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The Age

May 12 1838 vol1 no1, motto is Second to None, no party feeling or polit controversies or abuse of private character. Skips to 15, p.2, critical of NAD and Shegogue. 16 p2 Catlin, wish govt would buy his coll for huge sum, we neglect genius, long praise of his efforts and an artist of no mean repute

May 17 1838 vol 1 no 5 Lewis Lewis and Wm M Watt, 131 Nasssau. small size. one cent.

Admire Biddle. 18 death of Osceola poem. Dickens is better than scott, will achieve more reform. Robt Wetmore resigned fr Whig comm chair, willis hall takes over. 19 object is to furnish local items, of interest to NY-ers. Herald and Eve Star and Whig give blessing, but Sun is opposing, they did in the Morning Chronicle by intimidating carriers, but Age owners are men of family and property and wont be awed 21 riots bad, ok for white people to amalgamate with colored if wish just don’t parade it publicly 22, 23 like Phenix the DA. says “Hannington come and take down your daub. It will not do for the Age. 24 zealots wrong to try to grant colored full humanity, will lead to violence. Mocks phrenology. 25