HomeKatz's Unofficial Index to Antebellum New York City NewspapersKatz's Notes on Antebellum New York City NewspapersMorning Telegraph

Morning Telegraph

Morning Telegraph NYHS

Dec 25 1845 starts volume, vol1 no 1 2 cents, S de witt Bloodgood ed, 164 Nassau. prospectus: editor wrote leading articles for two years for the True Sun, hope Independent Press will remedy partisan animosities. Lamartine poems transl by Emily Middleton. Viator is the Wash corresp. Militia law needs to be amended. ad for complete works of Willis


ed. writes poems for Godey’s. Poe has left Broadway J, ed now fr Aurora 6 Daily Times now serving Nat Am party, a beaut sheet, JW Green ed of Am Patriot the Times predecessor trying for a new eve paper. NYHS healthy again. Morris’ National Press has big ad and they puff it. Southey on the poor. use dialect for st conversations Jan 19 Henry Inman is dead, at head of list of Am artists, virtues in priv life, whole country should mourn him. hostile to NY pilot monopoly 20 Inman left an unfinished port of exMayor Harper 21 talk of sale of Inman ptgs 22 Funeral of H Inman, Odd Fellows, Nad members. bro of Captain Inman of Navy and John Inman of Comm advert. Praise Merc Lib. symp to seamstresses. 30 Huntington has offered to paint grat natl pic of Settlement of KY for which Inman only compl sketches, liberal as Inman already paid for some of it, death a natl loss as never fin pic, would have been his epitaph

Feb 1846

9 Tammany hall enlarged. Ackerman of NYC artist of Catlin’s scenes, talent skill; I am the friend of Am art, should patronize home artists puffsMrs TW Meighan’s Portfolio 14 exhib of Inman’s ptgs at AU gallery, singles out Oct afternoon and portraits 17 have a plan to reform society, but not Fanny Wright, Owen or Fourier 18 explains idea is to incrase amount of property exempted fr creditors claims, at least $1000 rather than present $300, $2000 better. Wms and Stevens advertise. Feb 19 fr the Art Union story of The Painter’s Grave 19 critical of Anglo philia and Anglo mania 21 TW Meighan story 23 Greeley sitting to Hart of KY for his bust, model does honor to talent of sculptor, faithful repres of intellectual head 24 Alderman Cozzens of pop American hotel is Nat Am candidate for mayor

March 1846

5 symp to Mike Walsh. 6 Robinson of Trib censured? by Congress, Viator thinks it was a bad letter but argues for freedom of press 7 missing? has lots on Grace churc. Masthead now announces $5 year but still two cents a copy. Viator quarrels with Gazette and Times. 11 shouldn’t divide society into rich and poor 17 lunatic asylum has a Daguerreotype establishment ok with capital punishment 19 Congress expelled reporters of the Times 23 xtianity the ruling spirit of the age. Viator a little hostile to Demos 27 missing? 31 increase Navy

next volume starts with April 1 1846 (missing Apr 17) and goes thru June.

Apr 2 Hotels and Eating Houses: lists Dlmonicos, Florence’s Terrapin Green and Mercer’s ont emperance principles. In many of most frequented eating houses are ptgs in oil of nov gd character, some of which are well executed. innocent minds are corrupted, appetites encouraged, moral sense perverted and weakened. approve Sat Eve Chronicle by FA Bonnard Willis poem. New Greenwich theatre ad. 15 Dem Mickle wins for mayor as Whigs and Nat Am split vote 16 seems to like Polk. agrees with Morning News that lynch law is ok. often quotes Courrier. 22 notices Banvard’s 3 mile ptg, not in favor of negro suffrage

28 p1 NAD Rossiter Richards Waldo Jewett Powers R Peale

May 1846

May 1 p1 NAD Harvey White Ranney Cole pic nic and cross, Ingham, Inness. May 4 p2 NAD cont Talbot Switchell Leclear Whitehorne Clarke CaffertyFanshaw Skinner Huntington  Fisher Durand. White wage workers live worse than colored slaves. May 5 p1 NAD cont Sawyer Marchant BogleBradish TerryWinner Mount Spencer Havell Jarvis Thompson. corresp in favor of street thru Trinity 7 Healy ptd fine port of Calhoun 9 JQ Adams sonnet. NAD p.1 Leutze Audubon Gray Swain Oddie Matteson 13 approves of war, its justified, want Texas, disagree with Trib, 15 Trib is unAmerican; Am Inst has had twenty years of same management, a clique around Gen Talmadge, change is desired. Dickerson of NJ trying to sustain old clique, hi salaries charges for medals, lack of order in museum, etc. Reform ticket headed by Bradish, hope it succeeds 19 p1 NAD cont  Chapman Baker Freeman MountStearns Cranch Osgood jewett Jocelyn Cropsey Edmonds Boyle  Linen 20 caricaturists are doing the b’hoys, spirited and well exec, a peculiar race deserve to live in litho song and story 25 praise for Charlotte Cushman 29 visit Beebe hat shop

June 1846 spot check didn’t see NAD ad 4 Foster of Trib proposes lit sheet, he is well qualified for it 5 has a column on manners 9 poem to Hutchinson family. defends West Point fr its critics 10 Waddy Thompson’s recoll of Mex 11 critical of Gaines, agrees with Washington Union 12 Erastus Brooks has talents but impracticable and obstinate opinions 18 premature to put Genl Taylor up for Pres tho he is admirable 19 theatrical entertainments, for popular taste, working individs seek amusement, shrewdness or impudence orvulgarity of a certain class of our pop is shown up in strong light of character, Hacket, Marble and Hill, Negroes a staple; puffing system also to blame for decline. Newsboys become critics after a fashion. 22 love Calhoun. Clay can’t win, Scott the fave of a small narrow minded clique, Courier can’t save him. Taylor will get it. 23 Longfellow poem, Mr English’s reply to Poe 27 likes Webster’s speech 29 disapproves of statues in Grace church

July 1 1846 NYHS (loose rather than bound)

Jul 10 p.2 present Morse’s claims to paint pic for Rotunda. 15 ode to Bunker Hill monument by a lady fr Eve Mirror 20 republishing fr Weekly Mirror Rutgers Female Inst prizewinning essays judged by Lester among others Jul 22 long editorial on the death of Haydon, ought not to judge by a single standard of conduct, artists of talent and blameless character here are starving too, public prefers Tom Thumb 24 gives esp thanks to Fuller of the Mirror for helping out with printing 31 Am Inst has done a lot for country, will publish their circular, but spend enormously on dinners and take in huge receipts from annual fair thanks to press—but won’t advertise

August 1846

3 whigs have their chance now. foreign capitalists want to desecrate Trinity. 4 Eliza Cook Song of the Artizan 10 Morse as example of someone who struggled with publicinertia 11 poem Indian Girl, in group of statuary front of the Capitol, fr Eve Mirror 13 Bayard Taylor poem 27 Olympic manager Mitchell divorcing his wife, their daughter married Bengough 28 praises Ackerman and Miller sign painting, belongs in an exhibition 29 commerce is indiff to human life as much as war, most of the extraord pics of the lofty darings of men have heaps of bodies in the foreground

Sept 1846

3 likes Mlle Rachel; Mike Walsh vs rynders, Walsh bitter toward Silas Wright.  dark people helped by being civilized by white civ even if slaves. 8 like Chas Lanman, crit of Mitchell for his affair with Miss Woodcock driving his wife insane, his theater a disgrace to the city because of performers and other causes 11 Park Benj poem. lots on Harperrs. likes Strahan, new Demo weekly the Prog Dem 15 Slamm has Barbary consulate 23 long review of Altowan, mixed, was to be illus by Inman it is claimed friendly notice of Levi Slamm

Oct 1846

1 Willis married heiress. 2 approves of Bancroft’s appointment to England, a New England man with southern feelings; notices AU’s valuable collection briefly 5 Longfellow’s poem Slave’s Dream 6 proTariff, critical of Stewart’s palace being promoted by press. Don't see ad for Am AU or Am Inst. notices Ivory Crucifix, advertising 8 long editorial approving the Ivory crucifix, have een it personally, worthy of all the praise it’s received 9 critical of Episcopal church for giving $2500 to Onderdonk 17 Henri Picard hi talent joining Franco Americain. Praise issue of Columbian. hostile to Leopold de Meyer violinist; pro Sivori, in controversy with Courier and Enquirer. Haas dag ad and Gurney and Plumbe. 27 Robinson has left the Trib 28 Willis Gaylord Clarke poem 28 likes ed of Daily Am Sentinel, native am paper 30 Hebrew Benev Society drank to handmaidens of morality, music ptg and sculp; CB Buckhardt wrote a song, and ex Recorder FA Talmadge spoke. Noah presided, Alderman Purdy spoke, JF Otis of the Express also toasted

Nov 1846

5 Slamm joking with Greeley over recent election 9 Willis will be successful with Home J, successor to Natl Press. Notices the Odd Fellows and they advertise. 11 Chas Burkhardt transl fr German crits of de Meyer for publishing in NYC at Meyer’s request, also wrote the reviews for the Telegraph and now he and Meyer are in a lawsuit. Burkhardt in his card says when working at Saturday Emporium wrote series on Meyer for them, without pay, and did transl for pay which never rec’d—won suit. Gazette & Times hostile to Burkhardt. 21 praises Foster’s Yankee Doodle 23 de Meyer defending himself in Sun

December 1846

St Andrew Soc covered. Scribo their new Wash corresp. Still like Calhoun. 11 pro Colonization. missing fr 12-19 going to become the Daily Telegraph, run by consortium of printers under J Hill and Bloodgood. Astor Hse Mapes dinner. 21 TD Rice back. Am AU had distrib on 18th, a noble institu, ably managed 23 Bloodgood wrote articles for Redwood Fisher’s mag Glances at the Old World that covered arts et al. last issue