HomeKatz's Unofficial Index to Antebellum New York City NewspapersKatz's Notes on Antebellum New York City NewspapersBroadway Omnibus

Broadway Omnibus

Broadway Omnibus, Nov 1, 1858.  50 cents a yr.  Has story of metropolitan adventures of Timothy Clover, lights and shadows of city life, illustrated by him at the docks, trying to get a hack.  striped pants, fr the country, brolly and handbag, watched by a constable? others carrying his trunks.  bewildering array of men trying to get the ride into town

            -p. 3 a woodcut of a black professor, Plato Socrates, written in dialect, giving a speech.  minstrelsy type thing.  Notice that our artist has taken sketches of most noted mock auction shops on Chatham st and Park row, also visited swindling ticket offices in lower part of city, shall serve them up so no one can be taken in.  sketches are true to nature and give correct dagurreotype of these swindling places, with gd likenesses of swindling places. 

p.4 vignette of people getting into omnibus, skirts in way. p. 5 is scene in Baxter st nr Five Points:  skill of our artist enabled us to present unusually accurate views in celeb locality few have explored, charnel house of infamy filth and squalid poverty, nr Broadway.  also scene at foot of Worth st, oppos Old Brwery.  Other than men loafing on street corner, doesn’t look too bad--laundry hung out.

p.5 notes Dion Boucicaut’s plays that flavor is given by brush of scene painter

p.7 expose of mock auctions, sort of a comparison to Wall st bulls and bears

p. 8 woodcut scene in a dissecting room, a graphic illustration of a scene of nightly occurrence, medical colleges snatching bodies, piled up as numbers on the floor, with the students drawing lots for them. vignette of the editor of Omnibus whipping lotteries, auctioneers, ticketeers; his job is as scourge.

AAS racy reel