HomeKatz's Unofficial Index to Antebellum New York City NewspapersKatz's Notes on Antebellum New York City NewspapersThe Phoenix

The Phoenix

The Phoenix, LOC mfilm starts vol 1 no 1 Jun 4 1859, masthead has bird arising fr flags and bayonets. 4 cents a week, small—just 4 columns, 8 pages. ed John O’Mahony, purely devoted to Irish freedom, pro Italy too. 44 Ann st. (later 6 Centre st) James Roche of the Irish News will be acting editor, will support Genuine Republicanism in the US. 

John Mitchell spoke at inaug of Clay monument in VA.

hostile to Prince’s visit, embodiment of system of foulest fraud, monarchical and oligarchical principle and pretences cant and lies pawned on mankind.  No public appropriation for a reception. miserable flunkeyism that kneels to future royalty that excites our disgust, Am people too fond of making shows. Owners of the Great Eastern sent her here to make a fortune out of Am gullibility

Sept 8 1860 praises Saturday Press for being severe about public spending on Prince of Wales, flunkeyism

Sept 29 Wallcut and the Cleveland Press versus O’Brien and the Perry statue, letter of Sept 14 1860 fr Cleveland, Perry’s mom was Irish, degenerate Yankeedoodledom, miserable affair of model of Perry statue by Walcutt of Columbus. John O’Brien came fr Rome to undertake it, proposed to model agst Walcutt, but refused, no competition admitted. So O’Brien reproduced Walcutt in marble, and a conspiracy entered to assign it to Walcutt as a native artist tho it was all O’Brien. Ed of Phoenix said model by Walcutt was most clumsy inartistic affect, resembled fat old Dutch-woman in bad humor, than chivalrous Hero of the Lake. In ptg it would be termed a daub, Walcutt work a botch, shouldn’t get any credit, its realization in marble as admirable is thanks to O’Brien.

Oct 13 Irishmen should boycott Prince of Wales visits, he should see only upstarts whose success has utterly degraded and demoralized them, snobs

Nov 17 old fogies, flunnkies and super annuated belles who surrounded wee Baron Renfrew, can’t envy poor boy, delivered to illiterate old money brokers and Peter Funk merchants, counterfreit politeness, at odds with Harper’s Weekly on this, but supported by the NY Leader

skipped to April 6 1861, Apr 20 hope no Irish will take part in fratricidal conflict, don't volunteer.