptuous female heads of Titian and Rubens, gaudily colored French prints on centre table

  1. 3 notices John Donkey (C mathews ed?) designs by Darley, wrong side in politics


Feb 1, 1848, 2, 3, p. 2 notices Port Gallery of Indian Chiefs of Mr JO Lewis, transparencies, originals in War Dept, accompanied Cass in his treaties, editor and ptr of Aboriginal Portfoil and long known here

Feb 4 p. 2 Washington correspondent says Collyer’s Models draw eminently, Grk Slave excites more interest than other slaves in DC

Feb 5 p. 1 has a Wm Gallagher poem on the Artisan fr the National Era; p. 2 superb Daguerreotype portrait of general Quitman by Mr Brady, finest specimens, true artistic feeling, skill (earlier noted a litho of Capt Walker).  puffs Lewis again, finest collection of Indian characters ever seen, ptd fr life, faithful likenesses.  Notes Dr Townsend has corps of artists ptg a pano of Hudson River, orig a scheme of Orr, wood engraver, almost finished, artist is Mr Hilliard, well known scene ptr.

            Bayard Taylor leaves Lit World to join Tribune; CF Hoffman edits Lit World

Feb 7 p. 2 notes that conversion of the Granite Bldg into ahotel is sending artists, dentists and writing masters towards Art Union in Broadway.

Feb 8 p. 3 dealer in images on the streets in Italy had Austrian officer behead his statue of the Pope as a revolutionist; a crowd then attacked the officer

Feb 9 p. 3 recd v handsome litho ortrait of Mr Jacobs celeb accordeonist, never heard of him.

Feb 10, 11, p.2 Fine Arts: auction of effects of Phila gman inclu orig miniature of Benj West age 18, in silver locket, engr to Miss Steele, valuable relict by collector of curiosities, but no grt value as a work of art.  Evening Post says head of Christ in marble by Greenough arrived for Asaph Stone, of this city, colossal size, human physiog expr mild but majestic serenity of boundless compassion.  Notes new Amer sculptor, Imaginary bust of Pocahontas by Mr Mosier, brought fr Florence, attracted much attn.  A sm group by Freccia imported of love and fidelity, boy and dying dog, Western AU news, and Commercial Advertiser says Dr S Spoooner of NY has orig plates of Boydell’s famous Shakespeare Gallery and engaged artist of no ordinary merit, Geo Parker, to restore them and do new edition.  A better service to melt them down,bad pictures, ruined Boydell, best was West’s scene fr King Lear used to be in Amer Acad of FA in the Park, terrific energy made Kean seem tame, now in Boston Athenaeum.

            Boydell tried for a grt national work, offered big sums to artists for work that they were not qualified for, failure all around.  Artists can’t be had for money, as seen in Congress orders for ptgs for Rotunda, bribing with ten thousand dollars, result is 3 wretched pictures hardly worth their canvass, and prospect of a worse fourth.  Useless to employ four indifferent portrait ptrs to paint historical pictures at magnificent prices

Feb 12, 14, p. 1 describes death of Thorvaldsen in 1844 at theatre. p. 2 notes death of Thom Cole, the disting Artist, a national loss. at Catskill.  Cites Herald on a memorial to legislature for suppression of Model Artists.

Feb 15 p.2 more on Cole, Amer Art lost its brightest and most intellectual star when his career had just commenced, for his first labors were but trifling with what he had projected and since executed.  shall miss the poet and the apostle of xtian art, goodness of priv life, integrity of nature, in his pictures may be read revelation of fine elevated thoughts, fixed purpose to develop his leading belief, art nobly employed as handmaid to xtianity, reverence for revealed religion. ‘communicated’

Feb 16, likes Johanna Baillie. Feb 17 p. 2 another portrait of Taylor, and a true one, fr Anthony the print publisher of Broadway, v beaut miniature, mezzotint facsimile of admirable daguerreotype taken in New Orleans, will persuade Clay-ites to switch.

            NY Sketch Club special mtg, SA Richards announced Cole’s death, an honorary member, magic creations, hi intellectual gifts, moral and social virtue, energy and perseverance, sweet glorious language of nature, poem read by J Hagan

Feb 18, 19, p.2 citizens of Cinti asked Thom D Jones of that city to go to New Orleans and model a bust of Gen Taylor

Feb 21, p.2 True Sun now the organ of hunker Demos; model artists permitted one night in Richmond.  Likes Holden’s Dollar Mag.

Feb 22, 23, p. 2 Bryant, ed of Eve Post, invited by NAD to orate on life and character ofCole, one of his earliest eulogists; Durand and Huntington went to Catskill to confer with Cole’s family re projected exhib of his works (later says just a letter was sent)

Feb 24 p.2 death of JQ Adams, like that ofEarl of Chatham, fine subj for ahistorical pictures, seized onby some of our artists, can intro portraits of men who bore dying sage fr his seat in Hse of Representatives, all factions  and sections suddenly forgotten, one impulse

            Morals of NY, in upper wards, dissolute and idle assemble for tableaux vivant, men and women all but naked in silk stoninet, depravity, grossness,illustrate Scriptural scenes, masquerades were put down, need to prohibit.  Signed Decency. 

Feb 25, 26 p. 2 notices an Exhib of ptgs by the ‘old masters’ at the NAD: some 50 ptgs with names of old masters attached to them, their provenance unknown, told purchased by an Amer merchant in London for 10,000 pounds, offered as nucleus of permanent gallery of ptg.  comfortable gallery and well worth seeing, most agreeable lounge.  Masters named are Berghem, Cuyp, Paul Brill, Carlo Dolci, Guido, Greuze, Guercino, Hogarth, Holbein, Murillo, Poussin, Raphel, G Romano, Rubens, Steen, Titian Teniers Velasquez, Van Dyck Wilson Watteau etc.  These names will satisfy any one knowledgeable of the character of the collection.  One of the Raphaels is a port of La Fornarina, if an orig would cost a handsome fortune.  catalog implies it is a copy by Giulio Romano, but more likely a nameless artist, but a remarkably fine copy and to majority of picture gazers is quite as gd as the original.  The Greuze may be an original, for it is not worth copying, Hogart has a look of geuinness, many of his peculiarities, Watteau a v gd copy, theRubens not authentic, one a filthy vile thing in exec and subj, and so on.  One genuine gd ptg in coll, appears originality, artist who could paint like this wouldn’t copy, attrib Otho Shirck, old German, repulsive subj masterly skill marvelous accuracy of nature, retouched.

            value of these ptgs not intrinsically grt, depends on estab authenticity like relics of a saint,or autograph of grt man, copies may have more merit than originals, but less value.  Suspicious of deception whenever old masters are claimed, esp when no provenance given.  dealers in pictures and goods that require professional analysis, shd remember they need evidence, and that a fine copy is better than a doubtful original.  Even the British govt has been fooled byspurious, no traffic in which so much eception as sale of old ptgs, which most here regard as frauds, few qualified to test genuineness or correctly judge.  Lamentable that men of wealth with money for art should not give commissions to living artists and get undoubted origs while promoting art itself.  Same price as this gallery cost given to NY artists would be fifty times superior, and fifty years hence, sell for fifty times as much, tho today they are cheaper

Feb 28 p. 1 British Artists at Home, annual dinner, in academy, statuary of Greece and Rome surrounded them in Academy Hall, chaired by Prout, toast to Pope

            p.2 notes new penny paper Morning Star Nassau and Ann st, Williams & Brother, favorable.  Sunday Dispatch was sued for libel by Bennett.  New World migrated to Philly.  William Wallace’s grt design of a national monument to Washington. saw a drwg of it by fine artist Mr Wade, poetry brimful of genius and melody, statue on apex of globe, CG Graham publishing it.  From Commercial Advertiser

Feb 29 p. 2 Grotesques of Garbeille, a genius, see it in face, an ideal Rabelais, statuette of Gen Taylor hasty embodiment of honest old soldier, see in it a glance the mind of hero.  But like countryman Dantan revels in burlesque, saitical statuettes, atelier in Duane st, celebrities actors singers and editors


Mar 1, 1848 p. 2 grand pano of all the battles of our army in Mexico undertaken, officer superintending, accurate portraits, peculiarities, set of most magnif pictures, grand historical pict of permanent value, wider than Banvard’s

Mar 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, p.2 notices Port of JQ Adams fr Anthony on corner of Broadway and Murray, excellent, by Douey, fr Dag.  Powell ptd a port a short time since, and the port by Healy for Louis Philippe is still in country, Bignon did a bust fine facsimile, Mr King’s bust is in Merchants Insurance office, sat for him in 1845, but finest is Page’s portrait in Faneul Hall ptd ten yrs ago.  Notes Model Artists up for ban in Charleston.  At war with Herald over circulation numbers, personal enmity too

Mar 8 Mirror pissed off that Demo Review opposes intl copyright, equates it with Fuller’s love for free trade. Mar 9, 10, notes Geo Putnam’s new store (withdrawn fr Wiley), very favorable notice of him, at his store portfolio of AW Calcott, admirable artist, beauty compositions richness coloring, cplendid prints.  Likes Chanfrau at Chatham

Mar 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, p. 2, Artistic Intelligence: NAD schools closed, very few students, Life School moved to Chambers st but will continue; fear some most pop names won’t be at annual exhib.  Cole exhib will be at Art Union Rms, newly decorated, new ptgs to public a beaut lscape illust 23rd psalm and moral series of Cross and the World, unfinished, gives sizes.  Most interesting and attractive in city, exemplify his motto of no day without a line.  HK Brown commiss a bust in marble of Cole for Jonathan Sturges.

            Mentions Durand, and a large picture The Fountain illustrating Bryant that will be popular.  Mentions Huntington, Gray highly spoken of his War and a nude female; Elliott felicitiously ptg portraits of Texan Ranger v picturesque, skillfully treated. Page’s recent portraits attracting much notice esp of Bryant.  FOC Darley merits as designer widely known, full of chara, beaut exhib. EH May, much pains to give pictorial value to composition.  Church takes another leaf fr Bunyan, pleasing picture; JT Peele, subjects at home in, rustic, Mr White will no doubt command admiration for his Milton compositions. Shumway, Officer, Duggan poetical, Stearns’ Washington and Lafayette at Brandywine, sky worthy of commendation. Innes, DM Carter a new name, promise much good, lords prayer his subj. Wotherspoon, Matteson making advances. Kyle.  Notes Penn Acad.

Mar 17 p.2 says Darley is best part of Burton the comedian’s new book, urton is grotesque, Darley’s effects on wood unlike any others, breadeth and delicate, genius

Mar 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, p.1 from Literary World, amateur poetry like amateur pictures never reaches v grt excellence; first law of production in any art is spontaneity, but worth nothing without severe toilsome elaboration alone make the artist.  TB Read, Thom Dunn English, contrib. to Graham’s

            p.3 Cinti refuses license to Model Artists; p. 2 lists exhibitors in NYC indicted for model artists, Palmos, Thiers, Pinteaux, Temple of the Museus, Anatomical Museum, Novelty Hall.  Burke of Palmos continues giving exhibs.  I haven’t seen ads for them in the Mirror.

Mar 24, 25, gives excerpt fr Voice of Labor! on romance vs reality of factory life for girls

  1. 2 notes Rev Louis L Noble of Catskill is prepping Life of Thom Cole, gman wfitted to appreciate genius and personal characteristics, fr the Post. Likes woodcuts in mags as much as stell engr.

Mar 27 p.2 likes weekly NY Globe.  Approves of indictments of indecent model artistes exhib, mad that two continue showing them.  Likes True Sun.  Dramaticus writes in re new piece at Olympic having a great run, shows up NY in 1848, moral is good, gd effect, merchants ought to see it put on guard against tricks on travelers here.  In the listing also comment on sketch of Mr Barker, A Galnce at NY in 1848’ proves v attractive.  Likes True Sun

Mar 28, p. 2 Exhib of Cole’s Ptgs, since exhib of Alston’s pictures no comparable coll of art by Amer artist, 80 in number, fr earliest attempts to last work, rich in attractions to mere connoisseur, but to artist peculiar value and melancholy interest, to every friend of genius an appeal, benefit family.  Some later lscapes never exhib, Good Shepherd for Mrs Gideon Lee, among the best of his fertile pencil, compos of grt beauty poetry of nature.  Cross and the World more imaginative and superior in exec and design to his other series of large allegorical ptgs

Mar 29 p.1 TB Read poem France is free fr No Amer and US Gazette. p. 2 new Tuckerman book coming, Levi Hamilton at house 171 Canal st where nude female exhib took place asked for discharge, model artists again

Mar 30 p. 3 Chas Lanman a corresp for Express in DC and others, sketching what he sees. Opera has submitted to Bennett’s blackmail and given him their printing

Mar 31 p. 3 ad for Lyceum Gallery colletion 563 Broadway, Grand collection of Wroks of Old Masters comprising original pictures (reviewed earlier), also ad for Cole exhib, Putnam etc


Apr 1 1848, 3, p. 2 likes Harbinger despite their being opposed to laissez faire, thinks Greeley is a moral reformer re slavery but a politician, very pro-revolution in France, thinks Wm Wallace’s design for Wash monument is original but as impractical as most are; praises Robert Mills of SC as appropriate  and more feasible.  Likes Carlyle.

Apr 4, 5, 6, p. 2, Artistic Intelligence;  Never an exhib of one artist of our country that presents half the attractions of Cole’s, who has treated lscape with a power hitherto unknown in Amer Art, even gone beyond the most celeb of Old Masters (in C of E, Vof L, Cross and World).  opportunity to see masterpieces of our day will never occur again, also many of his earliest poetical compositions, Departure and Return fr coll Van Rensselaer, Past and Present fr Mr Stuyvesant, Improvisatore, Vesper Hour, etc.

            Mentions also WS Mount, May, Edwin White, Samuel Wallin drwg on wood fr picture in possession of FE Church, Beauty in Embrace of Death, for engr by Loomis.  Matteson, John G Chapman, AJ  Adams (the engraver), JT Peele a work for JL Schoolcraft of Albany (mentions exhib of picts now at Alvany w/many gd works of home schl), Brown’s successful bust of Cole, NY Life School mtg in Chamber st.

            Exhib of NAD:  not so many works as usual, but 373, but greater no of gd picts, a few of highest order, noble conception and artistic execution, a few passably gd, some hardly up to mediocrity according to standard of taste estab by public appreciation, and a gd many woefully wretchedly bad in design, execution, and melancholy evincing nothing in the ptrs for cultivation or improvement.

            Gd pictures easy enumerate: Portraits by May, Page, Gray, Elliot and Flagg; lscapes by Church, Kensett, Doughty, Durand, Wotherspoon and Gignoux; historical pieces by Page, Huntington, White and Gray; Character pieces by Peele, Mount, Bingham and Edmonds.  others deserve mention, but these give the strongest impression of excellence.

            No 3 J Whitehorne, NA, late Gov Wright, full length intended as portrait for Governor’s room of City Hall.  Sitter dead, so no gd portrait expected, and no gd ptg, because City reduced compensation 50% to $500.  No artist who valued his reputation would consent to compulsory cheapening of his labor.  Whitehorse properly ptd a cheap pcicture of less value than its canvass, no merit whatsoever, bad as a portrait and worse as a ptg.  Whigs had to pay for this spoilt canvass, not responsible for worthless trash, their predecessors the Locofocos who meanly cut price and bequeath a vile libel on one of the governors.  trust Whigs in authority will make suitable appropriation for port Gov Young.

            14, D Huntington, NA, Child bringing flowers to Princess Eliz when a prisoner in reign of Mary.  This picture sstrongly marked with his peculiarities, but the best of his historical ptgs. child extremely beaut, infantile expression happily conceived, if scantily clad.  trifling solecisms of historical accuracy, composition many excellent pts, among best cabinet historical picts in exhib.

            24 Blind Pilgrim by Wm Fisher, v fine pict by English artist, girl face grt sweetness.  25 GPA Headley, Port of a Gman, v gd half length, sober, speaking, friends may not recognize him at a glance.

            30 JF Kensett,The anio, nr Subiaco Italy, former lscapes not prep for a pict containing so many excellencies, among the best in exhib

            36, The Water Spirit, by LM Spencer, pict belongs to Mrs Gove, so confirmed a hydropathist shd know Water Spirits do not have red hot wings  (ad for American Hydropathic Institute, TL Nichols and Mrs Mary Gove Nichols; a rlnshp to Tribune?)

            37, W Page, NA, Full length port of  a Child, boy standing on pavement of siena marble, roguish expression, beaut subj, accessories of picture extremely rich, no port in exhib compares with it for reality, purity of tone,d epth of color and richness of effect, most lovely creation and one of best picts fr pencil of truly grt artist

April 11 Count ‘Orsay’s pics, noble dandyadmirable likenesses, sneer at Willis

12 The Fine Arts: long praise of Robt Nelson 101 Eleventh st, restorer

14 Artistic Intelligence: 5 exhibs open, Cole, Old Master’s Works at Lyceum etc. Gray, Huntington, Stearns, Duggan, Chapman, Alfred Jones doing JH Beard’s poor relations for Western AU. Enthuses about Cole exhib, shuts out world to go there, still small voice of nature

15 gives account fr London Times of Salon, thinks France will retain her preeminence in art as a republic, people always gave it its quality: no biased comm of selection, all accepted, bad that famous artists Ingres Delaroche, scheffer isabey sent nothing, crowd and critics merciless to ambitious failures

17 Mr Garbeille’s Statuettes: has added to his gallery a pair of editorial grotesques, an ebauche of editor of Herald, which is not in the least degree exaggerated. He is represented with a pen in his hand and treading upon an eel, to indicate his twistings and turnings, as wwell as the slipperineess of his character, as well that like the eel he is used to being skinned. Onhis head is the chapeau of the little corporal, a burlesque on Napoleonic pretensions of his subject. Freatures of the face given with really alarming truthfulness. The other editorial extravangance, a companion to it, is a slight sketch in plaster of paris of the private gman of the Courier & Enquirer. He is rep as running up to seed, with an immense double barrelled opera glass under one arm, and a huge quill that has a funny resemblance to along bow, under the other. The artist has insinuated an opinion v ingeniously by making the pen wihtout any point to it. Artist of his genius can’t fail to gain patronage in NY to which he is entitled. Affairs of the hour, capable of serious things, as his statuette and bust of Genl Taylor prove.

20 likes Alderman Cozzens

21 portrait and Fowler’s phreno anal of Freeman Hunt, p.1. p. 2, The Old Masters, look better in Lyceum than did in NADrms, very few people here can determine quthenticity, and public having been deceived don’t go. Most people don’t have qualities to enjoy a fine pic, but wish to be thought they do, so pretend  to relish when indifferent—the most common of all affectations except that for piety. Ptrs and priests labor for elect few. We believe these to be genuine and if owner wants people to see them, needs to convince people of itLoves Fornarina, a Titian martyrdom of St Lawrence, terrified, Rubens’ Lot not a healthy influence except aesthetically, truly gd ptgs even if copies. Also notices d’Orsay’s port of Queen Vic, not a counterfeit, enthus praise noticed it earlier.

Arpil 22 Exhib of the NA: in every dept of ptg improvements, higher tone of feelng, sculp indifferent enough, archit designs distressingly destitute of char. Watercolors few and hope will never be increased, should exhibit separately. Landscapes the great point of excellence.

            Church 77 River of Water of Life, artist endeavored beaut compos to depict Pilgrim, but v little connection betw text and pic, deliciously cool expanse of verdant country, but artist painted first and gave title after, sufficient merit to stand by itself without any support fr old Bunyan and is too solemn, cool and tranquil for the text.

            290 View near Stockbridge wld be much better exemplification of extract fr Progress, river of water there pure sparkling, enlivening to weary spirits,green trees with all manner of fruit, fine looking Cow, comfortable house, an actual view in a well cultivated district is full of poetry and manifests a hi order of imaginative faculties in the artist. Bright glowing sky mottled fleecy pink clouds at first give a spotty look, but are true to nature and extremely beaut in their effect when you pause long enough to become identified with the scene, middle distance is most skilfully ptd, whole proclaims artist a man of genius

            114 Kensett English lscape, among the finest lscapes in exhib, alluded to his view onAUio 30 in first notice, 114  smaller pic of great beauty, char, Gothic castle tower in middle distance

187 Italian shrine, 218 Gallery fr Castle Gondolfi, Ital scenes fo great beauty, entirely free fr meretricious glare which ptrs generally feel impelled to intro into all reps of Ital life, sober air of truthfulness in Kensett’s lscapes which we’ve rarely seen in pics brought home fr Italy. Shadows cool transp, skies deep incolor, waters translucent, distances recede naturally, ruins old and decaying, clouds float instead of being pasted agst sky, foliage filled with atmosphere, human beings realities of flesh and blood and not ptd dolls.

            122 man’s head in marble, bust resting on large snake, fr expression of mouth suppose rep Milton’s Satan, but found in catalog that it was a Head of Christ, by Greenough.

            229 The Lord C Deas would make an excellent companion to it, the two most frightful and hideous heads in the exhib, such things are a disgrace to art and alibel upon the xtian relig. We can’t conceive in what school these artists learned their notions of our blessed Savior.


Likes Holden’s but not Godey’s

28 notices Phila Art Union, distrib Leutze

29 Garbeille cariature of enl Taylor as Cincinnatus, White Hse in distance, battles on pedestal, design v happy. Being sued by Nugent DC reporter of Herald

May 1848.

3 likes Carlyle and Putnam, moved to new office bldg

4 glad Senate refused to purchase Brown’s port of Genl Taylor, ought to be done not on spec but by commissioning artist of estab rep; rotunda example of how easy it is for a lobbyist to win favor for an artist, if they had bought portrait, would have been deluged with execrable libels on disting men, pruchased for fear of giving offense to great men’s friends. When proposal for this portrait was put up, names of other statesmen promptly added, and Mr Dayton sensibly and with a fine aesthetic perception sd would be glad to see their portraits instead of the statue of Columbus looking like aman rolling ninepins, and the girl frightened lest the ball shld fall on her toes. Thinks Greenough’s group is going to be equally as bad. Mirror would add wretched figures of Peace and War.

            Hale adds a rant agst Greenough’s GW which disgraces the most beaut grds in the country, most ill conceived statues, resembles heathen deities

6 notices Am AU, has Wm Wallace poem fr Columbian; Dispatch is down on Count d’Orsay

15 Trib is talking with young men, we will talk with old men

18 prefer plan of Phila Art Union, puts a stop to jobbing, lets ea man suit his fancy

19 praises Henry Brevoort, taste and judgment in art, just died

May 22, 1848 still H Fuller, two cents. Very pro Zach Taylor!

26 Cass last man we’d have President, Butler ok. Scott good as long as doesn’t interfere with Taylor.

30 Exhib of Mod Fr Ptgs, Goupil’s, Christ by Delaroche is v highly finished, but miserably poor in color, meagre and lacking in elev feeling. Will engrave Power of Music too.

            In NAD exhib heads greatly superior, a dead Christ by Ary Scheffer confimrs opinion of this artist’s color fr seeing the engravings fr his work, better class than the Christus Consolator of same artist, more elevated sentiment, superior in grouping aand natural expression to his other published works. But like all the ptgs of the French school, deficient in strength, color cold and feeble, surface imparts no sensation of depth or distance. Gronland’s still lifes best ptgs in coll, finished with great care. Gaudy but highly finished crayon sby Brochert well enuf in cabin of a steamboat or aflashy barrom, but appear sadly out of place ina coll of works of art. Worth visiting for sake of contrasting works of our own artists with much vaunted and extravag priced productions.

            Columbian has satirical cut of Headley’s GW as Napoleonic

June 1848

1 p.1  Greeley at Home

8 Matteson’s Ptg of the First Prayer in Congress, John Neale issuing Sadd’s engraving fr John Adams description 13 likes Fillmore and Havemeyer. Dislikes Staats Zeitung which attacks Taylor. 20 death of Thom Snowden. Likes M Strakosch.

NYHS volume ends with June though they have the second half of the year.


NYHS July –Dec 1848

July 1 all Z Taylor songs, crit of Trib for not being really Whig because of abolitionism (Worcester Convention). 3, 5 American Art Union galls advertise, also Goupil. 6 CE Lester speech in London, 7 hostile to Free Soil, really barnburners, Clay Whigs, Northern nullifiers. notices Columbian mag, Demo Rev at war with Eve Post 8 p. 2 long portrait of Responsible Editor (Greeley), and a poem to Flagg’s Poets Captive in NAD by Decius. 10, 11 p. 2 notices a litho by John P Ridner of distrib of Art Union prizes fr drwg by Matteson, tinted, enterprise and liberality of pub, and admirable effect of gaslight, souvenir of grateful event Jul 12, 1848 gives speech of CE Lester in London on literary men of two countries.  Likes Burton’s theater better than when it was the Opera Hse, likes Brougham the stage manager. 14 Trib and Herald School of Criticism: p. 2 as much truth as their political and moral lectures 15 praises Putnam doing Irving, and laudable dog killings 17 NY in Slices in the Trib comparable to a Bhoy of the Bhoys, genine NY native, style of the carving one of the waiters at Sweney’s, beg their pardon for the imputation, hope he will season with salt or vinegar or sauce to render them digestible 18 has editorial critical of monthly mags pandering to lowest common denom, then praises Union Magazine, with William Wallace poem, CB  Burckhardt, acting editor Bayard Taylor excellent taste, as usual designs by Matteson. 19, 20 poem praising Zadoc Pratt, p. 2 finally a letter crit dog killing as property 21 letter crit Trib for caring more about Irish than Native forced removals 22, 24 Hamblin renovating the Park 25 temperate review of Greeley’s ed of Clay, 27, 29 loves Thackeray 31


Skipped August

Sept 1 1848 NYHS

.p 2 Full page coverage of the Fancy Ball at Newport, with descrip of costumes, inclu Mrs. H Fuller of NY as Scottos character, and Miss Delaplaine her sister as Span cavalier, Mr H Fry from an opera, Mr Revoil an attache at the Herald as The Press, long taile coat of all the newspapers, HT Tuckerman, JG Bennett and wife and son, Mr Fuller, A Belmont, other Senators. Sept 2 E. Parmly poem.4 Webster’s speech supporting Taylor 5, 6, 7,8,9 puffs Harrison’s dags in Lafarge bldg. Brady’s and Plumbe advert also, also one for John Calyo, just back from Italy, teaching drwg p. 3 11, 12 p. 1 fr Boston paper excerpts description of Greenwood Cemetery inclu extravagant monument by a dad to his daughter, one to pilot of boat John Minturn, and humble one to poor McDonald Clarke, the crazy poet, with inscription p. 2 likes Demo Review inclu article by Wikoff on Louis Nap followed by anecdote of NY class distinctions 13 p.1 huge ad for the pano of Taylor in Mexico 14,15 Beebe for hats 18, 19, 20 arguing with Trib over Wm Wallace, shouldn’t make pirates/criminals Byronic heroes, shld show their true nature 21 notices Fowler phreno and Banvard’s pano 22 notices Am AU doing well, praises Peel; advert. 23 likes Jane Eyre, J of Comm doesn’t 25 Fanny Osgood poem 26 Am Inst Fair noticed and ad 27 Sun’s enlarge of Battery really just will enlarge the docks; Columbian mag proposed new series of pics by HP Gray, called Fruits of War, not profound 28, 29 notices Harrison dag of a fire co 30


Oct 2 1848

Sunday Atlas owned and edited by Custom House Demos, 2 more City men announce thru columns of Trib determined to vote for Van Buren rather than Taylor, allegeing devotion to Whig principles, Mr Robinson, noted publisher of caricatures and bawdy prints Oct 3 praises Goupil, esp Waldmuller Oct 4 mass meeting of cartmen advertised; TB Read poem, puffs Hannington and Am Inst, NP Willis pro Taylor poem, ad for Splendid Gothic door plates 5,6 Goupil head of Lamartine, Am Rev gd head of Taylor. 9 p. 2 will keep theatre crit anon. Letter fr Baton Rouge TB on artists doing Taylor, Garbeille the best, hope Page or Elliott will 10 True Sun a Cass paper; Burton a hit dramatizing Trib’s NY in slices, goupil says great artist Delaroche is coming 11 Tupper poem on lib equal frat 12 Fry and Herald’s blackmail 13 review of super Napoleon by Delaroche, equal to Powers Greek Slave, mule itself is a grand pic p. 2 14 supports James Brooks for Congress, reviews Putnam’s issue of Bayard Taylor’s travels, with illus fr ptg by TB Read 16 describes Herald critics attacking stage of NY in Slices over blackmail . Big Delaroche adOct 17 poem by Delius anti-Cass,  18 editor ok with enlarge battery, reprints Sunday Dispatch tirade agst Bennett; Phila Art Union drwg noted, $25 prize bad as ptgs that cost that hardly worth buying, but winner can add more 19 p.3 describes Indignationmtg of reporters, Fulton Street. Alderman Stoneall’s tavern, True Sun and Globe there, Chair was Whitehead of the Herald, Meighan of Sunday Age, Simonton at large of the Herald; stemmed from a Whig trying to buy a Herald reporter off from account of meeting of a Rough and Ready Club 20 new litho of Zach Redding & Co, says that artists are now making drawings of the room where the Herald reporters had great meeting, Alderman Stoneall to be voted the freedom of the press 21 p.2 Fine Art Intelligence, Durand, Talbot gets a long notice, Richards, Kensett Casilear, Inness, Church, By Horace. Also article on the people vs the Cliques, leaders of party are miserable loafers. ad for F Grain’s Mexico illus.Lyceum Gall. 23 more on reporters meeting, include Otis of the Express, Stanley of the Herald. 19 designs for Wash monument at Odd Fellows Hall, give a $ and can vote 24 great Achenback at AM AU 25,26, 27 Trobriand’s views Niagara at Goupil Oct 28 page 2 long review of Poe’s Fable for Critics, fr Putnam, likes Willis, John Neal, Dunn English, Harry Franco, all contrib to Mirror; Artistic Intelligence includes LM Spencer, most creditable, vigorous and masculine manner, J Orr, Gray et al. 30, 31


November 1, 1848 NYHS. 2 happy Chester editing the Columbian, advertises. puffs Delaroche. 3,4, 6 Vera Cruz diorama, complains abt letter in Herald by an Italian scene painter; locofoco printers in Herald crit Express 7 p. 1 takes fr Eve Post Brown the sculptor, visit to Indian chiefs, would make good statuettes. Lyon’s bust of Taylor p. 3 Goupil has proof of Mount’s Power of Music. 8, 9 Poe’s crit of Theo Parker on p. 1, with account of Hewin almost being imprisoned in Spain, p. 2 * praises Miss Freeman’s minis at AU 10,11 p. 3 very long article on Music and Painting, mostly about music. 13 the theatrical snob of the Herald, formerly of the olympic, was shown up as the reproter of the Slices; p. 3 Music and Painting continues. 14 p.3 excerpts fr Eve Post a Forrest reception in the country 15 likes illus. Darley; Goupil’s Power of M and Muller’s voluptuous Undine, colored, Ary Scheffer soon 16 disagrees with Star, our mechanics must be learned to make beaut goods 17 Bayard Taylor now assoc ed at Graham’s his port by TB Read very slight resemblance, T has more manlines of expression 18 p.3 Music and Painting continues 20 lots of references to Dispatch 21,22,24, 25 like TB Read’s poems 27 p. 2 Eve Post of Saturday 25th feeble attempt to defend Forrest agst Macready, unscrupulous partizan, identified with the small clique of “home critics” in this city 28 p. 3 Music and Ptg continues, p. 2 Intl Art Union praised 29 p. 2 Artistic Intelligence, Church, Matteson, Peale, Baker, and lots on Cinti 30 has a long series on the “model” person, sponger, omnibus driver etc


Dec 1 1848 NYHS. 2, p.2 Shaw’s Splendid port of Taylor won first prize at Am Inst Fair  up for lottery, p. 3 music and ptg cont 4 Herald opposes flogging, Mirror doesn't? covers Beach retirement. VP Dallas is lawyer for Fanny Kemble’s husb in divorce 5 p. 2 long article in support of Am AU mission 6 critical of Don Quixote character of Vattemare’s schemes 7 Graham’s has a Richards pic Dec 8 on Woodhull monument fr Globe 9,11 notices AU drwg, and Wash Monument Assoc said in Sun to favor Walcut’s design, castle in the air 12 Wm Wallace poem to American editor, Im of the Press! and a Negro song rendered into Latin, Z Pratt adores Freeman Hunt 13,14,15, 16 dislikes Lit World critic; music and ptg cont 18 happy re downfall of Pius 19 Holden’s Mag has good cuts of Poe and Willis, caricatures pungent, wood engr by Orr frCole’s falls of Genesee owned by Prosper Wetmore, Darley fancy poets with sketches fr Augustine Duganne 20 music and ptg cont p. 1 21,22 p. 2 Art and Architecture, an address at the Baltimore Athenaeum, by Mayer, former secy to Legation in Mexico, author, and original Taylor man. England has done little, wants the fervor, the enthusiasm, here where the blood of all the world is blent 23 p. 1 complete list of drwg of the prizes lots of puffs of New England Society puritan dinners 26 27 Irish paper The People noted; Clinton monument shld be in NYC not Albany, description of it fr Committee Bradish, Wm Parmelee, and M Fillmore  28, 29, 30


Jan 2 1849 NYHS volume

4, likes Fany Osgood’s lions bk, 5 and 6 music and ptg concluded 8 9 10 11 port of Greeley litho noticed 12, 15 notices Scalpel as well as Phreno Journal; critical of Hone for abandoning Taylor but wanting office, 17, 17, 18 p. 3 ports of Scott and Taylor for state. Rough & Ready Club estab 1846 advertises 19,20 Calhoun is an enemy to the Union 22, 23, 24,25,26,27 praises Dr Ingraham’s American Statesman weekly, tho don’t know how he cld support Van Buren 29,30, 31

Feb 1 1849 NYHS

2,3, thinks fuss over changing spelling of Macaulay is ridiculous 5,6,7,8,9,10,12,, 13 Mitchell’s and Burton’s regular advertisers; cover of 13th has John Lorimer Graham portrait, former postmaster. quarrel with Sunday Mercury over satire of gold fields. 14,15, 16 seems to support Ned Buntline’s Own, 17, says the newspaper boys are Democratic as a class, tho have a king, Mark Maguire. Trib’s leader today called Bennett the Satanic press. 19,20, 21 Fanny Kemble Butler poem, 22 supports Hudson Riv rrd, 23, Beebe is part of Rough and Ready club 24 p.2 Fine Art Intelligence, life and antique schools of NAD close this week, 50 students, Prudhomme Curator, new rooms being built, notes a litho of Cole coming out on Good Shepherd, Darley. 26 Boston stopped its dog slaughter. 26 p. 2 covers presentation of silver pitcher to Prudhomme by the students, directed by Edwin white, gifford, TA Richards and Edw H May. 27 story on aristocratic prodigality at court 28


March 1, 1849, NYHS

2 F is their Wash corresp. Fuller is a Catholic. 3 , 5, 6, 7 Ptr’s Travelling Song, fr the Germanby JM, what’s happier than the ptr’s life, paints beaut girl for his dinner. 8 p.2 Opening of the Art Union galleries, mentions Wenzler as an oddball. 9 Stanley the artist on Aztec ruins. 10,12,13,14, 15, 16, 17,19, 20, 21,22,23 humbug Robt Collyer introducer of Model Artists has complained agst a competitor; puffs Astor Hse hotel 24,26, 27, 28,29, 30 mentions TB Read Mar 31,1849 p.1 anecdote of Hiram Powers getting a steamboat named after him, he writes to Kellogg for compliment


Apr 2 1849 NYHS article on a sound national paper currency, cont on 3rd. 4 2 parties: progress and order 5 support new city charter  6 notices opening of NAD p. 2; 7, 10, 11 has poem fr Antislavery standard; Townsend and Orr’s mammoth pano advert; 12 , 13,14 their fave poet Henry Morford a big Taylor guy 16

Apr 17 1849 p. 2 likes Arcularius and Scoville. Nasty article “fr the Yucatan.” p. 1. p. 2 Artistic Intelligence:  NAD won’t get lot on Broadway they wanted.  Litho drwg by late Mr Cole is being printed by Saroney and Major in best style, pub Ridner, The Good Shepherd.  next print for WAU in Cinti engr Alfred Jones fr One of Life’s Happiest Moments, by Mrs Spencer of our city.  Thom Hicks sent home gd pict of Ital subj, well spoken of by Artists. N Cranch in Florence, three recent picts show much progress at Ridner’s, Reminiscences of Italy eg, Vesuvius, Thomas H Smith in Paris, JF Cropsey gd evidence of improving abroad, also at Ridner’s Capsi, Vesuvius, Shepherd’s Home.  Those going abrd this summer Ed win White, JB Stearns, Edwin Purcell, of this city, B McConkey and TW Whitridge of Cinti

Apr 18 notes Dusseldorf, ad 19 puffs gallery of old masters at Lyceum 20 more on Dusseldorf, and praise of Eve Post and Trib 21, 23, supports redec the White Hse, new Whig attorney general Hall attacking Ely Moore  24 People versus the Cliques (Whig factions)

 25 notes water cure journal of Fowler, also Godey’s regularly Apr 26 1849 NAD now open NYHS 27, 28 p.2 visiting NAD , mentions Talbot, Richards, Flagg, signed Carlos  30 p.2 Artistic Intelligence


May 1 1849 NYHS p. 2 JTP has long letter defending morality of Art Union. 2 p.2 long description of Vandenberge’s splendid ptgs in parlor 4 of Astor Hse  3,4,5,7 Judson should not attack a lady (Crean) as they are in private life 8 p.1 Powers statuary fr New Orleans paper, Proserpine too voluptuous 9 support Macready in the riot 10,11 law shld show no mercy to rioters; Willis’ article in Home Journal is on par with his Onderdonk article, Willis pique against Macready well known. 12, 14 Lit World also supporting Macready 15 Mayor Woodhull very able; London AU has bad engravings 16 poem to Margaret Fuller, Ideal Woman by Morna 17 p. 2 only papers that censured city govt in riots are True Sun Sunday Atlas and Sunday Courier, shouldn’t defend Mob Law 18,19,21,22,23 big ad for Cypress Hill cemetery, had a long article promoting them earlier 24 mock HC Pratt’s plan for a Garden of Eden, would rather stroll thru it with Eve alone 25,26 notices favorably Park Benjamin’s Metropolis 28 approves Mike Walsh’s article on riots in Sunday Dispatch, big contrast with NP Willis who fears the poor. Chas F Hoffman has gotten an office. 29, 30 support free pub baths 31


June 1 1849 NYHS  2 v crit of Smithsonian architecture 4 NY and Erie rrd supported by Fuller and Brooks. lots on Odd Fellows 5, 6 gives Mr Lester’s oration at Castle Garden on the 4th, an Odd fellows. Money market says Erie rrd stock crowded up by speculators. 7,8 praises Cozzens West Pt Hotel at length; no NAD ad but Dusseldorf strong 11 p.2 B the Wash corresp defends his position agst C&E crit re Smithsonian 12 Geo Lippard supported Taylor, embarassing 13 Holmes poem p. 1. p. 2 reverses itself on Am Inst, now they are nabobs. Has long article on Am AU inclu nice comments re Cafferty and Spencer. 14 sorry hawthorne was removed fr the Custom hse 15,16, 18 engr portrait of a senator on p1, p. 2 Leutze ptg superior composition, no money shld be spent on Father Mathew 19 very small black borders for Polk, Trib too harsh 20, 21,22 23, 25 story on Kossuth likes Johnson’s new scrap book 27 critical of Bishop Hughes 28, 29 poem on custard 30


July-December 1849 NYHS volume

skipped July-August

started with Sept 8, 10 notes death of engineer Whistler 11 England blocked Hungarian liberty 12 13,14,15, 17 death of Chas W Holden of the magazine; disagrees with Sunday Dispatch over trade unions and strikes, pro expansion of US boundaries as security against internal convulsions  18 Consul Walsh in France shld be gotten rid of, not supportive of republicans; Am AU opening dinner and toasts, Magoon, Wetmore  19 (Buntline) Judson’s brother in law is Bennett 20, 21 p. 3 on Art Union exhib 22, 24, 25 puffs Meyer’s pano of Calif  26, 27 p. 2 notices ptg of Washington Crowned 28 p. 2 Art Union controversy 29


October 1, 1849 NYHS volume

supports free trade not protective system; puffs gems of Dusseldorf g. 2,3, 4 return of the Greek Slave p. 2.  5,6 p.1 more on Amer AU 8 agree with Sun Merc re Astor Place riot trials  9, 10 Powers advertises, 11, 12 praises Levi Woodbury’s address to Am Inst 13,15 p.2 Am AU 16,17, 18 Poe poem advert for Cummings’ academy 19, The Bubble funny; CD Stuart poem to Cushman 20 p.3 arrest of model artists, 3 females and 20 in audience, in 21st street house, in puris naturalibus, only females held 22 pro annex Canada; Art Union receipts exceed 1000 dollars in one day, pet institution of the city, daily visitors average 4000 in rooms on Broadway, exerts “irreproachably moral” influence on city (joke is NP Willis makes that claim about himself in letter in Trib) 23 p.2 Lang’s Roman Carnival  24 Raymond a true Whig 25, 26, 27,29 ea publisher has his favored paper for reviews 30, 31 p. 3 fr NO Picayune, supporting Am AU, it’s not immoral.


November 1 1849 NYHS vol

p.2 opening of Goupil rooms  2,3, 5,6,7,8, p. 2 Quispiam on Art Union 9, 10, 12 unions interfere with individ freedom 13, 14 p. 1 poem on AU and story on Brackett. likes the weekly Metropolis 15 , 16,17,19, Doughty on AU 20 Alice Cary poem, promo for AU 21 p.2 more on AU  22,23 24,26 p. 4 Attree 27 mocks Cornelius Mathews for attacking the Knickerbocker; p. 3 on libel suits  28 puffer hopkins and city items in conflict over NY in Slices  30


December 1849 NYHS volume—didn’t finish

1 long puff of pano of Nile and Gliddon 2  p. 1 Art Union 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 juvenile correspondent describes European art p. 1 JP in Florence  10, 11


1850—Library of Congress bound volume

January (H Fuller, Ann and Nassau) 1850

An ‘independent’ administration paper it seems. 2 cents.

4 long memorial fr Louisville Journal on James H Perkins death in Cinti; publishes fr Demo Rev a critique of JT Headley’s writing. 7 excerpts fr Sunday Mercury comment abt the Art Union’s management, Fuller attacks Mercury for propagating gross falsehoods reflecting on honor of respected citizens; such charges fr pen of NPW no one would be surprised at, but not Mercury. Attacks Louis A Godey for apologizing for hiring antislavery writer Grace Greenwood, truckling to slavery madcaps, proscription of lit. Excerpt fr Home Journal a tribute to Chas F Briggs ed of Holden’s Mag, wit peculiar humor, can appreciate writing of others, Harry Franco, Tom Pepper, and Fuller says Messrs Castir and Pollux of HJ are judges of Pinto’s pen having been targets of his wit and satire, but Briggs in Holden’s has sloshed praise all over Geo Morris; --it’s a great country, with a very extensive back-ground yet to be fenced in. 8 loves Emerson. NY Globe no longer ed by Childs, who they like; JY Hinsdale who wrote for Mirror under JYH now at Cinti Gazette. Also likes Whittier, and a fan of Kossuth, recommends his gold pen, publishes poetry. RS Ripley’s book on Mex War is a fan of Pillow, attacks Scott, and thinks Zach won by accident. 11 Matsell’s report as chief of police emphasizes juvenile rogues who peddle goods, sweep crossings, beg, are vicious (prostitution). Notices Huntington’s pics, good news for art lovers, one of our first painters, a letter about it reproduces corresp between a committee including WC Bryant, G Verplanck, Durand, Ingham, Leupp, Ruggles, Bethune, EA Duyckinck, Benj Silliman, HW Bellows, John Jay, John Inman, John Van Buren,  Jon Sturges, AM Cozzens, Edmonds, Gray, HK Brown, GW Austin, Geo P Putnam, Richard Grant White, inviting him to put together a retrospective, he agrees and in the AU rooms.  Intl AU had distrib with WC Bryant as chair, Goupil says they won’t manage it anymore but shld have elected officers. 12 Juvenile corresp in Rome JP admires Canova statues in St. Peter’s, also went to see Guido’s famous Aurora, if didn’t know he was the artist would have chosen your copy by aunt Margaret. Gallery of the Capitol at the Forum, Dying Gladiator much better than we expected

15 notices Schemerhorn giving a Jarvis port  of admiral to Common Council; the modesty and morality of Herald editor shocked by Walhalla in Canal st where exhib of tableaux vivants by model artists take place of a most indecent character, and one at Franklin Theatre in Chatham Sq which tho equally indecent the Herald is silent about; pocket-conscience, one advertises. Notices satirically a Horace Greeley love sonnet, he forgets the painter’s art and thinks the lady’s heart is there.

17 Covering the Astor Place rioters trial and testimony extensively, of course hostile to Rynders et al. Lots of coverage of Typog banquet.

18 Publishes fr Courier Willis’ private letter to Maretzek of the Opera House, saying he needs a new season ticket, and “I hope you understand my orchestral introduction of a little Basso of criticism to relieve the excess of Alto in the other newspapers. Public don’t like things which are only praised, but will come to the rescue just as promptly when the excess is the other way.

19 quarrels with Trib—Mirror says rich man who spent $3000 on a party is doing good by spending money, Trib says not while people starve, Fuller accuses him of class warfare. 19 re the Willis-Maretzek affair, Willis blundered when he ventured to write about music or about art at all, his ignorance of the true principles of any art is astoundingly profound and complete, as he continually proves. His paper circulates among those who wish to feel fashionable by imbibing his weak twaddle, don’t go to the artist, and his note to Maretzek shows that his crit is worth nothing as it depends, not upon the positive merits of the artists, but upon the relative position of other matters. Herald is supporting Maretzek, says Willis is head of Italian party at the Opera hse, versus the French. In comments on the Astor Place riots, notes that Van Buren for the defense went on about foreign actors, foreign influence, American aristocracy and similar claptraps.

21 Herald attacked management of the Printers Typog Festival, Tribune and Sun both attack John Van Buren, Herald approves of acquittal of Rynders (has been cuffed by Hale and Townsend as well as Hamblin and Webb). Doesn’t think poor on streets will be saved by charitable assoc as Comm Advert recommends, wants a Vagrant Act. Seems hostile to Webb. 22 notices Gallery of Illustrious Americans which opens with port of Taylor. 24 has a letter to John Calhoun from “Juste Milieu” attacking his bill


25 admires new weekly paper The Lorgnette, Tom Pepper-y satire, though a prejudicial lens unlike the Mirror. Notice of Huntington’s exhibition, went to private opening, finext exhib of mod pics ever in the city, most of his large works that have been widely spoken of and many of lighter fancy, lscapes, ports least prominent, mostly disting  persons, exhibits artist’s progress, increased simplicity of design and unity of effect of later works. Laugh at Ichabod Crane and Port of a Classmate, ver Hope or Mercy’s Dream or St John, one of the noblest, simple, unaffected, grand, surpasses even Roman Penitents. Advertises in subsequent issues.

28 Graham’s has showy plates, showy fashions, pretty stories, taking number. Godey’s is dashing. Holden’s has admirable engr of Starrucca Viaduct, well conducted. MM Noah writes to defend himself agst accus in Herald of bribery fr a foreign govt. 29 grandson of Walter Scott, Lockhart, in bankruptcy—family looked to past, tradition, custom, modern world a dull hateful blank. 30 likes Hawthorne and Geo Copway. 31 likes Fanny Osgood v much, publishes a poemto her on seeing a port of her called in catalog of Nat Acad, the  Flower Love-Letter, by Mary E Hewitt, all her words are flowers, and also tributes fr HM Stephens, Sarah Whitman, Poe, LitWorld, CC. Approves of clay’s compromise. P. 2 Thinks NY by Gaslight and all its ilk beneath notice, bastards of de Kock and Sue, attractive to penny a liners beastly spectacles of debauchery, Ned Buntline does it better than Foster, insipid.


February 1850

4 excerpts fr Knickerbocker’s Ed Table. Individs ought to reform themselves, not try to reform the masses. 7 p. 3 excerpts Description of the Fashionable Man fr Lorgnette, includes carefully prepared round of critiques picked up at the clubs, insouciance and freedom that show him a perfect master of the subj, even the fine arts, cultivated certain ecstacies of expression abt the Greek Slave, and such like measures of the town taste, which wld be worthy of an estab belle, or the columns of the Snday Mercury. If literary fancy seizes, will contrib a letter ot Sunday Herald, or a rejected sonnet to Eve Mirror, will read Home Journal, Dispatch, Eve Post andmaybe a card in the C&E , a review in Lit World, poem in Trib or chapter in James’ last novel, a club man who goes tot Grace Church. 13 happy that Webb’s nomination for ambassador was rejected, northerners tried to force it. 14 puffs Huntington’s pics again, better than foreign ones. 15 p. 3 excerpts Eve Post approval of Fowlers and Wells cabinet in Clinton Hall bldg. 16 dislikes that the City pays the Sun more to put in civic ads than the small circ papers like the Express, Comm Advert whose readers actually care

18 Foster of GasLight works for Sunday Courier? Richelieu Robinson kicked out of the Customs House and will become the DC corresp for Trib?

19 Art – a few days ago in Cropsey’s studio, recently fr Euro, rich evidences of power and industry, historical interest, tho much honored is still Am in faith and affection, exquis large pic fr nature in NJ, 113 Broadway at Lispenard. 20 ‘Washington Crowned by Lib, Equal and Frat’ magnif pic, univ admir, proprietor Rogers, to Dc to sell for $15,000, apotheosis shld be nat property, magnificient. 22 for GW birthday pug port (Stuart) engr by Howland

23 happy that AM Cozzens elected Pres of AU, wellknown connoisseur, extensive acquaintance with all our artists, gain confidence and good will, business habits guarantee to the public.25 Bennett indicted in Noah libel; panorama of Rhine best ever. 26 reports on proClay compromise mtg, MM Noah and John Haggerty Chas Leupp  Corneliuus Lawrence Peter Cooper among those there, James Whiting and Genl Scott. 27 approves the Asmonean. 28 pro Free Trade

March 1850

2 anti- women’s suffrage. 6 anti-Calhoun. Anti-flogging in Navy. 9 perhaps on Mrs. Forrest’s side.

March 11 1850 NYHS volume

Daniel Webster’s speech (resp to Calhoun?) 12 gives history of Fremont 13, 14 Seward’s speech 15 puffs Bayne’s pano 16, critical of Bishop Hughes, 17 MM Noah writers Mirror defending himself agst Herald accusations (Swartout McKeon et al); anti Carlyle 19 dislikes Emerson’s natural aristocrats, 20, 21 22 lots on opening of Genin’s store, lots on Dr. Webster’s trial, p. 3 is American Art Union sleeping?  or dead? from a corresp who notes that the Academy is making convulsive efforts to get ahead of it. 23 excerpts Melville p.2 puffs the Gallery of Old Masters, eye after viewing with delight excellence turns with disgust to a hard and ragged scene, on mediocre efforts, advocate highest class of exhib to elevate taste of public 25 puffs Intl Art Union Gall 26  admires Scarlet Lettter 27 , 28 new work by Michelangelo discovered, notes Goupil sale 29 likes Melville, Gallery of Illust Americans, indiff to Tuckerman, wymp to Forrest and skeptical of NP Willis 30


April 1, 1850 NYHS volume

2,3, admires Putnam and Sedgwick, big ads 4,5, admires HK Brown and supports Clinton monument p. 2  6,8,9,10, 11, notices Goupil sale, 12, 13 p. 2 dinner of NAD, notes Hicks, Duyckinck and Webb portraits, also of McElrath, Mount’s reading the Trib ptd for Mcelrath too. p. 3 death of Bengough, at one time the best scene ptr in this country at the old national under Wallack and the Olympic, had become intemperate 15 Wm Ross Wallace the Liberty bell poem  16, 17 Bryant poem, likes Whitney’s Pacific rrd; Bennett always shrieking doomsday and apocalypse to noblest govt. 18 long praise for pano of Hudson; ad for Cooper 19 give cooper a good review; Senators Foote and Benton shld be expelled 20 p. 3 on trial of Greek Slave, Robb and Kellogg 22 notes NAD removal and opening, 400 + works 23 Zadoc Pratt kids traveling with Ann Stephens 24 , 25  26,, 27, 29, likes Hutchinson family, Silas Wright in Gall of Illus Amer 30


May 1, 1850 NYHS volume

May 2 p.2 The Exhib of the Nat Acad: indebted to men not in liberal professions for great works of art and benevolent institutions, only profession deserves to be called liberal is that of merchant, who is generally derided as narrowing to the mind and debasing to affections

            Evidences of NY’s public spirit and past, trading classes foremost patrons of Art and charit. The fine halls for the exhib due to unostentatious munificence of a few merchants by purchasing their works, etc, Sturgis, Leupp and Faile e.g. gave funds to finish the bldg. Can compare our schl of art with France and Germ, Gallery of Old Masters of merchant Nye, undoubted Ital and Span specimens; Duss Gall, Fr ptgs at Goupil, Am AU, Huntington Gall and Nat Acad. Competition raises standard, wih there was a gall of living Brit artists.

            373 artworks, 143 artists, most New Yorkers, most artists with reputations here along with newer ones. Many pics introd to give relief to principal performers, multitude of commonplaces. First pic strikes eye entering first large gall is 29, immense canvas in monstrous gilt frame of Pope Pius the Ninth in pontifical robes, ptd at Quirinal, at desire of Archibishop and bishops of US. As art, merits are few, as likeness, not satisfying to our ideas of his Holiness, rather like Sterne’s fat contented ignorance than benevolent and liberal alm deliverer of his country. Bishops shld for his credit desire the ptr not to exhibit it; Ames has others in exhib more creditable.

            30 Pic Nic by Jerome Thompson, hanging near his holiness, was taken by editor of Tribune for Wm S Mount’s, no one else could have thought so, Mount won’t feel v grateful to HG for the backhanded compliment. Pic too large for subj, too coarsely treated for its scale, to make such a subj endurable requires delicacy of thought and touch not in any of artist’s productions and not in this.

May 3, 4, p.2 NAD contd, Church, Peale, Duggan, Hicks. May 6, 7 poor can get a job if they want. rum and laziness to blame. blames Herald for anti-slavery riot encouragement 8, 9 p.2 Exhib of NAD, Gray and Cafferty, Gray’s Silas Wright and stinginess of city govt. May 10 reprints Trib editorial on ruffianism caused by Satanic Press and supported by Old Hunkers. puffs American Hotel. 11 p. 2 crit of Art Union for engraving Leslie 13 death of Fanny Osgood wife of SS the port ptr.

May 14, 15 tyranny of labor unions 16 full page bio of Fanny Osgood continues in next issue Lit World ad. 17, 18 p. 2 Gall of AU very good, agree with crit of Trib that how ptgs hung is impt 20  Webster is sublime 21,22, 23 description of socialist Eugene Sue’s chateau as filled with luxuries inclu ptgs etc, long puff of Collins steamers 24,25, 28 Genin’s has a Union hat 29, 30 Dr. TL Nichols writes in support of vegetarianism 31 loves Bayard Taylor, supports 1851 Great Exhib


June 1 1850 NYHS volume

NAD and Dusseldorf still advert; p. 2 London art criticism from Punch; Am art more truthful, homely life of Mount et al 3, 4 Sidney Smith on imp of beautiful 5 puffs Gurney’s dags 6, 7, 8, 10,11, John Inman no longer ed at Comm Advert, ill 12, 13,14, 15,  Mrs Mitchell divorce 17, 18 doesn’t take strong sides in Forrest-Willis fight; pano of Italy 20 p. 2 Woodville 21 notes sad death of Wm Burns of Sunday Dispatch 22, 24 25 notes NAD closing 26, 27, 28 notices Goupil ports of Clay, JQ Adams and Fulton 29 last issue of volume


Lib of Congress: July 1. L Then July 13th, to 22nd—approves of Fillmore’s new Cabinet, and of GPR James. 23 notes death of Fuller, that Aspinwall of firm Howland and Aspinwall had lots of valuable ptgs and Powers’ statue of John Calhoun. 24 urges Fuller’s complete works be put together, and says Hicks’ portrait of her is excellent. 30 cites Thomas Carlyle on practice of getting up statues for public figures, diletante at pic sales or artists studios gets idea for a subscription.

I skipped August. September starts on the 4th.

5 Am AU advertises, open, p. 3. On p. 2 A Union of Arts at the Art Union—Ptg rendering homage to Music. Jenny Lind visited galleries, fitting tribute of Art to Genius, select invitations to press, managers families and disting strangers, but only 100 present. Portraits don’t do her justice, face as strongly marked Swedish as newly arrived immig in Greenwich.

6 attacks John Neal, is a supporter of Griswold. 7 loves Jenny Lind and James Brooks. 9 notices Novel Panorama of pilgrim’s progress, May, Darley, Church, Cropsey, Duggan, Dallas, Huntington. 13 The Am AU: querulous attacks by anon writers, insinuations, officers wisely refrained fr response, present exhib of works a triumphant answer. Not pretended they have not made some mistakes, but no one who is qual to judge of their purchases can deny their fitness. Ptgs are nearly all the best of the works at last NAD and new ones, inclu v beaut lscape by Leutze view in Germ, first lscape by admirable artist exhib here; grand and beaut work by Church of twilight among hills that attracted such univ attn and regard it as finest lscape by Am ptr, highest prize in AU. Other fine ptgs fr hand of this true artist, rare facility of combining Nature’s grand outliens and generalities with utmost fidelity of detail in particulars, highest order of genius. AU preserves portraits of its Presidents, by Elliott and Gray who did Bryant. Nation shld do the same.

            Mocks Puffer Hopkins and Literary World, on the 19th again, for praising publisher Redfield.

19 “Just in Time” beaut colored litho fr Mount’s capital pic just fr Paris for Goupil, finest genius in comic ptg of purely local kind, newton and Leslie have become English, smile of satisfaction as handsome young man tunes to proper pitch, rural Adonis, size of life, warmth of coloring, not exhib of hmorous talent, unlike his classical reputation. Also will find exhib a vivid head of a Negro fiddler of which the Post contained an account last evening, worth going some distance to see

25 Reopening of NY Gall of FA: on exhib at NAD with Nye’s old masters, among them the chef douevres of some of our great artists and successful copies of old masters, a school for young artists, a people’s gallery. Those in favor of protecting home industry ought to liberally support it.

            Assoc of Am and Foreign Resident Artists, have 3rd mtg at Peale’s museum rmss, to impartial investig of affairs of Am AU, reasons submitted for forming an assoc of artists

26 The Am AU and the Artists: mtg on Weds TW Whitley offered resolution of a committee to form an association, respectably attended, signed Artist

27 praises HJ Raymond’s radicalism

30 covers Am Inst, notes London AU


14 Webb is personal friend of Seward, under oblig, and takes his and Trib’s side in party split, or he would undoubtedly have come out on the Nat Whigs instead, the Seceders who act on his principes. Approves of new penny paper Newyorker, ed Carlos D Stuart, notices the Hunker Cass organ Standard, ed Col John I Mumford.

21 Am Review injures Whig party by calling itself Whig, attacks GPR James

23 supports Union Mtg in support of compromise, thinks Trib Post and maybe C&E will disapprove

25 Fine Art Manufacturers of NY—France has lead because of support for art by ruling power, even present shadow of a great name, British catchingup, we ought to do the same. J of Commerce articles JWG is JW Gerard.

31 describes mtg, had given huge list of names, Sun also critical but not C&E. Hall decorated with mottoes of Jackson, Webster, port of Wash in center, vice pres include Wm H Aspinwall, Wm S Wetmore, Moses Taylor, GustA Conover, Jacob Westervelt, Wm H Webb, Isaac Townsend, Chas Leupp, Robt C Wetmore

November 1850

Notices Calhoun got rescued from sea. Notices promising young Sculptor John W Whitfield of Utica’s bust of Wilmerding, auctioneer, at Wms and Stevens, good natured smile

7 W writes on Silliness of Am Whig Rev, feeble and absurd, advocate lynch law etc

8  p. 3 Statue of Calhoun, W reports ltd view on deck, yet statesman before me, ptg to scroll of The Constitution but hand supported the scroll was gone, broken, buried, yet the Constitution was uninjured, omen of triumph of Union over factionists and fanatics, Constitution shall remain sacred tho hands once raised for its support and defence are stricken down and paralyzed by death.

            Likeness powerful, eyes full of soul and meaning, degree of char energy self possession and heroic dignity, attitude must be fine. Feet don’t add to genl beauty, clumsy in contrast with other parts, need more sharpness of line in ordinary boot not of best form, drapery as Powers alone cld treat it, truly graceful.

30 Park Benjamin poem on Union Forever. Celio by Foster is cheap and nasty.


December 1850-issues missing

6 running series on fine  arts manufacturers, eg Tiffany

10 p.2 Lessing’s Martyrdom of Huss, had read many fave comments on this great ptg before arrived, Boker added masterpiece to Duss coll. Lessing best known of young ptrs there, Huss has sufficient merit to give him a hi rep, yet confess the pic has disappointed us, doesn’t possess grandeur of expression that dignity of subj led us to anticpate. Afraid of attacking his subj, mistrusted his power, or not relied on nerves of his spectators, and merely ptd preliminaries rather than martyrdom itself, purposely missed the denouement of the drama, shld have taken a lesson fr Titian’s St Lawrence, given most terrific and sublime moment. Pic cut in halves by 2 groups in opp corners and chief personage in centre, Martyr kneeling and  might be taken for a ministering priest; royalty and clergy much more prominent, attract eye, and accessories only faintly tell story of stake. V little merit in color, deficient in feeling and depth of tone. Individs all well ptd, costumery no doubt historically exact, but has a melodramatic or masquerade look. Fine but not great work, pleases eye with admirable parts and finish, but as a whole does not affect the passions, make one forget a spectator and feel a participant, keeps you on the outside of the gilded frame. Sat in front of it nearly an hour, not same feelings as recent account of  Kinkle in Household Words, or chill with horror, as Lawrence does.

11 p. 1 a farmer accuses artist of uselessly studying books, don’t produce vegetables—artist has designed his plough

13 p.2 A Oakey Hall is The Manhattaneer in New Orleans, and has used pseud Croton there, which used to be Fuller’s name for articles in New England. His book on NO not of much interest. WC Bryant’s travel writings mediocre; in person he is cold, smooth and agreeable versifier, paper has tiny circulation despite party support.

21 gives full report of drwg of AU, p.2 says there are some features of its management we don’t support.

24 covers New England dinner. Likes Ike Marvel, editor of Lorgnette. Parke Godwin who writes for Eve Post did story for Jenny Lind in mythological drapery, agreeable, German.


Then skips to March 7, 1851, 8, 10, Mirror defends itself against Commercial Advertiser’s accusation that they aren’t a sound or legitimate Whig paper, calls themselves a conservative Whig paper, supporting Taylor and Fillmore, anti-abolitionist.

Mar 11, 12, p. 1 An Artist’s Dream: Powers, sculptor, native of Woodstock Vt, in letter to his coz there narrates youthful dream that prob suggested world-renowned Grk Slve, saw across Grn Mtn stream fr his father’s hse a white female fig standing on pedestal or pillar exceedingly beaut, no life, radiant vision, had no idea of what a statue was, could not approach it as water was deep and rapid.  Notice that Corcoran of Wash, purchaser of Grk Slave, intends to place it in beaut gall of art recently added to his mansion

  1. 2 Amer Artists’ Assn, Gallery of this Assoc opened to select company, not a large coll of picts, but more than ordinary merit, speeches by Parke Godwin, Huntingdon, Walcot and others, rm in Stoppani’s bldg

            ad for Nagle’s Grand Pano of Ireland, first Irish Artists.  Tom Pepper endorsed by Knickerbocker and Commercial Advertiser; Putnam has pub a hist of Polk administration, Brady advertises daguerreotypes on ivory, colored by McDougal, a miniature ptr, exquisite style, skilful blending, all most beaut in most superb oil ptgs and all accurate in best daguerreotypes

Mar 14, Mayhew’s London Labor instructing, amusing, painful, picts of real life fr personal observation Mar 15 says Mr Hill at Westkill has discovered how to produce colored daguerreotypes

Mar 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, close to Putnam still; gives GW’s pedigree, 22, 24, in his obit on Major Noah describes him as in the conservative portion of the Democratic party, but perhaps only differed in name fr Fuller. Mar 25, praises Gleason’s repeatedly. 26, no fan of Seward, sees NY Express as an ally. 27, 28, the Mirror is the organ of the opera going public and the Comm Advert of old fashioned sort of people.  Mar 29 p. 2 Intl Monthly Mag says a colossal fig of Danl Webster by Hiram Powers is contemplated for the Park of NYC.  Likes Dr Channing v much. 31


April 1, 1851, disapproves of how waltz is done. Apr 2, p. 1 new series by Horace, NY by day and night, errors in art come from fixed standard, should be subsidiary to grt principles of truth in art;  Ed responds that in all composition, ptg a picture, excellence is strength and beauty and brevity.  p. 2 notes HJ Raymond will start a paper to advocate Seward.  The Union men should stick with Express, J of Commerce and Mirror, while the abolitionists should stand by Tribune, C &E.    New bkstore, Evans & Brittan.  Puffs rare and valuable ptg auction, large and magif coll of originals by some of best masters, amateur tour thru Euro selected exquis taste faultless judgment, every connoisseur agree, James Marcher gallery 592 Broadway, opposite Niblo’s.  Harper’s also advertises; Apr 3, Beckers & Piard daguerreotypers.  Ad for Watt’s Nervous Antidote, 102 Nassau st.  Slams Puffer Hopkins/Cornelius Mathews in Lit World for twattle on Noah.

Apr 4, p. 3 NAD notes contribs of foreign artists, Overbeck and Achenbeck, Maclise and Stanfield. ad for Sattler’s Cosmorama, ptd in oil by Prof Sattler, views of world. regular first page poem.  Apr 5 Harriet Martineau story re Factory boy, 7, likes Lind pretty well, (later notes Barnum is in lawsuit with Herald) p. 2 Opening of NAD: better and poorer picts than we recollect seeing.  no catalog yet, but could not mistake fine Elliot portraits, esp wife of editor of Old Knick, marvelous lifelikeness, took off our hat involuntarily.  Kellogg’s full length of Gen Scot for this City Hall is a grt pict, form dilated, grt historical work most truthful portrait, Kellogg’s master piece for centuries to come, copies in little in service in coming campaign, will tell on canvass of another sort than on which it’s ptd.

            full length of Gen Taylor in oppos corner a total failure in pt of likeness, yet as nr orig as any attempt.  ugly features, beaut expression, artists sadly failed to catch.  rugged outline of mtn must first be faithfully given, before sunshine can be made to play on it.

            Gray’s Death alm took our breath away, advise Hanging Comm to take horrid thing away as speedily as possible. Cold, colossal head, lifeless as clay, clammy as a corpse, terrible Nightmare of Exhib, haunt and frighten women, more dreadful than the original.  Same rm Rossiter has lrge Alleg pict, 3 beaut women, Moral Intellectual and Phys Beauty, large as life, almost as natural, as attractive as a grp of Model Artists.  Miss Morality, saintly, dreamy, halo after style of Christs of old masters, Miss Intellectuality answ as portrait of Mdme De Stael’s Corinne, fine splendid beaut, not necessary to rob the bosom to build the brow, possible to develop the intellect and the woman too.  Miss Nudity pleased less, v plump and fair, but no blushes, artist emboldened by Hawadji’s descry of dancing girls (a travel bk he’d endorsed earlier).  shall in future crit deal fairly and frankly, relief fr din and dirt of politics.  Speeches fr Cozzens (Art Union) and Sturges (NY Gall of FA), and Bethune, Bellows, Genl Wetmore, Gaylord Clarke, Durand, Griswold, Erastus Brooks and Parke Godwin.  Griswold called Bryant grtest poet and Bancroft gftest historian in world, cutting it too fat

Apr 8 puffs Sattler’s Cosmoramas, beaut in Art, covers Fugitive Slave charge of judge fr J of Commerce, pro Webster and pro Compromise, C& E ed objects to being called abolit but supports Seward, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, pro Kossuth and Hungary

Skips Apr 15, then 16, 17, 18, excerpts Mayhew on Irish costermongers, dislikes the New Yorker; skips 19, then 21, 22, p. 3 notices a beaut litho likeness of brothers meade, celeb Daugerreotypists 233 Broadway, beauty finish and faithfulness, exquis litho D’Avignon, 23, p. 2 notices Art Union Bulletin, not legit, but several beaut engravings;  Fine ptgs, large magnif oil ptgs in Gallery of Society Library, Leonard st and Broadway, sd finest mod pictures ever offered, F& C Lawrence & Co, advertisers, 24, 25, 26, 28 p. 1 Fine Arts: no animal ptr can compete w/Edwin Landseer, who knows they have minds and treats them as not merely living but sentient beings, testifying by expression of their features.  would have been a portrait ptr without rival.  p. 2 A visit to the Studio of Mr Gignoux, completing 2 commissions for gman in Paris, characteristic of our scnery, most faithful and beaut, winter and autumn, most successful.  overseas viewers imagine them exaggerated, but accord highest praise for exec and composition. urge visit him.

Apr 29, 30


May 1 , 1851, big ad for Amer art union, 2, puffs all the mags, Hunts Harpers Gleasons etc, 3, HATES Bennett and the Herald. May 5 p. 1 Curiosu and Costly work of Art ordered by rich landholder in Brussels, copy of Imitation of Christ, with 114 engr copies of Flemish schl, Van Eyck, Memling Pourbos, Claessens etc; 6, 7, p. 1 ‘effect of habit’ portraits in the time of Hudson, the master of Reynolds, alw ptd in one attitude, hand in waistcoat and hat under arm.  a young man being ptd by Reynolds wanted his hat onhis head, when got it home saw also had one under his arm.

May 8, 9 p.1 ‘The Newsboy’ fr the Sunday Times, they dress in rags to improve sales. 10, p. 1 ‘Titian’ Sleeping Venus so decidedly his chef d’ouevre that after efforts to rival his own matchless work, quit in despair. Philip 4 of Spain when Prado on fire first q was if Titian V escaped.  Then all other losses may be borne. p. 2 AAU: only one brief visit, more miserable coll of Pictures never seen.  either Managers are no judge of art,or presume others aren;t.  among so many, a few of merit, but as a whole not worth the price of admission (nothing).  Beard’s Last Man, have heard so much, most conspicuous position, horrid looking thing, terribly sea sick indivd with skin of pink leather, smoothly dressed, with tubes of veins showing on surface, drowning corpse of woman at his feet simply disgusting.  sorry as we are and have been friendly to Institution.  But must purchase better with the $100,000 per annum.  possible that the pictures are debris fr previous year not picked up by winners?

May 12 opposes anti-gambling law as not in purview of state. May 13 p. 1 puffs new series of cosmoramas by Sattler, fr Lit World. p. 2 recommends seeing Putnam if wish to procure Foreign Books or Works of Art,he’s going to Europe.  14, 15, 16, 17, p. 1 notices subscriber engr for London Art Union. 19, p.1 notices Catlin’s coll in London, 20, 21, p. 2 calls Nigara unpaintable, 22, 23, missing 24, 26, 27, 28 p. 1 poem by Eliza Cath Hurley on visiting Sattler’s Cosmorama, eye is raptured by the scenes, art so resembles nature, genius so well portrays, experiences the sublime.

May 29, 30


Jun 2,3, 1851, admires Barnum. Jun 5 p. 2 Willis and Webb Affair, application to Superior Court by Smith Coddington and Mary J (his wife, formerly Miss Inman), asking James Watson Webb to deliver letters fr the lady and Willis many yrs since.  He got them when they were given to him to hand over to Mr Inman, which he failed to do.  Likes Illust NY News. Jun 14 p. 1 first woodcut I’ve seen, of the Tontine bldg--an ad rather than editorial it seems. Jun 15 p. 8, poem is “a Picture” by Wordsworth, a perfect woman;  “Picture Dealing” fr an English Paper, a craft hasn’t best name, as much jockeying abt ptd canvass as horseflesh, and as many tricks on would-be connoisseurs of Raphaels and Claudes as on soi disant and soi pensant judges of blood, bone and symmetry. stories go round studios fr Rome to Camden of masterpieces of old masters manufactured by wholesale, poured on market as undoubted originals for wealthy parvenueism.  Acres of alleged Rubenses etc.  Pictures of this class play strange part in province of our business and monetary system, the sharp eyed gman who does a bill at 100 or so percent stipulates the advance paid partly in pictures and wine (one knocked up in a cellar, the other in a garret).  Not all picture dealers are drivers of desperately hard bargains, chapmen of old masters, moments of commercial philanthropy.  gman in New Cut saw in broker’s window rusty old daub, ptd in mud and coffee grounds and decided it was an undoubted specimen of Canaletti--dealer didn’t raise the price on him.  Jun 16 Sunday Era is dying, ally of Herald  Likes actess Julia Bennett at Brougham’s Lyceum.  Disapproves of Bloomers. loves Webster.

Jun 28, p.1, The Academy of Design, signed R, for the Eve Mirror:  Cropsey is achieving for himself, somehow, considerable reputation.  newspaper critics laud his Italy.  what this new rep is built on, or what fine things there are in the Italy, can’t discover.  sky is pretty well, less scratchy than most of its predecessors, but no diligent student and truthful lover of nature would take pleasure, as Cropsey appears to, in suggesting aerial distances by means of clouds, like ragged pocket handkerchiefs, and partially distended pillow cases.  distant hills skillfully drawn and colored with some approach to truth, but beside genl gd effect of sky and hills, what is to be said in approval?

            artist labord for breadth, worked zealously for his distances, accomplished sundry leagues of flatness and vacuity, dead expanse of prettily ptd ground and water, a persp sufficiently correct, but champaign country contains no objects to engage the eye, address the mind or affect the heart, no life, nothing of its forms, varieties, illusions, beauty.

            critic (and cropsey) might reply that in this very abandonment of particulars consists unity, the grat thing, when we paint grandly and for posterity.  is our great Republic any the less a Union, because every State is a little Republic in itself.  The true idea of unity, either in art or govt, is not that of a simple element, a homogenous mass--such unity is death.

            middle ground affords considerable dainty ptg, few passages creditable drwg, outline of farther bank of waveless river is graceful and effective, reflections v pleasing, but water is all depth, too transparent, the fiercest tempest could scarcely lift a wave on its intangible surface.  as to the ruins, nothing can be more ruinous.  Time and weather have manifested no bowels in their dealings, every stone indicates foulest treatment on part of these ruthless avengers, nine small birds flying out window flee fr tower in very act of falling down.  ruin looks like pastry more than stone, unbaked gingerbread texture and hue.  We may be too fastidious, ut believe citizens of NY see quite as good fragments of temples as this cut in soap every day.

            foregrd--apostle of unity--the great tree is nearest and most prominent object.  much been sd re superlative merits of his foliage, but if there is anywhere on earth a treenot surrounded and pervaded by atmosphere, leaves as crip as shavings incapable of motion, no juice or moisture of any kind, than this is the image of that melancholy and supernatural vegetable.  what a tree it is, or would be if it were a tree, and it is, if a lump of salt is Lot’s wife, not otherwise.  foreground gives striking evidence that this Italy is a composition, and there is all that remarkable and beaut unity observed in it that we admire in a pedlar’s bon.  a patch or two of shrubbery laboriously bent, not by wind, for no power in wind to bend such.

            also a cross bends precisely to the left, may be emblematical of present condition of Romanism, but approp as symbol, bad appearance.  several bodies of trees attached to no particular masses of foliage, stuck slantingly into ground, have a staky look.  at extreme right close against frame stands one erect tree, embodiment of sublime inflexibility, no foliage visible, wrapped in mantle of greenest baize, an exotic needing protection.  few figs introd would be improved by imparting some resemblance to any living thing,a s is, an insult to anatomy, human and comparative.  quadrupeds may have had ears like carpet bags, and black goats with square bodies and legs like candles may eat saffron colored herbage in Italy.

            artist has given one excellent piece of stone work, ought to compensate for failure of his other attempts, that is the man (statue I should say) by the ftn, effect of chiseling in every touch of the brush.  idea of the coat and pants is a bold plagiarism fr Thom.

            grt lack in this picture is lack of atmosphere.  foregrd nothing but paint paint daubed on a flat canvass, so no radiance, no warmth of sunshine, tho every leaf is pted a dead yellow.  therefore the foliage sheds no coolness, gives tired traveler no invitation to rest in its shade, far more suggestive of fragrance of studio than balmy odors of nature.

            poor opinion of this much praised production.  we will be impartial.  Right opposite it hangs the Deluge, a bit of artistic quackery compared with Cropsey’s work is a gem. one inch square of his fine sky or misty backgrd worth more than an acre of the splendid abominations with which Mr Church has spoiled a valuable piece of canvass.  Will ambitious tyros never learn how much easier it is to be ridiculous than sublime?  The idea of making a pretty deluge! Church doubtless v promising artist, but profanation to attempt such subjects as this.  before he paints another woman, consult friends necks and arms, possibly may have peculiar andoriginal notions concerning antedeluvian females, if women did look like women on the rock, posterity ought to be grateful for the flood.

  1. 4 Quotes Mrs Gove Nichols in favor of bloomers and feminism generally.


Missing all of July 1851.


Aug 1, 1851. Aug 2 p. 2 A Pun.  our friend Beard, the distinguished Western artist, told a conundrum from an eastern college grad boy aiming for ministry, didn’t work.  p. 5 Wm Walcut, artist, won $200 for best design for Henry Clay medal.

Ok with expansion of slavery.  disapproves of filibusters, sympathetic with Cubans, but won’t be free til give up Catholicism.  defends Astor Hse proprietors against Bennett and taint of abolition. 

Aug 14 p. 1 fr Boston Transcript, Healy’s Picture of Webster, arrived fr France w/celeb ptg of him on floor of Senate, replying to Mr Hayne, much admired by some of best connoisseurs of Europe, regarded as chef d’ouevre of the artist, expended most time and labor, exhib shortly and splendid frame fr design by Cabot, 27 feet long, 14 feet hi, gilded, commerce, agriculture, the country in emblems on it.

Aug 18 p. 2 Cummings of this city 2 months ago forwarded to England a ptg on ivory of Martha Washington for Queen Vic, mentioned in Albion Jun 21, has recd thru Brit Consul a gold medal acknowl his skill and taste

Aug 23 p. 1 ‘The Flower Girl of Wyoming,” fr National Intelligencer, Jonathan Sturges of NY owns a pict of surpassing beauty and excellence, by distinguished Ingham, port of a Flower Girl, seems standing on threshold of some village mansion, holding rare plant, and basket of Amer flowers. Thru open door glimpse country, gather summer is in prime.  bewitching creature, neat but simple drab colored gown, common black hood, as if conscious the sunlite of countenance and beauty and fragrance of flowers wld monopolize all the attn of those she meets.  Has spent morning in father’s garden, won’t spoil the muslin dress lately recd bday present fr kind mom, and as soon as sold basket of flowers, will ramble over hills after wildflowers for her own benefit.

            reminded of Wordsworth passage, except dusky hair, perfect: phantom of delight. 

irresistible charmer without uttering a word is commanding us to buy, language of blue eyes, look of all sweet accord, marvelous beauty, fair merchant, impatient to be under the open sky, won’t brook admiring gaze much longer.

            connected to romantic but authentic story.  English gman traveling in mail coach in valley of Wyoming, portico of tavern, young girl innocence modesty selling flowers, haunted by her, went back, put her in seminary, married her, took her to England.  Picture in question is an actual portrait, fr a sketch the artist ptd on the very day the English stranger first bought the flowers.

  1. 3 Port of Mr Webster fr Messrs Adriance & Co at AstorHse, magnificent line engr, full length, most graceful and commanding attitude, highly creditable to artists Andrews & Smith of Boston, spared no pains, preserving beauties of orig picture by Harding, $4.

Phebe Cary poem fr Sartain’s


Sept 1, 1851, Sept 2 notes death of last of Frances Sargent Osgood’s young daughters, surviving mom only 15 months.  Sept 3 glad Raymond’s Daily Times will be a penny paper with higher aims than to cater to baser appetites of the mob, support conservative interests.  Sept 8 lists papers that denounced Cuban filibusters: Mirror, Express, Commercial dvertiser, J of Commerce, C & E, Tribune.  Eve Post expressed some sympathy, Sun supported it (as did Demo Review), Herald trimmed.  Sunday Times, Atlas and Mercury stood for law.

Sept 10 p. 2 panorama hall, 398 Broadway, Russell’s vast ptg of a Whaling Voyage round the world, truly novel, exciting character, attested  to as faithful to reality, ad same page.  back page Brady advertising that Brits think his dags superior to any others in the World’s Fair.  Fletcher Harper a Demo, his brothers national Whigs.  Sept 13 p. 2 makes gd case for female suffrage then attacks it as counter to natural distinctions and social duties of sexes

Sept 19 p. 1 Leutze’s Wash cross Del, grand national pict by countryman foremost at head of his profession as historical ptr, just recd and to be exhib Stuyvesant Inst, 659 Broadway, won highest praise fr all artists at Dusseldorf, admitted by Euro critics he has no superior there.  German writer: GW tall majestic nothing of youthful rashness, but heart for any fate, noble vigorous and faithful traits, same impulse moves thru all his companions, forward, whole bearing, every movement and features. ice seems to dissolve before their joint will and energy.  in this weary exhausted time, sight of picture can recover health and strength, honor to artist who can work on hearts, inflame spirits.

Missing Sept 22, 23 p. 3 Opening of Amer Art Union, guests inclu Conrad, Sec of War, Rev Dewey, Rev Osgood, Mr Leutze, etc.  President Cozzens, Mr Raymond proposed health of Gen Wetmore, who toasted the Nationality of Art, it has no sectional home, wherever genius is, it is the common property of the country


Oct 1 1851 p. 1 Geo Lippard style requires being born with St Vitus dance.  Oct 2 1851 p. 2 cheap Times must rely on big fund to keep it going; south won’t buy it, but that encourages abolitionists.

            Notice re Mr Healey;s Picture--looked in at NAD to see great ptg, Senate when Webster is bearing heavily on south.  main head and fig are gd, Calhoun is black and lowering, Haynes insignif.  gd likeness of Judge Woodbury, Mr Buchanan of PA and Mr Gales of Intelligencer.  ? as a whole, pleasing and instructive.

Notices exhib of 300 daguerreotypes of California by Mr RH Vance, most perfect things, amusement and instruction.  ad same page, 349 Broadway, over Whitehurst’s Gallery.  ad for Fine gallery of ptgs auction by Thos N Campbell of several consignments of oil ptgs of best modern English andDutch schls, cabinet size, desirable parlor subjects, fr Hague and other places in Holland, Stopanni Hall, 395 Broadway.

Oct 11 p. 4 puffs Russell’s panorama as a grt work of art.  Also puffs the Grt sale of Ptgs at Stoppani Hall under HH Leeds.  Most pictures recd direct fr artists in Hague, Rotterdam, for whose benefit they are now offered for sale, experiment

Oct 14 p. 3 notices at Am Inst Fair the dag exhib, inclu M Root, artists of the first order, clearness, brilliancy, artistical arrangement of position, light and shadows, lifelike expr of eye.  p.2 notes in Coddington and wife vs Col Webb, Webb was supposed to deliver her letters to Henry Inman, not to the plaintiffs, so suit should have been brought in name of Mrs Inman, administratix of Henry Inman.  Another puff of the fine ptgs of best living Euro artists

Oct 17 p. 2 Eve of Powers, exquis statue  in a shipwreck, found, waiting now in NYC for owner John L Preston of SC.  saw itin box supine, superb work of art.  Quotes Express’s description, exquis block of marble, exquisite beauty.

  1. 3 personal notices: Huntington, ptr, successful in London, portraits of Earl of Carlisle and Sir Chas Eastlake, passengers fr London inclu Paul Akers, sculpt, and JR Tilton ptr, promising young artists, pilgrims to Mecca of genius, fr Portland ME, claim to hi place

Oct 18 p. 3 Healey’s Webster’s Reply to Haynes (signed L):  (ad p 2, he’s taking subscriptions for the line engr) fine historical effort, but not done subj full and complete justice.  whole impression delightful effective, on account of great personages brought to lfie and action, and principles of form and powers of combination displayed in every feature of the artist’s plan.  Healey’s assn with political men makes him best man for event, artistic skill on canvass.  could have given higher tone and style by intro of meritorious embellishment, some more bold, striking, theatrical display, but necessary attributes of breadth and power are there.  picture as exact copy of the scene.

            fig of Webster disting fr all others, noble, free and correct, strength of thought rather than action of fighter, composition gd, color harmonizing, not the nicest shading of expression, faces need more defined outlines and bolder relief. some lameness (tameness?) and want of life in individ figs, but defect not in whole, contrasts of floor, gallery and corners disarm impression, arrangement entirely successful.  Calhoun well drawn, sits in v effective characteristic attitude.  we expect chivalrous action in costume, so when have sober detail and traits of our own times, effect seems tame and spiritless in comparison.  this the grt defect in Trumbull’s Declaration. but success or not, gd for artist to grapple with historical subjects.  partial failure.  lacks associative principle with classical world of thought?  another difficulty is artist being compelled to follow nature too closely, spoiling art. 

            puff for Gurney’s grt daguerrian pictures on Broadway, most artist like and vraisemblement likenesses at Fair; Oct 25 p. 3 notices Whitehurst’s Dag at Fair, artistical magnificent, likenesses extremely correct, no flattery of easel or carelessness, has been noticed in London, has fashionable and splendid lounge

Likes Lamartine.

Oct 28 29 puffs Root as medal winner at Fair, Russell;s panorama as best ever been in city, great delusion, alm converse with natives.

Oct 30 p. 2 ‘the new chef d’ouevre of Leutze’ priv exhib for elite, masterpiece of the Pennsylvanian German who fr outset aimed at being a grt historical ptr.  brilliant assemblage, Pres King of Columbia Coll, Dr Wainwright, Parke Godwin and Bigelow of the Post, Rev Dr Griswold, authors of Hrry Franco and Puffer Hopkins, and of artists in full force, WS Mount and brother Shepherd, Mr Waldo, and Messrs Richards, Darley, Carpenter etc.

            ourselves not devoted to what commonly passes for historical ptg, an orig portrait by Titian or Vandyke more truly historical than a lrge quantity of canvass filled with variety of figs ptd centuries after originals, still add praise of what we really admired in the ptg, to universal approval of those better fitted to judge it as a work of art.  artists unanimously applauded design and execution, considering it a work that made an epoch in history of arts of design in US, fit counterpart to Wier’s Pilgrims.

            disciple of Dusseldorf sch, some respects classed with more eminent of that prominent body of artists, same care attn to minutiae of Martyrdom of Huss, appeared to us at the distance we stood to characterize Crossing the Delawae, yet an eminent artist who has studied the work assures us far less elaboration in Leutze’s.  genl resemblance nevertheless betw the pictures in extent of subj, variety of figs, nicety of detail, genl spirit and scope of whole, partic coloring and moral tendency.  low tone of color, to which many might object, is in harmony with subj early hour wintry scene, demand cold hues and absence of predominant brilliancy, and is accurate, coldness of atmosphere.

            GW stands, as ever, proudly, calm yet earnest, events of future, intense feeling of his men shown in various ways, resolute, vehement, manly fortitude and hope, spirited horses, healthy and elevated moral lesson.

            Mr Schauss public indebted for generous fostering of an Amer artist, by foreign print publishing hse of Goupil & Co, accurate judment and refined taste of this gman introd picts of Mount to Euro public, Amer art take place in Euro by side of schools of Old World


Nov 1 1851, p. 2 puffs Leutze, over 500 visited yesterday, best picture ever exhib in country, ad same page, also one for the Napoleon Gall at the NAD rooms. p. 3 a review of Leutze fr Wash. Repub., grand composition, full of life, energy and heroic expression, color is not fine, but not decidedly bad, as a whole, v grt achievement, for subj, tho full of hi heroic interest and calculated to excite highest feelings of patriotism, so far as its pictorial “capabilities” go, extremely meager and unsuggestive, an ordinary ferry, boatload of men.  GW chief personage fine heroic air rather older than accurate, erect, Gen Green leans over gunwale, Col Munroe clasps flag.  It is knowledge of work they have got to do that invests picture with its chief interest.  flag is an anachronism, unimportant picturesquely considered, but as event is an historical verity, it shld be strictly vrai, as well as vraisemblable, in all its details

Nov 7, p. 2 Fuller got a political appointment fr Pres Taylor.  Another puff of Leutze, grandest, most majestic and most effect ptg ever exhib, subj design, grouping, coloring and details combine to tell the story of grt event and to thrill with touch of moral sublime.  all depicted to the life and in a style to baffle criticism.  best commentary on trying times, hope will be exhib everywhere.

  1. 3 puff by L for Healy’s grt picture of Webster, at Academy.  In all works of art, truth to nature is first object, grt merit of this picture is devoid of all exaggeration.  valuable addition to Amer art, grt historical interest, as portraits of most disting men, most fr life, scene of triumph of modern eloquence

Likes Hildreth’s history of the US, criticizes No American reviewer, who attacks Hildreth for promulgating absolute separation of church and state

Nov 10 p. 2 editorial says in recent elections the Demos, Radicals and go ahead and break things (vs Union party, conservatives, who want to maintain Constitution as is) party have triumphed, fueled by immigrants, and growing numbers of young people who are naturally ardent, impetuous, progressive, democratic, ambitious, ready for war and conquest.  Gen Taylor helped destroy parties, he was an independent candidate forced on the Whigs, Whigs have no hope without him, need new Union party that array themselves against principles of fanaticsm, Sewardism, Greeleyism, Van Burenism, Calhounism.  Need flatfooted Compromise men.

Nov 11 p. 2 notices Geo Putnam’s home book of the Picturesque, intelligent and enterprising publisher, elegant and valuable volume, Nature and Art have done.  Lists illustrations’ subjects, painter and engraver, including H Beckwith, J Talbot, D Huntington, JF Kensett, AB Durand, JF Cropsey, TA Richards, FE Church, RW Weir, R Gignoux T Cole, engr H Beckwith, J Halpin, SV Hunt, J Kirk, and writers describing the illust inclu Miss Fenimore Cooper, NP Willis, Bayard Taylor, HT Tuckerman, EL Magoon, Dr Bethune, AB Street, Miss Mary E Field, Irving, Bryant and Cooper, and dedicated to Durand, pres of NAD.  Likes Bethune’s essay especially

            -later doesn’t seem to think much of Putnam’s Home Book of Beauties, designs by Martin? of twelve portraits of married society ladies, inclu Bristed, Livingston, Schermerhorn, Ward, Wadsworth, Van Rensseller, etc.  Disapproves of them being published or put in market even at auction eventually.  Not true portraits, but flattering,

Nov 19 1851 p. 2 Notice of Kossuth and Artists of NY, addressed to Mayor Kingsland, offering the artists voluntary assistance with decorations etc for his reception, including designing a tableaux under direction of Leutze, signed Kensett, L Lang, TA Richards, Wm Walcutt, Joe Kyle, Chas Blauvelt, Vincent Colyer, Thom Hicks, Rossiter, CP Cranch, SR Gifford, RW Hubbard, James Cafferty, Rob Rayner

Repeatedly puffs Leutze, greatest of modern ptgs.  Notes A Oakey Hall as a gmanly young gman, author of Manhattaner in New Orleans; nov 21, notes that LL Hill’s belief he can do daguerreotypes is a delusion, as proven by NY State Daguerrian Association.

Nov 22 p. 3 follows up on Home Bk of Beauties with a lady correspondent that it is engraved in style of softness and beauty unsurpassed, fr crayon drwgs

He’s a little critical of the press dinner for Kossuth, prob because C Mathews is involved, as well as Parke Godwin, L Gaylord Clark (ed Knickerbocker, Table), JF Spalding, F Hudson, CF Briggs (Harry Franco?) HW Beecher, CD Stuart (pro Colonization, and a poet who turns up in the Mirror), Paul ARpin (of Whiggish Courier des Etats Unis), M Jacobi (of Whig Allgemeine Zeitung), P Lynch, chaired by Raymond, CA Dana added


Jan 3 1852 p. 1 Speech Judge Duer at Kossuth Banquet, letter signed by Wm Astor, Geo Griswold, John Haggerty, Minturn, Ogden, Beekman, Halsted. v little coverage of Forrest case.  p. 2 AAU: lack of funds caused delay of distribution. policy is ruinous, probably gd if it explodes.  for yrs have advocated the AAU as benefit to Amer art and artists, but has become tyrannical, tried to estab a standard of crit, hurts its cause.  Disapproves of them starting a Bulletin, using money for pictures for publishing, and considering it the authority on art, puffing what they buy, and sneering indiscriminately at what they refuse.  If the press differ, the AAU accuse them of being dishonest empirics, and with draw their advertising, a pitiful attempt at blackmail.  No sympathy for contemporaries who attack AAU, sorry to agree with them.  The active professional enemies of the institution, the sore heads who can’t sell their abortions, daubs that disgrace the sign board of a Dutch beer house, we have pity bordering on contempt, don’t send us your grievances.  A true artist, with genuine fire, will get on with or without Art Unions, while the mediocre will only be cursed by patronage or praise.  If not baptized by the Muses, no Art Union can give fame or genius.  It was not patronage but Nature that made a Shakspeare and a Benjamin West.  a gallery of bad pictures only debauches the public taste.  lovers of art avoid it, and only the vulgar crowd of idelers make it a daily lounge, for purposes not respectable or ennobling.

            AAU shd have spent their $60,000 in 1851 on just six grt ptgs, that would stimulate real artists, and excite cupidity of 100,000 subscribers.  the present coll we would not accept as a gift, and be compelled to furnish the hanging rm.

Jan 17 1852 p. 4 puff for Brady’s Daguerreotypes winning gold at World’s Fair, gallery 205/207 Broadway

Jan 23 1852, still two cents, still H Fuller


Then skips to April 1, 1852,

Herald says 11 German papers pub in NYC, all bad and seditious; likes Scoville’s Pick and the Demo Review.  Apr 5 p. 2 notes Injunction on Art Union dissolved, Judge Duer in case of James Gordon Bennett vs AAU, the plaintiff had no title to relief, so temporary injunction dissolved and permanent injunction denied.  nO opinion whether it’s a lottery.  Not an admirer of the Independent.

Apr 7 puff for Plumbe’s new discovery combining detail of Dag w/finish of finest miniature ptg; ad and puff for Delaroche’s Napoleon at Fontainebleau, 1814 (eve ofhis abdication), renowned picture Stuyvesant Inst.

No supporter of the Maine Law; hurts Whigs to support blue laws.  Trib likes it.  Times hedges.

Apr 9 p. 2 Acad Design opens with one of finest coll ever, miss there some favorite artists, esp TG Gates, whose pictures fr the Bible are among cleverest productions of Amer art, saw at his studio 1022 Broadway, shd glow on walls of Academy or somewhere else.  Cafferty, Kensett, Richards, Church etc have noble pictures.

Apr 10 p. 3 notes the ptgs statuary etc of Philip Hone are to be auctioned, catalog 292 articles not counting bks.  Herald is denouncing Kossuth as empty.

Apr 12 p. 2 Puffs Brackett’s shipwrecked mom and child, all capable appreciating beauty in marble and death; first sensation painful, but following emotions pleasing.  cold, stark, tell of struggle, love stronger than death is beautiful, takes chill fr the group.  At Stuyvesant

Apr 13 p. 2 Acad of Des:  private special invitation opening, portraits too grt predominance, but best display ever.  Pictures by Durand, Cropsey, Cranch, Rossiter, Richards, Cafferty, Blauvelt, Hagen,Healy, Church, Tait, Hicks, brothers Mount, Elliott, Walcutt, Williamson etc many fine, some exquis, some doubtful.  Among guests WC Bryant, Hugh Maxwell, Nicholas Dean, lots of ladies.  From walls Senator Fish (had been a big controversy re his election), Gen Walbridge, Simeon Draper, John Calhoun etc looked complacently

Apr 16 p. 4 OW Holmes, To a portrait of a Lady, how you came to be in such a stylish frame, she shd have gotten a silhouette, face of such odds and ends

Apr 20 p. 1 Amer Artists in Italy, from the Roman correspondent of the NY Comm Advert:  Crawford, Jefferson exceedingly gd, none except Minerva at Vatican better for dignity.  Freeman prepping for US with two large picts, Marys at Sepulchre and rustic piece, both exec with grt power, in sacred, departed fr standard rules of such composition, whether a conquest in a new direction of art unclear, but evidence of genius in this attempt.

            Terry is remarkably free fr faults, bids hi pt of excellence, Columbus goes to Boston.  Mozier clay of Pocahontas, recd 2 orders for it at $2000, exceedingly praised by London Times. Ives plaster of Spring highly esteemed by artists, $1500, no orders, to appreciate it you must know something of art, where anyone can read in the Pocahontas an impressive story, thanks to cross, tame deer, familiar history, give it great popularity in US.  Ives shd give fine talent to some thoroughly Amer instructive subj like this to make his fortune.

            Bartholomew, young sculptor fr Hartford, remarkably successful in getting orders, tho but a beginner and making only bass reliefs, has obtained hi prices, as his subjects are touching, his art tributary to noble sentiment, so deserves peculiar encouragement, has decided talent and artists do not begrudge his exraord gd fortune.

            Rogers’ cutting modest beaut Ruth, for grt exhib in NY< most desirable kind of fame.  other sculptors here working on perfectly nude figs, to which they give sacred and classic names, but won’t be more in eyes of Amer amateurs than vulgar exposures of female form.  insufficient artistic fame to give them bad influence

Apr 22 p.1 Mr King, sculptor of Bosotn, recd order fr Ld Ashburton for his marble bust of Webster (the Mirror’s fave for Pres)

Apr 23 p. 2 critical of compositors strike agst the Sun, notes John S Taylor of 143 Nassau st  pubd steel engr of Kossuth, half length, treat to admirers of Eloquent Magyar, sad re death of Gov Young.  Apr 24, excerpts Fanny Fern, puffs Fine Arts as Dags in Oil fr Wm Butler, ofPlumbe Natl Gallery, and Gleason’s illust inclu fine port of Mrs Sinclair, formerly Mrs Forrest. Apr 27 long favorable review of poems of Alice Carey by W. lots of Talbot Watts ads.

Apr 30 p. 3 “NAD”: 471 ptgs, drwgs, sculptures, some 2-3 doz evince genius, taste, study and skill.  balance unsuccessful, mistaken their calling, or first attempts of youths on lowest rung of Art.  First objection to Exhib is excess of ports, copies fr real, vulgar life, of everyday faces we meet in streets and drwg rms of city.  may flatter vanity of sitter, procure jobs for ptr, but “counterfeit presentments” of the Snooks poorly serves thecasue of Art either in inspiration to artist in technique (mechanical labor) or benefits to public in effect on imag and heart.  Port ptg but a step above sign ptg, and shd be subordinate part of public exhib of any Acad of Design

            among most conspic “pictures” of this descript are full lengths of Gov Fish and Gen Walbridge, by Hicks and Salter.  likeness of Gov is v gd, disagreeable gloss on surface, tar instead of paint on the black portions, attitude stiff and staring, tout ensemble decidedly disagreeable.  accessories remarkably well done, even Homestead Exemption Bill he’s presenting to Assembly.  For city of NY.  Gen Walbridge of Western Militia as large as life, not half as natural, poor likeness, more show than substance.

            same rm entire fig of two rather gd looking young ladies, daughters of a millionaire, cleverly ptd by Healy.  nothing to brag of as a work of art, if origs belonged to us, we’d shut them up at home not exhibit them in a public gall, but this is a matter of taste, and perhaps critic has no right to see a picture in any other light than as a pure work of art.

            No 10 another full length by Rossiter, lady like portrait, his wife, altogether a pleasing picture--face, fig, attitude, drapery, coloring, accessories--all carefully studied, admirably expressed, ptd con amore, touch betrays an affectionate tenderness, sweet, mild, serene, soft, dainty, beaut to look at rlnshp betw artist husb and subject wife, pleasant to contemplate.

            9 half size port Simeon Draper, well known auctioneer, banker, politician, whole-hearted man.  likeness sufficiently correct, but coloring defective, lacks strength and manliness of tone.  Huntington does not discriminate betw texture of male and female cuticle, men alw too fair, women lack Naptha fire in their veins.

            207 La Petite Louise, by Cafferty, the mammas calla cunning little creature, pert and pretty, precocious costume twenty yrs older than wearer.  206 Forget me not by Rossiter attracts the eye, but hardly comes up to sentiment of sweet flower.  “what a burst!”  260, portrait of Master Gerald Gray Warner by Colyer is bright as a button, excellent companion for Louise.

            333 fresh born naked baby, red and chubby, A Future President. head strongly resembles Ex Pres, abt as large and quite as bald and shiny as late JQ Adams.  ptd by Mrs LM Spencer, evidently familiar with her subject, knows how to handle it. Can’t help thinking she shd give nurse time to wash, dress and air it before sending it to the Academy

  1. 3 Sale of Philip Hone’s Pictures, whole amt was abt $7500, abt 500 sold, among them: Anne Page, by Leslie, $840, and his Rustic Toiler 125; Newton’s Dull Lecture 700 and Greek Girl 175; Cole Falls of Kauterskill 290; Cole’s subsiding of the Waters, 200, his Still Lake, 100, his lake and mtn 135. Ruysdall lscape 120; Doughty Water Gap 140, and Joinville’s pair Sunrise and Sunset 300.


May 1, 1852, p. 1 Metropolitan Hotel owned by Lafarge, frescoed in first style by accomp artist Guidicini, p. 3 notice that 54 NY cits hae associated for an equestrian statue to GW, bronze, 14 ft, by HI Brown and H Greenough

Fuller likes the Pick too.  California represented as dangerous.

May 6 p. 2 “NAD continued” among mass mtg of misc portraits, full length of David Leavitt (67) conspic position, sort of lay parson lk, stiff, evangelically combed, solemn black, modern Ecce Homo, behold the man of Money!  Wall st banker, millionaire, ptd FB Carpenter, whether intended as heir loom or ornament for some charitable institution, don’t know, but as a work of art, ptr no doubt v faithfully followed copy.

            7 and 53 half lengths by Elliott, same owner, halves of married Whole, as ptgs admirable, as pictures decidedly handsome, better half being one of most beaut faces in gallery, hair hands and drapery exquisitely done

            to escape staring countenances of everyday life, turn to 33, somewhat celeb Jacob’s Dream by Terry.  subj is sacred, familiar, poetic young man, bold subj approaching in its conception the blasphemous audacity of the Old Masters who even attempted the likeness of God.  artist has made a striking picture, vision well sketched, lights and shades skillfully managed, fig of sleeper well drawn, forms and faces of angels v beaut, but the wings.  our experience angels don’t wear wings, gone out of fashion, artists shd drop these excrescences.  a woman with wings is a monstrosity in nature.  If these vans are to be used in alleg art, give them to Riches not Angels.  Accessories of Dream, mingling of terrestrial and celestial scenery, v fine.  intended to represent angels with facsimile faces? lk enuf alike to be sisters, only diff in costume, may be such a thing as monotony, even of beauty.  also an understood law of Nature, no two things or persons in the universe can be alike.

            29 Gallantry of Raleigh, fine historical composition by Leutze, well known incident, over 20 figs, fine scope for skill, taste, imag of artist, altogether splendid ptg, full of life, truth and poetry. frisky dogs in foregrd lok abt to jump out of frame, varied expressions of brilliant grp indicate peculiar thought ea individ regards action.  hair of Elizabeth quite that red? little pages wear such enormous wigs?

            18 Esmeralda meditating over her Misfortunes is dirty and disgusting, by May.  don’t know story, but a candidate for Wash tub, even among miseries and mysteries of Paris.  why one half of busom bare, unless to aggravate our disgust on seeing temple of purity so sadly soiled.  an object of compassion for sale. a primrose?

            47 SA Mount Breakfast Call, spirited, rather pretty, only a little redder than nature, too much like the complexions in the School for Scandal, which come in the morning and go at night.  color (ruby cheeks of lass) seems outside of the skin, rather than blushing thru it, as shd in transparent face of spring time nymph.

            45 Fair Penitent by Lang, decided merits, face and fig fair and comely, hair soft and full, excellent in woman.  sufficiently drooping to excite sympathy, suff beaut to win admiration.  marble roundness and purity so admirably represented we feel satisfied with whole figure, if slightly fastened drapery fell off, v passable Venus revealed.

Also notes Empire City Bank bills neatly engr with excellent likeness of citizens; puffs WN Johnson, 534 Broadway, for tasteful and exquisite gilt and fancy wood framing.  Ad p 4 is for his Looking Glass Ware Room, also sells ptgs and engravings

  1. 4 poem On Brackett’s Shipwrecked Mother, for the Evening Star (by John Wesley Whitfield), matchless group, wakes thought to life, feelings and tears when marble spoke, cast a spell round the soul, awes every vulgar step, chains all rudeness and idle word, all confess presence of Genius

May 7, 1852 p.2 “NAD continued” 409 attempt at something better than port ptg, Tribute Money by Huntington, obey laws of land and heaven, familiar incident, pict has merits, but grt dislike of all these fancy Christs, only mock our ideal of the original, lament neither daguerreotypists not port ptrs in Jerusalem. shd like to see him depicted as he appeared, simple garb poor carpenter, no fictitious halos of superstitious artists, clothed in mild benignant beauty of holiness.  mystic loving priests and fancy portriatis of church fearing artists lumber galleries of world with pictorial effigies that degrade the inexpressible divinity of the humblest and holiest and mightiest.  leave this soft and sickly lking Christ, which all must share who adore Original in spirit and truth, turn to Rev John Sumner, Archbishop of Canterbury, also by Huntington.  artist more at home with v common looking mundane subj, a 19th c representative of Life and Relig, pompous wig and gown, vs peasant garb plain and simple as words and principles.  Question forced by contrast is serious, if world and church has departed so far fr standard of xtianity, what will happen after next five thousand yrs?  this port does not deepen our reverence for holy calling of men with ‘costly habits’ unlike their Master’s

            51 v pretty Rebecca, Rossiter, in opera cloak, turban and girdle. eyes hair lips well done, doesn’t look as if rode on camel, drawn water, or been farther East than NYC.  embroidery on cloak is v nice; R’s millinery is unexceptionable.

            115 Port of a Ldy by Blondell, sweet face, beaut a fig as imag of observer is able to add, misty below neck, mermaid or angel, excellent moral, keep your eyes on a beaut woman’s face

            243 Frerichs’ port of Gen Lopez, the Fillibuster chief, in full regimentals, just landed and planted standard on “free Cuba.” picture more affecting as memento than as work of art.

Notes NY Sketch Club held mtg at Sinclair’s 50 regular and honorary mebers eleg supper, James H Cafferty re elected Pres, club in flourishing condition.

Notes Statue of Washington signed by eminent sculptors, for Union Sq, occupy three yrs

May 8 p. 1 New England Art Union, on plan of NY Art Union, Edw Everett as Pres and Prof Longfellow Vice Pres, is not to go forward, given present state of public opinion

May 10 p. 2 puff of  Root’s Daguerrean art, gold medal, one of v few artists in his line who masters light and shade so gives not merely an outline, but picture of human face with sentiment of flesh and blood and life abt it.  May 11 a puff of Brady, but not as strong.  May 14 a puff of Philip Morand’s dag palace, certainty of facsimile

May 12 p. 2 gives list of donors to GW equestrian statue, inclu Wm Astor, Aug Belmont, Wm Aspinwall, Ham Fish, Moses Grinnell, CM Leupp, James Lennox, Jacob Little, P Lorillard, Robt Minturn, Danl Parrish, P Schermerhorn, John Sturgis, James Suydam, WS Wetmore etc

May 13 p. 2 critical of HW Beecher for going to a minstrel show with other divines, but refusing to attend regular theater.  Has earlier been critical of him/his church’s wealth.

            Notice of NAD elections, just gives names

May 15 p. 2 notices monthly Yankee Notions, TW Strong engraver, publisher, illust by a young artist of decided talents of the Cruikshank order, industry and perseverance may achieve eminence in his line, connected with one of most talented and respectable fams in N England, artistical devts since infancy, especial interest in progressive career, hard work and close study to put in front rank of comic artists (I think this is Augustus Hoppin)

May 18 p. 1 Robt Launitz of NY design accepted for Pulaski monument at Savannah. Notes two classes of novels, love stories, the other to inculcate principles and reform abuses, powerful lever to control public opinion, Fielding, Dickens, Cooper and now Stowe.  Mad that Herald gives her so much publicity. 

Don’t believe in spirit-rapping. Times does not support an intl copyright, and now seemingly neither does Fuller.

May 22 p. 4 “NAD”: apologies to several correspondents who’ve partic req’d more notes on the exhib, must be brief.  our only object to frankly communicate the spontaneous impressions of the moment, no technical crit on Art and artists.  little regard for the nice dissections and distinctions of critical connoisseurs who seem to talk of Art asnan Epicure, only showing that a natural taste has been destroyed by indulgence in artificial stimulants.  another class of writers hail Acad as glorious opportunity for venting excess of bile, gratifying instinct of cruelty by wounding sensibilities of artists.  They have one or two faves among the Academicians who are puffed ad nauseam, in return for some oyster house favor, or fancy portrait of themselves, or flattering sketch of some pet woman, dog orbaby, and what comes fr their easel is emanation of divinity.  All the rest is trash, portraits abortions, compositions clumsy, caricatures, lscapes barren as Zahara.  One places Elliott highest rank of portraiture, another insists Page is only artist can express human face on canvass. Ea claimed by his champion as v Sun of Art, other stars pale ineffectual fires.  this indiscriminate admiration of men, equally extravagant in censures of rival artists who approach nearest to their favorites, passes for criticism or for verdict of popular apprciation!

            honest critic looking at work of art doesn’t care to know name of artist, submits himself to its influence with same willingness to be pleased as on a beaut flower or lovely child.  all beaut comes fr God, shd contemplate its manifestations divested of all personality.  better to have no catalogue, exhib as anon as flower garden.  then crit wld be spontaneous unbiased tribute to merit, not men.

            admiring mood before 384, gd enuf for a Landseer, increased admiration learned by young invalid of city, faithful.  WJ Hays has done a whole kennel, barking likenesses, dogslayers may rush at them by mistake as birds in Athens

            458 Port of Gman by WS Mount, handsomest faces best likenesses in gallery, clean milk and blood complexion, a rivalry of nature, virtuous life.  knee should’ve been lowered by sitter, drop lower half of figure in a half length.

            437 Pleasing Thoughts, JH Wright, luxurious looking woman, in easy chair, with letter, pleasant emotions, love lines

Notes a caricature of Gen Scott in Lantern.

May 24 p. 2 notices a Press Club has formed, C Mathews, CF Briggs, CA Dana, CD Stuart, John Bigelow, HJ Raymond, Parke Godwin, Thurlow Weed, James Sanford, Geo Ripley, ? Norval, Chas King, Chas Stetson, Moses Grinnell, Simeon Draper (an advertiser)

            Notices Dusseldorf Gallery new works esp Muller’s Madonna, surpassing beauty.  ad same page for Stephenson’s statue of the Wounded Indian, Stuyvesant Inst, as well as for NAD, and on first page for Brace’s ravel bk r Scribner (has excerpted bits), on 3rd page for Longworth’s Catawba (has been lots of small notices)

May 25 CP Cranch song for Goldschmidts (Jenny Lind)

May 26 p. 2 notices Stephenson’s remarkable statuary Wounded Indian, worthy its attn, first large statue exec in Amer marble, exhib World’s Fair London, recd highest praises fr first Artists in Euro, press and lit individs.  effort to give correct portrait of Indian Race of No Amer, wounded and fallen, typifying race, no profusion of ornaments or implements, sufficient to give character.  Greenough, Leutze, Copway the Indian Chief, Charlotte Cushman and others of taste all unite a noble work of art

Thinks Lola Montes a bad dancer.

May 27 p. 2 Seen at Williams & Stevens, a large fine ptg by Frankenstein, a KY lscape clothed in rainbow glories of Autumn, first strikes eye as more gaudy than truthful, but bears closest scrutiny, and longer studied more natural appears.  Purchased by Jenny Lind Goldschmidt $500.

            Brady ad now puffing his Euro dags of celebrated men in France, Eugene Sue and others mostly literary, arranged to receive works fr Euro artists, nucleus of a Euro Gallery.

Howadji is Geo Wm Curtis, ed for Tribune,likes him, likes his Lotus Eating, illus by Kensett. Likes TS Meagher, the Irish patriot (advoc of Young Ireland).  Likes the comic Lantern except when it has infamous cuts of Webster

May 31, 1852,


Then skips to Aug 2, 1852.  Aug 3. p. 3 notices that Whitehurst has sold his famous Gallery on Broadway to J Gurney, professor of art, retires; Chas Brainard remains. Notes theatrical quarrel betw Andrew Jackson Allen in Sunday Atlas and author of Puffer Hopkins.  Urges formation of a third political party. Aug 5 p. 2picture for a painter of competition for steamboat runners for passengers.  Supports John Brougham benefit, Herald doesn’t, says Burton more worthy;  benefit organizers meet at Astor Hse.

Aug 14 p.3 recd litho groupe of Mdme Alboni and suite, artist hasn’t done contralto justice, give place in picture gallery of subsanctum among presidential and musical candidates.  Recd portrait of Gen Pierce fr Goupil & Co, large litho, quite a Presidential look to it, pass foragd likeness of Edw Curtis, a former port collector

Aug 20 p. 3 Washington DC correspondent approves of variety of Smithsonian architecture, organic, don’t weary of looking.

Missing Aug 21, and 24. Aug 25 puffs Nat Port Gall of Disting Amer, pub Peterson & Co of Phila, promises to be impt

Aug 27, p. 1 reviews Melville’s Pierre (along with Lit World), pleasure and disgust, bad metaphysics, morbid and unhealthy, fine writing and poetic feeling.  From Boston Transcript take notice of CG Thompson, town;s best artist, going to Euro, did admirable portraits of Longfellow, Hawthorne, Bryant, Tuckerman Vinton, specimens of true artistic skill, represents characteristic in individ expression without slightest caricature of individ traits, combines exquis finish of coloring with utmost accuracy of likeness. imply capacity for higher branches of art, has produced some fine original designs, picture of Cordelia subtle vigorous conception, beaut execution.  has commissions for stay in Italy, for orig pictures, deep study, assidusou cultivation, succeed in copying masterpieces of Ital art, trust will receive commissions, place him in front rank of Amer ptrs

            No British Review last number article tries to prove TB Read greater than Longfellow, Poe greater than Bryant


Sept 1, 1852.  Loves Freeman Hunt, Mrs Hunt, the magazine etc

Sept 6 p. 1 Harriet Hosmer, 20, Watertown MA, sculpture in marble evinces talent of hi order, render her prominent as an artist, Hesper the Evening Star, a bust, maiden falling asleep, conception was her own, men only chopped off some of large pieces of marble, exhib in Boston, will go to Rome.

Sept 9 p. 2 notes Clark in Knickerbocker’s table visits clothing store of Alfred Munroe 441 Broadway and discovers in cutting room glories of art, rare and valuable ptgs, Niagara Falls, exquisitely sketched etc, work of John Volmering, artist of eminent talen in upper apt transfers to new canvas, orig colors perfectly retained, rarest pictures, however ancient or defaced on surface.

Publishes accus HB Stowe unsexing herself. oyster house critics=ignorant? take money for puffs? goes into more detail Sept 22 p. 2, term invented by Bennett to describe penny a liners, or puff writers, humbuggers besiege him for puffs, written by an outsider to the paper, and paid for insertion, making criticism a mercenary affair, praise or censure purchased, crop of scribblers hang on skirts of artists and editors, who must be conciliated by distinguished artist, promise to make them a star

 Sept 20 takes fr Times compliment to architecture of Dodworth dancing academy, including fresco ceiling by A Vacarri. Sunday Dispatch ed Williamson a Whig nominee, he disapproves, as Williamson profilibuster

Sept 21 p. 2 indebted to Grozelier, for his beaut pict of picturesque woman, Mdme Anna Thillon, shall hang it in Gallery of Mirror Beauties praises Laura Keene’s debut at Wallack’s Lyceum

Sept 23 p. 3 suspects Herald critic who hates Hawthorne and Headly is a Reverend (Griswold?)

Sept 25 p. 1 death of John Vanderlyn, celeb Amer Artist, p. 3 intimately assd contrib. to history of Amer Fine Arts, his Marius, Ariadne, Landing of Columbus, etc are well known in art world, hi rank among ptrs, Napoleon awarded Mariusa medal

Sept 27 p. 2 puffs plain and decorative ptrs Syms & Malcom, 39 ½ Carmine st, ornamental, industry, energy, gd taste, employed by RB Minturn, Hoyt etc.  Lots of pro Mdme Sontag, the singer.  Supports Genl Scott for pres., basically, tho preferred Filllmore and Webster.. Sept 28 notices Gurney’s Dag of Mdme Alboni, best likenesses, and v large picture of her sd masterpiece

Sept 29 p. 2 notes Greenough’s arrival in DC to superintend group in marble on platform at eastern front of Capitol, north of Persico’s Columbus.  Police chief Matsell was a Whig, allied w/mayor Kingsland, who is being replaced by a Seward Whig

From Sept 30,

skips to Dec 16, 1852, p. 1 notice of Sketch Club mtg at residence of honorary member CD Stuart, subject of sketches was Ancient Mariner, unequal merit, diff degrees of care expended, but together graceful and valuable tribute to Stuart.  Next mtg at studio of Mr Cafferty, president, on invitation of Mr Savage, subject is Goldsmith’s Traveler (fr the Express)

            Notes Greenough, the sculptor, is under the charge of Dr Bell of the Insane Asylum.  Had taken up residence in Newport, like others of elegant pursuits or leisure.  fr Providence Journal.

            p.2 150 of the Art Union daubs sold yesterday for 6 thous and odd dollars, how far short of 75 thousand will the entire 400 bring? are the clerkes who labored for nothing to be pd their wages out of the assets?  GD Abbott, owner of Cole’s orig ptgs of Voyage of Life, says if AU sell engravings of same (as they advertise) he will hold them to strict legal accountability

Skips to Dec 31, 1852, p. 3, coverage of morning papers notes in C&E, artists’ sale of Pictures yesterday didn’t realize as much as hoped, but isin the natural course of things.  Mirror comments that Courier and other backers of Art Union mismanagement announced late Union sales as no less indicative of public taste and desire for pictures than of the popularity of the Art Union.  We took contrary ground advised Artists not to be decd by factitiously profitable sale

  1. 4 Persons and Things: Huntington, the artist, is in Paris ptg Gd Samaritan, great care with studies, promises one of best and most interesting


Jan 3 1853 then skips to Jan 7, p. 1 a splendid marble statue ofGeo Stevenson, the Railway King, to be erected in a Railway station house of England, p. 2 puffs Risley’s grt pano of the Thames, on Broadway, rational amusement, much of impression of actual visit, finely executed, soft, pictque lscape. (ad notes artists inclu P Phillips, Haghe, Knell; also ad for Banvard’s pilgrimage to Jerusalem fr authentic drwgs, , and Bryan Gall of Xtian art, authentic pgs fr celeb masters in chrono order, fr Guide de Siena to Vernet, in Soc Libr Rms)  Jan 8 p. 2 beaut Port of Mary Queen of Scots, present to subsciribers of Albion, hang it in Mirror office. p.3 Schl of Design for women, sufficient subscription, established, open daily Broome st and Broadway, ten til two, twelve and up with testimonials, board has names of first ladies of city

Jan 10, p. 1 Jackson Statue erected in DC, Clark Mills artist, genius, compared to statues of Peter the Great and Duke of Wellington, bronze.  Stansbury, the artist, sketched the scene fr a platform.  obit of Hamblin, praises him

Skips the 11th.  Jan 13, p. 1 Turner, the artist, bequeathed to nation 2 ptgs on condition hang in Nat Gall next to best specimens of Claude.  Lantern is published by John Brougham, attacks Old Fogyism

Jan 14 p. 1 late Engl paper describes ptg of Cromwell at death bed of his daughter, excited much attn in England, by Chas Lucy, interest of no ordinary kind fr subj and manner treated.  familiar incident, strongly marked features heaving breast betray grt inward struggle (daughter urges restore monarchy).  combination of energy and pathos rare in same picture, nothing exaggerated, all relics of the times, obtrusively introd.  as work of art of first order of merit, huge, owned by clergyman.  p. 2 praises Peter Cooper, munificent; notes NY Sketch Club meets at Cafferty’s residence tomorrow, Amost st near Bleecker.  p. 4 more on Cooper’s the People’s Union, describes proposed bldg, plan of govt, etc fr J of Commerce

Jan 17 p. 2 letter fr Fair Play asks what is to be done with funds and property of AAU, why not return subscriptions of 1851?  Constitution of AAU says shall be divided among members at dissolution, who are the mangers and ten or fifteen friends, total abt fifty, a kind of farce

            pleasure of examining exquis specimen Gilbert Stuart’s port ptg, female head and bust, so little paint that every diamond of the canvass is visible, neck and bust bare canva, slight lines give effect of draper, fifty yrs old, and is the counterpart of nature.  at his best, never surpassed as limner of face.

            members of Sketch Club highly interesting mtg, fine sketches fr Il Penseroso, Byron’s Manfred next for mtg at gallery of Mr Petit, roadway

Jan 18 splendid ptg of Baltic given for New Yrs to captain’s wife by passengers on trip fr Liverpool; p. 3 several marble statues considerable interest discovered secludd Windsor Forest, works of an Italian master ca 1570.  Loves Taylor, Fillmore, and now Everett.

Jan 22 p.1 notes fr Lit World that Broadway scene of world wonders, inclu Velasquez port of Chas I, curiosity in hist of ptg, Snare’s story

  1. 4 letter fr WX from DC notes Congress liberal means for equestrian statue for GW, if equals that of Jackson, creditable to nation; similar honor due Clay, Webster and Calhoun but won’t be done

Jan 24 p. 1 Lines on seeina Port of a Princess by Van Dyck in the Bryan Gallery, by Surface, heavenly portrayal of most refined grace, drives sensitive mortal mad, beauty adorned is best (?)

  1. 2 continues to urge women stay in her sphere. On the Art Union Property:  Marshall O Roberts (himself the subject of a suit for selling a fraudulent ticket to California) sued AAU, Govs of Almshouse, and Pres Cozzens for defaulting on mortgage payments, $10,000 owing on Mercer st property.  Mirror asks what happened to surplus fund of the AAU? why property sacrificed? profits swallowed by zealous commercial management that ruined it, if secret history of AU business could be gotten, selfish scheming and fraud.  Park Benjamin poem p. 4.

Skips 26th, 27th p. 1 gives speeches at celeb of Franklin’s bday by NY Typographical Assn, Saml L Waldo speech addressed sister arts Ptg, Sculpture, and Printing, common origin in imitation. Praises Powers unlocking chambers of Grecian art, Grk Slave one of first graces of sublime art of sculpture, Ptg from italy to Reynolds to West, Copely, Trumbull and Stuart, intro to Americans prepping permanent and splendid residence, describes them, Robt Fulton too. then to printing, in Euro foot of despotism on people in name of order, printers only ones capable of removing brutal heel, advancing great cause of humanity. John Armstrong of C& E, on the omniscience expected of reporters, who in the morning visit by special invitation a coll of ptgs or statuary perhaps both, public must have a crit exhibiting a highly cultivated taste following morning. afternoon pens descript of archit of public bldg, or draws picture of steamship, in evening opera, drama, women’s rights, lectures etc must be done up with care, keep any eye on Peter Funk and disasters

            p.2 critical of Natl Demo for giving peep at NY above grd and below in style of NY by gaslight and similar yellow covered blood and murder pamphlets, tired of these pictures, fancy a horrible city, rich wretches and poor martyrs.

            notes death of Heald, quondam husb of Lola Montes, bequeathed her money and portfolio of water drawings and port ofhimself

  1. 4 notes Demo Review embracing Bennett (life like engr) as aiding victory, for Young Amer agst old fogyism, 170 Broadway


Feb 1 1853 p. 2 Art and Artists: mtg Sketch Club rms Petit & Pheiffer, 551 Broadway, largest and pleasantest of season, admirable sketches, Petit a Belgian artist, gallery of picts richly worth inspection as that of Dusseldorf.  Meet next at residence Mrs Despard, honorary member, 189 West 23rd.  Tait, finest ptrs of game, hunt and fishing scenes, long tour in northern state, rare portfolio at rms, 150 Spring st.  Blondell, studio contiguous to Cafferty, Wright, Kyle and Blauvelt, Houston and Broadway finishing delightful pictures.  Kyle & Dallas finished Pano of Miss, Kyle at another similar one.  Dallas one of v best sketchers in country, publishers like Putnam and Harpers shd employ his delicate facile pencil.

            NY As it is:  literateur of exaggerating schl gives NY by gaslight or subterranean picture, calculated if true or probable to horrify respectable or simple.  only picture their own society, saloons, hells, brothels, the same the world over, but sm part of city; prefer to sympathize with virtuous, as per Carlyle.  certain classes like milliners apprentices like it, but sensible don’t

Ad for Studio Curioso, 629 Broadway upstairs, Bleecker and Houston, curious beaut intellectual, specimens art antiquity, all parts of world (Wm Moon proprietor, bought fr Count d’Orsay’s sale, exhibits it at Crystal Palace too later)

Skips Feb 4.  Publishes Clarence Cook poem.  Approves of Whittier and Pres. Pierce.  Trib doesn’t like Everett.

Feb 15 p.2 Sketch Club interesting mtg with Mr Chapman at Cafferty’s rms, Sat eve, subj was Milton’s Comus.  not as numerous sketches as we wish, often very inferior to talent of sketchers.  some reform in these mtgs if intellectual/artistic improvement is object.  Pleasure of inspecting noble unfinished pict by Tait, Hunters returning with game, a member, effort of highest merit in its line; would all artists striving as hard for perfection and eminence. next mtg at Mr Hagen, 448 Greenwich st, subject Gray’s Elegy.

            notice of death of Horatio Greenough at Rome brought together mtg of Amer artists and his personal friends on Jan 15th.  Crawford, Hon Lewis Cass jr, John M Chapman, Wm A Story eulogy and regret.


Skips fr Mar 1 to Mar 19, 1853.  approves Theo Fay’s diplo appt by Pierce.  Mar 22 p. 1 Mr Turner, RA, fr sketch by AA Watts, never allowed a picture to be sold by public auction without sending a bidder, auctioneers called his attn to cat when they had any of his for sale.  usu attended in person.  at sale of Mr Green, well known amateur of Blackheath, 2 Turners wer among most attractive lots, tho neither impt in size not of his best time.  market value 80 guineas ea, but sold for less except for one of Turner’s agents, whose personal appearnce did not indicate he wanted pictures of a v hi order.  clean ruddy cheeked butcher’s boy in usual costume, made several bids before Mr Christie noticed, beckoned him to reprove, put greasy credential fr ptr himself and biddings proceeded.  Skips Mar 24.

Mar 26 p. 2 notes that Dr Boyntongives most attractive lecture at Metropolitan Hall, at close of which Peale’s beaut Ptg exhib and explained.  love cheap amusement, see ad, six cents, for children, ladies and gmen;  also gives illustrated geological lectures, ea evening series of new beaut ptgs, chemical and philosophical experiments.  Same page also ad for Sanfords Grt Natl Panoramic Ptg of Mississ.  Supports Father Gavazzi, Ital revolutionary.

            Herald has scorching article fr Burton of Burton’s theatre to Young, ed of Albion, and would be playwright, as part of a combination writing down his theatre, writing up darling genteel comedy shop uptown, Lantern men, actors who scribble.  Same hands that pat opera kids at Songtag and Alboni (Mirror faves), pose lorgnettes at Chamber st artists, also attend his theater

Mar 28 p.2 praises Creole pop of Cuba, cultivated liberal tolerant republican, ripe for liberty, unlike proud bigoted lazy Spaniard wedded to queen and pope.  p. 4 attack on claim to be Anglo Saxon, glories of its race, let us tolerate no longer a recognition of races, but regardless of race and of color, let us look upon every freeman as our countryman, and upon every despot as a foreign foe.  Signed Cosmopolitan, for the Evening Mirror.


Skips fr Mar 31 to Apr 30, 1853, p.2 Art Union Investigation, committee met at Astor Hse, JM Smith for petitioners, p. 3 note of Dusseldorf Gall new addition Diana and her Nymphs by Sohn, every lover of art, NAD too


Skips to May 2, 1853.  May 3, p. 1 Principal Scene Ptrs of our Theaters, fr Reveille, surprising these eminent artists never recd evidence of esteem, great talents entitle them, all attributes of grt artists, extraord skill inc ompos and execut, masters in elab noble science of archit, lscape and flowers, yet unknown strangers.  Advise them to paint a scene fr history of our country and exhib at Metropolitan Hall, draw thousands, add music, commend it to artists and amateurs, cld travel

            p.2 Art Union Investigation v interesting, curious facts, charge that the Union was a close corporation estab somewhat by Mr Monk, a former clerk.  Also reviews other coverage of it, in Express, the charge that managers were given extravagant salaries, inclu Col Warner and Mr Cozzens, eg for getting subscribers.  Times says institution did essential service, created taste for art, paid thousands to Amer artists, employed worthy persons, makes transparent how the institution was managed like other voluntary public benefactors.  Mirror disagrees Union created taste for art, while aid to artists went to those best able to take care of themselves, ad was source of much injustice.

May 4 p. 2 AU Investigation, more testimony of Joseph Monk, slovenly audited, receipts of salaries, manipulated membership for 1852, took a picture in catalog for distrib and substituted one of his own, Raymond called

            daily reports on this continue, champagne dinners, purchases fr an English artist JW Glass, sums paid to reporters (Richard Grant White of C&E?) etc.  Mirror doesn’t believe the managers are dishonest, want to swindle or oppress. May 12.

May 6 p.2 TG Gates, Amer artist modesty has kept him fr exhibiting in Academies and Galleries, has v striking Magdalen in his Studio, med sized canvass, beaut consolatory angel (with wings), seen treatments by various painters old time and modern, don’t recall picture finer than this, happy coloring drawing composition, sentiment exquisite

            Gates’ forte fr taste and practice is Bible subjs, fine prep drwgs, for some yrs in Euro, attracted much attn magnif heads, altarpieces at Cathedral in Baltimore.  his Musical Devotion repays long study too.

Dislikes small pedlars.  Has an excerpt praising Aug Belmont.  Supports estab of NY Acad of Music, Moses Grinnell on the Board.

May 14 p. 2 Sketch Club at rms of Cafferty, Blondell, Brush & Blauvelt.  New officers: TD Jones, sculpt, JC Hagen, CA Thompson, Mr Chapman. 25 reg and same number honorary.  Wm Walcutt now in Paris former member, designer of Clay medal, took a prize for a design fr French Acad of Arts

            Cliqueism:  circles within circles, bind notion of men and things by its own narrow circumference, alm every newspaper, mag, publisher and club has clique swear by some private Magnus Apollo and square all their opinions of Lit and Art fr the radius of their own little sphere.  a Harper’s Mag clique, a Putnam clique, a Lit World clique, a Press Club clique, an Art-Union clique and scores of lesser ones.  seen in special notice of partic authors, artists, editors, etc, by visitors fr abroad.  Tell us what circle they moved in, easy to predict their peculiar views of NY art artists lit and literateurs


May 16, 1853 p.1 Acad of Des:  Elliott bears palm for port dept, subj best class for effect, old heads, he can’t be beat.  admirably defined, outline free as it is decided, old men so masterly stand out fr dark backgrds, life around eyes and mouth.  Lang & Baker’s young women also worthy name of art.

            Baker has some excellent portraits, one of female faces esp, ptd youth, life like, form and feature swell and round gracefully, positions and drwg easy and correct, latter free and flowing as are all natural outlines, color breathing warmth.  young faces bloom renders individuality of features less prominent and distinct than maturer yrs, appreciates this atmosphere of youth and transfers it to canvas.  real pleasure finding nature and art so near in just interpreter fo both.  continue spirit here manifested to master profession; group of children prove true artist.

            Lang’s full length port of young lady admirable, scarcefault with form, face, color, attitude, costume fine harmony with age and presumed character of subj, genl atmosphere. color warm rich, without glare, face form beaut as houri’s, yet modest lovely as virtue, delightful frankness, innocent confidence, whole lk of charming flower girl (basket, straw hat), rare artist to have sketcher her so well, happy in having so lovely a specimen.  another pict in which child most faery-ly ptd, lscapes have a Kensett-y touch

            Cafferty several gd portraits, of his mom, the best, fine motherly mild benevolent face, honest wrinkles, grt effect given by black dressing of bust, dark mass of backgrd, lifet head boldly into light, concentrate effect in face, Rembrantian.  approaches Elliott closely in faces of this stamp, coloring and methods of producing effect peculiarly his own, one of most promising of our artists, lscapes not inferior to his portraits

            Huntington port Sir Chas Eastlake, fine and faithful, class of faces that refuse even in a middling artist to be indifferent on canvass, too marked in features and genl character to be mistaken, costume accessories gd, coloring like we might fancy in living subj

            The Mounts noticeable faces, portrait and others, but would quarrel if discuss all the accessories, with their drwg.  faulty drwg must be result of carelessness, not ignorance.  what rule of anatomy put an abridged ham on a boy’s hand in place of a thumb, or fifth finger on a man’s hand? does for painters who squatted monks praying at crucifixion, and Dutch bottom’d cherubim, worthies no sitting part save tips of their wings

            Blondell, growing young artist, portraits well worth lking at.  One of Irish refugee and poet, Savage, most striking naturalness of color, treatment of hair, but too much of wild Irish lk, wants wet blanket to cool and subdue fiery fervor of its rebellious stare. correct drwg close careful finish.

            Hicks will hold visitor by button in front of his portraits, coloring well tempered, light and shade skillfully managed, outlines bold decisive.  others rank him higher than we can. picts show he’s been in foreign schools, tho doesn’t follow any master.  port of old lady most effective, livid tinting, wrinkles, masterly done, eyes effective, face as one seldom sees, not so pleasant to contemplate, but grt subj for artist’s skill, one of most remarkable ports in Acad.

            Gray has characteristic portraits, like Elliott, aims at strongly marked faces, likenesses must be excellent, positions and drwg suit our taste more than jaundiced and bilious look to his coloring.  finishes w/grt taste.

            Vincent Colyer’s crayon heads are the best exhib, diff to find fault, thorough anatomist and master of the crayon

  1. 2 Sunday Dispatch notices Sketch Club mtg, proposes formation of Fund to assist impoverished artists

            Washington Items include Clark Mills bought large elegant site for Amer Schol Design and Art, at Anacosta and Potomac rivers junction, where he will mould and cast grt equestrian statue of GW, also a colossal grp of Amer Indians on wild horses hunting buffalo, crowds of visitors to his studio


May 17 p. 2 corresp complains review of NAD did injustice to Mount, picture alluded to is family group of portraits, great grandpa Rev Zachariah Green, 94, and actually has five fingers and a thumb on ea hand, six toes on ea foot, artist just followed copy.

            update on Wm Walcutt, took a bronze medal or first prize for a clay model of a Tiger, sitter being a bengal in Jardin des Plants

May 18 p. 1 puffs Banvard’s Holy Land, mastelry ptg, captivating illusion

May 19 p. 2 notices sculptor Jones, bas relief of Henry Clay for Clay medal one of finest efforts of Amer art, working ones of Archibishop Hughes and W Vincent Wallace; May 20 p.1 fr Wall st Journal, approving of Cooper’s architect Peterson’s designs, no puerile display, meretricious inapprop decorations

Morning paper a necessity, evening paper a luxury (readers more likely to patronize lux trades). May 25 p. 2 statue of Dewitt Clinton in front of City Hall, colossal bronze, citizen’s dress with mantle, pedestal illust with bas reliefs of prominent acts, cast in Chocopee Mass, thous of spectators, no artist named.  Praises Union Club new bldg on 5th Ave, Thomas architect, also new homes built on that street for RL Stuart, etc. Sarah Helen Whitman poems.  Belmont appt he approves of; Belmont quarreled with Trib.

May 28 p. 4 Acad of Des--Lscapes:  whole western hemisphere superior in diversity and grandeur of natural scenery, impressive character not derived fr its primtivieness, or the strong contrast with old world, as fr breadth of outline rugged splendor proportion.  Nature born larger here, Titanic.  rivers brighter and broader, lakes infant seas, forests are spaces for Empires, mtns closer to heaven.  mind that contemplates its magnitude must be exalted thereby, imagination in its imperiality as eye takes in vast, varied, magnificent lscape, viewed fr some mtn’s crest, musical with voices of industry, intelligence and freedom

            ample history, trad romance invest it with deep fascinating interest, pioneers, political heroism and in battle, genius and enterprise in arts commerce gov colonization, and history/mystery of Indians vanquished

            art can evoke highest inspiration express grandest powers, shall rival surpass Phidias and Apelles, steal blush of nature fr her cheek, mightier and fairer.  Our lscape ptrs contend for world’s palm, no other province of fa so far advanced, no old world school touches canvass better than ours, limners are in no essential surpassed, young wrestlers with forms and spirit of nature outshine glories of Claude Poussin, Salvator.  in front rank progress rapidly, save some English exceptions, have field to themselves, triumph is fruit of our grand Nature.  As proof:

            Durand’s Civilization, Church’s Twilight lscape, Richards’ noble views fr nature etc artist and connoisseur unsurpassed.  Durand’s two pictures above named immortalizing their author, perspective and history of march of society, whole story told at a glance.  Church’s the perfection of art, no subj more diff to handle, yet true to nature, a masterpiece, shadow tempered, reflected light, mingled tints, soft cool veil of night, atmosphere entrancing, closely minutest things in nature are drawn, how finished the picture under most careful inspection, great triumph.  Richards has surpassed previous efforts, skillful studied hand, brain of disciplined student, soul of poet, penetrates surface of nature perceives her spirit, atmosphere as well as object.  tempered light.  warmer in tone and stronger in color than previously, but has formed his style, imitates no master, transcribes nature

May 30 p. 2 Prof Anderson’s (Wizard of the North? exhibitor of the Aztec children?) rare pictures will sell tomorrow, to connoisseurs, ad p. 3 at Metropolitan Hall, undoubted originals fr his tours of Europe, inclu Murillo, Carracis, Vernet, Brongil, Carlo Dolci, Guercinos, Albanos, Antonio Cadno.  Other ads p 3 for TG Gates, the Historical PTr, moved studio fr 806 Broadway to 257, finest rms, receives orders for Pictures of all sizes, also restores.  Also ad for Mills’ equestrian statue of Jackson, self posed, exhib Railway Hall

            Chas Mackay poetry liked.  Also Fanny Fern’s book.

Jun 2 1853, p. 1 review of Dictionary of Art, Shearjashub Spooner, 1250 pages, 1500 names, indispensable.  cites fr bk need to buy modern art, as every day on Wall st a sale of French pictures manufactured not ptd, one makes the drwg, sky, etc, highly varnished, imitation gilt frames; our painters can’t compete with French girls

Jun 3 p. 1 statue of bronze to Webster by Hiram Powers in front of State Hse, Providence, 15,000 has been raised

Jun 4 p. 5 Pano of Niagara fr Hunt’s Merchant’s Mag, Mirror attests to its justness, as have seen portion of the sketches by Mr (Godfrey) Frankenstein, fidelity, and transfer with help of Kyle, oen of finest scenic artists, finest art efforts of its kind. has been making sketches since 1844, 163 ptgs, shows various changes, almost all ptd on spot, of all diff times seasons etc, incident of a rescue, a hermit.

            what more lifelike than his portrait of Bryant? more new England-y than homestead of Hon Abbot Lawrence, or Chas Francis Adams residence, or pictures ptd for Jenny Lind, more sweet and placid than his views of rivers nr Cinti, White Mtns.

Jun 13 p. 2 SS Osgood, celeb port ptr, en route to Saratoga to paint ladies.  Recd excellent port of beaut Julia Dean.  Jun 14 Earl of Ellesmere has brought Chandos port of Shakespeare to this country

Jun 15 p. 1 TB Read poem, gives report of legislative committee investigating AAU, DB Taylor, Chair. Basically says managers didn’t get salaries, but many of them got generously paid for other services.  No dishonesty.  But manner of dissolving the institution not fair to subscribers. p. 2 Mirror endorses report, would be ok with a new art-union

Jun 17 Putnam advocates Yg Amer. p. 2 puff for advertiser Alfred Munroe, showing at his store 441 Broadway portrait of Rev Eleazer Wms, ptd WE McMaster, young promising, v perfect likeness.  Likes The Echo (Italian)

Jun 20 HD Bacon of St Louis has ordered statue of Danl Webster for Mercantile Lib Hall, 2-5000$, banking house Page & Bacon, p. 2 disapproves that a German won the design for medal for Crystal Palace, hackneyed alleg easily understood, like a stereotyped bank-note vignette, unworthy of occasion.  would like an exhib of all the designs

Skips Jun 25. Supports Central Park


Jul 1 1853 p.1 letter critical of YA for fomenting war, signed A Native.  July 2 p.2 Cristadoro, rich and artistic hairdresser (and advertiser) at Astor Hse, sold ptgs amounting to 3000$ to gman for his country mansion at Tarrytown.  Cristadoro a connoisseur and finest picts will exhib Crystal Palace

Jul 5 p.1 fr Dwight’s J of Music, corresp fr Florence, JK Salomonski, notes Powers just finished statue of GW and few busts, IT Hart of KY models statue of Henry Clay, inventor, T Galt of VA has left for US after 4 yrs study, Edwin White of NY artist of grt merit and talent, finished his Columbus, v beaut subj, originality and feeling.  Kellogg and Dana of Boston here too

Jul 18 p. 2 Putnam is pub the catalog of the CP exhib;  notices Frankenstein’s panorama, ad p. 3 , help of bros Geo and Gustavus, gives press reviews, Home J, Daily Times Eve Post, Express, Independent, Harper’s, Argus, true Natl Demo, Natl Demo.  At Hope Chapel, Mirror says as true to nature as possible, immense credit talented enterprising artists, by far the most perfect thing in panoramic way, and more puffs follow

Jul 20 p. 2 Harding’s port of Webster exhib Astor Hse sublime, like Stuart’s GW, the only worthy likeness of the grt man, shd adorn a public institution like Cooper Inst.

Not thrilled with Crystal Palace.  Notes ptgs on canvass for Prescott Hse Hotel by Delamano in long puff

Accuses Commercial Advertiser of puffing a place of amusement frequented by prostitues more than any other theater, but it’s not called a theater, so Commercial thinks its ok. Jul 27 p. 3 J of Commerce attacks those who criticized indecency of statuary at Cryst Pal, charge of indelicacy is in bad taste, as is effort to cover them up.  Mirror agrees

Jul 28 p. 4 Lines on Lessing’s Martyrdom of Huss, now at Dusseldorf, by Geo Osgood

J Brougham (a Mirror fave) is taking a pictorial entertainment with him to Europe, ptgs by Hylliard, Ten Years in America, gd artist, splendid illust, grt sensation


Aug 1, 1853, p.2 long puff of Frankenstein, paints what was unpaintable, puffs MM Lawrence’s daguerreotypes at the Crystal Palace, notices the Rhenish Belgian Gallery of art in rms of NAF, 132 ptgs by living artists, many excellent, cabinet size, Meister’s must be looked at deliberately to be appreciated, lscape, effects are grand.  Knaus rare striking composition, tho Times doesn’t like it.  Jaspers is to be studied, Higher Laws in Nature.  Others mentioned Umpfenbach, Schalk, Zundorf’s flower girl, Van Bree, fine drwg coloring, naturalness of scenes, much humor, great clearness and fidelity in minute representations.  love genuine art

Aug 3, p. 1 Crystal Palace review no. 6: among the most attractive features is fine display of various works of art. concede to Ital and other masters decided superiority in ptg and sculp, for beauty in Dag ports, Amer unrivalled, stern devt of character in London Exhib acknowledged. Gurney has brought out faces as in n oil ptg, celebrities

Aug 4 p. 4 Mr Lossing, the disting artist, at Mt Vernon lscape view of venerable mansion, by US Ag Soc, for ornamental diploma of membership, Natl Intelligencer

Ad for Putnam’s book by H Tuckerman on H Greenough.  Aug 16 p. 3 corresp fr DC signed Painter, White House, accuse barnburners of expediency, jumping jim crow; Pierce follows the Hunkers

Aug 17 p. 1 Canine Critic: Parisian artist did port of duchess, friends sd unlike, ptr proposed leave it to her dog, as soon as he saw it, he licked it all over, triumph complete.  retouched?  with lard.

            cast of Houdon’s beaut statue of GW which Hurbert the artist had just completed for exhib at Worlds Fair in NY, was broken in Richmond. Out some $1500-2000, expanding hopes of enthus artist nipped in bud. Fr Norfolk Herald.

  1. 2 Trib has graphic account of uncovering of Powers’ statue of Eve at Crystal Palace, excited crowd, white cloak, white marble statue in pristine purity, curiosity to know what is forbidden exemplified by her descendants, beautifully chiseled bosom.

Believes Whig party is dead and Demos hopelessly divided.  Calls Sunday Atlas free soil Demo.  Fears Raymond has gone over to Young Amer.

Aug 30 p. 1 praises chirographic (penmanship) art, deserves a place in picture galleries, bears closest scrutiny of connoisseur, composition as a design remarkable, delicacy of execution.   Also a portrait of Theo Sedgwick.  Picture Gallery has been closed for hanging, Winterhalter’s splendid picture fr Queen Victoria shd be hung above natural line of vision to show to best advantage.  copy of Chandos port of Shakespeare hangs back of the Amazon, small, faithful, fr Ellesmere.

            Aug 31 p.1 letter on Progrss of YA fr Vive la Republique equates YA w/codfish aristo of soapboilers joining upper ten

Natl Demo accuses publishing firm of Fowler & Wells of villainy; Trib at odds w/Mirror; Harper’s is accused of stealing stories w/o paying copyright, eg fr Putnam’s



Sept 1 1853 p. 1 “A subj for another historical picture” visit by GW to his mom after surrender of Cornwallis, enter ball, all eyes on her.

Sept 3 p. 2 praises Picture Gall of Cryst Pal, but statue of Webster is a caricature and shd be banished.  A French sculptor’s idea of Webster is on a par w/Fr poet’s appreciation of Macbeth, comes within one step of original, but that step is diff betw sublime and ridiculous.

            notes C&E has endorsed Chandos portrait, but others say it’s not genuine, hung obscurely

Approves of Uncle Tom at the National, endorses Trib’s view of it and esp Little Eva.  Approves Putnam’s view of Pierce, Herald does too.  Courier des Etats Unis hates Herald.

Sept 22 p. 2 Lockwood’s Last JUdg: may surprise artists and art critics to learn young Amer artist at work 8 yrs on ambitious Last Judg, Michel Angelo did it too, to be completed next Jun. bold ptr is Rembrandt Lockwood, recently studied at Munich, now in Newark with special studio for extra large canvas.  those competent to judge believe he has triumphed, superior in compos and coloring to Angelo and Cornelius, while theology will surpass Old Masters.  design simpler than famous predecessors, but grand and effective.  in foregrd, the races, typified accordg to rec’d ethnological divisions, issue fr grave, artist has placed Mongol, Caucasian, African and Indian on a level.  Multitude of relig teachers of mankind (druids etc) issue fr tomb, central in foregrd, figs of GW, representing Liberty, and a white female from whom a chain is falling, repres. slavery.  beggar and king are figs usually chosen to show god is no respecter of persons at judgment, but Lockwood chooses lib and slav.  fig of GW is noble portrait as well as type, more fiully aroused than slavery, as freedom quickens our faculties, bondage rendering them passive and supine.  in the yet unjudged multitude are groups typical of moral andintellectual classes, Plato, Homer, reformers, artists, etc.  description continues, a happy family, virtues and graces, righteous crowned, host of redeemed, descending to hell a stalwart man glorious in anatomy and color, incarnation of evil passions and spirit, hidous forms of murder and evil passions, features telling all his sin, Satan a gigantic man cursing.

            Angelo marred his pict intro imps and fiends, impure mythology, grossest indelicacies in postures and actions, not the conception of genius, which delights in purely beaut and nobly grand, but iteration of inteolerant conceits of Cath church, saves only its own martyrs; his detail and theology atrocious, despite grand color and composition

            Cornelius also his Last Judg vehicle for bigotry of Church, Luther among the damned, also used by Rubens, Luther and Calvin as Pharisees in Woman taken in Adultery, artist presumptuous drew Christ fr his own head

            Lockwood abjures all devils and fiends proper, doesn’t judge man accord to sects and creeds, depicts what is acceptable to our reason and symptathy, good exalted and evil cast down, gates not shut against any one.  Art has too long incarnated bigotries and hatreds of creed-men, hopeful for emancipation of art into hi sphere of truthfulness of its own that a Last Judg is in accord with reason and moral consciousness of age.  Michaelangelo’s pict dishonors god and degrades art.

            1500 figs, grandeur hardly conceived of, example of moral courage.  has never seen Angelo or Cornelius save in print.  prepped with crayon cartoons.  will create profound sensation

Sept 24 p. 2 promotes estab or Art Gallery of Williams, Stevens and Williams, 353 Broadway, 2 remarkable picts, Sir Walter Scott and lit friends at Abbotsford, and Shakespeare and his contemporaries,ptd by Thom Faed and John Faed, Scot artists and brothers, lots of portraits in period costume.  decidedly remarkable, genius and celebrity, also as works of art, unfamiliar names, but grt artists exist before discovered by world, eg Noel Paton who won prize for a Parliament Hse cartoon and for his paradise lost and Macebeth, born full fledged. 

            gaslight adds to coloring, living spirit, fuller realiz of hi ideal could not be reached.  are being engraved, want subscribers, also other pictures free exhib of large merit, a port ofWebster, a ragged boy with cigar in mouth not one whit behind Murillo’s Fisher Boy as triumph of art in depicting common life, noble statuette of Webster, fine lscape by Kensett, Tait’s Hunters and game, other decidied gems.  Shakespeare grp sold for $4000, subscriptions reached $12,000.  Ad same page.

Sept 28 p. 2 notices that Hiram Powers apptd Commercial Agent of US at Florence, applaud powers that be for so fit an appt


Oct 5 p. 1 Art Doings:  TD Jones the sculpt fine design in clay for Welsh Washington Monument stone, admirable bas relief of Archbishop Hughes, emeinent heads, colossal statue of Henry Clay for this city.  Chas Muller (German) young sculpt of Brooklyn,c ast fine mini bronze statue ofa Fireman (typical) in costume, but for sharpness of eye brow lines, perfect.  Why was bronze statue of Clinton removed fr Park? outrages anatomy, line fr shoulder to shoulder not parallel with nect, but directly through, also malformed feet etc.  Kyle & Dallas at work in rms on Crosby st fine pano of NY fr Coney Isl to Cryst Pal

Oct 8 p. 1 reproduces attack on London Times’s NY correspondent fr Washington Union, accuses this correspondent, former diplomat under Tyler to Genoa (Pierce and Polk refused to appoint him--Mr C Edwards Lester, close to the Herald, enemy to O’Sullivan, Fuller thinks ok), misconduct there included persuading M Vespucci of Florence to give him a picture of grt value and age

Oct 10 p. 2 Mr Powell and the Art Union (which is stuck with a multi year lease of its bldg). Powell removed his De Soto Discovering the Mississippi to rms of NAD, explains in letter to Treasurer of AU pubd in Herald today, says spent 3-4 yrs on it, spent $8000, just 2000 shy of govt payment, so obtained permission like Wier for Embarkation of Pilgrims to exhibit it, adding portraits of Lamrtine, Sue, Dumas and others fr Paris.  Austen & Warner of AU wanting to promote interests of art offered him free exhib rms, he spent $100 setting up, when managers notified charged $1500/yr for space, plus gas, which they had earlier said would be free.

            ad calls it Grt Natl Ptg, for Capitol, also his copy of Veronese’s Marriage Cana

Oct 12 p. 4 Art Intelligence fr Eve Post: WS Mount rustic studio capital designs, not at liberty to state subjects, but Bargaining for a Horse and Cider making won’t be ranked as his chef d’ouevres, but as among his best pictures, while in a new dept of the art for him he has achieved another success.  also v happy counterfeit presentment of WA Jones librarian Columbia College.  Shepherd Mt finished much superior lscape, hi stand for future in this favorite walk, fine feeling for natural beauty in every phase, coloringvivid and truthful, also in portraits esp children, keep perception, love of his art, industry zeal

Oct 15 p. 2 Sketch Club, TD Jones sculptor Pres, met with exPres Cafferty at his studio, proposed publication of annual volume

Oct 19 p. 2 Powell’s De Soto: at first glance, somewhat renowned pict disappointed us.  under an ineffective light, garish look, spirit of the ‘blues’ possessed it.  but advise spectator to withhold critical opinion on works of art until after thoro exam.  P has consummated grt pict in double sense, by size and treatment of the subj, if not the subj itself.  copious figs, effective grouping, true to hist in portraits, costume and devices, agreeable to hi poetic ideal of scene, yet clear and simple,  rapt vision on river rolls West and South in solemn grandeur, central imposing fig, all looks worthy, fit.  character of River finely rendered, sky natural, selected to give greatest breadth and effect to water and lscape.

            typical of destiny of red race, group of Chickasaw, piepe of peace, Soto heeds not, abundant food placed at his feet, cross being raised strikingly given.  numerous objects in foregrd exquisitely finished to minutest details.  head of a mounted Moor conspic in backgrd, has been objected to, but Fuller thinks doesn’t strain belief, and is effective in picture.

            pict in idea, scope detail worthy the purpose, noble conception, sought models for alm every obj represented, praised accordingly by Vernet and first rate critics.  the dignity of the subject, denied in quarters influ’d by disappointed competitors for the work, little need be said.  Trumbull has given enuf Rev battle scees, Pilgrims and Columbus done, Indian race glorified in Pocahontas.  discovery of Mississ no great event as a foregone conclusion, offers grand theme to embody chivalric-romantic element of discovery of New World, Union of Cross and sword for conquest

Oct 24 p.4 “lines to my Graver” by an artist, for Eve Mirror, how he had pressed lips and other puns.  Dislikes the Independent.

Oct 27 p. 2 puff on Powell, cites London Art Journal’s praise, group of native Indians, tents, river, sky other accessories treated admirably, whole shows powerful execution gd observation knowl of historic art excellent drwg and brilliant coloring that will mellow with age, happy inducements to native art and genius by honor liberal payment 60,000 francs

NY Sketch Club meets with poet Savage at rms of Cafferty, Blondell and Brush.  NJ Art Union dissolved.

Skips Oct 31

C Edwards Lester in 1840 antislavery, now anti aboltionist?


Nov 5, p. 2 puffs poor TG Gates, 600 Broadway above Metropolitan Hotel, fine coll sacred and other pictures, several yrs toil, 42, also 84 Euro ptgs that cat says include Corregio, Maratti, Carracci, Rosa, Murillo etc.   public symp and patronage.

            splendid coll on free exhib Stevens, Williams and Stevens at Acad of Des, to be sold.  Nov 8 p. 1 puffs Jones’ Pantoscope of California, ptg unique, entertaining, instructive, overland journey offers little inducement to artists and none to travelers, fidelity, tho too highly colored and sky monotony, parched land overstated, too much bathos by lecturer, music too sentimental.  but well ptd, Sierras surpassing beauty

            -also notices Perham’s Seven Mile Mirror of the Grt Lakes.  Excerpts Ruskin.

Nov 9 p. 2 sale of ptgs tomorrow by HH Leeds at Acad of Design, second great annual sale of coll Wms Stevens Wms, last time was one  of largest and most satisfactory ever.  500 pictures oil wc, crayon etc, every species ofcomposition, many exquisite works fr most eminent modern artists, to which it is almost confined, inclu choice specimens by Cole, Durand, Doughty, Rossiter, Ranney, Gifford, Juness, Oddie, Richards, Colyer, Talbot, Cropsey, Tait, Carter and other best Amer ptrs; Creswick, Corbould, Brewerton, Burford, Wms, Cooper, T Landseer, Pyne of London, Coult of Paris, Robbe of Brussels, 100 of Dusseldorf schl.

            so gd in average, invidious to point out specially gd or defective, suit all tastes, eye of buyer best judge, all sizes, for all rooms, some familiar forms and faces, but mostly fresh and novel, with scattered gems whose buyers will be envied.  crowded rooms

Nov 11 p. 2 approves of Barnum’s version of UT Cabin too (in Nov 26 review suggests that it only differs from National in externals, not in spirit;  key presiding presence is Topsy, not Eva, and has a moving panorama in the backgrd, brings plantation life almost life like, only requires a  corresponding truthfulness in the charcters enacted, to render dramatic representation perfect--to produce the real in the illusory).  Re picture sale, a large number sold, those by our own artists brought v gd prices, fr $10-200.  average prices below real value, fine specimens of Dusseldorf for $30-40, valuable are cheap

Likes Hawthorne.  sympathetic to exploitation of women’s labor. (poem to lady typesetter)

Nov 15 p. 3 notices first of four studies designed by Julien fr Powell’s picture came out in the Baltic (a steamer) Nov 16 p. 2 Mr Ames, well known artist of Boston, ptd v fine port Rufus Choate (eulogizer of Webster) for alumni of Dartmouth, companion to port of Webster in their halls, two of its greatest sons

Nov 22 notices Brady’s likeness of Mitchell, the Irish patriot, soon to arrive, TF Meagher says excellent, true to life, cheap engraving sell like hot cakes. notes later subj looks care worn and desponding; notices his arrival and tributes

Likes Boucicault, as does C&E. Favors rrd to Pacific.  Ok with incorporating Sandwich Isl.


Dec 1 1853 p. 1 corresp fr Boston, WJAF (fuller’s bro??), woman has never been an originator or creator in any grt dept of thought or art, sweet fancy winning grace refined taste sentiment passion, but not grt creative genius, no Homer, no Raphael, etc.  perfect in her sphere

  1. 2 notices in the Herald a crit of Powell’s ptg and Putnam’s mag from someone who was rejected by Putnam, says Putnam had a sage barbaric in taste onslaught on grt natl ptg of Powell. P’s literateurs, young men abt town, write his orig articles, he tells them to pitch into Cabinet, celeb ptg, Jerry Snooks, pitches into everything.  Mirror says this is what Herald does, and calls the review in Powell’s just and discriminating

NY Acad of Music is new Opera Hse.  Attacked by Bennett? Manager Fry’s libel suit (Fry’s dad ed Natl Gazette in Phila).

Skips 5, 6, 7, p. 2 “song of the sun” inscribed to Root, the celeb daguerreotypist.  “I am a painter” the sun cried, crimson the rose sketch on the ocean, but Root paints mankind

Dec 8 p. 2 puffs free gall of ptgs and statuary, 547 Broadway, rear splendid jewelry fancy gds store Carrell & Hutchinson, studio De Brakeleer Jr, agent of Belgian schl, fine coll ptgs first Belgian artists, chefs d’ouevres of sculptors, 2 pts sd to be by Remb, attractive gall, worth a visit, can order abroad, Wm B Astor purchased valuable ptg fr him the other day for several thous

Barnum and National also running Hot Corn, fr a story that first appeared in the Trib and also became a pop song

James F Otis was theater critic for Express. Geo Gaslight Foster--for Trib?, Thorburn White for C&E, as was HJ Raymond.  Barnum has spent money for a gd artist to do scene of fugitive slaves being hunted forUT Cabin.  Copies fr Herald the relig breakdown of press, notes that Beach brothers are friendly with HW Beecher

Dec 16 p. 2 Art Union resolved on annual picture sale by Amer and resident artist, cat 150 ptgs, valued by artists $22,000, sold for $8,000.  some poorer pictures sold for what they were worth, really gd ones slaughtered.  Pictures by Leutze, Cropsey, Boutelle, Cranch, Mrs Spencer, Church, Huntington, Lang, Hinckley and other well known artists that brought one-third real value.  disgusted, so AU is to shut up shop.

Warning against rich displaying too much luxury in front of the poor, fr Trib; disapproves of Bishop Hughes’ Journal

Dec 24 Fuller notes he is fr New England, and so are all the other major editors, except Bennett. p. 2 reviews Hot Corn, Solon Robinson.  excoriates its pretence to promote temperancew, morals, religion, panders to worst appetites and prurient passions, directory to Cyprians, characters fr vilest stews.  we are told his scenes are true and lifelike, a second New York by Gas light, treates o fmen and things as wld report cattle market.  expurgated sketches in Tribune were really very good, honest elderly benevolent simple hearted author, industrious, no imagination, but need that of a Dickens to descend to lowest walks of common life and idealize them with force and beauty

Dec 27 p. 2 Belgian ptgs, De Braekeleer, sanctioned by Belgian govt, furnishes written guarantee of ptr himself, schl celeb for purity of taste, fine drwg and color, exquis finish in every dept, Wauters Madou, Plumot, J Lies, Van Oudenhoven, Prince Radiu Saleek, Hoguet, Schmidt, Serruse, Verboeekhoven, Ortmans, Robert, De Noter, Van Haaneu, Bodeman Van Schenoel.  also life size beut plaster statuary.

            Notes Gurney won Anthony prize for Dag

Dec 30 p. 3 Board of Aldermen approved purchase of full length port of Hon Henry Clay $750 for Gov Rm, City Hall, also one of ex President Fillmore, $500


Jan 3, 1854, p. 2 Leuttze at work at GW at Monmouth, for David Leavitt of Brooklyn, $10,ooo; notes demise of Lit World, Duyckinck among most accomp of literary dilletanti, engr of NY Hist Soc members drawn fr life by young German Golman successful in crayon ports; Jan 6 p. 2 Pierce so pleased with Carpenter’s portrait of him that he’s hired him on other subjects, esp port of dead son fr dag

Jan 19 p. 2 notes Century Club, artists and literary men, gave dinner to FG Halleck at their club in Clinton Pl, Bryant, Verplanck, FW Edmonds, Gourlie, Kemble, Cronkhite, Chas Leupp, JF Kensett, GG Smith, Durand, Henry Peters Gray, Jona. Sturgess, AM Cozzens, WH Appleton, EM Young.  Jan 20 notes Comm Advertiser, Courier des Etats Unis also condemns Robinson’s Hot Corn, bad book, contents are shame and horrors of grt city, in poor style, corrupts mind of reader, dangerous schl of Eugene Sue lit.

            Uncle Tom played by TD Rice is now at the Bowery.  publishes a document signed by those who would preserve the Missouri compromise (Nebraska), Joe Hoxie , John Haggerty, Chas Kirland, etc

Won’t hire female compositors, would cause trouble in printing office to mix sexes.


Feb 2, p.2 Artist Life: Death of TG Gates, well known port and hist ptr, of consumption, effective and successful scripture pictures, ready market, hi prices, about 40 yrs old, Navy, childhood tendency to art, ptd in London, much praised there in hi circles, in so far as a stylist, preferred Correggio, gentle hearted enthusiastic.

            Kyle panoramist par excellence, glorious Pilgrims Prog, Miss, Frankenstein’s Niag, turned to sketch portraits, can’t be excelled, peculiar style, half size, not elab, all the more effective for appearance of produced by first touches, left his long room quarters in Crosby st for studio in upper part of Gibson’s Statuary estab on Broadway, just completed fine L’Allegro, his young daughter contrib. remarkable drwgs to NY Sketch Club, an hon member, rare promise of grt excellence

            TD Jones, sculpt, first merit acknowl by artists, clay design simple elab and beaut, alleg of liberty, industry, for GW Monument.  Shd like to see him still higher subj, statue of Webster or Clay for city, has done fine medallions of Bishop Hughes and Bailey.

            James H Cafferty most esteemed and talented, pict promises to excite attn, shows members of Sketch Club, for Acad of Des exhib, cartoons done.  sufficiently dissimilar to picture of the Dusseldorf Artists to avoid charge of imitation, no ptr more likely to treat it with spirit and truth.  time skill divided betw ports lscape and compos

            T Addison Richards in skyparlor of Univ, with lit and art, pair of large picture,s, most ambitious.  Vincent Colyer (only competitor in crayon art is Cheney) turning to color, visiting Euro in spring, perfection of art, best anatomists, most laborious workers.

            Godfrey N Frankenstein sent brothers south with Niagara, finishing some KY lscapes for wa Westerner, wants pict in Acad exhib, studio in Crosby st nr Grand

            Elma Gove, executes fine port in crayon or colors studio over old Olympic theatre

            Jacob Dallas with Darley & McLenan (recently come) are v best designers, beaut creations, other Westerners include Walcutt, Kyle, Julia Dean, and Fosdick

            Lockwood at Newark finishing Last Judg.  Hagen, Blauvelt, Blondell, Chapman, Wright and others of estab reput, busy, despite fall of AU, only artists born for hse sign ptg complain of want of patronage

Puffs Brady, Gurney

Feb 13 1854 p. 2 moe puff on Belgian Art, no fear of copies rather than originals.  Feb 14 p.2 opening of Goupil & Co’s Fine Art Repository, 366 Broadway, oppos Taylor’s Intl hotel (has gotten a lot of Mirror puffs), art progress, taste liberality and enterprise intro art and public to higher more diverse class of fine art production.  Intl AU successful, cessation regretted.  Publish 1300 popular prints, 500 fr pictures of artists such as Vernet, Delaroche, Winterhalter, Robert, Scheffer, Leutze, Mt, Lawrence, Reynolds, inclu Wash cross the  Delaware, and Hemicycle des Beaux Arts by Delaroche at Paris Acad FA.  owe lithos of superb popular Amer artists, WS Mount, Bingham, Woodville, Stearns, Darley, Powell, Tait fr last year;s exhib NAD.  Artists present include brothers Mount, Durand, Colyer, Richards, Carpenter, Blauvelt, Wright and others


National still doing Uncle Tom and Hot Corn  Opposes Nebraska bill.

Feb 23 p. 2 Artist Life: praise of T Addison Richards, popular, ambitious art-merit, Indian Paradise, strikingly pictque, poetical, Amer, entire unity in conception of subj, mind impressed with one leading sentiment, new vigorous joys life boundless space of happy hunting ground.  unique lofty manner, real nature, not supernatural, allegory only through the actual, elevation of real into ideal is true aim and triumph of art, seldom sought or attained by our ptrs.  even uncultivated who sees actual scene will regard with pleasure brilliant scenic effect, soft soothing atmosphere, delicate color, changing forms.  For Acad, with matching picture Alastor, fr Shelley

            others mentioned: Durand, Stearns GW pictures, Church, Cropsey, Boutelle, the Mounts, Elliott, Colyer and Carpenter, hope he will eshbi his fine art work and best likeness of Pres Pierce (did Fillmore last season, planning afull length)

            Jacob Dallas and Joseph Kyle doing compos fr penseroso and allegro, scenes of Mississ and Shakespeare, grace, power and fidelity all competent, dainmtiest and cunningest hand of art, poetry of art illus

            McLenan glorious in creative and illust power.  JH Cafferty won’t finish Sketch Club, but others of most decided merit, more than last yr.  Wm Hart, Loch Katrine, in Albany now at Dodworth’s bldg, highest elements of Art power, bold imag, fine fancy, quick eye to poetic side of nature, free hand, unity design, brilliant harmony color

            Tait, large picture of SF by Van Beest, Godfrey Frankenstein, Crawford’s model of Jefferson cast at Munich, for Richmond VA

Feb 27 p. 2 critical of Historical Society engraving on eve Webster delivered anniversary address, Gollman spent three yrs ptg. excellent likenesses, but introd men not present, so not historically correct, included Calhoun, Cass, Critenden and Pierce, takes liberties with facts unjustifiable by license of art, though gives value to the picture.  Dony engr admirable

Feb 28 p. 1 long poem “A Night with the Sketch Club” for the Evening Mirror, calls them the b’hoys, associates them with raw oysters, and whisky, on the walls a virgin with child, portraits, Clay on a bust and Webster, still lifes, copies of Reubens, Titian and Van Dyke, then gives riddles for their names.  TD Jones, JH Cafferty, TA Richards, J Dallas, JD Blondell, Joseph Kyle, John Savage, John McLenen, J Brush, J Thom (son of famous sculptor), Hagan, Chapman, AC Thomson, secretary, Tate, Barry, DC Hitchcock, Mrs Greatorex (only female member), and honorary members: CW Mathews, Carlos D Stuart, CB Burkhardt (writes criticism for Sunday Dispatch?), WW Fosdick, John Dunn.  Written by Chas Gaylor.

  1. 2 Fuller denounces Intl Copyright as abridging free trade, nor if you tax Dickens will it put a premium on Mathews.


March 1, 1854, NYHS volume

2 approves rich spending money on fancy balls 3, 4 Douglas’ Nebraska bill mischievous; notes English ptgs at Wms and Stevens p. 2  6, funny article on why Fanny Fern is not Willis’ sister 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 poem by Mary Frances Kyle 13, 14,15, covers anti-Nebraska mtgs 16, 17, notes Powell’s De Soto 18 death of John Martin, the artist Mirror supports beard movement 20 critic of C&E writes for Putnam’s 21 Mirror first to denounce Hot Corn; is neither of the Putnam nor the Harper clique, p. 3 TD Jones’ design for Welsh Washington Monument block attracting attn at 300 Broadway, boldest alto-relievo ever designed here; NAD opens tomorrow 22,

23 p.2 opening of NAD, Spencer, Elliott, Baker andothers. 250 portraits of 400 pictures, only sculp is Jones’ fine medallions of Bishop Hughes and Bailey. Best portraits are bearded Bryant and Caleb Lyon by Elliot, Carpenter, Cafferty port of Chas Gayler, Baker, Kyle’s sketches of Gayler and Dallas, Wright, Hicks of Beecher and Wainwright, Gray and Counsellor ? Boyle.

Elliot does wonderful beards, Baker fresh and natural color, Carpenter masterly, girl in small room a gem, Mrs spencer baby playing with foot will receive eulogium. Most meritorious and ambitious is Huntington Gd Samaritan, admirable. Stearns are pleasing but not striking. WS Mount characteristic, moral is not clear unless gd woman in shed was a sly witness to some contemplated roguery. Church superb sunset, Durand best storm, Richards’ Indian Hunter and Alastor in front rank, latter a golden half waking dream. Tait Brothers Clark not easily excelled, on hunt. Ranney and Hays, Godfrey Frankenstein, Kyle. p. 3 LC Derby has bought Greek Slave for almost $5000 24 excerpt on King’s bust of Webster


25 p. 2 lots more on TD Jones, alleg of Liberty is real and homelike, and NAD: Elliot at head of portraitists, esp men with beards, lifelike. Has a lot of imitators, second rate. Has 8, his best are Bryant, Caleb Lyon, ex Mayor Kingsland, and 357; radiate light, speak intelligence, eye beams, blood seems to course under the clear, soft skin. Baker 4 pics, port Boutelle, children blowing bubbles best, fresh and natural,s ymp with ruddy joyous nature. May Cardinal Mazarin looks leprous. Hicks 13 pics, Beecher is a likeness, but not striking, express force of go ahead and bellig divine. Full length of Calhoun gd, also his port of Cropsey, but no better than before. Gray 5 pics, easy, quiet, after a foreign style, incubus of old masters is upon him, darkens his native excellence, had better copy nature, bu have great merit in drwg and pose.  27,

28 3rd Notice NAD, hodcarrier in commonest gear may be as exquisitely ptd as a Cardinal in crimson velvet, but the latter, perforce of the subj, will most attract and please the million. Cafferty does port of Chas Gayler, holds up with Elliott, natural and lifelike, have seen him this red when drinking (Stuart? Richards writing?), Mount, good portraits, Coming to the Point varies Bargaining for a horse, steed in question is “shedded” awaiting trade by two inveterate whittlers, whittling a cover, but chips fly in earnest. A thir person with her back to us whittling as if for life, perched in loft, peering, a female, wife or old maid relative, deepest interest in progress of sale or swap, embodiment of curiosity. Thought some scheme of roguery on foot, but spurred by pure curiosity, tells its own story. SA Mount daughter robbing bird’s nest, feels shame, other pics good. Carpenter, 8 portraits, ought to have shown his fine pic of Pres Pierce, like his Quakeress, elab finished, elderly, genial spirit, progressist, his ocompositions not exciting, number 2 will be recognized by many. Hagan poet painter port lady good, why not show his lscapes? Alanson Fisher’s port of Mrs Stowe for AH Purdy of National Theater, Trib exhib pic first, better looking than press said, womanly, full of sentiment and feeling, can’t account for her falling in love with Uncle Tom, rest of his fair. 29, 30, 31


April 1, 1854

3, p. 2 Defends duelists and honor (vs soft Democrats impeachment of them as criminals)

            Academy of Design, 4th Article:  We’ve been amused by a contemporary who finds continual fault, if indirectly, with Elliot’s contributions.  Patronizingly sd that his faults were the result of carelessness not want of knowl and skill, then proceeded to unqualified eulogy of much inferior works of another contributor to the Academy.  Such crit will afford amusement to artist-circles.  Same critic pronounces as detestable many picts in Exhib, which though by no means faultless, possess more or less merit.  We’d be glad to see fewer ugly faces indifferently ptd on the walls, but one grt purpose of this Institu is to develop as well as dipsplay art, and if stimulation is a means of development, than best to spur and improve lesser artists by bringing their works in juxtaposition and comparison with those of the avant garde.  Our artists aren’t always blameable for the exposition of inferior specimens of their work.  vanity of portrait possessors fills many a space, ugly mug intended to gratify a home circle, is often thrust upon the public.

            Persons of more highly devd art-taste complain of no of ports, and they are in the majority, but with the mass of visiters, no picts so attractive as portraits, as seen by an hours observation any day.  The multitude love personality, even if it be rude and uncouth.  Besides necessity confines 7/8ths of our ptrs to portrait ptg, and they shouldn’t be excluded fr exhibiting specimens of the only works they are permitted to execute.  It is an injustice however for possessor of a port to place it before the public without the artist’s knowledge and consent.  until we have no ‘rising’ artists, only faultless pictures will be contributed.

            D Huntington, one of our grtest names, 5 picts, 3 ports of Church dignitaries, Rev Moore Wilson and Bishop McIlvaine, abt equally well done, wanting force of expression. drwg correct, pose easy, tone color natural, attractive and forcibly managed picture 327 by Huntington is Sunset on the Sacondaga, but his chief work 28 is Gd Samaritan, ptd at Paris.  We commiserate the critic who says he is unable to praise this work.  What in the Acad will suit his fastidious taste?  The Gd Sam is well conceived and powerfully executed.  countenance, looks, attitude, speak the various feelings and sympathies we shd naturally conceive of such a grp, with impressive effect. d rapery is a notable feature, admirably executed, shading bold and massy.  anatomy flawed, left ft of foregrd litter bearer too far out, weakens perfectly stalwart fig.  Owned by Marshall O Roberts.

            Mr Shegogue 7 picts, five ports, 2 grps of children, all faulty.  full length Col Burnett would be gd in some respects if it was full length, but if our eyes aren’t arrant deceivers, legs are decidedly too shrot.  gallant Col not stumpy.  Amer flag and some accessories well exec, his face not badly rendered, nor soldiers to rear, tho perspective is poorly managed, heads of size and on a line with Col’s, and their faces as strongly lighted.  Children want anatomy, look cast in perfectly smooth mould, indifferently, candied-jelly children, dumpy, painfully monotonous in sameness of expression and character.  Take any one and compare it with one of Baker’s and see diff betw pattern or mould-child and a natural child.  foliage, herbage, water, skies etc introd are stiff, crude.

            JB Stearns 8 pictures, two continue his series of Washington picts, some reprod Goupil & Co.  Death bed, on the Plantation, former recalls various colored prints, school book and engravings, no originality in conception, precisely the grouping we shd fancy around any and every deathbed.  face has less placidity and sweetness than justified by records, visage too long; color tone fair.  On the Plantation more artistic, tho devoid of originality, common scene of men and women at various harvesting labor, planter standing spectator of his fields and workfolk.  figs too scattered for best effect, but well drawn, inspired with approp expr and character.  Some of his ports are excellent, that of a ladies 376 and 89, but protest 338 Hell Gate Sports being called or even fancied a gd specimen of fishing.  hooked a fine bass, but unnaturally passive on surface of water as a dead cod, rod scarcely bent; shd leave fishing scenes to Tait and Ranney.

            Mrs Lilly M Spencer some very clever specimens of whose power both in design and execution, public have been made acquainted thru late Art Union and former Acad exhibs, not very favorably represented.  3 ports, neither of which is equal to her reputation and real merits as an artist.  Port of a lady 293 deficient in color and tone, altogether a flabby look, partic unnaturally wrinkled neck.  ermine victorine thrown over shoulders is well done. port of a child 322 playing with a bare foot, shows still looser texture of flesh.  attitude isn’t deficient, nor a lack of naturalness in child’s occupation and manner, but a coarseness,w ant of compactness native to babies of its age withinour recollection. But leopard skin etc on which the child is seated are exquisitely ptd and atone largely for faults in the portrait.  There is nothing in their way better done in the Acad.

            Mrs Heller, artist less known than Mrs Spencer, excels among lady contributors to the Acad.  her Hindoo Girl 1 is one of THE attractive pictures of the exhibition.  as oriental and beaut as our fancies cld desire, attitude and costume in keeping with her purpose and character, foliage and flowers almost breathe.  Side view of an Italian girl’s head is a gem, light and treatment charmingly done.  Mrs H’s other contrib., port of artist Volmering, a gd likeness, but too jaundiced in color.

            James H Wright, fine flower pieces alw delight, contribs pleasing port of a boy, notable pastel of a lady, 245, a style scarcely inaugurated here.  Geo Fuller 2 ports of ladies, of average merit.

            JD Blondell can do better than his Cornelius Mathews, or number 83.  former is recognizable, but bad coloring, face stiff and heavy.  Delaroche in fave port of himself, lock of hair across his brow a la Napoleon, but that is no reason why Blondell shd give Mathews the same peculiarity.  stale finicality.  Should have put in instead his spirited port of young Irish poet-exile.  J Cranch gd self portrait, fine cabinet compos Infant Bacchus, two other fair picts.

            Goupil advertises p. 1 Leutze’s ptg engr Gireredet, $15, colored $25; Apotheosis of the Fine Arts engr Henriquel Dupont after fresco by De La Roche, $37.50.  Faulst and Margaret, engr A Blancahrd after Ary Scheffer, $7.50.  366 Broadway

            April 3 AAS: agrees with Gov Seymour’s veto of Maine bill. defends Edw Everett, attacks JW Webb.


Apr 4, spirit rappers a humbug 5, 6 p. 3 mtg of sketch club home of Rev Burchard, west 13th st, TD Jones, sketches some in oil by Blondell, Cafferty, Hart and Thom. Pencil drwgs Dallas, Miss Kyle and Mrs Greatorex, guests Alice and Pheobe Cary, John Mitchel.

            Apr 7 p. 2 notices Mr Schaus, 303 Broadway just pub book for art beginners, and handsome litho of sovereigns of Europe

Apr 12, 1854, notices Herald attacks Dramatic Fund and its dinners, which Fuller is big supporter of.

Acad of Design, 5th article:  critcs have expanded their ingenuity in defining the standards by which perfections of delineative art shall be judged, Nature will forever remain the supreme standard, artist who can embody forms and express spirit of Nature is the true master.  Raphaels and Rembrandts were greater insofar as they more thoroughly comprehended and represented Nature.  scales of a severe judgment, mere tricks of art, were rather agst than for them, no novel composition or striking color, if it transcended Nature or came short, was other than a fault and falsehood.  in port lscape and historical pict Nature must be model, or labor is vain.  Only in ltd respects can ptr deviate fr exact Nature and still preserve the truth.  If he wish to paint a type rather than an individual, he may do so as the Greek created his Venus, combine perfections of a no of individs.  So too w/lscape.  Ideality in art is thus far tolerable, and no farther.  The moment it passes the line of probability, its merit is a matter of taste, governed by no fixed law.

            surprises us that so many of our limners rush to Europe, wasting yrs in search of higher art standards, when at home have supreme model nature which, shd they learn to surpass Titian and Angleo, will yet be far enough in advance of their genius and skill.  No artist ever became grt by copying masters or floating on the current of schls, real masters go to ftn head, reproducing nature in one guise or another.  most accomplished by ptrs who go abroad to study in galleries of Florence or Rome is reputation of being bad imitators.  Gray dwindles into 4th rate Titian, while Titian was many removes fr nature.  v best artists have staid at home and done best to counterfeit nature, and so it has been in all countries and ages while art exists.

            John Kyle several picts, chiefly ports, deserving partic notice;  has deservedly enjoyed hi a reputation in another branch of art, panoramic ptg, that his greater forte, ports, not generally known.  peculiar class of portraits excels in, cabinet in size, sketch in style, strong likenesses and striking genl effects by bold, free, sketchy touch, rather than elaboration.  Port of designer Dallas excellent specimen, least elaborated, and best example of his style.  As a truthful and effective presentation, not surpassed.  Greater finish may be pleasing to some, but lover of nature is satisfied with counterfeit that startles him by irts vivid freshness and faithfulness to life.  84, 23? also notable, port of Chas Gayler (an arts reporter?) 371 more highly finished but sstill avoids elaboration that usually dulls likeness and stiffens figure.  genl tone color effect are delightful, better if hunt on line with eye.  head and face slightly idealized, little of mood that sets poet’s eye in fine phrenzy rolling, but port faithful, whole pict admirable.  Can touch a panorama inimitably, but should not abandon higher province Sketch Portraits, surely excels here as does Elliot in more extended and elaborate limning. 313 designed by Dallas, ptd by Kyle, L’Allegro, command of weird and sprite-ly colors, fine keeping with subject, faery tone imparted to highly poetical penciling of Dallas, noticeable and much noticed.

            RM Pratt ports, genl gd drwg, color, tone, no peculiarity of style, easy quiet natural look, attract observation on same principle of a well dressed person, alck of mannerism.  72 port of lady is a fair specimen, 392 must be a faithful likeness as is a strongly expressed head and face.  Edw Mooney excellent ports 358 375, clear, forcible, well defined, harmonious color and tone, style is sober, gd agreement with quality of face, atmosphere genial attractive.

            Wm H Powell a single port, young Amer on tour in Switz, cold tone, some redeeming effect in bold relief given ruddy tourist, best part of pict is costume and trappings, plaid shawl capitally done.

            F Augero gd ports 330, 310, latter has soft subdued tone, flesh color well rendered, costume lace finely exec, his Venus wounded by Cupid 280 is not more nude ofdrapery than in other respects.

            GH Yewell Head of old German 130 has strong gd pts, 294 is flabby.

            EDE Greene fine fancy heads, Isabella, Aspiration, 129 is beaut, alm classic, charming in color and stone.  If he can do heads fr life in as fine a style, will have sitters.  Cabinet gem.

            JT Peale, port of child, one of best exec picts of that class of subj, all the sentiment, looks like a child, pose, color and tone.

            Goupil & Co Italian Woman, 40, costume is fine, as treated, in romantic effect, soft rich lights and shadows, coloring charmingly clear, tone quiet and harmonious

            CR Leslie, Royal Artist of London, port of lady 131 not a royal specimen of art.  color thin feeble, tone faint, backgrd smoky look, white garment dingy, better ports by Republican artists.  has name and fame, but not enuf to win admiration for work.  much better in flesh color and other respects is port WO Stone, 353, v fine, shd be hung lower.

            Miniatures: AH WEnzler, Anna M Freeman excel.  HC Shumway, CW Field gd specimens.  Crayon: best by Miss Elma Gove and Wm Morgan, capital, well handled,gifted young lady has improved faster than all our artists, transparent shadow, managed skillfully.  Mrs H Dassal some fine pastels.

            Some ports in Exhib catch eye by some peculiarity, tho average merit unworthy of noice, no 16 is blacker than thundercloud or some of the seams and ridges in Hicks’ face of Beecher, frightfully embossed with bad varnish.  A Dead Page 20 cld not have been laid out (attitude intended to be accidental) more dramatically on a theatre stage.  12 too highly steeped in cinnamon.  6 pleasant grp.  33 more of air of quean than Magdalen. 92 fine, 77 by S Thayer gd, pair of heads by GN Frankenstein on one canvas characteristic of his style color.  100 portraits safely marked middling to miserable.

Apr 13 p. 2 Art Items: Thom, son of eminent sculptor, a sculpt and architect, entertained NY Sketch Club at rms of Cafferty & Blondell, Shakespeare’s 7 Ages of Man the subj, fine sketches by Cafferty, Dallas, Kyle, Miss Kyle, Blondell and others.   TD Jones doing bust of Hon Zadock Pratt, promises finest, Gleason is publishing engr of his design for Wash Monum fr drawing by Dallas, Church a large pict repres So Amer scenery


April 14 p.2 , snob, Squirt, Noodle, fashionable man, vulgar one aping gentility, babbler who doesn’t understand the words meaning or application, simpleton, exquisite person, vanity and ignorance compounded, NY dandy, Fifth AVenoodle, we meet him in that popular resort, the Acad of Design, attn foppish dress, effeminate air, half impudent half amorous stare at ladies, yawning disdain glances at ptgs denounces whole exhib as unworthy of one who has been abwawd.

            dainty, supercilious, demnition fine fellow, sweeping condemnation of everything in shape of Art this side the Vatican? natural qualifications and acquired abilities that make him wiser than men of less pretensions but wider rep for talent and intellectual cultivation?  what his antecedents, so much finer taste and judgment than critics whose opinions he indiscriminately condemns? may be inherited sm fortune, brought up in idleness, labor as ignoble, his porcelain person for ornament rather than use, despises vulgar clay of common men, depreciates republican country, shakes dirty dust of demo fr feet and takes brittle flower pot to gay salons of Paris, runs thru gamut of cosmo vices.  no intellectual capital, misanthrope of Used Up class, vents humors by railing at everything Amer, in Nature as well as Art.

            one with soul so dead can see no merit in Elliot’s heads, no beauty in Durand’s lscapes, has had run of pict galleries of Euro, after Paul Delaroche and Horace Vernet, no eye for vulgar daubs of countrymen.  disdain runs thru everything, poetry, architecture, sculpture, social an dpolitical institutions peculiar to Amer life.  Denies ability to criticize art to one wh hasn’t seen artists of Europe. He has seen Midicean Venus, so no charm in Powers, whose bright vision of beauty was born in his own soul, while yet his lovely Slave was leeping in marble quarry of Italy.

            Three elements essential to critic, heart, head and educ or experience.  without former given by God, latter is no avail. Benj West was a ptr at age six, berries for his palette.  our own Durand reverent spirit bathed fr infancy in freshness splendor virgin lscapes, worshipped Soul of Nature in solemn solitudes, eery yr a veritable picture of glorious hills steeped in varying lights and shadows of times and seasons, but we must not admire nor applaud him, not been abroad.  No matter our love of Nature, how hi and pure our ideals of Art, shut up til been to Paris, says exquisite squirt ogling pretty girls thru his speculums.  worry how many of our young men fatal Euro complaint is carrying off. 

            April 14 Mary Frances Kyle poem


Apr 18 p. 2 Acad Design 7th Article: FE Church never a large contributor. 2 picts stamped as usu with the peculiarities on which as much as their art merits the rep of his picts is based. chief is hour, break fo day, twilights, atmospheres and skies in which dainty interpreter of nature revels, none except Cole has ptd so perpetually like himself as Church, in love with semi night sides of nature and his interpretation of them.  these two eg exhib marked similarity of color, tone.  gnel manner excellent but chronic, away fr these peculiar views of nature, under hearty honest light of midday, cld he give equally striking transcripts?  not forte diversity of representation.  While artists and close observers of nature are delighted with delicate perceptions and subtle skill of hand evidenced, chief excellence scarcely recog by mass of beholders, who are unfamiliar with scenes, so passed by or thought exaggerations.

            124 New England Lake, we prefer, precious little bit of water, light softly toned away, bold and characteristic mtns, clouds skies in usu style, pretty highly tinted, reflections fine, abt as gd as we fancy possible to art, sentiment of mingled quiet, solitude and sublimity.  64 Country House, fine still water in foregrd, superb clusters of trees, reflected light seems to have no source, exquisite, light too evenly distrib over picture.  noticeable in this as in most of his compositions, bear cutting up into small pictures better than those of any other of our painters

            young artist S Coleman two remarkable picts, 75 Summer on River Saco and 311 Twilight, large, fine stretch water, fine old open woods, soft, dreamy haze of summer afternoon.  seized with strong hand and true eye on very spirit of Nature, impression of Summer at once upon beholder, carried back to young days, before dazzled by busier world, filled with inexpressible fancies and dreams.  subj well selected, arrangement parts admirable, light shade color tone inspire feelings incident on viewing scene in nature.  not studied abroad, not copied Claude, but much of poetic sentiment, breadth, tone, force and completeness of that grt master. style natural, touch free and easy, tho decided.  progress as has and place himself second. Twilight on smaller scale equally clever.

            Wm Hart, young scotch-Amer artist, Peace and Plenty 103, similar in atmosphere and tone, breadth of expression, perspective, harmonious arrangement of details, poetic sentiment and altogether pleasureable effect on spectator, not excelled by any. fine bit of still water, extensive view, summer hazed, happy people visible, chimney smoke lazy, sky atmosphere mellow genial as scene canopy and surround.  P and P expressed all over with masterly hand.  sketched abroad, something of English schl style in portion of Hart’s pictures, but doubt if studied Turner or others, has rather viewed and interpreted Nature with same feeling and sentiment.  have seen Amer picts fr him as marked as any of kensett’s. His other 5 picts repay close long inspection.  from Albany, now resident here.

            His bro Jams M Hart, 2 picts, 80 Morning in Heilderbergs (composition), noble lscape, bold free hand, no display of single leaves, spiderwebs, grasshoppers, Nature in a large form, taken as a whole, as eye sees it, w/o pausing to criticize petty parts, nothing smoothed down to make it look pretty, forms given as artist finds them.  Rugged strength finely expressed, natural, dim-outlined, fine sky in keeping with scene, color tone satisfactory, touch clear, powerful, decided, knew how to produce desired effect.  58 Storm on Lake Oswego, equally bold faithful touch of nature, powerfully handled, marked picture.

            Godfrey N Frankenstein views fr Bank Lick Valley, Kentucky, v distinguishable by his style and color.  eye for minute detail, exhibits everything in his subj clearly to spectator.  perspective we think is faulty, not sufficiently toned down and obscured in backgrd, predominance of green renders his picts too cold, foliage of trees massed together and wants elasticity.  Paints water v well, bu some of his sketches more spirited and effective than larger more elab picts.  Must infuse more sentiment and feeling, give sharpness to definition of objects, infuse them with more genial atmosphere, or will fail to please alongside theDurands, Kensetts, Richards etc.  view of Niaagara over doors not imposing as it hangs, water seems to run backwards.

            Gipsey Camp 391 best seen fr JW Whitley, readily recognized fine old open woods Hoboken, naturalness in genl effect, foliage free and rapid touches characeristic, light and shade well managed, tone harmonious, figs spirited. a  Briareus to pursue publishing,e diting, agric and other occupations and still study/copy nature.

            Gifford v clever match pictures 380, 383, Morning on Adirondacks, haze of morning, well presented, color harmonious, tone effective, water and boat well done, light of whole wants transparency, dull and confusing.  a close acquaintance with forms and peculiarities of nature, true poetic sympathy as her interpreter, other pict abt same genl excellence.

            Cropsey’s four, except, perhaps Genoa Coast Scene 35, behind his usual mark.  this pict has some strong pts, as a whole, pleasant and effective, boldly executed, well handled. 328, bold and striking, gd, but sky water dull and inexpressive.  his foliage crisp and elastic.  228 no v impressive idea of pictque Roman Campagna.

            119 and 167 v well exec lscapes by Terry, 237 and 261 nice bits w/c.  990 w/o individuality of parts, bad in perspective.  368 a foreign scene is bad, artist has tried to imitate Church’s skies.  306 sweet bit of lscape, mingled touch of Scotch artist Frazer and English artist Shayer.  317, 215, 327 bear looking at, 111 v pretty contracted idea of Autumn, by Mr Wild, of Boston, for Howadji Curtis


Skips fr April 19 to 22nd, then to the 25th.  Likes Mrs. Partington.  Calls Columbia College trustees old fogies for relig test on profs.  v crit of Columbia for discrim agst Gibbs on relig  Skips fr 26th NAD closing,  to 28th.  Price raised to three cents on the 27th.  Ad for Dusseldorf Gall, has moved to AU rooms.


Skips from Apr 29th (Sat) to July 1, 1854.   Seems to approve of the Know-Nothings.  Notes that Putnam’s has perfect likeness of Curtis, the Thersites of Fifth Avenuedom, shall expect it to be followed by luminous mugs of Briggs, White, Godwin, Lowell, Saunders, et id omne geniuses (in fact next month is Bayard Taylor, costumed as Turk). Loves the Melville sotry in it Israel Potter, stirring, pictque, brilliancy

July 3, p. 2 from Dayton Ohio Daily Gazette, want a bronze statue life size of Gov Corwin, pedestal with striking events fr his career, $15,000, think Jones the sculptor’s bust in marble is abt most pefect work of the kind, will do a model, enthusiastic admirer of matchless Western orator, genuine labor of love, Ames bronze caster Chicopee, Mass, style worthy of our favorite.

            Fuller says Jones is man to produce it, befits genius and capacity. Corwin the Wagon Boy is a type of Western man, hope Jones won’t give us a classic Corwin, but real Tom, en costume and character. He’s now doing bust of leading merchant here. July 3 endorses Jones sculptor, won’t give classic Corwin, but the real one.


June 5 1854 NYHS

sales of Turner ptgs,


Skips to Jul 11.  Jul 19 p. 2 notes affray betw TF Meagher and JA McMaster, ed Freeman’s Journal, Archbishop Hughes’ organ.  McMaster attacks Irish exiles esp Meagher and Mitchel (ed Citizen), natural alliance etw Irish and all other republicanism and Protestantism.  New paper The Porcupine, weekly, expose iniquities of cliques etc, inclu Tammany, ed John Smith of Arkansas.

Skips to July 21, then to 27th. disapproves of boxing, pugilism, critical of Stephens’ Fashion and Famine and her moral? but they are friends etc, plague of juvenile depravity wants hse of refuge

Jul 31 Amer Artists: S Salisbury Tuckerman of Boston won medal in Birmingham Society of arts and Govt Schol of art


Aug 1 1854 p. 1 poem Pauvre Petite Catarina, the Wandering Singer fr London Illust News, changing scenes of fancy, my glances fall, on simple picture hung agst mychamber wall, young Ital singer in purple twilight sad unchildlike mien, pauvre petite Catarina says the painter and no more, but my heart dreams out her story.  Urges colored leave city and go farm.

Aug 2 p. 2 corresp admires political writers in Trib, Greeley, Dana, Ripley, Taylor and Wm H Fry (libel suit against Bennett?).  Leading articles in Herald by Ryan, assistant editor to Wykoff for the Republic

Aug 4 p. 2 Notice of the Carroll Monument for Baltimore and its sculptor Bartholomew, at Rome, poetic, natural sentiment, also sent copies of his other works Shepherd Boy, Eve after the fall has been highly spoken of by Roman journals and English tourists, competent Amer artists call it a chef d’ouevre of Amer genius in statuary.  a pupil of NAD, made his way to eminence by unaided force of his own abilities, in spite of insuperable obstacles to those of less courage and energy, most worthy and unassuming

Aug 12 p. 1 poem for Eve Mirror by Nix, “Wide Awake” to old fogies. to lag is to lose the strike. Broadway on summer night, Young America is wise to pleasures of world. he likes old knickerbockers best.

Aug 18 p. 3 Wm Walcutt, fr Paris, brought sixty picts, modeled over 100 works, won a mdeal fr French Acad.  TD Jones finished bust in clay of Hubbard, well known merchant, doing life size medallion of late David Graham, for legal profession.  Kensett, Huntington, Gifford and Colman at No Conway, N Hampshire.  Aug 19 p. 1 Amer artists t Florence, excerpts fr Richmond Enquirer, corresp at Leghorn saw Powers at his studio, just finished statue of GW for state of Louisiana, taking Houdon’s statue as model, giving a meditative air, workmanship excellent.  Hart finished bust of JJ Crittenden of KY, no man can execute a better, plans a statue of H Clay.  Barbee there.  All pleased young Galt exec statue of Jefferson

Aug 21 p. 2 Art Intelligence: Fillan’s bust of Prof Wilson viewed in Edinburgh (ed of Blackwell’s I think), a most striking port of Christopher North, multiplied in statuary porcelain for a Monument Fund.  litho port David Garrick just published disting fr current likenesses, taken fr Zoffany, who ptd it for elder Colman.  Goupil & Co pub tinted engr of Mount’s Herald in the Country, exhib last yr at NAD; also fine litho called Young Amer, boy just fairly breeched yet full of manhood and patriotism.  Likes paper Irish-American.


Sept 11 p. 2 asks where Powell’s advertising agent (for De Soto) is--hasn’t called and settled his bill.  Says carriers of Daily Times when they throw it on stoop shout Young America--‘ere’s the Daily Times. new dodge to catch subscribers, curious re paper with such a dashing prefix.

Skips to Sept 23, p. 3 description of a portrait of Shakespeare on a bellows belonging to Queen Eliz.. p. 4 narrow escape of Lockwood’s Last Judg at late fire in Broadway, unparalleled work of nine years, survived due to firmness and prudence of exhibiter, Masters, resisted efforts of firemen to remove it in pieces.  Skips to Sept 29th.

Sept 30 p. 3 notices CL Derby (brother of our enterprising publisher JC Derby) has offered $100 for best ode to Powers’ Greek Slave, recd 200 specimens, committee meets St Nicholas Hotel to decide, he has a grand Art Project on foot.  p. 2 long critique of H Raymond as false politically, a young nymph of the political pave.  reporter for Trib, then assistant ed for C& E as adherent of Webster, a Silver Grey, corresp with Gov Young re an anti-Seward paper.  Began to lean toward abolition, Webb fired him, Raymond swore preferred Union Safety Committee and conservative views.  Times estab, early days was conservative, but at Whig Natl Convention, threw weight agst Webster, fillmore, former friends.  With temperance issue, approved Seymour’s veto of ban on liquor, but he now pledges himself for Maine Law.


Oct 2 p. 2  accuses C&E, Express and Commercial Advertiser of being lashed by Greeley et al into aboltionist ranks.  J of Commerce becoming more theatrically liberal, like Acad of Music.  Belmont supports Buchanan for Pres.

            Grand Art Project: promising enterprise for genl diffusion of FA and Lit, Cosmo AA, replaces Western AU of Cinti, adding much wider range of artworks.  principle of patronage and subscriptions entirely new, far more attractive and satisfactory.  no objectionable lottery feature and unites lit and art, subscriber gets full money in most pop current lit of day, plus ticket in splendid coll., inclu Grk Slave, bought for $5000. ptgs by most disting Amer artists.  shd become national in claims on artists and people.

            ad p. 3 is for that 100 dollar prize, valuable works of art for distrib. Send to CL Derby care of Knickerbocker office, 348 Broadway, or to Sandusky

oct 4 p. 2 publishes prize ode for Grk Slave, Augustin Duganne, chosen by Bayard Taylor of Trib, Richd Storrs Willis of Musical World (Fuller likes that journal), H Fuller of Eve Mirror, unanimous.  marble prison of a radiant thought, chastity of Art, makes solitude of busy mart, subdues sensuous vision, genius chains human soul not just marble, melts the heart, wakes reverence in brain, that man shd be forgiven idol worship.  Genius is worship for its works adore God, the source of all glorious thought, so art like nature is fraught with divine influence, that those who gaze aright on them pray.  Slave thus teaches freedom of the Mind.

            p.3 JC Derby has a new story, The Newsboy, delineation of life in NY, in press, uncommon energy of style, pathos, life like, vivd description, power of observation, strength and naturalness (fr Trib).  Then next day has a puff of a volume of poetry fr JC Derby 119 Nassau st, and an excerpt from his forthcoming Wide Awake Annual.


John Savage is the literary ed of the Citizen, an Irish exile and fine poet; Myron Holley Clark is antislavery (and the Whig candidate with H Raymond for office?).  Wm Ross Wallace, poet often in Mirror, will discourse on The True American at Apollo Rms, 410 Broadway, next day notes enthusiastic reception for America for the Americans

            ad for Lockwood’s  Grt Ptg, at old Georama, 596 Broadway, contig to Metro Hotel; he regularly puffs it.

Oct 7 p. 2 ‘The Newsboy’ little peripatetics, ragged aspects and open mouthed countenances give so much ‘effect’’ to their pictures, but announce Derby volume, likely to create a sensation equiv to Lamplighter, to the life.  Big ad for it, the US Journal also cited in approval

            Fine Arts: NAD gathering to view Leutze’s new GW at Battle of Monmouth, larger than Delaware, conceived and exec in his characteristic manner.  moment chosen favorable for display of artist’s power (GW stops chaotic retreat), boldly seized strongly impresses. no defective drwg, perspective, which abound  in some of L’s lesser GW picts.

            notes Peale Gallery portraits and hist ptgs auctioned in Phila from $20-360.

            Jacob Dallas now pres of Sketch Club.

Approves Mechanics Inst.

Oct 10, 1854. has earlier supported a memorial stone to Poe, p. 1 gives account of Fanny Osgood’s in Mt Auburn.   Notices row of oil ports, likenesses of divines of Dutch church in North Dutch church; notices noble statue ofWebster by Verhaegen, Belgian, rms 4th Ave, for Mercantile Library in St Louis, Italian marble, Webster as he was, finely exec, freq attitude, postion Websterian, drapery studiously true, wrought most wonderfully delicate parts, sad to see marks of old age, but true image, stir to patriotism

Oct 12 p. 1 Phila corresp on Peale auction, Edw Ingersoll bought port of Franklin and GW at Trenton, $360. PC Erben of NY bought many.  Rejoice that ferocious form, monstrous absurdity, iron statue of Henry Clay, removed to Pottsville, wish joy in angular, awkward and expressionless statue, totally unlieke grt orig.  A plain marble statue better befitted than colossal monstrosity

            Notes death in Boston of Saml Stockwell, scenic artist

Oct 16 p. 1 JC McRae of this city pub noble mezzotint likeness of late Bishop Wainwright fr port by Hicks, admirably exec, clear, lifelike

Oct 20 p. 1 notice of contest for design by artists for Plymouth Rock monument, chaste design by P Stephenson of world wide fame.  Missing bits of paper. 

JC Derby publishes Wide Awake Gift and Know Nothing Token, ed by One of ‘Em, portrait of Webster, genius of Liberty, miniature of Trumbull Signers, Martha Wash, Matteson’s stirring Spirit fo 76, Wash’s marriage.  Big ad for it.

Oct 24 p.2 Edwin Landseer’s The Twins exhib Wms &Stevens, Brodway, ptd for London and Northwestern Railway, who gave it to Robt Stephenson as tribute of respect

            Augustin Duganne and Wnm Ross Wallace speak in Brooklyn on America and Republicanism

Oct 30 p. 1 Art Doings: TD Jones, nearly completed medallion of David Graham, selected for bronze Tom Corwin, buck eyes claim him tho born here, busts of Scott, Taylor, Clay, Cass and Corwin, medals ofWebster, Clay etc merits familiar

            Wm Walcutt nearly completed GW crossing Alleghenies, and scene of pulling down statue of Geo 3rd, fidelity to olden time, modeling subj will attract attn.

            Kyle & Dallas, excel in ptg panorama, grand subj, some capital ports and rare designs for illust. TA Richards back fr Erie Rrd, portfolio of sketches, some finished pictures, glowing scenery, ed new annual.  Elliott, Huntington, Durand and Hicks back, as are Cafferty Blondell and Blauvelt fr their rural sketching.  Blondell just finished admirable TF Meagher, equaltto best by any.

            Wm Hart heavy portfolio, poety’s eye, pencil true genius, Sketch Club mtg

  1. 2 puffs grt sale of pictures by HH Leeds & Co, new art rms, Rev Chapin’s Church (formerly Dusseldorf gall), finest coll of 100 ptgs by leading Amer artists, Huntington, Cropsey, Richards, Boutelle, Hart, Cafferty, Oddie, Ranney, see ad, richly worth examining. Ad p. 3, also lists STearnes, WJ Hays, Carter, Doughty, Burford, Tait, Sontag, Mrs Spencer, Sebron, Carpenter, EH May, Weir, Gifford, J Thompson, Fisher, Hicks, Platt, Jenkens, Van Willis, Annelli, Culverhouse, JW Wright, Blauvelt, Schlegel, Angelo, HT Richards and others.

Publishes long attack on “Woman Literature” fr Georgia U Review; has been condescending abt it in the past


Nov 1 p.2 has been critical of Putnam’s abolitionist views, but Putnam now editing again, moderate influence.  before dominated by small authrolings and penny a liners, with illegit connections to daily or weekly journal.  Tom Priggs (Tom Pepper/Chas Briggs) and Dick Blight (?) wrote unsuccessful books, now’s chance for revenge.  only one artist in Amer for them, Page, one poet, Lowell, one critic, Briggs.  Tammany Hall spoutings.

Nov 2 p.1 has fr Knickerbocker a satire on odes to Greek Slave, by KN Pepper--unreadable phonetics

Nov 3  p. 2 comments on Newsboy, excerpting it on front, female author, appeals to better sympathies of humanitiy, newsboy is coeval and cooperative with thepenny press.  characters are rather ideal than real, too gd, attractive, brave and honest, not caght her subject fr direct reflection and actual contact but thru window.  in the midst of his dirt and corruption is a streak of gold, pretty sentimental girls will fall in love with him.  Post calls him a natural hero with smallest obligations to artificial culture, like Leatherstocking

play Heart of Gold by Jerrold at Burton’s. Likes B Taylor’s poems, tho he’s no Hemans. Ad for Jonathan Slick’s Hi Life in NY, Yankee humor.  Fernando Wood (a Know Nothing who denied it?) elected Mayor, Fuller says because the C&E, Express, Commercial, Trib and Times didn’t join the Mirror, J of Commerce and Sun in advocacy of Wilson Hunt.  Herald is foreign, so happy.  Know Nothings resolve to end patronage of Tribune.

Nov 11 p. 3 another puff of Lockwood’s Last Judg, says recd warmest praise fr Weir, Duggan, Durand, Powell, Hicks, Elliott and others.  Why are the pretending art-nursing critics of Trib and Times silent? because Lockwood is poor, an American, and not an Academician, so can’t purchase a verdict? When will merit be attractive of itself?

Dislikes Soule and Sickles, administration’s diplomats. rumor that Lotty Lee, corresp of Sunday Times, wrote News Boy.  old friend Wikoff being pub by Derby.

Nov 15, Notes Crystal Palace Auction sells today most beaut statuary and finest pictures, statue of Gladioator sold yesterday to Risque of DC for $3000

            ad for James Biggar print shop; excerpts fr Jonathan Slick; Goupil ad notes new ptg by Ary Scheffer, Temptation of Christ, subscribe for engr, by Leeds & Co.  Also ad for Sintzenich sale of splendid gall of oil ptgs chef d’oeuvres of most disting artists, at NAD, modern Belgian, French, American and English schools.  coll by connoisseur, inclu Webster, Carter, Sharpe, Schaffoel, Vandrielst, Villiams, Gerji, Pilliel, Cotti, Amdrews, Thorn, Vall, Evan Causear, Roessel, Watteahu, Omeyanck, Dahlman, Jasper, Sely, others.  Leeds has another ad for valuable old pictures, attrib to masters, gives long list, Watteau, Fragonard, Hobbema, Lancret, Cuyp, Tintoretto, Velazquez, Ruysdael, Teniers, etc

            -later puff of Sintzenitch says his name is guarantee fairness; also puffs Leeds

Skips Nov 17.

Nov 18, p. 1 Reviews Ary Scheffer’s Temptation: no name other than Vernet is more familiar, thru engravings anyways, Goupil has shown his ptgs, Dead Christ notable, the serious and devotional ptr of France, spirit of hi moral teaching. great peculiarity of his style is simplicity, dignity, strength, in selection and treatment of subjects. deep profound emotions, not trivial ones.  need no labeling, admirable grouping, nature in faces attitudes, gestures. Temptation big, better by daylight, admirable pts and faults. Christ too effeminate, not commanding or self reliant enuf to suit our taste.  Satan’s head is on a level with his, fig stalwart, almost heroic, nude, wings. Christ’s halo wants transparency, too much like a straw hat, needs more majesty, lack of transparency in aerial persp, better in Lockwood’s.  flesh coloring natural, fine, mtn true to nature, shiver with cold.  Need to study it, grows in beauty and strength, will engrave beautifully.

            likes photo of Julia Dean, charming, takes palm over other mediums.

Nov 22, p. 1.  another charming picture, litho by D”Avignon of Eloise Bidges, new actress

            Long review of News Boy, classes it with new school of writing, Lamplighter, Fashion and Famine, Dickens with Amer idiosyncracies. anecdote of studio of famous ptr now in Italy, a few hasty touches and cunning limner had on canvass an angel, so she operates.  Bob is a studied and finished pict of Metrop Newsboy.  perhaps too preocious and meditative for nature, yet therein lies charm. Signed AB.

  1. 2 Rev Orville Dewey says he would prefer his son or brother or himself go into slavery before Union shd perish

Nov 23 p. 1 able critic and editor of Albion writes on Lockwood’s remarkable ptg, a subj beyond painter’s grasp, treatment has faults, but hi praise for unquestionable abilities in hopeless sub. grt boldness and orig in conception, striking felicity in compos, admirable drwg, harmony in tone, attributes of a fine work of Art.  With much respect for realistic schl of Dusseldorf, call attn to success of young Amer in higher and more difficult reach of Art.  not a perfect work, but classed with conceptions that Genius alone brings out.


Nov 25, Puffs the Pictorial Herald, advertised, also advert is Mr Simms’ New Work. p. 3 Art Item: more on Landseer’s Twins. Huge. noble sheep. grand dogs, could whistle from canvas, long to pet.  not seen the like, tho an excellent dog in Leutze’s Monmouth.  all our animal ptrs shd study, sentiment, spirit to them, innocents, scenery not much, sky finely touched, light admirably managed, much that charms in ptg must be lost in engr.  Don’t like strong gaslight, distasteful to artists and real lovers of art, deceptive to others, credit picture with what does not artistically belong to it.  Ok to focus or concentrate daylight to improve picture’s effect, but warmth of gaslight obscures colors, dazzle covers lights and shades.  out of its purple boudoir and gaslight, among other picts, appear colder and less romantic, yet perhaps more really beautiful.

            Healy, Amer artist, sends portraits to French Crystal Palace, also Hunt, May, Babcock, Cranch and sculptor Story will too.  Mentions Winterhalter ports of Emperor/ess of France.  Wm Walcutt, almost done with large Washington’s departure fr NY, portraits, etc. Blondell doing another port of TF Meagher in military costume, Wm Hart lake scenes full of rural sentiment beauty

Nov 27 p. 1 WW Fosdick poem on The Beautiful, for eve mirror--not in nature, art, but in soul

Takes side of Peabody (he’s mentioned him in praise several times, Healy is ptg him) over Sickles and Buchanan in England.

Nov 28 p. 1 Hiram Powers bust of John Q Adams for memorial at Qincy by Chas F Adams

  1. 2 tribute by Fry to Allegri, great scenic painter for Academy of Music opera, finest scene on Amer stage, such a sky, stars, aerial, bright, somlemn, distant, infinite looking,d ark stern, grand epic, artist’s triumph

Nov 29 is last, skips 30th for Tgiving


Dec 1, skips Dec 2.  YMCA advert. Dec 8 p. 1 Chas Gayler, Anacreontic, Sketch Club song, let’s drink.

Likes Ruth Hall. Dec 12 p. 1 big ad for Powers’ Grk Slave for $3,Cosmo AA. Other artists include Sontag, Meeker, Read, Kensett, Griswold, Clough Frankenstein

Notes Herald is puffing Chevalier Wikoff, Barnum and Greeley, why when its his ancient enemy, who started a paper, the Republic, just to abuse Bennett.  A Herald corresp, Grund, made a diplomat.  Thinks Barnum’s style is vulgar low sentiment, but will sell, even as he insults buy explaining his shams.  Fuller v hostile to Barnum

Dec 15 p. 1 Art Doings: 5 yrs ago except Brown in Brooklyn, no resident native sculptor, but now Americanism picked up and have 4: Jones, Wilson, Walcutt and Rogers, 3 of whom proved ability, Walcutt ample promise. Jones native in always, nature’s school, apt brilliant scholar.  Other three just fr Europe, severe study in modeling and chisel, Walcutt charming female clay bust, Rogers fine works illust his power, a clerk before, consuming art passion. Wilson a protégé of Ellis, cameo artist, studio in Appleton’s bldg, marble of v grt merit, bas relief of infants, as fine a son a Reynolds canvass, grt children and cherub ptr.  grace outline spiritedlarge ideality, poetical spirit essential.  Earlier there were Powers, none nobler, Clevenger, eternal odor of fame, Crawford, Greenough, GW lasting proof of genius.  Ball, Hart, Mills, Brown not unknown.  Clever, shd be architects too. 

            Praises young Wotherspoon, fine lscape artist, in Euro, dad’s house

Likes novel Ida May. J Parton’s Life of Greeley a hagiography (Parton used to work for Willis at Home Journal? or another Willis paper?), Greeley at Eve Post, Comm Advert, publisher Redfield, Morning Post, preceded Sun

Albion engraving is of Niagara Falls, spirited faithful sublime.  Praises Express editor, Gaylord Clark of Knick lavishly, Acad of Design ltd space ea artist 2-3 picts, an improvement.  Frequently rants re buying American, not following Euro fashions etc.  Lots of coverage of New Engl society, also NY Histo society, Pilgrim Society.  Praises architect Saeleer, Acad of Music, Hecksher’s hse, etc

Banks shd give readier credit to substantial mechanics, to put unemployed to work.  Last paper is Dec 28.


Library of Congress volumes—1854-56

Oct 2 1854 is start, H Fuller, 30 Ann st, three cents

  1. 2 editorial is critical of conservative press, Courier, Comm Adv, Express for following Greeley in support of Seward and Weed, let them lash them into the traces and desert the hi position of 1850, join the abolitionists, abandon principles. Nebraska bill is made the excuse for joining enemies of Fillmore

            Grand Art Project: promising enterprise, Cosmpolitan Art and Lit Assoc, Sandusky, Ohio, splendid granite structure, card is in another column, replaces late WesternArt Union, much wider range of artworks, new system of patronage more attractive, no lottery feature per se, but rare art to be distrib include Powers Grk Slave costing $5000. Conducted by intellig reliable parties, CL Derby, bro of JC Derby well known publisher of this city.

            Lockwood’s Last Judg advertised, notes a Webster statue in St Louis. JC Derby advertises the Know-Nothing Token for 1855, and the speeches of Henry Clay, Harper’s and Pilgrim Soc also advertise

Oct 4

Clayton of Delaware a Know Nothing.TF Meagher, the Irish patriot, of the Citizen, leaving for San fran. Publishes the Cosmo Assoc prize ode to Grk Sl by Augustin Duganne, H Fuller and Bayard Taylor of Trib plus Richard Storrs Willis of Musical World judged, 200 entries, chastity of art makes solitude of all the busy mart, go and preach be evangel of true art, The freedom of the Mind!

5 praises opera at new Academy of Music, urges all to vote for Chief Justice Greene C Bronson rather than Whig candidates Myron H Clark and HJ Raymond,likes Bronson being agst a prohibitory liquor law, notices The Bells, poetry collection fr JC Derby. CD Stuart writes orig poems for them.

            Shepherd of the Valley is the name of a Catholic paper

7 p. 2 The Newsboy: peculiar char of those brief chronicles of the times, whose ragged aspects and open mouthed countenances give so much ‘effect’ to their pics, forthcoming volume fr Derby with this title, will create a sensation equal to the Lamplighter.

            Fine Arts: gathering at NA to view Leutze’s new GW at Battle of Monmouth, somewhat larger than Delaware, but conceived and exec in his char manner. Moment chosen is favorable for display of artist’ s power, boldly seized it, impress the spec strongly, absence of defective drwg and pers which abound not a little in some of his lesser W pics.

                        Gives Peale Gall sale prices in Phila; NY Sketch Club Jacob Dallas pres meets at James H Cafferty tonight

  1. 3 doesn’t like Ullman, the Know Nothing Candidate, prefers Seymour (the Demo) to him. James T Brady, pres of Young Men’s Demo National Club re-elected, is opposed to compromise-breakers. Raymond (and Fuller?) symp to women’s rights—ought not to be in leg tho with a baby at the breast.

9 notices Mech Inst classes. Urges throw off degrading manacles of party

10 p.1 praises Verhaegen’s marble statue of Webster for St Louis

11 John M Genin, the Independent or Clean Streets candidate, opposed by hatters for being opposed to trade protective society (also assoc with Hards Demos)

13 calls Raymond a Yankee pedlar of knick knacks 16 notices port of late Rev Wainwright by Hicks

17 very critical of Trustees of Columbia for breach of trust in voting agst prof of Chemistry Gibbs on relig grounds, need legislation to get them exposed. Cath church severing its connection with non-theolog journals like Freeman’s, Irish American, Brownson’s 18 notes falling out betw Redfield and Barnum

20 p. 1 regular Boston corresp Lorgnette approves of P Stephenson’s design for Pilgrim Society monument, classical, marble, lots of Bibles. P. 2 C&E has paragraph attacking Mirror for attacking Putnam the publisher, in service of petty spleen; Mirror responds that Webb is absent, Andrews & Spaulding his subeditors are gman, but this accusation re the Mirror written by prince of snobs well described by Tom Pepper Briggs as the Shanghae critic, and wh a few years ago wrote musical and theatrical crit for Mirror until found he was too cheap and common; he got hired at C&E but was dismissed by Raymond, then restored by Webb. We are personally friendly to Putnam, just announced that his creditors had given him an extension so mag would be pub as usual and he would conduct it himself, will shake off a clique of literary leeches and do a better mag.

21 puffs Know Nothing gift annual, portrait ofWebster, also Trumbull’s signing of dec of Indep, Matteson’s stirring pic the Spirit of 76, several of GW. Signed S.

23 Sunday Dispatch yesterday had items the Associated Press didn’t, Friend Abbott is one of the Wide-Awakes (a name for know nothings too)

24 publishes the ‘Mirror ticket’ for election, in addition to Brownson for Gov, has A Oakey Hall for DA. Also has the Municipal Reform ticket. Notices a Landseer ptg at Wms & Stevens. Notices that Wm Ross Wallace and Augusti Duganne lecture in Brooklyn on Republicanism, Wm Ross Wallace is a poet and Know Nothing type

26 Beranger poem. 27 Hates Fernando Wood, hates Pierce.

30 p.1 Art Doings: TD Jones, whose accomp in sculp we’ve freq noted, now in his studio life size medallion of late lamented David Graham, for the bar, and selected for colossal bronze of Tom Corwin, by commissioners of Ohio, journals there enthusiastic. Busts of Scott, Taylor, Clay, Cass and Corwin, medallions of Webster Clay and others made his merits familiar.

            Wm Walcutt back fr Paris with pic Wash cross Alleghenies and one of scene of pulling down equestrian statue of Geo 3rd at Bowling Green, a fine pic, treated costumes etc with fidelity to the time. Also modeling a novel subject, won a prize fr Fr acad for modeling fr life.

            Kyle and Dallas, ptg pano will transcend all predecessors, also ports and illus. TA Richards back with sketches fr Erie rrd ine, has edited a new annual.

            Elliott, Huntington, Durand and Hicks back in studio; Cafferty, Blondell and Blauvelt too, Blauvelt just finished admirable port of Thom F Meagher, equal to best.

            Wm Hart poet’s eye. Sketch Club will meet

  1. 2 Notes great sale of pics in old Duss Gall rms by Leeds of contemp Am artists, Huntington, Cropsey, Richards, Boutelle, Hart, Cafferty, Oddie, Ranney etc

November 1854

1 has long article on Putnam’s mag, despite hue and cry in south agst him, but prints a big issue; Mirror has censured the abolition tendency of the mag so not surprised South outcry, they aren’t liberal patrons anyways—don’t subscribe even to their advocates. Putnam’s hirelings have been exploiting mag for own purposes, he will put an end to it—in estimation of his authorlings there is but one artist in America, Page, but one poet, Lowell, but one critic, Tom Pepper Briggs—personal spite, Grub street gossip and Tammany Hall spoutings in its pages.

2 p.1 has satire of Greek Slave by a Know Nothing Pepper, fr Knick. P. 2 on the mirror ticket for Congress is journalist Geo H Andrews, of C&E?

3 publishes Aug Belmont’s rebuttal of his enemies at the Trib and Herald. Likes the Newsboy, thinks it’s a female writer, will be sobbed over, but hero is too good, he is bright quick keen and cunning, but vulgar profane saucy and dirty, indulges in vices, yet streak of gold. Eve Post likes it too. Fernando Wood has a political column in the Sun.

4 support the Nebraska bill. 6 love Bayard Taylor. Young America polit ad. Wood supported by the Sunday Atlas, the Sunday Times and the Irish American

8 poem by Mary Frances Kyle (painter in Sketch club?)

9 horrified that F Wood, candidate of Soft sham Demo, of grog shops, Germans, Irish, scum and refuse

11 p. 3 has a puff for Lockwood’s Last Judg, has rec’d praise fr Weir, Duggan, Durand, Powell, Hicks, Elliott and others, go visit. Why are the pretending “art-nursing” critics of the Trib and Times silent abt this pic? Is it bcause Lockwood is poor—because he is an American—or bcause he is not an “Academician,” and cannot afford to if he would, purchase a verdict? When will merit be attractive of itself? (he advertises)

13 Lotty Lee, corresp for Sunday Times, wrote News Boy? A spinster who knows all abt the boys. (also earlier mentioned suicide of a female corresp for Dispatch)

14 likes Jonathan Slick in NY. P. 2 Trib gives bad review to Know Nothing Annual. Oppose the Maine Law. 16 notes Sintzenitch salf of fine oil ptgs of modern artists at galleries in NAD, also Leeds in Duss gall

18 p. 1 Ary Scheffer’s Temptation: at Goupil’s, he ranks with Vernet as most famous in modern Fr school, 7 x 9 ft, Christ too effeminate in the face, too little commanding and self-reliant, Satan, entirely nude, is stalwart, almost heroic, negro heel, a warrior or an athlete, equal to the occasion, Christ is not, ought to have more majesty when rebuking, halo looks like a glazed straw hat. Aerial persp in Lockwood’s Last Judg better. He engraves beautifully.

21 loves NY Hist Soc., Bancroft and Robt C Winthrop. Knickerbocker gallery advertises.

25 Art Items p. 3: Landseer’s Twins (had noticed it earlier), 6 x 8, even better than the dogs in Leutze’s Monmouth, sentiment and spirit. Dislike the strong gaslight, obscures colors, akes it warmer and more romantic than it is.

            Healy will send to French Crystal Palace his port of Smead (Julia, the actress, I think) and Peabody, the Am merchant in London. Hunt, May, Babcock, Cranch and Story will contrib too. Wm Walcutt finishing large GW final departure fr NY at close of rev, with portraits, nearly completed Tearing down the statue and a fine bust port of young lady.

            Blondell doing another port of TF Meagher, Wm Hart some lake scenes full of rural sentiment and beauty

December 1854

2 p. 1 Lockwood’s Last Judg, great artwork, Home J says it has not suffered fr harsh lang of crit one or two leading journals have indulged in, professional brethren award highest encomiums and public does too. Notice OddFellows’ Museum approvingly, and TA Richards’ Romance of Am lscape, has published descriptive sketches in Harper’s.  p. 3 Belgian Art Gall very good.

4 p.1 notices JQ Adams monument in Quincy, bust by Powers. 11 loves Ruth Hall by Fanny Fern. 12 Buy American, don’t import fr Europe. Chev Wikoff founded newspaper Republic to attack the Herald, but they have come to terms—Bennett’s wife fond of him.

15 p. 1 Art Doings: 5 yrs ago except Brown in Brooklyn, no native resident sculptors, but now have Jones, Wilson, Walcutt and Rogers. Jones hasn’t needed ed with foreign masters; others just back fr Euro. Walcutt and Wilson in Appleton’s bldg, admires Wilson’s children and Indians. Also notices in ptg Wotherspoon at dad’s in Abingdon square. Notices Meagher’s brilliant lecture on O’Connell last night, Irish patriot tho his policies not in accord with popular mind

18 p. 2 reviews Life of Horace Greeley by J Parton, ask Ruth Hall who Parton is, and she will say he was working editor of the Irving Magazine, winning laurels for Hyacinth Ellet (Willis) for 4 or 5 yrs, but disgusted with nancyisms and toadyisms, emancipated himself fr boarding school journalism. Greeley rebuffed by David Hale at J of Commerce, but taken in by WT Porter of Spirit of the Times, also did Leggett’s Eve Post, the Comm Advert, and Redfield the publisher, published Morning Post 1833 first enny paper. Thom McElrath key to his current success. Col Benton’s lec popular.

23 New England Society. 26 True Flag dislikes Ruth Hall, its editor is the Tibbets of her bio. Haven’t tried to make the Mirror a popular paper in sense of Herald, Sun and Times (following popular opinion)

29 politician WJA Fuller had been connected with the Mirror. 30 xtianity has been impt for progress in art; pagan era too cold




3 Lotty Lee in Sunday Times panders to Willis. 6 Musical Miss Nancy in C&E belongs to same genus as Hyacinth Ellet in a milk and water passion bcause Ruth Hall holds mirror up before sickly, sentimental class of niminy-piminy inanitities to which this talk specimen of perfumed porcelain and patent leather belongs

9 mocks Greeley for putting runaway slave cuts all over paper, but he won’t hire one. 11 very hostile to unemployed, remedy is to stop immigration of paupers, charitable balls. Likes Fernando Wood now.

16 The Forgeries of GG Foster: author of Gaslight and spicy paragraphs for the Trib—forgery is re payment for a play for Burton at the Chambers theater

19 JT Headley, the author, now in the State Assembly, know nothing. Likes Alice Cary. Cosmo Art Assoc a big advertiser. 24 notices Everett and Powers statue of Webster favorably

26 p. 2 Art Doings: smaller rooms for NAD so fewer large pics, Durand, Cropsey, Kensett, Richards, Church, Hart and Coleman, Kensett White Mtns, Church So American, Cropsey genius, Durand vindicate, Richards charming, Hart exuis Gloamin, Wallace Wotherspoon. Elliott, Huntington, Kyle, Cafferty and Baker, and the Mount, tho deeply merged in “modern Spiritualism.” Hall’s Summer Shower a cynosure at Wms & Stevens, gems of first water, Shakespeare characters. Blondell ports of Meagher and Alice Carey. Dallas, Carley and McLenan illus, Greene’s ideal and real heads, JH Wright port of late Miss Collins fr Arctic disaster, Among the lady contribs will be Mrs Spencer, her pic being admired just now in Hartford, Dassell and Ema Gove.

            Wilson, Rogers, Palmer, Walcutt maybe, Jones.

Hart doing Lexington’s Clay monument, Powers’ friends esp Longworth of Cinti are working to get him the principal fig of Clay.

            Bronze statue of Tom Corwin fund progressing; Brown completed his model of equestrian statue of W, his De Witt Clinton not calculated to inspire a just anticipatory judgment, but many think this work the finest conception of GW yet

            Sketch Club lots of gd sketches this season. Crayon new j by WJ Stillman and J Durand, neat mechanically, leading artists and writers, hope will prove good. Clark Mills is in N Orleans.

            Putnam’s for Feb agreeable magaziny sort of writing peculiar to “our Set,” but crits tinctured with gall, Ruth Hall and Newsboy fr publishers who don’t submit to a certain clique, are denounced. Why do they sell so well if miserable unartistical and unnatural?

29 Herald’s antagonism to Acad of Music and upper ten stems from the managers (Ole Bull and Strakosch) involvement in the Fry case

30 Wood arrests for indecency PF Harris and Geo Thompson of Broadway Belle

February 1855

8 Sketch Club met at Dean, father of former Miss Julia Dean, host Fosdick the poet, her foster brother, Dallas, McLenan, Kyle, Hagen and others. Bennett put on Wood’s complaint bk the rowdies and news boys who congregate at his office

9 CD Stuart the poet is an associate of the Mirror, won a $50 prize on labor fr the Sun.

13 Merc Lib Assoc give Benton a present of silver. Wm Young, ed of Atlas, joined with SJ Ahern, Clerk to Daily Times to publish it.

14 NY Sketch Club met at Cafferty, host TD Jones, successful 8 years. A McAndrew in Pennsylvania sculpting Africans out of coal, $50/head

15 NAD advertising receiving pictures. 19 DB St. John, Bank Superintendent, compels banks to advertise in Times, because he had an interest in it (which he sold to Harper) 20 Edward Fry is now the critic at the Trib. 21 Murillo anecdote. Paean to F Wood, best ever, Notices fine lscape in Wms & Stevens window.

23 p. 1 lists Am artists applying to show at French Crystal Palace: Healy, a hist ptg and ports, HP Hunt a lscape, Emily Brette a d August Wm Brette, amateurs, TP Rossiter, DB Walcutt, Wm P Babcock AG Power ideal ports

24 praises Young America as part of a series on The Crisis of 1854-55. C Chauncey Burr giving up editing Natl Demo, Gideon J Tucker taking over. Notes Sketch Club meeting at Cafferty, Joseph Kyle as host, daughter artist Mary Frances whose poems we publish. 27

 Sketch Club had Dallas, McLenan, Hart, Cafferty, Wotherspoon, DC Hitchcock, Huber, Greatorex, speeches by TB Thorpe, WW Fosdick, C Gayler, Cornelius Mathews, DeForrest etc, fr the Times

March 1855

3 p.3 Art Doings: Vernet’s Pic, Brethren of Joseph, 6 x 8, describes it, story plain, inferior in freedom and force to his battle pieces, Academic air, like engraving better. Fine bust of Silas Wright in City Hall by young Wilson. Huber a superb German engraver, Van Hagen bust of Webster at Exchange; Beard of Cinti superb port of TD Jones, Blondell port of sisters Cary. 5 publishes letter crit of Maretzek of opera 6 critical of Ole Bull and opera management. Likes George Law (pres?). Fletcher Harper publishes Daily Times

10 p. 1 fr Trib a bit on an artist who died leaving his family impoverished, got charity. 12 Seem to agree with Herald and Trib that too much is being made of “Poole tragedy” tho he covers it extensively; Poole got Raymond elected.

19 letter writer says better to have a workhouse than central park. Dog market on Broadway and Wall st fr gang of stolen dogs 21 NAD advertising. 23 Thom Dunn English poem. P.2 Acad of Design: crowded this week, fewer ptgs, equals in merit former yrs. Leading artists contribute worthy, larger works merit hi praise, gd cabinet contribs unusually interesting tho many hung in bad positions and light. 140 contributors, many thinking hanging comm failed in responsib, some ptgs slaughtered. Admires janitress, Mrs Crocker. 24 continues critical of the Knickerbocker, plethoric.

27 p. 1 publish fr NAD catalog TA Richards glance at its career and character. Anti-death penalty. 28 Putnam giving monthly to JA Dix and AT Edwards. Not a big fan of arresting prostitutes, shld arrest johns too.

April 1855

3 admires Fremont, Young America types (Strain)

4 p.2 NY corresp of Boston transcript says of Putnam’s that editorship still a secret, ascribed to GW Curtis, who was involved with it in the start, JT Headley is another candidate, Ripley of the Trib, White of C&E, Rev Bellows, Briggs (Harry Franco), Perkins of New Hampshire, Parke Godwin, and Mitchell aka Ik Marvell. C Edwards Lester publishing a Life of Bennett.

            Academy of Design--Portraiture:

Majority of visitors look at portraits first, women esp, a few of great excellence.

            Elliott’s 5 show no declension, bold outline, free and vigorous touch, superb coloring and fine tone, on all 18 24 50 110 latter is Gov (Alms House) West, perhaps deficient in lower left portion of body, but his best manner, popular.

            Huntington has 8, all noticeable, one of best ports of exhib is fine silverhaired old gman resembling Hugh Maxwell tho not him reading a dingy newspaper, drwg color tone exceedingly fine. His Magdalen is boldly drawn colored, agreeable tone and sentiment, needs higher hanging. Study of Head of a Jewess sweet ghing, study of Rocks scarcely worth his rpe, light shivered all over its geology. Save first portrait, nothing peculiarly excellent in his contribs.

            Hicks a cleaner mark than last year, full length port hung too low of a lady striking, costume capital, pallid face heightened by brilliant red curtain, she has a stagestruck somnabumlic air, scarcely natural. Drapery well ptd, but object to green glove and trickery of display in taste of artist or subj, but worthy of admration.

            Ports of Lucretia Mott and GC Verplanck faithful and agreeable, tho mouldy face shading in former; odd combo of two views. His crayon of Parke Godwin suits taste better than be-praised ones by Lawrence.

            Baker excellent, full length of auctioneer LM Hoffman perfect presentation of the man, very air and manner, a little more contrast in color would be agreeable, backgrd of wharves, warehouses and river distinct enough for his vocation, doesn’t detract.

            Baker on road to top, touch clean and pure, pics in sentiment color tone inspire pleasant satisfied feeling, ladies 58 130 charming, excels, youth and beauty with fidelity, texture of flesh, port of lscape artist Wm Hart vigorously exec.

            Joseph Kyle’s three are in advance of last year, but best port of designer J Dallas stuck away in ceiling corner. Recommends moving Baker and Hicks full length and the Magdalen, plus removal of gingerbread costumed dauby port by Powell would make room. Contribs of many pics shld be given line for only one or two. Church has a half doz lscapes and only one placed indifferently.

            Stearns’ port of lady, of rather noticeable manner and costume, deservedly attracts attn, v truthful likeness of young actress, in doubtful taste for recognizable persons to hang out in front of their portraits.

            Sole work by Pratt, half length lady, quiet toned and agreeable, finely done, careful parts, pleasing harmony color and tone, most noticeable for its simple naturalness.

            Blondell ports of Wm Hart artist and Phoebe Carey poetess, former seen to great disadvantage, latter hung to ceiling, give evidence of progress. Boyle’s Fosdick, the poet, swamped by hanging, tho a powerful likeness of hugely bearded bard. It looks down on meaner things

Volume ends with April 6.

1855 AAS

April 5,6, 7 death of Major Handcock of the Herald, came here in 1835,New Era with Locke, Transcript, New World, Weekly Mirror, til 1841 joined Herald, 9, missing 10, 11 p2 Cosmo Art Assoc has agreement with this paper; Powers busts. 13,14 Trib drama critic Shanghai battering Forrest, Courier mad 16, 17 p 1 Acad Design portraits 18,19, 20 Americans shackled to effete Old World by critics of Press  21, 23,24,25,26,27 praises consummate Union club house, 28


skips to May 1 1855   2.3. p3 Dusseldorf gall ad, pleased will stay in city, need an art gallery, some o ffinest works of Germ masters, may start adding American ones. 4, 5,7,8, letter is hostile to new park as device to raise real estate prices; pictures from Japan expedition will be published. 9 excerpting Beecher’s Star Papers pub by Derby. 10 p2 Acad Design closing. 11,12 p3 Sketch Club  at Ransom and Cafferty in University rms 14,15 sides with Senator Erastus Brooks agst Archibishop Hughes  16,17 cannon of US ought to aim at Mormons in Utah, immoral 18,19,21 Bonner is a grad of Mirror, right to pay Fanny Fern $100 a column, Atlas to the contrary, 22, 23 Custom House notices p2 Wikoff of Republic and Bennett two of a kind. Art worth seeing at Wms and Stevens gallery, sportsmen’s gallery. 24 mostly approves Mayor’s mass arrests of prostitutes  25,26, 28 p1 Dallas illus Lester’s history, Jones, Cafferty  29,30,31 says ok to ride with colored in street car


June 1 1855. 2, 3 Cornelius Mathews joins Young America, National Americans 4, 5,6,7,8,9,11,12,13,14,15, 16 unending coverage of the Know Nothing convention, likes Mrs Jameson. 18,19,20,21,22,23,25,26 p2 TD Jones doing sculpture bust of George Law, promises to be a chef d’ouevre, his classic bust of Rev Chapin admired by all who apprec artistic excellence and beauty 27 admires Genl Scott 29, 30 p1 bad poem by Perkins to Rogers’ statue of Ruth, p 2 praises Crayon, best in country, advertise. notes death of Geo W Strong.


July 2 1855. 3, likes Trow, 5,6,7,9,10,11,12, 13 hostile to Indians 14 p1 Art Notes compliments to TB Read, Crayon says not a Titian 16,17, 18 more Art Items, European 19,20,21,23,24 praises Rachel, loves Mayor Wood 25 p1 Art Items mostly fr Crayon, Kensett, Clay monument p2 review of Jarves Art Hints, false philosophy 26 opposse copyright intl law 27, 28,30,31 p2 Pierce approves KS violence; Saratoga hosting Webb, Wood, Vanderbilt, Marshall Roberts, James Brooks


Aug 1, 1855. 2,3, Geo Law for Pres 4, hates Pierce, wishes Scott had won 6,7,8 p1 Realf poem on sculptures as souls, evenhanded review of Pray’s life of Bennett 9 shld arrest johns too 10 p1 art items, R Rogers,11,13 p2 praises Bonheur and women in the arts 14,15,16,17,18,20, 21 p3 roundup of Press, Herald complains that Etex of Crystal Palace donates Glory of America to city, included Wood’s portrait among great men of America, glories, condemns it as a work of art and occupies room which might be better filled by something else, represents no historical event, will be shame of NY. 22 Derby supports law 23 continues endless praise of Rachel, mourning of Abbot Lawrence by Everett, Winthrop et al 24, 25 art items, 27, 28 p2 FW Edmonds defense of his role as cashier, Mirror supports 29,30, 31 urges Douglas to lead blacks back to Africa


Sept 3 1855, then skips to 28th, then to Monday Oct 1, likes Melville in Putnam’s 2,3, 4 p3 praises Wallace Wotherspoon, the lscape ptr, for inventing plaster-of-paris 5,6


Oct 8 1855—first issue in new volume.

Alderman Williamson of Sunday Dispatch refused renomination by Whigs, he’s at odds with bold bad man F Wood. Mr Southworth, John Smith Jr late of Sunday Atlas and now of Sunday Mercury resigned post in Custom Hse, dislikes Pierce’s friends in the state and city. Softs nominating ED Connery of the Herald. Alderman Herrick of the Atlas also now attacking Wood.

10 Mar Fuller monument; Am Inst fair. 16 praise NY Ledger 17 love Erastus Brooks 22 like Saml Tilden 30 republishes E Oakes Smith’s sonnet on Grk Slave, got into last issue of Graham’s without her name (author of that Estelle Lewis writes later, hates Oakes Smith with a passion, says the poem was Hoffman’s)


1 p. 3 notices TD Jones bust of Geo Law all critics say one of noblest, Titanic in breadth and boldness like its model. 5 more Demo and K-N ads than Whig 8 likes Thackeray, americans won the election 10 loves Longfellow

17 p. 2 Embarkation of Columbus: Leutze adding to Columbus’ renown, at elegant Chas Gould residence, 4 and a half by 6 feet, after Washington Irving’s description, vivd expressions of feeling, movement, C conspicuous, effective coloring, wish warmer atmosphere and softness of tone, water not transp. Gould commissioned Cole, Leutzem Durand and Kensett to fill panel of his gallery at artist’s prices 20 notices Cosmo Art Assoc has Genoa Crucifix, more by Powers, etc 21 likes TW Strong’s YA 27 Caleb Lyon of Lyonsdale  Elegy on Palmer’s bust of Rebecca Knower

December 1855

1 p.1 Art Items Times notices Wilson’s sculpt of a child, Mirror had earlier done so; also NY Sketch Club at Kyle’s, TW Whitley, editor, artist, agriculturist and poet going to art galleries of Euro and will report in a series of letters. TD Jones order for Geo Law bust, TA Richards, Wm Hart, Blondell and Cafferty returned, Hicks doing Longfellow and Halleck, also Bayard Taylor in costume, Cropsey doing Catskill mtn hse, Huntington female ports, Oddie fine lscapes, Lang female heads, Kensett, Stearns whose port of Miss Ada Clare attracted attn at Acad completes capital ports of Mrs E Oakes Smith and Mrs Macready. Dexter’s picture framer. Duss Gall. Geo C Baker port of LN Hoffman for his commercial friends is going into Merc Lib

            p.2 notes agn Pilgrim monument

4 p.2 Jared B Flagg, bro of Geo W Flagg, now a reverend at Grace Church

11 Herald says their advert is separate fr editorial (for books anyways) 13 Albion engr fr Herring, humor re temperance movement 17 describes a fat rich hypocritical Wall st Hog; likes Laura Keene 19 Trib and C&E ok with lit crits getting fees fr publishers 21 praises school of design for women, Duss likes No Am Rev. 29 Letter fr Wash corresp Enoch Easel, TW Wood ptg ports at Nat Hotel. Eastman Johnson near Brown’s hotel, admire his Savoyard and Germ cardplayers, ports, Lannan in Georgetown Cranch not doing much Clark Mills gone, Italians busy, Corcoran buying fr H Willard


1856 (LOC)

January—three cents, 40 Ann St.

3 V hostile to Trib, need a White Man’s Newspaper to counter it. Love Fanny Fern. A little hostile to Laura Keene, ‘beneath criticism.’ 9 praises Genin. 10 Live Oak clubs forming in support of Geo Law for Pres, nominated by the American party, met at Brandreth Hse and Metropolitan Hotel, a stirring Live Oak song, soiree that night with ex Mayor Mickle, ex Mayor Lawrence. Praises NY Ledger. 11 Live Oak Club met, JW Barker, Blasidell,WW Fosdick presented a copy of the fine bust of Geo Law modelled by TD Jones. Praises Robt Browning. 14 Noah and Tyler supported Capt Levy, Mirror DC correspondent Enoch Easel thinks he should have lost his position in the Navy 15 Praises the Art Journal issued by Virtue 16 Geo Sumner bro of Charles lecturing at Merc Lib on Old Euro and Young Am, on education. Commend Crayon, fine article by Palmer the sculptor and feeling tribute to Glass, the painter. 17 corresp D v hostile to John Hughes.

18 typog festival included Franklin  J Ottarson of Trib, 18 supports Ladies Ball for the poor, Herald opposes. 19 notices Derby joining with Jackson. 22 praise Edw Everett as heir to Webster in oratory. P. 3 Wash corresp Enoch Easel writes that Clark Mills statue of Jackson not up yet, Powers’ statue of GW at Baton Rouge is in citizen’s costume, fasces and farewell address, preferable to conception which represents Pater Patriae as if just emerged from a vapor bath, with a blanket wrapped around his naked form, and his right arm pointing with an imploring gesture to the Patent office, where his uniform is deposited? Yet some rave over Greenough’s monstrosity, and denounce Houdon and Powers for having thrown off the trammels of “high art” by adopting actual costume. MR Wood of NYC has plenty of sitters, inexpensive sketchy portraits. 23 likes TB Read’s new poem. 25 Fosdick has long poem celeb Robt Burns. 26 Tf Meagher lecturing on Fine Arts of Athens for Touro Literary Institute (Jewish) at the Tabernacle 28 notices female sculptor Florence Freeman, studying with Greenough, statuette owned by RC Winthrop of Boston; notices the Fillmore clubs too. 31 Favorable to Genl Walker in Nicaragua, seems to have accepted that US will absorb Canada, Cuba, Mexio and South America, manifest destiny is against the Pierce administration, its radical Democracy to slow for the spirit of the age


1 article in last t Mercury foulest, grossest, dirtiest thing ever seen. Wants a registry law for voters, with Brooks

5 B letter to editor for Eve Mirror enthuses abt Dusseldorf Gall, incomparable divne, Worshipping of the Magi immortal, it moves, streams, come and go, changes.  Praises Duyckinck’s Cyclopedia, faultfinders hypercritics or peronally aggrieved (this is Griswold)

9 Tennessee bust of Geo Law by TD Jones vandalized. 11 Matsell a Mason as of 1838. Enoch Easel fr DC notes that Mignot beaut lscape Solitude at Taylor & Maury, our metro art gallery, and Clark Mills should be back soon 13 try to be fair to Pierce; Powers not in poverty 16 Enoch Easel back on Levy’s offer of Jefferson bronze statue to Congress which was declined but placed in front of the White Hse, says it was executed by David d’Angers, a fair speciment of his skill, a regular Red Republican, that David, and executed the bust of every Demo leader of his times. 25 likes Fremont. 26 likes Barnum.

March 1856

3 mildly critical of Griswold. Notice Metta Victoria Fuller writing on Mormonism, Enoch Easel notes that John Cranch, son of esteemed Judge Cranch, finely exec historical pic of Saul, careful study,excellent drwg, going to St Louis, TWWood of city successful. 4 don’t think Millard Fillmore can win at head of American/KN party, no secret society or order can be successful, anti-republican and jesuitical, oppose all of them, Masons, Oddfellows, KN, Phi Beta Kappa and the like; otherwise would support Fillmore.

6 praises HP Leland in Spirit of the Times writings (HPL); 7 likes Coventry Patmore’s Angel in the House

10 p. 2 Academy of Design: Acad opens on 14th in small rooms above Chapin’s Church again, Hanging Committee will have a hard time doing justice in displaying, even tho some clever artists conceiving they were not well treated last season, have decided not to exhibit (evermore, we believe) , as the rooms are too small for a generous and attractive exhib, only a quarter of the pics will be on the line, and if hung on the same principle adopted last year, some of the most meritororious ones, partic “Cabinets” will suffer.

            Half a doz artists last yr enjoyed monopoly of the line, even when their pics wld have appeared to as gd or better advantage hanging a range higher. Huntington, Hicks, Baker and Church were of the largely favored, whether as a tribute to their popular rep or the real claims of their pics, is not for us to say. We will say that the only governing principle in hanging shld be to do justice to artworks, justice to art shld be motto, without respect to position or reputation. Many fine and some of the finest pics were slaughtered last yr by hanging. The cabinets of Messrs Kyle, Hall Hart and others partic suffered, better not exhibit if in a light that will condemn his pic.

            Surprised Acad not made more progress in two years towards new bldg. They are getting fogy, and leaving art to go to rust. Mentions janitress Mrs Crocker, conning the newspapers, criticizing as mood moved her, Shegogue’s chubby infants and Carter’s well appointed angels.

19 Trib’s “intercepted letters” fr DC perhaps by Mrs Don Piatt of Cinti

20 p.1 Am sculptors, fr a letter fr Florence in Newark Advertiser, mentions Powers, Hart’s bust of Fillmore, Rinehart working on a head of Sontag the landscapist, T Ball very promising, effort to get a Webster fr him, also mentions ptrs in Florence inclu TB Read

March 22 1856 p.2 Acad of Design:
            Admirable contributions, but scarcely a single artist rises above his old marks. Elliott perhaps the most noticeable exception to the genl rule, his head of Col McKenny and full length of ex-Gov Hunt are in his best manner, former masterly, latter a gd likeness, position well taken, defect in treatment of sleeve lining of the overcoat, giving that garment the appearance of being two, a pile of overcoats. Carpenter’s head of Genl Macdonald, bold free and faithful, best fr him. Cafferty’s of Shakesperian reader and actress Mrs Lesdernier, save that the eyes have a reather strained look, is one of the best portraits, admirably exec.

            Ideal head 76 EDE Greene, exquis sentiment and color, cabineet gem, faculty of conjuring soul into his faces. Geo A Baker’s 3 feminine heads charming but don’t pass or equal what he’s done before, same true of Wm S Mount’s 4 port of lady. Gray some characteristic portraits—we shld like them much if they were slightly bleached, have the appearance of having been “done brown” under a scorching sun or in an oven. Scriptural Martha Rebuked his most ambitious, but failed to excite either pleasurable or reverential emotions. Rothermel’s Last scene in Lear one of the most notable pics, grouping and drwg good, but action is feeble, does not duly excite the spectator, tho subj is one for powerful expression. Color in it too sombre in genl tone. Tait’s Gd Shot is not his best work ,but a most palpable black bear, almost lives.

            Hays Scotch Terrier 84 and Rabbit Hunting 91 are as close to nature and “the life” as one could wish, have in office a fine Paris litho of Pointer and Quail by him, which regard as a perfect work of its kind, he is one of our most markedly progressive artists. Church’s Tropical Morning a glorious bit of So Am lscape, forgrd a paradise of vines and flowers.

            Pic however scarcely excels some of C’s fine contribs last year of similar scenery, his only work. Kensett’s Franconia Mtns bold, combining many and great of his various excellencies, tho has a finer one now on his easel. Pic in Acad is owned by MO Roberts. Richard’s Owego Creek 117 and Summer on Susquehanna 129 delicious bits, fresh transcripts, loveliest moods aspects. Wm Hart’s Windermere, Study fr Nature 160 Rydal Water plus others are all excellent, as is true of three modest size lscape bits by Coleman, one called Midsummer a jewel fr crown of nature. A boy, but artworks betray soul of a poet and a master, advancing toward perfection. Durand a single worthy picture.

            Missed the hand writing of Hall, cabinets last yr acknowledged gems, despite bad hanging, he is the Am colorist, whatever he does is exquisitely done, charming pics in Dodworth’s bldg, Goupil bought his Summer Shower. Also miss Louis Lang, ports among the best. Blondell’s lady 136 does credit.

            Wotherspoon’s Lake Nemi, golden mist, held us admiringly, he can do brave things. Huntington’s Grape Gatherer pleased us much, as did Hicks’ Morning in Damascus for Bayard Taylor. Darley contrib, only up to his old mark.

            Present exhib fr fair to middling, Baker Elliott and Huntington not fully represented, Church, Kensett and Durand but one each, Hall and Lang and Kyle and Dallas not at all, but a lot of ports fr indiff to shocking bad. But Oertel’s capital Wild Horses. 139 artists.

March 25 p. 1 Art and Artists: Kellogg, T ball, Powers, Gould, Sontag, fr Newark paper

26 likes poet John G Saxe, thinks the masses are fond of rancid dishes (just want sex trials in newspapers), and Enoch Easel wishes Meigs would hire American artists, Dr Stone won’t get a govt order for his glorious conception of the Republic, not a mytholog damsel or a nude gladiator, but our gd friend Uncle Samuel, in old Kncikerbocker costume, carrying Constitution and Declaration, stepping westward. Everyone admires model, but Congress won’t have it in marble.

27 profile of Geo Francis Train, a Young American merchant, carrying our flag forward. Writes series of letters for the Herald

April 1856

2 p.2 Enoch Easel: Corcoran founding a pic gallery like Cooper’s Union, praises his Mengs, Greek Slave, works by Cole, Leutze, Gignoux, Cattermole, Oddie, Lanman (a landscapist), Kensett. Dr Stone’s fine model for a statue emblematical of the Republic continues to attract crowds to his studio.  Almost exactly 20 yrs ago since Buchanan almost forced the Senate to order Persico’s miserable group, rep’g Columbus in a  bowling alley, with an idiotic Indian girl looking at him. Senator sneered at Greenough. Preston and Calhoun argued for a native artist. One of the best things ever in the National Intelligencer was a letter purporting to have been written by the nude Indian girl in this group of Persico’s, a protest agst her forced appearance before the public in an immodest attiude, and without apparel, written in a pleasant yet forcible style, rumor ascribed it to Col Seaton, the Senior Editorin age of the Intelligencer.

9 p. 3 verdict in Marine court for $153.98 agst James Abbott and Thomas Powell, at suit ofHenry C Watson, TW Whitley, and CG Rosenberg, who were employed to write for Young Sam, a vehicle to support George Law for President, and sued for unpaid services.

10 notices Meagher’s Irish News, a weekly, welcome him to brotherhood of press

12 p. 3 notices Cropsey’s sale of 79 pics raised $8000, buyers more than usually select, prices fr $10-$500

14 Richard West of Comm Advert spoke at Clay Birthday Festival, ex Gov Hunt too. Liked Seward’s Kansas speech, though don’t belong to his party, and like Seward the Mirror opposed repeal of Missouri compromise and that KS shld come in a free state, Webb agrees re Seward

15 Republicans abolitionists in disguise. Duss Gallery is puffed. 16 v critical of Gov Myron H Clark. 18 Praises Chas Sumner. Dislikes frenchy dramas at Keene’s, immoral.

19 Enoch Easel goes on being very critical of spendthrift Capt Meigs; West, the artist, whose panorama of China showed his dec ability and knowl of effect of strong coloring, a gman who had seen gaudy daubs in new Cap executed without authority, and giving posterity portraits of the children of capt Meigs and Jeff Davis in a cool attire and uncomfortable positions, he suggested to Meigs (autocrat) the propriety of employing West, “who is “of the manor born.” But didn’t suit superintendent with his imported Italians, he had heard of West, he was pleased to say, and thought him an artist of merit, he esteemed his uncle Jo Gales (ed of Nat Intellig?) but had never been to Europe. We artists here are down upon such superciliousness.

23 p. 1 Letter to editor fr Peter Primrose, a longtime resident of DC, think Enoch Easel is wrong abt Meigs. Former method of contracting extremely corrupt. President Fillmore put Meigs in charge and he cleaned it up. Also praises John Clayton of Delaware as having juste milieu approach to KS.

25 Wm Wallace ode to Clay 29 praises Danl S Dickinson, Cass and Douglass for policy of federal non-intervention in slavery. Hostile to Thackeray.

May 1856

1 p. 2 NAD: Our previous notices have comprised all we had to say, as a whole this expos of present condition of the arts among us is not satisfactory, tho not from want of interest in art by citizens. Gd pics in constant demand at more than remunerative prices. Some of most pop lscape ptrs can’t fulfill orders. A clue here—perhaps our artists paint too fast, too much anxiety to realize present profit rather than enduring fame.

            Present purpose ask attn to recently arrived artist, may challenge attn for patient labor and careful study, genius and artistic skill, watercolors by JG Philip of London at Goupil’s. English school great eminence in this branch. Sweet, lovely, coloring may challenge best specimens in oil.

2 p. 2 Ruskin’s Modern Painters: if you’ve read remarkable Stones of Venice, know this is worthy attention, requires skilful disputant to take issue withRuskin’s theory of art though it runs agst much prevalent theory and practice, exposes trvialities falsities and shame of modern art. Says in opening that this work originated in indignation at the shallow and false crit of the periodicals of the day, may have been infected with scurrillity by reading them. Limitless knowledge, orig, bold, and profoundly entertaining and instructive productions of the age.

Death of Ogden Hoffman: eloquent at bar, light in his political party, a Jackson man but on removal of deposits with Moses H Grinnell, Dudley Selden and other prominent Demos abandoned Tammany and joined the Whigs.

4 Symp to Carlyle, not Mayhew

Has been publishing Custom House lists. 9 notes death of the Apple Woman, written abt by Oakes Smith, TB Read, and illus Darley.

10 Peter primrose p.1 says he’s learned Enoch Easel is a disting lit gent. Notes Schaus print of Champions of Freedom—abolit 12 notices HK Brown’s statue going up ; notes death of Mitchell of Olympic, forrte was eccentric comedy

14 Enoch Easel: Cass pitching into young america, Douglas, Wilmot and squatters, is close to Pierce. Pierce also likes Fernando Wood. Simonton of NY Times among reporters getting belligerent. Artists mentioned are Stone, Wood, West and others. Notices priv coll at auction of ptgs.

17 p.3 notices marriage of artist Jacob Dallas to Mary Frances Kyle, artist andpoetess, at home of her dad artist Joseph Kyle. Dallas perhaps the most spirituelle and exquis designer int his country, Kyle also gifted. Also notes death of wife ofTP Rossiter and daughter of Eleazer Parmley, of typhoid, had been in Paris 3 or 4 years.

21 politics have demoralized the police, Wood has not been effective. Correspondent C calls GPR James writer of diluted dishwater trash. 26 mad about Sumner, southern bullying, but Sumner shldn’t have had personal attacks. 26 Pierce shld call off the dogs of war. 27 approves of Central Park Committee


2 Courier des Etats Unis in service of Louis Napoleon; Ny Albion breathes St James’ Court 4 notices Wm L Sontagg disting lscape ptr. 5 agree with Herald that Barnum is immoral. 12 notes Elliott’s port of Hunt for city. 18 likes King’s bust of Agassiz 23 glad that old Demo Caspar C Childs is getting a govt post in Texas, deserves a reward for service. 26 law of the universe is progress, We are all walking in a great Procession, Authority has never yielded to the just demands of the people, without a struggle.


July 5, p. 2 account of 4th of July and uncovering of Statue of GW, Bethune referred to it as a work of art, consummate portraiture, quaint rigidness more graceful to our eyes than any classic drapery, restraining his proud stted amid acclamations, sword firmly sheathed for foes vanquished, brow bare in acknowledgement, passes fr great past into great future of nation, hand stretched forth with grave gesture, not more in promise to national l oyalty than in deprecation of sectional jealousy, disinterested, pure republican principles, a true type of the republic, great, even, consistent, vigorous, in harmonious balance by unity of a single purpose. When that spirit is lost, when our elements revolt fr their oneness, confederacy will lie the most mangled loathesomest corpose. Names of donors given, include James Lee, Augu Belmont, Edward K Collins, Richd Carman, DeForrest,Ham Fish, Moses H Grinnell, Shephard Knapp, Lenox, Robt B Minturn, Sturgis, Robt L Taylor, John L Wolfe, Wm Astor, Henry Colt, Saml Howland, Chas Leupp, P Lorillard, Moses Taylor, Wm Wetmore, V Aug H Ward.

7 no female orators, ok reforming out of public 8 oppose a Free University, too costly, prpoposed by Wood with a free school for girls 8 polit tendencies of the press- photo

8 political presses

14 notice of a copper statue of Washington by Newman of this city, life size, fr J of Commerce, great skill

17 Fine Arts Items: Crawford’s equestrian statue of GW for VA being shipped, Kellogg in Paris 19 finally announces it will pick Fremont for President, time for the North to take a stand agst bullying South countenanced by Pierce admin, nothing against Fillmore and Buchanan, both good, but platforms alliances and measures are not broad, free, grand enuf to accommodate the progressive, indepndent, and go-ahead spirit of Young America. Old Fogyism may lift its spectacles, shake its Silver Gray locks, but without throwing overboard a single conservative principle will fight for Union and constitutional rights. To be neutral is to be a coward. 31 Kansas Nebraska bill wicked.


Skimmed August—didn’t see review of HK Brown’s statue in July (july 5 p.2 records inauguration of statue and portions of Bethune’s speech without editorial comment)

September 1856

4 in favor of Wood revising city charter to give him more power. 16 Herald supports Greeley the galvanized squash for governor. Praises Mrs Ann Stephens and her new mag., notice Am Inst Fair, 29 praise Parke Godwin for a candidate,. Herald supporting Wood.

October 1856

4 notices Cosmo Art J; James Whiting for mayor I think too. 6 is last issue in volume.


AAS Oct 7 1856. 8 GB Williams is general reporter on masthead 9, 10 Herald backs Fremont 11,13.14 AJ Bleecker is repub for mayor 15 supports Fremont 17,18,20,21,22, 23 p1 CDS asks Fuller to notice Geo Hall’s exquis pics at Goupil’s, second to none as colorist, Shakesperian and kindred characters, fiery glow, summer shower challenge Veronese and Rubens, design conception and execution 24, 25, 28 Belle Brittan, who has been writing regularly usually more on drama and resorts, rviews pictures, missing a section, by John Martin, no pleasure in hell and damnation pics 29,30, 31

November 1,1856, satire on Day Book, big ad for electing Mayor Libby. 3, Demo party is nowrk at Keene’s not too exaggerated 26, 27 p1 on Palmer the sculptor, to be exhib here, take sketch fr Cosmo Art J and fr Tuckerman in Putnam’s 28 Geo W Curtis md Miss Shaw of Boston 29


Dec 1 1856 2, 3 nothing in Pierce’s msg 5, 6,8 p3 long enthus review of Palmer’s marbles at Chapin’s church, ideal and spiritual, Dawn of Xtianity his masterpiece 9,10 Home J advertises, co editor Aldrich publishes a lot of poetry in Mirror. 11 p1 wants fence around GW in Union sq 12,13, to 16,17,18,19 puffs Redfield 22,24,26,29,30,31



Sat Jan 3, 1857. 5, 7 YMCA proscribed NY Express for immorality but really it was because YMCA are Republicans  10, 12,13,14,15,16,17 James H Sanford 15 yr assoc ed at J of Commerce retires 19,20,21,22,23 Bayard Taylor’s interview with Humboldt 26 p2 long puff of Dusseldorf, esp Lessing; longtime advertiser 27 Sunday Leader got city advert money to silence its attacks on Wood, Dispatch shld have gotten it 28 nice obit of Preston Brooks 29 now emphasizing his New England origins 31


Feb 2 1857, 3,4,6,9,11,13,14,16,17,18,19,20,21 death of WH Levison of NY Picayune 23,25 critical of banking 26, 27 puffs Palmer again 28


skips to March 3 1857, likes Tuckerman’s essays. 4,5,6,7 anti-credit system 9 on Dred Scott decision, only choices are rebellion or submission. CF Wetmore suing Times, inclu Origin Vanderbergh the writer, plus Wesley Raymond and Jones 10,11,12,14,16,17,18,19,20,21 p2 most obscene pic in Paris nothing is seen but two pair of human feet 23,24,25,26, Day Book organ of Pierce admin, didn’t care much for Anson Herrick being given office?  27, 30, 31


April 1 1857 EL Richter sculptor 2 p2 fine port of Pres Verplanck by Huntington bought for $380 hung at city. 3,4,6,7,8,10 still like Derby 11 Genl Worth monument described 13,14,15,16,18,22, mild approval of W Alfred Jones, author who wrote on Mount, 23,24,25,27,28,29,30


May 1 1857 Harper’s weekly on Eugene sue’s millionaire palace. May 2 p2 Talbot puff. 4 p2 Manchester art exhib in letter fr Britain, glad to have iron of Crystal palace concealed by illus of more solid walls p3 Church’s pic Niagara v positive 5,6,7,8 has been defending Boker (of Duss Gall) for trying to break up daughter’s marriage to coachman 9 death of Prosper Wetmore 11,12,13,14,15,18,19 p2 Leeds and Schenck auction rooms, private collections of pictures at enormous prices, native artists conspicuous, Gould of Brooklyn now on exhib, Nassau st 20 p2 NAD singles out Church alone for praise 21,22,23 p3 NAD more on Church, also Edwin White, Louis Lang, AW Tait, JH Cafferty GH Baker, EDE Greene, CL Elliott, JM Casilear 25 p2 Belle Brittan at NAD, affronted by portrait of God, likes Church 27 notices Weir’s Embarkation of the Pilgrims on view at Williams and Co 28,29,30


June 1 1857. 2,3,4 Kingsley too preachy now 5,6 p3 NAD Rossiter shattuck, Huntington, Elliott, Casilear, Cropsey a carpet, Durand alw reliable, Jer Thompson, Tait Dassal, 2 or 3 v bad that attract as much attn as the good, peculiar drwg 8 NAD is advertising p3 NAD strongest academicians getting the most crit, as a whole doesn’t satisfy, too much mannerism, Leutze fallen, long praise of Halls (is this Chas D Stuart writing?) 9,11,12 Walker of Nicaragua a quack 13,15 p2 NAD should stay open thru the 4th, Hoppins gd 16,17,18,19, 20 p1 gives Edw Everett address on celeb of Bunker Hill monument, statue of Warren? obelisk better 22,23,24,25 likes Emerson’s mag 26, 27 Trib still hates Wood 29,30


July Marcy dies, Van Buren Dem served under Polk and Pierce. 9 from Crayon on artists in Rome, Page doing port of Mrs Story and Biblical pics, did one of Mrs Crawford, v fine. Rogers, Akers, Bartholomew 13 NY Hotel pop with southerners 18 Porte Crayon is artist Richards 21 Timrod poem. likes Sedgwick 29 Powers’ statue of Calif will create a furore


August 1857: quotes re Ruskin finding apocalypse in a daisy. Lots on Beranger’s death. 22 p2 Hosmer 28 death of Griswold, amiable, praised mediocre


Sept 1857:  1 fr Wash Star on Capitol extension and sculps. Am Inst advertising, not much if any coverage 15 Cosmo Art J made atrocious attempt on life of TB Aldrich, our friend, written by Editor, too severe a cut, actionable libel 18 Am Inst Fair reporter will attend


October 1857, skips fr 2 to Nov 3, p1 has Belle Brittan writing to NY Transcript, cousin Lou spends more money for wines and cigars than required, extrav and selfish club associates, heart is turning to marble, goes to Dusseldorf to gaze at cold beauty of Greek Slave as hopes to win it in Cosmo AJ (engr of girls fortune telling called Manifest Destiny, talks of his marble bride. Dems took city elections. More puff on Nov 5 of Cosmo and Powers back at Dusseldorf, skips fr 12 to 28, then 2 December Repub hq are in Stuyvesant Inst. Mayor Tiemann is a Wall st Demo. says demo Sunday Atlas 11 really hates black people, fr 12 28, p3 has long article fr Ballou’s on Cosmo AA 29 supported Gen Walker in Nicaragua, half caste and brutal will now take over, expedition clearly within natural rights, no contest with any civilized power