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The True American

The True American, God and our Native Land, JH Goater (?) designed profile portrait of GW. Motto from Lafayette, If the Liberties of this Republic are ever destroyed it will be through the machinations of Romish priests. 4 cents. Geo Akarman pub and proprietor, 17 Beekman st

Vol 1 no 49 Dec 16 1854, weekly, inside has eagle, quote abt foreign influ fr GW, circulation 12,750. For Pres Sam Houston and VP Jacob Broom.

            Corresp WR of the True American fr Patterson NJ writes to his Fellow Mechanics, criticizes policy of leading journals of NYC, hostility of Herald reversed recently, doubtful ally; Trib is Greeley the negro-worshipper, most bitter foe, in compact with Hughes; Times abused us, until desperate and since has white washed, have hope for Raymond; Sun shone only for Irish papists, editor a traitor to our party. Only NY Express can be depended on.

            Broadway theater only one advertises. Lawrence and Thwaite are the dag ads