HomeKatz's Unofficial Index to Antebellum New York City NewspapersKatz's Notes on Antebellum New York City NewspapersCommercial Advertiser (and its weekly Spectator)

Commercial Advertiser (and its weekly Spectator)

New York Commercial Advertiser

            I started reading with 1833.  Covers Ladies Fairs, like Bennett, but mostly devoted to Congress and foreign news.  Anti-Tappan and abolition generally. Likes Edgeworth and the usual suspects. Not much of any poetry. Does book notices.


Jan 2 editorial 1833 p. 2 dislikes party presses.  aims to show human life, vicissitudes of woe and weal, and to darken the bright picture of reality, romance blends with it her softest hues, and poetry sprinkles on its borders her delicate sun beams.  try to publish whatever is new and interesting as well as a miscellany, when political controversies permit

  1. 3 ad for Exhib of Sculpture, 2 marble statues, Mr Augur, Jepthat meeting his daughter, at Park Place hse, 237 Broadway


ad for D Whitney, 136 Chambers, house and sign ptr, dealer in paints


Dec 31, 1833, p. 2 puff for Dunlap’s History of the Arts of Design.  Author well known, no comment needed, has unsurpassed info, worth of this work will be its authenticity.

  1. 3 Tam O’Shanter at Amer Acad advertises. So does Hone auctioneers.  long puffs for the Mirror.


Second folder of NY Comm Advert (no 46 Pine St, pub Francis Hall & Co, $10, also publishes biweekly NY Spectator) for 1833 is complete.  Jan 12 praises Peabody’s engrav of Holt’s Castle Hotel, subj of an earlier puff

AL De Rose, Portrait Ptr, 95 Liberty St, advertises, also Bisbee, Artist in Lithography

puffs Knickerbacker, port of Stuart, bio by Dunlap. long glowing promotion of Audubon.  Notice that proceeds fr Exhib of Adam and Eve donated to Deaf andDumb, splendid ptgs superior character


skipped to April

April 20 notes that at an auction in Edinburgh of splendid pictures of Ld Eldin floor collapsed; notes Martin’s illust of Milton won him hi reputation, now doing Bible illustr, previous ones rank among highest efforts of graphic art.  Lit Gaz says present ones are full of extraord richness and sublimity of composition and effect so peculiarly distinguish him  Where figures are more principal, as they are so inferior in merit to scenery, impression is weakened.

            puffs NY Mirror’s view of Weehawken drawn WJ Bennett engr in finest style AB Durand

May 2 notices Mr Herring’s National Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Americans, were skeptical of his success, but beauty fidelity of execution, likenesses admirable.  Am Mo Mag is for serious not triflers

May 4 copies fr Pittsburgh paper long account of Catlin, most of his pictures unfinished, only time to secure likenesses

publish bits fr Western Monthly Magazine, the Life of Jay, covers Ladies’ Fairs, describing each’s table, inclu exquisite pictures sold there by the ladies, likes Wash Irving, Paulding, mother of Washington monument, pro Coloniz Soc, anti abolition; likes Editor Wm T Porter formerly of New Yorker

May 17 p. 1 The Veiled Picture: A Tale of the Fine Arts p. 1-2 (fr April New Monthly Mag--also published in Herald?  elsewhere? maybe the Spectator. seems familiar--Arthur is ill, paints his beloved, etc.)

June 4, 1833 p. 2 NAD (partly torn):  glad of growing taste for the arts, for honor and glory of country, will add splendor and renown.  Academies promote interests of the arts by recommending them to attn and respect, the annual exhib favorably considered by public for its brilliant display, talents of no common order.  love and supprt for elegant arts indicates advanced civliz and refinement, patriotic feeling aroused then by rising pictorial power.  Requires assiduity and encouragement.  describes crowds as young and old, innocent and gay, brave and beaut.  Goes on and on in rhapsodies, softening influence of Arts, golden chain binds us, roses of immortality, hand of genious.  painter  has creative power, imagination his handmaid, his hand moulds what rises in his mind into positive shapes.  Poem follows describing nature as blushing beautiful girl yielding to artist.  Signed “D”.

Jun 6 p. 2 long puff of Tam O’Shanter and Souter Johnny, admirably exec grp, continues at 8 ½ Barclay st, great numbers visited here and London, intrinsic excellence but also self taught artist guided by unerring accuracy of own eye.  Ea in grp exactly as it shld be, as must have been in mind of the poet.  Cut fr Ayrshire stone w/o model or drawing.  position, expression, depicted w/truest regard to nature.  all visit with taste for fine arts, or wants embodied illust of poet’s fancy

Approves Flint taking over ed of Knickerbacker, admired in England.  ad for annual exhib at Amer Acad of FA, James Herring secretary

Jun 19 p. 2 letter fr Aliquis on Liberal Arts, splendid ptg lately exhib in one of our Southern cities, forwarded from hence by artist by recommendation of a friend and amateur of the arts, few visit.  humiliating that we Amer little regard eminent works of our cits, but loud in praises of foreign ptgs and artists, who despise us.  The celeb pict of Adam and Eve lately exhib in this city cant compare w/touching exhib nature and grace, superior colouring, in splendid picture of Ariadne, forsaken by Theseus, judges pronounce superior to any of its class in Amer.  city shld discharge its debt to Vanderlyn, public spirited built Rotunda in Park, Council will remunerate him

Long letter fr Catlin.  Jun 27, p. 2 disapproves of licensing booths in the Park to sell drinks on 4th of July.    Notice that Finden’s Lscape Illust of Murray’s Byron are for sale by Disturnell, Broadway, exquisite engraves by first English artists, see ad.  Notice that John Inman, Esq, has become assd in editorial management of NY Traveller, hebdomadal of tact and humor, solid articles he has ability to supply


1834 as with 1833, I just skipped to April

Jan 2 p. 2 puffs Tam O’Shanter and Danby’s Opening of the Sixth Seal splendid.  Likes HM Brackenridge (who also writes for Noah’s paper?).  Gives communication from JG Bennett in DC  attacking Kendall. Approves of the Adopted Citizen newsp.  Likes Greeley’s New Yorker.  publishes campaign songs/satires. Opponent is the Standard.

Apr 8 p. 2 publishes extract fr ‘Coronation of Andrew the First” or the unpub Rise, Progress, and Decline of the Amer Republic’

Apr 9 p. 2 notes Col Trumbull, friend of GW, voted for Gulian Verplanck

Apr 17 p. 2 Miss Browere, proprietor splendid pict Christ Healing the Sick, donates proceeds to Orphan Asylum.  historic truth, truly expressive, grand, feeling, God-like composition

Apr 23 p. 2 notices Allan Cunningham’s Lives of the Painters. style has grt and striking beauty of being forcible w/o being rugged, terse without being meager, peculiar elegancies, original, critical spirit gives lives their highest value, candor and correctness elevated by spirit of discrimination.  portraits.

Apr 24 puffs Mirror, masterly engraving, ptd TK Wharton, engr AW Graham, view of NY fr Brooklyn heights, softness and subordination skillful, creditable

May 3 p. 1 letter fr ‘ET’ on style of churches, wants more to adopt the Pointed (Gothic as vulgar call it), as more suited to Christian church than the classical, without introducing glaring departures fr the true spirit of the original.  Also dislikes heathen temples being used for theatres, record offices, etc.; can’t recognize what they are. 

            Notices Crockett.  Lots of coverage of relig societies. 

May 7 p. 2 Cole’s Picture of the Angels, numerous visitors fr abroad shd call at Acad of Arts in Barclay st, intrinsic merits as specimen of fa (also appeals to visitors in town for relig conferences). an amusement.

May 9 p. 2 pleased Justice Marshall yielded to have bust in marble, John Frazee Esq of this city selected, goes to Richmon.  in his heretofore successful efforts have guarantee worthy production.  Ordered by Thom H Perkins for Boston Atheneum.

May 10 p. 2 artist Harding has made Crockett breathe on canvas.  On entering port gallery, Crockett knew Webster, Leigh and Calhoun, didn’t admire Signer of Protest and the Veto

May 13 coverage of Board of Assistants inclu approval of paying $800 to RW Weir for ptg port of Walter Browne, and payment of Robt Frazee for ornamenting frame of port of Gov Throop

May 17 notices Am Mo Mag for May has full review of the works of art in our city, tone of the criticism, however, in many instances we despise.  That for instance on Mr Agate, really noble painting of Ugolino, is unjust and shallow, couched in the vague  and flippant terms of dilettante connoisseurship, in which the soul of art is neglected for its form, and a strong development of the best qualities of a painter, forgotten in the worship of the cold mannerism of the schools

Likes Sigourney, Maj Downing

May 21 p. 2 “NAD” spends most of it on Agate.  170 pictures, splendour, fashionable. But grt majority Portraits of inferior execut, some excel, but surprised council wld admit so many as specimens of an elevated art.  Cheering that nearly all the picts of a higher range of art, such as the historical and lscape pieces, evince sugh grt talent and careful finish that can’t help but improve the profession.  will notice those pictures most particularly worthy of attn.

            most striking and draws most attn is 19 Ugolino FS Agate, NA, 6 x 8 ft, selection of this difficult subj vs more profitable portr line, warmly for ambition of young artist, exec under difficulties of no common order (and rapidly) evinces capabilities for highest triumphs, coloring and drawing excellence of unusual order.  Quotes Boyd’s transl of Inferno not the passage in the catalog to give the period the ptr has chosen.  Drwg, posture and expression of the Count noble admirably bodied conception, moment of awareness that he and sons are to be starved to death. dignity, dramatic truth. grp of touching beauty. inexpressibly affecting.  grt and striking merit, judicious taste, classic grace to composition.  Intro of spectral famine violates strict proprieties of taste, but originality and Fuseli-like power that we would encourage, appropriately fills up backgrd.  grt merit in Agate’s originality and vigor of conception, his pict wants the dignity of Reynolds on the same subj, but has more affecting beauty; Count’s attitude more striking. noble picture.  Are not partial.

            command of subdued shade in beaut work of Agate’s The Dead Child finely exemplified.  no historic or poetical fidelity to situation or appearance, does not prevent admiration for enl vigor of conception and excellence of exec.  has other faults, but so do all artworks, but evinces such talents, heightened with unquestioned genius, that hypercxriticism uncandid and ungracious.  public may expect much fr this artist, hope he sells it for enough to complete his studies in Europe, all that’s wanting to render him an honor to his country.  two of his portraits, 13 and 96, were particularized by a lady whose opinion on matters of taste any artist might be proud to deserve as among the best for character and expression, but want fine finish and delicacy of coloring that charm portraits of Ingham and Sully

            Says to be continued, but doesn’t seem to be.

            ad p. 3 for exhib at Saloon in the marble bldgs opposite St Paul’s on Broadway, the celeb orig tapestries made 300 yrs ago  of cartoons of Raffaelle, and Rubin’s sublime ptg of the Crucifixion, extraord, excite astonishment and wonder (gives sizes), interesting character, for a nobleman’s gallery

May 30 p. 2 notice of Death of Mr Ackermann, who recently sent set of prints of Canadian Scenery, fr drwgs Col Cockburn, Niagara Falls, Quebec, picturesque environs.  Carriage draftsman in London, met artists, printseller in Strand, publisher of works of taste and art, the Forget Me Not, contrib. to advance of fine arts,  Superb pictures available at WA Colman Broadway.

            Architecture Part 2, public uninformed, think it a mechanical rather than liberal art, describe bldgs as gorgeous or with Vitruvian proportions, then enumerate windows or rooms.   Authoritative critics can’t discrim betw commonplace and beaut.  Study of it refines the taste by familiarizing eye and mind with classical art.  Ladies shd learn.  They already ornament interiors, and have been female sculptors, ptrs, mathematicians, only 2 architects, Duchess of Rutland and Ldy Stafford.  Can’t be improper, like the other arts.

Jun 5 p. 2 corresp fr Richmond, VA (James Frazee), he likes Richmond, which is  every way, just as nature formed it, which is most beaut, agreeable and healthy,  Hates yr NY leveling system, no sense in bringing everything in subservience to cartmen, flattening and making city prosaic, vs Richmond’s more picturesque beaut undulations.  Capitol is noble Ionic, Doric City Hall, both surpass NY’s public bldgs

            have taken two sittings with Justice Marshall for his bust, I have him immortal.

Jun 6 p. 2 notes Frazee is now in Dc engaged on a bust of Gen Jackson.  Notes Atlas Mag identifies a port as Van Buren, v unlike

Approves Duane ed of Aurora.  Jun 10 NY Mirror beaut lscape of admired spot Delaware Water Gap, Doughty ptd such a fine pict of romantic place, thoat those who’ve seen the picture don’t go there. sweet engraving.

Jun 11 p. 2 viewed model of bust of Marshall, exec in clay by Frazee, pretend no connoisseurship, nor seen Judge, but Boston Atheneum will have no cause to regret choosing artist.  Signed T.

Series on architecture (that I’ve seen in another paper--Herald?) continues Jun 18 p. 1 rebutting previous (on the 2nd) writer’s advocating the Gothic.  Says pro-Pointed praise the sensual gratification (awe, veneration) of the Gothic but give up what is sublime, valuable.  Only untutored eye prefers confusion and multiplicity to fitness and harmony of parts.

            Custom and assn have taught that gothic goes with religion and veneration, while classical with grandeur and modern refinements of ballroom and theatre.  But as far as fitness, the classic is more in accord with majesty of reformed English church.  Taste of present age too addicted to frivolous decoration, not just proportion, money is easier to get than good taste.

            dismisses the painter’s effect of the Gothic, that it seems grander than the classical (larger, due to its multiplicity of parts), but this is an illusion, sensual again, and can be achieved in any style if fancy is unrestrained and capricious.  Classical bldgs need more than mason’s dexterity, need architect’s geometry and taste.

            critical of Trustees of U of NY for yielding to English prejudice and adopting English collegiate style, savoring more of Gothic barbarism than Classical taste

Jun 19 mourning borders for Lafayette

Jun 20 p. 2 records history of conflict with J Fenimore Cooper, Comm Advert critical of him intro’g politics into his romances.  Jun 21 p. 2 puffs next issue of Nat Port Gall, inclu superb engrav by AB Durand fr Trumbull’s GW (full length at Yale), and fine engrav J Thomson Stuart.  discusses dff betw Trumbull and Stuart’s port of GW, Trumbull most striking and intellectual, most like a soldier, Stuart’s more sedate repose.  Trumbull says his was earlier, younger still had teeth, both correct when taken, but Stuart’s not the GW of the revolution.  Remb Peale noble picture fr the two, but we like Trumbull’s.  Also puffs admirable likeness of Lafayette on a Medal.

Jun 23 p. 1 more on Archit, from orig writer ET, urging a book written with fewer technicalities, to help women and amateur understand it

Jun 24 p. 2 puffs splendid work of art, Imperial Folio of Plates of Emperor Napoleon, Vendome Column present fr Louis Philipe to a gman here, for sale at WA Colman.  we wouldn’t have sold it.  (owner it is announced later reclaims it from the store)

Jun 27 p.2 this time praises Am MO Mag for copious, accurate and candid crit given all of NAD works in present exhib

Jun 30 p 2 puffs exhi  of Pictures by Panini, celeb Italian ptr last century, 1st rate for their class, assns with classical Rome, uncommon, rich treat for scholar, 8 ½ Barclay st

            Also puffs Levy auction at Acad on Barclay st of ancient modern masters fr coll of Marquis de Gouvelle, rare splendid works eminent artists for admirers of FA



Jan 2 p.1 notice of Remb Peale’s Manual of Drwg under headline Graphics, work which we wish cld be put into hands of every youth, highest utility, principles of writing and drwg so combined they can be acquired together, delightful accomplishments made as common as art of penmanship.  system is extremely simple.


Then skipped to April, which was missing.  Do have May 12, p. 2 notices of Wm Dunlap speaking at Amer Lyceum in US District Court Room at rear of City Hall on origin of arts of design, and means of encouraging and perfecting them, followed by reading of essay by another celeb Amer artist, Mr Neagle of Charleston, written for Lyceum, free.  Then no more issues until Jun 1, p. 2 puffs Catlin’s Indian Portraits in Pittsburgh

Oliver Oldschool writes for him--friendly with Noah, and the editor of the Gazette, and Peale

Jun 19 p. 2 prefer West’s Last Supper to Leonardo’s, better more just conception


Then skipped to September, which started with Weds Sept 2.  Says they published the moon hoax but with disclaimer that they didn’t believe it.  Sept 4 p. 1 corresp, visit to Mr Bumphead, believer in phrenology, contemplates plaister busts of Byron, Shakespeare, Milton, pope and Washington, purchased fr itinerant Italian vender.  Ad for port of Rev Chas G Finney, engr on steel by Paradise, fr ptg of FR Spencer, just pub by Van Nostrand & Dwight, Amer Tract Soc Hse, 146 Nassau st

Notices Peale’s museum, ventriloquists etc. Sept 18 p. 2 notices Carey’s The Gift, singles out Cheney’s port of Sully’s picture of Fanny Kemble, as the only one from an Amer artist (the rest are fr Engl prints), and as doing justice to the painter, highly finished but bold and v effective in light and shade.  Sept 19 p. 2 cut of the French would be assassin Girard, with a description of him, in same space as an ‘infernal machine’ (a kind of machine gun)

Sept 25 p.2 Thom’s Statues have been remarked on in several of the papers, 4 celeb Tam O Shanter statues, injustice is done to Mr Field, the gman who brought them here.  Insinuated that the sculptor mistreated, exhib for Thom’s benefit but he had nor recd the profits, but Field alw claimed to be the sole owner of the figs by purchase, and if so, no grd for complaint on Thom’s part



Jan 7 p. 3 ad for Col Trumbull’s revolutionary ptgs at Acad on Barclay st

Mar 31 p. 2 puffs an Aaron Levy sale of old ptgs at Arcade Baths in Chamber st, not seen them, but assured contains some valuable ptgs by old masters, first in catalogue was brought fr Paris by Col Trumbull more than 30 yrs ago.  Ads p. 2 , splendid, rare chance for collectors, largest coll

Skipped to April--didn’t read earlier months.  Very very anti strike and anti trades union. Very worked up re expunging. Likes Marryatt.  Dislikes the Southern Literary Messenger, esp their book reviewer.  Rather symp to unsophist Indians (unlike the Demo press?) and to Mexicans--not mad for the Texans.  Very ltd account of Jewett case.

Apr 16 p. 2 Newark procured a design fr Mr Thom for a Monument to Washington, engraving appears in Newark Daily Advertiser. design neat simple gd taste, marble, equestrian, larger than life

Apr 7 p. 1 puff of Death on the Pale Horse, soon to be exhib, justly celeb. imagination of a poet. truly sublime.

Apr 12 p. 1 Knickerbocker for Apr has article by Horatio Greenough on sculpture

Apr 22 puffs another Aaron Levy sale of ptgs, magnif coll, Arcade Baths, earlier puffed Hannington setting up his dioramas.  Ad p 3 for another auction singles out the ptgs to be sold at noon, separate fr the furniture, beaut oil ptgs line engr framed

Apr 25 p. 2 notices the Repository of Arts of the Amer Inst, circular fr trustees, estab museum of the arts 187 Broadway, 8 yrs lease starting next May.  models, specimens of machines, useful productions will be rec’d, display of improvements.

            notices that at Peale’s M are minerals fr gft cavern (earlier described as representing GW, Napoleon, etc) curious beaut, one form of female bosom, devd with fullness and accuracy, symmetry and perfection of a  sculptor

Apr 28 p 2 praises Locke and the moon hoax.  Attended the private opening for NAD, many picts of hi merit, superb lscapes Ward and Cole, comic scenes rustic life by both Mounts (best they’ve done), many ports excellent and bad, by 20 names of various degrees of celeb, rich display of miniatures, engravings, cabinet pictures, historical pieces.  open to public yesterday.  ad p. 3

Penny mag alw. advertises.  Notices a bk by Miss Catharine Beecher.  Pro Bank of the US, which cld stop smaller (state?) banks fr issuing as much paper as they wanted and so keep a balance on the currency

May 5 p.2 communic fr Dr Fisk of Wesleyan, fr Florence, critical of monarchical rule, notices Greenough’s slow progress on GW, plaster mold finished, doubtless will do him and nation honor, he is spoken well of here.  Won’t discuss fine arts in Florence generally as others have, but expectations have been realized, they flourish at expense of the poor, of education, genl comfort, necessary food. govt can send artists to Rome for 2 yrs study at public expense, while thousands beg for food, won’t spend on educ.

May 13 p.2 Notices NY Mirror’s plate fr Weir’s happiest lscapes, fr West Points, Smillie done it justice

May 20 p. 2 Hse of Lords critical of Irish gov for not acting to bring to justice those who destroyed the statue of King Wm III in Dublin

Takes Mrs Conduit’s side (with C&E) in riot with Woods at Park; ad for Wm Brown, architect, 12 Wall st.  Enthusiastic re Astor.

No promised review of NAD in May or June

Jun 8 has been covering Robinson trial extensively and condemns theaters as vestibules to hell (no theater ads).  Notices ad for interesting exhib of McKEnny’s Indian portraits, ptd fr life, under his own eye, traveled more and studied their character more than alm any Amer.  for a grt work of Indian biography.

            -ad says at Washington Divan, 157 Broadway, 119 portraits copied by Inman fr War Dept, most taken fr life by King.  offers testimonial to the accuracy of the likeness.

Jun 9 obit on Luman Reed, true friend of the arts, opulent, liberal, enlightened, simplicity of manners.  honorable fortune.  genius and talent found him prompt friend, esp fine arts, large orders to skillful artists, his gallery rich in admirable ptgs and engr.  Flagg rising promising ptr studies in Europe pd for by Reed

Jun 15 p. 1 puff of McKenny via poem by a lady ‘A’ on grim warriors, genius’s brush warms to life

Jun 16 3 column cut of Astor Hse page 1, taken fr Badger’s Wkly Messenger and Wms Directory, praises it highly

Jun 22 p. 2 letter fr Catlin pleading for Indians, Jun 23 p.2 another puff mcKenny

Sept 20 Board of Aldermen going to visit national ptg of the signers of dec of indep

October: Cole’s series of 5 pictures and Anelli’s Deluge painting advertising in Eve Post and comm Advert

Dec 30 p. 1 Wm Hayward ad ‘Fine Arts’ for his English engravings, singling out Danby’s Opening of the 6th Seal, the Departure of the Israelites fr Egypt by Roberts, as well as 50 original oil ptgs inclu Rembrandt, Claude, Rubens, Teniers, Correggio

            p.2 promotes DC Johnston of Boston’s Scraps for 1837, inclu his cartoons mocking phrenology, ingenious artist.  hitherto hadn’t liked his caricatures bcause they were bad as engravings, figs v incorrectly drawn, cutting scratchy coarse careless. aiming at freedom of Cruickshank, failed of spirit force accuracy and richness of that etcher, his outlines were hard, angular, unpleasing, shading random w/o effect or keeping.  vast improvement, figs well drawn, cutting free and spirited but finished effect.  unique.


NYPL mfilm reel 11 Mar-Sept 1837

March 1837 2 The Natl Pictures, papers say joint committee of the houses procuring ptgs for Rotunda have receded fr plan adopted at last session, which we said was inexpedient.  Now invited 4 artists, Vanderlyn Inman Weir and Chapman, Allston declined, Inman to visit Europe, he and others tried to get commissionf or Morse and hope will succeed, devoted to historical compositions

Mar 10 Fine Arts We have had occas to know Henry Inman has gone to Phila,,,,pic (Philip Syng Physick) is of highest order of merit, chef doeuvre even of Henry Inman. This is saying enough of it, and of him. 15 praises Sparks Washington


April 15 Mirror has lscape of Hudson fr Chapman 25 p1 Letter fr Europe by Americanus on sights of Berlin, statues of military men,  Royal museum, statues fr Italy and Greece v ancient, picture gallery order of first merit 28 happy that NY Review shows masterpiece of crit by Prof Henry indicting Thom Jefferson thru new bio by Geo Tucker


May 4 1837 praises caricature by Robinson, fair picture of the time 13 p2 NAD more than a hundred more pics than usual, $100 per day, public relish for intellectual pleasure. Not the best, but ok, good to have youth. lscapes of hi merit, narrative compositions highly respectable in design and execution. Most noticeable ports by Morse, Inman, Ingham and G Linen, Morse’s full length is best port fr his hand, one of finest in exhib, attitude easy and natural, coloring clear, tho pink ribbon on crimson might be bjected to. Will bear a deal of examination, graceful compos, sky unnatural copper color and broken into patches, effect is unpleasant. Inman group of children, v like port of Mott, and Pres Duer. Linen unknown to us, uncommon merit. Ingham all remarkable for elab and beaut finish, minute fidelity

May 25 describes dedication of NYU, including Saml FB Morse’s rooms and Alexander Davis’s fine arts library 31 The Fine arts: hard times are good for satire, Robinson caricature, national genius for it, monkey and sovereigns


June 1 Niag falls at first disappointing, traveller’s letter 10 lean to Webster as candidate. Dislike Martineau.20 letter fr J of Commerce accusing Comm Advert of royalist fears of insubordination, contrary to democracy 23 J of Commerce has birds eye view of daily papers in NY, orig published 4 years ago, haven’t changed much 27 Letter fr Euro still in Berlin, King has promoted fine arts, esp museum, later describes Dresden museum Raphael Corregio

Skipped July and August

August 2, 1837, Comm Ad The FA reprint letter fr J of Commerce (Spectator does too) fr disting artist of this city who saw this year’s NAD (raised $4600) and says Brit RA doesn’t compare, except Wilkie Landseer and perhaps Calcott, no lscape equal in poetry or exec the last of Cole’s course of Empire,  nothing in humor or originality to Mount, no full length port with which Morse’s full length of his daughter wld lose by. Mass of pics at RA is costume, no heart


Sept 1837 4 Barnabas Bates’ Daily News politics is with Van Buren, agrarianism loco focoism 18 animal magnetism and the sea serpent (but questions phreno) 19 long Catlin letter [Alex Proudfit active in NY Coloniz soc] 23 theaters ruin souls 26 visits Mech Inst fair, not as crowded as Am Inst one, but saw v correct model of a large hse by Jasper F Cropsey of Staten island, age 13, with his own tools, even carpeted with balustrades 30 more fr Catlin


NYPL mfilm Reel 12 Oct 1837-Apr 1838

looked at Nov 21 1837-

Reviewers Reviewed is silly satire (book by Miss Isabel?). 27 Catlin thru Dec 17. Then to Feb 12-13. Then all of April 1838.


NYPL mfilm reel 13 May-Nov 1838

May 1 1838 p2 Diogenes and his Lantern: Woodcock and Harvey on Fulton st pub large print, capital idea, Diogenes closing his search for an honest many by lighting on Danl Webster, port fr ptg by Frothingham. Likeness is not gd, spiritless and unintellectual. cynic figure intended to be classical, federal capital stands in backgrd—and is a  likeness! idea is excellent.

            YL is Wash corresp.

May 11 1838 p1 NAD no 1 from ER in some respects the best annual exhib, examine pics by order of artists, begin as decorum requires with the highest in rank. Morse as President, why missing? Has “Brutus” eloped with Maria Monk? etc last year splendid full length, is his genius dead? trying out chemico mechanics, be warned by fate of Fulton, ought to stick with glorious art. Dunlap 1 pic fr 1783. Robt W Weir, no pic, was it on grounds of Santa Claus or on ground of not ptg any pic that you got a panel in the Rotunda? Durand perhaps sent too many, member of hanging committee, 13 pics and 11 on the line, well provided for offspring, tho ea pic deserves its position. Twilight coloring too much? but truthful to effect, solitariness the idea. Rip van Winkle tells story, livid gleam of supernatural, bur face is caricature, lacks naturalness. ought not be a grotesque subj. Port of Mrs Durand best of a lady in exhib. Dance on Batter more spirited than decent thinks little prude on bench. all his lscapes cold in color, daubiness, but poetic feeling in his small pieces.

            p.2 port of John Welsey at Clover’s repository on Broadway, by Jarvis, a nephew. ptd fr a miniature.

May 16 p2 NAD no2: other officers, John Morton, morning ride, overlooked, not in an artist like manner, not effective by any means, trees are stiff, a gman amateur, but great merit. Cummings: no! Ingham usual character, careful finish, hard and dry,elegance, rosy tips tempting delicacy (fingers). Rose McNeven his best. effective fr distance, not usual, finely shaped head exquis neck relief agst sky, great simplicity, line of the balustrade just enough to express the sentiment. fine countenance expression, sweet gravity and ingeuous, grace, spirit, ladylike retinue in air, attitudes are lang of port, must follow decorum, modest cheerfulness for women.  style chiefly objectionable fr hard ivory like polish unlike flesh and blood, not connoisseur admired free handling in brushwork; not adapted for men, his ones of them are insipid and feeble

May 17 p.2 Exhib of NAD no 3, Cole: Schroon mtn wind visible, violence, clouds move away, heavy with rain, Schroon lifts her peak, careless energy of handling ell suited. too large, field of vision too confined for size of canvas, fail to realize space and distance often vitiates his best lscapes. savages happily introd, spot enemy on lake, action perfectly keeping with its character, needed to interest our feelings. Dream of Arcadia imag compos in heroic style, exuberant fancy, crowding canvas with many pics yet all harmonious. yet wants unity, a common point where feelings might repose, chiarascuro not judiciously managed, not enough force. So effective a pic in pop sense of the word with so little of technical effect owes to execution and beauty of ideas. Departure and return: delicious sentiment breathes throughout, greater feebleness of pictorial effect, but compensated by char of unity of design by concentration of moral interest on fate of the knight, highly poetic idea of evening, crowded with thoughts, charm, grow on us in their fullness of meaning. (priest warns agst war; turns out right). Sylvan lake: beauty is destroyed by want of atmosphere, presents to eye a flat surface, the vice of his lscapes, not ignorant of how to produce a distance, but sduced by unknown power into violation of estab rules of art. He lacks moral courage tos acrifice the subord parts to the keeping and effect of the whole.

May 22,1838 p.2 NAD No 4: done with officers, now academicians. Frederick Agate consid pretension port young lady imit of Ingham, ambitiously unnatural, without harmony that is truth. face out of drwg, yet has talent misapplied, pic mostly bad but concept gd and expr plays around mouth purity and sweetness. Bennet not exhib, Chapman Adrian’s villa, sky v blue, ruins v livid, woman feeding the apparition of an ass, phantom child, too evidently ptd without nature. disagreeable glassy other ones, romantique conception for port of youth in James I, piercing eye of the Pauldings. mannerist in color, easy and dexterous touch, quite in manner of old ptrs. His interior with girl reading bible gem of acad but for monotonous color, correct neat delicacy breadth light.  an Ital pic  has icy cascade, classic grace for goroup, but tree of glass, destitute of truth, ptd without nature. Don’t trust to dangerous facility for graceful outline and effect, emancipate himself fr mannerisms thru nature. James Freeman, affects careless amanner, has clearness freshness brilliancy mellowness, flesh like. drwg inexperienced. brigand hair excellentl done. another is masterly but too hi. Frothingham has 9 ports, unaffected style versus tricky pretension we see so much of, no affected attitudes or meretricious coloring, but quiet air of reality, lacks power of Stuart, old heads with strong char best as in Col Trumbull, Hoxie equally gd, color mellow and deep toned, hair well expressed, careless freedom of touch. Indiff draftsman so rarely gets delicate features of young females. Miss Ann Hall minature compos remarkable for their force, alw significant, meanign expr with wonderful power and delicacy.

May 25 p2 NAD. no 5 Inman usual captivating style, spirited action of heads, masterly intelligence of natural gradation of light (effect), in exaggeration of these merits and over reliance, origin of his peculiar mannerism. Brilliant but artificial coloring, lacks luminous yet soft transp of flesh, but handling dexterous free, crisp and decided touch for draperies and backgrds. Sisters—figs incorrectly drawn artificially disposed, backgrd accessories perfect, light  and moonlight on gothic tracery are beaut, admirable crimson drapery, rich and harmonious but crude white spencer. Marsiglia indiff ports, worse than indiff, lscape with trees of bronze. Mount orig genius but not Wilkie or a Teniers, fortune telling too large for comic subj, needs more forcible manner, face too white, forced laugh painful, dress of others too hard, tea or brandy being drunk? Tough story is a gem, strength of effect less necessary in cabinet size, needs to study art not nature to bring forcible chiarascuro together with distinctness. His still life has undeniable reality, felicity of faces, though all figs have a family likeness, repetitive. Page: last interview of wife to cell of husb, idea is that pic is indelicate, rather ludicrous than indiscreet, no powerful sense of the pathetic, jailor’s action seems gratuitous and disturbs sentiment. effect of light is handmaid of expression, fix attn on moral interest; David port of Napoleon where light was on white satin breeches, absurd solecism, Page here has no pictorial effect. disregard of rules intentional, no doubt, has its punishment. ddrwg correct esp foreshortening, admire coloring of flesh clear transp lustre unctuous surface akin to Titian. His port of a lady is a lie of the worst kind, enough truth to gain credence, beaut correct drwg almost don't need shadow, but genl effect a falsehood, if light were so diffused, tings of flesh stronger, or vice versa. Shumway finished miniatures. Whitehorne happy mediocrity, his port gman attracts attn by oddity.


June 4 1838 p.2 NAD no 6 Inskeep pleasing sketch in modern English manner. Gambardella portrait example of Ital style, fair Roman ptg Lawrence says, great accuracy but cold backgrd doesn’t harmonize with warmth of shadows, thereby falsifies the pic. Alexander port well designed, attitude easy, tone deep, hadnling happy union of Roman carefulness with free powerful manner of Stuart. Neagle port artist, at easel with sea piece, well exec, but design is puerile, has turned fr his work and leans over frame, hand armed with palette. Port of Mrs Wood in sketchy manner of Phladelphians, like it not, Sully’s earlier works preferable. W Brown consid merit but interesting as in style of Morland in subj and handling. Huntington port old gman reading, fine head, vigorously expressed, attitude striking, somewhat novel, bald head protruded powerfully effective, drapery too daubed on, boyish affectation of dashing freedom. His lady inharmonious, comonplace attitude, owdy dress, old maidish formality. Other ports do him credit, his lscapes delightful rural, gradation of lights and strength yet clearness of darks; another is handled with freedom and decision, most forcible in design. Powell: success in imitation of Inman, better imitate nature, portraits of men more creditable than lady. King’s five Indian heads grouped together with too little attn to probability. Fowler Port of Aaron Clark mayor, indiff likeness, indiff pic. Hamilton v gd. Harris must learn to draw, study Inman in compos less and nature more, can improve. Giovanni Thompson, port of Prof Ingraham strking by hi contrast, affected attitudes. SA Mount, praises it Linen pleasing, but mannerist in arrangements, eternal gray clouds. Eastman doesn’t repeat himself but repeats Weir. Ludow, Thompson and Webster, Wms comforts of old age, head has character and still life amazingly real, firelight reflections pleasing effect, can see house the comfortable circumstances of proprietor. Deas, Jewett, Watson and J Hagen narrative copos promise excellent. Geschmidt consid merit. Oddie lscape fr nature v gd, Clover honorable. Omitted those not worthy of notice, impartiality. ER

Jun 11 long praise of Knick. Jun 15 Langtree, bro in law of John O Sullivan, edited Knickerbocker when it first started, and assoc with lit dept of Commercial several years ago 18 death of Miss Missouri; her mom and friends got info published in Polyanthos that drove her mad 20 Robinson has a litho professing to be Miss Missouri’s port, no more like her than Queen Vic, but that won’t matter Jun 23 The Queen subj for English artists, a doz ports in catalog of exhib at Somerset Hse and hosts of authors, one now exhib at Acad in Barclay st, full length v showy pic tho not a remarkably gd one and we imagine not a partic gd likeness (no sitting). she has just risen fr her throne, rich green and gold dress and plumes, crown before her on a bronze and marble table. But exquis engr of Parris’ pic of her in box at theatre, charming, v lovely at Appleton and co.

Fatuous on Prince de Jointville  27 Panoramas: superb pano of Jerusalem by Catherwood, fr heart of Jerusalem, essential confidence in fidelity and skilful management of persp to throw air of reality over whole to convey not idea of a pic but actual living scene. Has been completely successful. groups of Arabs, Turks, Jews, Orientals pictque. Niagara admirable, but see it first.


Jul 3 lists among the holiday amusements the most rational are the pic galleries, Nat Acad, Hayward’s old masters at Chambers st, Ital ptgs fr Florence in old Acad rms, Queen vic v fine, Wenedel’s gallery, panos. Am mus has orang outang, also at Peale’s. 5 Robinson caric of Man of the World.


Skipped rest of July and August.

September 1838: Mech inst fair 11 NYU pamphlet fr prof of faculty of science pointing to errors in management. Recommends joining Am Inst, $3/yr ($2 after first). Report fr NYU that it was profs affected in salary or labor who protested retrenchment 25 profs HP Tappan and J Proudfit and RB Patton reply. In 6 yrs 6 profs have resigned unhappy with the chancellor, now 8 more express disapproval,  Chancellor paid for a Gothic chapel, and winding stiars that lead fr sparse library to winding stairs, but no books, and 8 profs reduced to five and an assistant, with less pay. John Lorimer Graham head of committee, friendly with Chancellor. Council president explained that when there are feuds in my kitchen, do I condescend to go elow stairs? No I dismiss one and retain the other. Genl James Tallmadge also close to Chancellor. praises Catherwood panos

Skipped Oct/Nov. 1838.


Mirror, Comm Ad, Spectator, Nov 2 1838, ought to have an exhib for Wm Dunlap to support his history of NY, patrons should loan their masterpieces


NAD advertises heavily in Eve Post and Comm Adv



NYPL microfilm reel 14 Dec 5 1838-June 29 1839

skipped to Jan 24th. 25th notice engr port of Hon Theo Frelinghuysen fr ptg by Rembrandt Peale, done by Sartain of Phila, lovers of virtue look upon calm, intellectual and pleasant features, fine dispos of light and shade, minutest markings of a most expr countenance, softness of flesh 26 notices Mrs Gove 29 Bryant poem 30 The Fine Arts: assoc formed by gman of city for promotion of fine arts, plan proved pop in Scotland and Euro, associate friends in one body, small subscription, raise fund for purchase best specimens, exhib at Apollo Gall, then lottery, with finest pics engraved so ea gets full value. Apollo estab itself will have more varied richer exhib and associates have a delightful lounge, opens next Weds, work of a undred Am artists now there and gems by old masters.


Feb 5 1839 Henry Clay of KY, Clover of Broadway furnishing what public has never yet seen, a gd engr port of him, faithful and artistical merit worthy of man. With Clay’s consent, engaged young skilful artist Linen to visit GW, has just returned, seen his pic, in all respects the thing—the v counterfeit presentment of eloq and able statesman, at Clover’s store. shld be profitable. Feb 6 notices politely Lit Gazette, Simmons on Am poets generally satisfying 11 approve Clay’s speech on abolition. Ptg by JC Ward in Mirror. promote Beauties of Danl Webster often. like Paulding of the Navy.


March 6 Geo Bancroft tho a radical in his politics is one of our very best writers and lectures at Stuyv I Mar 12 Horace Greely indefatigable industry and Park Benjamin will work on New Yorker, its crits free fr stereotype phrases, caustic when necessary savage as need be 16 Catlin. dislike Calhoun’s political heresies. 20 March mtg masonic hall, Mike Waslsh spoke at Whig, with Hone and Hoffman. Frelinghuysen elected chancellor. 21 letter fr Catlin


Apr 5 Mrs Ann Stephens alias Hughes imprisoned in London, having married Hughes of Olympic theater while her former husband was still alive. Hughes sd he could not recollect. Praise Catherwood’s Thebes Ap4 11 p1 Geo P Morris’ Hits at the Times, mostly fr Mirror. Literary standing of author is a bone of contention with quasi critics who speak oracularly in the newspapers. No ffoundation for extrav of praise or extrav of depreciation. Pleasant and entertaining trifles; the satire tho ot fine or pungent is fair enough. Most readers will take pleasure. April 17 1839 Apollo Assoc advertises, 410 Broadway, its first exhibition 20 Dubufe gallery closing soon, exquis grand, see ad vert (has weird symbol at end of column) 22 admirers of plastic art shld visit statue of Queen Vic at Stuyv I, by a native and entirely self taught artist, does him infinite credit. easy and graceful attitude, bust revealed in eleg proportions by close fitting vesture. Stout young but first work displays strong marks of genius. 24 p2 NAD opens today, 296 specimens by 110 all but 14 residents, more merit than any previous, bad pics decidedly less, improving young artists, talent of amateurs. fete on evening, describes tables, Morse, Ithiel Town, delicacies, bijou, pics attracted notice Indian Captives by Weir, noble foremost living ptrs, Lscape by amateur Oddie in Communipaw harmony of coloring, Sully’s Mrs Wood, Inman group of children, rich, WS Mount boys trapping, perfection of truth and nature, Edmonds penny paper, an amateur, Deas’ Devil bids to rival Mount, Durand lscape. 26 agree with Adams abt gag law


{I scanned to a flash drive these ones}


May 4 1839  Clinton Monument, poetical corresp indig remonstrance agst one in legislature who defeated proposition 6 Dubufe

Comm Adv May 10 1839 last year paper favored with some v discriminating and clever notices and crits of the exhib of NAD fr a  unknown source. author yet in the city? if aye favor us again the same way? did us a good turn.


11 whole first page is GW inauguration celeb at NYHS. p2 Combe’s lectures reported in New Yorker, glad to see strictures on the exhib of NAD brought to a close for in truth they are singularly uncritical, erroneous and unjust. May 13 p2 Inman letter May 14 p2 Apollo Gallery, new exhib opened, undoubted authenticity old masters, series of lscapes of Rocky mtns and wild sports of the Indians, belong to Sir Wm Stewart May 16 GB letter to editors, Henry Inamn’s handsome vindication, sat to Healy. May 24 p2 NAD number 1  unmanly attacks, licentious, Sky blue in an evening paper gets mad when can’t understand, exhib is superior in port ptg, port of a colonel post mortem, so can’t be a correct likeness, Mooney, Bennett, Col Ming extravagant badly drawn, Shegogue, leaden and bricky, unfinished crude, Adirondack passcold and leaden no sublimity no grandeur, Jarvis crude and glaring and badly drawn, out of keeping, Watson sketch wholly destitute of beauty up close Fink no striking effects, Richardson wants finish, too great haste. Spencer waxy flesh as usual. Frothingham wants relief. Harris improved. Weir Captives, well designed but misconceived Indian character, manly dignity and perfect contempt of danger, not a suppliant. but poetry and feeling. Studio, trashiness. Powell badly drawn ptd mannerist, faces all facant and supercilious stare. flat want of vigor. Signed E. May 25 notices writer of remarks in error respecting No. I. It is not a post mortem likeness. Crits signed ‘E’ 29 Danforth engr gd 30 death of Leggett, first paper the Critic, assoc with Verplanck, Sands, Bryant and Miss Sedgwick, Eve Post, ran into ultra-democracy May 31 p1 NAD no II: Marsiglia in good taste? Whitehorne too cold, Oddie Huntington well ptd, Sully, Freeman heads best in collection attempt at nothing but the truth, great pains. Selous beaut, Inman, Healy out of drwg, Sully wants force no strking excellence, Doughty woolly and undetermined, Alexander simple unostentatious, Seth Eastman not well ptd, creditable for an amateur. hoxie feebly ptd. SA Mount well ptd. Durand of Ithiel Town, air of antiquary, WS Mount Mayor of Brooklyn too white and red,  Page spirited fine flesh appearance of reality. E.


June 5 O’Sullivan a capital scholar, great purity, philosophic ultra democracy see June 7 p1 for NAD June 7 1839 p. 1 NAD no III, Signed E.

            HS Mount cattle piece vvery gd arrang light and dark, well drawn and ptd. Boy Fishing, S Watson, clever, shadows v tranps, effect of sun well rep. FS Agate  Rev HG Ludlow, head great breadth of light, book and hand pretty well, expression lifelike. Miss Ann Hall mini lady, arms rather large and long, otherwise v well; HC Shumway mini gman, splendidly colored, force and effect of oils,, color gd, head finely ddrawn finished, draperies need more careful finish, ports of Gideon Lee and lady are fine. TS Cummings minis, exquis finish, for light, delicate and pretty, without a rival. JJ Mapes gman v excellent head worthy a pro artist. Other minis are above mediocrity.

            Vanderlyn Gman, not v creditable. F Fink, Jesse Buel, the cultivator’s face appears to have been ploughed into furrows by the artist, anatomy too strongly marked in the light, which destroys its breadth. Color v mellow. C Ingham lady, v well colored and exquis finished in artist’s best manner. JT Harris old gman, admirable resemblance, fine color masterly, perfect transcirpt of nature.

            Group of two Children H Inman, positions of heads too enarly the same white of dresses not sufficiently diffused so apeparance of spots in pic, exec v beaut. Lscape Baker v well composed little pic. Inverwick Castle, one of Richardson’s best, warm light ver aerial by being suppored with rich warm brown shadows.

            Page lady, a little too mcuh of stern and dignified to be prepossessing, v Pallas like, arrang of light and color masterly. Page artfully coducted light into darkest recesses of shadow, brought them in contact by white ruffle and darkest portion of dress, harmonized in middle tint of pic. Shld like to see more warmth and transp in shadows of flesh, prismatic effects of light on flesh beaut rep.

            Moonlight G Havens, lighted his towers on wrong side, color too blue and cold. Young Lady Gambardella, bad effect prod’d by straight line in backgrd. Face beaut and perfectly lifelike in expression, the purity and innocence of youth. Unpleas effect prod’d by light of right arm coming in contac with left hand, plaid drapery inimitably ptd.

            Rejected Pic LP Clover, may serve to show the artist who has the least prevoyance what wld be the fate of him who wld for fame or novelty paint grand historical wlrks of genius such as would be appreciated by the few. His pic as a matter of course wld be eulogized and he left to neglect and want. What substantial food for genius the admiration of the world would be.

            MK Kellogg, Gman, an English artist, low in tone, exceedingly clever. Gman Mooney, excellent likeness, but white of vest and bosom is too harsh and cutting. Lscape autumnal sketch Durand, pretty but too fresh for autumn, handling inimitable. FS Agate Gman gd style of ptg for exhib on account of breadth of light on head. Wilgus, Onondaga Chief, fine arrang of light and color, posit dignified and noble, stern and melancholy expression as he reflects on wrongs given with great truth, compressed lip of scorn and sneer of contempt peculiar in Indian well portrayed, artist great talent and promise.

            Lady and Child Ingham, expression of child disagreeable, mom’s face a little out of drwg, unus, hands, arms and draperies beaut ptd, sentiment is attempt of infant mind to account for sound of touch of tiny fingers on the instrument.

            Dr Channing, v perfect repres of an honest man, Gambardella. Spencer, a v clever head, his pics require a strong light bcause of delicacy of his tints, in many a want of gradation and lights and shades not harmonized to sufficient breadth of middle tint. Has improved fr last exhib.

            Inman Gman air of man of fashion admirably portrayed, exceedingly happy in posture and air of his figs. Powell Lady, v pleasing arrang of light and color.

            Boys Trapping, WS Mount, Admirable. Only fault is that snow appears a ltitle too much like ice, not granulated, but every other part worthy, only sorry not more by this artist in his peculiar walk.


June 10, 1839 p. 2 approves of John L Stephens appt to Central Amer in place of Leggett; visits Sully’s Queen Vic, charming admirable v interesting, justice to her features more than engravings, prettier than artists have allowed, with a lovely if wilful mouth, her autograph a mark of condescension

Jun 13 p2 The Apollo: Rocky mtn pics temp exhib in front of some of finest pics in coll,so couldn’t be seen. Newspapers teemed with notices, but none guided eye to real gems of exhib, so a member of the assoc will give crit remarks. March of Luxury: Millionaires ought to buy pics and statues instead of costly furn. Visited Delavan’s furnishing warehouse, saw superb epergnes and table furniture, very pretty but nto very republican, suppose imported for White Hse as hq of pure demo.

            The Apollo: Rocky mtn pics lately exhib there now gone and can see other pics, real gems of exhib not just Drummond hunting, one of the members of the Assoc in a few days will give a series of critical remarks

June 17, p.1 Acad of Design No 4: Inman, Grey tolerably ptd, Alexander charm, John R Bleecker and Jenkinson, ptr of common nature shld not select grossness and vulgarity. J Cranch execution discreditable. Gambardella excellent, Durand little gems, Edmonds compos is Blind Fiddler, but orig in other respects, faces are too foreign, Page, Elliott man too absorbed with his briefs. Page’s minturn v fine, Clonney an amaetuer very happy, Ingham, Bryant, Mooney, Deas some vulgarity, Huntington, Deas not fit subj for pencil, Durand too much green, Shegogue strking, Freeman exquis, Spencer excellent, Verbruck pleasing but for heads and hands, Agate good, Clover does ample justice, student Hicks Dickinson Nims Fanshaw and Thomas good. E.

Likes Mrs Ellett and Harry Franco.

June 27 p1 The Apollo Galery no 1: some want taste in fine arts and can never be supplied, many pretend, quacks inc riticism too. Rembrandt, Domenichino et al

June 28 Apollo no 2: compare Velazquez still life with Peales, and Americans will rise in esteem. W Brown imitates Morland. A Richardson copies. Coates and Stewart Watson.


NYPL mfilm reel 15 July 1 1839-Jan 31, 1840

Jul 3 1839 p.1 includes among holiday amusements the Picture Galleries, Catlins at Stuyvesant, Nat Acad, Apollo, ptgs fr Italy at Amer Acad in Barclay, some v curious and Sully. Jacob B Moore has joined Daily Whig, Jeffersonian school of republicanism. 6 Eve Post: opinions of Commercial …just indignation of all sensible well-bred people. 17 osceola deeply wronged 26 controversy over whether Sully’s ptg is a copy; there are two versions.


Skipped to December. 14 Gouraud’s dags. 19 praises Geo Linen ptg Daniel Webser, everyone before him has failed, but caught glowing intellectual expr of Clay last year and Webster truly admirable, diff fr dark, heavy, gloomy pics of others, fine intell devt glwoing with life and light and masc beauty. At Clover’s. 24 Port all of City Hall recd another fine specimen, port of ex Mayor Clark by H Inman, one of most successful efforts of eminent artist


started with the 13th. 15th happy with decision that Amistad declared free. 22 Clement Edson gone from Knick.  25 p2 John W Jarvis obit (I have a xerox) used phrenology first in port ptg, knew Dr  John W Francis, friend of Thomas Paine, loose habits and imprudent marriage, Sully worked as his assistant for awhile, a humorist, did Perry and Decatur for city of NY governor’s apt, pics of great merit. Henry Inman his pupil, they both were very successful painting in New Orleans, left him in 1819, eccentric, no economy 27 proof of port of Leggett for Dem Rev, minature by Cummings, like and yet not like, features are there, but not the bland expression, looks taken after death 31 Page just completed pic of Mrs Isabella Scott, directress of NY Lying in Asylum, compliment to her, taste in procuring a picture instead of a daub


NYPL reel 16 Feb-Aug 1840

Feb 1 5 John Duer defends city in Morning Chronicle from furnisher of city articles for London Times who has malignant misrepresentations. 11 city advertisements will go to eve Post, $5-7000, not to either of the New Eras. Feb 17 1840 Comm Adv praise James J Mapes new American Repertory of Arts, will cover NAD et al

Praises Mapes’ new Am Repertory.


March 12 praises Daniels of the Gazette, retiring and McCall taking over. 26 like David Graham for mayor 28 illustration of a slave boat’s quarters 30


April 2 buy Johnson’s scraps to cheer Whigs up 17, 18 outrage that Van Buren banner showed old woman in petticoats flying fr Brit troops, intended as apic of Harrison, base and beastly, lucky no violence. Apr 18 1840 students at NAD will get a prize for drwg Venus de Medici, Cole, durand, Ingham, Inman, Mount, Richardson, Cummings, Frothingham preparing for annual exhib

Apr 25 p.2 NAD, tone of pictures more brilliant, Ingham port of Dunlap, Edmonds amateur beaux, Deas 4th of july, Mount Durand lscape with a single tree in foregrd a perfect jewel, Cole, Biddle by Inman 27 Annual Dinner of NAD p2 gives Morse speech on daguerreotype and toasts. Comm Adv and Eve Post both describe supper of NAD

 Miller’s Lady Jane Grey just pub. Covers report of those who want to reform Am Inst.

May 1840 Audubon great, for drwg and natural history. NAD advertising. 18 notices Bell auction of ptgs. Catlin letter

June 1840 8 Herald publishing false ads fr merchants 11 Unholy Alliance betw Herald and Albany Argus, Herald’s money articles indep and fearless, calls it a federalist Harrison paper 22 Brackett’s bust of Harrison here in a week or so 24 Gouraud controversy letters. Stone is and has been out of town 29 Clover advertises

July 1 take Morse’s word over Gouraud’s. July 2 publishes tree that Xtian Intelligencer did, fr Am Bible Society p.1 Jul 3 amusements for holidays only mentions Clark’s gallery on Chambers st and Catherwoods Rome 7 Am Inst does gd work, will be cleaned up 16 Clover’s port of Henry Clay fr ptg by Linen is excellent likeness, not a handsome face but beaming with intellig and gd nature, caught a happy expression, in every library and drwg rm 25 engr p1 of new Trinity Church, Upjohn the architect purely Gothic, from the Churchman

Aug 6 The Ptr and the Old Chest, a true story p1, Siena and Pius II


NYPL Reel 17 Sept 1840-March 1841

Sept 1840: 9 Danforth bank engrs best. 16 Mooney, student of both Inman and Page, port of Arab captain of Sultanee of Muscat, we consider a chef d’ouevre of the art, as large as life and almost speaks, 383 e Broadway. Apollo ad, open the 19th.

Oct 1 notices Mooney’s port again, in office of Common Council City Hall, worthy of being an academician, Council shld buy it 6 haven’t been yet to Apollo exhib, but those who have whose judgment we have confidence one of the most interesting, not as large as fewer ports, which none we presi,e wo;; regret. Should foster the arts. Has been giving a day by day account of Am Inst Fair. 30 praises Braham briefly.

skipped fr Nov 1 to 16. 26 JQ Adams on recent visit to city sat to Marchant, 17 Park pl for his portrait, head of admirable fidelity, will be a gem; has taken best pic of Harrison we’ve ever seen, also has Clay, Rev Dr Beecher, Jackson, Astor Chas Hammond. Have really come down hard on Recorder Morris in the Glentworth papers. 30 cites London Art Union on merits of Bishop White ptd by Inman engr by Wagstaff


Dec 7 Sonnets for comm advertiser suggested by Cole’s 4 ptgs representing the voyage of life, by Mrs Seba Smith, poet painter, preacher of great truth, mystic tide of human life, just narrates the ptgs. 15 Fine Arts: engr Bishop Chase by Prudhomme, most successful. 19 Landscape paintings p.2: all mouths lavish in praise of Cole’s pics at the Athanaeum rms, all is just. But he will have an aspirant in his peculiar art, recently seen J Talbot’s lscapes, talent and skill full of promise. Months ago put Catskill scenery large pic in Colman’s window, attracted great attn, has another of same in Apollo Assoc exhib greatly admired by artists as by amateurs. His chef deouvre so far is a pic of Rockland Lake and surroundings, five ft by 3 ½, wide prospect. Also notices Apollo Gall, ad Fowler’s full length of Henry Clay excellent likeness, though perhaps one by Jarvis is better.


Skipped fr Dec 28 to Feb. 16 notices Trumbull’s reminiscences. lots on NY and Erie rrd. Apollo advertises. March 1841: notices the New World, have to read it hanging on a wall so big. 3 Arcturus ridicule clever but not deserved


NYPL Reel 18 Apr-Oct 1841

April 1 1841 ladies of Wyoming Valley raising funds for monument 3 shouldn’t travel on Sundays 5-11 (!) black borders for Harrison 13 p.1 Exhib at the Apollo: pass an hour there, truly splendid, masters new and old, note attract partic attn: lscape bold and spirited by FW Whitley; Linen excels, Inman delightful most agreeable, Lawrence’s West, Walker unsatisfactory as a view, GC Thompson fr Ossian, much attn and skill, some accessories hard and unnatural, but principal fig well exec expression v graceful. Stuart Watso Boon companions, well hit off, make one forswear beer, lady amateur Virgin v sweet, E White portrait happy in peculiar stye of shading, Marchant port of Kendall ed Picayune looking quizzical. 23 p.2 port of Genl Harrison, excerpt fr Times and Star praising Frankinet’s port, Comm Ad says it is a puff, of all the caricatures of the late Pres that have appeared, this one is the worst, never saw it without a sigh that anny human being was liable thus to be tortured upon canvass, wld have frightened the charger Tippecanoe rod on, to look upon, and a faithful dog wld have wept over it. We knew Harrison for many year, but when we saw Frankinet’s port we knew him not. 29  p2 Binding of Satan: v clever group in plaster by Brackett, at Chambers, one prostrate of Satan overthrow, other upright a heavenly messenger with chains. exec highly meritorious, credit to skill and genius, Conception we think defective. both figs lack elevation of char, nothing in either to indicate grand and awful nature of the subj, nor without explanation could one discover what they represent. All that appears to eye is a powerful man lying on ground his limbs drawn u as if in pain and a scowling expression, while a youth stands over him looking down in compassion. Brackett did group in 3 months, should not be too hasty in grappling with subjects demanding utmost power of conception, shld take ample time for study and preparation. In same bldg a full length port of Harrison by TB Read, strong likeness, much talent, tho wants finish. Seated, and ina ttitude costume and accessories faithfully as he was in North Bend. April 30 p.2 NAD: opens next week, long praise of services of the Academy, lists those present, Judge Inglis, mayor elect, Hone, Bruen, Aaron Ward former congressman, Mapes, present and late Recorders in friendship as were elect mayor and Morse, one of his opponents


May 1841 18 Apollo advertising but not NAD.

June 10 agree with Ketchum on public schools 12 praise Catlin’s book. Has post office advertising. 22 critical of JQ Adams for pushing the petitions 24 praise Danforth bank engravings with heads of Frelinghuysen, Clay, Webster, John Marshall and has long description of the others. Agree with Stephens on origins of Central America ruins. NAD advertising, closes on 5th July 1 gouraud back. Skipped fr July 7 to 20th. CW Brownlee’s letter to Bishop Hughes on school q. Aug 7 letters fr Rome continuing, Apollo Belv at Vatican, go in evening when won’t be annoyed by crowd of sentimental admirers crying out aitn it beautiful, grand and splendid, fashionable to roll out a string of poetical exclamations, by ESN.

            Skipped to Aug 28 p2 report fr Washington notes $11,800 for erecting statue  of GW in rotunda, Holmes objected to destruction of symmetry. Sept 7 Buckingham being abused for telling the truth about puffing in the press. Stopped after the 9th. Roll ends with October.


NYPL Reel 19 Nov 1841-May 1842

Nov 4 Lester’s glory and shame of England, vigorous highly animated writer, draws conclusions fr facts, gloomy picture of suffering and oppression, will be widely appreciated. Sparks’ Life of GW one of noblest monumetns to him

Dec 3 p.2 Corresp fr Washington, Greenough’s statue been put in its place, or rather out of its place, understood that artist requested (he alone could know best) it be set far enough fr the centre to bring the light fairly on the face and front. by puttint it in the centre, the light fr apex of the dome (there being no other) falls on top of the head and casts all the most striking features of the face into shade. greatest injustice done the artist by this foolish, unwarrantable, stupid change. Might have been better still to put it agst the wall of the rotunda, back was not made to be exposed. (corresp is TY) Dec 4 p2 editor agrees with Wash corresp, debated in House, true hearted Whig Stanley fr N Carolina defends it. Demo Rev has port of Wash Irving fr Stuart Newton.



started at Jan 15 to 23, (Feb 15 crit of Noah for letting Bennett off libel trial) then skipped to Apr 15. 16 Lines written on a port of Danl Webster by RS Childont, I love to gaze upon that face/its dignity itsmanly grace/tose burning eyes that lofty brow etc. 29 p.2 Marchant poem on The Artist’s Dream by Geo Comegys, the Apollo Assoc print for 1842, for the Comm Advert. Long.

May 1842: covers his own libel trial, defended by David Graham and Ketchum. 18 Bennett should be punished more than a fine. NAD advertising. puffs Colman’s new estab.


Reel 20 NYPL Jun-Dec 1842

June 1842 1, 2 NAD opens, crit by Dick Tinto, Havel, Marriage of Pocahontas, Gray Huntington Livingston, Port of Varian by Mooney, Lawson Villamil, Blondel Durand, Bleecker Clover Thielcke Hicks Whitehorne Burnham Paulding Flagg Ingham Doughty Osgood Sawyer Barker Kaul Dickinson Smith Shegogue Goodwin EC Weir. June 14 and still no sequel. 17 Parke Godwin advertising to start a new paper the Morning Post. Webb in a foolish duel. Black borders for Southard in Senate.


July 1842

Charter Oak is a steamship. rumor that Noah and Willis would edit a paper called the Union, Willis denies it. 13 describes new Custom House, Frazee architect, Kneeland did ornaments. Stopped there.


Library of Congress bound volume, 1830-1850 (partial!)

Oct 25 1837 p.2 A Lecture, crush to see Catlin at Stuyvesant, some 18 or 20 Indians, Keokuk, Catlin exhib ports, could see their fidelity

Feb 8 1838 ads for Whichelo’s Fall of Jerusalem for sale, Hayward’s gallery (English engravings importer) of first masters open on Chambers st, testifying to its quality are Morse, Inman, Ingham, Durand, Page, Cummings, Harvey, Mount, Spencer, Oakley, Verplanck, JR Murray, Hone, Paulding, DW Colt, M Paff, H Muler, W Dunlap, Shegogue, Fandin, JW Gerard, Frothingham, Agate and Newcombe


Feb 20 1841 Apollo advertises, as does NAD, and Clark’s gallery

May 25 1842 NAD advertises; front page as Wm L Stone’s libel trial

Oct 16 1844 notes big Whig mtg in Hartford held on Charter Oak ground


Library of Congress bound volume 1850

October-December 1850

1 support compromise, the current Whig admin, but oppose extension of slavery. 2 Like Hiram Ketchum and other minority conservative Whigs, but wants Whigs to stay united behind Seward

8 continues notices of Am Inst Fair, port of GW by Stuart, daughter of Gilbert, copied fr his, purchased by Calif Senate, sale by Baldwin Gardner advert of statuary and fancy articles. Lots of city official advertising, Whig council.

9 Thom Monk crayons. 12 missing. 14 v brief notice of Am AU bulletin.

22 suggests that a Brooklyn editor and author cld reveal secret of authorship of Lorgnette, classic purity and eleg of style 23 disapprove of Am Whig Rev, too newspapery. 25 crit of women’s suffrage, ought to raise good citizens 26 Douglass, corresp fr Paris, notes portraits of Lafayette among others at Versailles 28 mentions J Freeman, artist and consul in Rome, favorably 30 very critical of the Independent re Fug Slave law 31 celebrates Union mtg at Castle Garden

November 1850

1 rescue of Calhoun statue fr Courier. 2 now critical of Castle Garden Union mtg as device of J of Commerce and Demos to split the Whigs. Merc Lib advertises a lot. 14 esteem Bryant, Beranger, Cooper’s daughter. Skips fr 16 to 25. Doesn’t seeme sp hostile to Hughes. 26 Rome corresp enthus re Crawford 27 more hostile to Hughes. Notices pano of Pilgrim’s Progress, temerity to paint so purely ideal a subj as this allegory, misgivings, but agreeably surprised at justness of designs genrerally and excellence of ptg thru out, Lists several scenes, Christiana and Gate among best, least pleased with Pilgrim ascending Hill Difficulty, too much like a hunter climbing rocks, yet beaut scenery. Notices Leeds sale of modern Dutch ptgs

29 notices bronze at Am AU by Fisher of Berlin after Rauch (Ranch)

December 1850

2 missing.  6 Like Ik Marvel, dislike Alton Locke. AM AU advertises. 12 missing. 13 Praise Fillmore, long puff of sale of ptgs 14 missing.

18 p. 2 AU: coll we are told one of choicest, number and variety not surpassed, Cole, Weir, Durand, Huntington, Church, Glass, Doughty, Rossiter, Cropsey etc and Trumbull’s engravings. 19-20 missing. 21 p.1 gives Cozzens speech at distrib and list of winners, inclu the amazing amount of pictures by J Heiff. Continues p. 2. 26 lots on Bulwer’s speech at N E society. 27 notices pano of Conn river, and Stanley’s Indian gall, deserving of attn. Crawford at work on Wash Monument for VA. 31 like Home J.


Library of Congress bound volume 1851 Francis and John B Hall proprietors, 46 Pine st


Starts on 24th, then skips to 27th, then 29th. Skips fr 30th to


3, 4 likes Harper’s. 6 missing. 18 Beecher and Park Benjamin lecturing/reading 20 glad that govt didn’t approp any money for London World’s Fair. Notices pano of Pilgrim’s Prog. 23-24 missing.


6 p. 1 Banvard’s account of Egypt p.2 Hildreth’s history of US is impartial. Sale of Mrs Madison’s pics, gives prices realized eg for bust port of GW by Stuart $300 and his of Jefferson to Gov Coles for $200 etc, some large pics were withdrawn when no bid on them. Duyckinck taking over Dollar Mag. 8 Eve Mirror never considered a sound Whig paper, tho it has benefited fr hands of a Whig admin., can’t believe its attack on woolly heads of majority (Sewardites) are sanctioned by pres and cabinet. We support compromsie measures of Fillmore too, but don’t denounce Whigs who disagree, as this will damage party in future

13 sale of Calyo’s beaut pano of Conn river by Leeds. 17 missing. 18 Mayhew replete with interest but his theory that all crime is caused by nervous system/phys char is not valid 19 anecdote of friend who purchased a slave’s freedom. Anti gambling article singles out lotteries as bad. 21 Penn anti-slavery. Notices Art Journal. Beware of Mock Auctions: amusing scene in front of our old neighbors, messrs. Haggerty, Draper & Jones, by mistake or joke one of the signs Beware of Mock Auctions” was paraded in front of their doors, crowd merry at Pine and Wm streets, policeman marched standard bearer to his proper station. 24 Sad reNoah’s death. After his split with Webb, he joined Thomas Gill of Eve Post, to start Evening Star, which went downhill after Gill died. After the formation of the Conservative party in this state under P Tallmadge, Star merged with Times under Times and Star, and in Oct 1840 Comm Advert bought them out. Wrote leaders fr the Morning Star and with Messrs Deans and Howard started a weekly Times which he edited up til Feb this year. Not profound, but sacrasm and practical knowl and tact, patriotic plays.

26 corresp fr Rome, Chapman piccs of great ffreshness and beauty, had been ill, Freeman v busy, Mozier an ideal head, Crawford’s Flora for Haight of NY beaut block of marble. Virginia monument mentioned too.

            Notices Huntington’s lectures at Hope Chapel (had formerly given them at NAD) on xtian art large audience, profound knowl, lucid and forcinle lang, gems of wit, style flowery and descriptive, picture vivdly drawn.

28 Leeds sale of AB Haxtun pictures, his Correggion Holy Fam got $800. 29 missing.


April 1851

1 NAD advert before they open. Daily Globe, organ of Hunker discontinued, don’t need a paper, they just do what Tammany tells them. Spiritualism = impostors. Notes Mech Inst., Cinti Merc Lib; Prison Reform Assoc report. 7 not a fan of No Am Rev.

No theater ads?! No more NAD either. 18 LLE London corresp for World Fair, notices wounded Indian sculp by Stephenson23 likes Willis, Ruskin. 24 delighted with Bulwer at St Geo fest.

25  p. 2 likes Courier des Etat. Home Dept, NAD: Many of the ptgs are unusuallygd, esp the lscapes. Most perfect lscape 403 Morning Ride, AB Durand, exquis beaut, drwg coloring true to nature, yet so softly, warmly done as to resemble the dream of a poet rather than cold reality of earth. 63 Child and Fawn, Shegogue, 160 port child Mrs Dassel, admirable in their way, backgrd pool in Shegogue perhaps too blue. 177 port Brougham by Geo W Flagg gd likeness but light in head and face badly thrown, looks too much like pearl powder. 184  Mrs Brougham much better. JH Wright 165 Boy Washington illus truthfulness, cutting tree with dad’s hatchet, figs of Mrs Wash and servant and infant, genl pln of thje pic and coloring gd, but boy’s face too old looking and dress not consistent. Looks more like Gen Tom Thumb than Gen Washington. Eyes of dad not fixed upon the child as they shld be whill either speaking or listening to him. Wright shld retouch and amend these unfortunate errors.

            Among historical pics, Church’s Deluge 1 and Murray’s Defence of Toleration Rothermel 5 are worthy of partic attention. Will try to say more later.

Skips fr 25 to 30

May 1851

1 notices Am Art Union, gallery now open. NAD advert., also Art Union. 5 sad re death of Philip Hone, mover behind Merc Lib. May 9 p.2 Home Dept: Pictures in the Art-Union: looked in at gallery. We doubt whether all the pics there exposed will be approved by the community generally as becoming in an Am exhib. Assuredly there is more than one that a lady subscriber wld feel embarassed at having drawn as a prize.   10 p.2 Pictures in the Art-Union: requested to say re paragraph of yesterday that pics referred to are not the property of the A-U and will not of course be included in the distrib.

            But we have a word or two to add on our own account. The pics in q are copies of Guido’s Cleo, Raph’s Madonna and one other of equal value, by courtesy of a gman desire to supply studies of great masters. Had intended to write earlier “becoming in an Am free exhib.” Gallery of AU not the restort of artists or connoisseurs, but the public generally, young people who go not to study the ideal but to gratfy sight in more genl way, and a lady visiting is attended by a gman.

            Add to this a super-refinement of delicacy in vogue among us, many can’t appreciate purity of ideal distinguishes the pics in q, and take alarm. Our notice of the pics had been solicited by several who found the pics distasteful to ladies who accompanied them, and we had evidence that this was true, so we expressed a general feeling. Where admission is charged, amateurs are principal visitors, and no difficulty wld occur, as in a promiscuous asssemblage which has not learned to see with artist’s eye.

13-16 missing. 19-20 missing. 23 rant re Popery and Freeman’s J. 27 v enthus re Webster’s last speech. 29 p. 2 corresp fr Rome says lots of Americans buying art, but immense quantity of trash, neglected artists of own country in favor of a flashy Neapolitan ptr whose false colors are “very stryking” and of cheap copies of Sybils, Magdalens and Madonnas, destined to become eyesores. Not an artist, but mortified by poor ptgs shipped home, genuine merit neglected, in favor of getting a gallery of pics for 3-400 dollars at a picture dealer. Should get fine engravings instead, will hold value better than bad pictures. Auction of first class prints very few went below orig price. Very unlike swaggering, lying character of pic sales in the US.

            Chapman’s Am Drwg bk advertises, Eugene Sue too.

June 1851

2 missing. June 13 partly missing, admires von Humboldt v much, critical of Eliz Barrett Browning’s poems, esp the proslavery ones, but also others as vaid and false sentiment, rugged and faulty diction. 14 missing. 16 p. 2 Home Dept: NAD—diversified subjs in color and design, if any fault with genl char of exhib, too many ports. To our mind none shld be placed except those remarkable for talents or personal beauty. Why so many unmeaning faces, of peoplle whom nobody knows and nobody cares to see, shld be suspended among the beaut lscapes and hist and ideal ptgs, can’t understand. Some are v excellent and v approp exhib, as of Bishop Brownell by GF Wright, Sir Chas Grey by A Bradish, and Dr T Romeyn Beck by AW Twitchell are well done and more admirable as works of art than more pretending pics of Genl Scott by MK Kellogg and late Pres Taylor by J Vanderlyn.

            One of most pleasing is 5, Murray’s defence of Toleration, PF Rothermel, subj dignified, worthy the pencil, attracts attn, Rothermel’s conception is vigorous, outline and coloring exec with much power and judgment. Some defects of detail: arm of child clinging to mom on steps too large and muscular, entirely disproportionate.

            The Trout Stream, 43 DWC Boutelle, gd pic, great merit of being natural, reminds beholder of real streams, clouds and fields. Seems to have drawn fr nature, avoiding common error of inventing a lscape that never cld exist save in imag.

            Cathedral Rouen 48 Henry Gritten creditable, excellent sky.

            Lady 111 CL Elliott a favorable illus of artist’s well known talent, fortunate in his subjects, generally makes a handsome pic.

            Mini of Hon Danl Webster 275 RM Staigg v weak and poor, no idea of energy decision mark countenance of great orig.

            Gman 411 Theo Pine entierly out of place in a gallery of this kind; the introduction of a shelf of Comstock’s reports is certainly an evidence of peculiar taste.

            The Deluge 1 FE Church does not equal the anticipations excited by its title. There are some gd pts, but on whole there is an apparent want of power to grapple with such a vast conception.

Does review singers and opera and they advertise.

June 21 p. 2 Home Dept, NAD: 416 pics, 147 or more than a third are ports. Surely art of making likenesses has nothing to do with the art of design, display of this kind is inconsistent with the name of the institution.  Whole realm of imag and history of world afford sufficient subjects, need not copy the faces of everyday people and exhibit them as specimens of design.

            Table Rock, 13 Henry Muller has been somewhat admired, has merit,b ut coloring not natural, or our recollections differ fr its author. Punch in the Dairy JT Peele 27 well-conceived, one of the prettiest pics in coll. Just in Tune 80 Who’ll Turn Grindstone 118 WS Mount, characteristic ptgs, low subjects well exec, make us wish he’d devote himself to conceptions of a higher class.

            St Cecilia 74 Flattz beaut drawn finely ptd, attendant angels better with white wings instead of gaudy green and gold plumage they sport.  Royal Skaters 237 handsome production, too highly colored perhaps, Duke of Monmouth prob gd likeness, short dress of princess of Orange excellent pattern for the new costumers.

23 missing. 27 a corresp notices Ep Palmer, native sculp


1 excerpts Greeley. 3-4 missing. 7 missing. 9 missing. 10 notes death of artist AW Rutherford in Italy. 12, 14 missing. 15 Red Jacket oratory admired, no more NAD ad. Forrest suing Willis for libel. Police Gazette lost libel case in Brooklyn.

16 approve Copway’s mag for the historian

Skipped from July 21 to August 25th, 1851


11 p.2 letter fr Am artist Walter Gould to friend in NYC re Kossuth, came to Turkey to paint him, various others 16 notices Cooper’s death, sensitiveness toward crit, Episcopalian. 18 WB their Paris corresp praises Gothic as superior to Grecian, says of the class of architects who favor Greece and Rome that they reverence antiquity like the divine right monarchies; the Gothicists accept modern discoveries but wish to go no further like the constituional monarchists, and the third (eclectic) are the progress party, believing in the possibility of constant advancement in art as well as science and ethics. As polit and social institu are made to harmonize more closely with the great doctrines of liberty, brotherly love and equality proclaimed by Christ, genius will seek approp forms of beauty and sublimity.

22 recommends going into the country, rural pleasuares, inclu church

23 p.2 Am Art Union, galleries opened, 200 invited guests, artists and literati, secy of war present, Cozzens, P Wetmore, Leutze, Rev Mr Osgood

25 praises Raymond’s Times, hi and liberal; covers mtg to honor Cooper, Rev Griswold, Irving, Halleck, Bancroft, Rev Osgood, Chas F Briggs, Parke Godwin, GC Verplanck, Paulding, Chas King, John W Francis, Hawks, L Gaylord Clark,  Bryant, Duer, Geo Morris, Wainwright


October-December Library of Congress Bound Volume 1851

October 1 Douglass the corresp of Zephyrs fr Venice discusses Tintoretto and Michelangelo the Milton of artists. 4 missing. 7 missing. 8 Genin active in raising money for Kossuth (Comm Advert gives him lots of coverage, generally supportive) 14 notices sale of Dutch ptgs by Leeds, and death of Henry Lees of Brooklyn Daily Advertiser, had one defective feature of his character

15 Home Dept: has been v supportive of Am Inst Fair and has a long notice of various items that continues in subseq issues; Mr Healy’s Picture of Webster in the US Senate, eulogies in Boston press raised expectations, 1830 reply to nullification doctrines  NO occasion more brilliant, or better calculated for pictorial representation, cld have been selected, but a scene in a delib body can never be a favorable subj for ptg, finest genius can only make of such a scene a gallery of portraits. There is excitement in debate, but highest art required to give life to countenances of listeners and spectators, until artist learns to put soul on canvass, will never be able to invest such a pic with dramatic interest.

            Healy’s pic a ddisappointment, has a narrow and constrained appearance as a whole, coloring not agreeable, and to ordinary vision the persp is bad. Port of Webster best we’ve seen, shld have given us that alone, majestic form, incarnation of intellectual power, but whole pic has defects. Port of Calhoun presiding is a positive distortion. Hayne is so apparently unconcerned that no one without an index cld ever detect him among the crowd. Majority of the 100 ports prob correct, some we know are, but nearly all have the defect that they might be uct out and placed in separate frames and none wld discern that they had ever formed parts of a great hist ptg. They have not the expression kindred to the circumstances around them; in short, the pic has no unity of meaning, valuable only for accuracy of ports.

23 praises gov Hunt. 24 missing. 28 has been supportive of Maretzek at the Opera. 29 critical of Union Safety Committee, shld just support regular Whig ticket. 30 missing.

November 1851

4 p.2 Home Dept, Wash Crossing the Delaware, crowd of artists, critics and ladies at priv exhib dense first impressions favorable, very large, greater than Healey’s. Moment chosen puts GW in profile, erect, mouth compressed, eye kindled, features stamped with energy resolution of great man, commend the port as a pic but don’t vouch for its fidelity, differs fr others considered authentic. Well posed, tho lower limbs seem slightly unequal.

            Most prominent person behind him is officer raising flag, aided by old farmer, staunch old patriot, flag an anachronism, Generals Green and Sullivan sit quietly in places, boatmen tug at oars or thrust aide ice, long line of boats, haze of falling snow; figs in foregrd size of life. (advertises)

            Well conceived but unevenly exec. There are varitey, life and movement, figs well drawn and coloring gd. In some areas seems a deficiency of paint and need a little more labor. Indicates power of artist to accomplish something yet higher.

5 London corresp LLE critical of medals fr London crystal palace exhib, need more classes of medals, shouldn’t include manufacturer of box of sweetmeats in same category as sculptor of Greek Slave or Fisher boy. Four medalling statuary are Amazon group by Kiss of Berlin, Marachetti’s Lion heart, Glyccra for Prince Albert, and Phryne by Pradier. Opinion of connoisseurs and artists agree with jury except Phryne, what possible canon of taste or art or decency cld select one of the most abominable sensual statues and reject as defective in invention the works of Powers, Foley, Baily or Marshall will be asked. Phryne may be orig and for the morale of scullp to be hoped will remain unique.

7-8 missing. 11 increasingly critical of Kossuth, anxious re pop support. 12 missing. 15 missing. Notices Mech Inst lectures, CE Lester. 17 notices arrival of Walter Gould, artist who visited Kossuth, with portraits, plans a litho. 19, 24-25 missing. 27 laud Webster. 29 missing.

December 1851

Covers Kossuth extensively. 10, 16 missing.

17 p.2 Powell’s Historcal Ptg, in corresp fr Paris by WB. Congress chose Powell unanimous in Senate and majority in Hse; as a boy of 16 his works attracted admiration at Academy at NY, critic in a NY paper said he served a pallet of gold, has pursued his studies since in Italy and Paris. How to rep subj of discovery of Miss was the q, if given to Greek or Roman artist, perhaps ptd river as a brawny giant, reclining on the earth, urns gushing with water, tributary streams little urchins sporting over the body of the giant, and De Soto as a graceful Mercury starting back in surprise. If given to artist of middle ages, have intro’d supernatural agency, De Soto a knight in full armor, following an angel pointing to a larger world of vapor under which we shld suppose the Father of Rivers.

            But men of present neither so alleg’l nor as imaginative, cld not incarnate idea in two or three figs, obliged to abandon simple machinery and resort to more labor giving and diff but truer and  grander style invented by modern genius. Had to take bare fact and clothe it with beauty so as to render it worthy the interest of posterity. Comparatively easy to paint a battle or subj which appeals to great passions of human heart, but this subj essentially quietest. An ord artist make nothing more than a group of men on bank of  a river, Powell has elevated and ennobled it.

            Describes land sleeping tranquilly. Commotion disturbed apathy of savage life, variety of expressions, but prevailing sentiment is conscious inferiority and fatal necessity of submission to an overwhelming force. Red man’s empire is passing at this moment into other hands, women propitiate with offerings, elders offer peace pipe, young throw down weapons.

            Haughty bearing of De Soto, takes possession in name of Euro civ, to imperious eye red men are only victims destined to extermination, his gaze fixed on symbol of his right of posession, cross being erected, cannon and the cross, force and reason, might and right, the material world executing the commands of God, who shall resist? Governor of Cuba conquers.

            Artist has neglected nothing, costumes, armor, manners of savage life contrasted with civ, magnficience and pride of Span nobles, luxuriant vegetation, sublimity of Miss, masterly hand. Where fact and nature woul not suffice, symbolical rep. To this we owe the successful rendering of great ideas of submission of the Indian tribes and impt part played by relig. Worthy of the rotunda.

Covers Forrest trial. 18-19 missing. 24, 26 missing. 30 missing. Like Matsell. Publish Am AU postponement of distrib.


Library of Congress scattered issues for 1854: nothing, but on Oct 4 p. 1 has transcript of legislative investigation into Columbia’s board voting against Unitarian chem prof, but no editorial comment, and a review of Martineau’s transl of Comte, which it calls sheer atheism


Lib of Congress bound volume for 1861

Starts March 1

Buchanan blind and fatuous. Has a city gossip column now as well as city intellig. 4 Thomas McElrath corresp secy for Am Inst Fair. 5 FitzHugh Ludlow series on Clubs, no. 2 Century Club, p.1, living century’s aesthetic longings, December 1846 Sketch Club mtg, John G Chapman proposed club for taste for Fine Arts, initial call included AM Cozzens, FW Edmonds, AB Durand, Tuckerman, Ingham. Committee of Management included Chas Leupp, John L Stephens, verplanck, Cummings. Bayard Taylor.

6 Dixie’s Land lively tune to which Republicans marched to victory

7 Century Club cont. Gifford’s ptg of sunset Katerskill clove on exhibit, bold and sudden sweep of color, plus a Haseltine, Leutze Venice, get crit fr their brothers. Duggan’s copy of Rubens’ Rape of Sabines in Committee rm. Marble statues, port and alleg. Wm H Aspinwall. Both Durands. Wm M Evarts. Jos Choate. Bancroft. Rev Bellows, Oliver Stone, kensett, Noyes, Dix, Wm A Butler, Bryant

9 p. 3 briefly notices Milburn lecturing, on Peale’s Court of Death.

  1. 2 Art Intelligence by Proteus, NAD opening on the 20th, hanging comm thankless task of trying to please everybody which will result in pleasing none. Private view. Though not alw enriched with greatest works of our artists, indicate average excellence.

            Cinderella beaut ptg on exhib at Schaus.

            Launt Thompson completed bust of American Trapper modeled orig fr Grizzly Adams, remarkable idealization of the char, fortitude, firmness, decision and persistency all indic in noble and beaut countance, splendid modeling, diff textures, flow of beard, face itself made to look fleshy. Illus teacher Palmer.

            Eastman Johnson genre pics have spoken before, happy manner, expression of boy in corner of school rm for bad conduct of defiant ugliness marks him as ripe for “secession.” Gem. His Street Musicians even finer, sad and pathetic interest, color and charptg, one not so piquant as the other. Masterly, intensely human and real, enlist our sympathies in most lively manner.

            Gifford Sunset Adirondacks increase his rep as colorist, inteneseness of feeling and orig of conception, superior to any lscape for a number of yrs unparalleled grandeur, lurid splendor startling and impressive, genius, latent power grows on mind with strength which completely subjects it to its own dominating influence. Threatening magnif creates the spirit in which it shld be received, must be enthusiastic.

            Goes on to praise beaut and suggestiv eptg of the creek, poetic pic, not the poetry of a morbid and sickly sentimentality but poetry of a mind familiar with solemn splendor and awful magnif.

            WJ Hennessey v pleas pic of sentiment My Neighbors Opposite, some fine ptg, drwg excellent, may recollect his Alone in Artists Fund exhib admired, this quite as gd and orig.

12 Century Club cont., L Lang illus 12th night procession, all the Appletons, Rossiter, Duer, Richard Grant White, James T Brady,

March 19 1861 p. 1 Our Artists by Proteus (Eugene Benson): FE Church, no Am artist more popular, universal and sympathetic, not purchased at expense of depth of thought or just taste. Ptgs have lesser but taking qualitites appre by most uncultivated yet those higher qual eseential to great art and only recog by eye well educ to subtle excellencies. Wonderful power of imitation, form, texture and color of material object, art faculty depends and he is gifted, his popularity is founded. Every leaf, trailing plant, creeping vine is made out, not suggested by few ragged touches of enthusiastic hand, but carefully drawn and colored, arouses our wonder at his care and fidelity, liberal power, truth of rep, honest.

            More than cunning facility, originality, not poetic spirit of Cole or majesty of Calame nor rugged and romantic char of a Salvator Rosa, yet a splendor and opulence not attained by any except immortal Turner, selection and treatment. Power of invention with a ltd imag, not an erratic and lawless genius. Sentiments alw healthy, paints conscientiously.

            Church best at atmospheric effects, delicacy of clouds, expression of space, sky, whether Storm King or Queen Mab, can fix the transient phenom on canvas, quality of atmosphere not just color.

            Fastidious critic say his style evinces tendency toward needlework, too much elab, too much finical touch, but this is a mere matter of taste. Needlework most effective with ladies and the mass. Autumn in the Woods or Andes of the Equator, one of his greatest, or Niagara or Heart of the Andes or Twilight in the Wilderness, or smaller works like one owned by Avery of Brooklyn, conscientious man, extending limits of his art, entitled to popularity.

            Eastman Johnson: reproach we have neglected genre or hist pics, but have lavished our praises and gold on works minister to our conceit, ports or imitative lscape ptg and its powers of observation, no higher development of complete manhood.

            Native of New England, uneqalled fig ptr, most oorig and most masterly in drwg, color and treatment, rivals Euro schools, time will bring him wide and extended popularity, humorous and pathetic. Theme is humanity, studied fr nature, First ptg we remember was at NAD five yrs ago, ale house, intensity of expression, distinct individuality, a bestialized ruffian and rowdy, cutthroat dog, and a weak pliable and hopeless man lured to drink and play, pic absoltuely painful, so real, but with rare discrim introd a reckless gd natured boy watching the play and little girl sad eyes timid. All perfeclty delineated, consummate, dramatic, dsicrim char and force of conception. Old Kentucky Home, happy phase of indolent race, true and faithful, wonderful fidelity and photo of every accessory, backgrd realism peculiar to pre Raph without their exagg, replete with pathos and humor of Shakespeare. Roman Girl a Juliet, Nun a Isabella, old darkies Falstaff’s companions. Goethe’s Marguerite, lovely and natural, delicacy and tenderness, spirit embodied tho not German girl of Faust, Scheffer did it better, he just has a beaut quadroon, no nationality.


March 20 1861 covers theaters now.

p.2 Private View of Acad of Design, Proteus. Private views let literati and well cultured come in friendly council as reps of the various interests of a hi civ, exchange congrats over progress of art. Unlike winter recepetions, have more genl display of talent at NAD, fr all parts of the country.

            Chief among pics that attracted attna nd intellig appreciation was Gifford’s magnif Sunset, never a lscape superior there, very few equal in richness of color or grandeur of conception. Frank Howland’s large pic of boat laden with ladies also remark for exceeding brilliancy of color. Durand ptg of increased vigor, but same quiet sentiment. McEntee charming little Winter Twilight, Knesel marvelous ptg usual simplicity and rare truthfulness, wonderful qual of light, silvery luminous atmosph really indescribable, nature rendered by genius.

            Hubbard, Shattuck and Hart with old ever pleasing characteristics, also Waterman the animal ptr and Hennessey charming Over the Way.

            Eastman Johnson and HP Gray among fig ptrs, Huntington Baker and Stone preeminet among ports. Jameson’s lscapes great promise, fine qual, Wust a fine marine. All our most disting artists and many younger.

            Present were Bryant, Bancroft, Bellows, Webster of Free Acad, Parke Godwin, Bayard Taylor others eminent.

March 25 support a moderate tariff to stabilize manufactures, but Morrill tariff ill-timed, won’t be fair to enforce it in the north when can’t in the south.

March 26 p.1 NAD no 1, Proteus. Exhib fully equal to last year’s, one or two pics far superior to anything ever before exhib, encouraging, advancing civiliz. Readers of the Commercial appreciate interest in art matters, highest culture not minister to our pleasure, a teacher and a moralist.

            J Henry Hill, watercolor, conscientious worker, but fails in strenght, weak genl effect,d elicate but not vigorous.

            JOC Darley, Cooper, v poetic in treatment, quiet spirit, beaut conception of Indian, fine anatomy, Dickesn illus likewise excellent, humor, laugh out loud.

            A Fredericks, Midsummer Nights dream, fine realiz, happy in char delineation, expression admirable, management of the light excellent.

            E Laintin, color crayon ports exceedingly beaut and artistic. Elev of NAD bldg by young architect v orig an dbeaut, Widght richness of invention rare among Ams, novelty may cause objections, but appropriate, blends Venetian and Oriental.

TC Farrer, young artist, pen and ink45 pre Raph manner, texture well rendered but not persp, some disagreeable qual, but so much earnestness of purpose, indic future excellence, also has remarkable oil in 3rd gall, his other drwgs not pleasant.

            Lost in the Woods, Rondel, free hand and broad touch, charcoal. JH Wright lucsious grapes. Wh Davenport Smoke visions v funny, drwg not gd, but humor makes up for inexperienced hand. Ed Hammond intercepted letter, most charming, interesting story, expressions legible, one of best watercolors.

            W Page Infant Bacchus harmonious but false in color, consistent with his theory, looks as if it had been ptd two or three centuries. Greens browns yellows predominate. Feeling of repose gd.

            T Le Clare finely modeled head of a lady, half tones of flesh a little too long. MF De Haas gale on Isle of Jersey, vigor of exec, great power of handling. Jas A Suydam Noonday fog, low flat lscape, quiet spirit of Kenset, same rare truthfulness and simplicity, viewer covets, nature in modest mood half reveals and conceals beauty.

            Hunt and Wenzler finely ptd heads, of WS Thayer vigorosuly ptd in Fr manner, of Camp in highly finished style.

March 28 p. 1 clipping from Vanity Fair, poem to Wust, the Wust is Best

p.1 NAD no. 2 Proteus

Goethe again. We have seen some of finest works entirely neglected, while visitor in raptures over some dear little baby, sweet pretty mother and child, or port in ideal manner with clouds and imag wings but no clothes. No matter how inferior the ptg, catch at idea of making cupids out of children and angels out of women and the thoughtful pic with a story and influence is forgotten. But art depends on just appreciation of the few not vulgar applause, will bear with uneducated.

            Gifford’s immortal Twilight in Catskills, rare and transcendent, our artistic friends maintain it has faults, but more than a piece of mechanism, faults of small moment, obscure, it is a grand conception, a great idea, and mind that cld realize it so forcibly and powerfully no oridinary one. Last glory of sunlight imprisoned, perpetual beauty, mission of lscape to seize on transient glory and fix it.

            Style leads ut to remark great art is more a witness of nature as a grand whole than an expression of infitine detail in infinite space. Art can’t give wonderful minuteness and variety of nature, nor the infintie, so waste to forever plod over detail of nature. But art can embody essential spirit, leading characteristic, and great artistmakes everything subservient to this. Allow no thought to intrud but of splendor and magnif of heavens, no time to look at the lichen, and so in this pic the sublimity of compos and wonderful force of color is so overpowering no chance to see if texture of bark correctly rendered, or form of bear. Preeminent c har of his style is breadth and simplicity, ptd with a true purpose, if it fails to impress observer with its greatness, error is in observer, if he has the seeing eye, can’t be unmindful of solemn splendor or rare power. Gradations of color almost imperceptible, subtle beauty, space successful.

            2 admirable ports GA Baker and little heads charming Stone, warm and transp. 170 WH Furness strong port, devoid of conventional air so objectionable and common even to our most disting artists, a calm thoughtful man, noble subject, accessaries well ptd and in gd keeping, suggesting a masterly hand.

            Fig pics E Johnson strongest and most natural in treatment, old man and little quiet girl 223 looking with pleased intentness a pure touch of nature, lively appeal to sympathies.

            October Rain unpretending by McEntee, simple truth ffeeling. Genesee Oaks Durand replete with pastoral spirit, power in drwg of trees, wld like to see more vigor. 206 Gifford sunny Italy fine atmosph mellow dreamy scenes makes s feel like Lotus Eaters and long fro dreamful ease, could rest here.

            Happy Secret Wenzler happy idea fancy port, exquis ptd, tho forehead projects too much for beauty, faulty in drwg. JR Brevoort’s Gray Morning fine suggestiveness, not equal to his other. Marcus Waterman’s 228 rich int one, gd compos, white ox partic harmonious and pure in color, holds its own next to Giffords.

            Many of best ptgs in third gallery, but call attn to preRaphaelite work of great talent and much objectionable, small pic TC Farrer Gone gone, frame a quote fr Scripture in bad taste, far fetched thought, excites a jest. Maiden abandoned by lover covers face with not v beaut hands, remarkable intensity of feeling and earnestness of workmanship, vulgar term for a poetic pic, imbued with spirit it pretends to, but purple clouds too forward,  girl too tall, hard and severe. Like to see him more catholic in his style, has other pics in exhib full of absurdities and in some respects simply ridiculous, dreadful color, poor drwg, laughable where meant to be most sentimental. Carries the realistic principle so far, actually literally paints pictures in anthracite coal fire. Absurdity manifest, whole spirit of pic destroyed, Again, the flesh color in the face of the girl is orse than bad. Of the same char is the head of the fig at the foot of the Delectable Mtns. Yet first pic shows artist has more than artistic power, but a poetic spirit.


April 1 1861 p.3 corresp fr DC Raconteur notices Rossiter, Corcoran, Leutze and Lanman

$ Art Intelligence: p.1 Goupil bought Knaus Christening; E Benson genius and talent, prvate collections, those at artists reception in Brooklyn recall his Sad Thoughs now in Acad as 322, misnomer for flaxen haired maidenin reverie, sweet face, love letter, deliciious melancholy, pose gd, flesh tints v lifelike, wonders if it’s fancy.

            City Cousin by Benson charming ineriors of the coll, country farmhouse kitchen, plain and useful fixtures neat arrang, simple comfort, tipped back chair easy attitude not graceful, demure minx apparently unconscious, study fr nature, faithful detail, pure in genl effect. Colorist of school reps objects hue nature herslef imparts, conceives and executes compos of genuine poetic or ideal excellence.

            Wm Beard: well known Buffalo, Fourth st bldg, vigorous and truthful delineation of animal life, at Acad some char ptgs, inclu Bears on a Bender, Astronomer, saved fr being comic by perfect naturalness and poetry. Fanciful Grimalkin’s dream, faithful student of nature, naimals are real, no unnatural movemnts nor taxidermied specimens, living moving and so far as animals may have inner feeling and guiding impulse.In his broader more Hogarth-like essays of humor animals are infused with a humanity without a single untruthfulness of detail.

            The late Van Beest’s coll will be sold by Leeds, inclu Hart, Sontag, Ruggles, Brown, Blondel, Coleman, Hall. Cooper Inst exhib.


April 5 p. 1 NAD no 3, Proteus

            RS Hubbard 224 all the pleasing qual peculiar to his best efforts, tender quiet mellowed, find fault with clump of trees in foregrd, handling foliage weak, cut up by unmeaning touches.

            JT Peele Girla nd kid, strong solid rich but a little too fantastic in arrang of color, piquant in expr, as usual faulty in drwg but pretty in conception.

            HP Gray Struggle for Fame, alleg, so not calculated to excite much interest, so far above generality of such subjects, clasped white hands in front of youth rep Beauty, shackled slave on other symb Humanity, to both youth is deaf in thirst for fame, trying to capture one image on canvas, poetic in conception and beaut ptd but sadly marred by faulty drwg of artist’s hand. 282 his sketch is by far superior; his other ptgs more or less excellent.

            Eastman Johnson 259 one of few works compare with best Euro schools, sunlight on floor, management of faces in half shadow, genius, splendidly ptd, full of mysterious tints with which nature expresses variety and preserves unity. Post Boy 315 hi merit, Frere in sentiment. But poetic feeling and depth of expression palm to 269.

            Of all humorous pics, none compete with Beard’s Bears or Grimalkin’s, if he cld interpret his sense of fun with human beings so keenly and pungently, shld esteem rich great satirist, but enjoy and esteem his peculiar way. His pics lack strength in light and shade and force in management of color, but above crit in his conception of differences of char.

            EH Thomas celeb Engl artist beaut ptd and carefully drwn 296, French incident, tickled soldier listening to Grisette, large mouth expresses intense enjoyment of conquest.

            A Wust Coast Scene, best one he has, clearer in color and more full of light.

            Jervis McEntee 551 not quite equal to what it promised, yet much fine ptg, grey November not opulent nature’s Venetian hues. 266 Deserted Homestead sweet poetic feeling, gems.

            FE Church unpretending but solemn little Star in theEAst, lang of a fashionable lady’s comment, dismiss it in her silks and satins, relig influence missed, thought; gay lady beholds no beauty unless on the surface, sees no art unless glare of unnatural brilliancy. Quiet and impressive but ought to be seen by itself, glitter of other pics detracts.

            WJ Hennessy, Over the Way, cabinet, orig conception, v careful ind rwg, charming incident, self conscious lovers, wish more intensity in expression.

            CI Dix, study of rocks 291 and marine 347 in char style.

            Edwin White small pics strongly ptd but weak ind rwg, faulty heads, one large hist work pervaded by deep relig feeling, impressive in genl char, but careless drwg unpardonable, devotes more thought to color and compos where he excels than correctness of form

            Huntington ports, Green in head of sweet sixteen same master of old, but for ladies palm to Stone, 467, equals Baker’s best and in some respects surpasses.

            A Bierstadt’s Echo Lake 493 one of his finest, many fine qual, hung too high.

            JF Kensett, wonderful 458, escapes all characterization, one of two noblest in Tenth st galleries. Gifford’s grandest most sublime, this is simplest most unobtrusive, each true to scene. Summer light misty sea excite admiration, art is all concealed, seems done without least effort.

            AD Shattuck 457 down by the sea, water most truthful part, sky too flat, yet we love it, for same reasons Twilight on Beverly Shore by JA Suydam, soft radiance over whole lscapeveils all but more distinct forms, perfect quietude reigns, so still, soft kiss of wave. Exorcises passion.

            J Van Ingen, Interior Country Blacksmith’s shop, great advance over last yr, vigorous bold hand, air of reality ptd fr nature, only fault is heaviness of color, want more transp in shadows, more freshness in lights, but pleasing and truthful. Subjects have sympathetic observers.

            Close with Frank Howland’s Gems for Market, most remark fig subj for its force and brilliancy of color, in every other respect but compos surpassed by our most obscure ptrs. Others deserve metnion are Bristol, Jameson, David Johnson, Warren, Bellows, Griswold, McEwan, Shirlaw. James Hart, Geo Boughton and Eliott not represented and with due respect to the opinion of a certain critic, most of our artists have contrib their best works.

            Fully equal to previous exhibs in interest and merit, but need more impt fig subjs besides Johnson, school of hist ptgs, highest art culture seeks highest forms of art-representation, and that is the human fig, as man is lord of creation, incarnates Divine, most interesting to intellectual and moral being, heroisms of humanity, enshrines virtue and love, still deficient.


April 6 p.2 seems ok with secession. Gives results of Leeds’ auction of Van Beest’s coll, Am artists sold for average of $20, often less. Van Beest for 2 or 3 dollars, but he calls bidding spirited.

April 11 Kosciusko destroyed busts of himself. Pays attn to Odd Fellows. 12 no more compromises. April 15 Daily News treasonous, J of Commerce almost. 18 praises patriotism of naturalized citizens. Likes Geo W Curtis.

April 29 p. 2 There is a North” Church’s Last Work, Proteus: not cloud towers but ice towers are startling orig subjs enlist symp of Church, a work greater than its predecessors, not only combines elements of great art, treatment more masterly. Behold Ruskin’s requisities of hi art: noble subj, love of beauty, sincerity, invention; so novel and orig must take spectator by surprise, transcendent power induces silence. Useless to describe and impossible to criticize, can bear witness to exquis delicacy of forms and masterly drwg, wonderful gradation of color, conception of pic itself and voices will sustain our reverence for genius, but not half stated its merits.

            Nor need indulge in reflections which suggest themselves to every mind, in regard to untimely moment of its exhibition. At any other season a deep impression and the object of interest, NY culture sufficiently advanced to appreciate it, even though little acquainted with its subject. At Goupil’s profits for Patriotic Fund.


May 1861

Proteus is going round describing city. 6 What our Artists are Doing in Behalf of the War Movement, by Proteus. Assembled at rms of Kensett and Lang, Huntington, Gray, Stone, E Jonson, Gignoux, Hennessy, Launt Thompson and others, auction for patriotic fund

May 24 p.1 Proteus’ Pencil Notes in Our Streets, The Fine Art Emporiums as Affected by the War, Wms Stevens and Wms has Landseer’s War and Peace, raves about it; Goupil’s has series on Napoleon’s; windows crowded at all times. History for the unlearned, narrates all the facts

30 Lees sale of Am art p. 1, Gignoux Niagara got highest price, money raised for Patriotic Fund p. 2 Leutze designing patriotic certificate; HK Brown on way home fr Columbia SC, wrote guarded letters but not a secessionist. 31 At sale of pics for Patriotic Fund, artist ptd one for occasion and expresses grand sentiment of our people, Loyal Hearts, WJ Hennessy, see it in the streets, rosette pinned to Zouave by young lady, exquis fair girl utmost tenderness, comrade purchases Union badge fr unconscious little girl, pure touch of nature.

Stopped at May 31st.



NY Spec Jan 14 1833 p. 1 letter fr Geo Catlin re Mandan village (LOC and America’s Historical Newspapers)


NY Spec Jan 17, 1833 (fr AAS) p. 2 notes election of new officers for Amer Acad FA, James Herring secy, other officers include John Glover, JC Ward, Robt Ball Hughes, FR Spencer, and David Hosack, who gave Old Acad a noble suite of galleries.  Agree with NY American that they wld accommodate the united Institutions as either singly.  Also urge that this institution and NAD unite labors and galleries, bane of our attempts in lit and arts fr scattering and dividing amg many, efforts and patronage that concentrated on one, might produce something excellent and durable


NY Spec Feb 14 1833 p. 3, daughter of Gilbert Stuart, eminent port ptr, here to support herself by efforts of her pencil, inherited dad’s genius, large portion of his skill, likenesses admirable, attitude, draperies genl disposition of pictures, may challenge competition with any of our profs of divine art.  Invite attn of friends and patrons of art to her four portraits of GW and one of Mrs W, copied grtest care fidelity fr grt origs by dad, so faithfully skillfully exec, Boston excellent judges found it diff to disting orig when all in same rm/light.  Grt value, she wants to sell. Spec suggests managers of coming birth-right Ball shd purchase the pair. 26 Park place.


Feb 28, 1833, p. 2 bio sketch of Wm Dunlap, fr NY Mirror, prior to his benefit at the theater


NY Spec Apr 4, 1833, p. 3, Mrs Lancaster Lupton, fr Albany Argus, md a literary gman, herself a noted scholar, taste and skill in fine arts universal admiration, honorary member at NAD, ptg and sculpt hi well merited commendation

NY Spectator, April 4, 1833, p. 4, fr London Lit Gazette, excerpts Achille Murat’s sketch of US.  He is describing how the waltz was proscribed as indecent, then how the Paris corps de ballet created a scandal with short skirts, respect for morals and decency carried to such a point, yet complaint is made that there are no distinguished artists.  How can it be otherwise?  Painter or a statuary can’t arrive at perfection til after long study of naked figure, indispensable possess profound feeling of beautiful, mind carried away by all the illusion of love before can warm with glowing hands the marble or canvass.  Any artist in US wld lose rep if disclosed in a pict higher than ankle or elbow; even ancient statues in museums are carefully veiled, and living model would force ptr to quit the country.  Artists and actors are married, perfectly respectable, living in best society, rec’g com pany at home, and the least irregularity in their moral conduct wld cut them off.  One actress slight imprudence, no one would perform with her.  Dancers must be moral, yet it is objected we have no artists;  it is decency, chastityt carried to excess, which clips the wings of genius, cools the passions, breaks pencil and palette.  Proof this is sole obstacle is that we have excellent portrait ptrs, engravers, but genius is wanting for historical ptg, despite great efforts all over to foster the arts.  Every town has a museum of plaster casts and daubs, dignified with names of first ptrs.  But all this won’t do, the deep sentiment of the arts without which genius can do nothing, cannot exist in US as long as manners remaint he same.  Drop Phidias or Apelles into one of our town, in midst of public ceremony like 4th of July, and all will be seen are preaching and processions.


NY Spec Apr 29 1833, fr Pittsburgh Gaz on friend Catlin, the artist, author HM Brackenridge (of article and a bk of western travels) witnessed his exhib of Ptgs, a new road, will conduct him to wealth and fame, bear testimony of fidelity of scenery and character, true to nature, many facts I’ve witnessed, but his representations compared to mine are a perfect Panorama vs common Map, torturing scene faithfully described.


ny spectator (commercial advertiser) May 1833

May 6 1833 p. 2 more fr Pittsburgh Gazette, he commenced so many ptgs during his expedition that most are unfinished, just correct likenesses, genl features of scenry, backgrd, and details left for future, exhibits here more than 100.  every intellig spectator struck by marked resemblance of individs of same tribe, and remarkable dissim of diff tribes.  he got certificates of authenticity of people portrayed and costumes, useful as they will disappear, but unneeded as his modest unassuming deportment simple unostentatious manner perfectly satisfy guarantees of truth.  modestly styles his ptgs of Mandan ceremony diagrams.

notes publication of Mr. herring’s Port Gall of Disting Amer (Natl Port Gall), were skeptical of its success, but first number is beaut fidelity exec, has Charles Carroll, Commodore Mdonough, Dr Mitchill, admirable likenesses, exec credit to artists of London;  likes Catlin and Audobon

pro colonization

ad for D Whitney, 136 Chambers at Chapel St, house and sign painter, dealer in paints, lists pigments, also picture glass, brushes;

NY Spec, May 9, 1833, p. 1, excerpts Mrs Morrell’s Narrative (to south seas, etc) fr Harper’s notes embellish w/portrait of her, gd likeness, artists wld have exhib own taste better if omitted profusion of trinkets adorning her person, ought seldom to appear on a picture

May 16 1833 ad for Boarding schl for young ladies, reading and writing and needlework are the basics, among the extras are drwg and ptg in an elegant style for $6, with other extras being language and music. p. 4;  seems to be common practice in other ads, tho needlework isn’t necessarily considered a basic!

May 20 1833, covers the Ladies May Day Fair in Boston (which also appeared in another paper) NY Spec May 20, 1833, p.1 Ladies May Day Fair in Boston for Blind, hope similar benefit here, Mrs Harrison Gray Otis Jr had number of exquis ptgs, inclu two cabinet pictures of grt beauty, by Fisher, Doughty lscape happiest efforts, Osgood’s head of Master Burke, a Blind boy by MissClarke, a head mezzotinto v fine by Miss H Inglis, beaut wc ptg by Mrs Sparks, orig compos in penciling HJ Finn, sketches Mr Barney and Desborough, and an amateur.  Generosity of the Artist, liberal volunteer, netted more than $2000.

            At Miss Catharine Putnam’s table, beaut pict of blind girl Sophia as a flower girl, ptd by Harding. At Miss Esther Dorr’s, 12 exauis ptgs by Miss M Lodge.  Mrs Alexander H Everett was assisted by Misses Perkins and Miss Sarah E Hale.  Generally don’t describe the utilitarian objects, just note their presence.


May 23 fr New Monthly Mag for April, The Veiled Picture, a Tale of the Fine Arts, set at an artists’ conversazioni in London, met a first-rate genius as claimed in Rome, exquis taste, mature judgment, highly poetical imagination, stored with classical lit, met dangers in search of picturesque.  His subjects were mostly historical, some lscapes and imag compositions, richness color, correctness drwg rare in modern ptg, females partic masterly design, intellectual beauty, beigns of superior order, one veiled--port of his beloved as Heloise rising fr a couch listening to declaration of love, exquis finish of Gerard Dow, a masterpiece; she rejects him, he loses all incentive and suicide

Jun 10, 1833 p. 2 long puff sculpt exhib at 8 1/3 Barclay St of Tam O’ Shanter and Souter Johnny, admir exec fr Burns, great numbers visitied here and in London, self taught artists guided by unerring accuracy of own eye, ea individ in every partic is exact as shd be, entire as in mind of poet, no model or drwg, position, expression, details, truest regard to nature

            -also notes that Mr Field, proprietor, will give receipts to Asylum for Blind for a couple days

May 23, 1833, p.4, story fr New Monthly Mag for April of The Veiled Picture: A Tale of the Fine Arts, I’ve read this before


NY Spec, June 10, 1833, puffs Tam O Shanter and Souter Johnny, admirably executed, great numbers here and in London, astonishmet, work of self taught artist, unerring etc, truest regard to nature


NY Spec July 18 1833 p.4 notes at laying of cornerstone of Girard College, remarkably gd likeness of founder cut on v white marble by 15 yr old lad DG Wilson, extraord talent shd be developed, fr Hazard’s Register.  Then prnts address of Nich Biddle.


Aug 1 1833 p. 3 (date on clip says July 31) puffs Nat Port Gall 4th number, engr ports by James Herring and James B Longacre, praises likenesses of Henry Clay, beauty of engr, eleg, correctness, had doubts re abilities of artists to compete with Europeans, and liberal patronage, but vindicated, patronage esp in NYC.  Work under superintendence of Amer Acad FA.  US gives disting no heraldic fame, titles, glory of citizens is identical to themselves, but publishing a gallery of portraits is an incentive to emulation compatible with our polit institutions. Elevate standard of literary taste.  Later notes it includes Col Trumbull.


Sept 2, 1833 p. 1 notes that Trumbull Gall of ptgs was open for Yale commencement, large numbers, highest gratif, Edw Everett spoke on educ to PBK soc

Sept 9 1833, p.1, fr London correspondent, on visit to Isle of Wight, oldest families, ancient memorial sculptures in church, mansion of Ld Yarborough. billiard rm hung with large ptgs, mostly naval engagements, not impt as specimens of art, then grt dining rm, lrge magnif, had ancient grk sculpts many mutilated, some repaired, but bad effect.  sculpt of Egyptian bull at one end, exhib most extraord perfection of the art.  walls hung with ptgs some by first masters, but large portion mere daubs.  saw several Flemish picts for which not given five dollars a piece.  a large pretty well exec lscape by Zucarilla, faint imitation of Claude, a Vandyke ptg of Christ with a gd deal of merit and a Titian nun and Emmaus, grpg and genl arrangement gd, but coloring bad, and in bad condition, as were many others, dirty.  Holbeing ptg on panel of Henry 8, sd excellent likeness, head by Raphael sd v gd, but coloring too dark for my taste diffic to see the fig except by close inspection, a Leonardo Virgin, face attitude beaut sweetness, but coloring imposing does not please, contrasts too great, seem unnatural, coloring can’t be in gd taste.  Rembrandt port of Duchess in state robes, called gd, but didn’t appear to me to possess v grt merit.  one Claude lscape worth half the rest, as near perfection as anything, the real lang, rich foliage, hazy atmosphere, cost 1000 guineas.  gd deal of merit lscape Jasper Pusant too.

            in Library richly bound bks and five centuries of portraits, ptgs of ships, marble bust.

Sept 19, 1833, p. 3, NY Spec, obit for Enrico Causici, late of this city, sculptor, d Havana.  Fave and most successful pupil of Canova, US deprived of genius perpetuating interesting features of our history—basso relieveos in DC Cap of Col Boon and Indians, Landing of Pilgrims; author executor splendid monument of GW at Balt, masterly mind, unrivelled chisel in bust of De Witt Clinton in city hall, inimitable model for equestrian statue of GW for our Park, presented to Henry M Western.  Taken fr Eve Post.


Notices medallion illustrations of the Bible, English, chaste.


Oct 3 1833, p. 2, An Outrage.  everyone looking into Broadway print shops on Sat laughing at odd picture some pensioner of the “Mammoth Bank” has been distributing, greatly to scandal of this well-ordered community.  backgrd view of grt Temple of Universal Corruption on Chesnut st in Biddle’s purchased city of Phila, in front are variety of men and beasts, inlcu Gov Cass (opposed to such a mad course), maybe Louis McLane, Maj Jack Downing, behind Gen Jackson, who says he’ll be responsible.  central grp most interesting, dapper man Van Buren, hickory pole with banner of Albany Regency (spoils of victory), leading asses bearing away people’s gold fr vaults, helped by Globe, Amos Kendall, Marcy?  scandalous.  police don’t seize it.  title is Kitchen Cabinet, or Political Money Changers.

  1. 4 graduation at Kenyon College included address on Influence of Sculpture by WB Hooke, Senior, fr Mississippi (fr Columbus Journal)

Oct 17 1833 p. 2 opening of Am Inst at Masonic Hall, on wall is likeness of friend of Eve Star, by young lady with grt fidelity if not highest finish, other ports and miniatures, engrav and pencil drwgs, in right hand passage

Oct 28 1833, Mr Catlin’s vanishing Indian exhib, p. 1, notice in Cinti papers that he’s completed in 5-6 months his Gallery of more than 200 ptgs all fr life and nature and his own hand. grt talent, untiring industry, enthusiasm insures success, artist of first order, accomp gman

Oct 31 1833 p. 3 ad for Amer Mus includes Cosmorama, 300 splendid views of remarkable places around world, executed by most eminent Italian Artists


Nov 25 1833 p. 2 in a review of bk on Cromwell, complains of the author like the ridiculous fidelity of the ptr who transferred the cracks and stains of the orig to the copy, with all the precision of the finest touches

regularly notices NY Mirror, its ptgs, engravings, Weir, Durand, Adams et al


Dec 4 1833 p.2 Sculpture: hi time someone defends our native artists, who it is asserted deserve little consideration.  Frazee invited by Boston Athen to model busts of disting Bowditch and Webster, to be wrought in marble, having witnesses his hand and chisel in busts of Jay and Hobart, sure no failure.  friend has admittance to artist’s sanctum and who knows both Boston gmen, assures hi expectations of just delineation of faces, traits and lineaments most expressive of character surpassed.



Feb 20, 1834 p. 2 Bronze statue of Thom Jeff by French Sculptor David exhib at 155 Broadway, proceeds for poor, brought to country by Lieut. Levy


Apr 3 p. 1 controversy about placing a new figurehead of A Jackson on the Constitution frigate;  Major Downing story abt a man who had busts of the presidents carved, but when got to Jefferson hung him upside down--“there’s a new order of things now!” ; p.2 item fr London papers re Mr. Newton, the artist, Times says the reports lately current don’t apply to the miniature painter of Agyle st.; p. 4 puffs Thomason’s Medallic Illustrations of the Bible in five folio, german silver, specimens fo taste, classic beauty and noelty to all lovers of fine arts, ingenious and elegant method of remembering scripture, exec based on Raphel etc, elegant ornament for centre table or library, praises foreshortening, at Bliss & Wadsworth’s 111 Fulton st; style of davy crockett’s auto bio is quaint and characteristic

says Am Monthly Mag is clever, in the most ultra English sense of that word; puffs Greeley’s weekly New Yorker; likes Bulwer, is critical of the Standard; puffs Peabody the publisher, addresses an audience of the wealthy seemingly; likes Sedgwick and Edgeworth; likes North American Review a lot and Everett, Quarterly Amer, not so enthusaiastic about US Review; likes the Mirror’s masterly engravings, ptd by TK Wharton, engr AW Graham, view of NY, softness in it, subordinated parts, glow hovers.  Standard becomes the NY Times, still a Jackson sheet, same editors.

Apr 21 p. 1 Leslie, disting Amer artist returned to Europe, was drwg master to West Point, but inadequate salary, the coarse arts only supported by the Amer govt, and promise of a painting room unfulfilled, Weir will replace him and is good, a gman and able and accomp artist.  Cole’s picture: recent election has absorbed all interests, objects worthy of study forgotten, pictorial art will calm the feelings, visit Angels appearing to the shepherds, by Cole in Barclay st, sublime event admirably suited to present moment and agitated state of mind over recent sin and war, need Peace on earth.

            p.1 Out Brief Candle! Albany regency planning grt pow wow in honor of their victory in NYC, when heard news of defeat instead.  at shop of ptr in Broadway a large ptg prepped in anticipation of triumphant overthrow of Whigs, to be celeb by grd barbq at TammanyHall, represents female descending fr clouds with star on forehead, inscribed Tammany, thunder in left hand, right a Jackson shield, followers of “old Roman” admit resemblance betw Caeser veni vidi vici and his imitation

NY Spec April 21 1834 p. 1 Leslie and fam returns to Euro, giving up apptment at West Point, inadeq salary, only coarse arts supported by Amer govt, didn’t get his own studio.  Wier gman able accomplished.


Apr 28 p.3 reviews Allan Cunningham’s Lives of the Ptrs, furthers taste for art, includes recent artists in his bios, critical spirit, candor and correctness.


May 3 p. 1 ad for Lithography by Bisbee, Artist, No 95 Canal st, assistance of the first artists of Euro, litho drwg, writing, printing, equal to best imported, publishers attn, portraits from life or copied with any number of impressions, etc.  p. 4, New Fire Engine 14, Columbian Fire Co, beauty and costliness, public spirit, frame ornamented elab Grecian carving faux bronze casting, back ptd in style of uncommon beauty, scene of parting of Ontwa and Azula fr curse of Tahousin, artists employed perfected, James Wier ptg, Carving by Watkins & Barry, bronzing and gilding by Riley & Boardman, back ptd by John Quidor 46 Canal st

May 15 p. 1, Bust of Chief Justice Marshall by John Frazee esq, guaranteed worthy, orderd by Hon Thomas Perkins for Boston Atheneum; artist Harding has made Col Crockett breath on canvas, on entering port gallery he knew Danl Webster at first glance, Leigh and Calhoun, not backward in his sentiments, Whig.

May 22, p. 3, Exhib of NAD, Clinton Hall, Exhib Rm imposing, 170 picts, on first view look of splendour, abundant light, fash audience, reflects credit on our city.  Overall not so favorable opinion of state of the art as others, great majority are Ports of v inferior exec, nearly all picts of higher range of art, such as historical and lscape, evince great talent and careful finish.  Notice those worthy of partic attn:

            -most striking in room is Ugolino by FS Agate, six feet by eight.  difficult subj, ambitious young artist, exec promising.  Count drwg, posture, expression, noble conception, conviction of his death--dignity, dramatic truth, sons grouped in touching beauty, droops, inanimate, fair, lovely, weeping, affecting.  striking merit. a touching episode in mightier agony of principal group, classic grace in compos akin to Grecian chisel.  spectre of famine, sin agst strict proprieties of taste, but originality and Fuseli-like power we’d encourage.  More affecting if less dignity than Reynolds version. coloring, drwg excellent, command of subdued shade as in his earlier beaut Dead Child, situation and appearance of the figs do not preserve historic or poetical fidelity, but vigor of concept and excel of exec, in some places with genius.  hope Agate will complete his studies in Europe. a lady of taste noticed Agate’s portraits 13 and 96 for embodying character and expression, but want fine finish and delicacy of coloring which charm in Ingham and Sully.

  1. 4, likes Knickerbocker, Willis Gaylord Clark, notes 74 engravers in the city, doesn’t list painters, 142 stone cutters; review of Am Monthly Mag for May notes it has a full review of the works of art in our city, but tone of crit we despise, as for instance on Mr Agate’s really noble ptg of Uglolino, is unjust and shallow, couched in vague and flippant terms of dilettante connoisseurship, sol of art neglected for its form, worship of the cold mannerism of the schools.

Ladies Companion just a misc of other papers, mildly approving; p. 3very pro-Colonization, critical of Evangelist and Emancipator (author G of critical article in the 22nd)


Jun 5 p.1 obit for Mr R Ackermann print seller, (whose agent is William Colman), a carriage draftsman, met artists, flourished in strand, published works of taste and art, including annuals, founded an estab in Mex City too

Jun 7 p. 1 Architecture no 2 (I didn’t see the 1st article on May 3rd), recommends avoiding commonplace Grecian temples for a church, as applied to every purpose, so wouldn’t indicate the use of the bldg.  public ignorant of architecture, thought to be too mechanical. but knowing about it helps you judge the correctness of the accessories of a picture, refines the taste by familiarizing with exquis forms of ancient art.  world has seen female sculptors, ptrs, math, but few female architects, tho they of hi rank, despite it being totally proper and moral, unlike other liberal arts.  Signed ET.  p.3 update on Frazee, has finished Marshall bust, begun on Genl Jackson

Has in the past and now again publishes Catlin’s letters; doesn’t recognize the port of Van Buren in the NY Atlas, thinks Atlas won’t last. (Jun 10), loves the Harpers

Jun 12 p.1 admires the sweet engrav of Doughty’s beaut lscape fine pict Delaware Water Gap in the Mirror, fears now no one will need to see romantic place. p. 2 seems reconciled to Amer Q Rev; viewed model of Marshall bust in clay, pretend no connoisseurship nor have seen the venerable judge, but no cause to regret selection of artist. p. 4 attacks penny paper Truth

admires Cobbett on money, spokesman for working man in England

Jun 20 p.4 perhaps this is the first of the articles on architecture? it advocates Gothic (Pointed Archit); no it says it’s a response to the article of May 2nd(!) that recommends it based on the sensual pleasure of looking down an aisle, rather than all that is truly sublime and valuable.  Unlearned spectator in Gothic sees confusion of parts, dim religious light, multiple ornaments, create awe, while man of science and understanding looks for fitness of parts to purpose.  Gothic works by custom or habit, historical assns, or by a painter’s effect, multiple parts makes it seem bigger. Sorry that NYU adopted English collegiate style, more gothic barbarism.  feuding with Fenimore Cooper.

Jun 23 p.2 puffs new issue of Herring’s Gall of disting Amers, a superb engraving by AB Durand fr Trumbull’s full length at Yale of GW and a fine engrav by J Thomson Stuart, also longacre’s engrav of likeness of Martha fr miniature by Robertson.  Marked diff betw portraits of GW by Trumbull and Stuart, Trumbull most like a soldier, striking and intellectual; more sedateness and repose in Stuart, Trumbull says because of time diff.  Remb Peale has composed a noble pict fr the two, but Trumbull’s is our choice, tho both may have been correct at the time.  Architecture no. 3, recommends books for uninitiated reader.  HC Hart has Lafayette medals for sale.

Jun 26 p. 2, Splendid Work of Art, Imperial Folio on Napoleon, for sale by Colman.

Am mo mag for june has copious, accurate and candid crit of NAD, likes the editorial matter generally

Jun 27 1833 p. 3 fr Portland Advertiser, a corresp visits Mr Madison’s plantation in VA, he’s almost the last of the Romans . parlor full of portraits of eminent, inclu GW Jeff and Lafayette, and ptgs of diff scenes and passions, chiefly relig; old-fashioned furniture



Apr 2, p. 2 likes Dearborn’s abridged Shakespeare, likes Coleridge, Hannah Moore, Harper’s and Carey/Lea for pub Amer authors, Engl periodicals; Natl Port Gall of disting Americans popular, improves, port engrav, Joseph Warren a fine pict, authentic and beaut likeness after Copley’s port, also Daniel Boon, Col Humphries

Apr 13 p. 2 Corresp of Com Advertiser from DC, apr 1, call attn to Mr Brett’s coll of ptgs w/view to purchase for dec Pres house, put in committee room, prominent attraction despite unus congreg of talent, Persico and his statues, Osgood portraits, Powers extraord heads, King, Gevelot, and host of accomp amateurs, Congress shd have bought Brett and he lists how much works by these artists go for, Mr Trumbull has endorsed, proprietor an artist and gman, Preston will speak for them again, ought to found a Nat Acad

Apr 23, 1835 p. 1 attractive statue of Alex Hamilton subscript by merchants, single block Carrara slightly veined, act of speaking, resemblance perfect, exec in highest style of art, attitude natural yet dignity, immense labor on details of face and drapery, magnify, sculptor Mr Hughes


May 1835 p.1 “The Old Ptgs” last week promised impressions of art exhib at Amer Acad in Barclay st, candor and best judg, alm bought by govt for $60,000, proprietor says choice origs, mod art can’t compete, but they don’t agree, the modern picts are the best.  Danby’s Opening of the Sixth Seal vs Leonardo’s St Jerome, superior in effects of color, noble compos, boldness, variety and truth of attitude, foreshort, forcible expressions, masterly arrangement of lights, reality sublimity; vs daub, badly drawn, unmeaning attitude, putty flesh, not Da Vinci, some minute finish.

            first rate ptgs are by Reynolds, the abovementioned Danby, Fyt, a Rembrandt, Berghem, Van Huysum, Backhuysen, Livesay and West and Harlow.  Reynolds portraits the best, truth, spirit, flesh coloring, natural, full of expr, noble;  Fyt’s game pieces spirit truth; Remb foreshorting and expr masterly; lscape filled with morceaux; flower piece’s elab finish rich coloring, perfect truth, can use a microscope; sea piece skilful, West’s compos for Royal family exceedingly god, natural v pleasing, respect too far; Harlow’s Death of Hippolitius admir drwg, boldness attitude expr, ofreshort.  All genuine.

            2nd class gd picts not hi excellence.  Twilight attrib Domenichino, in his manner.  Vander Meulen Louis XIV defective in drwg, merit in coloring; attrib Vandyck Garden of Love, not rich color; Tintoretto Crucifixion, merit in figs, group confused; attrib Murillo, agony in Garden, correct tho feeble; Poussin Evening, beaut rich mellow tints excel persp; Vandyck Holy Fam, badly drwn hands, face.  Gyuido Ascension Virgin, not pleasing, raw tints; Claude Port at Venice, Carracci Flight into Egypt, attitudes excellent, Poussin Dance of Seasons, gd design exec, Van Lint Ital Lscape gd, Russell Cottage Grandfather, fine ptg, perfectly natural, charming freshness of contrast; Recco Gamesters gd vigorous, finely managed lights; Le Brun, St John Preaching, gd design, Gherard de La Notte, Denial of Peter, gd expr, light skilful; Giordano, Crowning of Venus

            then lists the rest, bad and not genuine


definitely whiggish, and conservative (Tory) at that

likes Maj Jack Downing, Marryatt

May 18 p. 1 notice Mr Dunlap’s lecture, delivered by Morse, exalting tendency of the fine arts, lectures of Mr Neagle of Charleston and Mr Cole of this city shd also be in public; May 21 p.2 notices Durand’s engraving of his own design of the Catskills in the Ladies companion


Jun 22 p.2 prefers West’s Last Supper (its just concept) to Leonardo’s, frontispiece in Ladies Companion


NY Spectator, 1836, NAD private view, numerous coll, hi merit, superb lscapes by Ward and Cole, comic scenes of rustic life by both the Mounts (the best things they have done); many ports, some excellent and some as bad as need be, by twenty names of various degrees in celeb, and a rich display of minis etc. May 2, p. 1.

            -same issue republishes corresp fr DC and elsewhere fr Commercial Advert; has disquisition on how three penny papers of the city have created a moral fever over Helen Jewett, rather see their columns filled with the dullest common-places or the most trivial records of overgrown beets and turnips…than with such matters. If newspapers cannot be made entertaining without a daily exhibition of poor human nature in its most miserable or contemptible pov, let them be dull forever. Or we will get the terrible French revolution. Penny papers read v extensively, often by persons who read nothing else, corrupt and mislead their readers by ministering to the morbid appetite for horrors and excitement, for the sake of increasing a circulation. Also attacks Jackson administration.


Sept 8 1836 fr Globe a visit to Madison, has a good many ptgs, mirrors, french carpets, some statuary, about 100 slaves p. 3. notices Dr. Mott’s health.


Sept 29 1836 Dec of Indep, a collection of wax figs, or composition as the handbills say, not seen it, presume copied from Trumbull's great ptg, Courier and Enquirer has fallen in love with the red plush breeches which adorn the fig of Thom Jefferso, and says they are an excellent likeness p. 1


NY Spectator May 18, 1837 NA p4: more pics, industry of artists, daily reciepts abt $100, 304 specimens 115 artists, as a whoe, not the best, have seen larger proportion of v gd to tolerable, but many youthful. strong in portraits, but don’t predominate unpleasantly, nor en masse the largest proportion of talent, goodly no lscapes of hi merit, narrative compos are not numerous but highly respectable. Most noticeable ports by Morse, Inman, Ingham and G Linen, full length of a young lady 71 by Morse is best port and maybe his best ptg, one of finest in exhib, easy natural coloring, clear and well disposed, tho pink ribbon on crimson cushion might be objected to, effect remarkably pleasing, bears examination, harmony of tints and graceful composition. one great draback to excellence, sky is unnatural copper and broken into patches we’ve never seen the like, effect of sky unpleasant. Inman five ports, best is 23 group of children, 35 of Dr Mott so like one presents the wrist to feel the pulse, 244 President Duer. Linen unknown to us, 9 sm ports of uncommon merit, 3 14 170 and 194, spirited, speaking ,carefully finished. Ingham 3 ports lscape all remarkable like his others for elab beaut finish minute fidelity, one of Miss Sedgwick, disting novelist.

            Frothingham, Durand, Spencer, Marchant Page exhib ports, can’t speak v highly, Durand’s tame in coloring and objectionable for hardness, stiffness than his wont, esp 43 full length of a lady, as formal as courtly etiquette, hands beaut drawn and colored.

            best lscapes by Cole, Wall, Durand, Bennett, Harvey, oddie, Ingham and Grunewald. Cole’s pano view of Florence finest specimens of coloring, atmosphere perfect, Claude like sunset, loveliness itself, difficult task of ptg air, peculiar atmosphere of a city, rich masses of foliage, 44 scene on Castskill equally superb and glorious, esp skies.

            Wall has 3 waterscapes and natural bridge in VA, eminently lovely, water looks like water not like paint, transparency, coolness mobility, foliage beaut. Durand’s lscapes superior to ports, compos of 63 consid merit. Bennet has 4 and 288, trees and persp. Harvey success, distances good, lights, careful study of nature. Ingham wonderful lscape, such finish, count blades of grass and cracks in bark, green turf like finest Genoa velvet, minte flowers as if natural scale. Some clever by Brennan Shaw, Brown, and some bad ones by Roberts Purcell, Brennan, Page, Pratt.

            Narrative two attract universal admiration: Mount 268 sm cabinet pic of farmers nooning, 285 raffling for goose, superb design and executiton, comic expression, carefully finished. family likeness in faces in all his pics, cousins. 291 rustic courtship also excellent. Chapmans 52 first ship, 64 Christ 79 fisher boy; Agate’s Genevra 104 Whites 120 Gen Marion’s swamp, Grunewald’s Wounded Robber 251, Ellangowan by F Williams and Weir’s Santa Claus approbation, last esp clever, a gd bit of humor well exec



May  17 1838 Exhib of NA no 1 by E.R.

some respects the best so far. cheap innocent gratif.  examine them by artist, not as on walls, promise strictest impartiality and begin as decorum requires, with highest in rank.

            Morse, President: where is his place, why filled by others? Has “Brutus” eloped with Maria Monk or author of Foreign conspiracies agst liberties of US been kidnapped by emissaries of the Propaganda? the candidate for NY mayoralty been sacrificed by hired assassins of those polit opponents whose elevation his influ endangered? recollect splendid full length vindicated claim to his disting position. no more daughters? or as French reviewer cleverly sd of Cooper, he is dead for his genius is.  not dead but in another more profitable direction, gifted philosophic ptr devotes subtle thought to new doubtful path of wealth fame in chemico mechanics.  new way is bad way to raise the wind, be warned by Fulton’s fate and fame, leave elctro magnetism to Davenport fit for nothing else and do for glorious art what every one cannot.  Pres sends no pict, vice pres exhibits one, but its date 1783 vindicates veteran Dunlap fr dereliction of duty, after pro career, father of acad fairly exempt fr new efforts proving his title, no 277 is interesting fr circumstances of its ptg.


Dignitaries and delinquents of the Acad much the same thing, we proceed. Robt W Weir, prof of persp, exhib one last yr, none this year. young and rising glad to get your place, but on what grounds did you get one of the Rotunda panels? sta claus?

            from none to too many, Durand, a member of hanging committee, 13 picts 11 on the line, numerous intellectual offspring and excellently well provided for, not every father takes such pains to hang his progeny, at expense of public justice. pardonable frailty of amiable friend, ea picture deserves its position.

            52 twilight, beaut, clouds too bold in coloring them so splendidly, but truth of effect.  observe a while peculiarity of its solitariness, no life to break unity and repose, idea thoughtful poetic, expr decided brilliant true. 53 port gman, carefully ptd, elab finish pleases everyone, hands badly colored, want clearness not so well dwn as might expect. 74, 84, small lscapes, distance admirably given, great reality in heaving billows, 85 pleasing lscape. 78 Rip van Winkle, tells story v well, livid gleam on shadowless faces luminous internal fire effect of supernatural, but face of Rip a caricature, wants naturalness essential element oftrue comic, trees rocks bad, corollary useful to young arist, supernatural alw effect of grotesque only suited to grotesque subj. 89 lscape compos is well composed, gray moss covered rocks in foregrd admirable for truth ptd. 204 port ldy, v carefully drwn chastely colored, hasn’t hardness outline coldness color of his earlier portraits, hand not badly colored, great truth in dusky clearness of skin, grace in arrang of slender fingers. gret deal of both grace and truth in whole pict, best port ldy in exhib, Mrs Durand, a striking likeness. 212 Dance on Battery, very spirited more than decent thinks little prude on bench affectedly hides her face, neat limbs liberally displayed, Dutch pict wld want character without a little indelicacy. some heads v well done, better than Rip in giving naturally comic air. 252 Lscape v cold coloring, water merit of exceeding clearness, beaut transp in contrast to 278 v deficient in this respect, last is faulty pict, tho in parts more pleasing than his others, clouds float on surface not depth. 319 lscape with shower, spirited design, cold color, fault of all his lscapes, coloring crude, effects of light on foliage look less like what they are meant to be than like little daubs of paint, daubiness most marked in smaller icts, chief merit is poetic feeling pervades compos.

            Editor’s note that it is well written, haven’t had time to crit ourselves, but has only noticed 9 picts, 337 in exhib, can’t spare him that much rm!


No. 2 Exhib of NA, May 17 1838.

Examines certain other members of the council in some detail:

John Morton Cor Sec, one picture. 289 morning ride, people overlook a mistake, not ptd in artist like manner, not effective by any means, looks fr a mere gman amateur, trees stiff, horses ill drawn, riders awkwardly sit, yet has grt merit, middle distance admirable for truth, play of light and shadow over varied country well managed.

Thom Cummings, treas prof miniature ptg, no miniatures.

Chas Ingham, NA, 25 port ldy, usual chara of his ldy ports, careful finish endures closest scrutiny, but v hard and dry,w ant of picturesque arrangement in hair and drapery. 219 port ldy, drapery admirably imitated more gracefully disposed than last, easy elegance in posit of arms and hands, of left hand partic, fingers v naturally flexed, rosy tips colored with tempting delicacy. 246 Port, Rose McNeven, lovely pict in v best manner of artist, face beaut, not altogether merit of ptr, a little couleur de rose, but all the more approp for that. effectve at adistance, merit rarely possess, finely shaped head exqusi neck strong relief agst mellow twilight sky, grt simplicity in accessories, line of balustrade just enuf to express sentiment and give air of being finished.

            adequately praise expr, most sweet gravity of mouth, ingenuouslook grace in attitude, spirit ldy like retenue withal, in air.  Attitudes are lang of ports, ought to suit ages and qualities of eprsons, their tempers, women a noble simplicity modest cheerfulness, charm above coquetry and coquettes aren’t ptd as such. 265 port ldy, v elab, not quite so pleasing a specimen as last, peculiar and fascinating style of port Ingham so much excels, merit so oftendiscussed. chiefly objectionable fr certain hard ivory like polish, unlike pulpy softness real flesh blood, while care in blending colors incompatible with free handling spirited touch by the connoisseur considered so capital a merit. faults so inseparable fr style, greater or less degree in all his picts, but not unsuited to women’s ports can’t expr force and character required in heads of men. 40 110 202, ports of gmen, extremely feeble, insipid.


May 21 1838, Exhib of NA, No 3, Thom Cole.

20 View Schroon Mtn, whole dashed in with careless energy of handling well suited tosubj, strikes us as unnecessarily large, field of vision too confined for size of canvas, lack of distance often vitiates best lscapes of Cole.  some allowance for illus in nature causes mtn seem nearer than really is. savages happily introd, gives action to wild scene in perfect keeping with its character (war paint, sight an enemy), without would scarcely interest our feelings

33 Dream of Arcadia, imaginative compos in heroic style, most exuberant fancy crowded with surprising variety of objects, not so much one as many picts, ea distinct, all harmonious, yet whole wants unity, without a common pt of interest to which eye might ever return, where feelings might repose, chiaroscuro not judiciously managed, breadth without sufficient force. That it is soeffective a pict in popular sense of word with so little of what is technically called effect, owes partly to subordinate merits of exec, excellence of linear persp, accurate drwg, fine natural tone of color, but chiefly to beauty of ideas charged this masterly compos

64-5, Departure and Return, illust of feudal manners and times. A beaut country withlordly castle crowning, knght, gallant body, wars. second scene emphasizes abbey not castle, autumn evening, delicious sentiment breathes, even greater feebleness of pictorial effect than in 33, but compensated by character of unity impressed on design, concentration of moral interest in person of knight, clear silvery tone of coloring in 64 beautifully contrasted, dispos of clouds, highly poetic, express v forcibly idea of evening, both crowded with thoughts, their charm, delightful hr study of these fine creations, grow in profound signif, fullness of meaning

200 Sylvan Lake, Catskills, beauty of this  pict is destroyed by its want of atmosphere, presents to eye a flat surface, the fice of Cole’s lscapes more inexcusable because can’t ascribe ignorance of methods of effect of distance, seduced by his own power into volation of estab rules of art, lacks moral courage to sacrifice subord parts to keeping and effete of the whole.

*heroic style compos of objects whose kinds draw both fr art and nature every thing grt or extraord in either, situations perfectly agreeable surprising, bldgs are temples, pyramids, burials, altars, pleasure houses, and if nature appear not there as we casulally see her, she is represented as we think she ought to be. style is an agreeable illusion and sort of enchantment when handled by man of fine genius and a gd understanding


May 24, Exhib of NA no 4, theAcademicians.

Finished the council and profs, now other members in alpha order.

Fred S Agate, one pict of consid pretension, 306 port young ldy, imitation of Ingham, ambitiously unnatural, without that harmony which is a sort of truth, face out of drwg, eyes don’t match, has talent tho misapplied, pict mostly bad has some merit, conception gd and expr plays round mouth full purity and sweetness

WJ Bennet, matrimony a mousetrap, if academician lets two years go without exhib, ceases to be acad, one black ball sufficient to reject any man, a gd while may elapse before reelected.

John G Chapman, Scene among ruins nr Tivoli, sky v blue, ruins v livid, shadows impossibly hot, grp dancing figs gd, foregrd ghost of a woman feeding apparition of an ass, phantom child thru shadowy form grass dimly visible, effect of sunlight gd, too evidently ptd without nature. 161 191 206 disagreeable in color, glassy in texture. 236 port youth, romantique conception, but borne out by char of fine face, nose and eye of the Pauldings, drapery excellently imitated, green of vest superb, local color of face discover the mannerist. more pleasing trait of artist is easy dexterous touch, vigorously expressed on whole quite in manner of old ptrs. 249 Spring and Winter, interior, old and young, child like action, impressive venerableness, light streaming in breadth correctness neatness delicacy of penciling, little ocmpos gem of acad but for monotonous color. 293 View of cascade of Anio, distance is not so obvious, is it cold enuf to freeze a waterfall? yet cascade is of ice, grp under tree a classic grace, his figs remarkable, but tree is glass, lscapes destitute fo truth, ptd without nature, don’t trust to dangerous facility, quick perception of graceful in outline, his knowl of effect, study of nature emancipate himself fr mannerisms no genius can redeem


James Freeman, 11 Head of St John clearness freshness brilliancy mellowness coloring, flesh like in tints, drwg shows inexperience, red drapery not well expressed, affects careless manner in accessories. 39 brigand, not so well colored, more accurately drawn, hair beard excellently done. 243 Barbe Bianca, masterly needs lower, council hung too hi.

James Frothingham, 9 ports, too many yet quite refreshing contrast unaffected style and tricky pretension see so much of nowadays, no meretricious coloring, no affected attitudes, natural soberness oftone, quiet air of reality, manner after Stuart but lacks power of his master, most successful in old heads with strongly marked character, as 60 Port Col Trumbull, clear and silvery tone of color beaut true. 259 Port J Hoxie v diff equallygd, color mellow deep toned, hair well expr, touched in with careless freedom.  an indiff draftsman, rarely succeeds in delicate features of young females, as 116. 99 port ldy v fine, neat toilette admirable, drwg not quite correct.

Miss Ann Hall, only lady acad, 144 group mother and child, miniature compositions remarkable for force, alw significant meaning ever expressed with wonderful power delicacy


May 28, Exhib NA No 5 The Acadmicians.

Henry Inman several ports in usual captivating style, disting by spirited action heads, masterly intellig conducts natural gradation of light, technically called effect. in exaggeration of these merits and too undistinghishing reliance to render his pictures effective, origin of peculiar mannerism of expression and effect. coloring brilliant but artificial, lacks luminous yet soft transparency quality of flesh, handling dexterous free, drapieries backgrds crisp decided touch.

            258 port ldy exemplifies these remarks, pleasing specimen of pop style. 201 Sisters, interior more extened notice, figs incorrectly drawn, rather artificially disposed, draws without models, trusting to genl knowl for accuracy. backgrd accessories perfect, light fr unseen lamp, moonlight, garden, beaut, admrirably imitated rich carpet etc, colors rich harmonious, except crude white spencer of sister

Gherlando Marsiglia, 2 indiff ports, 67 87, fancy port 214 worse than indff, lscape 98 of Lake George that if Chapman’s trees are of glass, his are of bronze, less fragile, but equally unlike nature.

WS Mount, orig genius, not a Wilkie quite, less a Teniers. 95 Fortune Telling, canvass too large for a comic subj, requires more forcible manner than cabinet size, artist not appreciated tho reasons obvious. face of young lady too white, forced laugh painful. meant so? dress gd, frtune teller hard, other girl v hard, drapery excellently done, teapot perfectly real, tea does not resemble that liquid.

            308 tough story, scene in a country tavern. a gem. strength of effect, Mt is deficient, less necessary in cabinet picts not expected to tell at a distance, yet works of old dutch masters of the comic of this size or smaller show forcible decisive treatment of chiarascuro, not inconsistent with distinctness, for in deepest shadow every obj perfectly made out.  advised some artists study nature, but mount already with a careless happiness more successful than toil of others, represents so much of nature as he ahs seen with utmost fidelity, we say study art.  Still life of this little narrative compos has undeniable reality so characteristic, faces touched in with usual felicity, family lineaments too discernible, his greatest fault ptg so little, but is repeating himself.


Wm Page, Last Interview, frst idea of most seeing this is that it’s indelicate.  to us ludicrous not indecent. story well told to account for position of parties, but not well enuf to produce overpowering sense of pathetic, to attempt and fail is to be ridiculed, intro of jailor not judged well, action does not explain itself, seems gratuitious, and by its singularity disturbs sentiment of compos.  office of effect not merely to give roundness and prominence to forms, nor catch eye by mere contrasts, but handmaid of expr, attract fix attn on point where moral interest of pict may centre.  port of Bonaparte David, head thrown entirely into shadow, flood of light on white satin breeches, hardly less absurd is Page’s solecism, pict without pictorial effect altogether. disregard of rules intentional don’t doubt, carries own punishment. heads husb wife drawn correctness worthy all praise, difficult foreshortening, coloring admirationsufficiently emphatic, our friend Paff, Nature is a fool to it. expresses every quality fo flesh, lively tints tempered with sobriety clear transp luster, softness of texture, unctuous surface as if moistened by own exhalation. such true fleshy tones never seen but in Titian, a magdalen by him v like the wife, attitude hair beaut glossiness hardly better, genl color both wonderously alike.

            315 port ldy, picture is a lie fo worst kind, mixed enuf truth to gain certain degree credence. drwg beaut correct, roundness alm without shadow by linear persp alone, local coloring parts pleasing, but genl effect self contradictory and a falsehood. If light were so generally diffused tints of flesh stronger, or admitting these last as in nature, then whole face andfig must more forcibly relieved agst darker sky.  man of ability, but cant accomplish what is impossible, demonstrate anuntruth

HC Shumway 2 highly finished miniatures, 122 Port Prince Napoleon Bonapart partic worthy of notice.

James Whitehorne usual happy mediocrity,seldom sinking below, never rising above golden mean limits his aspirations, 221 port gman attacts some attn by its oddity


June 7, 1838, Exhib NA No 6 Concluded.

Inskeep 1 Fisherman of Abruzzi Mtns, pleasing sketch in modern Engl manner a speciment of

Gambardella 15 Port Dr Foresti, ex equally gd inown way of Italian style, fair Roman ptg of which Lawrence speaks, moderns prefer fine expr of pencil, port drawn great accuracy, chiaroscuro skillfully treated, cold backgrd does not harmonize warmth shadows, thereby falsifies pict

Alexander 89 Port gman, a Bostonian, rep his noble port fully justifies, well designed, attitude easy, tone deep clear, drwg correct, color natural, handling happy union of Roman carefulness free powerful manner of Stuart

Neagle 302 port of an artist at easel a seapiece, leanswith elbow over frame of port, hand with palette projecting beyond it, well exec but design puerile enuf

309 Port of Mrs Wood as Amina in sketchy manner of Philadelphians, learned fr Sully, like it not despite authority of sto great a name, style of his earlier works preferable

W Brown 225 232 316, possess consid merit, but chiefly interesting as in style of Moreland, choice of subjs manner of handling precisely those

Huntington 31 Port old gman riding, fine head virgorously expr, attitude striking somewhat novel, bald head protruded fr canvas powerfully effective, luminous shadows, flesh like healthy carnations, skilful foreshortening. drapery put in too carelessly, daubed on rather than ptd, boyish affectation of dashing freedom of touch advise to lay aside.  44  port ldy, tolerably drwn, inharmonious color, attitude too common place, dress dowdyish, crumpled collar hardly neat, old maidish formality kerchief arranged. other ports 210 do him credit.  Lscapes: 256 Lscape compos, delightful, skill of gradation of lights, great strength yet clearness of darks, characteristic; fisher’s cot. 324 Traps, mtn pass, storm coming on, freedom and decision in handling, most forcible in design, most distinctly made out of all his lscapes

Powell: success in imitation of Inman evinces talents better applied to imitation of nature. 48 63 ports of gmen v creditable to him, untrue of 74 port ldy, attitude drwg color arrang of drapery in this are proofs of inexperience

King 54 Indian heads grouped, little attn to probability, separately gd

Fowler, 51 port Aaron Clark, Mayor NY, indiff likeness, more indfif pict, forte not port

Hamilton 77 port child v gd.  Harris must learn to draw, cant at present, and in compos study Inman and engr less, nature and simplicity more. He is clever has capcity of improvement, don’t waste words on stupid or incorrigible.

CG Thompson 318 port Prof ingraham, rendered striking by strong contrast light and shade, others tho not devoid of merit are inferior to this, an indiff colorist, attitudes betray affectation

SA Mount 231 Port ldy, attitude graceful, hand naturally disposed, draperies and still life, well imitated, hair gd,d rwg correct, flesh too white

G Linen oil miniatures, pleasing colorist gd draughtsman, mannerist arrangements, eternal backgrd grey clouds

Eastman, if we weary of artist like Linen repeats himself, much more of one who repeats another? 223 224 v gd barring imitation and cold coloring the fault of the master, 224 do credit to Weir, an amateur.

Marine views, 211 Ludlow, 292 T Thomson, 295 Webster deserve attn, water of first is admirable, he’s dead

Williams 217 Comforts old age, man’s head has character,s till life amazingly real, draperies faulty, firelight reflections on diff materials pleasing effect.  several compositions in same style, this the best

C Deas W Jewett S Watson J Hagen exhib narrative composit that contain promise of excellence. M Gescheidt, some archit views consid merit. Oddie a lscape undoubtedly fr nature and v gd, Clover also deserves honorable mention.


We’ve omitted many exhibitors, most minis and engr don’t come in our province, some not worthy of notice.  judgments on those deemd deserving attn carefully considered, spirit frank and friendly, kept impartial.



Jan 7  1839 first legible issue in BPL mfilm, Francis Hall & co

happy with Gov Seward, glad to see end of Regency. missing most of 1839

puffs Gouraud’s dags

Jan 31, 1839 Fine Arts

new plan for Art Union at Apollo Gallery won’t change the estab itself, exhib richer more varied, associates have a delightful lounge, hundred Amer artists and some gems by old masters fr member coll

Apr 25, 1839, NAD

annual exhib opens to public this day, 296 specimens by 110 exhibitors, all but 14 residents of city, more equal merit than any previous, proportion of bad or scarcely gd decidedly less, striking improvement by younger artists, some who appear for the first time, tread closely on heels of gmen long known in profession, and hi degree of talent and skill of several amateur exhibitors

            present discourse is of brilliant little fete last eve by Acad, to which only academicians, associates and honorary members invited, in grt saloon, surrounded by rich productions of the pencil, hundred guests, smaller saloon for invited, goodly company, most artists, enjoying the beaut display, pleased looks, cordial salutations, confident assurance, pleasant interchange of that urbane and intelligent discourse of artists, readiness to discover and acknowledge merit.  Pres Morse welcomed back fr Europe, described Daguerre and Talbot, met disting architect Mr Town, eminent other professional men.  tables supplied by delicacies fr Clinton Hotel, no toasts or speeches, most perfect bijou of an artists’ supper.

            few words re picts that most attracted notice to give visitors a hint, Indian Captives by Mr Weir, noble, author in foremost rank;  Lscape by amateur Walter McOddie, will recog scene, harmony of coloring, fidelity to nature.  Sully’s fulllength port of Mrs Wood, excellent likeness and altogether a fine pict.  Group of 2 children by Inman rich, gracefully disposed, accessories admirable tone drwg.  Boys Trapping by WS Mount, perfection of truth and nature.  Penny Paper by FW Edmonds, one of picts by amateurs we referred to, also Commmodore Trunnion and Jack Hatchway.  Deas first appearance as an exhib with Devil and Tom Walker, bids fair to rival Mount, see also his Walking the Chalk.  Landscape Saturday afternoon by Durand deserves long and careful study, will reward it.


May 16, 1839, “NAD” annual meeting on the 8th elected Morse Pres, Inman VP, Whitehorn Secy, Cummings Treas, Agate, Page to Council, Ingham, Cole, Newcome, ? Mount to hanging committee, and as associates Huntington, Harris, Deas, Mooney, Weinedel.  As honorary members, Fink, Daguerre, Hammersley, F Alexander, Lamdin, Murray, DC Colden, N Carroll, WJ Wilgus, Ithiel Town, and HC Selous


May 16 1839, “To the Editors of the Comm Advert”

Letter fr H Inman dated May 13, 1839, he has glanced at some of the recent newspaper crits on exhib of NAD, following remarks.  the artists of NY founded acad without aid fr private or associated wealth an institu whose objects solely to increase a taste for fine arts and furnish students facilities for academic practice.  Yearly exhibs, revenue for improvement of students in the arts of design.  Majority of ptgs shown to public consist of ports, anonymously enumerated in the catalogs.  Many ladies and gmen in generous appreciation of motives of artists who borrow them waive feeling of delicacy at idea of having their portraits exposed to public gaze, but didn’t guess the public press, the avowed conservator of all revered in morals, admired intaste, or insisted on in chivalrous deference to female delicacy, would sanction insulting personalities leveled at them rather than the pictures or the ptrs,  For sake of decent and manly, stop, blow to artists sustaining exhib, shelter gentle sex.

            editors agree, shameful length, even by best and most respectable papers, substitutes flippancy for crit knowl, or personal ill will


May 20, 1839, “To the Editors”

            Letter fr GB dated May 14 in response to Inman’s letter, agrees with him, one of those whom insulting personalities have been leveled by one of the editors.  Had portrait taken by Mr TCRA Healy, 68 Barclay st, told v young promising artist, had resided in England many years, wanted to send a likeness to a friend, selected a position of a gman making a morning call and taking refreshment, conveying idea of remembering their former hospitality. 


May 30, 1839 NAD No. 1

Messrs Editors from “E”--painful unmanly attacks on individs pub by portion of weekly and pennty press on garb of crit on picts now at Clinton Hall; licentiousness intolerable.  No person secure fr most personal and libelous attacks, to satisfy personal spleen or animosity hold up to ridicule.  Public will reverse these decisions of would-be critics.

            this year’s exhib is NOT as has been said inferior.  Not as many works in higher departments of ptg, but superior for portraits.  Port of a Col in US Infantry No. 1 ptd post morten so not fair subj for crit; no correct likeness after death.  Mooney’s portrait no 2 and 12 v gd highly creditable.  WJ Bennett’s no. 8 lscape rural scene, well drn, beaut grouped, but clouds too harsh and sharp, composed on Claudean principle.  Mt Etna fr ruins no 10, beaut freshness, effect of color without shadow, deep rich brwn warm grey clear blue.  No 11 Col Ming, Extrav in posture, badly drawn, nothing in arrangement of color worth notice.  No 17 Port of gman by Shegogue, his picts too leaden and bricky, appear unfinished, coloring crude.

            20 Great Adirondack Pass (doesn’t name artist) paysage don’t convey same ideas or impressions that description does, nearly all one color, cold, leaden tone, trees too much like straws, neither sublimity nor grandeur in effect.  21 C Jarvis portrait gman, crude glaring color badly drawn, his picts sadly out of keeping in drwg and tone.  23 Head of artist as Caius Gracchus, well and beaut ptd, color fine, life and animation, drapery well ptd but hides a framework of sticks or meager lay fig not one of fair proportions.  S Watson 25 port lady sewing, vgd arrangement of color, light and dark, v pleasing in effect at a distance, closer exam is nmere sketch, dullness of expr, wholly destitute of beauty.  26 Port by F Fink, v gd arrangement of color, no peculiar beauties or striking defects.

            29 Ben Nevis by A Richardson, genl effect gd, wants finish, his productions tho beaut and highly pleasing in effect appear done in too grt haste, some beaut tones of color and aerial persp v gd.  28 Port of gman by FR Spencer, flesh appears waxy, too red and white, most of his have same faults, but finish much improved, if use more yellow improve still more.  hand not well finished, but his 49 port is much better, all the characteristics of a gd pict.

            32 port of a reverend gman by Frothingham, wants relief, not as clear in color as gman’s ports generally are, F paints no shining lights on flesh, pcits improved and more in accord with nature if had high light.  Mooney port of Rev Wm Parkinson 35, beaut drawn and colored, handscarefully and well ptd and in gd positions, expr fine, v gd pict with striking excellencies and no prominent defects, no artist greater improvement fr last year when he was already v gd.

            91 has by some mistake got on this side of the rm by JT Harris, grt improvement, greatest fault too low in tone, his head of a n old man 187 ptd with grt fidelity to nature.  40 Indian captives by Weir, fig of keeper is well designed and beaut ptd, but misconceived Indian character, Indian wants stern and manly dignity mingled with perfect contempt of danger so characteristic of the red man.  never becomes a suppliant, even tho here pleads not for himself.  blanket wants graceful negligence the Indian would have given it, extremities too muscular, color not gd, but still poetry and feeling and beaut execution, intro of withered maize v happy.

            41 The Studio medley of crude colors and quaint conceits with little to redeem it fr trashiness.  WH Powell Port of B Romaine, 42, hands v badly drawn and ptd, artist has retrograded, become a mannerist, noses, mouths and eyes all alike, faces have same expr vacant and supercilious stare.  doesn’t sufficiently enliven sitters, must change to rise above mediocrity, flatness and want of vigor in all this young gmen’s works.


June 6, 1839, NAD No. 2, still by E.

Marsiglia Port of ldy and child 45, velvet cap well ptd.  Is it in gd taste? The flesh tolerably colored,a ccessories gd, head un proportioned, body dwarfish.  46 Roslyn Castle, Richardson, v beaut color, more finished than usual.  Whitehorne’s Port Lady 47, too cold in color, figu not well relieved fr backgrd, attitude rather gd.  Wm W Oddie Lscape 52, many fine parts, beaut exec, water too opake and milky.  Huntington Port of Ldy 50, except hands and arms, v well ptd, wrists too small, hands too much colored, posit and expr gd, much taste in color arrange of backgrd. 57 Sully port child, head angelic expr but feeble effect, arm well drawn, figure not so, whole piece wants force and effect in color and light and shadow.  JM Freeman Ports of Bros 58, heads the best in coll in gradation of light and color, nothing but the truth, succeeded admirably, well concealed grt pains.  63 Selous Lake of Lucerne, 63, v beaut v blue, grouping and arrang of color masterly, water transparent and liquid, light and color concentrated on figs and foregrd objs, much better drawn and ptd than usual for lscape ptrs, aerial and linear persp faultless, strongly recommend study of this artist

            64 Port of Lady Inman, neck and backgrd too nearly of same color, otherwise v gd.  TCRA Healy port of gman, face out fo drwg, hand well drawn ptd, whole highly creditable to so young.  Mooney port of man 73, flesh well colored, attitude spirited, whole ptd w grt freedom and much truth to nature

            69 Port of Mrs Wood in character by Sully, upper part gd expr and exec, somewhat of Sully’s usual fault of want of force, lower part of fig blocky and unfin in effect.  Principal light on fig is not sufficiently concentrated, the backgrd, the group in which is perhaps best part of pict, is well managed, but pict as whole has no v striking excellence.

            74 Doughty Returning fr Schl lscape, principal light in sky not repeated with sufficient strength in foregrd, whole pict has woolly and undetermined appearance, sky trees grd etc have same peculiarity of touch, water v well, time more morning than evening.  78  Alexander port of Ldy, simple unostentatious port posit easy, expr lifelike, color gd, improves on acquaintance.  Whitehorne Mantilla 79, agreeable little cabinet portrait, mantilla well ptd arrangement and exec of drapery v happy.  gman’s picts often overlooked by casual observers, lack startling qualities the chief excellence of so many of his brethren, but also lack their glaring faults.

            Lieut Eastman, Butter Hill, 87, dark broken clouds appear like a mass of earth thrown up by convulsion of nature, mid distance not suff aerial, light not concentrated in foregrd, whole effect too general.  Sky more subdued or stormy, view properly confined.  cattle tolerably drawn but not well ptd. yet many beauties, freedom of handling in foliage, freshness of a shower well represented, highly creditable for an amateur.

            91 attaempt at spirit in port of Mr Hoxie, no decided character, v prettily but rather feebly ptd.  95 Port of Gman SA Mount, v well ptd, lower part out of drwg, hand well drwn and ptd.  37 port of gman by Whitehorne his best in exhib, know the orig, head rotund and well relieved, retiring quiet tone of backgrd, near corner of eye drops a little too much.  97 Port Brit Admiral by Frothingham, fine, best manner, high light no fault as in his 32, dress carelessly ptd, hands nearly same force as head and appear same distance, backgrd v gd tone well managed, too much hauteur in expr to be pleasing

            98 another bijou, light of sky repeated by strong more positive light in middle and foregrd, v aerial moss covered portico birds etc appearance of reality seldom equaled.  No name.  Durand’s port of Ithiel Town, hands too much kept down, books and archit well done, person has air of antiquary.  102 boys’ head mom’s dress and backgrd beaut ptd, arms hands child’s fig not so good, hair too cutting and sharp on mom’s face,d ress oto much principal obj, not attn enuf pd to gradation of color and light.

            101 Mayor of Brooklyn, WS Mount, too much white and red, ports not his forte.  107 no name, only redeeming pt is head of mom, hands arms legs badly drwn ptd. 106 wants refinement of expr, tolerably ptd. 117 Port of Gman W Page, eye of an artist rests here with pleasure, attitude v spirited, expression of eyes fine, likeness excellent, hand v well designed beaut sweetly ptd, flesh more the appearance of realtiy than any other artist in exhib, where color is on the surface, in his, equally warm, color seems under the surface.  The one appears tanned in sun, other bleached in dew.? arrangement of color and light and management of backgrd exceedingly happy.


June 13, 1839, NAD No. 3

124 Cattle Piece HS Mount, v gd arrang o light dark and color, cattle well drwn ptd, pict whole v creditable to artist.  125 S Watson, boy fishing, clever; shadows v transparent, effect of sunlight v well represented.  129 FS Agate, Port of Rev HG Ludlow, head great breadth of light, book and hand pretty well, expr life like.  131 Miss Ann Hall, miniature, arms rather large and long, otherwise v well.  136 Shumway Miniature splendidly colored, have force and effect of oils, color gd, head finely drawn finished, draperies need more careful attn to finish, ports of Hon Gideon Lee and lady are fine.  149 Frame of miniatures Cummings, exquis finish, light delicate and pretty no rival. 160 Mapes, miniature port of gman, v excellent head and worthy prof artist, no other minis deserve special notice.

            J Vanderlyn port of gman, not v creditable to ptr of Marius and Ariadne, 178. Fink Port Jesse Buel, cultivator’s face appears ploughed into furrows by artist, anatomy too strongly marked in the light, destroys breadth. color v mellow.  Ingham port ldy, v well colored exquis finished in best manner, 188 equally admirable.  Harris Port old Gman 187, admirable resemblance, fine color masterly execution, perfect transcript of nature.

            185 Grp 2 children, Inman, positions of heads too nearly same, white of dresses not sufficiently diffused, too much appearance of spots, exec v beaut.  190 Lscape by Baker v well composed little pict. 198 Inverwick Castle one of Richardson’s best, warm light v aerial being supported with rich warm brwn in shadows. 195 Port of Ldy by Page, too much of stern and dignified to be prepossessing, arrang of light and color masterly,artfully, extremes harmonized, like more warmth and transparency in shadows of flesh, but prismatic effects beaut represented.

            191 Moonlight Havens, lighted his towers on wrong side, color too blue cold. 206 young lady Gambardella, bad effect fr straightline in backgrd, face beaut and perfectly lifelike expr, purity and innoncence of youth. unpleas effect of light of right arm in contact with left hand; plaid drapery inimitably ptd.

            204 Rejected pict by LP Clover, serves to show the artist who has least prevoyance the fate of him who for fame or for novelty paints grand historical works of genius as wld be appreciated by the few; his pict would be eulogized and he left to neglect and want. What substantial food for genius the admiration of the world would be!

            205 Port Gman MK Kellogg, believe by an English artist, low in tone, but exceedingly clever.  207 Mooney port gman, excellent likeness, too harsh and cutting.  212 Autumnal sketch landscape Durand, pretty but too fresh, handling inimitable.  Agate port gman 213, gd style of ptg for exhib, breadth of light on head.  214 Wilgus Onondaga Chief fine arrang of light and color, posit dignified and noble, stern and melancholy expr of Indian reflects on wrongs the whie man has inflicted is given with grt truth, lip of scorn sneer of contempt peculiar to Indian well portrayed, artist grt talent and promise.  215 Ingham lady and child, expr of child’s face disagreeable, mom out of drwg, seldom his fault, hands arms draperies beaut ptd, sentiment an attempt of infant mind to account for sound of instrument.

            216 Dr Channing by Gambardella, a v perfect representation of noblest work, an honest man. 218 A v clever head by Spencer, his picts require strong light due to delicacy of his tints, often wants gradation, lights and shades not harmonized by sufficient breadth of middle tint, no artist improved more.  221 Port of Gman by Inman, air of gman and man of fashion admirably portrayed, exceedingly happy in posture and air of his figs.  222 Powell port ldy, v pleasing arrang light and color.  225 Boys Trapping Mount, admirable, only fault possibly find is snow appears a little too much like ice, not granulated, every other part worthy of hand who made it, sorry not more by him in his peculiar walk of art, greater industry!


Jun 17 1839 The Apollo Rocky Mtn picts lately exhib Apollo were placed for temp exhib in front of some of finest picts in present coll which couldn’t be seen b y visitors who flocked to see buffaloes and bears.  For a time newsp teemed with notices, but not one guided eye to real gems of present exhib.  inability to speak on subj with sufficient decision, tho examined many beaut productions of pencil with earnest desire to underst why and how their charms were prod’d, found unable to account in brief and proper terms for effects upon mind, so member of the assoc in few days will give series of crit remarks worth reading in presence of picts, let those who fancy know what gd picts are examine for themselves


June 20, 1839, NAD no. 4

226 Port Lady Inman, flesh well colored every part beaut arranged.  227 Le Chapeau HP Grey v tolerably ptd, is with as much propriety la plume or la robe. Inman port of young naval officer, v graceful easy position head beaut ptd, one of his best.  Alexander 231 wife of artist, charm in dark eyes rivets gaze, expr indicative of purity of thought, feeling and character.  Bleecker Sleeping Lion 235 and Village Toper 113 by Jenkinson, of these and others of same class, we would simply say “the painter of common nature should not select grossness and vulgarity as the proper accompaniments in his representations.” Such scenes should be conveyed to us with the appearance of having passed thru a susceptible and amiable mind, anxious to render nature agreeable, not make her disgusting.”

            J Cranch Valley of Shadow of Death 236, conception and management of light to give unearthly appearance v tolerable, but execution discreditable to aboy, never mind one who has been to Rome. 238 Portia by Gambardella, excellent except red drapery, too crude color. v aerial as a whole.  Durand 239 245 Sailling Parties, beaut little gems.  241 Penny Paper, FW Edmonds, much might be sd of this pict, but compos same as Wilkie’s Blind Fiddler, shall just give artist cred it for making an original in some other respects. luminous effect in backgrd v difficult to give, arrang of color v gd, story tolerably told, faces are those of foreigners too much.

            Child and nurse Sully 212 exceedingly beaut, one of his best, malgre la Negresse. 247 Inman Master Giovanni Sconcia, v beaut expr color, exec artist’s happiest manner.  Page boy and hobby horse 552, v gd pict, too much of militaire in air and attitude of boy, beaut ptd flesh well colored in cool arrang of tints of Veronese.  253 Chas Elliott port gman, number of gd points, man seems too much absorbed with his briefs and revised statutes.  Page port of RB Minturn 254, warm arrang of color, great reality in appearance, hands admirably drwn ptd color fo flesh v fine.

            JG Clonney Fam Grp 255 an amateur and so creditable, compso arrang light dark color all v happy. 256 Ingham Head of child, v fine, rotund and well colored.  John Cranch 258 port of old man, v gd, much better than his others.  259 H Bryant Port Gman v well drwn colored, too hi to be sent o advantage. 269 Mooney port lady, not so well colored as some of his, but v pleasing pict expr v fine.

            Deas 261 Devil and Tom Walker, indicative of much talent and some vulgarity, blended with comic and ludicrous. 264 Huntington Lover’s Surprise, compos arrang lights darks and color v fine, too much settled melancholy in expr for scene, not that of a surprise, costumes and drapes v well done.  Deas 268 Walking the Chalk v gd pict of its kind, but not a fit subj for pencil.  enough to know such scenes pass around us, without them being on canvas. Durand 270 Western Emigrants, v beaut but as many of his too much green, no sufficiently warm color to give beauty to cool tones.  Shegogue Port gman, v striking likeness, v much improved since last yr.  274 Port of ldy, Durand’s best, drwg expr coloring v fine, draperies beaut finished, as is 110, hung too high.  JE Freeman, Port young ldy, 276, exquis beaut colored, not in perfect keeping. 277 port of ldy best ever fr Spencer, sweetly colored and eaut finished.

            278 Chas I in studio of Vandyck, C Verbrack, v pleasing arrang light and color, heads and hands unfort the poorest parts.  279 Saturday afternoon Durand, v aerial and beaut, partic excels inc ompositions of this character, grp dancers inimitable, see it again and again to apprec all the beauties.  H Inman 280 Grp Lady 3 kids, 2 younger personif of grace and beauty, grp prettily composed, backgrd arrang exceedingly fine, too much of greenish leaden tint diffused thru pict to make it agreeable in color.  Inman’s 18 Port of Revd Gman excellent color, expr, position, one of his best, not in favored lights tho one of Council.  Agate 282 Columbus and the Egg, story well told, ocmpos gd, grt warmth harmony of color. 284 Masaniello by Freeman, splendidly colored so far as flesh is concerned, as is all of his.  Sully Ldy Macbeth 286, to appreciate him must see his Queen V.  289 Eastman View in Highlands, v pretty river view, highly creditable to the artist.

            294 LP Clover, Idle Man, done ample justice to his subj, too lazy to puff segar smoke fr his lips. 

            By students of Acad, notice three by Hicks as creditable, 2 by Dickinson, 2 by Nims, 3 by Fanshaw, and 2 by CH Thomas.  Crave forgiveness if have erred in our remarks.


July 4, 1839 Apollo Gall No 1

taste for fa depends like genius on structure of mind and educ, may not be devd, may be corrupted and depraved by misguided studies, refine mature itself despite adversity, may be totally wanting; those born without natural perception of beauties of nature can’t comprehend beauties of art, only can parrot technicalities and terms.  Many pretend to knowl of art, deceive themselves and mislead others; known by departure fr natural principles.  discover point out beauties excellencies don’t exist, slight condemn what is really meritorious and praiseworthy. hearers believe some deep mystery abt art they can’t comprehend; quacks and pettifoggers. what is beaut and graceful in nature and art appeals to heart, can be enjoyed by thousands who know neither the sublime nor the beaut.

            ptgs in exhib consist of old masters, copies fr them, new picts.  aim is to help amateur of little experience select gems of art.  beaut not ltd to shape size subst color, may be produced by harmony or contrast, the minute delicate tender admire, vast abrupt powerful also.  my system is applicable to art or nature, charm lies in variety of outline, whether composed of angles or curves, in play of colors, purity of color ina variety of tints, in transparency, in contrasts of light and shade modified by atmosph or reflection, compose work on nature but some system, the oval or pyramid most agreeable genl forms for grps of figs, rainbow only natural arrang of colors

            No 1 Tobit and Angel, Rembrandt.  A story on canvass, give ea person introd appropriate character and action, principal figs most prominent, others subordinate.  remarkable fault of the pict is that Tobit is a young Dutchman, but manly form,self possessed, fearless, modest, angel erroneously represented as he was incognito.  skilful compos, concept of figs erroneous, much harmony in coloring gradual passage of browns,reds yellows into ea other, free use of same color throughout pict produces harmony, essential to a pict

            51 Queen Esther ascr to Domenichino, won’t yield in rank to many in this country.  composit faultless, chara expr of ea actor distinct appropr, fainting helplessness of Queen well told, arrang colors drapery purple tint, in shadows of flesh too wants transp, compare to flesh in 76 and superiority of Cleopatra apparent, carelessness of drape intentional Cignani did not mean to paint texture, simply white to carry light up to head, delicate silvery tone throughout gd for our port ptrs as is body of solid color of flesh, richness and firmness

            65 Zyle Elev of Cross also pleasant silvery tone, grey atmosph remotest dist approaches grad mingling with various objs princip figs in foregrd alone bright clear prominent, agreeable coolness. 72 Cuyp lscape is instead a warm pict, but a sketch, study of color; 73 Guercino Magdalen graceful harmonious likely overlooked for unobtrusive modesty

            105 St Francis, for priv coll of King of Fr, utmost delicacy finish, all power of light and shadow, flesh excellent,e yes overflow, tears transp, hands pressed force, hand of master, dead colored with brown and red, finished without covering the first ptg.  54 Wouvermans battle, ascr, a masterpiece, horses horsemen every possible attitude action well drwn colored skillfully touched freedom, artist keeps figs in principal grp apart by color than light and shade


July 8, 1839 Apollo Gall No 2

Gem of coll in opinion of those with gd judgment not wedded to exclusive admiration of old masters but familiar with them) 86 Queen of Sheba by Remb, harmony of color brilliancy of touch hand of experienced master, not nature with naked eye, as reflected in black mirror.  106 little on table a garden scene by daylight, quaint true to manners of time, exquisitely finished every part without hardness, flowers retouched by hand that should not handle flowers. 2 pieces game Fyt, 84 highly finished, perfect imitation of nature, soft fur admirable, 96 excellent sketch grt freedom of hand masterly touch effect more like bark of tree than hair on deer’s head.

            Still life not valued so highly as they deserve.  58 immense labor Velasquez, figs in style of Murillo, picture dealers would call it his, but veg fruit in immense pict don’t pass without exam, some parts coloring prob changed by time, want freshness, or veg rotted.  Compare with 80, or pieces by the Peales, several here, Amer artists will rise estimation of unprej amateurs

            80 88 Morland’s peculiairities of style, models fr which he studied nature.  13 33 103 210 by W Brown are imitations of Moralnd’s style, without his accuracy in delineation of char in figs and unequal in color, 21 and 25 lscapes by Brown among best of his recent productions, shd study Morland less and nature more.  Amer subjs as well ptd would giv the advantages of novelty at least, now lacking.


too numerous and excellent lscapes to be noticed, 2 large copies, 53 fr Berghem by Andrew Richardson, 59 fr Ruysdael and Berghem.  same chara of lscape figs cattle, so perfectly copied seems by one person, but handling diff in foliage and clouds.  Richardson lays aside own manner, gives touch color of orig, anatomy of trees most of our artists negligent, here the effective results of study.  42 The landing, another of Richardson’s copies so like orig Claude, worthy to take its place, wealthy amateurs shd buy.

            33 shepherd’s return, ED Coates, united many beauties and faults avoided if labored longer on details of trees and figs, scene well chosen, warm atmosph just moist enuf to carry sunshine all over well done, water more value fr contrast around it preserves pict fr being too hot, foliage has no character not leaf in whole designating species, but well ptd pleasing pict worthy of attn of executivie committee. shd give some of our own sunsets and lovely lscape scenery

            41 Indians visiting graves of fathers, Stewart Watson.  wall of clouds hover round like children to receive last words of departing father, too little light in pict, figs too feebly made out, attitude of deep thought well studied, Amer subj more freq ptd and patronage of assoc freely directed, among best offered for sale, but Watson capable of better and before he went abroad exhib better


Nov 11 1839, fr Evening Post, notice that Mr Cummings miniature ptr moved to Walker st, a deserved fave for spirit truth and assiduous finish.  Notices Vattemare, the ventriloquist has   curious and extensive coll of drwgs by living artists of diff nations, all illust state of art in diff countries, offered them to NAD for exhib, acad won’t profit from exhib, any proceeds invested in annual medal in honor of liberal views of proprietor to award to best drwg by a young artist.  connoisseurs say coll extraord and v interesting, intrinsic beauty, specimens of manner of artists never or rarely seen here


Searched using America’s Historical Newspapers fr American Antiquarian Society:


Jan 30 1840 “John W Jarvis” recently died. age ten evinced taste for fine arts, tried to daub, apprenticed to engraver Savage, who knew nothing of the art and employed an Englishman named Edwin and Jarvis took over his business serving him faithfully in doors, and playing many pranks and tricks fantastic without.  Visited ptg rm of Martin, port ptr, the first in US, Jarvis said can do better, took up profession.  earliest a port of Hogg, the comedian, porter hse Nassau st,  Called it face ptg, assisted by 2 men, sd he was best ptr only cause all others were worse, got an associate named Wood and became a miniature ptr, invented profile process v profitable.  funny, wood a musician, rms in Park row v attractive, but habits irregular, both md mysteriously and imprudently and separated on bad terms.  indiscreet marriage, other irregularities, J didn’t obtain access to best society, esp female circles, later md a delicate and lady like woman and got a ptr rm in Broadway oppos City Hotel where Dunlap sd he did profile ports v well exec $5.  labored in humblest depts. of art, loose and convivial habits, but a student in art, anatomy with Dr Smith, phrenology with Dr John W Francis’s bks on Spurzheim, applied its principles.  No advantage to his principles or morals that became companion and lodger with Thom Paine, a bust of whom in NY His Soc by Jarvis in clay.  Hired Sully as an assitant, Jarvis sd grt shame one of his genius and merit shd labor so.  had become eminent tho, lively and entertaining humorist, songs and stories, pop as table companion and on convivial occasions.  In N Orleans during war, hired by city on his return to do his only historical works, Perry and Decatur, in Gov’s apt, great merit, show that with habits of greater regularity might have attained exalted eminence in highest dept.  also did full lengths in South.

            soon after accomp artist H Inamn became pupil, toured with him N Orleans, v profitable, young pupil as full of genius as himself, cld do 6 ports a week, daily sitting an hour ea per subj.  In 1819 Inman separated, habits more dissolute, little instruction, Inman set abt teaching himself, earliest of his ptgs was a cabinet pict in watercolors of Jarvis himself in slouched and dilapidated straw hat, capitalhit, contrib. to starting his brilliant career.

            all his habits without system or economy, prodgal of money, living hi and drinking deep, telling stories, singing songs, disorder at home, friends dine with him at home on choicest viands with broken forks and crockery.  Stroke in 1833 put end to career of merriment and dissipation, imbecile, body and mind, no relig faith, his opinions (not steadfast enuf for principles) were those of Paine.  When Bishop Moore sat to him, prelate attempted to preach, artist sd shut your mouth.


two New Eras, Locke’s sincere in its destructiveness and the custom-house New Era, which is not, doesn’t really mean down with the banks. Feb 1840


May 28, 1840 p. 1, Fine Arts: extensive sale of ptgs Fraser’s Gall, 322 Broadway, inclu pictures disting men Washington, Hamilton, Jay, Adams, Morris, ptd by Trumbull, Sully.  more interesting valuable than whole cargoes of ‘origs by grt masters’ knocked off at auction for prices exceeding actual worth of the things

NY Spec Jun 11, 1840, fr Boston Transcript, beaut picture of well formed graceful woman on horseback, hundred artists of all nations all modern times, none wld draw her right side, only full length fig to make a picture, with long flowing skirt of habit necessary to completion.  Fr Boston Trans, NY Spec comments that can’t convince men to stay on left side of mounted ladies


Jun 18 1840 For the Comm Advert, Messrs Editors: amusing to read abortive attempts at crit so many picture dealers and scribblers have recently thought fit to edify the NY public.  Almost every paper one takes up contains one of these abortions.  Correct crit have v happy influ on art and arists, but without knowl to disting mediocrity fr misery, no v favorable tendency.  conceited hypercritic opp to dissem opinions and conjectures no knowledge, hence variety of opinions, discovering partiality for qualities float upon the surface, only diff betw class of pretended connoisseurs and crowd is mass are just verbal.  shallow draught intox brains of scribblers, if shown Titian Raphael Corregio others with works of modern schls, only leaden look of admiration, unless names were mentioned.  tyros and apes of artistical lore pass without notice unpretending chefs doeuvre of those wonderful painters, holding rank, united praise of polite nations, power skill not confined to novel and attractive subjects and unless critic be clever won’t search for gems and pearls among unpretending modest walls.  fine feathers make fine birds with half this tribe, brilliant lights sparkling touches showy dreamy sweet effect enuf, but dry hard severe close studied efforts of conscientious and simple student find ready condemnation.

            to build up a pleasing effect perhaps easiest task young arist, depdns ona  few pts easily acquired and reprod at will, a few prints fr Rembrandt and Reynolds, genl arrangement of colors r books, key to chiarao scuro massing breadth and tricks not unfavorable to highest grade of art.

            accounts for mannerism of our exhib and those of Engl schl, too great a sacrifice of parts and want of rigid affinity to nature mark results of pop feature, fashion is all controlling.  student striving to accomplish a hi difficulty will overlk minor things in his pict yet those minor considerations possess power to please.  mass see but genl effect, puny connoisseur has no stomach to search beyond nose for beauties.

            artists connoisseurs slow to give opinion judgment, but small lights in profession and sm connoisseurs lavish, private pique jealousy favoritism good and ill natured ignorance thru columns of every paper.  critic has nothing to do with personal appearance, yet comments are on them. stick with work of art.  merchant who in Italy purchased blackened imitations of old masters comes home talks of Guido Raphael and others, allows no merit to artists of his own country, ours are equal to the best, need encouragement, must visit Acad 50 times before judgment, then if you must indulge your prominent failing or characteristic weakness, stimulate mediocrity, disgust clever, make notoriety as cheap as civil military glory.

Signed Pittoro

NY Spec, Jun 18, 1840 p. 1, for the Comm Advert, letter to Messrs Editors:  amusing to read abortive attempts at criticism that so many picture dealers and scribblers recently thought fit to edify NY public.  Almost every paper contains one of these abortions.  Correct crit wld have v happy influ on art and artists, but opinions w/o knowledge to disting mediocrity fr misery have no favorable tendency.

            Facility for giving opinions thru the press so tempting, offers to conceited hypercritic opp for disseminating opinions and conjectures (has no knowl), can’t resist, hence variety of opinions, discovering partiality for qualities which float upon the surface.

            Only diff betw this class of pretended connoisseurs and crowd is the mass have gd sense to confine strictures to verbal communications, while others anxious to see themselves in print.  A little learning has intoxicated brains of numerous scribblers upon exhib at Clinton Hall.  Were they to be shown gallery of Titian, Raphael, Corregio and other old masters intermingled withmodern schools, prob no more thanleaden lk of admiration elicited, unless names of illustrious artists were mentioned.

            Better judges than the tyros and apes of artistical lore have passed without notice the unpretending chefs d’oeuvre of those wonderful ptrs, whose efforts have lived to present, holding the rank they enjoy, fr united praise of all polite nations.  Power and skill aren’t confined to novel and attractive subjects, and unless the critic be clever, he won’t search for gems and pearls among the unpretending modest pictures on walls of the gallery.  Fine feathers with half of this tribe make fine birds, brilliant lights, sparkling touches, showy dreamy sweet effect are enuf, but dry, hard, severe, close and studied efforts of conscientious and simple student will find ready condemnation.

            To build up a pleasing effect is the easiest take a young artist has, depends on a few pts easily acquired, repro’d at will.  A few prints fr Rembrandt and Reynolds, hints on genl arrangement of colors fr exhib and fr bks, furnish key to chiaro scuro, massing, breadth and some of the tricks even in highest grade of art.  This accounts for mannerism pervades our exhibs and the Engl schl in London.  Too grt a sacrifice fo parts and want of rigid affinity to nature results of this pop feature in those wedded to styale above.  Fashion is all controlling.

            Student striving to accomplish a hi difficulty will overlook minor things, yet those possess power to please.  Mass see but genl effect, and puny connoisseur no stomach to search beyond his nose for beauties.  Artists of disting merit slow to give opinion, connoisseurs of long intimacy with art careful how they pronounce judgement, but small lights in profession and small connoisseurs are lavish of decisions.  Private pique, jealosy, favoritism, gd and illnatured ignorance come to world thru columns of every paper.  Critic has nothing to do with personal appearance of sitter, yet there are comments that he is an ugly fellow.  Critic only has to do with picture as work of art.  A merchant who in Italy purchases a few blackened imitations of old masters sets himself up as connoisseur, talks of Guido, Raphael and others, that he’s never seen, allows no merit to artists of his own country, or qualifies his praise, when we have artists equal to best of other countries who want only encouragement.  Don’t give opinion until visit academy fifty times, then indulge yr prominent failing or characteristic weakness, make notoriety in art as cheap as civil military glory.  Signed Pittoro.


NY Spec Jun 25 1840, fr Cinti Gazette, notices Brackett’s Bust of Harrison, young artist, townsman, has completed it for NY Asssoc, a gd specimen of art, pts of excellence, truly delineates developments of head ofGenl, striking accuracy his genl features and peculiarities of mouth, brow, so faithfully observer don’t mind absence of color no life in eye.

            A yr at his profession, but genius taste love of art perseverance industry assure his course onward.  Will go to Italy with his models, where will strive to equal excellence of HPowers


Jun 29 1840 p. 1 another letter in controversy betw Francois Gouraud and SFB Morse, over daguerreotyping (does Gouraud have imprimatur of Daguerre), attacks Morse in letter to eds of Comm Advert, previously wrote in Evening Star of March 19, critical of NAD too, submits letter fr attaché to Minister of Public Instruction in Paris Abel Rendu


Jul 23 1840 p. 2 FA: public genl not aware 2 extensive galleries ancient modern original Ital ptgs and statuary at 281 Broadway, granite bldgs oppos Wash Hotel.  splendid halls with choice picts, worthy careful freq insp, some v valuable specimens of Sculp of best kinds, esp handsome Canova enus de Medicis.  masterpieces of S Rosa, Dominichino, Guido, Corregio, Poussin, Raphael others as celeb, lovers of FA, Mr Clark expenditure grt patience, ingenuity, expense


Aug 1 1840 p. 4 advert for John Inman, commissioner of deeds, ad fr LP Glover, 291 Broadway, for an original portrait by Thomas Lawrence, artists and connoisseurs urged, and the Apollo Assn telling subscribers that Sartain is engr this year’s ptg by John Bake White of Charleston NC of well known incident Gen Marion’s swamp Encampment, avail November. also ad for a panorama of Rome.


NY Spec, Aug 10, 1840, p.4, The Painter and the old Chest. A True Story.  Set in Siena, series of pictures illus life of Pius II in public library, cognoscenti learnedly of merits, small wits donvenient to direct light destructive artillery, neither taste nor judgment in opinion, but enuf wit to point and envenom it. Sienese proud, as was artist Pinturiccio, who was ruled by pride, avarice and anger. Haughty manner. Had been insinuated to him that he was indebted to a young rising artist.  Sees St Francis while at prayer, tells him to sacrifice what he most values and fame riches will crown next commission.  Nativity for monastery chapel.  Complains of old chest left in his ptg rm, relic of a saint, to cover it says artist would by hypocritical pretence, desecrates ptg rm with its ugliness. Won’t sacrifice principle even to spare monk pain. Chest filled w/gold. Ptr’s spirit consumed with mortification, sense of injustice. Cries. Dies.


Sept 19 1840, p. 4, Mr Mooney, young artist hi promise, pupil of Inman and Page, port of Arab reis, capt of Sultanee, on mission here, a chef d’oeuvre of art.  as large as life, and looks from the life, almost speaks.  all shd be proud, 383 E Broadway.


Nov 14, 1840, NAD, p. 2, house warming in honor of apts in Atheneum and Society Library bldg, third story, a principal exhib gall, large co most eminent citizens for taste, genius and refinement, fine specimens of art around rm, colossal Bacchus, 12 ft hi.  Adjoining is a gall of sculp, Farnese Hercules, Vatican Apollo, Venuses of Praxiteles, Thorwaldsen, Medicean and other casts of most precious chefs d’oeuvre of antiquity


Dec 2, 1840 p. 4 excerpt fr London Art-Union, regarded there as hi authority, bears out all we’ve sd in praise of Wagstaff’s admirable Engraving of Rev Bishop Wm White, late of Penn, Episcopal.  Ptd by H Inman, pub Ackerman and co. v beaut work of art, more admirable never submitted, ptg itself of v considerable merit, subj a happy one, finely composed.  British schl of engr, amazingly delicate, exec with grt freedom, lights and shadows managed with skill seldom surpassed in modern art.


Dec 9 1840 “Chapman’s National Picture” taken from the Signal.
describes the picture’s faithfulness to historical setting, but also mentions as Herald does not, that in the crowd at the church are the court members but also the sturdy husbandman, the vine dresser, the mechanic.

Dec 23, 1840, p. 1, Lscape PTgs.  all mouths lavish in praise of Cole’s picts at Athenaeum rms Broadway and Leonard st, doubt not.  But must have a care, or will have an aspirant by the side of him in his own peculiar art, recently seen J Talbot’s lscapes, degree of talent skill full of promise.  Placed large pict of Catskill scenery in Colman’s window, attracted grt attn, same subj in Apollo exhib, grtly admired by artists and amateurs.  chef d’oeuvre  thus far is just completed pict Rockland Lake and imposing scenery, fibe by three ft, liberal, scope to embrace wide prospect, bright and beaut water, wilderness and grandeur circumjacent, mind imbued with exalted thoughts and poetical feeling.  joking? foregrd sportsman in act of firing on flock of waterfowl, act of cruelty we can’t countenance?  water accurately sweetly transferred, real; delicious groves, distant summits claim to boldness and sublimity.  Imagination v agreeably excited in detailed study of scene, work of close application by artist.  one distinguishing characteristic of Cole’s picts Talbot most happy in catching delineating the atmosphere, adapting it to distances. rm in University bldg.

  1. 1 Fowler, port ptr here, full length pict of Clay for Whigs of N Orleans, they are greatly satisfied, Clay says it’s an excellent likeness, perhaps best extant, friends much pleased. Twenty to one we have a better in port ptd by Jarvis, when that artist was in his prime.  Does Clay remember it?

Dec 23 p1 finally succeeded in painting Danl Webster, every effort so far been a failure, til Geo Linen, Scotch artist who succeeded so admirably in intellectual expression of Clay last year. admirable cabinet size miniature, entirely diff fr dark, heavy, gloomy pics of other artists, fine intellectual devt of Webster’s head, masculine beauty. At Clover’s Broadwy



Feb 13 1841 p. 1 puffs Trumbull’s reminiscences, have perused large portions of manuscript, hi value, agreeable interest, inclu his criticisms upon picts in Europe, illus by drwgs


Mar 17 1841 p. 1 notes an ingenious instrument ascribed to M Collas in France for copying statues without assistance of an artist, with extreme correctness, of any materials, can enlarge, etc


April 10 1841, p. 1, all of the academies (NAD, American, Apollo) marched in president’s funeral processions as did all the other trades


Apr 14 1841, p. 1, publishes letter to NY Express fr SFB Morse, withdrawing as candidate of Native American party, as no gd can result fr their running a separate candidate at this election, discord among friends of the party.  NY Spec approves, he is a gman, a man of genius and talent, both highly cultivated, as prof of divine art of ptg, fame well known, polished periods proclaims cholarship, integrity and purity of character, but despite hi qualities of mind and education, his politics have got awry, can’t support him for mayor until Mr Phoenix has had his turn nor until Morse himself in politics returns to his first love.  don’t think he shd be in politics in first place.


Apr 14, 1841 p. 1, Exhib at Apollo, Broadway and Chambers st, splendid affair, large rich coll, many by grt masters new and old, note those attracted partic attn:

            no 3 Storm on Delaware, FW Whitley, bold spirited sketch

            no 4 Battoni’s magdalen, highly finished beaut copy exquis coloring, bear examination

            no 5 and 7 fruit and flowers, w/c, by a Germ artist, exceedingly delicate true to nature most elab finished, nothing of kind finer

            no 6 small port in oil by Linen, like taste exec of this in all respects, excels in agreeable style of port.

            8 Heads of 4 bright faced children, Inman, delightful grp agreeable picts, exhib at NAD

            9 Lawrence’s port of Benj West, noble and well known dignity and truth, out of public view for some yrs

            12 View of NY fr nr Governor’s Isl, AW Walker, rather unsatisf as view of NY, but gd atmosphere and persp, water v fine

            13 Dar Thula, fr Ossian, GD Thompson, a new work, much attn, much skill, principal fig well exec full of expr, attitude drapery v graceful.  accessories have some v happy pts, others hard and unnatural, shd retouch certain parts

            14 Chess players or Game of Life, Moritz Retzsch, Dresden, only oil copy ever by disting artist, full of interest in poetic imag, strong expr of mind, moral interest.  a little of hardness of Germ schl, but full of life and soul, disarms technical crit

            15 and 16 Bononi, copies of Guercino and Raphael, v bold and stiking, many beauties, but wants perspective, injures genl effect

            17 Boon companions, Stuart Watson, a drinking match in lowlife well hit off; enuf to make a man forswear strong beer without aid of Father Mathew

            20 Virgin, by a lady amateur, v sweet and expressive.  21 Port of Young Lady by E White, happy effort, peculiar style of shading, drwg expr gd.  22 Lscape, w/c, W Havel, England, curious, grt freedom and skill, not pleasing in genl effect

            23 Chinese port, sample of art there.  26 Port of Kendall, the popular wit of the N Orleans Picayune, by Marchant, quite self-possessed, a little quizzical


Apr 17, 1841, p. 1 Apollo Exhib, continue our remarks on v attractive exhib.  Signed OPQ.

            27 Lscape composition by Ashton of Phil, v agreeable, well managed in main, persp gd, figs partic so, dept our lscape painters apt to fail in.  water wants transparency.

            28 Rosa de Tivoli interior, can’t doubt genuineness, or merit; 31 Rigaud’s Duke of Northumberland, rich old port, carries one back to the days

            29 study for Namouna by Leutze? of Phila, bold and free sketch, exhib contrast lights shades v striking manner  and  his Flower Girl, 67,

            30 Marino Faliero, by Frankenstein, of Phila, much after manner of Sully, v well done

            33, 31, Linen’s sm portraits, old lady exceedingly gd, do honor to most accurate of Flemish artists

            36 sm lsape Miss S Clarke, owned by Boston Atheneum, v beaut and true what there is, regret not larger

            37 Ls ape by A Fisher, Boston, much merit, easy agreeable all parts

            38 Italian Lazaroni Boy, fr life, by D Huntington, capital specimen of fave artist’s powers, drwn ptd with grt force effect, atmosphere uncommon transparency, fig might pass for a Murillo.  some of our hi finishing ptrs might profitable study.

            40 Port of Ex-Recorded Morris, his honor the new Mayor (with the Glentworht papers in his hand! me:  Glentworth involved in a voting fraud scheme I think) by Page, well drwn, spirited, can’t praise the coloring. (joke I think) Never saw a man lk so blue.

            41 51 fine lscapes fr Doughty, v similar genl characteristics, secluded mtn scenes, diff seasons. sky, clouds, aerial persp soft beaut, foliage v well done, support well estab rep

            42 Raeburn port of Mr Livingston given to Amer Acad FA, bold and striking, worthy of study; 43 Zuccarelli Lscape, delightful, strong various powers; 47 Caracci Flight into Egypt, rich old pict, uncommon merit, not new to connoisseurs 61 Battle piece by Borgignone, valuable old pict, retouched by careful hand but fresh tint too conspicuous.  Lscape and Gipseys by Geo Morland, v prob genuine.  71 Village Kermiss, Petzl, no grt promise at first sight, but on exam, full of truth and interest, everything in keeping, details perfect, grping admirable.  73 Fete Champetre, Watteau, fr Boston Athenaeum, sterling old school pict, grace of motion v difficult to imitate.  79 Copy of Cammucini’s port of daughter, by HP Gray, NY, exceedingly sweet lovely, the freedom of an orig.  86 and 91, copies by Rothe of Carlo Colce’s Herodias, perfect specimen beauty highly finished ptg and St Cecilia, exquisitely ptd

            48 Wild Turkeys size of life JJ Audubon, brilliant masterly, full of life, true to nature.

            50 Contemplation, Thom Sully, charming sketch in free easy style of eminent; 77 his A Dream, grt dealof art in small compass, doesn’t strike eye v favorably at first, bears review

            51 fruit piece by AJ Oliver v rich and tempting.  53 Port JJ Astor, Marchant, gd likeness.  55 Sketch of Polish Jew, Wash Alston, not so finished as Isaac of York in last exhib, but more bold striking in effect.

            56 JP Beaumont, morning view on Mohawk, soft beaut full of finished detail.  68 R Salmon, Boston, moonlite scene, choice little piece, soft well toned, will bear close inspec;; 78 Kingsdale’s charming lscapes, quiet composed, one turns away reluctantly. 85 Marine view by Birch of Phil, excels in views of this kind, one of his best, alm hear sharp dashing of breakers on rocks.

            59 Port of Genl Harrison by Hoyt of Boston, genlly conceded most faithful yet, a gd pict, admirable calmness and dignity, talent and energy, dressed in mourning weeds

            70 Lscape by “an Amateur”--shd have put Artist.  water sky partic well done

            71 Falls of Niagara, T Cole, all inadequate and unsatisfactory, subj too great even for such a master, this more a memo of scene than attempt to portray it.

            87 Full length port Chancellor Mathews, in official costume, CG Thompson, v commanding pict, gd likeness, well drwn colored.


May 6, 1841, p. 4, Notices of Apollo Exhib, concluded.

            92 White Mtns, A Fisher, bold well managed compos, grt credit to excellent artist, wants only some transparency of atmosphere. 98 T Bell of Boston, miniature, perfect specimen.  108 Young Artist, by Burnham of Boston, extraord performance, puts him by side of our own Mount, irresistible drollery, fig and expr of Cuffee as he stands for his port to the young rogue of an artist,--that is to be--are perfect, whole scene managed with grt effect. hope will see more.  suggest bestow more attn on lscape and persp; picts too much on surface, want depth and space.

            96 believed to be an orig of Veronese’s Last Supp, with ports of contemporary artists, owned by Amer Acad FA. 102 Dominichino St Anthony, wonderful exhib of

power of his pencil, a bonne bouche to those fond of the horrible.  103 v perfect copy of Guido’s Christ.  119 copy of one of Claude’s best lscapes, more of spirit of master than usual. 123 large valuable pict Panini, gallery of archit views in Rome, Bosotn ATheneum owner; 126 rich lscape Rysbrack

            111 winter lscape, Doughty, also his 133, delightful view, ardent longing for country, taste in selecting subjects and grouping rural beauties, with his exec, uncommonly attractive. 113 Prof Weir’s Indian captives, masterly, grt care attn to detail, strikingly portrayed, richness of coloring seldom equaled

            115 Cayuga and Seneca Lake, Geo Harvey, rich beaut sunset, finished study for series of views, enterprising gifted artist, grt skill management of light shade, altogether satisfactory pict.  JC Ward, Storm on Alleganies, v bold free handling, rapid improvement.

            118 Bulwer’s Nydia, Leutze, v sweet and artist like, but rather careless in some pts


many more shd call attn to, but will speak for themselves.  in closing our hasty remarks, not offered as criticisms, on v interesting exhib, approbation of judgment gd taste selection arranged materials, grt variety of works to please various tastes, nothing to offend most fastidious delicacy.  Signed OP Q.


Comm Adv supports Tyler, thinks he’s a Whig.


May 22, 1841 p. 4 Ptgs on Copper: for last year or so fancy stores in Broadway exhib in windows variety of lscape ptgs on plates of copper, in oil, polished like fine glazing, stopped at rich fancy store Tiffany & Young, saw ones in higher walk of the art, historical grps of exquis beauty, Christ disputing, Leo’s Last Supper, other Scriptural pieces rare excellence

May 29, 1841 p.1 notes death of city’s oldest artist, age 70, Alexander Robertson, former Secy of Amer Acad FA


June 30 1841, p. 2 The Token for 1842, has pics after Chapman and Talbot, same ptg mentioned earlier of Rockland, also a Birch


August 11, 1841, For the Commercial Advertiser, NO 1, letter to the Editor, NAD and American Artists, signed An American Artist, argues that hanging the walls needs to be redone on diff principles; continues Aug 14, No 2, with detailed reviews, including Jesse Talbot, signed An Amateur Artist. Continues August 18th.


New York Spectator—Library of Congress

April 1848

3 is first issue; Francis Hall & Co pub, Pine and Wm Streets, notices Banvard as a wonder of the world

skips to April 6, p.1 National Wash Monument Society’s local collections committee include Frelinghuysen, John Inman, Wm C Bryant and FA cConkling, John L Graham, James Brooks, J Prescott Hall, Benj Butler, met at NY Hist Soc, James Harper and Wm Havemeyer added, James W Beekman of the NY monument worried the two would come in conflict. Apologize for Louis Philipe, give acct of sympathy with France and Europe mtg, Astor’s will. Lots excerpted fr Comm Advert.

10 Want a national currency. Like Webster. 13 notice Count d’Orsay’s port of Queen Vic, animated expression, well worth seeing at Gothic Hall. 20, 24, City News, Cole’s ptgs, gallery of the Am AU, any person with pretension to taste or sentiment shld go, will never happen again, year of ea ptg given so can see growth of the ptr’s skill.  Depth of meaning in Voyage of Life and Cross, heart and intellect. 30 in cat, Pilgrim at the end of his journey, inexpressibly beaut.  27

Doesn’t want foreign interventions on behalf of  oppressed.

May 1848

1, 4, 8 summarizes Bryant’s eulogy on Cole, grumbles about people at exhibitions, rambling, careless, childish looking rather than active, diligent, penetrating study, which ought to take place of this sight seeing, or we will praise mere daubs and pass by the true and the good, can’t know at a glance

11, 15,18 note AU Transactions pub. 22 critical of Noah’s ultra pro slave tract for the south. Henry Brevoort’s funeral.


12 reports conviction of Model Artists’ proprietors, degrading from testimony seems nude; they continue albeit less egregiously 13 True Sun is organ of the Cass party; Spec likes Mayor Havemeyer, continues extensive coverage of Pillow trial, not impressed with Knick. 26 They embrace Taylor, sorry Trib doesn’t


31 free soil mtg visits Globe, Trib and Eve Post

August 7—had been a Webster paper consistently. 21 promotes Am Inst Fair

Sept 7 thinks free soil party will just strengthen Demos. 18 hostile to Battery enlargement. 28 Sam Stockwell artist taking a pano of Mississippi exchange with squatters on river re politics

Oct 12 covers Am Inst extensively, describes an omnibus with elab ptgs of Mex war by an artist who sketched fr nature, another with scenes fr Egypt/Bible; notices exhib at Goupil, likes Ary Scheffer’s Dead Christ and Waldmuller’s Leaving school and some others. 19 New York in Slices on the stage has a character of a reporter for the Lightning Humbug, objected to by Herald, reported by Express

Nov 2 notices beaut cabinet ptg by Weir on exhib, The old merchant, at Appleton’s. 9 has a poem by JB fr Comm Advert addressed to Richd Dunphy, the young sculptor, glory of antiquity casts its mantle on him, p. 3 excerpts the Knick as being in favor of Frazee’s design for Wash Monument now being voted on. 16 pro-Gothic. 30 long praise of Mexican pano; praises Sartain’s Am Gall of Art. Supports pub baths.

December 4 long diatribe agst Restell. 11 seems neutral toward Am Rev. 21 more on Model Artists, almost entire press denounced exhib of half nude men and women, city authorities put them down and were indicted, but have reopened with impunity, as bad as ever. 22 notices AU drawing, plus list of winnters etc fr Trib. 28 don’t partic admire Griswold as a scholar/writer; notice the New England dinner




4 is first issue; quarrels with Globe’s stats on respectable women in Greece and Turkey posing as artists’ models, 17 for Greek Slav. Covers Merc Lib election and Mech Inst. Opposed to women’s suffrage, likes arresting vagrants


Ought to forbid the polka. And prizefighting.. but anti-slavery and Calhoun. 19 Knick is better, like Clark 22 p. 4 excerpts a positive review of Healy’s ptg of Webster v Hayne


12 p. 1 notices AU exhib open, gems are HP Gray’s two pics, Wenzler, Church, Hinckley, and Edmonds also  15 support the Ten Governors, designed to remove Alms houses fr party politics. Happy the mayor is suppressing the model artists, Likes pano of Hudson R.  close rum shops on sabbath. 22 free soilers like Mayor Havemeyer. 26 John Carlin is a deaf mute artist, connected by marriage to late Col Stone, had a ptg in last AU distrib


5 City News: NAD open, the competition of AU hasn’t injured it, excellent works. 26 notices auction of C de la Forest, late consul of France, inclu pics


Christian Enquirer run by leading Unitarian ministers, weekly. 10 don’t believe Forrest himself is behind the riots. Goupil color view of Niagara. 21 has long defense of aristocracy, it’s not the rich in luxurious palaces, it’s the newsboys who cry papers on Sundays, it’s those who trample on others’ wishes for selfish reasons 24 notices a print  by Sadd fr ptg by Matteson of GW’s inaugural address 28 notices a Crawford portrait bust is at the AAU. 28 not much re Polk’s death

Skipped July and August


Doesn’t really cover the theaters, no poetry or fiction, mostly outlet for Comm Advert

3 deprecate enthus for Kossuth. 6 notice Duss gall, Holy Family. 13 notes an Allston publication that CW  Elliott has taken an interest in; notes the purchase by the Cinti art union of Greek Slave; Voyage of life distrib by Am AU now at Springer Institute. 20 City News notices opening of new gallery of Art Union by highly respectable gmen, merchants artists and men of letters. Doughty responded to a toast, as did Rev Magoon to one to Western AU (Magoon’s books have been reviewed in the Spec), Dr Bethune, James Brooks, Raymond, Poussin rep of France there too tho embroiled in controversy. Also notices Cummings’ drwg academy is open.


1 don’t want Onderdonk restored, happy the Astor rioters are convicted, love Am Inst Fair 8 The Art Unions: polemic betw Am and Intl, Spec has never promoted Intl, see it as a private concern for profit not deserving of more attn than any other pic dealer, Wms & Stevens et al. But we don’t give credit to either institution for cultivating artistic taste. Their virtue lies in the employment to artists, so the preference shd be for the one that supports Americans. The Phreno Journal advertises.29 p. 4 Dangers of city life include promiscious association, must preserve distinctions of a moral nature, may get intro’d to anyone. Also notes Powers’ statue of Calhoun fr Boston Trans.


1 mocks Trib’s City Items bridge scheme. Starts putting stories on back page. Acknowledges it has very old readers. 8 p. 1 anecdote of Yankee in the Louvre, prefers a copy to an orig Titian, fresher and younger 15 a little critical of Pratt of Mech Inst, p. 3 excerpts on a GW statue ordered fr Powers by Louisiana; ad for Melville. Trib steals City Items fr Comm Advert. 22 Attree’s death. Hostile to Freeman’s Journal as anti-republican.

December 1849

3 Admires Greenwood,Home J advertises 6 likes Egyptian pano. Religious—reviews lots of religious books. 20 supports Copway’s petition to congress 24 notices AU distrib and again on the 31st 27 likes Holden’s Dollar mag



From the Spectator (databases):

Feb 28, 1833, p. 2 bio sketch of Wm Dunlap, fr NY Mirror, prior to his benefit at the theater


NY Spectator, April 4, 1833, p. 4, fr London Lit Gazette, excerpts Achille Murat’s sketch of US.  He is describing how the waltz was proscribed as indecent, then how the Paris corps de ballet created a scandal with short skirts, respect for morals and decency carried to such a point, yet complaint is made that there are no distinguished artists.  How can it be otherwise?  Painter or a statuary can’t arrive at perfection til after long study of naked figure, indispensable possess profound feeling of beautiful, mind carried away by all the illusion of love before can warm with glowing hands the marble or canvass.  Any artist in US wld lose rep if disclosed in a pict higher than ankle or elbow; even ancient statues in museums are carefully veiled, and living model would force ptr to quit the country.  Artists and actors are married, perfectly respectable, living in best society, rec’g com pany at home, and the least irregularity in their moral conduct wld cut them off.  One actress slight imprudence, no one would perform with her.  Dancers must be moral, yet it is objected we have no artists;  it is decency, chastityt carried to excess, which clips the wings of genius, cools the passions, breaks pencil and palette.  Proof this is sole obstacle is that we have excellent portrait ptrs, engravers, but genius is wanting for historical ptg, despite great efforts all over to foster the arts.  Every town has a museum of plaster casts and daubs, dignified with names of first ptrs.  But all this won’t do, the deep sentiment of the arts without which genius can do nothing, cannot exist in US as long as manners remaint he same.  Drop Phidias or Apelles into one of our town, in midst of public ceremony like 4th of July, and all will be seen are preaching and processions.


NY Spec, May 9, 1833, p. 1, excerpts Mrs Morrell’s Narrative (to south seas, etc) fr Harper’s notes embellish w/portrait of her, gd likeness, artists wld have exhib own taste better if omitted profusion of trinkets adorning her person, ought seldom to appear on a picture


NY Spec May 20, 1833, p.1 Ladies May Day Fair in Boston for Blind, hope similar benefit here, Mrs Harrison Gray Otis Jr had number of exquis ptgs, inclu two cabinet pictures of grt beauty, by Fisher, Doughty lscape happiest efforts, Osgood’s head of Master Burke, a Blind boy by MissClarke, a head mezzotinto v fine by Miss H Inglis, beaut wc ptg by Mrs Sparks, orig compos in penciling HJ Finn, sketches Mr Barney and Desborough, and an amateur.  Generosity of the Artist, liberal volunteer, netted more than $2000.

            At Miss Catharine Putnam’s table, beaut pict of blind girl Sophia as a flower girl, ptd by Harding. At Miss Esther Dorr’s, 12 exauis ptgs by Miss M Lodge.  Mrs Alexander H Everett was assisted by Misses Perkins and Miss Sarah E Hale.  Generally don’t describe the utilitarian objects, just note their presence.


May 23, 1833, p.4, story fr New Monthly Mag for April of The Veiled Picture: A Tale of the Fine Arts, I’ve read this before


NY Spec, June 10, 1833, puffs Tam O Shanter and Souter Johnny, admirably executed, great numbers here and in London, astonishmet, work of self taught artist, unerring etc, truest regard to nature


NY Spec July 18 1833 p.4 notes at laying of cornerstone of Girard College, remarkably gd likeness of founder cut on v white marble by 15 yr old lad DG Wilson, extraord talent shd be developed, fr Hazard’s Register.  Then prnts address of Nich Biddle.


Aug 1 1833 p. 3 (date on clip says July 31) puffs Nat Port Gall 4th number, engr ports by James Herring and James B Longacre, praises likenesses of Henry Clay, beauty of engr, eleg, correctness, had doubts re abilities of artists to compete with Europeans, and liberal patronage, but vindicated, patronage esp in NYC.  Work under superintendence of Amer Acad FA.  US gives disting no heraldic fame, titles, glory of citizens is identical to themselves, but publishing a gallery of portraits is an incentive to emulation compatible with our polit institutions. Elevate standard of literary taste.  Later notes it includes Col Trumbull.


Sept 19, 1833, p. 3, NY Spec, obit for Enrico Causici, late of this city, sculptor, d Havana.  Fave and most successful pupil of Canova, US deprived of genius perpetuating interesting features of our history—basso relieveos in DC Cap of Col Boon and Indians, Landing of Pilgrims; author executor splendid monument of GW at Balt, masterly mind, unrivelled chisel in bust of De Witt Clinton in city hall, inimitable model for equestrian statue of GW for our Park, presented to Henry M Western.  Taken fr Eve Post.


Notices medallion illustrations of the Bible, English, chaste.


NY Spec April 21 1834 p. 1 Leslie and fam returns to Euro, giving up apptment at West Point, inadeq salary, only coarse arts supported by Amer govt, didn’t get his own studio.  Wier gman able accomplished.


Spectator 18 May 1837 NAD: most noticeable ports by Morse, Inman, Ingham and Linen, full length of a young lady by Morse is best port and maybe best ptg byhim, attitude easy and natural, coloring clear and well disposed tho pink ribbon on crimson cushion might be objected to, bears examination, attracts eye harmony of tints and greacefulness of compos, one great drawback is sky an unnatural copper color, strangely bronken into patches never seen like of, unpleasant effect. Inman best is group of children, Mott and Duer. Linen unknown, uncommon merit. Ingham elab and beaut finish, minute fidelity, Miss Sedgwick. Frothingham Durand Spencer, Marchant and Page portraits can’t speak of v highly,Durand tame coloring, hardness and stiffness, esp full length port of lady. best lscapes by Cole, Wall, Durand, Bennett, Harvey, Oddie, Ingham and Gruenwald, Cole’s view Florence finest specimens coloring


NY Spec Jun 11, 1840, fr Boston Transcript, beaut picture of well formed graceful woman on horseback, hundred artists of all nations all modern times, none wld draw her right side, only full length fig to make a picture, with long flowing skirt of habit necessary to completion.  Fr Boston Trans, NY Spec comments that can’t convince men to stay on left side of mounted ladies


NY Spec, Jun 18, 1840 p. 1, for the Comm Advert, letter to Messrs Editors:  amusing to read abortive attempts at criticism that so many picture dealers and scribblers recently thought fit to edify NY public.  Almost every paper contains one of these abortions.  Correct crit wld have v happy influ on art and artists, but opinions w/o knowledge to disting mediocrity fr misery have no favorable tendency.

            Facility for giving opinions thru the press so tempting, offers to conceited hypercritic opp for disseminating opinions and conjectures (has no knowl), can’t resist, hence variety of opinions, discovering partiality for qualities which float upon the surface.

            Only diff betw this class of pretended connoisseurs and crowd is the mass have gd sense to confine strictures to verbal communications, while others anxious to see themselves in print.  A little learning has intoxicated brains of numerous scribblers upon exhib at Clinton Hall.  Were they to be shown gallery of Titian, Raphael, Corregio and other old masters intermingled withmodern schools, prob no more thanleaden lk of admiration elicited, unless names of illustrious artists were mentioned.

            Better judges than the tyros and apes of artistical lore have passed without notice the unpretending chefs d’oeuvre of those wonderful ptrs, whose efforts have lived to present, holding the rank they enjoy, fr united praise of all polite nations.  Power and skill aren’t confined to novel and attractive subjects, and unless the critic be clever, he won’t search for gems and pearls among the unpretending modest pictures on walls of the gallery.  Fine feathers with half of this tribe make fine birds, brilliant lights, sparkling touches, showy dreamy sweet effect are enuf, but dry, hard, severe, close and studied efforts of conscientious and simple student will find ready condemnation.

            To build up a pleasing effect is the easiest take a young artist has, depends on a few pts easily acquired, repro’d at will.  A few prints fr Rembrandt and Reynolds, hints on genl arrangement of colors fr exhib and fr bks, furnish key to chiaro scuro, massing, breadth and some of the tricks even in highest grade of art.  This accounts for mannerism pervades our exhibs and the Engl schl in London.  Too grt a sacrifice fo parts and want of rigid affinity to nature results of this pop feature in those wedded to styale above.  Fashion is all controlling.

            Student striving to accomplish a hi difficulty will overlook minor things, yet those possess power to please.  Mass see but genl effect, and puny connoisseur no stomach to search beyond his nose for beauties.  Artists of disting merit slow to give opinion, connoisseurs of long intimacy with art careful how they pronounce judgement, but small lights in profession and small connoisseurs are lavish of decisions.  Private pique, jealosy, favoritism, gd and illnatured ignorance come to world thru columns of every paper.  Critic has nothing to do with personal appearance of sitter, yet there are comments that he is an ugly fellow.  Critic only has to do with picture as work of art.  A merchant who in Italy purchases a few blackened imitations of old masters sets himself up as connoisseur, talks of Guido, Raphael and others, that he’s never seen, allows no merit to artists of his own country, or qualifies his praise, when we have artists equal to best of other countries who want only encouragement.  Don’t give opinion until visit academy fifty times, then indulge yr prominent failing or characteristic weakness, make notoriety in art as cheap as civil military glory.  Signed Pittoro.


NY Spec Jun 25 1840, fr Cinti Gazette, notices Brackett’s Bust of Harrison, young artist, townsman, has completed it for NY Asssoc, a gd specimen of art, pts of excellence, truly delineates developments of head ofGenl, striking accuracy his genl features and peculiarities of mouth, brow, so faithfully observer don’t mind absence of color no life in eye.

            A yr at his profession, but genius taste love of art perseverance industry assure his course onward.  Will go to Italy with his models, where will strive to equal excellence of HPowers


NY Spec, Aug 10, 1840, p.4, The Painter and the old Chest. A True Story.  Set in Siena, series of pictures illus life of Pius II in public library, cognoscenti learnedly of merits, small wits donvenient to direct light destructive artillery, neither taste nor judgment in opinion, but enuf wit to point and envenom it. Sienese proud, as was artist Pinturiccio, who was ruled by pride, avarice and anger. Haughty manner. Had been insinuated to him that he was indebted to a young rising artist.  Sees St Francis while at prayer, tells him to sacrifice what he most values and fame riches will crown next commission.  Nativity for monastery chapel.  Complains of old chest left in his ptg rm, relic of a saint, to cover it says artist would by hypocritical pretence, desecrates ptg rm with its ugliness. Won’t sacrifice principle even to spare monk pain. Chest filled w/gold. Ptr’s spirit consumed with mortification, sense of injustice. Cries. Dies.