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Aristidean: A Mag of Reviews, Politics and Light Lit. March 1845 its first issue. By Thom Dunn English, NY and Phila and collaborators C Wilkins Webber, Edgar A Poe, Walter Whitman, Herman S Saroni, Mrs EF Ellet, Mrs Jenkins, Mary Lawson, Robert Tyler of Phila, AM Ide, Jr, Saml Hood etc

  1. 70 Bishop Onderdonk of NY by TDE

            great joy among sinners when saints deserts, evil doers fr Alexander Hoag to ed of NY C and E gratified at Bishop Onderdonk. Examine testimony to see how far accusations are proven agst him, bishop’s actions described as impudent, resulted in prompt expulsion of anyone fr a stage, etc. Defense says aggrieved maintained friendly rlns, also seems true. Willis and defense urge that no truly modest woman ever was insulted, so ladies were not really modest. Defense urge drink. Had sat down to make acase for the defendant, but think him now guilty on evidence. Affair of public import, if investigation hushed because of station of offender, morals of body politic will decay.


TDE: Pro-annexation to foil England. Pro-Polk. Democrats.

  1. 79 Our Pigeon-Holes—notices NY Gall of FA, some orig (perhaps?) ancient masters, few worthy of notice fr modern artists:

            7 Mischief in the Pantry, Edmonds, story well told but slightly sacrificed to breadth, his only rival in domestic subjects is Mount, who is superior in exquis truth but inferior in artistical arrang.

            8 Boy fallen asleep over his dinner, Phillips, An entire absence of that slavishness necessary to success in subj of this kind is fully apparent

            10 Mom, child and butterfly, GW Flagg, unpoetical in conception, lame in drwg, inharmonious in color

            12 Pres Monroe fr Stuart by Durand, NY Gall gains a pic by this copy, but Stuart loses.

Course of Empire: story well told, daring genius who conceives mighty things and carries them out. Yet a want of reality, which in eyes of many a virtue in imag compos, but we dare to think diff. When an artist takes for his subj real objects, fails if don’t remind us of nature. We feel with these pics presence of great beauty, wonderful things, but no deception to mind or eye. Distances do not appear to be atmosphere, nor the foregrounds firm earth. Compos remarkably fine and drwg except figs gd, great secret of his lack of entire success is he lacks color, and Aerial. Trees all green, even in distance. At first view an uneasy sensation, excessive and peculiarly brilliant greenness. Great merit of originality.

            22 Nun GW Flagg, hard, carelessly drwn, meagre accessories, altogether arranged in bad taste. 23 Match Girl GW Flagg, has redeemed himself in this, sweet melancholy, her sadness aided by tone and color in surrounding objects. This species of compos his forte, he fails in Beaut.

            26 Chess Players, GW Flagg, head of negress finely ptd.


April 1845 p. 114 The Demo Review

            Editor notices it’s fr a pen of disting fellow cit; ed of Demo Rev also ed of NY Morning News, a journal detested by the Democracy, worst characteristics shown in these two publications.

            Writer dislikes them as opposed to Tyler and Texas


Oct 1845—anec of Breughel; critical of Broadway J ed Edgar A Poe satire of Aristidean, which noted that English wrote for New Mirror. Responds to a corresp We are not impartial, never were, and hope we never may be. We are only independent.

Dec 1845, had favored repeal (Irish indep) but became enemies of O’Connell who attacked US as nation of robbers