Browse Collections (76 total)

Golden Rule, and Odd Fellows' Family Companion


weekly newspaper, $2 a year, 6 1/2 cents per week, no sectarianism, from high Romanism to ultra Protestantism, even Unitarians. Intend the magazine as…

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American Odd Fellow


monthly magazine, published by wood engraver John W. Orr on Nassau st.

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Young America

Young America 1856 Jan 5 Powell Geo Law.jpg

Saturday weekly, 12 pages, $2.50 per year, 6 1/4 cents an issue, 28 Nassau Street

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Yankee Notions

Yankee Notions 1852 July p213 disunion.tiff

monthly, $1.50 per year, 12 1/2 cents per issue, 98 Nassau Street

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The World

World 1860 Nov 29 French pics.jpg

penny daily, 35 Park Row

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Vanity Fair

Vanity Fair 1860 Aug 25 p104 artists.tiff

satirical weekly, 6 cents, $3 per year, Louis H. Stephens, publisher

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True Sun

True Sun 1848 Dec 28 Wash Mon.pdf

penny daily, Whig, 162(?) Nassau street (next to Tribune office)

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Tribune (New York Tribune)

Trib Apr 5 1861 NAD no2.jpg

penny daily, 6 cents a week, Whig/Republican, 30 Ann Street

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Sunday Times and Noah's Weekly Messenger

Sunday Times 1859 Nov 20 ptg statuary.jpg

weekly, 3 cents, $1 per year; 4 cents, $2 per year, 162 Nassau, Deans and Howard publishers

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Sunday Morning News

Sunday Morning News May 12 1839 NAD.pdf

weekly, $3 per year, 11 Wall street

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Sunday Mercury

Mercury 1860 Express art crit re NAD.jpg

3 cent weekly, $1 per year, 18 Beekman St, 109 Nassau Street; 4 cents, 22 Spruce Street; 5 cents, $2 per year

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Sunday Courier (New York Courier)

Sunday Courier 1859 Mar 13 Aurora.jpg

weekly, 3 cents, 124 Nassau Street, 8 columns; 75 Chatham Street, 15 Spruce Street (4 columns but 8 pages)

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The Subterranean

Subterranean Nov 20 1847 Greek Slave.jpg

weekly, 3 cents, $1 per year, $1.50 per year, 27 Ann Street, 30 Chatham Street, 180 Nassau St., Kimber and Kraft publishers

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Spirit of the Times (also Wilkes' Spirit of the Times, Porter's Spirit of the Times)

Porter's Spirit 1857 Apr 11 cartoon statues.jpg

weekly, $3 then $5 per year, 20 Nassau St, 180 Broadway, 233 Broadway, John Richards, and later Jones, Thorpe and Hays, proprietors

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The Saturday Press

Saturday Press 1859 Nov 12 Whitman portrait.jpg

weekly, 5 cents, $2 per year, four pages, 9 Spruce Street

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New York Reveille

New York Reveille 1851 Aug 9 picnic.jpg

weekly, 2 cents, $1 per year, 47 Ann Street, J. Barton & Co. publishers

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Le Republicain

Republicain 1853 Jun 29 NAD.jpg

daily, $8 per year, 17 Spruce Street. French typographic union, proprietors.

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The Republic (1844)

Republic 1844 Apr 26 NAD.pdf

daily, 2 cents, $3.25 per year

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