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Sunday Morning Visiter


Sunday Morning Visiter, Paige, Wilson & Brown, 31 Ann st opposite Bell’s auction rooms, 3 cents, May 12, 1839 is vol 1 no 1., smallish size

            run a Geoffrey Crayon story fr Knick. p2 Our Debut: strictly neutral in politics, proper respect for the Sabbath, which is why publish on a Sunday (work is done beforehand); NAD feminine loveliness, an aristo concern, crit would be better if didn’t know artists’ names

May 19 1839: Aristocracy, republic must guard agst natural tendency towards it. excerpts Lady’s Companion Mrs Seba Smith, stories on picnics and husking parties. May 26 ultra-ism is bad. reviews theaters. June 2 Am Inst elections, death of Legett, bold and vigorous, actor Wm Burton may be a bigamist. Runs Dow jr’s sermons. F Pettrich sculptor of GW. June 9 likes Hamblin. June 16 Star, Corsair, Mirror, Spirit of the Times, Mother Miller, new Yorker and Sunday Morning News all at ea other. June 23 “Total Depravity” Post and J of Commerce don’t pay their printers well, sunk in depravity, a rat-concocted sheet, oppose Typographical Association. sully’s port of Queen Victoria attracts visitors, capital pic, but if it’s a faithful likeness have seen her weeding onions at Weathersfield Conn. June 30. July 7 1839 notices new Evening Tattler approvingly. Jul 14, 21 praises Sun Morn News, Bro Jon. Critical of Cooper’s libel suits. 28 crit of female accomplishments, need to be useful. Aug 4 working class ought to combine to raise price of labor, ought to protect women workers. Likes the Wag, mocks NP Willis. Aug 11 p2 Modern Criticism: praise by favor, condemn by motive, and ridicule by a despicable suasion of jealousy. Let the critics be criticised. Aug 18, 25 ‘respectability’ would rather remain with the honest pennies than be found in the ranks of the respectable sixpennies. praise Bunker Hill diorama. Sept 1attacks Broadway ‘Hell’ Sept 8 not wed to custom. list of principal loafing places, literary loafers in Astor Hse, clean shirt and cigar all that’s needed, Jones’ Hotel for printers clerks, Tammany Hall custom house loafers, etc many of these are places where their newspaper is sold. Sept 15 more loafing places, Stoppani’s in Arcade Baths, gmanly loafers, Washington Hotel has literary loafers and Congressional ones, Palmo’s Sandy Welch’s. Sept 22, 29 defend Wm Attree Oct 6  dislike newsboy hawking Oct 13 Eve Signal being started by Park Benj and ruf Griswold, formerly of Tatttler, will issue new World to match Bro Jon. More loafing places, Pearsall’s, Chatham Hotel and Oyster hse, Franklin theatre hse has soap lockers and bloods. Oct 20 next issue will change to Mercury, too many visiters, critiques clever artist of drop scene at New Chatham, negro in foregrd too small in scale