HomeKatz's Unofficial Index to Antebellum New York City NewspapersKatz's Notes on Antebellum New York City NewspapersThe Sun

The Sun

ACEThe Sun  AP2 S966  (also Library of Congress)

begins with Sept 3, 1833, ad on last page (p. 4) for Cheap prints of all kinds at Matteson’s print store, Nassau and Chatham; also ads for Park and Bowery theaters; Sept 10? ads for Jarvis F Hanks on 80 William St for sign painting;  warner ad for scenery, sign and ornamental ptr, 156 Chatham st, lscape ptg taught in 12 lessons; ads for Amer Institute fair, on the 11th ad for Grand gallery of 100 splendid ptgs by the Old Masters, at 175 Broadway nr Cortlandt, celeb include Miraculous Foreshortening by Carracci, Woman taken in Adultery by Giorgione, David’s triumphan entry in to Jerusalem by Frank, and admirable Port of Black Hawk

Sept 17 ad for Mechanics Institute

goes fr Sept 18 to Oct 24 to Nov. 2 to Nov 11

ads for Cooper’s last novel, excerpts from Life of Crockett, poem by a reader on the death of Napoleon Bonaparte, excerpts fr Eugene Sue, puffs John Neale’s Down Easterners with Harper’s. excerpt fr Peter Simple, fr Bio of Major Downing, likes the North American Review, lots on Napoleon

            -attacks J of Commerce as disingenuous partisan, sectarian, advocates arisotccratic power against the journeymen

Dec 13 p. 3 The Star states 150 casks of bronzed statues arrived fr Liverpool, faithful likenesses of Bonaparte, Jackson, Wellington, Van Buren, Swartout, Cambrelung, Hamilton, Biddle, disting personages, but turned out to be lead, bronze figs free of duty but lead pays 3 cents per pound, whole will be seized, confiscated and melted.  What an amalgamation! no fighting in the crucible;  Mr Van Patten, brought up to be a shoemaker, but now is following his natural genius, in Oneida Democrat compl a correct and highly finished port of DeWitt Clinton, presented to proprietor of Clinton House in Utica

Dec 14 p. 3 weird story fr England about a drover trading dead pigs for pictures, was cheated by a dealer

Dec 19, p. 3, auction of rare and orig ptgs at 72 Hudson st; mtg of 8th ward citizens interested in erecting a Monument to GW, at ward hotel on 168 spring st.

Dec 23 p. 3 weird story re Frederick Wm, who believed he had a taste for ptg, practiced art during fits of gout, models were his own Grenadiers, when portrait was colored, he’d have the soldier’s face ptd to resemble the pict; on the 24th p.3 a joke about a traveling profile cutter; Dec 27th p. 2 fr a London paper re an ornamental ptr who kicks women

Dec 31 p. 2 Cinti Republican says equestrian fig of celeb Black Hawk exhib, attn, looks savage as a meat axe


Jan 22 p. 3 ad for Painters, members of House Painters’ Society mtg at Harmony Hall, Duane and Wm streets, to dissolve the society, John Marrenner Pres

notes JG Bennett formerly of Courier and Enquirer and the Pennsylvanian, prospectus for new daily paper Phila Evening Star

jan 24 p.2 observe 2 likenesses of disting character Major Downing in windows of our print shops, great politicians wear 2 distinct faces, for portraits are not alike, one is a wretched effort of fantasy, the other by Endicott & Sweet has some merit

            -ads for Jarvis Hanks, William st, sign painter; for Wm F Stratton, engraver; for a Housepainters meeting to dissolve their society

Feb 19 p. 3 Bronze statue of Thom Jeferson exhiv no 155 Broadway, proceeds to poor, work of French Sculptor David, brought by Lieut. Levy, intended as a present to Congress

Feb 26 p. 4Stuart, Tom and Towser, period of Stuart’s career as an indep port ptr, attendant a wild boy, son of poor widow, played w/dog Towser, Stuart tricks him, considered eccentric, taken fr NY Mirror

anti slavery, pro union; notices the celeb caricaturist Geo Cruikshank’s illust for a volume called Sunday in London; uses sublime as praise, unrelated to art; had a little blurb on genius (not in rln to art) 

nothing in March

April 7, p.2 notices a coarse woodcut in April Knickerbocker, pretending to be ‘original ouline port of Miss Leslie”--patrons are gullible

Apr 17 p. 3 fr travelers you’d think Italy only statues and ptgs,m no one alive, ancient artists ignorant of anatomy, yet faultless, thus genius grasps knowl w/o possessing its coarse vehicle, chaste diction by those w/o grammar; Apr 18 p.2 anecdote of great Thorwaldsen working on colossal scale

Apr 24 1834 lists NY daily papers, inclu Cour and Enq, Eve Post, J of Comm, NY Standard, Demo Chron, Evening Star, NY American, NY Gazette, Daily Advert, Mercantile Advert, Commercial Advert, NY Transcript, Morning Star, The Man, The Sun

Apr 25, p.3 blurb on romantic story of  a Persian Sclptor, admirers a lovely monarch, sought an artist to carve her likeness, Ferhand (rest hard to read); Apr 29, p.1 anecdote of a ptg by Rubens of the Crucifixion, 12 inches square, purchased  at Clapham by picture dealers for a few shillings, who sold it to patron Catermole, his friend tells him it’s a Rembrandt, buys it, cleans it, sells it back to orig picture dealer, who finds a provenance and sells it to a foreign agent for King Bernadotte of Sweden for new gallery at Stockholm.

praises Greeley’s new weekly, the New Yorker; like Bennett has lots of interest in Jews, is anti-black; praises Redfield’s Family Mag ed by Origen Bacheler, criticizes the import of English periodicals; also praises Snowden’s Ladies Companion, puffs Harper’s and Carville’s

May 1 p.3, literary editor of the American sees a bride smoking a pipe, a subj for Cruickshank’s men and manners or for Johnston in his next Trollopeian wonders

May 8, p. 3 2 celeb Corregios in coll of Ld Londonderry purch’d for Nat Gall 12,000 pounds; May 10 p.2 praises Knickerbocker under its new editors Lewis Gaylord Clark and Clement edson, vs old puffs; May 28, p.4, coll of picts belonging to Duke de Berri sold in London, inclu cabinet pict by Gerard Dow, Dutch girl gatherina pink, sold fo 500 guineas while 8 others have been purchased, lowest at 280 guineas

Jun 6 p. 3 a Medical student ofBaltimore, native of Ohio, displ grt genius in moulding likenesses in wx, ignorant of common tools, exec w/as much skill most diff faces as complete master of the art; p. 2 puffs NY Atlas for June beaut engr likeness of M Van Buren

Jun 20 p.3 a miniature likeness of a young lady ptd ivory set in gold, lock of hair under case, in hands of cnstable Hays pawned by an arrestee and an owner is wanted

notices Hill the Yankee actor and Forrest, lots of stuff on Lafayette; J Graham poem on Freedom’s land (implicitly critical of slavery?), not a lot of theatre ads, just the Amer Mus, likes poet McDonald Clarke

Jul 2  A Painter’s Nicety--Gerard Dou ground his own colors and made his own pencils, kept locked in dust free cainet, sat motionless when starting his work to let dust subside.  Ptg of a broomstick a finger in length excited visiting gmen, v highly finished, told them required 3 days more assiduous attn

Jul 3rd C and E pronounces as a good deed the recent outrage on the figurehead of the Constitution and upholds rioters at Chatham St Chapel, friends of decency and order will denounce the courier

Jul 11 mob burning furniture of Mr Tappan of Rose st on Weds, one obj was port of Tappan, another was taken down, when someone noticed it was of GW, and was replaced on the wall.  Mob at the Bowery (led by butchers?) got rid of English actor Farren, who’d been critical of Americans--Sun mocks Hamblin, likes Forrest (copies a long bio on him fr the Star).

            -praises Col Morris of the Mirror for his role in the riots.  generally sympathetic to colored injured in the riots (as is the Star)

Jul 15 p.2 Appropriate Wood Cut in alm every country paper the first article attracts our attn is huge represent of a man’s head, w/jaws distended, stuck upon a saddler’s awl held by invisible person’s hand, ad for Dr White’s cure for the toothache

Jul 18 ad for Victor DA Browere, Sign and Ornamenta painter, 328 Broadway, at Bondst

Jul 22 p. 2 notices suit agst ed of Commercial Advert  for libel on Lewis Tappan; Col Stone’s account of it in yesterday’s paper. 

            -anecdote of a modern critic praising ingenuity of ptr in enlarging into three volumes materials only adequate for one, compares it to a cook for a boarding schl

Jul 24 p. 2 ad for Browere’s statues of notorious pirates, Gibbs and Wansley, at Braodway and Ann St, also statues of Dying Sailor, Weeping Cabin Boy, busts of John Johnson the murderer and Joseph W Parkins ex Sheriff of London, coll of Native Workmanship not surpassed by imported skill or bombastic quackery.  Artist, Mr Browere, powers of genius and ability, perfect facsimiles of face divine and human form in every varied attitude, in way must supercede clay.  patrons of native genius.  Harrington & Davis, proprietors.  (Jul 30 gives it a puff)

Jul 26 p. 1 notices first volume of Bancroft’s history of the US (origins of slave trade in New World by Spanish), from Northampton Gaz..  likes Fam mag and Knickerbocker.

Jul 29 p. 2 copies fr the Evening Star an account  of the wax fig of Gen Jackson and Tecumseh in the museum struck by sun thru glass case, half their head s melted

Aug 4 p. 2 anecdote of Marquess Granby and Hayman the ptr, a regular ptr of history, resembled elegance of Jack Ellis, spoke of his art in terms no decent person wld now use.  Like Ellis, he was a hero of the fist, Granby fond of same, and when he sat for Hayman insisted on a set to.  Hayman’s wife had to separate them, then H cojmpleted the portrait.

            notes Bowery opens for season, manager pledges to public he will promote and encourage native Amer talent (I don’t see an ad).  more stories than other papers.

Aug 9 puffs Mirror’s Portraits of the Presidents, beaut engrav, rich magnificent genl effect, design by Weir engr by JW Casilar

            likes play by young gman of this city Removal of the Deposits at Bowery, laughable (is critical of the Park for not having more Amer actors)

Aug 20 notes editors of sixpenny sheets Col Stone and J of Commerce quarreling re foundling the almshouse keeper named Wm L Stone, both eds shd contribute to its support (generally argues Stone incites anti-abolition mobs).

            notes proposal for a sm daily paper The Woman, by Ann Royal of DC

Sept 9 p. 2 says Forest Rose was nr failure at Park T, mr Hill alone saved it.  Mocks Greeley’s last issue of New Yorker for creating a jumble.

Sept 15 p. 2 anecdote of unfortunate artist fr Richard Cumberland re famous Florentine sculptor Torrigiano, a contemp of Michelangelo, d 1522, carving Madonna and child of natural size for a Span grandee, after the model of one already done, ingenious artist much pains and application, matchless sculpture utmost effort of his art, striking performance greeted with delight and reverence and applause, but his pay was much smaller than he expected.  resenting the insult, broke idol in pieces, grandee impeached him to Inquisition, Torrigiano urged right of an author, reason, but superstition decreed death and T died under torture.

Sept 16 p. 1 Traditions of a Ptr, Juanes, native of Spain, 16th c, curious anecdote fr Mr Cumberland,  his best known pict is of immac concept in college of Jesuits Valencia, credulous believe it an original, fr vision of Fra Martin Alberto I a white dress etc, pencil sanctified, painted Virgin saved Juanes fr a fall fr the scaffolding

Sept 19 p.2 Artists’ Quarrels, about a fruitseller and a wood sawyer beating; p. 3 Painters Club, besmear drunkards found in the street, in Washington, NC(?), member was murdered by a victim

Sept 20 p. 1 says Loafer term orig on NY Canal, individ more idle than vicious, no regular place of lodging, scant raiment, ennuis, lived upon a loaf

            puffs Cobbett’s Life of Jackson a few times, Harper’s/RL Richards Ann st

Engaged in a controversy/lawsuit (libel or slander?) with Evening Transcript, esp over their police columns

Oct 4 p. 1 Nollekens, celeb sculpt, d immensely rich, parsimonious habits, disliked Flaxman, recommended Chantrey for busts, generous to fellow artists.

            bad jokes abt jews

Oct 10 p. 2 account of a young man Edw McCallum, a ptr by trade, only in country 12 hrs, got drunk and into fights, jailed

Oct 13 p. 2 notes Ann Royal of DC in town, editor of Paul Pry,intro’d her to editor of The Man; p. 4, fr the Courier, Matthias the Imposter in prison is daily attended young artist taking port engrav for publication.  Matthias wouldn’t permit just the face, but insisted full length, robed in pontificals (later notes the engrav appears in Family Magazine, avail 45 Ann St)

Oct 14  p. 2 critical of Brit comedian Mathews at Park for not being polite enuf re Amer

Oct 15 p. 3 Murder of Miss M’Rea, tragic death, Gordon’s History of the American Revolution, says she was killed by the Indians hired to convey her to her Brit lover, aggravated by her dress worn to receive fiancée, a gd subj for a picture, recently been used for that purpose, Mr Lewis P Clover, No 180 Fulton st, just pub’d lrge colored print, repres actual view of lscape where murder, tree at which she fell, time of action is moment of quarrel betw 2 Indians claiming her

Oct 17 p.3 article fr London New Monthly Mag, pub in Nat Gaz, un fair false represe, of panorama of NY in Leicester Sq, some parts reality of effect baffle minutest scrutiny, a shabby Birmingham or Manchester

            copies bits fr Willis, descr. of the exotic.  Advertises or puffs the Amer Inst, but doesn’t review it.  Notes pamphlet with engravings of a Peep Behind the Curtains at the Bowery, promising authentic accounts to expose moral corruption

Oct 22 p. 1 excerpts Money Digger fr Irving, p. 3 notices not very favorably Elton’s Comic offering for 1834 (presumably the Herald’s engraver?)

Oct 24 p. 3 fr Jour Com. a Curious Invention, ingenious artist, machine for engraving, as well as by hand, less expense.

not so disapproving of Geo W Dixon as Herald et al.; supports policy of banning small notes, Nov 9 p. 3 publishes the engraving of Robert Matthias, the Prophet impostor fr Fam Mag (pretended jewish preacher)

Nov 10 p. 2 praises memoirs of Rev Saml Osgood Wright, by BB Thatcher, pub Boston

attacks a rival paper (Transcript) edited by Mr Greene for slandering Day, names Billings Hayward, Willoughby Lynde, Wm Attree, paper funded by gambling houses.  Also notes attacks by Courier, J of Comm, the Times and the Jeffersonian.

Nov 20 p. 3 French artists at Moorshedabad India, casting pagan gods in bronze.

admires Bulwer, ok with phrenology

Nov 27 p. 1 anecdote, innkeeper in Engl req’d Ld Wellington to allow his port over door of his house, competition etc, joke is at Wellington’s expense, an ass

Nov 28 9. 4 anecdote of Copley, sitter demands dead wives be inclu in family piece, 3rd wife objects, Copley has to sue for costs of obliterated portraits

Not really any politics, seems to like Alderman Talmadge.  will publish some of Mrs Childs’ Appeal, also Jack Downing

Dec 5 p. 3 litho port of Celeste as Wild Arab Boy, credit to artist Mr Hall exec, dancer and friends say most correct.  mocks Bowery audience, and notes that the punch room indicates Hamblin is a liberal patron of the fine arts, prints of every description, fr “lady in the bath” to gman turning a somerset, sans culottes.” false modesty to say such pictures have a bad effect

Dec 15 p. 4 Fine Arts at Munich, a murderer sculpting his death in dough?, staff of life image of death

Dec 18 p. 3 preparations for statue of Hamilton to go into Merchants Exchange in rotunda, recently finished by all Hughes Esq of this city

notes John Neal taking over New England Galaxy, and excerpts it (also the Commercial Advertiser, Boston Transcript)

Dec 24 p. 3 notes the Mechanics Institute lectures, puffs a dioramic Ptg of departure of Israelites at Niblo’s, gives size, noblest pictures ever exhib, instructive winter entertainment

Dec 25 p.3 puffs Stanley’s Book Print Store, Broadway and Canal, splendid display, all the Engl and French lithos and engraves,a lso the Engl Annuals

Dec 30, p. 2, Mr HL Clover, Fulton st, pubd splend engrav port of Mr Forrest, superb


Jan 1 p. 3 ‘gratitude of a ptr’ anecdote fr Houbraken, Mieris friend of Jan Steen, drunk in tavern, rescued fr sewer by cobbler, rewarded him w/pict in his best manner, his friend Cornelius Plaats wld pay them 800 florins for it

critical of Fanny Kemble, likes Knickerbocker

Jan 6 p. 2 anecdote fr Dunlap re Jarvis, the portrait ptr.  Bishop Moore of NY sitting, conversation on relig, Jarvis the poet tells him to shut up.  p. 4 a story fr John Inman, fr the Mirror.

Jan 8 p. 1 story of The Reverend Author of Lacon, a gambler, who also invested ninety thousand francs in pictures, believed he was a knowing one, a connoisseur, tho a poet hadn’t slightest sensibility nor taste for fa, but desire of gain, set up as amateur and purchased a gallery of rubbish as chefs d’oeuvre, amting to several thousand pounds, obj to sell to picture hunting nobility and gentry at profit, but at end of three yrs disposed of them at loss of 90% to same dealerswho had sold them to him, who did make a profit.  fr the Metropolitan Mag.

Jan 14 p. 1 “good society in NY” by Doctor Bill  is revealed as snobs, shun mechanics, retailers (diff fr importers), and scandalous that someone went to the opera with a port ptr (same person upset because of a visit fr a watchmaker)

            likes Spirit of the Times under Wm T Porter’s happy style, notes Hackett, Sheridan Knowles, Aaron Burr bio, Hemans, supportive of reform more than the others, inclu the Chatham St chapel, Judge Hall, CF Hoffman, thinks Noah hates Albany Regency

Jan 17 p. 2 anecdote of Greenough’s wit (pun on the artist not the sitter making a bust)

Jan 19 p. 1 Philo submits an extract fr an ancient publication interesting to juvenile readers on Giotto, his cruel caprice in wishing to draw a crucifix to the life bound a man to the cross, stabbed him, matchless piece of work, Pope extolled exquisiteness, unaffected, death drawn to the life.  Everyone knows a masterpiece represents a passion or a thought well and natural; greater to describe their absence.  Pope condemns his murder, allows him to finish ptg, he destroys it, Pope crazy will kill him unless draws another, Giotto removes the varnish and restores it, Pope ignorant of ptrs’ arts and was ravished.  Ptrs’ triple ingenuity absolved him,  model for most famous crucifixes in Euro.

p. 4 anecdote that celeb doctor lectures on statue of Venus de Medici that ancients would laugh at her in corset and heels; another supposed antique statue was discovered fraudulent (or fr a modern sculptor) because toes and waist were distorted, modeled on a celeb actress known for her perfect form, but spoiled for a Grecian nymph of the antique

Jan 22 p. 4 anecdote fr Dunlap, gman hired Mr. Stuart to paint his and wife’s port, cldn’t make her handsome and preserve a likeness

Jan 23 p.2 notes appearance of journal True Sun by Wm F Short and ed by Stephen B Butler, Whig, anti-masonic, mostly borrowed material fr Badger’s Wkly Msger

Jan 24 p. 1 anecdote of Vandyke, every town in region has a gd collection of art, celeb pict of St Martin in sm church nr Brussels, VD en route to Italy on trip pd for by Rubens, falls in love with girl at kermesse, needs money, pts altarpiece, lets patron determine price, enuf to let him depart

Jan 28 p. 1 poem fr NY Mirror, ‘the Miniature’, held in hand likeness, fairy wand touched with beauty grace and life, absorbed by artist’s skill, nature true, joke is not at all like her won’t kiss back

Jan 29 p. 2 beaut bust of John Jay for Congress, a duplicate by John Frazee for Jay’s daughter, firm as the original, superior as a work of art, can see it at office of the Recorder

Jan 31 p.4 Statue of Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, splendid specimen of the arts, 202 Broaday, attractions richest rarest kind everyone not just amateurs admire.  full length likeness, taken fr ancient statue of Egypt, recumbent, dictating msg to Mark Anthony.  beaut statue of hard composition, elegantly ptd brilliant flesh-color, eyes bright sparkling, teeth purest white, ears small thin pendants, fine glossy ringlets, fairest proportions and finest polish, every natural indentation shade of coloring, bust full elegantly turned most perfect symmetry, contour of face beaut expressive, intriguing look, ankles naked in sandals neat perfect shape, tout ensemble captivating lovely. body slightly clad undress white satin, art’s exquis workmanship, most finished piece, most delicate modesty can’t be offended, interesting, wonderful skill talent

Feb 2 1835 anecdote of Ptr David and Duke of Wellington, fr Cabinet de Lecture, David refuses his portrait; p. 3 notices Mr Origen Bacheler (the combatant of Robt Dale Owen) publishing an excellent monthly , w/engravings  p. 4 anecdote fr Notes of a Traveller, Statue of a Giant in Italy, carved in rock by John of Bologna, most imposing fr a distance, air of reality.

Feb 5 p. 2 recommends diorama at Niblo’s to schoolteachers, can imagine oneself in the city

Feb 6 p. 1 Brussels lithography being used to do novel subjects in carpets and tablecloths. uses phrase ‘signs of the Times’ to refer to Duffie of SC and southern desire for breaking the Union.  notices the Italian opera.

            -notices an alternate New York Evening Star will be pub’d, to fears of Major Noah (who crazily favors phrenology, the French and lotteries; J of Commerce also opposes war with French)

Feb 9 p. 2 notices Thom, the sculptor, exhib at London statues fr Scott

Feb 11 p. 3 description of Roman practice of collecting portraits of great men, by contemplation of whose example tyrants were overthrown;  Fairfax did same for engrav or warriors, an Athenian courtesan in midst of orgy saw port of philos and instantly reformed her.  So have orientals employed artists to do portrs of court principals, to remember past and immortality

Feb 14 p. 1 anecdote of Morland, the Artist, eccentric, his dead infant in a coffin, barnyard animals, himself whistling over a beaut pict that he was finishing at his easel while drinking gin

Feb 16 p.2 notes Messrs Cammeyer & Clark pubd hands engr likeness of Wm Marcy gov, fro rig medallion, v superior manner exec, excellent likeness, have also pubd Gov Marcy’s Grand March, arranged fro piano, extraord beauties, for amateurs.  Another puff for Cleopatra, seen by noblesse of our city, but now proprietors propose to divest it of costume to permit connoisseurs and others to examine fine form and eleg proportions of inimitable piece as other like specimens of same interesting art are exhibited.  Anecdote fr Lives of the Artists re Blake’s enthusias, on his deathbed still tinted with choicest colors, happiest style, drew wife’s portrait

Feb 18 p. 4 Picture of Lady Jane Grey, picture at Louvre for King Philip, Delaroche, every fig a masterpiece (expressive).

attacks conventional (aristorcratic rather than moral) definition of a gman; seems hopeful of war w/France, likes Justice Marshall

Feb 20 p. 2 another puff for Nibo’s Diorama a regular advert. brilliant persp, magnify illus wonderful effect

Feb 23 p. 1 print of drop of water seen thru microscope at Amer Mus, fr Mr St. John

Feb 26 p. 3, Female Heroism and Magnanimity, saves child, refuses reward.  A magnif. ptg in prep showing the rescue fr accurate sketch by an officer, eminent artist taking her likeness.  Ptg shows lady in widow’s dress extric lovely child fr dead nurse, other hand stopping a charger fr trampling it, officers w/swords stabbing her.  From London Ct Jo.Feb 27 p. 4 Correggio’s Death, canon of church where he was ptg so displeased that to insult him they pd him in copper that he had to carry 3 miles in burning sun, died

            notes Edw Everett nominated for Gov of Mass by Boston Anti-Masonic Soc

Mar 4 p. 1 WH Seward, Chamber of Peers, notes décor of Palace of Luxembourg, including alleg statues, fine ptgs by mod Fr artists, monuments to previous reigns, statues of great men of antiquity, ptgs of career of Napleon

Mar 9 p. 1 excerpts fr Audubon on Runaway slave.  supportive of trades unions, mechanics.

Mar 18 p. 2 notices a splendid picture represe method of capturing a sperm whale in So Sea is abt pubd by Mr Hulsart, $1

Mar 21 p. 2 Col Morris of Mirror rec’d fr Amer sculpt Greenough at Rome a most beaut marble bust of Willis, grace ease spirit delicacy of execut for which artist is distinguished, graphic facsimile of orig to be exhib at Acad of Arts

dislikes the weekly Citizen of the World; notes Duff Green of the Washington Telegraph is like J of Commerce in exploiting journeymen printers as is Mr Snowden of Wall St

Mar 30 p. 1 ‘Rubens and the Spanish Monk’ Rubens and his illustrious students find a masterpiece in an obscure church, monk refuses to return to world

Mar 31 p. 1 anecdote of artist Pigalle giving money to man to keep him fr debtor’s prison

Apr 4 p. 2 likes Soc for Diffus Useful Knowl

Apr 6 p.1 humorous story fr “an old paper” on The Auction, lists to be sold a superior collection of fair hands, dimpled chins, etc and other valuable commodities, property of a connoisseur, also quantity of smiles airs, etc, further pictures of all celeb beauties, drawn in black, by a set of female painters whose lively imaginations enable them to produce the strongest likenesses….wounded hearts.  Likes journal the Family Minstrel.  Notice of the Stone Cutters resolution to strike in response to State Prison Monopoly (Sun shares their dislike of Eli Moore)

Apr 8 p. 3 A short excursion for Pleasure announced by Tinkham & Hart of NYC, cruise of Mediterranean, company to include a physician, geologist, botanist, lscape ptr, intelligence, fare abt $3000

Apr 10 p. 1 story of Napoleon and Maria Louisa, she had been given his portrait, when they first met tells him your port is not flattered; p. 2 pufs Catlin in N Orleans; ad for engravings fr Risso & Browne, 115 Fulton st, for osouthern and western merchants, 150,000 subjects, all new

Apr 11 p.2 excerpts fr Eve Star notice of Adam and Eve, fine ptgs by Otis, not copies

Apr 14 p.2 puffs Belshazzar’s Feast splendid diorama now at Niblo’s

Apr 22 p. 2 A Sign (anti slavery soc. in KY headed by james M Buchanan).  Thinks city shd support Mechanics Institute.

            seems to approve of Martineau andHannah Moore

Apr 30 p. 1 another poem fr McDonald Clarke, The Marble Statue (Hamilton in merchants Exchange), Commerce has raised upon her Throne, Spell of Stone, gazing crowd, Illustrious image bowed.  p. 2 Messrs Bolton, Fox & Livingston heard fr Savannah the large coll of oil ptgs fr estate of late Danl Blake, Esq, adjoining theatre in that city, had been robbed of v valuable catalog, supposed stolen by CC Croly, alias Brown, and brought to NYC.  Discovered alias was Wm Jones, a ptr, found the ptgs at Aaron Levy, 123 Broadway.  Some ptgs worth $500 ea., 100 ptgs. 

not enthusiastic abt Britain, likes Greeley, May 7 p. 2 notes journal Spirit of 76 pub’d UC Watson at 25 Ann st, noble and manly stand agst foreign intrigue; Sinclair’s Peristrephic Panorama of life of Napoleon, instru and entert, fr Waterloo to tomb, at Euterpian Hall Broadway, desire for historical knowledge.  tons on Mathias the prophet.  Likes Hoffman’s usual happy style in Am Monthly Mag, likes JQ Adams in Knickerbocker.  May 11 p. 4 takes fr the Herald a bit abt NY as the true Empire State.  May 12 p. 1 takes fr the Evening Star a blurb on American mechanical Workmanship, the hose cart of the Niagara Co of this city, tasty and ev accurate and spirited ptg of Falls of Niag and a female flying with child fr house in flames

May 15 p. 2 ‘Another Thom’ a young man, John McClymat, a mechanic in Mr CV Hagner;s factory Manayunk, successfully exec in wood “The Temptation” fr celeb pict recently at Masonic Hall, Phila, extraord work, first attempt, w/o instru, fr once seeing the pict.  Figs as large as life.  Fr Germantown Telegraph.

            doesn’t much cover the theater, tho notes Celeste, a few actors, etc. 

May 18 p.2 notice sale splendid picts (edge of paper missing?).  May 19 p. 2 celebrates close of Ital Opera as human monkies, mountebanks.  Likes Ogden Hoffman. splendid Palmo’s.

May 20 p. 2 The attempted sale of the ptgs in Barclay St on Monday was an entire failure, only one piece, View of Hastings, sold, for $120.  Two of dogs and game by Fyt went at private sale, the rest are being sent elsewhere.  The times in this city are unpropitious for artists, except architects and masons, those with money invest in work of bricklayers and other modern masters.

May 22 p. 2 The Kemble Pictures.  Endicot immortalizing the silly girl of the Journal than they are.  No. 2 of his Sketches, greatly rejoiced our spirit, an “interesting” looking picture, caricaturist, one of them has no peculiar attractions, the best is when he gets facial expressions.

May 28 p.2 puffs Belshazzar’s Feast again, magnificent, size, admiration of connoisseurs and citizens, long description of gorgeous imagery, one of most perfect illusions

Jun 2 p. 1 praises WC Bryant’s The Prairies in the Knickerbocker, comparable to Irving’s Tour.  p.2 best caricature we’ve seen this season by unknown hand shows Pres holding money bag and shillalah, facing Louis Phillippe, who accepts his apology, it’s “true to nature”

            advert for Engrav of Signers of Dec of Indep w/key, $6, at GW and AJ Matsell, 94 Chatham st, also selling Paine, Jefferson, etc.  Takes the side of Mr Welch over the Clinton Lunch.

Jun 4 p. 2 notes Young Sully has returned to Phila after sojourn in So, lrge share of dad’s talent, lofty eminence in profession

Jun 8 p. 2 in response to a correspondent complaining that the electrifying apparatus at Peale’s museum doesn’t work, and there’s nothing else to see, the ed. recommends visiting the third story and looking at the ptgs

Jun 9 p. 1 anecdote of Wilson the ptr fr Frazer’s for April, eminent lscape ptr poor in Rome, his laundress used as lining to his waiscoat one of his splendid canvasses w/waterfall, grotto, turning his productions to profitable use.

            -ad for the Park, also for free thinking societies

Jun 10 p. 1 paragraph distinguishes betw genius, talen tnd cleverness; clever write verses, talented write prose, genius writes poetry

Jun 16 p. 2 caricaturists kept busy with Kemble and the French business, a large one holds the mirror to the whole family of “kingly descended” strollers, with doggerels; Jun 23 p. 2 notes Johnson of Boston noted caricaturist is going to do more on Kemble, handsome

Jun 17 p. 2 more puffs for the dioramas at Niblo’s, also City Saloon/Hannington’s Grand Diorama, most sublime, truth to nature, scene in Italy, East India, Mosco superior to maelzel’s.  Jun 18 p. 2 puffs Audubon’s magnif plates exhibited in Coleman’s windows, better than tame, mawkish and indelicate prints of his competitors

Jun 29 p. 2 Among the ptgs now for sale in the Amer Gall at Boston is one of Fanny (kemble) as Julia in the Hunchback, no one will buy but Mr Butler

ad for H Bartley, sign and ornamental ptr, transparencies, etc 45 Sixth Ave

Jul 6 p. 1 original portrait of Franklin taken when abt 25 has been discovered in coll. of Hubbard family in Boston; p. 2 notices splendid engraving of Wash Monument in Baltimore in new NY Mirror

Jul 10 p. 1 takes tale of Ben. Smith, Loafer, fr Knickerbocker

Jul 14 p. 2 bust of Marshall (now dead) by Frazee at the Exchange commands admiration, splendid piece of art, likeness, exec, finish, material faultless

A lot of clipped articles missing this month and last, Aug too.  Rogers’ Ginevra.

Jul 25 p. 1, extract fr No Amer Monthly Mag of July, autobio of Frazee, the Sculptor, scene w/Mr Webster disting Senator.  urges him to keep cool, after overhears Webster saying no likeness in the model.  Performs for him a speech in senate, grave dignified attitude, higher noble mental traits.  He is now doing an Anto-Relievo of GW’s last interview with his mom for capitol.  p. 2 more puffs for the dioramas.

Jul 27 p. 1 more on the loafer fr Planus, proposed a monument to his memory at Catharine Market, a decanter, with reliefs, etc

Jul 29 p. 1 Will of John Randolph, fr Richmond Inq, 1832, sell property except for library, engravings included, pictures, plate furniture, leaves to his heir.

he’s been critical of Brit actor Vandenhoff, who Bennett? has been ok with. scornful of nullifier Duff Green.

Aug 6 p. 2 Cleopatra in wax in Boston doing well despite editorial disapproval.

Seems to believe in Joice HEth.  generally pretty kindly to Noah.

Aug 8 p. 2 rec’d beaut pantographic engrav Las Supper inimitable style WL Ormsby, imitation of statuary of Leonardo’s celeb ptg (?).  Likes Mrs Norton.  Aug 11 a puff of Hannington’s diorama, the Deluge, awfully grand, sublime thrilling interest, audience included Mayor, Common Council, many Clergy.  more puffs before and after, including an Impromptu on it by ECH (hannington?) p. 4 on the 21st

Aug 18 p. 1 blackface dialect story of “a collection of drawings” puns on misunderstanding of word draw, e.g. drawing room but sees no color, no pencil.

Aug 20 p. 2 states position on abolition, favors it in DC, ok to petition, no legal right to meddle in southern states, calls it an evil, sin.

a newspaper the anti-Transcript?   Bennett advertises his paper

lunar hoax continues thru the 31st.  Aug 28 p. 2 notes that large beaut print of lunar animals et al pub’d at Sun office for 25 cents, produced by most talented litho artist in city, Mr Baker of Norris & Baker, Union Bldgs, Nassau and Wall ST, who copied it fr sketches of Journal of Science.  v talented artist, had worked for Herschell

            Aug 31 p. 2 notes the Panorama of the Brooklyn and Manchester Rrd in Brooklyn, grandest in 30 yrs, gives size, never seen nature so closely imitated by art, cars are correct models, skill of artist and mechanic triumphed

Sept 2 p. 2 yet another puff of Hannington, fr NY Mirror, solemn and affecting, magnificent conception,  spectacles, striking perfect mechanism, fashionable audience.

            -ad for The Banner, a new penny daily advocating Harrison

Sept 3 p. 2 another splendid print illus lunar discoveries by accomplished artist Mr Baker, superior to first

Sept 7 p. 2 plan to do an Editorial Portrait Gallery (hates Hoskins, editor of Courier & Enquirer, British), mockingly admires Leggett of Post, for his classic taste, chastely adorned imag, exalted rationality, noble magnanimity and grace, pure Phidian grace, finely sculptured Attic elegance of rhetorical drapery, since Junius’s letters, air didactic grandeur, correct and elevated style, never low in diction or ideas.  But not as forcible as Mr Daniels of C&E, uses a huge claymore rather than a rapier, concentrated wormwood, scorpion

Sept 10 p. 1 negro clearing land Mr Villard, Westmoreland VA found miniature enamel ptg, oval, exquis ptd, man of quality of last century, describes costume, lost during revolution by a French officer

Sept 18 p. 2 notes Mrs Hamblin’s arrival and appearance at Franklin, her reply to Hamblin in the Star

Sept 19 p. 2 European news, death of unfortunate and gifted countryman GS Newton, the ptr, fr London Courier, late of Boston, talents well known

Sept 21 p. 2 Picts at Clinton Hall, really splendid picts of Raphael’s Apotheosis of Madonna by Baron Vogelstein, Nativity by Correggio, worthy nicest amateurs.  more puffs of Hannington, who is doing the lunar panorama, best artists.

Sept 22 p.2 gives gd review to a Fanny Wright book, calls a beaut work of art a wood vase, fr Boston Journal

more puff of Hannington, go and be delighted, Miss Sedgwick

            -later another puff notes that a dog in the audience thought the man bats were real

Oct 3 p. 2 Police Office, Black Art, a gman coach-painter Chas Jones of Rivington st, amateur of dark colors, attacked black ptg who refused to yield to brush of white ptr, tried to amalgamate her into white colorings of his art

Oct 5 p. 2 reviews Pictque Beauties of Hudson Riv, series of Views fro rig drwgs, engr by disting artists, Sam L Knapp, pub J Disturnell 165 Broadway.  beaut pamphlet, elegant style, artists handywork, Smillie view of Palissades, drwg by DW Cla, view of Harbor of NY by Smillie, view of Hell Gate drwn engrav A Dick.  Famed performers (the engravers). for the public

Oct 6 p. 1 excerpts a scene in Florence fr Norman Leslie, by TS Fay, forthcoming Harpers, a Sculptor sat alone in his studio, sunshine alm gave warmth of flesh to cold marble figs, marble blocks soon to be awakened into half-breathing shapes.  youthful, character of melancholy and intellectuality peculiar to profession leads into higher realms of thought and imag. slender, labors of the mind, expanded forehead, toils when seems at rest, high classical mould, pale, no common cast, genius, enthusiasm with animation.  women love him, striking, beau ideal for genius.  Before him bust of beaut young girl ideal creation? kisses her, must part with it, disdainful of its lacks compared to the orig, plans to become a patriot for his country.

            likes Paulding, likes Gov Cass

Oct 8 p. 2 mocks Courier and the Times for praising a life of GW in Latin--next day has a puff of it

Doesn’t review Mechanics Fair.  Notes American Inst is permitting women to judge needlework category, approves.  Commercial Advertiser is royalist/unrepub

Oct 16 p. 2 Observes R Sheldon Mackenzie is Liverpool corresp for both the Eve Star and NY Mirror, a consummate jackass, mocks his title LLD, namby pamby twaddle, Notes benefit to Widow of Dr. McCaffrey, who lost his life in mob last summer, benefit at Franklin, Dinneford most liberal, widow and nine children.  Notes Norman Leslie is based on occurrences in this city.  Include an engrav on last page of beaut scene in Hannington’s Lunar Panorama,  Blurb on Thom’s xquisit exec statues fame, accurate personators, exhib at Acad in Barclay st. 

p. 4 lscape of Lunar Discoveries, volcanos, palms, paradisiacal, w/descript fr Sunday Morning News, sublime and facetious, admirably hit off, better than a novel, worries that Judge Lynch will replace Justice Marshall on the Bench

Oct 22 p. 2 notices Fire Engine No 4 at Am Inst Fair, cost of ornamenting $1300, carving of two Indian chiefs by J Dodge & Son, gilding by Wm Cook, ptg by Mr Lloyd of Newark, Port of Red Jacket, crowning beauty, by Wier, after his own picture.  Hose Co No 5 also attracts admiration, ptg etc by Messrs Bockel, Quidor, Lambert, Whittingham, etc, vignette on box byCadore of Canal st of vessel on fire at sea.

            also notices Hannington’s window blinds and transparent signs

Oct 23 p.2 notes Frazee of this city finished for Boston Atheneum, queen of Amer institutions, beaut marble bust of Hon John Lowell, part of series.

            notes attack on Mr John Inman by Geo Morris in last evening’s Star; ungntlemanly, later the Commercial Advertiser attacks Sheridan Knowles

Oct 28 p. 2 port of Nero in gallery at Florence in youth before deformity of character was exhib, well shaped head jolly countenance, expression of hypocritical benignity

Oct 29 p.1 reprints praise of Oliver Wendell Holmes poetry; p. 2 notes bio of Simon Kenton.  now wants to help TX

Nov 6 p. 2 observes of the elections that the regular Tammany ticket (Gideon Lee) was successful over the “native American” candidate, and the locofocos favorite, Job Haskell, also lost, an eyesore to the silk stocking party

            -likes Disturnell’s annual (cheaper than the others?). anecdote of Kosciusko. notice of New Harmony, likes the New England Mag

Nov 13 p. 2 has same blurb on modern crit, peasant girl stirring fire, curvilineal etc

Nov 16 p.2 loves actor JB Booth, also tragedian A Adams.  puffs Thom’s celeb statues, shown with glassworking and magician and juggler

Dec 1 p. 2 young artist v extraord merit mini ptr 230 Pearl st, pupil of Otis, named Germon, hi celeb and patronage  Includes anecdote about farmer and Gainsborough’s pigs.  Ad p. 3 for F Kearny, Historical Engraver, 4 Wall st

Dec 2 p. 2 corresp fr Dublin, English gman admiring portraits in dining hall of Dublin College, cleaner id’d them for him, joke re political quarrels betw men portrayed

Dec 5 p. 2notes benefit for J Graham Scotch blind poet (who he’s published often) at Mr Thom’s exhib Amer Acad FA

Haughton of the Atlas is in league with sixpennys, esp J of Commerce, anti-liberal. Dec 10 publishes Origen Bacheler’s defense of the not literal truth of scripture? of skepticism?  Likes Jackson’s presidential message.

Dec 15 . 1 a maniac pretending to be a lunar bat came to ed office, saw litho of Lunar Animals wafered to wall, screamed, prayer pose, cackled, ecstasy of feeling

Dec 16 p. 2 never really crit of Eve Post.  Notice that the Rotunda to be leased 5 yrs to Mr Vanderlyn, who built it at a loss, for exhib panoramic views, City spend $1000 to fit it up, an act of justice to meritorious and talented artist

Dec 18 p.2 notes Disturnell has pub a beaut engrav miniature map of city with portion burnt defined by coloring (same as in Herald?)

            -where Bennett said abolitionists all burnt out, Day says advantage was they were all insured out of the city

Dec 21 p.2 publishes map of the ruins (and later notes map in Commercial Advert is incorrect)

Dec 23 notes a Hnnington benefit for fire sufferers, a puff for Hannington fr Courier and Enquirer; had earlier ntoed the Bowery benefit.  gives full list of sufferers, mostly all merchants, a few engravers

Dec 24 p. 2 Covers Harper’s new releases, Mrs Sherwood et al.  In favor of moving the post office out of Wall st, Likes Snowden’s Ladies Companion, also covers new prints, a dept of FA: Andrew Jackson engrav by Ormsby after model by RE Launitz, fr Frazee’s bust, 142 Nassau st, best likeness yet, vignette below of Jackson chasing Biddle.  The port of Rev Jacob Heffenstein, pub Lewis P Clover 101 Fulton st, most villainously engraved ever, artist shd only attempt a wood stack or negro in the small pox.  Also Robt Burns, delicate fairthful litho copy of Thom’s statue, drawn JH Bufford, pub Endicott 359 Broadway.  Praises Stanley’s shop at Broadway and Canal for Annuals.

Dec 26 p.2 notices Bufford’s litho Ruins of the Exchange v well exec.  Apology for severity of notice of Helffenstein, as first production of young artist not yet sixteen, but for a first attempt MR LP Clover jun, precocious talent, not slovenly production of an older.   happy post office is in Rotunda.

Dec 29 p. 1 publishes (again?) the imprompto on Hanington by ECH


Jan 4 p. 2 praises Free Enquirers’ Family Library for superb litho, Reason  enlightening the nations, by Bufford, pud by Matsells 94 Chatham st.  A v excellent likeness of Mrs S Chapman, late of Park Theatre, just pub by WW Snowden of the Ladies Companion, engr Gimber, fr ptg by ED Marchant.  etching of this likeness illy compares w/beaut line work of Durand.

            v enthus abt Norman Leslie and Last Days of Pompeii at Bowery T., Louisa Medina

Jan 13 p. 2 catalog of ptgs in London had funny descriptions; Jan 14 p. 2 blurb on esate sale of baron Gros, the ptr, in Paris, Napoleon’s hat sold for 360 dollars

Maintains neutrality abt Maria Monk until it is proven false, publishes extracts.

Jan 23 p. 2 notices Harper’s new books, inclu Pictque Beauties  sold at Disturnell, says view of Weehawken large foregrd tree most picturesque and finely drawn, best lscape engravings in country

Jan 28 p. 2 Fine Arts: A critic in Star compl agst Courier critic’s strictures on certain ptgs in annual exhib of Acad of FA in Barclay St.  opinion conduct of press generally towards this acad has been truly contemptible, fulsome indiscrim praise or  unfeeling unpatriotic indiscrim condemnation are the characteristics of respecteable sixpenny crit upon FA.  only a few mags and weeklies prevent artists fr wishing that the large dailies would never write abt the profession, they only mar it

Jan 30 p. 2 snipped article so can’t read blurb on monument to GW in DC.  Notes Dunlap’s article on Influence of Arts of Design in Amer Monthly Mag for Feb, beaut engrav of Byron’s home in Greece.  Geo Dearborn, pub.  Ladies Companion masterly engrav of interior of late Merchants Exchange, with statue of Hamilton, WW Snowden

Feb 2 p. 2 Splendid picts of Grt Fire, largest best exec litho print ever pub in this country, most spirited drwg of fire in Wall St/Merchants Exchange, admirably represented, sm part of merit and interest of magnificient production.  21 portraits of well known and distingu persons at the awful scene, Mayor, Sheriffy Hilyer, C King of the Amer, Webb of the Courier etc. likeness is well expressed, key to print, Artist is Mr Hoffy, publisher is HR Robinson fo Courtlandt st.  colored and varnished shd be framed

Feb 19 p. 2 notes West’s Death on Pale Horse has been bought by PA Acad.  Still regularly puffing HAnington’s diorama

Feb 27 p. 2 Ladies Companion for March has “Isadora Marnesque,” tale of NY fashionable life by Mr Germon the v skilful and accompl miniature ptr in Pearl st, admirable

Mar 7 p. 2 notices a sale of ptgs, marine views, today 330 Broadway, amateurs gd bargains.  Large no are origs by Mr T Chambers, marine and lscape ptr ad proprietor of coll.  v creditable speciments of talents as artist.  Lists three views they like of his, and mentions several excellent ptgs by well known masters.  v fine flower by De Deem, naturalness, truth of colring, minuteness of finish characteristic of Dutch artists.  another flower piece by Legers is handsome, 2 fine portraits of Alexander of Russia, fr valuable merchant’s collection, estimated $6000 ea.  recommend any  patronize a worthy gman to attend.

            copies a puff for Hannington’s diorama of the late Fire, ingenious, natural, striking, fashionable audience

Notices appearance of a penny paper called the Democrat, wishes it success.  Has seemed to agree with Noah abt conquest of Mexico as a potential paradise.

Mar 15 p. 4 cut of Hanington’s Moving Diorama, with Exchange in Flames, awful splendor, truth grandeurstrikingly natural

Mar 22 p. 2 comical Lithos fr Mr Robinson Courtlandt st, “elegant accommodations” scene on Fulton Ferry boat (in court for overloading), true faithful outline drawn by eyewitness; satires on French king and Jackson and the indemnity, and v excellent on present hi prices.  [later notes that it’s Mr Endicott on Broadway who pub’d serio-comic caricature of Brooklyn Ferry; and on the 24th a correspondent recommends he turns to the state of the neglected streets)

Notes JK Paulding defends slavery.

March 25 attacks Courier and Enquirer (and Commercial Advertiser) in stronger terms, invested in Texas land company, promotes it accordingly.  now has ads fr Bowery and Park, and Mar 26 longer notices of them and the Franklin, likes them all

Mar 29 p. 2 notices West’s grt pict Death on a Pale Horse has arrived fr Euro exhib Acad in Barclay st

Mar 30 p.2 excellent litho print of Mr John Sefton in famous char of Jemmy Twitcher fr Mr Endicott 359 Broadway, pub by him and artist Mr Whitlock, Orange and Chatham st

Mar 31 p.2 blurb re bronze equestrian statue of Joseph 1, artist knighted, huge block of marble, in Lisbon

Apr 1 p. 2 praises Dearborn’s edition of standard works, inclu Dryden, exquis taste, prefers Dryden to Pope.  cautious abt Tx, tho Alamo gets hin worked up.  p.4 poem to Harrison as an advert

Apr 4 p. 2 Robinson 48 Courtlandt st laughable caricature of Jackson Van Buren and Major Jack Downing killing hydra US Bank

Apr 5 p.2 notice of upcoming exhib of of new productions at Acad of Design in Barclay st unusually splendid

Apr 12 p. 2 Fine Arts exquis production, most beaut specimens litho art port of great and gifted Thom Paine, would prefer a marble monument, inimitable print  Mr JH Bufford, artist of hi promise, fro rig port by Romney a faultless likeness.  Print very similar to most highly finished engrav, parlor.  Pub GW and AJ Matsell, 91 Chatham

Likes Amelia Opie, Marryatt

Apr 16 p.2 attacks Bennett for picking on Rosina, forgery.  Notes Mr Haviland architect of Phila has won premium for plan for New Merchants Exchange costing $300,00.  Notes a play at the Bowery of “The Demon Statue” most effective new piece. puffs Hannington dioramas.

Apr 21 p. 2 litho of Ellen Jewett (in bed after murder) pub by Robinson of Courtlandt st, sufficiently indecent to render it attractive to depraved taste, but not a likenesss

May 6 p. 2 gives a gd review to Richardson’s English dictionary, but notes no gd standard of the language--Richardson follows Johnson too closely.  the Mirror, Albion, New Yorker and Evening Post persist in the final k (publick)

May 7 p. 2 takes puff for Hanington fr Commercial Adv, interior of his Moral Theatre in the City Saloon truly beaut, ornamented with emblems of arts and sciences, drop curtain a chaste ptg, Hannibal’s return

May 8 p.2 notice for sale of Fine ptgs, 94 oils, many gems of art, some unquestionable old masters, Gurley’s Long Rm, 169 Broadway. connoisseurs.

            -ad p. 3 for E Bisbee, portrait ptg, 131 Grand st, correct satisfactory likenesses, those disposed to patronize fine arts

rather convincing indictment of the Texians as having no rights to independence, it’s just a land grab

May 14 p. 2 puffs NY Mirror masterly engrav by Smillie of We’rs View fr W Point, superb lscape in nature, faithfully depicted in ptg, copied w/sweet effect in v exquis engrav.  In a notice of the NAD, just compliment pd to v meritorious young artist, Mr JD Germon, miniature ptr of 295 Broadway, who has been sadly neglected by most of our public journals in their notices

June 3 p.2 puffs Amer Bio and Portraits series of engrav ports, Snowden now on William St, beaut steel engrav by Illman fr ptg by Stewart of GW

Jun 4 p. 2 notes well exec gd likenesses of Robinson and Jewett lithos pub Robinson of Courtlandt st, colored copies look remarkably well.

Gideon Lee sends reports fr DC to Sun.  Their coverage of the Jewett trial much less sensational than Bennett’s.  Covers GW Dixon, more puffs of Hannington’s rational entertainment, Jun 11 p.2 notes Dioramic Pict of London at Euterpian Hall Brdway, splendid ptg, Jun 13 supportive of Mrs Hamblin and her new theater.  Only sometimes covers stock market, gives prices.

Jun 17 p. 1 excerpts fr Knickerbocker Jun Odds and Ends of a Penny a Liner, stations himself in front of Colman’s window, to examine daily specimens of the arts, where businessman pauses wistfully splendid display then guiltily passes on, vs motley ragged amateurs admired legs of Talioni, hair of Mrs Wood, sublime conceptions of Martin, comic of Cruikshank, hatless cognoscenti

            -Jun 18 p.2 notes author is highly promising young C Matthews, also wrote the Prospects of Amer Poetry, praises Knickerbocker generally as closest to English mags.  Also puffs Ladies Companion, with engrav of The Bride, fr Leslie’s celeb ptg, by JD Germon, miniature ptr, first production in this

Supports Dearborn ed. of Byron agst crit. Likes NY American, Lewis Cass.

Jul 19 p. 2 excellent woodcut likeness of Osceola, or Powell, engr by direction ofCapt. Barr, correct outline of features.

            Jul 21 p. 2 publishes it, calls it a miniature.  part of a puff of sorts for Barr’s pamphlet on the war, sold at the Sun office

Jul 25 p.2 Bowen & Hoffey 59 Cedar ST pub spirited litho of “innocent Boy” Robinson flying fr room after he murdered Jewett

Jul 29 p. 2 anecdote in an article on Boreology fr celeb Amer artist Stuart, who couldn’t bear a bore, he’s presented as silent, irascible, impatient with feminine vanity

Aug 10 p. 2 fine coll of ptgs at Horn’s Custom Hse Hotel, a couple of most superb perfect Cupids, priv coll of gman who compliment loaned them, beaut creations of the pencil

Aug 11 p. 2 anecdote of a royal sculptor, Marie, daught of Louis Philippe, exhib Louvre; fr Evening Star.

sympathetic to assimilating rather than exterminating the Indians.  Doesn’t think much of Geo Morris or his brother? at the Commercial Advertiser, plagiarism, but then apologizes

Aug 16 p. 1 anecdote of genius of Geo Cruikshank, too ambitious to be a signpainter, unwilling to be patronized by a gman sponsor in London, self-taught, glad to get money, fr London Monthly Mag

Aug 30 p. 4 publishes complaint agst the  Astor hotel by a tradesman, comparable to the Herald’s complaints

Aug 31 p. 2 puffs Manchester and Liverpool RRd panorama at Niblo’s

Sept 5. p. 2 sympathetic to Indians being massacred by white men.  Reviews theaters, likes the National because prostitutes are kept separate from the respectable boxes, thinks the scenery is not gd, hasty chalky unfinished devoid of effect, homely coarse bad taste, but superb ceiling beaut drop scene and lovely ptgs over sidedoors around boxes.  Miss Clifton’s attitudes sometimes violent unto contortion, but otherwise graceful, as with females in prints and ptgs by old French masters. Celeste is great. Likes JR Scott, admire Booth but he behaves badly.  Park: Forrest and Power its ascendant stars; Bowery Waring and Cushman, Gates and Hamblin, melodrama as the leading attraction of his house, style of splendor, higher receipts.  Franklin has Wm Sefton, one of best melodramatic actors, John Sefton in low comedy.  Mrs Hamblin well spoken of.

            -p.4 continues lengthy description of the Manchester and Liverpool rrd

Sept 6 p. 2 notices Audubon’s arrival; the American lunch in Chatham. quarrel with the Transcript. Sandy Welsh’s lunch

Sept 10 p. 2 has noticed the Mechanics Fair a few times, but no details.  Blurb on Mr Otis, we beg to nform W. this eminent port ptr is out of city, but will resume his faithful and wonderfully expeditious pencil.  a pupil of the great Stewart, agree with W that port of elderly gman at Castle Garden Fair is equal to Stewarts; all the ports and groups there exhib have been ptd by Mr Otis in last few weeks

Quarrel w/the sixpenny Times, a Van Buren paper; likes Joe Jefferson and Wallack; calls fireworks designer an artist.  Sept 16 p. 2 notice that $1000 has been subscribed in DC to get a full length portrait of the Pres for City Hall; by public spirited men opposed to President’s political principles, but grateful for his interest in the city and its improvements (fr the Globe)

Likes Saml Jenks Smith of Sunday Morning news.  Noted Burr’s death, but not much more

Sept 22 p.2 notices The Token for 1837 ed SG Goodrich, article by Greeley, plates vary in merit, like GL Brown’s glade well engrav CA Jewett, frontispiece fr ptg by WW West engr Jos Andrews most perfect and exquis; title page fr ptg JG Chapman engr E Gallandit of an Indian girl lovely gem of art; of others can’t speak so highly.  Am Mo Mag for Sept has pitiful mean attack on Willis, written by Park Benjamin.

Seems to be opposed to a copyright law for foreign authors.

Sept 24 p.1 fr Eve Star, Prevost did admirably ptd exquisite beaut views vivid fidelity, strikingly effective perspective admirable, Amer Museum’s cosmoramic views

Sept 26 p.2 pro Hamblin rebuilding after fire, NY mirror v striking engr likeness of Fitz Greene Halleck, exceedingly well done mezzotint by Parker fr superb port of 3-4 yrs ago by Inman, resemblance perfect, sold separately

Sept 27 p. 4 fr London paper story of Pitcard, an artist, v ill, dies at altar, miniature ptr fruits of ingeinous labors, aged widowed mom

Sept 28 p. 2 puffs the grand exhib of wax figs in Acad of Arts in Barclay st represe the 56 signers of the Dec of Amer Indepn, large fashionable crowds;  Robinson of Courtlandt st pub litho of burning of Bowery, not critically correct, but v clever drawing, flames did not burst out in front as shown, nor did it occur at 4 am.  Also sent a v ludicrous sketch of a camp mtg  inclu Jack Reeve, considerable labor, better time than ridiculing a relig grp.

Notes appearance of New Era, under Locke and Price (a former editor of the Mirror). Oct 5 p. 2 machinery for efforts of genius with chisel, Mr Hawkins in Brit Scientific Assn, beaut exec specimens of workmanship.  Notices a Society for Architectural Drawing, useful but neglected art.  Publishes Stone (of Comm Adv) exposure of Maria Monk. later rejects  it.  Likes Latin life of GW; critical now of the Astor Hse, gd review of Paulding expose of Brit travelers, critical of Mirror.

Oct 20 p. 2 notes new caricature fr Robinson of Courtland st, litho likeness of ex-Sheriff Parkins, the “celeb miser”, print a mere daub, but slight resemblance to celebrated personage

Oct 29 p.2, new instrum for moulding busts invented in Paris, likeness to orig reduced to mechanical certainty, plaster 5 francs; a machine the “portrait mirror” in France takes port 20 min fr reflection of orig in looking glass (earlier had mentioned a machine for ornamenting/embossing wood)

Oct 31 p. 2 puffs wax Declaration again, splendid affair, figures rare specimens of art

Nov 1, p.2 v gd likeness Mr Gulick (of City’s Finance Committee?a Whig), drawn SH Gimber, pub by Graham of 7 John st, Robinson of Courtlandt st also v laughable polit caricatures of both candidates for presidency

Nov 2 p.2 fine specimen of statuary repres. Christ carved of single block of chrystal, large dimensions, added to museum of Duke of Orleans, splendid exhib of genius and art

Nov 4 p. 2 France has 82 museums, 160 public schools for the advancement of the fine arts, 2231 exhib artists, 1096 ptrs, 150 sculptors, 113 engravers, 263 architects, 309 watercolorists, etc, societies for the encouragement of the fa in all principal towns, also annual exhib of modern picts and rewards for artists

Nov 11 p.2 notices for the second time a beaut engrav of Byron’s Gulnare by Dick, now in the Am Monthly Mag, before then in a Dearborn edition.

Anti-paper currency. support Hamblin benefit.  Nov 17 p.2 v handsome litho pub by Neal, 6 John st, drawn by SH Gimber, but little resemblance to Mr Thomas Hamblin, tho litho is excellent.  (also notes beaut typography and binding)

Nov 18 p. 2 M Mallagutti found a new color, like crimson lake, in analyzing English porcelain colors, promises importance in oil ptgs and the arts.

Nov 19 p. 2 defends phrenology as science.  Notes Catherwood’s lectures.

  Saml FB Morse ed volume on Proscribed German Student, sketch of life of Lewis Clausing, suicide, persecuted by the Jesuits, fr Van Nostrand & Dwight

Nov 26 p. 2 notes former ed Geo Wisner is now in Michigan legisl, fr State Rights Party.  A ptg represe the burning of the Royal Tar is under way at Boston, 12 ft sq canvass, directed by two survivors.

Nov 30 p.2 approves of English govt approp 75,000 to estab a Schl of Design, arts connected with manufactures, worthy of imitation here.  Calls NY Mirror degenerate.

Dec 1 p.1 blurb on an artist, RA, highly respectable name, venerable, in Soho, saw wretched daub in shop window under his name, as a fine orig picture of Bacchus and Ariadne for 20 guineas.  a painter of tea-boards. proprietor said it was an original.  dashed his stick thru canvass to destroy it.  Fr London Sun, but ed says know certain individs in the engraving line in this city who shd be similarly served.

Dec 5 p. 1  Mr Brewer of Northampton Mass purchased at auction in Boston 75 cents a pit of Christ in Gethsemane, cleaned, name of Domino Cresti, celeb historical ptr d 1638, picture 238 yrs old. p. 2 puffs Leggett’s plain dealer.

Dec 9 p.1 say NY Mirror bad, trying to be British; Knick and Am Mo Mag gd; excerpt fr December Knick “The Ordinary Man” they retitle as “They Call me a Loafer” and on Dec 10 have a Capt Buntline story also fr Knick; p.2 says Courier & Enquirer has had it in for Forrest and Woods, contradicts their accounts with Mirror and Sheridan Knowles

Dec 17 p.2 gd review of ML Davis’ memoirs of Aaron Burr, doesn’t conceal his faults

Dec 19 p.2 likes Sigourney too.  Robinson 48 Courtland st, ludicrous polit caricatures both parties, v neat manner, one representing applicants for banks, The Times, applications for office, etc, not altogeth approp; these pigs seem fat as their more fortunate brothers who have in their mouths the teats of state.  Litho of Mr Offen, Tammany Hall Lecturer, correct and spirited likeness.

Likes Kendall! Dec 22 p.2 Harper’s new ed of Bunyan 50 beaut engrav by Adams, first among us in his line, really v fine, look like fr steel plates not woodcuts.

Dec 27 p.2 Excellence of the Art, anecdote of Zeuxis, grapes so naturally, vexed for had the boy been well painted, birds wouldn’t have ventured near.  died of laughter at sight of an old woman he drew. an artist ‘par distinction’

Dec 28 p. 2 Sunday Morning News favors abolition, puffs Hanington most eminent artists in this country, beaut combinations of the fine arts, beaut drop scenes ptd by R Jones (view of Missolonghi), Bengough (view of London), Walker (temple of science), Duke White (does drop curtain view of home of GW), G Lehr (view on the Rhine), P Grain sen (Corunna in Spain)  and H Sewell (scene in Cashmere, from play at Park; an artist for the Italian opera in Paris also did some scenes), varied talent of many masters. fashionable, grandeur

Dec 31 p. 1 anecdote fr Tobias Smollet, Roderick Random, admirable lesson.  young ptr indulging vein pleasantry sketched a kind of conversation piece, bear (drunken soldier), owl (spectacles, paper), monkey (portrait artist), ass (huge tie wig), more strking humorous moral, gave some emblem of human life.  genl approb,  lampoon on friends? scandalous libel.  can’t read moral as it’s cut off


Locke had been a reporter for C & E until writing on salary for Sun (with two other literary contributors), Mr Prall, now ed of Transcript, formerly worked at Sun. Capitalists inclu Geo Morris, Jared Bell (printer for Bowery handbills?), Thos Hamblin, Matthew Smith of Hoe & Co hired Locke to edit new paper

            notes a play by Noah at the Franklin

Jan 10 p. 4 artist or literary man who pensions fr king or grt man, restricted in hi genius; ptr or sculptor directed in choice of subj, not by his taste but his patron (fr Knick)

Jan 11 p. 1 Ancient Ptrs (fr De l’Art Moderne en Allemagne), Polygnotus of Thasos created historical ptg in Greece, in encaustic, Battle of Marathon perfectly preserved 900 yrs, excelled in ethnography, art of ptg manners, passions and characters.  Apelles of Coa, school of Sicyone, grace and elegance in ptg, happy charmig Diana.  Action also in graceful style, Zuexis, superior for finish and coloring, not expression to Polygnotus.  Parrhasius obscene and exaggerated, tortured a slave for a model for Prometheus.

decorations at Hanington’s by Chambers, Hitchings and Landers.

Jan 17. p. 2 Litho of Wreck of the Mexico (has already been turned into a play and diorama), 6 cents, exact position of boat at moment passengers perished.  Wm Sewell artist viewed wreck in person

            South Sea Expedition, among offical appointments to Scientific Corps as naturalists are Titian Peale, and MR Drayton of Philly as artist, MR E Darley of Philly as portrait ptr, Mr Agate, a young artist much merit of NY, draftsman to Natural History Corps

jan 18 p.2 not in favor of int’l copyright law, as it permits foreign authors to be disseminated far and wide, a taste for reading and literary pursuits, very cheap so accessible, our authors can stand up to competition

            p.4 physiognotype, instrument for a cast of human face, process familiar to sculptors, undoubted likeness, mask is facsimile of the mould, details faithfully represented

Jan 19 p. 4 consolations of genius fr Boston Herald, others in ages past also starved (much like idea in copyright statement that writers don’t do it for money)

Jan 21 p.2 notes death of Richard Westall, well known artist, old age afflicted with poverty, p. 4 Guerin, celeb French ptr, died last year aged 76

Jan 25 p. 4 and subsequently, Hanington’s ad has had engravings of exterior of the building, and of wreck of mexico

quarrels mildly with NY Observer. 

Jan 28 p. 2. Notes Col Stone is anti-seamstress.  Story of Blue-bottle Fly, relates Teuxis ptg grapes so naturally etc., similar instance, lounging in studio of well known disting ptr, excellent port artist complacently disposed in best light, ragged visitor, bright gleamings of dark eye gave plain intimations of genius, countenance of a drinker, but genius has no weight against money, fools only underst outward appearances, offered himself as a limner of portraits.  Mr J surprised, stranger long handled the pallet and brush, please you, sketch something as sample, fools the painter by putting a fly on nose of portrait, mad he ruined the best port I ever ptd, but admits it was excellently done, when removed they are friends, ragged genius blooms and surpasses, most celeb port and historical ptrs in US

p. 4 repeats? the poem to Hannington by EC H____y. And a blurb on humble origins of men of genius.

Feb 3 p.2 more puffs of Hannington, inclu Walker’s new drop scene of alleg of Destruction of Temple, splendid in concept and execut masterly manner, drwg, chiarascuro, arrangement of colors, no equal to its composition

Feb 6 p.4 definition of genius as gold and gems, but self-destructive

Story fr Amer Traveller re virtues of flogging/stern discipline in schools.  Notes movements of Jim (Crow) Rice approvingly.  Oppose the C&E but not as violently as Bennett.  Likes Opie and Mazeppa.  Is blamed for causing the Flour Riots. loco focos do advertise mtgs in his paper, led by Alexander Ming, Job Haskell, Levi Slam.  Constant temperance ads.  Poems to Ellen Tree.

Feb 14 p.2 The Italian Ptr, a port of Napoleon exhib in Milan, day after crowned King of Italy, wears crown of Iron and other royal attributes.  Pict was excellent, but inscription INRI drew police, sacred monogram of the cross, thought a satire, artist explained to police it stood for Imperator Napoleo Rex Italia, rec’d praises and rewards

Covers trial of Hamblin’s attack on Bennett, Bennet’s clerks are Geo Esler bookkeeper and writer Fred West. One of his attackers was printer Jared Bell, assd with New Era.

Feb 21 p. 1 woodcut of bullfights at Seville, with story fr press of Geo Dearborn, who they frequently puff

Fri Feb 24 p. 2 Wm Colman 205 Brodway Bijou Almanac 1837 miniature, with engraved ports of poets and actresses

Mar 3 p. 2 notes Mdme Dudevant’s divorce.  Critical of retailer Delavan.  Mar 6 p. 2 litho of Ellen Tree, beaut exec portrait celeb actess as Marian in Wrecker’s Daughter, by Henri Heidemans, excellent artist lately arrived, Colman publishes it.

Likes Van Buren much more than Bennett.  notices public of slave memoirs.  Says Mercantile Advertiser has become a Van Buren paper. Excerpts Nick of the Woods.

Mar 13 p.2 fine statue of Napoleon at Hotel of Bank of France, buried 1818, has been dug up and destined for museum at Versailles.

Mar 21 p.2 Dr FT Ferris of Duane st advertised in our paper a reward of $20 no qs asked for return of a couple of miniatures stolen fr his office, they were returned by the thief

Mar 31 p.2 gives medium review to st Geo at the Natl Theat., a spectacle.  Blurb fr a Montreal paper that a lawyer quarreled with ptr who then did a port of him with a snake whispering poison in his ear, publicly exhib sued for libel, won damages.

            -suggests later that Hackett, manager of the Natl (Sun usu likes Hackett) is daily abused by Bennett 

Apr 1 p. 2 notices “A Glance at NY” pub by Greene, Beckman st, but a humbug, errors, aborted wit, the “Cries of London” sold to nursery children contains the same amount of useful info.  [suggestion later that the proprietor of a public paper who has allowed his journal to be used by hireling scribblers to impose their abortions at book making is responsible)

Gives long report on Noah’s lecture on Moorish Spain.  Apr 3 cites Eve Star on St George, saying of all the ptgs representing the combat, none equals in graphic spirit Woolford’s acting.  Praises it as grand spectacle.  more pickwick papers and poems to Hanington.

Apr 10  p2 notes Robinson of Cortland st pub handsome litho of splendid steamboat Swallow, v pretty drwg rm pict.  Lists officers for Mechanics Institute, several printers, an architect, and engravers, including Wm Gladell, AJ Mason, and a stonecutter.

Apr 11 p.2 notes that except for Tammany papers and the Plaindealer (Times, Eve Post), all the papers, including the socalled neutral ones, endorse the Whig Clark for mayor.  It’s a purchased unanimity.

            -also notes that CF Daniels, assoc ed of C & E, has joined Robt U Lang to run the Gazette.  approves of Harper’s republishing the classics. Blames speculators and desire for luxury for revulsion.

Apr 18; on 19th extract fr Nick of the Woods; thinks C & E’s explan of the Panic is wrong, defends Jackson’s govt, problem is unregulated speculation, too high of living.  notes Mis sCushman’s debut. stuff from Dickens.

Apr 25 p. 2 notices NY Mirror Ap 15 eleg engrav Smillie of view of NY Harbor, ptd by Chapman

May notes Isaac Pray of Boston Herald is in the city, praises Western Monthly Mag out of Cinti, v briefly notes Hale’s Lady’s Bk, Theo Hook’s Jack Brag.  seems to agree w/Wash Globe a fair amount.  Cambrelung (and Swartout) are Jackson men.  Likes Louisa Medina, v young playwright.

May 16 p. 2 says oldest oil ptg in England is of Chaucer, ptd in Low Countries before his death,d sicovered in house where Cromwell was born, next n pt of antiquity is Henry IV

May 20 p. 1 blurb on Kosciusko; excerpt Sam Slick, like Hackett. May 23 p. 4 blurb on Genius, of all grades, but mainly it’s aptitude plus application.  no natural genius, only natural aptitude.  inferior intellect who is constant in application will become eminent.

May 25 p.2 free schl of sculpt, F. Pettrich at DC, 226 pupils, who must provide own maintenance for 6 yrs, theoretical and practical knowl of noble art Phidias Michael Angelo, recommends governor pick native Amer of gd natural abilities, betw 15-17 yrs, start in Oct.  from Eve Post

May 29 p.2 origins of Corinthian order in a lady’s basket of ornaments; NY Mirror Adams’ wood engrav of murder of Miss McCea by Indians, exquis finished, interesting appropr embellishment

Jun 1 p. 2  A Precious Specimen of Liberality, Light, and Learning at recent mtg of Moral Reform Society (an advertiser) at Tabernacle.  Rev Mr Sprague sd prime causes of licentiousness the exhibs of sculpt and ptg.  daily cheap papers exercise pernicious influence on morals of a large class of citizens, character of their advertisements revolting.  Sun asks shall we annihilate the few trophies of the fine arts that taste and genius dare to intrude upon us? suspend the diffusion of knowledge and return to the dark ages?  bigotry and intolerance of earlier fanatical institutions

Jun 6 p. 2 praises public bldgs, taste for architectural beauty, Custom Hse Nassau and Wall, by I Town and AJ Davis, plain simple chaste grand beautiful, Doric, Parthenon in Athens.  Merchants Exchange pile, Corinthian, imposing, Haviland architect, also doing the Halls of Justice, unique but splendid, Egyptian, appearnce of grt durability.  Davis’s church at Franklin st, v beaut, Ionic, Corinthian.  St Johns Cahpel in bad taste.  Univ on Wash sq splendid specimen of Gothic.  Astor Hse noble, fine Doric portico, but no palace.  Robinson of Courtland st laughable caricature of non specie paying times, dog, cock, monkey, best thing of the kind in many a day

Ad p. 4 for African Glen at the Zoological Institute on the Bowery, by Andrew Steedman, exhib by Messrs Hanington.  Have a woodcut to illustrate it--hard to see.  Puff a little later calls it a remarkable work of art, love for picturesque, calls Hanington a genius, exhibit is grand, terrific and mysterious, sublimity, magnificence, glorious, beauty, enchantment, somber.  Jun 29 p. 4 poem to it by ECH, chaste work of art, ptg so true

Jun 10 p. 1 from Natchez Courier, specimen engr on steel by JE Coombe, imitation of ancient silver penny, need a microscope to see

Jun 14 p. 2 notices departure of Persico, the artist, for London and then to Rome for 4 yrs to complete his splendid design for eastern portico of capitol

Jun 15 p. 2 more on vagaries of genius, poets irritability, also painters, actors, musicians, sculptors, all whose professions suppose a superiority of intellect.  reading Life of Barry, a native artist, admired by Burke his patron, got into argument with a critic in Rome, attacked old masters, had opinions of his own, at war with the virtuosi, satire on paper, despised portraits, attacked religion, but ambition and independence always.  Notes Robinson of Courtland st has pub a political caricature of the shin plaster currency which will tickle the Whigs

Jun 20 p.2 national fondness for politics retards progress of literature, belligerent spirit in all our native writings; gifted minds prefer honors of state, our universal mind has a political character, opposite to calm ,soul ennobling and sublime quality of lit.  every incident of a public character is made an instrument for polit purposes

Jun 27 p.2 sale of picts belonging to Duchess of Berry in Paris for  one and a half million francs (fifty thousand pounds)

Lots of attn to Miss Martineau, defends her character, cites her (and MRs Jameson)

July 1 p. 4 ECH poem to African Glen.  Jul 3 p. 2 Eve Star wants to know where they got a historical fact? from an engraved plate in Antiquities of America of 1832 of the circumstances of the Deluge.  Puffs ad for Mr Hayward’s Pict Gall, Broadway and Chamber st, with names of president and members of Nat Acad as guarantors of quality of its exhib.  Adds that the Picture gall at Clinton Hall contains some v rare ports fr our living artists, worth a two hours visit.

            ad p. 3, opening July 4th, says 70 specimens inclu a chef d’ouvre of Rembrandt, Master Shipbuilder and his wife, Rubens’ Herod’s Banquet and Christ at Emmaus, Hondekoster’s chickens, Berghem lscape, Claude Seaport, Buckhuysen Sea Shore, Vandyke St Sebastian, Termier’s Village Kermiss, ports by Rubens, Vdyke and Reynolds, examples of Coreggio, Guido, Murillo, Greuze, Pannini, Schidone, Ostade, Ruysdael, Van Delst etc.  Recommending the exhibit are SamuelFB Morse, H Inman, CC Ingham, W Page, G Harvey, FR Spencer, J Frothingham, AB Durand, W Dunlap, H Muler, M Paff, G Oakley, JW Gerard, P Flandin, GW Newcombe, S Watson.  Artists and amateurs allowed to copy for money.  W Hayward is importer of English engravings, formerly at 20 Courtlandt st.

July 7 p. 2 notes in Am Mo Mag for July v faithful outline port of beau ‘eye deal’ of humbugs, J Williams, Oculist, by witty designer and engraver DC Johnston Esq

describes shinplasters as the small notes issued by private individuals, the city, etc and are driving specie out.  attacks Biddle.  Loves Webster.

July 18 says it is Beau Nash who handled Major Noah so roughly in the old Morning Herald, went bankrupt

July 20 p. 2 approves of the Samuel Woodworth benefit, author of best cold water song ever written, minister to public taste and lovers of lit.

Jul 26 notes Forrest’s marriage in London to Catharine Sinclair

July 27 p.4 picks up prob fr Eve Star the Liverpool editor’s review of Boz, says lose half the fun of the pickwick papers by not having the illustrations of the orig edition.  by Seymour, a man rivaling fame of Cruikshank, (whose illustrations appear in Bentley’s Miscellany).  Since Seymour’s suicide, they are by RW Buss, a clever artist

Aug 1 p. 1 excerpts the Commercial Advertiser, mildly supportive of women’s rights, as discussed in Garrison’s paper; Aug 2 p. 2 considers this the Age of Humbug, eg that paper and gold are one. Not a big admirer of JQ Adams, but agrees with him abt the suspension.  Aug 4 notes The World to now be pub by S Kinnicutt

Aug 5 p. 2 new political caricatures by Robinson Courtlandt st, most laughable yet, for both parties.  he has greatest variety of lithos of every descript and continually publishing new ones, some of his fine pictures are best specimens of litho we’ve seen.  Ad same page for portrait of James Gordon B***** (the ladies favorite) just pub by Baker, Lithographer, 8 Wall st, v correct and striking likeness, taken fr nature on the steamboat, hat off, cooling his head.  His newsboys are invited to view the portrait, they having a taste for the fine arts (So says Bennett).

Missing Aug 7-11.

Last issue was August 12, 1837.

Then missing rest of 1837.

Library of Congress hard copy starts with November 7, 1837

November 1837

Defends reading Bulwer. Press an agent for Reformation, human perfectibility. 18 has a woodcut of Osceola and a defense of Indians—have no historians, all who write are prejudiced, an abused people. Notices Woodworth benefit. 22 mission of republic is to spread abroad the light of liberty, truth, wisdom, free the world from bondage. 22 notices Robinson’s caricature of death of Tammany as a fair hit, but executioner ought not to be the Courier, Webb too much of a coward to face sachems. Robinson 52 Courtlandt republishing collection of city prints. 28 critical of  Eve Star for promoting Graham’s lectures on courtship. Notices Willis play briefly.


Likes Rice as Crow. Most often contradicts or refers to the Star or Comm Advert. Opposed to paper currency/credit system/banks. Hoskin, a rank tory, writes for C&E fr Canada. Notices new two cent daily the NY Daily Whig, ed Rufus Dawes and PJ Burr, experienced pargraphists, can enroll at pub 127 Nassau or Colman’s on Fulton st. 23 notice an auction of ptgs, at Acad in Barclay st, head of Guido, Toilette etc all splendid; Cooley & Bangs advert. Mechanics Inst lectures advertise. Army advertises for recruits too, $2 bounty. Mirror 29 praised for portrait of Irving from Newton.

NY’s Address of Carriers of Sun suggest don’t favor annexing Texas/war with Mex



Notices NY Review by Dearborn favorably. Has a John Neal poem and one from Holmes of Boston. Am Monthly is Whig but pretty good. 5 anecdotes of Queen Vic being homely, seems to involve NP Willis. 6 agrees with Knick re Miss Hildreth being good. Catlin anecdote fr Star on smallpox depredeations. Notices Bengough’s scenery ptg at the National (Wallack). 19 Mirror not sold thru newsboys, only at the desk at a shilling, so when offered by boys in streets at sixpence, not come by honestly. C&E is hightoned British toryism and mock republicanism. Editorial opposes annex TX; saw Morse’s demo of teleg. 27 says editorial head of Comm Advert last evening graces with striking and remarkably accurate likeness of its principal editor, hope Col will allow pic to retain that  place permanently, and by that means, afford readers an exceedingly correct index of ¾ of all that appears in subseq 3 or 4 columns. Notices change in staff at New-Yorker, Greeley the firm.


Various attacks on Bennett. 7 gives Catlin’s account fr Star of Osceola’s death. Catlin an advertiser, his ad emphasizes his portrait of Osceola. Notices Merc Lib Assoc. 8 prefer Pocahontas to Forrest’s Indian monstrosities. 15 C&E’s spy in Washington is Mathew L. Davis, Wise in Congress (stupidly accord to Sun) acted on one of his statements, perhaps fr personal pique. 16 Judge Edwards in a libel case agst Benj Day supported the aristocracy of the bar, at expense of justice for common people, on the 17th has an extended satire of Edwards as impartial and free fr any family, cliquocratic, aristocratic or other considerations, immune to extrajudicial special pleas. 20 admires Haviland’s pure Egyptian design for Halls of Justice. 24 fr Mirror corresp in DC, carver of figs in rotunda in Capitol had to correct tricorn on Penn’s head, all thought it ridic for a Quaker. 28 Blames Wise for Cilley’s murder, defends Cilley.


8 defends Cooper. Sergeant is acting editor at C&E? Supports Hamblin. Praises Demo Review too. 22 Stuart’s GW, our greatest painter and his greatest ptg the portrait at Faneuil Hall, Kelly’s engr after it a perfect gem. Likes Martineau’s western travels, tho her other bks boring. Star had been favoring annexation, may be changing tune. 29 notices Powers and now prodigy SV Clevennger. 31 not in favor of registration of voters. P. 4 squib on Benj West, young Mohawk anecdote


Supports Delafield and Phenix Bank. Notes Tammany ad for Isaac Varian doesn’t mean they’ve picked sides. Editors have varying positions. Aaron Clark advertises next day. 11 Fine Arts: DC is hq of artists during session, Miss Bossford of KY at Brown’s hotel doing hi relief archit modeling in unus material. Notices Cooper’s rebuttal of sorts to Scott’s comments in the Knickerbocker. Loves No Am Rev, notices it’s Whig. NAD doesn’t advertise. 21 notices bust of Van Buren in DC library by pupil of Thorwaldsen. Lamplighters and mechanics advertise meetings. Would like a truancy law, force kids to school if necessary. Very hostile to Webb.

May 1838

Supports Mrs. Hamblin at the Olympic, Star wants war with Mexico.

NYHS volume: started with May 7 Calhoun in Demo mag, spirited engr, he’s Irish. essay on what do dogs think of humans. 25 Epes Sergeant wlll join Morris at the Mirror. No NAD ad in May.

NYHS June 1838 1 praises hanington dios. 6 Halls of Justice: huge pile of Egyptian architecture and steam kitchenry, profuse ornament and scant utility, lavish expenditure and beggarly equivalent, prodigal contracts and unwise expenditures. Debtor’s prison esp bad, same as criminal depts, wicked sin of poverty. Evening Star agrees. 16 A Weld writes for Sun? continues attacking the Whited Sepulchre, whole bldg a blot, no hospital etc.  Miss Missouri murder, resided with Hamblins. Ok with removal of

cherokees. Approve Paulding’s appt to navy 21 Robinson and Endicott have lithos of Miss Missouri, Endicott better costume and scene, moment of choosing honor over life.  Giraffes! 27 Public Baths:  committee says will be too expensive, don’t consider the public good, didn’t relieve the forbidding picture which, with the aid of trebly-multiplied dollars and cents, they daubed up for the public on this occasion, with one solitary ray of relief drawn fr the exhaustless pallet of public benefit. Didn’t want the contrast with appropriation of $2500 for a dinner. No NAD ads.

Missing rest of 1838 (July-Dec)

1839—Library of Congress


1 has excerpt fr Harriet Beecher Stowe Trials fo a Housekeeper. Defends Cass. Advertisement for exhib of Ptgs by Whihelo, Giraud, Don Juan et al by Dubufe, and notices 9 reduction in charge for admission there. LEL hackneyed. 10 notices and praises Merc Lib Assoc, Hamblin’s benefit has survived his slanderers. Notices Fanny Osgood. 22 notices Knickerbocker has engr by Casilear after Durand’s Stuyvesant. 29 praises Stephen van Rensselaer as friend to poor. Doesn’t care for GPR James.


8 opposes capital punishment. Notes votes in state leg for commissary general included Wm L Stone and the man in the claret colored coat. 13 takes no responsibility for Sun newsboys, lets them have papers as act of charity. Lots of excerpts on dueling, mixed feelings. Defends Commod Elliott. Praises poetry of Rufus Dawes. Supports Justice Bloodgood.  22 praises Morris of the Mirror, loves plate of Am scenery, crowding aborigines off and disfiguring natural scenery with utilitarian innoations, original aspect of many a romantic spot lives only in delineations of the artist, and therefore are such works valuable. Seems to like Van Buren


Ely Moore and Tallmadge help get antiprison for debt law thru NY house. 18 Port of High Constable Hays by Shegogue ordered by Common Council being visited by ladies, sd masterly productio, perfect likeness, why shouldn’t he take his place amid the worthies who grace the walls of the Governor’s Rms? Liked Tasistro’s Expositor.

March 27, 1839 p. 3 ad for benefit for Mr and Master Bowes, horse acrobats, woodcut of them standing on back of running horse. No NAD advert.


2 notices the American likes Genl Scott for the presidency, Sun agrees he would do the foreign diplomacy part well. Likes CF Hoffman’s writing. Mrs Gove’s lectures on female anatomy ought to be banned.

15 notes barn of Cephas Johnson burned, in Eatonville, Albany Cty. 16 gives p. 1 trial for libel of Geo W Dixon agst late Rowland Minturn, Dixon sd had an affair in Polyanthos, prosecution opened with Minturn’s station; Dixon defends himself with truth and his motive is to defend marriage. Horatio S Bartlett, an editor at Sun for 4 years, testifies. Husband of wife in q testifies Minturn told him he was visiting Catherine Knight, not the wife, but it was the wife. Minturn offered him money to suppress the Polyanthos. Husband works for company that exhibited the giraffe.

17 Doesn’t want Scott. Continues trial, with Geo Cragin of Moral Reform paper, who published Minturn initially but without names, got info fr visiting comm of Moral reform society. Geo Endicott also sworn, knew Dixon 10 years ago, foolish and harmless, felt sympathy for him. Jury split. Attack Star and other political papers for criticizing penny papers for publishing trials when they admit far worse and less delicate information into their columns for political purposes.

20 p. 1 Patronage of the Arts—fr Baltimore Transcript, lad of city who manifested talent visited by lady who proposed to buy some of his sketches, handed him her pocketbook, said to keep it, contained three shinplasters. Praises Sunday Morning Atlas. Wants NY and Erie Rrd, oppose enlarging the canal (Trib will support I think)

27 critical of youth who use cant vulgarisms, slang; critical of NY papers that condescend to penny press

April 29, 1839, p. 2 announces the NAD exhib is now open, bids most successful, splendid array pencil triumphs, rooms thronged, shall take occasion to speak more particularly, critical examination when time. No ad.

30 defends John L Stephens appt in legis.


1 critical of Morris and Epes Sergeant at the Mirror for copying a London review.

Notices NY Lit Gazette, Dubufe Gall advertises. 7 notices Cadwallader A Colton’s sporting Whip, and a millitary fashionable man’s Satirist

May 9, 1839, blurb that William Bogart was discharged, accused of having killed Mrs McCaffrey at Brooklyn. p. 4 large map of east new york and Brooklyn, ad for property

May 13 p.2 NAD: highly popular, abt 300 ptgs, 6 or 8 of them alone would repay expense, appears to be unanimous verdict of the press that ptgs as a whole inferior to last year, and a crit exam compels us to reluctantly assent. Yet many evidences of gd taste, accurate conceptions, lofty genius, natural talents and attributes, such as 20 Ingham Great Adirondack Pass, 40 Indian Captives by RW Weir, 79 Mantilla by J Whitehorne, 204 Rejected Picture by LP Clover, 264 Lover’s Surprise by D Huntington, 265 Token by TP Rossiter, with a number of beaut lscapes by Richardson and excellent portraits by Durand, Inman and Spencer. Miss the inimitable Cole. (doesn’t say if they are associates or not)

            Fear prevailing spirit of avarice and utilitarianism has entered the studio of the painter, evidences of haste, of efforts to dispatch one job and get at another with a view to make money, are but too palpable in this exhibition. Perhaps it is too much to expect any thing else in this “bank note world.” Poetry sculpture and ptg wither under worship of Gold, until men can elevate imaginations above the mere dross of earth in longing after fame, vain to look for hi achievement in fine arts.

14 don’t approve of Dixon, but think he was just the tool of more debased hands, in libel case of Rev Dr Hawkes. Recorder Morris (Whig?) urged no leniency. 16 notices Catherwood’s ptgs.

17 Looking at the Ptgs—newspapers generally have criticized the ptgs at the Nat Acad so freely that it’s no more than fair that the spectators shld be taken in hand too. Bad to crowd so close as to spoil their own view and that of everyone else. Severity of crit may have been occasioned by spectators rubbing their noses agst the ptg, wouldn’t improve their finish. Ladies and gmen, stand back, benches are at the right distance.

May 18, 1839, 20 defends Cooper. Dislikes Corsair’s attack on JK Paulding, thinks Willis neither man nor woman. Notices again F Pettrich, who did a bust of Van Buren, now doing a marble statue of Genl Wash for DC$5000. Likes Marryatt.

25 C Lehr best scenery painter in country (Bowery) 27 attacks on Cooper caused by political motives, author of essays in one of leading journals of the city, and also literary motives 31 nice tribute to Leggett as a defender of penny press


3 really likes Tasistro. 4 v critical of Alcott. (but like Orville Dewey). Santa Ana a tyrant. 8 dislikes butcher’s market monopoly. Fan of Ellen Tree.

June 12, 1839, 13, supports fire dept reform 17 ads for Sully’s Queen Vic and Catlin’s indian gall. 19 journeymen printers 231 of them signed petition to city asking public printing be taken fr Wm G Boggs of Eve Post who receives that patronage thru Bryant, say Boggs is a rat, underpays. Express sneeringly opposes them, they really are rats. 20 Fowler advertises his phreno rooms. Puffs Catskill mtn house. 21 Our Literary periodicals:Corsair damned itself by low and loathsome uses to which its editors gratified personal animosities, tho had namby pamby lit pretensions. All others ok. Notices Saml Colman at Astor hse pub Adams discourse with engrav of old city hall. 22 p. 1 Travels in the City of Boston, Ch 4, fr corresp of the Sun, Kant & Co, says Pictures are all the rage. Allston Gall so much puffed it’s alarming. At Athenaeum truly meritorious coll not sufficiently appreciated. Both are lounges for idle ladies and fops. Clevenger the Cinti sculp has tolerable trade in modelling nobless, but Ives a native artist of extrord merit whose rm is in Artist’s Gallery Sumner st is destined to wear the laurels, busts so wonderfully true to nature, conceal a vital spark. A bust of Sir Walter Scott at jewelry store extremely beaut.

June 26, 1839

            -p.1 Chanceller Frelinghuysen of NYU address says “desire of knowledge may become inordinate and dangerous” bad to know too much. Letter on this is from Philo.

29 agrees with Knick description of a Long Island election. Counters J of Commerce rant agst trade unions by pointing out it’s done by all classes, including the expensive papers who agree on ad rates

Jully 1839—missing some issues

2 covered with pasted engravings! 11 Thinks the Times is imbecilic. 17 approves of West Point. Approves Ezra White’s conviction, and maybe death sentence. 22 the finest lscape ever ptd by the most skilful artist, what is it to compare with any one of the numberless pictures nature is presenting every minute to every living eye over the whole earth. 24 has satire in form of  a petition of gratitude from 5 points denizens to City Council for not improving the street; also a satire of Pencillings by the Way fr a traveling correspondent on his trip to the country, plunges in media res, uses Latin because doesn’t know the English, left his home and went to Courtland st at 5 pm, steamboat bell and smoke, baggage, runners, peddlers. 29 giant woodcut of the British Queen, first appearance in Am waters. Praises NY theaters.

August 1839

7 Theo Dwight aims to tear down Jefferson 8 attacks Wall st press’ system of puffing. Notes fr Eve Star that a new paper the Wag is out, with a port of Willis writing his letters under a bridge; last week new paper the Humbug. 9 Transcript dead, liked it initially, last couple years bad.

August 10, 1839, but it’s the Weekly Sun (pub by Moses Beach). p. 4 inherent nature of talent, grt ptr, poet, musician must have had the germs of genius at birth

15 recommends exterminating Seminoles, preferable to territorial confinement.

then the 16, p. 2 disapproves of Marryatt’s book on America; puffs Peale’s museum’s ornithology section and its presiding artist, notes that The (classical) Revolving Statues are at Niblo’s

17, p.2 accuses trading spirit of this country and tase for vulgar display it engenders influ lit and art, destroy hi standards.  The demand made upon art to popularize itself is utterly fatal to it.  enjoyment of art not an exclusive privilege, the highest works shd be open to all, but the goddess should not ask their opinion or their applause or will lose her divinity.  every man cannot judge of every thing, devotion to an art or science is necessary to understanding it.  Germans know this vs vulgar tone of art criticism in England and here, German aesthetical crit may be fantastic and obscure but it is not common place flat or ignorant

31 p.2 woodcut of the long, low black schooner, Amistead procured at enormous expense, and most accurate likeness of the chief who devised the plan for mutiny, by that most talented native artist James Sheffield, esq of New London, CT, for sale at desk, splendidly lithographed.; describes Cinque as the African Osceola.  Notice that the litho port of Joseph Cinque will be ready at noon, great accuracy, fr drwg taken on board the Washington, will contain his address to his comrades


2 portrait of Cinque sold out, comes with his speech. 3 notices Vinchon’s ptg of Boissy D’Anglais, celebrated  and correct scene of French Rev, at NAD rms in Clinton Hall, 20 by 30 feet. 4 dislikes the state prison monopoly (manufacturing injures mechanics)  7 current vagrant law enforced at whim  10 defends Miss Maywood at the Park

Sept 12, 1839, Lewis Tappan covering the Cinquez proceedings for them. Very pro prison reform. Defends Chartists’ demands.

Sept 20, 1839, with an ‘Extra’ featuring a huge woodcut of the Arrival of the British Queen, notes death of Mathew Carey

23rd Restell advertises; reporter (now not with initials LT) is sympathetic to Amistad Africans. 30 supports Simpson of the Park in ongoing controversy with Wallack of the burnt National (who had his benefit at Niblo’s instead, after an Astor Hse mtg)

October 1839

2 encourages contrib to Am Inst Fair articles 3 editorial saying Am periodical press is lousy, just puffing bad writers, notices Audubon Exhib at Lyceum, likes Hunt’s

5 says respectable small papers, neutral and political, have an arrangement to discontinue selling papers to boys to be hawked abt the streets, just counters and carriers, relinquishing source of large custom and much profit; large papers haven’t agreed. Motive is to rid streets of hordes of urchins deafening citizens and disgusting them with profanity ribaldry and indecency, encourage parents to place them in more moral situations. 8 Herald couldn’t get the boys to just do his paper

12 To be regretted that our first rate artists do not see fit to grace the Fair with a few exquis specimens of their art, while alm every dept of human ingenity is there represented. hoped to see Mr Durand’s superb ornamental lathe work a valuable improvement for bank note engraving at Great Fair at Niblo’s. I don’t see an ad for it. 15 letter defending Amistad fr Herald’s attacks 17 Critics and Criticism: critic must have knowl, not of Greek Latin, Geology etc but perfect knowl of the religious and political creed of all authors, a knowl of their rank in society, and of what hour they dine at, if at all. It is impossible in the nature of things that a man who dines at three o’clock shld have so great a knowl of humanity and mathematics as he who dines at seven; yet some of these ignorant people write books which to the uninitiated look as if it really contained something worth reading, but it is mere fundge—and nobody knows their incompetency but the critic who has ascertained at what time the writers dine, and in what style they live, and who knows what is the relig and polit creed they profess. Many readers live in the country, and these simple people would be entertained with an entertaining book, and in conseq of this weak and foolish propensity to like what they like, the people of Am have freq suffered their taste to be sadly corrupted, bks have become standard works which ought to have been consigned to the pastry cooks and trunk makers. All this has arisen fr people judging for themselvers, instead of taking knowing critics for their guide.

            We want critics to tell us what is the pink and perfection of fashionable  life. There is nothing very philosophic in tripe and cowheel, but when we are critically informed that they are part of Fashionable Life, then we can peruse two volumes post octavo. The real business of the critic is to find out when the author of the two volumes is really familiar with tripe and cowheel, or treats them only fr the reports of others.

            If all bks had a fair sale accord to their real merits, there wld be no chance of one pub keeping others out of the market, therefore it’s necessary to keep down as much as possible all bks pub by any but the favored hses. Best way is careless notice, savage one shows something worth while, ignoring appears negligent

18 puffs Cooper, Mirror’s plate illusPaulding’s Landing at Jamestown, masterly design, Danforth admirable exec. Brings spot vividly to mind.

21 defends Park theater again

24 C&E has little to do with Webb, run by Englishman Hoskin, even the very few editorials by Webb. $3000 yr salary. Has 2 or 3 subordinates, Sargeant and Benjamin for awhile

28 Louis Tasistro pub in Star of Saturday evening that in the Corsair Office, Wm Porter of Spirit of the Times came to converse with his brother Dr Porter re gifts fr woman of name of Miller alias Furman, silver plate for their services (brothel?)

30 p.1 Letter to editors of the Sun fr Aristarchus (Sun editors think critic in q is not worth putting down) re a newly estab little journal of Thursday last, a piece of poetry by Park Benj, To a Port of a Lady, ptd by Sully,” copied fr Burton’s Mag. Reader might call it tolerably gd poetry, but not after a critical reading, like most mod poetry by inferior writers,  much sound and little sense. Gives line by line critique of the grammar and metaphors, including that she bears grapes


1 has a story by Solon Robinson. 4 JG Wilson’s Evening Tattler now shaken off influence (Herald?) that made its first few months damnable. 5 election season has ads for the anti-slavery ticket and a Seward attack ad on Van Buren

7 critical of party papers for filling their papers with every conceivable pictorial device, in papers claiming respectability their usual chaste dress removed for ships under full sail, rolling balls, eagles, hens, horses, tridents and truncheons, ploughs, pick axes, Daniels, dandies and deviles, with exclamation points, no more edicfication than menagerie ads or play bills, not light of reason and truth.

ALSO DISGUSTING IS OPPROBRIOUS NAMES, ODIOUS AND VULGAR Appellations applied at first in derision and then eagerly adopted in success, miserable ribaldry not compatible with republicans

            Literary quackery equal to medical in the city, for every Thomson a Willis, for every Restell a Park Benjamin, for every Wandering Preacher a platoon of Bennetts, Griswolds, and Gowards.

Bowery Theater alw has huge ad. C Mathews poem in jim crow language. Supports rights for married women, but not suffrage. Whiggish except re bank and tariff?

26 Attree a ribald wretch supplyies filthy sewer the Herald applied for an indictment agst an editor who exposed him at the Sing Sing camp mtg, but Grand Jury agreed with estimate of his character

December 1839

4 notices Gouraud’s dag drwgs 9 gets indicted for a lottery ad smuggled into their columns by the Sylvesters, also imposed on other papers, Noah in Star writes “What’s a Raffle? Throwing dice? How is it done? A number of gmen with pea jackets, and hats without rims, assemble on ea side of a long table, on which lies a fat goose or turkey; ea planks a shilling, selects a number, and on his turn, takes a long drink of gin and sugar, rattles the box and throws the dice, and he who throws  highest number carries off the bird, sometimes they throw til midnight, drink innumerable juleps, lose their money, stagger home drunk and penniless--and this is a raffle.; quite legal.

16 critical of the passion for gentility 17 support the militias, as alternative to standing army, despite what fops and apes influenced by Euro say.  Letter to editor fr S Jenks Smith, ed Sunday Morning News, who they’ve had mixed rlnshp with, in response to Sun’s dislike of polit journals run by foreigners as abusing the public mind, copied from the Star—his paper is run by a foreigner

19 lotteries are legalized cheating, hurt those least able to afford it. 20 NY Gazette is independent. 21 Frazee engaged to exec beaut design for monument to Wm Leggett, obelisk with bust and inscription, pleasure to learn this. 23 reviews John Neal’s lecture before the Lyceum, large respectable audience appeared delighted, but things we could neither laugh at or approve, rebuts his evaluation of Cicero’s moral char. 24 critical of satire, you’ll regret it. Paragraph in Sun a few wks ago was understood to refer to RW Griswold, then one of the editors of a small evening paper, in connection with the Bowery theater, that it is exaggerated. Notices lady writer in NY American. 25 port of ex-mayor Clark by Inman pronounces one of his most successful efforts.

27 Approves President Van Buren’s msg 


and then to Jan 3, 1840, missing front page.  ad p. 4 for cheap engravings, 85 Canal st, nr Church, A. Lowe immense variety, adapted for scrap books, tables and albums, also framed, and Robbins’ Gallery of the Fine Arts handsomely bound, 33 beaut steel engravings which can also be had separate, plain or colored, and small books

Likes the Vandenhoffs at the Park.  Critical of the fire companies, and of gangs who appropriate their costume.  Longfellow poem.

Jan 15 p.1 (Extra) woodcut of the steamboat Lexington, which burnt (among dead were Russell Jarvis Esq ed of Evening Tattler in NYC), next day Jan 16 p. 2 is blurb for skilful artist preparing accurate elegantly executed litho f Destruction of the steamer, with names of passengers, to be sold by the Sun.  Notice of large and splendid coll of mod Euro ptgs now seen free at Broadway and Chambers attracts just attn, splendidly framed, suitable for drwg rm or private cabinet, auction next Tues, admirers of beaut in art, moderate prices, gems

There’s a copy of the litho, drawn by WK Hewitt, pub/engr by N Currier, 2 Spruce st, w/description of the event and investigation.  Jan 17 p. 1 ad for Battle of Bunker Hill at Masonic Hall, moving figs

            -comments on litho that it is excellently executed and remarkably accurate, sized for inexpensive mailing, available colored

Jan 22 p. 2 letter to editor fr Clement Edson complaining about his treatment by Knickerbocker and present publisher Dean and editor Clark; he the former editor.

Keep updating the litho of burning of Lexington, note that it represents calamity as a night scene, which it was, more accuracy and finish than any others

Jan 28 p.2 Courier & Enquirer favors Verplanck’s? Tallmadge’s? police reform bill, Sun doesn’t, C&E says they’re locofoco.  Sun dislikes usury laws, ineffective.  Puff for second exhib of splendid ptgs free Broadway and Chamers, fr same large priv coll, finest ever offered to public in city, present exhib superior in beauty and value. estimated nearly 10,000 visited first exhib.  Puffs Gilpin’s reading rm.

Feb 3 p. 2 reviews lecture Rev Hague at NY Lyceum on cultivation of taste, has traveled thru Europe, any creature of spiritual nobler aspirations rather than material ones shd be concerned.  There are no arbitrary rules of taste, common sense has something to do with it, a man of enlarged mind and sound judgment will possess it, good taste is a knowledge of nature and her laws, capable of appreciating their matchless order, beauty and harmony as well as the peculiar fitness and utility of all things.  Ignorant see symmetry in corseted figure admire its beauty, but one who knows anatomy sees a violation of nature and is filled with horror

Feb 4 p. 2 just a little blurb about Q Victoria’s supposed wedding!

p. 3 long ad for Godey’s lady’s book, inclu JH Ingraham, The Young Artist, Sigourney on Taste, Isaac Pray

Feb 13 p. 2 notices the third and last exhib of the splendid European ptgs, free, Chamber and Broadway streets, 300 choicest pictures of the collection. No 45, Guardian Angel Sleeping Innocence worth a little pilgrimage. 15,000 visited former exhibs.  Don’t confound it with Mr Clark’s exhib.

            -regular p.3 ad for Lewis Bartholomew’s Dioramas, inclu battle of bunker hill, burning of Lexington.  Notices all the theaters, uncritically.  Puffs Bronson’s lectures.

Feb 29 p. 2 rebuts Albany J’s accusation they are in the pay of Van Buren’s officeholders, says they have agreed with Whig papers in the past, refutes Herald’s accusation that one of their proprietors is a negro.  Only one proprietor, for last three years.  Notes the Apollo Gallery of Ptgs, highly favorable impression of genl merit, not large some excellent productions fr native artists, deserves public patronage.

Mar 4 1840 Sun drawn miniatures, Mr AS Wolcott, 52 First st, improvement on the Daguerrotype, execute miniatures in 3-5 min, accuracy as perfect as nature, astonishing fidelity.  silver plate, bronze cases, $3, attn of scientific, valuable acquis to art and society.  (later observes he’s moved to rooms in granite bldg, Chambers and Broadway)

Mar 5 p. 2 Verplanck intro’d to leg a bill to incorporate the Apollo Assn.

Notices Stephens and Catherwood in So America.  Ad for writing, drwg and ptg, three beaut arts, cultiv taste and talents, admired accomplishments, 450 Broome st, Mr Purcell is artist at Mr Chamberlain’s estab.  Later a Joseph C Neal story.  Somewhat critical of the queen.

Mar 10 p. 2 praises US Mag and Demo Rev, national in its character, has accurate likeness of Leggett; also Ladies Companion, view of Passemaquoddy Bay, beaut scene beaut executed

March 11 p. 2 attacks newsboys and similar occupations, as jobs that lack adult supervision, and so is pernicious.  Puffs Hanington, Hill, and The Crucivixion by Daguerre and Sebron at Lyceum of Natural History, Broadway, impressive and magnificent ptg sublime reflections, splendid work of art, not sectarian.

March 18 Extra woodcut of Brit Queen

            gets ads fr NY Mirror (with accurate likeness of Albert), Brother Jonathan, New YOrker

Mar 21 p. 2 Sully’s ptg of GW crossing Delaware exhib new granite bldg, Chambers and Broadway, a contemporary says as a historical composit it’s at head of that class, fidelity of portraits of leading figs is admirable.  viewed by rules of art and canons of taste, recd warmest praise.  great numbers flocking.

Notes new steam ship President will have bust of GW, not VBuren as first reported.  Notes that Yucatan has declared agst central govt of Mexico

April 1840

1 Slam is editor of New Era, politician in 10th ward. Notices Brother Jonathan and GOR James story. Sun is critical of the newsboys as juvenile delinquents and nuisances, prefer people to use their regular carriers. enlarged edition, hope to appeal to mercantile interests as well as general public, improved financial coverage

Apr 2 p.2 covers trial of James Stout vs Francis Wells for loss of statue. damages claimed not only for actual value of the statue, but for expeted profits fr exhib, $3000.  Defendant among other grounds argued only liable for cost of repair, brought in 3 artists to say could easily be done for $70-100.  A gd deal of contradictory evidence fr both sides as to merit and value of statue as a work of art, some saying less value than figure head on ship Roscius, others with works of most eminent sculptors of present day.  Cost of materials was $330, ten months labor.  Judge Inglis charged that plaintiff only entitled to repair costs, or if irreparable for what it was worth, or would sell for

Apr 8 p. 2 noice of a fire consuming several stories of the Gallery of Ptgs at Cinti on March 31st, including showcases of wax figs, repre of Battle ofBuner Hill, curiosities

Apr 17 p. 1 ‘Daguerreotype in the Harem” celeb ptr Horace Vernet, Egypt, teaches Pasha how to photograph, rescues a harem girl for another man

p. 4 giant ad for Hull & Dorrance, drygoods, on Catharine st, view of their shop and windows (also a picture of a racer in ad for Red Horse Trotting Course)

Apr 22 p. 2 notes Louisiana Senate resolved reps in Congress to promote M Vattemare’s proposition for natl syst of exchanges in bks, statuary, picts, specimens, etc and put $3000 to be expended in collecting state objects for duplicates in Euro

Apr 23 p.2 Criticism and Critics.  Defends JF Cooper.  Ignore what’s popular. Doesn’t like attacks on Jefferson’s morals.  [later notes that Cooper has sued Park Benjamin, ed of New World, for $5000 in damages for libel;  NP Willis now an ed of Bro Jon, which next month gets a puff)

Apr 24 p. 2 Exhib Fine Ptgs Free beaut frmaed Chambers and Broadway, sold Tuesday

Apr 28 p.2  notice of NAD opening yesterday, splendid supper on Friday, early visit, speak accord to their merits.  There’s an advert for it p. 4.

May 1 p.2 mammoth weeklies, with literary splendors (on the wood cut principle), more costly and pretending

May 3 p. 1woodcut of arrival of steamship Grt Western (tho looks like a sailboat)

May 7 p.2 Mr Verplanck presented memorial to Senate fr Alexander Vattemare for his project.

Notices The Planet, advoc of cause of the National Administration.  Hates the English policy re opium and China.  Praises Hunt’s Merchant’s Mag.  Likes Fanny Elssler.  Lots of praise for Godey’s.

June--the war on the Herald is going full steam, dislikes him giving details of fashionable ball next to details of ball in a brothel.  June 5 p. 2 Still dislikes the vulgar hawking of papers in the streets, discourages it, won’t sell to the boys, but the Herald does; newsboys are ashamed to sell it; later Jun 11, doesn’t like being sold by same boys as sell Herald, will refuse to sell papers to the boys altogether; Jun 12 that defenders of the Herald nearly all belong to the demo party

            takes a story fr Eve Star abt police investigation of caricature shop in Wall st of Alfred E baker, some weeks a priv family the subj of malignity.  Messrs Gerard, Tillon and Sedgwich applied for a warrant agst libels

Defends Forrest fr Daily Express’s criticism; notes the American Repertory of Arts and Sciences, fr the Mechanics Institute, JJ Mapes ed,

Jun 8 p. 2 v large and fine Euro copy of one of Raphel’s ptgs in most magnify frame, has been seized in rln to WM Eldredge, the forger, in Phila

Jun 17 p. 2 notices the Outline History of the Fine Arts by Benson J Lossing, fr Harpers, he’s ed of Family Mag.  condemns booths selling alcohol at the Park on 4th.  A female correspondent describes Col. Thorne’s late celeb ball in Paris, ultimate of luxury, gorgeous saloons, walls fluted with gold or rich silks, hung with works of first masters

Extra of the Sun features same woodcut of arrival of Grt Western steamship.

Jun 26 p. 2 notices the new NY Mirror, fine remarkably striking port of ed Genl Morris, engr by Parker fr ptg by Henry Inman. praises its truly Amer character, gorgeous engravings, pioneer in arts

July 8 p. 2 Fine Arts, taste for sculpt twin sister of ptg, just beginning here, for many yrs proud of our ptrs, honor to country abroad, delighted and refined public taste at home, national sculpture recent.  but before public taste, artists of v decided genius and rare merits taking us and Euro by surprise, works worthy of first masters, Greenough and Power in Italy, Brackett and Clavenger here.  Brackett most remarkable, less than a yr, already stamped w/highest marks of genius and power, almost his first work, performed atCinti, rec’d grt applause, so great effect, public mtg, subscriptions.  Statue of Nydia.  a native of Maine, for a few months here, granite bldg Broadway and Chambers, rooms open daily 11-3 free, busts of several citizens, v perfect likenesses, rare merit specimens art, bust of Gen Harrison and Senator in Congress, Mr Tallmadege, v striking and exact likenesses, life and spirit, talents of first order.

            Notices JO Lewis, pub painted litho port of Elkswatawa, the prophet of Tippecanoe, brother of Tecumseh, from life in 1823 at request of Gov Cass, copy to War Dept, finished picture in costume and feature and worthy of attn

Only very minimal notices of Elssler.  July 11 p.1 has a story by James H Perkins, set in Cinti, opposed to balls (! Sun has lots of ads for balls).  Bro Jon a splendid engrav of Trinity Church.

July 18 p. 2 Extra Sun, correp fr England says atlin’s gallery as popular as ever, Hoffman’s novel Grayslaer is sd superior to Cooper’s best (has been excerpted inSun and is playing at Bowery);  Rand and Healy, the Amer artists, are gaining grt celeb in their prof. in London, haing sitters fr among leading character s of day

Jul 23 p. 2 Mr Clark of 51 Orchard st pub elegant accurate engrav likeness of Pres Van Buren $1.

Long puff for Lady’s Bk, August admirable plate fr Dick, orig style of engraving, certain peculiar charms.  contribs inclu H Beecher Stowe, EC Stedman, A Stevens, Geo Morris, EF Ellet, FS Osgood.  occasionally mention an engraver/lithographer involved in counterfeiting

Jul 31 p. 2 Dag Likenesses, fr Phila, Justus E Moore, improved method, single instant of time, vs 2 minutes

Aug 3 notes arrival of Stephens and Catherwood, the panorama ptr, look for some fine ptgs.  Aug 9 p. 1 Extra Sun, arrival of Grt Western, Queen sits to Mr Haytu for full length port. Aug 10 p.2 English paper says gman of the fancy,a pugilist, visited US and had so little encouragement he declared Yankees had not taste for the fine arts

Aug 17 p. 1 Extra Sun, arrival of Pres, its main corridor in Gothic style, panels have mirrors and ptgs executed on canvas in imitation of tapestry, the whole having the appearance of a fine picture gallery, illustrative of life of Christopher Columbus, beaut ptd in oil, appropriate and interesting.  Have a splendid litho drawg of the ship fr our Liverpool correspondents Wilmer and Smith, as large as a sheet of the Sun, shows huge dimensions of the ship, in the above cut a 1786 steamboat shows dimensions

Definitely at war with Bennett over Elssler, points out her frailty, shouldn’t be worshipped

Aug 20 p. 1 story fr London Mag, a young Span ptr in Naples gazes at just finished ptg, best I’ve ever done, equal to Caravaggio. Then turned to half finished port of a lady at other end of rm, singular naivete of artistical enthusiasm, commented on all its beauties, hand of true ptr in its most minute details.  Courtly ptrs around the viceroy shut out all access, vows to remain a dauber if he doesn’t find means in.  Accidentally in vigor puts black spot on portrait eye, has to repair.  His cleaner says his chef d’ouvre is a fine production, who else but devil could give you the idea of this horrible ptg? makes her sick, trembles.  Has refused to paint the portrait of a wealthy Countess, who is too ugly.  Wants to paint a beaut young girl as innocent magdalene, won’t go see a merchant patron, patronizing, insultingly wants him to paint a sign, he does the Martyrdom of St Bartholomew, it makes him famous, attn of viceroy, name is Ribera.

Aug 24 p. 1 woodcut of Atlas lifting the earth for Badewau’s plaster. p. 2 Notes death of Timothy Flint.  Happy about the demise of the Times, alw critical of Sun.  V clever caricature by somebody, showing Baltimore men dragging Elssler’s carriage, Fanny bought 50 to send to Euro.  Aug 2 5p. 2 excellent daguerotype miniatures by Insly and Prosch, 81 Liberty st, astonishing accuracy.

Mocks transcendentalism/The Dial in Boston a bit. Notes Joseph C Neal a Demo.

next reel picks up with Sept 1, 1840.  Sept 3 notices start of NY Standard, ed John I MUmford, and of course advocates demo party and election of Van Buren Jan 8 p. 2 notes appearance of Demo Press, a Whig penny paper. welcomes competition.  Headline “A lover of the fine arts” describes a man who claims revolutionary hero ancestry, and stole from State Library 20 plates cut fr copy of the Columbian and other works of travel and virtu, damage $500.  found when landlord searched his luggage for goods to pay his bill. Puffs daugerrotype miniatures by Insley & PRosch, Liberty and Broadway. Sept 12 p. 4 Gothic Architecture, for the Sun, y An Admirer of the Arts & Sciences, notes new church on Washington Square, likes its Gothic style, surpasses in design and dtail any in US, competes with modern churches of Europe. pure and correct, in form and proportion.  Nave has a ptg by Messrs Quidicini and Brigaldi, highest credit. Lafever and Harrison, architects.  faulty organ case, not consistent with style.

Sept 17 1840 p. 2 editor notes in another column a letter fr Jonathan Pericles, recommending a Mus of FA, supported by city treasury, free to all.  Same writer has advocated plan in another journal, and is energetic to bring subj before the people, gain approbatin.  Publish his communication so bold proposition be clearly understood, fairly considered.  Seems impracticable, but if it could be done, would have benign results, and we would advocate it on condition that the question voted on at the polls, 2/3 in favor.  If subj really understood by public, cld gain those numbers.  Expensive, but money well spent, not for mere amusement nor for giving a reputation of liberality and splendor to the city, nor even for encouragement of deserving artists.  worthy motives all, but an institution at public expense must have more impt result, educ of people, improving and enlarging of their minds, object worthy of exertion and sacrifice.  Politicians urge that permanence of free institutions depends on genl diffusion of knowl among the people.  how is a gallery of ptgs and sculpt to educate the people?  will induce them to think, elevate taste, dispositon to use leisure to acquire knowledge, the veriest loafer fr the streets who sees magnif ptg of Adan and Eve, Last Supper, or other grt productions, tho he could not point out their beauties with an artist’s eye, his attn arrested and admiration excited.  if sees leading events of our own history, awake his curiosity to learn more.  If poor people had a public museum, would wean them fr bad habits, happy effect on our mixed population.

            The Letter to editor re Public Mus of FA:  it is believed people will not pay a tax for it, because it would set a precedent for similar burdens.  NAD cannot do all that is desirable, it may educate artists and improve public taste, but does not provide place of constant resort for those who can’t purchase pictures.  Need a principle of combination on larger scale than Apollo Assn, a combo of all the people, or the govt, which could purchase a collection better than the wealthiest individ could afford, and poorest cld see.

            knows that commercial affairs untoward, and unsettled state of opinions on matters of taste, so proposes that only a portion of the value of ea artwork be pd, with artist at liberty to reclaim it upon repayment, or to receive full value when sold.  Author identifies himself as an artist.  Publishes plan in full in the New Yorker, Sept 5th.  objectin that if do this, next will come a public library, a museum of natural history, of manufactures, patronize all occupations whatsoever.  But this is not to benefit a particular trade, but to benefit public, and if it were believed a magnif library, or museum of a science would also be of benefit,should be done too. 

            also a blurb re a National Institution for Promotion of Science in DC, including a department for Lit and Fine Arts, Directed by Paulding and Poinsett

Sept 23 p. 2 notices striking portrait of commodore of shipSultanee, fr Imam of Muscant, in office of clerk of common council at city ahall, excellent likeness, aspect intelligence, ease and dignity, Edw Mooney, young artist v promising talents.

Sept 24 p. 2 Oil ptgs purchased at St Louis for English galleries in amount $10,-000, unus circumstances brought together large no of valuable beaut pieces.  Sept 25 p.2 supports proposal of NY Lyceum to expand on series of lectures, to createa  Library accessible at lowest possible rate, containing unexceptionable bks in respectable popular libraries, exclude fiction with irrelig or immoral tendency, $2 per year includes discount on lectures.  Critical of other public libraries as either too expensive and/or too dominated by fiction.  Sept 26 p. 2 Several v valuable Scripture Illustrations, supposed to be by Rubens, sd imported by distinguished family during the Revolution, taken fr Cathedrals of Euro.  Several hundred dollars offered refused for one of them, as desire is to exhibit and obtain perfect info fr any artist of the old country

Oct 1 1840.

excerpts 2 yrs before the Mast. notices Am inst Fair.  Oct 15 p. 2 notes a petition to Congress fr manufacturers, mechanics and others of this city, available for signing at Am Inst Fair protect inventors of new designs and patterns, worth support of our Amer artists, shd have a patent.  Notices James J Mapes periodical the Amer Repertory of Arts, Sciences and Manufactures.  Think the National Opera Hse shd get rid of the third tier.

Tippecanoe club advertises.   Oct 28 notes won’t pursue issue of a gallery of FA until present excitement over allegations of election fraud have died down.  Notes C&E and the Express in their coverage of the court testimony have left out or suppressed enough to make it a false record.


Nov 2 1840

Apollo Assn advertises its exhib in Clinton Hall, Beekman st, best artists of our country, choice specimens by old masters, collection superior in merit to any other in city, best judges.  Seems generally to be pro-Harrison.  Publishes a critique of Fernando Wood fr the NY American.  but ads for Van Buren too.  Doesn’t care much for Delmonico’s, tho the Signal likes it.  Likes Braham and Elssler.  James H Perkins story.  Pro phrenology. Nov 30 p. 2 poetic swipe at Bennett, for patronizing (for money?) certain performers

Dec 1 1840.  

Notes appearance of Arcturus, editors, respectable.  Likes Justice Matsell. genius and poverty too frequently allied.  Dec 24 p. 2 Likes Bancroft’s lecture on universal history, notes slam in another morning paper, says it just shows B is ahead of his time.  Puffs Catherwood’s panorama of Rome.


mfilm begins with April 10, 1841, then skips to the 15th, 16th, then to the 24th, then to May 5th, 6th, praises the weekly Mechanic. then regular issues.  Masonic Hall became Gothic Hall..  Skips the 10th.  Advertisement p. 3 for NAD, at rooms of the Institute, Society Library Bldg, Leonard st and Broadway, 350 works by living artists. Skips may 14 to 19; has the 20th.  Praise Genl Gaines and MRs Gaines.  fervid puff of Bro Jonathan, with implied attack on Greeley’s competing paper?  Then skips 22-26. skips 28th

June 1, 1841

Skips June 2.  Likes Carlyle’s opinions on Heroes.  Recommends Catskill Mtn Hse. Skips Jun 10th, and the 12th.  Jun 14th p. 2 New Historical Ptgs of American victories, gratifying to our republican pride to know most eminent historical ptrs of France have been secretly yet ambitiously commemorating early career as nation, glowing and enduring records, by Lami, Isaby and Bellange, Battles Yorktown, Erie and New Orleans, enormous dimensions, at Lyceum in Broadway. v grand masterly productions will touch chord of Amer feeling throughout Union,  eyond ordinary works of their class, noble pict of Yorktown mellow and rich as best of old amasters,but enchains mind by force of its originality and dramatic vigor of its historical impersonations beyond all expectation.  rushing to the charge, waving flag, surrender to immortal GW, recalled with such a power over lost reality that mind pays homage to artist’s genius.  new and impressive views of grt events scarcely less captivating, a grand and comprehensive reality revived, real interest taken in the characters.  appeal is to art and to patriotism.

            anecdote fr Picayune of ptr such extraord accomplishment, ptd a ? so exactly imitating ? when he threw it into the river it instantly sank to the bottom.

            puffs exhib at Apollo Gallery, Broadway and Chambers, thronged with city’s elite, viewing splendid coll of Euro Ptgs for free, sold at auction.  Ad p 1 also for splendid exhib at Amer Acad of Falls Of Niagara, with real water

Jun 16 thinks the conduct of the Florida war inglorious, a waste of money and men, govt corruption

Jun 17 p. 2 Mr Thom the disting sculptor superintends stone cutting for Trinity Church. don’t want alcohol sold at the Park on July 4th.

Skips the 22nd.  Jun 26th, supports an institu for vagrant boys.  puffs Stephens and Catherwoods travel bk, then publishes several extracts from it, human sacrifice.  Notes Jun 29th a new morning paper attacking the Sun, organ of (former Mayor Aaron) Clark & co;  Jun 30th describes people behind (financing) New Yorker, founded 1834, Dr Eldridge now of Phila, a forger, Park Benjamin, J Winchester, Horace Greely (formerly of Clark & Co), Sibley of Pittsburgh, E Burke Fisher, EG Paige, JG Wilson, Mr Farmer

            -has some interest in q of whether present savages rltd to ancient civs, doubts it

July 1, p. 2 1841, puffs Insley’s daguerreotypes, truly admirable, reduced prices. Jul 2 p. 2 Fine Chance, grt sale splendid Euro ptgs Broadway and Chambers st, rare chance picts grt merit beauty low prices. Also notes new issue of Dem Rev w/new publishers.

Then after July 7, skips to Aug 10, 1841.  Letter fr Geo Washington Dixon of the Polyanthos, had long been an unacknowl contrib. to Herald, possible merger of two.  skips to Aug 13, then to 18th.  Aug 20 p. 2, reprints a letter fr Marietta, Ohio, in the cinti Chronicle of the 11th, on a remarkably young female artist, “an original genius”.  author was in Marietta for commencement, went up the Muskingum to see daughter of a Frenchman, language teacher with small farm.  She’d seen two years a go a new fashioned dress at a ball, on her return drew it accurately on white walls of her rm with charcoal, her mom sd she’d best paint the rest, and did, with historical drwgs literally “charcoal sketches.”  she proceeded untutored to oil, and covered hall and parlor with most curious and unique works of genius, oppos parlor door had drawn another door, half open, and from the opening, erself, large as life, peeping into the hall.  Looking thru the parlor door at this piece, the fig seemed actually alive.  On another side ptd interior of a rm, at supper table, a gman wife and child, father holding out his hand to watch the laughing infant.  In another place the Elopement, the window and part of a lady’s apt; she’d agreed, but had repented, stood with one ft on the window sill, hesitating, her lover outside looking in, with pistol to his head, threatening to annihilate himself if she did not go.

            Thus had the artist’s fancy run wild in the pursuit of images, alike suitable for poet or ptr.  In such a scene, where genius, vivified, breaks the clods of nature, to soar on the wings, in solitude, we may realize that Gray’s lines are not merely beaut idea but truth (full many a flower is born to blush unseen).  But she’s not literally unseen, those here take an interest in her progress.  a fit subj for patronage of a gman in Cinti whose encouragement of arts has already conferred honor on his taste and liberality. (editor notes this is presumably Mr N Longworth, formerly of this city)

Ad for Roberts’ Semi-Monthly Mag ‘cheap enough’--capt marrryatt, etc

Aug 26 p. 2 notices suicide of John H Lehr, the Artist, a historical and portrait ptr in Phila, found shot by a pistol, left letters inclu one to Sully requesting he finish a port of his deceased father.  p. 4 excerpts fr NO Picayune “That Ptr,” ed had spoken in complimentary terms of extraord talents of that ptr, didn’t so soon obliged to condemn the exercise of those talents for mischievous unworthy purposes.  in a drunken frolic, went aboard a schooner, ptd anchor in imitation of soft pine, on lake next day, tumbled it into water, found it floated as buoyantly as a cork, vessel went ashore, underwriters have brought action for damages agst ptr.  anchor saved fr wreck, a careless Yankee began whittling on it and got one of the flukes off, would have finished it entirely had not the ptr daubed a knot hole so tough as to break both his blades.

Then skips to Sept 1, 1841. puff for Falls of Niagara, with real water, at Acad of FA.  Then skips to the 6th, p. 4, excerpts Puffer Hopkins satire of transcendentalism fr Arcturus. Then skips to Sept 10, an Extra.  has a satire of Bennett’s Money articles, calls it humbug.  sympathetic with clerks’ request to close stores at 8 rather than 9.  Then skips to Sept 13.  Disapproves of Henry Wise.  Benj Day has financial interests in Bro Jonathan and Tattler.  Sept 28 p. 2 Public Gall of Ptgs, proposition been made for its estab, have spoken favorably of it as affording all classes a highly intellectual amusement, elevate their thoughts, improve tastes.  great expense is obstacle, but grand desideratum now supplied, HE Riell has opened splendid rms at Broadway and Duane st beaut coll, many by most celeb old masters, free.  has rms for sales and genl auction, sale of oil ptgs on Sat.   Likes Gen. Cass.

Skips fr Sept 30 to Oct 4, 1841. p. 1 has lecture by Channing on the Age’s commanding characteristic, tendency to expansion, universality, diffusion.  Lots of coverage of McLeod trial. Oct 15 p. 2 notices at Am Inst Fair in the ornamental line, excellent specimens of sign ptg by Ackerman and Miller.  The picture gallery is miserable; the only 2 specimens worthy of remark are those ofMr HOwdes, 2 India ink drwgs well exec but better finished than drawn.  Notices Scurrilous Prints fr venal licentious scribblers, patriots free of all vice thru levity and indiscretion become the objects of attack; condemn what does not pertain to official conduct, and any intent to ridicule or mortify is a libel.  Approves of governor Polk of Tenn demanding banks resume species payment.  Defends Sunday papers.  Notes NP Willis no longer editing Bro Jonathan with Mr Weld, who has been virtually sole editor all along.  Oct 29 p. 2 Greenough’s statue of Wash placed in rotundo without damage, waits for pedestal, fourteen tons.

Nov 1, 1841. p.1 reprints the letter re Miss Martin, abbreviated form.  notices Catholic politicking re school system, they’ve endorsed many of the Tammany candidates, who then pub a card denying that they would use school money for sectarian purposes.  Nov 5 notices C Edwards Lester’s book on England’s suffering peoples, due to insane Corn Laws.  

Then skips to 1842.

Jan 17 p. 2, a memorial signed by large no of most disting cits presented to Common Council this eve, for James V Stout, the sculptor, to exec statue of GW for this city, don’t doubt it will be favorably rec’d

Jan 18 horrified to hear Tyler gave Bennett the state printing jobs.  Jan 19 p. 2 puffs the Apollo Gallery’s Artist’s Dream, splendid engr, Society doing much towards refinement and prog of the arts, part of their lit review column.  Approves of Lester’s Shame of England.  Jan 21 p. 2 “grt work of art” gman arrived fr Euro with stupendous magnif works of art ever, model of city of Dublin, took him 12 yrs, 300 ft, testimonials, perfectly precise. American Museum.

Jan 27 p.2 testimony in ongoing coverage of Colt murder trial fr Saml S Osgood, a port ptr at corner of Chambers st and Broadway, rm 11, directly opposite Mr Wheeler’s 3 windows, native of Boston and has lived in Hartford, went to schl with Mr Colt, ardent in his feelings but amiable, absent fr home when it happened

Feb 1, 1842.  not as strongly as the Herald, but would like Bankrupt bill repealed. Disapproves of JQ Adams, and H Wise. Feb 7 p. 1 ‘A Contrast’ betw extravagant shopper at Stewart’s on Broadway, and starving widow and children on Leonard st

Feb 9 p.2 puffs ptgs see for free Broadway and Chambers sts, large valuable coll 300 Euro ptgs, surpass in magnif and beauty, auctioned next Tues, parlors beaut picts moderate prices. Feb 10 notices another port of Boz by GL Curry & Co 167 Broadway, sd gd likeness.  Feb 11 p. 1 another excerpt fr Catlin, not art related.  Big ad for cartmen’s mtg.  Feb 15 notes that shop windows are stuffed with litho likenesses of Boz that resemble him as much as a horse.  Ad for an Extra Aurora, 23 engr, graphic account of grand Boz Ball at Park, port of Dickens and wife, and of the tableaux

Supports Pres Tyler as nonpartisan.  Feb 21 p. 2 corresp fr DC, statue of GW in Rotunda found resting place, awk position and bad light under skylight, now near western entrance, 8 ft fr floor, Pettrich sculptor prepping suitable pedestal marble.  Puff for Catherwood’s panorama of Jerusalem, faithful correct beaut exec.  Notes suit of Griswold & Alsop agst J of Commerce dropped

Feb 24 p. 1 Imitative Talents of Italian artists, excerpted fr Spectator, a set of casts fr sculptured gems assuming to be antique, Polish prince’s coll, Fakes, by modern artists.

Ad for Thom S Nichols new paper, the Arena.  Disapproves of covering balls and private properties as repugnant to female modesty, Feb 26.

March 1 1842.  Likes puffer Hopkins in Arcturus, Demo Rev under Langley.  New World and Bro Jon advertise. Mar 7 notes death of eccentric McDonald Clarke, ad for Jackson ball at Tamm hall. Mar 16 p. 2 ad for sale of oil ptgs, splendid modern Euro, being a  part of those sold at the Apollo gall in Feb, inclu 4 views on Hudson, splendid frames, Henry Raynor.  don’t encourage US citizens to fight on behalf of TX.

April 1842

big ad for Bulwer’s new novel (critical of the World for abridging it for sale at a lower price, whole thing can be had at Bro Jon). critical of the American for being too critical of Webster and Everett re the mutiny of slaves on the Creole.  April 7 p. 2 approves of Matsell’s efforts to crack down on prostitutes on Broadway, other papers accuse him of oppressing unfortunate women.  Praises Miss Cushman’s efforts to start a theatre.  Commercial Advert and American use inflammatory (anti Catholic?) language re present School Bill.  Notes Cooper’s four lawsuits in Otsego cty ct, inclu two agst the Albany Eve J.  Apr 30 disapproves of master’s not superintending apprentices’ character development.  Yankee Hill has taken over the former Peale’s Museum. 

May 1842.  Advert May 2 for NAD now open, 10-10.  Fitz Greene Halleck and Wm LStone apptd superintendent of common schools by the Board.  They sell a pamphlet on the Wealth and Pedigree of the Wealthy citizens of NYC.  Seems supportive of Gov Dorr and Rhode Island’s reforms; pro-suffrage/Demo.  Defends Cooper and his naval history, particularly his account of the Battle of Lake Erie, in which he sides with Elliott rather than Perry.  Puffs Wakefield’s new steel engr of Presidents of US, best we’ve ever seen, likenesses engr and design excellent, $1 Colman’s and Post’s 88 Bowery.  a hung jury?  Puffs Morris and the Mirror. May 31 snippet on miniature ptg on marble, thin polished plates for oils, recommended by several French artists, take color with grt freedom and retain it with tenacity, withstand time etc unlike ivory yellowing, splitting, marble can be larger dimensions

June 1842.  Approves of Cooper’s defense of glories of Amer navy in the Demo Review.  Sad to see Arcturus closing, thinks there shd be an intl copyright law if there’s ever to be an Amer/national lit.  Notes Slamm has retired fr New Era.  June 15 p. 1 big woodcut ad for Troy Shirt Depot, more excerpts fr Catlin’s letters.  Letter re plight of the poor in city fr EW jr.  Ad for new daily The Plebeian, ed Slamm and Clement Guion, in the Sun’s old offices.  Notes success of Cooper’s suit agst Stone.  A critical goodbye to Fanny Elssler, have thrown thousands at her, has no virtue, while women and children here starve. Jun 23 p. 1.  Parke Godwin & Co have purchased New Era, will keep its politics same.  disapproves of JW Webb’s latest duel.  Rhode island events take lots of attn. 

July 1842

Sun is alw complaining about boys on loose in streets, vice.  Noah ad for a new paper, The union, of Old Republican Schl, support Genl Admin, two cents/day.  will be delivered in evening by Sun carriers. Jul 12 p. 2 Pinteux and Palmo, evil influ of musical rumshops, deceitful covering in which they are enveloped, lay real characters bare, like Pinteux;s Les Café des Mille Columnes, one of the worst, renders place as attractive as possible to lure, eye pleased with view of beaut tho by no means chaste ptgs, mirrors, marble, rich voluptuous music, eyes, ears, female singers, all to get you to buy rum, addict young men.  Palmo’s on Chambers st, same gilded attractions, ptgs, mirrors, music, women, not beaut but in eyes of correct people, utterly hideous, unlike shining woman in home (backs down on Jul 18 under attack of Evening Tattler, says didn’t mean to question their virtue or honesty).  Comm Adv agrees with them re Fanny Elssler’s indecency, callousness of those who give her money.  Description of holiday in Catskills, search for wilder scenery.  July 21 p.1 fr Blackwood’s for June, The Venitian Prisons, in a dungeon, of all the portraits of themselves of painters, most interesting were two profiles on low roof, a kingly head with crown and another, the paduan tyrant and his son, strangled here, ea with a charred spoon for a pencil marked shadow of the other.  Some drew churches too.  victims and their judges conducted out of rms of state, walls hung with Titian’s or Veronese pictures, where banqueted in full security, to prison; portraits of judges in purple and ermine shown in one room.  Even doges imprisoned, one mistaken case was recorded by Titian in beaut pict of triumph of Glory of the Cross. 

            Wants to get rid of street beggars.  Ad for Reading for All is a bible biography with 500 engr by eminent artists of Engl and America, new and original, use woodcut illust to advertise.  Jul 28 critical of street venders and pedlars, hard on regular traders, foreign

            returns to critique of Palmo’s et al, as genteelly and orderly conducted, just why they are so deceitful. notes fire at Catherwood’s panorama.

LOC mfilm Aug 1842-June 1843

Aug 1 1842 p1 big ad with statue of colonial man pointing to sign for Sears Bible, with 500 beaut engravings, Reading for All. 8 Urges crushing libidinous newspapers Flash, whip and Rake. Critical of Dickens and Carlyle as hostile to US, doesn’t really support intl copyright. Approve of Tyler. Sun offices moving to Nassau and Fulton. 17 editorial on fashionable lounger/loafer, with beard and huge moustaches.24 long attack on the rakish newspapers as worse than obscene engravings, which at least are not thrust into your face on the street by newsboys 25 fashionable educ makes girls unhappy as wives. P26 promotes Am Inst. CG Foster and JW Moore new mOnthly Review prospectus, proClay, new move on chessboard. excerpts Plebeian.

Sept 1842 3 enraged about insult to Tyler at Ashburton dinner at Astor house, and then truckled to the monarchy. 6 Prosper Wetmore in Eve Posst denies that he slighted President at Ashuburton dinner. running anecdotes of Jackson fr Dem Rev, also have Tasistro’s acount of N Orleans slave market, critical of breakup of family. pro dog killing.. notices Isaac Pray, newspaperman fr Boston. Weekly Tattler Dillon & Hooper pub $1 year. 17 praise the newsboys 20 CC&E duplicitous, knavish. Appreciate the Odd Fellows but are not members.

Oct 1842 likes Noah’s evening Union. 14 p2 has engr of new Park Fountain 16 two column attack on Bennett 28 everyone loves Curtis, Collector for the port. No capital punishment, agree with O’Sullivan. mfilm pretty unreadable.

Nov 1842

have enlarged. Merc Lib subscribes. Perhaps intl copyright will block pub of trash like Paul de Kock. Langley publishing rambles in Yucatan; Appleton publishes Puffer Hopkins. 29 Need a true national literature, need better universities and libraries. should have free lectures.

Dec 1842

support free trade. notice Sergeant’s New Monthly Mag. 17 describes obscne prints, inclu Robinson, the printer, held as evidence, 2 large 8 ft square oil ptgs of lascivious figs a la Priapus, 5000 lithos, in the tombs 19 humbuggery or expensive newspapers 21 say Bennett is bankrupt thx to inroads of Whip and Flash, has a few digs at his wife. Bancroft applauded at Merc Lib, praised Bryant. skipped fr 27 to


Jan 11. 24 praises the Artist magazine.31 prefer Mrs Farnham to Neal on women’s rights

Feb 6 gives parentage of cadets at West Pt. puffs New World.

Mar 7 support NY and Erie rrd, tho state ought not advance more money, use convict labor. support women’s property rights law. 22 Laboring classes and Higher classes, distcintion here fading away, the good and bad, intellig and ignoant, industrious and idle distinctions instead. True Sun created by compositors and a foreman (who had spent 14 years at J of Commerce) unhappy at having pay reduced. Willis defending Bulwer fr attack in Sargeant’s mag. 31 highest compliment that papers say Sun is only read by the common class, we are the favorite of the People, champion of republican principles generously supported by the people, our party—the People—and their interests, are the strength of the city. Notices Calyo’s ad for drwg and ptg school, recommend him, portraits also satisfied, 285 Broadway.Sun office is pub complete edition of Cornelius Mathews. Bro Jon ad, New World too

April 1843 7 Parke Godwin’s weekly Pathfinder, excellent paper, takes a Jackson poem from it 21 engr of an aerial steam carriage cheap press reforming lit, 22 calling out the natl mind, class of thinkers of new and orig stamp 24 Spooner coll splendid ptgs, real merit, 106 Liberty

Sun Weekly, April 1, 1843

Cover has illus of boy stealing sweetmeats. Notices Demo Review, for sale at Sun office, books by JH Ingraham inclu on Boston Aristocracy, John S Stephens Incidents of Yucatan, Lowell offering on women’s labor dignified. P. 4 criticizes the party press, insincere tool of office-seekers

April 27, 29, 1843—I don’t see any NAD ads

May 1843

6 Plebeian enveloped in mystery, Slamm denies being editor, used to think highly of him, but malign re state printing and serious Demo division a result. Lawsuit with C&E. 8 Assoc of Mechanics, Agricultarists and Laborers started fr city to locate land on Delaware river, in Lackawanba township, 2500 acres, with mills, need $5000 cash, advantages near rrd when completed, Joint Stock Co. (Sylvania).

rest of May missing, skips to

June 1

2 p2 are now critical of basin and fixtures abt the ftn, a goose puddle; Fine Arts: Americans love dress and furniture, but not ptg and sculp beyond family port or amateur lscape. Shop in Wm st had casts of exquis dancing girls which would embellish any saloon, but bought by a European, urge buy even plaster busts. Am Inst liberal free reading room, cant lovers of fine arts open free gall of ptg and sculpt? Jun 3 cover has engr of Victoria and her two kids, dog, with a poem.—it’s the weekly issue, $1 year. p. 2 Apollo Assoc worthy of greater patronage than it receives. Bennett suing Sun. 19 engr of Bunker Hill celebration, synopsis of  Webser oration. 23 Rover, Mr and Mrs Seba Smith weekly, big hit. stopped at 29th.

July 14, 1843 regular Sun, no big masthead. Notices that Brackett in Boston is doing an exact bust of W Alston, and the latter’s ptgs are on exhibit. Puffer Hopkins advertises.

Dec 7, 1843—gives the names of the 671 prize winners at the Am Inst Fair, notices Bancroft’s Hist of Mex Conq, Mirror, the Rover, and Eugene Sue.

Dec 8 1843 p. 4 Dickens did the cause no good, but in favor of intl copyright

NYHS Apr-Jun 1844 volume, has enlarged, still one cent, has more corresp. April 2 notices prospectus for NY Gall of FA in another column, calls it admirable, $1 for life membership. Like Eugene Sue. likes New Mirror. Lots of crit of John L Graham as postmaster, Whiting will be better. Elssler a victim of Bennett’s blackmail, accord to Henry Wyckoff.

1845—Library of Congress hard copy, lots of dates missing


starts on Jan 14. The Aurora is an administration organ, supported with govt money by the thousands, but only has a circ of a few hundred, little influence. Didn’t trust indep press for exposition of its policy. Plebeian is excactly the same for a certain clique of this city, and union of two papers added together two cyphers, Administration has two broken reeds for crutches. James Polk need not be the partner of any political clique. John Tyler shld have dispensed with all govt organs and would have been the manof the people. Tyler’s measures were national, indep press recognised them as such, defended them. 15 Columbian Mag best of all (even tho it has Park Benjamin; likes JG Chapman and Morton in it). Sun is pro-annex. 18 long review fr Express of Noah’s restoration of Jews. 20 critical of factory system and class consequences. 24 women shld learn to do woodcuts. 31 Onderdonk’s trial being published, charged in 1837 with being improper to 4 women, single and married, since then he has atoned and repented and friends thought shld just be admonished, as a minister was not charged with such

February 1845 starts on 5th

12 squib on Benj West having discovered on his own a camera obscura. Hostile to Horace Mann. From the 14th, jumps to

March 12 1845

Defends robt Owen. Indians can be civilized/assimilated. Disapproves strikes. Very hostile to anti-renters. Opposed to monopolies but pilots can’t let anyone do it. Advert for Native Am party, notices phreno lectures. Ought to deal better with Indians west of Mississippi, not just grab their land. Sad that Willis’s wife died early at Astor hse.


Starts on 2nd. Trib’s candidate for Mayor (vs James Harper of Nat Amer) in favor of foreign naturalized citizens, will improve the race. Publisher ads are fr Burgess, Stringer & Co., not others. Praise Mitchell’s as best theater in town. V hostile to Britain. 17 Bolton Abbey pub by John Neal is finest mezzotint ever seen. Grahan and Winchester pub ads too. Loves Osgood, also Sigourney and Ellet. 22 medical corresp. fr a Newark paper condemns masturbation as cause of insanity. Notices Yankee Hill. Fremont going west.

May 1845

1 brief praise of packet ship Henry Clay. Defends Am factory system vs British. 2 admires James Harper as a mechanic. 6 notices the constellaion. Wm L Stone leader of Coloniz Soc. Big ad for Penny Magazine. 10 Healy, the young Am artist, commiss by Louis Phillippe to do ports of Gen Jackson, JQ Adams, Webster, Clay and others. 12 like Matsell for chief of police. 13 News is taking over Plebeian, neither it nor Post orig wanted annex nor Polk. Supports liberation of Gov Dorr.

16 p.1 Pict of Jos Buonaparte at Sully& Earle’s gall in Chesnut st, v beaut, before his interment, work of disting Ital artist, fr Phila Chronicle, owned by heir of estate at Bordentown NJ. 17 Slamm of Plebeian loses libel trial. 21 approvesSeward’s defense of the Trib in Cooper’s libel case 22 thinks they need a new conserv and progressive parties.

Have generally liked J of Commerce. Don’t do bk reviews. Used to mention Ladies Companion and Mirror, but now only mag it mentions is Columbian.

June 1845

14 vandal of worst char to burn Phila Acad FA, nothing fungible. 18 excerpts the Young England Movement fr D’Israeli but 18 Phenix Hose co determined to save Death on a Pale Horse fr Phila fire. 24 p. 1 Healy fortunate to get last sitting of Jackson for a port, complexion bloodless, bent emaciated, abundance of hair, will have special issue on funeral etc for him. Month ends with 27th. No NAD ad that I saw.

Skipped July/Aug 1845

August 28 p. 4, Powers the sculp writing to a friend that marriage even without means compelled him to make exertions, fr Boston Transcript


1 Am Inst-is being destroyed by present syst of management, abt half a doz men who use this Inst for their own private ends or party purposes, it petitions Congress for tariff and aids Whig campaigns. Chooses violent Whig partizans as orators, and speeches are political in nature. Of 80 elected committee mebers, barely ten demos. We are opposed to all dictorial clubs or cliques, whig or demo. Spent $400 on dinners and champagne, shouldn’t be able to rent city rooms at no charge.

Now has poem on front page, often humorous or unsigned. Genin’s doesn't advertise, Beebe does. Opposed to corporal punishment in schools. 6 critical of ladies f Moral Reform Society to for choosing Burdett, Courier’s police reporter, to guard agst licentious press; Greeley their pet, but Sun a staunch friend, ought to be allowed in. 8 Greeley’s Trib defends Am Inst. NY Packet (ed by Dixon) also vying to be Moral Reform organ, sneers at the Sun. defends Genl Gaines. 15 likes Drake’s history of Indians in New England as it’s critical of Puritans, shows them involved in slavery

p.2 private view of a v excellent piece of sculp brought by Am gman who intends to exhibit it, Coming fr the Bath by sculpt of King of the belgians, female, surpasses any of the kind. 17 notices new paper the Globe. 18 Disapproves of vagrant children begging or stealing and corrupting other children or young traders who sell toys matches papers in the streets, majority also take to evil courses. 22 notices Plumbe. Daily circ 42,000. 24 loves Wandering Jew.. 27 Corinne Montgomery wrote letters fr Texas for Sun. Defends John Van Buren.


4 notices TL Nichols new wkly Examiner, lots of coverage of Owens’ convention 7 trains shld have monopolies on routes but fares regulated by govt. Opening of Fair at Niblo’s, brilliant coll.. Harper’s adverts. Coming fr the Bath advertises, at NA rms, De Kuyper. 10 has excerpts fr Broadway J, Knick, Columbian

14 p. 1 story fr Phila Sat Courier, Art and Love by Mrs E Carter, poor mother and daughter doing embroidery to survive, underpaid, daughter used to be a student of Ashton, sd her ftn and view of bay better than many at exhib. Thinks maybe she could get lessons in mini ptg, more profitable, Madam Gaudet makes $2000 a year. Brings one of her ptgs to a woman who is sd to be a patron of the arts, before knows it’s for sale admires sunset gilds broken bit of bridge, cool spray, a relative calls it a miserable daub, unnaturally blue water and sky, nothing like that in nature, not well ptd.. Uncle Frank sees and admires young artist, then rhapsodizes re her ptg, rich warm tint, sunshiny hue the poetry of ptg, admirable effect of mass of gilded clouds, unpractised genius. Artist gets liberal order, becomes successful support of family, marries Frank


TS Arthur. 8 has a counter poem by Quiz to whittier’s Lays of Labor, the Lies of Labor, oystermen want money 8 report the clinical lectures at NYU on surgery. 10 Sigourney’s Charter Oak. 12 long letter praising the Mormons. 13 a Geo P Morris poem. 15 notices Scientific American 20 notices ptgs at an auction in Clinton Hall, groups, fancy pieces, busts portraits, and 21 puffs it again includ pano of Liverpool cost $2000. 25 appeal of the Catholics in Italy. Excerpts fr Neal’s Sat Gaz, Graham’s.


4 HR Robinson, Lithographer on Nassau, splendid Jackson fr dag. 12 sad re death of commod.Elliott. 16 want Calhoun in the cabinet. Lots of puffs of Plumbe. Wealth and Wealthy Citizens of NY 10th ed sold out of Sun office. 20 supports Owen plan for Smithsonian bequest 22 notices magnif 3 ft engrav by Dick on Fulton st of Last Supper. Wants Mexico and Canada. Describes Landing of Pilgrims celeb.

1846—missing issues


Death of Broadway Journal—someone left and so it died? Not because of overdose of analyt crit. 6 long puff of Hart’s bust of Henry Clay at Astor house, lifelike full of genius and eloquence, has a commission for John Calhoun, will stand high. Ok with Cassius Clay speaking in NYC. Trinity Church owns property without rights. Harry Franco story from Knick of Peter Funk on the 16th, auction dealer’s den ornamented by an engraving of a lady ina satin gown that viewed at a certain distance looked like a white horse rearing on his hind legs, besdie choice works of art, inclu Fr snuff box with highly objectionable pic in inside of the cover, threatens to put beware of humbug in front of noted professors.17 Excelsior superb. 21 doesn’t support NY pilots monopoly. Has a poem on Inman’s death. Wants entire abolit of militia laws. Likes Thom H Benton


6 Notes Rotunda in the Park been leased to NAD, regret removal of the Post Office, which pd rent. Happy lots of people supporting Inman benefit. 21 excerpts Headley on tight lacing, Italians with antique statues in front of them don’t do it


Long description of steamer Oregon, doors have names of our female authors. Eve Post with them on the critique of Trinity.


7 steamer Wm Pitt scuttled with Anelli’s End of the World on board only insured for $5000. A corresp ST in DC says Webster vindicated the Ashburton treaty


Masthead has alleg of Liberty and Justice. No NAD ad. Critical of editors who sympathise with the Milliner Queen (of England) 26 CC Childs apptd city printer, his political life as  a Demo this his first real recog.


Excerpts Waddy Thomposon, lots on Mex of course. Washington Union cited more than Wash Globe and Union

July and August skipped


16 Girard statue in posit at Girard Coll, if resemblance is as true to the orig as the trustees’ college is to the plan. Globe in tthis city is partisan demo.


6 praises Am Inst Fair 7 newsp a mark of repub system vs London, where no penny papers, no crying them in streets, not in everyone’s back pocket p. 2 Pilgrim a corresp fr DC for Sun writes that in DC Floyd the port and hist ptr is working on great pic The Surrender of Santa Anna, all recog generlas portraits, bold design, admirably grouped, ordered by friends of annexation, but artist has right too paint a duplicate, to serve as pendant to Fremont planting Flag on summit of Rocky Mtns. Magnif, will make Floyd famous. Notices beaut pic by Ackerman & Mills in Nassau st, enormous size, a gem of its kind, procession of banners exhib beauties of fine arts, largest and foremost is supported by two cupids and Muse of Ptg smiling, on left is a News Boy with his bundle, gazing like a connoisseur at thepic before him, while an old house wife with her market basket on her arm stares away, also sailors, and copy of NY Sun. 13 Opening of Mechanics’ Hall , members families and friends filled, address of FW edmonds cashier of mechanics Bank,  on history of Mechanic’s Society, library loans volumes freely, runs a school. 16 excerpts flattering description of Prof. Morse.

Weekly Sun Oct 17 1846—masthead by W Roberts, elab shield with harbor scene, rrd and elegraph, laborer, ships. Packet ship Margaret Evans the illus and Mehemet Ali, Mlle Rachel. various jokes and poems, one in vernacular. CDS has long descr of Westminster Abbey chapels in his Letters fr Euro.

            Notes suicide of artist Gale, his relig ptgs made no money on exhib

20 a corresp is critical of Zach Taylor. Blurb re great natl pic of landing of Columbus at Acad FA, ranks with any of great hist ptrs of the day, Ariadne, people won’t be disappointed in its merit. Severe labors of the artist, deeply studied, altogether Am in atmosphere land, sea all remind us of home.Columbus in boat is noble and impressive, attendants with great force and peculiarity, hope Morse will paint pic for last vacant panel. 23 steamship illus. Praises Webb.Has a City Gossip column. 30 notices some Vanderlyn copies added to the exhib of Columbus.


3 City Gossip: stopped in at Vanderlyn’s great ptg landing of Columbus and were filled with unspeakable emotions while gazing on its witchery of colors, haven of tranq speaks to inner being in calm and spirit-quieting stretch of far off ocean, entranced in arms of earth, haze of a soul subduing sky above it. Heart grows tender under its spell, back to long forgotten haunts and dreamy pathways of youth, vanished hopes and perished joys present once agn, soul tho sad yet loves to linger amid strange influences of poet-ptr’s spell. Go ye who love the beaut and gaze!

11 City News praises a Robinson cartoon of Greely dancing before coons playing music; City Gossip pops into studio of young friend Cropsey, beaut pic Janetta Falls, named after Jane, near Greenwood lake

16 ladies of Virginia have hired Joel T Hart for statue of H Clay, citizen’s dress more approp than toga 18 City News praises News Boys as Nature’s noblemen, speculator, broker, merchant with his delicate contour, glad to know from you what is going on, fates are doing, he dispenses Sybil leaves


3 Geo Lippard story. 8 corresp defends Cushman, she is pop here unlike what other corresp says 21 notices Art Union expenses, how much of the amount collected went to purchase of engravings, cost of management is abt $6000/yr. More economical to have it managed by those who do Acad of Design and retain that management fee for purchase of artworks.



Starts with the 7th.11th Barnum’s Am Mus has big engraving of bface minstrels in ad forEthiopian Minstrels. 20 CDS the London corresp goes into raptures about the greatness of the Greeks after seeing Elgin marbles 21 gives Merc Lib Assoc election results. 25 supports Wash monument in city. Had supported John Young for gov.


5 JF Cropsey accomp and talented artist leaving May 1 for Euro, his beaut Janetta Falls in th eArt Union 9 Demo Rev one of the few reviews worthy of being called American, agrees with them on the war, not onSwedenberg, fine port of Gen Houston. Also likes the Literary World. 18 story of wife of Audubon


5 has long description of the 25 engravings in the Monthly Sun. 9 notices Mrs HM Perley, advertiser, showing her students oil pgs at her rooms on Broadway, gaining well deserved popularity 11 won’t discuss fight betw Colton of Am Rev and Webber on the 9th, which has become party feeling, and press involved. 19 Robinson has finelitho of Mike Walsh 27 NY Observer editor is Rev Mr Prime


2 NAD advertising! 31 notices new opera house being built on Paris design


3 Chas F Hoffman takes over Lit World. Under Personal, Powers the Sculp doing full length of John C Calhoun, citizens of Cinti offered him $10,000 for Grk slave etal. Under new publications notes magnif engr pub by John Neale on Carmine st of Spirit of 76 fr TH Matteson, by HS Sadd, lifelike delineation of interesting and exciting scenes, resulting in triumph of self govt. 18 Kellogg, a painter well known in the south, returns fr Italy this summer. 25 Bronze statue by Ball Hughes first one in country, at Mt Auburn. Notices Miss Beecher wants women teachers in west. 27 denies being an admin paper. 28 notices Sully. 31 pic of Mex water carrier, describes mestizos as more debased than any slaves, occupation will relieve their bondage


4 has Melville excerpt. Lots of coverage of oddfellows.

I stopped at the 15th, and skipped July/August 23

Though on July 12 the NAD has an ad, they are looking to lease a bldg on Broadway, Durand, Edmonds and Cummings; also elsewhere notices Vattemare tribute and Greenwood cemetery with tomb of McDonald Clark. Black borders for Silas Wright.

Greek Slave is advertising (so is Gen Taylor portrait litho)

September 1847

2 The Yankee and the Greek Slave: as we were gazing on that beaut creation of genius, Gk Sl by Powers in rm of Soc lib bldg the other morning, a tall rawboned looking Yankee in homespun suit of toggery, entered with a friend, who tho possessing but little external attraction, looked like coming fr anywhere but New England. “Mr Twitchings” sd she is an everlastin pretty creater I vow, unsurpassed and unsurpassable ejaculated his friend, face flushed by the force of the borrowed sentiment. But look there Seth, its kinder goin agin human natur to have the gal treated in that aire way and such an awful pretty gal too. If she were down to home I’d bet the biggest punkin that Nancy Cummins and the rest on em would have them aire ugly chain fixins off her wrists quicker than Squire Winslow can toddle to meeting. It’s a burning shame, a deep disgrace that that unfortunate class of females shld be dealt with so hardly sd his friend. It must be everlastingly hot in Greece, why they need be all so pesky mean and not give the gal decent kiverin. I’d like to court her amzin well, I would, yet I kinder calculate shes moanin now abt some Grecian feller she’s left, before turning on his heel and going towards the door to address the gmen standing there, why on earth don't you let that pore creter go to home among her folks? It’s a statue of marble. Jumpin Jehosaphat if I aint been chiselled by that aire stone statue, it looks so natural. All laughed. Left convinced that if he had not seen the elephant, he had come in contact with a very unpleasant sort of an animal.

3 Banvard in town.

18 Whitehorse, artist of consid merit, chosen for Wright’s portrait for City. 23 memorial for O’Connell impressive, Seward great tribute. 25 Powers incomparable work of art Grk Sl is visited by hundreds shld clear $30,000, Am can produce genius and can reward it. Mathews and Meighan to publish a theater paper

October 1847

1 The Quidor Collection advertises, series of magnificent gigantic scriptural ptgs, finished in highest style, first artists say better than West’s ptgs on same subjects, best coll of historical subjects ever exhib to public

6 New Gall of AU—597 Broadway, opened to select party of Artistes, Editors and Connoisseurs, gives its size and fixings, velvet cushions, pics well presented, superior to anything of the kind we’ve seen except the Louvre. As to qual of ptgs saw some gems that will attract attn. monument of increasing taste. 9 anecdote of Apelles. 11 Song of  the Folder, satirizes shirt. 11 AD Paterson dies of apoplexy, gentle amiable good impulses. Takes Courier’s and Mirror’s side in dispute with Sivori.

14 Criticisms on the Greek Slave: editorial in yesterday’s J of Commerce re nudity betrays libidinous sensibility. To innocent heart and mind none of the  obscene double entres of the J would have been suggested, but to one depraved a drapery of cast iron would be insufficient. It is the painted cheeks of prudery andmock modesty that have been mistaken for blushes of shame. No right minded man or woman has been shocked by the exquisitely beaut statue. Artist’s work is a personification inspiringonly sentiments of admiration and pity. No indications of wantonness or grovelling passions except they spring fr heart of spectator. Those who shrink before Canova;s Venus and Powers shld be carefully avoided, they betray a corruption agst which garments are no defense. The holiest cherub in heaven would be a wanton to their defiled imag, if they were so fortunate as to get there with their filthy crit. Journal’s article shows a vividness in the conception of evil, and a familiarity with lewdness, calculated to awaken impure thoughts. Why shld the chaste marble, glowing with beauty and sadness, suggest grosser ideas than the nude infant? With that sensibility he would have insulted Eve in the garden of Eden even in a linsey-woolsey frock.

15 note J of Commerce as one of two Wall st papers who opposed dear project of the Free Academy (high school) because of taxes it would impose. Think Taylor is unprepared for the Presidency, admire his military success, but it came from his troops, who same journals who support him wanted to stint their pay. Has Onderdonk’s plea for restoration to Bishops.

20 Wash monument, let design be resubmitted, something beside a Gothic spire, he was of a mixed Grk and Roman age, a Corinthian column, monolith or obelisk wld be more imposing. J of Commerce with its usual patriotism called ceremony a humbug, so it says of the free Acad, of Am sympathy for immigrants, and of every other movement for the glory of the country and the amelioration of mankind. The cry of humbug is only a reflection of the J of Commerce.  Notices closing of Quidor’s ptgs.

22 excerpts fr Graham’s the Last Adventures of a Coquette, involve her falling in love with a miniature ptr. Reviews Am Inst Fair extensively. Portrait of Pius 9th v pop. Quarrel with J of Commerce over letter from Spain’s authenticity; stupidity and wickedness.

            Design for the Wash Mon alm univ condemend by people of taste and judg, receive communications every day, a design drawn since the adoption of Pollard’s is on exhib at the Fair where all can judge of its merits, intended to be 500 ft hi and 100 in diameter, a temple of victory with globe of the world and Statue of Wash on top.

26 has the Restell trial, has a tribute to Capt Levy, says democrats are falling apart and should embrace Young progress, Whigs too, dissolution of parties. Describes Virgin of Guadalupe, framed in gold, superior, artists say know no means of imitating its rich delicate colors.

            Wash Monument: Secy of the Assoc writes to correct an error, disagrees that Pollard’s design adopted “is almost universally condemned by people of taste.” Thinks that Sun is subservient to money and influ of disappointed competitor who is sole source of hue and cry in papers. Says it’s our opinion not a penny a liner, not fr hostility or favor, object to it as possessing neither originality, simplicity nor grandeur, as Gothic inferior to Scott’s, ok for poet or scholar, but not for noblest Roman of all. Design we alluded to on Friday was by a young artist named Serrell, has some noble features, but not our idea of what it shld be. Reopen competition, lt it be even a rude mass of granite surmounted by a colossal statue, unique as the man who stands alone.

28 Wash Monument, lots support stand in oppos to Gothic, one proposal is to let subscribers vote, but we don’t like any of current designs, Serrrell’s if altered might be ok, but new designs better.

30 Powers charging $20,000 for two statues for Vermont for Capitol. Am AU: an Institution whose plans may be unknown to some of our readers. Managers elected, no compensation, gives plan.

November 1847 3 disagrees with Dem Review re Mexico.

4 Wash Monument: when is public to know design? Site also objected to, undesirable, too far uptown, we would prefer Battery, resort and for foreigners, confront ocean a first sign and type to every pilgrim seeking asylum in the republic. Architect suggests open competition.

Praise for Morse.

12 Restell’s guilt secondary to Society, facts are in possession of police that would turn indig fr her to persons in highest circles of our city, whose moral corruption has been hidden by her, patients remain unexposed and unpunished.

13 praises Dr. Collyer’s  Ilustrations, truly admirable, have come downtown to Palmo’s, beauty and grace in various attitudes, statuary is perfect

19 “Sham Neutrals” is Trib attack on journals of city that differ with Clay’s Lexington resolutions (no more territory), Trib doesn’t prove our position is incorrect.

            City News: Fine Arts: attend sale of copies of pics in the Louvre yesterday, shows low esteem for painters, 89 pics many most beaut exec knocked off for under $700, an average of $8 apiece. Copies of Vernet and views of Am scenery met with no better fate, even a copy of Washington and his Family fr orig by Savage only $15, patriotism and duty shld be more liberal

23 Wash Monment design by Cyrus L Warner, architect of city, don’t fully approve, tho far chaster grander and more approp than Gothic spire, want to excite efforts. Warner’s is Corinthian but not massive enuf to reflect his char, and indispensable to have a colossal full length or equestrian statue, but unity of design and leading features are admirable.

25 Express (Evening) agrees with Sun that it’s nearer the right idea, recommend putting GW atop the column instead of genius of liberty

A lot of Alfred Wheeler poems. 26 C&E agreees with them about Clay being wrong. P. 3 The Art Union, management improves every year, help aspiring artists advance, exhib here in new rooms a big improvement with few if any portraits of priv individs on walls. Free. During casual visit noticed 4 of Harvey’s exquis Am wood scenes, Ranney’s oft commended ptg Washington’s mission to the Indians, snow scenes and Peekskill by Gignoux, Christian at the Cross by Talbot, Deas’s Prairie Man and the Rancheros, gems in way of flower and fruit pieces, landing of the Pilgrims by Matteson, view on Rhone by GL Brown, etc. Some poor things, but many beauties abound.

27 March, an Assoc Editor at Trib, has Whig bro in office at Treasury.

December 1847

3 Geo H Colton ed Am Rev died age 29

4 J of Commerce Comm Advert Express publish items w/o credit fr Sun

14 has been attacking “expose” of Rothschilds as part of bad credit system. Has been puffing Banvard a lot, advertises. 15 Magnificent Titian’s Venus of a few yrs ago now in Brooklyn

18 corresp has another monument plan, editor says is grand and remarkable, signed Eureka, want a colossal statue in citizen’s dress, height of two hundred feet on hundred foot pedestal, pure white marble, arm on pillar of Union, holding Declaration, with a stairway in the pillar and concealed windows, head of sage used as an observatory.

20 notices a Rubens Adoration altarpiece now exhibiting

25 praises another design by Trimble and Cherry for GW monument, most chaste and approp yet, Grecian temple, statue of Goddess, GW under cupola in interior, can be seen better. Designs are in Merchants Exchange.

            Globe under ed Ingraham has improved

27 notwithstanding lotteries are prohib by law in this state, the Broadway Tabernacle, a reputed church, was opened as a lottery office Friday night for the Art Union. Highest prize a Vesper piece $1000 and lowest a Rum hole Scene, $5. A lottery, but escape with impunity while little lottery offices are haunted by police. Why discriminate in justice? Calling itself a church has meant it has sasved taxes of $24,000 that theaters have to pay that have negro minstrels, fancy balls and ehxibitions.

28 Art Union: Sunday Mercury calls attn to favoritism on purchasing committee, and advocates London system, second the remedy. In a committee, no matter how pure, cliques may prevail and favorable impressions warp the judgment, no celebrity of yore permitted to browbeat and drive off talent of younger date, no matter how humble its origin

            AU’s collections of ptgs many superior to Nat Acad, in face present Acad will succumb to superior enterprise of its younger rival, an annual exhib of portraits diff  to access and a stereotyped affair to the public doesn’t compare with room in which something new is alw to be found. Recommend they offer prizes for hist ptg.

            Violation of the Sabbath, police and alderman in Pinteaux’s Saloon on Sunday arrested Model Artists in full costume and v interesting scene, gives names of arrested

30 beaut statuary at Am Mus, like Ivory Christ of some time ago, details of muscles etc

Lib of Congress doesn’t have 1848, except on mfilm, June 1847-May 1848

(out of order on film) Jan 2 1847 Sun Weekly, elab masthead, alleg women of bounty and ? holding shield with view of bay; Jan 9, has engr of Pius Ninth and Cardinal and Bishop, view of his coronation; p2 engr of Hutchinson family singers as appeared at Broadway Tabernacle, People love them without needing to be “critics”. Big Am Phreno J ad. Jan 16 engr fr Mexcio battles. CDS doing letters fr Europe. engr of JQ Adams speaking. 27 p2 scene of reception of news of capitulation of Monterey, outside Sun offices, general jubilation Jan 30 p2 Monument to Washington, long delayed, lay corner stone, support it Feb 113 scene of distress in Ireland, family, their belongings, say that some time ago we pub an Ireland of Fancy, beaut maiden leaning on her harp surrounded by beaut lscape, this is fact. Feb 27 p1 engr of NY Match Boy, Alger-ish success story; view of Billigsgate in London Mar 13 engr of Irish peasantry, not too caricaured. Apr 10 excerpting fr Fremont’s journal, inclu engr of Pyramid Lake. April has a portrait of Mayor Mickle, started a poor boy. May 1 has pano view of NY. Lots on Ireland and Mexico

            Also has The American Sun, the European edition, for Feb 24, 1847, which mentions clever Ram’s Horn,ed by colored men, and for Apr 30, thru May 15.

June 1847

Extra Sun on the first with cuts of all the steamers in a big race 4 has Melville story. Wall st papers attacking Free Academy, because it will make ragged urchins sages and statesmen, pride of caste makes them appeal to the rich. lots on oddfellows. Ought to take all of Mexico.9 Weekly will have views of Mexico 14 like Prescott’s history of Mexico 18 great meeting of apple women hounded by city ordinances. Love Daniel O’Connell.19 p2 City News: NAD closing today, some ptgs of merit, talent among competing artists, Mercy Fainting and Durand lscapes were rather favorites, but we incline to First Step. literati interested in design for Smithsonian by Arnot and Wells, Old English style of donor, majestic orig compos better than one they picked, compares them to Girard Managers. I don’t see an ad. Likes Kirkland and Post’s Union Mag. Love Polk.

then skips to 1848 (no Greek Slave L


7 p. 2Pollard’s design for Wash mon, fine litho, but doesn’t change our opinion of entire unfitness for purpose, would make an eleg Gothic church front and spire, if light house bldg top were carried to a point, but still inferior to Scott monument and merely better than Trinity. Prefer Trimble and Cherry and others to this one, outline sketch by Stout, the Sculptor, as being more unique bold and effective than either. Obj is not to furnish library rooms, model rooms and observatories, but a monument to Wash, and citizens would prefer a full length or equestrian statue of Was on a gigantic pedestal in the center of the Battery to all the Gothic spires that could be piled into Hamilton square. 8 lots of notices for la Verdad 24 West’s Christ healing the sick is touring Mex and Cuba. 31 James O Lewis of War dept painting portraits of disting chiefs with treaties of Cass, will open gallery, artist of merit

Feb 1848

1 Thiers Model Artists at Palmos, includes trib to US 4 Value of Genius: since Banvard’s great ptg, hear of artists doing similar, Banvard showed the way to exhib large pics and ordinary artists can follow, shall soon be as thick as model artistes 5 J of Commerce is out of date. Genl Quitman is gallant. Loves Mooney, the Irish historian 10 Model Artists at the Tabernacle, more than 100, doing scriptural tableaux, good taste to dispense with fringe of drapery that deforms some of Collyer’s figs, present nature in its unspoiled beauty. disting friends of the fine arts will assist as amateurs, Clay and Taylor, Greeley and Bennett, Hale, Beach Webb and Brooks, Hale will receive all the benefits 11 new Sunday Courier. support free schools for girls. 18 James Stout for the sun on the Wash monument. only small black borders for JQ Adams. 29 C&E says Taylor is a rabid Whig, Herald thinks he has no politics, so Herald thinks right for the people, who don’t either, J of Commerce think his eyes look so brillliant as they shine forth upon the canvass of a new portrait.

March 1848

1 MCD writes p2 re Model Artistes, met proprietor, asks where girls are from, says poverty makes people do queer things, perfectly virtuous, destitue, $15 per week will do it, Titian’s Venus without the drapery. Editor adds that need legislation for these terrible scourges. 3 p1 How to judge of pictures, fr Sam Slick, if its Rubens or old boys praise them for its against the law to doubt, but if it's a new man and the company aint judges, criticize, out of keeping, doesn't use his grays enough, it will pass. But if it’s like enough to make it out, gaze, close fingers like a spy glass to look thru them, enchanted, chained to the spot, speaking.  Dislike nuisance of men in piers and wharves selling boscene and licentious, grab you by arm, lead aside, and display, supposed to pay sixpence for looking even if don't buy, choose green youth or sentimental looking man 7 City Intel Art Union waiting to hear more abt the future selection of pictures, are not the Members to have the right of suffrage upon this subj? 9 had exhib of Model Artistes cont’d as they started, as chaste Statuary, in groups, would be consid beneficial entertainment, and fr nature would prove select, now good and evil will be swept away together, so far as law can do it, Vide Lotteries! Banvard great. 9 not a good port of Adams, but he’s pointing up to heavens. Another letter fr Stout, that Wash Mon Assoc is ensnared in corrupt and imbecile conduct, won’t reply to my accusations, hates us both, me as can’t be bribed, and Beach for sterling patriotism and newspaper power. Have questions answered by the Associatioon and show up conduct of concern, utter barrenness of justice, decency or respect for artists. 10 more letters on Model Artists, from a Father and Mary. 23 Tableaux vivants are no more, no nude statuary, Grand Jury spoke, Philistine police arrested goddesses on stage, escorted by Capt Carpenter locked up, will go to Blackwells. Notice Holden’s. Greenwood Cemetery unneccessarily requiring tickets

April 1848

4 100,000 at great mass mtg for French revolution 5 Gallardet has ed for 9 years Courrier, leaving, Arpin fr N Orleans taking over, G will be Paris corresp 13 City Intellig has kind  of a satire of the Clay birthday, champagne promised wasn’t there, reporters left except for Dana 14 Prohibition of Model Artists have led to new titles, like Changeable Paintings, Strolling Players, but customers didn’t understand, until Female Acrobats appeared, now moving Pictures living Pictures and and animated Pictures are everywhere, the diff betw Pictures and Artists is astonishing; a defrauded crowd rioted. Notes Fowler. 17 Western Art Union at Cinti has 116 ptgs and 10 statues, has Cole’s Voyage of life and 5 others by him, Doughtys Landseers Durands Sullys Titians Peales and Copleys 21 Rams Horn quarrels with Noah, is getting the better of it 26 p2 NAD: can’t say more for this year than the last, exhib isnt doing artist or public any good, no encouragement for talen, members of Acad shld reflect on enterprising competitors. Usual no of ports, many correct of public men, others of real merit thanks to Durand. Notes a ptg after Gray’s style of imitation of the old school, Gignoux Indian pass truthful, Fisher Blind Pilgrim not well known, but extreme beauty, Doughty Solitude gd, Durand Fountain in characteristic style, backgrd removed, not his best. Cole’s Prometheus, wildness of nature. Page Ruth and Naomi fine, a few defects, drapery not graceful or unconstrained, don’t admire Orpah’s Position, rest well done, enterprise for its size. Durand Dover plain pleasing, Gray an old favorite with us, his Composition portrait unsurpassed in coll, Durand lscape gd and walk by moonlight v effective. Powell Columbus well designed and ptd, shld be miniature. At Park theater artist Liebenau designed ptgs and a cap of liberty presented to France, allegories described, with washington, Theo Sedgewick. 27 praises Count D’Orsay’s Victoria, O’Connell, Blessington 29 Badger in the Senate tried to move to order Brown’s port of Genl Taylor, but it was shot down, unsophisticated artist’s phiz won’t look down on underhand schemings

May 1848

3 Astor Opera bubble of exclusive association has burst, insulting humbug of an aristo theater, refused to mention it in our columns, repudiated virtuous citizens if didn’t like their taste and habits, press is bitter castigator of vulgar pretension. Mech Inst exhib. Notices Corcoran charity. Bishop Hughes not opposed to land reform.. Bartlett of the Albion retiring 19 artist Hillyard working on Orr & Townsend’s pano of Hudson when was knocked overboard, rescued. Has Irish accented Pencillings of America by O’Leary 25 poem titled Working Woman by Jean Bruce, she is oppressed. Gives Scott’s visit to NYC extensive coverage.

June 1848

2 looking for artists to do masthead for Weekly Sun, $50. their new steamer is called the Newsboy, shared with herald, Courier, J of commerce and Express. 6 engr of their printing press. p2 Managers of the Am Art Union, want to surpass all others in munificence of prizes offer, have procured Course of empire, $6,000. 7 hostile to reform philosophers, who want to alter society, crusade agst its evils, no utopias or Fourier or Simon or Owen. Benj F Butler a free soiler. 9 have portrait of Cass, Demo candidate for Pres 10 have a full length with horse fr Houland’s great engraving of Zach Taylor 13 inquiry abt Wash Monument Comm is exhib designs at Gall of AU and seeking subscription, vote of subscribers will choose, hope there will be no Gothicisms 17 city is not any worse as far as morals than the country. Not enthus re Taylor, too much like Clay. I stopped at 21.

[June 25 1848 La Verdad—Cora Montgomery; lots of extra Suns fr 1848 and Amer Suns too]



1 Art and Artists: Artists’ Sketch club met at C Burckhardt, semi monthly sketch on subjects, recherche gathering for social and artistic purposes, lscapes presented, Walcutt designer of Wash monument did sketch of Westenr hunter in fringed hunting jacket. 30-40 members inclu Fanshaw, Richards, Brougham, Walcutt, Burkhardt, Ash, Herring, etc.

4 Wash Mon Assoc opened ballots for two months, received 829, of which Lefevre’s beat Frazee’s by about 40. Meagre no of votes, since only $1 required to vote, show public has no confidence whatever in management of assoc . Work must begin anew, in hands of men in confidence of public, Battery must be the site, and design chosen by a committee of 25 of acknowl taste, including Halleck, Bryant, Dc Pell, E Parmley, Wash Irving, etc.

9 notes Cornelius Mathews and NAD new digs

11 Art and Artists: Powell is in Paris studying for De Soto, to replace Inman’s panel, Fisher, one of our cleverest historical ptrs just returned with copies of Titian Correggio etc. Wealthy shld encourage this kind of copying, taste for hist ptg so noble and refining is only low bcause of dearth of ptgs, no Louvre, but our artists are striving to estab a gallery that will secure them the means to paint nobler pics. Mtg Sat at Astor Hse re joint stock gallery.

12 Art and Artists: benev fund assoc, for widows and orphans or poor and superannuated, think this looks too much like a profession which claims genius and indep going a begging to the public. Ok to get a fund up among themselves, but not ask donations fr public unless estab exhib gall proposed which will give them a permanent fund, not only to aid indigent but also to paint a higher order of pictures. Can soon have the necessary art. Bust of Genevieve we’ve alluded to before by Lockwood in Walcutt’s studio, Walcutt’s outlines after Flaxman and other works.

13 Humanitarian Society of authors, artists and literarily disposed gmen and ladies is organzing, contributory and conversational club, promote freer and nobler thought, ea will contrib something original at ea meeting, a portfolio for disucssion to be drawn for at close. Eadie an editor at the Sun.

15 lately alluded to NAD re applicants who want perfectness in their drwgs, or rather only admitting adepts in drwgs fr the statuary and ptgs. Think the usefulness of academies depends on assisting unadept to become adept. In reply was sd Acad was full, but learn that number of attending pupils is small, so that is no excuse at all. Hope Directors will look to it, such institutions will be fostered only when true to interests of public.

19 give below manifesto fr Fisher to his fellow artists, plan for associative exhib of hist ptgs, heartily sympathize with any movement that exalts and facilitates arts nobler production. Fisher wants subscrip of $1000 to secure a bldg where can exhibit for own benefit, to encourage larger ptgs than for priv homes.

            Notices NY Sketch Club mtg with 18 sketches, msot disting ptrs, shld admit female artists to preserve it fr degenerating into a Smoking Club. We know of female artists whose sketches would do no discredit.

22 likes journal The People. Ed  WE Robinson and T Devin Reilly, 5 Spruce st.23 death of David Hale of J of Commerce

24 support abolit of slav in DC, so would Polk. Greenough done fine bust of Prescott, at Harper’s. Notices a Dutch lscape ptr, Harting, pupil of Hendrich, arrived here a few weeks ago, his pics have that extraord faithfulness to nature of school

25 Art—who hasn’t seen Adam and Eve by Dubufe at NAD? Without exception, two pics bear studying better than any other two ever exhib, Eve is comme il faut, as perfect and beaut of unfallen woman we can well conceive, drwg posit and coloring exquis. Adam is gd but less a man than Eve is woman, too much hair and too little beard, too black and too matted. Figs in Expulsion like flesh colored statues, mellow light, light and shadow wonderful and passion expressed intense.

29 like Beecher in Brooklyn

30 Park Benj is an Oddfellow.  They like Holden’s Dollar Mag.

31 Art and Artists—Mrs Spencer has completed her splendid pic of Sleeping Children, one of the finest studies we have seen for a long time. Drwg and coloring of the two children exquis, little less than nature itself, father and mother also remarkably fine. The great excellence of this lady’s ptg consists in her true appreciation of light and shade, and her forcible expr of warmth and life-likeness in the flesh. Veins seem pulsing with blood, and skin to glow with that soft light which gives mellowness to real skin. Expression of four could not be improved. Another excellence is loving and devotional spirit with which they are imbued.

            Walcutt finished three designs; Richards ptg some fine lscapes, Colyer busy with the Crayon, Duggan prof of drwg in Free Acad. Fisher an orig compos, bath scene, his proj for a gallery bids fair to succeed, several artists have subscribed. Dunnel the engr is on a full length Wash, Edward Blauvelt, Fanshaw, Whitley et busied on portraits and compositions. If we dared to tell tales, we wld say a word abt lady artists, some of whom bid fair to rival their male compeers with brush and crayon.

            Power of Music a superb litho, vulgar are transfigured. Likes Chapman’s illus for Franklin’s life

Marine Court: Piercy A and Fanny Cole versus brothers Collyer, action to recover salary as model artists, similar to another recent case, $99 agreement in London. Josephine Oakley an Am testified to being engaged to join the company a dancer in Albany and promised $7/wk. Coles had been promised $20/wk. Oakley sd she played in pieces of Adam and Eve and Venus de Medicis, the costume not so full as the dancing dress at the theatre but considered it right and modest.

Brooklyn: ptg of immortal Washington by Artist Frothingham for city completed and in Mayor’s office, sd to be finest likeness ever, copied fr two of Stuart’s best. We suggested to a connoisseur that hands seemed badly drawn, sstiff and illshaped, he replied that W’s hands were diff from most people and what we supposed a defect was really a merit. True? (Alderman Hurlbut involved in commission, a defender of the firemen)

February 1849

2 D Francis Bacon of Weekly Account suing Beaches for libel; Beach had earlier sued him for libel in the Day Book.

5 notices Donnavan’s pano of  Mex, an advertiser. Wykoff of Demo Rev a bosom friend of Napoleon, will send back letters to the Review and the Mirror

7 In Union is Strength, maxim for artists, attempts being made, Acad united many rivals, have benefitted themselves, are going into heavy debt for a splendid bldg, Art Union extending its bldgs, and two or three sets of artists trying to estab a benev fund, an exhib co, and a lottery sale combo. Ought to all pull together, need to to overcome belief that anything Fr, Ital, Engl or even Germ must be better than anything American

12 Art and Artists—seems to support their new bldg, AU being more liberal with Artists, contemplating purchasing Peale’s CofD as a star pic, price upwards $5000, may secure subscribers but not best for Institution

17 excerpts Metropolitan Mag; managers of Gallery of ptgs by old Masters have thrown it temporarily open to public, show it is really worth visiting, hope will be thronged, free for a week. Martyrdom of St Lawrence worth seeing, Titan, Raphael, other masters.

21 poem by T Addison Richards dedic to NY Sketch Club, The Painter’s Chorus, let rich have gold etc, we have Nature p.1

24 Fry’s benefit at the Astor Place Opera Hse will no doubt call forth all the upper ten. Walhalla advertises Model artists; don’t see an ad for the Opera


2 running a series of Pictures in New York by Steel Pen, expose of how poor live and are giving a $250 prize for best local stories (in the results they noted didn’t get hardly any local stories and fancy ones were better). Barnum admitted colored to museum yesterday.

5 Wm Walcutt poem on Come to the Mtns

7 happy if Webb gets ambassadorship to Berlin

8 Gallery of Am AU open, some v beaut ptgs, Apple of Discord by Gray, a mytholog pic, Paris awarding apple, Venus is of rare beauty. His Fruits of War also v fine, compos incongruous being warrior tearing himself fr his weeping wife, his death, and widow weeping over his tomb.

            Vow of Luther, Dream of Bunyan, Death of Luther, fine, by White

Lscape by Wenzler will attract attn fr its strange truthfulness, pic of Great Barrington Mass when clouds illumine hills and vally in gloom.

            Peep at Catskill Mtn Hse and Susquehanna by Doughty gd, Othello’s Story by Baker well ptd but Desdemona not such as our fancy, Baker does not appreciate her char.

            Other best pieces are Swiss scenery and Mtn View Huntington; Snow piece by Gignoux; Above the Clouds by Church; Venetian Bride by Lang; 2 cattle pieces by Hinckley; Bishop and Gil Blas by Edmonds; 2 Ital scenes by Heinrich; Petrarch’s Laura by Osgood, German children by Zahner and small but well exec ones.

9 Among pics in AU Jack the Giant Killer by Rutherford will attract attn. If we mistake not there is a moral in it which reaches the Acad of Des, of that however each looker on must judge for himself. Richard’s has one of the finest lscapes in the gallery, scene in Germ, softness in coloring delights the eye. The chapel of Henry 7th in Westminster Abbey truthful. Wernzer’s lscape has peculiarities that are v striking. Why is Mrs Spencer’s pic not in the gallery—it is good.

            The Intl AU gaining hi place, artists and connoisseurs, of much service.

12 critical of current city govt (Havemeyer? Or the Council). Likes Hiram Fuller.

13 critical of AU for not advertising their hours in the pop papers so people know. Puffs Townsend and Orr’s pano of Hudson Riv, artistic effort, splendid.

17 Robt E Lannity, artist for firemen’s monument at Greenwood, Ital marble, ydrants, hose, hooks and ladders, caps and trumpets, torches, oak leaves, fireman in full costume recuing child on top. Design is simple and beaut.

19 critical of AU for not allowing agents to take subscriptions for Goupil, in bad taste, if public wants to patronize them, it is not liberal in AAU to attack it and desire the whole paronage. Neither institution shld be proscriptive. P. 3 ad for weekly sun calls it “The New York Sun’s Art Union” where subscribers get ticket for prizes and engravings every week.

20 praises Fry, succeeded at Opera despite his enemies. 26 notices AU popular

April 1849

2 calls Philip Hone up to his elbows in a baker’s trough, scoffs at the poor, Bond street nabob (address to Merc LibAssoc)

3 notices NAD, which is advertising. 4 NAD coll is greater, more varied and attractive than last yr. Richards, Durand, Mount and Church nobly represented. Huntington, Boyle, Walcutt and others by ports and pictorial pieces. Among the Crayons, Colyer’s stand first, save one whos authorship we don’t know, also some clever ones by lady pupils. Portraits of Bishop Hughes, Prof Bushe, Col Webb, Bryant and Cole (those two ptd in miniature in a lscape) will be recog by thousands. Cat not yet printed.

5 support the Whig nominee for Mayor

6 NAD, 24th Exhib: annual opening a hi source of intellectual pleasure, citizens of taste and refinement, press have in most instances made a passing review usually amounting to but little more than a first impression. Very nearly the same degree of talent to properly appreciate as produce any work of art, wholesale censure or praise alike contemned since must arise fr prejudice. Spirit of impartial truth, defects noticed to guard agst their influences.

            Won’t follow hackneyed routine of beginning with pics in numerical order, but notice ones with distinctive merit.

180 Kindred Spirits, Durand, beaut trib to our heart’s fond memory, what more touchingly affectionate, exquisite link unites past nd present. We left this work with a profound moral lesson.

            150 An Artist, Elliott, in his happiest manner, strength and char he so masterly gives, color so deep, warm and yet pure, must look at nature thru a glass of sweet and strange color yet of truth and clearness too. See more than we could have seen ourselves. Individuality so striking, involuntarilly turn to oppos side of room and contemplate the artistic part of himself in.

            202 Farmer whetting his Scythe, Wm S Mount, a pic we might have anticipated, chage a respectable piece of vanity, were we to call it A Passage of Artist Life, we mean his life. Own barn, all smack of Stony Brook. When the Farmer dignifies the Artist, he in turn makes pics of both. The natural effect of noonday sun with its cool clear trnasparent shadows impressed us with so much of truth that we were painfully reminded of the black opaque, unmeaning shadows (so called) in another class of pics which are before the public. Effect is too much sought, in the wrong way. Extrav colors, striking attitudes, strong contrasts and too sudden trans fr light to dark are inconsistent with truth and nature. Yet in gall of AU a Lscape that embodies so much of thisthat it is quite impossible to find a neutral tint in the whole pic. From sunlite of bright yellow the artist carries you at once into black heavy shadows, with no light in them, not this way in nature. Nature throws shadows like transp veils until lscape fairly palpitates with them, yet darkest but a faint gray. Mount secures this qual in his works and for this not least do we admire him.

            129 Portrait, AA Winzler, oppos qual admired in Elliott, not clear in color or shadow, backgrd perfectly opaque, whole without atmosph. Hope one possessing so much feeling for expr will change this most unnatural style of coloring

            132 Conquest of Peru, C Mayr, Parts are cleverly rendered, yet it fails to excite that interest of which the subj is capable. At present it will be most effectual in its golden suggestions in hurrying off Californians.

Likes the Dispatch too. Sad about CF Hoffman going crazy.

18 gratifying change in public taste re Fine Art, admire pics, not enough academies to exercise their pert little quizzing glasses, whether sincere or only a cloud of dead leaves of affectation lifted by a gust of fashion matters little, while artists repa a rich fruit of patronage, plyin ght brush to produce studies fr history which in many cases need a Greek stage chorus to interpret them. Just opened gall of really delectable pics fr Germany, best living artists, plus all the others.

            City News also notices Duss Gall, famous artists. Chanfrau celebrating his 300th performance of Mose.

NAD Critique no 2: Gman, Wm Page, admirably ptd head, cleverst efforts of this v unequal artist, warmth of color, richness of tone, luminous effect, among the finest of portraits here. Regretted that the artist capable of such hi excellence shld expend so much valuable time in theoretical experiments. When eye focuses on an object, surrounding objects are indistinct. Yet in portrait, with head for focal pt, impossible not to see more detail than is represented in this work. We like Generalization in its place, but object to it where none of general effect would last, with more detail.

            191 Study, Geo Inness, degree of modest truth in sm lscape really commendable, cool tintof atmosph gives fine serial persp and effect, enter group of trees most conspic are carefully ptd with free pencil. Clever advance fr last year’s.

            207 Escape of the Puritans, Leutze, associations awaken most careless observer to any work with puritan in title, this pic however attracted us to the catalog. We’ve seen the stillness of ocean, its furious breakers, heavy swell, but this artist has felt it all, his pic is alive and glowing with this noble, soul inspiring sentiment. Fearful security that his boat sits upont he wave sublimely foreshadows the privations of its crew. Fig on Prow and helmsman strongly ptd, every look howl curs eon persecutors.

            214 Autumn in NJ Regis Gignoux, cheering to eye to turn fr Nature in simple garments to gorgeous ness of manif wealth, flickering hues of a dying dolphin, light thru Gothic skylight, chameleon hues, but Autumn hues most satisfying, more than rainbow or sunse,t cant paint light that forms them. Autumn a subj within art’s power, mellow Oct sun pleasure party charming pic. We would give but little praise to artist who would only startle or counfound, a ghost or clown were capable of either.

            19 Christ restoring daughter of Jarius, WE Winner, full size figs, Historical art, youthful genius and evidence of promise. Attitude of Christ conveys humility of manliness, dreapery artistically touched, graceful. Kneeling fig intensely interested a fine pt. Subj in a degree unpleasing, but not disagreeable pic. The Philadelphian does no discredit to brother worthies; why no pic fr Rothermel?

            Lady, AW Twitchell, such ports seldom attract attn unless cleverly ptd or a belle or beauty, but commendable selection and given us an intellectual lady, but no blue, such sweetness of expression. If Albany artist paints many such faces he will be visited with other commissions than a desired counterpart in port.

            59 Jas Watson Webb, by J Boyle (Bogle). C&E stands out in bold relief, yet as a work of art don’t think it a fair effort, has a dusky and heavy effect, and if we were politically wagish shld conclude it was ptd a leetle beforeGenl Taylor’s election.

            49 Lscape Sunset, Durand, either the crimson reflection on the clouds is too strong or repetition of its light in foregrd too weak, still one of most true and pleasing of nature fr his pencil. Warm glowing atmosphere a perfect chef d’ouevre. Bear strolls in savage solitude, with air of native consequence, magical effect of early twilight, fleecy transp shadows nothing black or opaque but mellowed, ea tree asserts their birthplace. This pic has a shadow, as Capt Cuttle wld say, as is a shadow.Art Union Sunset take a hint.

Missing the 19th

21 Fred West of Sunday Atlas now at Sunday Morning News with Thomas R Whitney

25 missing.

26 NAD critique no. 3

Have been accused of one-sidedness, shall only notice works that involve or contradict a principle of art. Our critic may also learn that opinion is not criticism. One of the other journals speaks thus of a work: No. This portrait hangs high—we don’t like it. Carping spirit.

            Lady 306, Elliott, best female port in exhib, truthful, rich warm yet delicate but not feeble, sparing with light and shade, scene robed in delicate transparent tint, light in masterly gradation, veil of color, head highlighted. Stuart never ptd but one light in his portraits.

            159 Lady by Ingham, comparisons are odious, esp when based on opposite rather than corresp qual. Notice this pic not in contrast with last but ecause best weve seen fr this industrious pencil, embodies what artists underst as manipulation, a great circe to Art. Exquis ptd, if we had a lady of questionable years and beauty she shld sit to him. Near effect is pleasing, but elab overdone. Free flowing pencil gives true effect at proper distance, than stipler who loses effect to finish.Any finished work only better than its sketch as more truly represents the subj. Labor otherwise more than wasted. Yet liberal in our praise, can’t commend miniature style in port, most gratified with simplest lines or words that can suggest the idea.

            131 West Rock New Haven, FE Church, lscape true to nature, simple in design, happy effect of transp shadows, imbued with light, palpitating dalliance, effect of sky pleased us most, so true a repres of nature, cirrus float carry eye to horizon, then lazy cumulus tipped with sun, so perfectly aerial tone kept up that when eye leaves near clouds feel conscious of change in focal vision

            166 Jared Flagg, Lady, sweet face, in keeping with pure and delicate refinement of color, he gives sentiment to his heads, last year we sd the same of his Poet’s Captive.

            138 Lady, SA Mount, for pleasing arrang of color, changeable hue of dress, silken lustre, entire freedom, but slight hardness of flesh and want ofease in attitude to make it entirely agreeable.

            153 P Duggan, Sugar Hse in Tropics, lengthy quote in cat fr Milton’s Paradise lost. Why young man who has some talent shld expend it on ghastly hearsick peestilential subj, hard to determine, if conceptions of the Great Poet, that is bad taste, if his own power of expression madness. Does it please the beholder, or instruct admirers if any of this passage fr Milton>

            113 Mtn Stream JF Kensett, visit to Euro benefited him, studied pictque Rhine grandeur of Alps contempl ruins of Rome, but paints native land in native tongue. Individuality must never be lost or char is gone. We want no generaliz of Swiss and Am scneery, truthful, truly a psge of Am lscape, trees vigorous in trunk and branch, tender in foliage, rocks can be stratified, stream in native glee.

            NB correction, in crit 2, pic 19, word worthless inserted when it shld read worthies. 59 was attrib to J Boyle but ptd by J Bogle. 50 shld have read among sitters, not sisters.

missing the 30th and 1st, 2nd.


3 rapid increase of taste in country for fine art, while our ptrs and sculptors conceived a pilgrimage to shrine of Euro old masters indispensable, some have transcended its noblest specimens. Gd moderna rt contrasted with those of the so-called masters, our judgment is in favor of the modern. Ptrs of present age certainly excel in drwg. Appear to lack in conceptive genius, because sacred and profane history and myth stripped of subjects, left with imag only. Other than Alston and Trumbull, have ripening Weir, Huntington, Gray and Church. Portrait ptg we have produced artists little less clever than Remb and Velasquez, Henry Inman unrivalled, better than Gilbert Stuart.

            Sculptors higher rep in Euro, Powers greatest living. Why not have a sculp exhib, with Clevenger and others? In illus, Darley and Walcutt rank among the first.

5 2nd annual mtg of NY Sketch Club at Blauvelt’s rms, sketches more than 500 for two years were displayed, 21 regular and 25 honorary members. Recommend it for a public exhibition. Secretary Cafferty and Treasurer Walcutt much mirth and satisfaction. T Addison Richards Pres since org, re elected, Vincent Colyer replaced James H Cafferty, And Cafferty and Walcutt elected to diff positions. A music pub abt to issue The Sketch Club Walzes.. Members are in addition to above T Cummings, Saml Fanshaw, Gifford, FA Chapman, John Hagen, Alex Rutherford, Robt A Clarke, John Cranch, Wm H Redin, John Brougham, FE Church, Edw H May, Francis Panton, Miss L A Sprague, JRM Skinner, Francis Turk

9 Critical of Astor Rioters, think Forrest knew about it.

NAD Critique no. 5 (!)

Doesn’t make sense to group ptg and sculp as both Fine Arts, shld stand alone as Architecture does. Among 346 works at Acad only 6 sculp.

            263 Bust of Durand, by HK Brown, finely chiselled marble but not strong likeness nor equal to what author of Ruth encouraged us to expect. Features of orig modelled in strength and exquis outlines, but wants soul, breathing expression

            328 Bust of Lady, G Mozier, not familiar with him , but pronounce this a most flattering effort, delicacy and taste, marble texture of flesh, char and expression, 215 is not its equal

            325 Mini Gman TS Officer admirably ptd, large, suggests life size and nature, exquis finish but nothing sacrificed of effect, strength and harmony gems of art. Blank efforts of Daguerrian will have to improve.

            243 Mini lady, Miss Anne Hall, clever graceful dreamy in color, clear in shadows, plaid scarf intro with gd taste. Want a duplicate of our bachelor self if artist still on this side of matrimony.

315 min Mrs Coleman, Geo H Hite, this is one of several that please us by him, want of feeling sometimes discovered in his works forgotten, it is natural.

            319 Spring Flowers Ms ML Wagner, a child just emerging fr childhood, well drawn, evenly lit, want of clearness in flesh and slight hardness in blue distance, improves on last yr

            218 mini self port of SE Dubourjal, strong head, fine relief, heavy in color

            230 Mrs Frances H Green, Miss Am Freeman, if fair artist as exquis in feeling as this is in refinement and finish, we will sit, easy lassitude of position pleases, finish and transp texture of lace veil falling fr head turned ours.

            219 mini lady HC Shumway feeling for color reminds of Elliott, local tint of backgrd same, management of white drapery, in some other of his too decided purple hue in his flesh

305 Faith, H Stone, genius a ruling spirit in career of this artist, stepped aside fr career as doctor and doing this already, a statue for Mt Hope cemetery, conception of devotional feeling in attitude gd, eyes heavenward, cross on breast

            97 Frame of medallions, Ellis, only one of its kind, fairly exec but feeble way to pocure likeness, better for alleg

16 rejects idea that Astor riots were class warfare. Regret that citizens were fired on.

18 NAD Critique no 6

went on last visitin evening, expecting crowd of fashionables, and to hear works of reputed atists lauded, but no gay throng. Small attendance perhaps because of two free galleries. AU shld charge a small fee to keep out exquisite loungers who sauner along Broadway to use their eye glasses upon the visitors. A nickel would make them beautifully less.

            255 port Child Elliott, sweetest sunny face, fair innocent in youth’s reverie, half consic of ambitious future, become slave to precious world’s control. It is the artist capable of efforts like that this that the journal over the way set down last in the list of some half dozen that he calls port ptrs. Sully called him first.

            279 Clearing up after a Shower, Wm G Boardman, fine effect of clouds, sun lighting up whole, tone reminds of Durand, neither guilty of plagiarism, but Boardman shd paint foregrd stronger and trees more vigorous, will enhance beauty.

            310 Child, SE Cheney, crayon exquis and charmingly drawn

            224 All Hallow Eve, Kidd, uninitiated country juveniles taken in by those who have seen the elephant, sport is rich, tub of apples, one tries to dunk and others plunge him, too good nature not to smile, you involuntarilylaugh, effect of candlelight on their faces admirable

            161 Creole Life, A Boisseau, bcause this blue productions contradicts aerial persp we ntoice it, left arm of reclining fig only part can be reconciled with nature. Mtn in distance as positive as immiediate drapery, Sea behind black attendant is inlocal hue. Gaudily framed, confused sense of heterogenous colors. Know Creole life and nature, this contradicts.

            80 Self Portrait Wm E McMaster fine warm tone feeling for color, diff efforts, strongly ptd head in fine relief, crimson studio gown, pleasing effect, tone of color reminds us of Elliott his teacher.

            124 Huntington’s Van Buren clever port in warm and pleasing color, atttiude not altogether easy and effect of both arms extneding forwarrd in parallel hurts composition. Accessories well ptd and arrang agreeable.

Duss Gall advertises. 

26 Vanderbilt opposed to Sun’s desire to have Battery enlarged for park; he wants piers etc.

NAD Crit no. 7

Last one, speculation has been various as to who was the writer, some say Amateur, some an Editor, others an Artist, and would urge that an Artist would not write impartially.

            64 Measure for Measure, JB flagg, half length figs, eyes heavenward, denounces man, pensive and thoughtful fig of coarser sex. There is a sentiment in this work that we admire.

            82 Plague of Darkness FE Church, most orig piece of cloud effect, effective persp than any piece of sky in gallery, lovely in their strength, admire artist who dares to step aside fr conventional routines.

            48 Bohenian Fair, Zieter, entire freedom impresses, artistically touched and grouped figs, hazy effect in distance not altogeth pleasing

            62 Hunter’s Victim, JW Audubon, deer well ptd but for too short legs, don’t like his lscape, so hind parts of animal occupy middle ground. Dying expression truly admirable.

            34 CD Anderson, head and front of the Engine Dept, Chief Engineer, gaudily framed with symbols of craft, machine to butt, all in bad taste, hurts effect, too hard and purple

            1 Rev John Hughes, FTL Boyle, extra large whole length, attitude not v graceful and without any evid meaning or design, impossible at proper dist to disnting blue in distance. Hands well ptd, fair likeness

            91 Titian in his Study, Rossiter, usual extravagance of this artist’s color expended on subj where the fault is less objectionable, female model is really graceful, accessories not overdone.

            84 Turning the Leaf, Wm S Mount, not leaf of life or nature, but leaf in nature, hen’s eggs, such pics are passages of country life in Am and worth more than whole yards of canvass bedaubed with alleg and imaginations

29 Wash Mon Assoc: dead, work of greedy property holders, anxious to enhance value of locality, no matter whether New Yorkers would ever go to Madison square. 

June 1849

Notices engr port of GW

Supports Thom H Benton. 16 Bishop Doane charged with squandering his and others money on luxurious living. Commends Geo Copway. 20 only minor black borders for Polk’s death

Skipped July/Aug 31 notices AAU

September 1849

Very pro-Kossuth. Likes Niblo. Park theater open butnot advertising? 17 Holden of the Mag died in Calif. 18 notices AAU going to reopen, went to private show, beaut works by Huntington, Durand, Kensett, Nahl, Rothermel Leutze and others of our best artists added. P. 3 advert for Picture Gallery Free, corner of Division and Bowery, choicest works of lit and fine arts, to cultivate taste among working classes. Also ads for pano of trip to Calif and Daguerre’s diorama. Notices big panos. Thinks court too lenient on rioters.

Oct 1 Fancy Fair, 1 Bowery, magnif rm filled with choice engravings and oil ptgs framed brilliantly lighted attended by young ladies and a band, all free. 10 death of Poe, orig remarkable, victim of alcohol. Lots on Am Inst fair.

3 Boydell’s engr restorted, had been a curiosity at Barnum’s

22 expose the Aldermanic interference with police arrests, corrupting system, in 21st st nr Broadway in an elegant house in midst of highly fash aand resp community, 18th Ward police captured a company of perfectly nude model artists and their entire audience, some 20 fash and highly resp gmen at $2 a ticket, exhib commenced Monday night and was broken up on Friday night. Artists were 2 Amer one Germ, wife of manager, and one black negro wench who was absent on night of arrest. On Thurs 2 Aldermen were sd present as spectators.

            Women and manager held to bail, but audience let off without names. It’s men who get up these exhibitions and pay for them who ought to be exposed.

            Name of Hall was Long’s Concert Hall.

23 NY Sketch Club held first mtg of season on Sat at studio of Cranch, dozen in attendance, next mtg at Richard’s studio in the University

27 Gypsty Girl’s portrait, Mrs Caroline Orne

November 1849

3 notices Fancy Fair advertisement of a free art union, a free pic tallery, will idstrib 300 ptgs and engr. 5 upports HJ Raymond in the election

17 NY Sketch Club meets at Cafferty’s. 20 notes death of Wm H Attree in Cliff st in great poverty, exMayor Harper been paying his board. At one time Webb’s fave rep. 21 his remains interred at Greenwood with Richard H White, reporter who died in 1846. 30 letter fr committee trying to revive Mechanics’ Institute, fallen into decline. Likes Gov Ham Fish.


1 Artists Sketch Club meets at J  Hagen 438 Greenwich

12 notices Am AU distrib is expected to be lively, with subscribers insisting on electing officers by ballot
17 a crowd gathered at 385 Broadway when a literary gman entered the place to demolish an obnoxious plaster of paris cast of himself, affair is to come before a police court. 20 notices AU success. 21 view of San Fran in 1849, engr fr a sketch by a friend p. 1 22 Battery enlargement opposed by C& E and other uptown gentry; Art Union Distrib, 7000 at Niblo’s, 408 ptgs, lists some of winners and more the next day. 25 notices Intl AU distrib. 31 Dislikes Pres Taylor’s msg, writes a better one, bolder and more decisive and better national interests. Puffs pano of the Nile.



4 long discussion of which of two engr of Death Bed of Wesley fr Marshall Claxton’s pics is better, very critical of Sartain’s reduced copy, and false taste for coares but wooden effect he has been so assiduous to cultivate, gives way to a truer feeling and more finished production. Wesley is no ideality to be represented by a fancy sketch. Sartain gives him a greater fullness and brilliancy in the eye, familiarly termed a wicked expression, and  strength in the lines of the mouth, altogeth a boldness and assurance of mien that destroys at once the hopeful resignation of a virtuous death and the soothing influ of the whole pic.

Has had lots of front page illus of Egyptian series. 16 Hiram Fuller somehow mixed up in charges of assault agst Rynders in Astor riots. Merc Lib election exciting.

28 Huntington ptgs well worth seeing, fr rude to finished, I don’t see an ad.


1 notices edition of Poe’s works fr Redfield, biog doesn’t do him justice; notices Intl AU has gd selectioncommittee. 5 first news pic, really, illus of a steam boiler explosion in a printshop. Notices Eco d italia favorably. 12 notices Nad delayedopening for new rms. 14 mtg of the newsboys at Park, spirited. 16 Ladies Art Union advertises beaut articles by Euro artists and those nder their instruction will be distrib, 50 pieces, fancy a rticles, ornamented at Fanshaw’s $3. Covers Newsboys mtg at Park, noticed Judge Edmonds there, 7000 people, well run, in opposition to end crying of papers on Sundays. Really effective denunciation of those involved as hypocrites. Thank the Sun, Herald and Morning Star.

23 lots of Barnum on Lind. Notices Nat Am mtg.

Supports Clerks closing early.


6 finally critical of Calhoun, 8 but praises Webster’s response 11  a Geo Morris poem fr Home J on Flag, 13 Seward’s speech too ultraliberty. Card fr Anatomical Museum defending agst Trib attack.. 15 City going to advertise in Sun, won’t in Herald. 16 approves of NAD’s new rooms 20 coach ptrs, carvers forming associations, bakers too, sailmakers, window shade ptrs. Sash and blind makers.boot and shoe makers. Cordwainers, house smiths, dry gds clerks, turners, sawyers, watch case makers upholsterers silversmiths jewellers confection makers masons saddlers porters hatters cigar makers box makers steam boiler makers brick layers plasterers stone cutters

30 missing


1 missing, with announcement of Calhoun’s death. 2 p. 1 Am Artists going abroad, Page, curious re influ of foreign gall on so orig an artist and intellig an observer. Goes with commissions inclu one for the AU. Edwin White who we’ve commended for pleasing color also goes, and Ehninger and Ives the sculp, Boutelle perhaps too. 12 Anelli’s End of the World advertising, also 5 panos, and Astor Pl Opera 13 ad for John Levison’s People’s Art Union, rear of bkstore, Chatham Square, $1, all subscribers get a work of art 16 notes Acad is open, I don’t see an ad yet, tho Anatomical Museum does and Watts’ nervous antidote endorsed by Noah

missing 22, 23, 25, 27, 29


3 Merchants Day Book notes editors of Express and J of Commerce wrathy bcause Beach believe in haunts. 4 missing. 9 notes new officers of NY Sketch Club, Wm Walcott, FA Chapman, JH Cafferty, J Hagen, in 4th yr. 13 praises the Independent. 20 mad for Cuba, J of Commerce tied to mercantile interests oppose, Comm Advert is allied with England. 24 grass in City park since mowing offers light contrast to foliage, like lights and shades of a well finished pic.


19 notices humorously Forrest and Willis’ scrap in park. 28 excerpts bio of Fremont 29 gives Willis fr Home J hist of estrangment betw Forrest and his wife, defends wife

Skipped July-Aug; missing from Aug 10-Sept 16, then from Sept 17-Oct.1


1 Webster pro-British, traitorous. 2 opposed to Fugitive Slave law. 9 Sunday papers evince Brit sympathies, Atlas, Mercury, but Dispatch American. 12 long column praising Loomis’ pano of Cuba  18 supports Woodhull’s reelection (Whig); notes that the Am Rev for Oct gave offense to C&E and Trib in a crit on GPR James, who Sun agrees with Review is below contempt (writes very proBrit patriotic poems). Reviews Am Inst Fair extensively. 25 explains Union movement and mtgs as result of merchants worried abt commerce with the south—hostile here to Mirror and J of Commerce. Port of Genl Paez (Cuba) by young artist of genius and talent, C Jarvis. Excerpts Natl Era. 30 propose Sam Houston for Pres.


1 notices Banvard in Paris 2 hostile to Wood and Rynders and their factions among the Demos. 7 notices Huntington’s Mercy Dream is engr for Phila AU, their plan better for supporting Am artists than AAU. 8 praises Am Whig Review’s Americanism. 11 records Bennett getting beaten on Broadway by David Graham, defeated candidate for DA, and his enemy, suggests B hides under wife’s protection 12 publishes Ik Marvel 14notices AM AU. 19 notices Merc Lib remonstrance agst partisan lectures. Love Vattemare and Lind. 25 pano of Calif.


2 Indian Gall, Stanley and Dickerman at the Alhambra, truly national in char, ports and ethnolog obj 6 fr corresp in DC, W, Clark Mills, making Jackson Monument, met with serious hindrances, waiting 8 months for the suitable metal, then furnaces proved defenctive, need new mechanics. Model was striking andn imposing. Pro free trade, thinks Fillmore is too, Exxpress isn’t.  14 notice/Ad for Am AU distrib, Cole, Weir, Durand, Huntington, Doughty. 16 Signor Calyo’s great pic of mtn and riv scenery of New Eng soon at Stoppani’s Hall in Broadway. 19,20 promotes Am AU again and later lists prizes. 23 Dag and Portraiture, artists were afraid business would go, but it has increased public interest in port and every other branch of ptg 24 critical of New Engl society dinner with Webster and Bulwer. 25 Another Am Sculptor, JW Whitfield of this city, young artist, marble bust of Wilmerding the auctioneer univ admired, now doing one of Henry W Beecher of Brooklyn, will go to Italy. 26 govt shouldn’t expend anything for 1851 Exhib

LOC mfilm 1851-1855

July 1851

5 weekly Sun has new press and composing room; has a Beecher lecture. Still $4 yr.         Continues a long lecture to young men by HW Beecher

Weds July 9, 1851, p.1 Letter fr Col John H Sherburne in London, on Fair. Queen has opened Buckingham Palace so visitors can see gallery of ptgs and throne room, as has various other noblemen, Queen also ordered all the publi bldg, museums, galleries , and churches to free admission. Hurts traffic at theaters.

            In Crystal Palace, fancy soap both fr Phila, busts of Washington and Taylor, of soap. Powers’ Greek Slave the lion of the Fair, artists and connoisseurs alw examining, say it can’t be surpassed, set off agst cargo of fancy jewellery and tinsel work of French and Germans. Greeley v pop.

12 crit of Mayor Kingsland not supp battery enlarge. Skipped to

September 1851

Puffs Sci Am. Still running Beecher lectures. Beach is in Europe and writing letters. He does Cuba all the time. Cath Hayes admired. Cooper’s death. 26 Am Inst should be supported. Am AU had private opening Monday, new gallery, choicest pictures, AM Cozzens, Secty of War Conrad toasted Am Art and Art Union, Leutze one of greatest of age, Raymond called for but deferred to Wetmore,Osgood, Griswold, Goodwin addresses, coll prosperous. promised more about it later. Tons on Am Inst.

Oct: motives for London Exhibition were bad, but America triumphed; 29 Beach says it’s mostly luxury goods but in utilitarian Am came first, reapers patents etc. Present Administration is imbecile.

Nov 1851

1 Weekly  has hard to see story about an auction. Pro canal enlargement. Emile Berthe of N Orleans has been assisting Arpin with Courrier des Etats, has sound republican principles 10 American Magazine being pub in London, glad, tho would like to have an intl copyright 14 Mech Inst lecture by C Edw Lester, lots of applause, he said get rid of loafers 19 urge that generous offer of the artists be accepted by special Kossuth reception committee. 21 p4 have big engr and floor plan of design for mechanics cottages for $700 25 not enthus abt Webster for Pres. Geo Mafining, an artist 202 Wm st charged by Henry Hays, also an artist, 343 Broadway, with stabbing him, had been friends. Support a World’s Fair here. (Beecher shares Sun’s advocacy of foreign liberation). Pro Erie canal expansion.

Dec 1851

4 JW Orr portrait of Kossuth (fr Harper’s?) 5 promotes H Leibenau’s historical design for flag, stars in circle rather than rows, Sun supports his idea. K Heinsen’s NY Deutsche Zeitung not capitalized enough. Lots on Kossuth, notes a Perkins litho of him and his generals 17 note Am AU distrib and list artists, inclu Cropsey Whitridge etc up to $1000, many cost $500cover forrest divorce. Believe in Aztec children 23 praises landing of the pilgrims. Art Union  collection has works of our favorite artists, Leutze whose Washington is so much admired, Durand, humorous Mount, Edmonds, and extensive school of lscape ptrs. Excellence and spirit of new engr at least equal former years, exclusively Am topics render them of genl interest. If prize a free gall shld subscribe. Tons on Beecher.

mfilm skips to July 16 1855, and ends Oct 1855, so I stopped there. LOC new reel starts Nov 1855, I fast forwarded to Mar 1 1855, weekly Sun of that day has engr of Merrimack Mar 27 Stephen H Branch is quarreling with the Recorder

Apr 12 weekly news has engr of Prince Napoleon. Beecher notes Everett’s speech on Wash doesn’t address him manumitting. 26 weekly sun by EdGAR W DAVIES. Italian travel letters not too interested in painting, like Beach. Support Buchanan. Likes Keene. UTC at Barnum’s ad, gets good review.

May 1856: Branch trying to get pd for investig Matsell. Death of noble Ogden Hoffman. 4 Branch writes letters to Sun, won’t run for office. Keller’s tableaus advertise 14 sort of defend fire chief Alfred Carson agst attackers in the Eve Post 16 NAD officers mtg

missed last week in May

daily sun is $2 year

June: 17 Extra has transl of tale abt Jacques Callot. lots on the reception of Fillmore, 24 Branch turns up again with a letter about it

July 1856: Extra Jul 5 has description that calls HK Brown a Boston sculptor 7 has description of inaug of statue. gives platforms and songs for three diff parties. Mayor Wood proposes a city univ. Letters fr Chas L Brace. I stopped around the 10th.

LOC mfilm Aug 1856-Jun 1857

I skipped to Mar 31 1857

Apr 4 Weekly Sun engr is sculp of Massacre of Innocents that attracted attn at Worlds Fair in London 14 Ald Herrick sworn in  25 opposite city hall workers preparing foundation for a Washington monument, Wm Corry builder been given permission for freestone, 6 foot hi statue, cut by Thom owned by Dr Main, who will sell it, orig intended for capitol. In citizen’s dress, sd excellent likeness 29 179 of YMCA withdrew because principal leaders to active as Republicans and abolitionists

May 25 Patrick Lynch of Irish Am died suddenly. I stopped after Jun 6.

LOC mfilm Aug 1857-May 1858

I skipped to April 5 1858. 12 p1 Troye’s Syrian Ptgs described in detail 13 p2 NAD: private opening, crush of female taste, mostly escorted by younger sons, artists, exquisites and lovers, music, a great deal of crit on the living as well as canvas pics, one of best coll yet. For beauty and novelty combined, 2 lscapes 460 and 558 preeminent, while 612 superb marine Apr 16 funeral of Thomas R Whitney 23 Church doing another painting of Niagara 27 John Darcie music reporter for Porter’s Spirit of the Times was with Wilkes the publisher ejected fr Acad of Music, on warrant fr Ullman 29 sale of old masters by Simeon Draper, many connoisseurs and artists, but not spirited bidding, Kemble and Harvey purchased works

May 1858: 7 like McLenan in Harper’s cartoons 13 tolerant of ultraism, the radicals who destroy, prefer conservative reformers 18 put HW Herbert’s suicide on front page; Eton and Cambridge, 1831 -39 taught in classical school, 1833-36 ed Am Mo Mag. 19 Editor of Express says knew Herbert many years ago; Times published his controversy with Chas Astor Bristed 20 another paper’s visit to Edw Forrest 22 Corcoran to Euro 28 death of Edgar W Davies, in Williamsburgh, used to pub Old Countryman, law reporter and other capacities for Sun for last 15 years

LOC mfilm 1858-59

starts Jun 1 1858 2 has story on HW Herbert’s wife seeking divorce causing him to commit suicide. 8 notices Bonheur. still running a lot of Beecher. 17 fr Newark Advertiser, Powers Statues of Webster and California, colossal Webster lost but being reproduced, Harvard U got one of matchless busts, Jared Sparks, Astor ordered his California. Skips fr Jun 29 to


Jan 14.  Praises NY Mercury and Darley. Big Ledger ad.

Feb 8 p1 notice Cinti sketch club, subj Broke, a creditor at a broken bank, a horse who broke his gait, a boy with broken knife, a fat gman in broken swing, jagged splinters of ice on a river, boy skating drowns 10 Leutze here. Sci Am their neighbor moving. Am Inst has dissatisfied members with officers nomminees

March 1 stephen H branch out of jail 4 Edw Everett at Acad Music doing Wash oration, Artists Reception at Dodworths, not many remarkable ptgs but fine taste in lscapes, Baker Hart and Durand admired, Baker palm of superiority 7 Chadlae? A Bowe, an editor at Sun native of Vermont, friend of Greeley, started at Sun 3 years ago, views were in advance of the times, fine lit taste, advocate of right and just 12 Intl art exhib to open, with port of Humboldt and German schools. Horatio Alger stories.17 sale of ptgs at NAD last night well attended, would be gazers and buyers, main pics were Florinda, ($3100)nymphs out of the bath questioning which had most beaut hair, beaut ptd tho not handsomely grouped, lscape indiff rendered. Mothers are ewes, alm standing out alive fr pic. James Spalding for several years and at present connected with C&E is ed of World. Geo Wilkes and Tomlinson sole proprietors of Porter’s Spirit of the Times. 21 Mike Walsh funeral, pallbearers inclu AJ Williamson, Fernando Wood, James T Brady. 23 Glad Morris appt as Consul. Artists Reception in Tenth st. Branch lectures. 28 Whitman driving stage

April: forrest –Willis libel case revived 22 press release for Sunday mercury engaging Bayard Taylor. lots on Odd fellows. 28 brief obit for Doane

May 3 skips to 6. 9 Aspinwall coll and Wright Coll attracts attn, Wm P Wright in Hoboken also going to open, Horse Fair of Bonheur there, fr Eve Post. Attn to Seward.Agree with Leader that Tiemann has done a good job.

June 1 Leutze’s port of Seward here, belongs to MO Roberts, no accessories distract fr head 13 Forrest divorce again 16 p2 Powers statue of Webster, on committee mtg, speech in favor of statue, excerpts his remarks on the fit of the clothing of the statue

skipped fr Jul 5 to

Sept 1859: notices Waugh’s pano. 20 p1 Inaug of Webster statue, excerpts Everett’s remarks. Parsons an editor at Daily News, also Thompson. Jack Ketch is at the Herald? happy with am inst

Chronicling America: Nov 16 1859 p. 2 Page’s Venus, Death of Tecumseh by Cheavlier Pattrick, Goupil’s has Bonheur, Powers, Palmer’s White Captive belongs to Gov Fisher, Velazquez portrait by Snabe the owner on exhib,Church’s Heart of the Andes, Gignoux at Goupil