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American Republican

May 2015 AAS


NY American Republican, pledged to no party’s arbitrary sway, 138 Nassau, penny 1844

April 24, 1844, new enlarged format,hostile to Slamm, Tammany, Plebeian. Notices opening of NAD. April 25: oppose annex TX

Apr 26 Willis poem, proe Erie rrd. Native American paper, hostile to Jesuits. April 27 story of Albert Durer, dad sd must be a goldsmith, became artist and saved dad fr bankruptcy, transl fr French for Am Repub,p1. Likes Willis. Covers channing’s lecture agst death penalty.n Apr 29 p.2 Clay letter on tX in intelligencer, interesting, agst Annexation, will reprint. President is in favor. April 30, gives John Tyler’s message re treaty with Texas, also Clay’s letter. To DR: prudence and policy forbid publishing his poetry


May 1 1844: calls itself the advocate of Young America. Gives Van Buren’s letter on annexation. Nad better this year than any other, our first artists by their best productions, sweetest portraits, beaut lscapes, crowded p. 2.

May 2, likes Dem Rev, Whitman, 3, 4, likes New Mirror, notices death of Fred Agate with Eve Post obit. May 6 legal wrongs of women fr Dem Rev May 7,8, 9 p. 1 reprints fr Boston Post on Allston’s Belshazzar, 10, Green is their senior editor. 11 has a series on Carlyle. 13 J of Commerce supports Nat Am, but Trib does not, Sun also an enemy, as is Freeman’s J. Job Haskell a Nat Am. May 14, 15, Wm B Cozzens in 3rd ward also a member. 16,17,18, 20 p. 1 NAD fashionable, praises Inman and Talbot extensively, p. 2 lists their printers, p. 4 don’t ban newsboys crying in the streets, 21, 22, 23 Miss Bremer, 24,25, 27, like Father Matthew, 28 Fanny Osgood poem to Mrs Otis eng in Columbian. 29, 30, 31 Mrs EF ellet story


June 1 1844, 3, p. 4 notes death of artist WJ Bennett, Englishman perm res 1817 (Clevenger Allston et al also died this year). 4,5,6,7 p. 2letter fr A New Yorker wants a Washington Monument in DC 8, 9, 10,11 Bryant poem, more praise of Willis on fashion, finest minds of century, Allston’s great Belshazzar not coming here, our rep for quackery in the fine arts spread to Boston. 12 p. 2 Willis says public opinion is a monster; Pencil Sketches of Men and Things by a Metropolitan begins. 13 love Willis and ‘home’ literature, don’t care re int’l copyright. 15 p.1 critical of print shop caricatures, p. 2 has been noticing SB morse telegraph, note that he is Nat Am; J Morris of this city proposes to tour West’s Christ Healing the Sick. 17, 18,19,20 p.2 poem by an American advocating for a Washington monument in NYC, 21,22,24,25,26 p. 3 ad for Wash Monument in NYC, subscriptions wanted, Robt H Morris Pres. June 27 p.1 pic of Monument, with description, Gothic (had earlier noticed 6 cent publication of Pusey’s recent sermon), led by Col Trumbull, Grinnell too. Herald immoral. 28, 29, 30


July 1,2, 1844, 3,4,6, 8 p1 Brit govt stopped their art union as a lottery.9,10, 11 p.1 has anecdote of H Powers fr Spirit of the Times, he was a good mechanic, always measuring people 12 p1 female wood engravers in London, p2 covers Am Institute approvingly 13 attack on dance houses 15,16,17,18,19,20,22,23,24,25 anti-convict flogging, 26,27 Thaddeus W Meighan used to write for Aurora under English, now for Am Republican; notices TC Jones of Cinti statuary 29 ought to pay women seamstresses more 30 Noah’s paper only good one of Sunday papers 31 JT Headley story


skipped August, J (ames)W Green now listed as editor.

September 2, 1844, 3,4,5, 6 likes the Clarks of the Knickerbocker 7,9 p.2 puffs opening of Anelli’s End of the World, 10 p.2 promotes Washington monument, Chatham Theatre’s Devema donates house, Rice and others perform 11 more on GW benefit 12 anti-dueling poem 13,14,16,17 long attack on Bennett, who has been attacking Mayor Harper et al 18,19 notices Oddfellows 20,21 likes New Amer Mag, Noah involved 23, 24 Cyrus W Field has full page 1 ad for his paper warehouse 25 likes the True Sun 26,27,28 Commercial Advertiser is now attacking them 30

Oct 1 1844, 2 The Metropolitan Mag has Nat Am principles 3,4,5 libeller Basil Hall is dead, 7, 8 Saturday Emporium which he likes has expose of Café des Milles Colonnes 9 JR Bleecker advertises, Mrs Mary Meighan writes for them too 11p. 2 long puff for Leclerc ptgs on exhib at Society Rooms of NAD, Anelli still advertising 10 are covering the Am Inst Fair 11 praises Judge Meigs talk on GW monument at Am Inst fair 12, 14 notices Ohio Fourierites 15 volume ends