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The Plaindealer

Plaindealer, vol 1, no1 December 3, 1836, democratic, “equal rights” weekly, Wm Van Norden, 1837 is all that’s online. 16 pages in an issue

The Plaindealer, volume 1, p. 77, hear Cole cleared handsome sum by exhib of beaut series illus Course of Empire, first instance for one Am artist. Dubufe, a fifth rate Fr artist, produced a pic that brought in more money than all other exhibs in this country put together. His Adam and Eve a fortune less on account of merit than the equivocal char of the ptgs. Plaindealer agrees with Eve Post here, conjecture true beyond all q, not a sincere love of the arts, Expulsion alone wld have drawn few, did not gratify the semi-libidinous taste secret to the attraction. It was the full length port of a naked courtesan and that of her handsome paramour in a billing and cooing attitude that people flocked to see; and they felt grateful to the ingenuity of the artist which by calling the prostitute Eve and her cully Adam enabled them to feed their salacious appetite at less expense of rep

            Cole’s advertises, p. 32

p. 94 fr Evening Star excerpts on a lady sculptor of KY low relief of Venice

p. 566 corresp fr Paris blames current money crisis on aristo of Euro keeping Am to paper currency while filling palaces with precious metals in extravagant profusion