HomeKatz's Unofficial Index to Antebellum New York City NewspapersKatz's Notes on Antebellum New York City NewspapersCourier and Enquirer (Morning Courier and New-York Enquirer)

Courier and Enquirer (Morning Courier and New-York Enquirer)

Morning Courier and New-York Enquirer. Excelsior in the Masthead. By J. Watson Webb. Corner of Wall and New Streets, $10/yr.  (LOC)


Jan 1, 1833, volume starts. 58 Wall Street, James Watson Webb, ed, “principles not men.” Has all the auction ads. Huge. $2/yr,


Nullification is old federal doctrine, inimical to republicanism

Jan 9 p. 2 publish a circular fr Henri Causici, pupil of Canova, for support for a marble entablature to DeWitt Clinton for city hall, $2300. Monument to Bishop Hobart  by Ball Hughes at Trinity reviewed, heaps praise on artist and liberality of church,  avoids emblems to more forcibly portray religion,  awakens affections of heart, , drapery exquisite, simplicity and plainess

Jan 10 has map of the Scheldt, p2 puffs The Emigrant from the Albion office, also The Old countryman, publishes Fanny Kemble poem, mocks Mercantile Advertiser editor Baily Jarvie


C&E’s Spy in Washington is disliked by Ritchie of Baltimore, organ of Kitchen Cabinet, likes Johnson’s Scraps, mocking Fanny Trollope and her chambermaid vivacity p. 2 Jan 14


Jan 15 is for the Country

Likes Italian Opera, publish Washington Monument Assoc proceedings

Jana 17 at odds with New York Standard, over Spy, ok w/imprisonment for debt

Missing Jan 24

Jan 26 p. 2 “Splendid Ptgs” superior to anything of the kind exhib in the country, Adam and Eve,  at Acad FA on Barclay st, and coll of old ptgs at same place. Paul Pry in Washington.

Jan 28 plan of Antwerp (and the Paul Pry column asking abt the Spy has also been pub in another paper); p2 Am Inst mtg to discuss reducing tariff, Colman selling old ptgs at Park Place Hse, many gems, Holy Fam and Virgin with saints. Dubufe, Barclay advertise—old ptgs include Titian, Tintoretto, Leonardo, Poussin, Guido etc. Peale’s Mus & Gallery of FA also advertises, cosmorama

Jan 29 XYZ fr Paris

Feb 1 vol. VII, no. 1734

Feb 2 sacrilege to extend Pine st thru Trinity church cemetery, Mercantile Lib Assoc charges high for clerks

Feb 4 p. 2 Knick improves, Dunlap benefit advertised, likes caricature series on Nullification that shows England at the base of rift metaphor is a Union Pie . Feb 6 endorses G Verplanck on tariff, manly, p. 2, Farren benefit at American theatre, Bowery; Eve Post has attacked the Kembles, laughable

Feb 7 p. 2 death of Henry Eckford, v sad, attacks ed of Wash Globe; follows up with Eve Post, which says Kemble shouldn’t do Shakespeare, accuses them of Forrest’s Shakespeares at the Park, , and Actor-Editor of the Post is indebted to Forrest for champaign, oysters,, and the money for his proprietorship, quotes fr Am Q on the poor quality of Forrest and Metamora like tragedies being churned out

Feb 8 Imogen poem on mom for C&E, likes NP Talmadge the Senator, enemies of the Knick say James Lawson of Merc Advert connected, he’s not (ed of Knick responds in the American). Feb 11 paragraph on Riker, opposed to his politics, but best crim lawyer, for Recorder unanimous approved

Feb 12, p. 2 Eve Post responds with mockery of C&E that Jas Lawson never thought of being involved in editing Knick etc

Feb 13 map/crit of new rrd in Broadway and Bowery not permitting cart traffic. 2 Forrest’s denial of being behind Eve Post crit of Kembles, suggests C&E cowardly, C&E suggests he lacks education Am MO Mag advertises

Feb 14 Bachelors Club ball will benefit Wash Monument Assoc, 15 want Clay for Pres, support Dunlap benefit Feb 16 city govt serving speculators, not public, thus Pine street extension.

Masonic ball advert

Feb 20 Mini ptg, Capt Sturgeon; and Paintings, Cole’s fr Italy for gmen of this city

Missing Feb 22

Feb 27 1833 has the satire of newspapers by Trollop’s son p. 2 Feb 28 J of  commerce surprisingly supports current city council, everyone else thinks extravagant, blames it on the editors being fr down east


March 1833

1 p. 2 critiques Forrest ranting etc, Dunlap big success

5 p.2 zealous defender of the bank

6 ok w/Am Mo Mag

7 Eve Post defends Verplanck agst Transcript, C&E approves

9 A Yankee among the Nullifiers written by Dr Green of Constellation

12 wants competition for Brooklyn Ferry, likes the Mirror, it’s mostly orig material but doesn’t make you long for excerpts fr foreign

15 endless Calhoun speech, row at the Park, prostitutes

16 Standard supports Mrs Austin, he refutes claim of gd hse, Albion and Truth Teller advertise (latter with a crit on Knick worth reading they say)

19 puffs Woodward’s benefit  covers turf as well as theater

21 p. 2 long defense of Webb’s debts to the bank (Globe says why it defends the bank); paper gd prospects for growth, has more yearly advertisers (not circulation)

22 Webster’s rebuttal of Calhoun, Demo Repub advertise ward mtgs

23 Grn Mtn Boy with Hill as the Yankee big success at Park

26 publishes a letter critical of American’s nativism

27 supports with Mirror project to pub a National Library of Amer authros

30 Chas Kean here, Standard, Post, and Merc Advert tried to destroy his career to benefit their idol. Kean has had grt success in London. Always accusing editor of Post of being an actor, sacrificing truth for a hit


April 1833

1 commends Coombe

2 puffs Audubon

5 likes Stuart engrav in new Knick, Humboldt pub by Harper’s, p. 2 Communication from L, fine ptg Dying Gladiator by Correggio purchased at the Louvre for 37500 francs, now at Coleman’s store on Broadway, engravings, also in windows

10 p. 2 account of Leggett’s assault on him. Doesn’t want railways in populous parts of city.

11 puff Adam and Eve, likes Alderman Murray over Hammond, pawn of Eve Post

12 publishes witnesses to the duel, inclu Anthony Bleecker

13 editorial notes English hypocrisy in oppressing Irish and freeing slaves. Hackett doing well in London as Nimrod

15 comedian Hill racy, zest

17 missing

18 likes Mrs Jameson

19 editor testifies to the value of Thom’s Tam O’Shanter, self taught genius (JH Field managing it)

20 puffs Harper’s collection of Verplanck

22 conchology—allegory of shells at Albany; Italian opera at Amer Theatre Bowery, thin hse

23 p. 2 illus of Emmet monument for St Pauls, an obelisk with small decorations, auctioneer Haggerty a regular advertiser

29 Likes lit of West, Judge Hall and Flint, Clinton lunch advertises

30 p.2 crit of fashionable vulgarities in NY, ostentatious, superflous, company rated by Wall st standard, everything hired for evening, lumbering finery, talk is of kinds of wine, affect contempt for every thing American and admire everything foreign, pretend taste for Italianmusic, violent desire to be elegant without knowing how to go about it. Indeed no rusticity of manners is half so vulgar in the eyes of people of real refinement as affectation. Followed by paragraph on American Artists, abt their growth, wealthy who buy pier tables, chandeliers, looking glasses, gilded lumber would spend 1/10th that on pictures, busts, wld be a glorious thing for arts. Drop in at Parker & Clover’s on Fulton Street to see. Cld produce at home all that is bought abroad. anti Conn blue laws


May 1833

7 O’Connell’s speech

9 Lady’s Bk improved, engr of Temple of Egina after Turner

10 p. 2 likes Life of John Jay. ‘NAD’ opens, had little time to examine, but enuf to say reflects highest credit on talents of native paintersCole Ital scenes, Morse much improved in style from  trip abroad, picts full of feeling, etc (see below), several full lengths one by Freeman, a little girl, v pleasing compos, quiet harmonious pict, young artist improving rapidly. Agate exhib Forrest as Metamora, most spirited pict and deserves much praise, attitude expression and composition v fine, Twybill some small full lenghts one of Howard Payne,v interesting pict. Congratulate Acad and members. More anon.

May 11 missing

15 v critical of Park Theatre’s mismanagement re a Woodworth play

16 p.2 “NAD” :allude to its most prominent subjects, one of our correspondents will perceive that we adopt as our own a portion of his communication, approve of his judgment, and have determined not to insert anything in rln to the Acad without knowing from whom it comes.

            More than usual number of ptgs, and lots of portraits, gratifying to those exhibited, but Acad would do well to exclude all portraits except of disting individs and groups combining merits of composition, scenery, etc. A gman of admitted taste proposed furnishing us with a series on the exhib, so just a glance here.

            Turn first to the President, meriting his professional honors, disappointed by No 2, Amalfi from the grotto of Capuchin convent, whether taken fr nature or some former design, we don’t know. If fr nature, may claim merit as a correct drwg, if but a copy, cld have spared his labor. Nothing sublime or beaut abt the views, coloring by no means natural. Water for instance flat and lifeless as if intended for a painted floor, and tout ensemble presents a stiffness of appearance which is unpardonable in the President. The persp is not well managed, lights and shades not blended in that able manner which deceives the eye. On the whole, it is a bad ptg. No 9 is much better but possesses the general faults of No 2, don’t doubt Morse’s ability, but the feelings which frequently induces an artist to adopt a new style, has influenced him unnecessarily. No 30 however redeems his character, compare to No 2, agree in general censure here cast. No 30 is The Brigand alarmed, scene on the road to Naples, combines correct drwg with great spirit in design and faithful delineations of character and colors.

            Inman al been our favorite, can’t bestow too much praise. Ports of Chief Justice Marshall, Genl Laight, Audubon no 133 and Lscape No 111 are only productions here worthy of his pencil, must not become careless of his merited fame. Twibill is Inman’s pupil, young man just starting, great proficiency since last exhib, was gratifying. Most prominent artist of his age in the country, examine No 7, and others by him, may probably agree. Divest appearance of favoritism—he is not personally known to us. A correspondent truly and justly says possessed of superior abilities, remarkable for fine coloring and strict attn to nature, portraits v correct, delineations of feature v happy and effective, lscape and backgrd thrown in No 7 are beaut executed, ample proof of versatility. Pity no full sized ports, procured him univ admiration, are of the best in the room.

            No 92 full length Bishop Onderdonk by Mount admirably executed, drapery worthy of all praise, and if it were more full and not so new, if the satin not so perfectly without folds or crimps, perfect. Let every friend of Bishop see it. For sale, artist shd put on catalog price of picture as very many are deterred by fear of high price.

            110 by Ingham Port of Lady, beaut lady, in a softer and we think better style than any we have seen fr same excellent artist.

            Conclude with observations of a correspondent which embody our own opinion, know not the author but adopt them as our own:

            Family group by Mr Hamilton has many gd points, compos easy, drwg clever, figs well employed, most striking faults are want of keeping and harmony, much might be done by rubbing picture to a more modest tone both in light and color. Two Pictures, Scripturla by Mr Miller, composition much in style of Martin. Fine imagination, succeeds in sublimity. Boat Club by Weir uncommon merit, more nature than in any we have seen of this artist, (boat drawn on beach with some drwg, making music, lounging around it) happy in the grouping, ease and nonchalance about every object introd into pict, gives whole a  v familiar and pleasing character. Shld be glad to see more such subjects painted, alw come home to our feelings and fine agreeable reception.

            An old man’s head of much merit by Whitehorn, nor pass by Frothingham, several heads, one a beaut specimen of coloring, tho all in all his picts not as good as many he has exhib before. Of miniatures, who bears the palm? A head of old gman by Shumway that surpasses anything we recollect in point of strength, masterly, shows rapid improvement; Cummings delights with peculiarly happy pencil, breadth and chastity of coloring, a rare quality. 2 by Miss Hall among most exquisite, head of a Cherub no ordinary conception of ideal beauty, magic in coloring of those little gems that will not let the eye away. Dodge imprvoes, Marchant and Agate v creditable, doubtless faithful copies. Have not endeavored to speak critically, but give credit to merit, some may escape our notice, only speak for ourselves, our artists satisfy us possess genius and enthusiasm equal to any country, those here in embryo who might excel West, Trumbull, Stuart and Alston

gives Mother of Washington Monument addresses


17 p. 2 Tam O’Shanter celebrated statues, visited frequently, find new to study and admire, wonderful performances, unlike anything we’ve seen or heard in the way of statuary. Novel design, comic effect, truth and nature and spirit, execution, meets what one imagines fr the poem, figs skilfully don’t seem to have weight of stone, but flexible

18, 20 missing

Thurs 23 p. 2 NAD Critique No. 2 (so need May 18 or 20?)

happy visitors daily increasing, on Sat eve crowded with Ladies, who appeared gratified.

27 Port Gman, Whitehorn, excellent likeness. 28 Port Gman AL De Rose, gd pict of a marine officer, why intro piece of brick wall? Full uniform on duty at sea? 29 Port Gman, J Rand, improved much, another port by him here much superior to this. 30 Brigand Alarmed, except sky, an excellent piece, figs are ports of same indivds fr whom Eastlake made his celebrated Brigand pictures, like the composition much. Anxiosu attn of Maria Grazie and cautiousness of Cerneau’s Massanori well portrayed. 31 Agate, Metamora, a bold attempt does Agate much credit, the coloring gd, compos v apppropriate, but an error in drwg, figure appears too short as classical ideal of proportions is closer to 8 heads than 6. Almost every full length exhib for the last two years has been too tall, Agate has over compensated. 32 The Black Hawk, SA Mount, intentional or accident to hang this over Metamora, a good play on names, excellent pict of a v diff class. 33 Piefferari, or Calabrian Minstrels, SFB Morse, compos v happy, attitudes characteristic, almost imag hear horrid screeching of mountaineers’ pipes in Carnival times. Fault with blue spot in sky.

34 Port Mrs Griffith, J Rand, best port we’ve seen fr him, head well rounded, drapery gracefully disposed. 35 Earthquake, Sodom, G Miller, much in style of No 26, more crazed in compos. 36 Port Gman Willard, highlights or indeed all the lights appearas if sitter had just left the powder puff of his barber, whilst it is ingeniously wiped off fr the shadows. 37 Port Gman AL De Rose, v characteristic, drapery, tho difficult, shows much ability in its management. 38 Port of Lady, Whitehorn, has many gd points, partic the neck, it is badly drawn and placed too hi in the canvass. 39 View in Catskill Mts, F Philip, except sky, a gd pict, enthus young artist lately gone to Europ may expect improved specimens of his talent. 4o Full length port ofJohn Howard Payne, GW Twibill, likeness unexceptionable, tout ensemble of fig extremely characteristic, horizon too high to be picturesque and so fig appears to stand rather upon its toes, in bad taste. Chair out of drwg, but trifling objections, does artist much credit. 41 Cattle Piece A Fisher, gd cabinet pict, cow well ptd, 42 Lscape A Fisher, except a red tree and cold sky that seldoom occur in same season, a gd pict. 43 Port Gman, Whitehorn, gd port but too high on canvass. 44 WM Oddie, surprised this gman shld produce so gd a pict, having ptd so few.

45 Queen Artemisia’s celeb Mausoleum, G Marsiglia, pict as a whole has many faults, partic in disposition of light, inharmonious in coloring. Queen, shld receive warmest light from reflection of a large red curtain over which all the rays admitted must pass, is coldest in color and ina  light blue cloak, allthe faces in the middle grp are too cold. Vase and sarcophagus well managed. Notwithstanding, if ea fig and head be examined separately not as a composition, they are beaut, finish exquis, cld scarecely be surpassed in delicacy of touch by finest miniature on ivory. Signed Malbone, To be cont.

Missing 24-30??


June 1833

1 has covered trial of Rev Avery extensively!!

3 missing

5 more on John Jay and Livingston, likes Niblo’s

6,7 missing, 11 missing

12 covers English emancipaton; conflict with journeyman builders

13 thinks Coloniz ok, but slavery actually not a bad condition

14 reception of president, crit of military on the Battery

15 critical of Cooper’s comments in the American and of Cooper generally

18 not puritanical about the 4th

19 hints to young Americans, pretend to be English while abroad, if detected be contemptuous of your company. Tam O shanter ads

20 bio of Cass fr Nat Port Gall

21 emancip of Jews in England good

26 puffs Vauxhall


Jumps to July 1, 1833

2, 3 missing, 4, missing 5, 6, 8, p. 2 letter fr JH Field thanking inhab for liberal encouragement of uneducated man (thom) and disting artists and lovers of the arts kindness

9, 10, p.2, XYZ reports fr Europe; notes City Hotel. “The Knickerbocker” a morning contemporary is critical of an article in last issue who doubts an Indig Lit, the contemporary affirms no gumption in that, we have already indig writers and a Nat Lit, Irving, Cooper and Bryant. Webb says not necessary for our lit to differ fr all others to be national, just needs to be a good book, nor does its subject need to be the US. Object to liberties taken with Irving, and limitations to them—why not Franklin, and lists other founding fathers, plus historians and other contemp writers esp Paulding but also the women, Sedgwick, Gould and Leslie.

11 p.2 disagrees with Biddle, don’t give poor a liberal college educ, fit for trades.

12 p. 2 defends paper currency, critical of Texas constitution for forbidding banking

13, supports NY and Erie Rrd, crockery auctioneers not a monopoly, just an assoc.

15 Hanington was artist at Niblo’s did illuminated temples, vases, pedestals. Advertiser.

16 no superb palaces (colleges) for the poor, will encourage them; praises Parker & Clover engraving of a WJ Bennett view

17 p.2 Knick ed. Defends himself agst accus in Eve Post; crockery defends itself agst J of Commerce accusations, admits to having a code of prices. Editorial on money market refers to a morning print who ascribes money pressure to Bank of US, defends bank.

18, 19, missing 20, 21st an Extra, pro Southern Planters, anti-emancipation

22, 23, notices Lewis Cass. 24, p. 2 Statue of Jefferson, orig plaster model for  a bronze by David, full length, likeness excellent, whole fig easy graceful natural, gift to city fr Lt Levy of Navy, now at Frazee’s Sculptor in Broadway, being repaired

25, 26, 27 p. 2 reviews Dedimus Duckworth, broad caricatures of New England, droll, but author tends to coarsest scenes, not acceptable to squeamish

29 accuses city govt city development plans of being in the hands of spectators looking for personal aggrandizement

30 , 31


August 1833

1, puffs Irish harper, advertiser  2, 3, Catskill Mtn Hse an advertiser. Critical of Webster, wants to interfere w/slavery

missing 5

6, 7, corresp admires Hill over Hackett and Mathews as Yankee impersonator, offers corrections; Am Mo Mag defends itself agst some accusations

8 missing

9, 10, crit of McDowall’s journal exposing brothels, not fit for ladies to read, tho excerpts it


13 missing


15 missing

16 universal education impossible. 17

19, 20 missing

21, 22, 23, still hostile to Black Hawk

24 missing

26 p. 2, Paris corresp writes statue of Napoleon in place in Vendome, King will review

27, 28, 29 symp w/Poland. 30 likes Orenville Mellen’s poetry. (tho doesn’t publish poetry)

31 p. 2 weird advert for Jim Crow


September 1833

  1. missing 3. 4 Park theatre dirty, mixed review of Power, good at lower class Irish

5, p.2 defends Van Buren agst Hammond of Cinti Gazette, Hogarth’s works, republished in numbers here, smaller plates, 25 cents, gd engravings

6 hostile to Ritchie, Globe and Argus, “collar papers”. Notes MM Noah and Thomas Gill (late of Eve Post) new daily Evening Star, advocate of merchant and Bank and honest democracy.

7, 9 , 10, 11, 12, 13, offers defense of Saml Swartwout agst Eve Post; Hone Haggerty all advert

14, 16 p. 2 offers defense (indirectly to Bennett) of loans fr the Bank, or a bargain with it and Biddle, Bennett has alw been opposed to the bank, never in league with C&E on this

17, 18, 19 Redwood Fisher late ed of Journal & Advocate now of Mercantile Advertiser and NY Advocate, says neutral abt bank,

20 more rrd promotion, with map. (friends w/Crooke, its owner, Noah points out) V crit of opera of the slave at Park, Mrs Wood good, anti slavery sentiments

21 puffs Cooper benefit, Saml Swartwout with G verplanck and Irving and Paulding involved

23, 24, 25, v crit of Jackson, Amos Kendall/Globe, removal of deposits

26 publish Jack Downing, Van Buren at City hotel

27, 28, 30


October 1833

  1. 2 missing. 3, Harison & Levy p. 3 advertise valuable, splendid oil ptgs.

4 cites all the papers as opposing Garrison and Tappan’s anti slavery meeting, except J of Commerce (too evangelical, accused C&E of stirring up mobs) and Commercial Advertiser.

5, 7, ok w/Martin Faber, dislikes CC Cambrelung a dishonorable stock jobber

8, 9, 10 supports Coloniz Soc. 11, 12, p. 2 long ad from Jim Crow at the Bowery theatre refuting criticisms in Mirror (Webb has long editorial damning antislavery fanatics)

14, anecdote of Tam O’Shanter, deceived a Scotchman and little girl with its lifelikeness

15, opposed to foreign missions, need to help those at home. 16 likes Clay. 17 p. 2 Fair of the Am Inst, has advertised, likes it all very much, walls hung with ptgs and engravings, some of grt merit, sm ptg of Clay is a gd likeness but a little too frowzy. Noticed physiog of Noah, ptd by Miss Brower, daughter to artist of that name. She did another miniature on stone,v beaut, also v gd ports by Copman, 342 Broadway, artist just fr Europe.

18 Am Inst fair exhib of spectators, attn to v well exec port of Dr Mitchell, by Frothingham of Boston, excellent likeness. Clay at Amer Hotel

19, 21, critical of newspaper puffery. 22 ad for Italian opera seats. 23, 24, 25, 26, 28 p. 2 calls attn to Durand’s port of Madison, taken fr life, admirable likeness, capital ptg, think Durand is wonderful as man and artist, commissioned by Mirror,

29, engraving by Dick of Burke for new edition excellent. 30. 31 missing.


November 1833

1 p.2 Greenough exhib in Boston statue of Conrad’s Medora, fr Byron’s Corsair, dead of grief, critics exquisite, if at herculaneum the perfection of ancient art

2 recommends Verplanck at the election,

4 anti Regency ticket includes John Frazee, John Scoles, James Monroe, Chas L Livingston, McKeon.

5, 6 Davy Crocket life pub, kin to Jack Downing. Henry Hone is ed of Standard, hostile to C&E ticket. Not a fan of NP Willis. P.2 card fr Risso & Browne re litho prints at Am Inst, award went to Endicott and Sweet of Nassau st as best specimens, while ours of Mazeppa were removed, and Endicott’s friend Kelly judged rather than Frothingham, with Endicott, who showed a portrait of Washington highly colored to efface defects of drwg and printing, not a fari decision

7 more Tam O Shanter, more Crockett, like JF Cooper author 8, 9 Am Inst refutes Bowne, it was fair

11, 12, 13 p. 2 Endicott and Swett point out that Bowne’s litho of Mazeppa was copied fr Vernet, not well.

14 Nat Monument Society for GW; no free admissions to theaters best policy, defend Ital opera, J of Commerce wants to puitanize,opposed to all trades associations but underpays its workers. 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, negative overall review of Ital opera. 23. 25 missing

26 John J Adams now w/Atlas and Constellaation. 27, 28, 29 likes humorist John Neal.



December 1833

2 XYZ likes Louis Philip; recent press attacks on Simpson at Park due to Forrest, who has sway at Evew Post and is now playing at Bowery theater under Hamblin. Praises Trades Union march

3 p. 2 reviews Trades Union procession, handsomely dressed, supportive

4, 5. 6 missing. 7, 9 skips to 12. No fiction ever.

13, 14. Missing 16, 17. 18, 19, 20 notes McDonald Clarke, or Sandy, lectures. 21, 23, 24.

25, 26 missing

27, 28, 30 p.2 equestrian fig Black Hwk exhib at Cinti, Republican in nasty way says it’s attracting attn

31 long defense of rlnshp to bank with letters fr Noah and Bennett



missing Jan-Sept 20


22 p. 1 ads for Washington Divan new ptgs; ad for W Peters who has taken over AE Baker’s lithography estab at 32 Ann st, and for Endicott’s, formerly Endicott’s and Sweet’s. tries to refutes Leggett/Eve Post charge that Whigs and Webb responsible for spring election riots; Farren defends himself agst Bowery theatre riots

24 sneer at Forrest and Leggett. 25, 26, 27, 29 p. 2 Saunders opening Washington Divan, has splendid coll of ptgs, a fair painter himself, fashionable lounge 157 Broadway, finest ptgs in the country, sofas, pperiodicals, 12 and a half cents gets you coffee and wine. Ptgs alone worth it.

30 supports mechanics agst prison labor defended by Marcy


October 1834

1 p.2 critical of Willis’s soft nonsense, library of namby pamby, ecstasies re Hebrew damsel in Italy, he’s a hairdresser

2, 3. 4 missing. 6, 7, Am Inst opens, 8, Wm L Stone at Whig Mtg of Young Men, puffs engravings of Scott and Miss Peel fr ptgs by T Lawrence, imported by Hayward, 128 Broadway, ad for amateurs of FA. Don’t see ad, but do see one for Colman’s, and for Texas colonization

9 lots on Columbia’s graduation. 10 p.2 Mathias the Impostor while in prison waiting trial attended by young artist taking his port to be engr for publication; only intended to sketch his face, but Mathias insisted full length robed in his pontificals. Pict represents him in fine embroideered coat studded with stars, large silver sun on left breast, sword of Gideon, long rule for measuring paradies, large cocked hat covered with strange devices. Had trouble determining pose to his most advantage.  Dislikes Buckingham’s New England Mag.

11, 12, 13, 14, 15 covers grt mtg of mechanics, Isaac Odell, carpenter, chair

16 missing. 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, p. 1 letter fr Pew holder in the Late Church, urging them not to rebuild on Wall St in Greek temple; Commercial urges pick design that indicates the bldg’s purpose, calls Greek temples imported caricatures, disagrees with defense that if a correct copy of a celebrated bldg it is chaste, classical and apposite. Shouldn’t use same style of exotic heathen temple for all bldgs, church, prison, custom house, only a charlatan would ignore climate, situation, purposes,  that should guide disposition and style. Servile and senseless copying of antiquity a censure on inventive genius and talent of Americans. Gothic would be cheaper, offers greater variety, recognition of its purpose, and has heritage of our English ancestors, nucleus of town. Trustees don’t be fooled by architect plans where sky and clouds are wielded to make some parts of the church prominent, and others in background—won’t happen when erected.

24,25, 27, 28 Whig merchants mtg inclu Hoxie, Aspinwall, Hone, Grinnell etc. 29, 30, 31 p. 2 J of Commerce damaging Whig cause, disagrees with C&E re strategy, not real Whigs. Whigs putting up Liberty Poles with the Constitution on them, the Laws and the Union, Eagle and flag.


November 1834

1 Tories want to remove the caps fr the poles

3, 4, 5, 6, p. 2 dislikes The Doomed, a story of the Wandering Jew, likes Thom Campbell’s  Life of Siddons; Panini ptgs effort to retain them in Boston, Harding, Fisher, Alexander and Johnson plus other disting artists interested

  1. 8 missing. 10, 11, critical of Tory emblems, don’t choose the American Eagle, but a walnut tree, hickory shagbark isn’t national, but personal. Use a roasted swine as emblem in parades, a “whole hog”. Spoliation of the fine Arts, R Miller in Nat Intelligencer confronted by two men who inquired of him what he had, he said “the likeness of Mr Kendall” and two seized it and tore Amos to pieces. Same guy who Forsyth kicked out of his room for offering vile daubing?

12, 13 likes Snowden Ladies Companion engr of West Last Supper by Wm D Smith

14, 15, 17, 18 p.2 critical of J of Commerce for arguing that one ought not to make hires or buy goods based on political views

19, 20, 21, ad for Aaron Levy oil ptgs fr Antwerp and London, old masters, list of names, 22, 24, covers his trial for libel, says he has a Tory jury

25 exposes J of Commerce as Tappan’s paper, run by David Hale the dog slayer of Boston and Wm Maxwell of VA, but Hale now controls it. Ad for Underhill and Ferris marble statuary by Bartolini and after Greenough

  1. 27 missing. 28, 29


December 1834

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 letter defending Hamblin’s treatement of his wife, 6. 8 missing, 9, 10. Missing 11. 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18. 19 missing. 20, 22, 23, 24 p. 1 Johnson’s Scraps not as good as last year, but gd hits at fanatics, Graham’s bran, Crockett

  1. 26 missing. Always puffing advertisers’ real estate sales and auctions. 27, 29, 30, likes Mossie’s performances, 31 Paninin ptgs have been bought by Boston Athenaeum


1835: Jan-June

January-Feb, pretty much skipped to March 9

March 18—Cooper writes for Post as ABC. 27 Mirror this week has contrib Verplanck on Bryant, Noah on Carthage, Bryant, Dunlap on Cooke and Cooper, Inman a neat practical satire or burlesque on vices of mod fash novelties, Fay and Willis

April 1835

3 corresp of Cinti Gazette objects to spirit of a paragraph we wrote abt clever young artist Powers in DC, claiming him for Vermont rather than Cinti.

9 Otis’ ptgs at Arcade Baths, not copies of Dubufe, but orig in design, extraord merit, exquis Eve, decorum will permit ladies

24 Catlin in New Orleans, will excite high interest in NY; Merchants Exchange showed great judgment in selecting Ball Hughes for the statue to Alex Hamilton, have spoken before of his talents, this exceeds our estimate. Generally sd faithful likeness, as a work of art without rival except Canova’s statue of  GW for NC capitol. Figs of Peace and War in DC that Congress pd Persico  $20,000 in every respect inferior.

29 editorial, NP Willis and his detractors, story in a weekly paper defending Willis, accuses others of envy of elegant and captivating author. Long seen thru system of his friends, Willis a man of pretty and accomplished mind, but not as great as he is said to be by them. Not part of best society in England, Blessington and Bulwer are licentious, part of d’Israeli clique.

30 Adam and Eve by Otis, rising countryman, highest satisf, Temptation one of most beaut, a perfect purity, absence of ny thing animal, that is equally rare and praiseworthy in ptgs of nudity, she is on his lap seductively, rich garb of poetry and sunshine. Of judgment a v clever piece of anatomy and foreshortening, but great objection is its similarity to Dubufe of a tricky effect or unnatural light kindly up all the outlines of the fig, rendering it a ptg of a statue rather than a man, and sky is muddled and falsely colored. Whole tho is effective, strongly conceived. Expulsion: Eve beaut dependant helplessness, fierce instincts of nature, anguish, in Adam a verisimilitude to a patriarchal char that is in exquis keeping and diff fr coxcombical and meretricious features in Dubufe’s over admired pics. Singularly triumphant over inherent oppos betw nudity and modesty.


11 ptgs of the old masters, at Am Acad in Barclay st, offered to our govt $60,000, Preston of the Senate tried to buy, a noble nucleus for a national cabinet, admire as a whole, undoubted orig or gd copies, beaut whether orig or not, Rembrandt’s de Witt family is.Also a Tintoretto and a Poussin. One that struck us most was Cottage Grandfather by Russel, full of truth to us, nature in face of rustic Englishman as anything else in room. Dancy’s splendid Opening of the Sixth Seal a much higher effort than many of its seniors in age.

No ads that I saw for NAD


3 Catlin; Palmo’s Saloon, toured before it opened, gorgeous brilliancy, Arabian Nights, quotes a friend, fresco ceiling in style of Vatican, Bacchus and Ceres, other satyrs et al, smaller tableaux of Bacchantes, Corinthian archit, Italian ptrs Albe and Guidicini, who advertise.

8 Wm H Attree, who has been for some weeks one of our Reporters, was attacked on Saturday afternoon, beaten and stabbed in the cave in front of Hoboken Hse, arrests being made.

22 Washington Divan advert its pic gall


July 1: praises Henry W Herbert of Am Mo Mag. 2, 3 p.2 new port of Franklin discovered in Boston, Perry’s monument in Newport sadly unfinished. 4, 6, 7 loves the Mirror. 8 praises banknote engraving for chasteness, fiinished exec, smallest details, simplicity, Casilear, Durand, Burton & Edmonds for the Union Bank. 10, loves Coleridge, puffs Washington Divan ptgs, ad says includes a Rubens, Leonardo, orig port of GW, also an ad for Amer Acad in Barclay st exhib, and Diorama of Israelites. Ad also for journeymen bookbinders supporting women’s request for more money.

11 Frazee bust of recently dead Judge Marshall, in Merchants room of Exchange, exquisite, excellent likeness, chiselling rarely exceeded, finest texture white marble driven snow, noble effort arouses deep feelings of the heart, genius and skill employed successfully show form and pressure of illus orig.

13 puffs Dioramas at City saloon. 14, 15, 16 likes Col Stone’s history of Mathias. 17 Eve Post critical of Marshall, very bad of them. 18, 20, 21 not too critical of Judge Lynch’s rule 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28 p. 2 critical of putting a figurehead of Gen Jackson on ship Constitution, man-worship, shouldn’t spend city money for it. 29, 30, 31


August 1835

1, 3,4, 5, 6, anti Europe sending immigrants to destroy our Liberties, dislikes Miss Vos at the Park. 7, 8p. 2 explains that while Mirror was struggling, admitted any degree of praise Morris’ friends felt disposed to apply, engravings demand praise, but disapproves with rlnshp to McKensie, ed Liverpool Journal, elevating Willis too high, have no good critics

10, 11, 12, 13, 14, riots in Baltimore, wants a professional armed police force in cities, 15.

17 missing, 18 cards fr businesses denying they support abolit 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 critical of the anti abolition mtg in the park for adopting too feeble of resolutions, not strict enough in curtailing freedom of press. Puffs Lady of the Manor fr Harper’s for its engravings fr designs by native artist W Page, Dick the engraver. Bennett ad that he’s publishing again.

31 puffs Ormsby’s pentography of Napoleon


September 1835

1,2,pro Webster. 3 loves Paulding. 4 puffs Hannington’s dioramas at City saloon, wonderful combo of mechanism and scenic skill, grand deluge. 7, 8, 9 copies fr Galignani details of attempted assasination of Louis Philip by Girard, whose rooms are illustrated, and puffs the moving panoramic exib of the rrd at Brooklyn, scenery grt accuracy and talent, perfect illusion, English lscape regularity and beauty 10, 11 likes Poe and So Lit Mess. 12 exposes reciprocal puffs betw Mirror and Sunday Morning News and attacks the article in question, or rather, agrees that Noah Webster’s version of the Bible is bad. 14, 15, 16 explains that it is Price taking over the Mirror that has made it such a bad mag 17, 18 WH Attree wwas working for C&E June 1834. 19 p. 2 more illus of Gerard, the would be assassin of the French king 21. 22 missing. 23 should give foreign authors copyright, would even the playing field as publishers would make same profit on English as American manuscripts. Pro Mercantile Lib assoc. 24, 25, 26 critical of Miss Leslie’s Gift’s engravings for 1836, all very hard copies of English ones, mediocre executition 28, 29, 30 loves Sedgwick


October 1835

  1. missing 2. 3, hates Mirror under Price and Willis esp. 5 p.2 Sale of Valuable Pictures, Washington Divan. Great majority of picture sales in city are of old, cracked, musty copies of second or third Flemish ptrs, utterly unknown to ¾ of community and of little weight with remainder. Varnish on them is broken up by a chemical prep, frames studiously tarnished, backs of canvass begrimed to proper and legit antiquities, no claims to most ordinary merit, are hawked by puffing and flummery on persons who hang them in their salons and think them fine because they are or pretend to be old, and prefer them to modern works of their countryment 10 times the value.These ptgs however are by English artists of highest celeb, of unquestioned orig, Wilson, Gainsborough, nasmyth, Turner, Morland, Tennant, Cooper Richardson and Reynolds, whose works partic adapted to admiration of our modern artists. Comparatively recent ensure authenticity. Of elder masters, Rubens, Teniers, Veronese, Rembrandt, Ostadt and Vander Veer, v creditable, good copies if not originals, 2 or 3 superb, Port of GW by Christian Gulager is best likeness extant, and as a ptg compares with Reynolds or Lawrence. Also the Bacchante of Thom Gainsborough, rare beauty, wide renown, orig.

6, 7 declares for Webster. 8 AD Paterson of Lit Gazette now doing combo Emigrant and Old Countryman. 9, 10, 12 Morris back at Mirror 13, 14 Otway’s tragedy of the orphan, lewd and vicious, destitute of moral principle, no female can see it. 15, 16, 17, 19 still persecuting Commander Elliott for putting a Jackson statue on the Constitution; constantly railing agst abolit 20 argument over whether NY artist did ornaments on silver  Webster vase in Boston 21, 22 likes Fay v much 23, 24 Am Inst fair reviewed, superb prog of domestic rivals foreign manuf, mentions astonishiping Miss Wilhelmine Hardolph portrait in needlework that looks like steel engraving; heads of Napoleon on silver like pentographic engraving, Joice Heth there too.

26 more on Am Inst, sign painter Wm Gibson, fancy, notes lots of women, inclu LDA Brewer, waxwork and drwgs and miniatures, her sister Sarah Brower has moss rose ptg, daughters of Brower the artist p. 2

27 Daily Advertiser is abolit. 28 missing. 29, 30 , 31 p. 2 opposed to organzing volunteers to fight in Texas, by every foot we add to Union we weaken and dissolve, we’ll be too large for selfgovt. Unfurling the Flag of the US at Mexico a splendid ptg in Cedar st, mortified citizens neglect, bold and beautiful, genius of southern countrymen, scene of moral courage, White has done justice to spectacle, a National ptg, points as a mere work of art will repay, gorgeous architecture, picturesque and variegated costumes of combatants, groups of soldiery and dying all masterly skill and effect


November 1835

2, 3 missing. 4 recommends supporting Native American candidate; admires James Hall’s style, vigorous and unaffected, free fr exaggeration

5 Mirror pub’d an article objected to in the South, will be punished, suppports a monument to Perry at Lake Erie to foil Elliot

6, 7, 9, 10, Mirror apologized/explained offending paragraph. 11,  12 missing. 13, NY Mirror recommends Smillie’s plate of Asylum, beaut delicate engr, tho don’t pretend it equals ones in English annuals. Puff’s Thom in town with more of his statuary, petrified the imagination of the novelist. Onderdonk pardoned.

14, 16 more attack on Willis, violating privacy, Martin & Co advertise lscape views of various Europ places 17, now seems supportive of Texans. 18, 19 p. 2 puff for Old Ptgs for sale at the Park, small but decidedly gd coll, Amateurs gratification, catalogue states many ptgs are orig, can testify they are in excellent preservation, several highly beaut. Best are interior by Sorgh with Dutch women washing clothes, all the minute finish of the Flemish, with gd effect perspective; mtg of Abraham and Melchizidec, by Brunberg, lscape is rarely soft and natural, aerial persp of inimit beauty, and a bird’s eye view in Flanders by Van uder and Van Tulder, some clever game and animal pieces but they are works of an inferior class. Lscape of Vertange No 18 extremely beaut but attitudes of dancing nymphs are ungraceful and grouping illmanaged. Parmegians No 15, Virgin and infant is pretty little orig, equal to anything, worth the price. Ads same page for Tam O Shanter at American Museum, Hanington’s dioramas of the moon, Rrd moving panorama, Sublime Gallery Picture of Creation of Eve at Arcade gallery on Chambers st, with Van Dyck’s charity, esteemed a masterpiece, lighting gives effect of illusion; exhib at lscape gallery opposite Masonic Hall on Broadway, Richardson finished his large pictures of the Catskills from sketches ptd on the spot, to be sold by lottery, and Col Trumbull’s revolutionary ptgs at the Amer Acad of FA on Barclay. Splendid engravings at Cotrel’s Fulton st, and for sale of a valuable coll of ptgs by the old masters, sold by auction

20 v critical of O’Connell. CF Hoffman and HW Herbert ed Am Mo Mag, best of monthlies, this issue soso. 21 p. 2 puffs Endicott’s facsimile litho of statue of Burns by Thom, and a port of Martin Van Buren tho’ with sneer to his supporters. Letter fr “A Friend of the Arts” endorsed by editor, who says that our artists are capable of furnishing designs for annuals and souvenirs, but publishers won’t pay for them, cheaper to purchase old plates of English annuals, no one who witnessed NAD exhib and saw orig designs by young artists there can doubt qualified—Chapman, Mount, Flagg, Page, Ward, Ingham and Inman and others.

23 puffs Haningtons dioramas, ingenuity, skill taste and industry, unique, gorgeous magnif better than scenes at Theatre. Lunar delineations—shld stop sending out woodcuts as it does them injustice.

24 p. 1 Letter fr A Publisher refuting letter fr A Friend to the Arts, whose assertions were repeated by the Star, unjust. Publisher can’t purchase all the ptgs necessary for engraving, would destroy profit. In England, academies and individs who own the ptgs allow them to be used, but purchasers of art here refuse to let them be copied. But says that our annuals are orig albeit copied from English plates, but many are fr American ptgs. Meanwhile the Star and other journals puff the English annuals which recycle old plates. P. 2 is an Appeal for the Fine Arts from a correspondent, who says we let them languish, pres or gov ougjt to mention them, how the nation will be evaluated on her intellect

25 likes Mrs Ellet’s poems  26 hostile to Martineau re abolit, misogy 27, 28 puffs engraving of the Webster vase  30


December 1835

1 Reeve disappointing, loves Yankee Hill 2, 3, 4 sort of but not really apologizes for calling Boston women bluestockings

5 big Webster mtg Webb spoke at and Phil Hone, Geo W Strong, Hamilton Fish, Geo Curtis, Moses Grinnell, Aaron Clark all there. Gives Drake credit for influencing Thom Moore’s Peri.

7, 8, 9, 10. 11 missing. 12, 14, 15, 16 p. 2 Mr Vanderlyn, pleased city is doing justice leasing to him the Rotunda for a nominal rent for 5 yrs for exhib panorama ptgs, approp 1000 dollars to fit up bldg. V has a magnif view of Amsterdam ready to exhib.

17, 18, fire is a Great National Calamity, wants feds to loan money to the merchants

19, 21 p. 2 publishes map of the fire, wood engraving by Butler & Morse, 1 Ann st, for C&E,

22, 23, 24 Webb is involved in a civic/military ball (Brooklyn Nassau Guards). 25. 26 missing. 28, 29 p. 2 Cambrelung’s relief bill for NYC useless. Puffs the ad of Henry Libernau, sign ptr 47 Canal st, painter of merit, aided in fire. One of our ablest artists is producing large litho view of fire fr Wall and Wm st, with likenesses f extinguishers, shld have embraced the East River to show Chas King (of NY American?) crossing to procure powder fr Navy Yard to stop flames



January 1836

1, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8, 9, 11 from a Boston paper, orig miniature of GW by Peale, presented to Webster, GW’s heir. 12, conversation over rivalry in Mercantile Lib Assoc, younger man’s party of Buckingham professes relig but is hypocritical, versus older man’s party headed by Chas Rolfe.  

13 p. 2 Mayr’s outlines illus Rip Van Winkle, Wiley & Long, in style of Faust of Goethe by Moritz Retsch, less expensive but much spirit. Sketch of Rip’s departure is clever, wife v well conceived; interview w/Demons much  inferior to others, drwg tame and lacks grotesqueness and picturesqueness. Awakening is better, and return home quite well designed and spirited tho faulty drwg in principle fig.

14, 15, 16, 18, 19, Maria Monk a tissue of lies. 20 mentions Sun for first time, took his express pkg fr DC, Day, Beach and Richard  A Locke.

21, 22, 23, 25  p. 2 Amer Acad FA Barclay st, had long been meaning to notice 2 exhibs, many fine picts, Trumbull Gallery of revolution, compos drwg and anat become favorite pupil of West, put creator ahead of any American historical ptr. Struck by a trick ptg by unknown artist in Rome, a bronze pieta, a perfect deception, on so small a scale. Portraits all but one are bad, hard, out of drwg, meretricious in coloring, those by Rembrandt Peale esp faulty in latter point. Exception is Twibill’s port of Trumbull, strong likeness and gd pict.  2, the 16th annual exhib of the Academy opened in Dec 1835. Tho not so strong in numbers nor so brilliant as in previous years, abounds in good ptgs. Gems are unquestionably v fine picts of JG Chapman, 3 copies fr antique and an orig view in Virginia. Entombment fr Caravaggio and Martyrdom fr Guido and head of Flora by Titian (Chapman’s 3 copies). As copies, all but perfection, utmost fidelity to designs and manner, touch, character of great masters; as art rich in coloring, full of broad shadows, masterly foreshortening and superior to the old masters exhib beside them. View of ruins of Jamestown a sweet mellow sketch of venerable Amer antiquity. Next in merit are 2 cattle pieces No 60 and 65 by German artist Kuntz, save coloring nearly equal to Paul Potter and Karl du Jardin, a good copy of the latter hanging close beside them. 3 gd but not first rate picts by Ward, a view on Juniata, on Susquehanna, and Natural Bridge in VA, the best we’ve seen of last, for sale by Clover.  Also a lovely lscape by Cole, a daubed caricature of Cascatelle of Tivoli by Remb Peale. Old pictures, many, mostly copies, not striking merit, only one we think is orig and is the best is lscape no. 14 by Beth. Designs of Town & Davis are as usual false taste and false architecture—Grecian temples with Gothic spires and Saracenic domes on top of them!

            Card also between members of Mercantile Soc, Henry Buckingham’s party which includes Thom P Cummings and Geo S Stephenson, fighting with Egbert Starr who accuses them of  objecting to fiction in the library. [notice in C&E of the 12th is cut out

26 likes Henry Wise (or Spy does)  27, 28, 29, 30


February 1836

1, 2, 3 H R Robinson of 48 Courtland st pub a v correct and well finished view of fire, fr no ea corner of Wall and Wm st, flames fr Cupalo of Exchange and whole south side of Wall st in flames. Can’t see bldgs, but best sketch of a city in flames pubd, well lithod, likenesses in foregrd not likenesses of indivds in the key, recommend it but not the key

4 Bulwer’s style is meretricious, morals false. 5, 6 Monk, even if true, shouldn’t be published as indecent

8, 9, 10, 11 puffs Hamblin benefit for Theo Fay  12 approves of Mrs Ann Royal doing a new comedy on The Kitchen Cabinet, or Life in Washington; notes lawsuit for deceptive practices agst Auctioneer Jesse Cady a regular and longtime advertiser

13, 15, 16, 17, a couple of journeymen trades assoc notices, and responses by the Masters, critical of their infringing on indiv liberties  18, 19, 20, 22, 23 p. 1 Simms a fave, but Partisan no good. Byron great, Dearborn ed fine. James Hall bio of Harrison—worried that Harrison will supercede Webster.

24 disgraceful mobs re strike of stevedores and laborers on wharves  25 H the corresp fr DC notes that Henry Wise exhib pictures of slavery that were inflammatory

26 missing. 27 Frimbley, imitator of ancient statuary, shot in a duel by an actor in New Orleans



March 1836

1, 2, 3 grt mtg of mechanics and laborers p 1 to get higher wages; 4 puffs Casilear, Durand, Burton & Edmonds bank note engraving, as equal to or superior to England. Beaut design, execution, delicate minuteness of finish, grace, increases as closely examine. Endicott’s an advertiser of course.

5, 7, 8 PW Davis advertises an attack on Day and the Sun  9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16 Aaron Levy frequently (always?)advertising ptgs, often old masters, richly framed etc. 17 puffs sale of picts by many of the old masters completely restored today in Arcade Bldgs Chambers st, assured well worthy attn those who want masterpieces (Aaron Levy ad, with catalogs) 18 Am Mo Mag has lots of puffs (Herbert was literary reviewer for C&E) , Cady still advertising. 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 puffs another sale in Arcade baths of Choice ptgs, old masters, incomparably the finest, property of a connoisseur, opulent embellish parlors, curious enrich cabinets

25, 26, excellent litho port of John Sefton in character of Jimmy Twitcher in the Golden Farmer, pub Endicott, 359 Broadway. 28, 29 reports on Genl Gaines interview w/Osceola, offering surrender, maybe a stratagem 30, 31


April 1836

1, 2, hi respect for Genl Gaines but condemn his conduct toward Genl Scott, Tammany balls advertise (balls held there anyways)

4 Times says we censure Gaines as a Demo (C&E says he isn’t) 5, 6, 7,8 likes Cass and Wise.

9, 11 news of the Alamo seals Santa Ana’s fate. Coroner called to Rosanna Townsend’s house, 41 Thomas St for body of Helen Jewett, girl of the town, blow by Richard P Robinson; deceased was said to be exhibiting her portrait of him  to some of her companions the day before, this portrait was found at the prisoner’s lodgings with her clothes and letters, employ of Jos Hoxie who praises him

  1. 13. 14 puff of Old Masters at Arcade. 15 publish Marryat/Willis corresp. 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 supports Congress giving money for a monument to Nathan Hale, happy abt repository of the arts of the Am Inst. Baltimore papers say Pres is visiting to see diorama of Belshazzar’s Feast, writer says desire to foster the fine arts, in style of court circular and aristocracy. Now hawking abt the streets a litho of royal taste in these matters, where Jackson and his Privy Council are patronizing one of Celeste’s most fascinating pirouettes, literally jumping into his good graces

25, 26 covers respectable meeting of all classes at Tammany, finally realized Restraining Law a bad idea, Alexander Ming, Leggett, Wm M Price and others all there. 27, 28. Mexican agents stir up ill feeling agst Texas by pointing to slavery there. Webb says Mexicans practice equally bad slavery. 29, 30


May 1836

2 support for TX part of states’ rights doctrine  3, 4,5, 6, 7 likes Chas Richardson’s dictionary, Trollope on the French. Benj Mooney an auctioneer. CW Oakley auctioning splendid ptgs, several by Wall and other modern artists, framed, inclu Wall’s Catskill Falls, Niagara, Wrck of Hornet, and Miller’s View on Croton Riv, Ward’s View on Susquehanna, and Sea View by Birch

9, 10,11, 12, 13. 14 missing. 16, declare for Harrison, Webster not electable. 17, 18, 19 puffs Hannington, esp for kids. 20, 21, notes Benj West’s Death ona Pale Horse, considered by gd judges to be his masterpiece, at 8 Barclay st before going to Phila

23, 24, 25, 26, 27 long account of conflict with Mr Wood, over his treatment of Mrs Conduit and Mrs Hamblin (Mrs Wood innocent, I guess), and urges that Wood be hissed, police not interfere, remember Park theatre riot with Anderson the actor, audience right to show displeasure

28, 30, 31


June 1836

1 thrilled with chaste and elegant Astor Hse 2, 3 theatrical reporter gets into conflict with Wood in lobby of Park theatre, dastardly vagabond; starts coverage of RP Robinson trial (Helen Jewett), notes that Mr White Congressman? Of Florida has placed 2 busts by Greenough in library of Congress, fine pieces of statuary as in the country, Greenough at work on Washington commission

4 notes Wallack’s prize for an Amer history play 6 Noah and the Star support Wood. 7 publishes Wood’s response, which says Webb’s enmity due to a personal difference, Webb organized a mob and warned city not to interfere; Mrs Hamblin advertises her theater 8, dislikes laws of Etiquette by a Gman as hypocritical, letter fr Knickerbocker says hatters and other journeymen trying to strike are all foreigners

9, 10,  thinks Robinson was prob guilty, public sentiment mawkish. 11 Catskill Mtn house open praises it; unfortunate that Thom’s statue damaged in transit, doesn’t like it traveling the country like a two headed calif, if Medici Venus or Apollo Belvedere ever came they’d have to travel to all the regimental trainings

13 likes Snowden’s Amer bio, portraits of GW and Jackson gd, also his Ladies Mag engr after Leslie’s Bride

14 decease of Luman Reed, plain, simple, unaffected and manly, not necessary to be born a gman to sustain all the rlns of that, kindness and munificence to young artists, revive neglected taste. Hope he will inspire imitators.

15, 16. 17. 18 new Universalist church in Bleecker st described in Grecian style, neat and imposing, superior, based on Ionic temple near Athens, classic and rich. Praises Sunday Morning News and NY Spirit of the Times. Supports White of Florida.

20, 21, 22, 23. 24 missing. 25 p. 2 Mr Horatio Greenough disting young artist on visit here connected with his grt national work, the Statue of GW. Complains that every foreign autor, actor is recd with public demo of respect, dinners and plate, native product of our soil passes without notice. Indiff to artist on equal with any living name and honored in Euro does little credit to their taste, general consent to assumption of Euro superiority is why our genius has become subservient to Euro dictation, the night mare of Amer lit and arts.  Greenough abroad disting for learning, taste, genius, devotion to his art, patriotism, illus country’s history, heart alw at home. Predict statue will be worthy of great cause of liberty and GW’s visible emblems of character. Gallery of Indian Ports, 157 Broadway—McKenney’s, can see Aborigines as natural as life and most nearly as large, personal knowledge that Savage portraits they are exact likenesses, most interesting and imposing collection our citizens will ever see.

27, 28, 29, 30 McKenney says not permitted to copy the likenesses


July 1836

1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8 loves the Knick 9, 11 ok with Orville Dewey’s travel bk, notices’ Brooks’ Daily Express  12 Greenough arriving in NY fr south, shd receive marks of attn, eminent talents, in DC took busts of Clay and Calhoun that surpass anything seen 13 takes up cause of Barton the comedian, well educ, maybe not to Bowery critics taste 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20 “A Sign” used to indicate promise of political victory of one’s candidate 21, 22 letter praises NO statue of Fulton in its Merchants Exchange  23 softens to Willis, genius but coxcomb 25, 26, 27 So Lit Messenger criticism is stern and manly, severe, admires it 28, 29 Mexico as friend to Negro, emancipation  30


August 1836

1, 2 Aaron Levy moved to Courtland st 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17 Mrs Ann Royal here and first visit was to Col Stone, praises his Whig principles  18 Hudson of the Star’s News Room, an emigrant fr Europe  19, 20, 22, 23 says his circulation is 6360 and with country list 10,320; J of Commerce says it has 2700. 24, The Commercial says its circulation is 2100+ and itw country list more than 6000.  25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31


September 1836

1, 2 notes proposition of a monument to commemorate Battle of NO in NO, the Courier in that town wants bust of Genl Jackson like that of Napoleon on Vendome monument—tie Jackson to Nap as emperors

3 cites Buffalo Advertiser on a sign for steamboat D Webster, with portrait, liberty, flag, eagle, cannon, sailing ship, steamship, capital work of art

5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Celeste v pop at National, pantomime; puff for AaronLevy ptgs at Arcade Baths with more orig than any heretofore

10 excellent port of Henry Placide, fave actor, drwn and engr by LH Gimler 279 Greenwich does cgreat credit to artist, $2.

12, 13 puffs Hanington, poems of McDonald Clark beneath crit. 14, 15, 16, 17 crit of managers of Nat theatre  19, 20 supports Ball Hughes petition to put a new statue of Hamilton for Merchants Exchange, we regret loss of that beaut work of art, hope he’ll be busy on a work worthy of him and employers

21, 22, 23, 24, 26 wants professional firemen as well as police; puffs the Grt Nat Exhib of Signers of Dec of Indep in American Academy on Barclay st, no admirers of waxwork, moderate expectations, and some figs not likenesses, by far the best and most imposing collection of wax statuary. 56  in costume, tout ensemble v effective, repres of old John Adams execrable and some others.

27, 28 the Commercial says we’ve fallen in love with red plush breeches of Jefferson in exhib at Am Acad, and said they were an excellent likeness (he did single them out in the description)—our affections do not run that way, and we dare not indulge them if they did, for the ed of that paper has long had the monopoly in all matters pertaining to huge cucmbers, rare ripe radishes, Grant Thorburn’s essays and other indispensables…ought to learn to wear the breeches

29, 30


October 1836

1, 3, 4 praises Fisher’s Views magnif engr  5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12 praises Bryant as among first poets in our country, just wish his politics were as good. Ptg in gallery of Signor Anelli over the Athenaeum, Broadway and Chambers, is well worth a visit, an Ital artist of much merit, pict beaut ptd, design and drwg indicate talent of high order. Group during the deluge, whole admirably managed, about to be engulphed, must be seen. Advert for Mr Le Bert’s exhib of Cleopatra, 175 Broadway, splendid sculp an orig and modern production, unsurpassed merit, beauty of proportion, contour, anatomical accuracy, expression, attitude and hi finish

13, 14, 15 p. 2 Fair of Am Inst at Niblo’s advert, Union Club ad; Anelli has his announcement %0 cents for season ticket; auction by Levy of old and modern masters at Divan on Broadway; also Chas del Vecchio auctioning gallery of ancient family in the Tyrol, admired and valuable orig ptgs never before seen, at Arcade Baths, a Guido Madonna della Notte for $1200 guaranteed orig or money back in 6 mo.  “Cole’s Ptgs” for last few yrs ptg series for late Luman Reed, exhib for benefit of artist at Clinton Hall, noble efforts, concur with just praise on them in the American. Design as grand and orig in conception as felicitous in truth and beauty with which it is wrought. March of empire, or rise, decadence and extinction of a nation, fr savage rudeness thru stages of civiliz to summit of human polish and greatness to downfall, a history of a people fr cradle to grave. Happy idea of preserving same locality, distinctive landmark. Deserve universal attn.

17, 18, 19 says Fanny Wright enacted Meg Merrilies at Tammany Hall, full house, commonplaces, not pretty. 20 ad for Cole’s picts at Nat Acad, 50 cents Review of Fair of Am Inst, the arrangement is more methodical and judicious, but will need more thorough classification, confused before such abundance. High merits of gmen in charge and objects of Institution, no one doubts

21 Fair Am Inst continues review, Otis has some v fine ports in various rooms, inclu excellent likeness of Gen Harrison during his recent visit and view of interior of manufactory of Wm J Mullins, 173 Broadway, one of the managers of the Institute, Has Mullen’s v gd likeness. Otis also has highly finished portrait of a lady of the city, and some beaut miniatures by his studen Wm Warren. Mrs JC Smith wax flowers beaut and tasteful display of art and ingenuity.

22 “Mr Cole’s Pictures” douberts that arts will flourish in this constellation of republics shd visit, has lengthy description of progress of empire; consummation the history of the world shows must decline. Modest, indefatigable artist. Tribute to Reed.

24 missing. 25 the Magnolia by HW Herbert edited in gd taste but not better than last year in engravings, only Wrath of Peter Stuyvesant engr by Casilear fr orig of Durand is best

26, 27, 28, 29, 31


November 1836

1, 2 Daily Advertiser and the Express are merging as Daily Express, Whig. Cole’s pictures: ptgs truly an epic poem, delight the more intellectual and refined who can appreciate the genius and talent which invented and executed them with those who look at them merely as ptgs, with other works by our artists will create a new and hi standard of the art in this country, and public will be disgsted with and not consent to have palmed off on them miserable trash such as during last few yrs, even tho imported fr Euro at great expense and trouble, as undoubted originals of the old masters. Exhib of Cole thus a public benefit, time near when we will hold same hi relative rank in fine as in useful arts. See by daylight, by gas ptgs lose force and effect. Won’t be at NAD.

3 benefit for Hamblin ad

4 Wm M Price connected with Tammany  5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 HR Robinson just pub 2 excellent lithos of services of James Gulick, Whig candidate for Register as Fireman, striking and well designed, his early life and incidents and the other is the Voice of the People, a true story, worthy his friends patronage

12 Mercantile Lib wishes to purchase Audubon, trying to raise money

14 publishes a defense of Hamblin’s benefit and its sponsors   15, 16, 17, 18 corresp crit that they don’t notice Mirror and alw puff Ladies Companion. But Mirror is a weekly paper so not entitled to a regular notice, tho when Paulding and Irving and others made it a valuable literary journal the C&E and other dailies did notice it. But today excpet for beaut typography and engravings 4 times a year, no better than any weekly, mostly foreign abstracts, depends on puffing for public favor. Morris a good hearted well meaning man and a practical printer, is modest and unassuming, but journal is overrated by organized systme of puffing

19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 London doesn’t care for Forrest  26 likes the Fairy Book (tales) and notices Audubon 28 notes benefit for unhappy Mrs Hamblin, her moral rep assailed by an impudent singer since driven fr our stage never again to appear and agst whom she has instituted a lawsuit, now must confront her slanderer and suborned witnesses in England

29, 30 attacks Noah for supporting the Woods, and praises Cole’s noble series of ptgs, highest efforts of ar—Nature would be more Germane perhaps—


December 1836

1, 2 Pres of Phenix Bank Delafield denies Daily Express charges  3 puffs Deluge by Anelli, only 1 defect.  5 acknowledges that Delafield is cashier and is guilty

6 Richard M Johnson had mulatto children. General Jacob Morton dead, NAD members requested to attend

7, 8 Richmond Whig characterizes the party as Rip van Winkle  9, 10. 12 missing, 13, 14, 15. 16 missing? 17, 19 mixed reviews of Ellen Tree  20, 21, 22 usu like the Harpers pub (disagree with them re copyright); agree with American that new dollar coin is naked and unsightly, nothing to indicate the nation or national, not credible as a work of art, though the Commercial calls them classical and beautiful. 23 Johnson’s Scraps for 1837 on phrenology are capital and telling

24, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31


Aug 17, 1837: lots of job ads. P. 2 describes the administration of Jackson-Van Buren, or Kendall-Blair, in unfriendly terms, notes Democratic organ The Times is hostile to locofocos and humbug of a metallic currency. Likes Mathews at the Bowery theater. Reports on the attempted suicide of a woman of the town from Theater Alley.


July 1838

In fragments

4, 6 critical of Forrest’s political speech at the Tabernacle. 7


Jan 1839 (LOC)

1, 2 missing. 3 Very enthusiastic about new governor Seward. 4,5 missing. 7, 8, 9—8 and 9 have series of letters from two sides of elections of Mercantile Library Association, the Tremain ticket, all the established former/continuing officers in favor of Union and Liberality, which C&E supports, and the Winthrop Independent Liberal ticket, all men who have never been officers, who resent a packed ticket, and who do not like the current restrictions on “class of works” available as reading material. Ad for Univ of NY Dept of Elementary Drwg and Ptg, Prof M Bragaldi, class for gmen and class for lades only. Ads also for Calyo’ss cosmoramic exhib at Lockood’s saloon, fr orig drawings on the spot, mostly views of various cities. Ad for Grand Exhib of Ptgs at Acad of FA in Barclay st, Whichelo’s destruction of Jerusalem, Giraud’s Revolt in Paris of 1358, Dubufe’s Don Juan etc, and his Circassian Slave which is provided with a  sil curtain and need not be seen unless desired, also his St John and Princess of Capua. Ad for Dunlap Gallery of Ptgs at Stuyvesant Institute, rare and valuable, more than 250 of modern artists, for benefit of his history of NY

10, 11, 12 dislikes Bancroft, Edw Everett would do a better job; Winthrop ticket won Mercantile

14 supports Hamblin rebldg Bowery T  15 Bengough’s magic pencil at the Natl T. DF Ames has a screed on the Fine Arts, wants them to be given a habitation and a name, enlightened age realizes their value

16 announces the Corsair, is willing to forgive Willis’ youthful errors, in combo with Porter sound judgment will do a good job, on lines of Albion

17, 18, 19 rejects exMayor Aaron Clark who violated Whig principles. Rec’d litho of ship Liverpool fr HR Robinson now on Wall st, prolific, recently did best political caricatures of Woodbury being whitewashed by the locofocos and illus their designs

21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 attacks James Fenimore Cooper for defending Commod. Elliott, who he wants courtmartialed; Cozzens of the American Hotel is a Whig (and Shakespeare hotel an advertiser); The Apollo is one of most impt movements in behalf of the FA, assoc already numbers several hundred and will prob reach a thous, ea subscribing to a fund for purchase of best art of the US to be exhib at Apollo during the year and disposed by lot in Deccember. Fund spent by committee of 15 gmen not artists, who will not interfere with private purchases as will only buy after object exhib one month. Have attended 2 meetings by private invitation at the Gallery, exhib opened next Wednes, some members sent splendid ptgs fr private collections calculated to form a correct taste. Families of associates will make it an exceedingly pleasant resort.  Puffs Calyo’s ptgs.

28 JW Francis elected pres of Apollo. 29, 30, 31


February 1839

1, 2 puffs NY Lit Gazette under Jas Aldrich, 45 Ann St. 4, 5, 6 likes Simmons’ series of lectures on the poets (Merc soc?) 7 p. 1 offers some history of origins of Am Inst 8, 9 still no coverage of Apollo opening on Wednesday. 11. 12 missing. 13, 14 notes a bust of Ellen Tree by a Boston artist at office of Ladies Companion on 107 Fulton st, prob most correct in existence

15, 16 have examined a number of portraits by Barker, 243 Broadway, faithful likenesses, esll exec ptgs, can see improvement fr last year fr talent and application. Endicott pub litho of Battle of Windmill Pt, exec with great spirit.

18, 19. 20 missing. 21 praises Dr Hawks on John Smith of Va at hist soc; loves the weekly  Expositor. 22 p. 2 attn called to Apollo Assoc ad, doors open to mechanics, learned, merchants; first exhib open, presents excell coll of native artists and old masters. Webb is on the Committee of Managers (also JL Morton)

23, 25, 26, 27, 28


March 1839

1, 2, 4 loves Indian Tribes of No America. 5, 6, 7, 8 Calyo’s exhib still ad. 9 ongoing quarrel/exchange of letters betw Bishop Hughes and various ministers at St Patrick’s cathedral, over schools, firing of Levins. 11, 12 Wallack and Mitchell close. 13, 14 p. 2 recounts from Preston anecdote where Clay declares “I would rather be right than President.” 15 p. 2  mentions the progress of the Mercantile Assoc and says it has a history of good direction, examples of predecessors will not be lost on gmen now in charge, and the character of the library has materially improved within a very recent period, and the policy of loading its shelves with scores of the same pestilent novel has been partially abandoned. Some further reform in this respect might be not injudicious, for it is to the permanent character of the institution rather than the immediate gratification of a vicious taste among its members that the Directors shld regard. Recent additions to its stock of standard English authors must tend to create a taste that will demand better than the sickly sentimentalism or raw ruffianism of modern novel; young reader will be led fr convulsive catastrophes of old Baily heroism and tawdry pictures of vulgar hi life, not silver fork but plaited fork lit of the day, lit of bedraggeled finery and spangled display, to higher and purer lit mind.

            Apollo Gallery: reports on its progress, interesting and agreeable lounge, coll of picts now has not only Cole, Chapman, Weir, Doughty and 100 Am Artists, but also some gems of old masters loaned fr private coll. Also a second notice that Committee of Management has started buying, 14 pictures on Weds at $1100.

16 notes young artist Osgood in London, fine new eng of his port of H Clay issued by WA Colman, most meritorious. Colman will have them in his window, both excellent, with a bust of Clay and Marshall by a Vermont artist

18 approves Corsair. 19, 20 missing. 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30


April 1839

1 notes sale of Paff’s coll, his reputation as a cognoscenti; ad engrav ptgs articles of virtu at his late residence on Fulton st. NAD calls artists to submit works promptly. Hamblin a benefit for firemen’s fund; Catherwood advertising still

2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 nice abt Willis’ play at Wallack’s theatre. 13 explains Whig defeat in city elections by nomination of unpopular Aaron Clark. Ezra Snow sells oil ptgs every Sat, also engravings and furniture out of doors.

16 wants voter reg and state support for NY and Erie rrd. NAD advertises annual mtg and a special mtg to revise bylaws. Lots of concern re voter fraud.

17, 18, 19 p.2 ‘Victoria’ a statue by Stout, young Amer artist, attracting consid attn at Stuyvesant Inst, fig remarkably graceful, drapery disposed with much beauty and skill. His first, amateurs acknowl ample promise of future excellence. GW Dixon got a hung jury in Minturn case.

20, 22 notices St George’s Soc dinner. 23 Jockey Club  dinner at Astor.

24, 25 notices an exhib of Alston’s opening in Boston: at Franklin Dinneford has a Diorama of the locofoco procession in Chatham Square

26, 27 Noah was chair of the Wallack benefit

29 objects at length to state Senate inserting John Stephens’ name as historian in bill to be sent to Seward, as Stephens is a Demo, and his travel books are not learned but stay on the surface which is what makes them popular. 30


May 1839

1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 Nick of the Woods v pop at Bowery 10 more on the beauty of the new Bowery theater. 11, 13 not a fan of Bulwer. Apollo Gallery advertises 18 of Alfred Miller’s pictures. Dubufe ad. NAD gives election results, hanging committee in 1840 will be Thom Cole, Ingham, Geo Newcombe and HS Mount. Huntington, Harris, Mooney, Deas and Weindel elected Associates

14 happy that Geo Dixon got 6 months for libeling Rev Hawks. 15 hostile to undignified Varian at swearing in 16 angry that Corsair criticized Paulding, who is everything manly that Willis is not

17, 18, 20 p. 1 excerpts So Lit Mess bio of Ogden Hoffman by GW.

21 p. 2 Apollo Gallery reopened with exhib superior to its first, enlisted sympathies of large number of  artists. Attraction is fine genius of Miller series, scenes are striking and altogether novel, and figs drawn with great spirit and life, for a distinguished English traveller.

            Most beaut mod lscapes is by Doughty, free fr usual mannerism of this artist in a measure, best of his productions, purchased by Assoc. Larger lscape by Coates, the Shepherd’s Return is an effort of genius, but stiff somewhat and crowded. It wants a middle tint—trans fr foregrd to extreme distance being too sudden and marked. Frame injures its effect. Has ptd better than this, but talent enough to place him in first rank of our artists. Watson’s pict of Indians visiting Graves of their Fathers is a fine composition, sky gd, effect of setting sun on distant hills true to nature. Figs however are faint and feeble. The Landing, after Claude, by Richardson, is a copy superior to anything we shd have expected fr the original productions of the artist. Shaw’s Scene in the Isle of Wight exceedingly pretty—the grouping admirable. View of Lake George by Marsiglia exhibits muddy water, ill favored cattle and stiff trees; it is not in the artist’s line. Brown’s picts are all excellent.

22, 23 Martineau’s novel shows ability and interest, keen insight. Allston Gallery attracts large crowds, urges it come to NYC, no genius of the age comparable to him. 24. 25 missing.

27 not happy about Leggett’s appt to Central America. Notes that Osgood the artist and his wife arrive fr London, hi rep at home and abroad, did ports of Mrs Norton, Campbell the poet, Ld Lyndhurst, has copies. Also a copy of Reynolds’ celeb port of Burke, for Edw Everett

28, 29 pro Stephen van Rensselaer. 30 Cinti’s Infernal Regions at City Saloon. 31 haven’t seen an NAD ad, just Apollo


June 1839

1, 3, 4 Geo P Morris letter denying Corsair’s charge that he is author of satirical pamphlet Life in New York. Notices Cinti Infernal Reg. 5 notices Sully’s Queen V will be in town. References to Jackson’s “big foot” frequent, he should have the liberty of putting down his big foot on what interfered with him. 6, 7 likes Mrs Ellet. 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 likes Ellen Tree. 17, 18, 19 notes that Pettich’s statue of GW in clay is on display near Treasury bldg in DC; critical of Van Buren for giving literary men posts, including Bancroft, O’Sullivan and Stephens. 20 disapproves of personal allusions turning up in weekly press, leave private relations to scurrilous prints. 21, 22 praises 2 new well-exec lithos fr HR Robinson of Bowery theatre and likeness of Hamblin in Maltravers. 24


July-Dec 1839: skipped July/Aug

Aug 22 Clay visited the Bowery, Hamblin did spectacle


2 notices fair of Mech Inst. Has been puffing the Bunker Hill panorama at Masonic. 10 puffs a sculp exhib/auction, Canova  de Boulogne et al. 13 trial with Cooper going on, Ogden Hoffman is Webb’s attorney. Cooper part of the ultra-democracy.

24 notice of far-famed Christ rejected by Benj West exhib at Niblo’s in new saloon, a masterpiece


1 notices Audubon exhib. 9 disagrees with New Era that Wash Irving was a democrat or a supporter of the Van Buren admin. 10 promotes Am Inst fair, inclu miniatures and dag. 18 notices NY Mirror, engr best ever of Landing at Jamestown fr ptg by Chapman, illus a Paulding novel that survives the flippant dondemnation of coxcomb crit, and will long flourish.

Lots of puffs of Audubon. 30 Edw Rossiter a prominent Whig.


1 Apollo Gall: sale exhib open, numerous v choice, perhaps most striking is large one by Alfred J Miller, who accomp Sr Wm Stewart west, richly dressed procession of Snake Indians under their chief, mounted, with Stewart’s party on a rise in foregrd, in rear squaws and distance Wind river mtns and lodges. Infinite spirit, great skill in grouping, beauty of effect fine coloring, finest ever of an Indian subject. WJ Hubard will also attract notice, ptd in Florence, Philip of Mt Hope—many will remember Hubard as silhouette cutter here; great talent bold effor, remarkable on many accounts.

            Page’s full length of ex-Gov Marcy, Sully’s beaut sketch of Musidora, Chapman’s exquis sketch of Beppo, Thompson’s port young lady, Doughty’s Indian Summer and Early Autumn, little lscapes of Coates. View of Exeter by John Tucker of RA.

            Among best sculps are Clevenger’s lifelike of Webster and P Hone, Dexter’s of Ellen Tree. Assoc meets with great success.

8 loves Vattemar’s coll, to benefit NAD




January 1840

  1. 2 missing. 3 p. 2 notes Albion embellishment far superior of Buckingham palace, but prefer tobattlements and accessories the tiny river in front, lavished by nature with rural bounties, to architectural beauties a loyal and liberal people have lavished on sovereign’s dwelling.

4,6 missing. 7, 8, 9 Col Stone lectures at Hist Soc on history of press. 10, 11 port of exMayor Aaron Clark installed and as a work of art highly finished specimen, correct likeness.

13 Robt Maitland Chair of Union Insurance Co, advertises. Mercantile Library has 2 tickets again, AE Silliman and Wm H Mott, vs. Zabriskie and Nicoll by the “friends of good order”; Ad for 2 extensive galleries of ancient and modern Ital Ptg and Statuary, 281 Broadway at Granite Bldges, attn called to a Canova Venus and Rosa, Guido, Raphael—procured by Mr Clark at great expense. Card fr Napoleon Derisse a sculptor defending himself agst tailor’s accusations.

14 has been ok with Brownson’s lecture; loves Dana. Card rebuts “Fox in Hen House” who criticized Zabriskie and was pro-MOtt in the Commercial, written by One who Knows the Fox and thinks he’s a rabid dog. 15, 16 puffs the splendid coll of modern European ptgs. Dislikes Miss Vandenhoff. 17 Silliman’s ticket won 18 Louis Tasisotro denies authoring articles of a personal nature that have appeared in the press. 20, 21 puffs Colman’s window w/magnif print of Last Days of Pompeii. Defends Gouraud from Seager’s accusations in Evening Star and other papers, but says conflict’s not in public sphere. 22,23, 24 likes Fanny Trollope’s expose of factory conditions in England, Hervio Nano a four foot wonder at Bowery, among Merc Lib lectures is Rev Thom Levins. Longfellow, Emerson. 25, 27, 28, 29, 30 contemptuous of Gov Morton 31 CS Bogardus, Fernando Wood, among those who oppose reappointment of Justice Bloodgood


February 1840

1, 3, 4 Rubens Peale’s Baltimore mus. For sale. 5,  6, 7 Judge Burnet of Cinti devoted patriot and friend of Harrison, likes Ladies Comp alternating American scenes with fancy ones 8, 10, 11, 12, 13 notes the first exhib of year of Apollo Assoc open, has diffused taste, encouraged artists, hope Board will estab it on a perm basis. Unusually attractive coll of finest specimens of the art in the US fr various sources. The great picture “The Wreck of the Medusa” on entire rear wall is masterly copy of the orig at Louvre, universal admiration, figs of colossal size, artist has seized most impt point in history of that melancholy event. Ad for gallery notes open til 10 in evenings two days a week, admission 25 cents, has undoubted originals by old masters and some best specimens by our artists, 410 Broadway. John Clarke also has ad for his gallery, 281 Broadway, to be run on Euro system, artists can place their works for sale rather than by auction, with the rare old masters he’s selling 14, 15 notes new Morning Chronicle daily ed. Wm Hudson formerly of Express.17 missing, 18, 19 defends Catholics agst New Era, notice of Weekly Chronicle, 99 Nassau st, nonpolitical it says. Disapproves of bloodhounds being used on Florida Indians. Likes Howard hotel. 20, 21, 22 fine litho port of Harrison by Peale pub at Phila can obtain at King’s 141 Fulton st 24, 25 loves Hamblin. New World notes that John Neal and Epes Sargent have joined Park Benjamin there, Sargent has been a co-editor some months since leaving Mirror. 26, 27, 28 v crit of Ezra White gang of rowdies, soaplocks, in the Hook area, the paw appendage to the fag end of locofocoism. Publishes a nonpartisan mtg for the Genl Bankrupt Law, Isaac Varian, Prosper Wetmore, John W Edmonds, a Winslow, Cornelius Lawrence, John Haggerty, Blachford, Robt H Morris, Minturn.  29 likes rives of VA. Saml Jenks Smith giving Sunday Morning News to E Barnett.


March 1840

2 notes Daguerre and Sebron’s grand pict fr Paris of Jerusalem and the Crucifixion, at Lyceum, covers 2000 feet. 3, 4 hi qual audience for Hamblin’s Macbeth; American Sculptors in Italy, fr a private letter fr Amer gan in Europe whose opinion in art and taste we highly estimate fr personal knowl. “friend Greenough finish statue of GW by summer, 8x larger than life, weighting 30 tons, is doing many other pretty things for his countrymen, a head of Clay for his son in law, Mr Irwin, likeness is perfect and sculp superb. Venus for Lowell of Boston exquisite, two of great beauty for a lady in New Haven. Ranks deservedly first at very head of modern sculptors, who in beauty of execution, equal the ancients. Powers fr Cinti has astonished all Italy, Italians of the best and most practised taste declare nothing to equal them, of Baldwin, the engineer, McDuffie, Calhoun, Webster and others true to smallest wrinkles and beaut sculptured. Has waken up all the sculptors of Italy to compete.. 5, 6, 7, 9 Queen’s marriage 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16. 17 missing. 18, 19, 20, 21 another engraving of Harrison, fr ptg by Lambdin done in Cinti 1836, by Sartain, style beaut 23 Henry Russell hissed for singing a Whig song at Niblo’s, chats with him and Geo P Morris and others abt whether ought to do it again, Bryant advises no. 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31


April 1840

1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 supports strikers on Croton water works. 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14. 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21 Ja,es Bleecker auction of valuable ptgs, fr connoisseur’s coll, has spent time in Europe and here collecting 22 notes Effingham (Cooper) is suing Stone of Commercial Advertiser over review of his naval history to attract attn to new ed. Puffs Fine Ptgs for sale at 59 Vandam st, of more than ord merit (Aaron Levy) 23, 24, 25. 27 missing. 28, 29, 30 NAD advert, ‘now open’


May 1840

1 weird card about libel of Am Inst at recent mtg at Howard hotel  2 NY Mirror office moved to Fulton st. 4, 5 nice puff of Fanny Elssler 6 Clarke’s ad is headlined “$5000 Reward”, it’s a great attraction of old masters, inspection will convince, all the papers but one have spoken highly of the coll, but there are evil designed persons who’ve taken every means to prejudice people agst it, by underrating its value and beauty, so he bets that much that no one can put together a better collection. 7,8, 9 Louisiana leg gives $3000 towards Vattemare’s scheme. 11, 12 mtg of those in favor of reforming management of Am Inst 13 Colman has beaut and accurate plaster busts of Elssler for sale. 14 likes Publius on the currency; Cooper sued Park Benjamin and New World v sarcastic 15 more cards fr Committee to reform Am Inst, saying that criticism of individual officers even when proved is taken as an attack agst the Inst itself, and proposing an alternative election ticket that includes Henry Brevoort, Wm L Stone, Feuchtwanger, Joseph Hoxie, Mordecai Noah, Robt Bogardus, campaign is to improve accounting, not permit admission of improper members, packing meetings, subsidizing private businesses—critique aimed at current Pres TB Wakeman, don’t elect his tools. 15 loved Fanny. 16 “Italian Ptgs” at Acad Arts in Barclay st, choice, superior to any offered for sale before, had meant to write a somewhat critical notice, no room, but advise amateurs to examine them, profitable hour. 18 Geo Endicott ad has just pub a fine mezzotint of Rev Orville Dewey fr port by Frothingham 19, 20  mtg of journeymen printers at Howard hse, not happy about prices, opposed to the Typographical Assoc  21 “Sculp and Ptg” extract of letter fr Rome commending Powers, Greenough, adds that Crawford brilliant success a group in highest order of his art. Clevenger soon will leave city for rome, commend his services for portraits, will be accompanied bya young pt of Boston, well deserved distinction, attended schools in Paris and did admirable copies, George L Brown, will do copies for you. Allston testifies to his ability, fr studies of nature and copy of Claude, if you study in Euro have power to become a first rate lscape ptr, did best copy of Claude I’ve seen, more of his color and feeling.

22 Vattemare endorsed by Phil Hone, Pres Duer, Delafield. 23, 25, 26, 27 NAD notice that it opens on (June?) 27. Verax has a card, lover of Fine Arts, made pictures his study so can judge them, not imposed on by quackery. True merit should not suffer fr envious or interested and virulent attacks on old school coll by Mr Clarke in a daily print induce me to desire public not be deceived by malignity and calumny. Be own judges, many gems of such rare value worth more than price of admission.

28, 29, 30


June 1840

1, 2 notes that a forger named Eldredge from Phila, according to American, contributed to an infamous print accounts of “fashionable” entertainments and became connected with the New Yorker. 3 p. 1 reproduces Park Benjamin of Evening Signal’s tirade agst Bennett and Herald, asking moral community to boycott him personally and his paper, which is suited for brothel not drawing room, that is based on blackmail and libel, and trades on people’s interest in scandal. Hope of notoriety or fear of abuse have induced them to admit him or his reporterst to the society of gmen and ladies, to chronicle the incidents of a fancy ball. Then cites the Evening Star, agrees with Benjamin that he’s blasphemous. Brooklyn Daily News agrees in proclaiming a Holy War, a crusade of extermination agst him, who carps and cavils at everything better than himself, the character of our best citizens. P. 2 C&E chimes in, had doubts abt moral influ of penny press fr start, goes on with litany of criticism, including that he gives publicity to the balls and parties of the public Bawds of the City, to read it if you’re a woman is to put her beyond pale of respectable society. A M C---K--- banned a man from his house for introducing it. Attack is really on women readers, as is what he calls sermons on this from two pulpits.

4 continues attack on Benentt, urges names of advertisers and others who deal (speak, buy his paper)with him be published, that all the theaters stop advertising with him on pain of not receiving notice in any other paper

5 more on H, names papers who will support their own blackmailing of the theater, American, Star, Commercial, Times, Express and J of C and just reviews Bowery and Niblo’s

6 reviews Park and Chatham too

6 more on Herald, sales have dropped, a foreign adventurer holds up to ridicule and brings into contempt men and the families of men who are “natives and to the manor born” –hardly a man of wealth who hasn’t been made a laughingstock

8 Caricatures: happy that a publisher in Wall st of some infamous caricatures arrested for maliciously and grossly assailing thru his lithos the character of a respectable family. Bennett originated idea of defaming private character.

9 newsboys told by patrons that if they carry Herald buyers won’t purchase their other papers. Celeste left her husb. Only reviews the Bowery.

10 forrest a failure as Mark Antony. 11. 12 missing. 13 Bennett the only editor advocating for a repeal of the Pilot Law that doesn’t allow the NY Pilots a monopoly, I think, because they would allow his reporters on board. Attacks NY Soc Library and Merchants Exchange for carrying it. Praises Rice and his Jim Crow at the Bowery, also Olympic, not Park or Niblo

15 reviews are all Rice, likes his local allusions. 16 only Crow at the Bowery. 17, 18 has a new Hoe press.


rest of June is missing. L


Inside masthead: “principles not men” Dec. 7 1840: p. 2 disapproves of imprisonment for debt. Voting day should be reduced from 3 days to 1 and moved to Oct. Critical of Fire Dept, saw them at a Fulton Market fire where they behaved like savages, need professionals not volunteers. Company No 30 assaulted Co. 44 in multiple places, including at a fire; Council hasn’t done anything about similar charges against 4-5 other companies this year. Peter Cooper a subscriber writes in with a reform plan. Lots of court cases. Puff for Audubon. Likes Mazeppa at the Bowery.



January 1841

1, 2 missing. 4, 5 Howards’ hotel has sugar log cabin. 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 Rufus Dawes will lecture on Swedenborg’s principles of sublime and beaut, free, Am Inst. 15 letter fr Demosthenes in response to Aristides’ letter of 13th in Times and Star, re Awful Disclosures made last March, re debt of Mercantile Lib, argument over whether need to produce a financial statement. Worry re org in debt? 16, 18 “day of cheap things,” lit cheapened, penny press, cheap tailors, men cut their clothes by one’s cloth, good that Park theatre has lowered its prices, example of the Olympic.  Merc Library: handwritten note says letter was written by AG Zabriskie (?), very critical of the “liberal” ticket putting up CC Gordon, irregular voting. Also an ad signed by Zabriskie, Cooke and others saying that the Board announcement in the Sat papers saying no financial records were asked for is specious, then a long column, Zabriskie unhappy about the org’s debt. Ticket (liberal) in opposition to John Butler nominates Lockwod et al?  So there’s a Reform Ticket headed by Butler and supported by Zabriskie (who want to buy Audubon’s ornithology), meeting at the Shakespeare Hotel, plus this Liberal or Members Ticket, headed by Morison.  19 previously commended Marchant’s port of Harrison, new mezzotint by Endicott, valuable  20, 21 Apollo Assoc: highly impt inst, favorable auspices, gallery of Granite bldg, financial diffic of last year but beaut engr (scene of revolution, highest credit—Genl Marion) and bought $1000 worth fr native artists. 22, 23, 25, 26, 27 Recorder Robt Morris prosecuted Glentworth and Election frauds by Whigs (Standard newsp, Demo); puffs Dag likeness advert by Wm H Butler, likenesses superior to any other specimens, no one whould be flattered need sit, absolute identity. 28, 29 no patience with abstractions such as those in Greeley’s weekly Future. 30 reprints fr Cinti Enquirer puff of young artist Baird’s portrait of Harrison, style and likeness


February 1841

1,2, 3 Dr Hawks of the Church Record endorses Arcturus, ed Mathews and Duyckinck, sound morals, pure lit taste. Notes treasurer of Bowery Champlin suing Hamblin. 4, 5, 6 John Adams and Henry Wise (who advocates duelling, slavery and nullification) at odds, Wise’s Whiggishness in question perhaps. 8, 9, 10 Powell most admirable port of Peter R Livingston, at Artists’ rooms, in Park Place, with other specimens, commend him highest degree, young and accomplished , gd likeness fine ptg  12 reader handwrote Bah! over C&E disdaining Bryant as not equal to Halleck, controv over port by Frankinnie that correctly shows Harrison’s mental weakness. Crit of J of Commerce for attacking Catholicism.

13 Morris discharged for seizing Glentworth’s papers incorrectly (no warrant?). Cinti Gazette says James Beard’s port of Harrison is best, will go abroad in spring, believe young Powell fr there too, has won well deserved rep. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 notes celeb ptg of Saml Adams the “Great Proscribed” by Copley has been purchased with intent of donating it to Faneuil Hall 22 praises C Mayr’s dags of Nassau st, not stiff  23 defends Wise  24, 25 tempted to put Chas Sprague as poet above Bryant and Halleck 26, 27 Greenough’s statue of GW: public journals have reflected on his delay in completion, Boston Daily Advertiser honorably defends, waiting for a govt ship, has added extra embellishments, colossal twice life size, has spent all the money awarded and done another group on govt commission.


March 1841

1, 2 defends Collector Jesse Hoyt  3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,  unhappy re Supreme Ct decision re Amistad 13, 15, 16, 17 John O Sargent no longer his Assistant Editor. 18,19 missing. 20, 22, 23, 24 describes arrest of Mdme Restell 25 v crit of Washington corresp for Post, formerly called John Smith, Jr of Arkansas, now “X”. 26 notes Apollo Assoc exhib now open, v valuable ptgs, best yet, will rival Edinburgh’s association 27 wishes we’d kept more Indian place names, 29 puffs pano of Rome 30, 31 Bowery advert in French. Pano in Rotunda advert, Apollo, and NAD ad re date of varnishing; resolution of mourning


April 1841

1, 2, 3, 5, 6. 7 J of Commerce only journal in city not to put its type in mourning for Harrison. 8, 9 is keeping up mourning itself all week. NAD ad they are also wearing mourning. 10, 12 no more mourning. Robt Morris and Philips Phoenix contest for mayor. 13 Mr Morse (?) locofoco, refused Nat Amer party nomination, is stumping against Whigs to draw from them nativists, dislike proscription based on relig sentiments, Morse wrote a book agst Catholicism’s spread in US. 14 Morris wins. 14  critical of Cooper agn, and his joining with Elliott agst Perry; Cooper writes his letters to eve Post. Someone foolish enuf to do port of Senator  Benj Tappan of OH, and engraved; ought to be well rewarded as those who exhibit naked deformity charge high, for necessary lamp black to make it dark enough to conform to tastes of abolition admirers. Senator sold engravings in Columbus 15, 16,17, 19, 20, 21, 22 fr US Gazette, a country corresp writes about “violating a statue” and Editor says no law agst such an act, but tho no personal offense can be committed, even the Medicean Venus would not be allowed to swear in court, but Bacchus himself has been ‘violated’ in his marble representation and Cleopatra has recovered damages for violence done that injured beauty. Queen Vic herself being broken into frags in this city, owner brought suit and would have recovered, except that accused found plaintiff didn’t take proper care of her himself. Case tho is not so difficult as a corresp of ours presented, who wanted us to give a criticism on the statues of Adam and Eve. 23, 24, 26, 27, 28 “magnif pict” Apollo finest engrav in a long time, v large copy by Sartain  of orig ptg of John B White, of Charleston, v meritorious original, astonishment of officer and Marion worth a week of study, moral rich and republican, negro cuisinier and mulatto gman holding the officer’s horses as all the other figs are capital. Sartain has rarely thrown more softness as well as spirit into his efforts. Also notices full length Port of Gen Harrison by TB Read in Granite Bldg, self made young artist fr West hi degree of merit considering his youth, perfect likeness

29, 30 praises NY Mirror, publisher Danl Fanshaw, with steel engravings of super royal size by best artists fr highly novel and excellent designs, 12 in all plus wood engr illlus Euro fashions, this one by Dick of sad predicament of lscape ptr so engaged doesn’t notice rising tide


May 1841

1, 3, 4, 5, 6 May Arcturus not as good. Would revise rules for Public Schools to permit relig teaching. 7 pleased Noah is a judge, as is the Express  8, 10, 11, 12 letter fr corresp critical of Commercial Advertiser’s attack on Tyrone Power the actor as ruining men’s souls, anti Irish bias. 13, 14. 15 missing. 17 still mad people are reading the Herald 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 hostile to General Gaines. Approves Greeley’s new penny paper. 24. 25 missing. 26, 27, 28, 29, 31


Webb writes for New World, it seems (came up in discussion of his lawsuits with Cooper)


June 1841

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 gives gd review to Puffer Hopkins. 7 from a St Louis paper that the exhibitor of Death on a Pale Horse, Howarth, absconded with the money promised to a widow. 8 notices another Harrison engrav fr ptg by AG Hoit; critical of editor Lambert at the Commercial Advert re school policy debate, says he travels, eats (Astor hse, Niblo’s) all for free everywhere he goes, publishes a letter (puff) re New Historical ptgs by French artists of disting rep, extraord size and elab finish, battle scenes of Am hist, 3 arrived and are on exhib at Lyceum in Broadway, Hamilton Perry and Jackson triumphs, vigor of thought severity of fact, superb in effect, chain heart by striking appropriateness of orig conceptions and fertility of details 

9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 notices another full length of Harrison, engr by Sartain fr Lambden after the inaug 19, 21 notices Ellsler pretty neutrally 22, 23 long letter fr Bishop Hughes on schools  24 Puff of the New Natl Picts, exalted genre, patronage of princes, in Europe, thousands thrown in lumber rooms as failures so difficult it is, need towering genius, like epic poems. Critics in Euro have approved these, so judgment less mature and authentic shld  not demur, Lami Isabey and Bellange the artists. Gives really enthusiastic review to Stephens’ Incidents in Central Amer and to Catherwood. 26, 28, 29, 30


July 1841

First few issues crumbly, started with 7, 8, 9,10 “spoke sentiments of the People at large”, supports Seward even tho some (Commercial Advertiser? At least is one of his critics) say he is too Demo, all agree he is able; 12,13,14,15,16,17,19,20,21,22,23,24,26,27,28,29 notices Catherwood and Stephens a lot and approvingly 30,31 Raddle has a litho port of Tyler


August 1841

2,3,4 corresp fr London mentions Haydon’s new pict repres Anti Slavery convention June 1840, not the first time art perpetuates name of the artist and the record of folly and fanaticism of past days. Ed approves letter re public gallery of FA, petition for which is going round Merchants Exchange, Lyceum, Standard office 2 Wall st, to estab one in the city, 800  names signed so far, open free all year. Signed JKF. Puffs ptgs of Amer victories by French artists at Lyceum, grand and gorgeous

5,6,7 quite hostile now to Col Wm L Stone for his position on Webster letters and personal attack on Wm Kent  9,10,11,12,13,14,16,17,18 J of Commerce crit of Van Rensselaer like Dems. 19,20,21,23,24,25,26 likes Buckingham’s Travels. 27 notices Mr Osgood’s port of Mrs Norton, hi rep in London added to by citizens in South, has rms on Chambers st, exquis specimens of his genius, Ld Lyndhurst, Thom Campbell, Norton fr actual setting, after separation fr her husb, perfect likeness test by lady herself, effort of art, beaut exceedingly, permit all proper persons with taste for first rate productions to see tho not on’show.’  28,30,31 sneers at Polyanthos


September 1841

1,2,3 Cooper’s portr of the Am Indian the veriest caricature, as described by old women and nurses in our infancy, knows nothing of them, they would not recognize themselves. Has no gmen or ladies as characters, no one high toned. 4,6. 7. 8,9,10,11,13,14,15,16,17,18,20 likes editor Joseph Neal despite his locofoco politics 21,22,23,24,25,27,28,29,30


October 1841

1,2. 4 missing, 5,6,7,8,9 describes the Herald as assaulting govt and its institutions, its best citizens, private character and morality of its females, misrepresenting the morals of the people, systematically assailing te credit and character of every public instituion and govt. In pay of the British money men? 11 missing. 12, 13,14 puffs ptgs of Dubufe and Paris at NAD rooms, Dubufe’s Don Juan is poetry; Paris’s portraits make wish to cross ocean to see the women. 15 Fair of Am Inst not equal to preceding ones 16 Fall exhib of Apollo Assoc collect of ptgs equal to any of former, celeb ptg of Col Trumbull, Sortie of Gibraltar, an interestin gobject. 18,19 praises Trumbull’s reminiscences, not too much egotism. 20,21,22,23,25,26,27 likes Alexander Bradford’s Origins of the Red Race (great civ, not savages); notes Greenough’s statue is being v carefully moved to Capitol. 28,29 Judge Upshur wrote or approved fo Partizan Leader, a novel set in future, disunion. 30, 31


November 1841

1,2,3,4 positive review of C Edw Lester’s book on England. 5 Evening Star was a Clay paper, Comm Advert trying to get their readers under false pretences. 6 puffs Dutch ptgs auction by Aaron Levy. 8,9,10,11 likes Miss Cushman. 12,13 Greenough’s statue of GW, notices DC corresp of Cinti Gazette most uncomplimentary, disagreably disappointed, mere copy of Jupiter Tonans with head of W, half naked, with some drapery over itslelgs, monstrous, resembling more than anything Shelley’s Frankenstein. Hope he is unjust, great praise bestowed on statue by foreign connosisseurs and accomplished Gov Everett. But may be too classical school to be quite the thing for Amer taste. 16,17,18 praises Jared Sparks’ lectures at hist soc 19,20,22,23,24,25,26,27,29,30


December 1841

1,2,3, 4,6,7,8. 9,10 missing. 11,13 lots of praise for Inman’s magnif full length port of celeb Fanny Ellsler in character of  La Tarantule, only true likeness, worthy of artist, best specimen, disagree with Commercial praising it albeit she may not be one of the godly; litho by Heidleman is largest and best and if artist had made dancer’s ankles a little less, a very charming natural production. Sale at Atwill’s.  14,15 pro Annexation. 16, 17,18 praises Catlin’s bk and engrav 20,21,22, 23, 24, 27,28,29,30



January 1842

1,3,4,5,6,7 miniature in magnitude: an evening paper that considers itself pretty astute in everything rltg to the “fine arts” notes a miniature by Cummings as partic deserving of praise bcause of its largeness, largest ever in country, no doubt he is a deserving artist and wouldn’t hurt his professional feelings, but impossible to avoid commparison between this and praise of the Globe to Short Sonnets of Benj F Butler, for not being too long. Prob in future Cummings will make his miniatures large as life, or size of Greenough’s GW.

8, 10 congrat Valentine Mott for putting end to public displays of surgery at NYU, Herald published accounts with their permission. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17 Statue of GW: some months since when speaking of Stout’s beaut statue of Fanny Elssler, passing trib to noble Bust of W exibt at his studio, noble in full sense of word, expression the mind connects with his great deeds, yet perfect delineation of his peculiar features. Support petition signed by citizens asking to emply him to do a statue for the city.

18 notices Apollo Assoc large and magnificent mezzotints, fr The Artist’s Dream, by Sartain, images of Michaelangelo, Rafael, Titian, Rembrandt et al float before him, imagination made palpable, size of Marion and as finely executed. Assoc noble assertions.

19, 20, 21 gives Merc Lib election results 22, 24, 25, 26, 27 has been giving account as has Greeley of John Colt’s trial for murdering a printer, Saml Adams. Includes testimony fr Saml S Osgood, port ptr with room in granite bldg corner Chamber st, in the 3d story, put down his windows often to avoid noise in streets, not in his rm after dark, went to school in Hartford with Colt, temper mild, took a carpetbag with him out of town. Zabriskie testifies too. And Robt Hoe, John W Edmonds

28, 29, 31


February 1842

1,2,3 notices Apollo Assoc, offered $500 for best historical pict by an Amer artist for engraving. Has bought $6000 worth of art already. 4,5,7, 8, 9,10,11,puffs a coll of ptgs on Chambers st 12 not happy that Dickens is discussing Int’l copyright. Likes Bro Jon. Notes Bennett’s convictions for libel.

14, 15 opinion of the court on Bennett libel, Judge Kent says shld be punished for penny press’s systematic attacks on private character, even holy men, private life; bad that he attacked a Judge, other judges Webb thinks were partisan but Kent agreed the libels were mild ones, just paid a fine. Litho of Boz by Endicott fr Malise(?) avail at Atwill’s, best looking. Atwill a music pub frequently promoted.

16 Tyler admin favoring the Herald  17, 18, 19 Comm Advert says judges were allied with Bennett in libel trial thru intrigue  21,22, 23,24,25 he and the American consider the Express as bad as the Herald. 26, 28


March 1842

1 Express and toadeating journals praise Robt Tyler’s Ahasuerus (son of pres.) for his piety, but he swears. 2,3, Stoppani of Arcade Baths 4 liked Mathews speech on copyright at Dickens dinner  5 Puffer though not good, tho try to like it. 7,8,9 critical of JN Reynolds 10,11 Bishop Hughes letter repudiating O’Connell’s letter (which C&E pub) telling Irish to get rid of slavery, hopes it’s a forgery 12, 14, 15,16,17, 18,19 thinks Ellsler overrated. 21,22,23,24,25 American supports Giddings, C&E does not  26, 28,29, 30 puf for Bulwer’s Zanoni  31


April 1842

1 call for a polit mtg in Herald, Trib and Express, disguised Tylerism  2,4,5,6,7,8,9 mentions a Major Stevens of Peal’s museum involved in a Tyler mtg to find a mayoral candidate. 11,12,13, 14, 15,16, 18,19,20,21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 notices a Pell auction of ptgs fr gman leaving the city  30 very anti-Dorr and RI suffrage movement; very angry that Creole slave case doesn’t support Amer prop rights


May 1842

2,3,4,5,6,7,9, 10,11,12,13,14 likes Arcturus, agree with its view of criticism. Atwill starts a new paper, Evening Journal, formerly connected with the North American. 16, 17 Wm Stone libel case agst Purdy (demo alderman who Webb has attacked to in previous Bennett libel trial as being in cahoots) being supervised by Judge Kent, v symp to older Whig press. Alw arguing with the Madisonian. 18,19, 20 Sunday Morning News taken over by McLachlan, principal reporter for the Express, and Stephens, also of that paper. 21,23, 24,25,26 glad Griswold now editing Graham’s; has puff of Colman’s splendid Gallery of books, ptgs, statuary, engravings, not a pedestrian on Broadway, resident or tourist not familiar with his window near Fulton, a miniature index of attractions inside. Enlarged, a lounge, buy or look, fine opportunity, gmanly brothers.

27 mad at Demo attack on West Point as breeding loafers. 28, 30,31 Egerton, the lscape ptr, and his mistress also a lscape ptr, murdered in Tacuhaya, a summer place near Mexico City; both stabbed by swords, by Englishman likely in revenge.


haven’t seen any NAD ads.


June 1842

1 notices NY Museum and Polyspastes Views, tableaus or illusions, gorgeous effects of moonlight on water (this is formerly Peale’s Museum, now run by Yankee Hill, who lectures/performs there in evenings, gives it regular notices 2 Goths in west have Vandalized mounds, as well the pyramids aren’t here as would be sold for mill dams by utilitarians  3 House referred proposal fr Arthur Middleton to donate a copy of port of Columbus by a disting artist fr original in Madrid to Library Comm. 4,6,7,8,9 supports JW Dodge’s proepectus for engr likeness of Genl Jackson, ptg by him considered supoerior to any others, exhib at Francis’ bookstore and Langley’s.  Ads for a Levy ptg auction, Ceragioli house (plaster of Paris manufacturing co on William st) selling statuary, busts, exhib Napoleon, Venus, Pope by Canova etc. 

10, 11 corresp in DC likes Fillmore. 13,14,15,16,17,18,20,21,22 notices engr of portraits of all the presidents, at Colman’s 23 supporting Clay for pres  24,25 Apollo Assoc—hasn’t met with support it deserves, no wealthy individs, only small class of cultivated taste and public spirit, need combined energies of associations to have effect. Have the Art Union paper from England, re their success with getting subscribers. Next engraving will be Vanderlyn’s Marius, Napoleon medal. Managers act only with public aims in mind, so deserve public support.

27, 28 Park Bowery, Niblos and NY Museum only theaters noticed 29,30 notices NY Mirror best number ever polished, entirely an account of battle of Bunker Hill but espGimbrede’s engr fr Trumbull, noble specimen, with new key.


July 1842

1 missing. 2,4 lists NAD meritorious exhib among the holiday entertainments. 6,7,8,9,11,12,13,14 Peter Parley (Saml Goodrich) is a Whig. 15,16,18. 19 missing. 20 Noah has become a Tyler man 21,22,23,25 Gouge oncurrency in New Era wrong. 26 Now seems to agree with Gouge, and that 1837 was the Bank of England’s fault 27,28,29,30 interested in accounts of the miseries of the working poor in England, shame and disgrace, they ought not to comment on slavery


August 1842

1,2,3 hasn’t used spy in DC for a long time, AZ is his regular corresp. 4,5,6 gives credit to Griffin’s mermaid and Downing’s book on cottages. 8 JWW is a fan of mtn house, Catskills.9 puffs exhib of old Spanish ptgs at Apollo rms, gives titles by Guercino, Zuburan, preserve freshness and brilliancy of color for which old masters remarkable, others drwg great merit. 10,11 Dorr’s port in Dem Review (sarcastically) ought to be surrounded by v rich and classical accompaniments.12,13,15,16 Mike Walsh at a Tyler mtg. 17 So Lit Mess attacks Irving for plagiarism, Clark in Knick defends. 18,19,20 RL does not like Swain’s Life of Clay. 22 missing. 23,24,25,26,27, 29,30,31


September 1842

1,2,3,5,6,78,9, 10 Hope Leslie a charming work. Tyler procession on Monday a picturesque affair (sarcastic) based on Robespierre jacobinism, when a female fr purlieus of (blank) was paraded thru streets of Paris in puris naturalibus, and worshipped as the Goddess of Liberty. In accord with that rational and delicate exhib, propose to bring 26 women as the deities of locofoco devotion, represent states.humbug. 12 praises Vanderbilt’s line. 13 strongly disapproves of women exposing themselves in the procession, unwomanly gaze. 14 puffs Morand’s dags 15,16,17 loves Dick’s engravings, works for Albion, Westminster abbey v gd. 19,20,21 Herald is a foreign alien; shows its reversal of opinion on Mott et al at NY school of med. 22 puffs Wm L Stone on Indians 23 Morning Post formerly New Era in favor of Calhoun for pres 24,26,27, 28 likes Celeste 29,30 Aurora supports Mike Walsh agst fellow Tammany Geo Wooldridge of the Whip


gives details of coroner’s reports despite disapproval of herald reporting surgeries


October 1842

1,3 notices libel lawsuit of Mott agst herald; and The Artist, a monthly lady’s book, P Quarre, 64 Reede st, novel embellishments, with color. 4,5,6,7,8,10,11,12,13, 14. 15 missing. 17,18,19,20,21,22, publishes ECH’s (communicated) lines on seeing a miniature likeness of Dr Francis by Mr Wenzler, a native of Copenhagen, youngest and talented in profession, hopes to live in NY, full expression heart intellectual glow, more potent than phrenologist, soul of fire, in such small space. 24 Foreign Quarterly Review has article on Am press attrib to Dickens, disapproves of demeaning honors given to foreign adventurer on his vist, shld be bestowed on our military heroes. Never mingled with him. Describes Webb as a warlike editor, an equal adept with Bennett in filth, but a respectable Whig paper. Rest of essay tries to ascribe Herald’s character to whole press. Only Noah, Bryant and King made exceptions. 25 Thom of the statuary is doing the masonry for Trinity church  26,27,28,29,31


November 1842

1,2,3,4,5 Mirror doing Trumbull. Bennett has pd advertisement selling Herald as bankrupt?  7,8,9,10,11,12,14,15,16 dislikes Demo lawyers (John Edmonds inclu) questioning justice system in Colt case; publishes Bishop Hughes response to Hale in J of Commerce 17 review of Dickens, not worthy of serious notice, writes much to admire, but is not a gentleman in habits, feelings, thoughts or intercourse and is self conscious of this, thus his commentaries on Amer manners, trashy.  18,19,21 arraigned for duel with Hon TF Marshall. 22,23,24 not sympathetic to Colt. Notices Apollo Assoc: completed purchase of ptgs, invite visitors to gallery, most disting artists of the US, hi merit. 25 gives nice puff to Puffer Hopkins, illus by Phiz fr London, Appleton pub., Phiz = HK Browne  26,28 notices Napoleon Sarony. 29,30 Rev Dr Hawks at hist soc lect


December 1842

1,2,3,5,6,7,8 Details of Genl Cass’s admiration by the French. 9, 10 Herald correct about Braham, more or less. But won’t notice any concert advertised in the Herald. Sneers at foreigners who do concerts. Herald has spies everywhere. Caused riot at wedding of Mott’s daughter at St. Thomas with its coverage. 12.likes Sargent’s new monthly. 13 Rives gone over to locofocos. 14,15 notices sale of ptgs in NAD gallery by Reill & Arcularius, picts indispensable to well furnished rm. Dodge an advertiser. 16. 17,19 GP Morris’s new book is like him, essence of amiability and good nature. 20,21,22,23 Apollo Assoc mtg/distrib. 24,26 notices fine engr miniature of Clay by H Robinson, gd present. 27 missing. 28,29,30 likes Appleton’s a lot 31



January 1843

  1. 3 missing. 4,5,6,7 praises Sartain’s Happy Family in Miss Leslie’s Mag. 9,10,11,12,13,14. 16 missing, 17,18,19 praise reopening of City Hotel 20,21,23,24,25, 26,27. 28 missing. 30,31

Feb 1843

1 long attack by CAP on New World’s review of Sumers mutiny case (not Park Benjamin’s authorship tho). 2,3,4 puffs Dodge.6,7,8,9,10,11,1213,14 Park Godwin retired fr Morning Post to start Pathfinder 15,16,17,18,20,21,22,23 24 25 27 28 ok with Emerson as with Dana

March 1843

1, 2 proud took hand in Apollo Assoc called into existence, vigorous maturity, benign influ, agent Wellington Solomon once in our employ, will travel country. Morris starting new Mirror, on his own, octavo, original engr by Chapman one of our best Native artists, illus the letter press not hire someone to write up to th epicture. Likes engr Sedd. 4,6,,7,8 long puff of new Audubon 9,10,11,13 14 Bragoldi ptd ceiling of Astor with eagle, 26 stars, armorial bearing of the continents 15,16 21 friend to the muses writes to recommend deaf and dumb miniature ptr Andrew Carlin, endorsed by editor 22 Washington Q Morton=Decatur 24 Geo P Morris original ode sung at !0th Ward Clay club mtg. Call attn to Huntington’s pictures fr Pilgrim’s Progress at granite bldg, broadway and Chamber st, one of which, Mercies’ Dream, was in last year’s NAD but Christiana and her Children is first time exhib and is one of noblest ever ptg by Amer artist. Has put full powers of his genius, highest honor, countenance of Christiana exquisitively beaut ever seen on canvass, will command admiration of public, in first rank of Am artists  29 long praise of Stephens and his conclusions 30 small NAD ad, don’t see a Huntington one

April 1843

10 Robt Smith Whig nominee for Mayor has litho likeness fr Robertson 13 Spruce st the People’s Favorite, Honest, energetic and capable, a working man, stripped of his coat for the actual labor which he has raised himself, a stone cutter  13 recommends New York Merchant at the Park. 18 Huntington is advertising. 24 notes Huntington again

May 1843

2 NY Hist Soc exhib Catherwoods 16 large and finished drwgs, pictque and beaut (later they vote to support a publication) 4 puffs Dodge’s port of Clay 12 Willis back w/Mirrror  22 likes Anglo American by AD Patterson, aimed at literary readers 29 The Artist disappearing, but Quarre will procide embellishments to Ladies Natl Mag under Ann Stephens Chas J Peterson

June 1843

1 he’s a high Episcopalian  2 objects to hawking and peddling 3 Parsons and Endicott  lithos of Vanderbilt and Dustan steamboats, can feel their commanders’ power 6 spat with Bennett over coachman Baker? Ok with Irish fomenting rebellion back in Ireland, tho realizes it’s not right  7 Whittier is manly 9 approves Cynosure, new penny paper  15 Tyler missed an engagement at the NY Hist Soc, didn’t go thru Robt Morris and Dems? Notices Evans’ ptg in New Orleans of battle betw Moore and Mex steamers, so rear can’t sleep thru the artillery 16 stayed in Howards Hotel (Tyler)  17f lots and lots of coverage of Bunker Hill memorial/anniversary 23 corresp stops at Mt Auburn admires exquis sculptured child, bed of marble, Emily, grace and beauty, expr in sleep, tell upon the heart, magic of the artist, can’t gaze unmoved, signed Sentinel, usu the state legislature reporter 25 likes Greeley’s ed of Life of Clay 29 HAB writes re Mike Walsh, as a corresp for a morning penny paper, now the Tyler organ, but respectable, wouldn’t be bribed, had a column in that paper. Notices a clever Robinson caricature of Tyler and his son with O’Connell refusing to have anything to do with them. Sectarianism caused problems for NYU but under Frelinghuysen will be good.


Did NOT look at July-Dec 1843





January 1844

1, WH Channing’s mag The Present has able writers, but like soi disant Reformers imagines it is solving new problems when they were solved long ago, not aimed at the masses. J of Commerce abusing a speaker at New England Soc dinner.. Still hates Bennett.. Gives a nice review to Cornelius Mathews’ collected works, esp on the copyright, not so much his longer novels, fr Harper’s. Still advertising Clarke’s galleries in the granite bldg,

3 notices ad for OB Loomis, a young Amer artist, goint to Havana to do portraits and dags, enviable rank in both, commend him.

4 Gov Bouck’s msg. Still noticing Gouraud’s mnemonics.5 Still kind of a Webster paper.

6 notes Geo Harvey’s series of 40 orig drwgs of great beauty at 322 Broadway, the former Apollo gallery, Amer scenery w/ diff atmospheric effects of seasons, hours and weather, with uncommon beauty and truth. Alston and Morse have testified to their excellence. Loves Hunt’s. Winchester is pub Eugene Sue

8 Thinks the Demo Review is excellent. Hawthorne noticed.  9 Mr Dodge, the artist, has returned to city, miniature ptr, inimitable likeness of Gen Jackson and still more magnif of H Clay, no doubt of his success, striking of private people too, exquisite exec and faithful resemblance—advertises.

10 still likes Orville Dewey, who says that owning a slave is not wrong, that emancipation is not the answer. 11, 12, 13, 15, 16 no Merc Lib election controversy. 17 Lispenard Stewart and Alex L and Robt Stewart will controversy (funded Webb’s paper). Likes NO Amer Rev, agrees in approving Griswold’s anthology 18 mad that J of Commerce disguises its locofoco-ism behind false neutrality or proclamations of being Whig

19 notices Mirror, Morris and Willis ok by him. 20 want Trinity Church to be more democratic? Less Pusey-ite. Ok with but not entirely thrilled by new edifice.

22, 23, 24, 25, 26 Cheap Lit and the Press, miserable trash but some good valuable publications, and Press has caused its extended circulation. Newspapers lose advert fees by sending thema  pamphlet to get a notice in the paper as editorial, but we won’t do this anymore w/o an ad, also true for weeklies.

27 rejected Trib’s claim that they were of the same party, Greeley denounced Clay in 1839 while C&E was devout follower, Greeley only advocates for him now because he has to, he is an abolitionist, etc, wears eccentric dress. Notices new jour Home Critic devoted to Amer lit, will be voice of the people here and abroad

29, 30, 31


February 1844

1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 wants expensive postage 9 J of Commerce taking Herald’s side in Lispenard Stewart conflict? 10, 12. 13 missing. 14, 15, p. 2 Art and Industry, artist of Boston impaired health by over application, moved to Hudson farm, commenced series of ptgs a cherished dream of his early youth, years went by, public can see gallery of nearly 100 of  utmost finish and originality, Mr Harvey, admired by the distinguished in Art and exalted in station, praise of Allston, Morse, Sully, Queen Vic, Duke of Rutland, elevated in rank. Signed X.  

            Nathaniel Jocelyn port ptr has an ad.

16, 17, 19, 20 bust of Webster in Exchange, by a French artist in city, lines of his noble head and face are naturally finished, spirit of intelligence and genius fixed in lineaments, expression fo countenance retained, more than a faithful likeness. Loves Webster.

21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28 “Great chance for Cognoscenti” late Luman Reed coll some of finest ptgs rare and beaut works of art, some purchased in Euro at immense cost, gallery is abt most interesting and well selected in US, inclu Cole’s Course of Empire, abt to sell at auction, hope a public institution will secure. Advert for it, also ad for AAU and for Chas Smith auctioneer of Splendid Ptgs fr Frauqumet’s coll, English school (also a model of city hall in card)

29 Franquinet sale puffed, rare coll, possession of a few gd picts has become indispensable feature in houses with means and taste to appreciate most delightful improving luxuries.


March 1844

1, 2, 4, 5 notes Mercantile Lib now open to anyone who pays $5 dues tho they can’t vote, can access library. Herald has been attacking it, members dwindling, not its fault. 6,7 mild praise for opera at Palmo’s new hse; likes Knick and Demo Review its port of BF Butler a respectable caricature. 8, 9, 11 writer in Eve Post has gd suggestion of buying Reed coll for a perm gallery 12 don’t entirely approve of Wash Monument Assoc model 13 American Republican party  on Monday nominated publisher James Harper as candidate for mayor (Morris Franklin is Whig choice), a universally popular man without ties to either party

14, 15 dislikes unfair practice of hawking and peddling; humorous but nice re Col Stone becoming a member of Seneca tribe, has shown wrongs to red man. 16 pro Annexation of TX, the American wrong that it will lead to disunion

18, 19, 20 M Leclerc, an artist of talent, sent us illus for Eugene Sue’s Mysteries of Paris, well exc 41 Warren st. 21, 22, 23 bill before Congress to appropriate money for a GW monument, describes neutrally design by Wm Strickland, 3 stories, granite, marble, dome, for Greenough’s sculpture, gallery of national and historical ptgs on top by native Am artists of acknowl ability, Am eagle at v top, 120 feet.

25, 26, 27, 28 notices Columbian mag favorably (all written by women!), corresp fr Baltimore describes a Whig prize banner, w/excellent lifesize port of Clay surrounded by alleg and emblems  29 Boston paper urges Athenaeum to buy if not Reed coll than at least Cole’s C of E; notes Native Americans had rally in front of the Exchange, platform of municipal reform 30 Verplanck and Robt Weir collab on Shakespeare; admires Eug Sue


April 1844

1, 2 supports plan of our most influential citizens to create a Gall of FA, adveritsement; Edwards and Chilton have most excellent engr port of Secy Gilmer fr dag in Natl Miniature Gallery; ads for an Aaron Levy & Spooner auction 151 Broadway of v superior modern ptgs by our first artists, and the balance of Ancient ptgs from last auction. Clinton Hall also exhib “orig” ptgs of Old Masters

3 Briggs as Harry Franco says “anything is permitted to a newspaper critic”  4  really dislikes the Plebeian, its attacks on Harper, allies it with Standard and Trib  5, 6 v enthus re New Mirror; notices “Great Sale of Oil Ptgs” on exhib last 3 years at Granite Bldg, only visited it yesterday, surprise that so many admirable specimens fr best masters should not be more generally known, many gems, undoubted Salvata Rosas, Carlo Dolcis and Vernets.

8, 9 p. 1 “marine ptg” has recd little attn here despite importance of naval archit et al, sketches by Pringle of Brooklyn, so much skill, 2 ptgs on steamship Princeton depict its race with the Great Western, lists several others, inclu Storm off Liverpool where ships were wrecked for this NAD

10, 11, 12, 13 says Trib in hands of office-seeking clique, young men who have divided offices under a Clay admin tho he won’t obey them and Trib is trying to undermine him by driving out Whigs who voted for Harper for mayor. Puffs again the Oil Ptgs by Old Masters in Granite Bldg, Head of St Peter by Carlo Dolci, Cleopatra by we know not whom nor do we care, it is perfect, don’t vouch for correctness of attrib but hi order of merit to warrant such

15, 16 argues Nat Am party got most of its votes fr Tammany hall, Whigs just voted to get Tammany out. 17, 18 won’t publish evidence in Restell case. 19 Trib says C&E, Comm Advert and Express all sanctioned Nat Amer party; puffs now the Clinton Hall exhib, examined the splendid ptgs, consulted with eprsons conversant in picts of the hi order seen here, rarely met with such a coll, might form a commencement to a city or natl gallery, best authority that ptgs by Pietro Testa, Giovanni de an Giovanni and orig sketch by Parmigiano are orig, port of Batoni undoubtedly so, heads by Sndrea del Sarto. Too frequently inferior ptgs ascribed to celebrated masters, doubt thrown on real gems of art. NAD advert, opens the 24th.

20 Niblo’s has Bengough as scenic artist, guarantee for its excellence; Boston papers say unfin Belshazzar’s Feast to be exhib. 22 missing. 23, 24, 25 reports on nonpartisan mtg at Tabernacle of opposed to annexation, included Morris Franklin, Wm C Bryant, James Harper, John W Edmonds, Wm Astor, Theo Sedgwick, Benj Silliman. Opinions of Clay on annex (says C&E’s corresp, An Observer, in DC) have been for some few days in the city and will be pub in Nat Intell.  Snowden is in C&E bldg

26, 27, 29 gives full Treaty of Annex, praises and publishes Clay’s Raleigh letter. 30 notes Columbian mag, praises editor’s contrib, and Gember and Otis embellishments, latter a port of a lady of beaut and fashion in city


May 1844

1 Beaut Ptg by Untaught Artist, a few days b4 NAD opened, saw couple of peculiarly beaut pics, one Newport Tower now in Acad, by Geo C Mason of Newport RI, nephew of late Commod Perry. Unassisted genius. We are not connoisseurs know what pleases us, w/right of joining in opinion with those who are judges, artist destined to a proud station, highest order merit. Newport Tower at time island was discov,design fr poem by John Brainard, faithful transcript of first two verses, except that tower is represented as it really is, upright. Axe destroyed beaut works of nature that surrounded it, all left is a ruin, monument of a race we can learn nothing of. Artist drew on imag, haunts of childhood, rich and wild forest scenery, light introduced in manner most pleasing. Distance is Narragansett Bay, foregrd enriched with prostrate trunks of noble tenants of forest, gnarled roots show time will claim those still standing. Other is lscape compos of ruins of old temple, tranquil lake, decayed tree emblematial of decay and ruin, deer on left of solitude

2, 3 really likes Stone’s bk on Wyoming. 4 Whig banners filled with symbols, looms, spinning jennies, mechanical instruments, Chapman’s rooster, coonson sticks or in cages. Puffs agn sale of Clark’s Gallery 281 Broadway, those now offered superior, best pencils of best schools, Leonardo’s Passover and Flagellation, 436 and 437, eminently worthy of him, Toilette of a Turkish Lady by Hubens, warranted orig, rich gem, 467 duplicate by Titian of Diana and Endymion in the Louvre, 467 fine passionate expression, 496 Guido’s St Cath, exquis finish compos, but great gem of coll is 493 St Peter by Carlo Dolci, warranted, magnif. Friends of our new gallery shld pick them up before the Boston Athenaeum.

6 Texas and Tyler mtg at park had Tasistro and Mike Walsh. 7 Another puff of Clarks’ gallery and statuary, inclu John of Bologne for Medici chapel, true to occasion in expressiveness (reutrn fr Egypt), a full length Venus, loveliness and grace, praised by those who cld appreciate it, exquis bust Areadne beaming with character, master hand, bust of Nap faithful per testimony, other masterpieces of the divine art will be of interest as long as history memorializes originals

8, 9 notices CP Cranch poems. 10 missing. 11, 13, 14, 15, 16 puffs advertiser Morand & Co dag of miniature of Frelinghuysen as best ever seen. 17, 18, 20 publishes on first page Bishop Hughes’ letter to James Harper, mayor . Likes Macready. 21 (me-Rufus King, dad of Chas King of American, early fan of Coloniz soc). P. 2 yet another promotion of Clarke’s Gallery auction, told by most eminent connosseurs not least doubt most are orig of first masters, goes on to give analysis, a Pietro Testa Venus, gives some bio of Lucca ptr, admirable grace and harmony, compos of great merit, lscape equal to greatest lscape ptrs. His patron Cardinal Buonvisi port by Paolo Veronese, his true color, pure style, most of these ptgs fr his gallery; Guercino Madonna and Child, superb excellent sweetness, and goes on, Pietro da Cortona again gives some bio, agreeable air of his heads, others already mentioned; Elizabeth Sirani’s Esther and a Judith, taste of female artist unparalleled, hides hideous sight of bloodshed, Matteo Rosselli’s patriarch Abraham, more madonnas and nativities

22 impeach Tyler campaign continues; fine engr by Sartain of Frelinghuysen after Remb Peale

23, 24 Trib supports cutting appropriation to West Pt, educating an aristocracy and underpaying common soldier, C&E doesn’t share their opinion of acadmey. 25, 27, 28 “Arts at the Capitol”  private letter, taste and judgment have highest confidence, no doubt seen highly flattering critiques on Persico’s group on east front pedestal, dissent altogether fr favorable opinion of critics of the press, expression of Columbus that of an undignified swagger, don’t know if he’s walking or standing, but posit of left hand on hip palm outwards altogether unnatural in first case and a painful effort in the second, either way action is ungraceful.  Female even more objectionable, when seen fr portico, posture is ungraceful, repulsive and indelicate in highest degree and falling drapery arranged to increase offensive effect of posture. Fr other pov, not so bad, but in all respects w/o any positive merit. Mere nudity not a valid objection, attitude and expression determine whether a statue or picture is offensive to refined taste and delicacy, but if artist had intended to produce a work to drive women from portico could hardly have chosen better. Total failure, impolicy of hiring foreigners to decorate public bldgs when we have a Powers, Greenough and Crawford, three first sculptors in the world. Many seduced by glare of white marble and stage effect aimed at prefer this poor conception to Greenought’s noble GW, but time will reverse this judgment.

            Tho partial to Am artists, can’t say praise of last picts in Rotunda. Wier’s Embarkation is better of two, but faulty in composition, having no central pt of attraction, and altogether unfortunate in coloring, whole centre being cold and monotonous, want of keeping. Chapman’s Baptism of Poc is utterly contemptible, disgrace a common sign painter, beneath all crit, need go near it to be convinced figs not cut out of pasteboard and glued to canvass. Of all poor daubs about DC, this the flattest.

29, 30 Mechlin and Cuipers, 111 Nassau, have a 1st rate likeness, ptd and litho by Davignon, large cabinet size, pleasant, shrewd quizzical countenance cleverly hit off, peering thru official eyeglasses, portends trouble to municipal  delinquents, let all subord functionaries look to the streets, would convince us he has his eye on them 31 2nd letter fr Bishop Hughes, this time addressed to Col Stone of Comm Advert


June 1844

1, 3, 4, 5 p. 1 “NAD” this year’s exhib shows greater general improvement than last year’s, tho we miss many very grreat works, our artists of long standing have been resting on their oars so younger in race overtaking, impartial review, sincere desire to improve the former, by pointing candidly their faults, tho not agreeable. Follow catalog.

            5 Clove Rd, Catskill, M Livingston, A, one of his best this season, pretty good of subj, rocks in foregrd however look as if hanging on nothing. If so balanced in reality  a miraculous power like that which sustains Mahomet’s coffin cld prevent headlong pitch to ravine below.

            6 Port Mrs HP Gray by HP Gray, NA, several gd ports besides this one, 242 port of a lady, too high to be seen to advantage but appears------ and cleverly ptd. 257 self port, a forcible pict, 259 port of a lady, not so well drwn as others. Also a Magdalen 28, wish to advise most strongly to adopt a diff style for future, has almost become the most decided mannerist we ever knew, and worst of all imitates the ptgs of the fathers of the Venetian school, even to rubbing in effect of time and drip on great works of old masters. Can Gray imagine these glorious works fresh fr easel> Then pure and fresh in color, and if imitated now, shld produce picts not what lapse of time has made them, but bright, fresh and pure coloring, of which we now see only the remains.

            7 The New Year’s Call, JG C--------. Being too bad to be seen. Same fig has been ptd too often by C------. Horses in sleigh in backgrd seem like Dutchman’s celeb mare, to trot before and canter behind. Expression of negro is gd. 160 by same gman is The Political Argument, much the best pict and deserves praise for expression and drwg esp of negro in doorway. (Clonney?)

            18 full length of Wm H Seward, CL Elliott, only full length the size of life in exhib, fig appears too small, and attitude has too much the appearance of “standing for one’s picture.” Elliott has several other ports, 210 port of a gman, is forcible and does him credit.

            25 Picture Dealer, F Boyle, has some merit, but marred by affectation and lack of nature, whoever saw an artist exhib a pict with a cloak over half of it, and in such a dandyjack attitude? Recommend thought and study, above all study of simplicity and truth.

            35 port of gman, J Frothingham, NA, does not shine in the exhib this yr, present pict is paltry and approaching to leathery in texture, coloring pretty gd.

            36 Solitary Oak, AB Durand, NA. Very carefully ptd and rich toned pict; like all by this clever artist it is very good, we do not like the conical hills in the extreme distance, they detract fr quiet of the scene. The foregrd is excellent.

            37 Port of a Gman, GPA Healy, H, powerful fig, gd study for younger artists, cloak however seems intro’d only to fill up pict, and head improved if canvas razed down to ¾ size.

            44 Sisters, T Sully, H. suspect are artist’s daughters, expr gd, a pleasing sketch, wish give us something more new fr his pencil, Heads in the Clouds are of late approaching the toujours Perdrix.

            56 View in White Mtns, J Talbot, A, much improved in two years, one of the best by him, many parts v gd, drwg on left hand is defective, water in lake much higher than bank, would overflow speedily. Handling rather feeble in foregrd and clouds no great study. Quiet subdued tone agreeable to eye tired with gaudy colors in sundry places in gallery, recommend not become either an imitator or a mannerist, can draw a gd lscape without cole, and chalk-out a style for himself fr nature.

            60 Interior of Bedford Woods nr Brooklyn, Gignoux, A, a clever ptr, studies nature more than many, present is not a v gd subj lacks interest tho prob true to nature. Has others, 76 View of Naples fr Virgil’s Tomb, sky appears gd and perhaps whole deserves our praise, but hanging comm placed it entirely too high to be seen, w/o proper cause. 209 Scene in Switzerland appears a rather extravagant and dangerous location for a dwelling. 270 Log Road in Hamilton Cty pleasing, sky looks cool and reminds us of fresh morning breeze, feel more inclined to sail over lake than travel at a 3 minute gait over log road. . 307 w/c drwg, 392 Coney Island Beach, last is in bad taste, color unnatural, wish it back in his study.

            62 Port late Bishop Moore of VA by H Inman, pleases us well with this, all respects a clever ptg, color and style of handling equally agreeable—rather sketchy in drapery but don’t object as accessories are in keeping. 104 Lady with a mask, rather chalky in color, well drawn and pretty. 314 sm lscape, parts v gd, but looks too artificial and can’t underst color of water in backgrd. Have seen v gd lscapes by Inman and hope some day a pict combining his talent for this branch of art with his ability to represent character and fig. Want someone to paint the incidents and scenery combined of our country and history—who?

            68 View in Orange Cty, JF Cropsey, v successful in this, if sky were equal in tone of color to rest of pict, give it v high praise notwithstanding sundry sm faults, figs too small, cattle not vwell drawn. Arrangement of fence in center of foregrd admitted of a much closer copy of nature than we here have, and road not so well drawn as it should be, appears too narrow in foregrd for size of fences. 111Evening, a compos, so complete an imitation of Cole that mistook it, if this is his aim, v sorry, nothing so indicative of want of genius as a disposition to copy, and a plagiarist is both in art and lit certain todescend to level

            73 Port of Ldy, FR Spencer, A, best pict he’s sent this season, somewhat in style of Ingham. 78 Port of Gman, GA Baker, Jr, A, hung too high, appears to have deserved a better place. 80 Port of Ldy, JD Blondell, sky in backgrd too black, better as an interior than as sky and distant lscape, nature must be attended to.

            80 De Soto discovering the Mississippi, PF Rotherwell, a theatrical and poor pict, full of faults of drwg, no wise conveying the idea in the title. Coloring gd, hope artist will do better, mention the position of the Indian woman, whose head is too small, as is her fig, reclining somehow or other, can’t tell whether sitting, lying, getting up or down. Attempt to paint dogs, we mistook for crooked sticks, with bark partly off! Principle fig too in such an attitude, but we forebear.

            82 full length of a boy, Durand, a v artificial pict, does not please, Boy is sitting for his port and wears a grin and undoubtedly pullled off his shoes on purpose, nevertheless well ptd and carefully finished.

            88 Childhood’s reverie, CG Thompson, not a gd composition,, backgrd not much like nature. Plenty materials at hand for stuyding, even rocks and trees deserve more pains. 94 Port Rev S Seabury, WS Mount, why has he deserted his first view of comic and rustic life? Want of patronage can’t be pleaded?

            98 port of himself, Matthew Wilson, A, clever port of pleasing color.

            100 View of Tiber, GL Brown, artist resides at Florence, a gd pict, but sky instead of brilliancy of color called for, glazed and smuged over to tone it, looks dirty through all the rich colors the artist has worked into it. As this manner of treating picts is a partic style and may have imitators, right to object to it strongly and point to Durand’s sunset already spoken of 36 (Solit Oak)as being ptd in a purer style, and quite a spowerful, tho not so hot. Rest of view ptd with freedom and thought and pleases well.

            107 Port of Gman, Chas E Weir, a gd head, but deserves our commendation esp for 174, Compositor Setting Type. A small pict, but v well finished, expr of head v gd, and hand and arm true to nature. After admiring beauties of little ptg, mention fault in perspe accidentally overlooked, lines of floor running back appear correct, but desk not in harmony, too wide at farthest end fr us. Shadow behind Compositor prob a little too soft, would be naturally gray. 311 Boy Feeding Chickens, also bi Wier, chickens shld have been drwn fr nature, they are poor. Idea would have otherwise been well carried out. 333 Fish, a study fr nature, is pretty gd, also a fruit piece, 384 and beesides one or two portraits

            105 Beggar’s petition, fW Edmonds, NA, can hardly speak of any of his picts w/o approbation, one of the largest by him and one of his best. Alone make going to the gallery worthwhile. A fault in making the table so narrow, preferred it brought down to frame in foregrd. Has another compos fo great merit, 205 and Imae Pedlar also 267, Sam Weller and other picts this season.

            124 Port of Ldy, Ingham, also 176, 162, 230, ports of ladies, all beaut finished, not quite so successsful in ports of gmen, tho rarely pts a poor pict. Style iscondemned somewhat of late, we care little for partic styles, provided the obj be well understood, and that the case, artist may finish with a whitewash brush or finest sable hair pencil accord to own taste.

            127 View in Wales, Joshua Shaw, clever artist, pleasing scene, so complete a mannerist that his ptgs are deprived of nearly all their attractions. Suppose it impossible to attempt another style, but advise him to try it for once.

            134, 181, 24s, 258, Durand, NA v pretty lscapes, like 258 best.

            135 Port of JR Murray Jr, WH Powell, A, neat, but head too large for rest of pict, or we’d like it much. Powell somewhat of a mannerist, tho a clever artist, won’t improve unless set his face agst bane of art,s tudy nature w/o regard to style of handling.

            137 Port of gman, IT Harris, A, done him more credit had toned down waistcoat, which is too promienent down to frame, hand that appears is rather a disadvantage. Same remarks re mannerism may be applied to Harris as to Powell.

            144 View fr Greenwood Cemetery, T Dougherty, H, has remained stationary we fear in his art, seen much better than the one now before us by him, hope he will arouse and send something new next yr.

            145 Fruit, T Wightman, well ptd but badly arranged. 158 View of North East Lake, Mt Washington, WW Wotherspoon. Sky and dist in little lscape excellent, foregrd shows want of experience, whole indicates talent, look for gd works, shld study figs carefully recommend all lscape writers to do.

            155, 201, 271, HJ Boddington, London, in a pretty style and chaste in color. Sorry to see by them that he is a confirmed mannerist, have seen numbers similar by Mayer and others of Engl school,

            168 Marine: Vessels coming in, GRD Candfield, pleasing except sky, water and vessels well done, but sky in marine impt part of compos, gives tone to water and everything else.

            197 Port of Child (Duyckinck), W Page, NA, ehad too large for a child, looks unnatural, only one by him which we regret, an excellent artist, some heads nearly equal to any. 200 Beatrice, D Huntington, NA, some difficulty in a Beatrice, has ptd a v pretty woman, but not the life and vivacity of Shakespeare’s witty heroine. 208 The Widow, GW Flagg, H, must have been looking intently at Allston’s heads, this meant to be in his style, don’t see any connection of the lines in the cat with this pict.

            213 On the Fence, Town or Country, JG Chapman, NA; 266 A Lazy Fisherman, by him, 224 Port of a Child, also by Chapman, the three best he’s contrib this yr, several others, but does not pleas greatly with any of them, tho he can when he tries.

            221 Lscape, T Cole, ptd some years ago, far inferior to his rpesent works. Sorry no others.

            236 The Novice, PF Rotherwell, free fr faults ruin 81 by same artist already spoken of, obliged to condense the latter, owing to its being praised by some who had not examined it further than its gay colors and dashing appearance and thus wld lead astray young artists and public.

            If crit be honest, will serve artist unless he be incorrigible in his faults; however we may happen to differ fr the opinions of those interested. Many respectable picts we omit, many too bad for criticism. In Sculpture two statues in marble by Powers are pretty but do not fr nature of subjects admit display of any v hi genius, wish he would give us a group of our Aborigines or a single fig fr our own history. Some gd miniatures by JW Dodge, SR Farnham, EH Hite and others. 365 mezzotint fr orig port of Robt Gilmore by Thom Lawrence a useful study to port ptrs fr its ease, grace and gmanly attitude.

            Word to hanging committee: difficult task, sit in judgment as jury, hand some too high, have adopted a plan agst which we protest, ie hang picts of certain sizes, shapes and colors, w/o much regard to their merit, to match, on side alscape so high, and otht he other side one to correspond, inc etner an upright, on ea side an oval,e tc. Barbarous decorative system. Give best places to best pictures p. 2 w/o opposing too great contrasts to the eye, and do it w/o fear of favor. Not a single pict in exhib bought yet except by AAU. Many rooms of costly eleg furn would be improved by lscape and portrait, help foster genius.

            Endicott’s litho of Frelinghuysen v handsome fr dag by Morand, most correct

6 another puff of sale of splendid ptgs at Granite Bldgs, invitation of an amateur friend, old masters quit Euro? Gleaner finds where they lay in obscurity, Entombment a masterpiece, and Assumption and Shepherd superb, not since famous coll exhib by Richd Abram. Head of christ lovely, Colbert exquis, Gulager port of GW more life than any port, strong resemblance to Trumbull’s equestrian likeness.

7 missing. 8 have rec’d a conclusive explanation of business complained of by “one of the duped” at sale of Sanders’ ptgs on Friday, won’t publish our correspondent, no blame to owner or auctioneers; likes Willis, likes the Republic a journal with fine woocuts of Astor and his hotel, Morand. 10 missing. 11, 12, 13, 14 notices West’s Grt ptg of Christ healing the sick in city, must be studied long, tho its magnif strikes at once

15, 17, 18 “Persico’s Statues” pubd some time since a private letter, most intellig and cultivated gman at DC, crit v severely group of marble statues of Persico. Writer in recent number of New World made long, wordy and spleneetic but utterly forceleess reply, private letter just recd alludes to it, much diverted by solemn and assinine coxcombry of New World in reply to my hasty but too gentel strictures on Persico’s graven images. Who is the driveler?”

19, 20 notices Dodge’s Henry Clay, advertisement, eminent and successful artist, miniature ports copied fr celeb ptg at Ashland last summer, very best likeness ever taken, invaluable. Ok with M Fuller as female author, likes her poetry.

21 another Hughes letter resp to Stone. 22 defends Verplanck supporting Polk, free trade. John Inman did everything in July issue of Columbian, even plates.

24 notes Disturnell publishes the  Picturesque Tourist. 25, 26, 27 has an account of growing interest in art in Europe, witness the various art unions, sales of old masters, a sale of James Harman reported in London Times with small Dutch picts going for  hi prices at Christie and Manson, nobility there (London merchant coll).

28, 29


July 1844

1 will repro Clay’s Raleigh speech of April 18, great production. Death of Deveaux in Rome, heir to Alston, fr Charleston. 2, 3, 4 recommends NAD to country friends. 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 James Harper now on Wash Monum comm. 15, 16 criticizes Tribune, Aurora and the Republic in regards to Phila riots, because they approved of the militia refusing to fire on the citizens; soldiers can’t decide when to obey orders, what does military organiz mean in estimation of these extra superfine expounders of repulbicanism, democracy and the fine arts?

17, 18, 19, 20 likes Dick in Spirit of the Times. 22, 23, 24, 25 discusses Levi Slamm, ed of Plebeian; new caricature by Robinson, Weighed and found Wanting is pretty gd, glad to find something among pointless and obscene trash with wwhich the city fences and pumps are placarded that we can say favorable of. Has magazine of Whig prints 142 Nassau

26, 27, 29 Am Review by Colton will be Whig; Republic now says it’s Whig

30 condemns anti-renters. 31


August 1844

1 Robinson new Caricature, can’t really understand it, Polk and Tyler mounted on Tex-Ass chase Clay, Hickory threatening Tyler in the back

2, 3 love Sue’s Wandering Jew. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15 Anthony, Edwards mezzo of Frelinghuysen. 16, 17 death of Col Stone at Saratoga. 19, 20 John Austin and Josiah Ryenders threatened James Books in the Express office for an article on the 18th, libelous.  21 loves minstrelsy and JR Scott 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31


September 1844

2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 admires Silas Wright, the Dem nominee for Gov. sorry Whig elders like Hone, Ogden, and Kent are ignored in favor of a few intriguing selfish individuals.  “Communication” re a collection by the Ancient Masters sold by Franklin, majority are in a genuine state, and decidedly frist class in character, portion of a gallery renowned in Europe, dispersed. Cardinal Fesch, Ital and Span, gave to town of Ajaccio in Corsica, others sold at auction and purchased by an eminent amateur, are here. A Salvator Rosa, Guido’s Cupi amidst the arts and sciences, Hobbinia lscape, Hedda still life, Paulo Veronese, Teniers, Claude Cannalletto

10 disapproves of Gov Bouck meeting with anti-renters 11 doesn’t wish private mails to compete with USPS  12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19 notices AAU, increasing patrons, directors have purchased ptgs already, of a v superior order, engraving for 1844 is taken fr FW Edmonds’ Sparking, superior style of engraving. 322 Broadway rms free of charge ptg by Leutze, Columbus before the Queen, been pronounced his greatest work.

20 likes a beaut litho of King and Vandervoort Boston of Britannia, for sale at Anglo American. Catherwood’s views of ancient monuments in Central America for sale at Astor Hse bookstore.

21, 23 puffs pano of Madras at Niblo’s (imported fr England, Augustus Earl one of the artists), adv. 24, 25, 26 p. 1 has weird proposal for giant monument to GW erected by patriotism alone 27, 28, 30 loves John Inman and Columbian


October 1844

1, Morris and Willis going to make their periodical into an Evening journal.

2, 3,4, 5, 7, 8 issue of Demo Review able and wrongheaded as usual, politics of worst school, lit articles a fine taste one would think incompatible with wretched perverseness in political subjects. Index is engraved portr of Ritchie, look on likeness and see into all that is sinister and unprincipled in Democracy  9 The End of the World, F Anelli an artist favorably known to this community, has just finished and is exhib at Apollo 410 Broadway an orig ptg of enormous size w/colossal figs. Great praise as a work of art, Anelli describes it as a dream:

            bewildered multitude as heavens turn color of blood; terror, fire indescribable; cross of light appears. Scene shows wing of a temple, statue of St Paul unshaken, warning amid ruins, light of heaven drowns conflagration.

10 notices mechanical Battle of Bunker Hill (advert) 11, 12, 14 Am Inst Fair inferior to exhib of former years in number and variety of articles; proud to be Amer, proves tariff working.

15, 16, 17 not much is said abt Millard Fillmore on ticket for Gov. 18, 19, 21 notes a Noah talk, the Hebrew Benev Assoc

22 p.1 long letter fr American Review, saying would vote for Clay if only because of his spring letter on annexation, noble views, noble men, noble principles, noble declaration. Haggerty Draper and Jones auction Whig banners for a big mtg. Angry about a Whig clique (the Central Clay Committee pres JN Reynolds)fr outside the city down on the Young Whig mtg, they were anti-Webster in 39.

24 There’s a Knickerbocker Clay Club (meant to oppose the Empire Club). Long puff by a connoisseur of Bunker Hill dioramas. 25 letter pro Fillmore fr workingman. 26  Fr Express, Bishop Onderdonk of NY under charges re improper conduct, also involved in conflict w/in Episcopal re doctrine (Puseyism?)

28, 29 tells readers who can spare time fr politics to visit ptg rooms of Waugh, 26 Park pl, just come fr Phila, where has enviable rep.  30, 31 notices Robinson selling Whig badges and caricatures, singles out some good ones on Tariff, Texas and Polk


November 1844

1,2 notices Inman’s port of Wordsworth, for Prof Read of Phila, one of finest heads ever ptd by Inman, same as saying fine as cld be ptd by any living artist, our accomp countryman has equal on either side of water in this partic dept, at least no superior. Lenox and Mapes of NYC also have commissioned him for ports while he’s in Eng

4, 5 S Ellis and G Wellstood doing campaign art. Seems to be embracing the nativists. 6 NY city went for Clay and Fillmore (?) but rest is uncertain; more on Inman’s port of Wordsworth, we are slow to appreciate native merit here until it is first recognized abroad, connects nativist party with honest pride re indig lit and art, led into this thought while viewing masterly sketch, flesh so natural expr so characteristic, seemed like a reflection rather than  a pict. Inman no superior living, efforts at home unequal, needed symp and encourage, hope liberal commissions rather than gaudy furn or mediocre specimens of art. “T” Also has a long puff of Catherwood’s magnif picts/plates, much bigger than in Stephens’ book, distinct in minute details.

7 says Clay took state, condemns Trib supposedly knowing for casting doubt (Trib accused webb of losing race by going pro-Native)  8, 9, 11 notices Schoolcraft approvingly

12 Exhib of Ptgs: at NAD  3 magnificent ptgs, by JB Leclerc, of Hudson  Abandoned at Sea, a portrait of a Bedouin, and a French battle, free Hudson litho given to visitors, ptg given to city of NY, letter fr James Harper, work evinces great genius and art. Also a puff for great sale of modern Euro ptgs at Granite bldg, Watetel and others, best ever offered. Ad too. American Republicans procession includes James A Morton.

13 Another puff for Granite bldg auction, lists artists, mostly Italian Rosa et al, calls them old masters, went with old friend, notes signatures, say recognize style of most celeb masters so plainly manifest can’t be a deception; also says beaut orig Magdalen at Wm Coleman’s, neer seen a better of this subj in the country. 14 long puff of Audubon’s quaddrupeds. 15, 16 Aldermen Cozzens and Townsend addressed the nativist procession. Emerson’s essays cold, not that original. Signed T. 18 Onderdonk’s letter pub in Express resigns while under investigation. Notices Freeman of 404 Houston st as doing most exquis miniatures, spent quarter century in Engl, has inimitable Queen Vic  19 puffs Plumbe’s ad for clearness and lifelikeness  20 likes griswold’s anthologies. Those who’ve seen Weir’s grt ptg of departure of Pilgrim ship will recollect fig of venerable Elder Brewster as one of most prominent and striking group on deck, don’t marvel that Conn Historical Soc  glad to have a Mayflower relic  21, 22 JW Dodge selling his full length oil of Clay at store of Williams & Stevens, Broadway. 23, 25, 26, 27, 28 pro-Annexation again. Worry that Bancroft’s history of US will be too partisan. Takes fr NY American a puff of National Miniature Gallery, agrees their dags are perfect. Natl Pict: Williams and Stevens selling prints of Trumbull’s ptgs fr his estate’s proofs  29 likes Bowery’s National Dramas, scenic artist Heister great, Bunker hill etc  30 ladies in Richmond propose statue to Clay


December 1844

2 missing. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12. 13 missing. 14 notes a new sculptor fr Cinti, Whetstone, produces more than anywhere else, Clevenger Powers. More Granite Bldg modern ptgs. 16 Gross injustice of Seabury in The Churchman caused trial (of Onderdonk??)  Notices NY Gall of FA, newly estab, liberality of Luman Reed, purchased by gmen as a monument, make it accessible for just $1 lifetime, supports it being in the Rotunda. 17. 18. 19 20 likes engravings in Albion and Graham’s and both mags generally. 23, 24 lots of coverage of New England Soc mtg, Jos Hoxie active. 25, 27, 28, 29, 30 N Eng Soc in Cinti all Whigs, Clay writes them a note, Beecher, Stowe, Perkins



January 1845

4 Benj Onderdonk the bishop convicted of offences by church. 6 Albion splendid full length of Ld Nelson 10 Evening Mirror v bad to defend Onderdonk by saying women invited his attns, judgment of libertines and notorious profligates (controversy continues—attacks on Willis fr other papers too). Praises Broadway Journal, ed of it well known to readers of Knick as Harry Franco. New weekly Young America will lack discretion, pretentious humbug. 13 “B” has long puff of Clarke’s gallery in the Granite bldgs, going up for auction, eminent connoisseurs say no doubt they are by first masters, lists Veronese, Botticelli et al. 15 Chapman and Sadd doing Columbian mag. 16 B also puffs a sale of modern ptgs, inclu Watelet lscapes. 17 supports benefit to GP Morris at Tabernacle. 23 approves that the regular ticket for the Merc Lib has won election. 25 refuse to publish letter fr CB critical of Merc Lib and its management, though has been struggling for years and party spirit has driven many fr its membership, still thinks it’s worthwhile and young men shld go there rather than grog shops.


February 1845

3 Poe, Duyckinck writing for Amer rev. 5 Mirror is attacking Raymond, who worked at Trib (after contrib to Nyorker) and is now at Courier. 7 Willis when in Rome compelled our Am artists there to blush at his open and shameless profligacy, only prints 800 copies, represents not the ten thousand but the Hook and the Points (GP Morris and Fuller still conntected though and claim higher circ)  10 Mayor vetoes Common Council’s approval of the Rotunda for the NY Gallery of FA, despite private funds raised and plan to open free to schools on Saturdays, hopes there will be an override  13 NY Amer (evening paper) merging w/Courier, King going to be assoc ed, in charge of commercial, but will contrib to literary and political too, along with Daniels and Raymond. 17 p. 1 King says taste of Am was too fastidious preferable tho to newsp that reflects living world as it is with all its hideous vilenesses. P. 2 J of Commerce hostile to using tax money to support NY Gall of FA in Rotunda, doesn’t see it serving public interest  25 p. 1-2, Eve post has article on 20th on Cui Bono of FA by Philo Humanitatas, arguing for a  public gallery on principle that cultivating a love of beaut refines and elevates; this writer argues it brings tourist dollars, look at Paris and Vatican, signed A.  27 approves Poe and Watson joining Briggs at Broadway J.


March 1845

6 Dem Rev too flippant. 14 J of Commerce likes Geo Bancroft (now head of Navy); C&E doesn’t, esp bcause of his pro RI democracy stance. 18 copies fr Express a puff of Underhill and Ferris on Greenwich st, sale of marble statuary, copies of famous statues, commissions for mantels for Peter Stuyvesant and other dignitaries. 19 Plebeian endorsed Trib as almost as democratic as itself—C&E says it has succumbed to radicalism. 26 likes Mowatt’s Fashion, as early liked Boucicaut’s Old Heads and Young hearts.

April 1845

3 dislikes Trib’s efforts to make the party Demo Whig, dislikes idea of a constitutional convention, wants license laws, notes a chaste and elegant cenotaph in Ireland, relief of ships commanded by the officer. Sillhouette likenesses noticed, Mons Edouart in Broadway nr Reade st, readily recognized, works of art, tho cut with simple pair of scissors, also exhib groups and lscapes, ingenuity

April 1845

7 notices Anelli’s wellknown End of the World will be in the Apollo Rms again. 8 Knick unjust on Hudson the Shakespeare lecturer’s mannerisms, wants to be smart.  Earlier had commented that tho dislikes Edmonds politics, thinks he will be a fair-minded judge. 17 notices NAD has opened, worth a visit, tho dominated by portraits, fewer lscapes than usual; likes Poe’s lecture on Poets tho disagrees with many of his strictures. 21 p.2 NAD: hasty examination regard it as superior to some of its former efforts, great increase in no of fancy and imag works, as these walls are but a reflection of the public, gratifying to find our artists receive orders for this class of pictures. Creditable to us that Amer are a portrait-loving people, proof that domestic affections and virtues held in hi estimation. 369 works, 112 ports, abt a third. In lscape, Cole, Durand and Gignoux have some beaut picts; in Port, Inman, Weir, O. Shegogue strike us most favorably. In scenes of familiar life, Dance of the Haymakers by Mount is a capital pict, full of life and frolic, true to nature in feeling and expression. 2 v fine portraits, one of a Greek and the other a Turk, show in v striking manner the superior pictque beauty of costume of these nations over our own.  NAD also advertises.  Still a Hamblin supporter.  29 noblest of packet ships, Henry Clay, lscape ptd on every door; figurehead the best likeness of the Western statesman, tho done by a Locofoco!  30 p. 1 continues and expands description, lists subjects (English and Amer locales) of the lscapes in the gmen’s and ladies cabins, inclu a view of Capitol fr White House with Tyler on the veranda smoking a cigar after vetoing the bank bill, truthful and lifelike, more portraits (bust and ptg) of Clay on the inside. P. 2 notices Gurley & Hill sale of fine engravings


May 1845

1 p.1 NAD: well attended, highly creditable, friend of tasate and skill in matters of art has handed following remarks on a few of ptgs:  7 port ldy, AW Wengler, bonnet, muff and dress in this pict are ptd w/great truth, but face is badly clouded. 8 Red Jacket’s Descendants, Wj Wilgus, characteristic and well executed. 16 NY and Saugeries White Lead Works, JF Cropsey A. Some gd parts in this pict, but v much inferior to pict o same size in last yr’s exhib. 21 Lakes Washaning and Washanee, WS Jewett, v pleasing view, ptd with much feeling and truth, somewhat cold in effect.  23 Col. Thayer USA by RW Weir NA, every part of port is ptd in a masterly manner, yet we shld expect a better work fr Weir. Attitude not well chosen, nor is coloring of face sufficiently strong and clear.

            27 Dr McReady by JJ Mapes (Pres of Mechanics Inst?) extraord effort for an amateur. 36 Lscape, Sunset by CP Cranch, shld have been called Twilight, broad dark shadows of this quiet hour given with no ordinary skill. 39 Lscape compos, an Old Man’s Reminiscences, Durand, one of his finest productions, contains thoughts enuf for half a doz picts. 45 Cupid and Psyche, J Freeman, NA, conception of the pict is faulty, Psyche a robust hearty lass of some 20 years, while Cupid is a child of 5, the Greeks did not represent thus, and they shld be the standard, but with this exception it is a pict of the first class. 64 Ital beggar children also by Freeman, an admirable pict, fine in feeling, truth and expression.

            78 Lscape Jascany, by Danl Huntington, by no means worthy of him, reminds us of some old pict injured by time. Young artists ought to remember that Poussin’s lscapes were once clear, bright and transparent, at present they are generally dark and dingy. 91 Ital peasants, SB Waugh, a v pretty little pict and well colored. 97 Elijah at he entrance of the cave, T Cole, grand conception, worthy of the artist’s reputation. 100 Zaida, LB Waugh, richly and harmoniously colored, head does not incline sufficiently, nor is the expression that of sleep.

            107 Sugaring Off, JH Matteson, a considerable improvement on last year’s work, 108, St John, by Thom Wicks (Hicks?), a faithful copy of a meagre model. 111 View nr Hempstead, HC Solons (Selous?), sweet little pict of a familiar spot, touched with a master hand.


5 p. 1 Powers the Sculptor: Intelligencer publishes letter to JP Kennedy by JM Harris of Baltimore, supporting Powers’ execution of Equestrian statue of GW ordered by Congress and objecting to Persico, who had furnished the model for it, besides being a foreigner has already rec’d a lot of patronage, copies other eulogies on Powers and adds plea on behalf of Amer genius.


6 Chas E Anderson ed Eve Post while Bryant is in Europe; puffs Endicott’s lithos of post office. 7 Hudson, the guy who Knick dislikes, contribs to Dem Review. 20 ad for Artizan mag of 1844.


June 1845

4 Niblo opening for summer, North Garden filled with magnif ptgs procured at grt expense, some of rare value and excellence, not just spectacle but talent. 11 critique of Mysteries of Iniquity in Am Whig Rev on fraud in elections, as an anti-Webster tract, joins Post in calling pro Websters pipelayers. 12 J Commerce the anti-dog organ. Colton is Junius, edits Am Whig Rev and did a Life of Clay, agrees with Webb abt the badness of the article.  Reports on fire at PAFA.  27 identifies Mysteries author as Dr Bacon of CT. 28 praises Wm Marsh’s ptg of H Clay packet ship, lifelike, animated, accurate, will harmonize in Halls of Ashland with picts of cattle and lscape which farmer owner there we dare say takes pleasure in displaying.


Skipped July-December 1845!! L


No 1846 or first half of 1847


Mar 23, 1847 p. 1 a correspondent “Sentinel” is critical of Trib for being too anti-rent. P. 2 in defending himself against an accusation notes that he got his evidence from a gentleman, and of course, whatever he may say, is necessarily true. Very anti-Polk, he’s not a gman, support the war from patriotism against party, Press must expose his falsehoods


July 1847

14 reviews Ruskin’s Modern Painters, recd unus degree of attn in London, author says origin in indig at shallow crit ofTurner, but a systematic treatise, truly valuable, not just an enthusiast but a brill genius, can be read w/o knowl of technicalities of art. Omoo and Typee have recd more attn and comment than they deserved, GW Peck criticizes them in Am Rev for July, symp with what is sound and healthy in lit and morals

16 corresp visits Mt Auburn, wishes Willis and Street would give history of its mingling of Art and Nature, Willis to do rich sculpt. New statue of Bowditch, look of thought and study; lovely monument to Emily mentioned in 1843 now discolored, by Sentinel, who notes the vandalism at Greenwood not permitted there. Designs for Wash Monument by diff artists now exhib at 86 Merchants Exchange.

17 Robinson doing large colored litho of Battle of Buena Vista, fr Capt Eaton’s sketch, most striking

21 p.2 IK Marvel letters from Saratoga, on fashionable life, has pd attn to system of daguerreotyping, am a dab at crayon drwg, won prizes for penmanship, and think of contrib a port of  small girl in a red frock to the next NAD exhib, thus accomplished, may reckon myself an artiste.

Sentinel continues his account of visit to New England, stops in Athenaeum to see copy of Houdon’s GW, v diff than Stuart’s full length at Faneuil Hall, ptg has more majesty, marble more grace, Stuart gives him dignity commeasurate with written conceptions, but in sculpture a vein of polished hauteur, feared as well as respected, a ruler and a victor. Prefer it to statue by Chantry in State House in Boston, as a rRoman Washington, as none of us think of him, having to do with gathered mantle of tyrants and majesty. Houdon modelled fr life not fancy. Recommends Powers of Greek Slave turn to GW as more worty of his genius and his art.

22 defends Am Inst, those who question its accounts, actors in the business are men of talent, many of property and all hi public spirit do it for free

23 Designs for the GW monument: don’t wonder at apathy. JF Seaman one of the architects. 4 are Gothic, hope they will be rejected even if design intrinsically excellent like DH Arnott’s. Seaman’s design is a fasces, simple idea and beaut form, but approp only as symbolical, and are at a loss to discover any such appropriateness. JC Hart has a Corinth column with colossal statue, proper and pretty, but we would not dwell with this trad forever. Most imposing is Lefever’s obelisk on fine base, but beauty is wanting. Paucity of invention and want of fitness, prefer a Grecian fane.

24 gives debate bewt Dr Seabury of Churchman, defending Onderdonk, and Prot Churchman, quoting Churchman as saying that Onderdonk had no more improper feeling towards the ladies than if they had been so many ivory statues. Manner too familiar was result of guildless heart, too little heeful of figleaf proprieties with which a refined society sews to itself aprons, but are not relevant to immorality but are just matters of indivd taste.

28 takes fr Boston Atlas an acct of Am artists in Italy: Miner Kellogg of Cinti, gives his figs such passion and characteristic interest, sensations of the orig. Circassian Lady sketched in Asia Minor and ptd fro James Robb of N Orleans poetry of female beauty, drapery shades her swelling bust, full languid eye, gems in chaste yet vivid coloring. Brown of Boston lscape ptr not excelled, tho paints too rapidly for his rep, models himself on Rosa, has ptd a Moonlight Scene for US Consul at Rome. Kensett next, delicate fastidiousness of engraver, unbroken outline, truthfulness of detail, making sketches, loves and copies nature, picts free fr clap trap effect. Hicks at Rome diligent, power of composition, gd knowl of light and shade and style of coloring. Terry of Hartford in Rome sought after, no bold strokes of great genius, but sure to please by fidelity and uniform pleasing expression of gentler sentiments. Regrets he wasn’t appointed Consul in place of current incumbent, a man well enuf in his way, but who gives up the office to a foreigner ill calculated to represent our country. Cranch of DC studying, won’t succeed as well as Champney. Freeman of NY is at Florence, sketching costume.

            Since Lester visited Florence to do Powers, artists shun reporters for the press.

29 another excerpt fr Boston Atlas on Am Sculptors, Crawford best at grouping and expression, Powers at beaut finish, Greenough a grander conception. Greek Slave has shipped, differs fr Venus merely in accessory of chain, chef doeuvre of mdo sculp, tho not free fr fault, rather stiff fr right side and lower limbs. Has repeated this statue rather than done a group next, also remodelled Eve, at work on Calhoun statue larger than life, then Ben Franklin. Crawford life and spirit not found in Powers or Greenough, Daughter of Herodias, pose naturally graceful, bust of Mrs C with flying veil is crit severely by artists, Greenough is satisfied that GW is out of doors as he wanted, bas relief of young student working by dying lamp similar to one by Thorwaldsen Mosher just beginning in Florence, heads of merit, now a bust of Pocahontas, succeeded admirably combining classic beauties with peculiarities of Indian physiog and queenly expression belonged to savage heroine


August 1847

5 fr London Morning Herald that frescoes by Florentine artists discovered in Eton College Chapel fr 15th c, covered up when enlarged by Wren by oaken paneling

7 loves Lit World

14 excerpts Lit World on prog of Greek Slave toward NY, an exact dupe of the orig, attitude indicative at once of genuine modesty, keen suffering, beaut resignation. Noble simplicity, expr affecting in highest degree, atmosph of grace and purity. Peculiar fleshlike surface for which his busts remarkable. Exhib is for artist’s benefit, friend Klellogg, a ptr whose Circassian Woman ptd at Constantinople has been admired by our letter writers for years. Also excerpts Cor Pro Journal on Dresden Picture Gall, not as gd as Munich, but rich in Ital school masters, esp Correggio, but also Mengs, praises partic his Amor or Cupid, the softness ravishment and purity of love. Correg La Notto nto free fr faults has peculiar merits of correctness, gracefulness, sweentess, wonderful chiaroscuro, light fr body of Infant, bold poetical concepts violates laws of art and nature as only genius can; Magdalen has softest touch to every line and shade, rounded breasts, etc pict of stillness. Titian’s Trib Money of greater merit than any of these, face of Saviour noblest ever, unites mildness, sorrow and dignity, contrast with hard shrewd worldly wise Jew. Crown of gall is Raph’s Madonna di San Sisto, accurate design, delicacy and sublimity of expr, maternal sweetness and infantil e grace, mental elevation, variety of invention, persp, perfect appropriateness, simplicty and force. Sucha  child never yet was ptd, grace and innocence of infancy, majesty and sapience of divine being. Mom is human beside it tho perfection of beauty, old Pope personif devotional feeling, cherubs beaut yet singular, Herder said doce far niente. Highest style of ptg is relig style, thereby appelaed to most common interests and profound sentiments of humanity

16 strong statement in response to Comm Advert that there IS a standard for musical criticism, tho critics may have diff aesthetic preferences must agree on facts (in response to varous papers offering entirely opposite judgments of recent singers like Bishop)

31 The Greek Slave: heard of advent with painful apprehension that thru real deficincy in ourselves or fancied fault in it, shld not be able to award the expected praise. After seeing, no hurry lest in first glow speak more warmly than discreetly, and repent. But first glance made us feel spell and subseq visits riveted it. None of the many descriptions gave us idea what to expect. Vague expr of admiration for beaut woman with wrists chained. But its beauty so lofty, pure sacred takes such a clinging hold on heart and subdues the whole man, that time must pass before can speak without doing violence to emotions awakened. Few who will not sympathise with us in this. Can’t yet attempt to analyze the impression upon us or to detail many delicate beauties which go to make up the one great and almost oppressive beauty of her presence.

            Extremely interesting to watch the effect the statue has on all who come before it. Its presence is a magic circle within whose precincts all are held spellbound and alm speechless. Grey headed man, the youth, the matron and the maid alike yield themselves to the magic of its power and for many minutes gaze in silent and reverential admiration, and so pure an atmosphere breathes aroynd it that the eye of man beams only with reverent delight and cheek of woman glows but with the fullness of emotion. Loud talking men are hushed into a silence at which they themselves wonder, those who come to speak learnedly and utter extacies of dilettantiism slink into corners where alone they may gaze in pleasing penance for their audacity, and groups of women hover together as if to seek protection fr the power of their own sex’s beauty.

            On Thurs statue not open to public but door besieged by parties of 3 and 4 of both ladies and gmen, who begged admission as they were to leave town, and many haave postponed their departure. Amply will be repaid, as would those who pilgrimage fr west and south.

            Following paragraph fr Calvert’s Scenes and Thoughts In Europe which presents v just and appreciative notice: conceived and executed with a perfectness that completely conceals all the labor of thought and of hand, like Eve a revelation symmetry, inexhaustible grace, power and beauty of human form, What an attitude and management for expression, one feels elevated contemplating a creature so touching and beaut.


September 1847

3 Grk Slave advertises, at NAD rms

6 Miss Prudence Glastonbury, spinster, writes to defend Trollope fr a city print that denies she assisted Powers, confirms story, defends women’s abilities

11 JL Hughes of Lake Superior takes out an ad agst Chas Lanman’s Summer in the Wilderness fr Appleton’s, abounds in inaccuracies and falsehoods, imagined incidents, his attacks on individs and Am Fur Co contemptible. Enthus re Restell’s arrest. 13 Lanman responds fr hotel in NY, weird vindication that won’t revenge a wrong, will neglectit.

23 notice that Dr Collyer offers novel exhib tonight at Apollo rms in Broadway, illus disting works of art, sculp and ptg, single figs and groups, by living models. Advertises: male and female models, strictest accuracy as to drapery and classical, sacred and modern events fr Royal Acad of London and Paris.

24 notices Gagliardi’s port of Piux IX on display, said to be faithful. Dr Collyer’s Exhib: audience filled abt half the room, were pleased. Exhib seemed neither good nor bad, except in one atrocious particular. Models except for one man are not by any means remarkably well formed but v graceful and hold with unwavering firmness to positions. The fault is the delicate drapery described in the program, which is indelicate and outrageous in case of Grk Slave, earning hisses fr a few, a sacrilege. Burlesqued the slave by a model far from well formed, whose corsetted or at least constrained fig had none of undulating grace of orig, and showed as sharp lines and acute angles at the hips as were ever made by a tight bodice and a multitude of skirts. Whisp of drapery around the loins made indecent what might have been unsatisfactory and annoying. Exhib wanted purity and beauty, unpleasing to lover of art and voluptuary.

            Three Graces too, in color, with plenty of delicate drapery, three well looking, barelegged red armed English women in their smocks. If undraped and white, copies of orig, by assuming drapery, brought up in minds ideas otherwise never have presented themselves, made pure subj an immodest one.

            Other groups to which our remarks do not apply.

25 notes approvingly that Boston Atheaeum and Phila Acad of FA will let Kellogg have their rooms for free for exhib of Greek Slave. Describes new Broadway Theater, which has 50 alternating busts of Shakespeare and Milton, with GW’s in the center, richly ptd ceiling, more ports of GW and Lafayette. Chandeliers supported by Dianas.

27 exchange betw Kellogg and Rev Hawks giving proceeds for a day’s exhib to Howard society in NO

29 Grk Slave: notices pamphlet of info and opinion, able article fr journal of Rome, Edw Everett, Calvert, Dewey, Tuckerman and Lond and NY journals, well timed pub  instructive

30 returns to port of Pope at Gothic Hall v interesting and satisfactory, no accessories, face expr of strong common sense, benevolence, firmness, quick perceptive power, forehead well devd tho not v hi, full maturity of manhood


October 1847

2 welcomes back New World under Park Benj and Henry Wm Herbet. Grk Slve: excerpts fr Dewey in Union Mag, commend it to notice of Commercial and its correspondents: much as admire Eve, Grk Slave interests more. Venus wants sentiment, face insipid. Gk Sl clothed all over with sentiment etc. The Comm Advert of last evening has another letter abt Grk Slave after much unmeaning and got up twaddle abt the arts, the statue is pronounced unchaste. Writer says can call it prudery, squeamishness, puritanism or anything else, doesn’t alter the truth. It does not. Call what you lease, simply unadulterated, disgusting grossness. If can’t gaze on exquis embodiment of purity without conscious degradation at its contrast with their own unchasteness, why not stay away and refrain fr thrusting their foul imaginings before the eys of others. Regret there is one paper in the city that will admit such writings. Rejoice that there is but one.

4 p.1  excerpts Calvert on how sculptures are made, orig in Lit World, who says that Powers used a dozen models for Eve but just one, not a professional, for Grk Slave, gazing at it draws one closer to God.

7 notices Brown’s ptgs of Gen Taylor and his staff in an ad canb e seen, v large no of officers certifeid their entire correctness

12 C&E as manly and indep in its music crit, unlike paid subsidizers of singer Bishop and violinist Sivori (had long statement over idea of a standard of judgment in music)

14 Fair of Am Inst: display makes it hard to review more than what is most prominent, seems less full and brilliant than usual. Notice scattered all over the exhib (near rosewood bedstead) ptgs, drwgs, etc., that seem out of place. One of the objects encouragement of Art? Judges chosen with view to capacities to pronounce on works of art. And specimens exhib hardly come under that category. Some wood engravings, among them those of Baker, 42 Nassau, conspic for their spirit and finish and admirable manner in which feeling of drwg is preserved

15 success of Grk Slave demo v widespread and universal perception of the beaut among our people, no exhib such as the chef douevre of female loveliness purity artistic genius

16 Washington Monument: corresp indignant over idea to erect monument accord to design presented earlier, concur in his censure, volunteer assoc running matter problem, shld be in hands of most eminent citizens—but they weren’t interested. Very common for men of taste not to be active as leaders when they ought to be. But a Gothic design has been adopted by the committee, tho ignorant of glaring ridiculous incongruity betw subj and spirit, a church a library, a university, a prison, a pict gall, amarket may be gothic, but a structure whose essence is feudal, gloomy, fantastic and grotesque amid all its grandeur for Washington head of a free people not a century old, whose character towers in severe and classic purity above mighty monsters, simplicity, such a monument would be absurd and his fame would render its folly more glaring.

            Nor is design a meritorious one, some say it can’t be called Gothic, made up fr scraps of bldgs of several ages, none of any partic style or attractiveness, cold forbidding slabsided uncomely pepper box turretted an affair, reminds one of those blue structures seen in the distance of the lscape at the bottom of a washbasin. Close by it at the fair is another in the socalled Amer style of archit paraded as having been rejected; strange that any design was absurd enough to be rejected given what was chosen.

            No means of procuring other designs? Upjohn, Douglass, Renwick and others? Competent artist and crit committee consult? Not Babelism which will stand the monument of our own confusion.

19 puffs a Leeds auction of gd copies of old masters and some originals, sold recently for $25, shld get more for them; 20 puffs Leeds doing a Vito Viti auction of statuary etc

25 Dr Collyer’s exhib of Living Statuary draws excellent audiences and a change in the style of subj of the tableaux has made a material improvement. Ad headlines Venus de Medici.

30 Dr Collyer’s Model Artists now giving some pretty and well arranged groups to delight of large audiences, didn’t see Venus and are glad, if he will avoid such subjects that give rise to detracting comparison, cannot fail, with Eden groups, Maypole, sappho etc.


November 1847

2 JT Headley defends himself agst Rufus Griswold in Lit World, Hoffman permits him to publish this interested person. Puffs coll of oil ptgs of Brit school to be sold by Leeds. 3 then Hoffman denies it, endorsed by C&E. another puff of the sale of ptgs. 4 Griswold denies too.

9 letters that Powers and kellogg have discov a new marble quarry (Gk Sl still exhibiting, puffs it regularly) 12 Lit World defends itself in ad agst Headley 13 Collyer’s model artists or personifications, moved fr Apollo Rms to Palmo’s, signed A. 18 another Leeds auction of mod ptggs

23 demo for Pius ix photo. 25 publishes defense of Merc Lib agst Trib accusations of bad management, under Chas Milnor and CL Everett in last four or five years, flourished, new members, catalog, facilities, classes. Likes Schoolcraft, but his books are fragmented. Tuckerman’s Artist Life, pleasant and excellent, he is known for finely cultivated taste, hasn’t extraord ability but doesn’t pretend to, facile style never offends or startles

29 likes Columbian again now Inman is ed. 30 puffs ed of Halleck’s poems that’s been advertising, fr Appletons


quit basically with Dec. 1, skimmed a little. Lots on Italy.



January 1848

4 Chas J Henniss of US Gazette in Phila will now do news and genl miscellany for C&E. 5 happy re Zach Taylor. 8 puffs engr of Piux IX by Kimberly at Coleman’s. 20 praises new Union (Kirkland) Mag, with TH Matteson in charge of orig designs  24 has been defending Genl Scott 26 praises Garbeille’s statuette of Taylor in rude attire in camp  27 puffs Mrs Pelby’s wax Scriptural statuary, best wax sculp seen in city, interesting character, (includes an intemperate family, Last Supper, other scenes)moving to Barnum’s Amer Mus

February 1848

4 notices Indian Port Gall, nearly 100, disting Chiefs, JO Lewis in Broadway opp Apollo, has travelled for yrs with Cass, all fr life, costume faithful, exhib interesting one, orig lords of the soil rapidly passing away 9 puffs Banvard’s panorama on Broadway, a great furor, signed A., also advertised as largest ptg in the world 9 Home J and CE support Poe. 15 puffs opening of Florence’s hotel. Notes Death of Cole, the gifted ptr, reprints fr Eve Post the announcement, great merit as ana rtist, careful observer able delineator of nature, knew how to give a moral interest to lscape ptg. First appeared orig and force took everyone by surprise, for the first time, wild magnif of our scenery, its infinity of obj, splendor of colors, peculiar atmosphere, represented on canvass. Powers were in their maturity when he died. Personally purest, guileless, noblest, instructive, mind regarded higher objects than those addressed to senses.  16 Knick’s editor’s gossip becoming scurrilous re individuals he dislikes, flippant, vulgarity and coarseness inappropriate for its pretensions  18 Childs vs Whiting controversy, takes Whiting’s side. 21 notices new Appleton publication by CF Hoffman, includes his pooem Buena Vista, he’s a supportrer of Z Taylor. Also puffs a collection of ptgs n NAD rooms fr coll of Gideon Nye, of Nye Parkin & Co, and resident here, heard of a nobleman’s gallery who had been ruined by railway spec so he bought the whole and brought them here as nucleus for public gall, and are visited by connoisseurs, Old Masters of highest merit, Rubens, Dolci, Murillo, Holbein, Poussin, Teniers; ad for it charges 25 cents. Ads include one for the Model Artists at the Temple of the Muses on Canal St, doing tableaux vivants, Fowler & Williams. Has been covering Italian opera approvingly. Hasn’t had much to say about Fremont or his court martial conviction. Adams illness and death—with Vattemare’s memorial on his desk.


March 1848

Mad that Tribune killed Clay in 1840 as nominee, used Scott to draw off Clay votes so Harrison would win in NYC; irritated that he’s supporting Clay now instead of Taylor.

3 Robt Launitz  536 Broadway marble manufactory not on fire; port of Taylor by Lamden of Phila in Baton Rouge sd v accurate and expressive. 9 some months ago mentioned extraord talents for sculpt of Richard Dunphy at Am Inst Fair, took two medals, no instruction, has since made several busts inclu one of Col Webb a most admirable likeness, evidence of talents if prop cultivated give disting rank, his first effort by which his genius discovered was cutting fr alabaster with his penknife a head of Dr Franklin, a mere boy, since done cameos and 7 busts, under instruction of disting Am sculptor Brown, who will develop his talents to distinction destined. 18 Veritas fr Mexico repeats that Amer will occupy and govern whole of Mexico, destiny has decided. 20 Anglo-Knickerbocker refers to ultra liberal friends of the Paris mob. Puffs repro. Of Boydell’s illus of Shakespeare prints by Spooner. 22 JH Shegogue advertises returned fr Italy. At great odds with Trib and Express esp over Z Taylor. 25 notices AU of Phila, satisfied it won’t conflict with PAFA I think. 28 notices coll of ptgs by late Cole at Amer AU rooms, love and prize the beaut creations of art, careful hands gathered them, card in column says will also get you into the NY Gall of FA. Geo Putnam advert now indep. 30 a workman with a fowling piece shot Louis Phillipe in the portrait behind the chair of the new Pres, where he swears loyalty to the charter; a man of the people intervened and asked monuments of art be respected, but anything in royal apts with image or emblem was torn


April 1848

Admires Lamartine, will save France fr socialism.  11 their corresp Sigma says people when they came to sculp of Christ in royal apts, halted their mad career and reverentlly saluted, bore it away to church of St Roch and everyone on street bowed in adoration. Rousseau repudiated in favor of New Testament. Ad for works of old masters on exhib. 13 Sigma describes day after revolution, multitude forced way into Tuileries, left ptgs but destroyed all the portraits, but not destroyed palace. Puff sale of ptgs by Leeds in granite bldg. 14 p. 1 letter to editor, saw beaut design Frazee prepping for Wash monument, delight this impt work fallen to artist whose genius in conception and skill in execution are equal to its grandeur. When exam of designs offered for premium at Exchange took place, subj for regret that he had not submitted, ill, but after  the cornerstone laid gmen approached him and were successful, classic purity p. 2 of architecture, graceful proportions outlines, rich appropriate historical repres. All combined, public shld withhold judgment til can see, signed Vitruvius.  Dumont & Hosack selling valuable coll of 50 +oil ptgs by JG Chapman, artist of great merit going to Europe, advert.  15 Wm Wallace pub design for Wash monument, immense globe with colossal fig of GW, not the simplest nor best, but widely admired. 18 puffs Leeds auction of Gorri on Broadway sculptured marble mantels, death mask of Napoleon. 25 Wuthering Heights v powerful. 27 puffs Leeds ptg auction. 29 notices Phila AU


May 1848

4 long puff of Old Masters at lyceum. 5 notices again Cole’s ptgs at the AAU rooms, opinion of many competent critics, the best coll of ptgs ever exhib here, genius, beloved. 6 Townsend retiring, Brooks running  Express. 9 puffs Vito Viti sculpture auction.

11 p. 2 Taylor mtg at Niblo’s, new hq at Lafayette Hall.

  1. 2 “Twenty-third Exhib of NAD” : took photos. Now open long enuf to be a subj of conversation among the public; rarely seen one in which there were more bad picturesor more of decided mediocrity, but few in which were picts of superior merit to that of some now on walls.

            -really likes Doughty, Church; approves Powell’s historical ptg; Rossiter’s coloring too gaudy, Ingrahm mannered, Huntington fallen into a tame style, Elliott vigrous, Wenzler a mannerist, likes V Colyer and JB Flagg

60 Durand’s Ftn, seems to us to have fallen off this yr, no pict equal to those exhib for last 4 or five yrs. His usual hazy atmosphere and indistinct outline beyond the foregrd, but haze lacks mellowness, distance lacks dreamy charm he used to give, all seems hard and flat. 81 Ruth and Naomi, Wm Page, rep of ptr and attept to produce a great work demand respectful and serious attn, tho hi in aims, simple in elements and construction, a great merit typical of him. Naomi and her two daughters, no accessory, emotion simple, direct, powerful, interest concentrated on principal fig and nothinng introd to fritter away the feelings aroused by her. Color in clear, broad harmonious masses, and face of Ruth ptd in a v diff position, her throat, arm of Orpah, the drwg modelling and ptg or mere mechanical app of color, the graining, justify hi encomiums on Page. Yet but a brilliant failure, can’t be contempl with pleasure, nay displeasure, in spite of admiring artist’s intent, and of details of execution in ptrs and those who look at ptgs critically. It attracts attn by its size, but not a pleased attn, nor upon contd contemplation, does not satisfy the mind, awaken the sympathies, or gratify the senses. Its tone is bad, repulsive, not bcause it is low but bcause it is unnatural. Tone itself first attracts attn and raises question to its propriety, putting a conventionalism, or caprice of the artist as barrier betw the pict and the observer. No one ever saw figs or lscape in such an aspect as here presented. A bold imitation of nature is not the province of the ptr, that he must paint things as they seem, not as they are, but nature never seemed like this, save to those who looked at her thru Page’s spectacles. Ruth’s face, with all the merit, is not the face that shld be there, it’s good as a study but not as Ruth, expression is forced and improper, clinging to mom in agony, as if despite her love had determined to go instead of remain, or as if death were coming, so great is her grief. Hardly emboiment of deep, placid, self sacrificing love, the calm but fixed determination, of her words. Ruth’s fig too badly posed and some points badly drawn, arm round Naomi’s neck torn fr its socket by such a position, and were her right leg undraped wld present such deformity of proportion and articulation as wld be alike repulsive and ridiculous. Naomi’s fig seems hewn in wood and rooted in grd, and hand stiff, shapeless and hard to a degree, strange that such faults prominent in a pict with so beaut an arm as Orpah, tho even this is rather stiff. Unaccountable presence of great black band along profile of Naomi’s hard featured face, like shadow of a bas-relief. What is it meant for?

            What is on heads of Ruth and Orpah? Some take it for a shawl, but it is meant for hair, looks more like a ragout of turnips of diff kinds. Were red hair the crushed, ruta baga looking thing it appears on head of Orpah it would justify the now waning and recent prejudice of fashion, would not justify great masters choosing it for cheveiure of their Magdalens and beards of Ecce Homos.

            Few suspect a lscape backgrd to this pict, butit will be found, tho if in any light or at any distance it resembles any form of nautre we must confess ourselves ignorant of it. Pict can’t but win fr bro artists admiration of talents and knowl, but fails completely in having effect upon feelings of intellig and cultiv observer, and this is true obj of art, great genius attains the former when striving for the latter. Page has others of great merit, 216 is a gd ptg and port, tho we again obj to tone, and agn not as low but as bad.

            In small room statuary, remark buts of Burns and JQ Adams by JC King as full of life and expr, 121 and 124 by J Mosier remark fine as port and drapery of latter v easy, natural and well defined. 123 Mosier’s Pocahontas has sweet expr but lacks char and Indian cast of feature.


16 p.2 Sigma, corresp, writes of Art and Relig in France, annual exhi of modern art at Louvre, v numerous collection, 4598 ptgs, 33 sculp 140 engr 63 litho. They are ranged in frames over the picts of the Old Masters, entirely hiding them fr view. Don’t pretend to be a connoisseur, yet doesn’t require more than half an eye to discover that these ptgs are greatly deficient in breadth of design and grandeur of conception. Have intensity of coloring enuf and to spare, but possess little of that elevation, beauty, grace and poetic sentiment as old masters beneath them.  Art is sadly off. Her mission is either misunderstood or wilfully disregarded. Instead of stirring or aiming to stir the inmost depths of our spriitual being by sublime thoughts and conceptions, and by dim revealings of the super-natural and perfect, she only tickles the senses and panders to the lower propensities of our nature. Instead of having a voice of her own, she is only the echo of that of the multitude. Not ideal but mechanical, not transfiguring nature, servile imitation, result is dead expressionless similitude. More than a show of meretricious nudity to picture the Goddess Venus, and more than v blue skies and v green hillsides to testify the exuberance of nature.

            But if art is involved with the mind, future exhib will be worthier, liberty bestows regeneration of higher nature to her rational votaries.

26 Anthony, whose pict of US Senat on occasion of Clay’s farewell speech has excited general and deserved commendation sent engr to Clay, who testifies to its accuracy and correct likenesses of Adams, Preston, Critttenden, Calhoun, Benton, gales etc and Mrs Madison.

27 p.1 from Eve Post: Darley, the Artist, favorably known thruout south and west for his illus of library of humorous Amer works and other Phila houses, now in metropolis. His illus have put him in a false position before the public, his series of designs in outline done as labor of love shows his proper genius, illus work by Judd a clergyman of Maine for Margaret, a tale of the Real and Ideal. Serious and hi art, truth vigor and beauty, purity and decision, correctness and marked character, compositions clearly and beaut grouped, naturally managed, action easy and truthful, rank with first historical ptrs f the country. Illus Wash Irving now. P. 2 publishes Halleck’s lines on death of Henry Brevoort; critical of new ed of Columbian, SM Chester, for lending himself to unprincipled resentments, apparent sanction to malice of reviewer of Headley’s Washington and his Generals (Headley has pub freq in C&E I think). John S Taylor, the publisher of the magazine, his character and antecedents explain the motive for this attack.


June 1848

3 Van der lyn the Artist, Williams and Stevens store 343 Broadway, 2 pics of uncommon merit, full view of Niagara Falls fr Brit side, and the Horse Shoe Fall, most perfect artistical skill, subdued tone so attractive in our autumn scenery toward the evenign of a pleasant day. Not disting by any violent contrast of color, old painter has copied nature, and disposed of lights and shadows, after patterns nature has furnished. Foregrd rich in natural beauty, perspective so distinct and oft repeated to a remote distance fr pov that spectator may pursue lessening scene until his imag is lost among obj lie beyond his vision.

            Artist’s friends plan to dispose of these valuable pics under 2 eminent gmen of city, 125 shares of $5 each, subscribe at store.

5 praises Tuckerman on Italy. Trib and Expr want Clay; Webb wants Taylor.

7 praises E Anthony port of Clay fr a dag, finest of its class. Praises Bryant’s oration on death of Cole by Appletons, fine remarks on At, crit, style chaste, simple and beaut.

9 Veritas, a Mexico corresp, describes visiting a church in Moorish style in Acacingo (valley of Mexico ringed by snowy mtns sublime; inhab of village come to bring them water) picture of patron Saint (Delores) had most lovely face ever seen, exec v gd and expr of resigned countenance unsurpassed, by a Spaniard at Mex City, walls hung with old Span ptgs, silver frames stolen by robbers.

14 scenery of old Astor Place Opera Hse sold, work of Allegri and Brigaldi, cost over $5000, as fine as any ever ptd

17 praises Headley’s consistent sympathy with progressive republicanism everywhere in the world

20 Veritas describes cathedral in Puebla, very rich and ornamented, porphyry, gold, nook and corner filled with choice ptgs in magnif gold gilt frames, busts of archbishops with relics inside, ornaments, carvings etc exquis beaut cunning workmanship, not the least gaudy

21 Thom Snowden, cashier for C&E, died


Don’t have July-December 1848?


1849 (starts with March 8)

March 1849

8 notices AAU opened its Gallery, larger aand decidedly superior to any hitherto offered, 2 most beaut pics by Gray, among finest productions of Am art, other great merit fr Church, Hinckley Edmonds etc. only glance at private exhib given by Committee last night to artists and others, hope to give fuller descriptive and critical statement. Most agreeable places of resort.

Missing 10, 12. 13 magnif ptg by Mollini for Astor hse ladies drwg rm. 16 missing.

17 The Art Union: crowded, one of its benefits is elevating public taste who don’t have this culture accessible. More gd picts than at previous openings. 50 belong to Union, 23 sent in by artists for exhib. Of Union’s 2 by Gray challenge attn by size nature of subjects, and palpable, decided merit. Apple of  Discord, 23 and Wages of War, 24, first might better be Judgment of Paris, esp as only Paris and Venus are represented, Venus of course the prominent fig in middle, cupid withdraws drapery fr mom’s shoulder. Venus and its treatment will remind those who visited NAD last year of beaut Composition Portrait by same artist, prominent place in second saloon, we had pleasure of noticing with hi praise. Position of goddess happily chosen (turning to Paris in the backgrd for the apple), full of grace and well adapted to display ripe loveliness of the fig. luxuriant golden tresses, eyes gaze at shepherd Prince with expression that explains at once to spectator nature of influence brought to bear on youthful arbiter of dispute. Face is remarkable, has more Venus in it than we remember in any other, low broad forehead, clear passionful eyes, straight delicate nose, full sweet bowed blunt cornered mouth, rounded chin and gently arched cheek, beaut as they are, are not singly or together the potent charm of the countenance, which consists in the bewildering expr the ptr has succeeded in diffusing thru all these.

            Drwg and modelling admirable, arms perhaps a v little too short, lower portion of right forearm, a slight defect in the foreshortening. Scarcely revealed bust beaut modelled, lower outline of her left breast lacks fullness, seems as if there would be a slight deformity if the drapery were withdrawn. Arm of Paris somewhat too short and heavy, too large for the fig, too much like the arm of a dwarfish man of great strength. One of most prominent beauties of fig is flesh tint, shoulders arms cheeks seem warm, firm, elastic flesh, pict is a model in this respect, Gray congrat himself on having achieved so great and rare an excellence.

            Academic excellence combined with beauty of expression. Wages of war afine work, tone drwg drapery and flesh showing same author, backgrd and mellow sky merit hi commendation , however diffused throut pict is a v appreciable qual of Old Master mannerism and the story  or allegory is not to us perfectly comprehensible.

            8 Interupted letter, JB Flagg, one of most meritorious artists, hardly worthy of his pencil, if remember his Laughing Child at Academy’s last exhib. Can hardly err in saying model for latter served for female fig in this; oft told story is well enough told, but is a v easy one to tell, few so easy, hardly enuf apprehension in girl’s face. Father eminently unpicturesque, can’t see necessity for making irate parent such a puffy red nosed old gman. Greyhound is v wooden.

            Winter Scenes by R Gignoux hitherto attracted attn and won much deserved praise, 25 here, differs in style fr any we have observed before, but equal in merit, shows close observation and fine powers of combination. Remarkable for having a warm tone diffused over a cold subj, truthfulness of which all will immed recognize, however some patchy spots of red and yellow.

            Doughty rapidly reaching rank of first lscape ptr in the country, 2 pics full of merit and v pleasant to look at, which can’t be said of all pics meritorious as to drwg, color and composition. Doughty v successful in his distances and atmospheric effects, true in both these pics, esp Peep at the Catskill Mtn Hse. Remark that a large pict of much merit and interest by Mrs Spencer, self taught western artist, soon to be added.


March 28 p.2 The Art Union No. 2: on right side as enter, lscape 42 will likely pass by as rude and glaring in color, masses of rank verdure thrown together without any relief, save questionable one of sharply outlined, unpicturesque houses fences. Even practiced eye displeased superficial glance, but careful exam lead to smiling surprise at artist’s daring and success. Never seen so literal a copy of nature (I photographed this article—hard to read), as exact as we can imagine of NY or N Eng hilly lscape with September sun about a half hour high.

            Ptg remarkable in many respects, daring contrast, tint of green, close observation and great power, but in spite of all this, the picture is not a pleasing one. Its fascination is that of wonder at the accomplishment of a novel and daring task. It is strange, that what has never been done before, shld be done so well. But few of those who would approve the ptr should wish the picture, for reason that it is so literal. No poetry in it, nothing to arouse the imagination, gratify longing for the beaut, or please the eye. Spectator finds literal conformity to remembrance of certain physical facts, that’s all. A powerful study. Let Wenzler embody it in a work of fine creative or combining power, and will make a great picture.

            22 Above the clouds at sunrise, Church, one of our ablest lscape ptrs, almost if not quite as successful as Wenzler’s pic, fr freq observ of such scenes, if scenes they can be called, but even less interesting than the other.  Church has great ability with palette and brush, he has been above the clouds at sunrise and observed closely, but only a study, shld keep in portfolio for use in ptg a pict.

            In contrast 2 by Huntington, 2 Swiss Scene and 4 Sea Coast View, full of poetry, while one at least is much wanting in finish and attn to detail, as are the others. 2 is entirely too unfinished a pict for him to submit, despite fine compos and sublimity of snowcapped mtn in distance. 4 is charming, water translucent and in motion, boat floats, sky without assistance of wrecked vessel tells of storm, lurid sun tinges waves gloomy as true to nature as in keeping with scene. First sea ptg, encourage more.

            38 and 47 cattle pieces of much merit by Hinckley, exceedingly well drawn, all figs have ease, naturalness, head of bull faulty in upper portion as distance fr ear and eye to root of horns too great, not the case in the other pict.

            710 Crossing the Brook by Robbe of Dusseldorf, cattle piece for lscape tho fine compos is so cold and chalky and wanting in atmosphere as to be of little interest, but animals admirable, fleece, attitude, light and shade thrown on group, command alm unqual admiration

            13 Duck Shooters by Wm Ranney most successful, excellent color drwg, wariness and restrained eagerness admirably expr in faces and attitudes of men and dog, v gun alm seems endowed with volition, careful not ot go off too soon.

            Edmonds tells story of Gil Blas and Archbishop  well in 46, prelate’s face full of offended self love and contmp pity, for youth who can’t see excellence of his homily, but color cold and opaque and pict flat and without light and shade, inner rm does not recede at all.

            Mexican News 707 a pict full of life and truth, attitudes excellent, easy but intent. Deaf expr of old man v truthful, negro figs are ridiculously gd, all accessories and accidents of the pict in fine keeping, and finished to a degree worthy of the best Dutch school. RC Woodville, name new to us.

            Garden of Love, 760 highly finished by Eckhout, Dusseldorf man, harmonious, subj treated with graceful freedom yet without license, full of nice ptg.

            30 and 31, Luther’s vows and death, Edwin White, artist attempted subj not yet power to handle, fail as compositions and not remarkable for color. But 32 Bunyan’s Vision of the Cross, attitude of dreaming prisoner excellent, management of light equally gd.

            Matteson’s 21 Now or Never instantly recognizable for he has already achieved a style, not however so gd a pict as he shld have ptd, looked for more improvement than he’s shown. 19 Jack the Giant Killer by Rutherford comical enuf, but more fit for woodcut in child’s book. Tangled Skein 712 by Clayton a palpable but far off imitation of Frank Stone, whose pleasing style approaches too nearly  monotonous and tame to imitate. 12 pretends to be Petrarch’s Laura, don’t believe she was at all like this, if she were she and Petrarch have been vilely slandered. 11 Sailor Boy by same artist, same merit, both picts characterized by extremest imaginable feebleness. 718 Lake Winipiscogee pleasing and much merit tho patchy and lacks harmony, sky and rain v gd.

            Ask why picture such as 678 Genevieve has a place? Artist v young, seen necessity for ptg such a pict, tho we do not, But Art Union has not bought it so no reason for exhibiting it. No pict not possessing some v remarkable merit shld be on the walls.


March 29 1849 Pictures, Art is civiliz and refining, ptg esp appeals to sense of beauty color and proportion with which all are more or less endowed and all may be educated, duty to encourage its growth, placing within reach masterpieces of ptg, School of Dusseldorf world renowned and fellow cit JG Boker, brought over some of its finest ptgs, will exhibit them, have examined a few and are of rare excellence. Largest is scene of Othello and Desdemona, nothing superior to Desdemona, merit of every sort in whole compos color and expr, but her face and fig, soul looking out her eyes upon the being who fascinates, absolute intentness of interest could not be more happily rendered. Another smaller fine pic admirable as compos and full of lifelike and startling contrasts, capture of Cavalier stronghold by Roundheads, history and char in every personage, accessory, even the days.

Art Union of London advertises.


April 1849

5 letter fr R defends Hone fr Sun’s accusation of him being too aristocratic

April 16-May 1 missing. L

May 1849

3 missing. 5-17 missing. 19-28 missing. Dusseldorf Gallery advertising. As do Odd Fellows.

30- June 8 missing

June 1849

9 communication fr Metropolitan in DC defending Smithsonian agst attack of a corresp in NY Mirror, ignorant and prejudiced, good taste of bldg Committee. Both agree it’s picturesque, he feels it’s desirable—any architect can draw up a front that commits no sings agst the estab rules, but takes genius to fit bldg to place it is to occupy, and its pictorial effect consists in this fitness. Will be lscaped (not like placed on a city block) and so offer multitude of views worthy of Cuyp or Neef.

            Architecture since Renaiss tied up by set of strict rules, pretended to be derived fr Greeks, fostered mediocrity of talent, but no long continued admiration of such bldgs unless those rules are violated. As these rules have been universally admitted as the guides of taste, the untramelled instinct of man for beaut and sublime has dwelt in speechless pleasure on Egypt, Byz, Norman and pointed styles, which set rules at absolute defiance.

            Forms and proportions believed Grecian diff than Greeks themselves used, it was the authority of the tasteless conquerors the Romans. Owen first to illus true principles of taste in archit, imitations known as Elizabethan and Palladian shown in true character of tasteless incongruity.

            Adapting purer Greek forms to purposes of modern life still more incongruous. General Post Office a gd specimen of Palladian archit tho wants raciness and orig of Palladio’s own desigs, and bears obvious character of cold tho correct imitation, but overloaded with rich pilasters of no obvious use, crowded with enriched windows, no indic of vaulted interior, no analogy betw principles of its struct and archit ornaments. Costs three times more to build Smitsonian on this style. Mirror disparages Gallery of Art in comp to that of the Art Union, but were planned by same architect (who Mirror wanted to hang fr one of his own spires). Rancor of disappointed pretension behind articles on archit in this and one or two other papers that attack Renwick

11-18 missing. 20-21 missing. 23-July 11 missing.

July 1849

12 notices new pict by Leutze for Binney of Boston ilus scene fr Prescott of Conques of Mex.

13 Dusseldorf Gallery: reopening with addition of new pics, offer few remarks which soon after its opening were obliged to postpone.

            Excepting Gallery of Old Masters, specimens of Dusseldorf form most interesting coll yet been exhib here. Abt 80 ptgs of all subj and all grades of merit, some mere furniture pictures, and a certain kind of furn, tea trays, ornamented with shiney lscapes and gaudy figures to suit some people’s taste. Indicative of the besetting sin of the school.

            But disagree with artists and critics that too highly finished in details and accessories. Not possible, like finding Pope too polished, or Mozart too melodious. Perhaps principal objects ought to be more finished. An ambitious subj executed in a trivial manner shows concept beyond artist, not his skills at fault. Our own ptrs most deficient in this, apt to give us sketches.

            Our artists also do well to imitate their finish of design, conception, singleness of thought,and so its forcible presentation.

            But actually he does criticize enamelled surface, prevents breadth of effect, or depth and transparency of coloring.

            Hildebrand’s Othello and Desdemona upsetting because of the two races, need a wall between. But defends his characterizatio of D as passionful.

            Likes Achenbach and Gude best of lscape; our artists better than Duss school at atmospheric effect

            Likes Hasenclever’s satire, discrim of character, and color. Leutze’s color good.

High level of craft.

14 missing. 16 letter fr Henry H Leeds &Co, noticed an ad in paper of the 9th, signed Geo C Bingham, saying that the ptg of the Raftsmen in our possession was  an attempted fraud and poor copy of the one distrib by the AU in 1847. We know nothing of its authenticity, consigned by a Baltimore gman who said it was ptd by Bingham.


19 The Art Union, No. 3: mostly abt Leutze’s Storming of Teocalli, never known him to paint uninteresting or badly colored pict, but alw glaring faults of drwg. Fierce contest shown with exciting power.Spaniards: unswerving determination, unruffled coolness,  vs frantic, furious savages. Nerve, vigor, energetic, free, expr of countenances expr of race and mental training. Dead spaniard at base of pict one of L’s most successful figs, limpness and uncared for qual of death; heads and flesh tints fine. Subj full of horror, details unnecessarily so, esp destruction of infants, repulsive not terrible.

            Masterly picture, faults in drwg and persp come from limbs, bodies, hands being separately well drawn, but don’t belong to ea other, lack proportion, so a grand resurrection of dismembered bodies, wrong limbs joined to trunks, arms of Indians short and puny compared to size of individs, for example.

Thos Cole Dream of Arcadia 909 one of most charming by him, full of poetry, tone and compos fascinates eye, dreams of classic beauty in his brain from this ptg and C of E.

            1033 A Compos by FE Church full of freshness and truth, never paints hackneyed lscape, compos excellent, geology accurate, clouds unmatched skill, lscape goes with sky, water beaut transp and level and light breeze well expr. 41 View in Pittsford VT exquis little gem, wish to own, alw excite organ of acquisitiveness.

            Praises a few others JG Schwartze, A Chappell’s Tinker as work of a youth, but genius, character of his fancy on canvas, not imitative, full of expression tho pict is flat as a face card and poor in color; Geo Saal.

20-23 missing. 28 missing.

31 Greenough the Sculptor, excerpts fr a letter fr an Amer in Italy that his great group of early settlement is fine conception, admirable execution, backwoodsman of the orig stock of pioneers to the West, ferocity of the savage, noble bearing of husb truly expressed, spoken highly of by Ital artists and connoisseurs, a great acquis to capitol


Skimmed August 1849. September

13 notices French minister Dufaure has given 3 ptgs to Intl Art Union of Goupil etc

14 corresp at State Fair in Albany praises dageurreotypes. Notices Dusseldorf Art Union distrib its ptgs. Dioramas exhib in Astor place well worthy of attn

15 aggravated that at trial of Astor Place rioters, jurors were asked if they believed what they read in the newsp; C&E says newsp as reliable as editor, ought to distinguish between them

18 Art Union Festival: Comm of Management threw open new galleries to artists, press, amateurs, etc., most eminent citizens, Major Poussin fr French republic who advised young artists to study old masters. Gen Wetmore toasted the Amer School of Art, Doughty responded, Magoon to toast of Western AU, McMichael and Rev Bethune of Phila AU, genius of no country or age, we have it too, Luther Bradish, James Brooks on imaginative powers of Amer people, DC Colden, TW Whiteby (Whitley?), Hoppin on Bulletin, EC Benedict contrasted AU with Intl AU.

            Poussin gets dismissed by French govt.


October 1849—lots of missing issues.

1 The Art Union: extract fr a private letter fr Vermont, defends Am AU agst Intl AU competition, a private business, not a public institution,  enterprising dealers, want to dispose fo a coll of pictures that they can’t sell to gd advantage in their own, want to cash in on pop of AAU. Engravings, artists, employees all French, no transparency, no commitment on using subscriptions for art. AAU run by elected men, uncompensated, all money to art/benefit of subscribers and American artists

2 notices London AJ, Dusseldorf Gall

6 The intl AU: Goupil’s reply to the letter above defending their plan of business. Editor comments that censure use of art union name, misleads it as a public institution, a fiction, it’s a private affair. Long rebuttal.

9 No Am Rev condemns Lanman’s Summer in the Wilderness as bungling wholesale fiction

10 friends of JG Chapman artist now in Paris can see at Williams & Stevens rms in Broadway 3 copies for sale, fr Van Ostade, Metza and a se piece, originals in Louvre, great rep

11 Advertisement fr a Native Artist re communication of the 9th, re the piano forte

16 notices Powers’ Statuary esp bust of Jackson in Lyceum with old masters. Artist Pfau has litho v gd likenesses of ex-Mayors Havemeyer and Brady at Williams & Stevens shop. Am Inst Fair advertises too.

17 cites the Trib’s defense by Quispiam agst a weekly that Goupil’s Art Union appeals to a more advanced stage of taste, a diff market than AAU, this taste consists of highly colored pict of naked female in most meretricious style of French Art, Erigone, publishers, market then that panders to Impurity and Vice

29 p.1 poem by Jacques du Mond to Free Gallery of the Am AU; rich and poor in fellowship of feeling may meet as equals, will spur nobler deeds of fame

30 Chas King resigns fr the paper, formal announcement tho in actuality took place months since, new Pres of Columbia Coll


November 1849

8 Art-Unions, Ridner, NY agent for London AU, had been reports of mismanagement, but flourishing, ours is on same plan, except right to select own picture, but AAU wanted a free permanent gallery, and geog also militated agst it, others here inclu Dusseldorf AU on same plans. Also notices Goupil’s free gallery, worth visiting, marekd merit, school is not most elevated in moral tone or highest stle in artistic merit, but has admirers. Private not public emphasized again.

23 notices Memoir of David Hale just been pub (J of Commerce), will be of interest to many; copies a Times expose of how London poor live, say it applies to Five Points. 24 continuing articles on London Press

27 AAU Bulletin contradicts pitiful slander agst its Comm of Management fr weekly paper with Geo P Morris as senior ed, gave an account fr C&E of festivities opening new gallery, miserable report found its way into newspapers that this cost $1450, charged to subscribers. Cost was a tenth, not taken fr AU funds, but don’t know why it couldn’t be just like other institutions as a way to promote it

December 1849-lots missing

11 JT Headley denying responsbility for a book of miscellanies under his name; Geo Putnam quarreling with Belten’s Past Present and Future of NY. Puff Powers’ statuary.

15 Leeds is selling WA Colman’s coll  of ptgs, followed by his engravings; ad says abt 200, Raphael, Landseer, Rubens etc

24 puffs panorama of the Nile, and takes fr J of Commerce re Art Union distrib, all the old old Board re elected, no opposition. Baseness and falseness of J of Commerce attack on AU was exposed and applauded.

29 defends Prosper Wetmore fr accus of defalcation

31 Wiley publishes The Other Side, account of Mex war



January 1850—most missing

London Art J has big ad; Webb in favor with Pres Fillmore (Gen Taylor dies in July)

Feb 1850—most missing

2 Veritas the DC corresp reports that Cooper presented a memorial fr eminent Thom Crawford requesting to do a bronze equestrian statue of GW, rep and success peculiarly suits, it's a much needed embellishment. Except the little favor Greenough has recd, govt patronage squandered on ignorant foreign pretenders, judgment on misguided Congressional liberality. Instead of Powers and Crawford, adventurers chosen, just one work of Am art at capitol while statues of Columbus and of Peace and War look down in mockery on neglcted genius they have unbecomingly superceded. Shld accept Crawford’s proposal for rotunda.

26 heartily approves of electionof AH Cozzens to AAU pres.

March—most missing

April-nearly all missing

27 NAD advertises, also the Huntington coll. (closing on May 4 or 5)

May—starts with the 14th, also lost missing

14 Powers writes to a friend re Eve lost in a wreck that it was insured for $3000 but had an ideal bust on board not insured, statue of Calhoun sent by another vessel

24 HW Beecher in his role it seems as an editor of the Independent has long rebuttal on first page of J of Commerce attack on Politics and the Pulpit—J of Commerce disapproves of ministers preaching free soilism, Beecher says they can speak to any moral issue. Skips to


13 John Inman principal ed of Comm Advert since Stone’s death resigning, RC West assistant ed will prob take over. Skips to

26 NAD invites city schools to visit free, closes on 6th, splendid exhib. Skips to

July 3 –most missing

24 GW Kendall has been in Euro to supervise completion of his history of the mex war, 60 men preparing the plates, orig sketches by German artist Carl Noble who went to Mex and drew battle scenes on spot, at time of occurrence. 2 views of storming of chapultepec, lithos sd to be unsurpassed in felicity of design, perf of coloring, animation and expression of all figs and groups, color, exact delineations of topography, faithful representations in every particular of military positions and movements.

            Horace Vernet back fr Russia, malevolent reports rife re disting artist, rewarded by Emperor for his Hungarian and Polish war scenes, kissed by his Majesty. Fr unnamed Paris corresp.

25 Foreign items inclu Queen commissioning Corbould large pict of coronation scene in La Prophete as performed by Italian opera co in Covent Garden. 26 notice for Williams & Stevens that a ptg by Both in coll of Grattan, Brit consul in Boston, judge of ptgs, much cheaper than it would be in London

August—lots missing

6 (fr the Weekly Courier) recovery of Calhoun statue fr wreck almost hopeless, elab or all his works, regarded with most pride, masterpiece, unqual admiration, recd $3000 for it fr citizens of Charleston, insured, illustrious statemen, inspire noble emulation of our great men, Art shld rescue fr Time those with godlike intellect for reverence of future

7 The Duss Gall: This coll of ptgs fr a school of some of the ablest artists of the age, is most pop of 3 or 4 open to the public. Pleasing nature of the subjects, general ability and extreme fidelity, secure a favor not won by longer estab rep but less interesting themes and more ideal treatment.

            Some time since spoke of most prominent, but recently nearly 50 added, some of admirable excellence, esp Mintrop’s Children’s Bacchanals 32.

            Koehler Germania 110: alleg of struggles of Germ in 1848, but whether fr intrinsic interest or poetic power and mechanicla skill, more favor than usual ptd allegories. At risk of being charged with want of sympathy for the cause of Liberty, success of work is owing entirely to ability of ptr, good or bad cause may be aided by a great and stirring pict, but a bad pict never materially helped by justness of sentiment it embodied or excellence of moral conveyed. Art has within itself the only elements of success in Art. World full of stupendous failures those thought ptg great picts or poems bcause treated great subj, when the vast proportions of their themes just pigmy their already dwarfish powers, while greatest creations of pencil and pen have lowly themes and humble subjects. Inspired artist turns to gold what he touches, but imitator turns gold to lead.

            Koehler suceeded in spite rather than by reason of his subj, alleg too stiff and formal in proportions to give pleasure in themselves to us of this day, have put them away with starched ruffs and rectangular pleasure grounds of 250 yrs ago. But can look at Germania simply as a pict, and alleg won’t trouble us.

            Germania a female fig noble proportions just roused fr sleep by Justice and Liberty, starts fr her bear skinto seize imperial sword and crown, Despotism and Discord flee. Compos simple easy of comprehens, figs marked with approp and distinctive char. Principal fig grand indeed in form and expression, in fulness of womanhood, more of truly heroic in mould of face and fig than in any mod ptg, head partic fine, features exceedingly well modeled and admirably expr of motive of compos, the sentiments of outraged Justice and waking Freedom. One of finest pts is hand grasps sword, a world of energy and desperate determination in clutch of finely formed fingers. Drapery simple and grand in effect unlike many Duss it is not elab ptd stuffs, color v gd, but wish had been ptd with fuller, warmer pencil, tone a little lower, gray shadows and half tints to help cold effect of color

            Secondary figs finely treated, have full force in arousing sympathy with sentiment of compos, but don’t divert attn. face of Liberty happy conception beaut in itself, doubly beaut in appropriate embodiment, nobility frankness purity calm happiness give thrill of delight to heart of beholder. Justice alm equally truthful, therefore less winning, inflexible, can’t charm, only win reason, ungrateful subj even to a sculptor. Despotism (chains) and discord (torch) have approp emblems, serpents, sufficiently hideous to gratify most enthusisastic republican, of whatever color. Finest specimen of higher style of art in collection, but still prefer Hasenclever’s Students’ Examination, Becker’s Reaper’s Return, and Schrodter’s Falstaff

9 letter fr Dusseldorf says Lessing’s Great Ptg Martyrdom of Huss just exhib at Acad of FA, visited by thous, will be shipped to NY, most sublime production

23 Anglo Knickerbocker fr London reports that the Natl Gall of Ptgs and Sculp tho displaying a questionable taste still a noble stately pile, had to be built to preserve a right of way footpath for humblest citizen, a monument to their rights. The Vernon Gall has been put in Marlborough Hse, look better than in cellars of NG, but ill placed still

24 more promotion of Huss, excerpted fr Eve Post, ptr of individualities, originality of psychological conception, will make serious impression on beholders

28 Tableaux—Fancy Hop at West Point—Cozzens Hotel: signed B, recall picture of the Venetian Bride and the Carnival at the Art-Union last year by Lang, one of our company here, helped organize them, included Circassian selling his daughter, Greek defense and dying, Novice, Spanish Lady, Love Letter, marriage, carnival. Alderman Cozzens.

Lots of praise and notices of Jenny Lind


Sept 1850

2 obit for John Inman, with his bro in law Fisher edited Spirit of the Times in 1830, but soon left for weekly NY Mirror under Geo P Morris as principal ed. 1834 went to Comm Advert as assistant to Stone, took over after his death. Also edited for a time the Columbian, several lit papers for NY Review, quarterly ed CS Henry. Followed by Robt A West at Commercial.

5 likes Harper’s. “The AA-U”  galleries open today, last night invitational, Jenny Lind attended, toured with Pres Cozzens. Galleries stronger in attraction than before. Reung, new purchases, more pics decidedly pleasing in subj and treatment than ever, attained a fair standard of excellence, improvement of our rising artists. Notice here some of the v best works exhib at NAD in spring.

            Charming lscapes by Durand and Church already have rep, but one of finest features of exhib is lage no of small pics boy artists of acknowl position whose large works it is impossible to buy in great quantities. Committee doesn’t just buy large canvases, but by buying more small ones diffuses taste better. Easier to put in homes too. None the less beaut in conception or treatment. Continues with a defense of the virtues of AAU and enumeration of its benefits.

20 Charleston resolves that if can’t recover Powers statue of Calhoun, get another of same character, and build a Temple for its shrine

25 ok with Griswold eviscerating Poe’s character. Genius must behave like others. Son of Coleridge defends father agst London Times accusations, quotes Allston, the Am artist, as saying he was the greatest man I ever knew.” NY Gall of FA now next to NAD opened doors, amateurs artists and critics gathered last night, notes usual artists, but mentions meritorious copies inclu one by Fisher, and picts of the Old Masters until recently at Lyceum. NAD and AAU toasted, Cozzens, also union and harmony among artists and patrons, Bellows spoke too, art as co-operator of relig

october 1850

4 Duss Gall: others less grand but more pleasing, 109 lscape by Lessing, v simple compos, one could study geology fr it, sky finest part. 111 Stag attacked by Wolves, excellent, form partic gd, eagerness and cowardice of wolves well expr, stag not enuf spirit too much pain, snowstorm heightens effect, Lachenwitz. Schulten like Lessing lacks atmospheric effect, common with Duss, 113. Leu’s Grand Northern Lscape unsatisfactory work of art, 119, too real, literal repro of a desolate place, awakens ideas of discomfort and gloom but not sublime. Literalness, particularity at odds with grandeur, even flowers in foregrd botanical. 120 Duke of Alba and Countess Catherine, Volkhart, she defends her people agst his plunder, defiance, compos pleasing and tells story, expressions appropriate, costume excellent but her clothes too stiff and prim for her character. Chas II Flying, Camphausen, 21, setting sun lurid, in keeping with sentiment, Chas looks forward his attendants look back.

            Of drwgs one is as gd as ptgs, 32 Children’s Bacchanal,  no story, 30 miniature figs, roistering, no gross or repulsive, mixes Germ grotesque with classical. Varied attitudes. Peasant genius discovered in the fields, also drwgs by Achenbach, Jordan.

5 alluded yesterday that Huss might not be shown here bcause of the tariff, demand of duties, but tariff says “ptgs imported in good faith, as objects of taste, and not as objects of merchandise, shall be exempt” so proprietor who imports for walls of private dwelling, no duty. How does public exhib for money make it an object of merchandise, proprietor doesn’t sell any portion of it or any of his right in it, and payer of 25 cents doesn't get any right that he can part with at a profit or for a consideration. Visitor just buys right to look, and erive pleasure and elevation of taste, which is why provision was part of tariff, for public gd to exhib artworks as freely as possible.

12 John Bigelow assist ed of Eve Post for last couple of years, likes his work on Jamaica. Goupil issuing hi class engr inexpensive, disting Americans, Fillmore, also capitlal pict Just in Tune of a rustic artist tuning his violin, one of best in an excellent series, Schauss a partner

29 defends Headley again. Card fr Independent explaining that only people responsible for its weekly content of the last two years are Leonard Bacon, Jos P Thompson, and RS Storrs with assistance in news dept (J of Commerce seems to disagree)

30 AAU: defends it being controlled by business men, key to its success, with liberal tastes. Some people judge exhib not by objects of institution, so find fault bcause there aren’t more masterpieces by most famous artists. To awaken taste and encourage talent, can’t just buy Durand, Huntington, Gray, Leutze, and Church—they don’t need encouragement, and don’t paint enough to influence very many.

            Rich in desirable lscapes by artists of first rank and rising, 198 Thanatopsis by Durand, placid and pensive beauty spoke of in our review of the NAD. Most of NAD works end up in AAU. Also Church’s Ira Mtn 216, one of his most effective works, Twilight 261, more of the charm and poetry of the subj, more power to awaken emotions than any other by an Am we’ve seen, and View nr Clarendon 232 fine specimen literal exactness of a dag, made poetical by his handling, one fault, shadows of trees in foregrd radiate fr a center but sun behind, shadows shld be parallel. Excellent artist

            Doughty 203 well composed his best manner, his 227 Early Winter also desirable; 236 View in Ulster Cty by JM Casilear must be v satisfactory to those who are continually seeking Am character in the works of our artists, possesses an excellence intrinsic and indep of association. 237 Kensett truthful representaiton of Catskill scenery, whole has air of careful study, tho not literal copy. 226 Solitude Pontine Marshes by Cropsey can’t speak so favorably, seems an unmeaning assemblage of blotches of paint, plus the subj could not be interesting however well treated.

            220 Coast Scene one of Huntington’s best, 323, 328, 331 348 talent assumes amphibious character, sea and lscapes, best sky painter, clearness of his ethereal blue.

            Leutze lscapes, 250,find power equal to his fig ptg, composed in orig and unhackneyed manner, yet unaffected, so eye stimulated and refreshed, quaint little church ptd with sweet feeling, atmosphere, other pleasing lscapes fr Durand, Chapman, Baker, Cranch Hubbard.

            Farm Mill 301 Geo Inness admirable for pictqueness and truth to nature of its compos

            Genre ptg in highest style, great advance of JW Glass, narrative power unusual, pics tell story for themselves, awaken observer’s interest in event, rln betw figs alw leads us to speculate on before and after immed moment he presents, esp 327 News fr the War and 316 Rival Suitors, latter has fine color and aerial persp, lots fr this artist, also 309 Mtg of Quixote and Panza with the Duchess, apprec of humor and pict effect, humot rdoes not degenerate into caricature. Don a gallant high minded gman, not a crazy scarecrow, horses full of spirit, char of noble animal, symp feeling, half turned saddle ofRozinante excellent, quiet pleasing tone and if a better manipulator would have no rival. Picts express something hardly an excellence in Art, but lends thema  great charm, they have a gmanly tone, diff to believe ptd by a man not instinctively kind, courteous, gentle, manly decided character, tho ignorant of the artist.

            A Chappell improves, Grave Diggers 335 full of humor character, first pics were flat and alm stiff as fig on a court card, amateurs would not purchase them, but AU encouraged power to portray character, v great intrinsic merit, paints fr observation and knowl of char not fr conventional types.

            Only allude to Hinckley’s Disputed Game 104 rival Landseer in spirit and successful use of materials.


November 1850

1 Calhoun statue: recovered, mostly undamaged, not discolored, by John D Johnson and his yacht

8 “The AU and its “Assailants”: long letter fr JK Fisher re 30th of October c&E article re underhand attacks on institution had not been onoticed but rrecoiled on themselves, envy and malice motives, so Fisher as an assailant responds. Should like to know whether the author was Quisquam who rep last year to articles in Home Journal, and if he is in management of AU, a friend assures me that he is. An Association has formed to commence operations which opposes the AU on personal grounds, not on the ground that its consittuion is vicious, many artists ready to aid any well planend movement to organize an institution that will leave drawers of prizes to select own works.

            Opposition is not dishonorable, AU is an oppressive govt, by inconsid friends of art, who intercepts patronage and diverts it fr its natural and best course, professes to patronise merit but purchases inferior works at hi prices and effectually stigmatises all who do not accept its dominion. Subscribers sell their works to injury of private commissions. No set of men have right to set up such a govt in affairs of art, no political oligarchy.

            No men not even greatest artists can be relied on to judge of any qualities that are not to be found in established works. All that is orig is opposed as false, and v slowly overcomes prejudice. The fewuninstructed persons of natural susceptibility are only ones who will foster rising genius that dares to depart fr manner of locality it lives in, therefor complete liberty is safest. No academic distinctions, no posts of honor in exhib, no committees allowed, not evidences of merit, not conferred withotu personal considerations, do not develop private judgment.

            Reply: Fisher an artist of more merit perhaps than rep, don’t know his rlnshp to AU, his hostility may spring fr his love of Art. Article he inquires about on the 30th was editorial. Refutes argument that AU depresses patronage

11 notices JG Bennett beaten by John Graham, for personal abuse

12 Cosmopolite the Paris corresp notes new bldg for annual exhib of living artists, long praise of Vernet. Notices new Putnam publications, inclu John P Ridner treatise on pigments, a General View of the Fine Arts by a lady under supervision of Huntington, Beranger in transl by Wm Young, ed of Albion

16 AAU: Fisher writes again, argues that total spent on art is overblown (doesn’t count reports, bulletin, frames) and that Academy artist says has fewer commissions now. Opposition not just destructive, wants a free gallery and a-u on diff plan, notes editor is a member of the Committee. Editorial response: a few artists may not monopolize all the patronage now as they used to do, bu patronage has vastly increased. Editorial articles not written by any member of the AU.

22 likes Edw Mansfield of Ohio and Alton Locke by Kingsley.

23 has been critical of protesters of Merc Lib lectures, ascribes their dissent to partisanship. Reviresco, one of the protesters, writes in that they are not anti-Catholic but wish lecturers to avoid any relig or sectarian or partisan topics/principles


December 1850

3 Card fr Boker re Huss, Lessing’s compositions are not ideal or learned, still less extravagant, require no study to be understood and admired, such truth everybeholder sees instantly, attraction consists in characteristic originality and proficiency like real life

4 notices Sumner’s book of speeches with praise; Phila AU annual print is Mercy’s Dream by Huntington, praise their liberality

6 HJR was editor for last year while Webb was in Europe; Puffs Panorama of Pilgrim’s Pog esp for kids, design by May, a younger artist. And praises AAU engravings

9 Lessing a sensation; will review later

10 Express accuses HJ Raymond of being a tool of Weed, I think. HJR wants to start a Whig paper. Personal enmity with Erastus Brooks.

11 puffs AAU; 16 publishes list of art to be distrib

18 hope new Whig mayor Kingsland won’t replace police commissioner Matsell bcause he was a Dem

more puffs of AAU and of Huntington’s engraving by PhilAU

23 gives Cozzens speech at distrib, his urging decoration of Capaitol in DC by Am artists

24 as usual covers New Engl dinner, Bellows, Grinnell, Webster etc. “The Fine Arts in Washington” corresp in private letter tells us abt banker Corcoran, charitable, also bldg a gallery on his mansion for display of choice coll, foreign pics but also Am art, Cole’s Departure and Return, a duplicate of Mercy’s Dream, Gignoux, Oddie, Lanman, Boggs and others, then lists other DC collectors



January 1851

4 notices Phil AU distrib, that Huntington’s ptg was valued at $1000. Notices Greenough got pd $20,000 for his group for DC

24 takes fr Trib  Bayard Taylor’s endorsement of Cogswell’s pano of Mex

29 obit for Audubon; notices Park Benjamin popular poem on Fashion, Greeley talk; ad for Homestead Art Union, engr of La Siesta, 99 framed oil ptgs, involves real estate too, at Hooper & Brothers Looking Glass store on Fulton st

Feb 1851

7 Daybook blackmailing merchants by publishing them as abolitionists

18 Leutze’s Geo Wash cross Del purchased by Goupil for $7000, plan to engrave and exhibit

24 notes sale in DC of Mrs Madison’s coll of household effects inclu impot portraits by Stuart, Trumbull and Vanderlyn

25 The Art Exchange of the City is Williams & Stevens (a regular and big advertiser), gems of art shld be noticed critically as much as those in our public galleries; have modern art and copies of old masters; DeBraekeleer with exquis finish but none of grossness of 17thc Dutch and Flemish. Copy of Guido. Lscapes by Inness, whose talents we’ve spoken of before in hi terms, rich and full tho quiet tone of color and easy composition, naturalness in this last respect alw a characteristic of him, to such a degree that perhaps his works have seemed too much like literal transcripts fr nature, but has left this fault far behind and works marked with stronger thought, deeper feeling and more vivid imag; has purchasers at gd prices. Like a large lscape by Huntington, fascinating pencil. Spirited copy of a sea piece by Doughty fr Ruisdael is a refutation of Ruskin’s argument no one can paint sea truthfully but Turner. Watercolors of best Engl school, high finish, effect of light.

            Prints fr Landseer’s great ptgs Peace and War $120 and other even more costly prints


March 1851

1 p.3 Veritas, Corresp fr DC, reports that Corcoran has bought Powers’ Grk Slave, already has Huntington’s masterpiece Mercy’s, rare that anyone estab an Amer art gall, courage and tact to rise above the prejudices and partialities that foreign travel and society have fixed ass arbitrary standards, deserves tribute

4 promotes the Clinton monument at Greenwood; Salter’s cosmoramas; reports on lottery concern broken up, a World’s Fair Art Union run by I Townsend at 50 Wall st arrested with swindling people by taking money for lottery tickets.

5 praises the New Yorker, a new penny paper, gmanly tone respectable, Wm Fairman and CD Stuart

13 Geo Sand as corrupt and corrupting, tho earlier had a positive notice of her memoirs (also liked Wuthering Heights and loves Eliz B Browning)

17 puffs Henry’s auction of ptgs and other works of art exhibiting at Society Library, copies of old masters, also one of Venus Medici; 19 Leeds has a puff too

22 Huntington lecture on xtian art at Hope Chapel, talents, devotion to branch of noble art, study in Euro, ably and with right feeling, volunteers

24 Noah dead; anti-tax merchants mtg inclu Peter Cooper; 26 Anglo Knickerbocker on the Great Exhib notes that the central ornament on easst side will be sculp by Baron Marochetti of Richard Lionheart

April 1851

2 Am won’t be well represented at Great Exhib except by daguerreotypes, where we excel

11 doesn’t think much of Am Whig Rev

12 p.2 NAD review: generally consid more pleasing and superior in merit, lscapes the strong pt, remarkable fr foreign and native,some interesting and hi meritorious fig pieces and heads fr subj and exec strong attractions. Wish cld set out fully principles govern our crit, but must be brief, and also defer comment on Lessing’s Huss

            1st gallery: 12 Kellogg’s full length of Scott, for city of NY, admirable, worthy. Artist supposes conqueror of Mex to be standing in the conq city,doesn’t fill it with commonplace of milit ports. Burning linstock, musket, Mex flag with broken staff tell the story and fix the place, and even these are not obtrusive. Remarkable likeness, only one conveys features and expr of the orig.  careful drdwg, accurate modeling,conscientious pains abiity knowl. Most obvious fault is v bright tone, but light is of broad day and open air. Extremities and details not finished so highly as is usual in Kellogg, but recd but $500, could not afford toelab it further. 5 times that sum hardly enuf for his port.

            In corresp position across rm is Vanderlyn’s port of late Pres Genl Taylor, also full length, 23. Air of truthful likeness, so interesting, but not ptg expected from his rep, feeble, without relief, decision of outline, chiaroscuro, poorly modeled, and flesh making allowance for effect of sun, too much the texture and color of leather. However a natural expression and ease if not grace of position.

            Between them 16 The Ideals by Rossiter, embodied types of Moral, Intellectual and Physical Beauty, arduous and ambitious task, no little praise to say not a failure. Fine taste in selection of types, uses brilliant color with pleasing if startling effect, and a command of resources of light which we are sorry to say is a rare excellence. Wish it were in lower but stronger tone, so color with all its richness less glaring, that the drwg as in the bust of Phys Beauty and union of arm with her trunk, were more correct, and heads had less the effect of copies fr a drawing book.  But shows artist’s advance, Rossiter has yet exhib nothing equal to this.

            1 Deluge by Church, much power, diff to handle, dangerous fr comp with embodiments by great hands. Judiciously confined himself to a large and simple treatment, calc to arouse awe and terror, detail avoided except 2 humans, and toppling tiger, terrified eagle cowers. Vast wave, huge wrestling arms in terrific conflict, ark floats in only spot of repose. Well done but not a pleasing work, perhaps no hand can make the subj pleasing. Church more happy in his figs than many lscape ptrs, but still wld benefit fr more study. Group is spirited, tiger partic gd, maddened cluch of his claws v well expressed, but want of proportion betw body, head and arm of female fig must be obvious to the artist.


14 now disagree entirely with Seward re Fugitive Slave law. 15 missing. 25 best likeness of Webster (fr Harding ptg) ever seen in litho now. 28, 29 missing.

May 1851

1 notices AAU, and in one of our City exchanges a notice of recent works of Swezey, most promising monumental designers in city, in Astor place, one to memory of late Commod Chauncey for Congressional burial grounds, bas relief, yard has many gems, fifty workmen, artizans of merit

2 p. 2 NAD: first room has 4 lscapes of extraord merit, differ entirely in style and treatment, Boutelle, Cropsey, Durand and Huntington. Last two have elsewhere much finer specimens, but in Trout Stream with Shower and Southern Italy, Boutelle and Cropsey reach highest yet attained, display of power shows culmination may yet be distant.

            Boutelle 43 work of lover of Nature for own sake, devotee even if did not hope to fix charms on canvas, disciple of Izaak Walton, no one else would make angler brave the storm. Local truth and happy embodiment of spirit of scene disting beaut pic, set in souther N Eng or NY, village with church cupola, afternoon in late May or early June, angler homeward bound tempted to a few more casts, realest charms of angling are the alm unconscious reception of bright images of beauty make it the contemplative man’s reception.

            Every lscape ptr shld be angler, gets sidelong glimpses of unutterable loveliness while seemingly intent on another pleasure, not vouchsafed to those who go with prying and premeditated boldness. Crit of picture? Meddles not with outlines and pigments, lights and shadows, foregrd and distance, successful ptr embodies with lively truth the sentiment of the scene, excites the emotions he felt and thoughts he pursued on the spot where he places spectator. Most successful ptr who feels the deepest emotion in Nature’s presence and canvass can make world see and feel that which else it would not. Handling worthy all praise too, local color remarkably truthful, textures of stone, moss, foliage, trees etc finely expr in foregrd, tone of color thruout pleasing and natural, forms of trees exceedingly gd, placed where they shld be, verdure remrarkable for local and specific truth, a point where Cole and Durand equally erred with differing palettes. Sky where rain breaks misty. Beams of light thru gaps in foliage gild glistening leaves, perhaps could have given work thruout a fhigher finish and made forms clearer in foregrd. Style is charming and satisfying tho not grand.

            Cropsey’s 37 Southern Italy is entirely unlike the last in character, treatment and feeling. A Grand Lscape, labored composition, observation at diff times and places, combo of reminiscences blent with no unskillful hand into whole, with bits here and there which tho not inconsistent perhaps with the whole are extraneous to and separate themselves fr it in observer’s mind. Not as with Boutelle the result of a single impression on artist’s mind, yet this is not inconsistent with truthfulness of seeming or with that local truth abt which in this lscape we don’t profess to speak. Bears thruout the impress of fine poetic taste, production of elegant mind, of one too not unconsciously so, but ambitious of elegance, and desirous of fully expressing the refined cast of its thought. Mark Akenside was one such poet. But product of this somewhat complicated process is v fine lscape, far beyond every previous effort, scarce believe fr same hand as Pontine Marshes in AU Gall. Richness of color, far reaching and finely varied surface, andd keeping of composition, make pict alw contemp w/pleasure. Distance seems too clear, but may be effect of Ital air, tho having lived there, doubt it. To the keeping of the pict take one exception, a serious one, light and tone in which it’s ptd are inconsistent with position of sun in heavens, at that time of the afternoon, for such clouds never appear in the mrning, the sun is no longer white. Cropsey gives a beaut morning light, tho sun within an hour or two of setting. Some wind too belongs to such a sky, but trees show no breeze, and are wanting in atmosphere amid somewhat heavy and formless foliage. Point out principal faults bcause ptg has so much excellence and will so surely please all; omit lesser faults.

            Durand’s Katerskill Cove 31 one of his most finished pics, and same time least pleasig, while Huntington’s Cavern in the Mtn is comparatively crude yet full of interest. Durand has hardly ptd a pic where all parts made out with more painstaking and conscientious care and profound knowl, ea tree and rock with botanical and geological faithfulness, not only its individ characteristics but place and rlns. (bad pun on gneiss). Wonderful air of reality. But usual charm not there, marvelous literal transcript of nature, but that’s all, long for poetry in his other lscapes.

            Huntington’s has no look of reality, except the deep limpid and mobile pool of water, but rocks nondescript to make Buckland crazy, heaped to puzzle the Titans, and clouds assembled on principle defies Prof Reid. Texture too muddy, save in centre where they light up and break finely away fr lovely sky, such as few artists among us are able to paint. But in these rough bonds artist enchained a wild spirit of beauty, gloomy charms look with ever increasing pict. Embodies sentiment feel on rugged mtn top, with cold forbidding heaven above, a seeming paradox that is a truth in art, pit in details and comp inconsistent with any reality, yet shall not be untruthful, so possess highest requisites of Poetry in taking hold of mind and heart. Many such have been ptd and will be in spite of the Oxford Graduate.


12 support donations to national GW monument. 14 NY reception of Pres Fillmore, CM Leupp active and board of NY & Erie rrd. 15 missing.

Has had articles reviewing the politics and character of both the London and the Paris press.

17 Raymond stopped writing for C&E in Dec 1850; had become increasingly anti-slavery during his service in Albany, his opnions at odds with C&E which approved compromises

19 a Monday; fr NY Herald of Sat, excerpts card from Willis on Webb, correcting him. Says 5-6 yrs ago when editing daily paper, re school girl wild virtuous lawless, who wrote him letters. Returned them to her family, Webb present, accuses him now of ruining the girl.

            Webb says explained to London Morning Post the cause of Willis’ enmity to him in an article in the Home Journal (of 1850) . Reiterate our charge. Willis’ account a fiction. Geo P morris as personal friend of Willis, coproprietor of Home Journal, allowed him to publish assault on private character, are willing to show him the letters and one from the seduced victim.

            Then a second article about the Express synopsis of C&E article about Day Book and Home Journal says we charged willis with writing in the Day Book, but not true, and Day Book denies Willis wrote its abusive attack on us, and Evening Express of Sat proclaims Stimson never spoke to Willis.

22 continues, Willis publishes his reply in the Herald, refuses offer of Morris, Webb may’ve tampered with it. 23 short of murder won’t put anything personal in his columns again


May 31 Am Art-Union: large gall has been open, with inevitable conseq a studied and futile attempt to depreciate the pics displayed, and growth of subscription list. AAU directed to secure broad and permanent success for Arts of Design in this country. Opposition in almost all cases springs fr personal and interested motives, in great no of instances we know it to be so. Motives not alw pecuniary, but origin in envy, hatred, malice and uncharitableness.

            Much fault finding results fr downright ignorance of carpers, as when one seemingly intellig gman began to complain of poverty of exhib, asked present member of Committee why such miserable daubs allowed on walls. He was requested to be less general in his remarks, to specify an unworthy one. He pointed to what he said was a wretched affair. Answer was fine specimen of Blanchard, a v disting Fr painter, that took first prize in Rome, color and form remarkably beaut and texture never better expressed in angel’s wing, on exhib only price is $2500. Discomfited critic replied that may be, I know nothing abt ptg.

            In other case a contemporary honestly with no unkind feeling found fault with sentiment of a Holy Family among copies loaned for exhib, child partic objectionable, a copy of a famous Raphael. Such outright blunders may be rare, but fair exponents of competence for criticism of great many. And all critics apt to forget that object of AU is to promote Fien arts, encourage rising talen as well as risen.

            First in merit is Woodville’s Game of Chess, most charming genre pict yet fr easel of Am artist, will compare well with any modern specimen. Unites most careful attn to detail and delicate handling with noble treatment of light and shadow and strikingly truthful embodiment of character and expression, fig of father overlooking game one of most successful.

            Peasants of the Rhine 11 by E Johnson, at Duss, intrinsic merit and promise, large and simple style of compos, fine pose of woman on hillside, effect obtained highly pleasing.

            Hamlet and Ophelia No 2 by Mrs Spencer contains some v fine ptg tho embodiment of character is not successful, but head and face of Hamlet show handling of which best of our artists need not be ashamed. But Mrs Spencer’s most successful pict, one in which she seems to have struck a new and rich vein, is Washerwoman at the Tub, not numbered, but admirable little work in ptg and expression. The fair laundress, fair, though a worker, has stayed to enjoy a passing joke, face beams fr canvass complete embodiment of gd nature, merriment and content. Firm knubby flesh, stout tho womanly hands and arms, sloppy details all finely expressed. Wld do well to follow up with others of similar style, tho not hi art, still affords a hearty and geniuine pleasure.

            Hinckley our best animal ptr, Rabbit Hunting 90, dogs v spirited and v accurately ptd, boy not quite so well, dead rabbits admirable. Wants in inferior part of art, color, lacks clearness and vividness.

            Fine lscapes by Cropsey, 200 Sybil’s Temple is his best except for Southern Italy now at Academy; 157 View nr Nemi also fine specimen, 125 Bareford Mtns full of fine pts and thoroughly Am in spirit. All his pics show fine imagination and rich palette; fault is want of atmospheric effect.

            127 Mtn Vista by Durand, one of his most truthful and charming studies fr nature, seen with a poet’s eye.

            131 Road Scene by Hicks sweet and rich piece of color, broad sketchy effect, does not pretend to be carefully made out but end sought is attained.

            Boutelle pict remarkable for local truth, 49 East River Scenery, water full of motion, wind stromg among trees, shore seems alm literal reproduction of some spot we know.

            Just give our judgment here without speaking critically, call attn to them for visitors, also 18 Preparing for xmas by Edmonds, 46 Snow Scene Leonori, 64 Dagobert by Nahl, 136 Cavalier, one of noblest heads by Elliott, who paints the greatest ones in most respects fr Am easels, 171 Rapids at Niagara by Hess. Some copies with Blanchard lend interest.


June 1851

10 Willis affair continues, legal case by the Coddingtons to get the letter, Webb comes into court with a copy of NY Herald notifying him of his failure to appear, defends himself with an affidavit w/o counsel. 12 missing.

Still loves Hamblin and Hunt’s, not enthus re Am Whig R, loves So Lit Mess. Comm Advert seems to like Napoleon; C&E thinks he’s bad news.

July 1851

1 Mary Inman exposed as Willis-Webb controversy

4 Ary Scheffer’s New Work: few lovers of pictures who don’t delight in his Christus Consolator, eminent late H Inman said greatest since Raphael, simplicity and force of composition, purity of sentiment, unrivalled place in mod art, tho author inferior in color and chiaracuro to many of his contemporaries, in higher qualif is their master. Companion ptg for same eminent hse that engraved first has now been pubd, at Goupil, subj natural to other, Remunerator, dispensing justice rather than consolation, more individualized so not as good as previously. Goupil will show Leutze’s soon.

10 editorial notes US didn’t appear well at Great Exhib , a poor figure, bcause we are not a manufacturing nation bound with a surplus pop without food and willing to labor for a silling a day, nor surlus manufacturers looking for a market, not a nation o f paupers, so no place in grand exhib of pauper labor of Europe got up to save them from starvation. English white slave system produces their accomplishments, we lack their child labor, their illiterates, their colonies of enslaved races. Our gimcracks don’t show the evidence of surplus labor and the hi finishr esulting fr it, but exhib the thought and intellect, freedom fr toil, inventive genius

15 notices Copway’s Am Indian approvingly.

21 London Art J: approves it, agrees with attack on pre Raphaelites but thinks it’s argued v feebly and Ruskin cld demolish it, engravings fr Vernon’s bequest include one after Stothard that demonstrates where sentiment is wanting, nothing else matters, v unpleasing.

23 puffs Lauder Scotch artist version of Scott’s Trial of Effie Deans, litho by Currier 152 Nassau

28 corresp LD more enthusiastic abt Exhib, shld encourage home industry with own exhib, patronize artists like Powers. Mot caricatures in US are wretched, characterless, pointless, humorless, incomprehensible save for stupid speeches put into mouths of individuals. 2 bks fr 74 Fulton st have litho caricatures of much merit, inclu Barnum and Jenny Lind, Rowdy Short Boy, and Parodi as Norma, hope he’ll be encouraged

30 Pedestrian corresp fr London re Great Exhib, notes in Brit Fine Arts section remarkable chromos, brought to perfection


finished July 1851. Skipped August 1851. Sept 1851.

1 p. 1 Lola Montes is a prostitute, no talent, insult that she will come here, evid of growing corruption. 2 promotes Raymond’s Times. 3 anti-Lopez and Cuba annexation. 10 publishes letter fr Palmerston acknowl TS Cummings’ copy of a Stuart port of Martha Wash as gift for Vic. 11 missing. 18 Summer Sketches no. 3, fr Cape Ann, Mass., shld need a pencil and skill of my friend Eliott, or rather of Huntingdon, for Elliott now I remember paints only faces, while Huntingdon paints sea views, and v fine ones too, to convey anything like the variety of views here. Signed P. 23 AAU: 150 artists, authors and others gathered for opening of gallery for season, inclu Conrad, Secy of War, Leutze welcomed, health toasted to HJ Raymond Speaker of Assembly, Gen Wetmore toasted National art, no sectional home, Osgood spoke on art allied to relig, nature and god, Thompson of the Lit Messenger there, also Griswold, Chas Dana and Parke Godwin. Hi order of merit for art there, coll of antique busts repay exam.

October 1851

4 letter fr Rome to a southern paper mentions Crawford’s model of Patric Henry for Virginia Washington monumnet has recd hi praise fr ex-King of Bavaria, bas-relief of trampling tyannical oppressions nearly finished, architectural portion supervised by Mills rising in graceful and elegant proportions. 8 puffs Healy’s Great Union Picture, now at NAD rooms, good subj well portrayed. 10 puffs Gurney’s dags. Bishop Hughes refusing to allow burials now at Greenwood Cem. 14 a defense of Am Inst Fair showing juvenile works, that a sign board for a tavern in Phila, first effort of Benj West, considered trifling and worthless except by a few connoisseurs, but v foundation of his greatness and renown. 17 missing. 18 puffs sale of marble statuary fr Italy at HH Leeds, inclu group by Kirk, Creation of the Dimple for Dublin Art Union. 21 missing. 22 Dusseldorf Gall: additions to collection since opened inclu Huss and Germania, Huss has merit and interest has not recd full meed of praise fr those who undertake to direct public taste. Those who praise it faintly or censure its mode of treatment judge on false method of supposing but one way to treat a great event upon canvass and hold an artist responsible to a principle he does not profess, and even heartiest admirers don’t recognize strong and truthful expression, clearly defined yet delicately distinguished individuality and singleness of interest which are its strong points. Too late now to speak in more detail, but call attn to it.

27 Leutze’s GW opens tomorrow, tonight for editors, critics, connoisseurs, amateurs and eminent gossips of the town, that impt class who may be called the reputation makers to the public. Will be favorable, stir great heart of the people with sympathy. 29 Leutze’s pict: touched heart of every one present, glow in cheek even if eye cold, careful to eschew extravagance for fear of national interest controlling it.

Opposes Union Safety Comm, linked with J of Comm. 31 Home Bk of Pictques, Home Bk of Beauty advertise

November 1851

6 p. 1 corresp of Galignani writes fr Italy that Crawford Am sculp of great merit is making a colossal group of statues for Am govt, equestrian, Washington, Patrick Henry and Jefferson, $100,000, 7 figs at all to be cast in Munich. Correction, it’s for Virginia. 8 missing. 16 missing.

18 Home Book of Beauty—review of this annual in Sat paper (missing) not called out censure, but if seen it, had not published it, production of a friend who occasionally notices books for us, so didn’t scrutinize. Don't feel called on to condemn our ladies for permitting Martin to furnish copies of their Portraits to the publishers, and reviewer’s fault finding not based on principle, since he’d be ok with it if their names were removed. Equally immodest to publish anonymously. But a question of private taste either way, Press has nothing to do, Portraits are not faithful likenesses of the originals, indeq loveliness, know most of the originals, they have cause for complaint.  Wash Cross Del: strong hold on public sympathies, academic excellence satisfies critic, composition replete with life, truth and vigor, color Leutze never more successful.

19 notices American Walter Gould’s  port of Kossuth, not so complimentary as others, but more truthful, Goupil will engrave,

21 very unenthusiastic re Kossuth. 22 Bishop Hughes increasingly hostile to Greeley.

26 long review of London Art J, praises Schwanthaler’s colossal Bavaria as having spirit and expr totally diff fr English sculpt, which lack its unity of feeling, elevation of sentiment, concentration of emotion, or quiet consciousness of superior existence, which makes sublime, not triviality of effigy. No statue shld look like portraiture or homely spirit of every day life, as most mod sculptors do, give alleg fig the look of his wife or his mistress in robes and a bear skin.

27 missing.

December 1851

4 Gould’s port of Kossuth is exhib in rooms with Leutze’s GW. Note that port of Gov Fish to be ptd by Hicks, and James Boorman for Hudson Riv RRd by Gray; Huntington painting for Governors of Alms Hse, Simeon Draper, glad to hear such able hands. Pleasure of seeing Draper’s portrait with those of others inclu Chas Eastlake and also Christianan and her Children in Huntington’s studio. H’s last trip to Euro, his third, devd his widely admired powers, devoted attn to portraiture, invigorating effect but lost none of his own peculiar and charming style.

8 AAU: collection richer in interest and academic merit than any heretofore, engraving of Woodville’s admirable, characteristic and thoroughly national pict Mexican news. 9 missing. 12-22 missing. 23 puffs Missolonghi gallery, to be sold in Nat Acad rooms, remarkably interesting. Enemy to Kossuth. 29 missing.


Jan-June 1852

January 1852, starts on the 13th, 15th missing, others.

23 likes new satirical paper the Lantern

26 gives Forrest divorce case verdict, crowd approved of alimony, et al. C&E seems on Catharine Sinclair’s side in case. C Edwards Lester has notice about his Herald of the Union, recommends Wm Gallagher lec


2 does not really approve of Mrs Forrest appearing in School for Scandal as Ldy Teazle

20 notices Leutze’s GW crossing Delaware starting its second season


4 p. 1 addresses Bryant’s eulogy on Cooper, quotes Trib on his errors re the libel suits, not uniformly successful, not about crit of his books, not liberal in his behav, made neither money nor credit, got money out of Weed bcause of Regency partisans who perverted justice, C&E agrees they alw triumphed over Cooper. Notes that he with Bryant and a C&E associate Daniels started the Art Union, Daniels quarreled with Bryant in the press, Bryant cut Webb and denied on oath that he knew him

6 ladies of VA ordered statue of Clay fr Hart in Florence.

10 Legal Intellig, Art Union vs NY Herald, Recorder directed indictment agst the herald to be quashed, virtually making AU illegal. Indictment was based on libellous material in the paper, quashing based on illegal lotteries which makes indictment defective. No editorial on it.

March 29 missing, 31-2 missing.

April 1852

3 Delaroche’s Napoleon at Stuyvesant worthwhile; 9 long puff of it, godlike Napoleon, grand spirit unmoved amid suffering. 14 missing. 20 missing. NAD is advertising. 23 abhor LNap as usurper, but admire his ability of his dynasty. 24 missing. Likes Alice Cary. 29 missing.

May 1852

1 supports School for Design for Women, advisory comm includes Mrs Geo Curtis and Geo W Curtis, AJ Downing, RB Minturn, CM Leupp, Jon Sturges and wife, others. 4 missing. 5 notices sale of Boker’s old masters. 7 notices city’s contract with Greenough and Brown for GW statue, neutral

8 p. 2 NAD

first impression of visitor is unsatisfying, walls covered with waste of colored canvass in frames too costly for what they contain, hope that genius such of old will dawn seems vain, ptrs of our day and generation as miserable compounds of conceit and ignorance. True in NY, as in London, Paris, Dresden, Naples. But opinion modifies, some gleam of color or form wins the eye, fair proportions, sunshine, certain pics absorb attn to exclusion of others, censure on all now withdrawn and some rise in favor and rival memories of masters of past.

            Remember this on your first circuit, even patience modest judgment and many visits may not enable great favor for bulk, for most are unworthy of attn, far inferior to past average. Ports abound, but a really gd port is a really fine pic, with proper aim and requisite abili hi and profitable profession. Were half the pics on the wall gd ports, we’d be content, but more than half are such v bad ports, caricatures of faces that need no such derogation, not content. More discreditable ports this season than before, lscapes and fig pieces few rise above mediocrity or give promise.

            Among this ruined canvass some of greater merit than usual, like Walton will try to put frog on a hook as if we loved him, tho frog and artist entirely insensible to affectionate character of the operation.

            29 Gallantry of Raleigh, Leutze, well known story, easy to tell in pictorial treatment, pleasing in all its parts tho commonplace in some, satisf as a whole, in some pts charming indeed. As often happens, unessential part of compos is by far the finest, the group behind Raleigh, kneeling mom and child, old man and youth, harmony of lines and colors a masterpiece, graceful manner connected with principals by dogs frisking, not surpassed. Pict not one of peculiar signif, and doesn’t lose by the want. Greater individ in faces, varied expr, defective drwg of limbs, but nearly perfect in its kind.

            24 port by JB Flagg, look of life, admirable flesh color, charming embodiment of placid content and lady like repose, unpretending air and solid excellence, cultivated taste will be pleased by it. Contrast of color by two figs on path v grateful but undecided green is not that of nature.

            31 Port Rev John Bird, Sumner, Archibishop Canterbury, Huntington, not one of his happiest efforts, diff subj, white wig and white lawn detract fr force of head, swallow its lights, enfeeble its shadows, give whole a misty air. Face still has char, compos dignified, and impression not wanting in refinement of all his pics. Success in England, dupe ordered.

            Terry 33 Jacob’s Dream will win more approval than admiration, merit of grace and dignity, fine effect of light on drapery, yet v unsatisfactory treatment, fails to awaken kindred emotions to those in sleeper. Perhaps impossible for art to do that, then art shld avoid the subj. Compos is as gd as any.

            Inness some lscapes show him man of talent, perhaps genius, akin to Gainsborough in tone of thought tho more inclined to gloom of spirit. 3-4 lsapes here, all have merit, none evidence he has put himself on canvass, overwhelmed with reminiscences of old lscape ptrs, dim misty undecided, no clear idea of his own design. Best is 40 Gleam of Sunshine, foregrd has sweet rich finely contrasted color. Hope will come out of the fog, before he went abroad lovely pics pervaded with sentiment of their/his own so had power, shld keep his own individuality

10 praises Geo W Curtis’s impressionistic travel writing. 13 missing. 14 regularly notices auctions at Leeds et al of orig old masters. 18 missing. 19 or 20? 25 notices that the Greek Slave article in the Lantern one of its better hits; notices again new additions to Duss Gall esp a Madonna by Muller. 26 missing, 29 missing. 31 seems opposed to Homestead Act, will create sectional problems. Sentinel at Demo convention says Young America using terms old fogey too much, underestimate Cass’s strength.

June 1852

1 missing. [June 5 1852 C&E has article on NAD by Curtis??] 7 notices successful artist Huntington going back to Europe, long course of study, auctioning his stuff, purity of taste and under peculiar advantages, inclu Trib Money now on walls of NAD, adv.by Leeds calls it genteel, notes he has Cole’s Cross in the Wilderness and Inman’s White Plume, a Durand, and others

8 puffs engraving of Veronese’s marriage at Cana engr by Goupil and sold at Wms Stevens Wms. 9, 11 missing. Ends with 18th.



July 1852

2—whole paper black bordered for death of Clay. King, celeb Amer sculpt, studio destroyed by fire in Tremont Temple Boston, has marble to reproduce head of Webster, best likeness of him ever in any media. 7 wanted Webster as pres nominee but will support Scott. 8 praises stereoscope. 13 Webb pub Scott letter in the Evening Mirror in June 1848, on Native(ism) Americans.14 publishes names of those in NYC who gave $20 or more to Wash Monument Assoc: James Lenox, Danl Austin, Wm Astor, Gov Fish, Oliphant and Son, JW Webb, WC Bryant, Conkling, Tallmadge, James Brooks, Greeley & McElrath, James G Bennett, Robt  Morris, Minturn, Havemeyer, Wm Endicott.

20 Angel of the Resurrection is name Brown sculptor given to statue to be cast in bronze for entrance to a neighboring cemetery. Fine forms, grace of position, easy flow of drapery, same caster as did fine basso relievo for entrance to Appleton’s new bldg, first and second bronze in this country, entirely Amer work, intrinsic merit, . At the store of agents of Ames & Co in Broadway, design and finish is beaut, some fault with concept as messenger of resurrection, alighting on earth with hands in opp directions, is this attitude of one summoning dead to arise? Utter message with both hands lifted palms up to skies?

Skipped August

September 1852

13 corresp fr Washington ‘Inspector’ writes of Pueblo Indian delegation, accomp by Mr Stanley, genius as a painter, enterprise as a man, eyewitness, colors of unfailing truth, councils held by Genl Taylor and Kearney, faithful delineator, gallery is meritorious contrib  to Am art.

15 notices JG Chapman’s Am Drwg Bk, absurd assertion that anyone can learn to draw, it is simple, clear and thorough in instructions, component parts, working details explained, illustrations.

16 Lovers of Fine Arts glad Wm Schaus selling engravings. 24 likes Wallack and Keene. 25 critical of Hawthorne selling out with Pierce bio.

October 1852

2 Jerome Thompson, native artist of this city, leaves for Liverpool fr Phila to execute portraits for a Yorkshire gman and study on continent. 5 John Harper leading a City Reform League agst corrupt awarding of jobs, Leupp a member. 8 Stowe uses exceptional cases to typify the slave system, misrepresents it. Can’t sell kids from mom til they are 10 without paying a fine. Forrest performing successfully at Broadway. 9 Chas M Leupp gave copies of Elgin Marbles to Free Academy

11 Bryan Gallery of Art: at old NAD rms, in Soc Lib bldg, ptgs by disting masters of great mert, rarity and antiquity, Byz to present, as to originality won’t give opinion. Advert calls it Xtian art. Also an ad for a panorama of Scott’s campaign in Mex. 20 Likes Burton’s theatre. 25 Danl Webster dies—does black borders for more days than he has for anyone else. 26 excerpts Eve Mirror’s praise of Wood’s minstrels.

November 1852

1 Eco d’Italia supports the Whigs, also publishes a campaign paper in French. 4 notices King’s bust of Webster again 5 blames loss of election on Whigs who wouldn’t vote for Scott bcause of his tainted with Free Soil pledges, he refused to endorse the Compromise. 6 Fan of Thackeray.

22 p. 1 notices the horse’s stability in Mills’ statue of Jackson at DC is being tested. 23 notices auction of late John Clark’s coll of some 250 oil ptgs, Lyman & Co.

December 1852

2 happy about Louis Napoleon, French can’t govern themselves. 4 Enthus supporter of 5 Pts Mission. Seems to have liked Fillmore pretty well. 10 covers Bancroft’s lecture at Hist Soc, rambling, Republics are fit for devt of art in widely diffused capacity to enjoy them, artists spring up in nature and work for great and free people, flattering but not just. Cited Powers’ Grk Slave, but had no govt commission. City tho shld spend first on parks, clean streets, individs must encourage, a museum (think public won’t vote funds for  it, people too acquisitive when it comes to art). 13 notices sale of Art Union pictures starts on 15th, all disting ptrs represented, Leutze, Durand, Huntington, Gray, Church, Kensett, Woodville, Hinckley, Edmonds, Gignoux, Ranney, Rotherwell, Croopsey, Peele and JW Glass. Ad lists Page, E Palmer, and H Muller too.

16 letter fr “America” to editors re Geo Bancroft’s lecture, says that he ought to mention in addition to Powers, Henry Kirk Brown, colossal statue of De Witt Clinton in bronze for Greenwood, and commission for equestrian statue of GW in bronze at cost of $30-40.000, for Union Square. Editor says justly lauds talent of Brown, but not internationally known like Powers.Bancroft spoke with decided disfavor of monmental art in cemeteries. 20 missing.

21 p.1 Death of Horatio Greenough: gives account fr Boston Advertiser, including that under Van Buren admin got his last contract, alleg group for pediment of east portico of Capitol, still at Leghorn. P. 2 Webb is selling at auction thru Austen his own coll of statuary, worth $1500 as a whole. Ad says was exhib at AU rooms in 51-52, and was collected by Major Cass while in Rome during the late difficulties—antiquities from Hadrian’s villa etc.  22 Wainwright not responsible for Churchman’s violence and ultraism, it is run by friends of Onderdonk.

27 Artist’s sale: encouraged by success of Austen’s sale of AU pictures, our principal artists are trying it. Advert lists works by Clonney, Blauvelt, Mdme Dassel, GH Hall, Lang, May, Inness, etc., plus Webb’s antique statuary, plus modern Belgian ptgs. 28 notices sale again, mentions Durand, Huntington, Church, Kensett, Elliot, Hinckley and peers. Also says Geo Wm Curtis who most know as Howadji and who is art critic for Trib during last two or three years is giving a lecture at Tabernacle.

30 1st issue of Putnam’s is promising, conservative on Cuba tho depreciating Spanish tyranny; ovelry credulous of spiritualism, has overly laudatory article on Uncle Tomitudes (stowe). Editor of C&E supports a Columbus monument, everyone who has turned away  in disgust at the tenpin player Persico set up, long for design worthy of the subj, redeem that pitiful performance.. Liked a group and psoke of it earlier by Florentine Coostoli, an Assoc trying to raise money for it in DC, model is at Williams Stevens and Williams, compos simple and grand, has 4 alleg female figs of quarters of globe around him, lifts veil fr America, while she shrinks fr others’ superiority and bad intentions. Africa takes little notice in the backgrd. Action is simple, dignified, expressive, face a portrait, graceful and well posed group, tells story. Orig intended for Genoa. Only need $150,000 to bring it here. Another paper disagees with us bcause he is not an American artist, but that’s narrow minded.


Jan 1, 1853. P. 2 have hired J Smith Homans to do a daily summary of money/stock market. James R. Spalding (Gman and Christian) since 1850 with Geo Andrews been involved with paper, Euro correspondent Sigma in 1848/9, now a permanent associate. His statement says he doesn't seek office or popular favor, genuine conservative spirit, no social perfectibility, shall avoid personalities/abuse. Notice of freed slaves going to Liberia. Puffs Harper’s.


Don’t have volumes for 1853.


Jan-June 1854

January 1854

9 Boscowen corresp fr Paris says popular play Diane de Lys, husb finds wife in studio, shoots artist thru heart, gave rise to story that when fash young woman came for her portrait, artist said ok but must have husb accompany or written authorize, usage makes law, people will imitate play, think all artists are seducers.

21 Greeley and HW Beecher also support 5 Pts Mission. Critical of brochure printed by WC Bryant of jury awards for Great Exhib; everyone got some kind of medal, makes them worthless, no common standard of merit among juries.

References to Young America usually hostile or satirical.

26 loathes Solon Robinson’s Hot Corn, tour of lairs of licentiousness, vulgar style, egotism, wickedness, corrupts youth. 31 critical of arrest of young girl street sweepers. Approves of Putnam’s critique of namby pamby Hot Corn school


February 1854

1 oppose repealing Missouri compromise. 2 reviews Martineau’s transl. of Comte—took a photo.

7 Testimonial to AM Cozzens, Pres of AAU, superb dinner service of Plate, 35 large pieces with covers, in Stow pattern, $4000. Long and faithful service, liberal friend of artists, great sacrifice, taste for FA among countrymen and encouragement of native artists, sincere respect for personal character and public spirit, signed by Bryant, G Verplanck, Jon Sturges, FW Edmonds, AB Durand, Wm Kemble, Chas M Leupp, JH Gourlie, D Huntington, FF Marbury. Cozzens replies, credits AAU, supported and founded by many of our most eminent and esteemed citizens, hope that those who destroyed it have a better plan.

8 hates S Douglas. Likes book by Ladies of the Mission, describing Five Pts, no Hot Corn type, defends missionary there Pease agst attacks in Express, written by Redpath, youngster known to C&E and Trib.

13 Goupil opened its new Gallery, evening reunion of Artists and men of letters and dealers, 367 Broadway, finest productions, Delaroche and Dupont. Really long long review of Midsummer at Broadway theater, notes two contemporaries censure Davidge, we agree with the critics. 14 LM Pease defends decision to take profits from Hot Corn, disclaims responsibility for the book. 17 NY needs a big park.

Has consistently supported Trinity Church agst efforts (James Boorman and the J of Commerce perhaps) to extend a street thru its graveyard, even tho the rich buried there move bodies around. Anthony J Bleecker on C&E side. Longtime advertiser.

March 1854

3 puffs Schaus, likes Melville. 6 Harper’s for March has strictures on press.

7 “Fine Arts” glad NAD will have its exhib, despite sale of bldg. Others have tries to replace free AAU gallery, destroyed by envious and unprincipled in and out of the profession, with severe consequences to artists, a promising landscapist now just does portraits. Wms Stevens and Wms exhib 2 picts, one by Herring the animal ptr, and Robt Scott Lander known for Trial of Effie Deans, Herring a former coachman, his Engl Homestead etc. took a photo.

17 Letter to editor fr JK Fisher, A Kick at a Dead Lion, re article of the 7th that called opponents of AAU unprincipled, denies it, acted fr sense of duty and just indignation, unfit to dispense patronage, managers were men of bad taste, depraving influ. Ed in response calls him Monsieur Tonson, defends Comm as having acknowl taste and integrity. Denies it was Fisher who they referred to, don’t think he was effective in bringing it down, blames editor of Herald instead

18 Fine Arts-Sculpture, work of a native, at artists rms 300 Broadway, Thomas D Jones design for marble contrib to Wash monument by Welsh of city, half life size alleg figs, Genius of Liberty, naked, surrounded by industry and mechanic arts, female and male. Nakedness held to typify truth, heads not pure Greek but depression at base of nose he thinks indic higher and more restless intelligence, better suited to Am ideas, approve of type for Mechanic Arts, indep self relying honorable and intellig

31 letter fr editors of El Mulato, favor gradual abolition of slavery in Cuba, white creoles but have adopted the title of El Mulato as one conveying the idea of a fusion betw two races diff in color, principles of love and concord to all men, the indivisability of humanity and inviolableness of her sacred rights.


April 1, 1854, p. 2 Fine Arts: NAD

First pic attracts attn is Huntington’s Gd Samaritan, 28. Its merits are pleasing harmonious color, novel treatment of v hackneyed subj, fine char of some heads. In treatment of half nude men not been successful, or not aimed aright, no resemblance to a finely deved man whose muscles are in action, does not care to paint muscles for mere sake of displaying them, but then shld not give us figs which are worth nothing if not finely modelled. Fairly won a rep enables him to risk much, but not so much of this. The Gd Sam is unfortunate in its proportions; head too large. Finest part is wounded man, tho not boldly modelled, correctly designed and of a v fine type, expr remarkably gd, great suffering w/o distortion and manly gratitude, color charming, fine flesh ptg. Head of old woman who look  on remarkably characteristic and truthful but as usu in his pics, attn chiefly commanded by sentiment of principal fig and grateful richly blended color.

            37 Port Bishop McIlvaine of OH one Huntington’s finest heads in color and resemblance, not his fault the head lacks force, fine treatment of flesh in shadow.

            Hicks’ full length of geo T Trimble, Quaker, Common School system, stands near an open door that looks onto street and primitive pub schl in all its hard uncomliness of outline, filled with troops of boys. In spite of these drawbacks which might well have been avoided pic is a gd one, Hicks has cleaned his palette in past was very dirty, though cld purify more, as in port of Rev HW Beecher 27 where grimy daubs of paint in shadows of his brows give him look loath to call besotted. Deplored a port that has char and resemblance shld be so defaced. Painter endeavored in Trimble to make a pic out of unpictque materials and in a measure failed, inevitable, tints in various parts rich and sweet but without rln to ea other and do not exist in masses, do not form harmonious whole. Turn in displeasure or with cold approval fr every part to admire decided char, amrked intellig, well expr form and fine color of head, yet here much cld be bettered. Failed to imbue with grace and native refinement a marked element in expr, hair too not mobile, disposed in stiff curves. Hicks has fine feeling for color, unus gd apprec of char, must take place in first rank but not until ceases ptg such seamed and unseemly things as Port of John C Calhoun. His port of Bishop Wainwright is remarkably faithful resemblance, tho tawny in color and austere in expr, in form it is remarkably truthful.

            2 lscapes of diverse beauty: 39 Durand Strawberrying, Kensett Adirondack Scenery 42, former among choicest works of eminent hand, view enchangint, breathes balmy happiness, but we have seen something like it before. On other side is a new passage where the girl picks strawberries and is a new and happy thought.

            Adirondack view fr one of grandest spots in nature, brings up vividly emotions all regard such scenes, smacks too of soil, purely Am, Earl of Ellesmere saw this, such subj as this tho not v attractive on canvass and prefer more cultivated and domestic scenery he can paint so well.


April 8, 1854 p. 2 Fine Arts, NAD-No 2

Elliott has heads so full of life and vigor and intellig than an invalide might gain strength and a dull man spirit by merely looking at them, as in Bleak Hse, port of Caleb Lyon 336 and 357, in both unus degree of his happy faculty seizing finest and most char expr of subj, sorry to see this spoken of as luck in a quarter entitled to consideration. No luck to ptga char port any more than fine poem or ship, power to perceive and embody char is a gift fr nature. Lyon remarkable for finely arched, expansive brow, speaking eyes well drwn, hair with freedom and minuteness, mass of positive red in cravat makes pic striking but keeps down head which with black cravat wld seem to start fr canvass. 357 quite ideal of gman of day in prime of life, but one fault, no cure for a lady’s sore throat accord to a receipt which is not altogether obsolete, --‘a  coat sleeve, with an arm in it.’ Seems to have finished head and hands then set coat up in a chair to paint. Some v other find ports, 21 lady and 392 ex-mayor Kingsbury, fine modelling, least successful work in every way is his Bryant, has not his char expr and head unnaturally thrown back.

            Merit in both, but directly opposed to Elliott is Gray, one all brilliance and vigor the other all quiet and repose, hi tone and full pencil and rich palette, low  tone and husbanding of color. Gray has prod some of finest in Acad, but not a fortunate yr for him, his best is 79 prot lady admirable for simple dignity sweet seriousness v purely ptd, no trick or manner of any kind, but appears as if had both by being glazed into tawny, old picture like monotony of tint, , bad affectation growing yearly. Outlines of hair and head unpleas sharp and harsh, bt harmonious balance of color. Gray shd lookat his other ports, after having looked at nature, and ask if faces have monotony of dry and dusty tone tint and texture. One of his really has appearance of ptd in one tint of diff shades, feeling for color too fine and devotion to art too honest to ruin himself without kindly warning, has been harshly told the abyss betw him and nature widens yearly, exagg as his own pics, but as much truth as they have color.

            338 Hell Gate Sports, pleasant effort, Stearns, well known highly regarded devotee taking striped bass, likeness gd, attitude natural spirited, regret artist didn’t give motion to fish, comes out of water like a board, blunder of mamking fish out of all reasonable proportion, would weigh 35 pounds.

            Durand’s 386 June Shower equal to Strawberrying, peculiar hue and moist appearance of clouds, contrasting lscapes, master hand; 37 Clearing Up also success, 356 Primeval Forest is gd of its kind, bur a study of trees not a pic, fine opening into sky.

            Gifford develops, loves grand features lit by snny smiles, golden rays with faithful pencil, 380 Morning Adirondacks 383 Shawagunk Mtns fine, too pure a yellow in hilights.

            Kellogg 367 Circassian, exquis beauty of subj, a port, 376 Port ldy by Stearns most successful, excellent likeness, unus but not ungrace disposed, quiet ldylike, 382 Port Gman in Costume de Voyage by Powell in quite diff tone and style than he usu does, costume entirely grey neutral tint, head air of truful likeness


April 14, 1854, opposed to Administration, opposed to Nebraska bill; notices March issue of London Art J which illustrates Landseer’s Peace, much of issue devoted to review of Annual exhib of Brit Institu, but like most crit in Engl journals is singularly dry, uninteresting and uninstructive, neither descriptive nor analytical, just indiv preference, useless as guides to public or to ptrs, profitless if haven’t seen pics


April 22, 1854, p. 2 Fine Arts: NAD-No 3

Some younger artists disting themselves, FT Boyle heads 68 179 striking and char portraits, an advance. CH May only one, 71 Cardinal Mazarin, leaves all his previous far behind, head and hands finely drwn, both have char and expr, color filles eye with pleasure by richness and fine gradations and opppositions, splendor of scarlet robno more worthy of admir than quieter tint deftly blended in chair, feeble Cardinal leans.

            Few small heads casual visitor might pass over, HF Darby, show power will make him eminent,  149 291 show fine feeling for all pts of great artist, form correct color truthful tone pleasing, chiarascuro with know and striking indiv, esp fr a young man, 291 modelled with power to apprehend finer traits, face in half shadow singular felicity, freedom and strength, large in style tho sm size, pretensions to being best head in exhib. Sky in backgrd poetic feeling.If attains more liveliness and freshness of color, vigorous handling, will advance rapidly

            John Ehninger several pics, marks of talent, some charming sentiment and color, 20 Dead Page is best, head of carefully modelled tender, touching expr, fig a little too long for head. 144 Costume Pic of Louis SV charming piece of color, quiet but rich in tone, well balanced, legs correctly ptd, 296 American Farmyard, approval for color, natural expr of negro boy, correct drwg of animals, among first of our rising artists, came back fr Duss with much of the manner in color, returned fr France with more of Couture’s. Nature and his own talent will free him fr all that he has learned which it is not necessary to retain.

            Among more mature artists, Church 64 A Country Home among his best, sky and clouds such as nature paints herself, compos pleasing and consistent, but absence of atmosph thruout, no air in foliage, weak foregrd robs distance of due effect. He rarely breaks light and shade into masses, thus the pics are somewhat monotonous, as in 124 and 64.

            160 River Bank by Gifford, don’t remember seeing such a scene, trees dip branches in still waters, feeling for its beauties.

            Mount exhib among others Coming to the Point, bargain for a horse, faces and figs show keep perception of char, but other respects unworthy, flat as a court card, horse such as this not worth bargaining over. Port lady 109 far more creditable, literal to a fault, but char as well as form and color.

            Ital Woman 40 Portalis of Paris, port of Mariucia famous Roman model as flower girl, face beauty, piquant, flesh well ptd, costume faithfully yet with freedom, some fine effect frittered away by over attn to detail in flowers, but pleasure in such beauty and simplicity

            Comm of Arrangements merit censure for admitting one pic, 195 La Toilette, pastel by F La Toun of Paris, young woman of a certain sort of beauty making her toilette for the day or the night, art justifies no such public exhib and cause of Art not served by them, Nature in her purity needs no veil, Eve as from Maker view with unsullied minds, but a half dressed hussy, simpering provocation, Away with her. Might exclude many others forwant of merit, small coll of gd pics more attractive than large one, half trash, shld be lt on imbecility or coarseness a ptr permitted to display to public


May 1854

5 Reopening of Crystal Palace, under Barnum, Greeley madea  speech on dignity of labor, offer him improving displays; Remb  Peale’s valuable C of D added to Coll of Ptgs, a great Calif cedar tree coming

6 Fine Arts, english artist Chas Lucy’s Landing of Pilgrim Fathers now at Williams & Stevens, treatment new, tho composition somewhat resembles Weir’s. John Carver the centre fig, pyramidical group, giving thanks, Miles Standish, Winslows, Bradford newborn infant, charm is in character of the head and simple unaffected spirit, engraving will be approp ornament of parlors in Eastern, Middle and Western states

17 editorial in response to Greeley’s Crystal Palace speech; C&E argues econ self interest in mechanic is driver of invention etc, Greeley wants to ennoble mechanic by inspiring him with broader aims; Trib argues it’s calumny to say Raffael ptd his great pics only for the money or that Watt Fulton etc were impelled by personal gain or Hamlet written bcause of hankering after groats. Fallacy; Shakespeare wrote to bring in money, but didn’t find his inspiration in the necessity for money, necessity for money does not lead to inspiration; all painters poets inventors labor in ways determined by their genius, but their object was money or the equiv

31 Putnam’s June 1854 not v gd best is on Comte

June 1854

6 notices a portrait of Coleridge by Alston being pub

8 coll of ptgs of estate of late TA Cummings, NA, sold at Stuyvesant by Nicolay and Co, attractive subjs and eminent names and position of late owner a guarantee of a certain merit. (advert describes all old masters) Also notices oil ptgs by half civilized Am Indians and half breeds fr Quito, mostly Scripture subjects, surprising merit, to be exhib on Broadway then auctioned by Millins

23 reviews London AJ, excerpts its description of H Hunt’s Light of the World bcause of Ruskin’s defense of it in the Times, subj too sublime for representation by ordinary or common forms

24 notices Quito ptgs again, new school to us


July to December 1855

Skipped to September 1855, kind of skimmed, 14th a woven fr Lyons port of GW, 15 puffs Goupil exhib and engr of Ary Scheffer’s Dante, 19 Henry Stone donates Truth and Silence statues by Jos Mozier, armed truth, to Merc Lib, 21 notices Palmer the sculp has a recumbent Peri

Kind of skimmed Oct too, 18 seems to agree with some Know-Nothing nativism (dangerous foreigners hsld have ltd rights) but argues Clay/Webster Whigs must vote with Repub despite abolitionism in order to repeal Kansas Nebraska and restore Compromise. 22 supports liberal payment for statue of GW in Union Sq

Nov 22 long puff of John Faed’s ptgs of Shakespeare and Milton at Wms Stevens and Wms, 2 yrs ago created a sensation with Scott and Shakespeare, thous of visitors, latter purchased $4000 by Am gman

Nov 29 Gel L Baker hired to paint port of LM Hoffman for Merc Lib

Dec 17 (also skimmed)

Thoughtful indep Art J The Crayon has article on architecture of City Hall C&E agree with, finest bldg in city, after Michelang’s capitol in Rome, unlike the showy private and public bldgs going up now that  are false and licentious, vitiated taste. System that assigns to a mere house carpenter the designing of a palace must be expected to produce such results, grossest violations of truth and taste. Fault is reduncancy, conceited affectations of ornaments

22 sympathetic to shoe black boys


March 1856

Starts with the 5th then jumps to 28th

Prescott P Harris arrested for publishing obscene paper, Broadway Belle and Weekly Wag

April 1856

5 likes Buchanan best of the Dems, NAD advertises. 11 seems to support Seward for pres.

15 Goupil pub port of Alex Humboldt and spirited colored litho of Jackson fr dag by Brady. 25 missing.

26 Cole’s Voyage of Life, notices the engravings, indic advance in pop taste, these his greatest favorites with mass of public, Smillie, commend it to lovers of Art.

29 huge list of signers to mtg for Union for Sake of Union, in  opp to present Admin, to go back to Missouri compromise, it’s the Republican party basically, with AJ Bleecker, Bryant, Raymond, John W Edmonds, Chas W Elliott, A Oakey Hall, intellig active uncompromising

May 1856

9 notices the Crayon. 14 Fine Arts: Goupil has one of those productions of the great ptrs of the day secured alm a monopoly, Delaroche, Marie Antoinette, five pic if inferior to most of his in compos, but equal in color and light, canvas crowded and accessory figs not pleasant or impt enuf to make their repulsiveness tolerable, queen is digniy and suppressed emotion, finely modelled; Wms Stevens and Williams exhib Cole’s voyage of life ptgs. 21 missing. 24 defends Sumner, tho not really in agreement with him. Can’t submit to slave power. 26 missing. 28 review of Despotism by Invisible Sam, Last Days of the Amer Republic, trivial, poorly written, vulgar, impertinent and disgusting bk, Old Corner Cupboard, letters of a young lady to a friend, did not see the necessity of writing the everyd ay life of everyday people in an every day way before nor now

June 1856—stopped at June 15, library has thru July

August-December 1856 volume

Skipped August. September

2 notices Ball Hughes, who did Bishop Hobart at Trinity, artist of much eccentricity but genius and taste, did Webster and Fremont busts at Wms and Stevens. 6 long defense agst the Express, conflict with Brooks perhaps over his re-election, disagree on Fremont. 16 happy that Geo Wm Curtis is making speeches on behalf of Fremont, his style in accord with pop taste, common sense. 19 women, literary men, young men are instinctively Republcians. 23 Old Whigs are going over to Buchanan. 24 C Edwards Lester addressing the North American State Convention in Rochester—are they the Know nothings? 25 yes, Fillmore is head of American party ticket, and supported by Brooks (of the express, I think, who recently had a controversy with archbishop Hughes), and they are mtg in Rochester, anti-Catholic. Comm Advertiser too?


Skipped first part of October. (ex Gov Washington Hunt now a Know Nothing, backs Fillmore). 21 Martin’s Pictures, readers acquainted with John Martin’s Belshazzar’s Feast and subsequent ones, son Chas Martin has brought his last 3 pics, Great Day of his Wrath etc for exhib, Wms Stevens and Wms, delighted beyond expectation by the kind of excellence, had expected vast and strange conceptions, great canvas and deep shadows, bold expression, poetry and grandeur but scenic in character. Found this but also elab of detail alm finished like a miniature, akin to genre ptg. In Last Judgment, unity of vast and complicated design, architecture, coloring, in foregrd recognized Washington, Franklin, Alfred, Penn, Shakespeare Milton and other benefactors. Great Day—absolute destruction of all things, upheaval of earth fr its center, power and terror. Plains of Heaven reminds us of Turner, expression of space. 27. Anthony Bleecker Repub candidate for mayor; Peter Cooper supports James Whiting former DA


8 describes Emperor Nicholas’ bechamber in St Petersburg, statuettes of the Prince of Wales and Napoleon 1, a watercolor of children, a marble bust, pics of military scenes of Vernet, busts and portraits of other soldiers, helmet, cloak austere retreat. 11 Sentinel praises statue of Franklin in Boston. 18 notices Martin’s pics again. Long post-election debate on why foreign born Catholics support the Demos. 19 Wm G Simms lecture small but select audience inclu historian Bancroft. 27 reviews at Laura Keene’s Young New York, not dramatic enough, untruthful presentation of society, of all the comedies of society produced ehre not one that is not an utter failure, present no society actual or possible, no idea of manners and characteristic traits of Nyorkers, people in them have hideous likeness and unlikeness to humanity of figureheads of ships. Infusion of unutterable vulgarity in every scene and violation of probabilities as well as decencies of life, and have Comedy of NY Society. Author of this play less sterotooped vlgarity, but vehicle of bona fide puffs fr beginning to end. 29 approves of the Eve Mirror as a Repub paper.


Skipped December—but on 19th p. 1 a long article criticle of Trinity Church’s Puseyism, and to some extent of its new church bldg, from 1844. P. 2 Palmer’s marbles show promise, Indian Girl is the principal figure but least attractive, its subj insured that, and among its chief claims on admiration aside fr q of fidelity is that it does not look like an Indian girl, no one would suspect aboriginal, and result of effort to do what is impossible, raise Indian type to plane of statuesque, has been only to produce a fig neither Caucasion nor Indian, neither original nor aboriginal.

            But busts show marked peculiar talent, delicacy tender forms of infancy and budding womanhood, sweetness and buoyant spirit not just tame innocence, a Sappho in bas relief a hi type of beautyworn and wasted by fierce passion, suggest he not give winged angels the busts of women, unheard of and essentially monstrous.

            Niagara Gallery: Stuyvesant Inst, various interest, scenery around cataract, and of home country of artist, Richardt, Denmark, faithful and conscientious, enough facts for most determined pre Raphaelite, but doesn't offend by hardness of style and minute elab. Scandinavians pictque, old moated gloomy minsters

22 notices Schaus for artistic presents. Skipped most of rest.


Jan-June 1857


10 approves Hammatt Billings’ design for Boston monument to Pilgrim fathers, alleg statues with narrative bas reliefs,  grand and appropriate, small versions  to be made for ornaments, wishes Brown would do that with his GW for city. Thinks putting testimony on Pilgrim prospectus fr judges et al not as valuable as men of cultivated taste

12 P the Boston corresp says doesn’t like Boston’s Franklin statue, wants force, long skirted coat makes legs peggy, unnatural stiffness in back and shoulders, mouth doesn’t express mild benevolence but extreme weakness, silly old housewife. Boston mostly disagrees with critic.

30 C&E, Trib and Times together produced a sensation for actress Matilda Heron (attacked by Herald)


2 disapproves of street peddling.

Loves Chamber of Commerce of course. 10 Dred Scott case decided on Calhoun’s arguments, not Webster’s et al

16 took photos of an editorial anti-democratic in tone, rejects equality

17  gives long mostly favorable review to Heron in Julia Ward Howe’s Leonore, involves a miniature ptg, Wm Fry does music they’ve liked him before too

21 attacks Trib for covering testimony in a Brooklyn rape trial as indecent, corrupting, Trib says newsp must cover the news

27 praises Huntington’s port of G Verplanck, fine pic striking likeness


11 Melville’s con man inferior

love Anthony Bleecker. Ok with 20 expanding employment for women, not alw intellig enuf to be waiters. No ads for NAD

May 1 1857

Fine Arts: Some 3 or 4 years since in commenting on pic of Church’s , placed him at head of profession, encomium regarded as extrav. Pic on display at Wms Stevens Wms and Co which justifies our opinion. View of Niagara falls will cause all others ever ptd to be forgotten, no other Am lscape unites as this the merits of composition (choice of pov) and treatment. Mod lscape of any school surpasses its faithful presentation of characteristic of facts of nature. Literally no foregrd, water everywhere, shore in far distance delicately and truthfully ptd, view fr pt on Canada side, whole curve of fall taken in at once, fall oppos at full height, river miles of broken surface,  rainbow luminous, grand char given to pic by skilful presentation of great mass of water, marvel of its treatment is expr of mobility every part conveys, not a line that does not seem in motion, not an outline appear to be just passing into some other form, marvellous passage is view up river, distance of miles in space of half a hand. Great as pic is, q whether it is realistic may bejustly raised, more of facts and less of sentiment than highest style, but tho color for such an opinion can’t find justification for it. Bought copyright for engraving for $5000.

5 doesn’t love Edwin Booth. Notices a Leeds sale with Cole, GH Hall, Hart Shattuck Ranney Cropsey Carter Gooss Bingham Mounr Gignoux, Lilly M Spencer, Boutelle, Annelli, Bodmer, Darley, etc consignment by Goupil and a priv coll

12 article on rich design and ornament of all the new bank bldgs, built by Vaux, Eidlitz, Thom Jackson et al. 20 supports Hanington now doing stained glass

21 RGW corresp fr Boston, Art and the Drama, went to see Page’s Venus, displeased but not disappointed, have seen ports by Page of which no ptr need ashamed, never a compos that was not both unskilful and unpleasing, or a subj which required ideal treatment treated by him in other than lowest and most literal manner. Venus is simply a naked, vulgar girl, standing on head ov something that is not a dolphin, partly hidden by something that is not the sea. What more inspiring subj than Venus rising fr the ocean, goddess of chaste love, Hera as Romans designated, perfected womanhood, and Eve who does not preach, no Satan to excite apprehension or Adam to excite jealousy. Too much to expect Venus de Milo, noble and lovel in form and expr is greatest work of all time, but shd at least aim for an ideal woman, if not grand type, then lower bcause more purely sensuosu type embodied in de Medici. Page has belittled his subj to verge of possibility and past that of decency, a literal and capillary faithfulness to the facts of nature that forces on the observer thoughts no artwork shld suggest, utter and unmitigated bareness enhanced by char of face and its expr. Former is pretty enuf, but entirely wanting in elevation, latter is simpering and conscious. Effect aggravated by attitude, that of a negro dancer. If a silly vulgar healthy girl whose fig is full but not elegant and who has laced until the mark of her corsets is left on her waist shld while dancing vigorously at a rowdy ball find herself divested of every rag of clothing and enjoy for an instant before she was covered with shame, some gratification at the admiration she supposed she was exciting, a photog could obtain fr her just such a pic, less the color, as Page has painfully produced. Appears to have no ideal and no idea of beaut either  of form or expr.

            Technical merits consid, drwg tho not absolutely correct is genly so, modelling admirable, reflected light by which rotundity given to right thigh is nearly like light, and flesh tints are like those seen thru dusty halo of centuries show masterly commmand of palette in which he has no living superior.

            Coll at Athanaeum more than usual interest, several works of Allston’s fr priv colll, still at head of Am ptrs, intellect had not largeness of grasp and dramatic element missing, but had imag, power to perceive and repro essential beaut of every subj, ppurity of sentiment no mod ptr shares, grace of expr and beauty of outline only Raph surpasses. Lscapes have highest qual, faithfulness to sentiment of scene, lack of which no faithfulness to facts can compensate, and most minute accumulation will secure. Lorenzo and Jessica neither fig nor lscape, moonlit summer night, serene transp beauty, power of modelling without strong contrasts of light and shade, partic profile of sitting female, unfinished, and Belshazzar’s Feast, Daniel is the select man ofa country village, but group of women of immortal loveliness, other remarkable pics in coll is port of Rachel as Camille by Ames (C&E loved Rachel,despite her hi prices), more successful than most of hers

22likes Gaskell, supports new Police Commission

25 notices Ptgs at auction, modern ones for the home, Leeds, prop of Wm Schaus whose taste is known, many have been engraved, calculated to give genl pleasure, several by Mrs Lilly M Spencer who in a certain dept of ptg has no superior in this country. (advert mentions Shattuck, Dassel, Hays, matteson etc) NAD advert.

28 p.2 NAD: congrat on return to old rms, large, well lighted, very pleasing to visitors, can’t however discover great superiority of coll others have. More pics than before, but not advance in qual, but equal and maybe superior to former yrs greater number approach mediocrity or rise somewhat above it. Don’t add much interest tho, for pretty gd pics are as unappetizing as pretty gd eggs or oysters, so deficient in works of disting merit more indicates prog of younger ptrs. Number of imag works so ltd will exam coll in promiscuous sequence of catalog.

            2 port Dr Peters by Lawrence,e xcellent likeness features and char, well modelled, tone and texture unfleshlike, can’t congrat him on search for Venetian method

            10 Michael Angelo in study of Titian. Why ptr with so much talent as Edwin White shld exhib so poor and puerile a pic, can’t surmise. 3 ill drawn figs no interest char or connection with ea other thanlay figs or scarecrows, accessories no greater value. Sacred Lesson 495 treats subj with impressive simplicity, 2 finely drwn agreeably colored well contrasted heads. First N Engl Tgiving 406 pleasant compos, characteristic in figs and accessories, well colored, color is his forte. Do well to attain his effects by more direct simple means, paint more purely fr the palette, mix of colors by which he seeks richness of tone, in flesh partic, produces spotty appearance unless exam fr distance at which its details can’t be seen.

            kensett in first rank, some peculiar qual, might have evn more enviable position if saw where his peculiar merit lies, not in White mtn scenery or lscapes of a v great range of vision, but domestic lscape, with running brooks, green sward, elms, human habitation, has no superior or rival, and just the style our ptrs need most to cultivate. Too often mere transcripts of untamed, unmitigated nature, lack human element wins sympath admiration, are mere mtns rocks sky foliage and link binding spect to them is wanting. In treatment lack tone, aesthet lack sentiment. Kensett of late has pted the few lscapes least open to these objections. Shouldn’t let Mt Wash lie like an incubus on his talent, can leave all coompet far behind. Refer to White Mtn Scnery 13 and 482 Lscape to illus. Not only depicts tender and truthful rural beauty of such scenes as the latter pic, equal perception of pecul charms of coast scenery. 453 by no means best he can do.

            Church recently commanded admiration of whole city by marvellous manner ptd waters of Niagara and their movement, no less applause for masterly light and heat in Andes of Equador, 23. Canvas glows, pts of mtns seem tipped with molten gold, hot air palpable and visible, seared eye labors thru it. We have no such flaming atmosphere, but summer has opp for truthfulness of singular and masterly ptg. Admirable distrib oflight expresses vastness of scene, not like Turner, but Turner has done nothing better of the kind. View of the Magdalena Riv 522 admir for correct and careful manner of trees and foliage, but cold and opake in color.

            The Coming Storm Boutelle 521, his only lscape, excellent tho not finished with sufficient care, fact and sentiment with rare felicity, hue and moisntness of atmosphere well given.

30 gives TB Read’s poem book Sylvia a good review


June 1857

6 sculpts at Merchants Exchange by David Richards bust of well known gman and girls hand, self taught

NAD-2nd article: only pic aims at grand style is 24 Expul fr Eden, a sad failure, in compos of the pic, artist followed practice of sixteenth century who ptd to fill archit palaces and has crowded God, Adam and Eve, angel into so contracted a group they touch, god’s face seems trivial even were it of a pretty fellow of this day and generation, others only moderate anatomical correctness to recommend them, color cold and crude. God shouldn’t be painted.

            26 Deer Hunting, Tait rivals Ranney, delicate and truthuful pencil as in 224 Motherly care, Quail and young and 517 Grouse, color v correct but birds lack liveliness .

            B Vautier Fr ptr at Duss, 30 Landlord and the Beggar admirable, counting his score, both figs well drawn and characteristic, interior correct

            Darby 5 port heads, talent we’ve remarked before, best 35? Face char and well drawn, interior well ptd esp open door, his heads have look of intellig in spite of oppressive effect of tone of color, would be more lively if recognized existence of carnation in any part of the face. Lost too some of fine modelling of 2 yrs ago but preserved his purity of sentiment and gained some freedom and breadth.

            42 Cafferty port so manly in style and so fine feeling for color, regret not well drawn, nose out of position

            Leutze no great advantage this yr, 50 Rose of the Alhambra, full of figs, dramatic effect is of most melodramatic kind, violent contrast of masses of black drapery and white archit claims eye. Care and knowl, but unsatisfactory both as representation of an incident and ptr’s art. 473 Summons is v feeble, secret society.

            Elliott’s best head 60 of James S Wadsworth, fine likeness, manly in style rich and harmonious, cld alw paint such heads if he would

            May fr Paris v pleasing 67 Peasant Girl of Frascati, she is attractive, great skill in colors, but cold flesh tints and sky too, puts on his color in patches like many ptrs recently visited Paris, gives pic a mottled look v unnatural and unpleas esp in flesh

            Lambdin Phila 2 v interesting, 75 our sweetest songs are saddest, women in grief, simple and natural, expresses sentiment without sentimentalism, touches symp, pure and harmonious color. Weak pt is modelling of face and hadns and arms. 121 Twilight Talk in same style, more carefully ptd but less interesting

            Geo H Hall has exhib last few yrs pleasing cabinet pics fr Shakespeare, principal merit rich tho somewhat overcharged color. This yr large compos Shakespeare’s Reverie with various female char, but just one face and fig and that without char for them all. Some gd ptg of furn, but otherwise lamentable failure.

            Huntington 86 port G C Verplanck best head in coll ever ptd in country, likeness unexceptionable, expr most dignified and char, color tru rich and harmonious, tone low and pleasign, accessories carefully yet freely ptd, waving gray locks truly hairlike. Great beauty and value, prized for skill of ptr and best representation fo fits disting subj. Huntington has ports only but are gd, 129  charming, 221 sacrificed effect for her love for rose colored silk and décor, 393 lovely thoroughbred expr 509 admirable likeness bold well modelled head but inharmonious combo of color, cold purple, cold green, cold sky, harsh and cheerless


9 trip to Ashland with Geo Bancroft, Rossiter the Artist, winthrop of NY, Sentinel the corresp.

19 J of Commerce supported Mayor Wood in his rebellion agst the police (commission)

24 Powers Grk Slave sold at Rotunda of Merchants Exchange by Leeds, v crowded, biddign started $1000, by owner of a steamship line and went to $6000 toCosmop ArtAssoc, just 5 bidders, Bowlen fr Cinti offered $5000, other copy of orig is Earl of Ellesmere and Corcoran in DC. Sold in increments of 4500.

25 notices CosmoArt J, ports of mrs Browning and Horatio Greenough


July-Dec 1857

Skipped July and August but continues riots and difficulties betw Mayor Wood and the police.


2 Sentinel writes story on Chas Fenno Hoffman, sad history of being in insane asylum recently in public, gives his history with law office of Harmanus Bleecker, disting father Judge Josiah Ogden Hoffman, not clear rln to Ogden Hoffman. The Associate of Chas King at the American, the authority to NY society, in taste, manner and lit. 1833 went west, liked it, a romantic, fancy and imag ever wakeful, saw the curve line of beauty, but also the useful and practical.

16 police found printing office of Venice Miscellany on Fulton st, seized obscene and disgusting issues, list of subscribers more than 10,000 names, but Ackerman alias James Ramerio editor not there. Mailed in a wrapper.

29 doesn’t think Charlotte Cushman at Burton’s is anything more than average, ordinrary character, belongs to school of Macready that has no sympathies with nature, conventional, stagey.


2 blames Panic on Herald, shld ignore. 10 suspension of Harper & Brothers foolish, due to pres of a Wall st bank lacking nerve to look at a less favorable weekly statement than his peers. Defends credit system. 14 Banks suspended, sacrificed the merchants.

Lots of concern for the poor, thrown out of work by panic. Attacks Cushman again.

27 Death of Crawford, genius highly disting, excerpts fr Comm Advert of yesterday. Pagein same class with him. Studied with Frazee and Launitz, did busts port and ideal, Thorwaldsen, who pronounced Orpheus a triumph, sister Mrs Campbell an author, Terry the artist also a close friend. 31 likes Atlantic Mag, ok with its review of Manchester exhib leaning toward preRaph.

November—basically skipped it. He’s worried about uprisings of unemployed. Really hates Fernando Wood, supports Danl Tiemann.


 2, notices death of NR Stimson, ed of Day Book since Bacon left it. 4 doesn't like poetry or fiction in Atlantic monthly. 7 Crawford’s Funeral had pall bearers Chas Sumner, GW Curtis, Kensett, Rossiter, HB Tuckerman, Thoma Hicks, Episcopal service.

Stopped after the 8th, pages bent.


Jan-June 1858


9 notices Edw Everett at Acad of Music, GW speech, vry popular.

25 notices Everett’s address, same as given before, praises its clearness of thought and simplicity of style, versus popular writers and national style is vicious and vulgar, strain after effect, heap up expletives and multiply superlatives, mingle slang with phrases suited only for  hi thought, or use worn out cant. Bombast and fustian, the spreadeagle style, model  is the newspapers and their miscellaneous content. Easy to acquire. Everett’s chaste beauties, apostle of GW’s patriotism and morality. Didn’t foresee sectionalism of today, panic cld be averted by more punctuality like him.


1 Park Godwin writing for Atlantic Mag on the panic; something about pictures is good in it too. Lucy Stone an example of someone whose ideas get in paper as above without meriting it.

2 David M Stone is commercial editor of J of Commerce

3 not interested in Lol a Montez. Fine Arts: The Immaculate Conception, Aspinwall’s Murillo attracting visitors to Wms Stevens Wms, subj of conversation often whether it depicts this or the Assumption, letter in Saturday’s Evenin Post v crit of immac concept title. C&E had noticed it on the first day of its exhibition. Guido first to embody this 17th century dogma, in Spain it was a fave, sinless creature.

8 Belmont pics raised $2800 for charity. 16 Fine Arts: Murillo’s Holy Fam: exhib of Aspinwall’s ptg stimulated Brevoort to put his ptg at Knoedler’’s (formerly Goupil’s), purely domestic, nothing holier than childish innocence and parental love, nothing higher than human nature, but how true and human is that nature, observer at first dispap at absence of beaut forms and elev sentiment gradually admires simple motherhood, color beayt low key but clear and rich, pure transp flesh tints, believe it is authentic, ptg came fr Lima, cleaned in London.

19 Aspinwall Murillo, respectable men found a mare’s nest in it, Civis, Foreigner, Senex, Juvenis, Magister and Discipulus, aired ignorance. Letter of a corresp in J of Commerce yesterday claims was living in France when the Soult Murillo was bought for Louvre, and it was an Annunciation, that he didn’t repeat his subjects, impossible that one of his works cld be obtained fr Europe for any price, one here is a counterfeit, shouldn’t pass esp when we have so much to the manor born to be proud of. Rebuts him, says Murillo never even ptd an Annunc, great artists do lots of repeats, and it shld be manner born.

            Notes Belmont coll closing soon, has now raised $4600. At NAD rms.

Opponents call C&E one of Black Republicans, declares tho he is still against abolit of slavery, but in foreign news has grim stories of Brits capturing Am slave traders

22 notices Muller sculp of Minstrel’s Curse, doing a Rip van Winkle elecrtotype, thinks it is better than florid taste of the day for mongrel fresco. 23 reviews Ruskin’s polit econ positively despite his condemnation of copying

25 praises late Downing’s more correct idea and taste in archit


2 praises Henry Schoolcraft. 4 promotes Nye’s Gall of Old Masters at Art Union rms, recommend, the communication notes the doubts abt authenticity of old ptgs and publishes testimonials fr artists re its value, including Huntington, Rossiter, Prudhomme, Shegogue, John T Peele, BH Muller, Page, TA Richards, Kellogg, HP Gray, TS Cummings, J Vanderlin, Wm S Mount, Paul P Duggan, Thom Hicks, L Lang. Gray writes letter confirming Titian’s Venus is original.

13 Sentinel covering State Legis at Albany notes a port of Chris Columbus just hang, hope he won’t claim mileage. Alto-relievo by Palmer of Faith for Wm C Noyes’ house, a treasure. Fine Arts: new ptg at Schaus by Wm Simpson of Queen Vic at Resolute, filled with portraits

30 pd notice? For a sale by Leeds of first resident artists, wish to hold it annually, to bring works before purchasers, abt 350, ladies esp invited


6 notices opening of Cooper Inst. 14 NAD had its absurdly named private view on Monday, thronged, supposedly for giving persons of recognised taste and influence, but so indiscriminate that ceased to be a compliment. Exhib of unusual interst, nearly 650 pictures, more bad and more gd, lscapes fine, Kensett 3 esp, Church nothing, but a companion sends one with noble pts, Gifford fine, Casilear loveliest yet, Elliott Healy and Baker finest ports, Blauvelt most characteristic genre, Darley and Ehninger drwgs arouse covetuous feelings, Gray marked merit, Lawrence crayon heads, Lambdin real genius.

22 notices Troye’s Oriental ptgs at the apollo, a native artist, Dead Sea fog admirably ptd, others well done, Bazaar; notes Leeds selling fine Statuary fr Crystal Palace, gems by first Ital sculptors. 24 Keene’s theater has a new drop curtain with copy of Wash Crossing Delware, exceedignly well exec, credit to artist. 26sale by Simeon Draper of Gideon Nye’s coll of ptgs by ol masters


1 approves of Life-Thoughts of HW Beecher, vivid and affluent imagination, seizes analogies, perfect truth, variety of illustrations. Very little logical acumen, glow of sympathetic passion

4 G writes approving notice of Oriental ptgs. 8 oppose movement to exclude biblical instr fr schools

don’t see NAD ad. 17 Edw Everett card, conservative, very aligned with Webb I think. 18 suicide of Henry Wm Herbert. Brilliant genius, rare learning, Eton and Cambridge, 1833-36 ed Am Mo Mag, wrote for illus periodicals, series of novels and trans, wrote on cavaliers and knights and the horse. In his suicide note seems to despise people of Newark.

20 Bancroft’s history of US is sterling. Letter fr Hughes defending himself fr attacks in Albany. Letter attacking crying of papers on s, signers include James Harper, James W Beekman, WC Wetmore, Wm C Noyes, FE Church, RL Stuart, another Wetmore and a Ketchum, Peter Cooper, Richd Bell, Richd Hoe, Chas P Kirkland, Chas M Leupp, Thom Tileston, etc, c&E later endorses this

29 death of Edwin W Davis, city editor of Sun, before that at Daily Times of Holland, Sandford and Davis, but since 37 at the Sun. 31 Death of Bartholomew, Am sculpt


14 notices Powers Statues of Webster and California fr a Newark paper, also mentions Hart’s memorials of Clay and Galt’s Jefferson, Harvard has Powers’ bust of Jared Sparks, California going to Astor

25 Sentinel on The Progress of a Statue, block of marble for Palmer’s White Captive, admired clay model, fairest sweetest face. Judg of high scholar in taste and word from people, popular heart. Hamilton Fish (supported Fremont) a friend of the artist, who evokes beautiful fr our own times. Review of Amer Exhib of British Art in Boston by P, their corresp: prominent char is minute literal fidelity to nature ind ry goods, animals, etc copy nature just as exactly as possible, perhaps in repugnance to intense schl sacrifices everything to a single effect, or fear of photograph, sacrifieced skill and labor marvellous and astounding in its misapplication, throw it away for nothing. Artists intention must be felt, literal copy won’t have it as much as nature thru veil of a poetic imagination she does not have to common minds, then a nobler sense, nature in a new light. Photo a cold affair, not living nature, doesn’t say anuything.skilled artist makes us just think of mere skill of hand and eye, as here, obtrusive finish, unsoftened garnish, dazzling discordant contrasts of color, all brought forward to front. Choose subjects not for beauty but illus something outside of themselves, don’t tell own story, need title or cat to understand. PreferAllston’s outline. Stories chosen for illus seem to selected to move beholder to grief, Lady Jane Gray, Huguenots, must turn away from, sorrows are not art, cheap way of exciting symp by sentimentalism oer calamities of life, girl faints reading gazette of boy’s death eg. Want art too high for tears. Works of first order of merit, however.

26 GW Curtis writing for the Knick, Clark just doing Ed’s Table


July-Dec 1858—skipped July/Aug

July 8 Harper’s Wkly for Sat has sketch of James Gordon Bennett; Sentinel recommends rich emulate P Cooper and keep control of their institu


1 Nat Intellig rebuts fast journalism of NY that its days of journalism are over

2 p. 3 P our occas corresp, A Summer Meditation, Of the knowl their fathers had, or the history of ages ago, they know nothing and believe nothing; that is old fogyism. Fortunately Nature is on the side of these quiet men—the men who live a thome and have genuine home affections. Let us rather glory in nature, and not be ashamed, at the risk of Young America’s calling us ‘old fogy’ o sound her praises. (this is written amid the multitude of celebrations of laying the Atlantic cable, along with other inventions—sewing machine, daguerreotype, et al)

16 p. 1 Bio of Gen Webb prepared for Harper’s but pub incompletely, by Geo H Andrews, assoc ed C&E and employed there for quarter of a century. Fr family fought at Bunker Hill, grew up in Cooperstown, Calhoun got him into West Point, posted in the West at Rock River, md Helen Lispenard, started a Jackson paper, Webb involved in duel betw Graves and Cilley


1 White Hse Photographs—John W Forney’s series of v beaut political Photographs, full length likenesses, striking attitudes, of Buchanan, Bennett Wash Union, and flattering lscape view of Demo generally at DC, in the Phila Press—e.g. Photo of Buchanan in a Denouncing Attitude, eg, one of Bennett (Pierce denied him an ambassadorship?), Wash Union warns they don’t look at all like the originals, but everyone says Natural as life.

4 Ptgs at Stevens & Wms, Church’s Niagara and Barker’s El Corso, unnnecess to speak of merits of former, chromo for sale, the other the splendid carnival in Rome, genl effect too glaring but merit in picque. Goupil has Winterhalter.

14 The Lowber Sale: the ports in Governor’s Rm City Hall with Jefferson;s statue and Washington’s desk were sold at auction to satisfy claim of Robt W Lowber for market site purchased by city, funds to buy back were advanced by Stout, City Chamberlain, to Mayor’s office.

29 journal which had acted with the American party but will support the Repub ticket (Morgan for gov) Commercial Advert

November—skipped to 6. Repub, triumph, Seward for Pres.

9 J Henriques’ sale, Advertised, choice rather than extensive, pics mostly copies, but good ones, and modern ptrs a gem called Rebecca at the Well, sculps inclu Thorvaldsen

17 Goupil’s exhib a Winterhalter belonging to Empress Eugenie, her and her court, 11 feet, forest scene, celeb for beauty, toilettes, in every face expression, drapery fidelity, most pleasing, one is daughter of a New Yorker. 18 Schaus has a likely Rubens, also some moderns

23 Venezuelans presented new bust of Simon Bolivar  to replace bad portrait of dyspeptic looking man in Governors’ Room, martial, energy, vs bilious and withered


After the 29th, started skipping thru Dec. 1858.

7 supports Am Union Fair despite ‘powerful opposition’ (mechanics and inventions?); 5th Ward Liberty pole not yet raised. Art: Sentinel reports Palmer doing bust of Gov Marcy and Alex Hamilton for Hamilton Fish, intimate friends with Chruch, who drew a pic for him of a setting star for death of his daughter. Better than cemetery.





8 Constellation ed Park Benjamin, Geo Roberts proprietor, orig articles gd, discrim taste. 14 The Atheneum Club at 48 Clinton Pl is literary gmen connected with press, authors, lawyers and clergy, pres is Geo King of Columbia, Geo Folsom. 17 puffs F Richardt views at NAD rms. 21 dislikes cries of peddlers


1 notices Gignoux at Goupil’s, Niagara, property of Belmont exhib as a benefit; puffs Appleton’s stereoscopes. 4 H, an occas corresp fr Washington, has long descr of Brady’s gall of national portraits in GW, Jackson, Webster, Calhoun, Benton, Gallatin, Taylor, Cooper, McDuffie, Woodbury, S Wright, Audubon, Marcy, Van Buren, Cass, also politicians in crinoline.

8 Statuette of Jackson, traveler to DC seen his statue in Lafayette Sq will look in vain in Euro for a superior work of Art. Except for Wellington’s, not one to compare to Mills, prancing attitude is most graceful and spirited and alm impossible to present, but Mills did succeed, and astonished lovers of art, self-supporting. Portrait fr life, true to nature, no Adonis or Mars, so horse is beau ideal of a horse, man is rough featured old hero, long lank and flatchested, just what old soldier was, to take any liberties an unpardonable crime. Alw sd work has no superior. Visited at Wms & Stevens on Broadway saw statuette as faultless as orig, art shd grace our public institutions and libraries, esp Am artists.

19 Art by Sentinel: It is never the work of our columns to lift the veil, but rich magnate just opened his new mansion for a reception, Picture Gallery, fairest treasures, progress in love of Art. Not in criticism of the Masters, not in studied admiration of the old and heart taught delight in the modern, joy in beauty also approaching near humbler hearths. Beauty will rise from the dust-cloud of our business like Venus fr the sea. We won’t need to bury our Cupid in the grd as Michaelangelo did so might seem ancient. Practical can be one with the beautiful, we aren’t those who rave of glories of a National Pic Gall, better to see on walls of the house in country, more numerous than rms of Vatican

25 JM Enzing Miller new engr Family Monument confused, undertaken too much history


12 Wm H Aspinwall’s Gall of Old Masters, has thrown open his private gall adjoining his hse, erected by Renwick, includes Murillo’s Immac Concep, Vandyke, Velaz, other old masters, and our native artists Huntington, Church, Gignoux and others, once a week.

18 Mike Walsh wrote a series of letters for the Herald

19 Fry’s divorce, he wasn’t guilty of abusing his wife

25 Whig mtg with Fillmore, Tallmadge, Erastus Brooks. 26 likes Adam Bede v much


4 notices sale of J Henriques coll, recherch, 161 11th st, by Leeds, have before noticed his fine coll in detail

12 supplement p. 1 A Free Pic Gall. Idea promoted by artists, amateurs, Belmont. Doesn’t believe it alone educates taste. A free school would be better. Even better would be libraries.

13 notices NAD private exhib, v large, 800, many of merit, cabinet size. Advertisement too.

14 Constitution ed Geo W Bowman, DC paper wearing Ethiopian skin of Buchanan. Covers Ethnolog soc in detail.

23 NAD: annual alw looked forward to with interest, visitors too, we can appreciate real merit, opinion here wld be held gd anywhere, artist no longer forms tastes of the public, which ha not only models of old, principles laid down by highest authorities, but above all nature. An actor shld hold up the mirror to nature, but were he to lay aside the conventionalities of the stage, wld prob play to empty houses. May resort to tricks to gain approval, but artist guilty of this wld certainly lose position. Audience judges musicians and ptrs by higher standards than actors. Now and then an artist’s style differs essentially fr his predecessors yet attains a hi position, but can’t hold unless pics are truer to nature than the others, eg Turner.

            Compared to 10 or 12 years ago, number of artist up and gd ptgs too, fewer really bad ones than last year.

            Among the gd lscapes: 267 Mtn Stream by Hart well don, 285 Kensett gd. 321 by E.Johnson most attractive, conception gd, execution excellent, truthfulness commendable. 410 Richards, 413 Hart and Tait, 422 Casilear, 437 Boughton, 430 Tait, will attract attn. Suydam’s 471 peculiar, a diff subj, but handled well. 478 Holland, gd, tho tone not quite pleasant. 514 Durrie gd idea of winter wood, 517 Owen of merit. 516 Boutelle gd. 616 626 Casilear, 640 Tait and Hart, 679 Kensett, 760 Tait and 762 Durand all gd, likewise Gifford’s Mansfield Mtn, peculiar autumnal tint remarkable. 783 Bierstadt peculiar, effect of light on water well done. Portraits some excellent ones in crayon by Lawrence. Healy’s Pres Tyler fine likeness, 574 Stone gd, also his 581. Elliott’s GW Morton and Dr Cheeseman are excellent; L Delmonico by Patania well done, JW Ehninger by Stone also v gd.

26 dislikes Holmes’ skepticism in Atlantic Monthly

29 Church’s New Pic, McClure exhib to invited, truly marvelous, marked evidence of his genius. Imbibed spirit of So Am scenery. 2 yrs ago at Acad had sunset in Andes, a masterpiece, present pic is Heart of the Andes and is partly a composition, but in neighborhood of mtns, reflects actual scenes. Large but such a mass of details carefully elab finished that labor immense. Magnif rich trop foliage, exquis finish of center, mtns and stormy clouds, will be struck. Tone differs materially fr one previous, red predominated, this one at time of day when light is softened, rich but subdued tint. Panorama of one of finest scenes earth can present, admirable manner, reprints lines on it in Post from a well known graceful discrim writer, magic hand of art reveals heart.


21 Hearthstone Club, disapprove of reform clubs for women, women’s clubs generally, EF Ellet involved, wants to reform deomestic service, regularize expectations on both sides, vetting agency

31 notices  New Ptgs among pics at NAD 2 fruit pieces by Louis Grube of Brooklyn in pastel, 11 and 69, such undes posit on wall, easily overlooked, as faithful represe of nature, v creditable, won him a gd name


1 Goupil has likeness of Empress Eugenie. 9 Forrest gave $500 won in libel suit agst Willis to Free Masons widows fund

21 has been lots of coverage of Humboldt’s death, funeral, life etc. 28 excerpts praise on Park Benjamin as our juvenal, our satirist


July-Dec 1859: skipped July and August. Happy that police order regarding beggars has gone into force and greatly reduced this plague. Puffs Bien lithos. Knick reformed, T Addison Richards doing stuff for it ashas been for Harper’s.


14 notices Waugh’s Italia and p. 3 Leeds auction of artist Louis Grube of Brooklyn’s most beaut fruit pieces pastels, inclu one called America (and copies after ary scheffer_)

17 long attack on the Herald, urge boycott, over Sunday openings I think

19 The Webster Statue at Boston, inaug speech by Edw Everett, statue by Powers; 20 Sentinel describes the event and says that tho Gov Banks and Everett defend the work, gmen think there shld be another, would like to have Palmer’s opinion

21 Parsons and Thompson ed of Daily News

24 Powers’ statue of Webster: doubt raised re fidelity to orig, editors of Nat Intellig have been in great intimacy with him, say yesterday that it is imposing and no one who knew him cld stand before it without emotion, some pronounce it faulty, we do not find it so, noble personification of great man and his fame, grandeur of head face brow and eye and expr, all strikingly Webster.

26 Onderdonk issue/restoration still alive

28 notices Edwin White’s GW resigning for Maryland senate on view at store ofParke, exhib by Ritchie, skill at color and tone

October 1 Exhib at Acad of Fr and Eng artists well worthy, Millais, Landseer, Frere, Bonheur and others, success of one two years ago. Pre Raph more curious than pleasant, Wallis Stone Breaker wonderful, astounding amount of work, every stone a pic, alm repulsive on dead body, work of genius makes it attrctive. Halliday Wedding Ring elab of details surprising, singular effect, vast labor thrown away. Forget genl appearance reproduce, to finish foliag e in distance as if in foregrd is incorrect. One of finest is Troyon Banks of Seine, pleasing and satis, Ansdell’s South Downs in his style of lifelike animals. Frere deserves genl admiration

5 Am Inst Fair average, has Gurney photog in oil. 7 State Ag Fair reported by Sentinel, a ptg in Bonheur style of oxen by a young lady, artistic treatment, p. 3 Chas M Leupp suicide, Gideon Lee his wife’s dad

8 addition to exhib of Eng and Fr ptgs, Gerome’s Duel, Landseer’s Lions fighting, Ary Scheffer, Biard, Poole, Brion. At Duss Gall is Wm Page’s Venus Guiding the Trojans. At 28 Cooper Inst is Pettrick’s Tecumseh exceedingly natural, arrests attn, plus ideal sculp. At NAD is James Robb’s of N Orleans coll before auction.

13 notices Robb’s ptgs again, old masters, some really gd and some thought gd bcause in style of old masters. And Grube sale too.

15 police force commissions Elliott to do a portrait of AV Stout who covered their salaries when city broke

21 seems to agree w/Herald that John Brown is a madman, but it was slavery drove him mad. Athenaeum Club asking artist members to show their work, Edwin White, Baker and Inness exhib

22 distances them from Geo W Curtis, who says Republicans are abolitionists, he worked for Fremont campaign, but misrepresents them just want to prevent its extension, he is a popular lecturer, in favor of Women’s Rights, entertaining on literary matters

26 Legal Intellig, the Photographic Case, US vs one case marked GRB containing photos and optical instruments, action for condemnation of a  pkg of goods, alleging a few pics indecent, and violate Act of 1842. Cited Powers statues of the Greek Slave and Eve were nude figs and imported as Art and allowed to pass Customs Hse, and Page’s ptg of Venus recently imported, also a made fig. Picture dealers called to say that photos might not be delicate were not indecent nor obscene. Court held that what Customs had permitted in other imports had nothing to do with it, if there was but one pic of indecent char then whole must be condemned, q was if Act violated, jury said it was.

27 Merc Lib Assoc lectures include Wm Fry, HJ Raymond, Thom Starr King

Supports Cooper Inst. 28 notices Knoedler’s new gallery, has Bonheurs, and statue of Wash by Powers in Masonic collar and apron


5 Hamilton Fish is letting Palmer’s exquis White Captive exhib at Schaus (published him on why he was voting for Fremont). 11 Sentinel praises art in troy, NY, efforts of two gmen.

Pro-Seward for pres. 14 Palmer’s White Captive, new piece by Palmer, form beaut, sad countenance touching, gem, expressive, beaut finished, Tuckerman quote on it

24 Washington’s home after the war, Rossiter & Mignot, at NAD, will find admirers, gives description, peculiar softness of lscape hi praise, figs well exec, GW dignified courtous gman

29 HW Derby, brother to senior member of publishing firm Derby & Jackson, bought the Duss coll of Boker for $100,000, intends to build new gallery, and moved fr Cinti to NY, Stuyvesant square


1 Daily News is Fernando Wood’s organ. 2 Wm H Fry leading Republican. Approves Bayard Taylor, Simms history, Townsend’s book of etchings/poems supervised by John W Ehninger, Durand, Leutze, Kensett, Darley, Casilear, Johnson, Gifford, Lambdin, Boughton, Dana, Mignot, Ehninger. 7 (post Wash Irving’s death), Ball Hughes’ busts of him, fr model fr life. Lists his other works. Misc items also has Vernet news, and lost art in Josiah Quincy fr Leghorn

13 Indep newspapers, two claim to be in this city, one is thoroughly Demo and one is Repub when convenient. Times claims to be indep, but as a lukewarm friend is in fact an enemy.

17 notices artist Church on his travels




3 Geo Thomson appointed under Mayor Wood was editor of the News

27 GL Brown’s ptgs, 20 yrs since noticed W Alston’s praise of his copies of Claude, went to Italy, now back with Ital scenery, 768 Broadway, fully redeem his promise


1 Sentinel goes into raptures over state approval of incorp of Artists Fund, NY will be a center for art. Stopped at the 8th, Skipped to March 14, cites Nat Intellig that Mills’ new statue of GW is liked. 15 praises Hawthorne’s Marble Faun as an Art Novel, thoroughly understands the principles of art, has pointed crit on art in general and some masterpieces in partic

16 Ptgs now at NAD some 400 by native  and Europe, Church, Kensett, Tait, Mignot, J Hart, Gignoux, Wm Hart, Bellones, Ban Beest G Hall D Johnson Verboeckoven, Zimmerman, Geo Cole, Lance, Boddington, Sid Percy, Muller, Huggins, Herring, Shayer and De Brakleer. Fine lscapes, esp Cole of London, Percy, Boddington, Shalders and J Herring Jr, Shayer, Sontagg, Blondell. “The First Polka” by Mrs Lilly Spencer will be liked by those who admire her style of ptg. GL Brown, Gignoux,  Lemmens, Church, etc etcSold by Leeds


approved Lincoln’s Cooper Institute speech.

27 notices art at Goupil’s (a pilgrim subject) and Schaus. 30 notices advertisers’ lithos of Thorvaldsen


7 Death of Mrs Anna Jameson, excerpts Bryant, genial art critic. 10 Apotheosis of Wash in rotunda of Merchants Exchange, likeness of GW far fr pleasing

14 Art--AD annual exhib regarded with much interest, rapid prog, AU  contrib greatly to stimulating artists and diffusing taste, Acad had fallen into a rather beaten track and needed a new spirit. Its exhibs a marked contrast to what they were, more exacting, pics which formerly wld have attracted attn will now silently be passed by. Public judg generally pretty correct.

            Last yr a lare proportion of really gd ptgs, not the case this season. 700, but quantity more than quality. No of ports abt the same, and some are of course particulalry modern. Several really good, well known lscape ptrs not sent usual supply, and some who rank hi sent works that do them little credit. Among those that will arouse attn of visitor, 213 and 453 by Harry Brown, 230 by Cranch, 254 by Barrow, 402 by Casilear, 440 Sontag, 448 Huntington portrait,  465 and 610 Eastman Johnson, 461 a pecul ptg by J Suydam, 510 and 607 GL Brown, 527 AF Bellows, 338 JA Hart, 554 CT Dix, 558 AF Tait, 600 Gay613  Mignot


21 Sentinel reports on the Repub convention in Chicago, disapp re Seward, but Lincoln a friend of Clay; 3rd day decorations admires portraits of presidents well done, fidelity, Clay esp


9 Church’s new ptg, at gallery over Goupil’s, Twilight in Wilderness, one of his best effots, admirable in every respct, lights and shades surpass any of his, peculiar state of atmosph often seen but diff to represent on canvas, reflection of color is a triumph of art, quotes Boston Transcript, take rank with his best, wildness and beauty

12 Vienna sculptor honored, equestrian statue  of emperor, crit of horse’s legs

21 notices Adam Embler, descendant of one fr revolutionary war, talent as a sculpt on exhib at Goupil, sergeant in attitude of charging bayonet, no instruction in art, trade is mason and plasterer

26 approves Bancroft’s hist of US


LOC has July-Dec 1860, but I didn’t look at it.


LOC bound volume Jan-Jun 1861 Vault

Jan: hates Wood, he is a traitor; ready for Civil war, it’s necessary. Evil J of Commerce backing Wood, as are Herald and Express. Crittenden a trap for Republicans.12 Ellis cameo of Senator King, Bleecker st 14 Leutze at derby gallery, Ssettlement of Maryland with Calvert and a Jesuit priest, arrang admirable hazy atmosphere, one of his best efforts (puff?) 15 anti-chinese. Knick has been rejuvenated (TB Aldrich writes for it) 16 Luthy drwg of Past and Present of US, alleg, arch with port of Wash surrounded by alleg designs of histo of country with ports of eminent men, owned by James Meyer, donations to Mt Vernon, 43 Beaver st 19 slaves are better off slaves than free, when freed must be sent out of the country, just don’t want slavery in free territories 21 Lola Montez died, notorious, didn't like her. Atlantic Monthly ably maintains merits of Page in Artists in Italy.  Forgives Bishop Doane’s faults. 28 watercolors.

Feb 8 Henry Wikoff’s pamphlet pro slavery extension, praises Herald. Goupil’s has Stebbins’ Lotus Eater, fig beaut cut, natural and easy, expression of sadness not quiet content, well done. Schaus has Carl Hubner of Dusseldorf’s German Emigrants, venerable pastor blessing, careful details, expressions of clergyman and emigrants lack color, seem to be in ill health. 18 Leeds sale of Freeman’s ptgs and the Crayon gallery of Fr/Brit

Mar 7 Gajani’s lectures. 11 Cooper Union instructors are Ehninger and Jervis McEntee. Advertisement for a performance by some 20 Indian chiefs as a fundraiser organized by xtian women, with Court of Death to be shown at the end, at Cooper, 20 Cof D caused audience to flee 21 NAD opens, lots of talented artists, proud of our exhibs, when Church Gifford Kensett Durand and others send in ptgs, visitor is gratified. Thi yr proportion of meritorious pics is smaller than usual, lots of ports, many hardly worth the space they cover. Gd specimens of lscapes esp by Gifford, Durand and Eastman Johnoson well represented, many sm pics worth attn. No ladies at opening, easier to see art but a bit dreary. divorce bad, don’t allow. 22 (27?) long NAD review, Gifford and esp Heade the best, Huntington’s Cromwellian one of best, Church is peculiar, not pleasing, several of E Johnson v gd, Bierstadt rewards looking, Rossiter too much in the glaring style. Page, Leutze, Beard’s Bears on a Bender full of life, many others briefly

Apr 11 pretty waiter girls being led into dens of sin in saloons on Broadway 13 missing 18 Nyer Demokrat also forced to raise a flag; Daily News held out, police present 20 Statue of boy blowing bubbles by David Richards, natural position, intensely interested, at Snedecor’s gallery, also has Amsterdam ptg of William of Orange, los of figures in the pic, By Damschrender 22 great Union mtg in Union square, flag of Sumter put in hands of Washington, wildest enthus 24 Casali org a Garibaldi legion 25 Church’s pic The North at Goupil’s, scene fr Fairy Land, expectations of him met, hard to believe it is nature, a marvl in handling of colors, visitor may feel there is something wanting because it is so novel 27 war a chance for women to earn a livelihood in new occupations

stopped with end of April.


Morning Courier and NY Enquirer for the Country

Jan 26, 1833 Paul Pry in Washington column, compares himself to Journal of Commerce’s “Spy” (a foe to the Kitchen Cabinet and their organ Ritchie’s Richmond Enquirer) and that everyone seems to know something, but goes on to share what he “knows.” “Splendid Ptgs” puffs Adam and Eve at Acad of FA on Barclay st., and unequalled coll of old ptgs, every amateur shd go, best exhib in this country. P. 3 map of Antwerp, critical of nullification. Ad for Wm Dunlap festival on p. 4.


Feb 1 1833 p. 2 The Spy in Washington.

Feb 12 1833, correspondent mentions Webb’s old partner Noah has left the city but may start a new paper. likes the Kembles; “The Knickerbacker” is a new publication that interferes with those already estab and so earns some enmity who say that James Lawson of the Mercantile Advertiser is involved with editorial, this would do serious damage to the journal’s lit reputation, is untrue. On p.2 asks ed of Knick to say in the American that Webb didn’t initiate this dential. P. 3, observes that Richard Riker is directly opposed in politics, and grieved Webb by his decisions, but shd be reelected as he is the best Criminal Lawyer in the US. P. 4 poem by Imogen on motherly love, for the C&E.

Feb 22 1833 p. 2 XYZ is the Euro correspondent. “Paintings” favored by view of countryman Cole’s beaut specimens fr recent Italy trip, corner of Wall st and Broadway, all ptd to order for gmen in this city, pleasure to add they sustain his rep and promise far greater excellence. Also puffs Debuffs again Adam and Eve and Expulsion. “Miniature Ptg” exquisite beauty finish by Capt JW Sturgeon, pupil of celeb Shelly, can be viewed at his rms at Dr Pascalis, 71 Liberty st, take pleasure in directing fine arts lovers, but warn will be tempted to get them for themselves, ladies esp. p. 3 remind that they agreed to print the Spy’s letters in whole, but don’t endorse them, think he’s generally impartial.

Feb 26 1833 p. 1 puffs Dunlap’s benefit, a fancy dress ball, p. 2 puffs Adam and Eve again. Reviews a play at American Theatre, too many old jokes and stale Yankeeisms, p. 3 abolish usury laws

Mar 1 1833: p. 1 notes “The Scribes of Gotham” poem by Nicodemus Trollop, pub Stodart, gives unflatttering picture of NY Press but tells some wholesome truth. Another Imogen poem, female hand, on The Supper in Good Society, where a bachelor invites prospective brides. P. 2 excerpts from Scribes, likes their take on his opponent the Standard: a purchased scribe. also discusses XYZ’s identity, identifies OPQ for the Morning Chronicle as a French former officer.

Mar 5 1833 Dislikes Forrest, rants and raves. P. 4 more Imogen.

Mar 8 1833: defends bank, notes accident to Wm Townsend, ed Daily Advertiser. P. 2 likes Am Mo Mag and Knick. P. 3 sneers at editor of Eve Post, not a gman, not raised in right circles. But agrees with Post that Standard’s attack on Verplanck was bad.

 Mar 12 1833 p.1 New England monthly best of monthlies. P. 3 ABC says Adam and Eve beaut and chaste pictures create such popular feeling and emulation in a love for the fine arts

Mar 15 1833: p.1 praises NY Mirror, air of good breeding and politeness, taste and discrimination, females may be certain never have feelings or delicacy shocked

Mar 19, 1833 gives Calhoun’s complete speech on the tariff

Apr 12 1833 p. 2 recounts being assaulted by Wm Leggett in Wall st, wanted personal satisfaction, but don’t deem him a gman so wouldn’t do it. James Lawson a friend of Leggett. P. 3 puffs the National Portrait Gallery by Bancroft/Amer Acad FA

Apr 23 1833 notes repub of Wollstonecraft, much to disapprove in it, repub by Matsell. P. 3 Harper’s is pub Verplanck’s essays on the arts, highly approve. Compares a visit to Albany to a conchological convention, compares politicians to diff types of shells. Likes that the Ital opera reduced its prices to Park Theatre’s.

Apr 26, 1833 p.1 audit of accounts for monument to Dr. Emmet, inclu illus of it (obelisk with likeness by Ingham), lots of Irish subscribers, near St. Paul’s. “Cambrelung and Browere the Sculptor” sculptor called on us with bust of our Commercial Representative , style of excellence, erratic and eccentric artist claims on patronage. Faithful likeness, prominent bumps of self esteem, servility, hypocrisy and avarice as in the original. Surprised by merger of Advocate and Journal, a high tariff and Henry Clay paper, with the Mercantile Advertiser & NY Advocate, a Tammany free trade paper, now the Mercantile Advertiser and NY Advocate

May 3 1833 p. 1 their foreign correspondent (no letters) notes that Philippon of Le Caricature and Charivari had engravings re the king/pear; “American Artists” astonishing how many good ones we have, tho still thought to be required that they go to England first, sully best on either side of Atlantic tho foreign critics don’t acknowledge it, also Jarvis, Inman and Ingham and others of rare  singular merit, also a talent ofr lscape ptg, young artists who lack instructiona nd encouragement still display native vigour. Glorious of wealthy would put 1/10th of what they do for chandeliers, looking glasses etc on pictures busts etc, gilded lumber embellishes fash drwg rms. Stop at Parker & Clover’s on Fulton St, to be convinced, don’t let enthusiasm for foreign music lit and ptgs make you forget that patronage would mean could supply at home. Supports NY Public library, not a fan of blue laws. P. 2 happy that Hackett is successful in London.

May 8 1833. May 10 1833. P.1 gives O’Connell’s speech.

May 14 1833 p.1 likes Miss Clifton. “National Academy of Design” opened yesterday, little time, seen sufficient reflects credit on talents of native Painters, improving, and acad encourages by promoting them to Members. Mr Cole truly exquisite Italian scenes, Morse returned from abroad much improved in style, beaut picts full of feeling and poetry, the general character of this gman’s productions, subjects alw elevated. Portraits by Inman second only to Stuart’s, true copies of the originals and pleasing compositions. One portrait by Ingham but in his best manner, so highest order. Mount’s fulllength port of Bishop Onderdonk