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Young America

Young America! Organ of the National Reform Association, $1.50/yr

March 29, 1845, first issue. 29 Ann St, the True Sun bldg. Eagle with e pluribus unum, but also an alleg figure of a man on masthead, holding banner For me, For Thee, For All. Land reform central—quotes from Blackhawk, Jefferson, Channing,  George H Evans, Working Man’s Advocate adopted as title in 1829 and used for 8 years, defined it to include mental or physical occupation. This a more expressive title. Movement of entire civ world is toward Republicanism. Young Poland et al represent principles which are to the world young, fast emerging, always tending to human advancement. Godwin and Macdaniels had thought of a paper with this title, but will publish under another name fr Brook Farm.

            Up til now, the building of the Mammon temple in Wall st, all progress has been made thru slavery. The stupendous piles of archit, the splendid works of art, ancient and modern, are but the transmuted sweat and blood of the children of men. The bldrs labored not for themselves, but for the master few. 

Don’t see much on art.

Young America Jan 5 1856 NYHS one issue, 28 Nassau st. 6 1/4 cents, Saturdays. TW Strong, pub. $2.50 year, 12 pages. Barnum ad on cover. Brady ad inside. Intend to apply ax of reform. J McLenan illus? p.4 mock Powell and Jones for doing Geo Law’s portraits, Daily Times art matters, advises him to just look at the frame. cartoon of the city council’s tea room and turtle soup. Mocks John Van Buren. cartoon of Irish servant who thinks she’s an equal.