HomeKatz's Unofficial Index to Antebellum New York City NewspapersKatz's Notes on Antebellum New York City NewspapersIrish American

Irish American

Irish American, weekly, LOC mfilm (fr NYPL film) Aug 12 1849 vol 1 no 1, P. Lynch ed, three cents, United we Stand, divided we fall, fairly large size. Cole a proprietor, Nassau st.

calls the Irish American a “race”. a Sunday paper. Garrison a fanatic, tricked father Mathew into conversation acknowledging he had once been anti-slavery

Aug 19 our carriers have been tampered with. New paper is acknowledged by Houston and Hamilton of the Herald, Picton of New Era, Col Donnivan of ? Richelieu is Robinson

Aug 26 war betw Herald and Trib abt news politics circulation morals communism Fourierism Socialism other isms. Herald says failure of republcianism in Frnace due to communism, Trib backs up idealism re subdivision of labor and property in arts etc with great spirit. Herald deals blow, Trib deterity, Herald motive power, Trib has science. Associations have been a failure, reduce order to chaos. Revol of 1848 in France brought abt by pop who wanted rights of labor, doesn’t mean sharing with drones. Herald is right.

Sept 2,9 praise expedition to Cuba. unhappy with Mercury’s crit of Father Mathew. Supports Kossuth. Critical of Sunday News unfair to Irish. Simeon Draper escorted Gen Taylor to his house on Warren st. Joel T Hart of KY a sculptor left for Florence to finish in marble his plaster statue of Henry Clay for VA Sept 18 trial of Astor Place rioters, agree with the nervous and able writer in the Herald that the rich plotters and wealthy factionists who espoused the cause of the two vagabonds should be brought to justice as accessory to 25 citizen deaths and maiming as many more. Easy for grand jury of such to arrest men whose feelings agitated by audacity of English, and try them as only aggressors, shift responsibility fr aristo guilt to avoid probing Cause of tragedy. Money in the purse of Niblo and Hacket? If it had been at the National or Bowery would police and military have protected Hamblin and Chanfrau?

            very critical of consul Robt Walsh in France. Trib is best of Whig papers.

Sept 23 like Bayard Taylor. Frederick Tallmadge, Recorder of NY gave order to fire.

Sept 30 have new masthead, a waving American flag, subhead devoted to lit, science, art, misc, poetry, etc neutral in relig and politics. office on Ann st. Gives verdict in Astor place trial, thinks authorities should be the criminals in the dock

Oct 7 New Era prop of an assoc of editors and reporters, ed Picton, dull and stupid and unmanly article on “reduced people” including Euro refugees and exiles; an antiRepublican print. Notices the Republic, new demo paper ed Edw P Wms, talent. Like Charlotte Cushman. Sun editors are sanctimonious hypocrites re Sunday work. Oct 14, 21 don’t like new satirical paper the Bubble Oct 28 ok with Am Inst Fair (has quarreled with Dispatch editor over the theater) Nov 4, 10 attacks Sun which is attacking Alderman Patrick Kelly. hope Newsboys will form an association for mutual benefit, praise them. Barnum promoting Lind. Nov 18 Sun wants to enlarge Battery to benefit landholder Beach. likes Louis Napoleon. 25

Dec 2,9 Bennett is trying to get a pardon for Judson or Ned Buntline for the riots, Sun dead against this, Judson accused them of an indecent sheet, had also assailed Miss Crean. Literary rumpus: Dickens denounces Powell to Clark, ed of Knickerbocker, who sent letter to Greeley, then Fuller reprinted it in Mirror, so Powell sued all three for libel. Dec 16, 23 disagrees with ed of the Nation


Jan 6, 13 Matsell’s spicy and prurient theme in his report on crime for 1849, juvenile offenders, panorama of iniquity, little innocent (?) crossing sweepers and peanut girls who carry baskets of this dried fruit as a cover for their debaucheries. low class depravity, doesn't touch  fashinable sinners in necessary evil residences, gilded dens, doesn’t say how many fashionable strumpets are of German or Irish or English birth in silks and satins. Shall expose him. Lots on mtgs of dry goods clerks. 20 TS Arthur story. Like the ten hour bill. 27 praises John Van Buren and DA McKeon. Merc Lib good. Oliver Holmes poem.

feb 3 1850, Feb 10 support Clay on compromise 17 The Press Col Webb: Senate ought to have approved him as charge to Vienna, tho really ought not to send anyone to tyrants. Newsboy demo in Park floored professors of Hope chapel, 500 of these gentlemen of nature sermonized effectively, print their resolutions, canting Maw-worms Feb 24 sketch of Meagher

Mar 3 1850 Denman of Truth teller whipped by Griffin of custom house, should go to prison Mar 17 like Bishop Hughes, hostile to free colored Mar 24 all abt St Pat’s day 31

Apr 7 Calhoun great tho of wrong political creed, agree with Morning Star. city runmad listening to Ralph Balderdash Emerson, parodies on human reasoning, sublime nonsense. common place idea mystified, sorry imittaor of Carlyle, mean caricature of Bishop Hughes great discourse. 14, 21 Trib debate betw HT and editor on divorce, HT advocating for free trade principles, latter defending a tariff. If marriage is a civil contract, rights of individs should be considered, but if divine, then no dissolution. And it’s divine. Mrs Forrest at least has been indiscreet. Apr 28 Bulwer’s anglo-saxon balderdash. Like John Brougham and Collins

May 5 don't approve of women’s suffrage. admire Trib double sheet. Fremont profile. Garrison wrong to attack Catholics 19 happy Eugene Sue elected over Leclerc May 26 starting a portrait gallery of illustrious Irish Americans

Jun 2,9, 16, 22 Sun attacking Greeley on Free Academy, Beaches not classically educated despite their taunts, and his stipendiary used to benefit fr Greeley’s patronage 29 Jul 6, 13 black borders for Taylor 20,27 Aug 3 WE Robinson or Richelieu published the People newspaper. Freeman’s J should not have attacked margaret Fuller, editor pretends to be a good Catholic, Hughes doesn’t control him, editor McMasters is controleled by German anti republicans and monarchists, a down easter. Praise ad of Denis Garvey ornamental plastering.10,17,24,31

Sept 7 haven’t seen any more portrait gallery pics. have caught Lind mania 14 call attn to pano of mississippi river by Leon d Pomarede, émigré fr France, see ad 21 Genin hat28 Brooklyn Freeman right abt patronage, not the right word, they get full value for it. Greeley pro downtrodden Ireland

Oct 5,12, 19 disagree with Herald abt John Graham. Fernando Wood supported Ireland at mtg at Shakespeare hotel in 1848, recommend him. Herald is organ of prostitutes, allows ads for no irish need apply Nov 2 no diff betw the two parties demo and whig 9 Herald got its character fr Dr Houston, stenographic reporter, Irish, gave saliency and spriteliness to it, also reporters Dowling, Hamilton, Fitzgerald, McClenahan, Kempston and others, irish of great ability, build up paper that runs prejudiced ads 16, 23 Louis Nap an enemy to repub liberty. House ptrs ball. 30

Dec 7,14,21,28 Queen Vic’s rep Bulwer at New England anniv at Astor hse, frippery drunken indecent attrib all Am genius to english origins, France a lunatic, Bethune replied Amer desc fr every nation of the world. Webster magnif at Pilgrim Fathers anniv at Astor.


Jan 4,11, 18, 25 Daily Globe points out Hamilton Fish’s Nat Amer principles, Trib to Express and C&E silent on this, Trib silent because he is anti slavery. Caricature of Abbot lawrence Am ambassador to Engl in the print shop windows mocking his toadying to British. praises pano of Ireland at Olympic, Campbell who describes it is lucid and witty. Feb 1, 15 Mar 1, 7 puffs Nagle’s pano of Ireland again, WE Robinson will lecture 22,29 Apr 5,12, 19 story of two artists in Seville 26 May 3 Lynch wrote for the Pilot (editorial leads) in 1848 May 10 p1 excerpt fr Mrs Ef Ellet on Women of the Revolution. Thom jW McMahon connected with paper. Day Book scurrilous 17,24, 31 Jun 7 Irish artist great ability Edmund Burke O’Brien of Dublin, sculptor, raffle bust of John  Mitchell, talented modest nationalist 28

Skipped July and August. Sept 6, 13 port of Catherine Hayes, Irish actress 20 TL Nichols and wife Gove Nichols spoke at Hope Chapel 27 Sunday Mercury hostile to Hayes. Notice Raymond’s Times, mind and matter able and artistic Oct 4 Barber of Times not enthus re Hayes, an Englishman, Mercury’s Nicholl the same. Watson of the Albion more educated. Crawley and McCasley of Argus. Oct 11,18 Nov 1,8,22, 29, dec 6,13 CD Stuart poem lots on Kossuth 20 stopped there.

New Reel

1852: Jan 31 DW Holly doing Dem Rev, glad. Repub World by Michael Doheny also Irish. Jun 19 port of Meagher. Skipped Jul and Aug. Col Whitney’s Republic is Nat Am Oct 23 WE Robinson is a Whig. Genl Scott’s blarney  Nov 27 agree with Herald that Thackeray is a snob with pretensions as scholar critic lecturer and liar. Critical of Knick for disparaging Irish 25 Herald jumping Jim Crow, keeps changing its opinion, contradicting itself when Bennett is away


Barnum and Beach’s illustrated paper in desing and exec is humbug.make up with Knick, they like Clarke. Jan 15 no complaints about Wash DC art. paper is now almost entirely abt Meagher.no more motto, masthead design. Times has a big ad.Jun 11 great industrial exhib in Dublin, Mrs Stowe a female Barnum everett speech on coloniz of America Skipped Jul-Aug. Like the Daily Natl Democrat Skipped Nov-to Mar 11 1854. April 16 lies of the juggle called Five Points mission, Publicola  may 13 item on reopening of Crystal pal. Ugolino writing stories for them. America’s Own attacks Irish. Jul 8 Orestes Brownson Q Review fountain of waters of evil. skipped fr Jul 15 to Mar 1855 Shelton MacKenzie writing for them Apr 28 Irish Sculpture and the Paris exhib, Hogan. moving to 116 Nassau st May Wise elected over his Know Nothing opponents. Skipped after Jul 7 to Nov 24 excerpts story of The Portrait fr Knick to March 1856  Meagher’s Irish News May 31 goes to Laurel Hill Cemetery, sculp fr Scottish artist Tom, Scott discovering Old Mortality at a tombstone, and stonecutters pony, design and worksmanship of highest praise, beaut pic in brown stone, life like true to nature perfect in epression. signed P.L. (Lynch the ed I think) Jun 28 Abraham’s lecture on Judaism, he’s a catholic convert, liberal stopped with July 5. 

New Reel, started with Mar 7 1857 Simonton the Wash corresp of the Times shouldn’t have been expelled fr the House, he was watching the corruptions of members and lobbyists. Dislikes term middle class. Buchanan ok. May 30 editor Patrick Lynch died, black borders. age 45. office 32 Beekman st, near dispatch Jun 27 Cardinal Wiseman on Art, supports national gallery, Ruskin in audience Jun 27 shown at publishing house of Edw Dunigen and Bro 371 Broadway (long time advertisers) piece of sculp in Irish marble by Patrick O’Reilly, Crucifixion, done after work, devoted to art Jul 4 Wiseman on art cont Jul 11 Cosmo Art J illus too few and poor, cant compare to Old World, need to keep up their pretensions. Skipped fr Oct 1857 to Mar 6 1858 13 dngr is by Wm Hennessy who is working at Harper’s Weekly Apr 24 death of John Hogan, great sculptor and port is in May 1. skipped jun 19 to Sept 4, 11 crit of cable, then fr Oct 2 to

very small obit of Mike Walsh end of March

April 2 1859 NAD p2 by Rose Madder surpass any previous display of Am art in the city, a full repres of lscape artists may be looked for, number of? new artists evince careful study, Lambdin of Phila, Johnson, Hennessy, already surpass Europe? hard to read

Apr 23 NAD p.2 private viewing, crowded 5000, joyous, Dodworth’s band fine, 800 works of art on walls, far surpassing, rage with small fry of newsp critics to find fault with the Academy, abuse the hanging committee, condemn ea exhib as a failure, hypocritical gmanhave done this for past twelve or fourteen years, issue is now stale and flat, hope will try something intelligible, but will never alter their whining style of depreciation, because systematically to condemn is less difficult than intelligently to crit,, neither the brains to write well nor knowl to be just and liberal. main stock in tradeisconsists of a certain quantity of professional technicalities, flavor their words, try to appear  knowing, give impression have travelled continually referring to Eng Fr and Dusseldorf with occaasional allusion to Michael Angelo Raffaello and other giants of art living and dead, any well informed person Aerican art by comp to French doesn’t yield, intellig public put its despite their desperate craokings. Shall enumerate some of the most enjoyable pics in the first room leaving the ? display of their astute and wonderfully technical ?

            Saw Mill, small by Gray v effective and charming, Star of Hope little lscape by St? Lawrence vigorously drawn but not equal, two spirited pencils by Hennessy, fr Grays Elegy and Last Leaf fr ballad, attracts general attn and commendation. Case of cameos by Launt Thompson, pupil of celeb Palmer, unrivalled in deliccy. remarkable crayons by E Johnson, finest things, Saintain delic drawn portraits, W Schaus an excllent likeness. Oertell elab drwgs but v conventional feeling. Rowse childs head most delightful rep of childhood, Darley Indian ink of Cooper, never disappoints. Eliza Greatorex Killarney scenery too sketchily ptd and crude in color, L Thompson, marble Girlhood too delicate but v sweet, P Weer earnest, GH Hall Don Quixote accessories well ptd but the Don himself unworthy the artist, picture v fine in color, regret to see artist of his talents wasting time on subj that have been literally wonr threadbare by repetition, can do fine things if disposed. Healy expresident Tyler one of best ports of its class, Stillman sunset excelletn tho slightly fantastic pic, bad frame, Hall’s autumn fruits large and brilliant, fidelity never surpassed. Lambdin White Camelia charming young woman, see face in mirror, harmoinious and well drawn. ?Engl artist Vega of Granada, great ability of a certain kind, unsatisf as a work of art,well drawn but backgrd crude and cold in color and touch, our own lscapists wouldn’t acknowledge, work of other celeb foreign artists exhib here lately not wondefully superior display more knowl of use of materials and superficially desterous, but our artists more earnest and truthful

May 7 1859 NAD p.3 second notice leaving the first gallery and entering the second, Lambdin’s great pic fr Tennyson’s Deserted House and Johnson’s Negro Life in the south. Lambdin nobler feeling and higher import never adorned walls, tho this runs couner to many of the critics, but such opponents do not heed. four years since any pics of Lambdin, great promise, gradual progress, White Camelia have mentioned before, Tennyson and small cabinet pic of girl blowing bubbles, latter not equal to some of the former pics of children by him, rather heavy and somewhat carelessly painted, larger pic is what will be judged by, catalogue has subj,L Life and thought here no longer dwell but in a city glorious a great and distant city they have bought a mansion incorruptible. Artist instead of ptg pic to illus the whole poem, takes above quote, mistake of some of critics who refer to it as of the whole and so misinterpret the poet’s thoughts, if of whole poem a failure becausse of obvious deficiencies. But no such aim, only judge his intent, spirit of the verse it is true. detect in canvas agony and grief of young husb by lifeless form of beaut wife even in death, kneeling, soul has just parted, bereavement overwhelms fortitude, perhaps forgets to look up to God, thoughts inspire beholder, on a bracket in a distant corner in the darkened room an angel alm invisible, body dstatuesque repose, a few rays of light, sad story told with power and truthfulness. Equally successful in peculiar way is Negro life, dilapidated house, enjoying themselves in negro style, handsome mulatto girl, white girls coming in thru adoining garden, beguiled to have a peep, harmonized by musical power of inimitable banjo player, full of incident, humor and poetry of negro life, great fidelity to truth, natural, surpassing merit in drwg and color, signed Rose Madder. Characteristic heads by Baker and Huntington, excellent lscapes by kensett Hart Hotchkiss Moore and others

Jun 4 p.2 1859 NAD no 3 thrid gallery smallest are some of choicest pics cabinet size, suiperior merit, little gems, Hays who arranged room performed task that puts to shame those of other rooms. Loop cabinet ports of ladies, hi order of talents.Boughton christmas wreaths witching time, frosty mroning, full of poetic feeling and artistic excellence, versatile and successful, truly orig never theatrical pics ptd poems, transcripts fr nature, and yet such nature. soul is in his work. Baker port of child speaks, eyes sparkle innocence unsurpassed, delights to look on healthy little work, pure natural effective coloring. hall many pieces of mere prettiness, give up and give us something worthy. Shattucks Song of Autumn and Sunny Hours charming little poems. Mignon? behind his mark, not working hard enough.  WT Richards Blackberry bush, greatest study fr nature ever seen marvel artistic finish, every leaf has own peculiar char and every weed marvellous accuracy, Ruskin would revel, exquis completeness without peculiar hardness of pre Raph, noble creations yet to come, sever censure on carelessness of some. Gray’s work sgreat kowl, pride of the village, so can’t relish his cabinet Venus imitations of Titian, show off his fine coloring, yet unworthy. Dolly neglected and sketch by WJ Hennessy powers of conceptin, truth and spirit in exec and elab, contrast with more showy and finished works still pleasing sketches. Stone’s lady fine, Suydam Bellows Blauvelt Greene Hotchkiss, Lambdin Johnson Hubbard Jones Ward Moore well represented. Other galleries ports and lscapes various degrees of merits, chief of which are E Johnson, May Dying Brigand and Mayer. Excellent port specimens by Eliot, Huntington Baker Greene Stone Gray Ryder Harding Healy etc, eliot in 5th gallery doubt finer head of old man ever ptd. Principal lscapes Hubbard Kensett Gifford Durand, Stillman Weber Casilear etc. Setters and Game by WJ Hays best by clever artist, animal great success, lscape wants atmospheric qualities, close our review, desire was to be just and impartial, appreciative and sympathetic, not be cynical by criticizing subjects antagonistic to our sympathies, only referred to those promiscuous in motive or treatment in which we took pleasure

Jun 11 p3 Irish Art hard to read. Skipped fr Jul 16 to Sept 3. Mazzini. Brady’s Nat Gall ad. Skipped fr Nov 19 to (no 1860) Feb 2 1861. likes the Leader, then it jumps to Apr 1861, call it the Secession War.