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Flag of the Free

The Flag of the Free: A Weekly Messenger for the Amusement and Instruction of the People, 4 cents, vol 3 no. 6, $2/yr

Jan 6, 1848—masthead has Rio Grande (Indian chief), Aroostook (same) both in contemplation and in the center battle of Buena Vista, very elab, designed by John Chapin

            Has merged with the People’s Own, name added to masthead on the 13th. Den Hannigan, ed and prop.

Jumps to April 1, 1848, now pub by Wms Brothers, o people’s own. EP Williams ed, 24 Ann st. Support new city charter, doubtful re France. Banvard’s advertises. Mostly fiction. April 8 notices Weekly Globe engr of late Gov Wright; excerpts Courrier des Etats Unis. Likes Geo W Dixon. Defends Scott and Taylor. Critical of the “old Sun.”

May 6 1848 notices Western Art Union

Has regular engravings, don’t seem linked to anything—milliners, childhood, genre-ish, related to novels perhaps. Big ad for Bro Jonathan and News of the World. Anti communists and radicals of French Republic, anti Fourierists, happy about new territories fr Mexico

Seems to be a weekly version of the Star, perhaps.No to women’s rights. Sad abt Simpson of Park dying. Aug 19 Broadway by Gas light. Sept 3 Taylor portrait. Shld feel symp with wretched in 5 points. Symp to Irish and Cath generally. Notices West ed of Sunday Atlas ill.

Willis poem. Also Eliza Cook.

Oct 7 mildly supportive of Onderdonk. Want free trade, not enthus re enlarging battery

Oct 28 p.1 port of NP Willis. Dennis Hannigan back editing it. Notes feud betw Sunday Dispatch and Ned Buntline, seems to prefer Buntline

Nov 4, J Orr engr for them, p. 4 NP Willis without flattery, Greeley. Nov 11 engravings of work, wretchedness. Dr Collyer’s models snub the girls at the Adelphi. Porter of Spirit of the Times quarrels with Corn Mathews Nov 25 p. 4 Washington’s marriage, to be ptd by JB Stearns, talented NY artist, describes costumes, thinks GW’s body servant is among most interesting and pictque.

Admires Augustus CL Arnold, ed of Oddfellows’ paper. Dec 9 joke re a tailor critiquing breeches in a pic. Likes Nat Police Gazette as well as Ned Buntline’s. Dec. 30 last issue in volume.