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American Phrenological Journal

American Phrenological Journal

LN Fowler has series of portraits and analysis of artists, including Washington Alston, John Banvard (1848), Thomas Cole (1851) Daguerre (1852), Godfrey Frankenstein (1854), Francis B Carpenter (greatest triumph port of HW Beecher) 1858), James Bogle (1858),  Rembrandt Peale (1860)


Oct 1851 p. 90 Hughes of Boston sculp of Oliver Twist in Great Exhib, not ideal, but stern privations

Jan 1853 story on Michelangelo, also has one on Thorwaldsen and Mdme Rachel, Delaroche

Feb 1853 p. 45 Miscellany, Talbot’s Pictures, a NY journal mentions new Encampment on desert by Jesse Talbor, regrets not in NAD, caravansary, deserves commendation. Also like his illus of Last of Mohicans, wrriors of Uncas, wild glen; Christian and the Cross warm and glowing owned by Whitman,exquis touches and delicate outlines, repro of a larger pic. Principal attrib, great simplicity, no crowding, purity of color, soothing, quieting effect. Thought needs more vivacity and incident, but prob only obtained at expense of some better qualities. Studio 306 Broadway, admired portraits.

April 1853 p. 77 Clark Mills and the Equestrian, sent by a Southern subscriber, JHR, Greenville SC, work of plasterer in Charleston, learned to model fr an Italian selling Napoleon in streets, did bust of Calhoun, friends sent him to Rome

Aug 1854 p. 40 quotes fr Dr Dods—But in Young America and Old England it (the Press) has broken loose. It is unchained, and before its awful power tyrants this moment tremble and their thrones shake. It flings out its sheets by millions, and showers them over the globe. Condemns or acquits, thousands of eyes, proclaims verdict to the world. Dec 1855 p. 127 Progress, Young America shall triumph

Jun 1856 praises a lost Velazquez Chas I at Stuyvesant Insti


Jan 1857 p. 15 The Cosmop Art Assoc—illus its gallery with Greek Slave, mentions Palmer’s bust of Spring, and busts of Clay, Webster and Calhoun by Rocia etc. Ptgs fr best Am and foreign artists, Rogers, Mrs Spencer, Flagg, Koffman, Sommers, Harting, Wilson, Lawrence, Livell etc


Feb 1860 p. 19, Phrenology in Art, from Geo Combe

May 1861 p. 84 Old Young Men. We hear much of YA, and have been looking for it for yrs. Artist published litho called YA, not more than 3 yrs old, but mor philos than fun after all in the pic, we have only children now and would be men. Nothing strange to see boy five years old with a cigar in his mouth.


American J of Homeopathy, weekly, doesn’t seem to have anything