HomeKatz's Unofficial Index to Antebellum New York City NewspapersKatz's Notes on Antebellum New York City NewspapersNew York Reveille

New York Reveille

New York Reveille, 2 cents $1 year, J Barton & Co, 47 Ann st, weekly. Has a comical engraving on the first page, crowded omnibus eg

LOC NY Portfolio (Cornelius Mathews and Thomas B Gunn as illus)

May 17 1851 (their second issue, fragment): Indep Crit, a prerogative of the press, duty it owes the public, no half way work and quibbling in our crit, but speak out.

            Mayor Kingsland and Common council greet Fillmore. Reveille is anti-abolition, anti women’s suffrage. condemn the death penalty, like Lind

May 24 explains Willis and Webb as caused by earlier row with Raymond and Willis. Their ticket for the next presidency is Sam Nichols of the Sunday Mercury and Harry Franco of the Sunday Courier for VP. Brandreth ad.

May 31 don’t like the Atlas’ rants agst the president

Jun 21 cant legislate no gambling, will continue

Jun 28 Whitehurst dags. Series on Our Friend Wriggles, comic strip sort of.

July 5 Avery their engraver. Home J excerpted on women’s dress. Williams & Swartout pub Genl Scott paper 37 Nassau st. dislikes Marg Fuller.

Jul 12 engr is of a 4th of July river excursion, perfect conglomeration of all the peculiarities of humanity, designed by Read Bennett has gone to Europe, with Beach, Wilkes, Greeley. Punch proposes a Virginian slave next to the Greek, Reveille add inmate of Model Lodging Houses in England. Like JF Cooper and IK Marvel’s No American Misc

Jul 19 contrast wealthy young woman’s pin money and poor woman’s needle money in engravings. cites Mose.

Jul 19 notice Photo AJ, want a Central Park

Aug 9 picnic scene with tumbling man like spencer. p2 need a govt adapted to all collectively, universal law fitted to humanity as one great whole, can’t do good without society, nor bad, crime will continue while society regards the indiv alone responsible for his sins, but when govt feels responsible for crime and sets abt to ameliorate the condition of the brotherhood (of man?) may we anticipate man rising up in orig majesty, a god like being (missing words)

Aug 16 ok with women doctors. support Matsell as long as he hasn’t acted as a partisan

Aug 23, 30 notices Geo Copway bk. pop symp is for Cuba, we’ll see volunteers Sept 6 engr of Catharine Hayes, swan of Erin, and of black and white people all eating watermelon at Fulton market p2 notice new weekly Hoboken  paper, demo politics but not ultra

Sept 13, 27 p2 Opening of the Art Union: oysters and champagne, capital event, a stranger followed wine baskets going in, called to superintendent Monk for a drink, asked for his $5, and mizzled. Erastus C Benedict speech said brandy and water was a solemnity. As long as directors have York Bank to draw upon and best brands of champagne, won’t lack for admirers and supporters

Oct 4 notices Robinson’s Wall st j. Praise Am Inst. Oct 11 v racist scene set outside Herald offices (Reveille is opposite of them) Oct 18 p 2 describes heroic action of negro checking the train car, ought to have a statue as much as the fellow who organizes missionaries, savd more people

Oct 25 p2 American Monumental and Artistic Designs, joke idea for statues, John Van Buren as abolitionist, Griswold, Home J, Greeley

Nov 8 licentious book auction on Broadway. A Patriotic Pic: Goupils tho French planted some of best seeds in soil of art, admirable series of prints fr Mount, exhib Leutze grand nat Wash crossing delaware, Schaus invited us to opening, bold in conception, well contrasted, eminently admired and popular, at NAD. don’t preach agst theaters. Editor has taken temperance pledge, but doesn’t want legislation


Jan 3 frag, Jan 10 anti-emperor Napoleon cartoon, then has a whole series of them, all really good 17 No Amer Misc united with Dollar Mag. Am Artists Assoc hold annual mtg, distrib of pics, at Apollo, deserves support Jan 24 unfunny Greek slave joke 31 Wm Holly’s Dem Review good. Feb 7 also praises Am Whig Rev under Priestley Feb 28 Grand Medallion number, perfect facsimile of one presented to Clay and designed by disting TD Jones Mar 6 Clay medal and presidential shop p2 puffs JW and N Orr both, earlier did a sign painter Mar 13 women don't read Courier and Enquirer, J of Commerce, comm Adv or Express, monotony p2 bio of TD Jones by HJC, did Corwin, ES Thomas, Cass, Scott, true character Mar 27 p1 Mike Walsh  cartoon, p2 notice Goupil priv opening Delaroche Napoleon, great

apr 3 p2 descr of pano business, by the Man who Smokes in the Omnibus, they all lose money since Banvard, Ben the dog finder has scheme and wants a puff, Milky Way with all the inhabitants of ea planet correct drawings taken on the spot by renowned clairvoyant, will get investors and make money that way; Growlers of the press inclu Herald over Art Union joke. Notices Iron Man society and their poet Aug Wigam, John W Orr advertises, Dr Griswold’s Intl Mag pub Stringer & Townsend failed.

Apr 10 Musical World of Oliver Byer gd, Forrest good. Recommends Brackett at Stuyvesant, A Home Subject, beautiful, lovely in their union, crowned by glory, Shipwrecked Mother, self made artist, will strengthen our good affections and improve our tastes. Women have greater sense of the beaut than men, sense of propriety and grace too, one’s love of the beaut is test of moral excellence. puffs Delaroche, Aztecs.

Apr 24 1852 NAD, p2, “A “Designing” Article” ports preponderate and are better than the lscapes, Healing (Healy?) port of Col Thorne’s two daughters one of best of full lengths, Hicks Gov Fish and Carpenter’s mayor of Brooklyn, Satler’s Genl Talbridge and Rossiter’s ptg of a wall, with sofa and lady as accessories, sum total of full lengths.  Durand, Cropsey, Kensett and church have lscapes, Jerome Thompson’s Haymakers Rest shows most improvement of any of them, Elliott, gray, Stearns, Huntington, Cafferty, Richards Mount Woodell Baker Barton and Blauvelt ea have some excellent ports, AF Tait’s body of animal pieces among best in exhib, Harp excellent bull dog. Lists watercolor, miniaturists inclu McDougal, Shumway and Miss Hall, more lscapes by Gignoux, Wotherspoon Williamson and LeGrand, and compositions by Leutze, lang, Terry Richardson Peale. Foreign pics by Herring, landseer, etc.

May 8 disparages Young America, mocks the Times on the copy right question, editor says you can take a man’s books away. With Dispatch is critical of Fillmore’s postmaster for attacking newspapers and restricting intellectual enterprise. Have an Ike writing for them. May 15 cartoon mocks Kossuth’s speech at Bunker Hill, spirit of Warren. Puffs Root’s.