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New York Leader

NY Leader fr Vault at Pfaff’s

Feb 14 1857, vol. 3, no 1. 45 Beekman st, no decorations on the masthead. James H Welsh, John Clancy, Henry Morford (a poet), editors, Welsh & Co publishers. 4 cents.

does have an engr on front page. it’s a corporation paper, will publish proceedings of common council (Alderman Clancy is one of their editors, Judge Welsh, their senior editor, is a republican) Seem to really dislike the Herald. Critical of Irish American, who supports Coroner Connery, who used to work at Herald (?). Defends a Know Nothing politician against the Trib. Oakey Hall writing for them. Critical of Raymond’s Times. Notices Stephen H Branch lecture.

            Jubal Cain a regular poet for them

Feb 21 sorry re Levison of Picayune’s death, think it will be continued by JC Haney. Mentions Orasmus B Matteson, Congressmen fr Oneida district in this house, testified re Congressional corruption, he is implicated, along with several other Republicans. James W Simonton, Times reporter of this city, incited the investigation and was also accused of receiving compensation

Feb 28 happy Hiawatha will be transl b Freiligrath and illus by Leutze. Proud of their portrait of Dr Kane (fr Appleton’s Cyclopedia)

March 7. like Forrest. Sun advertises. Mar 14 p4 comments on Boker elopement, daughter of importing merchant married coachman, rampant snobbery by lady’s relatives, pitiful subserviency to wealth by our leading journals. Bride locked up, groom had to apply for habeas corpus, then family tried to bribe him. Plug Uglies are detestable, wanted to assassinate Buchanan. HW Herbert has a high opinion of himself. 

Mar 21 like Burton’s Bulletin, pub by H Plunkett, former proprietor of Sunday Age. Mar 28 Buchanan has appointed Hard Shells. Leader being endorsed by Spirit of the Times, Atlas, Mercury, Dispatch, , Express, Sun, Evening Mirror, Clipper. Critical of clergyman in Boker case for snobbery too. Picayune: Bellew and Johnson staying too.

Apr 4 1857: have symp with Wm Walker in Nicaragua. Emmanual Hart’s brother Daniel is a teller in Pacific Bank. Deacon Anson Herrick of the Atlas arrived with assurance that he would keep the Naval Storehouse. Apr 11 dislike Sabbatarian laws that work agst poor but not rich Apr 18: Gov King’s nominees to Police Commission were Simeon Draper, James W Nye, James Bowen, Stranahan and Cholwell, all Republicans except American Cholwell; General Nye is fr radical Democracy school. Mayors are exofficio, and both Democrats. Cholwell is rep of Young America, a mechanic. Draper very well respected, Bowen too. Critical of St George’s society, worship royalty, not the great literary and democratic heroes of the country. Apr 25: critical of Bellows at Dramatic Fund dinner. Notices Stephen H Branch’s auto bio fairly positively. Vananda writes for them and the clipper

May 1857 2, 9: John Brougham’s Age of Gold poem. Leader moving to 113 Nassau st. Defend Dana despite his deplorable aberration at the Dramatic Fund dinner (Dana of trib). Have a fireman’s column with machine poetry (and they advertise, the hose companies). no NAD ad. 16: Harry Reill, candidate of the old Veterans of 1812 for Mayor, is canvassing in his gold embroidered vest, watch chain and eye glass, no chance.

May 28 1857: long article about the city charter, points out Common Council used to elect Mayors, Aldermen often tradespeople, and so men of wealth and standing decided people of city, over whom they had more influence, should elect him instead. With grandees having control over mayor (include Cornelius Lawrence), Aldermen lost influence. Aldermen not paid, but fed at tea room before evening session. Cheap cash press claimed to represent the interests of the people, but sought favor of the grandees, began to attack Tea rm. Aldermen became more contemptuous of newspaper opinion, and suffered in reputation. New charter of 1849 stripped them of even more influence by making dept heads also elected office, not appointees. Grandees seized on aldermen error of granting franchises for ferry and rrds without compensation to the city. So Reform Committee of ‘first citizens’ and men of ‘wealth and standing’ backed by papers designed charter of 1853, gave Mayor even more power

            NAD: lots of visitors, large no of ptgs, more good ones. Lots of heads, but lscape, and the number of anon portraits smaller. Huntington many, Gulian Verplanck, Livingston, Mrs Bell, etc (list 7). Cafferty fine heads, and 243 Cavalier suggests Vandyke. Elliott only a few, his GC Lester best one in exhib, Wm T Porter admirable. Baker’s Gov Townsend gd. Church only 2, but excellent, Andes of Ecuador few superiors, gem of exhib, and his Autumn makes one feel like rending apart the pic to get at the glory. Durand Lake Hamlet glorious and Esopus creek admirable. Kensett fine White Mtn Scenery, Cropsey admirable Mt Jefferson. Lists other principal pts of Attraction, Rossiter (several), Edw White (several), Brevoort, Chapman, Lang, Leutze v fine, J Hart, EH May, Hunt, Lambdin, Shakespere’s Reverie, W Hart, Casilear, Remb Peale, Tait, TA Richards, JT Peele, Schegel, Schell, Hicks’ HW Beecher.

            Church’s Niagara: ptrs have previously tried to tame it pleasantly down, but can’t be transferred to canvas in all its sublimity, yet sketches can convey a pleasant recollection. Church has a first class pic, water and sky, exquis choice of position, study for hours.

            Utah is Sodom. Like Ann Stephens.

May 30 1857 p4 hostile to England, brought abt Walker’s downfall. continues analysis of city charter, points out Mayor Wood in 1855 (his bio is dedicated to Edw Everett). a Morning paper’s corresp critical of Acad of Design frequenters impolite, stove pipe and felt hats should be taken off, as not transparent and obstruct the view. Strongly desirable that every man shld have a private gall, where can look at the ptgs without hindrance. But can’t afford to pull off our hats in a crowd, hats not elastic, become jammed in the hand, and take up as much room as crinolines. Just try to be courteous instead. New cent has been prounounced an immense success, but eagle looks like a butterfly with lopped wings, and looks base, abortions of amalgamation. Regret death of Patrick Lynch of Irish American.

June 6 1857 Trib one of worshippers of First Citizens. Death of Alexander Welsh, father of senior ed of journal, Pearl st, fr New Jersey, mechanic, public business, long illness. Corresp on land reform. Like Fowler and Wells. 13: praises Warren statue, Buchanan will be there. Notes death of John C Stevens at Hoboken, son of John Stevens, and bro to Robt L Stevens who did steamboats, John C focused on yachts, but partners with Edwin A and Robt L in rrds 20: praises new managers of Picayune, Doesticks and Frank Bellew (Haney working on Nick Nax). Critical of Herald as also supporting First Citizens and their plan to militarize the police as per Napoleon. hostile to dogs. Lots of hose companies at the Warren inaug. p5 describes statue as of fair merit, ideal attitude, a little too oratorical, pleasing.

            27: Trib is supporting Republican municipal reform, even tho claims doesn’t do party politics at municipal level, Ottarson, a Councilmen and ed of Trib suffers fr attack too. Love Jerrold.

July 1857 4 likes Dem Rev and Emerson’s. Like A Schell, new Collector of Port, dislike boorishness of previous one. 11 liked Marcy, best of Pierce’s admin. 18: big supporter of Simeon Draper, leader of the Young Democracy of the Repub party. Critical of Picayune editor who “wears a Tribune hat” and so employs their malicious falsehoods; John Clancy then goes into discussion of Trib’s personal attacks, finds private interest in official acts, accuse him of starting sixth ward riots. Says there is no Dead Rabbit Club, the actual Roche guard is composed of young men of gd character.

            notice new ED Connery’s Irish Vindicator and p5 letter fr friends of Henry Riell re his merits, friend to adopted cit, Demo but would not be partisan, free mason, signed by triangle of three stars

25: notes new laswuit agst Wikoff, seems symp to him. Like TB Gunn and Waud/Bellew who illus him.

Aug 1 1857 has illus story of Man-Traps of NY, a warning to a man about town, expose of prostitution/theft (investigative journalism?). Sad re death of Beranger, voice of poor and liberty. Praises Horatio Alger and Miss Dupuy in the Sun. A Oakley Hall is a Republican. Aug 8: also more engr than usual. want a people’s court for poor. 15: excited abt the cable and Anglo-Saxonism. “Kate Luby” a corresp. 22 like Dickens 29 RF Griswold a valued friend years ago, regret his loss. cover sports (boxing etc)

Sept 5 a little dismissive of the financial panic. Says Bellows was good before he took up the sock and buskin. Praises new team at Spirit of the Times, Porter, Wilkes and James B Devoe. 19: Ned Buntline going to start writing exclusively for them. Notices Am Inst fair. Stephen Branch running for mayor. 26 puffs Gurney, picture gall at Am Inst in Cryst Pal better arranged than any previous fair, photo coll all concentrated there. Lots of interest in Bonheur Horse Fair, expectation that she would have done any other subject than this. Union of Emerson’s and Putnam’s, no trace of  Putnam’s remains, but v creditable.

Oct 3 Bonheur’s Horse Fair of first excellence, strength of handling and careful anatomy expected fr any one other than a lady, without equal in animal ptg. 10: no sympathy with kid-glove-ism of color (refusing to do something because black men are doing it? no, firemen could leave a procession if black firemen included, but not if black men hired for a service in the procession p. 6 Scrap Book take review of Bonheur fr Times, gd example of crit, and accurate—it’s wildly enthusiastic (tho maybe not High Art) 17 gives account of Sickles libel trial agst Bennett, A Oakey Hall joins John Graham in vilifying Bennett. Mackellar, Matsell’s clerk, together doing Police Gazette. 17 praise Brit poet Chas Mackay. 31 wish Stephen Branch would either get paid by city council or that he would stop pleading in front of the Common council, painful and disgraceful reminiscences. Name “union” has fallen in disrepute, try to use the word as seldom as possible, avoid demagogues like (abolition) maniacs at Cleveland convention, should ditch them. Thompson/Doesticks got married. James H Welsh for Register, has been police justice, the working man’s friend.

Nov 7 1857 praises Kane pano, tho not a great work of art, still worth seeing 14: praises chaste Worth monument design, let’s have more monuments 21 front page engr has barebreasted woman as alleg fig of spirit of the lake. Roberts their engr. 28 poem onCharter Oak for NY Leader, also satirical Saxe poem on Nomination. Impressed with Geo F Train, like his wide awake bks called Young America, will shock old fogies. Inaug of Worth statue.

Dec 5 John Clancy is sole editor (as of Nov 21st, issue is missing p4) on masthead, but Morford’s poems still in it, and will still be connected with the paper (joined only in 1857 anyways?). Opponents of free schools are old fogys, a class dying out. Praise Buchanan and his admin. Train’s books based on letters to Hunt’s Merchants Mag, not the Herald. Not enthus re Stephen Douglas. 12: Buchanan erred by removing John McKeon for his oppos to election of Mayor Wood. Attacks James Hogg, a nurseryman on Central Park Board, for using his position for politics (support Tiemann). Branch will be pd. 19: dislike tendency to suprress the names of the “highly respectable” in cases of villainy. Keene’s Sea o Ice hugely popular, Poor of NY too. Not worried abt new mayor, Tiemann has alw been a Demo, tho Republicans supported him. Praises Joseph H and David Johnson, 312 Broadway studio, best banner painters, also do portraits, many of the first pics exhib at the Acad of Design were exec by David Johnson. Aldermen censured Hogg for using his official position at Central Park to influ workmen to vote Repub ticket at last election. Sudden death of Stimson won’t end Day Book, JH Van Evrie will take it over, for some yrs one of the leading editors, and RG Horton, author of Life of Buchanan, who has also been connected with it, will take over, deserved success. p4 Cosmo AJ best issue yet, engr on steel, one of LM Spencer’s capital humorous ptg Shake hands and Powers’ Greek Slave, reading matter includes fine art tale by author of Princess of ? . Still notice Emerson’s, Demo Rev (features Schell and EB Hart, Wm Wallace), and Harper’s which features charming TA Richards illus of Idlewild, home of NP Willis. Wants a Pac rrd. 26 p4 claims Nat Intellig, Times, Trib, Eve Post are backing Stephen Douglas because they emphasize popular sovereignty. Critical of the Daily News for trying to define who is and isn’t a Demo (based on support for F Wood). Opera critic feuding with Dispatch’s music critic. (Burkhardt?) 


Jan 2 p3 compares stories about Dumas’ monte cristo to saying that Powers’ modellers can claim the immortality of one of his statues p.4 article on the “middle classes,” lots of symp for poor laboring class, but not for often also unemployed middle classes, their tastes and habits rendering them more unfit to endure hunger and cold, defines them as salaries or incomes fr $700-$1500 a year, not enough to save if have a family. Cant dress like laborers to carryon their professions, will be scorned. Jan 9 WS Newell writing for them (an artist too?). Henry Morford has poem to glorious Anglo Saxon blood in English girl, with engraving. p. 4 dislike Theo Sedgwick with his Black Republican proclivities unfortunately replacing John McKeon as DA 16: approves of a Kane monument. Murillo’s Conception at Wms and Stevens, not a masterpiece, overrated. 23: front page engr satirizes attendees at Wallack’s Poor of New York as wealthy

Feb 6 notes loss of Powers’ Webster statue. Politician Wm O Jenkins writing a column for them (critical of Washington market). 13 portrait of Lola Montez in profile v modest on the cover, like her  lectures. Critical of Buchanan’s concessions to the South re Kansas. Happy that disagreement betw Oaksmith & Co, publishers of Emerson and Putnam, and the Cosmo Art Assoc before the courts, has been resolved. Card seems to be about the distrib of the magazine. Profile of Calhoun is critical of his sectionalism. 20 among honorary directors of Atlantic cable are Belmont, Cooper. Critical of Geo Bancroft, a respectable Demo at some time, but now patronising gentility and anti slavery. Bellows ineffective in defense of theater, now lecture on pauperism and crime creditably but when Times and Trib didn’t praise him enough, wrote letter to Trib, critical of whole tribe of reporters, he is too boring to get long reports. Andrew Jackson Davis promising death a door to higher existence. Atlas now under Herrick and Seaman, with Tasistro, looks good. 27: critical of the Atlantic Monthly. John Dean given a job by Collector Schell (Boker’s husband). Frank Leslie’s first class. Knick and Harper’s gd.

Mar 6 p4 reporters in washington are Shaw of Herald, Simonton of Times, McMasters of the News. in 1844 Eve Post agitating slavery q but defended by Preserved Fish, AJ Bleecker, until Secret Circular disavowing Polk and Texas discovered, with Bryant, John W Edmonds, Theo Sedgwick Isaac Townsend on it. Brought it to Slamm of Plebeian, who published it to frown down the traitors; Van Buren and Silas Wright spoke agst their disloyalty. Praise Porter’s Spirit. Sad re death of Freeman Hunt. Defend Boucicault a bit agst plagiarism. Herald steals fr Leader. Profile of Silas Wright concerned that he catered to antislavery faction. Gurney their photog.

March 1858 16 urge daily papers not to jest abt religious revivals. 20 p1 poem to Greek Slave in Duss Gall by Laura Elmer (a regular poet)  she’s not a slave, not all the might of man can make thee bow, can only buy mortal flesh, soul is free. p3 Chas Mackay has poem to Catawba champagne of the west. p6 profile of Ogden Hoffman, left Demos for Whigs, not great in Congress, but profiler loved him (TNC is profiler) 27 critical of Central Park commissioners, require laborers to toady, so have had to import a set of creatures who are not citizens nor qualified, but only sycophants, intolerant in regard to birth and politics. Chosen a police uniform resembling footmen’s livery. Some sensible men on the commission, some antiquated fossils. Profile of James T Brady, who contrib to Spirit of the Times too.

April 1858 3 p6 profile John Van Buren, egotistical, critical of him for bringing Demos to Black Republicans, but didn’t take step himself.  John Allen and Edw F  Underhill’s The Movement, a Jounral of Revolution, odd jumble. Underhill long connected with Trib and Elephant Club. Has Fourier and others. 10: TH Benton admirable if erratic. James G Cooper of Sun reappted Commissioner of Deeds. Profile of Marcy, he was great. JW Welch cont to write poetry for them. 17: portr of TH Benton on cover, profile p6 says he aided Tyler agst Clay and Webster, opposed to annexing TX, but adviser to Polk in private, opposed Clay’s compromise measure and wasn't reelected. p. 5 NAD: many gems, lscape dominates, it awakens youn America, in his travels to and from, in search of wealth. Few regret crowd of portraits. Landscape esp with figs and cattle fr some touching incident or charm of surprising effect, will lead man’s fancy to see whole world as man its lord. Wont grumble at hanging committee, aim to benefit visitor and artist. Prolific artists should have ptd less and better. First rm: friend McClury 1 subj old and trite, better do more congenial subj like 86 Pioneer’s Defence. 4 Rosenberg artist of versatile genius, author or artist, in 374 feel bold vigorous hand, detail char truth. Boardman good, wants strength, imitate Durand too much in 30. Hubbard best is 586, greens become disagreeable. Hows 12 not your forte, stick with Vanitas Vanitatum. 13 Hicks will never be disting lscape ptr, portraits happier. Stone 15 beware of brick dust. James Hart need more power in foregrds. Wenzler female ports better than men, but wary of dry timidity. Thompson’s 23 old. Carter nees more lessons in 24, long arms, short legs, forced positions, also in 93 Decatur’s attack on Tripoli. Baker’s works alw please. 31 Cafferty like this best, but harvest scene and Panic in Wall st gems of first water. Tait admirable, Tait & Hart well together. Loomis graceful fast young man.

April 24 1858 notes Willis is ill

May 1 1858 Park Commissioners off to Saratoga and Newport, while park unfinished for poor. Critical of Bernard Ullman, backs Wilkes in controversy. Praise Benj H Jarvis, Court of common pleas, gman of splendid lit attainments. John F Ropes formerly of Atlas publishing hotel directory. Profile of Isaac V Fowler and p. 6 Judge Chas P Daly, calls him a lover of art interested in elevating public taste, supported Apollo, Art Union, gave address on Fine Arts at Albany, hangs out with artists. p. 6 NAD 2: Miss Barstow has talent. 46 Baker can do better than yellow shirt, unpleasant. 58 Boughton v clever, cold of a winter’s night. 61 one of Huntington’s pictures that show carelessness. 62 Blondell too separate tints of flesh, 520 drwg bad, foxy and tough. 65 Rossiter prolific, wish painted less but better. Lambdin, like 170, but candles should sparkle, shadows clearer. Welsch needs study. Mrs Hollen artificial fruit. Robinson animal is flat. 99 Bierstadt fine sublime scene, style of Germ school, if did small er works with more truth and less German would sell well. Chapman faulty feet 101. 106 Mrs Spencer Fi Fo Fum, crowded, hard to explain what is going on, better is 573 where parts like dog stealing beefsteak, child in tub of water, child throwing water, full of Hogarthian wit and careful observation. Better than both is mom with child peeping fr behind the chair, shld be in this Exhib. Avoid cold scumbled highlights. Article 3: Elliott has 10 portraits, his of Bryant previously still best, full lengths can be wooden. Of Kensett’s favor 140, 207 and 526 rather than 613 and 128, out of tone, motionless, lifeless. Carpenter lacks clearness. Brevoort sketchy. WT Mount 521 beaut conception, esp children better than 536 or 149, Banjo and Bone player firm and truthful, tone of color don’t like. Bellows 150 familiar to Northerners, needs firmness. Broken Pic touching. 157 Shattuck wants atmosphere, woolly foliage, sketchy. 162 Lang clever composer and designer, but unfinished, not enough to have a pretty effect. W Hart 165 clear crisp and free in all 7 pics, watch out for hard and flat. James 168 clever. 169 Michel brighter style than NY, 408 pleasing. 180 Johnson’s lscape promising, great truth of his other works. Beard 181 close wood scenes full of merit. Zousie Old Friar pleases. Heine happy sea view, spirited. Healy 193 sketch, despite rep. Williamson’s 365 has traces of nature. 197 Blauvelt charming scene. 232 3 pics by Edmonds among his best, story well told.

May 8 1858 notices Stephen Branch’s Alligator (attacking the Harpers, John James Wesley and Fletcher, plus lots of other politicians) and Johnson’s Red Flag. John Darele is musical critic of Porter’s Spirit. Very critical of inaccessibility of Astor Library. American Industry writes a letter critical of Crystal Palace’s latter years, and Am Inst, which took it over, and wrongly gets public subsidies.

May 15 Central Park plan was decided by party spirit. TA Richards sketching in south; Frank Bellew of Picayune praised. Poem to Geo Wilkes. May 22 p1 story and portrait of HW Herbert and his death. Started Am Mo Mag with late AD Paterson in 1832, connected with Picton’s Sunday Era in 1850, and his Sachem in 1851, also writing for it were Bachelder, Wm North, Geo G Foster, Major Richardson an dCapt Bradley. Wrote strong American editorials for Sachem.

May 22  Wash corresp says only Jenkins of the Herald has info on Corcoran’s daughter and the Span secretary, pic gall v fine with gems by Titian, Poussin, Veronese, Calude, only J McGuire the auctioneer has better. Corcoran brutally broke up their romance. p. 6 NAD: 374 Cafferty and Rosenberg a good partnership, invention due to Rosenberg, exciting and memorable day, hangs deservedly in one of the finest places, full of spirit effect and detail, happy in figures, alive to exciting subj. 385 Richards improving, monotonous. 386 Cropsey better if more ease in handling. Ehninger fine, Cowper illus. 397 a little gem. 400 Merle great, fine conception. 401 Sontag delights, bold and fearless touch. Gerry wants force. 425 small Leutze, fascinating. 431 Durand improved, full of air and love, genial, happy hour. Lazarus 434 shld paint more pics. 441 Gignoux better than dismal swamp 558, can’t enter it. Flagg 453 has not been awakened. Gifford 460 charm, dreamy style, wants strength and truth 451 Champney fresh and crisp. GH Hall 463 his best. Edw White Luther at Home fine, not as gd as pilgrims, rich color. Stearns 475 alw red and black. Unhappy in color for pic of Elliott and his friends. EW Nichols needs more open air ptg. Calix extraord merit. Gray never better, esp for historical, 596 and 602. 509 Fisher well. Ingham excellent. Casilear’s free handling charming, tone weak, but perfectly placid.

May 29 1858 a year or so ago the Leader changed day of publication to Saturday as a concession to public sentiment, now Dispatch is doing the same. p5 corresp writes in agreeing with Herald that Olmsted and Vaux plan for Park is confusing, commission is turned to Black Repub purposes, entrusted to foreigners. profile by author of Nigombo of A Oakey Hall says he is a polit enemy (has previously just done Demos), wrote as a Manhattaner in New Orleans for Literary World. Studied law with Genl Sandford, came into Nathl B Blunt’s office, became assistant DA in 1851, DA in 1854 til election of 57 which elected Peter Sweeny. Drafted Metropolitan police act and other acts disfranchising the city. Henry Clay Whig, old line, not a Black Repub

June 12 1858 Trib self interested when it is anti-partisan, it is partisan itself, ‘no party’ is a fallacy. John McKeon an enemy of Fernando Wood since 1842. Jun 19: Clancy in his official capacity voted agst Park appropriation, current plan is designed for codfish snobocrats, not workers. Emmanuel B Hart was close to Calhoun. p. 6 profile of Horation Seymour, not up to Marcy or Wright. NAD: GL Brown 79 he is well known, no novice, but causes us to think of one who put all the bits odds and ends of effects intoa daleidescope to pitch on this strange compsotion. Experienced handling, but better pics in an hour’s walk fr NY every day, not gd compos nor fine coloring. 78 If Parmlee is young and will give up imitation, will do better. Couturier not as gd as prev yrs. Delessard want invention. Bassie dry. 259 Hill studies in nature, but weak and mincing, raw color, need study chiaroscuro. Fagnani’s style v foxy, glazed with molasses, better in pies, fig seem clumsy, don’t admire taste in portait. Taggart needs study. Johnson 180 and 187 fine touches, faithful as daguerreotypes. 458 Mason unmeaning. 116 Mooney better than past. Pine clever. Shegogue generous  good heart, grapes not fit emblem. Shumway beaut pic is in style and digging of younger days, photog a prob for him. Critic only pure motives. Many young artists exceeding Academicians, who have become lazy or chicanery, see other papers.

Jun 26 poem to Charlotte Cushman by WW (they have a poet with those initials). Profile of Chas O’Conor. Jul 3 defends JG Bennett Jr, mean to use son to attack father. Critical of Wm H Fry to intro politics into his speech on music, crit of Buchanan admin. p6 profile of Robt H Morris, his persecution during Glentworth was due to Whig jury, governor and Senate; populace elected him mayor, unwavering Demo

July 1858 10 p3 Myrtle Mossrose has article satirically praising Late Poems of Alice Cary (appearing in the Ledger). p4 very crit of Am Inst as Chartered Swindlers.p5 profile of Richd B Connolly, opens with Don Juan , all things to all men, came to NY 1826, went into John Haggerty & Sons auction house, then Simeon Draper, joined Demos before he was 21, active by 1836 at Tammany. Cornelius Lawrence gave him clerkship in 1845 at custom hse, worked in Bank of No America thanks to Mayor Havemeyer, Cty Clerk in 1852 turned out every Whig, a favorite with all classes and alw abt among the ‘boys’. Jul 17 p5 letter continues agst Am Inst

Jul 24 death of Wm T Porter. gd obit by Wilkes. profile of Nath B Blunt, Henry Clay whig (bro Joseph a Webster man), friend of Frederick A Talmadge

Aug 7 1858 cover image of frigate Niagara, laying Atlantic cable. New libel suits, Wilkes agst Herald for putting Porter’s Spirit with the Alligator, Whip, Flash etc. Arrest ofSouthworth and Whitney of the Mercury for libel re Tompkins market. Stephen Branch convicted for libel of Mayor Tiemann, Governors Bell and Draper; agree that press needs to stop abusing character. Aug 14 poet Wm B Wms excited by Atlantic cable. profile of Andrew Mickle, who ran as Demo agst AM Cozzens as the Am candidate in 1846, year of second flash of Nat Am fanaticism (came up in 1844 with Mayor Harper. lives at Metropolitan Hotel. Profile of Isaac Varian. Aug 21 profile of Peter b Sweeny; profiler says Emerson believes monarchy is heaven-ordained  as proper govt for men, Carlyle  tries to prove it. Studied with James T Brady, became a Hard Shell, anti-Wood. Only mildly objects to all the hero-worship of the Cable affair. Aug 28 back Horatio Seymour for governor.

Sept 4 1858: like Duganne’s poem for Atlantic cable best. Profile of Tilden. Sept 11 Getty Gay goes to look at ambrotypes of rogues’ gallery. Long attack on Daily News, which has been attacking the Leader; Leader was anti Lecompton. James W Nye is Repub. Sept 18 cover port of Amasa J Parker, demo cand for Gov. p3 Kate Boyer Tyron a reg contrib has long satire of cable reception, mocks Cyrus Field as self interested. Notes C Edw Lester new monthly Demo Age, by Hale, Valentine & Co publishers. Battery Enlargement was a Geo Law swindle. Sept 25 poem to the Daguerreotype.

Oct 2 1858 a walk down Broadway looking in windows a thous times superior to Am Inst, mutual puffing and public diddling. Rarely mentions black people, but when it does, it’s unpleasant.p4 Kate Luby a regular contrib attacks Dispatch music ed for being anti Irish. Oct 9: like Max Maretzek, Schell put Moses Y Beach Jr in new higher paid spot in custom house. Sad abt Thorwaldsen, Kiss and other gems of art destroyed in Cryst pal fire. p6 An Hour in the Streets of NY, feasted eyes on fine pics in store windows, magnif dresses, little gems in jewelry. Varied living portraits on the street. Charming idea to put statue of Washington in Union square, hope more, how involuntarily head turns in direction of his outstretched hand, future generals will be inspired, signed Lilly Bell. Oct 16 dedic ofLorenzo B Shepard monument Oct 23 a lot of their engravings of high life (eg story Woman of the World) have ptgs and sculp. Support library for women. Differ with eminent Black Republican journal on corruptibility of Congress, they look only on the Matteson side of Congress and lobby operations of Weed and Seward, so see degradation. Support Anson Herrick for Congress? run a notice for him anyways. Oct 30 note Amor J Williamson of Dispatch running for Congress, support him too seemingly

Nov 6 1858 critical of Dickinson demos for causing party to lose to Republicans (wish demos had nominated Seymour instead of Parker)  Nov 13 poem on march of Desoto, earlier had one on night before Columbus’ landing. Repubs nominated Robt T Haws for Comptroller. Critical of Sanger’s history of prostitution, no such study is needed. EMP writes to correct assertion that Merc Lib admits ladies or female clerks on same terms as gmen, but gmen admitted $2 year, ladies charged $5 year whether clerks or not. Profile of Tiemann. Hostile to Schell. Barnburners controlled admin of Franklin Pierce. Boucicault mediocre. Nov 27 Daily News is hostile to ‘regular’ National Democrats

Dec 4 1858 still want to purchase or annex Mexico. p6 Deferred Editorials, Eugenie and her Ladies, remarkable pic by Winterhalter of Empress and 8 ladies, exquis Florinde, recog his best touches, easy attitudes, sun and shade, Empress not that handsome but dignity, ladies pleasing, esp English and American ones. Like new Am Mo mag. EMP writes again saying Librarian tells her will admit women in industry at lower rate, just don't have any currently. Dec 11 Great Repub Mag pub by Oaksmith, which bought Emerson and Putnams, not as profound as Atlantic, but more readable, editorial dept well filled. New libel suit agst John Clancy by small time lawyer. Dec 18 notices Cosmo Art Assoc and also on 25th.


Jan: 1 p. 4 support women’s suffrage half heartedly. Richard B Connolly is a flat foot Douglas man for 15 years. Wm A Butler writing for them. Like the Sun. p5 puff Cosmo Art Assoc 8 fossilized humbug known as the Am Inst electing usual set of old fogies, superannuated dotards, libel on progressive spirit of Am industry. new weekly Constellation ed Park Benj, wish its publisher Geo Roberts success; Sunday Times and Messenger still prospering. Still pub City Govt business. Mockingly defends Gideon J Tucker ex Editor of Daily News and now Secty of State decisions on press patronage agst Trib and Eve Post, he chose News, Atlas, Harper’s, Express, Connery of Irish Vindicator, Freeman’s J, Xtian Observer, Mike Walsh’s failed Evening Sentinel. Corresp quite critical now of Augustus Schell. 22: Geo W Hosmer poem.

Feb 12: Metrop Record, Dunigan and John Mulhaly, successful. Approves of buying Cuba, don’t think it will happen. 19 strongly support Homestead bill 26 Alger in Sun

Mar 5: Washington City and Mt Vernon by The Governor. Genin advertises. Defends Sickles. 12 Ivy Green alehouse across fr Tombs popular with Geo Wilkes, Deacon Herrick (til his star went northward), Fred Boyle the artist now in the Rockies, a Knickerbocker writer, Harry Arcularius, Billy Jenkins, Judges Connolly and Welsh, Mike Walsh of early days, Clancy, many others mostly Demos. 19: book on matrtimonial brokerage in NYC first appeared in Eve Post, they don’t think it’s more than anecdotes strung together. long bio of Mike Walsh, volunteered for Gov Dorr, allied with Herrick in Tyler interest and Aurora, his Spartans joined Rynders Empire Club but Walsh disliked them and satirized them in the Express of 1844. Supported  Cass and so was hostile to Barnburners who defeated him, jointed Schell, Brady and Hart in denouncing union betw Cass men and Barnburners. Got Geo Steers (did yacht?) patronage from Pierce. Got govt missions, briefly with Col Parker H French pub Eve Sentinel, worked for Herald. Mildly support Stephen H Branch. 26: Eugene F Loveridge a former contributor; Frank Wood editorially connected with Picayune moved to Frank Leslie’s. V crit of Geo P Morris being appointed consul, outrage to active men in Demo party, has done nothing in last ten years. And in People we Meet, he is described as a squat little corpulent old gman with a brown wig and tightly buttoned frock coat, cheeks of the flabby and gaseous order, prides himself on a fancied resemblance to Thomas Moore and sentiments in his so called songs as natural as the blue black glossy tinge of his whiskers. Then possibly describes Wikoff, a toady, advertising agent and puff master with v celeb danseuse, mixed up in Washington with intro of damaged rep into gd society. Sisters Carey given kinder treatment, and Simeon Draper very positive treatment

April 1859 2: notices Benj F Brady pen ptg at Wms Stevens & Wms (port of Clancy?). TF Meagher of Irish News talented, clever publisher Lalor. People we Meet describes Chas A Dana, wears a Kossuth hat, handsome, cultured taste, horseman, able editors, an encyclopedia, main prop of Seward and Gov Morgan asks his advice, great pop force in his pen. Also does John Brougham, and less positively, ex Senator Westcott of Florida (works for Herald now?), mocks a bit Alderman Michael G Hart of 23rd Ward. Frank Monteverde’s near Mitchell’s 18 yrs ago (ca 1840) was where Spirit of the times crowd hung out, Halleck, Walter Livingston, Col John Haggerty, John Brougham, other actors, Gemotice who was literary editor of the Planet and music critic of the Express, Col Thorpe, Frank Waddell, HW Herbert, Thom Picton, AD Paterson, Lewis Gaylord Clark, Henry Inman and his fishing friend Fosdick (who lost as Alderman), Dick Clark the animal ptr.

April 9 notices upcoming opening of NAD. Windust’s next to Park theater, its present habitues have little symp with, but in past had theater critics of Sunday Press, Frederic West editor and projector of Sunday Atlas, and Saml Nichols of Mercury (begun by him while he was a reporter on the Star and Times); joined by Elbridge Paige his partner. Lawrence Labree there, ed of illus mag Rover, contrib to daily press; John M Moore editing Morning Chronicle and wrote Tom Stapleton; Cornelius Mathews there too. James J Mapes and Macready friends, also Hamilton, ed of Ladies Companion pub by friend WW Snowden printer to the theaters, Chas MacLachlan Scottish ed of Evening Tattler, Bengough who studied with Clarkson Stanfield of RA and worked at Natl and Olympic, hired by Mitchell. H Isherwood another scenic artist, Robt H Morris there, James B Glentworth, Fred Tallmadge, John W Edmonds, Marshall J Bacon a lawyer who edits a daily journal, Govern Mason of Michigan, Talbot Watts, print seller and of nervous antidote, Thomas L Nichols who has deserted the Herald for which he boasts writing its editorials and has started the nearly obscene Arena. GG Foster of the Aurora is there, Bill Burns does the city items for the Aurora (this must be the Whitman connection), Fay Robinson, Deacon Weld of Brother Jonathan, Green of Emporium, Warren Draper of Sunday News, John Smith Jr of Arkansas. People we Meet: Prince of good fellows, John Van Buren, Peter B Sweeney a DA and beau ideal of a political partisan. EGP Wilkins drama critic of the Herald for last 6 years, big nose, goateed, slab sided Bunker Hill Frenchman and prodigal jewelry, honest and gd judgment, loves all things French, not as aesthetic as Seymour of the Times.

April 16 1859: urge electing for President a Nineteenth Century Candidate (one born in that century). People we meet: Thomas F Meagher is noble, James R Whiting. p. 5 NAD: private view and saw nothing, has degenerated into fashionable mob, 3000 and expansive crinoline, used to consider it v agreeable when just artists, critics and leading connoisseurs but now a bore. General merits: much larger, more than 800 works, but not better, maybe worse, hanging worse at any rate, universal complaints except committee and friends/protegees. Hicks, one of hanging comm, has central sight line for worst port of its size in the exhib. Hays a pic of dogs and game conspic alm unmitigatedly bad. rossiter sight line for Discoverers, bad drwg and plagiarism, also hanging comm.

            Cafferty and Huntington ports as hi as cld be, in corners, Huntington’s at least for subj, Durand, should have gotten it better. Wm Hart’s best in a doorway. Younger artists worst treated. Press will rectify evils of bad govt.

April 23: love the Clipper. People we Meet: Thompson of the Daily News, seems to mock him a little, Col Du Solle managing editor of Sunday Times, Wm E Burton. brief notice of death of ex Gov Wm C Bouck, an unflinching Demo. p. 5 JG Bennett and NY Press: in 30’s C&E was most enterprising of blanket papers, and most influential. Sun influential in its own way, but not as much as Herald with its money articles. today its ads are not fr commercial classes alone but every kind and degree of humanity, vast and varied interests, restless, sturggling, active world around us, the Herald is a pic of NY, its prosperity, its life, activity, wealth and pace.

            Bennett wrote most of pleasantries of MM Noah, tho Noah was apt and clever. He is a Demo fr habit, association and conviction, but indep and not a partisan. Horace Greeley the other representative man of the wide-awake school of journalism,

            notices opening of Intl Art Institution 694 Broadway, noble coll

p. 6 World of Art Acad of Design: same as last year, do whole exhib. First Gallery: 3 C Rosenberg lscape v fine distance, spirit and truth for bear and cubs. S Lawrence clever. Hennessy capital. Staigg pretty, graceful. Delessard capital. Launt Thompson beaut cameos. Johnson clever. Cooper school drwgs by women should not have been hung. Saintin capital, esp compared with his huge abortion the Zouave. Oertel clever, admirable. Smillie delicate. TW Whitley pleasant sketches. TJ Whitney clever. Darley finesse, no defects. DM Carter unworthy of prominent place, no originality in compos, no expression indiff drwg, weak color, subj out of his powers (St Michael). Annette Bishop comical. Rowse retrogresses. S Lawrence gd head of dr Bellows, but not of Fanny Kemble. Anna Freeman pleasant. Latilla clever. Moran a schoolboy eye for color. JA Hows clever with capital frog, used to be disting member of editorial fraternity. Carl Weber fine. Cafferty pretty, doesn’t rank with his larger pics. geo Hall’s Don Quixote v poor. Beaulieu savagely handled. Fuechel should not be on line, worst style of Germ art. 180 lacks care. Healy’s ex Pres Tyler strong likeness. In this room a dozen no claim to sight line, pass over them.

April 30 1859 p4 a little critical of Peter Cooper as part of city Reform committee. Brief praise of Bishop Geo W Doane, just died.Dr John W Francis criticized for in the Express encouraging kids’ nausea/vomit as response to yellow fever.  People we Meet: Judge John R Brady great, devoted to brother James T.  Drama and music critic Charles Burkhardt of Dispatch, style obscured by too aesthetic perception of high art, or indolence

            Washington Hall resort for idlers and spendthrifts, fast men, HW Herbert

p.6 World of Art NAD: still inf irst gallery: Carmiencke doesn’t deserve 196 its place, Eaton clever, 200 not Elliott’s best port, but superb vigor. Sontag 208 fine but somewhat cold morning effect. 210 doesn’t deserve its place. 211 Sontag should not have exhib. 213 Cropsey Falls of Katerskill not great, but clever. GH Hall clever fruit. JT Peele Artist’s Daughter his exceeding mannerism. CG Rosenberg Drachenfels, luminous color, admirable, deserves better place. 226 not had justice done, clever Fruit market by night. Lambdin able, not much subj, White Camellia. Ansdale clever but cold, false, shepherd is a lay figure. Lang’s Joan of Arc, bad, careless, collegiate. Second Gallery: Cafferty excellent, Jerome Thompson haymakers ok, hard, Lang 254 badly drawn, expression bad. Mrs Oakley fairly clever. Geo A Baker too much blue drapery. Waterman ok. 263 Don Quixote too big for its subj. Mignot capital, vigorous. J Hart mtn stream excessive finish. HP Gray sober, fine. Tait mixed. 277 Colman bad. 283 Huntington’s port of Durand, gd likeness, fine pic. 285 White hills Kensett charming, ease freedom, a master, minor blemishes. Yewell clear, brilliant. 290 and 291 too well hung, Parmelee.

            Intl Art Inst: has 4 great Germ schools of art, genre pics principal attractions

May 7 p4 gossip with correspondents notes that Blanche D’Artois turned copy in too late for this week (and no NAD that week either). Praises Duganne, notices Stephen Branch, NY Weekly now issued by Francis S Street, long connected with business of Dispatch and Weekly, and Francis S Smith, an editor of those papers, romance writer. People we Meet: irish rebel Col Michael Doheny, a friend; New England Puritan Fred. Hudson of the Herald, not classically educated, devoted to Herald; policeman Joseph Potiphar Dowling, prominent Demo but reappointed by Black Republican police commissioners, aesthetic, critic on art lit and music, attracted to Acad of Design and profund on Church’s Heart of the Andes, wit, philosopher of Beefsteak coterie. Hawley D Clapp is proprietor of Anti-Lecompton hostelry the Everett house

May 14: People we Meet: Henry J Raymond, professional black, resembles Kossuth, walks arm in arm with CF Briggs, first lieut of Times and brevet captain of sprightly Courier. p. 6 NAD, 2nd Gallery: Rossiter hung too well, Lambdin 296 sentiment fine fr Tennyson poetic, 299 Chiffoniere a clever fig by TW Wood, needs larger feet, 292 Fuechael of worst Germ school, 303 theatrical port by Healy, 304 one of finest female heads by Huntington, pleasant, 306 reminiscence of Fr school fr Dix. TB Read midsummer night’s dream 314 not satisfactory. Gifford Sunset in wilderness effect broad. 319 v bad. 321 Negro Life at South by E Johnson capital, lacks unity, effect too photographic, but transcript of unidealized nature, more careful than any ptg in exhib. W Hart Sunday morning warm praise. Emigrant’s grave has sentiment, doesn’t deserve place. 332 ptd for dealer in cattle, doesn’t deserve place. Bellows clever, too loose. 3rd Gall: Boughton xmas wreaths v gd, Griswold pleasant, Tait hi finish, Geo Hall capital strawberries, Saintin excellent rest fr work. Newell gd. Waterman last load progresses.JA Hows pretty. Staigg Aurora Borealis well ptd effect. 384 by Church not convincing great ptr that he is. Elliott’s Don Quixote excellent. 390 Cropsey unworthy of him. Geo Hall of puritans excellent. 399 Cafferty port one of best male heads, not varnished but earnest, unjustly hung.

            Church’s Heart of the Andes: finest for some time, surprised run it agst Acad. a Composition, color scarcely realizes our idea of the latitude, too northern, but wealth of fancy and detail, full of subj in form and effect. Ptrs in front of it talk of trick, don’t underst how to achieve his effects, greatest Am ptr now living.

May 21 1859: Charles G  Halpine joining as editor. Blanche d”Artois has a poem. Herald accuses Leader of being the organ of the Softs: In 1848 editor of Leader devoted himself to Cass when Fernando Wood was a quasi Barnburner, editor attended Syracuse convention of 1853 that Wood tried to break up, editor has been allied with Hards not Softs, now such divisions are gone since truce of 1856, only National Demos remain. Wood pretends to be a Hard, but he’s a renegade Soft.

May 28: Wikoff a political rat. Phoenix new weekly promising. People we Meet include Samuel Ward, formerly a prominent but too speculative member of banking firm Prime, Ward & King, diplomat and linguist. (Astor lib usurped by snobs)

            p.5 Acad of Des: WT Richards clever study, Tait and James Hart At the Spring capital, May Pole by Pasmore clever sketch only, Peele muddy, Casilear gracefully felt out, 427 Rossiter’s best, the Regicide Judges, 429 Blauvelt clever of a newsboy, Hubbard capital, 443 unjustly hung, 445 Suydam clever, Juliana Oakley port of Laura Keene flattery, Gifford excellent, Waterman capital great progress, Eugene Benson comic but not gd, Rossiter bad, Gifford fine, Bellows graceful, Hubbard fresh, Newell clever, WOStone vitality, HP Gray charming tho color looks old. Trapper by Wittkamp fine. Lambdin clever. 16 in this room on sight line have no right to be there.

Eclectic Mag with port of Edw Everett first class.

p. 6 World of Art, The Heart of the Andes, Blache d’Artois: pic is leaving country, have seen masterpiece many times, a glorious coup d’oeil of God’s handicraft in unexplored wilds of the Cordilleras, inimitable. Pure ether, snowy mtnpeaks, etc opalescent tones, wondrous thicket, triplet of trees partic the oak, lofty trees at extremeright, poetry of confusion in gadding vines, yet throughout steady truthful thought, water seeks of itself its proper level, not pushed by obstacles, has a vital spirit, scraggy outstadnding tree protrudes so water runs fr it, dreamy land of enchantment, highly suggestive, hearts lifted to God, holy hour of evening, happy intro of Holy Cross place pic in highest range of art, a grand National Poem.

June 4 1859 p4 notices Saturday Press is hard on them. People we Meet: Wm M Browne late of J of Commerce, now of Constitution, v dispassionate critic on matters of taste, reluctant to wound feelings, v close to Buchanan admin. p.5 Intl Art Inst the best gall now open in the city

            Jun 11 p3 World of Art Intl Art Inst, new ptgs, itemized, enthus. p. 4 crit of Edw Everett joining Ledger’s monkeys, she goats of sick sentiment, mawkish morality and versified cant, and his writing is bad, only Conrad Swackhamer’s Demo Review would give them space, commonest commonplace. p. 5 running a series on romance of Loafing.

June 18 People we Meet: James T Brady, James B Glentworth, Gen Chas W Sandford. Increasingly hostile to Fernando Wood. p. 7 Pictures at Goupil’s by Blanche D’Artois, begins by asking what happened to Cosmo Art J?  Crowd usu around Goupil windows, wearied laborer with sweaty sunburnt brow and amateur loafer linger, improved, Art awakens the God within them. Sensation pic there is copy of Winterhalter’s Eugenie, it is the mode to regard all French movememnts thru lorgnette of polit speculation, ask why Empress makes debut among us in unostentatious toilette? to win over Jonathan politically? Ptg is subtly allegorical, natl colors, no belittling accessories. Rosa Bonheur leaning on neck of bull, moral of tableau is feminine mind of present day, struggle betw esprit and physique.

Jun 25 p1 profile of Brougham, Mrs Pullan’s Ladies dept begins. Likes Great Republic Monthly. Likes Redfield’s edition of Poe. p.4 Want Buchanan and Douglas factions of Demo party to reconcile. People we Meet: Judge Danl Ingraham p. 7 world of art blanche, notes that an able crit on the NAD has already appeared, but only wish to notice two in partic: E Johnson’s Negro Life, surpassing merit, to the very life, artistic propriety of tearing down old wall to admit sunlight to make niggers’ faces shine. rare merit in handling. Ver Bryck’s Crusader, our artistic and lit friends asked us about it, realizes magnif conception of Rinaldo, magnificent unlike garish coloring of many ptgs, spirit presence startling like priceless carbuncle. Too handsome? If nature is not perfect, Art should be; hail it as new School of Art in America, our pics too prosaic, too utilitarian, mediocre features, intrusive portraits, not even types of beauty, must not copy Europe like a colony. Hadn’t heard of artist, not favoritism.

July 2 praises Geo Roberts giant Constellation. John Saxe running as Demo for Gov Vermont. Praise Street and Smith of NY Weekly, running Duganne story about Garibaldi. p4 describes at length a portrait of an immense man in a mighty fame in frame and mirror store of sixpenny side of Broadway, mocks it at length, esp its nose, Jacob Barker, retired banker, broker, financier and merchant. p5 describes Hiram Fuller, just back fr Europe mingling with British aristo, more condescending graciousness, Fifth avenue literateur, no longer publishes Mirror? p. 7 World of Art, pics at Goupils are described, mostly by French artists or old masters

July 9: p. 1 Ladies Dept of Dress, Art and Fashion by Mrs Pullan. Still has Morford writing for him. Masthead has pic now. p. 3 review Adam Badeau’s Vagabond, with his sketches for a NY periodical of HW Beecher, Matilda Heron, Chapin, Edw Forrest, GW Curtis, etc

p4-5 Editor seems a friend of Wilkes, recall he was a ladies’ man.  Deacon Anson Herrick’s face reminds of illus of medieval novels, shrewd, lazy, hilarious and luxurious, know all that is right in ethics, with practice of alm everything which can be considered wrong, portraits completed in curves and semi-circles, not an angle is visible. New Englander, true friend, appears worse than he is. Also does Wilkes, up to date fashion, one of best partisan writers, wrote Europe ina Hurry, also fr Calif. Authority on sports, true friend. Adam Badeau, looks like a boy, sometimes called Madam Badeau, warped by bluestockings and aesthetic tea parties, fond of ptgs and statuary. Also describes John Clancy, County Clerk, vain, all those fine old political fossils who are the glory of our city and judg never blinded by any spark of crazy thing called popular favor, Clancy has only brass rto rely on for maintaining his prominence over them. Stark mad on the Douglas question. Professes to be fond of ptgs, Tennyson, ought to wear a red flannel shirt

p. 7 World of Art: The Two Niagaras, Church and Gignoux, by Blache d’Artois, compares them to one of Bryant’s grand poems, to be pondered as food for thought. Admirable drapery around them, not blinding glare of pic frames. Gignoux’s Winter Sunrise takes us by storm, at first pic par excellence, spiritual poesy of Lamartine, evanescent spray, resistless current. In Church’s Sunset, the climax is Grand Falls in mdi distance, gives it solidity, intricate variations in water. Gignoux intensenly dramatic, but Church (hadn’t seen it in 1857) portrays intense idea of Milton, in lowest dep, a lower deep, masters sternest phenomena, spirit of disembodied Humboldt revel in eternal pillar of spray. No grace and beatuy, but tragically, sternly grand, involuntary shuddering, scope of vision. Gignoux more genial, Church unfathomable. Likes Mills’ miniature statue of Old Hickory. 

New York Leader—Lib Congress bound volume July 1859- masthead is Indian and Whitmanlike gman on either side of a shield with eagle atop, train and ship in backgrd respectively, motto is En Avant

            Has a Ladies’ Dept, of dress, art and fashion, by Mrs. Pullan

July 16 1859 p. 2

World of Art, The Bryan Gallery, by Blanche d’Artois; free at Cooper Inst, single out a marine by Achenbach, Incantation Scene by Teniers,Labor of Hercules by Wolverman, Greuze nymph, Riedat cupid a modern Ital ptr. Style is metaphoric, flirtatious—the Cupid is sexy, Achenbach’s sky has the dun chariots of heaven’s artillery, lots of French

p. 4 admire Rufus Choate of Mass, went from Old line Whig to Dems, to avoid black republicans. James H Welsh, a judge, two years ago was an editor of the paper. Has a feature on John Graham, the lawyer, and Richard B Connolly. Encourages the opposition/union party of Old Whigs, Americans, conservative Republicans, dissatisfied Dems, opposed to Black Repubs and to Dems, wishes them success to the extent they draw votes from the Republicans.

July 23

p. 4 Hostile to Daniel Sickles. Wish Tammany Hall would call for a Mass Meeting to oppose Sunday laws, a poor man’s battle against the rich, public need agst narrow bigotry of a sectarian few

p. 6 Blanche concludes the Bryan gallery, notices Delassaure copying a Snyders game piece, E Benson. World of Art, she also reviews the ‘lost Velazquez’: has been here seven years, tries to determine who ptd it, agrees it’s Chas 1, fresh as if just from the easel not twoo years old, proprietor has documents of provenance, though knowing ones call it a humbug, but she seems to think it’s real

July 30 p. 3 World of Art: The Sacrifices—Nobody knows how hard I work.—Lilly M Spencer. Then a poem about the heart being the best jewel.

            Pictures at Wms Stevens and Wms: noble port of Victor Emanuel by Ital artist, sme Rubens’ copies. At Schaus: Saintin’s pastels, a Zouave, heroic; The Past and the Future, two women of diff ages, 765 Broadway atelier a bijou

p. 4 sketch of James Cafferty, artist, author, actor poet and critic, not a romantic figure of the artist, rapid step, short body, burly shoulders, thick neck, fine colossal head, auburn hair closely cropped, broad features, more like a pugilist. Modest in true sense of the word, without pinchbeck egotism of many of the dealers in paints, oils and glass, never an unkind word, lets his merit proclaim itself on canvas, without newspaper aid to puff and bespangle him with its evanescent glory. Name a hi rank, member of a thousand and one little coteries, penchant for amateur theatricals, appeared at last winter’s Dramatic Fund Benefit at the Acad of Music, had made a sensation as Hamlet at the same place a few years ago; friend and brother artist Fred Boyle left his port unfinished. Regular attendance at church.

August 6 1859 p. 4 Critical of F Wood. Sketches the elderly JG Bennett of NY Herald, features of best Germ engravings of Mephistopheles, satirical in exercise of immense power, dry humor, game of human tenpins in his columns, knocks over kingpin setup today with pomp and solemn gravity, Geo Law the play toy of an hour, became a bore and was knocked down, astonishing the vulgar, amusing those behind the scenes, picks up a man like Wyckoff and places him on pedestal of grotesque diplomatic fame, stooping to F Wood, puppets of creation, his opponents fancy him influenced by money, fear, other follies. A very sympathetic portrait.

            -also sketches artist John McLenan, friend of late Dallas, comical designer, a Cruikshank

p. 6 World of Art, Intl Art Union: Leverich writes Fire dept column for Leader? Ought to have one of Muller’s statuettes of NY fireman in Intl au, gem in bronze, $150. Proposes C Muller do a Brother Jonathan, his wide awake lined with Stars and Stripes, seated on a bale of cotton, whittling, monument of codfish, sarsaparilla crowned by valise with Rat Exterminator, under his feet mere trifles of the Pacific RR and Atlantic Telegraph, eagle at his boot.

            Notices FW Preyer’s Mumm (champagne), and A Becker’s lscape putting us in momentary fear of an avalanche

August 13p. 4 very critical of blue lights, esp pained to see those who shld be he true liberals and progressives of the age bringing forward the most untenable arguments. Notices new Horatio Alger tale in the Sun. p. 6 World of Art continues review of Intl Art Institution, loves Meyer’s Inundation, family being rescued fr flood, touches a chord, honest truthfulness, thirty years ago he would have awakened a shout of triumph thru our entire land, for the last thirty years though Ams have been foolishly trying to topple down the sacred chimneys of their ancestors and annihilating all love of home, domestic life is fast becoming a myth. Moral utility of FA bring them home to our hearts and thresholds. Notices Heart of Andes a success in Euro, contribs to Paris Exhibition, new issue of Cosmo AJ

Aug 20 p. 4 notices Dr A Ingraham 25 Chambers st NY Mentor new weekly. P. 6 World of Art, Pictures at Schaus: Hubner’s Emigrants Farewell, a masterpiece, better than Wounded Poacher in Dusseldorf, appeals to our loftiest emotions, venerable grandmother key figure, praying, touching attitude eloquent, draws a tear from strong men of the world, we feel more inclined to cordially press the hand of the Emigrant who lands upon our shore and claim the tie of kindred as being Children of The One Great Father.  Politically, socially and artistically, the influence of this chef doeuvre is incalculable.

            Happy Schaus avoids acres of canvas and despicable copies of Old Masters.

Lilly M Spencer: From the bewildering trio of superb specialities of Strawberries, Cherries and Currants, we know not which to select as a type of luxuriant fruit perfection. In the manipulations of fruit-painting, this talented artist very nearly approaches the standard of Preyer.


Aug 27 p. 1 Geo Wilkes now at Porter’s Spirit used to be a side partner of the Leader. P. 4 regret that Judge Douglas published his views on popular sovereignty in a magazine (Harper’s) which the immense majority of his Demo friends are not in the habit of reading, regard with distrust, and owned by a firm of pirate-publishers who have accumulated hatred and contempt fr fellow journalists. Should have published it freely in the newspapers, won’t republish from such an odious channel.

            If Edw Everett were a candidate for a Presidency, hardly think even his folly would lead him to join cohort of branded male and female noodles advertised as writing for the Ledger. But the Ledger when compared the mag in q, or rather the editor of the hepdomedal when compared ot the publishers of the monthly, becomes a star of the first magnitude, and prefer Little Giant put with Sylvanus Cobb and Fanny Fern than forcing a nauseous and detested publication into further notoriety and demand, growing fat on plunder of foreign authors, ruining minor publishers, publishing filthy confessions from wretched wives.

            Sketch of John Genin, hatter et al, admirer of Kossuth and Jenny Lind; also of Chas F Briggs, aka Ferdinand Mendoza Pinto, now 1st lieut at Daily Times and captain of weekly  Courier, endless array of pseudonyms.

p. 7 World of Art, Muller’s Studio, dined with him, busts of Byron, Milton, Clay and Dr Dixon of the Scalpel on sideboard. Scalpel’s art critic and Euro corresp John Mathews Jr also a bronze medal on our desk. His firemen most popular, his Minstrel’s Curse won prize in Paris, hasn’t profited from all the clay copies

Laura Keene’s has huge ad; so does weekly The Great Republic.

Sept 3 sketches John S Thrasher, ed El Noticioso de Neuva York, consul in Cuba, wrote for Herald, manifest destiny liberation style, but sobered. P. 6 World of Art, Van Beest’s studio; Signor Angero artistical and refined childhood, historical ptg o fDuke of Savoy taking the oath of fealty, a Roman peasant girl. Fanshaw on Broadway, over modest, superior to Cummings and might rival Eliot.

Sept 10 p. 3 World of Art. The Scalpel, ed Edward H Dixon, MD. Likes it. T Addison Richards, dainty rogue, slyly resurrectionizing the mortal coil of the ancient Deideric, shouldn’t be surprised to see him in cocked hat on Nassau, Knickerbocker has much improved Art Dept.

            Praises Great Republic, the Eclectic Mag

p. 4 sketches Amor J Williamson, ed and owner of Dispatch, old friend, founder of many other papers, man of his word, despising poetry as of no practical value and commiserating poets as insane, many a literary wight recd help from him. Wish him cheer in his Congressional aspirations (had come into conflict with Sickles?) p. 7 World of Art on Muller’s marbles at Intl Art Inst

Sept 24 p. 4 Daily News, a rabid sheet owned by Fernando Wood and tabooed by Demo of this city, mass of personal slime and falsehoods. Likes Keene’s shows.

Oct 1 1859 p. 1 Geo Law, bold operator, influ with legislators, rrd enterprises.

Oct 8 sketches Wm Havemeyer, support of Col Fremont an dRepub symp make him impossible as Demo candidate for Mayor, but he would be a strong candidate. Also sketches Saml J Tilden, Marcy school, strong rep as man. P. 3 Likes Bayard Taylor’s Life of Humboldt p. 4 Ptgs in City Hall going to be restored, inimitable ports in dilapidated condition, hope will employ artists of merit

Oct 15 p. 6 World of Art: Church’s Heart of Andes at Tenth st studio, Page’s Venus Conducting Aeneas and the Trojans, mooted chef d’oeuvre creating a furore, let everybody go see it in propria persona and form indep conclusions. Its flesh manip is Titianesque, contoru an extravaganza of graceful perfection, but wait too small for type of perfect beauty. Leeds selling James Robb’s coll, on free exhib at NAD. Edwin White’s Wash resigning his command for Maryland Senate at Parker’s 768 Broadway, immense canvas 13 by 9 feet, we have viewed again and again and tried our very best to like it, but turned away with augmented dissatisfaction. Why can’t GW realize idea of a Stuart? Why are mass of historical ports inferior to those of Trumbull? It is for patriots and statesmen rather than the art critic to decide whether this ptg realized ideal of GW at grand moment, we don’t feel that this is a grand caste of that intense drama. There are many bold touches and certain tricks of manip, but not a gd ptg. Genl Complexion not a grand historical work, figs sadly out of artistic proportion, ports of Jefferson et al not distinct enough, lack of spiritual enthus among group not at all commensurate with occasion, subj coldly handled, won’t improve with age. When will our Am artists do themselves justice?

            New Ptgs at Intl Gall, Kohler’s Othello noble, not a jetty nigger, animal propensities. Thiel’s Raphael’s funeral, to many of us almost a scene of mockery.

            Coll of Fr and Eng Ptgs at Acad of Design: many of these vaunted ptgs are mediocre sketches, sold in Euro by second hand dealers, Jonathan is peculiarly gullable, they were advanced under the prestige of the artists’ great names, where native artists of equal rank and merit pass unheeded.

            Gerome exquis bijou, duel, subtle force and moral power; Tassaert, marvellous tone and power, more like this would put to flight the miserable garish daubs sent to this country as choice specimens of Pre Raphaelism. Ary Scheffer approved. Couture’s  Decadence of Rome in mini. Stevens graceful pose and minutiae of detail. De Winter perfect bijoux. Ed Freere, Little Housekeeper, very sweet, but we don not affect the genre, altho it is a la mode. Frost coloring lame, despicably out of drwg and keeping. Verbayden v sweet. Thomas Frere well studied. Portaels, want no such blasé typs of females, so bad as to challenge notice. Jacquand, rich and harmonious, doesn’t please. Lambinert, true to nature. A Bonheur admirable. Troyon well rendered, too large for private and subj not sufficiently dignified for public gallery. Pool garish. Brian pleasing

Oct 22 p. 3 World of Art: Sonntag Dream of Italy, large canvas delicous epitome of Landof the Song and Vine, Rogers’ Italy, as Heart of Andes is poesy of Ecuador. Those who’ve complaned of sameness and idnividuality of Sonntag’s, agreeably surprised at variety and richness of conception, immense elaboration,a poetical dream or phantasie a dissolving vision of nature, art, empire, glory, beauty and poesty, in one individ thought. Pettrich’s Death of Tecumseh is the death of our national individuality; the Indian is now a myth, he acts no part in the grand drama of political existence.

            Schaus noted, Cosmo AJ exquis illus of Willis’ poems,Wms Stevens and Wms has a copy of a Rubens by Frnacisco Anelli, used to live here; SB Waugh’s magdalen, Ives’ bust of Seward.

            In studio of David Johnson (brother of the celeb Banner ptr) 312 Broadway truthful and conscientious studies. Von beest. Goupil and others.

Oct 29. Continue running a Eugene Sue story. How We Murder the Indians tells abt a massacre. Jarvis port of Judge Brennan presented to Hose Co 60. P. 6 WoA Opening of Goupil’s new Gallery, 9th and Broadway, in window Brochart’s pastel of Winterhalter’s Empress Eugenie. Saintin pastel, a Gerome horridly sublime, others. Rosa Bonheur’s Muleteers in inner salon, truly wonderful, Morning in the Highlands, she understands the instinctive language of animals, artistic effect incredible. Dubufe’s port of her speaks her personality, force and genial, kind, nonchalant. Powers statue of Wash at the Masonic Altar, a younger Stuart, great presence.

Waugh’s Italia, pano ptg and scenic effect, thrilling interest

            TP Rossiter receiving at 17 West 38th st. GL Brown back. Louise Lander

Nov 5 1859 p. 3 Praise Boucicault. WoA.

Nov 19 Erastus Brooks of Express, careless and old fashioned style of faded claret coat, Evening Express, shining light in Native Am ranks, formidable enemy, opposed to schemes of private profit at public expense, free trade. Wm H Hurlburt, artist literateur, handsome style, avoids extremes, gives color to his conclusions, fond of gd ptgs, a Fremont man now supproting Douglas

            p.2 The Artist’s Dream, Leopold C Newman, for Leader, dying, dreams of beloved

            p.3 WoA: The Aesthetics and Relig of Art: lit world just now agog with ambitious types trying to assume the Ruskin, make themselves felt and feared, judge of art as piece of mechanism, with no more genial sympathy than to detect tings of a fabric. Vandal-like hurl down the sacred temple they have profaned. Can’t see purport of Art to soften careworn heart of men,e xpand social affections, critic must have sympathy to comprehend motive/idea, and if it be of sufficient dignity, has the artist done his duty to it. Religion ought to infuse our art, otherwise all is dull materialism or sickly sentimentalism, we have no national art because we have no national religion.

            Likes writing of HJ Tuckerman in last Cosmo Art J

            Sonntag’s Dream of Italy at Duss does not enchain the vulgar eye, canaille see nothing in it, a marvelous winnower, dividing the wheat fr the chaff, no greater test to aesthetical refinement. Bonheur. Fruit Pieces by Lilly M Spencer, fruit painter par excellence of America at Wms Stevens & Wms. Palmer’s White Captive at Schaus, chef doeuvre, contrary to opinion of many of our friends, we have little to say abt it. Completely fills out our ideal of a young and perf woman, defying savage foes, not puny and fragile, not the classic delicacy f Grk Sl. Never weary of viewing it

p. 4 The Affectation of Art—artists should be able to promote their work without being seen as charlatans

Nov 26 p. 3 WoA: Rossiter is the limner of our aristocracy. He captures the gesture, air, tout ensemble et je ne sais quoi of the haut ton, mastery of the entourage of our great arch-humbug-aristo-democratic country. We see and feel this in all his portraitures, if manner constrained, his sitters are so. Society’s tendency is to do away with individuality.

            Historical port has reached a contemptible level of stagnation.

            Mignot’s Lafayette visiting Wash, consulted old negro Westford and shows Mt Vernon as it was in its greatest prosperity, no pains spared in his detail, costume, lscape genial, green monotonous. Air comportment gesture of W v fine, face fr Houdon not as austere as Stuart portraits, in his most genial char. Lafayette coureous, deference, too much a Chesterfield in extravaganza of grace and politesse? Not in a Frenchman. Dogs is mauvais honte, rollicking pinckinnnis wld have answered the purpose, happy to see his dependents enjoying themselves

Approve Havemeyer and Tilden for Mayor and Counsel.

December 3 laudatory (he was great) re death of Irving p. 7 WoA praises Barbee’s marbles (Blanche’s name no longer on it), Akers, David Richards. Cosmo AJ

Dec 10 p. 3 WoA: more on Rossiter & Mignot, Wash home after the war, abt the most diff thing to portray is savoire faire, bienseance of conventional society, an insiduous expression, intangible air, quite inseparable from the maniere d’etre, without it, one is non est, with it, we are ourselves. The sociability, the bon hommerie of this family circle at Mt Vernon grows on us. Lists Rossiter’s other works on display. Velazquez, Waugh, Akers Dead Pearl Diver (praises his bust of Mrs Belmont), Akers like Palmer has sprung fr the people, doing Commod Perry for Central park

            Studio visit to LM Spencer, quiet vein of satire, Our Future President nude infant bolstered in his cradle, admirable, foreshorting, lifelike flesh tints, gesture, devonnairete of infancy, a household god.

Dec 17 p. 6 WoA Rossiter’s auction puffed

Dec 24 p. 3 WoA: Egyptian coll should be bought for public. Geo L Brown back fr Italy, exhib Parker’s, retains individuality of his earlier studies, clothes them with light.CG Thompson back too, list his works as well, Rossiter has a rival, admirable port of Dr Parmly. Notice James M Hart’s Lake at Dodworth’s

Dec 31 p. 3 WoA: Praise Wm Morgan’s genre pics, including young america, studio visit. Give us truth to nature is the hue and cry of  utilitarians, so cried Boston with regard to the Everett statue, and Powers has given them too much of a good thing, like France crying after Freedom. Praises Court of Death at Cooper. Wm Hunziger fruit (GQ Colton sent them a chromo of C of D). Sale of Rossiter, small but spirited bidding, Dr Parmelee bought Giorgione and his Companions. De haas bought by Belmont. Prospects of Art in Am: hope Acad of Design will have sculpture.

Notes death of Eldridge F Paige, Dow Jr, and ed of Sunday Mercury. Stand by the Union must be the motto of every good Demo.


January 7 A Oakey Hall’s legal editorials in Harper’s Weekly illustrate his graver, more pompous style, while his humorous letters on Repub politics and city matters in Times and eve Post more graphic and satirical. Fremont campaign.

            p.3 WoA: Casilear in Studio bldg, fresh as Doughty’s sketches before feebleness usurped the vigorous touch, poetical yet true to nature, poetry of Coleridge and Alfred Street, idle lounge by rippling stream. Eastman Johnson Univ bldg: Wm Mount not so long ago unrivalled limner of negro char, as in Power of Music, Johnson cooly generalizes whole human family, gives a list of different castes, assigning ea its modicum of soul, recommend he accompany Bayard Taylor on his next travels. A Delessard, beaut sketches of wild fowl on walls of Belmont’s dining rm,  compare to Bryant’s poetry, more abandon, more vital energy than Tait. F Augero, Colyer, Muller, Saintin, Fanshaw. Hunzinger

p. 4 American Institute report loss in receipts of late Fair; Institute has narrowed itself down, by bogus promises and inflated pretensions, by favoritism and fat suppers, until there is no confidence in it. Ought to go out like a sputtering candle.

Jan 14 p. 6 WoA: obit for Alfred Copestick, died in accident, worked for N Orr, the well known engraver, exhib at Acad last year, did commissions for Cosmo AJ by order of CL Derby, dad a machinist, visited Art Union growing up.

            Paul Akers. How Shall We Ornament our Central Park? Marble not best material to last, see Greenwood. Want dignified and pop subjects, embodying our nat char, for citizen and scholar, statesman and warrior, like a NY Fireman, fr C Muller, plus Irving, Cooper Bryant and other disting literateurs

            J Hecker lscape ptr. Leeds sale.

Jan 21 p. 3 WoA history of Art fr earliest to present. GL Brown (sent them an oil sketch fr nature of Lucerne), Van Beest, Jarvis, Cosmo, Muller, Carmeincke

Jan 28 p. 3 WoA: the modern schools of art, English (Hogarth, Wilkie, Turner etc); French (Vernet, Delaroche, Freres, Jerome, Scheffer, Bonheur, Troyon and Winterhalter): Dusseldorf (Achenbach, Leutze, Lessing, Hasenclever, Hubner, Meyer von Bremen, Preyer Koehler, nature, healthful and ennobling, consolidated Engl school where moder French contrib vivacity and refinement of sentiment)

            Acad of Design, however able it might orig have been under the mismanagement of Durand, Cummings & Co.—it is, en veretie, anything but a benefit to Am Art, and has miserably degenerated to a private clique, which palpably prostitues the benefits accruing therefrom to its own peculiar purposes.

            AU good plan, would have been a strong hold of Art. Cosmo past glaring faults, but done more than any other. Intl Art Gall has brought some healthy and excellent types of art.  Lists where we excel, says Durand Inman Elliott Jarvis the younger Baker Huntington and others followed earlier generation in portraits of heroes, national statesmen, best port ptrs in world. Cole in Alleg line, Leutze in battle and historical. In lscape, no nation excels, lists Doughty and Casilear and Sonntag with Church Kensett and Brown.

            But no historical genre, just hero’s head on a mankin’s shoulders, vigorous stylehas reached a contemptible level of stagnation.

            Patrons responsible for lack of gd Am fig ptg. Steamers disgorge spurious cargoes of copied copies of the old Masters to literally line palace walls of merchant princes, count the tricksy daubs changing hands in showwindows of our picture dealers, parvenu art patrons, a contagious affectation, to refuse to purchas Am art. Prate of pre Raphaelism, often don’t know meaning of the term. Continue your system of subtle artistic espionage and persecution, and American art like the sickly school of the Caracci, while aiming to grasp the peculiarities of all others by studying copies isnstead of nature, our national genius will insidiously destroy itself

GL Brown sold another lscape HW Beecher. Jarvis restoring City Hall ptgs well. Verplanck life of Jarvis senior. Leeds sale of Snedecor’s coll of ptgs, inclu Lilly M Spencer, other cabinet sized.

p. 4 Leader tries to be in advance of public opinion; Art dept a peculiar feature to this journal, gaining first position among artists and connoisseurs, already are the jealousy and envy of certain so-called art-journals aroused; and the eagerness with which pretenders in the business seek notoriety thru their columns are signif as they are annoying 

Feb 4 p.3 WoA Art and Artists in England, by JH Siddons (an editor of a London paper, giving lectures at Clinton Hall. Am ptrs of lscape would find ready market in London, or a genre pic like Frith. Dislikes Millais and before him  Hayden and Turner? At least dislikes the preRaphs.

            Launt Thompson L’Allegro, tenderness of feeling, GH Boughton, McEntee fr Bryant’s melancholy days, Bryant has personally expressed his entire satisfaction.

            Joyce’s Gallery, New Bowery, has Carmeincke, Talbot, Romney, others. Ehninger’s and Darley’s books. Jarvis anecdote of Inman

p. 4 Douglas will defeat the impending crisis. Am Inst is most gigantic humbug in city, pension office for parcel of old fogies, financial fossils, a fraud and a libel on its original purposes, election of official mummies coming. Geo Law is lawless.

Feb 11 Joseph Elliott is sporting editor and genl foreman of Herald, highly conservative in his politics p.3 WoA: engravings, history and influ. Artists Reception at Dodworth’s brilliant, Rothschild and Mrs John Jacob Astor, mmrs Wm b Astor, Richd Grant White, Ct Gurowski of Trib, Aug Belmont, Bellows, Morse, Lang, Baker Colyer lists many others.

            Around town notice Tilten, Rothermel, Banvard, Rossiter’s three large ptgs at Knoedler’s, his people far too pretty, too rife with pearl and white, but generally praises. Governor Henry Wise a member of Cosmo Art Assoc, won a prize.

p. 4 gems of Art at Joyce’s inclu Boutelle, Brown of HobokenGignoux. Hope new officers of Am Inst will do better. Think the Central Park Commission is corrupt and Daily Press suborned. Sad re death of Wm Burton the actor.

Feb 18 p. 6 WoA: Clark Mills shld do a statue of Genl Scott for Wash DC too. Jarvis. Puffs Siddons, who recommends a Claude taken out of France during 1848, Mathews the port ptr, Fisher’s atelier on Broadway, his portraits praised too; Van Beest, Leeds selling GH Hall work. More history of engravings. Copies from Trib an anecdote of women’s crit of Gifford, think art in worsted as difficult

Feb 25 puffs NY Weekly. P.6 new name, Art and Artists: engraving. Elliott’s portraits partic rich, exhausts the rainbow, to suit his own peculiar taste, full length of Gov Seymour remarkable effect, head of Cooper novelist replete with pearly tones, looks on bright side of nature, tho seldom palpably flatters, cunning knack elicit latent poesy. Geo H Hall sale a diversity of talent and scope, elab finished. David Richards

March 3 p.1 continuing series of People we Meet, Walt Whitman. JH Siddons regularly writing for them now. Praises Sunday Courier, NY Ledger. Practical mechanic now taking charge of Am Inst. P. 6 A&A Lithography, Jarvis and Elliott’s styles both excellent but opposed, Elliott’s more dazzling, Jarvis’ stern and truthful, rendering sof nature not in a utilitarian prosaic sense but thru a sublimated artistic mediium, one appeals to eye, other to mind. Jarvis’ port of James Mills, of Bowery Savings Bank. Sonntag’s studio, new lscapes praised. Darley. Louisa Landor bust of Hawthorne, Evangeline, a statuette owned by Robt Dale Owen, other sculps by Akers Barbee Crawford at Dusseldorf. Eastman Johnson cabinet gems, interior of kitchen at Mt Vernon, also poetical Matig. Hall’ sale a success. David Johnson, lscape. Fanshaw. Rossiter advertising his scriptural ptgs.

            Inman anecdote from Jarvis, spendthrift.

March 10 only paper to cover Central Park Swindle, Belmont and Dillon kicked off comm

p. 6 Art and Artists: Artists Reception at Dodworth’s, fine display, Warren & Dix, Huntington crayon, Sonntg’s Eagle’s home, fine genre ptgs of Eastman Johnson.

            Leeds sale at NAD, Sonntag, David Joohnson, Tait, Lilly M Spencer, Rondell, Matteson Landing of the Pilgrims, Lambdin, Huntington, Hubbard, AF Bellows, Dix, Church, Kensett Van Beest.

            Aspinwall Gallery: unique and chaste built by son in law, Renwick, of Smithsonian, hope will write for us on Science and Art of Architecture. System fo getting freet tickets. Columbus, Romney, Stuart, Scheffer, Murillo’s Immac Conception she goes on about at length, various other old masters reviewed too, Dutch and Italian, of modern picks out Hubner Church Tilten Gignoux, marbles by Greenough

            Leader’s paste editor has a taste for art. Notices new Hubner, Miss Stebbins doing statues for Hecksher of NY. Jarvisiana

March 17. Anecdotes of Mike Walsh p. 6 A&A: anecdote of GH Hall, girl tries to smell his flowers at NAD exhib. CW Jarvis, 447 Broadway, a v queer pic in this studio seems to be attracting consid attn, totally devoid of beauty, we consider it an admirable rendering of truth to nature thru an artistic medium. Shouldn’t wonder if it got into the Exhibition, if the Hanging Committee will give it a place off of the sight line. Of course we could not expect that.

            Notices Leutze, the Paul Delaroche of Am, have no patience with these artistic parvenues raising hue and cry of sending for foreign masters to ornament our Council Halls. In composition, L excels. His Wash at Princeton at Studio bldg is fine hist ptg of immense spirit, all the verve and force of great orig when he dashed forward. Gay and brilliant effect novel ina  battle scene, hero no common man in mock heroic attitude and dramatic air, but GW familiar to us from Trumbull. Happy chiaroscuro and color a master hand. His Fred th e great a most finished and charming tableau, citizen dress of stern monarch vs gorgeous toilettes of French most effective, archit finely managed.

            De Haas, Muller.

March 24: our govt shouldn’t get involved in conflict between Juarez and Miramon. Rejects Sam Houston as pres as member of Native Am party. Home J publishing story by their Ladies dept editor, who thinks women will just take their rights, shouldn’t go into political realm, also in 1859 has observations on Bridget not having appearance of a lady

p. 6 Art and Artists: DM Carter the spiritual and poetical; Wm Morgan; Saintin, Van Beest. American Art: quote fr Ruskin that better to buy fr living artists, but still values Bryan gallery, shows us what centuries have had to struggle thru to accomplish. Ptg by Schwarz of Pilgrim Fathers at Goupil, Leutze, Louisa Lander

March 31 p. 6 A&A: Dutch excelled in fruit and Flower ptg, Preyer first now among German, Geo Hall, Hunzinger and Lilly M Spencer first in America. Should be more practised. Notices Lester’s ivory crucifix bought by Cosmo purchased by a Bishop. Schwarze’s Pilgrims.

            Volk fr Cinti bust of Douglas, Ames, McEntee, May, others.

Likes Walker’s account of war in Nicaragua.

Jumped to April 1860 John Clancy still ed, wants Stephen Douglas for Pres

7 sketch of  Gov Seymour, gave speech on New England fanaticsm thatpoints to direction of late Whig Party now called Republican, a great pet of the Union club of this city, freemason ceremonial in Washington for Genl Quitman. p. 6 Art and Artists , mentions at hartman’s store in Parmly bldg, Von Beest, Delessard of NY in a Fog shown at last NAD, Gifford, Saintin, Augero, others. WH Powell completed almost his Washington Irving, should be engraved here. Marshall engrraving Elliott;s Cooper for Townsend. Apotheosis of GW in Merchants Exchange to be sold byL Leeds. Jared D Thompson imposing port of Rabbi Raphael in official robes, excellent. Belmont gallery: recherche coll of morceaux de vertu, Akers bust of Mrs, charming delicacy, Bonheur, Saintin frescoes exhib lasat Nat Acad, Messonier Chess Players, Miad of Saragossa by Leutze, TN Rousseau, Vernet, De Haas, Palmer’s Perry, Eastman Johnson’s Savoyard Boy, Gignoux superb Niagara, Boughton, Meyer von Bremen,  Fleury, Delaroche, Bonheur, Koek Koeck, Achenbach. Decided feature is absence of worn out old masters and prevailing tone of healthy striving after nature, rare blending of lux and art.

Covers baseball regularly

14 p. 6 long review of Marble Faun. Art and Artists Wants of American Art: worn out and disheartened, Acad of Design not satisfactory, need a nat gallery, Acad is not quitessence, tendency is fostering cliqueship, selfishness and all uncharitable feeligs. On dits: why not more sculptures? Notice Thomas LeClear, Cumming’s school, contour more impt than color; critics shouldn’t paint, Crawford statues for Capitol arrived, monks cut a door thru Leo’s last supper, Am artists don’t study human fig, Saml Fanshaw our best mini ptr, Thomas Coffee teaches sculp for Acad, statue of Father Mathew proposed for Central Park.

April 21, 1860 p. 3 Art and Artists, NAD:

            Respectable collection, but if Acad does not change some of its laws and resolutions, its days numbered. This may be the desire of the Board, seem to work studiously to that end, why such a withdrawal of old attaches and members, why those that remain treated so cavalierly? Of Mount, evident sent his ptgs merely to keep his name in the catalog, unnecessary for a man of his talent, same for many others. E Johnson’s genre pics and Delessard’s exauis cabinets are among the gems. Leutze’s Wash at Defeat of Braddock scarcely comes up to his usual standard, without a cat diff to place the scene, doubt which is W and which is Braddock. Countenances are extremely English, all bearing a strong similarity. Best is foliage and soldier aiming over heads, a spirited conceit, smoke of powder permeating foliage v suggestive, inferred Indian ambush well told.

            Checker Players and Village Schoolmaster John Rogers skill in manip and apprec of traits of char. Barry, Saintain infinite credit. Unusually gd head of a boy by Launt Thompson, clear, defined touch. Figs better than formerly, few startling daubs. Marines rapid progress. Sorties into ideal and spiritual prove imag, but need study. One of boldest in lscape is Winter Scene by Geo A Wms, compos arrang and treatment v effective, bold mast and sail in direct contrast to glowing sky, sweep of grass, very poesy of scene. J Hope sweet woodland poetry. Harry B brown fine marine. Winter Night McEntee could have been improved, monotony of whiteness. His Melanchly days most poetical. John T Peele Forgotten Tune admirably colored. Alpine Lake JW Casilear sweet glimpses of romantic scenery. Eagle’s Home by Sonntag thrilling poem. Golden Hours by Sophie Anderson admirable passages, but male head out of key and scale, so female looks diminutive and childish. Style of coloring bold clear truthful, freedom of touch seldom found in female hand. Shadows clear and cool, tones admirable transitions. Geo Lambdin Weary Watcher too much monotonous gradation of tone and homogenous lights, exec lacks point and vigor tho subj well conceived. Squal Castle Gardens GE Mason can’t lavish too much praise. Hugh Newell v forcible brush, verve for lights. A Chappel remarkably fine, heads disproportion to bodies, but artistic light management, delicately handled, coloring rich and pure, its his Committee in Conference with Ld Howe. F Schlegel Extra Dinner Party quiet humor. Delessard Sunset refined poesy, inimitable light. De Haas After the Wreck most admirable, complicated reflected light on waves. David Johnson Lake Geo pleasing tone, but craft in foregrd badly drawn. Lambdin’s Autumn embodies much thought and experience. FB Meyer Indian thgiving perfectly true to nature.

 p. 4 Editorial page also has NAD review, we absented ourselves from the private view, not the best nor the worst of the past few years, fair but mediocre, less than usual of v bad ports, more than usual of really good ones, but quite enough absolute abortions of lscape, to induce charge of gross carelessness, favoritism, or incapacity, agst judges. Pics on walls would not be there without influential name, would be fireboards instead. Hanging better, tho good pics beyond sight line and surrounded with antagonistic tones. Elliott a few days since cut his finest port out of frame and carried it home because it could not be seen at all. Need a hanging committee without pics of their own.

            Most pretentious and largest pic is 547 Base of the Rocky Mtns, Bierstadt, marvellously beaut in arrang and manip of foregrd, and glossed river almost equal to best effects of same char in Church. But sky, atmosph mtns and water one common green, ruins pic. Most advantageously hung port 610 , a snobbish tho strongly marked port of Genio C Scott by Eastman Johnson, but really best ports are 209 by Elliot v badly hung and 430 Hon James Humphrey by Huntington little better. Elliott’s 219 also fine, Huntington offsets his success in Humphrey by worst piece of drwg in child, 404, we ever saw fr him. Casilear pleasantly char lscapes, Gifford 317 and 372 bathed in his own golden sunlight. Chapman the two v worst daubs ever from him, 169 and 631 set in Italy; he would have worst pics in exhib by known name were it not for Lang’s very worst 217, Mary Queen of Scots. Leutze Braddock’s Field 573 some fine pts but utterly confused and out of drwg and Princess Eliz in Towe 261 v chalky, stiff and sombre. Eastman Johnson best points in Washington Kitchen 316 but less successful in Mating 465. De Metz gems in Pleasure under Difficulties and Financial Crisis. Cafferty a glorious head 584 he miscalls a bandit, Rosenberg an ambitious Landing of columbus, badly hung and utterly martyred, not equal to his of last yr. Saintin over colored, best crayon 55 Rouse. Barry crayons.

Disapproves of Leg passing new Sunday Law, squelches any fear of people amusing themselves publicly, what for vice unknown.

p. 5 praises Exhibition at Reception of Women’s School at Cooper, agreeably surprised

April 28 1860 sketch of Moses H Grinnell, likes him despite being a Republican, devoted friend of Danl Webster. Approving discussion of Dion Boucicault, very ill used, Herald supports and Trib attacks, we endorse him but it is pretty sarcastic

p. 3 Art and Artists continues review of NAD:
NAD nothing more nor less than artistic lode-stone Nemesis hung around the neck of Am Art by way of ballast, lest it too speedily mount ladder of fame. Can’t judge Am art by meagre exhib. Many of best not exhib, those hwo have, not sent best. National Art with the exception of Leutze’s Defeat of Braddock, a failure, and Chappel’s Conference with Ld Howe, is non est, but whose fault? Was ever any Acad known to be a permanent benefit to art? Look at RA, greatest living Engl artists never even educ or even assisted by them, a private clique, and NA following. Tendency is to diffuse mediocrity, and doesn’t satisfy us; le beau monde turns to Acad and finds a cold hash up. The spirit of honest emulation flourishes best without the walls, in the free atmosphere. Unjust treatment a spur more than encouragement.

            Elliott asserted his independence. Despite the lost port, one of his fine gradation of tone true principles of art delicate yet strong 341 Port of Boy challenges ancient and modern art. Huntington falling off fr his style of a few yrs ago, Judge Edwards 615 won’t bear comp to Jarvis now in Leader office, so fine and lifelike, yet Jarvises outsiders. Lscape H Carmiencke exquis lscape on easel warm glowing clear translucent sweetness strength, views in this country truthful poetic pleasing.

            CG Thompson not so well as before Italy. S Thayer Onondagas looks one sided. Healy Fam Group fine pic badly managed backgrd. 663 Geo Lambdin fine. Mrs Cram, Oliver Stone v pleasing. Sellstedt good rendering of Indian flesh. 565 Ingham’s porcelain ports, annihilating all force of expression. Prefer O Stone’s port of Rev HA Anthon, intellectual fire. The Wilderness by Gifford, patetnt for sunshine, exquis gems. M Waterman rustic poesy. Marguerite E Johnson difficult light. An Artist Sellstedt will improve by age. Wm Hart October delicately finished dreamy tone poetically treated.

            Joseph Kyle, Alanson Fisher v gd. Hugh Newell interior clever domestic scene of Germ school, more orig and vigor in this artist than in those of any of his style on Acad walls.

            448 Lady Huntington v gd. Approaching Thunderstorm Heade true to nature. 434 Stearns port hands are bad, wooden look. Gifford Coming Rain meritorious, Rheinstein exquisite. Breakfast Alfred Jones humor. Pursuit of Pleasure and Financial crisis by L’Enfant de Metz happy French School. JO Eaton Lady pleas, Lady Miss Juliana Oakly, on a par with conception of Home, wields brush creditably yet misses mark in expr of char. Hugh Newell fine bold. Wash’s first interview with Mrs Custis by Ehninger, prettily managed. Shattuck Souvenir sweet. Oliver Stone Mrs Parish exceedingly sweet. Marcus Waterman more vigor and correct drwg of animals fr a native artist in many a day. JH Lazarus Morning Walk pretty hihgly finished.

            Broke, JO Eaton, whittling boy, pitiful, much originality. Summer Flowers J Thompson the best fr him in some time, flowers more his forte than figs, accessories finer than objects. Love Letter Zimmerman Munich, by far most finished in exhib, compos elab without complicated, effect delightfully pleasing, byplay of delicious thought and fancy, more than Hubner’s gayety.

            Also mentions N Hughes, portraits of Bishops fr So America, Leopardi cited on beauty, Elliott’s Love for the Hanging Comm illustrated with cuts, by himself in a dashing style and with a bolder stroke than his friends supposed him capable of. Hosmer, Hicks port of Seward. Muller. Also excerpts Boston Courier on French Academy

May 5 1860 James Buchanan is miserable, intellectual leper. Paper has been hardshell member, would have supported Dickinson if couldn’t get Douglas, but South repudiating us. Support Battery enlargement. Notes a monument to Bishop Doane.

p. 6 Art and Artists, Voyage fr Tenst to Wall st for Nat Art: Artist complained critics not reviewing Acad, last week gave this artist a creditable mention, think he’s wrong. Acad of Design adroitly manages to omit sculpture, hist port and minor arts, that embody nation’s maniere d’etre, engraving.

            Many fo Academy’s offerings mere childish experiments beaut in their place, but not Nat Art, can’t find it there. Turn to bank note instead, mystic union of the useful and beaut, spiritual influ on mass. Ephemeral pics of Acad walls don’t present us in our proper char even to ourselves, never mind posterity. Our dies for coin fr sheer favoritism intrusted to artists who render them in a style unbefitting their dignity.

            Admire engraving offices inWall st, unrivaled, Cyrus Durand, an artistic fraternity devoid of jealous cliques and petty enmities the disgrace and scourge of Acad, men imbued with principles of art evoling in their designs the spirit of the Nation! Smillie exhib at Acad, and names others, Marshall doing Elliott, etc. Ptgs in Acad improved by artists going back to first principles and correcting their drwg, force of contour can never be supplied by tint. More honest devotion to the true principles of art in Wall st than in Tenth st! With Ams as with Grecians and Romans, seals, coins, banners, emblems, badges, archit, monuments and public works, respect to ancestors where find progress of a nation. Ea banknote illus of section, of popular feeling, visit everywhere, breathe a wholesome truth. Devoid of poesy and history—like the exhib t the Acad—there is little left to charm us.

            More on Jarvises, port of Cooper the actor, mentioned in Home J too, lots of praise. Intl Art Gall. Vanity Fair has sundry fair hits at NAD. Why did ptr of Jocelyn’s port in NA make such bad hands? Old fogies in art matters, old Knicks who dote on sound sense and gd taste of the past, despising fancies and fripperies bedizening the moderns, can procure minis at ST Williams where GH Hite receives, ignores camera, draws and paints like the old masters, which he is.  Condition of Fine Arts, Leeds Sale of Penniman’s coll of Euro moderns, Psyche, Narcissus, Modesty and Innocence, etc asks if Trib can show such an instance of mercenariness depravity and cruelty in any So slave mart?

May 12 p. 3 A&A notices Cafferty new studio 650 Broadway, Moses H Grinnell fills Elliott’s place in Board of Commiss for Central Park b ut who will fill his place in Acad of Design? TB Read poet ptr ptg Geo Peabody in England, Rowse to do Carlyle and Tennyson, Bierstadt to Missouri

p. 4 refutes paragraph they published last week that DH Strother, Porte Crayon of Harper, one of best artists of time, was kicked out of residence of Senator Douglas at Wash when tried to do a port

May 19 p. 3 Art and Artists: Jarvisiana. Elliott doing port of Durand, GL Brown studio, Eastman Johnson and Auguste Delessard our best genre ptrs. Rossiter at Penniman mansion, 42 east 14th. Cropsey more a fave with Euros than Ams. Jarvis new studio. Excerpt fr Trib on CR Leslie, auction of his pics. WS Mount’s cabinet lscape, former happy efforts, at Bradleys 480 Broadway, Page’s venus coming back, hope his Rising fr the Sea is better, if it has a more unnatural and uncomfortable pose than previous venus, we are in no hurry to see it. Tete a tete at mansion of HW Derby, private showing of Thorpe’s Niagara, lively sensation, first had unfavorable prejudice, but tho has faults, one of the boldest sorties in genre we’ve seen, immense melange of objects, devoid of mannerism, a chart of the maelstrom of America, surprising by an amateur.

            Aesthetically grand and soothing effect, upheaving of conventional notions, not classic, ignoring estab rules of art, but stupendous and palpable, what we have seen and felt, not been able to communicate. Varied manip, some strokes feeble, but ordinary tricks ignored, mighty thought embodied, mighty commotion of bosom of waters. Will be pop, to be a chromo.

May 26 p. 3 Art and Artists: they complain want more notice of works at NAD, will try to get back to it. Desultory chat on archit as fine art. Don’t admire design for Acad of Music in Brooklyn, tho would be good for a custom house store or bonded warehouse. Ams buy glittering gew gaws for his home, Germ buys gems of art

June 2 p.1 The Localist or Papers for the People doing bit on schools. Sketch of Belmont, hunker school.

June 9 John A Dix close friend of Danl S Dickinson. Deacon Herrick of the Atlas has been rooting for ex-Gov Seymour for pres, but he declines

June 16 p. 1 describes clubs of NY, Union Club perfect of its kind, view on Fifth Ave, positive description. Suggests reason women haven’t gotten a Free Acad is because they can’t vote.

June 30 critical of pious paper the World

July 7 Republican commissioners of the Park fulfilled their duty to their party, not the public, are being sued for libel. Don’t buy loss of Southern trade argument July 14 very negative sketch of Buchanan, and mean one of Lincoln p. 4 Herrick of Atlas is out for regular Nat Dem nominees, will submit to will of majority tho opposed Douglas. Sunday Mercury, an offshoot of Atlas, sustains Little Giant, editor in Chief John Smith of Arkansaw ready rattling pen. Sunday Times also offshoot of Atlas on tight rope but leaning to Douglas, Col DuSolle able editor twists toward Seceders.

            Sunday Courier tone symp to Douglas. Dispatch devoted to Northern Disunion Candidate, powerful influence, but majority of its readers belong to American party and won’t symp with Lincoln. Leader will support Douglas, even tho they think we’re crazy. Herald though erratic more symp to Douglas and Johnson than before. Trib wants Lincoln, but has some appeals in favor of Breckinridge. Times waffles but in Repub direction, delicate horn pipe work on editorial page, would come out for Douglas if enough pop support. Evening Post a bitter Black Repub, rhymed twaddle versicles; Express not hostile to Douglas but not for him rather Bell and Everett. Sentinel a new paperfor Douglas, Young Democracy. Comm Advert ponderous Repub, but conservative. Day book or Bank Book, Disunion school, don’t know what they want. Daily News going for Douglas

July 21 defends Hughes fr Times attacks. Dickinson a prostitute, abolitionist

August 11 1860 Mrs Julia H Layton p. 4 the Art-Critic for this paper under signature of Blanche d’Artois, now writing for Cosmo Art-J, industrious, subtle appreciation, hope to have room for her again soon.

Sept 22 series of Pulpit pics, Chapin’s church, not fash, but where Greeley goes, Universalist

Oct 6 supports Union mtg at Cooper Inst. CEL Stuart on Daily News, resigned because of polit diffs, started The Volunteer in interst of Breckinridge, now joins Illus News. Puff for Brady.

Oct 27 sketch of Geo Ripley, lit crit of Trib. Admire OC Frothingham of Unitarians. Expose of how to do spirit rapping. More blatantly racist

Nov 3 p. 4 Amor J Williamson: card of News Agents, defence of him, Republican candidate for Congress in 3rd district. We differ fr him on polit qs, but testify to his honesty etc. Rev Dr Hawks dignified.

Nov 10 Rev Dr Bellows charmng, also Unitarian. Leader opposed Fusion at Syracuse betw Demos and KnowNothings, but had to uphold mongrel ticket or turn to Black Republicans. Lost fight

Nov 17 A Breeze in Fifth Ave clubdom—Union Club an assoc of exclusives, banded together by most holy ties of mutual admiration, all its members having to believe that every bro is vastly superior to the common run. Blackballed Weed because Charles Augustus Davis or Major Jack Downing resented Weed’s crit of his nasty vulgarisms and forced jokes

Nov 24 p. 6 World of Art: Wertmuller’s Danae back on exhib, when first shown almost universal admiration, realized $25,000 for exhibiting it in US. Left arm thrown over head has a too striaght, stiff and stake like appearance, sharp and angualr, peculiar awkwardness of expression in ordinary wax figs. Lower limbs too slender, out of proportion, combo of diff models, not enuf light in shower of gold.

            The New Fine Art Gallery, 625 Broadway, HW Derby, completed, describes gallery with Jarves coll.

            Dubufe’s Adam and Eve on exhib, expression of disappointment quite universal, we participate in this feeling. Faces gd, color tolerable, but anat and drwg decidedly bad. Eve’s lower extremities slope off ro the right in incomprehensible manner, suggestive of fishy extremities. Limbs too pulpy, and give the impression of an unchaste model, a fault alas too common, for the truly beaut is rarely expressed in the physique of alascivious mind. Beauty is the attrib of chastity and virtue, shield of modesty makes it diff of access for purposes of art, causes mother eetc to shrink fr critical and may be licentious gaze of even an artist. Female artists may be able to obviate this, to them alone shall we look for higher and more truthful port of fig of their own sex. But Adam forcibly struck with his bad anatomy as we are with ungraceful outines of female. Leftleg partic objectionable, foreshortening gives idea of undevd limb, more muscle than he hneeds or would have devd in life of ease. Expulsion has points we more admire, light to make figs stand out in relief struck us aand fierce look of lion. As to attitude of figs, seemed strained nad unnatural. An indiff copy of the orig, perhaps, cites Trib on enthusiastic reception of the originals, more than Jenny Lind. NY American puffed ptgs terribly. Chas Fenno Hoffman wrote columns of crit, Episcopal Bishop gave them certification, even tho minister to France sd Eve a port of Dubufe’s mistress. Col preston of SC offered $50,000 for pair.

December 15 p. 3 WoA: Duss hosting Rossiter scriptural ptgs, Thorpe’s Niagara most complete and natural yet on canvas, queer native production not without gd pts called Dance on the Battery in the Olden Days, John Quidor, ports by Jarvis and Alanson Fisher, marbles.

            Notices a Troyon and aKnaus at Goupil’s. Inst of FA many masterpieces, Sonntag’s Dream of Italy, plus Martyrdom of Huss. Artists Fund Soc Exhib creditable, nothing v striking or prenbtious, but pics generally gd, mostly cabinet size, at NAD.

Dec 15 covers St Nich dinner.

Dec 22 sketches Peter Cooper. Of Repubs on Central Park board, ok to retain Blatchford and Conkling

Dec 29 last issue in volume. Sketches Wm H Fry, editor at Phila Ledger, switched to opera about 1846, corresp for Trib fr Euro and attached to Trib staff in 1852, pro Tariff, pro Fremont and Lincoln. Brougham story.

New York Leader, bound volume fr LOC vault, John Clancy, editor

Starts Jan 5, 1861, 4 cents, massthead has an Indian and a Whitman like man on either side of a shield, boat and train behind them.

p.6 World of Art, essay on encouragement of Am art, future era when art will speak of a glorious millenial era, must paint ideas for the age they live in, must be like Garibaldi and serve the people. Photo’d it.

Also has Art Items, mentions Garibaldi’s port at Institute of Arts 626 Broadway by Orsani, Relief of Lucknow by T Jones Barker coming soon, Fisher’s port of police Chief John A Kennedy admirable, Holman Hunt’s purchased huge price Christ in temple, port of Jefferson by Jarvis fine on exhib, marble bust of Von Humboldt by David of Angers auctioned at hi price, Embarkation of Pilgrims damaged in Capitol, Hart doing a statue of Henry Clay for Louisville high price, Rogers casting his Columbus doors. International Art Institution 694 Broadway should have been mentioned before, among the first.

January 12 notices Dodworth’s artist recetpion favorably, agreeable custom. Has lots of regular coverage of fire dept, military.

Jan 26 p. 6 The Old Dusseldorf—Mr Page: still pop haunt, fair coll, The Gossips by Lilly M Spencer one fo the best if not the best pic she has ever ptd. She is very unequal, diff to believe this and other specimens on these walls fr her cld be fr same hand. Also notices Alanson Fisher in a bad light, port of Bryant by Jarvis idealized too much and too pwerful a physique, prob aimed at expression fo intellectual vigor but Bryant is spiritual rather than intellectual. Thorp’s Niagara replaced by Page’s Venus, an attractive pic and for sake of artist have tried hard to like it, but can’t get over narrow hips, broad pelvis, low bust, jaundiced skin and yellow water, can’t make them apear nature; may be good but we don’t like it. Less billiousness wld give a healthier like. His Moses at other end of Gall seems the worst thing he ever did, stupid and meaningless. Look for better as soon as gets the Ital smoke and cobwebs out of his brain, he is an earnest whole souled man, but in a state of transition, ow beating abt in a spiritual fog and unsuccessful experiments. Shld indulge genius’s eccentricities, if it stoops and hobbles in imitationo fold masters, will ere long awake to consciousness that has a straight back and vigorous legs. Page gave us a priv view of his Infant Bacchus, ona leapard skin, easy and natural position, no fault with drwg, but flesh ttints and coloring generally liable to same objections, he aims at warmth and softness by diffusing a hazy golden atmosph, but spoils his pics. Better a tenderer flesh tone. Wrong and a waste to attempt to erect an artificial standard and make the public accept it, may be startled by novelty and express admiration, but will soon tire and return to humdrum standard of everyday world, which God has estab for everybody. Has Neapolitan peasants and sheep a really clever thing, hope won’t spoil it with finishing touches in pumpkin and molasses.

            Notices Brady’s, a paragraph on simple rules of art which advocates for variety and harmony to the whole. Derby’s gallery has Leutze’s Calvert pic, idea gd and grouping clever, but coloring crude and unnatural, tints too positive, need neutral ones as in best Germ pics. Flesh of whites lacks life, no Indians of such a hue or expr unless they were ptd ones, unbroken hue makes pic appear so garish. Axes would have been more natural if mde of metal heavy enuf to bend the grass. Fault in short is that pic is unnatural, a failing found in a great many ptgs these days when artists are so fond of imitating the old masters, dealing in fancies, and straining after startling effects instead of following Nature.

            Elsewhere in gallery best coll exhibited, Martyrdom of Huss splendid, correct harmonious, Poacher and many others.

            Art Items mentions Paul Akers, ptgs attrib to Leo, Gifford twilight catskills, Vanderlyn’s Burr at Wms Stevens and Williams, French and Flem Gall, Rothermel.

Leader February 1861

2 p.3 Art and Artists, Emma Stebbins exhib Lotus Eater, unnatural, she ought to marry, Secession is imminent, has destroyed harmony of the Union. 9 Fed govt doesn’t have power to coerce seceding states. Likes Meagher, thinks Wood is an idiot. P. 6 Art and Artists: Intl Art Institution, German art, likes Norwegian Lscape by Morton Muller for truth to nature and absence of high coloring and startling effects; likes a Beggar’s Petition, but not really a Chidlren Bathink, ok with a cattle piece by Schmitson and various others, gives paragraph to Leutze’s Return of Crown Prince Frederick, prefer it to his Calverts, shld see by gaslight, refinement and coloring and chiarascuro manifest a genius, labored even to a fault, air of figs suits their class, yet doesn’t make v marked impression, a painful sameness about  it, so respectable and that’s all can be sd abt it.

            Likes Hubner’s Germ Emig at Schaus, Duss school as close to nature as they get, expressive of sorrow, above crit.

            Powell’s cartoon for Ohio, sale of pics at Goupil’s hi prices.

            Paragraph on Fr and Flem gall, homely in our tastes so not favorably impressed, too fanciful, artificial or artistic, even an ideal piece shld be composed of natural objects, Nature as our standard, aware fashionable to praise what is neither felt nor understood by writers for press may exhibit v gd taste, prefer  bad taste than those who minister to diseased demimonde of Euro.

            Startling School of art, everything is superlative, such is the air at 767 Broadway.

Feb 16 recollection of Poe, notes Deacon Herrick of the Atlas having political problems, Wm M Browne late of the Constitution grossly humbugged by his Secession friends, thought would be printer to the confederacy

p. 6 Art and Artists: A Plea for the Present. Artists should imitate our mechanics, not copy bungling experiments of the past, but studies principles of most recent models then makes an engine according to his own ideas. Artists lack self reliance and study of principles. Artists too much governed by tradition instead of principles, reason, common sense, let them come out of Egypt.

            Notes London Art J exposes Count d’Orsay disting fop and art amateur as employing assistants in his art. Art Items: Leutze on Lafayette, Williamson of brooklyn on Saratoga, Dr Stone on statue of John Hancock, McEntee of Indian Summer, Launt Thomposon bust of James C Adams famous grizzly bear Hunter, Freeman in Rome, Geo L Brown at Crayon Gall Crown of New England (White  Mtns).

Feb 23 p. 2 NY corresp of Boston Post graphic pics of great political iceberg unhappy Repub office seekers are finding, Joe Hoxie artistic warm relief. P. 8 Art and Artists: notices mtg of Artists Fund Society, inclu elections of Launt Thompson et al; anecdote of an Italian artist, Cosmo Art Assoc are keeping books open because of distress of times. Hint to Female Fame seekers, excerpts fr article in Crayon re ptg better than dancing

March 2, 1861 p. 3 Academy of Music in Brooklyn hosts a fanatic John B Gough, describes house as decorated in style or school can’t tell, Trinity Church and English Parliament House composite

p. 6 Art and Artists: Crown of New England

            an effort in the right direction, to portray Nature in her sublimest moods here in America; it’s better than we expected. View has elements of a great pic, immed foregrd rocks natural unmistakable truthful commends itself to uneducated as well as educated eye, running water can’t be mistaken. But intermed foregrd crude and weak, doesn’t look natural, lacks distance, mtns too near. Left and right sides reconciled better, but sky bad, ptd fr imag or memory not Nature, pic as whole not harmonious but combo of fiews at diff times, so a medley of moods, like a face whose parts ea express diff passion or emotion, grief in the eye, laughter in the mouth and so on.

March 9 p. 1 artists like to gather together, are sought after in NY by most exclusive, Century and Athenaeum clubs abound in them, 10th street studio delightful, see devt and hear Church on mysteries of icebergs  and Gignoux talk with illus, Page and Dix or Thompson explain how they do it, can study the men too, Gifford’s refinement in his manner, Page’s earnestness, Church’s perceptive power, laymen not often permitted behind the veil.

            Herald not critical enough of  Buchanan admin’s role in leading to the crisis.

March 16 critical of the World’s articles on fire dept. p/. 6 Art and Artists: photo still can’t produce a perfect likeness. If you pay $100-150 to a first class artist like Alanson Fisher or Charles Elliott, you have a truthful likeness in feature, color, expression and all the details for all time, to hand down to posterity. In photo, friends can hardly recognize it, vagaries of light and shadows that play about the features are recorded not the features. Colored ones are worse, like buying a gold watch at amock auction shop, won’t last longer than you do.

            Wight, architect of Acad of Design, native and grad of Free Academy, design exceedingly beaut, novel and pictque, no symbolical figure but entire bldg a handsome pic sufficiently indic of its purpose.

            The Titian Gallery not Titian: critic for Trib excerpted on precious loss at Blenheim fr fire, but now shown to be copies, can’t put reliance in old masters. NAD opening.

March 23. Has a regular women’s column. Astute abt Wood’s greed and drive to centralize power to satisfy it. P. 6 Art and Artists: NAD exhib, better than last yr, badly hung re light at least, some exhibitors with 3-4 pics have none on sight line or gd light, Comm shld be careful not to subj themselves to charge of invidious distinctions, shld have been more generous esp to those who aren’t members. Prob shld cast lots. Marjority of ports decidedly poor re flesh tint and relief, char overall same as previous ones, gratified by female talent.

            Elsewhere notes Powell, James Dick Banner for fire dept, Robt W Weir 

March 30th England is city editor for the Trib, Fry is music critic and assoc editor.

p. 6 Art and Artists, NAD: lots of visitors, all agree superior to last yr, call attn to 196 in second gallery as best port in exhib. Among crayons like 58 Young Jewess, 77 Cherub, 131 Sawkill falls, 132 Welch wildflowers clever. Sontag has pic in second galllery 235 Mt Savage which seems like a variation of his Dreams of Italy at Derby’s. Page’s Infant Bcchus and Dolce far Niente, latter a fine pic not so dirty as some of his, but won’t attract genl attn.

            Fisher and Elliott have joined the army—he says he thinks the Secessionists.

April 6 1861 p. 6

Art and Artists: NAD

            One gets sick of the labor of going thru the gallery of pics, too much of a gd thing, so much that is faulty that the exhib lostes its vaslue and interest, grow weary and listless, at a loss where to draw the line between bad and tolerable and so on.

            Portraits: 35-40, half dozen only first class, why in management of surroundings of ports is there a lack of gd taste, a state prison offence to abuse his sitter so, skim milk complexions, dump women resembling Vesuvius in a night cap of smoke, abortions. Chronic tendency to flatness and bad flesh. Passable:

            Saintin cold and bloodless male needs a generous diet, has another crayon modeled to Nature, vold and vigorous.. John T Peale admirably managed, antural effect sunlight. Huntington male head lacks relief. HA Loop female harmonious and modesty, but flat features, sameness and soberness. [is going thru saying if ptg is on sight line or not]. Huntington’s head of Dr Francies (late) warmer and better. Another Huntington later gd.

James Bogle head warm natural his best pic. Alanson Fisher male head admirable, warm natural correct faultless, beard esp fine, head clear, best pic in exhib. His boy’s head capital, rotund and strong, warm flesh life like carefully ffinished. His half length male faithfully drawn and ptd, truthfulness of detail, but don’t like it as much as other two, fig stiff and angular, one of those pics on which an artist’s labors never fully appreciated.

            Geo a Baker male head some gd qual, but drwg faulty, nose flat, head not releived, lights and shadows badly managed.

Old man’s head HP Gray one of best, features well defined, a rare fault he’s toned his pic down below Nature, need more positiveness of color.

            Female by Le Clear capital, finely relieved. Miniatures by John Carlin fine Miss ML Wager decidedly gd, Shumway’s the best.

Only 4 of the pics we thought entitled to notice are on the sight line, and those the poorest with one exception, some 20 that had no merit. Did better with other classes.

April 13 p. 3 Studies of Life, American Painters. Originality is great, man or nation not strongly individualized worth little, prefer objectionable peculiarities to tameness and insipidity. Americans already have a definite type, rude backwoods, nervous restlessness, energy, curiosity, practicality, cheerfulness. Has found some utterance in lit, Bancroft in spirit, history fr demo pov, Cooper, Emerson self reliance, Hawthorne tho his works more alive with his personality, humor of Lowell tho less familiar.

Orpheus, Beethoven, Greek Slave sd nothing to world that had not been sd before, only Palmer and his pupil Thompson seem to apprehend the necessity for originality. In ptg, mew school of scenery. Port ptrs not originated antyhing, nor hist ptrs, even Alston and West. Church, Kensett, Gignoux, Brown, Gifford have made art a household word. Needed to paint Niagara not Tivoli. Church singled out for leading the way, not narrow, claimed whole continent, catholicity of grasp here called manifest destiny and abroad filibusterism.  Adds Bierstadt, Hart, MacEntee, Hazeltine, Suydam. Brown lived abroad, but recognized peculiar beauties of here, shed foreign influences, awaken emotion. Foreign artists like Gignoux also get nationalized.

p. 4 Cosmo Art J, artist John Barrow. P. 6 Art and Artists gives round up of art at galleries, heart of Andes in Brooklyn, NY Hist soc has Cole et al, new lscapes Casilear Gifford W Hart at Goupil, Goethe Gall of Kaulbach, Cooper Inst, at Duss Gall splendid Parisina in voluptuous dream contrasts with monstrous and vulgar efforts of Rossiter exhib with it.

April 20, still a Demo, but will support war and national destiny agst selfish southern leaders

April 27 Charles Halpine, Assoc Ed, left for war. Hates Lincoln. Likes Geo Law. P. 6 Church’s Icebergs, ice architecture, grandeur and repose. Calls it the North, spirit of a showman, tho nothing like sentiments at the moment.

May  11 has a flag now on p. 4 above editor’s name

May 18 critical of Laura Keene’s theater, has not deserved its success, actors good, plays terrible, regret better taste doesn’t exist in our midst, wretched farago of nonsense, caricature, imitation. Very crit of the Daily News, ed by F Wood’s brother now.

May 25 1861 p. 1 Artists’ Patriotic Fund, gifford Dick and McEntee left for war; fundraising exhib organized at Goupil’s by HP Gray, D Huntington, GA Baker, L Lang, WO Stone and RW Hubbard, Leeds will auction them. Many are fr NAD, including WS Hazeltine, WO Stone Nina, Eastman Johnson, Bierstadt, Kensett, James Hart, Suydam, Shattuck, Beard’s Narcissus or Reflection, quaint passages fr natural history, Gignoux, Casilear, Ehninger, HR Loop, Darley, Launt Thompson Zouave, McLenan, Mignot, Rowse, Bellows, Hubbard, Blauvelt v clever pic of girl reading a letter, Boughton, A West, McEntee, CC Griswold, Whittredge, Inman Balck your boots sir, and Beard Beef for the Rebel Army, clever sketch in oil, torpid alligators being discharged by two negroes fr a cart.

Moving to 11 Frankfort—Dispatch offices?

Stopped there.