HomeKatz's Unofficial Index to Antebellum New York City NewspapersKatz's Notes on Antebellum New York City NewspapersAmerican (New York American)

American (New York American)

New York American microfilm, NYPL


AAS? NY American, Apr 1 1833,  no 35 Wall St, DK Minor, $10 p/yr.

ad for Bisbee, artist in lithoy, 95 Canal st, has engaged assistance of first Artists in Europe, now style of excellence equal to best imported, for publishers of treatises, portraits fr life or copied fr ptgs etc, legal docs.  Ad Jos’h Stanley selling fine Line Engravs Mezzotintos and Litho prints, by most celeb artists, colored and uncolored, Country dealers and Amateurs, 418 Broadway.

  1. 2 notes the Deaf and Dumb will receive profits fr Exhib of fine Pictures of Adam and Eve today

Jan 19 1835 p. 1 Wm Coleman ad for rare bks fr London inclu Reynolds Discourses, Opie’s discourses, Pilkington’s Dictionary of Ptrs, Buy’s new and complete dictionary of terms of art, and a history of pugilism.  NAD ad for opening of the Antique School, MWF, see Cummings or Durand, selling faux oak benches

Oct 14, 1836 ad for Stuart’s portraits of the first five presidents, Geo Gibbs 48? Liberty st

Feb 28, 1837, p. 1 ad for Disturnell’s NY As it Is, directory, his map establishment 20 Courtlandt st.  wiley & Putnam ad for McKenney and James Hall Grt Indian Gallery w/ 120 ports fr Indian gall at Dept of War.  very Whig. proWebster.

NY American for the Country May 2 1837 (April 29? 74 Cedar st) 12th Annual Exhib of NAD, signed E: asserted demo institutions unfavorable to arts,  in old countries love for art is hereditary, great artists friends of great patrons, theorist of the “education of the blood” will determine if fondess for art is hereditary or if it may become an atmospheric taste. with us sentiment must be diffused generally and not individually, no institutions to hand down, ea to his descendants, the means of encouraging talent and taste for it (no entail, or ancestry, we won’t found remote posterity), the Republic must be responsible for rise and progress of arts. Frist desire of new people for elegance satisfied by arhite cture, then as eyes bwecome familiar with nature, get poets and ptrs of her beauties and sublimities, varied colors of seasons, types of views listed, smiling valleys et al, ambition next is to animate scene, then perilous attempt port of humanity, clothing familiar features with hues of character and glance of passion, passes to ideal, embody the imaginative, modified by temper taste education clime radiates in new directions. Arts determine national rank in scale of civ, look to NAD for signs, many admirers of present exhib, few censors, sneer of fastidious critic paralyzes artist’s efforts to learn


Dec 19 1837 LOC


LOC mfilm 1838 $10/yr

Jan: J of Commerce hostile to Adams, says it is Whig, but wants gag rule along with Van Buren men. NY Hist Soc and Catlin’s advertise. 17 anti-slang. Likes Prescott’s history of Columbus 28 Eve Post dislikes the auction monopoly, says auctioneers are Whigs and advertise in Whig papers, but American says only 2 or 3 of them are, auction commissions are given to party hacks who sell themselves to auction houses who must purchase their services and who are whigs

Feb 8 number of licensed auctioneers in city abt 60. Catlin added port of Osceola and other Seminoles betrayed by Genl Jesup, likenesses full of spirit 14 style of Whigs is to exaggerate eloquence and ability, make too much of men, while Demo is coarse, virulent savage and personal 27 defends Webb in Cilley duel

March 5 J of Commerce malevolent abt duel, King defends Whigs; J of Commerce and eve Post taking advantage of this to attack Webb 16 Joseph Neal’s charcoal sketches lose a little raciness outside Phila, illus have some merit, Johnson called in preface a Cruikshank. Robinson has two caricatures with good likenesses, spirit 23 Yellow Plush. no theater reviews. 30 Smelancthon Swartwout replaced as Deputy Collector by John L Mumford, ed formerly of the Times

Apr 14 Geo P Morris book of poems magnificent

May 22 p.2 NAD: hasty glance satisfied us we need not despair of seeing the Arts flourish in our Republic, junior artists highly creditable, a detailed description  that should faithfully crit all and neglect the claims of none too long, recommend pleasant lounge to those who wish to love pics, requires freq study 24 S hopes govt will buy Catlin. 25 missing. Skips to July 5. I stopped at the 15th, and skipped to September:

Sept 2 and 3 missing. 8 praise Sparks’ Wash. 12 Letters fr Old World by a lady of NY of course discuss art in museums of Berlin etc. quarrels with Eve post. Reports Maelzel sale (music). 21 corresp says nominating Clay would be suicidal for Whigs, signed B. Doesn’t have confidence in Chancellor Mathews of the Univ., critical of John Lorimer Graham and Genl James Tallmadge who support him, vs profs HP Tappan et al. Stopped at 27th.



Reel 11 (Jan 3- Sept 30, 1839) NYPL

Jan 3, 1839, vol 20, no 7181, 74 Cedar St near Broadway

            Masthead has Excelsior, eagle, liberty with her cap, justice with scales, various other hard to read attributes. $10/yr, published by Watson Van Benthuysen. Not a gigantic paper.

4, 5, p. 2 reperuses Dr.. Channing’s self culture, misled by a critical notice, do injustice to Channing for saying not attentive enough to Bible; likes a series of caricatures from London by Quiz Fizz.

7 missing. 8,9 puffs exhib of Dubfe and Giraud at Acad FA  10 notes results of Mercantile election  11, 12. 14 missing. 15 has a poem by GW Patten for the NY American, Oh  let us die like men, battling savages in their den. 16 approves of Freeman Hunt’s merchants mag, under auspices of Merc Lib Assoc. 17 missing, 18 notes that Dixon was indicted re case of late Minturn and Rev Dr Hawks. Quite a bit more sympathetic to abolition or at least to  Northern rights to discuss slavery et al than C&E. 19 missing. 21 poem fr Knickerbocker, often has a poem. Notes conflict with C&E over Mayor Clark, that paper claiming “public” did not wish his renomination, American points to statements in the Gazette, Express, Commercial Advertiser, Star and J of Commerce, that many of the public do wish Clark’s renomination

22, 23 doesn’t really cover the theater. Doesn’t support int’l copyright. Notes that Meyer Christallier, indicted for selling scurrillous Polyanthos ed by Geo W Dixon, pled guilty.

24, 25. Missing 26. 28 praises Stephen Van Rensselaier. “Natural Criticism” farmer says of Gainsborough’s celeb pict of pigs, never feed toether without one having a foot in trough. 29 missing. 30.


February 1839

1 fan of JQ Adams. Review of Mr Simmons’ lecture, read fr Bryant, Willis (Hagar) Lucretia Davidson) but faint praise to Hemans and Sigourney, vulgar allusion to woman’s tongue, disapproves of nonpoet criticizing poets, signed “Addision.” Editor disagrees, taste to appreciate does not always accompany creative genius, perfect connoisseur not alw the artist, an ignorant man often best critic, as his judgment is truest to instincts of nature.

2 missing. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 9 missing. 11, 12, 13 disappointd in Clay’s speech on abolition, sets up straw men. 14 letter to editor, signed H, “not as a connnoisseur, but a great admirer of the FA, visited Gallery of Ptgs I Barclay st. tho young we boast brilliant proficients in ptg, approved even in Europe, shld be particularly fostered. It presents poetic vision to senses, vividly, in Juan and Haidee. Transports you in imag to East, manly beauty, so real, etc. St John, face and form perfect of innocent primitive man. Circassian slave ea figure so true to nature and speaking lost in admiration; Princess of Capua perfectly finished. Revolt in Paris, diff style, terribly true to nature, fine and spirited, Destruction of Jerusalem, scene of sacred interest

15, 16 likes Knick. Puffs Panorama of Jerusalem. 18 lots of stuff re LEL’s death. 19. 20 missing. 21, 22. 23 and 25 missing. 26, 27, 28


March 1839

  1. 2 missing. 4 likes Dr Hawks lectures on origins of inhab of continent. 5 notes Mississippi legis has bill approving a marble statue of GW for rotunda of capitaol for $25,000
  2. 7 missing. 8. 9 missing. 11, 12 13, 14 missing. 15, 16 notices that WA Colman has a London v beaut mezzotint of Henry Clay fr ptg by Osgood, valuable work of art. Likes Hawthorne, likes Irving writing for Crayon, critical of Florida war. 18. 19 missing. 20 likes Cinti Gazette, likes Prescott’s history, Jared Sparks. 21. 22,23 missing. 25 has Birney letter praising Genl Scott. 26. 27 missing. 28, 29. 30 missing?


April 1839

1, 2 puffs Catherwood’s panorama of Thebes, most interesting and beaut ever (signed M) fr his drwgs in 1834, ptg by same hand as Pan of Jerusalem, Robert Burford of London

3, 4. 5 missing. 6, 8, 9, 10. 11,12 missing. 13, 15, 16. 17 missing 18 notes hung jury on Dixon/Minturn trial for libel. 19, 20 disapproves of Balzac’s looseness and profligacy despite his great talent and insight into artificial life of Paris. Are planning an article on arts stimulated by Natl Port Gallery, which they praise. Also puff the Panorama of Thebes. Merits of the painting, selection of views with great judgment, dusky glare is typical; like the inclusion of a caravan readying for camp correct understanding.

22, 23, singular invention of daguerrotype, copy notice fr NY Observer a letter fr Prof Morse. 24, 25, 26, 27 notes that John L Stephens has been named an agent to visit Europe, rather than allowing the Gov (Seward?) to nominate, though not the best qualified and would not be recommended by the historical society, is a devoted adherent of Tammany

29 newspaper offices moving to 11 1/2 Wall st, corner of Broad. Pro Genl Scott.


May 1839

1 reports on NY Historical Society dinner, with JQ Adams  2. 3 missing. 4, 6 puffs Dubufe again; A Royal Artist is fr J des Debats, re Princess Mary of Witttemberg, mentions statue of Joan of Arc at Versailles, fine, true and poetic attitude, delicacy of imitation for hands and feet, truly precious. Pervading idea is inharmy with laws of statuary, reflects piously, not warlike. Statue applies principles of Greek sculp to modern subject, and it is a young stranger to all system who did it. In the arts, a true and strong instinct often serves better than long study, falsely directed. Her eye is free fr prejudices, freshness of instinct, goes on describing others with a piousbent

May 7, 1839 p. 2 Greenough’s Bust of Heloise, from Phila US Gazette, beaut, purest white Italian, countryman at Florence, imported by late Chas Weatherill, to be sold at auction rms of Mr Thomas

ad for Catherwood’s panorama of Jerusalem

8 likes coloniz soc. 9 observes notice in the Times that Queen liked engraving of her portrait by Sully, correctness, finished specimen. 10 missing.

11 p. 2 notes Locke in Cinti contrib to daguerreotype. Gives a gd review to NP Willis’ book, cultivated taste for nature, despite egotism and trifling, sketches are well hit off. Gives a key to the characters in Lady Lytton Bulwer’s novel.

            Ptg within scope of weekly notices as allied to tastes and refinements of lit, so a few words on exhib at rm of NAD at Clinton Hall. Great majority are portraits, many admirable. Perfect fidelity to life, expression and resemblance, we noticed at once the picture 117—a port of Col Stone, by W Page. Over entrance to 2nd room is portrait 176, the v speaking presentment of Liverpool consul the venerable Mr Maury. Artist is youth unknown to fame, but not long so, J Nims, futrue looks bright, this picture so admirable establishes his rank.

            206 and 216 by Gambardella, both fine, a young lady and Dr Channing, spiritual head finely rendered. Of picts by Sully the gem and maybe the gem of the collection is port of a child, no 57,  even Reynolds has no more sweet conception or execution of beaut, pure, angelic infancy. No 69 a full length of Mrs Wood, the singer in character, has grrt beauties as a ptg; 274, a lady by Druand, v striking, fine drwg, coloring and finish. NO 268 Walking the Chalk (Chas Dean) is spirited and lifelike repres of a not uncommon bar scene, where a half tipsy man essays to prove his sobriety, countenance and legs are ludicrously tipsy, varied expressions of stolid delight in faces happily imagined. One interests us v much, large pict by Weir No 40 titled Indian Captives in Massachusetts, 1650. Attitude and expression of Indians (one seated with head buried in hands, the other standing to address a guard) seem exceedingly well chosen, contrast between the two, details are capital. Figures stand out fully modeled thanks to skilful chiarascuro, see so completely under and around the sword of the soldier that it assumes an actual existence. Surprising to see armor in an American historical scene

13 urges that Geo Dixon be sent to prison, he pled guilty, full liberty for press but not licentiousness. Reports on big GW dinner

14 no envoy to collect historical records fr Europe named; Seward wanted Stone, legislature wanted Stephens; condemns those who read Dixon and vile papers that violate privacies of life by parading disclosures of what happens to a fashionable family or in the street, by gossip spiced with scandal, connecting names of eminent with slander

15, 16, 17, 18 long mostly positive review of Cooper’s history of the Navy but disagree that steam won’t change warfare, and need more grades among commissioned officers to avoid insubord. Advertisements include one for J Varick Stout’s Statue of Victoria at Stuyvesant, quote fr Expositer that his mind saturated with classical (Roman) images

missing 20. 21, 22, 23, 24 p. 2 “NAD—No 1 for NY American:

The exhib is tolerable so far as it goes. A few specimens of gd drwg and color, and correct imitation of external nature. But little more than this can be said of it. In displays of a graceful, poetical fancy, grandeur of design, and lofty imagination, it is well nigh barren. To contradict this, Weir’s pict will be cited, and undoubtedly much to admire in this production. For prospective, chiaroscuro and fidelity to nature in form and color, may offer this as a study to his pupils. What more true than the log, the shadow of the sword, the light gleaming upon helmet and back-plate, the depth of the cell, the quiet dungeon-like atmosphere of the scene! It is is in the poetry of the group—in that quality that changes a pict fr mere faithful imitation of outward forms to embodying lofty orig thought—that disappoints. Weir avoided some of the difficulties of his subj by showing back of the soldier and making woman Agamemnon like hide her face in her blanket. But in drwg the standing Indian, the experimentum crucis of the piece, if he had succeeded elevated his name to v hi rank among Amer ptrs, he has signally failed. Pity that this principal fig had not also hidden his face and concealed fr us that expr which may’ve belonged to some whining half-breed, but never to the heroic Sachem, the Indian of poetry and art. Grateful tho for what he has accomplished, entered field of our colonial history surprisingly so long uncultivated since affords so many instances of solemn trial and touching pathos.

            Exhib contains several works in a lower dept of the art, as are called by French tableaux de societe, little more than graceful humor attempted. Huntingdon’s Lover’s Surprise lacks truth. It is a pict of ladies and gmen playing parts. Rossiter’s Studio has some beauties, such as the expr of the young woman’s face, but too sketchy and unfinished for works in this dept. The two picts by Edmonds, tho not exactly belonging to this class, are better than any of them. Their color is pleasing, being clear and silvery, like Wilkie’s first style. In the Dutch scene by Quidor, every personage seems under the influ of the galvanic battery fault to find with Mount, our Teniers, the vigorous portrayer of rustic life, his single pict is a poor specimen and the works in a similar style by Deas and others are bad substitutes, since however spirited and amusing, too defective in form and color for an exhibition room.

            Of lscapes, little to be said. Where is Cole—the magician Cole, he who can lifr the veil of time and sense, and bid us look out upon dreamland? Could have pardoned his scattered lights and superfluous gorgeous ness for one green spot created by his imaginative pencil the wilderness. Ptgs of Selons, tho somewhat in the panorama style, v correct repres of the scenes they imitate, aerial persp is happily managed. The productions of Bleecker are promising, no 217 the best, a light foregrd and dark middle distance produce a pleasing effect. Doughty as alw the faithful servant of quiet nature, pict almost brings tears to eyes of those who were country-boys and think sometimes on hot and dusty streets of house where we were born. But he injures the whole by putting in two little girls and a dog that look like copies of Dutch toys.

            No animal painting. These views are not to be flattered with this name, which exhibit processions called Cattle going to water. NO Landseer? All our fiathful dogs and horses unhonored?

            And for 179 portraits, tempted to exclaim, with the naked Indian, it is all face. Human countenance in every mood of expression fr savage to stupid, nonchalant to would be irresistible, stares at us, a realiz of some dreadful dream in which we are tormented by the eternal presence of a wilderness of faces. Governors in their shirt-sleeves; romantic youths in cloaks, gazing bare-headed at the sunset; orators making speeches to themselves in closets; melancholy maidens in surplice waists, emerging fr thunder clouds, various other curious displays of humanity intrude. But in this multitude a few not easily forgotten, the lady in black velvet, by Page, with air of quiet patrician dignity, we doff our hats, as to Queen of Saloon.

            Graceful girl whose shining morning face beams fr under dingy coloring of Gambardella to pardon us for fixedness of our gaze, but it is before the wife of Alexander we are arrested. Most poetical pic in the exhib? Here is that looking forth of the soul thru the eyes that Byron says is beauty, simple attire, unaffeted attitude, easy position of hands. Dark shadowing which pervades shuts up the lady in modest privacy, securing her from the stare of the vulgar.

            Inman’s port of Dr Croswell is his best bhere, almost a Stuart in color. His little child 57 is a most beaut poetical conception, not flesh and blood, but a dream child fed on May dew and perfume of flowers. Head of Brit naval officer by Frothingham has a v marked and spirited character.

            Onandaga chief by Wilgus without pretension and devoid of all artifice to attract notice, displays with considerable power, the stern dignity of the Indian. Mention also The Brothers and Massaniello by Freeman, much pleasing, and Rossiter’s The Token, v richly colored. Great mass however are wretched and why disgrace walls difficult to conjecture except as foils for others or to show what depths Art can descend.

Signed “H”.

25 missing. 26 p. 2 NAD—NO II for NY American

Writer thanks Editor for publishing his first notice, and recognizes propriety of abridging it to suit limits, regrets tho that curtailing the length changed the spirit of the piece, and by extracting most of its tartness, served up instead of the lemonade prepared, something little better than ea sucree. By omissions referred to, made to attribute pict of child 57 by Sully to Inman, an unpardonable mistake. Not two painters in country whose styles are so diff. Sully’s harmonious color, graceful handling, spiritualizes his subj, change a mischievous gormandizer of bread and butter with a being of celestial purity and light, one of Wordsworth’s. Compare this to Inman’s 185, two jointed dolls in a baby house! Inman’s pencil can’t transfigure humanity. Presumptuous to say it sometimes likes a more common excellence of pourtraying the healthy glow of mere animal life? Outlines of his faces too rigid, and shadows contrasted unnaturally with the carnations? Defect not observable in his port of Croswell, but so much in others gives appearance of colored mezzotints.

            More lifelike than these or than Ingham’s works, fr this exhib, are Gambardella’s picts. His figs bold and statuesque, and really look on you thru their eyes. Produced this effect in part by strong contrasts of light and shadow, a hazardous expedient led him into a bad style of coloring, dingy and heavy, reminding of the paint grinder and pallette knife. Better tho than Ingham’s manner, the timid, delicate tinting of the porcelain ptrs.

            Of Page, last year’s picture by him tho attracted little attn fr crowd, gained much admiration fr discriminating few, bold attempt, none but a master hand would venture, portrait ptd as Queen Eliz commanded, almost without a shadow. “The lady in black velvet” in the present collection is also divested of all the trickery of art, not only a fidelity to nature, but a noble sentiment, will preserve it fr dust and obscurity of lumber room.

            In concluding, proper to say something re general character of exhib. Nothing more common or more disgusting than an affected fastidiousness that pronounces everything beneath the true standard of excellence, w/o having taste or instruction to know that standard. But ask most accomplished academicians if what was stated in former article not be true, thos some specimens of gd execution in mechanical dept, lamentable deficient in higher grandeur of thought, graceful fancy, lofty imag. Low aim of contributors as their ill success we condemn, tame imitation of outward form. Want Artist as a Poet, a Creator, who can control our passions at his will. But imposing title of Nat Acad just offer unmeaning portraits, only Bryant and Halleck have sense of sublime in Nature and godlike in Man. Need someone to fix glorious forms hidden fr common herd. Eminent ptr puts burden of fault not on his own powers but on public and want of patronage, ignorant of hi duties of a calling. It is his to show the Infinite in the Finite, not worship gold and silver. Akin to religious missionary. Support even in this gain-seeking land for those who file away some of the chains which bind us to our prison house. The constant employment an eminent artist in a neighboring city has found is sufficient proof.

            Writer hasn’t seen Alston’s collection, but he didn’t work for gold. “H”

29, 30, 31


June 1839

Missing 1,3. 4, p. 1 has story fr Europe on the “new art” of daguerreotype, or new art of producing drwgs  or pictures or both.

5 announces that Wiley & Putnam have rec’d a Drawing Box, for Daguerroscopy. Orig port of Queen Victoria, will be here soon, by Sully. Excerpt on Humboldt.

6 missing. 7  p. 2 Statue of Queen Victoria: those who desire to foster native talent often sadly mortified and may be a little shy of  a lifesize statue by a native artist, but Stout’s has merits above ordinary first attempts of genius. Head an admirable likeness, figure is design of artist, highly classical neck and bust in purest taste, and drapery of train necessary to preserve character of figure, admirably managed. Must be seen often to be appreciated, and with Sully’s grand pict, may furnish a clear idea of Maiden Queen.

8 missing. 10. 11 missing. 12 reprints a British article on criticism, has cowed authors. 13, 14, 15 notices The Expositor, a weekly lit and crit, talent and good taste. Sully’s Portrait of the Queen: splendid ptg, rich imaginative pict, harmony of coloring a soothin effect not at first anticipated fr decided tings that make up the greater part of it. Will please v generally, but at risk of appearing hypercritical, decided disapprobation of drwg. Unqual praise in Phila, but drwg of back and left arm shock a tyro; right arm is beaut but v indistinct in outline, but left arm, fr which distance shd take its size, is absolutely dropsical. Breadth of back is enormous and tho seen in persp, will oerstep the size of nature. Find faults reluctantly, applaud genl effect of fig and acccessories, face is beaut, differs somewhat in drwg and much in expression fr study in corner, which wants almost all the intellectual brightness of finished portrait.Take occasion to say another word in praise of Stout’s statue, hear but one opinion, unqualified praise, fig in highest style of heroic beauty, and with one single fault in the position of a foot, exhumed at Pompeii and thought wonderful.

17, 18 James Aldrich poem fr NY lit gazette. 19 wiley and Putnam ad for fine arts, prints. 19 missing.

20, 21, 24 copies supportive blurb on Mercantile Assoc fr the Times

25, 26. 27 missing. 28. 29 missing.


July 1839

1, 2 Robinson is out with a new caricature today, a triumphal procession, a barouche drawn by the faithful, with two footmen on the footboard, one says to the other, reminds him of old England, wax populi. Article on the dominion of the Puff fr a French journal. Mirror, first of a new volume, has two fine engravings, inclu Gen Wetmore

3,4,5 missing. 6, 8, 9 have a poetical parody of the party address made to the President at Castle Garden by Mr Edmonds. 10 missing. 11 does include some fiction. 12 has a description for NY American of the Vatican by torchlight, Museum Chiaramonti an interminable gallery of statues, a city where inhab changed to stone, paused at seated Tiberius, and observed how torch heightens lights and deepens shadows as chiarascuro in ptg, giving a relief and force to partic parts, making certain excellencies more striking, as in Rembrandt and Caravaggio, marking with terrific power the charaacter of a work. Also gives a carnation hue to marble, softens it to flesh, adds grace and animation. Statue of Nile delighted us more than Demosthenes or Minerva, strange fantastic beauty; Laocoon had a new aspect of horror, . HN signed

  1. 17 missing. 18 Carlyle lecture. 19 missing. 20. 21, 22, 23 missing. 24 notes that Stout’s statue unfortunately destroyed, valued at $3000 and will seek damages

25, 26 notes Catherwood  will go with Stephens. Publishes a Bancroft letter with his newly embraced Loco Focoism

27 puffs poets of America, with engravings by Chapman’s active mind,  brilliancy of effect

  1. 30, 31 missing.


August 1839

1, 2 critical of Eve Post disingenous in treating NY American comments as a Sign of the Times

  1. 6,7 missing. 8, 9, 10, 12, 13. 14 missing. 15. 16 missing. 17 For Scott. 19. 20 missing. 21. 22 missing. 23. 24 missing. 26, 27, 28. 29 missing, 30 article on Egyptian antiquities at British museum. 31 missing


September 1839

Missing Sept 2. 3, 4 thinks the men of Amistad should be freed, not under our jurisdiction. 5 missing. 6 critical of Cooper’s lawsuits. 7. 9 missing. 10 fine pict of the venerable Mr Maury, ptd by our young artist Nims, brought back fr Liverpool, has been placed in Mercantile Library, framed with fragments of a boat Republic broken up on passage. 11 defends Mormons freedom of religion. Among foreign items Liepmann, ptr of eminence in Berlin, has invented mechnaical process for copying ptgs in oil with more exactitude than the brush. 12 praises Fidelio, triumphed over public sentiment, traditions of the past, estab code of musical taste, memory of gay modern opera. No “star” tried to captivate with meretricious airs and graces, no bravura solo, austere spirit of old Master commands souls. By “S”. 13, 14, 16 publishes an ad from the Colored American for a church. 17 missing. 18 notes camera obscura at Castle Garden, a living rather than mechanical panorama. 19 missing. 20 puffs Audubon. 21 missng. 23 plan a weekly issue, The Gleaner  24, 25, 26, 27, 28 likes Knick and  Irving. 30.


Reel 12

October 1839

1 missing. 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 crit of fire dept effectiveness, 9 poem saying farewell to Trinity church (graveyard paved over by city?), 10 missing, 11. 12,14 missing, 15, 16. 17 missing, 18. 19 missing. 21 Am Inst advertises and briefly noted 22 missing. 23, 24, 25 promotes M. Alexandre’s plans for creating collections, plans to procures drwgs fr all our ptrs to be lithod. A ventriloquist! 26 missing. 28, 29, 30, 31


November 1839

1, 2. 3, 4, 5 missing. 6 covers fashions fr Europe. 7 missing. 8. 9 missing. 11. 12, 13 missing. 14, 15 Star and its clique insist on Clay. Has poem written by Idler & Co for NY Am. 16. 18,19 missing. 20, 21, 22, 23, 25 Catlin going to Europe, hia Indian gallery ought to belong to this country. Carrara and its Marble, corresp of NY Observer meets there with Persico who is getting blocks for the Capitol. Everyone there cuts marble, as we do cheese, copies of all the first masters, for $100-200 can get Apollo or Venus or any others, but all copyists not sculptors, merely mechanical, not delicate finishing touches as in model, where idea is embodied in wet clay or r ough plaster.One of our artists cutting a bust of Napoleon sank his chisel into its brain.

  1. 27, 28 missing. 29 notes death of Saml Ward. 30


December 1839

2, 3,4, 5, 6 describes examples of Daguerreotype, sees more than eye can, most minute details. 7, 9 will support Harrison. 10, 11. 12 missing. 13 seems to support repression of resistance on s Van Rensselaer manor. 14, 16, 17 more support for Alexandre Vattemare’s project, copies petition for exchange of books, pictures etc betw govt, and publish a letter of thanks fr Nat Acad of Des signed by Morse, thanking him for loan of collection  18, 19, 20, 21 review of Poe’s Tales, wild and vivid fancy, yet cui bono intrudes, fails to interest deeply fr its unnaturalness, no link of feeling or symp betw life as conceived of by most and terrors and distresses of Usher, yet all will feel the writer’s power. 23, 24 account fr Express of New England Society dinner, Bryant ode. 26, 27 Stephens in Central Am. 28 likes Longfellow. 30, 31




1 missing, 2 more on photogenic drwg 3, 4 likes Snowden’s Ladies Comp 6, 7, 8 NY American seems to support traveler Buckingham and his observations on the middle east, corroborated by the Letters from the Old World by a lady that they published, vs. a reverend critic in the Observer. 9, 10 likes Seward, but disagrees w/him about manor lands, supports current arrangement. 11 notes Richard H Dana’s lectures at Stuyvesant 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 seems to support intl copyright. 18  missing. 20, 21, 22, 23 with J of Commerce, defends Gouraud, the exhib of dag, agst accusations. 24, 25, 27. 28 missing. 29, 30, 31 Duff Green was the organ of Calhoun and the Nullifiers


February 1840

1 letter fr a corresp v crit of Mrs Jameson for her attacks on women. 3, 4, 5,6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 puffs exhib ofEuro ptgs, admission free during day, Chambers st and Broadway, no 45 te Guardian Angel worth pilgrimate, beaut picts, abt 20,000 gmen and ladies, evenings gmen charged, don’t confuse this exhib with mr Clark’s. 15 thinks Mdme Tussaud’s memoirs valueless.. 17, 18 map promoting Long Island Rrd 19. 20, 21, 22, 224 missing. 25. 26 missing, 27 Guido’s Danae reclining and shower of gold at Chatsworth a sort of metaphor for author’s inspiration. 28 missing?


Mrch 1840

  1. 3 missing. 4,, 5. 6, 7, 9 missing. 10. 11, 12 missing. 13. 14 missing. 16. 17,18 missing. 19. 20 missing. 21. 22, 23 missing. 24 praise Whig candidate for mayor, young man, David Graham, who will work to secure city fr rioting and mob law. 25 ad for Aaron Levy Great sale of valuable framed oil ptgs by the Old masters in new Ganite Bldg, Chambers and Broadwy, variety of subjects. 26 Preston in congress presented petition fr Hiram Powers, an Amer Sculp in Florence, asking for free admission into US of all works wrought by Amer citizens abroad. 27. 28 missing. 30. 31 missing.


April 1840

1, 2. 3 missing. 4, 6. 7 missing. 8. 9 missing. 10 Fine Arts: taste for ptg is progressing, sale of collection of Campbell, picts got gd prices, Mary Magadalene $310, Holy Family $175, View of Exter $260. Gd collection, crowded house. 11 missing. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 admires a table of porcelain with miniatures of Napoleon and his generals by Isabey, gave him a pension for it. 18 missing. 20, 21 praises Asmodeus in NY at Mitchells Olympic, with clever hits at Banks, press, stage. 22 missing. 23 “Fine Arts” for NY Amer by “W” under this head I witnessed a sale of Ptgs which brought hi prices, showing progressing taste, money and patronage. Another sale yesterday, a sketch by Sully brought $110, a Fancy port by same $65. Henderson Greene, 377 Broadway fortunate purchaser of beaut Ptg which with Ariadne ptd by Vanderlyn for an amateur in this city (half length) can be seen at his store. Costly articles of furniture wen toff well. 24. 25 missing. 27 notes a Burford panorma in London. James Bleecker ad for an auction of valuable ptgs by Boucher, Titian, Metsys, Guido, Vandyck, Murillo copies, a genuine Teniers, genuine Cuyp, Caravaggio, Stewart portrait of Henry Laurens, and goes on for a full column. Next to it is “for the NY American” by W, a man of leisure, spend much time visiting atteliers and studios of artists, many gd picts by eminent artists can be picked up in city w/o searching rubbish of Antwerp and Holland importations. Visited collection advertised for sale at Granite Bldgs, have every advantage of light, much taste and expense, and will bring value, Fainting Magdalen and Holy Fam are gems, Daughter of Leonardo bears very stamp of the genius, port of GW by Stewart faithful likeness of brilliant coloring and correct drwg, fine lscape by Hobbima. Gd ptgs valuable on account of great impositions by manufacturers, like old plate.

28, 29, 30 notes sale of Old Masters at Chambers st bldg attracted a fashionable crowd, high prices, another collection to be offered including American schools with portraits fr Washington’s admin. Ad for Splendid Exhib at Acad FA Barclay st.


Dates become uneven—hard to read, cut off edges on several sides

May 1840

5, 6, 7. Missing 8,9. 11, 12 fr Nat Gazette, Catlin’s warm reception in London, a letter from him. 13, 14. Missing 15,16,18. 19, 20, 21, 22. Missing 23, 25, 26. 27, 28 Lines written by Miss Lucy Hooper for the NY American, after seeing a coll of beaut ptgs, copies fr old masters sent fr Italy, one representing h\daughter of Herodias bearing head of John the Baptist with expression of remorse. Hooper is I Brooklyn, editor says artist-like appreciation of a fine picture, speaks as if she is the woman in the picture. 29, 30 missing.


June 1840

1, 2 Bowery a reg advertiser. 3. 4, 5 missing. 6 applause for panoramas in Prince st. 8. 9, 10, 11 missing. 12, 13. 15, 16, 17 missing. 18, 19, 20. 22 missing. 23, 24, 25. 26 missing. 27, 29, 30 lots on dag.

End of reel


NYPL misc: New York American, 11 ½ Wall st st, Watson Van Benthuysen, $10/yr

Nov 25 1840; Dec 3, 7, 8,9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 19, 24, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31



Jun 10 1841 p.2 letter fr Rome, account of mtg the Pope, in Florence Amer artists excel Italians, Greenough and Power successful.  Greenough has finished his statue of GW, Power modeling an Eve, the perfection of art, exceeding in beauty of figure and expression the Venus de Medici or Canova.  Also English families here.

            notice to Fine Arts lovers visit rms of Mr HE Riell, 325 Broadway, over Bonfanti’s, old masters in grt variety unquestionable excellence.  a rm is not furnished w/o ptgs.  his nearby ad says Ancient and Modern masters.

            lots of booksellers’ ads, ad for panorama in Rotundo in Prince st.  Inclu Rambles and Reveries of Henry Tuckerman.

not really much poetry. 


LOC mfilm July/Aug 1841-Oct 1841

July 1, enlarged. 3 are covering the Courier vs Hughes school debate.. notices petition to Common Counsil for a Gall of Fine Arts, looking for signatures 6 like Genl Scott. Missing 11 and 12, 14 and 15 I think, others. “A Whig from the Start” has written to them. Henry Riell’s pic rooms advertise.


Skips to Aug 12 1841, I jumped to Aug 27. September:  4 Martineau Channing good, daguerreotype. skips to 11 Post complains that partisan spirit affects all city offices fr top to bottom. skips to 14. skips fr 17 to 21. 23 missing

Oct: 2 review Trumbull’s autobio, living pictures in Capitol, faithful likenesses, notes that Madison was arbiter on choice of subjects for the National Pictures, picked the two surrenders, signed W. No Apollo ad, but Clark’s orig ital ptgs, and gall of ancient and modern ital ptgs 9 Longfellow poem 12 p2 notice Apollo Assoc fall exhib now open, coll equal to any former ones, orig Trumbull of Gibraltar owned by Athaenaeum, alone worth going, success expanding, engr is The Artist’s Dream by Sartain. Now there’s an ad, and one for a pano.14 long article on Am Inst fair. Missing 15th. Missing other issues. 28 p2 Greenough’s Wash placed in Rotunda. 29 is last issue!


(just started to skim Reel 17, Marc 1-Dec 28 1844

April 2 subscrip to support Gallery of FA

Nothing on Sat May 11


by May 1843 47 William st, charging two cents.  July 10, 1843, now pro-Clay, notes Robinson caricature of O’Connell, trying to win Irish support in US and failing as they are content, by 1844 up to three cents