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Eco d'Italia

l’eco d’italia Feb 8 1851-Feb 1852 Giornale politico popolare letterario

289 Broadwy room 42 terso piano, movees to 5/7 Spruce st

GF Secchi de Casali, editor. have a cronaca Americana with news of Clay, Webster, etc. cover opera, correspondence of the Risorgimento

“L’aristocrazia Americana” p43 April 19 1851

“Il Courier Enquirere e gli Ungheresi” Aprile 26  p.45, puffs Panorama d’italia e d’ungherea

  1. 54 “Le Avventure di un Pittore Romano” 10 May 1851

17 May p1 unhappy with NY Herald for traducing Italians and injuring the patriotic cause, calling Italians beggars (by profession?)?

Whig party ossia democratica-conservativo che racchiude in se I piusaggi principii di vero republicanismo e di liberta, sarebbe ancor piu ammirabile e poplare se sortisse dalla via retrograda del sistema protezionista favorundo ogni liberta commerciale.  "Whig party-or democratic-conservative [philosophy?ideology? one word is lacking here] which contains the wisest values of real republicanism and freedom. It would be even more admirable and popular if it could abandon the reactionary protectionist system and permit every commercial freedom".

Belle Arti: nestore Corradi, miniature ptr, of Mazzini and Garibaldi, lithos, 7 June 1851 p1

Belle Arti: Ferdinando Rossini commission to decorate fresco St Francese on Canal st. 5 July

advertisement for Fin Arts, in English, Signor G Albe portraits oil, lithography, lscapes, restores old ptgs, imitaties the natural tints, perfect execution, decorates apartments al fresco etc, Signor Palmo’s new estab, corner White st and Broadway Sept 14 1851

I think is critical of Freeman’s journal; describes reception committee for Kossuth, big eatle logo, lots of details in 9 December issue—attacks Freeman’s journal, despotism and jesuitism don’t work here in land of pure Liberty

finished Reel, ended with Feb 28, 1852


Eco ditalia bound volume LOC 1857 weekly, Casali, $4 year

17 Gennaio first issue 14 March has portraits of Buchanan and Breckinridge with bios, also had described the inauguration. G Curti writes fpr them. hostile to polit relig fanatacism (abolit, unitarians, puritans). does have articles on art, brief notices of artists in Italy (Albano eg) and Giov Citaroto in Sicily doing a statue of GW 2 May Fiorentino writes abt Ital artists in Parigi 4 Luglio front page has engraving of statue in Milan of Sardo II  Bio of F Casali by Brumidi. death of Sue and Beranger. Big Danl tiemann syndicate ad. mtg at Acad music


LOC bound volume 1859

starts Mar 26, still Casali, 8 cents an issue. Has a memorial urn design for Cosmo Bennet, son of the editor of NY Herald, precocious intelligence, 4 languages

17 Sept p3 has Prospects of the Parties in America, don’t mention Lincoln, think Republicans will choose McLean of Ohio or Blair of Missouri, Dems will choose Douglas. Demo Review advertises. interested in Wood’s Mozart Hall conflict with Tammany, Wood advertises and so does Tammany

10 Dec  Colossal statue of Franklin for Phila, Jan inaug. 17 obit for Theo Sedgwick, a Natl Democrat, Buchanan nominated him to NY court