HomeKatz's Unofficial Index to Antebellum New York City NewspapersKatz's Notes on Antebellum New York City NewspapersArena (New York Arena)

Arena (New York Arena)

AAS mfilm racy newspapers reel 1

May 21, 1842 Arena--he pulled, in bad shape

NY Arena, Ed Thomas Nichols, May 24, 1842, ad fr Arthur Tappa.  anecdote of Mr Canning and a gman looking at the picture of the Deluge, ark in mid distance in foregrd, joke re elephant seen struggling with his fate, p. 1; p. 3 ad for Elton’s shop, with picture of huge storefront window hung with engravings.  Robert H Elton as publisher, bookseller and stationer, engraver on wood, colorist, 98 Nassau st, betw Ann and Fulton, sts, also sells song books, wood engraving in all branches, neatness, cheapness, dispatch, sells more than 3000 engravings adapted to newspaper and other publishers.  Has just published a parlor songster, with 50 colored engravings, and the Philosophy of Kissing.  Also a Wm Applegate printers ad, he prints the Arena


April 8 1842.  Denies belonging to any political party, but notes a Tyler mtg (later notes that friends of clay blame them for supporting Tyler’s administration).

Apr 16, 1842 p.1 has a woodcut of a mixed group, children prominent,, picture on the wall? a concert?--scene of a military band or procession, bands in the balconies of our two museums, band at Castle Garden, at Niblo’s boys and girls with indulgent fathers wander thru it seeing splendid pictures plants, flowers, ice creams.  Also splendid saloons of mod lux, where gmen sit at marble tables, with beautiful pictures, splendid mirrors, smoking cigars, listening to music, with ragged cherubs listening outside, people also listen outside windows of home to domestic pianos, or church music.  Group the other day in quiet st, pictuque and pleasing, swarthy Italian, grinding organ, monkey dressed up (this must be the engraving).  aim is greatest gd for greatest number.

  1. 2 has more specimens of engravings in weekly arena: painful suspense, gman is picking up another man byhis nose, mismatched dancers, caricatures, progress of temperance (unsuccessful), all done by Elton


puffs Graham’s with Griswold starting as editor, first engrav fr pict of Sir Thom Lawrence, the proffered kiss, little kids partly dressed struggling for a kiss, arms are enormous.  no grt friend to Bennett.


April 8 1842, p. 1 Elton woodcut of the Waiting Maid, with poem written as if in German accent, leering gman, pretty woman to entice drinkers into not noticing bad alcohol.  newspaper is two cents


April 27, 1842, same upper right corner of p. 1, woodcut, of ape-like female peddler bargaining with working classmatron

N Currier ad for litho prints


Sept 7 1842 p.1 corner woodcut of the Nurse, older woman, tiny baby, spectacles, in chair.  R Roberts, J Halpin dol.  quiet yet effective illust of finer and softer feelings of our nature presented in the picture, charmed spell in infancy that stills the heart.  who can help loving the nurse, a second mother

NYHS- New York Arena April 12, 1842 is vol 1 no 26, 2 cents, 6 columns, Thom L Nichols, a journal of civilization, champions equal rights and greatest good for greatest number. has theater ads, Riell and Bell auction ads. p.2 attends Bennett's mtg in the Park, a Tyler mtg? Demos cheer for Robt H Morris, Whigs for Clay. Nichols suspects glorious war with Mexico coming, likes Texas, likes Sam Houston.