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Monthly Cosmopolite

The Monthly Cosmopolite, Prentiss Clarke & Co pub, 25 cents yr, Oct 1, 1849

            -critical of Robt Walsh, consul at Paris and corresp of the J of Commerce, where he vindicates despotism.  ad for Hogarth’s pictures.  Critical of Ned Buntline.  Ads for Bro Jonathan.

Dec 1 1849 p. 2 takes anecdote fr French paper, shows esteem in which artists held among lower class f workers.  a Neapolitan painter celebrity in his art, living on Seine, fell in love with laundress, when he told family he’d just been accepted into the Academy, prospective father in law rejects him as an artist so not good enough (had thought he was a barber)

            also ad for beaut illustr life of Helen jewett by ed of Nat Police Gazette and also from Stearns the expose of Buntline, also illustrated bios of other criminals, lots from Stearns (romances),lots of ads for minstrelsy, and drawing books sold by stearns, delightful art for all young ladies and gmen, lscapes, marines, animals, and figures.

Sympathetic to Kossuth, hostile to abolitionists.  Stearns also selling NY in Slices.

May 1 1850 (monthly) has poem fr Miss Phebe Carey

            also ads for books Turkish Slave etc

AAS racy reel