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The Nation

The Nation Oct 28 1848 6 cents vol1 no 1, ed Thomas Darcy McGee, devoted to Irish nation (its emigrants, liberation)

cover Meagher’s and others trials. Sarony and Major litho of a patriot. lots on 1848. likes Spirit of the Times and Demo Review.

Jan 1849—pub in NY, Boston and Phila. Freeman’s J is crit of them. 4 columns wide. Skipped Feb.

March 1849 Douglas Jerrold’s paper is pro British, hostile to Puritans, critical of idea of Anglo Saxon race as invention, no unity of population in England or here Mar 10 p.6.  Story of Tintoretto’s daughter, followed by one on Rembrandt’s sister. Mar 31 US shld intervene to support Euro revolutions

Apr 7 dislikes Macready’s toadying to English things, likes Father Matthew.  don’t see ads for ‘amusements.’  Apr 28 Willis and Morris Home J is organ of a social aristocracy, a poor plaster cast of European vanities p. 7 makes unjust distinction between women and ladies based on money

May 12 p 7 The theory of the races; we believe in no fatalism of blood. They cover the Opera Hse riot thru reports from the Herald and other papers, but I don’t see editorial comment on it. Eve Mirror is patronising.

June likes new Cooper book ok. Covers odd Fellows celeb. Queen Vic is blood stained. Kossuth a great modern hero. Wykoff is their Paris corresp.

skipped July and August. Sept 1849 NY Mirror is organ of nativists. NY Freeman and NY Express urging censorship of Nation; press must be free of control of church, priests shouldn’t urge censorship or denounce subscribers

Oct 1849 27 p.3 covers Fair of Am Inst, notes dags by Butler and McIntyre, few oil ptgs,  CA Griffith’s a fair specimen

Dec 29 long letter fr Z Taylor


hostile to Orestes Bronson. Pro Union. Mar 16 sketch of Andrew Jackson. Herald critical of NY Irish Alliance. April puffs Genin’s hats. Apr 27 p. 4 1851 exhib is Albert’s plot to steal industrial secrets May 18 praise Miss Anne Lynch June 1 p.1 ad for Oliver Byrne’s book on Military Art and Science (has been running a regular column in the paper) has alleg woman with harp by sea looking toward rising sun, plants behind her. June 15 last issue.