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Path finder (1843)

Path finder, Godwin’s 1843 journal, APS, 6? cents

March 4 Fine Arts, letter fr italy on Powers, Clevenger, Crawford, Terry; met Dewey Mrs GeneralScott, Mrs Doctor Mott

March 11 1843 p 34 A Practical Movement, praises Sylvania Assoc, TW Whitley artist of great merit, and a man of remarkable abilities and high character. Fine Arts is on Audubon, fr previously published article

Hawthorne stories

Mar 25 Huntington’s pictures, beaut creations, Bunyan alleg, full of emotion and interest, grouping harmonious, etc, Mercy’s Dream even better

Apr 8 praises the Olympic, also Forrest and Clifton

Apr 15 approves mildly of Cornelius Mathews merit

Apr 22 glad the demo party took city elections, whigs generally thoughtless and extrav set of fellows, alw contriving selfish and partial schemes, seldom any nobility of sentiment, while as subterraneous as demos may be, still the mass of the people and noble in their aspirations, but won’t change real condition of the people and inequality. Likes Keese’s edition of Eliz Oakes Smith; NY New Mirror will be good, like Willis writing. H Wheaton’s letter on arts in Denmark. OPQ writes a miscellany from London.

Apr 29 we are anti slavery, black men are men, Association will fix it, also labor under capitalism and position of women. Gives Griswold a good review. Fourier Association, Sylvania selected location on banks of Delaware, 2500 acres, exceedingly picturesque, has mills

May 27 Webster wrong great interests of society are not harmonious and united, they are discordant and separated, it's a conglomeration, and commerce is vast deceit and fraud. advocates for public baths. likes CF Hoffman’s Wild scenes ok.

June 3 is last issue, prostitution comes because women aren’t able to make a living. Likes Brownson. p. 231 Fine Arts: Exhib of the Acad, beyond all q the best yet, more good pics and better. Durand’s representing setting sun a masterpiece, Cole used to be at head, doesn’t do justice this year. Doughty fine, Gignoux great merit, Leutze Columbus attracts attn rare excellence, Apollo does honor to itself to purchase it. Page two exquis heads, one of Lowell, divine beauty in Ingham’s Dr Channing