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American Church Review (Church Review)

American Quarterly Church Review (The Church Review) April 1858

has obit for Thomas Crawford, loss equal only to that of Allston, stands above his brethren, in indusry, vigor and creative power, no equals among artists of America. An American in every true sense of the word, Richmond VA, Capitol at Wash, personal friend of him, know patriotic, life blood of classic and medieval art runs in veins of his statues and Rome. We once had ill fortune to fall in with an Am artist who we thought came to Rome to drink in inspiration of great masters, but he turned away, war whoop of American originality, rejects those who need a model—but Crawford paid them homage. But wish our artists would stay at home to exert power over his countrymen, but our society’s materialism and rigid prejudices not good for Crawford. Loved Orpheus, not just imitator of classicism, but image of effort after what is yuet unattained, not about mythology or the past, but heart throbs of humanity.

            Crawford enlisted in Civic Guard in days of Piux IX, didn’t separate himself from his own country by defending his adopted one. Sculptures often had want of f inish, he was more about the concept and sentiment, did better National Monuments than parlor ornaments. Friends with Thomas Hicks, gave eulogy for Century Club. Hoped to found a pure school of art, universal humanity and christianity

July, October obit for Rev AB Chapin, started the Church Review; begain in 1847 by present Editor with Rev James Mackay, but his departure brought in Cr Chapin, withdrew in May 1848. Connecticut based. Jan 1859: don't admire Theo Parker. Jul 1859 excerpts Home Journal. Oct 1859 reviews the funeral sermons for Geo Wash Doane, ordained by bishop Hobart, also studied with Dr Jarvis and Brownell, was assistant minister in Trinity church, good friends with Dr Wm Croswell, edited Episcopal Watchman with him, Doane carried lock of Croswell’s hair with him. Was consecrated by Onderdonk among others in NJ. Was very high church. Loved his address in Trinity Church for Atlantic Telegrapgh Celebration, done at last minute. Love his poetry. Don’t describe his troubles, think he was innocent. He dislikes the Sunday School, offspring of a superficial age, unqualified teachers, parents escape responsibility

            Oct 1860 secession not permitted by Constitution. Jan 1861: review of Lowell’s poems, prefer classical school to Byronic thunder, vehemence, sham earnestness or artiicial intensity, vice of theatricality. Power represented by Grecian art characterized by calmness and self possession, ease rather than difficulty, actor greater than his act or will seem feeble, thus apollo Belvedere has nothing expressive of effort, all is repose, infinite ease, calm look of magnificent scorn, not straining at the bow, would be merely a vulgar athlete with compressed lip and knotted muscle, struggling attempt. Like Lowell’s greek spirit. April 1861, reviews bio of Doane by his son, Wm Croswell Doane, and editorial announces that are moving editorial offices fr New Haven to New York, 14 Bible House, Astor Place. Dislike German rationalism. Darley’s illus edition of Cooper’s novels, praise Cooper, his heroism in planting the Christian Faith as only true ftn of Social Reform, secret of the bitter opposition fr a certain portion of the press. Personal friends with him. Triumphant in libel suits. friends with Beranger. Met him last time at Putnam’s, his publisher, had rooms at the Globe hotel. Dr Francis his friend too.


Doane a contributor. Editors were EB Boggs, HM Baum (the last editor), JM Leavitt, NS Richardson (founding editor), also MH Mallory