HomeKatz's Unofficial Index to Antebellum New York City NewspapersKatz's Notes on Antebellum New York City NewspapersBrother Jonathan

Brother Jonathan

Brother Jonathan from NYPL misc reels:

Brother Jonathan—nice masthead of gman with mailbag, newspapers and letters spilling out at desk, by Wilson & Co.

Nov 23 1839. Has Willis letters. Supports Forrest. Critical of relig preaching agst theater. Praises Mapes Am Repertory. Letter to editor fr Boston ‘Ned’, re  its excellence as school for painters, has a Carracci at Athenaeum, describes it, example of ptg as silent speech. Also likes modern La Prince genre scene. Peter Smith a regular writer likes Evening Star and Knick

Jan 16, 1841, masthead changed, now more antic, attic setting with industrial backgrd, working implements heaped up, papers still on floor and spilling out of his hat. NP Willis and A Hastings Weld, editors. Has small inset illustrations. $3/yr.


reel 14: Brother Jonathan continued, April 10, 1841, with big funeral issue for Harrison, black border, urn for masthead, whole front page given over; May 22, et al, Dispatch advertises. Matteson


 (Dispatch in its early years is related to Brother Jonathan, and Willis)


Brother Jonathan from APS, 1842-43, weekly, 6 cents for the literary supplement, $3 yr for weekly. lists editors as Weld, John Neal, GM Snow, Edw Stephens.

vol 1, no 1 Jan-Apr 1842, NY Wilson & Company 162 Nassau, Jan 1, 1842 illus has complex ornate intertwining decorations with alleg women of the arts, at top center a smiling naked man using giant Bro Jon as a kind of signboard/concealment.  (Evening Tattler is their daily; the Signal is the daily for the New World)

As an extra, first 36 pages are the Adventures of Tom Stapleton running with illustrations also by DC Johnston engr by Roberts, includes a Hogarthian woman’s bedchamber, and a Hogarthian punchbowl scene with sporting pictures.

Notices odd-fellows. story on the Man in the Claret Colored Coat among the Amazons (went there after bothering Gen Arcularius on the walls of the Arsenal, election riots?). Think Lester’s Glory and Shame of England an able work, Dickens’ describes human misery in fiction.  reproduces excerpts from C&E on the Moral War, critical of the respectable for tolerating Bennett and the Herald, prefaced by article that says the attack of the Press on the Herald caused by Wall street interests anxious about Herald’s reporting. New school of strong writers in editorial corps, bullies, joined in, villified women. Not very good satire of Cooper’s Home as Found, is meant to reveal motives of C&E et al thru John Effingham, etc. Written by Cooper himself. Friendly with Arcturus, running Puffer Hopkins too. Fashion plate.


Jan 8 1842, Gov Seward not shown the ability that appeared in his earlier messages (maybe don’t like his position on NY schools?). Like Demo Rev and Jarvis’ port of Jackson. Has MacDonald Clarke hymn for New Year’s Eve, critical of Wall st, written fr Pattinson’s coffee house. Nat Gazette edited by Walsh and then Messrs Fry transfers subscribers to Enquirer. Has account of England by a French artist, he is v critical (Bro Jon is fairly hostile to Britain). Likes Little Olympic theater


Jan 15: poem to Ellen Tree, Eliza Cook poem, Chas Lanman story. want a bankruptcy law. dislike capital punishment. letter fr Catherwood in Uxmal

Jan 22 Thomas Dunn English poem, symp to cause of bank riots in Cinti, but violence shld be punished more sternly. The Artist’s Dream: magnif mezzoting issued by Apollo Assoc, succession of great artists in portrait, only fault not enough relief/strong chiarascuro, engr by Sartain worthy. Augustus A Kreuth, typographist, has purchased a third of the Sunday Merc and will work with Paige & Nichols, very good competent partner. EH Chapin rev spoke to Odd Fellows, reported in entirety in Express and summarized in Trib, pro perfection in every human being, to emancipate our Race from Want, guiding spirit of Order. Chas Mackay story, Appleton’s Napoleon, Poets of America Colman’s edition, with engr by Am artists

Jan 29: Whitman poem! worked as a freelancer for them. H Hastings Weld also writing (and editing). admire Dickens, worry lionizing will produce disgust on both sides. love Dem Rev. give testimony in Colt trial

Feb 5 1843: compliment themselves on engravings all by American artists, many fr American designs. critical of Bennett for not naturalizing, and Tyler for appointing him public printer, albeit appears in name of Elliott & Parmalee, his foreman and reporter in Washington. says Herald is nasty evil etc saps moral virtue. Foreign corresp addresses himself to Weld. Feb 12: more of Cooper defending Effingham fr C&E; Tasistro story a rln of facts. Feb 19 shouldn’t name people present at fashionable gatherings, esp when giving fulsome and ironical praise. don't elect judiciary, aldermen shouldn’t sit as judges—this is mostly unhappy about outcome of Bennett’s libel trial. Dickens shld be able to advocate for copyright without being accused of sordidness. Bro Jon doesn’t support copyright. But ok with a tariff. describes décor of Boz ball. Like Dr Valentine Mott Feb 26 Picturesque Beauty of the Oak, associations of strength and duration v impressive, stands agst the blast, does not twist fr wind, stout limbs, horizontal direction of its boughts, spreading over a large surface,c omplete the idea of its sovereignity over all the trees of the forest. American Eclectic, Sela B Trent, one of editors, now replaced by Prof JH Agnew. No, crit of Mott’s style of writing. Not a fan of Elssler. disagrees with Globe, which doesn’t like Dickens picture of the poor as repulsive, so can’t be champion of that class, but WW author says he never maligns the poor. Weekly C&E is advertising! J Luck comic illust 


March 5 March 12 John Neal story illus by Johnston/Roberts, editors love Johnston’s capturing of character. Cogswell as seccy to Madrid at suggestion of Irving, ed of NY Review, love Willis, agree with Seward abt schools, like CF Hoffman. Obit for Mac Donald Clarke, soul was poetry, subscriptions for his monument at Pattinsons etc Mar 19, 26 like James H Aikman. Newspaper Quackery is long attack on New World, 31 Ann st, editors and Geo Wash Dixon ed of Polyanthos, trying to buy over the newsboys, with cakes and coffee, or from New World bribes in crying World first, gave them all gloves and trip to Chatham, Park Benjamin (of New World) harangs them. fine arts admirably supported with banners and devices, his army of newsboys is paid for, his dramas plagiarism cobbled from others. Are at war over Bulwer’s Zanoni. Freiligath poem. Hunt’s advertises


April 2, 1842: like Greeley Apr 9: like the Sun. hate New World. Arcturus too obsessed with copyright law, their illus of a New York newsboy is an English idea of it; don’t agree with their opinions. Dem Rev good. Cooper continues his defense, lumps together Weed, Benjamin, Stone Webb and King as his enemies. 16 TS Arthur story, praise Tasistro, oppose intl copyright law, like Morris the mayor. crit of abolition fanatics 23. 30 starts vol 2, no 1. have illus of a Demo Ward mtg in Tom Stapleton, after recent relig riots at city election


May 7 1842 Hastings Weld poem suggested by an old ptg, the mother to her infant, AH Everett the engr in Dem Rev. 14, 21 praise NO Pic. pro suffrage but crit of Dorr in RI. Associationism as in Trib requires too much sacrifice of personal indep. crit of Griswold’s Poets, too personally partisan. love Miss Cushman, can carry off boldness and masculine confidence 30 running story fr Dublin Univ mag. notice of NAD got bumped other material. appeal for women to be educated with men.


June 4 sorry Arcturus is ending, Puffer Hopkins to be given to subscribers. pettrich, celeb sculp in Wash, stabbed by ruffians and critical. praise Mirror engravings. Sunday Morning News has new editors and publishers, hi tone, Mrs Ann S Stephens not the editor, her husband is, she is undesirous of going out of her sphere. Rufus Griswold going to take over Graham’s won’t permit brutal crit of lady. Chas King of American is printer for city, Bryant removed. Washingtonian weekly by Herrick & Ropes edited with taste zeal and judg by James Burns. June 11 JQ Adams poem p 184 NAD by Sketcher, superior to last exhib, despite absence of Sully Cole allston Fisher and Chapman. fewer poor ports, more compositions. Prominent pics that delighted us: TW Burnham boys playing, moral is evil of neglecting one’s business, ought to do more elevated pics, no one can pass it without being interested, tho not much amused or edified. Durand perfectly beaut. Doughty Trout Brook, same as all his efforts, a gem, most lovely, has all his usual stuff. Amateur Chas Lanman Michigan scene carelessly executed, he’s done better. SA Mount unique and masterly, young artist not appreciated as shld be, true genius. LP Clover port of McDonald Clarke, mournful expression, but we loved the man. Chapman exquisite. Jesse Talbot Indian Hunting Grounds, his most masterly yet, compos poetic interest, bold exec, View on Saco put him on level with Dougthy and Fisher if not Cole and Huntington. Edwards Italian Mendicant, best artist ever lived, eloq speak to heart of beholder, beaut splendid masterly; his Bashful Cousin more common interest. Clonney Jonathan’s intro to gd society, happy illus of his surprise at beholding marble statues etc, tells story admirably, like drwg and coloring, genius as  in last year’s Fourth of July, extraord merit fr bent of his mind. Gray port sister, magnificent, not a single fault, his pics passed unnoticed by those of ord taste, but rivet poet. fashionable say so much like a real face, and prefer miserable gaudty colored dqub by some house ptr, fine crimson and intensely blue of man’s breeches. towering genius. Mount’s Scene in a Farm Yard, masterly, full of action, triumph of genius in principal figure ringing the hog, gifted artist, no superior in his peculiar dept, truly Am, alw tell a story, ought to charge more. Inman’s Mumble the Peg, one of his most beaut, genius like air about the boy, wonderfully true to nature, just the kind to be engraved for annuals. Durand exquis. Page portrait, as a mere copy of nature, that head never surpassed; as port ptr has no superior, portrays the very soul, mind is never troubled with the idea of paint. transcendent genius. Lazy Fellow by Hicks, early effort, good. GG Russ Cottage poetic, muddy. Baker Village sports maiden effort, hog with boy on it worthy of Mount. Huntington Venetian girl most beaut, on a level with Allston, harmonious colors, exquis taste, Cole can’t surpass his lscapes. Agate Ascension fine grouping, powerful. Other good ones are Cummings, Morton, Whitehorne, Smith, Ingham, Murray, Weir, Audubon, Harvey, Harris Thompson and many others.

            Praise Isaac Pray. And JW Orr the engraver

Jun 18, 25 lots of T Hood

Jul 2 F Osgood poem 9 Mrs Stephens. crit of Elssler’s commercialness. Henry Morford their regular poet. 16 likes Crystal Fount temperance j. Publisher Lockwood of 5 John st does Episcopal Fam monitor, Ladys and Gmen’s Athenaeum; James Burns purchased the Washingtonian. Likes editor James Reese. Likes Noah, doesn’t think there are enough Tylerites to support his new paper the Union. Col Stone of Comm Adv elected Superintendent of the Common Schools 23, 30 story of the ‘painter’ sign boards, epitaphs, houses. have dropped the fashion plate. obit for Lynde M Walter, friend of editor, of the (Boston) Transcript, story of the Two Virtuosos, one who has a museum filled with ptgs, some of peculiar dirty andsmoky appearance so had been pronounced genuine works of Teniers Claude and Ruysdael, and other articles of virtu, stuffed birds, monkeys, flying creeping, curiosities. More on Sculptor of Avignon

Aug 6 Leigh Hunt 13 Cooley’s book selling, a contemporary abuses it, why editor so savage? Appletons (who I think work with Bro Jon) sent advance copies, one editor gave it to a Glidden, an Am consul in Egypt of Brit birth who has a caricature of the Am flag in his office, and who is described in Cooley, so wrote a caustic review. A friend of Park Benj also has cutting crits of the book ready prepared for any editors who want them. Benj is dealer in indep notices, Snowden e.g. pays him for praiseworthy notices for fear of being abused, Benj procures correspondents who praise the Ladies Companion, Longfellow and others, and sells them to Snowden, keeps a commission. Park Benjamin appears in this correspondence as editor of the New Yorker as well as New World. Benj tries to get Dawes to insert fave notice of Ladies Comp in Bro Jon; Snowden asks Benj to puff Mrs Osgood. Aug 20 Walsh, formerly ed of Phila paper, now Paris corresp of Nat Intellig, on right side of copyright. Tasistro book good. Likes Miss Pardoe. Aurora also out agst Park Benj. HT Tuckerman story. 27 new mag by Park Benj and Aldrich, both connected with New World, coming. New Yorker and New World abusing Gen Morris. Glidden pamphlet puerile, Cooley selling. 31 has a supplement. Bro Jon is $1 a volume or $3 a year

Sept 3 praise Sparks’ Life of Wash. CG Foster and JW Moore starting US Monthly Review, Whig, Foster a western able polit and genl editor, and have a poem by him for the Jonathan 10 cover illus of potato riots in Ireland. A Man about Town has more satire of Park Benj. 17 current show at Niblo’s is indecent. denies Herald’s accusation that Noah wrote abusive articles on Tyler for Bro Jon last spring (about Bennett appointed as public printer). Bennett no longer getting govt printing, and will now attack Tyler. Sedgwick delightful. 24 fan of Tuckerman. SD Langtree one of orig ed of Dem Rev died, Irish

Oct 1 take obit of Richd Riker fr Express, a demo but opposed Van Buren as a Conservative and supported Harrison. Mirror beaut engr of Wash crossing Del. 8 praise Wm E Channing, notice Am Institute. Webster a master political contortionist. Raymond of Trib life of Clay; acknowledges Bro Jon is of opposite party. Wm L Stone on Indians good. 15 engr of Am Inst fair. Anti duel. 22 definitely in partnership with Appletons. Laman Blanchard on the Picture Hunter 29 praises Puffer Hopkins and Cornelius Mathews, late ed of Arcturus (advertises)

Nov 5 Mike Walsh has integrity, lacks judgment 12 takes fr Knick how to sell a picture, anecdote about women buyers and Helen Jewett. Boz liberal views and gman, aristo to Am standard. Lardner wrote hostile review of Herald et al in England’s Quarterly Review, not Dickens. engr of Celeste. Oddfellows better here than drinking parties of lodges in England. 19, 26 running Puffer, entirely American witty political humors. crit of C Edwards Lester’s new book on England, mostly extracts, his stuff is commonplace trash, immodest. Says letters of John C Colt that appeared in newspapers, got up to excite symp for him, written by Thos L Nichols, late editor of Evening Tattler, denies it but he was his friend and in his vein. p. 378 notices Franklin Evans, clever story, in the modern style of Novels. Willis fr Godeys. agree with Express abt repeal of Bankruptcy law.

Dec 3 like Norman’s travels in Yucatan 10 editor of NY American one of most intelligent writers of day, but paper dull, stereotyped attacks on Tyler. anecdote of Knavish picture dealer, Italian employed by French nobleman, tricked him 17 obit for Saml Woodworth, a printer, founder of the Mirror. Sargent’s New Monthly Mag has Hawthorne, Holmes, Paulding etc 24 notices Atlas xmas pictorial. Praise Morris’s book of poems with illus by Weir. praise publisher JD Lockwood. Beranger, the flaneur (lounger). Publish Paul de Kock. 31 fr Nat Intellig NY corresp, Harding finding customers, Inman ill, Weir’s pic for Rotunda sd to be a masterpiece in subj and execution, Hite to paint Gov Bouck, Doughty teaching, Page experimenting not well, ptrs have little patronage, will have to look for clerkships on Wall st $600 year




Jan 7 starts volume 4, still Wilson & Co on Nassau st. Instead of “Weekly Gossip” being where they put editorial leader, retitled What we Have to Say. Think Mrs Osgood should start a child’s newspaper (SG Goodrich’s Peter Parley employs 20-30 people), long praise of her. Also like JR Lowell, but man of genius a v unfit editor, too refined. Poe’s contrib v wild and readable, all will be remembered, but we admire Lowell’s spiritual character.  14 mocks Walter Savage Landor. Really loves Tuckerman, and Longfellow and street. 21 one of the editors still suffering fr opthalmia. Alison’s Hist of Euro is anti-democratic. has an H Hastings Weld story fr Graham’s mag. 28


  1. 121 Feb 4 advertisement says NP Willis has Lit Dept, and What we have to say seems interestied in the Blessington circle and the aristocracy. Geo Sand improving. Critical of ravings of popular lecturers at Tabernacle on rights of woman and dignity of man, signed C 11 take Hawthorne fr Dem Rev, Chas Mackay poem p168 Nat Intellig on NY City Council mtg at Astor hse to choose artist for port of governor, had sent a circular to ea of the principal artists to send a pic, Osgood sent in luscious pic of Hon Mrs Norton, Harding sent his jolly port of Willis, room a confused gallery of most things embraced under the veto of the 2nd commandment. Excerpt Spoons fr Sunday Mercury 18 NY corresp of Nat Intellig says Bro Jon refused to transl Geo Sand’s Indiana as improper, is mean about John Neal making money on lecture circuit and getting hissed by women. style of editorial material seems like Willis. 25


March 4 beggars and daguerreotypists only ones making money in NYC accord to Wash NatIntelligencer still like Greeley. Genl Morris prospectus for New Mirror praised, he wasn’t responsible for death of old Mirror, died of chronic prudery. Likes Mrs Ellet, accomplished. 4 years ago proprietors of BJ started reprinting, had been monopolized by a few houses amassed fortunes, Harpers charged 1.50-2 for an English novel, we took advantage of newspaper postage (thus their giant size), Houses lowered their prices, but Harpers have been attacking us to try to crush us, inserting crit into Tribune. Spectator cites 24,000 foreigners arriving in NYC in 1842. still hostile to bennett. Has a Frank Leslie story.

Mar 11 describes Weld as the late editor of the Bro Jon. mentions Spirit of the Times. Trib and other journals attacking Sun for exposing frauds on emigrants are wrong, the merchants they defend are culpable. seems to defend West Point. p. 290 Walter Whitman poem, which editor says wants but a half hour’s polish to make of it an effusion of v uncommon beauty. Next paragraph is Wandering Jew ballad. Fr Nat Intelligencer, the committee appointed to select an artist for his port for Common Council of NY sent out for samples and put them in parlor of Astor hse for these commodities, but all gmen had been ptd and ea had fave artist, could not reduce candidates to event wo or three, concluded they would employ all six artists, six pics of Seward, $1000 $500 $250 and $200, Inman Page Harding Mooney and another. Ad describes Weld as “late editor” of Bro Jon.

Mar 18 prospectus says Dept of news and Genl Intellig conducted by gman with 20 years experience, connected with some of most popular newspapers, will prepare careful abstracts of impt news as well as variety of Misc Scraps, orig and select. Puffs Chilton’s dags, Hite uses them for his miniatures. Praises Isaac Pray 25 Lady’s World ed Mrs Stephens, always good. Sunday Bulletin outstrips Atlas or Mercury, ed HS Bartlett for last 9 years a principal editor of the Sun, pub Thompson and Morrill. Russell Jarvis defends the waltz, in response to crit in New World. Lots of Cooper.


Apr 1 prospectus for new weekly Anglo American, AD Paterson formerly of Albion. editor disapproves of disparaging criticism. Recommend go see Huntington’s Two Pics fr Pilgrim’s Prrog, admirable conceptions. The Artist barren of intellect. 8 Sun office publishes Cornelius Mathews. JW Dodge’s Genl Jackson engr by Danforth, ptg exec last year, admired by friends of old hero, best likeness extant 15 critical of Morris’ New Mirror, light gossipy, not a lot of orig material. does little credit to hi rep of two eminent gmen whose respective merits have been applauded sufficiently to smother them by the weight of its panegyric

Apr 22  editorial leader says Nat Intellig is wrong that Bro Jon has changed hands, no change in proprietorship or management of Bro Jon since public of its first number in July 1839. But advertisement says that HHWeld, late Editor of Bro Jon, to translate Anselmo in an Extra Bro Jon. Praises Gliddon except for his moustache. ! Jewett’s pic of Croton Dam elegant, tea room of City hall, committee on fine arts of Aldermen recommended purchase for $300 but Aldermen refused. Abram V Stevens, late reporter for Aurora died at 28, had large circle of friends. Praises JC Neale’s sketch of the News Boy and gives excerpt. 29: announces takeover by John Neal, treated unfairly by Nat Intellig in covering his lecture at Tabernacle on Rights of Women. p. 495 Spencer in Canal st a superior artist, taste in compos exquisite, trick of coloring for complexions, portr of two little girls, fairy lap full of flowers, has a portrait of Mrs Stephens, not a shade of blueism, no pen and ink, not a single book, not one shadow of pretension, no cant and pomp of authorship, just simple and ladylike, summer lscape, ordered by Graham for his mag


vol 5 is May to September, Neal Snow and Stephens are editors (and there is lots of Ann Stephens poetry and stories) (still Wilson & Co pub)

May 6 p. 8 NAD exhibition open a week or so, have spent that time examining it, focus on whether artists have improved or not, consult our taste and judgment rather than our feelings, won’t just praise our favorites. Have title to connoisseurship and independence, as would speak to friend, will offend. Omit those beneath crit, though they will find panegyrists. JB Read (TB?), boy, but gd school, perception of beaut.Livingston little known, above beaut by Cole, wants mellowness and atmosphere. Clonney v gd sketches for a bewginner, never have met his name before. Rousseau, put up to give visitors something to laugh at. Fink many gd things, most people will pass by. GW Flagg excellent, tells story. Jenkins duel falls. Durand a little hard. H Indman portraits not equal? J E Freeman girl at Prayers, no merit whatever. HP Gray reminds us of Allston, scarcely a superior. Doughty disappointing. CG Thompson portraits, of Bryant gd. SS Osgood not enhance rep. Cole Mt Etna not strking but winning. GA Baker fancy port in Huntington’s style, one of best. CC Ingham exquis finish, Channing the best. Dolce far niente by Flagg, gd, eyes too enormous. Hovell lscapes, v beaut. Capelli passable. Mrs Bogardus.

has a John Neal poem, Poland awake p. 9 Nat Intellig Paris corresp mentions Col Thorn, and exhib at Louvre, spent only two years, lots of favoritism, some lscapes v gd, but battle scenes confused and coarse, hideous coloring to flesh and scenery. Like Scaeffer portrait. But free fr grossly indecent representations of last year. p 16 editorial on criticism, can predict what will say based on their rlnshp, we promise not to do this

Catholic Expositor ed by Constantine Pise and Felix Varels. Praises Rufus Griswold..


May 13 cover engr is exterior of Boston Museum and Gall of Fine Arts on Tremont st, pure Corinthian, inside is a Canova, Sully’s Wash cross Del immense, his best effort, natural history, has interior view where can see them, as well as view of Picture Gall/Concert Room, lists old masters p. 46 Wendell Phillips powerful orator. NAD: have employed a gman in whose opinion we have utmost faith to supply honest crit, without fear or favor, excellent judge of the arts, unprejudiced agst any and generally unacquainted with them as men, haven’t altered his notes, tho in one or two instances our own preferences have been a little disturbed by them, preferences we feared might influence us in writing an opinion. Our opinion of Doughty alw most favorable, no equal for quiet rural lscape, dreamof Summer. Osgood too, personally hi opinion, and one or two others.

            NAD: JG Chapman Queen Eliz effectively tells story, recalls Sigourney poem, don’t like coloring. Waugh unfin port, stiff but well composed. JW Audubon Harriers a little flat and wants life, gd ports. Marchant port excellent. Leutze return of Columbus best pic exhib, truly extraord, faulst few, of Germ school, a little hard and dry, middle of pic could not be improved, left and subord parts don’t satisfy so well, yet whole is excellent. Raleigh good but not as good, beaut expressed sentiments, graceful attitudes, jailor best point. Gignoux foregrd v gd, hazy backgrd wanting effect. Loomis respectable. Powell soft milk and water style we dislike, hasn’t improved, namby pambyism. Stearns effective. Sanderson pretension but mod merit. Signing the Pledge a gd subj. Mooney v gd. SA Mount wants force. Hicks port v gd. J Rolfe Cavaliers beyond comprehension. Heads by Sully great effect, color. W Page port, one of best ever. Burford little merit. Hoppins v gd cattle. Jesse Talbot scene, v gd, as are all the latter pieces, great improvement. Allston one of best pics. Jewett strong, inelegance but intellectuality. Shegogue improves, too great softness of style. JG Chapman sisters in his best style, wants masculine force, too soft and delicate. Mooney’s Gov Seward, like the man, flesh tints of artist we dislike. Cole Agrigentum, warm and glowing, first painter in country, may be overwrought. Gignoux NY Harbor pretty good. Ecce Homo by Page, labored, yet doesn’t please many, rainbow halo, coarse hands and whiskers, too human countenance, good deal of character but not Godlike, too much red, few but Page cld paint. CG Thompson indifferent. Huntington alw good. Chapman retreat of 1754, characters need to be more distinguishable.

            praises Knick


May 20, 1843 front page is on Architecture of NY, City Hall of modern Venetian school, little claim to taste or elegance, praise Ithiel Town and Alexander J Davis, illustrate their designs, rooms in Merchants Exchange, engravings. kind of like Gothic/feudal. Running Chuzzlewit. Defends Sigourney. p. 81 NAD: Hicks excellent. Page’s self port as Roman Senator, one of best. Gignoux not v pleasing. Wilson v pleasing. Lscape by Doughty, never makes bad lscapes, but not warm enough, not enuf to make faithful likeness, must select, Indian summer of crimson and gold. Edmonds Stealing milk tells story graphically v gd composition. Bronson Rev Cone, striking likeness. Marchant above mediocrity. Chapman splendid tone. Cole warm lscape, v gd, not his best. Hicks Ruth and Naomi, v gd compos. Bronson finished with care. Inman Col WR Johnson, not a gd subj. Page’s Mapes not effective. Turk consid merit. Lazarus v gd. Lscape by Cole haste, want of care, doesn’t please. Page’s Lowell best head in exhib, more genius in ptg than in the head. Bolton Christ too much blue. Rousseau Boleyn cold stiff hard sign painting. CG Thompson inky, wrong, v bad effect.  Whitehorne misnamed. Durand Naples excellent. Ingham gd finish. Shepherd by Huntington excellent. Pringle bad subj steamboats. Marchant’s Editor Prentice v gd. Sawyer v gd, Marchant v gd, Clover port inky. Inman not extraord. Havell Croton wants pictque. Mount Artist and Countryman, pretty design, and tolerably well exec, story well told. Audubon Avenue not pictque. Durand Birch and Wash, excellent. Wenzler v gd. Mrs Bogardus excellent (did a port of Rev Hughes), as is Cummings and A Hall. Bayley Trinity church pretty gd. Doughty good, idealized. Crawford most beaut. Miss Rainsford v gd. Mrs Balmanno splendid. Chapman lighthosue exquis illus of Sargent, one of best poets. Bayley pretensions but hard and flat. Crawford’s Bride of Abydos not equal in conception to Orpheus. AJ Davis, beaut, artistical, pure taste. Catherwood mosque all of his work has merit and interest. Bust by Powers, superbly executed. Gignoux fails to please. CG Thompson voluptuary and little intellectuality, inky dull, not agreeable. Pyne v agreeable. Page’s portraits never been equalled in NAD. Dougall pretty. Launitz Rose of Alhambra, exuis chiselling. Havell not pictque. Inman d of course. Powell wants vigor. Smilie fine. Hinshelwood fine. F Spencer port v gd. Gray port unattractive subj. Freeman minis much merit. Shumway exquis.

            Overview: Allston’s pic not his best, not like vision of the bloody hand; Leutze astonished; Page palm in portraits; Inman Ingham Gray and Huntington sustained their rep, Sully unsurpassd, Cole and Durand in their peculiar styles some of best pics. Livingston and Havell debut lscapes, applaud. Powers Crawford Launitz maintained rep, no Brackett Ives or Brown.

            Bronson, Osgood Doughty Thompson Hicks and Powell sustained, Hicks much improved, Baker new hi rank, Chapman beaut coloring, Mounts not antyhing in style they excel, read some improvement, wish more fr FR Spencer, has things in his studio.  Others he lists are rising.

            praise Harper’s illus Bible by Chapman, engr JA Adams. Oddfellows mag is the Rainbow, FJ Otterson ed


May 27 continues with Architecture of NY series, praises Hosack’s villa Hyde Park, must have more decorum in the city. Praises Paulding. HW Herbert a man of genius, cites his poem on Sully’s ptg of Geo Wash crossing Delware in Boston. Willis exquis, beaut writer, wants some strength and sincerity, will regain as coeditor of New Mirror. Carlyle—English is not German. Likes Stephens and Catherwood.  Notices Cornelius Mathews


June 3 Architecture of NY continues. Wm W story poem. Robt Walsh plagiarized Burke. Have not liked the Artist in the past, too much puffed, flimsy, showy, full of pretension. But admire editor of Ladies’ World and think their merger will be a success. Lardner advertising, also Greeley and McElrath, New World advertising. Jun 10 masthead no longer has his body peeping out from top and bottom of the paper, just his hands holding it open. Architecture of NY continues, anti classical, pro Gothic 17 Archit continues, Neal on women’s rights, Titian a romance of Venice continues, Ithiel Town selling his library (have been promoting it and him). Alderman Purdy used to stop at the Express office 24 mildly crit of Corn Mathews, praises American Agriculturist and the Cultivator (Willis Gaylord and Luther Tucker). Jon Slick used to appear in NY Express


Jul 1 more archit. Willis with Morris will make Mirror a success. 8 more archit. favor Irish liberty but dislike Daniel O Connell p. 289 Sketches of artists in NY, for Bro Jon, first is Fred R Spencer (Huntington his pupil), 115 Canal st, good portraitist, Ithiel Town, Mrs Ann Stephens, doesn’t send works to annual NAD (b 1811). dislike ftn in Bowling Green, worse than one in Park, the puddle. 15 more archit, cites as an example Harvey’s cottage at Hastings on the Hudson, watercolor disting for weather, surpass all others, all phases of changeable climate, to be engraved. excerpts fr Knick. 22 Brownson and social reformers too radical 29 long editorial on whether Edw Everett is great, is is altogether conservative, his whole being molded by the institutions of society, but one of our first men, much better than Webster, praise him in all aspects except his career as a statesman/politician. Cover Carey vs Anthon et al controversy among Episcopalians. Mocks gullibility of Col Stone.

Aug 5 loves Bentham. 12 more archit. lots by Donald McLeod. notice city wealthy cit plan for mon to Wash. editorials use nigger often. highly finished engr by Schoff of Marius for Apollo Assoc. excerpts Major Noah 19 account of Parisian bal artiste 26


Sept 2 editorial on Danl Webster, really weird—the People are the great Leviathan thou fearest, and the Devil, want you to be a man, thirsting for sacrifice. He made a god of popular favor, so his house has fallen, betrayed his role as Champion of the Constitution and strong man of the North, for a seat of power. Thinks Hayne had the best of him in the debate, which itself was for show not reality. New Liberty party is significant, has one idea, more dangerous than most third parties, will become formidable, attract all those who don’t follow Calhoun that slavery is a blessing. p. 20 Criticism: there is none in this city, notices or puffs for which proprietors receive at least a quid pro quo in some shape or other, but no independent opinion sustained by reason, proprietors of periodicals won’t pay persons capable of writing them. Editor may be generally conversant with subjects, but of many, is ignorant, drama, music, painting, any of the fine arts, editor called on to give an opinion on all of them, and may do so if competent, but if not, a puff or nothing. Plus advertisers are not to be censured. Turn Five Points into magnif square for G Wash monument. Sept 9 still likes Puffer. maybe agrees now with Cornelius abt copyright. Willis shld work harder. Loves Lowell. Prosper M Wetmore VP of NY and Erie rrd, think it will go ahead. 16 Sigourney a contrib to Bro Jon as well as editor of Ladys Companion. Eliza S Pratt, Eliza S Farnham, Louisa Barton 23 notices Am Inst. p101 new Boston corresp LOS visits the Athenaeum, Crawford bust a little too ideal, Greenough Venus differs little fr others, except modest gesture is at expense of grace, Carew pleasant, fine bust of Judge Story by his son, long praise of son, Brackett plaster, Ball Hughes Oliver Twist v clever perforamnce. Pic gall Allston, Page’s Cupid and Psyche which so shocked delicacy of NY citizens, no offense here, de Kock and G Sand may have corrupted or corrected the pop taste. TB Read young artist much promise Geneveive v pretty pic. Alexander’s Dickens exhib a year or so for 25 cents is awkward but strong likeness made with rose tinted mud. Healy’s Ashubrtonless vulgar than his works usually are. Cole’s voyage of Life most striking. Page’s pic of Lowell highly praised in NYC, true, noble artist. Weir’s Pilgrims at Faneuil, those capable of estimating its merit think v little of it, newspapers extol it highly. Phalanx starting. 102 Thinking aloud: crit of in England that poor examples of old masters are worth more than good examples of other painters, the living offered up in sacrifice to the dead


Whitman also in Oct 7 1843? I didn’t see it. issue has poem to the Battery. Jonathan Slick story begins, describing NYC. p 159 still enthus re Dem Rev. crit of Knick editor indulging in private piques and personalities. Weir’s Pic of Embarkation of Pilgrim Fathers at NAD, subj produces feelings of solemnity and awe, genl effect, interesting and sublime groups, startling vividness the various emotions at trying moment of self expatriation. Striking contrasts of character and coloring, gay Mrs Winslow, armor Standish, sombre of Puritan chiefs kneeling, mild resignation of Mrs White, Sickly boy, host of friends, powerful yet natural contrasts rarely combined, task well done effort of genius. Onderdonk wants more money to stay in NYC

Oct 14 Corn Mathews attacked in New World. Praise new directors of NY and Erie rrd, includes FW Edmonds, Chas Leupp, David Austen 21 praises Am Inst as suited for ladies. 212 quite critical of New Mirror, says writer’s opinion can be seen first in Nat Intellig then in a beaut seasoned hash for Mirror (not Genl Morris); seem to refer to Willis and his slam agst a woman poet by comparing her to Hemans. CF Hoffman one of Griswold’s particular friends.

 Sun hostile to Slamm. 26 quite critical of Niblo’s, hires foreign not native artistes


Nov 4 1843 likes Mysteries of Paris 11 Harpers splendid, New World, indep of personal friendship ever maintained betw present proprietors of Jon and those (Winchester) of this capital weekly, books they publish with pleasure, not loose or exceptionable in morality, both have gd transl of Sue 18 article on being tolerant of taste by WWW. discovery of a Titian Venus. Bryant, Francis L Hawks and C Mathews pamphlet for Am Copyright Club, agrees. death of Col Trumbull. Brisbane new paper. 25 Bancroft and Emerson too willing to surrender indiv agency to Spirit of the Age. Are partnering with Blackwood’s. Baltimore corresp crit of Willis lecture, praised JQ Adams too much? Alison’s history will make readers hate monarchical govts.


Dec 2 NY Sun, NY Aurora mention women’s rights favorably? Page—don’t know him, but think his port of Lowell wonderful. Brackett the sculptor, busts strength and truth, Michael severe expression of power tho his Satan is too life like, port of lamentable ex pres Martin Van Buren. on next page, 385, the Boston correspondent mentions Page, went to his studio, saw his Josiah Quincy and Cheney, Rev Lowell, impressed with strength of painter’s intellect, perfect fidelity to nature, truth, richness, will of artist reigning supreme and calm, force and individuality, man greater than his works 9 praise Prescott’s Mexico and cite in his behalf C&E, Comm Adv, NY Amer, Eve Post; approve Tyler’s msg except re Mexico 16 says he first spoke out about women’s rights in the New World less than 3 years ago. To whom it may concern, observes that two editors of Bro Jon, senior editor is a believer in Animal Magnetism and everything else, the other a believer in nothing that’s new or strange. John J mumford to start the NY Standard to support Cass for pres. Long praise of Gems of Art (engr of old masters). Commend Park Benjamin’s position on post office reform. 23 reducing yearly price to $2. Music and the fine arts, as taste for them increases, people as a body assume a diff phase, hope present enthus for music will rub off on arts, as even best artists fail to find a market unless they put em up at raffle, port ptrs still employed on wretched counterfeits of silly persons who want staring portraits to dec walls and care nothing for best lscape. Most elegant mansions in Bond st, waverly place, want of refinement is similar to middling classes, a Claude Teniers Rubens or Titian would have no value in their estimation, only show and glitter, something that takes the eye (frame answers the purpose), find only tinsel and gew gaws. look forward to when artists won’t be on footing with rearers of turkeys, dispose of their works in a similar manner. Merchant Princes shld ape Europe in this. 469 Fred R Spencer returned to city, port of Mrs Ann Stephens, spiritual character is his forte, puts intellect and mental char into countenance, yet striking and truthful, 115 Canalst. In lit reviews now thinks Park Benj exquisite. John Inman’s Columbian, editor a man of genius, liberality, paper on mag lit splendid affair, Bryant poem H Hastings Weld story. Apollo Assoc spent $3300 on purchase of Am ptgs and statuary, will distrib abt 50 works at annual mtg. End of volume.



March 4 1849, Pres Taylor delivering his inaugural speech on the steps of the capitol, with ports by Matteson, fr recent Dags by Plumbe


Jonathan’s Pictorial, Jan 1 1853. Comic illustrations, not too funny or topical.



Brother Jonathan from last hour of last day in LOC Oct 2015:

masthead, Benj H Day editor, young man with tophat in study, pens, writing, straightlegged, Avery the engraver, the Times (?) on the desk, clippings. weekly, $1 year

jan 3 1852

opposes intervention on behalf of Kossuth. Doing Iron Mask and Eugene Sue.. gives account of Lib of Cong burning, artworks lost.

10 crit of Penny Dispatch, Pooler editor, had rlnshp? Lola Montes fired Richd Willis as agent, replaced with Joseph C Scoville, ex sec of Calhoun, now ed Picayune Day has ad for beatu colored pictures, no artists, pop subjects

17 Chas Kingsley, Bayard Taylor. will sell the Forrest divorce pamphlet, won’t cover it. snips at the Willises, it’s E Willis with Montes? Tiresome to read Melville. Penny  Dispatch pub by Wilson , same pub as Bro Jon . Female odd fellows

24 agrees with Trib that public should provide employment to those able to work, so won’t beg. Ik marvel stuff. 31 prefer Webster to Fillmore. think Dems will reunify. calls NP Willis a former associate. Symp with Forrest, not Sinclair


skips to Feb 21 1852. Beecher is denouncing beards. 28 Stearns also on Penny Dispatch. Skips to Mar 13: mocks Henry Wikoff, arrested re Gamble, a perfect original, sneaking unscrupulous, talented etc. skips to Apr 10 support homestead law, then to 24th ld port of Pocahontas then skips to June 5 Masthead changes later to an older man, still in a study, now shown reading the paper, more decorous pose, Orr the engraver, still Day as editor (perhaps also guy sitting in chair in masthead). TF Meagher here, wealthy, political convict. To June 26, Vizetelly on p1 long story Mystery of a Portrait, about Prudhon and Greuze and French revolution, sitter guillotined. p2 nomination of Scott political jugglery, at odds with rank and file, shld be Webster. Critical of publisher Daivd Banks as nominee for Demo mayor, praises David Graham Whig candidate in 1844.

skips to Jul 24 1852, 31, skips to Oct 9, Wellington held masses in contempt. sell UTC in paperback.his 25 cent books inclu NY in Slices 16 Mike Walsh is champion of the grog shop interest in NY, may be honest, but low co 23 songs for Whig politicians advertises


Oct 23 1852: admires Webster. Am AU: speculation in subscriptions as wait for court decision. leak that decision will be favorable increases spec. Skips to Nov 13, mocks Park Benj for killing Bro Jon in 1844, not thrilled abt Pierce. to Dec 11, to 25th. Chas Swain poems, Mrs Nichols poem Am AU: pics sold at auction some amazingly high, Woodville’s chess players, just 3 figs, for $600, Church’s lscapes best of that class sold for up to $1300, Peele’s ptgs full of natural tender feeling sold well, reassures re public taste. NAD ought to keep gallery open year round, charge commission on sales, p. 2.


no date—1852 I think: hostile to Herald (takes bribes) and to Bishop Doane (steals from old ladies). has Dec 25 ads for Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin (would have sold it before, but some problem about distrib); Trapper’s Bride etc. had ad for Whig songbook.



Jan 8 loved mayors Kingsland and Havemeyer, whig and dem. poor in Eng worse off than Am negroes To Feb 5, have doubts about management of Crystal Pal Feb 12 loves Edw Everett Feb 19 not in favor of intl copyright, has long crit of Trib for mixing up politics with social issues. 26 like Pierce pretty well, broad minded; TB Read poem

Mar 5 Scott not a man of the people. 12, 19 gives tricks of beggars 26 newsboy as indep entrepreneur April 2 mocks Bennett 9 labor in demand, lots o f strikes, UTC a romance, the best story of Am life ever pub, she is a fanatic 16, 23, 30, May 7 NP Willis poem 21, 28

May 28 1853: cheap newspapers, Trib and Sun, sold below cost, ads make up diff. Trib declined in last year, Sun badly printed. weeklies bad, except Home J, though Willis’ working days have gone by.

mocks NP Tallmadge, died politically several years ago, decently buried, then emigrated to Wisconsin. Monument to De Witt Clinton, v elegant, HK Brown, bas relief of labor, include Af Ams and lamenting Indian women. Likes it, doesn’t describe main statue.

Jun 4 lots on mock auctions always skips to 18 NC Palmer an editor at NY Times died at age 35. Talbot Watts remedy safe, ineffective 25 Watts lost lawsuit re administering med, had a money back guarantee. Trib says Whig party is dead, not sure, will try to rope in free soilers without offending south, Greeley smart. Demo party trying to give offices to everyone, won’t hold together. Trib right that women shld have more jobs, artist one of them, but not politics business etc. too many liquor licenses. Cryst Pal, lists art that will be shown, give approval now, will be creditable. To Jul 23, 8 cent pictures. Cryst Pal gigantic fancy store. To Aug 6 esteem the Puritans, management of Cryst Pal bad, trying to squeeze profits, Putnam’s paid $300 for their notice of it.to Aug 20, Aug 27 1853 Cryst Pal: management undemocratic, charges too much, concessions hi, no re entry; Powers beaut Greek Slave, beaut Proserpine, and Fisher boy, disfigured by indelicate mock-modesty which seeks for evil in everything. fine bust of Wash by an Ital. Se[t 3 1853, 10 excerpts fr Times on Pease at Five Points. crit of Bishop Doane, Putnams attacking Pierce, gall and wormwood. need to lower price of admission to Cryst Pal. 17, skips to Oct 1 dislikes James T Brady’s admin of post office, Hunker, with Dickinson. Wants Everett for Pres. Oct 8, 15 satire on women’s rights, promotes Am Isnt fair. 22 frag 29, to Nov 12, 19, to Dec 3 liked Beach’s Illus news, 10 no, he does like Brady. And Irish Mitchell. 17 sells Buntline stories. Harper’s Fire. J of commerce doesn’t want to annex Hawaii. 24 everyone approves of the big judgment agst Herald for Edw Fry 31 nominates Bayard Taylor to replace Douglass as candidate for Young America president, praise his impressive traveling and joking with a trib newsboy. his anti-beggar stuff is part of crit of Solon Robinson’s Hot Corn


Jan 7 1854 calls Cryst Pal a failure 14 don’t support Maine law. 21, 28 more crit of Cryst Pal, gave hon mentionto Powers, silver Kiss’s mass of bronze etc . mostly uses Young Am to describe precocious children Feb 4 Greeley and Beecher down on Mitchell, C& E, Herald and Express attack Hot Corn, don’t repeal Missouri comp 11 Sunday Courier, Solomon Briggs ed 18 cryst pal was ungenerous to press, a humbug 25, Mar 4 bad law at leg to stop juveniles fr going to theater, licensing system 11 Dr Tomes an ed at Eve Post who is hostile to Edw Everett 18 Mirror denies Fanny Fern is Willis sister, glad Barnum taking over Cryst Pal 25 defends Pierce, Herald attacks on him are twaddle (Geo Saunders letters are in Herald, whining abt Pierce) April 1 Greek slave solde to Derby for Cosmo 8 Pick advertises 15 defends Trinity church 22 Sedgwick and his fogies ruined Cryst Pal 29 takes Walks among NY poor fr Times, doesn’t believe old human fossils May 6 lots on frauds and swindles, 13, 20 old fogy is congressman who Fillmore appointed, inactive, when eneed a wide awake progressive 27 June 3 1854 Tupper poem 10 hard shells, dems who war agst admin, oppose Neb bill to 24, July 1, 8 Gerrit Smith a true philanthropist Jul 15 nasty account of dog killing to 29 Mrs Toodles goes to estate auctions Aug 5 Circassian slave girls 12 praises Bancroft and Lossing histories 19 crit of Sun laws, daguerreotypists arrested. compositors next? 26 subj worthy of an artist’s pen is cons of those taking handouts of old food at the hotel. Likes Strong’s Yankee Notions. Fowler and Wells advertise.Sept 2 dislikes Minnie Myrtle at the Times. Sci Am advert 9 Leader  is the organ of lottery ticket seilling in NY 23 raise prices, cost of paper. To Oct 14, 21 Americans shld drop titles to Nov 18, back to $1 year, to Dec 2 Know nothings pick up steam 9 Pierce commonplace 16 Knickerbockers have added nothing to prosperity of city, their celeb does no credit to them 23, 30


LOC Brother Jonathan 1855-57 bound volume

benj h day, Jan 20 1855 is first issue, p2 Geo G Foster arrested for forgery; Mdme Marguerrittes brought him down. He was also attached to Catherine Sinclair. Day dislikes the bitter Irish Am. sells pictures of girls in an undress. mixed review of Walden. Jumps from March to May. Some anti-semitic stories. Lots of missing issues. Doesticks mentioned Jun 9. and Dick Tinto’s letters mocking Greeley on Jun 23  Aug 25 Tennyson is for girls Sept 8 Mechanics Bank has been depository for city funds as their Cashier Edmonds is City Chamberlain, gave them abt 3 million to loan cost free. Edmonds resigned after quarrel and exposed how institution kept city treasry by bribing politicians. Mayor Wood appointed another of the bank’s directors Chamberlain. Sept 15 Dick Tinto anecdote of Vernet tricking women. Doesn’t like Rachel. Sept 29 it was Mayor Wood who accused Herrick and the others of bribery. C&E was Know Nothingish last fall (1854) but has wheeled around Dec 22 think Forrest shld have settled his divorce, but symp. W. Latting has permission for a Wash mon on the Battery


he’s kind of a hard shell Demo. May 10 a filibuster and former actor beat up ed Sunday Courier James L Smith for mocking him May 24 Illuminated NY Monthly by HW Hewett 15 Dutch st is to have elg pic in oil colors, jolly gman taking A Little for the Stomach’s sake, spirited artistical picture May 31 Bill Poole is more ethical than Senator Preston; describes Brown’s statue of Wash neutrally. Jun 28 admires Fremont, Mapes, but sells Buchanan pics.. Flemish story of a painter and his pupil. Most of July missing. Critical of Thomas Meagher too. Maybe a bit of know-nothingism? 27 no women in politics. Brougham’s play of Dred is at Broadway theater. Oct 25 condemns behavior of police in arresting model artists at Franklin theater, humiliating them, pd $5 week. Nov 1 critical of Walker and Soule reinstating slavery. Critical of Irish paper the Citizen. Dec 20 Wm E Thompson, last 20 years financial ed for C&E, embezzled $20,000 from various firms


Jan 10 Anglo Saxonism will keep expanding. Cunning artist in Paris. very disappointed in Pierce. Apr 25 Boker badgered re daughter’s silly marriage, selling Tarrytown estate for $40,000, and going to Europe; daughter boarding with a private family. Owns most splendid coll of ptgs ever brought to this country valued at $75,000. Buchanan’s cabinet all millionaires. Jun 20 Brandeth donating to Wash mon Jul 11 long admiring obit of Marcy Jul 25 Simeon Draper resigning as police commissioner, recommends Webb of C&E replace him.  Aug 6 balloting to replace Draper includes John Genin, nativist party, also Erastus Brooks of same 22 supports Atl Telegraph Sept 26 arrest of Geo Akerman of Venus Miscellany, horrified that he had women writing and working for him as well as readers Dec 19 Theo Sedgwick to replace John McKeon as DA, latter opposed Mayor Wood and so Buchanan removed him.


LOC Brother Jonathan 1858-1860

Jan 16 first issue, 30 Feb 6 1858, 13 dislikes Irish News, crit of Buchanan, losing the North 20 loss at sea of statues of Webster and Adams, 27 Park Benj poem on Cinti swine 27 dislikes current fig of Yankee, want artists to come up with less scarecrow, disreputable March 13, 27, to May 15 column as usual on price of produce, to Jun 5 praises New York Weekly, has Duganne others, to Jun 28, Jul 3, to 17, 24 Wash statue now in the park has pasted onit an announcement for sale, adorn grounds in patriotic manner and oblige public; a target for Park boys with no reverence, 31, Aug 7. 14 Atlantic cable, very imp by its signif, will bind us together, wiggle already in the web. Praises Field, a whittling Yankee. 21, 28, Sept 4 Atlantic cable celeb, Ann Stephens gave ode, Bishop Hughes and Edw Everett there 11 fish reaction to cable (funny), to 25, Oct 2, to Nov 6, frag, to 13, 20 Dec 4 excerpting Atl Monthly, not in favor of annexing greasers of Mexico and Cuba


skips to Jan 15, Bancroft and Astor dined Douglas, Bancroft at Century club, to Feb 12 NY Weekly has big ad Feb 19 Darley illus for Sunday Mercury, have excerpted them 26, Mar 5, 12 frag, to 26, F Wood pallbearer at Mike Walsh’s funeral April 2 ad for his book, humbugs of NY, popular impositions 9 Alderman Williamson publishes the NY Weekly 16,23 Bayard Taylor will write exclusively for the Mercury 30 to May 14 anecdote of noted French artist’s illusionism, p. 2 Page’s Venus refused by Paris Acad for indecency, he values it at $7000, but if he exhib it as the pic which shocked Fr notions of delicacy and modesty, wld yield him a great deal more to Jul 2 to 30 Sickles was Williamson’s opponent in race for Congress, defends himself in Herald to Aug 6 crit Louis Napoleon 13,20, 27 a lot of practical bks, body, sex, recipes, law etc Sept 3 to 17, 24, gives Times account of Demo convention with Wood, to Oct 8 Phunny Fellow advertises 15 we drink too much 22  29 will send courtship book in wrapping for privacy Nov 5. 12 19 26 Dec 3 Trib has full column ad, Day sells lots of ‘nigger’ songbooks to 17 don’t seem to despair abt Wood’s election. notice Jewish messenger 24 Great Union mtg, Charles O’Conor (of Forrest, Art Union) spoke, praised slavery 31


Jan 7,1421,28, Merc ad Feb 4,11,18, 25 to Mar 10,17,24,31 to Apr 14 ,21,28 May 5 doesn’t have theater reviews either 12, 19 Tic family, Artis tic paints them in glowing colors. lots on the prize fight. 26 admire Garibaldi Jun 9 very hostile to blacks, but prob Republican to Jun 30 Jul 7,14,21 to Aug 4,11 western artist Taylor 18 anecdote of French artist Gerard. Big ad half page illus like a  Fitz Hugh Lane ptg for Great Steamship Eastern 25 is following prince’s visit closely Sept 1 hangouts of Americans in Paris 8,15, 22 Independent has a big ad. will publish portraits of candidates, seem to like Bell or Douglas. Sunday Atlas is a Douglas paper, Forrest allied with faction 29 Oct 6 crit of Forrest, don't admire Walker 13 to 20, 27 has Doesticks. Carlos S Shanahan of Herald, has been attacking Ada Mencken Nov 3, 10 24 Yankee Doodle a northern symbol now to Dec 22 Pres has 80,000 offices to bestow 29


Dollar Magazine on APS, 1841, monthly, 8 cents a copy, $1 year, Wilson & Co 162 Nassau, Big Dollar with Liberty alleg on cover, gazette of current lit, fash, music and novelty

            Jan 1841, no 1 vol 1, has ad for Bro Jon, edited by NP Willis and H Hastings Weld. Santa Claus (fairly youthful and elflike) as first illustration. Wash Irv fr Knick, Rufus Dawes poem. Ann Stephens.

            Feb 1841: Willis writing letters addressed to Weld. Has sketches fr NY police office. Tuckerman poem

            March: engr of inauguration of president, Harrison in front of column at right, Clay in front of other pillar, Van Buren with hand in buson, Webster partly concealed by column, Clay holds hand of Wise of VA. Engr of Trinity Church fr Upjohn drwg. From So Lit Messenger, The Dying Warrior, from the Port-folio of an Artist, by SA Mount, on his trip to Pennsylvania in vicinity of Wyoming on Susquehanna. Fashion plate

            April 1841: will have an engr after Chapman. The Shades, for dollar mag, rear of City Hotel, public sitting room, hung various pics of every variety of amusement (sporting), ale and welsh rarebit. Delta and JHR Bayley writing poems.

            May: visit to Negro cabin in VA, not abused, Willis has poem on death of Harrison. has rather grim port of John Tyler, engr by R Roberts, and a short bio

            June: doesn’t open with column of monthly gossip. Sigourney. Frolics at the West, shows boy waving his hat, Go Ahead is the flag, fiddler, rower. Weirdly prefigures Bingham’s Jolly Flatboatmen. Gossip now at the end. Roman virtue insufficient, want Christian virtue. Says engravings are after Chapman.

            Jul. CF Hoffman story Last Arrow with engr. Chas Lanman fr So Lit Mess

Aug: letters from the dollar, great exponent of republicanism, measured by me, all things reduced to the popular standard, I am the great leveller, the People’s Magazine, the Universal mag, the standard mag, the American mag. Sunday Merc endorses.

Sept engr fr Bro Jon illus Trollope novel, anti-dueling. Cooper. Oct. Nov eng of Irving’s residence and U of city of NY (also a v Gothic bldg). editors names no longer on the masthead. have excerpt fr Arcturus. Love Grenville Mellen. Prospectus for next year doesn’t mention editors. Dec: Mlle Rachel, Sculptor of Verona, Willis poem for Dollar


Dollar Mag 1842, vol 2

Jan: have some orig material not in Bro Jon. John Neal. Thom Dunn English. Feb: be nicer to your wives. Constantine Pise sermon. love Longfellow. March: Dickens shld come incognito. Dickens is Columbus of writers, sought a new world, not conform to prejudices abt authorcraft. Copyright law won’t pass, too many interests against it. Poor McDonald Clark, heartless sporters betrayed him. Sedgwick April” love Genl Morris. Tale of the Pilgrim fathers. A Mrs. HE Beecher Stowe story fr Ladys Book. anecdote of Hogarth’s port of John Wilkes (Wilkes is bad)

            June: just read monthly gossip. Jul Aug Sept Carl Stelling The Ptr of Dresden. Has Mordecai Noah story My First Duel fr The Union. December: publication of Dollar magazine ceasing, merging with Jonathan

Evening Tattler Apr 28 1843, one cent. covers divorce suit of Nancy Beach vs Moses Y Beach.  objects to Bennett slandering Wm Wallace, a temperance lecturer