HomeKatz's Unofficial Index to Antebellum New York City NewspapersKatz's Notes on Antebellum New York City NewspapersAtlas (Sunday Morning Atlas; New York Atlas)

Atlas (Sunday Morning Atlas; New York Atlas)

New York Atlas—Library of Congress


Sunday Morning Atlas—NYHS Mar 8 1840, 3 cents, Herrick West and Ropes, 162 Nassau across fr Tammany hall

p2 J of Commerce and others attacking sale of Sunday papers because their circulation is being eroded by the cash papers. “How to get up an exhib” try to get editors to give free publicity. Notices Elton’s new estab..

missing pages/issue then Mar 22 Catlin successful in London esp with ladies. Then skips to Apr 12. Atlas does not accept theatrical puffing. engr of Portraits of the People no 2 (1 was The Soap Lock), The Politician, resembles an individ. Skips to Apr 26, engr isBelle of Broadway. Then skips to May 10 1840, has a Tasistro article defending novel readers May 17 has the Upper Crust Soap Lock. Bro Jon with Willis and Weld bound to be success. May 24 Negro Waiter, you should tip them, on Broadway imitates Upper Crust Soap Locks, burlesque on prigs of puppies should reform them. Nad opens Inman Shegogue Spencer Frothingham Ingham Page Marsiglia Pringle Durand Jun 7  crit of attack on Bennett and the Herald, shouldn’t attack or threaten to expose its readers, should do a better job on their own commercial reporting. critical of Elssler. crit of Tasistro suing Sun and Sunday Morn News for libel. Jun 21 port Jim Crow. notices pub by Harpers of The Fine Arts by JB Lossing, who I think works for them doing their engr Jul 5 has heads of all the presidents. more Catlin. Aug 9 Am Inst advertises Aug 16 hot corn girl port Sept 6 The News Boy. Attacks clique abusing Astor hse as part of war on Benentt, Noah prob not part of it. Symp to Indians, sort of. Sept 27 Halpin drawing their portraits. Tasistro on downfall of epic. Polyanthos advertises. Oct 11 engr of Am Inst Fair at Niblo’s with text of a lecture on it. Whole issue is about it, on p2 mentions Harvey in pper allery engr of American Scenery, , Morse’s wood engr, ornamental sign tg y Cafferty 90 Nassau st, with great spirit, copied fr our admirable drawing of the News boy, another of news boy with New World for sale, another sketch of two loafers. This will give him standing. Ackerman’s sign The New World will get him custom.



June 12, 1842, 3 cents, 162 Nassau st, 2 doors fr Tammany hall, Herrick, West and Ropes, editors and proprietors

            LFT or Tasistro in Demo  Review, great articles, defends him fr attacks in certain papers. No NAD ad.

  1. Roberts designed and engr the masthead, is also their regular engraver, JB Brown does some of their humorous designs

June 19 noticews Morning Post to be ed by Godwin of Evening Post, and forcible writer Levi Slamm’s Plebeian

July 3 Elton and Manning also doing designs. Puffs the Aurora: its editorial talent second to none in the city

July 10 praises Audubon as backwoodsman, has NP Willis story, more Aurora. Geo F Thompson rabid locofoco put Calhoun at head of New Era, and been connected with it since it’s in hands of Godwin, put into custom house job

July 17 continues arguing to reform police system. July 24 p.1 illus and critical sketch of the Dog Killer, part of ongoing series Portraits of the People.

July 31 Lynde M Walter of Eve Transcript died. Aug 7 p. 1 anecdotes of Reynolds advising industriousness and Michelangelo’s Last J censorship.Mostly supports Intl Copyright, critical of  Dickens’ recent abuse of the press. Park Benjamin has taken up agst the Ladies’ Companion. Sept 10 excerpts fr Ladies  Companion. Sept 11 Aurora getting libel suits, reporter covering trail of editor of Flash, an obscene paper, repeated a slander on D Russell Lee, connected with press of city.

Acknowledges Monroe Edwards a forger, but symp to him it seems, and critical of Judge Kent.


Oct 2 1842 praises Odd Fellow’s offering, long been OF themselves. Oct 23 re Webb’s trial for dueling, law no longer a dead letter, code of honor relic of brutal age. Long notice of Am Inst Fair. Oct 30 Bishop Hughes is attacking Odd Fellows, Cath shouldn’t join. HH Weld leaving Bro Jonathan. Nov 6 port of Mike Walsh, writing a column for Aurora. Seem ok with capital punishment. Lots of attacks on Bennett. Long letter (card?) critical of Onderdonk.

Nov 13 p. 2 Scenes About Town: The Miniature Ptr’s Study, unlike editor, a clean profession, not solitary, his studio his parlor, chats intelligent conversation while paints. Nov 27 critical of Simpson and the Park. Dec 11 engr of recorder Tallmadge; hostile to butchers monopoly, fourierism and Robt Owen. 18 critical of Cooper’s libel suits. Praises Geo P Morris book, illus Weir and Chapman. Dec. 25 pictorial xmas Atlas, inclu “the guy artistical” (fr England?)



January 1 Mirror gives up the ghost this week, eleg parlor journal once an immense fave, expires under D Fanshaw, injected too much piety. Morris will take it over, praises him and Chapman. (later notes that the mix of engraving and letter press won’t be accepted by public) Major Noah quits the Union. Notices Geo W Dixon and TD Rice fairly often, approvingly all in all.

22 Praise Robt H Morris as Mayor (next week does Elijah Purdy)

Feb 19 Wm Wallace poem inclu on March 5 “ the artist’s grave” (the beaut can never die)

March 19 notices True Sun issued fr old offices (Aurora, Atlas and Dollar Weekly now 111 Nassau); Aurora has absorbed Union, paper Noah left

March 26 excerpts bio of Thomas Lawrence painter. April 2 likes Stephens Incidents in Yucatan

April 23 port Bishop Hughes by Strong, haven’t seen any NAD ads. Covers St George cricketers. Disapproves of improper Fr novels by Geo Sands, de Kock

May 7, Whose is it? Next to imposs for any man to disting his own port. (and inside page has apology for artist missing last week’s port of Ogden Hoffman) HC Shumway and Young advert for photo portraits.

May 21, excerpts Carlyle’s Past and Present. May 28 is last issue in volume. Has advert: wanted, an artist to take portraits.


The Atlas Picture Gallery No 4 for June 1843 (NYPL misc)

            -Danl Webster delivering an oration, Bunker Hill, Park Ftn, a beggar imposter, a series of portraits fr Bishop Hughes and Judge Lynch to James Whiting and Recorder Tallmadge, Astor, Palmo, Michael Walsh as well as street characters like th eRazor Strop man, actressses.


June 10, 1849, first issue in new volume, , Herrick and Ropes, eds and props, 111 Nassau, new masthead but same basic symbols of lit and the arts. Portrait of the People is the late Genl Gaines. Very hostile to NY Hyperion, as wooly headed. Friend of Forrest, denies invading his domestic affairs, critical of Judge Daly in Astor Riot trial. No NAD ad.

June 17 Roberts engr Brady’s dags for the portrait series. Long eulogy on exPres Polk, great cabinet too. Paragraph on Whitley’s studio, connected with the Gallery of the Old Masters, pleas of viewing a pic that able and pop artist just exec for Am AU of Tappan Bay with Fonthill Castle, infinte credit on the artist.

June 24 p. 1 has ‘original’ account of Western museum. Powers’ letter to Peyton Symmes in response to role of Henderson the actor, Powers created an illusion for stage too, Trollope. Disapproves of Free Acad for girls. Likes Police Gazette.

July 1 likes Cornelius Lawrence a lot. Park Godwin had office at Custom houseunder him. V crit of H Greeley and M Fuller for attacking Pope Pius 9. Likes Alfred Carson of Fire dept.

July 8 WN Dunnel doing woodcuts. Atlas under Tyler got offices in custom house for Herrick, Ropes, Southworth (John Smith of arkansas), and tho came out early for Taylor are mad to lose them, as did Fuller and Webb. Taylor seems to be dumping a lot of Demos. Henry Clay supported intnatl copyright,it failed, and Am lit remained encased in swaddling clothes and trundle beds on Grub st. Univ puffing system responsible for depressing native lit. Bryant, Halleck, Drake, Willis Edw Everett, Percival, Longfellow, Whittier honorable distinction, but most just obtain puffs to create them as lit heros, Albert Pike, Sweet, Brooks, Hoffman, Peabody and Geo P Morris, makes Am lit laughed at abroad. Morris never wrote a line of poetry in his life, never had a patriotic idea in his noddle, yet thru puffade stood exemplar of native poesty has been the means of deteriorating the char of Am lit. NY Daily Advertiser to be started by John Smith jr of Arkansas and John F Ropes.

July 15 Comm Advert a speciemn of Mawworm and Sir John Lambert school, conducted for many years by Wm L Stone and francis Hall, fond of theater, cigars and pretty women, til sold out to Methodism, Mesmerism and HannahBrackett. Has been annoyed by Sabbath breakers, cry of Sunday papers offensive to a fat, bloated nd supercilious hypocrite. Editor of Brooklyn Freeman aspires to estate of reputable editor, unknown to us, copies our articles without credit and sneers at two of us at same time. Will act.

July 22 v crit of Calhoun. July 29 voted for James Brooks. Signor Casali’s European American, for Italian freedom, also likes Weekly Inveterate. Aug 5. Get rid of Navy flogging. Likes Geo Rogers’ patriotic poem.

Aug 12 Admire Hiram Fuller, glad he got an office. P. 3 Literary Notices, The Pantheon, TW Whitley the artistpolitician philosopher and hi priest of Swedenberg and renowned Chas Fourier abt to issue an illus paper, Pantheon will freely discuss all qs of interest, portraits of eminent men, scene illus of great questions of the day. Sept 2 Augustus Childs is bro of Caspar Childs; new paper the Clarion, defends Thom Darcy McGee of Nation. P. 3 big ad fr Am AU with list of current ptgs to be distrib 1849, Sept 9 has article Am A-U, praises its management under Prosper M Wetmore, poet and taste, guarantees its success, noble liberality, have purchased works that wld not stand the test of rigid crit bcause felt a little encouragement wld lead to honorable results, reflects credit on nation, warmly recommend it.

Sept 16 1849 continue v crit of Taylor for dumping them in favor of illiterate Whigs like Hoxie et al. defends consul Robt Walsh in Paris. James Burns has illus Geo Rogers poem of GW crowned on 15 foot canvas at Apollo rms, they like it. 23 not big admirer of JH Houston, the reporter, but sad re Chas Holden, young.

Sept 30 notices Powers statuary on exhib. Critical of Onderdonk.

Oct 7 1849 p. 2 liked Forrest better before he went to England, hope doing so won’t change Charlotte Cushman either. Disapprove of Battery enlargement. Annual fair gets long notice, esp the dags. Gmen desiring views of Am scenery fr the spot in diff states will find among numerous drawings of TW Whitley 290 Broadway great variety of pictque scenes. His style is faithful, free and v spirited. His pics have an air abt them of truth, which more than compensates for their lack fo finish. We are glad Am AU puts his works on walls, hope it will make him a fave with amateurs. Oct 14: Poe’s death, had much to applaud in man, his poetry and prose never above mediocre. Defends EZC Judson in Astor trial, says HJ Raymond of C&E was one of instigators determined Macready shld play at all hazards, Herald had its own personal vendetta. Notices Am Inst fair. November 11 defends Castle at Fonthill, Am cits can build a castle and still be demo not aristo. 18 quite critical of Henry Clay. Nov 25 notices death of Wm H Attree, destitute. Worked for NY Herald in 1835, enlisted for Texas, then back to Herald but irregular in his habits. Very superior in his lit reporting of Congress, courts, correctly followed speeches. As a writer was addicted to coarseness and vulgarity, but well read and warmhearted, addicted to drink.

Dec 23 1849 critical of Squier in Central America. Notice Am AU distrib, acting Mayor Kelly and Brooklyn Mayor Copeland, James T Brady, Joseph Hoxie and exAlderman Morris Franklin read names. Praise new daily penny News 86 Nassau st by Walter R Janes. Notices Intl Art Union at Goupil’s too. Dec 30 defends PM Wetmore re defalcation




Likes Hamilton Fish. Is a free soiler. Don’t think much of erudition of NY Hist Soc, which endorsed Squier, who was also a Tyler man like Thom Dunn English. 20 praises Godey’s, has a column on balls, often military


3 opposed at this point to compromise with slavery, disapproves of Clay’s measures. Thinks Matsell’s police report  has no foundation, sacrifices humbler classes of society without any allusion to vices of higher classes; courage only to denounce fruit girls. Long weird praise fr Southworth of NP Willis and Morris, and Home J, in rln to Max Maretzek letter. Mocks Emerson a little.

17 Praises Newsboys and pbulishes their resolutions re Sunday papers; attacks Hope Chapel caniting ukase led by Englishman John Dowling, a moral reformer, abolitionist and anti Catholic, supported suffrage in Rhode Island with Dorr, but betrayed them.  Webb’s ambassadorship taken down by Clay, Webster absent, Seward supported him. Tammany mtg repudiated James T Brady in favor of free soil. Notices Gallery of Illus Americans by Brady and C Edwards Lester, able and chaste, will be pop

Feb 23 p. 3 Whitman (also the 10th)

Feb 24 p.2 oppose changing divorce laws for insanity at least. The Industrial Journal, name of weekly pub and edited by Thomas Whitley, ostensibly devoted to Reform and the interests of the working classes. He is an artist and a Reformer, of the order of Whitley, he goes it for the original and is the author of schemes at once novel and extraord, intends a total reorg of society, and tho agrees with Greeley in some things, curtails that philos gmen as a Reformer. For instance, Greeley thinkss hi taxation a national blessing in the form of a protective tariff, does not believe labor is benefitted by direct taxes.

            Whitley takes oppos view, onerous and oppressive taxation is a public benefit, and if you take fr producer 2/3 of avails and cast it into public coffers, confer a benefit. World has been in a state of darkness, none are so happy as those who are bore down by taxation.

            Greeley we believe is of opinion a great natl benefit produced by polit union betw Cape Cod and Japan, Nebraska and Ionian seas. Whitley goes for union betw the sexues and for the largest liberty, total dissolution of the Chalderian system.

            TD Rice sculpted statue of Jim Crow in front of National Theater.

March 1850

3 Forrest divorce leads him to very sensible argument about civil contracts, double standard, etc, p. 3 Aristides March 10 notices that Pierre Courtenay Talman in the Custom house as a clerk had embezzled a large amount, prob in service of his efforts to found a weekly and a monthly newspaper (latter called the Bubble), ambitious of lit fame, his weekly lampooned John Smith.

            Phantom of Disunion to be burned in effigy. Meyer’s pano to Calif puffed.

            Letter to edtiors fr TW Whitley, re their notice of Journal of Progress, pub and edited by him, he regards the real estate of acountry as only proper source of revenue, all other sources of taxation uncertain and demoralizing. Land is common property by statue, state takes as much as public deems necessary for public exigencies. Land shld be taxed to support public institutions for health, education and amuseument for laboring classes and poor, will result in highest civilization. Editors recommend in future he shld reply via his own paper.

            We regard Whitley as a man of unquestionable talent, his opinions on polit econ however the views of a mere schemer and philos run mad. Society pretty well regulated as it stands, don’t perceive necessity for reform.

March 17 Bryant of Eve Post was originally one of the old-school federalists and did not go democratic until other New England federalists picked Jackson as a slap to Adams/Jefferson; its founder Billy Coleman was hi priest of Federal party, but now Eve Post claims to be organ of legitimate democracy. Caspar C Childs a friend and patriot ran the Globe, devoted to Barnburnerism, free soil, and so hunkers wanted to get rid of it. Sold to Geo R Hazewell, who turned it toward Cass, John Mumford and John S Du Solle are now trying to unify the democracy. Bound to fail; the masses take orders fr Tammany Hall so don’t care about the press; those who buy newspapers are not locofocos, and Demo papers that have tried have been such party hacks that nobody would read them. Takes a lifetime to decipher and understand NY politics, to hire outsiders as editors is bound to fail. But a demo paper conducted with gd humor, wit, kind feeling and rich variety of politics and lit could succeed.

            Critical of Commodore Perry. Notice the People’s Art Union, advertising. P. 3 Whitman.

Mar 24 Bayne’s pano, Goupil’s AU

Mar 31 p. 3 Whitman. Supports NP Willis in Forrest case. Notices AM AU Bulletin. Notices Journal of Progress, monthly by philosophical and erratic friend, Thomas Whitley, artist of extraord merit. Devoted to universal reform, and editor if not placed in a lunatic asylum desires to overturn society to render it what it ought to be. In his paper of last Sat noticed an Atlas article and appended to it his congratulations on manly course of virgin and vigorous weekly on slave q, assault on compromisers timely, and goes on with praise


April 7 1850 Admires Seward and now supports Hugh Maxwell, the whig who replaced C Lawrence at the Customs Hse. April 14 p. 3 Whitman April 21 p. 2 whitman Apr 28 p.3 Whitman. Likes Benton.

May 5 1850 NAD advertisement. Likes NY Morning Star. Notices NAD valuable institution new location. Woodhull incompentent. C Edw Lester illust Am. P. 2 Whitman May 19? p.1 Whitman, last issue of volume


UNL microfilm


May 22 1859, Herrick and Seaman proprietors.

  1. 3 excerpting Valentine’s New York in ye Olden Time. Patent Hash is written by Carboy. P. 7 Review’s Adam Badeau’s Vagabond, piquant and agreeable, cosmopolitan, flowing, well bred ease of the man of the world, unrhymed poetry

May 29 “our editress out of town” letters. Great Republic Monthly improves , popular with the literary. Chas J Halpine now with Clancy in editing Leader. P. 6 Patent Chowder mocks new 4 cent sensation paper the Great Clap Trap, writing for it are Archibishop Hughes, Edward Everett, Rufus Choate, Cornelius Mathews, and lists other clichés of the prospectus, also appearing Beecher, Garrison, Bryant, Greeley, Gov Wise doing 30 somersaults.

June 5 cites Belle Brittan (Hiram Fuller). Likes Mrs. Jameson on art. John Carboy’s patent hash on kissing, satire of Tennyson who is a humbug.

June 12 black republican Oakey Hall. Forrest recovered $500 against Willis, for libel in HJ, donated it to Masons; has suit again against Mrs Sinclair, same lawyers. Carboy in Patent Hash critical of Oliver W Holmes defining quality versus the rabble, mutual admiration society and uncle tom’s cabin are the rulers, egoistic twaddle.

June 19 puff Church and Gignoux and Wms Stevens and Wms. Don’t need intl copyright. GPR James ok. June 26 profile of the Stuart sugar refiners from Richmond Enquirer. Carboy has some poetic parodies.

July 3 regularly puffs stories in the Sun and NY Weekly. Has poetry. Notices gigantic size of George Roberts’ Constellation, columns reach from spire of Trinity church to pavement, all friendship has ceased between Roberts and his former editor Park Benjamin

July 10 p1 reviews Mary Booth’s History of NY, praises it; Wilmer’s Press Gang is a curiosity. Calls Robt Winthrop and Hiram Ketcham old fogy whigs, who think they are still alive.

July 17 mocks Irish News. Has a series ofDots on the Map in NYC “by a bohemian”. Rufus Choate obit, a whig until 1856 when voted for Buchanan. Excerpts lady correspondent from HJ. Patent hash satirizes editors. July 24, anti Sabbatarian, protect adopted citizens. July 31 Harper’s weekly a commonplace journal, stale platitudes, no originality; praises Herald, Times and Tribune.

Aug 7 p. 4 Old Fogies, recognize by their self-complacency, cast off ideas. Critical of Daily News. Reviewer likes Idyls of the King.

Aug 14 Carboy writes a ton for them in addition to weekly column. Supports land reform, critical of Herald for attacking it. Aug 21 Harry Arcularius, writes R Q Larius for Atlas. Aug 21 Wm Winter, Willie Ware, Henry Morford is a poet.

Sept 11 AnHour up Broadway, by pen and scribbler. Sept 18, lecturers, from Bayard Taylor on down are superlative humbugs, no new ideas. 25 Notices Sunday Courier, Dispatch, and NYorker Demokrat, Cosmo AJ has engr of Life’s Happy Hours. Oct 9 notices Charles Leupp’s suicide, mansion full of pictures and works of art. Carboy visits Academy of Music. 16 Editress reviews department stores. Oct 16 ok with spending public money on monuments to excite emulation. Critical a bit of Councilman Ottarson (may have mentioned him before as intemperate?). presentation of portrait by Elliott to City Chamberlain Stout, who covered budget gap in pay for city, mansion in Madison ave, Raymond of Times, WH Fry of Tribune,Richd Busteedm John Clancy of Leader, Richd O’Gorman, Capt Leonard. P. 5 Modesty on stilts, daily paper crusades agst Page’s Venus Oct 23 Arcularius is candidate for Assembly in 16th district, 19th ward, true democrat

Nov 6 1859 p.2 The Artist’s Story, By Himself for Atlas, phantom haunts his apartments

Nov 13 p.5 National Academy, page’s venus there may be helping attendance, lots liked the Gerome very Frnechy. Patent Chowder cites Cornelius Mathews.

Nov 20 p.5 Ninon Every-Day Sketchings on Palmer’s White Captive, amer type of womanhood, intellectual. Nov 27 p1 review Doesticks’ letters, works of Thompson. Don’t support Fernando Wood, had wanted Irish Wm Kennedy for mayor.

Dec 4 p3 admiring obit for Wash Irving. Dec 11, attacks Herald coverage of John Brown, earlier attacked Tribune; authorities at Harper’s Ferry drove away Trib reporter House, let Herald’s keene stay

Dec 25 p.1 Walks and Talks on bohemia and funny papers, Yankee Doodle had James T Brady among its contrib/editors, artist Martin was not funny though Read was. Greeley and Willis also contrib.  Judy: Wolfe was artist in chief, now at Burton’s, JW Ehninger. Philadelphia’s John Donkey was ed by GG Foster and Thom Dunn English, Darley.

Lantern: Brougham, Powell, Fitz O’Brien, Seymour now musical and theatrical editor of the Times, Wm North, John Bonner now assistant editor on Herald and ed of Harpers Weekly, GG Foster formerly of Yankee Doodle, AF Banks of Sat Press, Thom Dunn English, Whitley, Mdme de Marguerites, Miss Allie Vernon, Bellew, McLenan, Darley, Egbert, Follingsby, Dopler, Illindale and Strother the Porte Crayon of Harper’s. Young Sam, ed by T Powell, Henry C Watson now ed of Ladies Illustrated, John Savage, Rosenburg, Chapin, Geo Arnold.

Puffs Home J. Death of Dow, Jr, Elbridge G. Paige, formerly ed of Sunday Mercury, Short Patent Sermons. Sale of Rossiter’s paintings at NAD, buyers included Greenleaf, Dr. Parmele, John C Dimmick



Jan 1 Times calls Herald an abolition organ. Jan 8 p. 4 nonsensical art talk, a few days since Herald founds gallery of contemp art, wants city or someone to buy Abbott coll of Egyptian antiquities. Jan 22 ex city councilman Ottarson, for several years city editor of Trib, now is at Dispatch. 29 Walks and Talks worries about working girls of NY

Feb 5 “models” series, model husband etc, has model counter jumper. Notices Leslie’s.

Feb 19 Patent Hash mocks T Gunn, Doesticks, S Cobb Jr, Geo D Prentice, Douglass, C Mathews, James Parton, Bayard Taylor etc. Wm D Howells poem. Feb 26 mocks Century club a little.

Mar 4 p.1 A Few Humbugs by an old humbug, newspaper editorials, puffing, Edw Everett, Boston, editor’s drawer of Harper’s Mag. Patent Hash calls Whitman the author of Bosh.

Mar 11 Atlas still hostile to Indians. Geo Law astonishing in Albany, succeeds in rrd scheme. Mar 18 Critical of Boker’s vindictive will disinheriting Mary Boker his daughter. Reviews Marble Faun, inferior to scarlet letter and seven gables; fine description of Story’s Cleopatra, Kenyon is rather a commonplace sort of an artist, Hilda too abstractly pure to be interesting, but despite Miriam and Donatello romance is too dreamy, unsatisfying

Mar 25 p.1 Walks and Talks, knows Pfaff’s, prefers Piccolomini’s, red bearded editor of a famous weekly a philosopher who edits a lugubrious serial, an editor of a political sheet, eminent jurist (Whitley?), poet youthful classic mold, hat of subdued form, writes journalism, coming man, lacks impudence. Agrees with Trib p. 4 that Ten Governors a bad institution.

April 1 p1 Walks and Talks About Editors, Stephen Branch should have said more in his memoirs Apr 8 Gunn also with Bellows in Picayune? P. 4 Join Express and Sun in wishing Sam Houston would run for pres on demo ticket. NY Historical Society, the coat of arms on a newly fledged mob, mocks them  22 Walks and Talks column racist gibberish. Notices Momus’s planned appearance (advertiser).

May 6 p.1 private life of the NY Tribune by one who knows ‘em. Mortimer Thomson Doesticks has been squeezed out. Raymond was succeeded by Rev Joel T Headley, lasted only 2-3 months, then came Wm E Channing, also a short term, followed by Dana, Ripley, Brisbane, Henry James, M Fuller. GG Foster, first worked at Atlas, went to Trib in 1844, lasted 2-3 years, originated city items. P. 4 notes that the transl of Humboldt leaves out his opinion that Bayard Taylor is stupid. Admires Field’s Cable. P. 5 NAD, except servile portraits, only a few competent lscapes, meaningless imagined scenes. Like Edw May, Lang, Leutze and Peele. Huntington portrait, also Elliott, healy; Alanson Fisher of Joseph Kyle. AF Bellows best lscape, Gignoux poetic, Bierstadt looks like Church. Blauvelt original. Inness perfect gems. CT Dix, Geo Hall. Coleman, Carter, Mounts disappoint. Johnston a great artist.

May 13 Herrick sole proprietor, conservative advocate for the people




Aug 26 1860 Atlas supports defeating Morgan and Weed ticket, critical of black republicans, vile clique, plundering schemes, support Demo candidate. Notice Adah Menken.


Sept 2 1860 p. 2 Patent chowder. henry Morford has joined editorial. Don’t like Breckinridge. Frank Bellew working for Vanity Fair sailed for England this week.


Sept 9 p. 1 toddlejob on Whitman. Augustus Rawlings left Frank Leslie’s for the Illustrated News

Sept 16 Berghaus did swill milk illus for Leslie’s. Seem to lean toward Douglas. C&E finally selling on cash system 3 cents. Long review of Geo P Morris poems, polite.

Sept 23 Cosmo AJ mentions Oertel. Big Fowler and Wells ad.

Sept 30 satire of Forrest

Oct 7 puffs Cosmo AJ

Oct 14 poem by Blanche d’Artois. Critical of Tribune’s pretence to speak for the people, has only specious regard for labor.

Oct 21 p.6 American Race an amalgam

Oct 28 p1 Atlantic Monthly glorifes Boston, snobbism. Defend Amor Williamson, tho disagree with his politics, from accusations by Thomas L Nichols.

Nov 4 p. 1 Picture Toadies re picture for prince, p. 3 on Brown, cosmo, lander, derby, gignoux. P. 5 Saturday Press Alas

Nov 11 p.1 art and artists, brown’s pic is really great. Dislike Edward Everett and Sylvanus Cobb

Nov 18 Toddlejob on love and marriage p. 3; dubufe’s adam and eve is great. Fernando Wood bought a house on Fiofth at 28th, same block as George Law

Nov 25 p. 3 Art and artists, Judge Whitley; notice Derby opening. P. 5 Washington brownstone statue. Dislike it. Ultramoralists are critical of Eve in Dubufe as too volutptuous


Dec 9 p. 5 World has two editorial faces, one south and one north

Dec 16 p. 3 Art and Artists, Fench and Flemish exhib at Knoedler’s late Goupil’s and Wertmuller. Notices movements of Col FW Lander

Dec 23 has Whittier’s barefoot boy. Article on classical sculpture.

Dec 30 p.1 Personne, p. 3 art and artists, old Dusseldorf ptgs now in new Institute of Arts, former home mostly Am artists, Akers, Barber, Page, Rossiter, Thorpe QuidorOertel Spencer



Jan 6 art and artists

Jan 13 p.1 Leutze’s settlement of Maryland at Institute of FA. Long review. Can’t look at it now without thinking of secession, but likes it

Jan 20 p. 4 Express; word coterie, by MP

Jan 27 Page’s Venus, praises it, prudish to dislike, puffs cosmo p.3


May 20, 1860, $2/yr, 4 cents, Anson Herrick, ed and propr. 44 Ann st. 8 pages.

  1. 6 Under the Portrait, poem, it grimly smiled as maiden wept

June 3 mocks Greeley and Seward, Democratic. Wood  reduces dog bounty. P. 8 death of Theodore Parker in Florence, great intellect, had bad company, good stock, expossed dogmas and delusions of the orthodox, harsh manner, ignored propriety, sarcastic, factual, best lecture on GW everyway superior to the cold and lifeless oration on GW Edw Everett has been peddling around the country, shallow compound, musty platitudes, stale patriotic phrases, and hi sounding rhetorical bosh

June 10 Democrat of Dinner Table a regular feature. Agree with Mercury on Sunday laws. June 17 likes new lit j The Week, John W Watson, 117 Nassau. June 24, p. 3, Two Scenes in the Life of A Picture, baby king set in France. P. 7 A Western Art Criticism of Prairie Picture by Beard of Buffalo, it’s a city prairie, not authentic. Mdme Restell advertises!

July 1 don’t like Douglas, but will support him. P. 4 Walt Whitman. July 8 Wood right to dump his faction for Douglas too; old hard shell Danl S Dickinson, Schell, Croswell et al support Breckinridge, don’t have a chance, J of Commerce agrees p. 6 Fanny Osgood’s poem on Labor; lots of fire dept stuff.

July 15 p. 4 agree with the Saturday Press re  a clique of writers who assume they monopolize all the taste and ability, Edward Everett a leader, but also Neal, Ticknor, Bowen, Sparks, Bryant, Tuckerman, self important bladders. Cover baseball. July 22 Herald is for Breckinridge. July 29 still crit of Bishop Hughes

August 5 p. 1 Men and Places About Town, bar at Crook & Duff’s, Ottarson once city editor of Trib, part proprietor, elected Councilman fr Fifteenth ward, as ed one of best posted men on municipal affairs, black repubblicans, lively wide awake, connected with the Dispatch only briefly. Mortimer Thompson alias Doesticks, inflated rep, killed the Picayune of which he was the editor, once theater critic of Trib and wrote Witches of NY for them. CH Webb editor of Minor Topics for the Times, poems of Tenement house and Japanese letters. Thomson former ed of Daily News, confidential clerk to Mayor Wood. Aug 12 NY Sun going fr Beachs to Wm Church. Aug 19 Freeman’s J, Express, and Staats Zeitung all support Douglas; Dispatch in with papers it had nothing to do with two years ago Aug 26 Another Chapter abt the NY Trib by one who knows em: Richelieu Robinson in early years, Wm E Robinson, assistant editor, whig corresp fr New Haven and then fr DC, critical of congressman fr Ohio who ate his sausages at his desk. Changed his pseudonym to Persimmon. As night editor following this got intoa  row with Dana, refused to apologize for insulting English element of NY Society, left soon after. P. 4 calls the Cable celebration a farce. Notices Hw Derby’s Inst of FA

Sept 9 1860 p. 1 Walt Whitman. Sept 16 p. 5 politely good review of Morris’ poetry. Sept 30Day Book hates the World.

Oct 7 1860 p. 4 notices copy by Hubard in bronze of Houdon’s GW at City Hall, admires it. Oct 14 Whittier poem; Trib snobs. P. 5 notes death of great Marine ptr, Albert Van Beest, native of Holland, readers will remember his Capture of the Genl Armstrong now on exhib as well as other exhibition pictures, best artists and friends of art at his funeral at Greenwood. Oct 28 attacks Sylvanus Cobb, Geo Prentice, appela to readers of Ledger or Flag of the Union, latter chief clown of Am lit circus, Gleason and Ballou and now Bonner hold the whip, Saxe, Leland, Greene (writes for Post), Rosenberg, Wilkins, Green, Powell too. P. 3 no such thing as humbug except the cry of humbug, word is a trap, for everything they don’t understand. Day Book wastes its talent.

November 4 p. 1 Growls and Grumbles by an ill-natured wetch. The Picture Toadies: I read in the advertising columns of the dailies an announcement like the following: “a number of gmen of this city wishing to give HRH the Prince of Wals a reminiscence of his visit to NY, a just rep of native art, have pruchased this magnif ptg by Mr Geo L Brown of the city and Bay of NY at Sunrise.” Accepted before he left the city, previous sot being sent to London will remain on view for a few days at ---.”

            Won’t say where it’s exhibiting, as this is not an advertising column. But really, I regard this as being a good deal more toadyish and flunkeyish than anything else which has accompanied the visit of HRH to this country. Who believes that any such motive lay at the bottom of the gift?  No, the millionaire comm hadnt succeeded in getting HRH to look closely enough at themselves, so lay him under an “obligation.” Catch them giving a costly ptg to a poor devil of a disting man. I am v glad that Geo Brown who has really ptd a gd pic, shld have found a purchaser for it; but Am art wld have been a gd deal more highly honored and the flunkeyism of NY wealth a gd deal less repulsively apparent had HRH purchased the pic instead of “accepting” it.

  1. 3 Art and Artists: Brown’s NY. The principal art feature of the time in this city is the pic fo Bay and City of NY at Sunrise by Geo L Brown at the Crayon Gallery, 8th and Broadway. Splendid, purchased an dpresented, one of the most valuable and sympathetic of tableaux, as if Brown had left his glorious Ital pigments in Italy, and seized the very elements here and impressed them on canvas. Tardy to do him justice, on a dull morning, thought he’d chosen a foggy day, overshoes and neuralgia, chilly and uncomfortable atmosphere, sun a sickly day, boats running into ea other or ashore. We owend it was NY, but in its dullest aspect, ptd during a fit of the ague. But in sunlight pic looked diff, sun burst thru floating cirrhi, spires receded to their proper distance, a bold foregrd, emerald sward, fresh morning breeze.

            Cosmo Art Assoc proofs of Falstaff, a dusseldorf ptg, Intl Gallery new ptgs by Munich artist and CL Richter bust, Louisa Lander admirable bust of Hawthorne at Duss and can be seen at office of Cosmo Art J, 546 Broadway. Gignoux’s pic in St Louis.

  1. 5 Walt Whitman and Sat Press

November 11 1860 p.1 Art and Artists:

            Brown’s NY: it Is literally nothing to people whose homes and loves are in other localities: it is everything to Nykers as really the only comprehensive pic of the city yet ptd that makes any pretension to artistic handling. Engravings have houses clear cut out of pasteboard, in this pic utmost fidelity to objects on line of vision, fine details of archit when viewed with opera glass, yet soft and transp haze. POV is Castle Pt at Hoboken, part of drwgs for pic made in parlor of the Stevens mansion there. Included yachts of Hoboken yacht club, every type of vessel fr steamer to sloop, half hour after sunrise in June, subdued all tones so as to avoid foreign meretricious displays, a true not exagg Am atmosphere.

Nov 18 1860 p. 3 Art and Artists: Dubufe’s New Adam and Eve: few pleasure seekers and connoisseurs twenty years ago but grew enthus over Fr ptr Dubufe’s Temptation and Expulsion. Destroyed by fire, but most people seeing advert for the ptgs at Knoedler’s supposed it was the old pics, but they are not, may have lost originality but Claude Dubufe has adopted a better school and hints by other artists, muscular painting of Adam, serious and manly, Southern and ardent will be most pop feature of Temptation, Eve sunny haired blonde, girlish, 18 or 20, ardent entreaty, tip of tongue just suggested, delicately voluptuous, not as much as in the first one. Expulsion incomparably greater in fg ptg, closer to contemp art, accessories markedly inferior though, distances falsified, but eve matcheless ly perfect, natural, satisfactory, both bathed in light, fine effect of modelling. High art will undoubtedly find much in them to condemn, will be an enduring triumph.

Nov 25 p. 3 Art and Artists: Schaus gallery Cinderella, Flemish, gives long description, perfection of detail, may not be great, but peculiarly satisfactory and pleasing in carefulness and elaboration. Insti of Fine Arts opened, tasteful, Sonntag’s Dream of Italy there

Dec 16 p. 3 Art and Artists: French and Flemish Annual Exhib: Knoedler’s, gives long review of specific pieces, Edouard Dubufe son of the ptr of Adam and Eve has more pretentious pics, Gerome Galdiators stiff in handling, Troyon, Louis Knaus Christening Festival the glory of the exhib, except for Chas Louis Muller’s Last roll call of Reign of Terror.

            Wertmuller’s Danae, v naughty pic in house on Fourteenth st, Haughwout invaded not long ago, dim light shines over the door, in small room behind a screen mounted as Goupil or Wms Stevens and Wms would is a single pic—gilt frame shld be a dark one as pic is low in tone.

            Naughty subj, stark nude, very ugly and needless Cupid at her feet who wants his nose wiped, shower of god descending, Susan Jane regretted Jupiter had not yet made his appearance at the nice appointment. Best pic at this moment in Am, entirely unobjectionable even delicate in its handling, fig slight tho womanly, face sweet, languishing, abandon v fine, finer flesh tones, hair plastery, but people doubtful fo their morals shld not go see it.

p.4 despised brown stone statue of GW


Dec 23 1860 p. 1 Growls and Grumbles, by that ill natured wretch, the governor, “Fixing Up” for portraits, nothing weaker or more ridiculous in human nature than propensity for being pictorially flattered. Let artist presume to copy plainly and boldly fr the life and his subj and friends will regard him as a caricaturist, let him smoothe and flatter and he will achieve a rep. Result is a series of smirking ptgs in oil, and of photos with the hair plastered down …

`p. 3 Sculpture: gives history and technique

Dec 30 Harper’s is twaddle. P. 3 Art and Artists: Gall of Am and Foreign ptgs. Old Duss Gall 548 Broadway endeared to us by assoc of past. They are removed to new Inst of Arts, and their old galleries alm exclusively devoted to Am Artists, sculp is all Am, finest of any gall in city, Paul Akers, naturalness of pose of Pearl Diver, Barber, Ives. In salon Page’s fine Moses on Mt Horab; Oertel compares favorably with Troyon and Bonheur, foreshortening drwg and truthful coloring of cows. Rossiter’s 3 grand scriptural subjects, Jeremiah, Dove to Ark, and Miriam, peopled with an element of humanity that brings the subj home to our sympathies, ask if we would have acted the same, brings poesy of Bible home to us, teachers will find them aids. Col Thorpe’s sublime view of Cataract of Niagara, work of an amateur on extensive scale, going to London for a chromo, no minute detail, genl effect. Dance on the Battery by John Quidor gay tableau, exquis humor; Captive Soul Oertel launches into fig, his Emmaus poesty of Ary Scheffer. Strongly in contrast with these ptgs is the v beaut Gossips of Lilly M Spencer, a pic once seen and studied will never be forgotten. Talented lady artist wields a most versatile brush; at one time we are ready to call her the Hogarth of Am char, and as we examine her exquis Fruit Pieces we are tempted to suspect that she has stolen her specialite fr Prayer, the great Duss fruit-ptr.

            Turn fr insidious Gossips to Carmienicke’s cabinet, Durrie’s fine compos winter, De Haas, Hennessey bijou, Rothermel charming, Boutelle a gem Juniata, Hall’s Don Quixote ready to fight, Rosenburg’s Landing of Columbus an excellent compos, Jarvis’ last port of Bryant hi up in clouds, Fisher’s Dr Stephenson of Kyle the artist fine specimens. Sale to Am Art!

            Mentions undoubted old masters.

Grand Nat Ptg: all who have any nat pride, Clerk’s Rm City Hall, full length of Jefferson by CW Jarvis, face copied fr Stuart, arrang simple and grand, our ideal of Jefferson, the type of his genius, bold strong and grand.

            Cosmo Art J for December sumptuous, best pens in country



January 6 p. 3 Art and Artists: Foreign Art Items, B Frodsham well known art connoisseur praises T Jones Barker Relief of Lucknow, also notes Theo Faed and Holman Hunt’s sale of Christ in the Temple, his spirited etching Christ Knocking at Goupil’s, talented artist with remarkable force.

            Grand feature at new Inst of Fine Arts, best port of Garibaldi by Orsanie, power and boldness, indomitable, on exhib

Jan 13 p.1 Art and Artists: Leutze’s Settlement of Maryland, at Inst of FA, MD still part of the union, faithful, other states might not be viewed with as much favor at this time, compos highly pleasing tho deer and ducks seem too prominent in foregrd, no crowding, tho many figs, due local fidelity, Claverts shake hands with chiefs, indian girls bring present, color has peculiar excellence, warm pleasant tone fr best of Fr ptrs, expanse of bay exquis managed, tho flecking light thru branches of the tree a la Winterhalter is wretchedly done. Priest incongruously celebrating mass in midst of confusion, thorwing up of hat mars whole effect of distant bay, noblest face of chief marred by bad relief agst dark altar steps, but assured merits, admirable and spirited drwg, persp fine, finish of cabinet ptg

Ja 20 Express becoming tool of the South. Lola Montex repented, close to Rev Hawks.

Jan 27 p.3 Art and Artists: Page’s Venus. Returns to Gall of Am and Foreign Ptgs, 548 Broadway, never before fine titianesque flesh tones, exquis chiaroscuro and inimitable grace of this celeb ptg displayed to such gd advantage, exquis draped, poetical elements predominate, however much certain prudish parties may rail agst exhib of ‘nude’ higher art strives after perfect models of human figure. Without nude just have mere facial phenomena and conventional drapery,

            More on Cosmo Art Assoc distrib upcoming, competition for their prize scholarship


Feb 24 p. 3 Brown’s Crown of New Engl: Crayon Art Gall, Geo L Brown’s new pic, poetical yet highly appro name, first impression of heaviness, sombreness, moroseness, mtns in early morn or twilight, but without marvellous lights and shadows, dully intelligibel, if grandeur, no yearning fondness, went on sunny day recently and suggested to Nichols who was travleling with Brown in the mtns. POV not usual tourist one fr hotels, but road toward Mt Washington, Madison Adams and Jefferson, Franklin and Monroe etc, autumn, some foregrd crude and hasty, rest great and admirable, like a little more mist, but depth to atmosphere, cloud effects fine, ptr laureate of America


Mercury pro Genl Walker


March 17 1861 p. 4 critical of Frank Leslie and Illus news for inaccurate sketches fr photos

March 31 p. 3 Art and Artists: NAD

            Card fr management, but no invitation to private view, worst crush of season, went last Friday evening, light sufficiently faded the most wretched daubs looked really passable—no gas light to help. Overheard conversation betw a gman and a lady: Why the devil don’t they light the gas? Wish to keep infernal daubs which for the alst few yrs been disgracing the Acad out of sight? NO, sd lady, ashamed of the hanging, notorious for all worst pics on sight line. Thin streams of people, not crowds, worst exhib yet put forth by the organiz.

            Say delib, the very worst, never saw the same number of pics with so few poitns of marked excellence. Fewer really atrocious daubs than last yr, but much fewer redeeming excellencies. Hanging is better, Elliott who cut out his best pic fr the frame last year, sent nothing. Brown who has made so rapid a mark sent nothing as one of his contribs last yr placed where it served as a spittooon. Church a single piece, of marked excellence, the gem of the exhib. Cafferty but two creditable trifles. Baker four, not up to his usual mark. Bristol prominent, more than usu satisf. Casilear but one. Darley all excellent, Saintin, Pres Durand three pics one competing with Church for first honors, Gifford four, Gray five two among his best, DeHaas marines gd, Hart a single not up to his best, Hicks one fine and other mediocre, Hubner one exquis, Huntington a round doz of ports, not one of which reaches even neighborhood of his efforts of yrs ago. Ingham one not special port. David Johnson, E Johnson six pics don’t reach his of last two years. Kensett too worth notice, Leutze one pretentious and one with points of excellence, Mounts two ea, Page tw among his v worst, Peele has one v fine, as does Addison Richards, Rossiter some deserve notice, Shattuck and Shegogue fairly rep, Sontag one v fine, Stone more than average, Tait nothing special, Edwin White nothing worthy of former, Almost entire absence of gd ports, not more than two.

            First Gallery

            JH Hill, true to nature, Darley adds to care and fidelity. JW Hill hollyhocks and another still life, Eninger’s marred by the stupid faces. McIlvaine the veriest daubs imaginable, only fit for fireboards, no hanging comm with self respect shld allow them. Mrs HM Field Young Jewess shows great power. Saintin, Stagg, fair. Plagemann no skill in manipulation, but observation. Shumway gd minis. Saintin’s Berger is quite as ugly as the original. Shegogue Zouave creditable but fig is dumpy beyond all drwg. John Phillips Dr Berthollet among best heads, clear sharp cut and vigorous. Page’s Infant Baccus culmination of imitating antique, martyred himself in eyes of all who do not know that a v bad pic is necessarily a v gd one. Some fine color and leopard skin manip admirable, all is destestable otherwise. Fat, flabby child chopped bodily out fr a piece of will fed pork, such a daub, if hung six days on wall of dressing rm, demo to any man Herod was right. De Haas Sunset thoroughly fine, tanslucency. Peace and War MA Wagemann, unmitigatedly and magnificently bad. Foggy Morning By Wust one of best marines, tho will be called a gross exaggg. Zimmermann some serious defects, tho figs admirably drawn, esp starved horses and gaunt dogs, snow thrown in by the inch, a good pic however. Mrs A Bassie v pleasing of Genl Paez, Fagnani warmly toned and well drawn peasant, EW Nichols White Mtns pleasingly, TW Whitley view of Windsor Castle full of pleas memories.


April 7, 1861 p. 3 Art and Artists: NAD:

            Maybe not the worst ever.

First Gallery: Tilton, naturalness, rough in tone v scraggy in handling. Cafferty’s Cold Morning only a trifle, but fine drwg. Bogle port a little flat, but excellent flesh of his peculiar chalky school. WR Mmiller, close study, force in handling, JH Suydam Noonday fog, full of fine feeling, terribly uninteresting.

            Second Gallery: Fuechsel pleasing View in Austria but cold and hard; Elma Mary Gove Sabrina glow of gdness, sweentess, not Milton’s Comus tho nor compare with familiar statue. The Old Oaken Bucket Jerome Thompson hihgly pleasing compos, one of bes tand largest he’s done, figs at well well drwn, accessories indic coolness finely managed, house not usual pasteboard,. Huntington lscapes facility for catching Am scenery in coldest and least inviting aspects, esp to frighten away tourists. Oak Trees in Engl WA Wall, well drwn grand old oaks with massive trunks, shadows.

            W Oliver Stone merit in handling large minis. JH Hill Mt Wash singularly unpleasing, lifeless and characterless mtns. Port old man HP Gray remarkable successful, no senility. Genesee Oaks Pres Durand tall majestic Am oak vs broad spreading one in Wall’s, comparison worth making, foliage of noble exquis, among his most satisf, true artist. Geo A Baker Rev Dr Lathrop full of storng char, his lady is pleasing as present rate of portraiting goes. Genl Swift one of Huntington’s best heads. J Williamson Maleketon best fruit piece, equal to any peach.Alanson Fisher fine fresh vigorous. Thomas Hicks Reminiscence of Trenton Falls successful moonlight on spray. La Marina Capri Gifford exagg of Ital sunlight makes one sleepy.

            WT Richards Under the Vines partially successful at flecking Winterhalter light, needs interest more than the dog. Homer Martin v pleasing, rock effects, FB Carpenter some gd pts. 217 Cafferty port has rollick and dash of that free pencil. Bierstadt’s Emigrants Camping wld be pleasing but literally drwoned in an impossible red he has subbed for the impossible green of last year’s Rocky Mtns.

            W Oliver Stone fine flesh tones. Husking Eastman Johnson close student in lne of country interiors, but subj not well handled, figs nothis usual life, silky rings of husks destroys tone, Gifford Twilight in Catskills one of v finest in exhib, long lines of clouds, deeper glaming, white glimmer on stream,e xquis feeling of place and time, deserves warm admiration it’s receiving. Wm L Sontag Mt Savage charming, warmly toned, exquis management, some exagg but not more than warm sunlight and happy eyes sometimes impart. Painter of the Dream of Italy repeats some fo the effects of that great work, but ok to do so. Worthwhile to compare this and some of Durand’s with cold, hard and unlovely rock and mtn sketches even of our best nature artists, eg Huntington’s. Sontag like Durand has warm genial feeling, since Cole, whose Ruins of Agrigentum were once laughed at and afterward idolized, they have something to do in drwg down the sunlight to scenery.

            Third Gallery

Sweetly toned Lady HA Loop, Hubbard No Conway fine cool shadows, DM Carter meritorious design for Pic of GW, but no facility for exec, W looks like any other man of the time. But one charm in somewhat pretentious Wedding Procession fr Miles Standing, Ehninger, face of John Alden a v fine type of Saxon. 16 by EDE Greene charming, sweet, soft, pleasant, shadows perfection. A Wydeveld watermleon peaches lips smack involuntarily. A Cromwellian by Huntington a gem, small, reading scripture. Mill stream Bellows has no stream but whole management natural.

            Prospero Relating his Travels to Miranda CG Thompson one of the v worst pics of the century. Any one of the faces wld frighten the other into convulsions, but for corresp ghostly ugliness. Marsellaise E Johnson v pretty group every Nyker remembers fr past year, better than Cornhusking. Recollections of Sunny Lands gorgeous warm sunrise in tropics by Bristol, his best mannerisms. Plucking Roses sweet little trifle Geo A Baker, shadows exquis. Sketch for Susanna, HP Gray voluptuous roundness. Hubbard lake Geo fine repose, among his best. Narrows of same hard and cold. Girl and Kid  JT Peele v sweet face, kid drowwned with warm colors of drapery.

April 14, 1861 p.3 NAD concluded

            Mediocre Astronomer WH Beard, full of quiet satire, v fairly ptd. Needle’s Eye Shegogue, gd drwg. Wust Mt Desert cold and hard. Mignot Twilight on Passaic one of most pleasing pics, effects of moon admirable. Whitley on Beach at Hoboken careful study but scarcely his usu freedom of handling. Post boy E Johnson another of his partial successes, figs well drawn, story not forcibly told, tones lead colored. River Bank Af Bellows v fine ptg in foregrd. Wood Dreams HP Gray charming, capital, his Hagar a marked heroism, one of v best ideals of her. NY Bay Beaulieu grossly exagg. Star in the East by Church tho small, sombre and needs two looks is unmquestionable gem of coll, indistinct orientla lscape, single palm, but marvellous star, exquis taste, beams have absolute imitation of light of rainbow in Niag and portions of Andes of Ecuador, a trick in mouths of envious, and fair claim to immortality to world. Startling innovation. Loop truthful. Gone a v bad pic, yet long line of Hudson thru closed window v gd, feeling too redemes it to some degree.

            Fourth Gallery: Shattuck pleasing features, natural, Sunset. Hubbard Lake Dunmore well ptd, exquis management of light on water, among his best efforts. E Bowers port of Geo Folsom not a gd pic, excellent likeness. Grimalkin’s Dream WH Beard best humorous handling yet done, parody of Soldier’s Dream, thought as happy as execution, ptd on clouds are themes of her longing, all respects pleasing. Beard’s Bears on a Bender, much char, v close study of nature visible.

            T addison Richards Tennesse Riv v fine atmosph, flecked sky and shadows unexceptionably pleasing. Blind Muriel CG Thompson gd idealization, startling vigor. JH Wright Col Duryea, proof of what v bad pics well known men will allow. Coming fr Fields Rossiter carefully done, but not least impression of any other than a party of amateur laborers. Real ones look diff when they return. Culprit E Johnson his best of season, best humor and naturalness.

            Art Items: Geo L Brown Niagara, compos great power. Church. GW Nichols. Page’s Venus with fine physique and v ugly face. Carl Muller’s plaster Song of the Shirt marvellous compos.


April 21, 1861 p.1 mobs forced Herald, Daily News, Day Book, J of Commerce and Express to display Am flag.

Art and Artists, NAD conclusion: WS Haseltine, special notice, peculiar char admirably caught of NH, one of most sucessful pieces of ptg of moist, drooping mossy luxuriance. JB Stearns lady full of char. Rossiter Villa life, compos like alm everything else lately done is flat and pasteboardy, must spread more work to the square foot on his pretentious canvases or will lose once envialbe rep. Bogle charmingly handled port gman. Homeless by Hubner another gem, poverty helplessness of children, faith, Duss school. Staigg sweet. Huntington spanish lady his best this year. Saintin Industry. JG Brown pleasant snowballing boys. Southern Cornfield v careful but grouping stiff and does not please. W McEwan one of prettiest trifles, Noon day Horn, worth a doz of more pretentious pics. John a Hows fine ducks in breaking away.

            Fifth Gallery

Casilear Swiss has most charming touches, fidelity. Huntington lady a triumph of bad ptg, disgrace to artist and gallery. Edw White pretentious Landing of Huguenots, carefully elab in some partics, fails to convey distinct fr Landing of Columbus, Pilgrims or English, had plenty. Kensett Shrewsbury Riv full of feeling. Page Dolce far Niente worthy companion to his Bacchus, tho larger and more showy, some bits of fine warm color thruout, but grouping detestable. If central fig is an Ital peasant, ptg them shld be a misdemeanor. Woman going to sneeze? Sheep wooden toys. Man who would permit this as a fireboard a lunatic.

            Leutze large pretentious pic Mdme Lafayette, highly pleasing, improvement on last tow or three years. Face peculiarly Frenhc, vivacious and full of feeling; Mdme attenuated and anxious, daughters too schoolgirlish. This pic of course universally condemned by “highart.” Homeward bellows neat little bit. JT Mathews NY by moonlight one can’t see, prob good if one could. John T Peele capital effect in Picture. Kensett Summer Morning exquis, delightfully drowsy. Huntington gd late Dr John W Francis.Shattuck pleasing down by the sea.

            Interior Westphalian Cottage Whittredge charming management, Fuechsel’s Mt Wash one of most unmeaning pics of that really great subj our eyes have ever happened on. Pres Durand glorious lscapes, fine atmosph, limpid water, foliage that sleeps on air, in his best manner, great redeeming pts of exhib. Creditable port by Huntington. Loop lady indefinable charm, sweetness of v fine eye and ravishing lip, Bierstadt v pleasant study Echo Lake, rising of mists,, scale off. Wm Hart charming marine study of pools by shore.

            Sixth Gallery:

Ex Gov Clark, FB Carpenter, v hard, lumpy, and bad, no redeeming feature. Lake Albano Whittredge pleasant tone, wretchedly coarse handling. Hubbard Path delightful sketch. Wm Bradford Wreck much power tho positions exaggerated. W Hotchkiss Cut Finger lamentable illus what fearful things men with horrible names can do, only seen to advnatage in a coalhole. Frank Howland’s pretentious Gems for Market utterly fails to convey the idea, little more than gd canvass wasted. Mt Desert AW Warren unmitigatedly bad; JB Bristol Florida warm and true; John Pope well ptd full of char lady; Stearns adoption of fed constitution bad, Indian Summer McEntee full of feeling of season. JD Barrow gman one of boldest freest, Ital Beggar Girl JE Freeman horribly out of drwg

April 28 Geo Law for Secy of War. War has obliterated all traces of party politics in the north

May 5 pro-Union, not anti-slavery, want it clear.

May 12 Sunday papers history: Sunday Morning News had John Howard Payne writng for him. McLachlan took it over, later went to Evening Mirror and Sunday Times. Geo G Foster, Warren Draper once with Mitchell and after at Bowery, Barnett who was at Burton’s and several others also worked at News.

            Herrick started Atlas with Jesse Fell, forman of Daily Whig, went in with partner, printer Sandford, Saml J Burr, Worthington G Snethen and Frederick West also with Whig contrib to Atlas in 1838+, West became a partner hnd had been a leading editor, John F Ropes joined, West left in 1847, and Ropes in 1857. Augustus Seamn joined for a year. Herrick ran for Congress as regular demo candidate in 1856, lost.

            Other writers for Atlas include Saml Nichols, Henry A Buckingham, SS Southworth now of Mercury and John SmithJr of Arkansas fame; Walt Whitman whose dirty and bestial Leaves of Grass have since disgusted, Tasistro, Labree, Zavarr Wilmshurst, Getty Gay married. David Wemyss Jobson,Wm Burns a founder of Dispatch, James F Otis at NO Picayune, Thom L Nichols, Thom J Newhall, Thaddeus W Meighan engaged on Dispatch, SD Bangs, AG Seaman, John A Harrington aka John Carboy, Hugh Herrick clerk in court of common pleas and Henry Morford Assoc editor. Bouts with Sabbatarians.

            Sunday Visitor 1839 Elbridge Gerry Paige, Dow Jr, died last year, with John L Brown an alderman of second ward, became Sunday Mercury under Paige, Saml Nichols a local reporter on Atlas, Southworth also formerly publishes it. Robt H Newell also writes for them.

            Sunday Times 1840 Dillon and John W Moore, later with Bro Jonathan, celeb rhyming Police reports, wrote imoral books, died some ten yrs ago. John Hooper connected with them, as did Tattler. James Reese, Wm J Snelling, Walter Whitman and others helped out at the Times, but not successful until Noah took over and joined his messenger to it. Chas McLachlan, Thaddeus W Meighan, John S Du Solle, Spencer Wallace Cone have all edited it.

            Sunday Dispatch 1846, promiennt politician, Burns, Nichols, had Universe for awhile, became Saturday paper under pressure, Chas B Burkhardt musi critic and Capt Joseph H Toone Nat Amer politician assoc with him, also Thoms L Nichols, Dr Shelton MCKenzie, Augustine JH Duganne, Curtis, Constable, Meighan, Maitland the novelist, Francis S Smith of NY Weekly, MRs Mary Chapin, Pooler, Morford, and Bishop

  1. 3 Art and Artists: Richards Bubble Blower, at Snedecor’s Gallery, David Richards, circumscribed rep despite its merit, nude little girl, pleasure, anatomy, will be called an ignoramus of canons of crit, but dimpled softness of childhood never better, a novice, proves worthy of a future he won’t reach until he becomes a member in full standing of the High Mutual Admiration Society of Am Art.

            Brown’s engraving of Bay and Harbor of NY, doing it himself, faults mar the picture, tho embodies feeling of the artist.

            Church’s New Pic The North: disciple of med system believes in rapid changes fr one extreme of temp to another. North like nothing ever before delineated, no human element to form idea of space portrayed, but realize its Titanic. Would like a ship hull down to complete idea of utter loneliness.Sui generis as a picture, startling, wonder, daring innovation, Goupil’s, but must wait until the Mutual Admiration Society have given their verdict.   


Notices Onderdonk’s death pretty impartially.


UNL microfilm


May 22 1859, Herrick and Seaman proprietors.

  1. 3 excerpting Valentine’s New York in ye Olden Time. Patent Hash is written by Carboy. P. 7 Review’s Adam Badeau’s Vagabond, piquant and agreeable, cosmopolitan, flowing, well bred ease of the man of the world, unrhymed poetry

May 29 “our editress out of town” letters. Great Republic Monthly improves , popular with the literary. Chas J Halpine now with Clancy in editing Leader. P. 6 Patent Chowder mocks new 4 cent sensation paper the Great Clap Trap, writing for it are Archibishop Hughes, Edward Everett, Rufus Choate, Cornelius Mathews, and lists other clichés of the prospectus, also appearing Beecher, Garrison, Bryant, Greeley, Gov Wise doing 30 somersaults.

June 5 cites Belle Brittan (Hiram Fuller). Likes Mrs. Jameson on art. John Carboy’s patent hash on kissing, satire of Tennyson who is a humbug.

June 12 black republican Oakey Hall. Forrest recovered $500 against Willis, for libel in HJ, donated it to Masons; has suit again against Mrs Sinclair, same lawyers. Carboy in Patent Hash critical of Oliver W Holmes defining quality versus the rabble, mutual admiration society and uncle tom’s cabin are the rulers, egoistic twaddle.

June 19 puff Church and Gignoux and Wms Stevens and Wms. Don’t need intl copyright. GPR James ok. June 26 profile of the Stuart sugar refiners from Richmond Enquirer. Carboy has some poetic parodies.

July 3 regularly puffs stories in the Sun and NY Weekly. Has poetry. Notices gigantic size of George Roberts’ Constellation, columns reach from spire of Trinity church to pavement, all friendship has ceased between Roberts and his former editor Park Benjamin

July 10 p1 reviews Mary Booth’s History of NY, praises it; Wilmer’s Press Gang is a curiosity. Calls Robt Winthrop and Hiram Ketcham old fogy whigs, who think they are still alive.

July 17 mocks Irish News. Has a series ofDots on the Map in NYC “by a bohemian”. Rufus Choate obit, a whig until 1856 when voted for Buchanan. Excerpts lady correspondent from HJ. Patent hash satirizes editors. July 24, anti Sabbatarian, protect adopted citizens. July 31 Harper’s weekly a commonplace journal, stale platitudes, no originality; praises Herald, Times and Tribune.

Aug 7 p. 4 Old Fogies, recognize by their self-complacency, cast off ideas. Critical of Daily News. Reviewer likes Idyls of the King.

Aug 14 Carboy writes a ton for them in addition to weekly column. Supports land reform, critical of Herald for attacking it. Aug 21 Harry Arcularius, writes R Q Larius for Atlas. Aug 21 Wm Winter, Willie Ware, Henry Morford is a poet.

Sept 11 AnHour up Broadway, by pen and scribbler. Sept 18, lecturers, from Bayard Taylor on down are superlative humbugs, no new ideas. 25 Notices Sunday Courier, Dispatch, and NYorker Demokrat, Cosmo AJ has engr of Life’s Happy Hours. Oct 9 notices Charles Leupp’s suicide, mansion full of pictures and works of art. Carboy visits Academy of Music. 16 Editress reviews department stores. Oct 16 ok with spending public money on monuments to excite emulation. Critical a bit of Councilman Ottarson (may have mentioned him before as intemperate?). presentation of portrait by Elliott to City Chamberlain Stout, who covered budget gap in pay for city, mansion in Madison ave, Raymond of Times, WH Fry of Tribune,Richd Busteedm John Clancy of Leader, Richd O’Gorman, Capt Leonard. P. 5 Modesty on stilts, daily paper crusades agst Page’s Venus Oct 23 Arcularius is candidate for Assembly in 16th district, 19th ward, true democrat

Nov 6 1859 p.2 The Artist’s Story, By Himself for Atlas, phantom haunts his apartments

Nov 13 p.5 National Academy, page’s venus there may be helping attendance, lots liked the Gerome very Frnechy. Patent Chowder cites Cornelius Mathews.

Nov 20 p.5 Ninon Every-Day Sketchings on Palmer’s White Captive, amer type of womanhood, intellectual. Nov 27 p1 review Doesticks’ letters, works of Thompson. Don’t support Fernando Wood, had wanted Irish Wm Kennedy for mayor.

Dec 4 p3 admiring obit for Wash Irving. Dec 11, attacks Herald coverage of John Brown, earlier attacked Tribune; authorities at Harper’s Ferry drove away Trib reporter House, let Herald’s keene stay

Dec 25 p.1 Walks and Talks on bohemia and funny papers, Yankee Doodle had James T Brady among its contrib/editors, artist Martin was not funny though Read was. Greeley and Willis also contrib.  Judy: Wolfe was artist in chief, now at Burton’s, JW Ehninger. Philadelphia’s John Donkey was ed by GG Foster and Thom Dunn English, Darley.

Lantern: Brougham, Powell, Fitz O’Brien, Seymour now musical and theatrical editor of the Times, Wm North, John Bonner now assistant editor on Herald and ed of Harpers Weekly, GG Foster formerly of Yankee Doodle, AF Banks of Sat Press, Thom Dunn English, Whitley, Mdme de Marguerites, Miss Allie Vernon, Bellew, McLenan, Darley, Egbert, Follingsby, Dopler, Illindale and Strother the Porte Crayon of Harper’s. Young Sam, ed by T Powell, Henry C Watson now ed of Ladies Illustrated, John Savage, Rosenburg, Chapin, Geo Arnold.

Puffs Home J. Death of Dow, Jr, Elbridge G. Paige, formerly ed of Sunday Mercury, Short Patent Sermons. Sale of Rossiter’s paintings at NAD, buyers included Greenleaf, Dr. Parmele, John C Dimmick



Jan 1 Times calls Herald an abolition organ. Jan 8 p. 4 nonsensical art talk, a few days since Herald founds gallery of contemp art, wants city or someone to buy Abbott coll of Egyptian antiquities. Jan 22 ex city councilman Ottarson, for several years city editor of Trib, now is at Dispatch. 29 Walks and Talks worries about working girls of NY

Feb 5 “models” series, model husband etc, has model counter jumper. Notices Leslie’s.

Feb 19 Patent Hash mocks T Gunn, Doesticks, S Cobb Jr, Geo D Prentice, Douglass, C Mathews, James Parton, Bayard Taylor etc. Wm D Howells poem. Feb 26 mocks Century club a little.

Mar 4 p.1 A Few Humbugs by an old humbug, newspaper editorials, puffing, Edw Everett, Boston, editor’s drawer of Harper’s Mag. Patent Hash calls Whitman the author of Bosh.

Mar 11 Atlas still hostile to Indians. Geo Law astonishing in Albany, succeeds in rrd scheme. Mar 18 Critical of Boker’s vindictive will disinheriting Mary Boker his daughter. Reviews Marble Faun, inferior to scarlet letter and seven gables; fine description of Story’s Cleopatra, Kenyon is rather a commonplace sort of an artist, Hilda too abstractly pure to be interesting, but despite Miriam and Donatello romance is too dreamy, unsatisfying

Mar 25 p.1 Walks and Talks, knows Pfaff’s, prefers Piccolomini’s, red bearded editor of a famous weekly a philosopher who edits a lugubrious serial, an editor of a political sheet, eminent jurist (Whitley?), poet youthful classic mold, hat of subdued form, writes journalism, coming man, lacks impudence. Agrees with Trib p. 4 that Ten Governors a bad institution.

April 1 p1 Walks and Talks About Editors, Stephen Branch should have said more in his memoirs Apr 8 Gunn also with Bellows in Picayune? P. 4 Join Express and Sun in wishing Sam Houston would run for pres on demo ticket. NY Historical Society, the coat of arms on a newly fledged mob, mocks them  22 Walks and Talks column racist gibberish. Notices Momus’s planned appearance (advertiser).

May 6 p.1 private life of the NY Tribune by one who knows ‘em. Mortimer Thomson Doesticks has been squeezed out. Raymond was succeeded by Rev Joel T Headley, lasted only 2-3 months, then came Wm E Channing, also a short term, followed by Dana, Ripley, Brisbane, Henry James, M Fuller. GG Foster, first worked at Atlas, went to Trib in 1844, lasted 2-3 years, originated city items. P. 4 notes that the transl of Humboldt leaves out his opinion that Bayard Taylor is stupid. Admires Field’s Cable. P. 5 NAD, except servile portraits, only a few competent lscapes, meaningless imagined scenes. Like Edw May, Lang, Leutze and Peele. Huntington portrait, also Elliott, healy; Alanson Fisher of Joseph Kyle. AF Bellows best lscape, Gignoux poetic, Bierstadt looks like Church. Blauvelt original. Inness perfect gems. CT Dix, Geo Hall. Coleman, Carter, Mounts disappoint. Johnston a great artist.

May 13 Herrick sole proprietor, conservative advocate for the people




Aug 26 1860 Atlas supports defeating Morgan and Weed ticket, critical of black republicans, vile clique, plundering schemes, support Demo candidate. Notice Adah Menken.


Sept 2 1860 p. 2 Patent chowder. henry Morford has joined editorial. Don’t like Breckinridge. Frank Bellew working for Vanity Fair sailed for England this week.


Sept 9 p. 1 toddlejob on Whitman. Augustus Rawlings left Frank Leslie’s for the Illustrated News

Sept 16 Berghaus did swill milk illus for Leslie’s. Seem to lean toward Douglas. C&E finally selling on cash system 3 cents. Long review of Geo P Morris poems, polite.

Sept 23 Cosmo AJ mentions Oertel. Big Fowler and Wells ad.

Sept 30 satire of Forrest

Oct 7 puffs Cosmo AJ

Oct 14 poem by Blanche d’Artois. Critical of Tribune’s pretence to speak for the people, has only specious regard for labor.

Oct 21 p.6 American Race an amalgam

Oct 28 p1 Atlantic Monthly glorifes Boston, snobbism. Defend Amor Williamson, tho disagree with his politics, from accusations by Thomas L Nichols.

Nov 4 p. 1 Picture Toadies re picture for prince, p. 3 on Brown, cosmo, lander, derby, gignoux. P. 5 Saturday Press Alas

Nov 11 p.1 art and artists, brown’s pic is really great. Dislike Edward Everett and Sylvanus Cobb

Nov 18 Toddlejob on love and marriage p. 3; dubufe’s adam and eve is great. Fernando Wood bought a house on Fiofth at 28th, same block as George Law

Nov 25 p. 3 Art and artists, Judge Whitley; notice Derby opening. P. 5 Washington brownstone statue. Dislike it. Ultramoralists are critical of Eve in Dubufe as too volutptuous


Dec 9 p. 5 World has two editorial faces, one south and one north

Dec 16 p. 3 Art and Artists, Fench and Flemish exhib at Knoedler’s late Goupil’s and Wertmuller. Notices movements of Col FW Lander

Dec 23 has Whittier’s barefoot boy. Article on classical sculpture.

Dec 30 p.1 Personne, p. 3 art and artists, old Dusseldorf ptgs now in new Institute of Arts, former home mostly Am artists, Akers, Barber, Page, Rossiter, Thorpe QuidorOertel Spencer



Jan 6 art and artists

Jan 13 p.1 Leutze’s settlement of Maryland at Institute of FA. Long review. Can’t look at it now without thinking of secession, but likes it

Jan 20 p. 4 Express; word coterie, by MP

Jan 27 Page’s Venus, praises it, prudish to dislike, puffs cosmo p.3