HomeKatz's Unofficial Index to Antebellum New York City NewspapersKatz's Notes on Antebellum New York City Newspapers

Katz's Notes on Antebellum New York City Newspapers

The Advocate (Weekly Advocate) Daily News (Weekly National Democrat) Merchants' Ledger Self-Instructor
The Age Daily Whig The Monitor (Aristocratic Monitor) Spirit of the Times
The Age of Reason Day Book (New York Day-Book) Monthly Cosmopolite Splifincator
The Albion
Democratic Press
Democratic Review
Morning Chronicle The Sportsman

Alligator (Stephen Branch's)

America's Own

Dispatch (Sunday Dispatch, Weekly Universe)

Dollar Weekly

Morning Star

Morning Telegraph

The Subterranean

American Eco d'Italia Morris's National Press The Sun
American Agriculturalist


The Nation Sunday Courier (NY Courier)
American Church Review


National Police Gazette Sunday Mercury
American Eagle Magazine

Emerson's and Putnam's

Evening Gazette

New Era (Democratic Republican New Era) Sunday Morning News
American Flag Evening Mirror (New York Evening Mirror) New World Sunday Morning Visiter
American Laborer Evening Post New York Crusader Sunday Times and Noah's Weekly Messenger
American Metropolitan Magazine Evening Signal

New York (Daily) Times (H Raymond)

Tribune (New York Tribune)

American Monthly Magazine Evening Star

New York Leader

New York Literary Gazette

True American

True National Democrat and Morning Star

American National Preacher Expositor New York Mercantile Journal True Sun
American Odd Fellow
American People's Journal
Express (New York Daily Express) New York Morning News Truth Teller
American Phrenological Journal Flag of the Free New York (People's, Washingtonian and) Organ The Union 

American Plough-Boy

American Repertory

Flash (Sunday Flash)
New-York Picayune The United States Journal
American Republican Frank Leslie's New York Pick The Universalist Union
American (Whig) Review Freeman's Journal (NY Freeman's Journal)

New York Pioneer

New York Planet

Vanity Fair 

The Anglo African (Weekly Anglo African) Gazette and General Advertiser (NY Gazette & General Advertiser)

New York Reveille

New York Scorpion

Venus's Miscellany

La Verdad

The Anglo-American Globe (NY Daily Globe) New York Sporting Whip The Wag
Golden Rule
Harbinger (NY Harbinger)
Weekly Yankee
Arena (New York Arena)
Hawk and Buzzard (Ely's)
Herald (NY Herald) 1835-41
New York Standard (NY Standard & Statesman)

Western World

The Whip (Weekly Whip)

Aristidean Herald (NY Herald) 1842-48 New York Times (Semi-Weekly NY Times) The White Man's Newspaper
The Artist Herald (NY Herald) 1849-55 New York Times and Commercial Intelligencer (NY Times and Evening Star) Working Man's Advocate
Asmonean Herald (NY Herald) 1856-61 New York Transcript The World 
Atlas (Sunday Morning Atlas; New York Atlas) Herald of Truth (Cincinnati) New York Weekly Ledger Yankee Doodle
Auction Catalogs Holden's /Dollar Magazine New York Weekly Messenger Yankee Notions
Aurora (New York Aurora)
Holiday Museum
Home Journal
New-Yorker (Greeley) Young America
Ballot Box


Human Rights

New-Yorker (1851)

The Bee

Broadway Belle

Broadway Dandy

Broadway Journal

Broadway Omnibus

(New York) Illustrated Magazine of Literature and Art

Illustrated News

New-Yorker (1856)

Nineteenth Century

Path Finder (1843)

The Path-Finder (New York Path-Finder)

Brother Jonathan The Independent Paul Pry



The Century

Independent Press The People
Christian Intelligencer International Magazine of Literature, Art and Science The People's Rights
Christian Parlor Magazine Irish American The Phoenix
Colored American Irish News Photographic Art Journal


Columbian Magazine

The Jeffersonian

John Donkey

The Plaindealer

Commercial Advertiser (Spectator, weekly) Journal of Commerce; Mercury and Weekly J of C Plebeian (Daily, Weekly Plebeian)
Constellation Journal of Women Polyanthos
Constitution Knickerbocker Putnam's Monthly
Copway's American Indian Ladies Companion The Rake (Weekly Rake)
Corsair Ladies Morning Star The Regenerator
Cosmopolitan Art Journal Lantern (Diogenes, His Lantern) The Republic (1844)
Courier and Enquirer (Morning Courier and New-York Enquirer)


Life in New York

The Republic (monthly)

Le Republicain

Courrier des Etats-Unis

The Critic

Literary World

Log Cabin

Saturday Emporium

The Saturday Press