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National Police Gazette

National Police Gazette APS

Nov 22 1845 plan of Ackerman, sign painter of Nassau st, to affix names of streets to gas lamps, adopted by city

Jan 3 1846 splendid lithos fr HR Robinson 142 Nassau port Genl Jackson and constable Jacob Hays; ad/puff for his Battle of Buena Vista Aug 28 1847

Feb 6 1847-crim con in high life, wealthy Front st merchant with refined taste, celeb Ital artist to adorn walls of parlors and bedrooms, affair with his wife

Apr 10 1847 Princess Demidoff posing for lover sculptor’s statue of Jeanne d’ Arc at coming salon

Nat Police Gazette, portrait of criminal on front page, vol 1 no 18 Jan 10 1846, 5 cents a week, Camp & Wilkes