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American Repertory of the Arts, Sciences and Manufactures

American Repertory of Arts, Sciences and Manufactures (lots of coverage of Mechanics Institute, patents, published by James J Mapes, $4/year in advance)

Feb 1840 p. 38  C gives history of NAD, liberal institution, spirit of indep in his profession in harmony with republican spirit of US institutions

March 1840 p. 114 Notices of Fine Arts: mezzotint of Genl Harrison fr JR Lambdin’s 1836 portrait, one of his best efforts, Sartain. Amateur of this city just rec’d Wilkie ptg, peculiar excellence of present Engl school, light and shadow, less finished in detail than earlier works, $2000. Pleased with miniature ports ptd by esteemed friend TS Cummings, playing chess. He is in first place in his dept, style is quiet, just and unobtrusive, represents nature as she is, and not as the crazed imagination of a poetical enthusiast would. But small works don’t catch eye of sapient critic. W Page destined to surprise, view compos for next NAD, soldier playing with family, daring arrangement of color and diff of toning a pic to so hi a scale, credit to Gainsborough, a chef d’ouevre of art.

April 1840 p. 184 NAD, C writes about upcoming premiums, editor ascertains what pics in prog for annual exhib next month, FS Agate a family group and a young lady, in his happiest style. JL Morton view of No River and family group; J Whitehorne, portraits, child amusing herself with hoops in game of Graces, urchin playing with poodle; WJ Bennett views designed and ptd by himself; TS Cummings our valued tutor, striking likenesses; JG Clonney compos surpass the one he exhib last yr; LP Clover, Studio of a Phrenologist with some real portraits. Thom Cole series after manner of Cof E; AB Durand large lscapes on morn and eve of life, Crichton of Art; FW Edmonds, talents as a financier, head of amateurs; James Frothingham Rev Orville Dewey; Hite’s unexceptionable miniatures; Chas Ingham the modern Gerard Douw, highly finished, head of Wm Dunlap remarkable, and GC Verplanck; H Inman hist pic for Rotunda, portraits; WS Mount maybe 3 compos fr Wilkie of Am; W Page, portraits and masterpiece; John E Prudhomme, stipple; Andrew Richardson, happy and spirited style of lscapes, sunny effect, taste to appreciate beauties of Claude; HC Shumway, ptg Henry Clay for Lee of city, recollect his Rev Mortimer and the “Greek”; RW Weir, ptg pic for govt

  1. 199 Lecture by Prof TS Cummings on Fine Arts applicability to Mechanic Arts; editor concurs.

May 1840, p. 260, C.  National Acad of Design. Reports on council mtg for prizes in Life and Antique schools, which will be placed in rooms of Academy. Life school chalk drwg to Jeremiah Nims, second best to SR Fanshaw. Antique school from Venus de Medicis, to WJ Bolton, and for drwg fr Hudson’s anatomical fig, FE Jones.

June 1840 p. 357 TS Cummings reports on proceedings of annual mtg, p. 359, Review of the Exhibition. Some 20 pictures in it that alone entitle it to highest praise. It is unfortunate for the Acad that almost every visitor imagines himself a critic.. Many without discrim or judg include best with worst in genl censure,sometimes fr the first being beyond their comprehension. If these sapients wld be contented with the large number of gd pics, more than anticipated, and recollect young artists can only judge by comp with other better works, see necessity of admitting juniors. May be unwise to find fault with brother editors, intend our crits shall be fearless, principal city journals crits ont his exhib, really some of them are shameful. Pics one praises, another pronounces worthless, many praised without desert, truly deserving left unnoticed. Not contented with such errors, occasionally draw comparisons between artists which are as often erroneous as true, crushing deserving aspirants before their talents are devd. It ismorally wrong to publish crits written by those unacquainted with the arts, proprietors of papers shld be punished as severely as those who tarnish merchant’s credit or female character. But few of the crits have been properly conducted. We know of one inst where the reporter of a paper was ordered to write a crit, and after visiting the exhib once and that in the evening, absolutely wrote a most definite denunciation agst many of our best artists and praised many v indiff works.

            We will select for notice those which for merits or demerits most deserve attn.:

8 miniature of Rev Dr Wainwright, G Harvey, made a bad choice of position for hand, so much foreshortened that has failed in drwg; tone too florid and general, lower part of head shld contain more grey tones, instead of a local color, wants articulation and so loses force.

9 Design for Hotel nr West Pt, castle style, AJ Davis, gd specimens, improve archit, fertile imag.

10 Engravings A Seuley, of W Leggett fr pic by Cummings loses its force entirely unless viewed within 12 inches

11 and 12 Miniatures by Miss SC Frothingham (newly elected) truly gd for one so young, fine fleshy tone.

13 Frame of miniatures, Carl Weinedel, highly finished, excellent

14 JW Hill, a free and spirited sketch of an old bldg. at Kentish town, London

17 Spring, a miniature, GA Baker, attempting more than can be accomp, much to please in head, backgrd and accessories faulty.

18 Frame of 2 minis, TS Cummings, in his best style, junior head the best, drwg fearless and correct, challenge compet

20 Engr Rev Orville Dewey, can’t withhold our commiseration both for the orig and the ptr, Frothingham, so fine a head and so gd a pic deserved better treatment fr HS Ladd.

28 Portrait: JH Shegogue, creditable as a comp, posit easy classical free fr stiffness and constraint.

33 Miniature of Thom Fox,s elf port, forcible, chalky complexion

38 Gipsy Girl, Miss J Stuart, high scaleof color, more forcible than her others

42 Port Child CC Ingham, accurately drawn and beaut ptd, but leaden tone in backgrd and wants aerial persp

43 Sisters, J Whitehorne, unexceptionably gd likenesses, pleasing pic, advanced rapidly

44 Lady, WH Powell, able sketch full of fine classical taste, will astonish in future

49 Notch of White Mtns, Thom Cole, attempted much and succeeded, high scale of color for Am autumn, Turner proud

50 Gman, D Huntington, well drawn hand, equal to artist’s former attempts

51 Young Lady, Cl Elliot, drapery and accessories too brilliant, port of dress not face, inexcusable to intro so much in a mere port, head the principal attraction

52 Nich Biddle, H Inman, compos worthy of Lawrence, attitude and genl arrang of effect, coloring warm glowing effective.

54 Shegogue’s port of J Scholl, Apiarian, highly characteristic, excellent likeness of philanthropist

58 Whistle or Infancy of Henri of Bearne, Page, daring and successful, mastered difficulties of color, child not an exagg specimen but nature and conseq departure fr symmetry at so early an age. Genl fault to paint children Cupids, head and hand of father admirable, headdress of mom beaut finished.

61 Infant Juno, little girl, G Marsiglia, whole merit due to its finish, drwg faulty and accessories overwhelming.

63 port Jas Frothingham, pure color, tone, force, depth strength, a complete triumph of art.

67 Scene nr Pittsfield Mass, VG Audubon, admirable,t ruly ptd, free fr clap trap, copied nature with beauty and truth

85 Captive Knight, FW Philip, gd cabinet pic in style of Rembrandt without losing orig, has been six years in Euro, untiring industry

93 Architect’s Dream, T Cole, most gorgeous display

103 Lscape fr Nature, Richardson, happiest efforts alw pleasing when ptd fr nature

105 Child, JG Chapman, how so gd an artist shld produce a pic so entirely void of interest, nude child on bed too young to raise its head but still holding it constrainedly erect, and unless subject is sliding off, some gross error in drwg. Ea part well ptd, but tout ensemble not equal.

114 Indian Girl, JE Freeman, much to admire, would artist copy nature closely not attempt to represent her more gorgeous than she really is, wld improve his style

            126 and 133, Lscape compos, Morning and Evening, Durand, Admirable Crichton of art, first engraver, now first in port compos and slcapes.

132 Lady Cc Ingham, highest praise we can bestow on port of a lady is to say it was ptd by him.

160-2, Portraits, F Cruikshank, more effective and perfect than any we’ve seen in watercolor, all the force of oil. If coll had no others, worthy of all the attn. it’s received.

183 Disappointed Bachelor, Mount, unless he had seriously turned to this all impt course of thought, cld never have produced so char a compos.

195 Wm Dunlap, Ingham, late venerable, breathing likeness, very char and disposition.

220 Genl Hamilton, J Frothingham, impressive style of grandeur or command worthy the orig.

230 City and Country Beaux, 234 Sparking, Edmonds, truly wonderful compositions.

219 Inhabitants of Athens, J Petzl, pict entirely wanting proper dispos of light and shade, conseq its beauties overlooked, individ figs well drawn and highly finished, a gem, but tout ensemble spotty and disagreeable

July 1840 p. 421 praises Rev Bethune, knowl re fine arts, and Artists’ Fund Soc of Phila for being under control of artists, so not subj to whims, affectations and caprices fo soi-disant connoisseurs or patronizing aristocrats

  1. 431 NAD: Review of the Exhib continued

62 Nuns Wm Havel, compos reminds of Alston’s Bloody Hand, moonlight effect free fr leaden tone, warm tones fr raised lamp on suppliants effective and imposing.

79 Children, TP Rossiter, gd eye for color, careless drwg, right arm of infant fr wrong disposition appears cut off nr shoulder, left arm of elder also extremely faulty. Talent alm wholly lost, impossible to make a gd pic with bad drwg as to read without knowing alphabet.

88 2 young girls, GC Bingham, an effort without success.

91 Lady, FR Spencer, head beaut ptd highly finished, want ofdefiniteness at ends of fingers much injures pic.

108 Lady, JH Shegogue, most spirited, strongly char of the artist, can’t account for why gman whose talents and private worth all know shld not have reced honors of Acad, fear private jealousy.

109 Lscape J Talbot, unobtrusive somber true.

116 Murder Innocents, WJ Bolton, daring, slightfaults alm excused in so young by boldness of compos.

117 Fruit Piece AJ Oliver, beaut ptd, subj not worthy the effort.

121 Master Baker, WH Powell, free happy and unfinished, young artist great talent, keeping of his pics does him credit, well to be more definite in minutiae, not trust to genl effect for excellence

122 Lady JW Audubon, drapery well ptd, flesh chalky, pict wants pearly half tints

127 Lady E Mooney, promising, flesh clear gd

129 Gman, H Inman, his peculiar excellency in well chosen style and action, a composition in classical style, pleasing, all who have attempted to tarnish his fame have been foiled, his ports defied crit

137 young lady, Miss J Stuart, bold attempt much success

143 and 216 portraits, SA Mount, rapid strides, early still life faithful accuracy, ports boldly drawn truly colored

148 Gman, J mins, quiet, gd port.

153 E Ranger, H Inman, no subj so well adapted to his peculiar powers, Ranger’s dramatic personifications, Inman accurately embodied. Speaking likeness

175 Gman, JE Freeman, left side finely colored, right without keeping, so wants rotundity and relief, not excusable amid so many other gd pts.

180 Lady, R Boyle, carefully copied fr nature, only requires warmth

197 New Story, JL Morton, well composed, studiously correct drwg, light and shade

199 4th of July in the Country, C Deas, highly char in all its details, negro in foregrd an exact representation of chivalric feeling as produced by brandy.

204 Lscape WM Oddie, amateur, credit to pros, nicely penciled, excellent keeping.

209 Highland society member, J Linen, beaut cabinet pic, head of Henry  Clay by him fine too.

242 Blackberry Girls, WS Mount, has departed fr usual style of coloring, produced more pleasing compos than formerly, accessories fr nature, healthy florid complexion of principal fig and happy delineation of her joy, truly interesting

258 Lady, Ed Marchant, vast improvement over his former works, we’ve spoken in hi terms, has many in studio far superior.

259 The Appointment, SA Mount, compos ofnoordinary merit, lively, sparking, playful, lover ofhis art.

266 Lady, Ingham, language inadeq to do justice.

306 ____ ____ ____. Not on the catalog, shld nothave been in the exhib, positively unworthy a place.


Dec 1840 p. 365 TheFine Arts: visited studio of TS Cummings, miniature port of VP of Merc Lib Assoc, breathing likeness, very sinuosities fo face and peculiar pts of char, free fr waxy softness, finish but also depth, force and apparent action, masses of hair free fr staid, barbarized appearance of extravagantly high lights. Better than Malbone, Robertson etc.

            His compos Bijou designand expr agreeable, drapery and accessories freedom and flowing eleg, but we prefer the individuality of a port.

            TC Cole just finished alleg Voyage of Life, surpass all his former works, describes them, unus excellence in genl tone of these pics, avoids russet so common in lscape, nature alw represented in a state of decay, here in full health


Jan 1841 p. 433 The Fine Arts by C, NAD: announces premium for historical ptg on Indian subject, regret no more lectures. JG Chapman has finished Baptism of Pocahontas, haven’t seen it, but publish artist’s description, pioneers of xtianity. John FE Prudhomme, one of our first artists, v beaut engr of Bishop Chase. Cole gets $5000 for Voyage. Leslie big payment fr Queen Vic. Geo Harvey proposals for views of Am scenery, beaut and minutely finished, letters of Allston, Morse and Sully beyond cavil. Copyright petition to Congress.

April 1841 p. 196 Fine Arts: ED Marchant 17 Park place, exhib portraits of Pres Harrison, Henry Clay, John Q Adams a masterpiece, hi praises bestowed by southern papers, friends agreeably disappointed with his improvement.

            Praises Cummings yet again.

May 1841 p. 283, NAD

Crowded, genl improvement manifest, esp in classic positions and arrangements in portraits, not annoyed by eternal sameness of backgrds in ¾ views. V few poor pics, some necessary for young artists.

            Find fault with some of the crit in our city papers. It is morally wrong for those unacquainted with the arts to meddle with the fame of artists, their emolument is so closely connected with the popularity of their works, that author of unjust and unmerited faultfindings shld be subj to a lawsuit. Only of pretenders to critical acumen, for no true artist deprecates a just criticism, if made in spirit of genuine love for art.

            Exhib gd opp for mechanics who wish to cultivate a classical taste, esp designs at showrms of Storr & Mortimer and Broadway, demonstrates advantage of those who study design

1 Happy Valley fr Rasselas, jesse Talbot, has many beauties, gd atmosph, but whole so strongly tinctured with plagiarisms, can’t pass without comment. Trees fr turner, fr other masters, artist imbues mind with gd masters, but when compounds a pic and sends it as orig, can’t pass by, shld close observe nature instead.

3 EM Brown, Canute, compos v faulty, and usual fault of unstudied compos, bad drwg.

6 Lady, J Burns, apotheosis of a gown fresh from the dressmaker’s. 7 Gman, J Burns, ambitious attempt by a tyro without the ability to perform, young artists shld content themselves with simple ports, instead of accessories that require years of practice.

8 Gman, HP Gray, unequivocally gd, but bad varnish.

9 View on Hudson, WJ Jewitt, well managed, clouds in distance resemble smoke fr burning meadow

10 Children, H Inman, middle head gd, but why exhib this pic when he has so many other and better.

11 C Verbryck’s—for sale.

12 Saul and Witch, ADO Browere. Why admit such pics so void of merit? Witch more frightened than bystanders

June 1841 p.353 NAD: Review of Exhib, contd

Lady, F Alexander, high scale of color, warm in tone, can’t approve of backgrd, but great credit, his 30, 111, and 146 of great merit.

15 View on Hudson, WJ Jewitt, merit in intention, wants ease in  manipulation

16 Young Ldy, ED Marchant, fine round head warm pleasing tones, metallic highlights. 19 Rev Dr L Beecher, ED Marchant, strong gd head, free fr objections to 16.

17 Gman, Durand, strong individuality with correct drwg, well deserved rep

18 Young gman, SA Mount, unique and fearless position, hand wld do credit to any

21 Lady, W Page, never seen a better portrait, texture of skin so precisely imitated, hands most accurately drawn with peculiar appearances of age, quiet nonchalance, peculiar accessories perfectly rid work of appearance of a pic, nature’s self occupies frame.

            1st truly gd pic by Page at Clinton Hall 5 yrs ago, Mother and child, then he was little known, strong hopes for his future, for next 2 or 3 yrs met anticipations of friends, unqual praise. But last yr scene changed, exhib pic female standing in broad daylight, alm without shadow, really puzzled critics, had admirers and fault finders, not able to describe its merits or demerits to be understood, even opponents undecided if novelty and peculiarity had surpassed their comprehension or whether it was really faulty.

            21 bears no resemblance to his former works, tho entirely superior, wouldn’t be recognized as same pencil. 135, 142, 237 ptd in entirely diff style, cold even to blueness, and conseq unattractive, but merits of a hi order, again has puzzled critics. Casual observer condemns them, he who peruses finds beauties to remove doubts of their propriety. By his various manners or styles Page called the experimental painter, may prove beneficial, but mistaken when he exhibits experiments, just show 21.

22  Columbus before Council, RW Weir, has well earned hi rep, compos soar far above mere manip and acad correctness, compos hi class and achieves all it attempts, Claire-obscure produces quiet without loss of grandeur, accurate accessories, whole effect pleasing and forcible, fig of Columb not equal to rest.

25 Children, H Inman, praising him is useless, first place. Gd scheme of color, diff complexion of kids artistically delineated, entirely superior to No 10. 24 Three Ladies, well composed and v effective. 98 Lady in riding dress, even gloves ptd fr nature, in his felicitous style.

27 Mercy’s Dream, Huntington, a blissful reverie, transcendently beaut, fine classic taste of artist, only academic faults, Carey purchased for $700

28 Lscape View Sullivan Cty Inman, heard foliage is too green, arises fr comp with other pics, fault of our lscape ptrs to put gorgeous beauties of Am autumnal tints even in midsummer pics, nature has charms in most healthy state, tho more diff to represent than when assisted by variety of tones that mark her decay, entitle warmest praise.

33 Hon D Cady, F Fink, gd warmth strength. 34  John Anderson my Joe, WR Hamilton, still life gd, but figs remind us of Thom’s statues in Scotch sandstone, same tone of color

37 JH Caldwell, Marchant, excellent likeness, v char of orig, his ports of Harrison, Clay, Adams are strong proofs

40 Yankee Pedlar, JR Bleecker, why this attempt shld have been admitted is diff to understand, entirely void of merit or humor. 104 Lscape, an Autumn Evening, an attempt.

41 Gman, Miss J Stewart, gallantry forbids we find much fault, but appears copied fr papier mache head of a lay fig, not slightest trace of mortality.

46 4th of July, JG Clonney, difficult and well composed, has ptd little but with much thought, well versed in grammar of art, drwg, that faults forgotten in admiration of accurate and well studied forms, requires practice in coloring, but evidently close habits of observation. Shadows too warm, cold sky don’t warrant them.

47 Village Doctor, TH Matteson, Nothing like Wilkie. 103 Novel Reader, Edmond has many admirers, but few equals.

48 Achmet Ben Aman, E Mooney, admirable, unexceptionable likeness, details accurate, complex v unusual but produced rotundity, rare merit of perfect tone.

49 Lady, J Whitehorne, some parts surpass, but left hand not well drawn, and both hands despite diff posit in same tone of color. 62 Girl, J Whitehorne, gd port fr nature, free fr faults of 49. 78 Boy and Rabbit, artist’s best head, hands carelessly ptd.

51 Gman, WJ Jewitt, backgrd contains too much, beginners’ fault to crowd pics and divert eye fr principal obj. 79 Boy, gd design, quiet tone, drapery and foregrd shld have been ptd fr nature.

52 Boy and Dog, WR Hamilton, artist has some beauties, but more faults, dresses fresh fr washwoman, nicely mangled, very trees have appearance of precise preparation, dog would puzzle a naturalist

52 Cider Making, WS Mount, characteristic compos, so closely ptd to nature its location readily discov Suffolk cty, every fig gives evidence of its attn., details compose grand whole

54 Stump Candidate, J Hagan, without merit, every fig badly drawn, void of interest

55 Lady, Ingham, female ports stand alone for delicacy and finish, has become fashionable to find fault with highly finished pics, as it does away with force, weakens identity of forms, polished surfaces too smooth for nature. Not the case for these, faultless drwg, perfect his pic. 157 and 217 truly masterpieces. 70 Child head inimitably expressive, lower limbs have haziness we don’t underst, backgrd not in his usually effective style.

61 Cascade on Catskill, E Verbryck, much merit, has gd rep, but prefer his other works in exhib.

66 Lady, Shegogue, gd design, so well arranged as to position etc to be a composition, 67 also do him credit. 74 Lady, gd judg in attitude.

72 Sea Piece, EH Ludlow, entirely wanting aerial persp, really diff to judge relative distances

80 Lady, GC Thompson, face and hair fair, sky positively bad.

83 self port, JD Blondel, excellent, style peculiar to himself, industry

85 Hon PR Livingston, WH Powell, full of merit of a v  hi char, fine apprec for beaut arrang of color, shld pay as much attn. to delineation of minutiae and genl effect, less sketchy. 91 Boyish Reverie, glowing peachy specimen, shoes and stockings fr nature, so shld all the accessories be ptd to be truly great. Rock around head shld have been more broken, intent to relieve head not then so evident, and more perfectly accomplished.

86 Gman, Chev Jos Patania, in mod Ital schl, like 99 truly beaut in parts, but want tone and proper arrang of color, whole is passed by unnoticed. Why artist in Italy surrounded by Titian and masters shld select colors without reference to truth, produce such cold, unnatural and unmeaning tones. Pic or window alongside produces a hard line and angle, destroys compos.

90 Lscape, M Livingston, evidently by an amateur.

110 Lscape, Cole, exquis, forcible style. 189 Falls on Genesee, after seeing 110, 124, 128 unwilling to believe this pic exhib with his consent, sketchy, spotty, not his usual accuracy in details.

111 Lady, F Alexander, fearless successful design, beaut colored.

113 Xmas presents, EW Goodwin, by a beginner, promise, ptd fr nature, drapery of centre fig v gd, neck shows talent, fearless desire to copy nature without following others plans

121 Young Lady SA Mount, has many v excellent pics, clearness of shadows and quiet tone, likeness of WS Mount 126 inimitably like.

122 Hudson Riv, JP Beaumont, draggled, dreamy and unnatural, a broken world in a kaleidoscope

147 Lscape, Weir, happy effort, forgrd extremely bold, eagle adds much to genl effect

150 News-Boy, H Inman, great breadth and portrays the peculiarities of that biped a news-boy with much truth. The accessories are carefully ptd and tend to illus the habits of the boy

170 Sea-Coast, WM Oddie, pleasing, improves on previous

179 Young Lady, Huntington, more than beaut consummate skill

195 H Inman, by E Mooney, fully worth the orig, plain, unostentatious, void of claptrap, alike simple forcible true to nature

216 Self Port, TP Rossiter, gd dispos of light and shade, after manner of Fink

219 Mom and Child, Allston, had expected much, disappointed, loved Bloody Hand, this a gd compos but manip in flesh not him

218 and 224, Billetdoux and Begging the Secret, HP Gray, imitation of style of old masters, much better than most of old pics denominated choice in colls of our cits

230 St John and 231  Julius Caeser, G Marsiglia, much to admire in finish of some parts of first, but drwg v faulty; second wanting in tone as a whole, ea fig truly beaut but together flat and insipid, coll of beaut sm pics on same canvas

238 Bull, J Burford, beaut ptd full of truth and nature

240 Miniature of DE Tylee by TS Cummings, admirable great truth squareness of shadows, delicacy, hands absolute ports


July 1841 p. 419 NAD Review of Exhib concluded

241 mini of LP Clover, TS Cummings, all his minis are gems, esp Pres of Merc Lib Assoc, now in exhib, frame 317 A Mother’s Pearls, necklace of minis of children, versatility, but 246 Bijou void of his prized individuality, not ptd fr nature

2250 and 254 are strangely ridiculous.

251 and 255 Portraits by J Nims v pleasing cabinets

269 and 318 Engravings by Prudhomme, correct copies, free fr usual fault of Am engravers of sameness in quantity of shadows. Aerial persp well maintained, mech arrang of lines dots etc convey accurately style of painter

285 Port by Weir, first one we’ve seen, accessories beaut subdued, remind us of late GS Newton RA

288 Mini gman, HC Shumway, all 3 of his minis show improvement, 315 and 321 his best, delicacy of finish,a ccurate drwg, force of oil

311 mini J Arthur, by JA McDougall, young artist, full of accessories of most diff kind seldom attempted in mini, posit easy char accurately ddrawn, less impt parts well subdued, give full force to head, sweetly colored, likeness. Drwg fearless.

3121 Ameriga Vespucci, Miss A Hall, truly astonishing, full of strength, highest scale of color, never seen a port by a lady so fearlessly drawn or so boldly colored, warmth and identity so masc (ladies usu paint timidly) shld suppose it masterhand of other sex.

319 Scene at Paterson NJ, GO, an amateur, far above mediocrity, worthy of his name in full


July 1841 The Sculpture p. 421

Acknowl ourselves incompetent, so v easy to model a head tolerably well, so diff to do exceedingly well, requires so much knowl to decide betw good and superior. Head of Inman by Ball Hughes bears off palm. Gives a letter fr W Allston endorsing his position that young artist shld spend all his time drawing the fig, before trying to make a whole pic; chiaroscuro can produce striking effects, but without an atom of truth in component parts and forms. Ok with Duss school for purity of taste


November 1841, p. 256, Apollo Assoc

Don’t believe any institu devoted to fine arts not entirely under control of artists is useful, still put merits of exhib forward. Gem is Sortie of Garrison by J Trumbull, his best work, bold and fearless in compos, arrang of color in hi scale showing brilliancy without loss of evenness of tone, figs studied the antique, fine engraving recollected. So v superior to any later ptgs by Trumbull, diff to believe him the artist. Many other good pics by G Stuart, Inman, Frothingham, Page, Huntington, Bennet, Marchant, Cole, Neagle, Leutze, McDougal, Godfrey Kneller, Cruikshankds, excellent exhib and thinly attended