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Elephant three cents weekly APS Jan-Feb 1848

Jan 22 1848 sold at Tribune bldgs, cover by Read? 8 pages Cornelius Mathews. cartoon of snobs at Astor place opera, not funny. Has blackmail joke about Bennett

Jan 29 weird cartoon about humane society. says Dispatch attacks on Mrs Bennett are disgraceful, ought to be more chivalrous

Feb 5 p. 20 cartoon of the Model Artists, makes weird General Scott joke, has illus of statue of Santa Anna as Napoleon at St Helena, and A goose with the feathers off. delight upon Collyer and his followers, glorious tribute to the Arts, fortels the good time coming. Hurrah for the 19th century! next page is steam major general, a machine with sword cutting off their heads, sort of tanklike. Like Christy’s minstrels. Walk about town goes to an Irish apple seller, cartoon with gentlemanly buyer approaching


Feb 12 p. 27 has long tirade agst filthy transparencies stuck outside of doors of places exhibiting works of Art like Venus de Medicis or Apollo Belvedere, art in its abstract ideas may cover a multitude of filthiness, but not indecent advertising figures. Venus is chaste and refining, but transparencies corrupts our blood. Maybe common in Paris, but NY should not become Paris. Has bad joke about model artists. Cartoon parade of churches moving uptown, p. 29 Dow Jr is the only preacher left downtown

Feb 19 p34 The Bill Poster, copied fr Sunday Dispatch, Crier replaced by newspaper which speaks to thousands, silenced his tongue, men do their own crying, or as some term it, blowing, now in the advertising columns or bill posters. Poster makes people acquainted with the fine arts, Venuses, Greek Slaves, Model Artists, invites friends of humanity to sign petition, anounces confession etc

            denies that Matthews edits the Elephant, says he is bonafide editor of John Donkey. Mr English (Thomas Dunn) will regret hand he has taken in managing the Donkey.

            cartoon o f men drinking at Pinteux’s, another cartoon of Genl Scott, also of Clay as a coon? with Greeley polking him. Yankee Doodle writer contrib to Donkey