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Whip (Weekly Whip)

AAS mfilm

The Whip, Geo Thompson, ed, Mar 5, 1855, two cents,  our local picture gallery, editor comes before the judge.  likes rich, racy, rare.  notes the engraving is capital thing, needs no explanation, tells its own story, best designer in city for local engravings under our directions, his best style, grt expense.  advertises  his lady writers.

            Weekly Whip, Feb 12, 1855, scene in hse of fashionable resort, our artist talented and clever, Church st house

Whip Apr 2, 1842.  cut of pretty serving maid polly, part of series of sketches of characters, inclu chambermaid, etc.  Geo Wooldridge is editor now

Then back to The Whip, Dec 25, 1841, six cents, Colburn, Renshaw & Co.  Geo Wooldridge editor.

Jan 1 1842 first page engrav is of Hamblin as Brutus, and in Medina’s popular Last days of Pompeii, and a comedy at the Olympic, where he appears much more farcical--neither classical as in Pompeii or romantic as in Brutus.  Next week the sketch of character is of the Procuress!  Attack on the editor of the Flash, as libelous--he’s the scorpion

Jan 15 1842 p.1 next in Sketches of Character (no 4) is the Falsetto Singer.  Likes Cushman, naturally a lady.

unlike other periodicals, not shackled to a bookseller. (threatens to expose a sodomite performing at Palmo’s concert rooms).  unlike Moore or Lewis, won’t inflame passions or corrupt hearts.  must not have false delicacy or might amuse but won’t amend.  Likes the Commercial Transcript.

Feb 19, 1842, p. 2 Sodomitical practices, no 4, M Victor, a Spaniard, victims under fifteen, newsboy.  Or is this Souta they are talking about?  Identifies a rascal in Church st, and the man who entertains newsboys in Leonard st, or the wool merchant downtown.  (cut up newspaper, can’t really read).

Likes Mitchell, has a sketch of his Character too.

Mar 12 1842 Wm Snelling poem on Death of McDonald Clark

Apr 2 1842 p. 2 only Sunday Atlas can rival Whip in woodcuts, but theirs is beggarly, ins tyle of pictures over Old Coverly’s ballads,* 3$ a piece, our engravings are better, taken fr the life, and we pay for them, and give illustr along with our cuts (the poems)

            -a style requiring captions to explain them, as so badly drawn

Notes that hitherto has voted Demo, like Robt Morris and Whiting (Transcript hates the latter, as does Aurora now that Nichols has departed for Arena).  Also classifies the Herald with the Aurora, as dealing in lies and smut.

Publishes the Libertine, too, new publishers Colburn and Renshaw sold out to G Lansing.  Joins Times in wishing to follow French system of regulating prostitution.

May 28 1842, swell coves or suckers dine at Blancard’s Globe Hotel, the Kremlin or Shale’s, second raters visit Brown’s, the Phoenix or the Custom Hse Hotel, those cheaper Dan Sweeny of Ann st or Johnson of Fulton; clerks drop in at Gosling’s in Nassau, lawyers abt City Hall etc at Court Lunch Centre st

Chatham theatre manager publishes his bills thru Herald, Tom Nichols (who used to work for Bennett) attacks them both  Jun 25 1842

Jul 2 (and preceding week) 1842, p. 2, does series of descriptions of prostitutes on Broadway under theme of Pictures of Fancy, with Fancy (ariel) as his guide; also does a sketch of the character of the (black) chimney sweep

Jul 23 1842 p. 1 engrav of cigar shop attendant, all over ten smoke them, crowd around steps of Astor and American, all classes, subject of sketch is well known caused sensation inimitable artist essayed her likeness but as young strong and single labored under excitement that may've caused it to fall short of beauty of original

AAS Reel 3

The Whip Jul 30, 1842, 6 cents, Geo Wooldridge ed. Sketches of Characters continues, no 32.  agrees with Bennett that all situations in retail drapery etc shd be filled by females

Sept 10, 1842, Grand Picnic at Hoboken, man pouring or woman, drinking, comic figs

Sept 17 1842 p.1 woodcut description taken fr the (London) Illust News, credits Mr Cotterill for design, beaut works of art, central portion of grp, balances composition, no gilding carefully executed, that effect of a variety of colors not noted, etc., faithful to his original ballad

Mike Walsh now a reporter for the Aurora used to write for The Whip, he also ran for office and Wooldridge helped block him, he’s leader of Tylerites or office seekers.  Were indicted for publishing the Libertine, suffering bcause Rake and Flash publish cuts disgrace a brothel.

Sept 24, 1842 p.1 illust of Ld Ashburton Dinner, NY Merchant Princes toasting President (sour, refusing to toast, ugly; portrait on the wall of Tyler?) and toasting Queen of England with enthusiasm in second scene (portrait of Queen in fancier frame now on the wall).  Artists are Elton sc, Manning, and Strong

p. 2 Likes the Sunday Mercury, No fan of Hamblin or Bowery. Asks if reader ever saw a picture ptd so masterly a manner that enraptured you, riveted to spot? then go see Miss Taylor at Mitchell’s Olympic and fall in love.  Notes Bennett calls us the Ann St Press, says Park Benjamin fears us as rival, why he attacks us in New World.  Thompson a demo from the cradle.

Description of Palmo’s Oct 1, 1842 (he’s in the Tombs; mad that Geo Wilkes, Mike Walsh, Meighan, TL Nichols not punished).  Concert room ptd with lscapes of romantic and sunny clime, style for effect can’t be excelled, birds with brilliant plumage, allegorical figs, peacock feathers so natural often taken for reality, mirrors, gold, gothic arches, etc.

Oct 15 1842 new editor?  Oct 22 1842 view of Grt Charity Supper of procuresses, on wall are two lscapes.  adopts satirical mode p.2 of what he calls the immortal Bennett.

Suggests the Flash was run by two carpenters belonging to the Bowery theatre, assd with brothels

Urges the NY Times (Sunday Times and Tatler) to stop reusing secondhand Elton woodcuts already published in his Pictorial Wag, trashy humbug affair, leave field to Atlas and truly witty Mercury

Dec 10 1842 p. 2, Robt Clark, the Ptr” have seen 2-3 ptgs by this gman, talent of first order.  His copy of Harkaway sd by gd judges equal to orig ptg, given diff betw water and oil colors, those who’ve seen the original state the likeness v striking. at Second Ward Hotel, ptg some sketches for Mr Joes. deserving of patronage.  (hotel is often mentioned in the paper)

L Ferdinand Franks worked for the Censor alias the Flash.  letter fr Franks accuses Wooldridge of owning brothels?  Wm J Snelling writes for them? editor of the Flash.  Peter Dobbs the new editor?  Shakespeare hotel, Ming’s saloon, Terrapin lunch all advertise

            the Whip’s celebrated engraver is Johnson

ends with Jan 21, 1843 issue