HomeKatz's Unofficial Index to Antebellum New York City NewspapersKatz's Notes on Antebellum New York City NewspapersNew-York Picayune

New-York Picayune

New-York Picayune LOC bound volume Mar 22 1851, vol2 no 12 two cents, weekly Saturday, CM James and JD Vose, editors, 122 Fulton st, Woodward? proprietors

            prospectus: a superior paper for the great reading public, Friend and Companion of the Good, most popular and original paper of the day, cream of all passing events done up in our peculiar style of intellectual cookery, zeal for the good,t he beautiful, the true, in lit and art, we shall handle all humbugs after the manner of Doctor Poundwellski of Illyria, that is, we’ll give them fits. Nothing of the broad or prejudicial to the morals of our community in our columns.

            cartoon by DJ Read of Garrison washing a black man in a tub, satire of a black man named Julius Caesar Hannibal’s scientific discourses in dialect, diary of a Fancy Broadway dandy

            p.2 Comm Advert: struck with changes come over conductors fr time to time, seemingly moderate in its views, one of the most subtle and skilful trimmers that the history of journalism may produce, the imperturbability, plausibility, the sanctimonious innocency of its editors. clearness of style and ready command of sinuous sophistry, gained credit for fairness and moderation, arguing fr that which is true in partic circumstances to prove same thing true absolutely. Influential with old ladies and the Bible society.

            Trib publishing extracts fr Harper’s Nile Notes of an Howadge, Trib says is a prose poem of phantom-shaped experiences.” a thing so jumbled, vague, indefinite and utterly bewildering never before; subj might be delightful if clear pellucid style, we are lost in a labyrinthine maze of words. Trib style is a model of simplicity, how can recommend such a hybrid affair?

Apr 12 1851 Picayune newsboy indep, modest, honest, unlike literary loafers doesn’t try to get free tickets to shows by saying I belong to the press, girl street sweeper often doesn’t get paid. Col Kingman is Wash corresp for J of Commerce. Love the Knick

Apr 19 imperceptible diff betw whigs and dems, only slavery is dividing the two parties. Seward leads abolitionists toward civil war, Pic says let southern states do what they want and preserve Union. Approve of Fillmore making John Howard Payne a consul. Likes Thackeray. foreign chow chow: Nieuwerkerke modeling statue of Napoleon, Poussin former French ambassador getting granite for monument to GW

Apr 26 cartoon is by Brown and Horton engraved it, vendor selling cheap books in bar. p2 circulation is 34,000 a week. Used to be 50,000 at a penny, but lost money. Female labor shld be paid more. Frederick D Robinson starting new weekly Wall st Journal, for brokers interests, sixpence a number, highly respectable, wants to be a rich man’s paper. Webb against Kossuth, disappointed by being recalled fr office

May 3 cartoonists are F Bellew and B Orpheus engr. supports dry goods clerks protective assoc. Pic used to work for the Herald, wrote its leaders.

May 10 think the World’s Fair is a humbug, only to promote England’s glory, not sure why our govt has anything to do with it. mock Tupper. May 17 flower seller engr, Chas Edw Lester and Chas Gas light Foster, authors of glory and shame of England and NY in Slices, started White Man’s Paper, in oppos to colored man’s paper the Ram’s Horn. May 31 likes Barnum. Ought to do more for the Indians, have been much abused, Copway. Clay is designing their cuts, engravings by SP Avery June 7 illustrates Hoboken riot Jun 14 station house, interracial marriage Jun 14 agree with C&E shouldn’t enlarge Battery Jun 21 illus women’s rights convention in Akron. editor of the paper was close to Calhoun. Notices Leader and Illus News. Goes fr Jun 28 to Jul 12, Webster is greatest man on the continent. Then Jul 26, proprietors of Pic are out and out whigs,as are the artists, but editor is a democrat. Aug 2 we will annex Cuba Aug 16 Sun has large circulation among one grade of society Aug 23 p1 The Painter and his Dangerous Dog, story of Jarvis the painter, house on Staten island; anecdote fr FGH (fitz greene halleck?) your artist knew Jarvis intimately. Sept 20 1851 Our Designs and Designs: comic local artistic talent, Pic is a literary patriot, if artists send him designs, will pay. Sept 27 front page Proposed statue of columbus for city hall fr Hiram Powers, mocking Persico. Praises Tolon’s La Verdad, WH Allen and RA Locke’s Daily World, most orig daily paper, democratic, just one cent. notices litho of Catherine Hayes, Am Inst fair opening Oct 4 artists who send us drawings should choose local subjects, men and things abt town caricatured, not stale old matter fr wishy washy old books Oct 11 Caspar C Childs in field again with Natl Democrat, wants to save Tammany, Dr Ingraham and CP Johnson editors. Fuller and Mirror the Fillmore organ. Am Inst Fair same thing over again, premium to newsp says it is doing most for civiliz of country. Daily Times, Raymond isn’t an ism whig. Oct 18 Jos Scoville swears to circ of the paper. Weirdly hostile to Genin, the hatter and bro in law of Barnum (not true says later), for trying to get Mayor Kingsland to honor Kossuth, who is noble; marketing ploy perhaps? Nov 1 admirer of Mrs JW Bennett Nov 8 p2 Mr Greenough the Sculptor, recently returned, did GW in front of capitol, we are a great admirer of it—over the left.  However, when a countryman does the best he knows how, there is no use talking. he’s been doing something else for the govt while in Italy which is to come over soon, hope that it will be worth the cost of transportation and be more fortunate than the Roman marble Wash, ornamented with a head modeled after that of the illus patriot. Nov 15 Elliott works at Herald office Sept 15 daguerreotype has meant more puppies getting likenesses. WH Levison of Argus writes for Pic. Takes Herald’s side agst Fry. Nov 22 Dubufe’s Adam and Eve, 18 years ago in NY, Pick was a clerk, Brette brothers brought pictures to Barclay st a losing concern, worried pis were immodest, added fig leaves and rush to see them, Pick blushed but he was young, were all the rage, still on tour. regularly have anti-semitic jokes. Praises new comic mag Lantern. Dec 6 1851 Great Pic of the World’s Fair—Frankenstein, grand moving pic, Stoppani Hall, Barnum sent artists to London. Our old friend Frnakenstein is in town, one of the most talented artists in our country, lscapes are splendid gems of art, truthful, effective pics as we never saw except by old mother nature herself, Union Place Hotel rooms. private life of Lola Montes is private. Dec 27 engr A Scene at the Art Union


Jan 3 Hints to artists—costly frame, talk of classic ideals, etc. Niceties of Art: finest work of Art ever appeared in our city will be the coming ‘Drawing’ of the Art Union, wonderful work appears very imposing when placed in a favorable light, but its unfortunate position in “light” of a lottery spoils its merits a good deal, esp in eye of the law Jan 17 Mazzini matters more than Kossuth. Rabelais is their Wash corresp, writes on clerks. Jan 24 continuing series on a model Daily newspaper, review of an exhib, mostly puns Feb 21 Scoville since dismissal been publishing libels in the Herald, re Joseph Woodward and Richard Hutchings, Hinckley is foreman and was at Examiner with me and Henry Arcularius. Same publishers are doing the Lantern, with John Brougham. Alexander Alcock and John D Vose also wrote for it, and C Donnavan. Feb 28 Tobias Toddlejob writing for them. Mar 13 symp to Forrest not Willis 27 more favoring Forrest. St Pat’s Day. ok with Unions. Louis Nap a despot Apr 24 TC Boyd doing illus, pen and ink pano of NY newsboys by TT, defends them. Maine liquor law pernicious. Last issue. 

Apr 2 1853 LOC. For $3 year can get Harper’s and Pic. notes GG Foster is in NY. Nat Dem once Kossuthian now advocating for A Belmont. just 4 pages. has Dumas’ Adam, the Calabrian painter.

NYPL mfilm misc reel

NY Picayune, Wm H Levison, ed. three cents, Dec 22, 1855. Lots of comic illus, young housekeeper and Irish servant, eg. P.2 Our Relig Papers, notes war betw Evangelist and Independent, Evang didn’t like HW Beecher’s hymn book. What is an Artist? Line between the gman who makes pictures for the Academy and the walls of the gman of fortune and taste are artists, but the man who gives your door three coats in oil is only a ptr. Prefers the definition fr the new Lexicon of the new Lingo, a scientific boxer or professional gambler

4 July 1856, pictorial Picayune, imported pictures p. 3

LOC Main Reading Room volume

Dec 20 1856 has cartoon of Bayard Taylor, statue selling cigars in Broadway. p2 praise Palmer’s Spring, purchased by Cosmo Art assoc as a prie, puffs the Association, beaut engr Saturday Night advertised, also Powers’ Eve for distrib. Likes chevalier Wikoff’s book. Goupil advertises. Bellew doing their engr.

1857 Jan 10 Dick Tinto letters fr Paris to Times, now has play on stage, he’s French.

cartoon of Harper’s monopolizing all publishing. Jan 24 Congressional corruption, he’s offered 10,000 for a picture. critical of the charity ball. anecdote of an artist in Paris 31 another cartoon re B Taylor statue. wilkie Collins story. Feb 28 death of editor Levison. Geo Law and Vanderbilt at odds over Costa Rica. Mar 28 no fan of Sunday laws. Apr 4 cartoon is Tomb of Ebling—pile of dirt—erected by citizens of NY. Wms Stevens and Wms also advertises. Doesticks writes column, Hannibal infreq now April 11 p133 ptg for the Acad exhib has hawk and heron? (Matilda Heron the actress?). Don’t see an NAD ad. Farrand photographs ad. Apr 25 artist corresp of ours studying in Paris says visits Morgue every morning. May 2 Has a funny satire of J Sterling Morton, governor’s annual message, Dear Fellow Squatters; p157 notice that NAD will be opening, Startling Art-Intelligence, info to be relied on, among the pics will be Portrait of a Lady and Portrait of a Gman May 16 front page, statue of wash in front of city hall is work of Mr Thom (not Dick and Harry, as has been stated) and quite an attraction to seedy class obtain a lvielihood sitting pensively there on fence. The statue is not so bad, considering the material—brown sandstone—but its garments do certainly set a litle too snug for nature, as there are hardly any folds or creases in either the coat, pants or vest. Tho Wash may have been an old fashioned man, think Thom might take liberty of giving him a few new wrinkles p173 has a sketch of it, also clever artist Muller made medallion of Dixon of the Scalpel, community waking to his talent, he shall certainly have our head, price to subscribers $10! May 23 p179 reruns Bayard Taylor cartoon again! p. 181 mocks fighting at Merc Lib, has bit on Walt Whitman May 30 p 189 satire of Walt Whitman poem June 13 p205 Barbee the culptor just brought statue of Coquette, fitting material cold marble for embodiment of such an ideal

June 20 new proprietors, edited by Doesticks and Triangle, former doing literary and latter doing artistic, have two page spread on NAD fr 212-213, Rossiter has 25 works, disapprobation of all of them forked radishes, Pope’s Beecher better than Hicks. Like Wm Hunt Jerome Thompson plebeians, Cafferty, love Hoppin. Also mocks Warren statue in Boston, sells clams.

June 27 Triangle reviews inauguration of Warren Statue p220. July 4 Triangle is name of Bellew the artist, a Frenchman of genius, Doesticks is Mr Thompson, one of the staff on the Tribune, writes Shrieks for Kansas and dramatic correspondent; Bellew denies being French or a man of genius, Thomson says he is the man of genius, writes City Items. Three cents an issue. p. 229 satire of Greek Slave July 11 hostile to Dead Rabbits p.236 Brandeth’s Wash Monument, idea of advertising it. has a Longfellow satire on the next page. p238 walking with art critic by print store. anti-Fernando Wood. July 18 denies that they mocked the editor of the Commercial Advertisor for going to an East Broadway dancehouse on the 4th of July. Pic expanding to 16 pages, raising price to 4 cents