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Illustrated News

Illustrated News Jan-Nov 1853 nYHS bound vol, 132 Fulton st, Hammatt Billings and Frank Leslie did the frontispiece, Leslie is a regular engraver for it. 6 cents

vol 1 no 1 Jan 1 1853 p2 a new year's poem by Alice Carey, Chas G Leland story p4 illus o tomb of Danl Webster and his mansion (Hitchcock design?).

            to meet expenses, need to sell 100,000 copies a week, journal of Lit, Art, Society and Intellig, free fr all that can offend. (Henry Grinnell is the NY sponsor of the Kane expedition for Franklin). Love Home J, Putnam's Homes of Am Authors and other books, Mrs Kirkland, Wm D Gallagher is now Thomas Corwin' s priv secty, Fry's lectures on music popular. Has two page engraving of the last moments of Danl Webster, includes a black man p. 12-13 more engr of Webster's gothic library, funeral. Ads for the illus mag of Art, Yankee Notions second vol fr Strong, Putnam's, weekly Sun, Harper's, Cryst Pal, Genin, Barnum's Am Museum, Cooper school of design, Fowler and Wells, Gurney, Root

Jan 8 p 18 Capitol at Washington, praises commendable public spirit in collecting art, praises Wash monument (illus p 25). More Chas G Leland. p20 profile of Geo Law. p22 publishers note Darley is designing a grand historical pic for them. $1.50 every six months. Profile of Dumas. Banvard's Jerusalem, Latilla's lectures no mere amateur dilettanti for upholstery and frippery, two spirits of Art, the rococo baroque feeling reduces aesthetic spirit to mere ornament and selfish individuality, and the idealizing of the infinite subordinations of the beaut that raises the lowest forms. 24 profile of Stowe, Greenough's chaunting cherubs.

Jan 15 American Progress, expand territory, to get rich, faster, worry will lead to disregard of learning, morality and relig, vainglorious spirit, material prosperity lowers tone of intellectual culture. Poe's essay on handwriting. p38 obit for Horatio Greenough, inclu Alex Everett  on his Washington and RH Dana on the cherubs, author of this obit corresponded with him, his head of Cooper has been engr for Illus News p44. Met him at mutual friend Dr JW Francis, was crazy. Geo P Putnam also friends with him. p40 has view of Tammany ball, of Battle of New Orleans fr ptg by Merritt that hung at the ball, over entire rear of the room; Jarvis port of Jackson also hangs in the room, and pic of Mills statue. Lots of transl fr German. p44 has description fr their corresp, after Senator Douglas oration and unveiling, a shout fr hearts of the masses, magnif triumph in appealing directly to symp of the Am people, hero as pict in their minds, no alleg or myth, no foreign or ancient embellishment or allusion in the composition, leading the country to victory. well known bronze statue of Jefferson for years stood on Presiden'ts beautgrounds, points to it, as representation of results of glorious syst of govt which he gave to this country. Also has view of Pierce's birthplace, much humbler than Putnam's authors. Has a daguerreotype of Cooper to compare with Greenough.  notices of publiclectures, loved Starr King on mtns, hated McMaster on public education complaining on State turning nurse to our children; Times also quarrels with him. Profile of Fanny Wright p.45, and new Gothic Armory. p. 46 Cass advocates for relig liberty

Jan 22 Great Men of the Republic--not Webster and Calhoun, but intellig patriotic and virtuous  people. Silas Wright an ideal citizen. Govt not a man but a system for the benefit of all, to secure liberty and equality to all. p. 53 engr of Ellis statuette of Genl Lopez as Liberator of Cuba, at least he died nobly. Everett elevated now as a great statesman. Admires Geo Sand on Stowe. Albion's engraving is from a painting owned by William Young, of Mary Queen of Scots, commissioned fr JB Wandesforde. p56 engr of the Phila AU drawing, gives distrib results. critical of Theo Parker's infidelity. p. 60 loving profile of Thomas Hamblin, Louisa Medina a woman of genius had written his memoirs.

Jan 29 p70 doing a series on Cuba. crit of those (Trib) who use natural history to overturn sacred history. Ethics of Journalism: keep priv and pub separate. Rev Abbott on Napoleon in Harper's is v popular, Lantern, Xtian Intelligencer and Trib attack it as historical injustice, but it's a romance in agreement with pop feeling. Nat Port Gall reissued out of Phila is bad, bad editor. Mocks Turner. p72 profile of Clark Mills, suggest he shouldn't get two huge commissions, one should go to Powers. Long report on Everett's address to colonization society. p76 literary crumbs collected by James Redpath. Profile the Foxes, the rappers.

Feb 5 Theo Sedgwick profile, pres of cryst pal assoc. Critical of Pope Pius. p.86 on Putnam's: no weak points, great, esp NY Daguerreotyped. Would like it to have a political leader. Like Bayard Taylor, surpasses Mendoza Pinto, charming man. Rev Cheever in INdependent. Comte the greatest of living philosophers. coventry Patmore was writer who thought TB Read was better than longfellow p. 88 profile of Edw Everett p91 Fry lectures on music for select audience. Eco ditalia, respectable looking. R Storrs Willis Musical World great. p92 Webster's birthplace. Howland an engraver.profile and port of Banvard, scene fr his pano.

Feb 12 p101 cites Home J on Alice Carey as finest living poet, next to engr of Astor place opera house with scene of firemen's ball. p102 loves Webster. Mrs Gaines shld win her suit. Sorry Henry James joins Trib in attacking marriage. 103 Hosmer studying with Gibson. Thackeray lectures popular. Epes Sargeant lecturing successfully (had earlier mentioned John Sargeant). Knickerbocker still excellent. 105 engr of ladies temperance petition p. 108 home of Genl Pierce other bio scenes

Feb 19 v crit of NY Aldermen. p114 Huntington's roman catholic novels, author of Alice or the new Una, brother of the artist, conspic convert. More on Banvard. p118 praise of Cooper's originality, ought to be a monument p123 Mills will have statuettes at Cryst Pal. p126 hostile to Fanny Fern. wedding cake. Mdme Sontag profile.

Feb 26 front page is Houdon's statue of GW for his birthday, most faithful. 134 ought to have intl copyright. Modern reforms and reformers: impracticable, admit equality of sexes, ought to pursue whatever men do, but not qualified for them? her sphere is ltd by nature, Zenobia Cleopatra Eliz I exceptions that prove the rule, divine nature has fixed them in sphere. would err as judges etc because of virtues of their feelings. socialism impracticable too, doesn't account for human imperfection. p139 Meagher lecture v well attended. Cass called mtg in Rome re Greenough, Crawford, Story p144 full page engr by Darley of Washington taking leave of the army at Whitehall, owes a debt to Leutze, has a black man?

March 5: Portrait of Kane. has had lots on new Louis Emperor Napoleon and empress. Scientific American is an able journal p160 polit cartoon on Genl Scott taking the Salt River packet, JF Badeau, also has Bellew on a rainstorm in town in front of the American museum, a Genin sign also visible, and some cartoons with African Americans.

Mar 12 front page is nice portrait of Pierce, lots more engr inside of Washington, Willard's, the Rotunda p 165. 166 support for women taking on more work, contemptible to think less of her. p168-9 assembling of multitude at inaug, inclu Persico's statue, Schussele the designer. CGL (Leland) poem. p171 regret Art Union gallery has to be closed, agreeable resort where every one with propriety could go, govt ought to sponsor a public gallery, wish there were free galleryism. Hinsdale does inaug of Genl Washington

March 19 profile of new VP King. TS Arthur story. Art and art history should be taught in schools. profile of Meagher and engr fr Gurney. regular updates on Cryst Pal. Horatio Stone bust of Fillmore for White hse, attracts interest, noble. JT Hart the sculpt has written to Trib vindicating his bust of Henry Clay. 

Mar 26: Westervelt current mayor is worthy, but too often partisan cliques get unworthy ones in power to rob treasury p199 loves RH Stoddard book illus by Oertel. p203 puffs Brady. Lots of support for Ericsson. last page is illus of Rubens' Nativity.

Apr 2 p213 shows McDonald Clarke's monument in Greenwood. Big spread on celeb of st patrick's day. praises illus mag of art. notices Brace's children's aid society, has portrait of the Black Swan

Apr 9 HP Leland also writes for them p232 view of Doane's residence in River side NJ, by SJ Pinkney, Italianate architecture. Profile of Cornelius Vanderbilt. Pleasure to note Hawthorne and TS Fay appointments. p235 Wm W Ward of Cinti's Pen and the Pencil agreeable. Mr Frankenstein well known artist doing splendid colossal Niagara falls. Launitz doing NY block for Wash monument, has pic of it, an Indian and white man next to a shield 240 picture of Gaazzi in vestments.

Apr 16 support death penalty. p246 illustrated newspapers, no man need be ashamed of doing most of his reading in newspapers. 250 Washington gallery agreeable. Notices l'eco d italia again.

Apr 23 profiles new cabinet (had also pictured the old one), Marcy at the Center, Leslie's design p267 love Willis. artists of the sketch club illus John Savage's metrical romance, fairy lore, goblins p269 alleg of spring to accompany Chareles G Leland poem, Butler engr of view of No American phalanstery fr Whitley's drawing

Apr 30 p279 letter fr Enoch E Camp, fr the Tribune, letter to Barnum, he had been active in the political campaign, may differ from you but believes his cause (temperance) will do good p280-281 portrait of Durand, president of NAD, views of private opening the well known east room, Durand the best lscape ptr in the country, shows his composition the Advance of Civilization p. 282 promotional history of NAD. poem to Jane Eyre p288 home of late VP King

May 7 p292-3 home of Zadock Pratt, rather more formally than usual, with a profile, and history of tanning business, Prattsville p.295 Horatio Alger poem p296 principal room of NAD and criticism is by a corresp, a talented artist of the city, apologizes for admitting inferior, lscape rich in native scenery, Durand magnif, Cropsey's Niagara full of merit, Inness land storm masterly, young artist deserves encouragmement, Kensett finely arranged and masterly, Church fine, Richards glowing but mannered, Gignoux snow faithful yet artistic, Gude wild and poetical. Excellent portraits by Grey Elliott Huntington Hicks and Stearns, few gd hist, Freeman's Ital Peasants and Latilla Fair Rosamond. w/c of Ten virgins looks foolish, one esp gd bust in bronze p299 approve May Knick with Bristed on gypsies of art, and Bunkum Flag Staff, Putnams and Illus Mag of Art also gd. Webster medal being done by CC Wright. p301 accident that killed two painters on Vesey st p304 engr of Crawford's statue of Beethoven for Boston, hope will be at Cryst Pal, Grace Greenwood praises it

May 14 has Paris fashions. favor censoring bad books, lives of robbers etc. street music is called the Irish Opera. p312 profile of Russell Jarvis, just died, a newsp writer fr Boston and Dartmouth, owned a Demo paper in Boston, coedited with Duff Green the demo organ in Washington, then worked for Phila public ledger p314 more NAD review (by an artist of the city, I would guess a member of the Sketch Club as he notices Fosdick et al): Carpenter's Fillmore has merit, dignified, intellectual, but hands small and unmanly, mistake to make them so on purpose. Huntington spirited, too much dead tree. Edw White pilgrims pathetic, devotion, tone, great merit. Freeman costume pic of a student sketching, colorful, consul for Ancona and vice consul for Rome, Gavazzi sought protection under the flag he afforded him. Progress by Durand, whole scene is one of movement, a poem on canvas, a history at a glance, full success, also his coming storm is great power and beauty. G James land storm his best work, Gignoux winter fine and poetical, successful and charming. Turner would have admired Kensett, scumbling and spirited touches, wish Indians instead of deer. Chas Gould owns this one, Gignoux and Durand. Cropsey spirit and genius in Niag, rainbow contrasts with foaming waters, his newport also skilful. Church faithful transcripts of nature, Natural bridge in VA, Ktaadn, advances. Latilla Fair Rosamund, historical lessons. Gude wild romantic. Casilear lscape talented, charming, soft music. 114 and 118 Richards' lscapes of glowing color  p. 318 cites Lantern on newsboys rapid speech

May 21 p328 Cropsey's Chenango. p331 Powell's pic for Rotunda almost completed, gives info on horse, his sources. Notices Brace (collab with Pease at Five Points) as our rep in case Hungary was successful in indep, admires Jules Janin. Often cites NY Times.

May 28 election of 1852 was referendum on Fugitive slave law and Compromise measures (engr of Fillmore), pop feeling felt voting for Pierce would best conciliate south and preserve Union. p345 profile of Lucy Stone p346 concluding remarks on NAD: 71 self taught genius Ranney needs knowl, promise. Mount plugging the enemy, amusing, fresh of nature, red on cheek too strong. Carter's village pastor superior to his Richelieu, too theatrical, as is Tait's pic. Repudiation 113 rouged faces offensive but on stage. Shegogue girl and fawn, harmonious but mannered. Walker full of vigor and skill, Mexican war scene, square of soldiers has something of grotesque. Other gems by Gifford, Stearns, Edmonds, Richards, Mount, Shayer, F Cranch and Ehninger. Elliott port gman 28 one of his finest, production of art not one for time and price. 151 HP Gray aims at high qualities, not beaten track, Huntington sweet pic of Mrs P Gray, quite a pic. Port of Eastlake is like him, cold, cautious. G Baker interesting 349 wife of Geo Inness, and 389. Hicks spirited, elderly lady true to the life 122. Gd head of WW Fosdick by JO Eaton. yewell Wall st portrait unpretending but intense expression. Cafferty 117 faithful. Lang full length lady total absence of conventional adjuncts, romantic scenery, natural ease and movement. Anelli family, too much of the gman, child on a man's knee never comes well ina pic. 39 Entry of Wash into city gd composition. T Mintrop unusual artistic power. Butts sculp masterly,ives fine, Brown's bronze fr Powers Dr Moffat excellent, Palmer gd taste, Jones medallion of Richards th eptr hi quality promises well. p347 notes JW Glass who used to attract attn at ARt Union is now popular in London, mom a Virginian daughter of Rj Hackley, studied with Huntington, his Wellington leaving the horse guards commended, late for the Ferry complimented in Daily News. p348 engr of happy family at Barnum's

June 4 1853 cover is of HK Brown's bronze statue of Clinton, nicely done by Leslie. p356 has portrait of sculptor and profile of one of singing Hutchinsons, p. 357 has outline drawing of it,no criticism really. p358 warns agst indiscrim criticism, eulogy adopted by daily and periodical rpess, and over severity and abuse. K Meadow designs their scenes of a drunkard. (Barnum was active in temperance). Critical of Arcularius the street cleaner. p363 Ball's Webster gd. 365 Everett's Washington house

June 11 ought to have a park. p376 fr Illus London News an icky sculp of the Brothers' pet, p377 Azariah Flagg Demo comptroller of NY, and Westervelt, praises them both. WH Herbert excellent. Fern Leaves gets pretty gd review with reservations 380 engr of a Phila marble yard. has views of Quaker mtg house and synagogue p384 view of Brady's saloon

June 18 front has portrait of Benton to accompany discussion of Pacific rrd, Fremont's expedition supports Benton's central route p393 view of Patent office. ad for bearded lady, illus.

June 25 p409 nice illus of competing locations for Central Park

July 2 has view of Jerusalem fr Mt of Olives, with key July 9 has Leslie's retreat of the British fr Lexington, heroic yeomen in foregrd. p15 statuary: whether artists make works poetically beaut at expense of reality and truth, or vice versa, most statuary have broadest contradictions p. 16 illus Kensett's ptg at NAD for Charles Gould of White mtns, also a view on Hudson don't give artist

July 16 illus Abbott's Egyptian curiosities. July 23 cover is Powers' statue of Calhoun. Same page Barnum writes a competing pictorial is lying, has second hand engravings. p. 27 support enlargement of Battery. Profile of Bishop Hughes, and views of St Patrick's, notes his position on schools, effort to centralize property

(July 23) Crystal Palace supplement to the Illus News, has Kiss's statue on the cover, lots of pictures of the details of the ornament, 2 page view of the building, views of the street cars, ticket offices. 2 page view of interior with Marochetti's Wash. Pierce banquet was at Metrop Hotel. p48 is Pierce on rearing horse reviewing the military on the battery. 

Aug 6 view of man falling over Niagara falls. Disapprove of Cryst Pal being open on Sundays. Dr. Mott warns about Croton water thru lead pipes. notices Chas A Dana editing US Illustrated, herman Meyer pub. profiles of Polk, Thorwaldsen, view of his statues p54. more Egyptian stuff, also Dyson, instigator of a slave revolt

Aug 13 expanding to 16 pages. Lots of coverage of celeb at Plymouth, inclu Everett's address (the Pilgrims work of improvement must go on, in other countries by the light of our example, to the Arctic, to Chimborazo's altar peak, to the Southern cross, Atlantic to Pacific), artifacts of the period. p.64-65 has two page spread of Weir's ptg fr Rotunda. Also fr Cryst Pal, small statuettes, veiled busts, Copeland, Angell, Currier

Aug 20 more on Copeland and ornamental tables. p78 profile of SFB Morse, Henry O'Reilly, men involved with the teleg. Positive profile of Pierre Soule. 81 view of the Customs Hse, John Frazee architect and Horace Kneeland sculptor. p84 profile of Buchanan, portrait of Soule

Sept 3 critical of British filibusterism, Americans don't do it, except Mexico. p110 pano of Niagara at Hope Chapel, Frankenstein, very truthful. Also note giraffes. Cites the Day Book. More statuettes fr Cryst Pal, p117 illus of a carved Cabinet with scenes fr Woman's History (English). Has sewing patterns. Sept 10 p125 view of Sun bldg, 20 anniversary dinner, decorations referred to public measures advocated by the Sun, free trade, free speech, cheap postage, free academy, annex of TX, enlarge battery, cuban indep etc. Greeley's toast referred to slavery and intemperance. p127 Geo Saunders dinner at Astor hse, 25 Demos and Whigs, Col Preston fr KY a whig, Col Stebbins, T Devin Reilly, the Schells, Farrange of Le Republicain, Raymond, who sd he was happy with Saunders appointment, symp with Euro downtrodden, wants Americanism in our foreign affairs p131 cartoon of a photographer scaring a lady and of a pickpocket trick p136 has Rubens' descent fr the Cross

Sept 17 p141 Powers' Greek Slave at Cryst Pal. Gives a London journal's dislike of its constrained and inelegant attitude, problem with subj p142 Maine law demo at Metrop hall, Lucy Stone whose portrait was given previously, PT Barnum, I would sooner vote for the devil than vote for a Whig, yet I would sooner vote for a sober Whig than a drunken Democrat. Describes Lucy Stone favorably. Greeley, JOhn P Hale too. p145 Fanny Fern has great talent, but is a charming little humbug, ought to have married Barnum, fr US Review. p150 Eyes writes about Country Jake at the Crystal Palace, not a humbug, but a great idea. why no Amer artists? why hasn't our notable charge at Rome who has sent som many antiques here, sent some sculpture? Crawford's Jefferson or Patrick Henry would have been admired, etc.

Sept 24 p157 Powers sketched by Latilla, and his Eve and sculptures. Credits him with breaking thru mannerism of fashionable busts and their principle of generalization fr the Italian school, has truthful adherence to nature and elab execution, busts of Jackson, marshall, calhoun, Mrs Austin, and in ideal heads of Psyche, Proeserpine and Greek Slave. Florentines like Freccia have adopted this, as in his child and dog owned b Stone in NY. His heroic America, fit for Senate. Eve early work. p162 has comic Mr Jabinadab visiting the Great Exhib, view of official bust of Nap III.

Oct 1 cover Trial of Bishop Doane (Waites drawing), 3rd time he's been arraigned on same charges, most recently in 1852, contracting debts/defrauding, appropriating property, misapplying money, drinking. Doane moved it be public, thought it a Spanish inquisition. Pled guilty to part of it.

Oct 8 lots on Japan, and Cuba. p193 view of interior of Trinity. Oct 15 DS is Wash corresp, likes Downing's influ on grounds, likes the classical archit, thinks the Smithsonian is ugly, unsightly, ill contrived p210 Eyes, Country Jake in the Cryst Pal, Pict Gall, we ought to support artists as Euro does, hope its changing, common life here filled with subjects, certain classes, drolleries, slang, shrewd, vivid, Yankee hilarity, also cruelties. Pic gall mostly trashy works, bad copies and worse originals, over colored abortions, but a few exquisite. hayti, a bit caricatured, has also been doing French scenes. Hawthorne good. Fowler and Wells has big ad, as does TL Nichols' reform book store, also Putnam's. take fr Day Book account of Wall st brokers.

Oct 22 profile of Wm O'Brien Oct 29 cover has proposed statue of Am Republic by Etex, well known in Paris, thoroughly demo and repub in principles, defies espionage of emperor, marble not supposed to be talking republicanism. Also has a large painted tableaux of principal men of America.  freeman, our artist, sketched statue in his studio. Goddess of Liberty with spear and helmet, rattlesnake and flag, eagle and sword, tiara of 13 stars. Euro failed to achieve permanent repub because they think it means sweeping away all laws, not ameliorating them, so creates chaos.  p236-237 has view by Howland of Octagonal country seat of OS Fowler, with plans, he was its architect, began it in 1848, inexpensive building materials. On same pages has interior and exterior views of Barnum's, shares space with Stringer and Townsend publishers and Genin is next door, drawn by Chapin. p240 view of Cooper Inst

Nov 5 p252 view of Columbia, and Natural Bridge of VA. Chas Swain poem. Geo Lippard excellent story of unintentional Divorce in Oct 5th Illus News. p 264 Statue of the French Republic, by Ettex, liberty not wholly forgotten there Nov 12 cover firemen's celebration as it goes by Brady's, 13,000. p269 view of Rubens' house. p272 view of Smithsonian library, Renwick's magnif Norman structure, Romanesque. view of Genl Scott's former residence. p277 puffs Gurney's, has view of interior of his saloon, also p280 has cuts of Hiram Anderson's carpet estab (an advertiser).

nov 19 views of Wash bldgs, of the founder of the water cure system Nov 26 Gleason has purchased Illus News. p. 301 view in King St Dublin, description doesn't mention the statue p312 has cut of statue to Poussin in his hometown, enclosed by a railing

pasted into volume is reminiscence of JW Orr's engraving establishment. TW Strong pub Amer News, weekly illus, employed Geo H Thomas of London, DC Hitchcock, Saml Wallen Barry, failed. AVS Anthony worked there and then at Orr's, went to work for Illus News,  then Harper's. During Civil War was art manager of NY Illus News, Thom Bailey Aldrich editor