HomeKatz's Unofficial Index to Antebellum New York City NewspapersKatz's Notes on Antebellum New York City NewspapersEvening Star

Evening Star

Evening Star 1833

Sept 26

p. 1 lots of ads for Wm A Colman, 122 Broadway, inclu sep ad for W Alston’s Italian Lscape 1810, with other choice oil pts, also an ad for John Martin’s new splendid engravings; ad for David Felt stationer, who sells engravings etc, and for J Disturnell 155 Broadway, and for Henry Robinson of Courtlandt st’s newly published National Print of a battle agaist? Tecumseh, includes Genl Harrison and Perry, fr $4-15. P. 2 ad for Grand Gallery of Ptgs 175 Broadway, exhib and sale, Carle Maratti sublime amd splendid specimens of Old Masters, also in same bldg is Titian’s Venus fr Dresden Gallery. P. 3 has usual assortment of ads fr booksellers, penny mags, and notes effort to create a Gallery of Portraits (of every age and country), improve taste in fine arts by dissem gd engravings.  P. 4 Saml Wheeler is also selling color prings cheaply, 42 Pine st

Sept 27 ad for Knickerbocker, ed Tim flint and pub’d by Peabody; p. 2 ad for F Danby’s Opening of the Sixth Seal fr Wm Beckford at Fonthill Abbey coll, now exhib at Amer Acad on Barclay st, grandeur, sublimity, appalling splendor, poetic power, beauty exec, gives its dimensions;  ad for Portraits of the principal female characters in the Waverly novels sold by Thom Cotrel, 97 Fulton.  Evening Post says Star has become conservative, joined the opposition, he denies it.  Only theater ad is from the Bowery?

            -another day, an ad for Peale’s museum (which was also promoted by the NY Spectator)

Oct 1 p. 2 ‘no puffing’ but justice to genuine merit, esp promotion of either of the fine arts, have a little genius employed to flit abt fash sections of metro, insp picts music and sculpt, pick up incidents, anecdotes, on dits, wonders in genl, but it’s not the Genius of the Mirror, for that moonlight Fay has gone to Italy, nor is it the Asmodeus of two crutches nor the Ariel of Prospero.  Notes home of mr Conway, prof of dancing on Broadway (an advertiser)

puffs Audobon, Cooper (an actor) benefit sponsored by Geo Morris, Irving etc, pro-slavery

Oct 4, Ariel again, perching on a little bronzed statue of Napoleon on the mantel

Oct 6 p. 2 puffs an advertiser, for a public sale by RN Harrison and A Levy of Ptgs exhib in Grand Gall 175 Broadway, esp Grand Lscape by Salvator Rosa and Georgioni Woman taken in Adultery.  Ad says that they’re cabinet size, rare productions, variety undoubtedly originality, superior merit, admittance free

Oct 7 p. 2 Caricatures, our printsellers as active as in London, Regency has pubd an excellent one of old hickory and Major Downing ordering the deposits removed, the Bank crumbling and crushing conspicuous borrower.  Provoking that bank stock won’t actually fall.  Likes Gov Marcy.  Puff from Boston Transcript for Thom’s Statues of Tam O’Shanter, pleased a little girl who thought it was real

Oct 8

Oct 12 Ariel p.2 is visiting the shops, inclu the engravng rms of AB Durand, eminent artist at corner of Anthony st and Broadway, new port of Madison, just ptd for NY Mirror, most striking likeness, visited old homestead, a grt nat’l engraving, design is one of Weir’s happiest conceptions, plate creditable engraved by Durand and Cassalaer.  Like the Mirror and Morris

Oct 14 p.2 a letter fr ‘F; that passing by 347 Greenwich st, pictures v pretty faces exhibiting at window, miniatures for sale, Mr Chambers proprietor fr Liverpool, beaut specimens, persons are fr Liverpool; ad for Henry B Matteson, Park Row and Nassau, assorment of best of Prints, cheap for cash; p. 4 ad to artists and amateurs for sale of splendid engraves, NY Long Room 169 Broadway, party of Boydell’s coll of prints, private coll, also fine ports of various artists

Oct 15 p. 2 Mr Morse’s new pict of the gall of the Louvre exhib at Pine and Brdway, over Carvills Bksotore, eminent artist, great work, unique and valuable design, not effort of a common mind. A single picture with facsimiles of the best works of etc, exec admirable, closely, faithfully imitated, shd be profitable.  advertisement.

Oct 16 p.1 story abt a Sicilian nobleman who collects more than 600 statues and busts of monsters

Oct 17 p.2 has been very attentive to the Amer Inst fair, here excerpts fr Courier and Enquirer: observes walls hung with ptg and engrav, some of grt merit, small ptg of Mr  Clay a gd likeness, too frowzy, gd natured physiognomy of Noah, ptd by Miss Brower, daughter of the artist of that name, other miniatures, and v gd portraits by Copman, 342 Broadway, an artist just fr Europe

puffs Catlin

Oct 21 p. 1 Wm Allan ptg of Sir Walter Scott and his contemporaries drinking a toast to the poet, finer discrimination, worked out a sentiment, ea sat for portrait, charming as mere work of art, shd be engraved, truth and identity, purchased by Gott of Armley hse for 200 guineas. Lots on Scott generally. p.2 complains of system of puffing and of irresponsible criticism, as its laws  are vague and uncertain, shd not be sectional, partisan or national

Oct 22 p. 2 notes Hannah More’s death, praises Martin Faber by Wm Simms of Charleston pub Harper’s

Oct 31, p. 2 NY Standard a Demo paper supports Albany regency, like the Post, the Star is indep (but kind of demo).  Notes that a port of Rev Chas Chauncy has been donated to Hist Soc in Boston

Nov 1 p. 1 puffs an English annual, novel illus, highly finished colored facsimiles of 12 orig cabinet picts by most disting and eminent living artists, on commission, mostly biblical, Etty, Martin, Haydon, MCClise etc, unites 50 skilful artists to produce.  generally attentive to the embellishments in annuals.

Nov 5 p. 2 Mr Leslie, the ptr, given a public dinner in PA, but declined

Nov 9, p. 4? ad for the Penny Mag (Soc Diff Useful Knowl, gets a puff) features a woodcut of the Beaver. with a dam, and excerpt fr a description

Nov 13 p. 2 Gallery of the Louvre, merits visits, orig design, fidelity exec, spirit and taste, lively impressions, those w/o key shd imag themselves walking in front of the Louvre, describes entry, etc, singles out the Titian Entombment, Claude Sunset, Rubens’ Lot, Corregio Mystic Marriage, etc etc, names which make the  blood tingle and the color mount, it approaches the reality of a tour of the museum.  Thinks NP Willis is ok, kind of a loafer.

happy re the Italian opera (cheapest ticket is 75 cents), likes Hamblin at the Bowery. likes a book on genius.

Nov 15 p. 1 from Mrs Lee’s Memoirs of Baron Cuvier, Girodet’s Pygmalion at the Louvre, caused a sensation, one scientist found fault with the flesh, too transparent, chemist objected to genl tone, looked gas lit, mathmatician faulted statue’s plinth, etc. Ad p. 4 for splend full length port of Col RM Johnson of KY, by J Dorival 54 Ann st, hero and statesman, at Congress, defending Andy Jackson, designed by Dr AA Hoflay of NYC, $2-10

Nov. 16 p. 1 another bit fr Penny mag, this time illust the milking of the Rein-deer with a poem and descript;’ now a Saturday feature to excerpt from it, Edinburgh Castle, Charmers of Serpents, Aix la Chapelle, Antwerp Cathedral, Kashmir goat, Macaroni Seller, lots of church and state, historical etc.  p. 2 more on CR Leslie fr London paper, has left for America, Amer parents, apprenticed bookseller in Phila, designs illust cheap eds  of lit, exhib RA 1816.  Few finished picts but loftiest and purest class, genteel comedy (also illus Waverley), is known widely fr engravings inclu by the Amer Danforth, The Rivaks, Don Quixote, etc and goes on to list rest.

Nov 19 p.2 re Opera describes scene ptg, Italian artists Bragaldi and Albi, eminent.

Nov 20 p.2 Letter to editor re Mazeppas litho, with testimonials to its superiority to the Romance, pub by Endicott & Swett, Nassau st), which is out of drawing and calculated to please the vulgar, while Mazeppas were difficult, truth in anatomy, spirit in execution, by Risso & Browne on Cliff St.  Don’t think Amer Inst (where Romance won a silver medal) is fit place for ptg, ports, lithos or works of art, reduces them to common trade.  Testimonials signed by Robt Weir, Ashur Durand, Fred Agate, EW Clay, Geo Twibill, J Hoxie, D Canova H Muler, Wm Eiffe, P Grain, Ch Jaume, F Grain, Langlume, John Bisbee, Per Desobry, A Imbert

            -ad for Amer Museum, now showing a Grand Cosmorama, 300 splend views, variety of subjs, eminent Italian Artists, astounding accuracy.  Peale’s Mus also has a Cosmorama of Span Inquis, Belshazzar, etc, as well as extensive gallery of ptgs by eminent artists, inclu 150 ports of celeb characters, Napoleon, etc

Likes Forrest, Likes Verplanck’s lecture to the Mechanics Institute, likes John Neal and his Down Easters, mocks his style of lots of dashes, likes Minor’s Mechanics Mag, Maj Downing

December 2, Matteson ad Park Row and Spruce, lists his fine assortment of mezzotinto, line, acquatint and litho Engravings, Idle Servant. Poacher’s snare, rural amusement, spoiled child, village school, two interiors (beaut parlour prints), Remb Christ healing the sick, penny wedding, Alfred, blind fiddler, dancing bear, a few oil pts of acknowl merit; p. 2 Russian Count Demidoff has pd 20,000fs for Delaroche the painter’s Death of Lady Jane Grey.  Ads now for Park Theater.

Dec 12 ads for Colman, sells a daily English paper in France, useful among others to possessor of picts statues etc to communicate his intention to sell.  Ad also for Read Gordon, 283 Broadway, oppos Washington hotel, sells colors for miniature and lscape ptg, certificates of approval by Audobon, Trumbull, Robertson (keeper of the Amer Acad) Morse, Cummings and Bennet of the NAD, Ingham of NY, JC Smith of Philly, Sully, Otis, Neagle, Persico, Rider, and lists also Baltimore artists Hostie, Curtis, Tilyard, Endicot, Smith, Albright and Pawley, p. 2 reward of genius from a Schenectady and Oneida paper, that Mr Van Patten correct highly finished port of De Witt Clinto, shoemaker etc, repeats pig story too

Likes Maria Edgeworth novels, first natural novel he’d read, puffs Harper’s new ed.

Dec 17, p. 2 Statue of Jefferson, Lieut Levy of Navy presented colossal statue cast by David, celeb sculpt, Lafayette says perfect resemblance, cost at 2000 francs.  Need a statue of GW in addition to contract for Hamilton at the Exchange, just tributes and best effect on rising generation

            ad for Fantascope at Colman’s, a Wonderful Amusement (engravings)

Dec 19  p. 2 more on Genius, habitual genius vs merely acquired taste, one is luxuriant native products, the other is exotics needing nourishment, a stream reflecting glories of nature vs a mirror reflecting only artificial beauties of art

Dec 23 p. 1 ‘gossip on lit and art’ mentions splend pict of Battle of Waterloo by Jones the Academician, for Mr Watson Taylor, now to go in United Service Club.  Painter an officer in army, brought soldier’s science to aid ptr’s skill, fine compos, moment of final charge, all is plan and distinct, big many portraits, splendid coloring not gaudy, impulse of battle shown w/o confusion.  A statue of Pitt on way to Edinburgh, copied fr one in Hanover Sq, companion to the King already there.  p. 3 have examined beaut specimens Busts of Sir Walter Scott and Paganini at rooms of artist Henry Westmacott, 1 Beaver St, just arrived fr Europe where admired at RA.  brother of celebrated Westmacott, values likeness, most finished and highly elaborated, spirit of vitality into expression and attitude. he’s an advertiser.

Dec 26 p. 2 Letter to Editor fr Lucius J Brutus as husb and dad, nuisance in print shops on Broadway esp in evening, vulgar, lucicrous and obscene caricatures in their window; shd unite in suppressing

Dec 27 p. 1 The Dandy’s portrait, drawled bob this a likeness! disgrace your prof, stupid vision, void of expr.  p. 2 huge ad for Knickerbocker, emphas on engravings costing $1000, national pict by Robt Weir, enr Durand, accurate likenesses, exec with care, exquis, interesting and beaut designs for wood engrav

(penny mag is pub’d in London, favors th gothic, maid of new Orleans, conservative?), same publisher doing an edition of Hogarth and a gallery of picts by the great masters of Europe, TC Mears agent.  Likes Willis Gaylord Clark of Philly.


Jan 2 Colman advert for Lscape Annual, 25 fine line engrav, picturesque, London; Jan 3 defends merchants as being as impt as mechanics; agrees that city shd stop the indelicate prints exhib in Broadway and public resort

Jan 11 the Saturday engraving p. 1 is one of Raffaelle’s cartoons, noblest work of art by human genius.

lots of ads by Peabody, for his Parlour Journal, annuals, knickerbockers, etc, 219 Broadway oppos the museum.  Ad for a facsimile of West’s Christ healing the Scik at Graphic Institue and College of Fine arts, 449 Broadway; editor praises it as a creditable copy

Jan 14 squib on Genius, nature appears confused mass, need a highly polished mirror to paint it in true colors and proportions, harmonious combination, order, symmetry and beauty

Jan 17 announcement that Hamblin was tyrannical and arbitrary and not tolerated by an Amer public his effort to coerce people to conform to their private rules and regulations, denying audience opp to express their approb or disapprob of an actor, those of liberal principles will go to Park instead (he dismissed mr Mc Kinney), avoic despotic aristocratic; Hamblin next day defends himself against ruffians, later a Knickerbocker supports the artist in a letter

Jan 20 p. 2 Rembrant’s coloring, he had a secret now lost, in his day ptrs studied colors as much as compositions, experimented, vs artists today let others prep their colors.

excerpts Albany Argus a lot, notices Lady Blessington

Jan 30, ‘an accomp artist’ refers to a conwoman

Feb 1 p.1 the engrav fr Penny Mag discusses the National Gallery, necessary to form public taste, stimulate native artists, formed by buying a private coll, then donations, to the national commercial advantage. p.2 excerpt fr the Mirror by Wm Dunlap on gossip of Amer ptrs, Benjamin West, Stuart diff in style bcause pref ports, then a familiar story abt Stuart’s assistant and joke with the dog

describes his desk as having Dying Gladiator lamp, admires Herculaneum and Pompeii, Hackett excerpt, likes new semiweekly the Town

Feb 10 p.2 Modern French Schl of Ptg puffs Adam and Eve by Dubuffe as a favorable sample of this school, best of it on this side of Atlantic, critics in Charleston think it’s masterly.  secret is theatrical effect of light and shade, back light, and anatomical finish, give the illus of sculptures in hi relief, Dubuffe learned in grisaille at the Bourse in Paris, but it’s a forced style in comp with the rich warm golden hues of Italian school (Titian, Guido or Raphael, cold unnatural tints of David Girodet, etc

Feb 20 p. 2 statue of Jefferson 155 Broadway proceeds for charity, Declaration of Indep is legible, committee to distribute includes Swartwout, Hone, Henry Ogden and Wm B Lawrence.  somewhat more symp to Mexico than Herald.  more on genius.  somewhat approving of phrenology.

Feb 24, letter to editor fr an Admirer, recent visit to Amer Acad in Barclay st, high gratif, present exhib v fine picts,a nicent and modern, choice coll lent by Baron Burchard includes a Rubens, others belonging to Mr Coit, modern picts, Lawrence’s port of West excellence of exec, interesting assn of ideas, statuary recently opened for students free

Feb 28 p. 1 quarrels of artists from a French paper about owners of fleas.  critical of Mathew Carey in Phila over women’s rights to vote; women will rule unofficially. (the Spectator loves Mathew Carey) p2. praises Amer antiquities.

sees as his main rivals the Evening Post and the Journal of Commerce

Mar 7 p.2 (ad in prev issue for W Colman, more fine engrav fr London, beaut print of SW Scott, and characters in his novels, new set of Phantascope Plates at a reduced price, print of Reading the Scriptures, new sporting prints, many Humorous Works of Engravings, lscapes, heads etc, oppos City Hotel.  Puff for Colman:Fantiscope introd at fash soirees ne plus ultra of sublimated refinement, for ladies, pictures of flowers and birds, appear in most active movement, better than diorama, at Colman’s.  If want grand tour of world betw bfast and dinner, step into Colman’s superb coll, whole world in miniature.

a little critical of the Olympic as not true drama.

Mar 12 p.1 ptg in a country church in Germany, sacrifice if Isaac, repres Abraham with a blunderbuss, a favorite idea with artists, for Burgoanne (Travels in Spain) notices a ptg where he prepares to shoot Isaac w/pistol.

praises NY Evening Transcript, Sun, Man, Bee, racy spirit, cheap, like Penny Mag and library of Useful Knowl disseminate info among the working classes

Mar 14 p. 2, celeb pict by Benj West Penn’s Treaty not historical fidelity, as Penn’s letter of 1833? says of the aborigines, the old sit in a half moon on the ground, others in rings around them, letter pubd in Gman’s Mag, a curiosity

1834 has been attacking the Evening Post for fomenting class warfare, accusing rich of oppressing the poor, when hard times are really making the rich poor too; argues this comes from the advisors of the Post, rich ment themselves, Saul Alley, Preserved Fish, Prosper Wetmore, Abraham Bloodgood, Robert White, etc.  Basically suggests that they have taken over Tammany, but are really old federalists who drove off old demos, and are really Tories, who opportunistically seized on Jackson, now support removing the deposits because as administration bankers they stand to benefit, nominate Cornelius Lawrence.

responds to a critique of Amer poetry by holding up Halleck as better than Bryant, and Willis and Percival equal to Bryant, some of our ladies much talent too;  suggests painting has surpassed poetry

Mar 27 p.2 Amer painter Newton is not dead

NY Standard is subsidized by Henry Hone.  Evening  Star definitely Whig.

Apr 4 p.2 Likes Cunningham’s Lives of the Painters, fr Harpers, judicious remarks on peculiar style of the several artists

Apr 5 p. 2 notes George D Strong, the tory/old federalist candidate, supports Lawrence for major, has been promised a bank by the Regency

Apr 15 p.2 season of exhibs, hope full of origs fr best Amer ptrs.  Called at Parker & Clover’s, Fulton st, oppos St Paul’s, saw two large lscapes Otsego Lake and Delaware Gap by Mr Ward of NJ, young, grt promise. richly colored, tints soft mellow, view natural correct. I don’t see an ad.

Apr 17 1834 p. 2 new entertainment: Life in NY at Bowery, great expense, highly diverting.  Major Downing will attend. (a follow up story notes it’s an extravaganza of frolic and fashion, money expended in obtaining correct sketches of most prominent places abt town, leading bucks; Palmo’s Niblo’s exterior of Bowery). Puffs Audobon.  Notes that grt sculptor Thorwaldsen at Rom on a high ladder modeling head of colossal horse, slipped but for seizing horse’s ear.

Ad for Statues, large groupe by Ball Hughes of Uncle Toby and the Widow Wadman, fr Sterne’s Tristram Shandy, now exhib at Amer Acad in Barclay st. Ad notes new editors of Knickerbocker, Lewis Gaylord Clark and Clement Edson, later editor approves their first issue.  Essay praising American scenery’s wild splendour, partic the Highlands of the Hudson, over the dilapidations of Euro

Apr 26, p.2 Statues of GW, facts re diff statues of him approp to this moment.  from a tour thru the Southern states, details of celeb statue by Canova at Raleigh NC, vs HOudon’s.  At Raleigh, proceeded to a sm locked chamber, enamored of classical beauties, fine arts, emblematical entablatures and alleg symbols.  Obscene scribblings on walls, unpop legislatie act directing this expensive statue.  attitude superb, easy, natural, graceful.  features weak resemblance, emaciated and juvenile visage, pinched lips, sharp nose, based on an apocryphal profile engraving. Houdon’s makes no pretense as work of art, it its eleg sculpt, fidelity to resemblance, easy attitude.  taken fr life, exact copy, perfect facsimile. relations of a priv citizen and in social circle.   Canova’s only a chef d’ouevre of sculpt.  More recently, Chantrey at Boston, sitting, seems an accurate likeness in sense of close to celeb port by Stuart, chaste, simplicity, classic repress of public character as statesman.  Greenough at Rome on plan of Canova’s.

Apr 29 p. 2 puffs My Uncle Toby statues again, happy conception and exec of group, Toby diff than picts drawn of him, artist preserved his identity, but made him a personage of interest, Widow natural and easy, rich folds, graceful mould of foot, admirable, expr remarkably striking, taste and talent of Mr Hughes

Apr 30 p.2 takes promo fr Courier and Enquirer re Engine 14, splendid, magnify, meritorious artists, Painting by Weir, excel design execut, John Quidor back grt praise 

May 3 1834, p.2 NAD, to encourage talent of native artists, who want patronage of means and taste. this year not much better than previous years, not so full or so brilliant.  large proportion inferior, tho contrast betw rude untutored outlines and mature genius helpful.  some might belong ina Euro coll.

            Fish by Mount, a chef d’oeuvre of its kind. Flemish school can’t surpass perfect coloring to life.  No 4 Port of Lady, correctly drawn, too muddy and sooty.  No 5, View of Evereux near Rouen France, by Miss Breton, fine keeping, Ital pallet, go with antiquated archit.  Her View in the Pyrennees charming specimen.

            G Oakley, View of Carisbrook Castle, Isle of Wight, gem, delicious, gracefully thrown ivy over old battlements, nature itself.  J Pringle Packet ship US, happy repress of NY crack built ship.  W Bayley lscape v pretty.  G Miller, Lscape view fr Weehawk, true to nature, bold and correct concept, autumn tints felicitously drawn.

            Port by FS Agate, one of his best; Ugolino, Agate, covers much canvass, stiff, unnatural, too theatrical and anatomical.

            Port of lady by Wm Page, drwg faultless, lacks tone and life.  W Page, Prisoners of Chillon, honor to genius, back light, impoloring frenzied attitude, in horrible keeping, coloring excel. Port by H Inman, highly fin and perf.  Port of WC Bryant by Frothingham, excel likeness, pict full of spirit and chara and admirable coloring.  Port of a Lady, Ingham, mellow tints, silken drapery, master touches, disting artist.  Head by Sully, unfinished, but hand of genius. Port by Jarvis, first of our oldest ptrs, belongs to Murillo schl of coloring.

            Weir, lscape view on Hudson R, unqualified approb of his talent, head of his line, traits of genius, rewarded by chair at West Point, pupil of Poussin and Lorraine. Weir, Picture of a Lady, finest bijou in coll.

            View of Prot Burying ground at Rome by Cole, well earned reput, new school all his own, peculiar and remarkable beauties, imbibed Venet et all, superadded orig conceptions.  does not have all softness, grace, warmth, sweetly blended tints, but pearly richness, sparkling gen like brilliancy and distinctiveness and accuracy of outline in most minute details and delicacies, never seen.  Has left behind Weir, more faithful to a school.  If a fault, certain harshness of detail, crispiness or mezzotinte aspect in verdure, not full flowing grace and bold touches if picts had free rein to genius.  a want of generalization.  but visit to Rome has caught charming coloring of Ital masters, drwgs of ruins and figs truth fidelity to nature, unequalled in this dept of historical ptg.

            cole, Sunset on Catskill Mtns, beaut morceau.  Titan’s Goblet, Cole, chef doeuvre, classically beaut, exquisite finished, lovely.  Cole, lscape, chef d;oeuvre, admirable combo of pleasing images, faithful to lines of Byron, clear obscure.  Cole, Dead Abel, excellent.

            Shegog, Country schl hse in winter, excellent. Shegog’s Girl and Dove, example of a class of artists who have faculty of rich coloring, transparency and finish so resemble ptg on glass or enamel, v beaut, as is nearby port without name or number exquisite finished, even foreign, flesh alive and breathes.

            Watson, Port of a lady, A Head, excellent. S Watson Port of Lady, neck too thick, color too chalky cold, boldness and spirit in expre, drwg of bust, finish and truth in bird, give much character to port.  Watson, Columbus submitting his views to Ferd and Isabella, a chef doeuvre, in Leslie’s style, admirable group, grace and beauty of queen, admirable finish and keeping, chaste light and shade, strikingly blended, bold navigator head profile view.

            Whitehorn, Port of Gman, gd. .  Dodge, Miniature, softeness and sweetness coloring, among our best, likeness excellent.  Shumway, A Greek (miniature) superbly exec, rich drapery.

            Marsiglia, Fine Arts personified, most highly finished ptg in room, fair spec of enamel style, but figs stiff stumpy, grouping awkward.  Shaw, Nymphs and Satyr, beaut and freedom of coloring and drwg, flexibility careless ease of figs, decided talent.   Bennett, View of Quarantine, gd. Robson, of London, View of Westminster Abbey and Bridge, admirable, perfect.

            Hell Gate, SA Mount--view of East River, romantic passage, rich variegated scenery, here only an attempt, superb pict, charms of fairy enchantmebnt, but more grand aspects would’ve given ptg bold and strking contrast, are here feebly half represented.  Paradise only, not Purgatory within it.  total defect in persp and coloring, as if a scene on Mediterranean, costume and naval archit too.  excellent artist miscarried.

            WS Mount, Long Island Former Husking Corn.  Excellent. corn wants a brighter yellow, grains of ears too small and precise.  His Boy on the Fence, v gd and v applicable to times, tho perhaps not intended.

            Portrait 55 of a clergyman, (no artist) well drwn, but inky face and hands; Port of a lady sleeping, fr nightmare, 57, no artist

            WM Oddie, Lscape, v clever for a beginner.  Pringle Sea Piece, much spirit and truth, too blue.  Freeman, Port of Lady, vg, downy soft coloring of Murillo schl, shoulders badly drawn.  Port of ex pres Madison for George P Morris by Durand, well exec port of living relic.  for an engraver, has remark grace, sweetness and freedom of pencil, warmth of coloring.

            Greenough, Genius of America, beaut chiseled, his Genius of Italy comment unnecessary.  Launitz Cupid and Psyche, exquis conceived and modeled, Frazee, Bust of N Prime, Esq, capital likeness and neat finish.

The (Demo) Standard has closed; Demo NY Times opens.  Star favors a statement of the Anti-Masons.

May 10 p.2 more on (still advertising too) Ball Hughes grp fr Sterne, a decided hit, Widow masterpiece of female beauty and loveliness, captivating attitude, arm perfect nonchalance, bust, artfully straggling lock, inimitably exec folds, angelic foot, exquisite formed, softness sweet languishing smile reclined attitude degage air, symmetry, delicately chiseled outline, characteristic.  girl who sat for model obj of so much curiosity, Hughes sent her back to England.  Copies of her feet selling for $15. Toby intense expr betokens thoughts, easy natural expression, graceful and delicate proportions.  Highly finished sculpt of Ital and Fr school more than heavy inanimate style of English, shd be in marble, intended for Dukeof Sussex in bronze.  Toby not as old and weather beaten as he ought to be, a justifiable liberty;  v humorous caricature just issued as vignette to notes of Commercial Bank.  Likes Hackett and Downing at the Park--inoffensive polit humor.  Likes Sigourney’s masculine style.

            -Geo D Strong is one of commissioners of the Commercial Bank, active at Five Points against the people (riot against whig voters), his reward for violence

May 12 p.2 blurb fr Poulson’s Phila Adveriser re fresco ceiling of Merchant’s Exchange by Mr Monochest the Ital artist, females in graceful attitudes, border rich in perf keeping, beaut exec design

May 13 p.1 describes a seduction of a young man by a prostitute in a theater, then describes Tableaux Vivants as occur in England and Euro, requires spacious apts; p.2 formation of a water color society in London and exhib. 

Puffs Peale’s Mus, inclu portraits, most accurate and numerous of the disting citizens of our country, most from life by first artists. Ad for Grand exhib at large saloon oppos St Pauls on Broadway, celeb orig tapestries of cartoons of Raffaelle, also rubin’s sublime ptg of Crucifixion, size of life, extraord, excite astonishment and admiration.  Ads are usu grouped with theater ads, not museums, but not always.

Not much regular fiction. seems to acknowledge phrenology as real.  Likes Bulwer, Scott, Byron etc.; also Judge Hall’s sketches of Boone etc vs namby pamby stuff usu in papers; still likes stuff on genius, it dies when it achieves its acme, or its poverty; enthusiastic about Forrest and the Woods

May 19 p.2 discovery in the fine arts by Mr Mudie, of printingin colors fr wooden blocks, won’t need to tint by hand.

May 20 p.2, Mirror review of NAD says no excell miniatures, but those by JW Dodge are, we know likenesses are admirable and style and coloring unsurpassed, tho he is a youth.

My 22 p2, notes Ackerman’s death, well known London publisher of annuals, engravings, etc, native of Saxony, emig to England

My 24 p.2 puff of Raffaelle cartoons now exhib in Brdway, most costly and magnify, 300 yrs old made during the lifetime of the ptr fr his drwgs, figs size of life, fidelity of needle to sublime compos of greatest ptr.  group of apostles admirable, beaut fig and profile, amiable expr, earnest manner, feminine face beaut, gracefully smooth flowing;  compos rich full of hist conceptions of a master mind; charmingly girlish innocent expr of charity and benef, superlative truth and grace, prince of design; historical power, difficult illus of persp, fig in finest keeping.  Reinagle of London masterly copy of Rubens crucifixion, sublime tableaux, superior to original in coloring, bold and graphic style, contrast shades, striking and exact imitations,

My 26 p.2 puffs the Mirror’s upcoming plate, design by Wier, happiest conceptions, repres the end of a room in the Capitol adorned with the ports of all the presidents in center a splendid Mirror reflecting goddess of liberty on pedestal, banners, likenesses strikingly correct, beaut and valuable (next day adds it is engraved by Casilear)

Jun 7 p.2 notes another superb engraving in this week’s mirror, a correct and imposing view of Delaware Water Gap, ptd and engrav by Durand, tasteful artist, felicitous subj, judicious pov,  highly and delicately finished.  pens of Paulding, Fay, Willis, Woodowrth, Inman.;  Col John S Cogdell of S Carolian, known for his devotion and taste in the Fine Arts, just compl the model of a bust of Sir W Scott by tracing the portrait by Leslie, a gman speaks of it in high terms.

Jun 14 p.3 ad for Exhib of Ptgs, 14 Wall St, large v choice coll, never before exhib, many orig pieces, with copies of latest and most admired Euro ptgs by an Amer ldy of NY studying in Paaris, 40 large oils, smaller, designed as specimens of a new style of ptg.  10 -3 pm, free.

Jun 23 p.1 origin of word goblins was in a Flemish painter’s secret for scarlet dye, given to Gobelins, all believed it must’ve took a compact with the devil to achieve; p.2 puffs Cunois’ medallions of Lafayette in bronze

Jun 28, p. 2 letter to ed fr Alex J Davis re ptgs of Panini, in Amer Acad of FA in Barclay st, attn of arts amateurs and public who would become amateurs.  Repres archit and sculp of ancient Rome and St Peter’s, a schl of archit sculpt and ptg, instruct in principle and history of archit, while pictures themselves are reminders of mortality.  seem to be before the monuments themselves, ocular proof of past greatness, repress the qualities of man’s mind.  (advertisement too)

Jun 30 p.2 proposals for publishing a splendid whole length port of Henry Clay, engrav by AB Durand in his best style, price $5, Wm Edmonds the publisher. 

July 11, p. 2 antislavery rioters burning Tappan’s goods spared a likeness of GW, but stole it.

July 16, p.2 puffs a picture sale at the Academy’s rooms, of magnif. gallery and cabinet ptgs, improve the internal appearance of our homes and nat’l taste.  Fr the Marquis Gouvello, superior order, but a few origs real gems, but superior exec of copies.  July 17 p.2 puffs Mr Dodge’s miniatures, well ptd, young prominent artist, coloring likeness and genl finish much admired, Lispenard st, nr Church. (an advertiser) Likes the New Engl mag (except what’s mawkish) and No Amer Mag, but critical of the Amer Monthly Mag.

Jul 18 p. 2 rejoice Cong liked Vanderlyn’s full length of GW that granted him add’l $1500; one of our greatest historical ptrs. unites grace of Guido drwg with rich coloring of Titian and Rubens. Hope Congress will do for him as for Trumbull.  GW in a favorable view, truth and dignity, calm, manly imposing, excel attitude, inimitably fine, rich and appropr, noble and masterly performance

Jul 19, p.2 Dunlap’s Progress of the Arts, minute and accurate historical acquaintance, is qualified, gives the truth only; Jul 22, Jackson in Maiden Lane has imported Gallery of Modern Brit Artists, splendidly engraved copies of their best sketches.  more useful for parlors than usual expensive trash, true and correct taste

Jul 28 p.2 coup de soleil, a wax fig of Jackson and Tecumseh were partly melted by the sun thru the glass case; re the US Mag, Whig, ‘sound political doctrine be the substratum on which American literature shd rest”.  puffs the US Hotel in Pearl st

            -Jul 29 1834 p. 2 only American poets are Jalleck and Drake and maybe Sprague and Bryant.  There are some one poem poets, Percival, Hillhouse, Willis, Fay, Sigourney, Wetmore, Pierpont, rhymesters.  Praises instead amateurs like Alderman (GEORGE D?) Strong, at West Point, C Hoffman also at West Point, Saml Woodworth, Francis Key, etc

Jul 31, p. 1 anecdote of Marquess of Granby and Hayman the Ptr of history, resembled the eleg of Jack Ellis prizefighter, Granby fought him b4 a sitting 

Aug 1 p. 2 Communication fr TS, Gallery of Picts 157 Broadway, excel coll rich rare Ptgs, Rubens chef d’ouevre, greatest magician, expression and coloring excellent.  Moxillo admir by connoisseurs, best of Engl schl.  Owned by the proprietor of the Washington Divan, free coffee, finely furnished gallery;  Messrs Casilear, Durand and Co engrav notes for Union Bank unus fine workmanship, fig of GW excellent

Aug 2 p.2 woodcut from life in London? accurate sketch of position of Mr Gee (his likeness), also a port of Edwards alias Heath (a sensational kidnapping case)

Aug 4, p.2 repros Catlin’s letter fr Commercial Advertiser.  Ad p. 3 for Mrs Mears, Artist, 156 Broadway, teaches ladies flower ptg, mezzo tint, wax fruit, rice work, embroidery, lithographs;  ad for W Haywood publisher and importer of English engrav, 128 Broadway, just rec’d coll of valuable oil ptgs, warranted origs, of Vandyke, Rubens, Murillo, Reynolds, Lawrence, etc.  Puffs Mrs Mears, describing her beaut specimens of colored lithos of flowers, wax fruit

Aug 7 p.2 Board refused Mr Vanderlyn’s petition for the Rotunda, done great injustice to that worthy artist; admires Wier’s design for the room w/presidents portraits in the Mirror. details simple, but skilfull arrang light shadow keep portraits distinct, most prominent and striking objects, accessories wrought to hi pt of loveliness grace of disposition and form, exquis finish.  The portraits themselves were copied by artists for this purpose, Durand, Johnson of Boston, engrav by Casilear.  capital piece in the mirror by John Inman, Fanny Kemble, Wm Simms.

Aug 8, p. 2 Major Barry notified postmasters that his likeness is being engraved, ea send dollar for a copy, to raise $20,000 for certain protested drafts (?)

editor of the Post confesses to borrowing lots of money fr Edw Forrest to buy a share in the paper; Noah’s partner Gill used to work at the Post

Aug 16 p.2 the Portrait fr the Knickerbocker, a most beaut ptg, a female head, Grecian, his friend in ecstasy, is it fr nature? yes, but unites all beauties of various parts; his friend has seen others so beaut.  his friend had never fallen in love, but now had with a picture, tho it could not talk or marry; he tries to convince him it’s a serving girl, but it’s not.  In flesh proves to be 57--it’s a mistake, and they marry.

Ugolino a Booth play at the Bowery; English sculptor Chantrey at work on equest bronze of Geo IV; Aug 22 p. 2a Panorama of NY is open in London, the great merit of such a production being its fidelity, which it has strong claim, and is also v finely ptd

Aug 26 p. 2 first of a series of polit caricatures, Government as it is, not as it shd be;  Uncle Sam in danger, both v amusing, 296 Washington St, Sir Joshua Dr Delineator is the impress

Aug 30 p. 2 Park theater decorations and embellishments most brilliant, panels of boxes have ports of actors, scenes fr Shakespeare

Sept 10, p.1 poem Ldy Emeline Stuart Wortley, Art and Nature, parties vs the mind.

Likes Samuel Knapp and Mrs Sherwood, moral tales.  Notes the Constitution, a new Whig penny paper.  Puffs the Amer Mag of Useful and Entert Knowl by Boston Berwick Co, lists all its wood engravings, correctly drawn, in first issue, inclu port of Dr Franklin, view of Mt Auburn (later has a poem abt it), view of Bloomingdale Asylum, Fairmont Waterworks, Trinity Church, Lafayette, Niagara, phrenology and so on, inclu many native animals.  Halleck poem, cites the Daily Advertiser a lot.

            -describes the Evening Post as attacking merchants,a  class of citizens

Sept 20 p.2 new Univ eleg specimen old Gothic collegiate archit, beaut ornaments, imposing and majestic, better for public edifices than Greece, Rome, as they are a combination of cold, naked mathematical figs, w/o freshness, life and spirit of Gothic embellishments, akin to the arabesque of the oriental style. disagree w/Mirror abt adding stained glass.  Painter Wm Healy on a scaffolding of the North Dutch Church in Wm st fell, lived half an hour.  glad to see Miss Martineau, puffs the Boston Token, defines Loafer as originating on the NY Canal

Sept 27 p.2 puffs Saunders Divan in Brdwy nr Liberty st, comfy lounge, mocha, all that the amateur can wish to revel upon in choice old gems of ptgs, newspapers, etc.  Saunders was a barber, but has extraord passion for old picts, visited auction rms and bookstores.  Notes the beaut frescoe ptgs on dome of the Philly exchange as one of a kind here; veteran ptr Dunlap’s great work, will appear

Sept 30 p. 2 notes Chantrey’s equestrian bronze of Geo IV, 9000 guineas, put at St James Park; Wilkie has finished his full length port of Duke of Wellington mounted, for Merchant tailors Co

Oct 1 p. 2, cites the rabid tory (demo) print the Augsburg Gazette who is critical re the picture gallery of Marshal Soult (a fave of Bennett’s), magnific coll in the world, all Murillos, stolen, allows public to visit.  Notes only two lscapes ever ptd by Sir Thom Lawrence were beaut and recently engravd by Lupton.

Oct 4 p. 2 letter to editor urging a monument to GW for the city; puff for Colman’s windows attracting crowds to see repres of Arctic scenery and whale hunting, perilous situations, Engravs exec with spirit by industrious Amer in London gaining money and reput.

Oct 6 p. 2 visit bank note engraving of Casilear Durand and Co in Wm st, near Wall, art has reached such perfection, ingenuity stimulated by incentive, but mind of  man enlisted in sordid cupidity, sad that they must discover ingenous artifices to defeat subterfuges of depravity, that is, do engraving that prevent fraud and counterfeit

Oct 8 p. 2 novelty in the fine arts now at Clinton Hall, worthy for those with taste and relig, a copy of Leonardo’s famous Lords Supper, but wax figs large as life, beauty and expr, faithful imitation.  Idea of wax figs as pieces of still life, likeness, but no animation or vivid influence, but here expression, character, force, genius  of the heads in the grt ptg were imitated perfect facsimile.  Expression and position of figs really striking. by one of our artists, for a lady at Boston.  Refer admirers of fine arts to Mr Hayward’s advert, a coll of splendid English engravings just in fr London, esp ports of Sir W Scott and Miss Peel, exquis specimens.

            Review of Amer Inst Fair notes ptgs that imitate mahogany, etc, and imitation fruit in cotton, unrivalled Xylographic engraves by Wright And Durand, etc.  Crowded, lots of women.  Next day rectifies omissions, including a superb bust of McDonald Clarke, by Stout, fullof genius and effect.

Oct 11? p. 2 Louvre contains 352 picts of French schl by 82 masters, 525 of Flemish schl by 155 masters, 481 of the Ital and Span schls by 228 masters, then lists chief ones, inclu divine Titian, 22 picts.

Oct 13 p. 2 note abt Geo D Strong of the violent 6th Ward again, that he and others want to ban circulation of small Bank notes, yet they run a bank themselves, employ artists to engrave plates for small bills

Oct 14 p.2 publishes a short handbill got up by Tammany atheists, a political catechism on the Wigs by Peter Periquer, Artist. (published by the Jeffersoian, 34 Ann st) Note: Pleasure that Mr Inman, celeb as a port ptr of grt eminence, has determined to reside permanently in this city, undoubted success.

Oct 15 p.2 list of Whig Mechanics includes two painters (prob not artists), stone cutter, carver/gilder; Oct 20 p. 2 puffs Friendshp’s Offering at Jackson’s on Maiden Lane, exquis exec plates, subjects display fine taste

Oct 24 p. 2 notice of Mr Beckford’s Memoirs of extraord Ptrs, instance of precocious genius, vein of invention, imaginative (more Nov 6, series of brilliant satires on the Dutch and Flemish schls, sarcasm deep and delicate, sharp and polished, exclusive taste, a performance directed agst the Engl Ptrs)

Oct 25, criticising the State Prison Monopoly, ass’d with Gov Marcy and theRegency, for interfering with mechanics unsubsidized trade, by exhibiting a comb (with devices of Genl Jackson) made by convicts, using their labor to paint a large Transparency with device repress the US Bank as an alligator, with Gen Jackson beating it, designed by an officer at the prison for use in a local election.  Puffs Catlin’s return with graphic sketches and ptgs, a treat for our dilettanti and amateurs of the pict’que and romantic.  Calls Niblo an accomplished artist and purveyor.  Oct 28 p.1 ad for Steel pens, addressed to merchants and all encouragers of amer art, equal to best Engl pens.

Whig merchants listed in announcement of a public mtg advertise in the paper; cold meat (vittals) party refers to Van Buren supporters in the demo party?

Nov 5 1834, ptgs of Adam & Eve by Dubufe exciting dispute in Providence; Bostonions went in droves to see them, 15-20,000, but Providence editors condemn women viewing them, immorality of naked figs, Mary Wolstencraft, French schl of ptg, anatomy, sanctimonious affectation, mawkish fastidiousness; the ptgs no worse than Biblical accounts.  Can looking on a cold marble statue, or inanimate ptg of a scene fr Genesis, be more dangerous than the text? pencil or chisel may give greater moral/relig effect

            -ad for NY Mus of Wax Figs, Brdway and Anthony St, formerly at Howard st, 100 figs as large as life, splendidly dressed, in 22 grps

Nov 8 p.2 foreign news includes coverage of the annuals, expensive ones like the Oriental Annual, ahs 22 engravs by W Daniell, RA; Picturesque Annual 20 engrav fr drwgs by G Cattermole, a rising artist, illust Scott’ Lscape Annual ed T Roscoe, 21 steel engraves after drwgs by Roberts, etc. Likes the Nov Knickerbocker, ‘The returned Miniature’ a sweet feeling effusion

Nov 14 p.2 Towne & David, architects, their library valuable, antiquities, they’ve contrib. to sound taste instead of vitiated and gingerbread style of bldg.  Notices the Ladies Companion, not doing v well, has fine engrav of last supper by West, also puffs N Engl Mag and Am Monthly, likes the Irish actor Power, likes Willis

Mcdonald Clarke writes poems for the Star, the Daughter of Ld Byron, Napoleon; they (editor LJ) also like Mary Ann Brown; Nov 21 p.1 poem To My Youngest Son, Leicester Stanhope Forbes Young Buckingham, age 10, to be placed beneath my portrait in his study, do your duty.

Nov 20, p.2 Greenough has finished new statuary for Mr Cabot of Boston, reserved right of exhib, donate to seamen; Nov 21 p.1 excerpts fr Dunlap on Mr West, also Augustus Earl, 1818, son of Earle of Connecticut, known as the wandering artist and intimate friend of Leslie and Morse, published his travels, and Alexander Lawson, engraver of Wilson’s ornithology

Nov 22, p. 2, Fine arts: novel magnif exhib of picts enameled on glass, inclu Belshazzar’s Feast, medium gd for sublime, supernatural light and color, Hoadly & Olafield; Thom, sculptor of Tam O shanter, engaged in new works fr poems of Burns; Mr B Otis, disting ptr of Phila, completed 2 picts, eminent artists admire, exhib taste and talent, temptation and expulsion, soon to be exhib

            -Nov 29 p.2 second puff of enameled glass, 202 Broadway, akin to gothic glass windows, best at night; also statues brought fr Italy by the Constellation for the Capitol have arrived at Washington, under the direction of Mr Persico will go into the east portico

Nov 24, p. 2 exhib in Barclay st Academy will soon close, picts all admired and thronged visitors, Capt Ross’s expedition, the Destruction of Jerusalem, Loss of the Kent, consid merit, ancien armor curious

            -advertisement same page says Virgin Mary, 60 beaut finished oak carvings, repres life of Virgin Mary, sold, free, exquis and elab workmanship antique series, eminent artist Albert Dwier, fr Escorial;  also ad for copy of Leonardo’s Last Supper at the room of the NAD in Clinton Hall; 25th has ad James Smith 92 Brdway ‘fine arts’ priv sale of Italian ornaments, but it’s furniture

Nov 25 p.1 blurb on infancy of West, the painter fr Major’s Cabinet Gallery, Indians taught him to mix colors; Nov 27 p. 2 anecdote of Thomas Lawrence’s boyhood also precocious; puffs Joseph Tuckerman

Nov 28 p.2 part of continuing series on life and letters of Lafayette, includes a woodcut of his jailor, comic fig, drawn by L’s daughter

Dec 2 1834 p.2 beaut engraved port fr London of eminent school Jonathan Edwards, handsomest specimen of burin, to go with his writings; engraved fr a port by Rembrandt Peale.  Dec 4 p.2 announces public of Dunlap’s work, subscriptions taken by author at Mirror office, indispensable to connoisseur and artist; Dec. 10 publishes preface showing author dedic to truth in biog of living, not flattery, knows all artists want attention

Dec 5 p.2 Comic Almanac illus by Cruickshank; accurate and vivid repres of late fire at London, litho, by Heath, inclu soldiery and Westminster, by Ackerman; fr Knickerbocker a piece by Geo P Morris, sees an odd but well done engrav in the printstores of a lady in a bower reading a sonnet, which Morris supplies, a humorous marriage proposal

Dec 6 p.2 another woodcut, showing one rube poking another in the bottom with his gun as he climbs a stile, prob taken fr Bell’s Life in London, has a poem;  M Classens of Brussels, celeb engraver of Gerard Douw’s dropsical woman, died.  Rival to agrarian paper the Man is the Whig editress The Woman.

Dec 13 p.2 a wood engrav of a Dutch tiled cottage, at Broad and Beaver st, fr the Mirror, publish hoping reformers the Bleeckers won’t demolish it for their new store.  (more stuff by Morris, more puffs of Sigourney, loves Bulwer too)

Dec 15 p.2 fr London Morning Herlad, unusu grand dioramic ptg of Departure of Israelites out of Egypt, powerfully imagined, strikingly exec, extraord illusion, minuteness.  Dec 16 p.2 exquis finished line engrav by AB Durand fr celeb ptg of Ariadne by Vanderlyn, inexpensive chef d’oevre, long esteemed most beaut ptg our country has produced.  Notes National Magazine is Whig.

Dec 18 poem fr Albany Argus, grave of the Sachem, by WHC Hosmer

Dec 20 p.1 resumes woodcuts fr Penny Mag, this time a Domenichino ptg of Aeneas, truth and vivacity of expressions, in royal French collection, gives artist’s backgrd. weird mannerism.  p.2 puffs Peale; takes another engr by Adams fr the Mirror of the monument to Cadwallader Colden to be carved by Frazee, near same artist’s monument to John Wells, in Grace Church, G Verplanck did motto.  Puffs the enameled glass exhib again, beaut , brilliant colors, persp illus, Martin and Reynolds

Dec 23 p.1 ad for Original Diorama at Niblo’s of Scripture History, to be followed by other views ptd by Messrs Sebrons, Bouton and Daguerre, brick bldg on Broadway for their exhib, Departure of Israelites first.  A Mrs Norton poem.  p. 2 suggests getting gifts at Colman’s or Carvill’s or Mason, woood engraver, Canal st, and puffs the Diorama at Niblo’s, now words to express sublime grand design.  Also puffs beaut ptgs and admirable likenesses by JW Dodge, 485 Pearl st,m whose studio has a capital miniature ptg of one of the editors of this paper, and prints a poem by a gman written about Dodge’s art, which restores lost treasures of the heart, love and friendship if distant or dead, appear.

Dec 24 p. 1  Penny Mag Rubens Descent fr the Cross, cite Reynolds’ judgment, then the museum brochure, natural action, vivid expression of emotion.  Dec 26 p.2 praises the Landscape Annuals as the most lasting of the annuals; praises NY Mirror engrav designed by Weir and exec by Smillie admirab style elegance finish.  Washington’s old headquarters, described by Verplanck.

Dec 31 p.2 (lots of poems to italy) Puffs Mr Levy’s auction in Broadway nr Cedar, one of finest colls of ptgs, fr approved masters, some framed, attnof amateurs and lovers of fine arts.  Puffs diorama at Niblo’s, magnify spectacle, if obj of ptg is to mimic by illus the truth of nature, has attained perfection, exact fidelity and graphic power of reality, as if transpiring before our eyes, gorgeous, striking, sublime, rich magnify objects.  Letter to Dunlap objecting to his errors and mnisconceptions, fr Rembrandt Peale, notes that the port of Stuart was begun by his dad and finished by him in two later sittings; more on the competition betw him and Stuart over GW 


Jan 2, 1835 p. 2 For the Star, to Rembrandt Peale, dated Jan 1, fr Wm Dunlap, gratified by receipt of your “Manuall” and satisfaction with his notice of its publication, and thanks him for former vol on Italy and commendation of his history of the arts of design in the US  expressed in the Evening Star, acknowledges what he supposes to be errors in the work

Jan 3, p. 2 Singular Invention, labor saving machine for medallion engraving, belongs to Mr ORmsby, an engraver of merit 42 Nassau St, from down east, traces designs.  patrons of arts and lovers of ingenious shd examine them, neatness delicacy personal attention req’d for successful plate (note: ad on p. 3 for Peale’s Museum includes Juvenile Artist, a mechanical drawing and writing figure, executes specimens of grt skill)

Jan 5 p. 2 puffs new editor of NY Spirit of the Times, Wm T Porter; later puffs the Western Monthly Mag, its editor, and Danl Drake too, Harpers and Carey and Lea; poems fr the NY Mirror, NP Willis, John Neal, So Lit Messenger

Jan 7 p. 2 notes full length likeness of Chas Caroll ptd by Sully has been put in MD Senate chamber, also his port of Col John Eager Howard in the Hse of Delegates

Jan 10 p. 2 notes mr Carew the sculptor at Brighton has prepared a much approved model of the actor Kean as Hamlet, soliloquizing over skull

Jan 13 p. 1 ‘aboriginal sculpt’ singular carved stone bust found on Bantam River, falls short of Grecian perfection, but gd for Indian

Jan 15 p. 2 series of caricature vignettes fr London under title of Emigration, on its perils, v funny albeit exaggerated

Jan 16 p.2 review of R Peale’s Graphics, a little work, more pleasure, plain easy instructions, beaut plates, rudiments, outline for all objects, but disagree that if you can learn to write can learn to draw, as drwg requires following more amorphous and irregular lines.  for a spirited, faithful delineation, needs a good eye, must be born a painter, no instruction can communicate optical tact, like musician or poet must possess inspiration of mind that can conceive and realize.  So too math etc not so helpful for light and shade, or for giving them life and spirit and character

Jan 17 p. 2 Mr Weir, the Ptr, 2 beaut recent productions in possession of GC Verplanck, Esq, but not not yet exhib.  One a gem of hi value, sm fancy pict of a lake overshadowed by mtns, delicate warm tint like Poussin, soft and mellow transparency in deeply contrasting shadows of lake and clouds, give bold character and spirited effect.  Other fancy sketch fr fine imagination, Italian mtn scene in Salvator style, rich costume, admirable morceaus in next academy exhib

Jan 22 p. 1 Life of Lafayfite, private apt, nr entrance is port of corporal of prison of Olmuiz, bedrm walls covered with ptgs, drwg and engravings, family ports in oil, port of Marshal de Noailles, then engravings or drawings of Fox, H Clay, Kosciusko, Jackson, Jefferson, Clinton, Mdme de Stael, a number of others.  a large miniature by side of chimney, beauty execut, port of L’s liberator fr prison, massive gold frame, gift fr city of Charleston.  Above bed ptg of grp of officers at siege of Yorktown, also drwg of residence of John Adams (by his granddaughter Eliza Quincy) and Mr Hancock, tomb of GW, angel of Poland, view of Fayetteville by H Say (Lafayette found it accurate and correct), and in his library a ring with the port of Jeremy Bentham

Ad for Atwood’s patent American Steel Pens, equal if not superior to best English, calls attn to them to Merchants and All Encouragers of American Art;  going to ignore the True Sun

Jan 23 p.2 having seen works of best living artists in Engl and Continent, Mr Sully not surpassed in female heads for delicacy, grace, harmony of coloring, cites a letter in Natl Gazette, that his ports have been sent to one of the most promising artists in London (Mrs Carpenter) for varnishing, she is in perfect raptures, universal admiration, gem despite comparisons with Sir Thom Lawrences

Jan 24 p.1 poem by Geo Morris, The Miniature, as if touched by fairy wand, speaking, treasure, not at all like her; p. 2 in favor of public monuments to revolutionary war generals

Jan 29 1835 p. 2 David the celeb sculptor who made the excellent bronze stat of Jefferson, in Berlin to make a whole length stat of king of Prussia, also king of Holland; Jan 30 p.1 the painter David and Duke of Wellington who visited his atelier in exile in Brussels 1815, David refused to paint him, refuses to paint anything but historical subjects

puffs James Hall (of Cinti)

Feb 2 1835 3 large lithos designed and drawn by GP Reinagle of Napier’s triumph have been pub. consid skill, exploits of countryman

Feb 3 p. 2 puffs Thom’s Group in Charleston, also Vanderlyn’s Lake of Geneva

Feb 4 p. 2 Statue of Cleopatra, modeling in clay superceding more enduring art of statuary, more delicate and more easily colored to the life, but still a composition and so entitled to admiration, beauty and symmetry of fig, side view is beaut, exquisitely done fall of neck, exec in Rome, 202 Broadway

Feb 6 p. 2 prog of refinement in a country taste inhabs for exquis productions of pencil, whether individs or public collections, a truly fine ptg gives its owner more distinction than other valuables, sale of ptgs at gallery of Arcade Bath, Chambers St, tomorrow, singular beaut and uncommon merit, those desirous of gems shd go.  An ad p. 3 for James C Smith auctioneer 92 Broadway, private sale, fine arts, Ital ornaments, virtuosi

Seems to support the truths of phrenology

Feb 13 p. 2 another notice of the beaut and choice coll of Ptgs at Arcade Bath, sold by Aaron Levy, made a cursory inspection, don’t know their history, but with safety pronounce works of decided merit by first rate artists, fr purer and natural schls of former days, none disfigured by affectation tinsel artificial ornament theatrical effect, the predominant traits of modern artists.  Particularize a superb Battle Piece, Diana and Nymphs Bathing, Holy Family, Dog and Game, Monuments of Rome, a Grove of Females sd to be by Rubens, if not, in better keeping in drawg of figs and color than any copy we’ve seen, must bring large prices among connoisseurs (I couldn’t find the ad)

Feb 14 p. 2 fr an English paper, on Hells, describe them as height of fashion and elegant, inclu statues of the graces in niches along Italian marble staircase, gorgeous paintings and draperies and hangings upstairs;  statue of Cleopatra 202 Broadway among the curiosities of the city, worthy a visit, repose of attitude, exquisitely delicate chiseling down to the minutest anatomical fidelity of the female form divine, accomplished artist, natural flesh colored tinge, jet black hair, dress of satin, appearance of real life; p. 3 ad for Levy auction, indisputable originality by old and celebrated masters, subjects so desirable, pleasing eye and judgment, command admiration of judges, compare with any oil ptgs in US, in frames, lovers of fine arts;  next day p. 3 ad for Cleopatra, great work of Art, heretofore bedecked in fancy costume, now exhib simply as a piece of statuary. and on the 17th p. 2 a blurb for the chaste Cleopatra to be stripped of silken folds exhib puris naturalibus, a celeb professor and his class, with the whole college of surgeons, will attend a lecture on anataomy.

Feb 18 p. 2 praises Chas Fenno Hoffman’s travel bk on the West

Feb 21 p. 2 Colman’s depository oppos City Hotel choicest selections of engravings, racy, original, latest imports, rare editions of costly works, Alfred Crowquill Esq and Cruikshank hits at the times, likenesses perfect, satire pungent of Wellington, Brougham.  English caricature lies in wit, drwgs heavy, but French strength is in finish, excess of minute and elaborate nicety bordering on theatrical and fantastic, more spirit, graphic and forcible language, thanks to perfect profile/outline.  State prison produces marble for stonecutters.

Feb 23 p.2 praises Ladies Companion for more orig material, notes that Chas Fenno Hoffman has taken over Am Mo Mag; Cleopatra has been removed to 187 Broadway, on a revolving platform so delicacy and skill of modeling may be seen, a lady is in attendance

Feb 24 p.2 praises designs for new Hall of Justice, prize of $500, elegant ingenious specimens of art, favored the Egyptian design by Mr John Haviland of Philly, the Grecian by AJ Davis of this city, and the Gothic of Geo A Cobhan and also Joseph L Singerly, a splendid plan by John T Sole of city, a plain pure chaste simplicity design by Prussian Chas Frederick Richardt.  Bldg has coercive purpose, shd be pleasing but imposing, not gloomy and terrific reminders of human depravity and degradation.  Like admixture of Gothic and Egyptian, Grecian better for halls of justice, deliberative bodies, Gothic’s solemnity and richness belongs to collegiate and sacred archit, but its gorgeous details and sublime tracery magnificent proportions is most impressive in symmetry and ornaments of any style, so do two Gothic porticoes and 2 Grecian or Egyptian, the rest plain unornamented as in vogue at great Astor hotel, prefer local masonry to brick;  notice of a Birth Night Ball presided over by Col Morris and Third Regiment at Niblo’s, a fine whole length port of GW and other ptgs and transparencies were distrib thru saloon.

Feb 25 p. 2 puffs a Picture of Wash DC ust pub’d by Lewis P Clover, 180 Fulton st, fr a ptg by Cooke, engr by Bennet, fr below Navy Yard, varied and beaut panoramic lscape; Lit Gazette says statue of Ld Byron by Thorwaldsen has arrived at London but refused by Westminster Abbey on count of immorality of his writing

Feb 27 dislikes the Atheneum’s flippant approach to contemp Amer lit, finds it low

Mar 1835 5 p.1 excerpts fr Dunlap piece on Gilbert Stuart, the Washington Painter, on the problem of having his social class recognized by British travelers who try to guess his profession.  Presents him as a man of the previous generation.

Mar 6 p. 2 approved and pop modes of taking likenesses most ingenious is Cameo, set in gold, likeness of Genl Jackson,, young but spirited cut in a marine shell, Amer artist Geo W Jamieson at Liberty st and Broadway, moderate price, enduring.  Calls paper The Man a kind of adjunct to the Eve Post.  Lafontaine, ptr celeb for views of interior of churches, died; he discovered Rembrandt’s chef d’ouevre of the woman taken in adultery, for which he rec’d 140,000 francs fr nat gall of London

Mar 7 p. 2 likes March Knickerbocker, mentions a thrilling tale by John Inman;

Mar 10 p. 2 pict Horace Vernet at late exhib at Paris represe camp of Arabs listening to priest, highly spoken of; French artists alw seize hold of passing scenes/events most piquant and interesting, colonial settlement of Algiers immortal painter unrivalled for cavalry groups, battles, to borrow fr vivid and racy pictures of real life, graphic power and spirit, beaut engr by M Jazet

Mar 12 o. 2 notes Niblo’s Diorama, splendid pict of Departure of Israelites now equally sublime grand delineations, Belshazzar’s Feast, mind is led to view as object of reality; Mar 13 p. 2 Native Talent, generous patronage of foreign arts and letters, native merit often pines in neglect, a young Amer artist, an engraver, Geo W Teubner, 410 Pearl st, delicate exec of fancy cards, designs his own, spirit boldness originality stamp him as man of genius, inimitable grace and effort for cards at recent ball of military fortifications

Mar 14 p. 2 anecdote re Benj West, afflicted with passion for ptg, blessing or visitation, Quakers gave sanction to divine hand of genius, fr Major’s Cabinet Gallery; Mar 16 p. 2 puffs a spirited litho of US ship Delaware pub’d Endicott 359 Brodway, drawn by FW Moore;  describes pageantry of Broadway as all life, gaiety and cheerfulness.  M Sene, a Genevese sculpt, exhib at Paris an interesting profile relief of Napoleon’s celeb road over the Alps, the Simplon; Granet, the Frenchptr of the taleaux of Stella dn Death of Poussin, honorary member of imperial acad of St Petersburgh.

Mar 17 p. 2 Maria Cosway, widow of late J Cosway, royal academician, has been made a baroness for estab a college at Lodi; Mar 18 puff for another sale at the Arcade Baths in Chamber st of ptgs of old masters, sd to equal any former sale for variety, character, attraction; Kean’s statue finished, subscription short, all but pedstal ready for Westminster Abbey, if he’ll be admitted there.  On the 19th another puff for the sale, rarely seen so many beaut pieces, among which Jeptha of Paul Bril, Magdalene by A Carracci, J Morrell Wreath of Flowers, a class rarely auctioned.  no better mode for spending than on enuring and valuable specimens of fine arts, sold at less than value

Mar 20 p. 2 Geo Morris just rec’d fr Greenough Amer sculptor at Rome most beaut marble bust of Willis, full of grace, ease spirit delicacy of execution for which artist is disting, friends of Willis say most graphic facsimile, lover of fine arts admire highly wrought production purest alabaster classical elegance curling naturally artless simplicity symmetry speaking features, akin to Westmacot’s superb bust of Scott, to be exhib at academy of arts.  Fr London Lit Gaz excerpts description of lscape and hunting ptgs at Pompeii

Mar 21 p. 2 another puff for sale of valuable collection of fine/masterly ptgs at Acad of Arts in Barclayst, a v respectable source says collected during French campaigns in Italy, a widow, notes London New Monthly for Feb has port of Gen Jackson

Mar 24 p. 4 engraving of Water line fr Murray’s Hil Reserv over the city, with report of the Water Board

Mar 25 p. 2 promotes Knickerbocker engrav of lake at sunset illust Bryant poem, Weir ptr, Smellie engraver, G Verplanck commenting.  Like Bryant a lot.  Willis, Inman, Fay too. McDonald Clarke.  Big fan of Knickerbocker. 

Mar 28 p. 2 Judgment and Expulsion, 2 ptgs by Mr Otis, a native artist, creditably spoken of by Sully and Neagle, are to be exhib in rooms over Arcade Baths;  sale of coll of rich ptgs fr Brussels at Acad of FA, lscapes and sea pieces sd of hi merit, many of them, splendid frames, see ad, tho it’s not with other auctioneers

New penny paper (Whig) the Old Serpent; Apr 2 p. 2 notes article about self made sculptor Powers in Knickerbocker by BB Hatcher 

Apr 4 1835 p. 2 ‘Attending Auctions’ describes compet of ladies for furniture driving up prices of unworthwhile gds, inclu ptgs, a beaut orig of Raphael, Child eating Citron, are u sure it’s a Raphael says a gman in specs, yes have certificate fr Brussels fr mynheer Vonder Donk Schilmpennick, bid is $100--inimitable coloring, divinely conceived, sold at $200 to a man of taste who knws a gd thing (twas sold at Arcade Baths last week for $42).  It’s gmen tho who buy the ptg, vs ladies in the story who buy the mirror and curtains (for which there is a certificate fr Mr Swartwout, the collector --and politician?).  Puff for opening of exhib of 3 fine ptgs by Mr Otis of Phila, Tempt, Judg and expuls, hi ly spoken of by compet judges and artists of reput,

Apr 6 p. 2 M Erin Corr, meritorious young artist, engr a beaut port of Leopold the 1st, King of the Belgians, after the ptg by M Wappers

Apr 8 p. 1 Findens bringing out companion to exquis Gallery of the Graces, series of ideal portraits of female characters in Byron’s poems, engr fro rig portraits, twelve parts, first by F Stone, the ‘Byron beauties’.  Among newest prints is port of Mrs Norton the poetess engr by Geller fr ptg by Hayter and views of racing after Wolstanholme and a fox hunt after FC Turner.  HB our best caricaturist as just hit off Cobbett;  p. 2 mentions construction of Nat Gall still in progress, still not enuf raised for Carew’s statue of Kean, desire for immense statue of brass as monument to Shakespeare, newly opened exhib at British Institution many valuable ptgs, M’Clise’s finest poetical designs ‘Salvator Rosa and the Patron.  Etty, Wood, Parris, Callcott, the Landseers and Webster also exhib well, Turner’s conflag of Parliament a wonderful production, Rothwell a fine head of Sir W Beechey and G Patten Cymon and Iphigenia, finest ptgs in Lierpool exhib last yr.  Thom, self taught sculptor, added a statue of Burns to those of Allan and Willie. 

            Mr White’s pict of ‘Unfurling of US Flag at Mexico’ so true to localities a native visitng exhib at New Orleans made it his idol.  aspect of beaut scenery, glowing, radiant, pictque, forcible associations carried him back, vivid reality; fr Charleston Patriot.

Apr 9 p. 2 explanation of Ormsby’s Pentographic engraving, where needle traces.  Puffs Catlin the able artist, in New Orleans, celeb portraits of indians

Apr 10 p. 1 more on Lafayette, describing his rooms/possessions, order, simplicity, neatness, bedchamber had bust of GW modeled in clay by Houdon, over which is Port of Kosciusko presented by the Poles, clock w/defeat of Cornwallis, engrav of death of Gen Warren, large miniature of Lafayette ptd by ladies, picture of his castle ptd by Mad. Jonbert, Polish Generals in an engraving, litho of Span Gen Jose Toorijoo, and MR Dupont de lEure, other documents engraved framed.

p. 2 Otis ptgs visited by taste and fashion, copies fr French picts lately exhib? No, original, beaut designed splendidly colored, admired by connoisseurs

Apr 13 p. 2 Allan’s beaut ptg of chamber where Scott died purchased by Queen England.  Puff for Mr Richardson’s picts, 311 ½ Broadway, choice of subjects and beauty of exec far exceeds his previous work, lottery with 20 prizes and 200 $5 tickets.  One ptg view in Scot Highlands, faithfully embodying sublimity of scene native bard Sir Walter described also Picturesque Chapel, a fortunate management, freshness brilliancy of color, vapory and aerial feeling in distance and middle grd seldom equaled.  Another pair of illust of Script scenery, sunset ruins Ascalon splendid shine of reality gorgeous effect peculiar to east, view fr Mt Lebanon oppos character rich in verdure beaut penciled.  Also North River Twilight truly beaut, time best for pictoral effect.  the orig study for large work ptd for Mr Schieffelin, vigorous effort talented production genius.  others creditable, all merit.  approve of method of disposal.  put in elegant dining room.  Richardson planning to switch to miniature ptg.  See ad. (next day, p. 2, repeats puff)  Another ad on page is for W Hayward, publisher and importer of Engl Engravings, 128 Broadway, just rec’d fr London choice invoice, Cousins’ port of Miss Peel fr original by Lawrence, the musical bore, port of Ld Byron and Scott, works of J Reynolds, of Liverseege, Brit Gallery, Coney’s Cathedrals, Landseer’s Animales, Basty’s Euro scenery, etc, coll of orig oil ptgs by most esteemed masters. 

p. 3 Auction M Henry 112 Broadway, JF Gourlay auctioneer, ptgs and Engravings, valuable consignment, Last Super beaut colored, scripture pieces, scenes in Rome, Lady of the Lake, Rent Day, Village Pols, Blind Fiddler, lscapes, fancy pieces, headsof Napoleon, etc

Apr 15 p. 2 reviews Crayon Miscellany by Irving, novel romantic picturesque character, titian coloring teniers fidelity to nature, genius, pictorial talent can do darker shades bolder contrasts wild style of Salvator rosa.  Subject of the west is appropriate.  Mr White, an artist, peculiarly successful sketching fr memory the interior of St Philip’s church lately destroyed at Charleston, exhib it for benef of church.

Apr 16 p. 2 English correspondent notes Irving and Hoffman books, Fanny Kemble scandalous journal, NY Mirror Ports of Presidents, have shewn engrav to first artists, say it hasn’t been equaled in exec and design; p. 2 Shenton engraving Mr Collins’ popular pict, the Stray kitten, other works of this artist from which large engraves have been taken are Fishermens Departure, Feeding Rabbints, Fisherment on look out, Searching the net, Shrimp Catchers.  The exhib of British artists has opened, most striking are historical ptg Cassandra by Haydon, a Judith by Martin in a new style, Richmond Hill by Pyne, Martin’s Camp of Saul, Creswick’s Westminster Bridge, others by Linton, Allen, Cooper, Poole, Lonsdale, Mrs Carpenter, etc none by Roberts.  Mr Cottingham fine represe of Hs of Commons restored in Gothic pure and graceful, king approves.  11th number of Liverseeye’s works, artist neglected when at Manchester had to paint signboards, but reputation after death hi, engravings fr works v popular.  mentions the finest sketch in Byron Beauties is Astarte, fr drwg by H Corbould, F Stone piquant port of Florence.

            An artist Meadows now exhib in London fine views of burning of old hses of parliament, described as beaut, Dioramic Tableaux. HB a caricaturist partic spirited

Apr 17 p. 2 Catlin ptr of Indian portraits, novel highly instructive historically and as art, in N Orleans, romantic enterprise piquant coll wildest tribes natives

Apr 18 p. 2 puff for a celeb coll of old master ptgs offered in Congress last session and formerly exhib here are on exhib again for private sale, Danby’s Opening of the Sixth Seal inclu

Apr 21 p. 2 Statue of Hamilton, great rm in Exchange, beaut, by Ball Hughes, high finish easy graceful attitude faithful resemblance to original, struck by its outline and gathered all this from it, as if a visit fr the tomb, roman toga, dignified mien, noble exression, freshness and power of sublime eloquence.  can say nothing re as work of art, no superior, no affectation or meretricious ornament, fine original genius, minutest parts extreme perfection never exaggerated, symmetry, Ital marble, $8000, pedestal 14 ft hi.

            -p. 3 ad Academy of Fine Arts, Barclay St, Exhib and Sale re ptgs shown in Congress, unquestionable as to originality, choice works by Leonardo, Guido, Domeinichino, Carracci, Titian, Claude, Poussin, Rembrandt Berghem Vandyck, Vandevelde, Backhuysen, Van Huysum, Reynolds etc, Cellini, rarely found out of estab galleries of Europe

Apr 22 p. 2 miniature of a lady of this city by Messrs Parker & Eldridge, design and coloring equal to any, gmen are Amer artists, William and Cedar streets; the Exchange to be illuminated this evening so ladies can visit Hamilton statue

Apr 23 p.2 Mr Vanderlyn’s beaut panorama of Geneva much admir Charleston SC, people of that city known for gd taste, hope re exhibited in NY, maugre the Vandal depriving him of Rotunda

Apr 24 p. 2 another puff for the old master coll offered to Congress, common to deceive, but here some no doubts entertained, st Jerome of da vinci, Twilight by Domenichino, Crucifixion by Tintoretto, Evening by Poussin, noble, magnificent, chef deuvre is Rembrandt port of De Witt family, also Ld Clive family by Joshua one of his best soft mellow natural groups, suggest city put whole coll in saloon in Astor’s hotel

Apr 25 1835 p. 1 McDonald Clarke poem on the Marble Statue (of Hamilton), Commerce has raised a sceptered spell of stone, crowds bowed.

Apr 27 p. 2 Osgood, eccentric and talented ptr, exhib his ports of Clay, Calhoun Miss Martineau etc at Baltimore, The American of that city speaks highly

Apr 29 p. 1 anecdote of Sir Thom Lawrence childhood, successful painter, taught as infant to recite poetry for inn customers, fr Major’s Cabinet Gallery

Apr 30 p.1 Fine Arts in France: strive for universality, produce mere individualities, works embodying illusions or principles relative to politics.  Yet arts have improved, harsh lapidary style of imperial reign making rm for more graceful unrestrained forms.  archit has declined.  From the miscellany the Analyst.

p. 2 v valuable gall of ptgs of late Mr Blake of Savannah placed for sale, several stolen, suspect Caius Claudius Croly, who deposited ptgs for sale here in Levy’s auction store in Broadway 

May 2 1835 p. 2 Hamilton’s statue, re an article in the Post signed Countryman, makes untrue crit of the statue; his eyes are uninstructed as he says.  Ball Hughes’ group of Uncle Toby and the Widow makes a sensation at Boston.

May 6 p. 2 mentions for second time Bennet’s herald; first time just noted he was a former associate and able; here suggests that the politics of this small daily of uncommon neatness and tact has a democratic tone, vigorous support of working classes, will tread on heels of its brethren

May 8 p. 1 anecdote/poem mentions Westmacott the sculptor and Leigh Hunt in Florence, told by Willis in Mirror

May 9 1835 p. 2, NAD: school of native rtists or native productions decided improvement fr last year in number and quality.  greater portion are portraits, best by Inman, improves on perfection already attained, esp in fidelity of his likenesses which did not alw succeed, but striking and happy examples here, esp Mrs Simpson, speaking and most beaut facsimile, also C Hoffman well known author.  Consociate artists with Inman are Ingraham in ports, Weir in lscapes and hist grps, Cole in his Claude lscapes, Mount and Twibill.  Too many picts allowed entrée, painful contrast betw dullness and genius.  Glad to see Amer spirit presiding, duty to estab a school of our own, have the materiale, requires arder and patriotism

Morse Gold Fish family grp, labored piece, colors tolberably gd, figs cold and hard. not a specimen of what Pres can do.

Packet Ship Minerva, Capt Sketchly, in gale, A Ludlow, a name have heard little but like more. sea fine, billows graphically and faithfully frightful forms depicted.  sky too monotonous and dirty, more black.  110 Falls of the Indian brook oppos West Point, by Wharton, v chalky where shd have been animated, wild

            29 AB Durand, Port of AJ, Pres.  an engraver, tolerably gd port, ravaged features, fault is in drwg and coloring too much coldness and hardness of burin.  43. His port of JQ Adams is excellent.

30 R Peale port of Raja Roy, ptd in 1833 in London, a gd ptg interesting chiefly fr character.

            31 Newfoundland dog, S Watson, v fine, too dark.  32 Port of Sammy Woodworth, ballad poet, by Thompson, v gd

            34 Port of a Lady by Ingham, all the exquis finish, hi polish and elab perfection of detail for which gman unrivalled, embroidery of gown a masterpiece of rare talent.

            38 Weir, View of GW’s hq at Newburgh, mellow softeness of lite and shade, accuracy of persp, so deservedly celeb, some animals not well drawn, as a hist relic, gem.  142 Mtn Lake Autumn Evening, American Scene, Weir, only one other than Cole dare gorgeous autumn skies, succeeded in giving correct conception as possible of unique natural phenom.  Claude never saw molten gold and purple, mirroring lscapes  enchanting brilliancy, sweet repose, harmonious blending.  Weir’s Landing of Hendrick Hudson, owned by GC Verplanck, chef d’oeuvre of the gallery, profited by Verplancks minute historical knowl and fine taste, elegant lang and poetic imagery in his celeb discourse, drwg and spirit of the figs all capital. foregrd deeply shadowed, admirable and rich, persp cld be more defined.

            55 Mount, Studious boy.  pearl of hi price, nothing more true, more admirable, power of genius and drawing as in Guido, without aid of paint.  Pale hue, but purely Ital in warmth, grace, richness of expression.  187 His Sportsman’s Last Visit.  He is a Wilkie, junior, the only one in this country.  comments on the expressions.  the whole a picture.  141 Barroom Scene, chef d’oeuvre worthy of Teniers.  most finished compos of its kind of any Amer artist, diff to draw or color well and with truth, still more diff to pt complex scene of various attitudes and expressions, ea forming collective thought of the subj

            103 full length mini of a child Miss Ann Hall, v sweet pretty.  134 Mrs Flynn of Bowery Theatre, full length sitting, by Twibill, beaut, w/o slightest affectation, labor, trick of art.

            150 Wj Wilgus, Ichabod Crane and Headless Horseman. another chef d’ouevre and bold movement out of dull routine of most artists, a capital debut, scene overwrought, but faithful embodiment of exquis ludicrous conception of orig, wild nightmare, grotesque and horrified, horse too.

            171 Chapman, Dr JW Francis, abominable caricature, downright murder, our joyous friend looks decomposing.  too bad.  172 Chapman, Col Crockett as backwoodsman, to the life, a little larger, too colossal and clumsy, tolerable likeness, dogs excellent.  199 Chapman, residence of GW’s mom, beaut quiet lscape full of feeling, never try other subjects.  Chapman, James Madison, 211, mild tranquil beaut type of great mind dying.  212 Champman, Mt Vernon, also excellent.

            Bride of Lamermoor, Inman, talented artist can’t do historical groupe.

May 11th, p. 2, praises Amer Workmanship of the cart of the Niagara Hose Company no 2, richly varnished, tasty  v accurate spirited ptg of Falls of Niagara and a female flying w/child in arms fr flames; ad for Euterpian Hall on Broadway and Sinclair’s moving Panorama of Life of Napoleon, military band, great effort of art, battle of Waterloo

May 12 p. 2, litho prints supposed as illust of Miss Kemble’s journal, pub’d by Endicott, excellent likeness, admirable;  among the picts at the annual exhib at Paris just opened are Mdme Brune, Silvio Pellico visited in his prison, full of life and interest;  Cibot, Anna Boleyn at Tower of London, deeply impressive and pathetic; E Delacroix, Prisoner of Chillon, fine; Horace Vernet, Rebecca at the Ftn, capital; Joan of Arc at execution, Scheffer, splendid and her countenance beyond description; notes a conflict betw the Knickerbocker/No Amer Review and the Amer Quarterly Review; ad for Fine Arts sale of marble and alabaster works and ornaments, shell work, Arno Holbrook, 92 Broadway

May 13 p. 1 Mr Alexander did v fine portrait of Hon Jeremiah Smith, Chief Justice of NH, for corporation of Harvard Coll. 

p. 2. stated in our critique of NAD that Weir’s fine ptg of Landing of Hudson represe Manhattan Island, but real locality was romantic grounds at Fishkill, nr Mr Verplanck’s residence; Hudson landed first on Manhattan I and then on various points on the Hudson, so far as Staten I is concerned, backgrd yet unfinished so error is  pardonable.  Shd have mentioned Mr Page, a young artist, uncommon talent, 2/3 port of a lady and child savours of Vandyke.

            Picture represe ‘Capturing of a Sperm Whale,” which we noticed as got up by Mr Hulsart a sailor who lost his arm, handsomely engraved by Hill, office of Seamen’s Friend Soc 82 Nassau st.  Mr Otis has removed his pict of Adam and Eve to Broadway and Anthony large saloon gd light

May 14 p.2 more on proposed Shakespeare monument, colossal statue similar to one proposed for King Wm IV, 60 ft hi.  King’s was proposed by Mr Tytler, arm on capstan, stair to head, penny subscription.  An Amateur writes to the Star another promo for the sale at the Amer Acad of the v valuable coll of ptgs brought by JW Brett Esq.  lover admirer of works of real merit, no minimum bids.

May 15 p. 1 reprints fr NY Mirror conversation on wall st betw estab editor and editor of a farthing print, to effect that he attacks estab editor to increase his circulation, knows it’s not true, public likes lampoons.  not a fancy sketch.  p.2 Catlin portefeuille on Indian portraits is now lecturing at Mobile, will be more successful here where Indians become historical interest rather than nuisance.  suggests Catlin confirms idea that Indians were Jews.  v handsome full length engraved mezzotinto likeness of Mrs Austin in character of Ariel pub’d by Desturnell’s, spirited affair, tolerably gd likeness, fr ptg by Ingham

May 20 p.2 notices second series of fake illust for Kemble’s journal fr Endicott, v gd spirited, don’t equal the first but v droll, sales brisk; great scripture pict B’s Feast 2000 ft of canvass, exhib diorama Niblo’s, genl effect impressive powerful in extreme, extraordinary illus leads mind to contemplate it as subj of reality.  a lot of Waddell poems; lots and lots of coverage of Kemble journal

May 22 p.2 puffs Coleman window fine colored engraving of steam ship; the finding of beaut statuary marble snowy white nr Lynchburg; ad for Aaron Levy auction of v choice coll framed oil ptgs fr France, handsome Furniture Works of Art

May 25 p.2 splendid bronze statue Cervantes at Rome, destined for Sta Catalina sq in Madrid, another of Rousseau 7 ft hi is at Geneva.  If Rousseau gets a statue, Cervantes shd get pyramid.  Puffs opening of Palmo’s pure Corinthian style, allegorical fresco ceilings by Albi and Guidicini like the opera house; puffs new issue of NY Mirror

May 27 p. 2 Scene ptg, branchof fine arts, improvements by Ital artists visiting; Bragaldi famous labors in decorations of opera house, fine speciments of rich scenery; Caldwell in New Orleans shd secure him as chief painter

May 28 p. 1 Exhib at the Louvre, by an Artist, fr the Atheneaum (British).  Ingres, Delaroche and Descamps gone, so resembles a manufactory of the mechanic rather than fine arts, artisans not artists, handicraft of painters and glazers, no inspiration, ready made portraits and canvases at so much the square foot or acre vs English cabinet taste for gems, Dutch despicable, cat and cradle composition, cavalier historical picts.

May 30 p. 2 another puff for Otis’s three ptgs, accompanied by a gallery of Portraits.  The French ptgs of the same subj have been seen by thousands, shd encourage native artists, these ptgs equal in merit, beaut done, drwgs perfect by skilful anatomists

June 1, 1835 p. 1, Planters Hotel in N Orleans collapsed, inclu Mr Talman, port ptr had his arm smashed; p. 2 catch the manners living quickly, Wall street perambulators tickled by new caricature of Gen Jackson and Louis Phillippe; Mr Geo Gelb ptd large scale v pretty views of Swiss scenery exhib 183 Broadway, much talent, rich verdure, striking contrasts, romantic country, mellow blending of light and shade, repose and correctness of persp, lake is natural, staffage in gd keeping

Jun 5 p. 2 puff for pictures at Remb Peale’s Ptg Rooms, Lispenard and Broadway, copies of Raphael Madonna, Cascades of Tivoli fr Nature, copy of R Peale’s Washington, copy of T Lawrence, copy of Guido Cleopatra, a Bronzino, a Rubens, a Pillement, orig portraits of Marshall, Calhoun, Everett, Frelinghuysen, Lafayette, JQ Adams, Rob Owen, Chas Peale and others

Jun 9 p. 1 Liverpool corresp, London pub a cheap beaut litho of Wm Penn’s Treaty; a Venus by Titian now exhib in London, replica of one for Chas V, sold by lottery, praised by Atlas, talents in portraiture, skill in coloring after nature, delicate relief, imperceptible gradation of tone, genius, no deity, but living model.  Heath, the Engraver, bringing out a Gallery of Brit Engravings taken fr his Annuals, inclu Leslie, Stanfield, Smirke.  JF Lewis’s fine pict Spanish Mendicants has been engraved

Jun 10 p. 2 praises Wm Gallagher of Cinti’s prose, not his poetry

Jun 11 p. 1 supports the American party (nativist).  p.2 notes competitor with Catlyn, from Cinti, JO Lewis, artist of talents, portfolio lithos 100 portraits best style

Jun 15 p. 2 notes Niblo’s Diorama’s proprietor Mr Wright in Boston donated proceeds to public schools, shd do so here

Jun 16 p. 2 port of Mrs Chapman best Amer actress now ptd by FD Marchant hangs in Acad of Des, as a pict and likeness reflects credit on artist, native.  Puffs Hannington’s Diorama now open in the City Saloon, similitude to real life beaut  illusions

Jun 17 p. 2 notes Vanderlyn donated day’s proceeds fr his Panorama of Versailles for benefit of fire victims in Charleston; rec’d neatly exec vignette by Theo Durand sold at Bancroft’s Brdway, fine medallion head of GW, fr Stuart. $1.50.

Jun 19 p. 1 another excerpt fr Major’s Cabinet Gallery on Gainsborough’s gypsies, he knew their taste for nature was poetic, lscape ptrs shd follow them.  p.2 Signor Bragaldi has been hired by Bowery, did frescoes and devices and drop scenes for Ital Opera, contract with Hamblin to decorate interior in chaste brilliant classical ornament, fine taste accomplished mind, will do a historical drop cene for American theatre, approved by Napoleon, allleg groups after Raphael school, shd decorate mansions;  (Jun 24 p. 2 letter to editor correcting article, G Guidiccini, G Chizzola, G Albe are coworkers with Bragaldi on Bowery commission)

            writes approvingly of the Amer Quarterly Rev ed. Mr Walsh, junior, esp Mrs Ellet, accompl young poetess of our city, on songs of the Troubadores, judicious, tact,knowledge, discriminative, raciness.

Jun 20 p.2 eccentric half crazy genius Haydon the ptr asksLondon editors why Sir Martin Shee alw paints his figs on tiptoe (joke)

Jun 23, p. 2 fr Journal des Debats on genius, fecund aliment of genius is the people, the mass, owe all the inventions that form epochs of history, foundation of all ideas of great writers, greatest genius owes it to the mass, concentrate and reproduce rays of this influence, like electric conductors.  Statues put on pedestals at Tuileries, Debray’s Pericles, Pradier’s Phidias, Foyatier’s Cincinnatus, Lemaire’s Laborer of Virgil.  Ad for Exhib of Ptgs at Washington Divan, 157 Broadway, choice coll of Ital Engl Flem schools, Rubens splendid Magdalen acclaimed in London, orig port best likeness of GW, Leonardo Holy Family

Jun 25 p. 2 The Man supports women strikers in Phila, v maly, Mr Matthew Carey does too benev protection, J of Commerce ungallantly attacks women.

            more on Hannington, mechanical skill illus worthy of praise, admirably, imposing spectacle

Jun 27 p. 2 two boys arrested for selling indecent prints in Wall st nr Exchange, two shillings for ‘scene in a dry goods store Broadway’ (news item previously of store owner drilling holes in floor to peek up skirts).  P Desobry, litho, Courtlandt and Broadway, contends not indecent.

Jun 30 p.2 Cordelia’s impromptu on seeing Hannington’s Dioramas, beauteous, sublime.  Ad for exhib of ptgs at Amer Acad on Barclay fr late Daniel Blake of Savannah valuable coll, ptgs stolen, but restored and exhib before sold auction in Savannah. gd specimens of diff schools, pleasing varied subj interesting to community.

July 1 1835 p. 2 puffs Ports of Principal Reformers, 24 by publisher Van Nostrand (who he has praised before) & Dwight, Luther et al, portraits tolerably well executed by Ormsby

Jul 3 p.2 rec’d fr Atwill (the music publisher) handsome litho port of Miss S Phillips the vocalist, more interesting ‘cause of her retirement to domestic life

Jul 6 p. 2 among city’s exhibs mention the Enamelled Ptgs 202 Broadway, Belshazzar’s Feast, Love among the Roses, Group of Charity, v costly, only specimens of kind.  Wiley & Long Brdway rec’d London Literary Souvenir, 25 superior elegant embellishments.  Puffs the Mirror, unrivalled pictorial embellishments, hi degree of perfection steel engraving

Jul 7 p. 2 coll of drwgs formed by T Lawrence, 1000, best in Euro, price 20,000 pounds

July 8 p. 2 Wiley & Long have pub’d Johnston’s sufficiently ludicrous illust of Kemble;  superb speciment of bank note engrav fr Casilear, Durand, Burton & Edmonds, Union Bank, chasteness design, finished exec, smallest details, simplicity correct taste (from the Courier);  notice sm beaut coll of Ptgs exhib Divan of old friend Saunders, 157 Broadway, great neatness, Madonna of Rubens, orig of GW worth price of adm; Dr. Antomarchi has made a gift of cast of Napoleon’s head to authorities of Mexico

Jul 10 p. 2 fine ptg Leda at Fontainbleau, gem fr Leonardo; late Thom Lawrence drwgs, 100 by Rubens, now exhib, abilities don’t depend on coloring notice of issue of Heath’s Gallery of Brit Engravings, best plates fr best annuals, Turner, Thom Lawrence, Miss L Sharpe; new port of W Scott ptd by Grant, last likeness for which he sat, with dogs;  Mr Parris’s port of Countess Blessington, engrav, looks well; Doctor Shelton Mackenzie publishing a historical novel called Titian, a Venetian tale. Frazee’s bust of late Chief Just Marshall in the Exchange obj of great interest, accurate, work of art, partic fine drapery

Jul 17 notes a penny paper The Irishman and Foreigners Advocate, pro Van Buren; later notes demise of the Man

Jul 25 notes Literary Editor of the Commercial is picking fight with Morris of Mirror, and faults the Star’s literary correspondent, Doctor Mackenzie of the Liverpool Journal

Jul 31, attentive to death of Wm Cobbett, p.2 puff Hanington’s Grand Dioramas, also note one of Liverpool rrd in Brooklyn before NY; follow up on Aug 3 p. 2 20,000 sq ft of canvass, with cars propelled by locomotives on a rrd in front of the picture by steam machinery, illus is perf.

Aug 4 1835 p.2 squib fr Belford’s Regis, or Sketches of a Country Town, on Cooper, the artist.  Mr Cribb an ornamental gilder in London, superb in his line, employed by taste hi nobility, struck by sm cattle piece in shop window in Greek st.  Found it was Thom Sydney Cooper, drwg master in Brussels, illus litho of womens fashions, gave him a commission, orders poured in.  Ad for Calyo’s Exhibition, N Calyo,  Artist, opens at Concert Hall 406 Broadway exhib of Orig Ptgs of cities, celeb edifices remarkable scenes of Euro and US fr drwgs on the spot, accurate in every particular.  5 by 4 ft, improved method of body coloring.

ok with women editors, as long as they don’t get into politics (often puffs the Passion Flower annual); puffs Tyson’s restaurant on Broad st; blurb on copyright making authors rich, believes in the Joice Heth hoax, puffs Simms’ new novel w/Harpers

Aug 8 p. 2 Liverpool corresp cont to puff Gallery of British engraves; panorama of thebes pop exhib in London, exhib of second set of Lawrence coll of drwgs bu Remb and Vandyke.  Lewis, the artist, just pub’d Sketches and drwgs in the Alhambra fr 1833-4 tripto Spain;  Mrs Hofland, wife of TC Hofland celeb lscape ptr, has son by former marriage (Mr Hoole) engraver in US; promo for a Washington Monument;  fr the Charleston Mercury a squib on Panorama Ptg, ingenious, introd by artist of London (Mr Barker). universally attractive for extent of scenery and degree of illus, no cultivated taste or initiation in the art, educational as well as pleasure, promo for Vanderlyn’s Geneva.  Publishes Hamblin’s defense. (next day praises Italian artists decoration of Bowery with cupids ornaments etc)

Aug 10 p. 2 more on Ormsby’s pentograph engraving, v beaut specimen facsimile of Leo’s Last Supper,  effect of bas relief, coarse but striking.  previous sketches sm engrav of heads, embellishments. 

Aug 14 p. 2 Molteno & Graves, printsellers of London, dissolved partnership, auction of whole ancient modern prints; new Milton ed has Romney and Turner vignette,

Aug 15 p.2 puffs splendid work, series of portraits of celeb Indian chieftains, large scale litho superior exec by Messrs Lehman & Duval of Phila after orig sketches on spot by JO Lewis, employed by Indian dept of US, richly colored, grotesque and gorgeous costume, authentic record, spirited delineation (ad 21st unique splendid aboriginal portfolio 80 ports drawn colored fr life, fidelity to nature, govt artist with Cass to procure exact representations, copies were ptd by Mr King for War Office at DC, sold by JP Callender on John st.

Aug 20 p. 2 Chantrey, the sculptor, has been knighted. p. 3 ad for Calyo’s exhib, drwgs are exhib thru lenses, inclu view of Baltimore, Hse of Reps in DC, Alhambra, Louvre, Naples, Vesuvius, Athens, Gibraltar, Bay of Naples

Aug 24 p. 2 The scenic artists fr the Italian opera now ptg Cath church in Sixth ave, repre of transfig of Raphael, buon fresco, first in NUY, and for new Presbyt church on corner of Duane and Church, a ptg represe one large persp, in frsco, imit of bas relief, recommend artists to Astor hotel

Aug 21 p. 2 Amer artist named Jenkinson prod’d sensation at Florence, port of Leopold estab fortune fame;  celeb engrav Giovita Caravinglia died, surpassed Morghen his Master, finest work Assumption by Guido

Aug 26 p. 2 puffs again Panorama of Manchester rrd, and Calyo’s Ptgs, arranged after manner of Cosmorama views, beaut colored faithfully drawn

Aug 27 p.1 fr Georgetown DC Metropolitan, beaut curiosity, sm enamel miniature exquis finish found by slave on farm in Westmoreland, not Sir Walter Raleigh, but 18th c, high value as work of art, rarest beauty, fresh delicate colors, expression of character inimitable hand of first rate artist

Aug 28 p. 2 mtg to protest abolition, inclu as officers David B Ogden, JJ Morgan, the Hones, Prosper and RC Wetmore, Edw Curtis, Danl Jackson, Livingston, Isaac Varian, Luman Reed, Thaddeus Phelps, John J Bailey, Cornelius Lawrence, deplore slavery but rlnshp is not immoral, so shd not be interfered with

Aug 31 p.1 reprints article about panoramas, crediting to Saratoga Sentinel, as fr pen of Vanderlyn, celeb ptr, calls his Geneva a transcendent production 

Sept 4, 1835 p.2 spirited engrav of MacDonald Clarke fr miniature of Inman by Lewis P Clover, an artist, 16, highly creditable

Sept 7 p. 2 Liverpool corresp, Fraser will have a port of Henry Taylor recently died author of work on Round Towers of Ireland; Franklin theatre opens, front of boxes, ceiling etc designed and ptd by Mr Burford, son of celeb Artist of London, chaste graceful contour

Sept 9 p. 2 Mr AL DeRose, most promising among young artists, 202 Broadway, ptg room flattering evidences industry skill, merits more appreciated, v successful in likenesses, portraits highly finished, horse portraits fidelity beauty.  Kean’s finished monument is in Drury Theatre

Sept 14 p. 1 cites Pres of Amherst College in Salem Landmark on Paris, admires its galleries of fine arts open free etc, but objects to naked statues and ptgs in public places of resort, licentiousness; editor objects to intolerance contracted feelings, naked so abhorrent, what abt rum intro’d to Sandwichs by Amer missionaries, or abolitionist pamphlets

Sept 16 p.2 Ormsby exec most superb pantographic litho of Chief Just Marshall, a chef d’ouvre infinite honor to artist.  Ad p. 3 for exhib at Clinton hall, of Raphael’s Apotheosis of the Madonna and Corregio’s Nativity, interesting and striking efforts of the Renaissance, delightful union simplicity, beauty grandeur, striking effect of colors skill in composit, ptd orig size by artists of reputat

Sept 17 p. 2 Atwill pub comic song of Broadway Sights, composed by actor at Niblos, title ornamented with beaut finished litho of part of Brdway by Fleetwood & Robertson of NYC, best we’ve seen of this kind of engrav;  Jos W Badger 303 Broadway advertises picture lost, dropped fr his window, sm full length port of a boy, unfinished, reward.

Sept 18 p. 1 a statue by Gibson of late Mr Hamilton of Rodney st for cemetery chapel is on way fr Italy, statue of Mr Huskisson not arrive before next summer.  p.2 copy squib fr Post on banknote engrav, with intro that notes are medium of the credit system, elegantly and neatly engr are less liable to forgery, none better tha Durand Casilear Buxton Edmonds.  Post blurb says they’re looking at one such for Florida, a specimen of the paper money fraud, it is gravers of such artists as those who produce this work that dishonest cunning owns its success in palming mere pictures on silk paper upon the world instead of solid money.  This and other artifices delude mankind, but says engraving of Casilear et al is v pretty, pity excellent art expended to give beauty to fairy money, deludes with idea of value.

            record death of gifted unfortunate countrymanGS Newton, Esq, the ptr, RA, late of Boston, at Chelsea.

            a notice for the Evening Star by Fanatico, Jr., of the exhib of fine coll ptgs at Washington Divan, singles out port of GW (maybe by Stuart) as elegant, rich specimen, becoming, faithful, finishing touches of masterly hand, maintains character, solidity and clearness; a Bacchante by Gainsborough v pretty; Morland dogfight uncommonly gd, exquis fine little piece, excellent port of Garrick, beaut symbil, splendid Wouvermans, but superb Rubens Magdalen, richness, fullness, distinctness, bold yet natural touch, superb specimen, genius, expression full of ardor but under influence of mind, body has masculine vigor health power, but not disgusting, subjugated by virtuous devotion to chastity

Sept 19 p. 2 one of best Amer engravings for boldness and char of expr is by Gimber fr port of Mrs Chapman by Marchant, excellent likeness pensive and intellectual cast, under direction of Mr Giliender, proprietor of Parlour Mag.  Splendid panorama of Amsterdam, ptd by Burferd celeb in this line, where to be exhib, where Rotunda?  Puff for the copies fr Raphael/Corregio at NAD rooms, ptd by Baron Vogel de Vogelstein of Germany, accurate copy of Raph, and M Rothe, and Vogel’s copy of Raph Grp of Angels.  Also engraving of Bible fr Raphael by a Germ artist.

Sept 22 p. 2 fr Boston Journal, MR Ives completed a Vase of Warwick pattern fr timbers of Old Ironsides, excel workmanship; notes Snowden’s Ladies Companion more embellishments

Sept 24 p. 2 Mr Thom sculptor of Tam O’Shanter arrived in this country bringing Old Mortality, striking grp bold vigorous chisel, like other men of highest stamp of genius originality duped by friends, no large profits from Tam. v beaut Eng litho of Old Mortality induces highest interest fidelity

Sept 26 p. 2 Liverpool corresp, Remb Peale’s Graphics repub in London; M Abel de Pugil elected Acad of FA Inst of France in room of late Baron Gros; Engl engravers say no more exquis plate than Washington’s Monument at Baltimore for the NY Mirror  List of Judges for Mechanics Fair does not include any fine arts cat, just printing, carving and ornamental ptg.  Likes the Boston Token, spirited elegant line engrav of Alston’s Beatrice

Sept 28 p. 2 favors giving foreign authors copyright here, so booksellers won’t be deterred fr patronizing our own coutnrymen’s productions

Sept 29 p. 2 Boston Atlas shd know engrav in US as perfect as Engl and banknotes are superior

very anti-abolition, very supportive of the south, very pro Harrison.  FLW freq poet.

Oct 2 1835 p. 2 illuminations at City Hall celeb perry and Harrison victories, Tammany Hall had superb ptg of full length likeness of Gen Harrison with Indian warriors on knees suing for peace, more transparencies at the theaters.  Next day notes old transparency of Harrison from dinner at Tammany in 1813 has been reused, minus the head, for Jackson and Johnson. 

Oct 3 p.2 notice that Sauders’ fine coll of Ptgs at Divan 157 Brdway,some origs of first masters, will be sold by Levy, few have better taste than Saunders.  Statue of Medora by our countryman Greenough at Rome now exhib in Baltimore, sd exquis beauty.  the magnify ptg of Belshazzar now exhib in Phila, the celeb pict of La Belle Nature will shortly be exhib here again

Oct 7 p. 2 from the Gazette: Cole, the Amer Ptr: happy celeb lscape ptr commission fr Chas Heath, the Engl Engraver, for 30 orig ptgs of Amer Scenery splendidly engrav appear in an Eng annual.  Mr Cole passed thru city yesterday on way to sources of the Hudson.  Noah adds pleased hi compliment young countryman who trivial faults in his style is best we have, may one day be Amer Claude.  Also Newman Reed Esq of this city, gman wealth liberal disposition to promote Fine Arts has engaged Mr Cole series beaut ptgs fr designs by that artist illu of diff stages and conditions of man fr barbarism to civiliz.

Oct 8 p. 2 The ’76, a penny paper, formerly Whig, has gone to the enemy.  Promo for the Washington Monument Assn fundraiser.  Ad for La Belle Nature at 175 Broadway, female risen fr bath, richly dec apt, on sofa, drying, purest innocence, unconscious of being observed, attitude modest, pict’que corroborant w/beauty chastity of design, classic work of art, highly spoken of by anatomists, connoisseurs, literati, lovers of Fine Arts, skilled painter rare model of beauty

Oct 10 p. 2 Liverpool corresp notes Moore pension, orig portrait of Byron in posess of sister Ldy Leigh to be pub at cheap rate, Byrons said he preferred it best, 1816.  Fraser’s has  aportrait of MT Sadler, the late polit economist

Oct 12 p.2 another puff of Thom, a chef d’ouevre, beaut statue of Burns too.  Critiizes Courier & Enquirer’s attack on the Mirror; p. 3 ad for Amer museum war dance by party of Indians, also lecture? grand cosmorama on customs of Indians.  p.3 ad for J Thom, also Hanington a pmoving  panorama of the moon

Oct 13 p.2 again praises the weekly Boston Pearl, editor Isaac C Pray junior, also McKenzie of Liverpool (the Star’s correspondent), Sigourney, Jno Neal.  Liverpool corresp notes new port of Byron of 1815 ptd by Holmes, Mrs Leigh no better port, as Engl gman, fine unaffected likeness.  really likes the Amer Inst.

Oct 15 p.2 publishes McKenzie’s defense against attacks on him, Noah and Morris, fr the Commercial Advertiser and Courier and Enquirer, his letters aren’t twaddle.  Names John Inman and Col Webb, former mad that he likes Willis, the Mirror, the Atlantic Club Book.

Promotes the life of Washington in Latin (!)

Oct 17 p. 2 Col White’s National Ptg much admired several states now open Broadway and Cedar; ad for Thom Bell auction of small but intrinsically valuable consignment orig oil ptgs and other objects of vertu fr deceased gman.  Ad p. 3 says it’s the Unfurling of the US Flag at Mexico, patriotic exertions of citizens of Charleston SC, ptg engrav, unique grand moral spectacle for posterity, native artist, hours 10-4

Oct 19 p. 1 litho pict of ape climbing hickory tree; caricature of Van Buren/Jackson

Oct 20 p. 2 reviews Amer Inst Fair in more detail/enthusiasm than mechanics, competitive with Europe and London, Niblo’s Saloon overflowing with ptgsmentions Ormby’s Pento Engravings, new style, a elegant head of Madonna, in silk resembling w/c, by a young German lady, busts made fr life of Parker’s artificial stone (often puffed), long praise for white Ital marble of Underhill & Ferris, mantelpieces, young Ital, sculpted copies of Canova and Thorwaldsen, poetic inspiration, genius, chef douevres, priceless, exquis elab.  2 v beaut oil ptgs lscapes by Wm Gibson 39 Elm st, one equal for character and finish and boldness to our Nat Academies, yet he is a hse ptr.  This fair encourages humble genius.  American Engine Company NO 4, most beaut accurate likeness of Red Jacket by Weir fr life;  NY Hose NO 5, by Messrs Bockel, Quidor, Lambert, Gollard, Hendrickson, Whittingham etc, and Cadore of Canal st.

            An ad for Widow McCaffrey’s benefit at the Franklin Theater, Chatham St, widow of Dr McCaffrey, 9 children to support, subscribers inclu Dr Piatt, Dr Delafield, Dr Wm Power, Richard Riker.

            Puff for exhib of elegant oil ptgs by eminent masters on Euro plan free admission at Arcade Gall on Chambers St, some fr rich coll of Mr Collins St James’s st London.  Carracci death of Virginia, sublimest production.  mostly valuable cabinet pictures, no exceptionable subjects, scripture pieces.  Hogarth’s Camp Scene, Moralnd’s Rustic Lscape, other moderns in hi repute, and orig port of GW by Stuart in best style for Ct Noel in 1797 (earlier I’d forgotten to mention Liverpool corresp puffs a Hogarth publication)

            -Puff for Amer Flag, ptd during heat of party excitement, but entitled to respect of all, faithful of City of Mexico, attack on hse of Amer minister, rage quieted by Flag.  Mr White of Charleston, eminent historical pr, interesting pict, admirable persp, high character

Oct 21 p. 2 notice of sale of splendid English engravings sold by Royal Gurley at NY Long Room 169 Broadway;  notice of McCaffrey benefit, MRs Duff performing.  Letter to editor from P, large pict of GW exhib at Amer Inst Fair ptd by Mr M Swett fr Stuart’s celeb ptg Faneuil Hall, boldness majesty surpasses any.  Orig is rallying point, happiest efforts, fidelity of copy, high rank of arist, city shd buy it

            Inman letter: notes that for nearly a year previous to last April he was the editor of the NY Mirror that McKenzie so likes, racy spirited, judicious able, taste, his were the notices of the fine arts--said all this cause he thought they were fr Morris, including the biographical sketches accompanying the portraits of the presidents

Oct 22 p.2 adds to review of Amer Inst Fair that Hannington had handsome transparencies fr Westminster Abbey, sign ptg specimens

            Letter fr Geo Morris: hates Inman, incorrect that he was the actual editor of the Mirror, he was employee, painstaking bad manners, trusted him too much, swaggering bully, editorial assistant for when editor is absent

Oct 24 p. 1 blurb on Simon Kenton fr the Western Xtian Advocate, p.2 v positive blurb for Western Monthly Mag under editorship of Judg Hall, bold, vigorous, racy, pungent, graphic, sarcastic, poetic

Oct 26 p.2 notice of closing of Amer inst fair, the artist of the beaut sculptured marbles fr Atelier of Messrs Underhill& Ferris is Mancini, smaller groups of figs fr Flaxman’s Illust of Homer, equal to anything out of Italy;  free exhib at Arcade Gall on Chambers st continues, rich ptgs sold Mr Levy’s auction notice (p. 3, collection of Mr Collins, St James st London)), Raphael, Caracci, Guido, Hogarth, Moreland and Stewart to highest bidder, embellish or enrich, fine specimens, perfect condit, hi hopes for grand gallery ptg of Creation of Eve, surpass beaut grandeur every illust.  Reviews the annual Magnolia fr Munson Bancroft, exceeding beaut elegance, orig articles, thirteen engraves fine specimens, several nearly perf, hate to particularize but view on the Catskill fr Cole, engr by Smillie, a gem, lscape delightful.  Reprints an Appeal for the Fine Arts fr the Southern Patriot at Charleston, they need the patronage of a modern Leo, to rescue merit and stimulate genius, appeal is to liberal Mr Seabrook, man of genius is sensitive, easily withered.  Ad with poem/acrostic for the Washington Divan, a pleasant resort, mocha, lounges, ptgs in coloring drwg and delicacy vie with any school of the arts

Oct 27 p. 2 For the Star, by X, a review of some of the city’s brilliant collections of exhibs (is this the Levy show?), Vandyke Virgin and child, if orig, not happy, unclear coloring; Vernet Moonlite, group v fine; Rubens Fox Chase v excellent, figs finely brought out, whole tone decidedly gd, dog howling inimitable, a gd copy, Lucca Giordoni, excel ptg, Cuyp Cattle well drwn colored; Wouverman, Halt at a Tavern, grpg decidedly gd, drwg general correct, perhaps orig.  Teniers Temptation of St Anthony, cabinet pict, fine effect, light falls beaut, contrast with gloom of dungeon; Claude Sea view, a gem, light falls beaut on ruins.  Jacopo Da Ponte, Adoration Shepherds, bad coloring, far fr excellent, basket looks natural.  Rubens lscape, v gd, not happy drwg, not Rubens.  Boys and Fruit, fruit well ptgd.  Guido Magdalen, grt beaut in face, coloring and whole tone wellw/his style.  Copy by Otho Venus of Raphel’s sibyl, doubtless pretty gd copy, imimitable drapery.  Molinaar and Teniers, Winter, gd pict, fine sky, gd effect.  Rubens portrait wretched daub.  Ferburgh, female portrait, too cold, satin drapery is the thing.  Raphel, Flora and Cupids, faces v pretty soft, not a gem, tolerable copy.  Interior of Baptismal Pool at Jerusalem, v natural, light thrown finely, admirable, clear.  Morland Rustic scene, beaut in drwg and coloring, prob an orig, will sell; Claude Ruins perfect gem, prob orig, Albano Triumph of Faith, catalog sublime, better on bandbox covers, Daniel in Lion’s den is excruciating, Stuart Port of Wash,coloring rich clear beaut frill, no praise needed.

            a d for ED Marchant, Port and Miniature ptr, removed to 41 Lespenard st

Oct 28 p. 2 puff for Peale, caterer for the public, crowded; puff for Hannington, scenes work, illus nr reality;  puff for Thom’s statuary; poem by a lady MAF on seeing the historical pict of Unfurling of Amer Flag, descriptive and animating, pubd in Natl Gazette

            ad same page for Exhib of late coll of Archbishop of Taranto’s Picts opening, at NY Dispensary, White and Centre, for benefit of that charitable Institution, 82 splendid pictures, 62 orig, copies by best, diff to remove fr Italy

Oct 30 1835 No 2, unintentionally passed over merit in last, pencil of turner, engravings in print stores. X

Oct 30 p. 2 puff for La Belle Nature, and a continuation of X’s review of the Fine Arts, noting that the criciticsm is directed at the Arcade Saloon on Chambers st, notes that it was partial, ptgs of intrinsic merit passed over, such as beaut production fr Turner.

            Goes on to notice a brilliant coll of ptgs late fr Italy at the NY Dispensary; attn of curious to fine engraves of windows of Broadway booksellers, such as celeb pict of Scott by Allen engrav by John Burnet (bro of noted ptr) at Colman’s, alw weekly something new and worthy of loungers.  At Wiley & Long’s splendid coll mezzotints of Leverdeege’s, inclu far famed Grave Diggers and Visionary, gem poetic loveliness, soft beaut countenance, fire inspiration brilliantly beaut eyes.  artist preserves engrav the grace of orig.  Also A Touch of the Spasms and The Recruit in choice coll of engraves, orig of latter sold 130 guineas.  At Bancroft’s 389 Broadway some Thom Lawrence heads excellent spec of style, exquis engraved, fine prints, a ptg some merit by Mahyr subj historical but design fr Scott’s Kenilworth, illust, countenance unhappily portrayed, feathery penciling, ungraceful attitudes, bad grouping, expression of Leicester v gd, anatomy not true to nature, drapery pretty well ptd jewelry glistens, but faults more numerous.  reputation as a port ptr, subj above his grasp. 

            Fine engravings fr Wilkie at corner of Broadway and Canal st, two engraves of ptgs by Cooper at Endicott’s, spirit effect, other faulty drwg, no effect, poorly engrav.  At Clover’s in Fulton St, Durand’s celeb Ariadne fr Vanderlyn, ptgs of grt merit, esp three lovely quiet lscapes by Ward, exquis ports of sm size by a Scotch artist now in city

Oct 31 p. 2 Progress of lithography: fr JL Hewitt & Co favorite negro comic song ‘jim brown’ vignette lith by Endicott taking the lead, uncommon spirit and humor, ludicrous

Nov 2 1835 p. 2 notes Col Stone of Commercial acknowl he wrote articles agst the Theater and Sheridan Knowles (who Noah loves) in his own paper, wrongly ascribed to Mr Inman; splendid coll of London engraves beaut specimens of art sold by Royal Gurley at NY Long Rm 169 Broadway open with catalogs.

Nov 3 p. 2 fr Liverpool corresp, a complete series of works by T Lawr engrav mezzotinto appearing quarterly

Nov 4 p. 2 lengthy review of taste for colored litho illust to preserve aboriginal physiog costume in portfolios, furnish notion of who have succumbed to superior skill in arts of war.  Catlyn, native artist of this state, proper manner, military expeds, on the spot, several hundred exhib in south where highly spoken of, but not in great northern cities or Euro where they’d bring a fortune for so rare an attraction.  Has gone on another exped, as told in letter fr Illinois soldier, no scenery equal in grandeur pictque bauty to upper Mississ, with his wife.  Mr Lewis pubd at Philly splendid colored heads, imposing well exec lithos, trav as artist same as Catlyn.  Now Col McKenney, former head of Indian Dept, opp for authentic memorials, also proposes splendid Port Gallery, as in notice in US Gazette written by Judge Hall, richness coloring, brilliant splendid specimens, fidelity surpasses, exact likenesses, praises soft feminine repose of females.

Nov 5 p. 1 La Belle Nature, by Viator, for the Star, statue that enchants the world, mighty power pencil of master summons into life beings as beaut as Eve, all in his studio are noble, needn’t mingle with common present minds, has access to all times and places.  Says he’s no judge but must be true to life, some old dream of fancy from youth, innocent smile, neighbor concerned glaring fault no corns on her toes

Nov 5 1835 Fine Arts No 3: exhib ptgs NY Dispensary copes of Raphael, others undoubted originals, a !uorist? is NY American expreses doubts, but collection examined by gmen and credit their authenticity. Signed X

Nov 5 p. 2 Fine Arts No. 3, by X.  Critique of exhib at NY Dispensary, several gd copies fr celeb cartoons of Raphael in Vatican, some undoubted origs of intrinsic merit, despite incredulous;  a Querist in nY amer expresses his doubts of their originality, but gmen in this city examined it while it was the property of the Archbishop, so we credit their authenticity (coll now in possession of a Hartford clergyman?).  among rest are many grt beaut, St Jerome, lscapes by Albani.  charitable exhib.

            Schl of Athens happiest efforts, gd copy, persp excellent, drwg above praise, coloring harmonized not rich nor exquis.  Giulio Pippi, adoration of wise men, crowned not alw wise, posit of Virgin awkward, coloring drwg tolerable; Pierino same stamp.  Polidoro Caldara, St Peter, consid merit, beard well penciled, shadows too hot, whole lacks clearness.  Muziano, unquest orig, poor things, brown.  Michel Angelo, Five Senses, effect gd, design comic, Feeling mischievous.  Gerard Houthorst, St Peter in prison, hair well pecilled, angel faulty expr not celestial, flesh tings shadows gd.  happy design triumph of Bacchus, coloring lacks clearness.  Antonio Raffaello, sketch for a church, concept excel, expr happy beau ideal innocence beauty well penciled drapery graceful, whole airy beaut.  copy by Cavelli of Leo Christ disputing with doctors, expr all gd, drwg correct, coloring faulty, so not gd copy.  Copy by Franchi fr Dolci of Zachariah and Eliz, gd, shadows of flesh not soft enuf.  An amateur’s St John, rather pleasing, lscape tolerably gd.  Berti Petrarch in study, fine effect, velvet beaut cat to life.  St Peter denying master, concept gd, spirit.  Salvator Rosa crucifixion of Polycrates, fine compos, gd grpg expr.  Girgenti, Repose Holy Fam Egypt, highly finished, gd color drwg, orig.  Navarra’s Cat, eyes to the life, but anatomy bad.  Mazzuoli, St Catharine, flesh tints clear, shadows not. 

Nov 7 p. 1 Col Sargent presented fine pict of landing of our fathers to Pilgrim Soc, placed in their hall in Plymouth, fr Harrisburg Chron.  Pro texas, indeed attacks on Evening Post sound v much like Bennett.

Nov 10 p. 2 praises Family Library from Harper’s, on the Barbary States, woodcuts gd fr graver we suspect Adams

Regularly calls a Sign, or A Sign of The Times, when there is some vote for the Whigs.  reprints a comparison betw the feminine Willis and manly Brooks, Willis is delicate soft fine voluptuous exquisite heartless pretence sentiment vs Brooks strength investigates powerful, public gd, the people, national prosperity, common world, vs Willis labyrinth luxuries gossamer veil fancy sculptured marble gems art saloon, perfumed boudoir hi born beauty aristo garden, unhealthy sweets vitiate gratify.

Nov 11 p. 2 puffs Thom, but in company with Amer Museum magician, juggler other natural curiosities, repeats the next day

Nov 12 p. 1 from Boston Evening Transcript puffs the NY Mirror engrav by Smillie of the NY Deaf and Dumb, best engrav yet, fine works of art done at home, annuals may approach the English.  Also review of Am Monthly Mag fr Dearborn, ed CF Hoffman and HW Herbert, lacks variety sprightliness raciness originality, too ddactic, worn threadbare, hackneyed (except for freshness graphic power of Hoffman’s reminisc of West) tame namby-pamby, except exquis beaut poem by Mrs Ellett.

            blurb fr an English paper, mocking style of criticism of present day, describes a Picture of a Peasant Girl stirring the Fire: a rare specimen of rural simplicity.  The fig remarkably graceful and easy, poker perhaps too stiff.  A curvilineal deviation fr right line toward the line of beauty more picturesque.

Nov 14 p. 2 blurb on Creation of Eve and Divine Institu of Marriage, Grand Altarpieces now exhib at Arcade Gallery, Chambers st, opens with passage fr Paradise Lost, on Eve the lovely fair.  Amer reason to be proud of this illust/production, the Poetry of Ptg, not commonplace like the Expulsion, repeated in diff ages.  Creation calls for loftiest conceptions, material grandeur, enthusiasm of Genius, grand design, masterly execut, no meretricious ornament, keeps proprieties of sacred, figs unconsc of being beheld, innocence.  12 x 9 ft.  description just of the subject.  Ad same page, sublime, also Vandyck’s celeb Charity, chef d’ouvre, specimens of ablest.  effect of illus.

Nov 18 p. 2 Fine Arts: Endicott pubd litho print of Mr Van Buren, best style, as large as That of Jackson, an excel likeness, deserves patronage by his worshippers (previous day had noted that port in a new bio of Van Buren was too flattering, but less dandified than the orig or other ports)

Nov 19 p. 2 sympathetic to women working in trades like seamstresses, can’t take action the men do, need men to help their condition; prog of the arts, squib on steamboats; pro Astor Hse.  praises Miss Reid’s Passion Flower, v crit of Snowden;s Ladies Companion, commonplace and trivial, except for engraving of Catskill Mtn Hse by Illman well exec fr ptg by Cole.

Nov 20 p. 2 letter to the editor from one “A” induced by ads to see the creation of Eve, highly justly extolled, some little alteration render it a masterpiece:  shading of head of Angel too strong, arm of Adam too red a tint needs more mellowness to harmonize with body natural color, lacks flowers in grass for richeness and beauty.

Nov 21 p. 2 Lscape gallery:  Mr Richardson’s Gallery, astonished gigantic rapid strikes of this artist since last April’s display, coll done since then, new  lottery for 20 pictures.  First and second prizes magnify views of Catskills, falls and mtns, inimitably managed, aerial persp perfect, general coloring fine contrast, avoids over familiar autumn.  Correct portrait.  3rd 4th prizes, sculpture scenes, ruins of Ascalon sunset able managed, power in coloring.  Mt Ararat, glorious.  Others all of grt force and beauty, nearest approach to nature, freshness vigour harmony lacking in most lscape ptrs, men of taste and wealth opportunity

            Notes the Courier (author names as a Friend of the Arts) justly rebukes annuals that don’t copy works of Amer ptrs, say it is too hard to find gd ones, but truth is cheaper to buy worn out plates and 2nd rate engravings fr London, neglecting hi orig talent Mount Cole Inman who would starve if not for liberal and cultivated Newman Reed Esq and his gallery of Amer Artists.

            Lines on sending a friend portrait of Mrs Loudon, alludes to her homeliness, but commends her to your heart.

Nov 23 p. 2, queer posture for Genius of Liberty to show her sitting on the dollar; polit quacks left her unable to stand?  Reprints blurb on Richardson.

Nov 24 p.  1 fr Board of Aldermen mtg previous day, notes J Vanderlyn’s app to sell his port of GW to city adverse;  adverse to petition of D Wright, in favor of J Vanderlyn’s petition for compensation for money fitting up Rotunda, tabled.  p. 2 arrival of Engl annuals and their number of engravings at Wiley & Long, splendid varied attractive taste neatness costly gifts

Nov 25 p. 2 Mr Lambdin, disting Artist, port Gen Harrison, at Museum (fr Louisville J), so striking, tories turn pale at it

Nov 26 p. 2 ‘appeal to the Fine arts’ letter to editor, liberal arts languish in public favor, ignorance and illiberality prevail, govt gives no support even rhetorically, despite history’s example that in ages of learning they’ve received patronage and lasting luster.  Yet we court all other Euro follies and luxuries, seeds of courruption nation and degenerate empire, fritter wealth, shd be left on lasting not ephemeral galleries and monuments.  Power of pencil and chisel to bring distant ages together, elucidate history, give fame (address by Arthur Shee, Pres of RA); or fr Reynolds, art/intellectual excellence defines civilization.

            1835-ad same page that lottery for Richardson postponed, tickets $5 ea, opposite Masonic hall

Marsiglia advertises.

Dec 1 1835 p.2 reviews new ed of Culprit Fay fr Dearborn, tolerable not flattering likeness of author, title page superb specimen taste skill art view above West Point eng by Smillie fr ptg by Weir.  dedic to Halleck, w/whom he wrote the Croakers, or verse satires in Eve Post then edited by Wm coleman Esq.

Dec 2 p. 2 young man Carlin, deaf and dumb, gets living by port ptg at New Castle Del, heightened visual sense

Dec 3 p. 2 notes new whig penny daily the Amer Flag. (Natl Gazette is Jacksonian)

Dec 7 p. 1 Mr Persico, the Ital artist celeb ornaments statuary for Capitol now in Boston, says Advocate, execut busts of Hon Edw Everett (just elected governor) and Rev Dr Channing (who is in next issue said to be no abolitionist, and Everett praised for his educ)

Dec 8 p. 2 bit fr Jesse’s gleanings on the farmer who criticized Gainsborough’s celeb pict of the pigs, thought they were like, fault is when feed together one gets foot in the trough.  ‘natural crit’.  Likes Cruikshank, the mod Hogarth, likes So Lit Messenger when it is spirited, attacks mawkish, namby pampby

Dec 9 p. 1 ad for a view of Lowell Mass taken fr hse of Elisha Fuller, Esq by EA Farrar, sold at CJ Folsom, Stationer, Fulton and Pearl

Dec 15 p.2 Doolittle & Munson of Cinti engravers line impressions of medal to Harrison.  Description of new Natl Theatre in DC fr the Intelligncer:  dome beaut alleg designs of genius of country’s institutions, medallion of GW, artist Mr White fr NY, also did proscenium, curtain

Dec 16 p. 2 John Neal of Galaxy retires from editorship starting jan 1 1836; Aldermen restore Rotunda to Mr Vanderlyn

Dec 17 p2 notes fire destroyed Wall st etc, inclu splendid statue of Hamilton, tutelary genius of the Exchange

Dec 18 p. 2 praises Dec Knickerbocker, new title page engr Rawdon, Wright, Hatch, Edson, vignette a gem, well conceived, national, chaste, soft; poem The Poet eloq defence of  the ‘world ideal’. 

Dec 19 p. 2 engrav by AA Lansing specially for Eve Star, Diagram of the Fire (map).  Letter to editor from M.I., having been invited to inspect a coll of Pictures exhib Arcade Baths, being a lover of fine arts, for a sm gall, nev witnessed finer display of ptgs by old masters, esp Christ taken down fr cross, Martin Schoen, oldest ptg in Amer, no doubt genuine specimen by this master. sold tonite by A Levy (who has been advertising all along)

Dec 21 p.2 ad fr J Thom benefit to inst of blind fr week’s tickets, celeb self taught artist, Mr John Graham the blind poet will read

Dec 22 [\p. 2 recommends a pamphlet giving particulars of Great Fire of NY illus w/engravings and authentic anecdotes wld be profitable to our booksellers; notes proceeds fr Hanington’s diorama for 2 nights will go to victims of fire; Disturnell 156 Brdway publishes Annual Gift, w/handsome woodcuts by Adams, neat

Dec 23 p.2 Bufford, young talented lithog, 10 Beekman st, spirited sketch of fire, Exchange in ruins, best and most accurate we’ve seen.  Longevity of ptrs: most eminent are old, Titian Leo Angelo, Claude Tintoretti Albano Guercino, Dolce Vernet, habits frugal esp in Italy, ptg sublime noble art, not fawning courtiers, effect also steady elevated enthusiasm.  Common hse and sign ptrs, fr poisonous lead and ptr’s cholic, are short lived.

Dec 30: (missing p.3-4) P. 2 urges the new post office be kept down for benefits of commerce, not uptown folks. Notes last day of the Fair for the blind shld be crowded. P. 3 attacks Leggett and the Post, may be more of a skeptic and unbeliever than he is but ought to respect majority’s customs and usages. We live in an age of humbug, any young fellow can talk of democracy while advocating monarchy, and has a few dozen loco foco hangers on, set up for an editor, and grow more impudent as he sinks in public estimation

The Evening Star for the Country, $4/yr, Noah and Gill, on William Street. (LOC)

Aug 11, 1835: p. 1, Noah opens with declaration of support for South and no interference, fears immediate emancipation will jeapordize the union. Has a paragraph defending Mr. Hamblin’s conduct toward his wife, who died recently. Supports Harrison.p. 2 approves of publication of Halleck’s works. P. 3 special correspondent in Liverpool mentions publication of Chas Heath’s Gallery of British Engravings, . Mentions that Lewis, the artist, has visited Spain and published his sketchings in folio for four guineas; Panorama of Thebes v pop in London, Willis’s Pencillings being published and much admired in Liverpool. Hamblin writes a letter defending his conduct, p. 4 long obit for Chas Mathews the actor.


Jan 7 p. 1-2 story abt Duke Devonshire, describes Chatworth, Chiswick and Devonshire Hse, as containing his coll of articles of virtu fr the Continent, inclu statues, busts, medals, vases, pictures, inclu some of Canova’s most exquis works, The Hebe, Mdme Mere, the Venus, and a bust of the Duke and one of Canova by the same, also exquis sculpt by Thorsvalsden

Jan 18 p. 2 Soult’s Gallery, English journals mocking Soult’s offering his unrivalled Murillo Gallery in Paris to Ld Liverpool at too big a price, and his predicament in which the Queen may be able to get him questioned as to how he extracted these masterpieces from their respective churches, meaning they might get confiscated

            sees France as a friend, blames Van Buren for urging conflict.  Notices Disturnel 156 Brdway pub part of Pictque Beaut of Hudson, illust Col Knapp, engrav v beaut, by Adams, New York drawn by Clay, engr by Rolph, Hoboken by Smilie engr by Hinshelwood, view by Chapman eng by Dick.  Publishes McDonald Clarke poems.  Loves Henry Wise, despises Adams.

Jan 27 p. 2 Letter to the editor from Fiat Justitia, regarding an article in the Courier & Enquirer of the 25th ult, critiquing the art at Acad of FA in Barclay St.  manner in which efforts of gman of disting ability and rep are spoken of are unjust and illiberal; artist singled out maliciously is above such petty jealousy, his well deserved elevated standing as Amer Artist can ward off envy.  As proof of critic’s carelesseness in observations, critic describes portraits in Annual Exhib of Acad as some of Col Trumbull’s Revolutionary Pictures, which are in a diff room.  Insincerity evinced by noticing only those gd  ptgs in which he sees a few faults to expose, but is silent in passing the v faulty ones.  Why not notice the exquis beaut Madonna della Seggiola by Remb Peale declared by artists and competent judges little inferior to grt original, or to another copy in the same room and Critic must give American first position.

            what authority for calling view of Cascatelles of Tivoli a caricature? seen or studied them yourself? then ignorant and disingenuous, and ptg is the proof, as it was copied fr nature and faithful representation of beaut scene.  If it is daubed, then there is no ptg in the rm.  Lavish censure so indiscrim bestowed on ports in genl and Mr Peale’s in partic is alm too bad to notice.  Port of Calhoun is no caricature, living breathing man himself.  No 31, gman all bust speaks, no 48 has no meretricious coloring but clear beaut transparency of life itself, which soft delicate pencil of Peale alone produces.  That pict a gem, fidelity of likeness nature harmony of coloring, the original and sisters came 300 miles to sit.

            Such unhandsome wholesale condemnation of meritorious artist and excellent citizen display too libertine disposition, RP deserves better than such illiberal crits fr the press, tho Acad electing him Pres is guarantee of his respect worth and celebrity.

Jan 29 p.2 puffs Catlyn the Ptr, his letters fr the West in Commercial Advertiser, freshness poetry shrewdness wit, like his portraits, peculiarly racy delightful.  Belongs to Willis’ school of power and nature, tho should not become pro author, or genius will fly from him.  Later puffs Audubon fr a London paper, spirited style ofdrwg, beaut engr and colored, microscopiccare accuracy.

Feb 6 1836 p.2 notices HR Robinson 48 Courtland st litho print of late fire, particiular interest as several of the figures it embraces are drawn fr life and sd gd resemblances, Old Mr Hays no one can mistake.  spirited sketch, correct for streets and houses on fire. Feb 9 p.2 puffs Catlin agn fr another paper, minute and correct acct of the Aborigines.  seems to approve of war in Fl, though not entirely

Feb 13 p.2 corresp notices the Bijou almanack, an inch long, with six portraits, inclu Rafaelle and Martin, with poem for each; Ackermann’s Flower of Loveliness has a dozen grp ports of females by ET Parris, with poem, v expensive.  In art, a novelty, port of Chief Justice Tindal ptd by John Lucas and engr by him, uncommon for man to pt and engrav, tho Titian Michael Angelo Durer did, as do John Martin and Geo Cruikshank.  Ptgs and statues in Carloton Hse been removed to Picture Gall at Buckingham, inclu fine works by Lawrence, 3 exquis statues by Canova, Venus and Adonis, Beauty and Love quite perfect, Nymph is unfin but beaut

Has a long bio of Genl Daniel Delavan--as did Herald?  Praises Spirit of the Times as run like a modern paper. Very anti-abolition, pro south, even to ltg freedom of press

Feb 26 p. 1 fr Ladies Ct Journal, description of the home of EL Bulwer, pictque Gothic, vestibule has a cast fr Sir Joshua Reynolds of Saml praying, antique vases, hall with ptd walls o conquest of Peru by Spaniards, library has a copy of bronze Apollo in Vatican plus busts of classical and mod philosophers, pictures illus a period of the first struggle for the principles Bulwer advocates: Marvel and Milton (an orig port), Duke of Gloucester youngest child of Chas I.  Decorated by Mrs Bulwer.  Drwg rm has modern masterpiece, Gibson’s exquisite Flora, other white marble busts of Italian poets, Canova’s Laura, modern ports of Bulwers by Burlowe; his ideal and Roman cast is caught, hers wants beauty of color.  v lovely ptg ivory by Lover of Mts Bulwer and baby son.  Landseer a capital likeness of Fairy, fave dog, a head of Laura di Medici, haunting, wild imaginative scene fr Faulst by Van Holst, Rembrandt’s astrologer’s study, Veronese, Rosa, and port of Elizabeth of York,  Poussin ideal subdued loveliness.  Charm of assn is the attraction, not luxury or taste, all connected with reminiscences

Feb 27, p. 2 Fine Arts: luxuries of art are at a discount, ad for Mr De Yough portraits guaranteed likenesses at low price of $10, paints rapidly, but v successful constantly employed; ad same page says highly finished portraits, James de Yough, 61 Wm st at Cedar.  3 sittings only, as large as life, colors enduringly bright.  Receives orders for large works, prices gd for short time only.

Still believes in Joice Heth!!  anti-trade union.

Mar 4 1836 p.1 excerpt fr Bulwer’s France descr. apt of Mdme ? of Napoleonic fame, as model of lux and gd taste, manners and wit, filled with fauteuils, porcelain, books, statues, bronzes etc.

Mar 8 p. 1 blurb fr Natl Gazette on H Powers, most deserving artists of our country, n DC making plaster busts.  native NE, Cinti, self made, industry and ingenuity, too modest.  boy mechanical genius, shaped wood to please fancy, imitated experienced, worked with many diff mediums, divers mechanical fields, all express his power over matter.  Popularly known in Cinti for Lower Regions exhib, terrific figs moved by machinery, noticed by M Chevalier.  expert taking likenesses in various ways, profile cuts by hand, pencil, wax, peculiar method for busts, does it only by eye, took Pres Jackson, Calhoun, Col Johnson.  Too much facsimiles?  Shd give more Roman/Grecian cast? Copies features and their expr, every winkle.  Mr Hervieu, French artist some celeb, cited in a letter to a gman, credits him with genius, perseverance, study in Italy, near great (1829).  Can help him do it if sit to him. honorable moral character, writer knows him, signed JH

Mar 12 p.1 M says Powers is full of business, had finished admirable heads of V Buren and Jackson and has seen his fine likeness of Woodbury, he’s a capital fellow, maybe better likenesses than Persico, tho his head of Gov Everett is held to be super excellent

p. 2 Prince Demidoff has purchased most of Soult’s coll of picts; the picts of late Baron Gros have been auctioned at immense prices; a v fine bronze statue of Mirabeau is to be placed in the Chamber of Deputies. new species of visiting cards in Paris, beaut water color drwgs by best artists, best manner, oft copied fr historical ptgs by old masters and in priv aristo collections; cards are put into albums. v expensive; notices Braham

Mar 16 p.2 notices a fine litho print of Genl Harrison at Baltimore fr design by AH Miller of that city

Mar 19 p. 1 London exhib of part of splendid coll of drwgs etc made by Sir T Lawrence open, inclu originals by Corregio and Parmigiano, latter more highly finished, masterly, made for famous works, shows their process, Corregio only did short memoranda and trusted to his genius for effects.  whole 175 to be sold 1500 pounds

Mar 21 p. 1 map of war in FLr Sunday Morning News.  Mar 24 p. 2 puffs beaut Oil Ptgs sold tonight by Levy at Gallery of Arcade Baths, confidence in their being originals fr grt masters superior condition framing an obj for those wishing to embellish parlor.  Mar 25 p.2 gd litho Jno Sefton, Jack Reeve of little Franklin, at corner Orange and Chatham, by young artist Abner Whittlove.  Litho only recently intro’d NY by Imbert, fr France, now impt, numerous skilful native artists; Mar 28 p. 2 Coleman has capital likeness of Mrs Wood in window fr ptg by Neagle of Phila.  Likes Paulding.

Mar 30 p. 2 Fine Arts: fine artist, Henry Inman, now receives 200 dollars for evry port, and is still overwhelmed w/business. Durand rapid strikes as ptr, portraits sd only second to Inman.  Cole still illust for English Pictque Annual.  Weir this winter completed sketches in Hudson Highlands made last autumn.  Adams fine specimen of wood engrav for NY Mirror, Shield of Washington, designed by Weir fr hints by Verplanck.  Ball Hughes is engaged on marble bust of Theo Fay Esq (who Star has puffed).  Next exhib of NAD promises well.  The letters fr an Amer Artist in Florence now being pub’d in NY Mirror sd to be by an associate of Greenough’s.  Acad in Barclay St engaged by Dunlap for exhib of West’s Death on the Pale Horse.  Engravers busy, diff to get a plate engr at any price; fine arts looking up here

Mar 31 p.2 puffs Levy sale agn, particular value and interest, gmen of judgment and taste, celeb galleries in Euro, Ruysdail, Teniers, Cuyp Lancret etc attract amateurs, and puffs it the next day: growing taste for gd ptgs in city, gmen paying liberal prices for them, shd be cultivated, lovers of arts to fine coll over Arcade Baths, prop of gman for many yrs liberal disposition purchase choice specimens

Apr 2 1836 p.2 puffs Smilie’s engr of Weir’s view of Hudson Hilands for Mirror, his best style, adds to his widespread rep, Chapman done several fine pictures fr Irving’s Knickerbocker for engraves for NY Mirror; NAD is in progress; Weir illust Verplanck’s Addresss, a bijou, for Wiley & Long; scarcity of engravers, pictures being sent to Eng, engr on wood busy too, Inman’s fine head of Halleck is sent to Engl for engr

            -generally relies v heavily on Mirror for material

skips fr Apr 4 to Apr 7, prob not for first time this yr.  May be the coverage of Jewett murder that’s missing?  not hardly anything on it.

Apr 7 1836. 2 Atwill at his Broadway saloon has two of most finished picts yet seen of late fire, by an Italian, coloring delicate tints and deep contrasts of light and shade which characterize that school, taken by modest artist during fre and day after, fr Brooklyn Heights, full of spirit and effect, beaut addition to galleries of wealthy citizens amateurs of real merit in artworks

Apr 9 p. 2 scary pro Native Amer letter fr Saml FB Morse, agreeing to be their candidate for mayor (rumor that he will vote for Van Buren, tho)

Apr 11 p.1 poem about the “Juste Milieu” fr London Morning Chronicle, set with a banker in Baltimore judging whether a dollar is good or not.  Compares joke to an eminent ptr with the same opinion abt mediocrity in his divine art as the old Roman had abt “middling” verse.  Owner of a pict gall asked if some were not tolerable--yes, but who wld eat a tolerable egg?  Nat Gazette, tolerable but not to be endured

            p.2 Levy ad says ptgs have hi price in Euro, lscape by Poelemberg, Bacchus by Carpioni and Albano, Titian and Vertangers, inimitable and splendid, next day gets a puff

Apr 15 p. 2  Poor Twibill ptd fine full length port of John Howard Payne, the artist’s family anxious to dispose of, friends of native dramatist shd buy it.  Audubon.  Forrest. Willis.  Greenough the sculptor has recd several commissions fr countrymen in Italy for specimens glorious art.  Durand has admirable composition on his easel, old pedlar exhib packto inmates of farmhse, for a gman of this city, at NAD? H Inman finished accurate brilliant port of Col Morris of Mirror, v best style of fine artist, more like Stuart than anything he’s done.  striking likeness, for which few equal none surpass Inman.  Publishers have invited artists fr abroad to help w/engraving shortage

Apr 16 p.2 has really long notice of Levy’s choice eleg ptgs valuable numerous originals. no gmen’s library or study without them, elegant ornaments for drwg rm and chamber, gems purchased by connoisseurs at sm prices at these auctions, intrinsic value sell cheap, a capital which alw realizes orig cost.  Among ptgs listed are Amiconi, Titian, Miel, Guido, Verlangen, Willige, Velasquez, Mytens, Murillo, Schl of Parma, Rubens, Teniers, Poelemberg.  Carefully worded to not exactly claim they are originals.

            notice that Col Powell’s fine Gallery of Ptgs at Phila have been added to their Acad of Arts. Apr 19 p. 2 puffs Catlin.  Apr 20 p. 1 more on jsute milieu. p.2 on West’s Grt Picture:  portions magnificent compos escape spectator, prominent figs of foregrd first catch eye absorb attn, but there is a Roman triumph over the Jews, carefully drawn, small, but impt for genl effect, morally, and instruments for diffusion of light and color.  Need repeated exams of a great work to appreciate its merits, tho its genl effect must strike at first sight

Apr 22 p. 1 Genl Jackson: a masterpiece of the pencil he is so much pleased with that he has framed by his bed, Louis Phillippe on knees befor him, w bag of money, Martin as a schoolboy with hat off begging.  Not much taste in this morceau, but Genl no grt connoisseur in fine arts or belles letters

Favors Texas indep to strengthen the south.  puffs Levy’s splendid ptgs;  city subscribers will receive a free catalog;  NAD exhib will be unus rich choice ptgs best artists

skips fr Apr 23rd to 26th; Apr 30 p.2 correspondent notes M Passavant’s Tour of a Germ artist in England will be pub, transl Miss Rigby.  Plans in compet for Hse of Parliament on exhib in Royal Acad wing of new Natl Gall

            Museum of Arts:  Amer Inst annual fairs Amer genius industry, resolve a Museum or Conservatory of the Arts 187 Broadway, models inventions machinery for public exam

May 5 1836 p. 2 NAD, improves fr last year.  Likes/praises J Thompson, Oddie (amateur), J Allanson, J Pringle, Grunewald, Dodge, newcombe, AT Agate, TS Cummings, ED Marchant, JW Martins, Page, Inman, Freeman,Durand, Weir, Ver Bryck, Hoyle, Anelli, Whitehorn, Frothingham, Miss Seager, Casilear, Wilgus, Mount, Chapman, Hill, Flagg, Wright, Birch, Morton;  Mayr, Marsiglia

            Dislikes Oakley, Purcell, Ingham, Chapman, Smillie, Cole (Mt Holyoke!), Del Nero, Frothingham, Morse

            Mixed on Ludlow, Ingham, Page, Chapman, Weir, Wall, Badger, Morse, Marchant, Anelli, Whitley, Huntington, Thompson, Morey, R Peale

            Singles out especially Mount, flagg, Chapman, Inman, Page, Ver Bryck, Durand, Wilgus, Oddie.  Notices the young, comments on if it’s true to nature, sees softness and sweetness and delicious repose as charming, likes spirited drawing, boldness, graphic, character and expression, ease;  dislikes stiff, high finish, pale or too strong of coloring, too much gloss, incorrect perspective, too hard outlines and figs not brought out enough.  Calls some “pretty” and modest, maybe not praise.

Notices Western Monthly Mag, likes it and Judge Hall; notices Frazee & Launitz have beaut designs for monument at uffalo for Perry.

May 9 p. 2 Liverpool corresp says present exhib of British artists on Suffolk st London is abt as gd, not better, than former.  Among poetical picts one of finest is Linton’s Jerusalem during the miraculous darkness during the crucifixion,” wonderfully executed cloudmist.  Clint and Haydon both have a Falstaff, Clint makes a picture, correct and striking, Haydon’s is intentionally a caricature, farce is exquisite.  Haydon has two noble historical compositions, and  unusually well colored:  Christ raising the widow’s son, and Discovery of Achilles, both highly spoken of by critics.  G Clint a month ago threw up his diploma of Assoc of RA, like Haydon, no grt credit in belonging to such a monopoly Society.  The Public will think so, soon.  Hurlstone has a few gd ports and Ital subjects, Peasant boys of Abruzzi Mtns critics praise, his Girl and Dog has touch of Reynolds’ grace.  Clint, Londsale, Holmes, Mrs Carpenter, Mrs Pearson, Mrs James Robertson, Fanny Corbaux, Buss, Ellerby and Dame exhib gd ports; Wyatt, Boaden and Claxton (last a new name) have studies of female character.

            Farrier, Bress and Pidding have funny eccentricities, excellent calf disturbed when drinking.  best exhib in Lscapes are Pyne (admirable views Windsor), Sydney Cooper’s cattle, Chambers (a Marine ptr), Clint, Allen, Creswick, Linton, Miss Nasmyth.  Davis has equestrian portraits, w/c drwgs pretty gd, sculpt mediocre.

            Approves Cruikshank’s illust of Waverley novels, full o f fun

May 13 p.2 Liverpool corresp calls handsome work of art Heath’s Drawing Rm Portfolio, six engravings by Chalon, Hayter, Miss L Sharpe, H Andrews, ET Parris, several are portraits;  complete is Finden’s Lscape illust of the Bible

            notices NY Mirror, esp plate by Smillie fr Weir’s view of Hudson Highlands, beaut animated, noticed orig at NAD, best fr Weir

May 14 p. 2 Notices West’s Death on Pale Horse agn, cites US Gazette of Phila that it is not so well patronized at NY as his Christ Rejected;  Star argues that composition shows masterly power of mind in historical design, inferior to Christ, as too indistinct and confused and crowded, vs light graceful arrangement of figs and graphic effect of grps in that.  Christ Healing the Sick is superior to both and W’s chef d oeuvre, conception, coloring, expression, execution, fire and glow of feeling, moral sublimity beyond ordinary style

            doesn’t like Park Benjamin in Am Monthly Mag

may 17 p. 1 ad for another Levy sale, 40 ptgs, fine quality, excellent condition, chiefly scripture and lscapes, including 3 by Rubens, Guido, and Backarelli, Salvator.  He puffs it later, warranted specimens.

May 26 p. 1 Liverpool correspondent on art, emphasis on historical subjects

Lavishly praises Astor Hotel opening;  sympathizes with Woods rather than C& E, follows the Geo L Dixon case.  Always tons of correspondence fr Judge HM Brackenridge

Jun 2 1836 p. 2  Liverpool corresp works of Thom Lawr beaut engr, lists portraits and engravers in this number; Mr RYall has a Ports of Conservative Statesmen coming out. Covers Robinson trial a bit, seem relatively sympathetic to R Townsend.

Jun 4 p.2 bits on new statues in the garden of the Palis royal, Seymour the well known Engl caricaturis t suicide, finest vein of humor, most melancholy, as are wit and the sublime linked.

            Oil ptgs, sports of the Turf, two branches of the fine arts, have been under the weather lately, but more at racetrack than Washington Divan in Broadway, display of Raphael Vandyck Rosa Breugel finer not seen in America--it’s another Levy sale

Jun 6 p.2 Trial testimony, colored maid notes a miniature of Robinson in Jewett’s possession; a letter read in court begs for its return. approves the acquittal.

            puffs Col McKenney’s Gallery of 300 Indian Ports, sensation in Phila, at the Washington Divan on Broadway(Saunders saloon), Creeks testify to striking resemblance; puffs it several times more (and notes visitors not allowed to copy)

Jun 8 p. 2 notices death of Luman Reed Esq, modest retiring much respected, elevated the character of our city and country in the fine arts than any other rich merchant, cultivated fine natural taste, due to his special and liberal patronage that fostered unrivalled young Amer artist Mount, and others

            Board of aldermen offer reward for producers of handbill headed Rich and Poor, intended to create a riot, arouse journeymen tailors agst the ct of justice and judge who denied right to unionize (supported by Eve Post)

Jun 8 long piece on Gallery of Indian Port, head of Indian bureau of War dept, 115 ptgs, full sized, 18 diff tribe, taken by celeb Inman of this city from half ports of living origs by King.  value as facsimiles of peculiar costume, emblems, as works of art graphic talent and fidelity to nature and to truth of Inman.  To be pub with Hall.  Haven’t yet seen Lewis or Catlyn, but so far the most remarkable, Indian physiog resemble Chinese and Tartar, grotesque and fanciful ornaments give originality of character and poetic imagery of middle ages.  dress compares to classical rules of Romans and greeks, lesson to civilized

Jun 9 p. 1 laments Crockett’s death, more on suicide of Mr Seymour, author of Sketches and Political Looking Glass.  p. 2 mores description of the Indian Portraits, but none of style

Jun 11 p. 2 puffs panorama of London at Euterpean Hall, Nat Gall is going to buy Lawrence’s matchless drwg coll, John Bull doesn’t mind lately paying for taste/virtue

Jun 14 p. 2 notes new engraver in Mirror, Osborne, promising

Jun 15 p.1 Mr Pettrich, sculptor, finished larger than life grp of Charity, at DC, for a public bldg in Philly, highly wrought performance, rpincipal fig grt effect benevolence mildness beauty of form; puffs Hannington’s new scenes for their pictorial illusion

Jun 24 p. 1 account of sketching portrait of a tattooed woman fr Capt Back’s Arctic expedition Jun 27 p. 1 anecdote of Joshua Reynolds, died before Romney and Cowper met, sd no two ptrs in same dept of art can be friends, he didn’t allow Romney to be elected an associate, but Romney never unjust to his rival, testified to his genius, denied that his version of Siddons was superior (Southey’s Life of Cowper)

Jun 28 p. 1 long account fr Catlin, reminds editor of Horace Vernet, who put to sea in a violent storm to enable paint fr nature, continues on 29th, including his setting up a studio in the trading post nr the Sioux.  brush was new and unaccountable.  afraid of consequences, but looked upon it as grt honor, vain as to appearance, required being ptd in order of rank.  Medicine Men jealous, told them they would die fr being ptd, pictures had life in them and live on in hands of white men, don’t underst idea of a profile--half a man

July:  1836 has on the 7th p. 2 the same puff of Ladies Companion as Herald, but has it first; notes that New Orleans Exchange plans a statue to memory of Robt Fulton, indebted to his genius for city’s wealth; 8th p2 notes new statue to King Wm of Orange in Dublin, puffs Vanderlyn’s finest and most correct panorama view of Niagara, fro rig designs by him on spot, all grace of expression and delicacy of coloring of his pencil.  if any of our grt ptrs could do justice and infuse breath of animation into sublimest of nature’s works, it is the author of Marius and Ariadne.  At artist Anelli’s rooms, Chambers and Broadway, for exhib at the Springs

Jul 9th puffs Catlin, calls Transcript illiberal for being hostile to actresses, puffs West, notes receipts of exhib of NAD are $4000, double of previous year, closes today; July 12th notes Greenough Sculptor has taken casts of Hon Messrs Calhoun and Clay, to be done in marble.

jul 18 p.2 A Concours among Amer Ptrs, 4 vacant Rotunda panels, following names rumored to be selected as most eminent men of genius in complicated line of historical grouping: Alston, Vanderlyn, Inman, Sully, Mount, Cole, Doughty, Birch, Catlyn.

            Puffs the Colman opening, collector of rare and piquante fr abroad, prints engravings bijoux, caricatures, folio, alums on Fine Arts, Natural History, etc superb Galleries elegant 205 Broadway at Fulton.  nOt as voluminous as some dealers, but more rich and varied, choicest kind, latest and freshest of living artists and writers of Paris London, recherché style of fitting 3 rooms, fashionable lounge for works of taste

jul 19 p. 2 notices new Illust of Florida, 12 interesting views by JF Gray, a So Carolina volunteer, fr Charleston, engr by Keenan;  puffs Catlyn.  Observes that the figs of Adam and Eve that we noticed some time ago (?) by Macy, are sculpted in wood

Same puff for Willis as in the Herald, on the 20th; on 21st puffs Vanderlyn’s panorama of City and harbor of Amsterday at Saratoga springs; another description of Lawrence’s drawings, shows Raphael’s growth, exquis facile freedom of outline, gracefulness knowledge of  human form, power of expression, skill of compositions

July 22 p.2 describes visit to French frigate in the harbor, commander’s apts had engravings in parlor of perilous adventures of frigate Favorite on his tour of the world; a lieutenants room had pictorial mementoes hanging of kindred and friends

July 23 p. 1long review of Louvre exhib by “W”, an American? English?, current with romantic v classical debate, thinks Winterhalter remarkable, attentive to sculpture, historical, includes women.

p. 2 notes Vernet is en route to Russia to do tableaux for Emperor; praises Daily Express under Hudson and Brooks

Jul 26 p.2 notice of the Chinese Portrait Ptrs imitating European artists, one exhib in Somerset Hse and deceived many Engl ptrs; Jul 27 p.2 Mr Nagle, the ptr, is doing a portrait of David Paul Brown of Phila, for bar of that city.  puffs rrd panorama Niblo’s, regularly notices issues of the female edited (AJ Reid) Passion Flower, illust with colored vignettes of flowers

            ad for Artists Repository on front page is run by Smith & Allanson (latter reviewed in NAD); also offer a ‘grand discovery in f a’ of style of ptg practiced by ancient Greeks, lost, now can accomplish every obj n nature with no mechanical aid, less time, no mess to dress or health, only three colors, twelve lessons.  aims at ladies.

Aug 4 1836 p. 2 foreign news inclu more on Conservative Statesmen’s fine likenesses, govt declined paying sum for Lawrence’s drwg coll, his port of Peel re-engraved, still dull, Stothard’s exquis drwgs to be engr, books of Lawrence are selling, engr by Cousins, and JH Watt has engraved Leslie’s May Day on large scale, gives critique of it fr London Atlas, peasantry enjoying rustic sport, crowded w/figs anecdotes; complete works of Newton, RA, and also an Amer, series of engravings, imaginative line of ptg, general favorite.  Mr Salabert pub port of Rubini, the vocalist, a port shd convey a favorable impression, this is just like.  Northcote’s port of Godwin engr G Dawe, thoughtful man.

            noticing a lot of Saunders & Otley publications

Aug 6 p.2 Mr Lee an artist of Louisville invited by wealthy gman to tour Euro, true mode of nourishing genius and talent of country, fostering care of wealthy men of taste, success after study in Euro.  Says Maria Monk is exposed (blurb fr Transcript)

Aug 10 p. 2 Marie, daught of King Louis Philippe, adept in sculpture tho young, large marble grp for exhib Louvre, like family has an honorable livelihood amid royal splendors

Aug 13 p.2 artist of estab eminence in port fr Phila Mr B Otis, now beaut art here, induced to spend facation ptg, praps no superior in faithful likeness, taught by G Stuart, industry, facility, highly executed port in 3 hours.  characteristics of his style freedom, breadth light and shade, depth of expression.  Has ptd 3-4 large family groups here, plus 13 more, more superior spirit and finish than those of many years ago in Peale’s Museum and other public colls.  His historical pieces deservedly admired, but pre eminence vivid fidelity to living subjects, well rewarded genius, high style of art, at Del Vecchio’s 44 Chatham st

            -also covers the cross dressing woman (and other cases)

Aug 18 p. 2 notices the bank engraving s of Casilear, Durand, Burton & Edmonds for a Canada bank, beaut specimens worthy preserve less perishable form

19th Recommends lscape scenery in Hudson highlands, West Point, Trenton falls, etc; Pop Emmons pub likeness Col Johnson, whom he calls the real hero of the Thames; young artist named Beatty drowned in Schuylkill while bathing; impromptu on West’s Death at the State House, death no victor, genius can’t die

Notes prorress of Dufief’s pictures of Adam and Eve are now at Portland; usual Levy ad at Arcade Baths, long list of originals of masters like Correg, Titian, Rubens, Raphael, Mengs, Murillo, Castiglione, Rosa, Maratti, Breughel, etc etc

Aug 29 reopneing of National Theatre (formerly Italian Opera), not much updated, same chaste beaut and classic frescoes on ceiling, superb drop scene, by able artists Bragaldi, Guidicini and Albi; added a ptg of scenes of no partic merit and inferior composition a violent and grotesque contrast to exquis beaut and delicate style of color/draw-ing of Ital artists, in city, why not employed? or Signor Chizzola, highly distinguished?  [notice on the 31st suggests not all the seating was segregated?!]

            -puffs Hanington, new dios, giving benefit for promising young artist H Sewell


Likes Forrest (highly finished style) and Clifton (and Cushman) too, uncritical, don’t emphasize the national so much.  Sept 3 p. 2 “a fine subj for a ptg” is the Dijon steeple struck by lihtning, injuring child at prayers; on the 4th a letter fr a Native Citizien says to prevent quacks in architecture, hankering after novelty, bane of true taste and source of deformity, when shd study classical (taste) or beaut expressive (passion) English pointed style at NYU or library of Alex J Davis (who advertises the library in the Star)

Sept 6 p. 2 long review of Mechanics Insti, mentions:  Xylographic engravings grt perfection Crump & Co, Portraits and Groupes by Otis possess much spirit, Calyo’s Pictures of the great Conflagration of NY for Atwill’s saloon, splendid ptgs, admirably executed, faithful delineations, Neapolitan, brilliant accurate coloring, spirit boldness truth of composition, hope the Exchange Co will order such beaut finished productions for new bldg.  Miss Hardorp on Crosby St, needlework Madonna, most perfect imitation of a finished engraving, she shd be patronized.  A fine copy of one of Raphael’s chef d’oeuvres, watercolors by FJ Surnton, 16, Staten Island, size of life, highest promise, full of spirit and expression, shd be encouraged

As usual “A sign” as heading is political, here refers to last number of Natl Gall of Ports with capital likeness of Harrison

Sept 9 still puffs Levy’s sales, notes that portraits ordered by Maryland of Saml Chase, Wm Paca and Thom Stone, signers of decl of indep, highly finished style, Mr Boardley, native artist of state;  Sept 10 notes Maj J Strange, Amer artist, taken bust likenesses of Santa Anna and Col Almonte, for a historical ptg;  Sta Anna’s is remarkably striking and correct, not Almonte’s;  Anna is in uniform, has given testimonial to the likeness.  Artist also intends picture of Gen Cos, in prison on Galveston.  exhibited in N Orleans

Sept 13 puffs Gimbert’s mezzotint engrav of actor Henry Placide, likeness decidedly gd, but not striking, lips too compressed, mouth too wide, but v creditable print, 277 Greenwich st.

            shooting ahead of Euro in ptg, Clover in Broadway oppos Palmo’s several fine seapieces by Birch of Phila in color and design v little inferior to Vernet

Sept 14 description of Jewish cemetery in Hanover, sculpted monument of mother stretched on dead body of beloved monm and her lover, very dramatic

15th Notices Clarke’s Poems (ad for them too) pub by Bell, the Crazy Poet, but some fine outbreakings of genius, this volume has less exceptionable verses than usual; observes Boston MErcanitle is telling people to not see pictures of Adam and Eve as gross and immoral

            -Wm Jackson is selling The Painter’s Guilder’s and Varnisher’s Manual, rules for the Arts, receipts, diseases;  NYU also has a big ad for courses

Sept 21 p.2 really long review of the Signers of Dec of Indep, more than in Herald.  Ingenious highly interesting, Barclay st Academy, friends of Amer liberty.  the most authentic record is grt ptg of col Trumbull, personal acquaintance with men, accurate likenesses, family portraits, accurate tableaux.  Artist in Pa wanted to embody convention, spectacle most sublime, 56 figs, mostly striking and characteristic, impress of great respectability, character, and gd sense.  fine appearance eleg dress graceful attitude of Hancock remarkable, but Franklin best likeness, the Whigs of the Revolution, shd put it in Hall of Indep in PA

Sept 22 p. 2 puffs likeness of Halleck in NY, Inman’s portrait, engr by Parker, strikingly correct resemblance, (same puff as in Herald?). puffs it more the next day, separate ports avail for framing. Astor a large shareholder in the Bowery Theatre, burnt, supports Hamblin, who advertises

24th puffs Hanington’s creative genius, faithful exact spirited diorama; litho likeness of Forrest pub at Phila v striking, expression well preserved, not flattering, avail Bancroft& Holley’s Astor hse; supports Saunders & Otley, dislikes attacks on city’s auction houses

Sept 27 p.2 puffs coll of ptgs of HD Thielcke, 157 Broadway, some ptgs by old masters, some by the artist, large ptg of Baptism of Christ, and extract fr Knick.

            describes Harrison illuminations and transparencies in grt detail, fr Mr Holland, picturesque, elegant, superb, appropriate

            notices Hiram Powers, young sculptor grt genius, at Boston, caught a likeness of Webster on way to Europe, a N Orleans paper advocates him for statue of Fulton

Sept 28 Mr Atwil of Music Saloon v spirited sketch of burning of Bowery ptd by Calyo fr drwgs on spot, same artist who did great fire of December.  whole keeping of present piece is in gd taste, tints happily blended

Notices a replacement panorama has arrived in Boston for the Departure of the Israelites burned at Niblo’s; notices Catherwood’s lectures; Oct. 5 p. 2 Mrs Heman’s memorial pub’d with only extant ptg of her engraved in it; blurb abt Sta Anna port by Maj Strange now being exhib in Natchez, with Austin’s testimonial to its resemblance, cites Natchez Courier that the ports are excellent so they pity the original, revolting countenance, almost hideous, no love-letters in his pockets as General Cos

Oct 7 1836 loco foco/working men’s party ticket, pledged agst all monopolies, FA Tallmadege, James Monroe, Job Haskell, Wm Piatt, Geo Matsell, Levi Slamm, Robt Townsend, Alex Ming, Edw Curtis etc

            -puffs Cleopatra’s beaut statue 175 Broadway, draws admirers of FA, fine proportions,s triking manner display elegance of female form, grter advantage by coloring, true to life and nature (ad p. 3 notes just returned fr the South, mr Le Bert in charge, original modern production, anatomical accuracy, hi finish etc)

frequently defends Willis, says it’s not personal, cites No Amer Review as backup, notes critique in Am Monthly on his person rather than his prose/poetry (sd to be not pure or in gd taste, trashy), also Gaylord Willis Clarke’s enmity

Oct 11 p. 2 puffs Am Inst display of Fine Arts, inclu a full length port of Genl Harrison, fine ptg, perfect likeness tho Genl sat only 15 minutes, off-hand effort, genius in its happiest mode.  The other is a full length port of a mechanic, member of the A Inst, with view of interior of his shop by firelight, both by celeb Bass Otis of Phil in best style

Oct 12 p.2 most admired of picts sent by Fr pupils at Rome for exhib Paris are Martyrdom of St Andrew copied fr Dominichino by M Bridoux, and M Salmon’s subj fr Schl Athens, but most remarkable are M Handrin’s Euripides composing tragedies in a cavern, and St Clair, 1st bishop of Nantes, curing blind.  Grps of sculp also v fine.


Oct 13 p.2 sensationt hat when the King heard Duke of Bedford gae money to O’Connell fund, he ordered his bust be removed fr the Sculpture Gallery, even added that he ordered it be pounded into dust.  Puffs Dec of Indep exhib.

oct 14 p.2 Sign Anelli, Ital ptr here a yr, rare distinction superior talents in profession, his industry coll. handsome display eleg ports exec for most respectable families, also pt on large scale most finished historical groupes:  fam in deluge, splendid tableaux, David grt ptr made the subj famous in group at Luxembourg, but is an artificial creation compared to natural expression and harmony of this.  All who’ve seen Poussin’s Deluge can’t forget its cold, dreary and terrific aspect, versatility of his genius, power to infuse into canvass, even such awful character, diff and complex in details.  Anelli is one of chef d’oeuvres of our historical galleries, future artist pt with pride as a native production tho the work of a foreign artist, courage ambition to undertake it in the infancy of the art.  coloring rich and warm, style of Ital schl, contrasts strikingly with somber horrors, proportions of wife inimitable grace beauty, expression excites commiseration, all drwg also masterly, genuine ptgs shd go and judge, Chambers and Broadway, his rooms. ad p. 3.  Loves Celeste.  Poem on a rich loafer by Jared, for the Star

Oct 19 has two puffs for Ptgs, a coll some by v old and approved masters, Arcade Baths, Mr Del Vecchio, and as devotees in FA, patronize beaut meritorious, foreign gallery of Ptgs at Arcade Baths.  Continuing coverage of Amer Inst Fair gds includes most remarkable specimen of pictorial talent in young grocer’s apprentice, gd historical battlepiece fr Iliad, Geo Heister, handsome address prepossessing face.  figs rude, but genius, expression, spirit in composition, astonish in youth without educ in ptg, pure result of vivid conceptions.  His Falstaff, a colored sketch, also admirable, tho he never saw it enacted.  may if patronized be a West or Vanderlyn or probably a Trumbull, given taste for battle pieces.

            two ads p.3 for Charles Del Vecchio, office on Chatham st, entire gallery of ancient family in Tyrol, high rep in country, beauty and quality; ladies please come and see loveliest personations of their own sex, inspired immortal genius, inclu beaut ptg of Guido Madonna, $1800, money back guaranteed genuine.  Aaron Levy ad for sale of ptgs at Divan, selection of a gman going to Europe.  John Riell also has few choice orig ptgs by old masters only for sale

Oct 20 p.2 puffs Anelli agn, beauty and fashion there, splendid production.  More on Amer Inst: exquis needle work, a rustic grp, Miss Krouse, other descriptive lang basically the same as used for art generally (celeb, superb, eleg, splendid, beaut etc).  A neatly exec fig, skill and taste, clay model, death of Bushfield fr Cooper’s novel, John Baker 350 Houston, artist correct concept of proportions spirit necessary, animation of life, to try marble

Oct 21 Col Trumbull’s pictures, reprints  description of Rotunda hist pictures fr James Grahame of England’s history of US:  singles out Dec of Indpe, men worthy of grt transaction, no affectation, no coarseness, no dramatic extrav, no turbid passion, no effeminate refinement, graceful plainness and simplicity, calm determined, compare to corresponding one by David of the Serment du jeu de Paume, in house of Lafayette at Paris, contrasted national character, turbid theatrical aspect and gestures the French artist, gleeting, extravagant dramatic show, vs edifice of natl liberty on solid foundations.  Noah continues, grt French historical ptr Girard fine tablezux in Luxembourg, sd when asked to pt subjects fr Amer rev, already been done by Trumbull, one of best ptrs of Battle Pieces living, coud I surpass him?  referred to Death of Montgomery and Sortie fr Gibraltar.   Trumbull’s best are Battles of Princeton and Trenton, spirit and fire in composition, shd be ordered by Congress for Rotunda.  Puffs Anelli; attracts ladies. notes Audubon.

Oct 24 p.2 G Stewart Newton’s Works: series of engrav abt pub fr paintings of Mr Newton, few of the origs are known in this country, fr a London Paper:  Hodgson & Graves pub works of much lamented artist, genius, female subjs graceful, expressive, powerful, inclu “The Forsaken” in fist issue of engravings, exquis softeness and delicacy in plate.

            More on Am In Fair: maps, quilts, rugs, embroidery, engrav of Placide, only gd likeness, drawn and engr by Gimber;  Chapman ptg Bay of NY, pub Megarey Broadway.  Water color of a Lion’s Head, size of life, copied fr remarkable ptg in Colman’s window by Fred’k S Swinton, youth of grt promise on Staten Isl

Oct 27  Mr Cole’s Ptgs at Nat Acad, Clinton Hall, pleasure, disting native artist, rise and fall of empire.  first two ptd with all gorgeous coloring volumptuous tinst characterize American Claude, delicious enchantment, Cole profited by residence in Italy.  4th pictures is the best, awakens most painful melancholy, blending of all the glories of the past with the utter desolation of the future so happily depicted, mingled with associations and bitter regrets of the oblivious past, which has already laid its iron grasp on all the aspirations and efforts of human power.  highest credit to imaginative powers, subj so vast and comprehensive, infinity and multiplicity of details, impossible forcible delineation to any particular incident.  What the picts abstractly lose in force, made up by graphic conception embody as a whole, genius of author in drwg arrangement of objects and exquis beauty of coloring

oct 29 Horace Vernet finishing ptg of defence of the Poles before Warsaw, ordered by Emperor Nicholas for gallery at Zarskojeselo. how can grt ptr accommodate heroic subj to taste of autocrat?

Nov 1 1836 Notes first issue of combined Daily Advertiser and Express, Mr Townsend and Mr Brooks; earlier noticed New Era favorably.  J O’Neale, 6 John st, pub neat litho likeness of Mr Gulick late chief engineer of Fire Dept, next Reigster of city, his friends shd buy (has been accused of fraud? connected to Joe Hoxie?).  Nov 2 notes Leggett sold out of Eve Post, starts weekly Plaindealer, no politician, esp for a party demanding obedience, gd mag essay writer.

Always has stuff fr Bell’s Life, comic bits agst Tories.  Defends auctioneers regularly; the innocent victims really agents of the importers

Nov 3 long anecdote fr Liverpool correspondent abt poet Miss LE Landon, fake port of her pub by Richard Ryan in an nthology, Lit Gaz denounced as no likeness, but bought for this orig likeness, tho it was a hoax.  Notes arrest of pickpockets who stole fr Mr Gallagher of Chatham st while he was lookin in Colman’s window

Nov 4 1836 puffs Anelli’s Deluge

Nov 5 puffs Anelli yesterday.  Fate eminent Engl Ptrs, insane genius Haydon letter in London Spectator fr King’s Bench complains bitterly of poverty--Hussey disgusted, West but for king wld have starved, Barry in struggles, Fuseli escaped to Keepership, Proctor died of want after winning medals, Howard glad to be Secretary, Hilton to succeed Fuseli, Westall in afflictions, Etty left off rt works.  His own sad story, prison for debt.

            Puffs Cleopatra, beaut specimen of Art recently fitted up in style to please admirers of Statuary, elevated on revolving platform, adorned with decorations, can admire it fr seats as it revolves

Nov 8 long letter fr Catlin, not abt art but travel.  Supports Hamblin benefit of course, defends him, particularly agst the American, which he accuses of not promoting arts etc except those of his own partic friends and associates, ignores Herald pretty much.

Nov 11, notes Whig victors in elections, inclu Whigs supported by loco focos (as was Ely Moore, a Van Buren man).  Notes Mr Boudet, artist who ptd “la belle Nature” so much admired, just finished a Daphne in same style soft delicate coloring, exhib 37 Courtland st.  Notices fine portr of Willis fr Harding of Boston, glowing pict admirable likeness, engr by Parker who did Halleck fr Inman’s port for Mirror.

12th notices Catherwood lectures on Palestine and Jerusalem, splendid panoramic view, survey map of Jerusalem, artist and architect.  Doesn’t cover Astor Hse much, but reports guilty of assault verdict on Boyden--later has a defense of him.  Mirror has engrav by Osborne fr fine pict Chapman of Dutch courtship, on doorstep in Broadway, spirited, quiet conception of humor for which Leslie is celeb, fine illust of Irving, engr grt talent, accompanying article is by Willis

Nov 15 Mr Augur’s sculpt groupe of Jeptha and daught, earliest and most finished productions of art are abt to be purchased by fellow cits of New Haven, temporarly placed in Trumbull gall of College. not thrilled w/new Knick

nov 23 Defends vignettes fr an attack in Long Island Star, that depict grimacing monkeys (Jim Crow), prefer old genuine harmonies and true taste instead of designs in soot;  Noah defends well exec lithos, many able likenesses, finished style of engrav on costly works

Nov 24  puffs Indian Portraits pub by Biddle in Phila, sold at Astor Hse and Appleton’s, magnif., puffs Hanington’s new dio of Evac of NY; Nov 25 ptg repress. burning of Royal Tar at Boston, 125 ft sq canvas, two survivors, with skill, may have grt effect

Nov 26 p.1 Liverp corresp Annuals are betw lit and art, belong to both, haven’t much benefited either, depend on famous names, who send in rather mediocre pieces, or on illust of pretty engravings, which is the main purpose of the Annuals. Engravers make lots of money for these, but result ha been a frippery taste for pretty miniature hi finish plates. only good is to popularize the Arts. then gives long list of this year’s crop, editors, artists. p. 2 puff for Levy, beaut valuable brought into US, amateurs connoisseurs

Nov 28 Puffs Catlin, Catherwood, Trumbull’s ptgs, men of spirit will prevent his picts being removed from city--he’s proposed to Brown U to give Hist PTgs in return for an annuity.  Shd accept, faithful and spirited battlepieces, sublime art. personally witnessed

Nov 29 wants college curric to teach more practical.  Mr Haas v excellent litho at DC, pub likeness of Van Buren, v correct, exec highly creditable, at Colman’s.  colossal statue of Shakespeare designed Dr Carque in London

Nov 30 on William nr John st, window of looking glass store a ptg repress. wreck of Bristol, so much spirit force faithfully delineates position and terrors, one shudders

Dec 1 1836 p. 1 fr NY Mirror, Morris article, dislikes steamboats crowded with commoners, praises lithography as the most magnificent and imposing art of modern times (except the science of money making), a wizard performs miracles, rids town maps of mtns, valleys, rivers, etc, albeit only on paper

Dec 2 Attacks C&E (Woods controversy), managers of theatres are terrified by his mobs, submit to his terms, C&E is a tollgate, at which all pay tribute, Manager, Actors, Painters, exhibs of all kinds, arts, science, and lit.  If not, if penny a liners aren’t conciliated, if that office doesn’t get their printing or money, the threat of annihilation is issued.  Public institu fears influ of that paper on mobs

Dec 5 p.1 Reviews Alexander Everett’s Jun 1836 ddress on Buker Hill, errors in facts, follows Col Sweet’s excellent sketch of the battle rather than Col Knapp.  Sweet based his sketch on a story by Maj Small of Brits told to Col John Trumbull in London in 1786, rodomontade, adopted for party or other purposes. Why Trumbull believed the sotry is difficult to conceive, signed Philo Veritas. puffs Catlin.

Dec 7  puffs Anelli. Dec 9 weird blurb re lady of Phily basso relievo of Bridge of Sighs in Venice, admirably colored, much admired, editor thinks she shd instead imitate bigger bridge in phila, shows Phila in a sad way? Dec 10 puffs Catlin, notices panoramic illust by Magic Lanthern.  Dec 12 more liking of Astor Hse; Endicott pub ports of Pres, beaut drawn stone fro rig picts by grt Stuart, striking resemblances; Robinson 48 Courtlandt st new caricature, droll in its way, “Going the whole Hog” for 2 shillings, v brief notice of Cole the next day.  Denies private interest in TX.  Dec 20 notices new ed fr Harpers of Pilgrim’s Prog as illus by Adams, beaut but inexpensive, 50 wood engrav

Dec 21 Amer Female Sculpt--beaut specimen alto relievo sculpt young Kentucky lady, Bridge of Sighs, composite material, admirable exec, reality to the life, boldly, tastefully arranged, one could almost imagine himself in city.  talented lady try more extended scale, truly interesting production of Amer genius at our office,  Takes Col Stone of Commercial Advertiser to task for praising new dollar as classical, beaut, graceful, delicate design, novel;  Noah says brummagem, poor, nymph of 5 points for goddess of liberty, turkey buzzard for the eagle, not cut deeply enuf

Dec 26 puffs Adam and Eve at Acad of FA, Hanington, Niblo’s panorama, notes a Park Benjamin play at the Park.  companion vol to ports of conserv statesman, ports of Female Aristocracy

Has a nasty attitude toward mestizos--it was treating Texans like them that made them rebel agst Mexican govt; here says it’s a mongrel race disgrace humanity and pollute soil (28th--there is also a puff for Saunders auction of choice admirable ptgs and fine orig drwgs, competent connoisseur says rare intrinsically valuable, entire coll of a gman, richly framed;  John Guerin, a miniature ptr as famous as Augustin and Isabey and a protégé of Marie Antoinette, recently died)

Dec 31 long puff of Hannington taken fr the times, emphasis on spectacle, saloon itself beaut decorated in rich fashion, drop scenes by diff artist, celeb names, lists them


begins with Jan 3. Poem by Ossian, article by Geo Morris

Jan 6 p. 2 excellent striking busts modeled or sculptd by Amer artists, none so faithful resemblance than James Gulick, by Mr Jones, at our office, copies at moderate prices; Jan 7 p. 2 praises Mirror’s exquis engrav of Mr Halleck, now at every Saloon and Library, splendid engrav of landing of Columbus by Danforth fr Chapman’s ptg, saw the orig, glowing brightness exquis finish of pencil admirably rendered.  notes contributors inclu Mr Dunlap, Willis, James Brooks, John Inman, Bryant, orig poem Wordsworth and one by Mr John Quincy Adams

Jan 11 p. 2 puff for Hanington, decorated with taste, Drop Scenes credit, pleasing specimens of art, Duke White exceedingly well done view Mt Vernon; puffs Aaron Levy auction of French ptgs 18 Courtland st; W Hayward ad for fine arts, English Engravings and orig oil ptgs b Rembrandt et al; rare splendid exhib oil ptgs for private sale at Arcade Bath, Chamber st, old and modern masters; ad for WR Smith, Artist’s Repository , 359 Broadway, Flemish Ground Panels, Prepared Canvas, oil colors in bladders, French and English Brushes, water colors, Drawings lent to Copy, Transparent Blinds, Japan or India style ptg

Jan 17 p. 2 Miss Botsford young Amer lady ingenious sculptures bas relief, scene in Venice, noticed before, finished two more, one of Bowery Theatre and neighborhood, other larger more elab spirited faithful St Paul’s Church, Astor Hse, Atwill’s music saloon and vicinity.  orders for ornamental tableaux, bold relief and coloring, more imposing effect than engravings or ptgs, liberal patrons of arts encourage amiable and accomplished countrywoman, may see sculpts at our office

Miss Cushman (the actress) poem; notes new weekly World.  More on physiognotype, newly infented exact fcsimile of countenance in 2 seconds, so faithful veryveins of skin minutely represented (Jan 24 p. 2)

Jan 26 p.2 Alston declines executing more than one of the Panels in the Rotunda.

Likes Calhoun.  jan 28 p. 2 notes Dick has superb engrav of houses of Parliament in Bartlett’s Albion.  Advocate a national bank in NYC, publishes 1200 names on petition. 

1837 Weird notice to Knickerbocker that no freelance writer does their lit crit.  Feb 8 p. 2  Mr Henri Heidemans, highly talented lithographist fr Holland, pub at Colman’s Broadway splendid full length portrait of danseuse Mlle Augusta in part of La Bayadere, gd likeness, exec in finish and beanty surpasses anything in this country, has done exquis for Ackerman of London, struck by his ability, lovely expression graceful easy attitude perfect fac simile chaste classic arrangement, contours, gifted talent.

Likes So Lit Msgr national not sectional under Mr White, Paulding tame, likes Poe’s Pym much better than his poetry.

Feb 10 p.2 puffs Valuable ptgs for sale, best coll, choice old ptgs, Arcade Baths, by Levy.  Belong to a house in this city that collect old masters, fruit of much industry and research.  A mere picture dealer, and the cicerone style in which he sets off his merchandise, must be discounted, these are no humbugs, some are genuine of esteemed masters, most striking and capital are Dead Christ by Guerchino, gem of 1st water even if not him; Scuttling Booth by Wouvermans, admirable grace, spirit delicacy of colors; Herodias on Stone, St Francis by Domenichino, Del Sarto lovely grp Holy Family, Beughel Cattle Market, large pict in style of drwg and chiarascuro of Murillo, charming lscapes ruins, scriptural rustic etc of schools of Rosa, Poussin, Teniers, Fancks, Maratti, Wyants, Rothenhamer, Ruysdale, Breughel etc, newly married and opulent garnish walls, growing taste, select specimens.  if in Europe wld be priceless [ad signed by John A Riell, long list of artists’ names, ok to bring judges to inspect if you can’t decide yourself]

Feb 11 p. 2 engrav of view of villa of Mr Ward, fr no of designs of country seats in progress by Adams, environs of NY, cement Gothic

            -puffs more splendid ptgs, laudable feeling fashionable among rich merchants, mart for choicest works, Italian gman brings really superb coll of best masters at March & Benson’s 12 New st, 2 large scriptural style of magnify and finish by Fra Bartolomeo, two bacchanals by Paul Veronese, extreme beauty flower pieces, two by Cigniani, a domenichino and Corregio

Feb 13 p. 2 Cole some fine ports in Boston, Boston Transcript says his style of coloring is excellent,drwg correct, attitudes and costume natural and appropriate, picts alw please regardless of subj alw fine ptgs.  NO symp for flour rioters.

Poem by Geo D Strong fr NY Mirror on Clouds

Feb 18 p. 2 another view of suburban villa, cut by Mason, of Peter Stuyvesant, Ionic; Feb 20 p. 2 puffs a litho likeness of Forrest by Childe, somewhat young, finished likeness, at Wiley & Putnam (next day correction it’s on copper, not a litho)

Feb 22 p. 2 artists selected by Committee of Congress to fill 4 vacant Rotunda panels with historical ptg $50,000 appropriated, Vanderlyn, Inman, Chapman and Weir, last an Englisman, Allston declined, Inman also declines.  Why not Catlyn, Cole, Mount, Sully and other masters of art all native Americans overlooked?

Feb 24 p. 1 fine arts ignored in this utilitarian country, but telegraph is admirable.  p. 2 notes French ambassador exhibition of Egyptian antiquities, include works by Lysippus.  Heidemans just done superb litho of Forrest copied fr London steel engrav, superior in neatnes and spirited drwg, pub by Colman

Feb 25 p.2 another villa woodcut by mason fr design by Thomas, (series instigated by real estate developers), Ionic

Feb 27 p. 2subscription for a statue to Calhoun, defence of Constitution in struggle to maintain rights of South and States.  Evening Post surprised that Morse didn’t inviteation for Rotunda panels, Star agrees surprise regret at omission.  Poem by ABC for the Star, on an artist ptg Time and Love, wife asked for copies, he revises who got tied down. 

Mar 1 1837 p. 1 fr Liverpool corresp notes Turner is illust Moore, inclu Gems fr Lalla Rookh, also a new port of Moore ptd by GF Mulvany Irish artist engraved by Ward, publication of illust of Faust, Boz and Cruikshank.  Mar 3 p.1 Pres of RA has finished ports of King Wm and Queen Adelaide.  Mar 4 p. 2 another villa woodcut by Mr Haviland in Venetian style, cut by Mason; Heidemans, lithographist, decided hit with Ellen Tree, full length likeness fr Colman’s, part of Mariane in Knowles play, colored more striking

            Notice of mtg at Alexander J Davis architect, at his studio, NYU, Literati and Virtuosi, Society for conversation on lit and fine arts, protection and encouragement to Artists and talent.  Attending were Dr Hawkes, Bryant, Verplanck, Halleck, Hillhouse, Howard Payne, Donaldson, G Jones etc, Profs Patten, hackley, Morse Gale, Drs Proudfit and Torrey, reading of a new epic poem by Mr G Jones, Chaos and Creation, celeb in England.

            Adams in Mirror beaut engrav of grave of Jos Rodman Drake, sparkling racy issue

Mar 7 p. 2 fr Parthenos on the National Ptgs and the ptrs, strange selection of Rotunda artists, grt surprise and indignation.  National Historical Ptgs--shd select best artists w/ o regard to political or relig opinions or private prejudice. Is intellectual portion of country satisfied? are all the artists historical artists? etc.

Pro Native Amer party.

Mar 11 p. 2 Thom celeb self taught Scupt fr Scotland, graphic boldly chizzled grps unqualified encomiums, studio at Newark open, added new statue of Scott on his tomb purchased for Laurel Hill Cem.  Packet ship Erie fr Havre has case of several pictures by first artists costing importers, National Academy of Arts of this city, $28,000

Mar 14 p. 2 Robinson of Courtland st fine field, last caricature represents great humbug, the Missouri mint drop madman (Benton?) and the Expunging Resolution, follies of Jackson/VB admin

Mar 18 p. 1 woodcut by Mason of Pavilion in New Brighton fr design of Mr Thomas the architect, public hotel; Mar 30 p. 2 bronze Tuscan exquis style statue found at Lodi, in Etruscan mus now; notes subscribers to gallery of Indian portraits, rare specimens of the arts, shown at Astor Hse.

Geo D Strong has a clique, assd with Demos not Whigs

Apr 1 1837 p. 2 Rotunda Panels: Vanderlyn gave sketch of Ptg, met with approbation, Landing of Columbus, never been treated on canvass adequately, pencil of author of Marius and Ariadne will dojustice, noble pendant to elegant life by Irving.  peculiar Span costumes contrasted with gaudy imposing plumage and ornaments, glorious sublime skiesdiverse waters, classical taste and graceful pencil.

W Gilmore Simms poem. Notes exhib of Giraffes. Apr 4 p. 2 caricature by Robinson of Mr Morgan (demo candidate opposing Aaron Clark for mayor) ineffectually quelling a riot, pointed and good natured.  p. 4 Booksellers dinner (300 guests) inclu Col Trumbull, Geo Dearborn, Harpers, Felt, Putnam, W Jackson, etc, decorated with busts of authors and portraits of Hancock, Gen Knox, etc, usual suspects, also Chas King Col Stone Ct Tasistro, Legget, Inman, Weir and Chapman

Apr 6 p. 2 letter by a lady abt artist of eminence, liberal patronage, fr Washington: extraord genius refined cultivated taste, modest, little English, Pettrich fr Dresden, studied w Thorwaldsen in Rome at King’s expense, female fisherwoman at Rome a sensation, sleeping innocence, colossal statues, pope knighted him, Prof of Acad of FA at Athens by King Otho, heard of Persico’s commissions $20,000; came to US 1836.  Groups for east front of Capitol before Congress, compet w Greenough, Powers and Persico, Gen Jackson encouraged him to do models,  two beaut allegories poetic fancy.  Van Buren chose Persico and Greenough, he needs help, doesn’t do busts but higher imaginative grade

Apr 8 p.1 notes Mirror has new start under Chas F Hoffman, improved; Apr 10 p. 2 ad for Splendid ptgs auction in Gallery of Arcade Baths 100 specimens first class genuine productions of Velazques etc framed richest style, entire Coll never exhib, (puff on Apr 12 choice gd for ladies) Robinson pub elegant litho of new steamboat Swallow, likes Mrs Ellet’s usual happy vein

Apr 13 p.2 Persico Ital Sculpt Congress selected for $8000 one of 2 grps of Statuary for Eastern Portico of Capitol entrance, design of Columbus holding up a Globe, 2 Aborigines crouching at his feet, artist now in NY, embarking for Madrid to obtain best likeness of Columbus

Apr 14 exhib of German Artist Mr Garck 259 Broadway v superior talents, sm but elegant coll of ptgs by himself, orig drwg of discovery of America by Columbus 20 x 11 ft, object w/o rival

Apr 15 p. 1 NY Mirror Chapman and Smillie furnish eleg engrav view of city.  Delavan’s ad uses an allegorical woodcut

Apr 22 p. 2 notes Artists Fund Society exhib in Phila, 214 ptgs, works of native artists, lists Sully, Neagle, Shaw and Birch as pre-eminent, Sully’s Isabella fr Shakespeare highly lauded, also Neagle’s Studious Artist, and a Sea Piece and a View on Reedy River, NC by Shaw thought fine, though original sketcher was Elliot Cresson.  Notes universities being estab in west, uses Mex as example of folly of a specie currency.

Apr 25 1837 p. 2 12th Annual Exhib of NAD, biggest ever, more inequality of character, more portraits a ltd exercise of talent, but more works of genius higher order of compositions.

            Inman is prince of port ptg, still higher degree of perfection, all full of expression and grace, avoids too elab finish, gallant bearing, brightness, life and vivacity, imitate Thos Laurence, in time may rival him in power and expr, in drwg if not coloring.

            Page astonishing progress, diamond of first water, close on Inman’s heels.  His historical pict of Holy fam, merit, too monotony, figs lack sufficient expr/individuality.

            Durand new excellence wide range pictorial power, lscapes hard cold, grt merit, sky happily drwn;  ports and figs not so happy, his masterpiece is Healing the Possessed, a decided hit, chastely classically drawn figs grpd w/grt skill effect, pallid tints suited.

            Verbryck, young, rapid advance, elegant, dashed style ardent bold imag.  Frothingham, pupil of Stewart, chefdouevres Mr George Jones (the actor) is bold noble fire character, grace dignity devoid of labor and affectation, high wrought, yet nature and truth.  Agate’s Deacon Giles’ Distillery, Down East, subj well known, piquancy of satire comprehensiveness and force of subj, most remarkable ptg in room, could become another Hogarth.

            Cole, the Amer Claude, master productions, his Florence is finest thing of kind, style pure graphic, skill striking condensing so vast a field upon circumscribed compass, takes precedence over all other of his works (except his suite of Five Ages, region of fancy and design, vigor and brilliancy than ltd to copying nature).  beauty delicious warm blushing magnificient.  Fault is excessive desire to finish foliage too minutely, oversteps nature, detail outline smallest leaf, crimped frizzled aspect, compare to new promising D Huntington, lscapes esp Lake on Shawangunk Mtn are to eye more pleasing soft velvety smoothness colors blended, but sky ragged cottony inferior to Cole.

Apr 26 p. 2  my Xerox cuts off after Agate’s no. 104.

Morse, inimitable port, drapery most beaut, grace ease attitude, finish of hand foot, has genius, which only wants practice.

            Mount is master spirit, alone unrivalled in dept of comic, greatest this country has produced in that line of historic ptg, compared to Teniers.  his grps fr most ludicrous scenes of domestic life like Teniers, but he excels in depending for those designs upon exhaustless rich imag and nice perception of ridiculous. gems, Rustic Courtship, most perfectly finished, extreme delicacy of humor in maiden’s expression immortal Gerard Douw leer.  285 Raffling Scene, shrewdness, point, infinite drollery; 268 Farmer’s Nooning Harvest, more true, more dry humour, varied expr character costume physiog repose etc, all perfect.

            For rest (SH Gimber, Geo Linen, JB Kidd, G Harvey, J Shaw, Mrs E Unkart, Inman, Cole, G Marsiglia,  GL Brown, Huntington, Geirgon, H Pratt, TT Fowler, J Whitehorne) merit, high finish, fine, correct, well drawn, clayey, charming, grt spirit character rich delightful, perfect, speaking, delicious, brilliancy, transparency, hard, akin to Chinese porcelain, beaut, capital, bold, free, true, spirited well done, excellent, capital, rich, well exec

            critical of JG Chapman, capitally done Indian,idea improbable.  Critical of Agate, too black, fig too small, not drawn well, but drapery and archit somber imposing

            No 105 Port TT Fowler, like the style and character of this.  110 Portrait, Ingham, his best this yr.  117 Port JN Reynolds, J Thompson, too heavy.  151 Cat’s Head, FJ Swinton, excellent. 159 Interior of Shakespeare’s Hse, Stratford, Geo Jones, v well sketched.

            No 196 Student (a young lady), G Oakley, Esq.  Capital, charming girl of 16 fanatical for abstruse studies, buried in her dark gothic chamber, obscurely lighted thru panes of ancient painted windows, poring over blackletter MSS on her table.  A Fine imagination--a rich colorist.

            237 Portrait, F Boyle, well exec. 286 Portrait, ED Marchant, his best. 303 Portrait, EO Martin, ease and spirit. 304 Portrait, CW Tice.  Adams, the Wood Graver, has a  coll of rare gems.

            254 Country cottage Residence of Washington Irving, on Hudson, nr Sleepy Hollow, Harvey, touch of Abbottsford in style of archit and grounds, but old Dutch gable ends peep out, and Pallisades noble stream all just what we look for in Mr Irving’s fine taste and feelings.

Apr 27 p.2 Amer Painters in England, Doughty, the eminent Amer ptr fr Boston Transcript abt to leave for Engl, just auctioned his works in Boston, no elegant art the Amer mind more intuitive talent for than ptg, artists must seek bread abroad, patronage high minded nobility, fostering protection nurtured their genius to maturity, Vanderlyn’s gold medal of Napoleon, West Trumbull and others first efforts in England, present generation follow.  Healy, young Boston artist, in London, ptg distinguished Hume.  Osgood of Boston is at Cambridge, another fr Baltimore.  A Portrait brings $1500.  Mr Campbell, proprietor of the Amer work in folio, called the Indian Port Gallery most graciously received by royalty, describes attending palace and getting his subscription, asked questions abt the work, examined all portraits, remarks on ea, read some pages, v interesting, belief nobility wld patronize it, great cost, hope richly compensated for large praiseworthy undertaking, unusual interest.

Apr 29 p.2 NAD continued.  Singles out Mayr, Harvey, Chapman, Weir, Wall, Cummings and Dodge.

            Mayr grotesque and coarse humor school, little too racy, more of Tenier than Mount’s broad but most delicate humor.  grps of figs domestic scenes, much talent, Bachelor’s Hall capital and to life, morning toilette, shaving, drinking and ?.  Others capital too.  Chief fault all figs clumsy dwarfish stumpy defect foreshortenings perhaps designedly so like Rembrandt more grotesque effect.  coloring and finish not grt, but not impt in this line, has boldness and genius, esp this year.

            Alfred Agate is bro of distinguished Agate, miniature of DH Delavan Esq, old friend, capital likeness.

            Harvey conspicuous lscapes, taste, eleg and delicacy, strict effect of perspectivie and localities, pervading pallor or coldness, not warmth mellow softness of those quiet scenes.  Inclined Plain on Rrd, grt effect, toll house happily selected, persp beaut. Hastings is capital, astonishing minuteness fidelity to truth, full of spirit, his best, tho Morning view of Pallisades also admirable copy fr familiar everyday scenes 

May 1 1837 p.2 NAD cont.  Chapman, Rotunda commission, better works in former exhibs, hope his genius isn’t stationary or retrograding.  Christ walking on the sea not our taste at all, nor the Fisher Boy, bolstering up principal fig as in no 52, too artificial.  Christ healing Bartimus, large tableau, much merit, imitates grouping old scriptural masters, well drwn, coloring gd, monotony and stll life in attitudes and expression.  Flight of Sergeant Champ, Lee’s memoirs, full of fire and life, excels in warm, richly tinted wild lscapes, fails in groups and figs except battles or stirring situations as here.

            Weir only one, Santa Claus, established reputation.  jeu d’espirt fine perception of ridiculous, close knowl of historical detail propriety, exhib to perfection grotesque figure, details admirable, fr humorous poetical description of Mr Moore of this city.

            Wall, eminent artist, scene on Mowhawk is best of his lscapes.  Cummings chef douevre is miniatures, exquisite graceful, expr beauty.  Dodge’s miniatures stamp of genius, sweet beaut.

            Rest of catalog, omitting those not worthy of partic crit:

Chizzola, Ital artist, Arabesque ornament, success in interior of Bowery, churches, etc.  Swinton, self taught native young artist, a boy, precocious talent in animals, ptg rare merit, spirited dashing style, fire, fretting, admirable, future Vernet, bold character.  JT Harris, Port of Lady, well drwn, arms swollen.  ED Marchant head, capital, one of best of numerous of his, another v pretty.

            Rhapsodizes again abt Huntington’s lscapes, lovely, closest inspection, gems of rare perfection, also Page’s Portrait, as a whole, most admirably finished and spirited head, rich coloring and luxuriousness of Titian style, a future King.

            H Bryant Port Lady , v pretty.  Fowler, dept of his own, scenes of domestic life fr olden times, successful in groups’ situations, heads not in proportion, but rest rich good keeping, attitude etc expression character.

            King of Washington, Indian Port ptr, perfect a master richly ornamental graphic style, lovely young squaw.

            Goes back to J Thomson’s port of JN Reynolds (well known navigator), tolerable not flattering likeness, too rubicund.  J Whitehorne port gman, decided talent.  JB White, Genl Marion’s Swamp Encampment, well drawn and spirited, coloring dull confused.  Bird, bya lady, beaut finish to plumage.  JW Marten, watercolor view, v well.  Miss Black, v delicate pretty.

            Lscapes by Casilear, modest, unpretending, much merit.  Chapel by Beaumont, well drwn, Still life by Hadduck, subj little scope much talent.  JL Morton (amateur) half portrait, grt credit to ability taste.  Lscape WB Oddie, best of his.

            Grunewald, both scenes show practiced master, most finished productions, bear minute exam, like Mount.  185, no name, has sweet repose, fine light shade, grt beauty coloring.  Chapman’s style pure but cold.

            Mayr’s Capt Smith visit to Powhattan, too confused, unworthy, too serious a subj for him.

            F Boyle’s port has character, force. F Williams’ Dominie Sampson, happily drawn, spirited, promise fine talent, admirable ease, freedom in figs, grt character.  Marchant’s port of Counsellor Graham, admirable speaking likeness, breathe life eloquence.

            Ingham port of Miss Sedgwich, authoress, one of his best, flattered; his attempt at lscape, like its peculiar style, lux of color, sweetness of repose, almost too highly polished to be natural.

Most distinguished names in exhib are:  FS Agate, Chapman, Cole, Cummings, Dodge, Fowler, Frothingham, Giergon, Crunnewald, Harvey, Huntington, Inman, Ingham, King, Marchant, Marsiglia, Mayr, Morse, Mount, Oakley, Page, Swinton, Verbryck, Wall, Weir. 

May 2, p. 2 Is a fan of the Bowery/Hamblin, and Sam Patch.  Notices a Robinson Caricature of Uncle Same with La Grippe, close imit of style of Hogarth, best litho of kind in country. Very sensible series of articles on paper currency.

May 3 p. 2 notes that an accomplished artist in Chicago, all refined genteel liberal, a miniature of our city, is erecting bldg for an Acad of FA:  Mr Bowman collected in Euro antiques, fine picts, copies of celeb, fullsize Transfig of Raphael, will send a pupil to Italy to bring them, deposit in completed Academy.

            Article 3 and last on the National Ptgs and Painters, by Parthenos.  Last time reflected that it was surprising which artists Congress rejected; the portion of nation conversant with capacity of our artists had already decided, public opinion seldom erroneous, list of honor Allston and Morse as leading historical artists, studied fr youth.  Alston’s refusal on noble grds, that no one artist shd do two of ptgs, too much like monopoly, and second, must not neglect his current picture.  Who did Alston, the highest authority on Fine Arts, recommend? Morse.  Not biased by friendship.

            Committee decision was prejudiced, lacked knowl of fa, but Morse shd have justice, not because of private rlnshp, but for country’s sake.  Chief artists of NAD and amateurs in Ptg, form an assn, engaged him grand historical pict on Amer Hist, of same proportion and character in art as Rotunda.    A noble revenge like Phidias’s, will actuate pride and genius of Morse, new born spirits.

May 4 p. 2 cites Mr Brooks of Albany Daily Advertiser, a thorough connoisseur in FA, re Mr Anelli, now ptg family of Patroon:  his splendid pict of Deluge much admired in NY, now ptg portraits, masterpieces of genius, features sparkle with life, seem to stand out fr canvas.

May 6 p. 1 describes the “Expunging Scene” in the Senate, Henry Wise of VA, says he has seen the ptg of Temptation of Adam and Eve, criticized it for trying to make visible influence of the Serpent; an influence  can’t be ptd, but saw it when VA Senator Leigh looked cuttingly at Benton, who shrunk.  p. 2 editor says some grt historical ptr shd sketch the affair as described.  [Senate had censured Jackson over his canceling charter of US Bank, refusing to give them a document].

            -story about Retrenchment, two men meet in frnt of Astor Hse, describes cutting all his expenses, fires staff, auctions wine, silver, china, superb ptgs by Rafael, Rubens, Tintoretto, etc mirrors.  Gives count of what he got for all of them, made most from wines, then plate, but ptgs came in ahead of carriage and pair.  Buys a farm instead.

            -notices that Stewart’s ptg of Washington in Faneuil Hall copied by MA Swett of Boston, engr on wood by T Kelly for Franklin Print Co, pretty faithful copy.

            -notes NY Mirror covers NAD this week

May 8 p. 1 Miniature: Msr Averani, young Fr artist at Florence, says Mr Gordon, talent for copying miniatures with force of oil, copied Raphael, Titian, highly finished, auctioned them back in Sloane st, later advertised as an orig Titian portrait of Mary Queen of Scots

Pickpockets rampant among ladies at the Louvre, fr a  French paper. (May 12 p. 1), p. 2 anecdotes of the Bonapartes inclu description of a princess’s bedroom, elevated pedestal with bust of Murat, none can approach shrine of idol, radiated by lights, flowers around it

May 13 p. 2 Those rejected for Rotunda comfort sympathy in fate of M Gigous, works at recent exhib at Louvre repudiated by Judges, the Duke of Orleans, a critic, sent letter of congrats to him

May 16 p. 1 excerpts fr Dunlap’s History of NY for Schools in the Mirror, begins with best engrav on wood ever saw, faithfully copied by Mr Adams, fr Mount’s beaut ptg The Studious Boy, frontispiece for Dunlap’s book pub by Collins.  A character the “Uncle” has procured a little picture of the idler (a boy dressed like the Studious Boy, but a blackguard sitting on a fence nr the Hse of Refuge), to compare to the SB.  The idler smokes cigars, attends at doors of theatres, eventually will steal; studious boy poor too, but gd mom, apprenticed, becomes Pres.

p. 2 puffs Catlin, celeb Indian portraits and views, taken fr life on spot, distinguished artist and writer, periolous and romantic excursions, exhib Albany, remarkable coll of the kind, 200 portraits fr 38 of wildest tribes, all certified as correct, 40 lscapeviews on beaut pictque scenery upper Mississippi, splendid specimens costume etc.

Poem by WD Gallagher

May 18 p. 1 fr Baltimore Amer, letter fr promising young ptr Alfred J miler, abilities unrewarded in big cities will be brought into prominence thru patronage of man of taste and acquirement

Mar 19 p. 2 puffs agn fine port of Halleck in Mirror, start of pictorial series of eminent Americans, now spirited facsimile likeness of Willis, engr by Parker fr fine port by Harding, next is Bryant, Irving, Verplanck, Paulding, Cooper, Sprague, Dunlap, etc.  illust are masterpieces of art, framed by those proud of genius of country, wish to preserve effigies of men who have done country honour.  Mr Henry Inman, the first portraitist in the country, says they are most accurate and elegant of their kind.

May 23 p. 2 Valentine No 50 John st, handsome specimens of engraving for notes of one dollar or less, which individuals or businesses may find convenient to issue.  Huge Knickerbocker ad, full column.  Notes a new local piece at the National, “Chances and Chage or a touch at the  Times,” Mitchell is funny

May 25 p. 1 insert item, admire mangnanimity of eminent sculptor, govt cold reception as recognize no merit other than political servility, still offers free instruction in noble art, no reward, just pleasure to one of hi purposes and liberal views

            F Pettrich, Sculptor, in DC, informs govts of states of union that he intends a free schl of sculpt and statuary, a seminary of native artists, one youth fr ea state chosen by Governors, native, gd natural abilities, 15-17, ordinary education.  students must pay for maintenance for the six yrs necessary to learn theoret and practical knowl of noble art, may need a patron of genius or friend of arts to help.  republics proficient in the arts, must leave to posterity living features of those who serve freedom. 

p. 2 favors copyright protection of authors

May 26 p. 2 Notes that fine arts are flourishing in TX, Mr Wright’s Gallery of Ptgs much applauded. 

May 27 p. 2 Likes idea of an Indian Museum.  Mirror has Adam’s wood engrav of murder of Miss McCrae, exquis finished; May 29 p.2 Hoffey, the Lithog, capital likeness of Maj Stevens celeb dwarf, at Peale’s

            May 30 1837 p. 1 actually reproduces the Adams wood engrav, with excerpt of the story fr Mirror, she’s more dressed but pose is as in Vanderlyn, more bower like and dark setting, one Indian in same pose as Vanderlyn, the other? hard to make out.  Says design is by GL Brown and exec by Mr Hooper, and is in the second volume of Dunlap’s History of NY, for schools.  Tells it not as a patriotic story, but as universal story of horrors of war.

May 31 p. 2 (swartout is a Whig?) notes Atheneum Exhib of Ptgs in Bston was to be opened, Catherwood is exhib his grand panorama of Jerusalem ptd by celeb Burford in 1834, superlative beauty, also his view of Niagara Falls.

Jun 3 1837 p. 2 Marshal Soult’s Murillo Gallery, coll by late Baron Matthieu Faviers, his intendant general in Spain, is auctioned in France, Mr Hope gave 22,000 francs for Holy Family; puffs a Levy auction of choice eleg Ptgs at Arcade, grt bargains.  Ad p. 3 handsomely framed, sold with furniture, coll beaut modern ancient lscapes by best masters, also scripture, historical flower fruit pieces in excellent condition, gman of taste

Jun 5 p. 1 Knick publishes Mrs Ellett of SC on Schiller, p. 2 new engrav pop both sides Atlantic, Abbotsford Family,Scott as a farmer et al, fr picture by Wilkie owned by Sr Adam Ferguson line engrav by Graves;  works of Thom Lawrence are still in pub.

            Letter fr Timon to Editor, suggesting council of NAD continue the exhib a few weeks longer than usual, present state of public mind needs innocent and intellectual amusement, constant crowds, Acad makes us forget our troubles and anxieties

Jun 7 p. 2 treat for taste for fine line Engrav window 205 Broadway proof of celeb print of Widow Wadman by an Amer, Danforth, beaut print of Scott in his study, with gems by Doo, prince of mod engravers

June 9 1837 notices Alfred Agate; June 5 Timon writes urging NAD stay open longer, constant crowd, innocent intellectual amusement makes us forget for a time our troubles and anxieties

Jun 9 p.2 Alfred Agate, proprietor of some fine ptgs at Acad of Design, artist of much merit, is to go in the So Sea Exploring Edition (fr the Times).  Likes Dunlap.  Raphaelle’s celeb La Belle Jardiniere sold at London 260 guineas (Jun 12)

C&E critical of Willis’ originality, under urging of Park Benjamin?  Long puff/prospectus  for Mirror mentions steel engravings commemorating romantic scenery and illustrious characters of our land, Landing at Jamestown, ptd by Chapman, historical lscape, portraits illus genius of Stewart, Inman, Weir and other native artists;  wood engravings Adam’s skill

Jun 23 p. 2 our grt ptr Sully most beaut port of lamented Chief Justice Marshall for courthse at Virginia; Jun 24 p. 2 Cousin’s engrav of Landseer’s Bolton Abbey admirable

Jun 26 p.2  Fine Arts: Colman small v finely finished port of Miss Tree, litho by JM Belisario of London, likeness not as striking as Heiderman’s, but close fine finish to drwg shows artist man of merit

Seems to prefer the romantic to the realist--not a big fan of classification of clouds? covers a famous pugilist fight in England. excerpts fr Martineau. disapproves of profs of oriental lit, need more manual labor schools.  Jun 30 p.2 notices American Genius, vignettes in Poughkeepsie Telegraph, beaut exec woodcuts, by Mr Lossing jr ed of paper, pupil of celeb JA Adams of NY, bold, graphic, full of fire, capital;  a perfect thing, a litho of dancer Augusta in Pas Styrien, fr drwg by Heidemans, pub Shepherd 262 Broadway

Jul 3 1837 notices Catlin, puffs Hayward’s Picture gall, in the ads p. 3, Chamber and Broadway, 70 pictures by old masters, highly respectable names (Rembrandt, Rubens, Claude, Vandyke, Teniers, Reynolds, etc, admierers of fine arts. (those listed in ad as recommending coll inclu Morse, Inman, Ingham, Page, Harvey, Spencer, Frothingham, Durand, Dunlap, A Muler, M Paff, G Oakley, JW Gerard, PFlandin, GW newcombe, Stewart Watson; Nat Acad members invited, artists and amateurs can copy, clergy invited.  Hayward is owner of English engravings shop formerly on Courtlandt, now on Chambers st)  Mr Coffee, eminent artist Albany, but of Van Buren too many facsimiles of gman already in ruin of country.

            gives a whole column on the 5th to contents of No Amer Rev.  Likes Ms Martineau’s sincerity re America.  blurb abt a painter who would benefit fr a national bank.  Jul 6 a young Ital v beaut sketches oil scenery nr Palermo by an artist there, hi order of merit as usual, graceful rich bold in drwg, mellow softness tint, Palmo’s Broadway

Jul 8  notice that Rosa drew inspir fr magnif scenery of Vesuvius etc, Hogarth foung his ina  pothouse in Highgate, both reached the sublime, in grotesque and the majestic (mirror).  Later puffs Audubon, displaying in colman’s window

Jul 14 6 litho ports of princess sold in Paris, all dissimilar, all from nature; letter fr Americus re Hayward’s Pict Gall, has visited all the galleries in Euro, his equals and often surpasses private colls there.  Rembrandt’s Master Shipbuilder and Wife are size of nature, in his study, color expr chiaroscura, valued at $5000; another grt one is Bergham View in Italy, transparency, beauty of handling, rich warmth; 15th a statue of Gen Foy has been placed in French Chamber of Deputies. notes Emerson is giving PBK address at Harvard

approves NYU speeches at grad as correct.  don’t have Monday the 24th, skips to the 25th, p.1 notices West’s death on pale horse, p. 2 Hogarth’s plates sell two or three times more than others, Pickwick papers illust by Seymour first, whose fame was rivaling Cruikshank, after his suicide, RW Buss a clever artist

28 notice of Amer sculptors in Far West, Cinti boasts young native, Mr Jno King, admirable busts Morgan Neville and Mr Thomas, author of Clinton Bradshaw.  Of H Powers, we have freq mention.  29th mocks the Times for a woodcut likeness of young Queen V, as if expecting a knighthood, satirical abt its likelihood of pleasing her;  also notes Thorburn has beaut mezzotints of Duchess of Kent and Queen, ornaments to fine coll.  Supports Sammy Woodworth benefit.

Aug 1 1837 p.2 Young Jarvis, the Painter, son of celeb port ptr, ptd beaut head and bust of sleeping Ariadne, copied from a chef d’oeuvre of his dad, to be seen at Sandy Welch’s, a liberal patron of art of ptg as well as gastronomy, has several other ptgs of Dutch Dames and Knickerbocker subjects, done by young native artists.

Notices McGuffie of Cinti Coll favorably; has some blurbs fr other papers of misadventures befalling a sign/ornamental painter who falls into the harbor, a painter who is in another accident. has regularly puffed Saunders’ edition of Lafayette’s memoirs. Praises a German bookstore

Aug 9 Fine Arts in Georgia: the Departure of the Georgia Volunteers for Florida a year since is subj of beaut ptg by Headen at Augusta, engravings being made fr it.  Evidence of correct taste: 1000 visited West’s famous Death on a Pale Horse at Providence RI

Aug 14 p.2 Signor Bragaldi, Ptr of beaut frescoes of Opera Hse, just returned fr Italy w/new models and improvements in his art, 424 Broadway, those with rooms or churches or theatres to decorate, taste and execution conceded by all

Aug 21 reprints Plaindealer’s attack on the Times, same political party, as tool of clique of dishonest monopolists, looking for spoils, including Gideon Lee, Daniel Jackson, Geo D Strong, Morgan L Smith, who want a national bank

Aug 22 p.2 New Era asks where is studio of Signor Ottaviano Gori, the Florentine sculptor, answers it’s at Bleecker st and Broadway.  example of his ability to execute busts in marble or plaster, heir of Napoleon let him take his face in plaster, ordered a bust.  Also did Fieschi after his decapitation.  Expeditious method, least annoying, admirable likenesses, may see there the only correct plaster cast of Napleon after death.

Cites Courier & Enquirer on riots about the Woods at the Park as saying the Eve Star’s defense of the Woods injures the cause of the Whigs!  Puffs various land developers.

Aug 24 p. 2 frequently spoken of accuracy fidelity of drwgs of Packet Ships by Pringle, who made a coll for a gallery, which didn’t succeed.  They are now at Clovers in Broadway above Reed st.  spirit of their execution, not since Vernet a marine painter of equal talent.  Pringle was impressed on a Brit man o war, will paint a ship in calm or storm by order, his wrecks of Bristol and Mexico are most spirited, accurate, appalling and frightful events.  NY Mirror has a descriptive engrav drawn and engrav BJ Lossing

Aug 26 p. 1 eulogium to Col Trumbull fr Northampton Mass Courier, distinguished relict, arouses regret that this grt ptr who m Girard himself at Paris pronounced perhaps the greatest living in battle pieces, does not publish his personal memoirs.  fancy warm and playful, memory exact.  Extract says he was arrested in retaliation for Andre, freed by West’s intervention. staunch Whig now.  Eve Star likes Willis’ new tragedy at Park, beaut poetry but a want of incident

Aug 28 Liverpool corresp notes Mr Newton, miniature ptr to Queen, has been knighted; Mr Durocher found at Capri a beaut marble bust of Virgil.  Likes Williams history of Florida

Aug 30 p. 1 new method of engraving by Mr John Burnet (fr Athenaeum), cheaper than other processes and just as good.  proposes to do Raphael’s cartoons, superior to overwrought works of Holloway, broad bold and admirable, within reach of humblest classes. p. 2 Royal Academy closed, receipts exceeded 7000 pounds.  likes Dunlap’s hist of NY.

Sept 1 1837 p. 1 long praise of Willis’ tragedy for Miss Clifton. p. 2 Dubufe’s Ptgs, more than 100,000 have seen his Adam and Eve, a still more admirable ptg of celeb artist for exhib at new Stuyvesant Inst in Broadway near Bond st.  sat looking an hour, increased pleasure and satisfaction, superb in all its parts, bears strictest critical analysis.  Haidee and Don Juan fr Byron, attitude and beauty, energy and resolution, splendor and accuracy, beauty and fidelity. St John Wilderness also fine.

Sept 2 p. 2 the author of system of homeopathy, Hahnemann, married young lady, Miss D’Hervilly, a Ptr under famous Le Thiers, while he was finishing celeb chef d’oeuvre Death of Virginia, some of her portraits in this city, and Le Thiers and Miss D much in Amer society.

            Notes a young gifted artist of much merit in Port Ptg at 359 Broadway, Matteson, a printer by profession.  Robinson in Courtlandt st an excellent caricature of various smokers, serving out the abuse of the VA weed.

            Notes that WG Clark does Ollapodiana for Knickerbocker, but other notices etc are the NY editor, LG Clark, for last two years or so.

Sept 7 p.2 Signor Bragaldi, scene ptr and artist to Ital opera, brought Marionettes.  Likes Hudson’s Express and the Daily Express

Sept 9 p. 2 Mrs Cocking, widow of unfortunate lscape ptr killed by his invented parachute, rec’d condolence and money fr young queen

Sept 12 p. 1 A picture of the Ascension for Catholic church at Zanesville, by a Mr Cleveland of that place, is highly spoken of, Historical Ptg in the West

Sept 13 p. 2 Spanish Gallery in the Louvre, splendid purchase by Louis Philippe, not yet open, but consists of abt 400 ptgs chiefly purchased by Baron Taylor, to supplement existing picts by Ribera, Murillo and Velasquez, but none of the 200 Palomino (the Vasari of Spain) accounts for.  Praises school for its physical passions, corporeal life, palpitating living flesh with beauties and roughness, energy, true to nature, elevation and purity forgotten in admiration of truth.  Greco Zurburan et al, shd also buy Soult’s Murillo gall

Sept 14 gives story behind Morris’ woodman spare that tree.  Knickerbocker is pleasant, racy, spirited, tasteful, fastidious, graceful, lightness, wit, but not vulgar sauciness.

            Ads p. 3 for Dubufe’s ptg mentions that Byron is 175 feet of canvass, still advert for Hayward, notes a magnificent exhib pict of Fall of Jerusalem ptd by Whichels of London is for sale by W Hayward as well, and I Langendoerfer on Pearl St has recd choice valuable coll of orig oil ptgs partic merit, connoisseurs, amateurs and directors of galleries to call

Sept 18 notes that an article purporting to be fr Amer Inst appeared in the Sunday Morning news, attacking Mechanics Institute, and saying any objects at their fair won’t be allowed in, won’t be greeted with favor, like last year’s aristocratic attempt to force mechanics? to leave the Garden by a back gate

Sept 19 1837 p. 2 notices truly finished and spirted likeness of Miss Ellen Tree in character of Ion, fr drwg by Miss Gillies, perfect resemblance, beaut engrav, in Saturday’s Albion, cheap and correct likeness

            poem For the Star “The Portrait” inscribed to Mr Chas Ingham, fr Ione:  “It lives! (tho her eldest son has died) Thou art restored! but I am mocked! beguiled with a phantom, shadow, naught! praised be the hand of art, thou hast not died!

Sept 20 Poem: loafer, spare that dog!  briefly notices Fanny Elssler in rln to a romance.

            p.2 Fine Arts: numerous new prints in Mr Colman’s windows is one of great interest, Maid ofSaragossa, ptd Sir David Wilkie, engr Saml Cousins, ARA superior style. Byron, Southey, Painter added lasting form and expression, female triumph story of nations.  truth and true effect, Wilkie visited, scene is of reality not fancy, as are the portraits and costume of heroic defencers, Palafox sat, Maid and Father Consolacion fr the life.  Key describes the characters, he enumerates.  Another interesting print Snap Apple Night or All Hallow Eve engr by Scott fr wellknown pict by D McClise, ARA, beaut print, fr story by Saml Lover.  Also The Abbotsford Fa,mily fr ptg by Wilkie, also a key

            Likes Delmonicos, including walls prettily ptd with fresco imitations, Signor Calyo

            recommends lovers of fine arts to visit Academy, Barclay st, coll of ptgs sold tomorrow, v beaut, worthy attn intellectual fashionable ornaments, hones proprietor didn’t attach hi sounding names as authors

Sept 21 1837 p. 2 Mr Clavinger a young native Sculptor grt promise at Cinti, only 15 months ago a stone cutter, busts and bas reliefs pronounced by Cinti Post and Louisville J beaut specimens of the art

            -long defense of the Mechanics Inst, by its officers, accuses Am Inst of being aristocratical and anti republican

Sept 22 negro ballads are our only true music.  likes the Olympic.  Letter fr Amer Inst agrees that they do ask mechanics artists etc to choose to exhibt at either Amer Inst or mech Inst, not both, urges them to read the circular in the Courier & Enquirer

Sept 23 p. 2 lists 11 engravings in this volume of NY Mirror, include several ptd by Weir, lively  poetic, Chapman (including his Strawberry Girl, Blind Musician), BJ Lossing, Inman’s port of Bryant, and engr by Adams, hooper, Durand, White, Lossing, Parker and Thorn.

Sept 25 p. 2 puffs Catlin’s arrival and his gallery and lectures, most perfect and authentic, praoses his lectures the next day too, carry us into proudest days of chivalry and romance, 2 days later spirited pictures, gorgeous, sublime, picturesssque

Sept 27 splendid Panorama at Niblo’s of Ceylon’s elephant hunts, ptd Wm Daniel RA; Sept 28 p. 1 splendid pictures fr Bufford’s press, beaut colored litho view of W Irving’s residence on Hudson, ptd by Harvey, lovely picture for saloon.  Fr Shephard 262 Broadway, superb mezzotinto engrav of Ld Byron fro rig owned by Jno Murray.  Good companion to Irving.

            ad for prospectus for US Mag and Demo Review. 

            Likes Catlin’s 2nd lecture, on the Indians customs as exemplified by ptgs

Sept 30 report fr DC, town full of Indians, Iowa tribe visited rotunda of capitol, struck with relievos over four doors, scnes of our ancestors and theirs, struggle of Boon with Indians, one of whom lies prostrate beneath his feet, most interesting, gazed intense looks, no remark.  countenances illumined at Penn, and Pocahontas, and highly pleased with marble statues on eastern piazza, asking what great brave was that (the War) and the Peace they called a  big white squaw (glad Persico was in Italy).

            likes Roy’s Hebrew and English dictionary

            Fisher, the artist, finished in Boston 2 large picts of pecular interest, illust astonishing escapes Gen Putnum, down rapids when Indians attacked, represe of cascades in capital style of lscape, story excellently told by position and grouping.  Other is view of Putnam’s hill, eluding capture from cavalry who feared to descend

Oct 2 1837 p. 2 Young Powell of Cinti, artist of grt merit, just esstab at 11 Park Place, nearly completed likeness of Vandenhoff in Cato, great actor celeb Soliloquy

Oct 3 p.2 long notice of unus large valuable splendid coll of choice ancient Italian celeb pictures/masters at NAD at Clinton Hall, undoubted origs, carefully preserved, unequalled extent beauty value.  connoisseur man of taste splendid opportunity gratification admiration genuine mighty efforts of the art, originality and richness of several styles:

            Guido’s Madonna of Assumption, natural chaste tone, graceful flowing, heaving bosom, perfect keeping in design.  Fornarina by Raphael, genuine toucgh magic pencil, rare and magnificent orig, grace ease beauty of attitude, happy blending of color, study for artist, eye of taste.  Carlo Dolci, chasteness, beauty, sublimity, (Christ, Madonna).  Port by Vandyke, perfect knowl of effect, gem; Remb self port, fine attitude, deep tone, intellectual taste judgment.  Raphael first sketch Leo X with cardinals, Rosa, Bronzino,

            Ad for Aaron Levy auction of engravings for trade; ad for splendid large valuable coll 160 oil ptgs by ancient and modern masters at Gallery 565 Broadway next to Prince st will close soon

Oct 4 p. 2 splendid litho Print of Mr Biddle ptd by Eicholtz engr Sartain, pub in Phila, striking resemblance, rather youthful, sold by Small 298 Pearl st.  Monument to Sir Walter Scott in George’s Sq Glasgow, 120 ft pillar, statue on top, grt ornament

Oct 5 Knickerbocker Hall, next to Park theatre, longest saloon in country, rare and costly ptgs adorn walls, conducted by J Adams, protégé of Sandy Welsh (Alex. Welsh now owns Terrapin Lunch, and also the City Saloon late City Theatre)

            p.3 Pell auctions off furniture of the American Hotel, pianos, mirrors, carpets, etc etc and A grt number of Ptgs, some of v high cost

Supports Woodworth benefit of course. Oct 12 p. 2 cites the London Sun, noticing the New Monthly, and quoes beaut lines ona Child at Play with a Watch, by Mrs Osgood, of Boston, wife of a young Amer artist now trying pencil in London, and gives the poem

Oct 13 p.2 more puff of Catlin, elegance of his rooms in Stuyvesant Inst;  M Guillet placed beaut ptgs by Dubuffe downtown, convenient, in Saudners’ large pict rm, betw Liberty and Corutlandt sts in Broadway;  anecdote of Victoria commenting on many ports of Mrs Norton, a lady freely canvassed

Oct 14 a grt curiosity, in acad of Arts Barclay st, view of ruins of Paestum in Italy, in mosaic, splendid affair, examine for an hour, valued at $7000

Oct 16 p.1 Hiram Powers, Self taught sculptor of Cinti, young, remarkable facility moulding actual living expr, not dead, passionless facsimile, has given him such celebrity, sailed to Italy.  Fr Boston Transcript, invited by Greenough, whose patronage will help him to fame grt genius destined.  his models of Webster, Thom L Winthrop and Abbot Lawrence are perfect likenesses, Webster partic only faithful resemblance of orig ever in any form.  will transfer to marble in G’s studio, friends among most intelligent citizens

Oct 17 p. 2 notes demise of Times.  notes Sully got a diamond ring fr a committee before he left for Euro, (artist described as distinguished, retiring, modest), inclu Nich Biddle, Willis Gaylord Clark and gifted artists JB Longacre Wm E Tucker, recd w/much emotion.

Oct 18 p. 2 has fuller coverage of Am Inst than Mech Fair, follow up note on Stuyvesant Institute that it’s for profit and private, not free instruction, but speculative object aiming for returns on capital invested.

Oct 19 p.2 Am Inst continues, inclu galleries of Sloon unparalleled imposing grandeur, multitude fine Engrav, Ptgs; puffs an auction by Bell of v superior old ptgs, next to Lyceum, sd to have many origs

            -advert for Fair notes that Hanington’s dioramics will be there too, by RW Bengough, C Lehr, Walker; advert for Bell says choice origs selected by amateur imported fr Rome, judges grt merit

Oct 21 p.2 Royal Sculpturess, one of Louis Philippe’s family, practical talent for chizzel more glory than her birth, Princess Marie working on statue of Jeanne Hachette, promises one of grt beauty, has done Joan of Arc at Versailles and windows at Fontainebleuau

Oct 24 p. 2 more on Am Inst, pleased elegantly finished bust, style exceeding anything, by disting Italian sculptor Signor Gori, Bleecher and Broadway, self port, perfect, admirable, reverse of dull passionless absence of vitality, too often a fault, peculiar method time for a cast not over 2 minutes, modest gman, deserves encouragement, likenesses scarely cost. 

            Notes miniatures by Mr Miller, self taught native of city, 16 Rivington st nr Bowery, head of Christ shows fine orig talent, another of Halleck the poet, fr other portraits but has hit peculiar sarcastic expression in happier manner

Oct 25 p. 1 notices Amer Soc for Diffus Useful Knowl, formed earlier that yr, plan for a library, p. 2 covers visit of Keokuck et al to Catlin’s gallery, he exhib to them their portraits, they seemed in ecstasies, and demo’d the faithfulness of the likenesses, ladies all in love, pity Forrest wasn’t there

oct 26 p. 2 5000 francs voted for monument to Murat at Cahors, his old district, mdme M presented govt with Gerard’s portrait of him, also a statue near Naples, where he was shot.  Notices a quite promising young artist in city, Powell of Cinti, Vandenhoff says his port as Cato highly creditable, at Mr Parmlee’s Park Place.  Like Powers from Cinti, West is to give us great Ptrs amd Sculptors.  Later corrects that it’s at the Saloon at the national Theatre, a splendid production (Vandenhoff did Cato for Woodworth’s benefit)

Nov 1 1837 p. 2 puffs Dubuffe’s, the Indians are to visit them, and to return to Catlin’s.  Recommends women work their good influence on men.  Praises Bowery production of Bronze Horse as a school for Ptg for amateur and professed artist, on rln to effect of light and shade.  Diorama is poetry itself, living nature, artist Mr Hillyard of school of Stanfield, applaud ptg, but gross inconsistency of Moorish and Egyptian and Chinese scenery.

Likes Buckingham’s lectures, Wallack. Life of Burr pub second volume, better than first, embell finely engr port of his daughter, fr ptg by Vanderlyn

Nov 6 p. 2 Cinti seat of fine arts, taste of city sober, for beaut, all possess, from the Chronicle a list of activities of Powers, Clevenger, Tucker (studio in Acad FA in Phila), Powell, Kellogg in Trenton, King, Beard, Lee and Frankenstein at home

            ad same page for Cooley and Bangs at Clinton Hall, Italian ptgs, rare extensive old masters.

            splendid state of Washington made in Italy presented to New Orleans Exchange by John Hagan was put on pedestal back of Portico, Carlo Richi of Carrara, sculptor, in toga, seated, sword at feet, likeness exact, cost $14,000

Nov 8 p. 1 recollections of Mdme Lobrun fr Foreign Quarterly Review, celeb port ptr, still alive, describes M Antoinette, skilful artist may be relied on for a just idea. emphasizes the brilliancy of her complexion, so transparent it took no shade, acked colors to render its freshness

p. 2 more praise of glorious scenery of Bowery; improved mode of fresco ptg by a German Gegenbauer at Rome, stucco

Nov 10 p. 2 notices newissue Ladies Companion with really beaut engrav in illustr of which Mrs Stephens writes spirited graphic best style pretty story.  Puffs Dubufe, first ptrs of the day

Nov 11 long notice of the Herald becoming lewd, boycott. fine spirited engrav of Russell, eminent vocalist, capital likeness in Knick; next day a letter on Herald (tho will stick in future to rule to not notice Herald) says its principal editor is Mr Houston, imprisoned in England for infamous book Ecce Homo and attacks on all religions.  Dislikes his attacks on Hoxie as too personal.  Houston denies it, says he does market stuff.

            -French fashion to put up statues in ea town to most distinguished native

Nov 16 p. 1 Mr Clevenger self taught native sculptor of Cinti returned fr Lexington, busts of Gov Poindexter and Gen Coombes, matchless bust Henry Clay, large orders of copies. p.2 update on boycott, boys who sell it driven out of wall st, the hotels, the steamboats.

NY Mirror table contents, has Washington Alston on Fine Arts.  ‘Flash’ does a lot of their political commentary poetry.  They also publish a lot of shinplaster poetry.  (notes in NY mirror Dec 8 Johnson the Amer Cruikshanks embellishes spirited etching of The Days of Shinplasters)

Nov 28 long puff of Catlin’s Gallery, more Indians recognizing portraits

            -says the Sun is friendly to Van Buren administration

            -ad for J Guild, miniature ptr, 127 Broadway, Cedar st

Dec 5 1837 p. 2 notes Mayor and Corporation visit Catlin’s gall tomorrow, reports a theft fr the gallery. cites Baltimore American a lot. Not much of a supporter of the Canadian insurrectionists.

Dec 9 p. 1 notices Amer Scenery, trans atlantic nature, engravings y R Wallis, L Cousen, Wimore, Brandard, Adlard, Richardson etc after drwgs mostly on the spot by WH Bartlett, known for scenery, Litery Dept umnder NP Willis

Nat Gazette attacks Russell, the vocalist.  v pleased but taken aback that nobility etc love Jim Crow. cites the Richmond Compiler that buffo negro songs are fr southwest, not the south, or the northern cities, respectable Virginians don’t like them, public amusements shd be chaste and intellectual, it’s a taste of the north.

keeps following the Glasgow monument to S W Scott story

Dec 16 p.2 splendid holiday work, WA Colman 205 Broadway, Authors of England, pantographic engrav invented here, perfected, portraits exquis medallions in relief, perfect illusions

Dec 20 p. 1 puffs Dunlap’s history of NY again as xmas present, extracts fr Francis Herve’s travel book on Grecian Beauty, exalted ideas fr poet and sculptor, in reality is dismissive of their persons and costume

p. 2 new improved species engraving, M Sieglander at Paris, wood and copper engrav resembles steel, Chalcoxylographie, rich superlative Greek roots engrafted on sicly phraseology of modern languages. many impressions can be made.

            The Thorwaldsen Museum, Denmark proud of grt sculptor, admired by world, muse at Copenhagen for chef-deouvres and casts of others, subscribers inclu many fine tableaux of young Danish artists who donate proceeds of sales of their works; T himself in Rome will leave all his works he owns, also his ptgs engrav vases designs, bronzes, gems etc

            Letter to editor fr Pink-eye, has read frequently in city journals favorable notices of deserving artists, yet never abt one of the most promising, young Barker, studio in Pearl st near Broadway.  everydisadvantage, but acquired character as port ptr among highly accomplished classes, marked merit, picts remarkable not only as likenesses but surpassingly beaut ptgs, no unnatural gaudiness of color of the unskilled, fr free indiscrim blending of colors, but the modesty or dark expressive richness of best schls.  nearer in finish those of Anelli, an Italian gman in city and deservedly the first artist in the country.  In his coll port of Miss Medina, the authoress, E Burke Fisher, co-editor of New Yorker, and JM Church, exceedingly good.

Dec 20 1837 Pink-Eye letter to editor, deserving artist, barker on Pearl st near Broadway, portrait ptg, beaut likenesses, no unnatural gaudiness of color which strikes the unskilled, arising fr a free and alm indiscriminate blending of colors, but more of modesty or dark expressive richness of best schools, near in char and finish those of Anelli, Ital gman in city and deservedly first artist in th country. has port of author Miss Medina, E Burke Fisher co-editor of N Yorker

Dec 21 p. 2 Daily News is loco foco and pro abolition? Notice fr Boston Transcript that the ports of first five Pres by celeb Amer Ptr Stewart, deceased, intended as  a historical series, are unpurchased tho by grtest masters in that line, while a port of Queen Vic at 11 by inferior hand of Westall brought 500 pounds.  As works of art merit praise high price, but republican institutions justly hostile to man worshipping which justify approp by Congress or any other representative body, historical galleries and library assns may do it.

            again praises Bowery melodramas for their splendid scenery, some ptgs are perfect picts, worthy attn of connoisseurs

Dec 22 p. 2 Mr Robinson well known for humour and enterprise in public of caricatures has been held to bail by Msr Le Compte, husb of celeb danseuse at Park, for an indecent print of the lady. Artist pub 2 Lithos, first, rather broad, Msr was v much pleased, 2nd objectionable, uncommonly spirited and elegantly executed, we consider less objectionable.  ingenious device to sell pictures rapidly.  Puffs Catlin.  Likes Chas Lamb.

Dec 28 p.2 DC Johnston celeb caricaturist at Boston v amusing caricature of a Loco Foco before and after the NY election, metamorphosis in features, ingenious artist

Seems to have come out for Clay as pres candidate, vs C&E and the Comm Advert coming out for Webster.

            Catlin invites members of NAD and Amer Acad of A to visit on NY day, to explain to them the works of art in his coll

            Notes a spirited sketch on stone of the Pennsylvania in a gale has been taken by Mr Carillton Barton of the navy

            “the Fine Arts” pleasure visiting Mr Guild 187 Cedar St, artist of no common talent, educ in NY, improved by traveling in south, west indies and euro, eminently successful.  style of ptg is v low, at same time soft and mellow, likeness perfectly true to originals.  Miniature ptg uniformly patronized, families of note encourage it, few don’t require it in cities.  Pictures are precious relics, carefully handed down as mementos, duplicated by engraver to circulate among friends.  Has 50 specimens, many immed recognizable

Dec 29 p. 2 critical of the Sun for supporting Canadian rebels, but not Texas ones.  NY Mirror praises engrav of W Irving fr ptg GS Newton RA, engr faithful G Parker of this city, whose heads of Halleck, Bryant, Willis enviable reputation

            lots more puffs of Catlin constantly.  and fr a correspondent in Rock Island Illinois, wishing Amer artist would leave familiar Ital Engl lscape and emulate Catlin’s industry trace out picture sublime beaut of our own country.  his drwgs fr nature contrast w stale pictures fr English press of palaces, feudal towers, prisons, colleges gothic deformity, shrubs vs palaces of nature.  Catlin is the Turner of America, pioneer.

1838 AAS hard copy

Jan 5 p. 2 letter fr Catlin smallpox among Mandans, praises newspapers

Mar 9 1838 p. 2 truly splendid litho by Catlin of Osceola, colored under his superintendence, faithfully minutely depicted, even more like than the original portrait from life, superb ornament any saloon (20 x 26), expression, coloring etc perfect, at Colman’s.  don’t see ad.  ad for Hayward’s picture gallery. Mar 9 1838 splendid litho magnif full length of Osceola, colored, rich dress minutely depicted, features like to original, expression coloring etc perfect, at Colman’s

Evening Star—Extra--Mar 26, 1838: all coverage of trial of Phenix Bank

Jun 14 1838 p. 1 fr Morning Post acct of Victoria’s first ball at New Palace, description of the rooms:  portraits of the Hanovers in the Green Drawing Rm w/objs of virtu.  The Picture Gallery, splendid salon much talked of, unqualified beauty, at entrance beaut productions Canova Venus and Hebe, rarest most valuable ancient masters Rembrandt, Teniers, Vandyke, Wouvermans, Vandevelde, Both, Cuyp etc

Nov 17 ad p. 2 for grand exhib ptgs, Acad in Barclay st, Destr of Jerusalem by Whichelo, Revolt in Paris by Giraud (all huge), Circassian Slave, St John in Desert, Princess Capua all by Dubufe, splendid highly finished first order unrivalled excellence, 50 cents

Mon Nov 19 p. 2 Dunlap Exhib, coll picts loaned him at Stuyvesant Inst , for his benefit, gems cabinet picts highest value,  fr drwg rms men of wealth, first modern artists, Agate, Alston, Bennet, Cole, Cummings, Chapman, Copley, Calamet, Doughty, Durand, Dunlap, Freeman, Guy, Inman, Ingham, Jarvis, Marsiglia, Newton, Pine, Reynolds, Stuart, Sully, Twibill, Vanderlyn, Wier

Nov 20, 21, 22 p. 2 letter to ed praising Dunlap, Nov 22 1838 for eve star, exhib for benefit of Dunlap at Stuyvesant, deserves sympathy and good feelings, advances interests of our city, in ptg drama lit, friend of Brown, Cooper, Cooke Price, West Stuart Trumbull, rare productions of genius. anti-locofoco letter follows.

23, 24, 26 p. 2 likes Tasistro’s new mag, notice of gems at Acad Barclay st, Dubufe et al, splendid efforts of genius, also his noble port of a lady, others are fine splendid elaborate choice, Nov 27 p.2 Livepool corresp on art 30 ports of Queen pub, 9 busts; Wilkie’s Queen’s First Council and several others in hands of engravers; 6 of Landseers and 4 lscapes by Turner in prep for print shops, Eastlalle, Harding and Harvey too, Allans’ Burns in His Cottage he’s seen and it promises well as engraving

Nov 28 p. 2 praises pictorial embellishments engr  JA Adams for Scripture Tales, manner acceptable for cultivated taste, form youth on correct designs models.

            notes Dunlap benefit exhib gems inclu one lent by Mr Brevoort, would be admired by Emperor Napoleon, a man of taste, design furthers his views of military conquest, returning Grenadier to his village.  obscures the facts of real veterans.  Its neighbor Spartans repulsing Pyrrhus, see war’s sufferings more.  Exhib well attended.

Dec 3 p. 2 at Stuyvesant/Dunlap exhib, pictures which give most pleasure to our homely taste have been passed w/o notice due to their merits, extraord productions Mr Wm S Mount. 5-6 of his compositions, Amer talent in branch of fine arts he’s chosen higher for several pictural qualities than ever except by Leslie, who studied in Europe.  Leslie w/grt propriety resorts to former writers for subjects, Mount is his own author, paints what he sees, scenes are American.  Bargainers for a horse, dancing on barn floor, raffle for goose, farmers nooning, and above all Undutiful Boys give scenes and personages we’ve all seen, or something like, and we are delighted with what had before escaped observation or been forgotten.  Tells his stories as well as Leslie or Newton, more to our taste than the Boors of Ostrade or Teniers.  Long may he observe the manners around him, prove truly the Amer ptr of Character

Dec 4 1838 For the Evening Star, by A Visitor, The PTgs at the Acad of FA, exceed any for many years, historical ptg by Whichelo of Destr of Jerusalem, secondary to beaut by Dubufe, exquisite, Circassian Slave modest repugnance rivet atttn, Giraud’s revolt of Paris least attractive but faithful

Dec 4 p. 2 Extract of a Letter of an artist, Sept 3, 1838, fr Dresden, Berlin has choice works of art, Dresden Gallery of Ptgs free adm to copy, better than Louvre, admires Japanese and Chinese collections, jewels, curiosities, fossils.  Also fine coll Canaletti ptgs Palace of Brahi, choice assemblage plaster casts.

            A Visitor writes ‘for the Evening Star’ re the Paintings at Acad of Fine Arts in Barclay st exceed any presented to connoisseurs for many yrs, respectable no of visitors, historical ptg Whichelo Destr of Jerusalem first strikes the eye, tho secondary to beaut ptg of Dubufe, still a masterpiece universal admiration.  Don Juan, Haidee and Lambro by Dubufe most exquisite, faithful illust, face exquis. Circassian Slave a triumph, perfect form, rivet attn; Giraud’s Revolt of Paris least attractive but faithful illust of revolt of Feb 1358 grt interest, work of art, claims of ptr to first rank

Dec 6 p. 2 puffs mechanical Panorama of Battle of Bunker Hill; Dec 7 p. 2 urges cont Dunlap exhib, also notice of Peale’s Mus newly renovated, more than 200 ports of Amer worthies, of deep interest to citizens, who aren’t aware of them.  Need a catalog to identify and describe them.  Notices enw NY Mirror, ptg by Chapman view of Palisades, exec Osborne; Am artist, engr and scene.

Dec 14 Western artists, Nyers doing well on tours there, Marchand ports of Clay, harrison, Beecher, a young Athens Powell driving business here, Powers Clevenger King; at home Frankenstein Brown Martin Whetstone

Dec 16 p. 2 ad re Dunlap exhib, extended and more art:  Benj Butler two lscapes fresh fr Weir, AB Durand two lascapes by himself, works by West, Leslie, Bennett, Sully, Hoyle, Alston, Harding, Ingham, Inman, Jarvis etc.  Gulian Verplanck Chair, Danl Kingsland Secy, others on Committee Aaron Clarke (mayor?), Robt Weir, Geo Morris, H Inman, P Hone, Thom Cole, Wm TM Coun, Wm Bryant, Thom Cummings, John Francis (pub Comm Advert?), AB Durand, Jacob Cram, Wm Hallett, Daniel Tylee, Saml Ward, John Lloyd, CC Ingham, MM Noah, M Van Schaick, FW Edmonds, H McLean, Saml Hunt, Edm Simposon, John S Bartlett, AP Halsey, Geo Doughty, JA Adams, David Colden, DF Daniels, John I Morgan, James VanAlen, Peter Gassner, Chas F Hoffman, Henry Shumway, Thom Morris, James Whitehorn, J Jenry Wm Duer Alban Smith, Prosper Wetmore.  Continues over next days to puff it.

            Western Artists, young artists of NY do well touring west, even at Cinti, Marchand gained much éclat by late portraits of Clay, Harrison, Beecher, etc.  Even Cinti the Athens of the West who sends fr her schools graduates, thus young Powell doing driving business here, Power, Clevenger in Boston, King in New Orleans, while Frankenstein, Brown, Martin Whetstone employed at home

Dec 17 1838 praise Dunlap exhib reopening with new work by Weir and Durand, simplicty of design neatness of execution arrangement of color are unexampled

Dec 19 p. 2 Article signed “Rembrandt” on John Wesley Jarvis, call attn to his deplorable situation.  Name is known, wit, genius, hi rank, among first painters of portraits in country says Dunlap, performances rarely surpassed, but I have no desire to arouse any critical lion, justly celebrated, but the hi wrought genius is now palsied hand, gems of wit and humor now incoherent, if you admired his genius, shd aid, esp those in Charleston, where he lived.  Now supported by widowed sister who keeps male boarding hse in Pearl st

Promotes Tasistro regularly.  Likes Merchants’ Mag. Publishes articles in French.

Dec 22 1838 pic at Stuvvesant by Durand, appears apt illus of Gen GP Morris v pop verses Woodman spare that tree, when we look on the oak tree, and the old man sitting under its shade, and boys and girls listening to him, ‘let that old oak stand’ have a fellow feeling, ptr must have had these lines in mind

Dec 22 p. 2 at Dunlap exhib a Durand lscape appears apt illust of Gen Morris’ v pop verses Woodman, spare that tree; oak, old man sitting, children listening.  Ptr and poet must have fellow feeling, even these lines in painters’ mind.

Dec 24 p. 2 Notices Chinese lscape ptgs in Phila Mus, Catherwood’s Pan of Jerus, exhibs Stuyv and Amer Acad, Peale’s portraits  [ad for Amer Acad notes that Circassian Slave is provided with a silk curtain, needn’t be seen]

25th missing; 26th p.1 fr Journal of Amer Inst, long article on medallic engr, mechanical inventions

Dec 27 Notices Calyo’s Exhib, open 411 Broadway, lovers of fine arts, more than ord gratif, beaut and instructive, views are large size, sterling merit, to heighten illus, shown thru magnifying glasses, but naked would appeal to connoisseur.  eminent artist, traveled extensively and drawn views, edifices where resided,  his Athens appeal to classical student, his Alhambra to those who’d understand Irving, his view of Baltimore will demonstrate his accuracy.  Signed a Visitor.  Ad p. 3 for his Cosmoramic Exhib at Lockwood’s Saloon, original highly finished ptgs fr drwgs on spot, by himself, improved method of body coloring, beauty freshness of coloring, justness of proportion.  25 cents.  free catalog.  Includes Hall of Reps DC, Fairmount Water Wks

Dec 28, p. 2 often pitied hangers of pictures for an exhib, and makers of catalogues.  ptrs complain re position, hi low, light, competition.  catalogs filled with errors, a gman is a ldy, lscape a portrait, at Dunlap one of best portraits of Doctor S Bard is attrib to Vanderlyn when real authors are Waldo & Jewett.

            Thorwaldsen, Swedish sculptor, honored grand banquet, 300 guests

Dec 29 p. 2 Mr Snow selling superior Ptgs, one noticed in Colman’s window this wk by Onorio Marinari, Virgin and Child, few other gd origs Herodias of Gennari, Dead Game by Van Aelst, Walky’s lscape, one by Barrocio, Kaufman, Franks, Pueligo, Del Sarto, Zocchi, sketch ons tone by Van Dyke, some signed v beaut

Dec 29 1838 Aaron Levy selling splendid orig ptg of Dead Christ by Vanderlyn, no reserve, also choice Ital ptgs 71 Liberty st, connoisseurs and gman amateurs

NYPL Mfilm Evening Star

Jan 2 1839 starts; 10 like Willis’ play, Wallack chose it; Catlin reopened. like Sunday Atlas 11 puff gallery of ptgs in Barclay st, Destruction of Jerusalem Deubufe etc. sully’s port of Victoria, averse to the practice of great artists exhibiting productions made to order, seems to degrade the high objects and sublime subjects of historic ptg. But bad policy to think republicans wouldn’t want to see it, should have allowed him the privilege. the Society cannot in honor show it, but Sully may, and let money go to hardworking artist who is never adequately rewarded here. Can’t imagine Society members have any sordid views of the pecuniary gains. 12 Young Ptrs: young Powell of Cinti so far ahead in his art, but a younger one, Healy of Albany with ptg room in Barclay st, promise in Portrait, went to Paris at 14. Aaron Levy has a new gallery and sale of ptgs tonight 15 notices Corsair 16 Inman ptd admirable port of gifted Prosper M Wetmore, one of best things have emanated fr him, have a copy, will enrich pages of Mirror (fr NY Mirror). Praise Tasistro’s Expositor 18 thinks Sun Morning News shld be allowed to publish. Likes new issue of NY Mirror. 23 Levy sale 25 young Powell Cinti artist in Chamber st nr Broadway made a great hit in Elle Tree, his chef d’ouevres, struck by facsimile of the resemblance, sweet expression and smile, plainly dressed hair, degage and natural dress. People who want most favorable aspect, intellectuality and force of expression in features form and attitudes, not handed down as a lump of lifeless statuary, should go 29 puffs pano Jerusalem

Feb 1839  4 praises James Aldrich’s Lit Gazette. Calyo’s exhib advertising too. 5 Thos Jefferson Smith’s Metropolis is a Demo paper but crit of VB . Clay’s proslavery speech, liberating them would mean one race would kill the other, 12 NY American not enthusiastic 27 Coleman has spirited prints

March 5 1839 Catherine Beecher entered arena of newsp columns and under her own name accuses Alcott of Boston Annual of being a moral assassin to McGuffie of Cinti, compiler of school books, as plagiarizing. Why is she taking up the cudgels? Monument to Dewitt Clintong sholdn’t be marble, select most enduring materials, granite like Egyptians 6 French corresp mentions a famous female sculptor 7 Andrews of National theater libel suit agst Paul Pry for unfair crit 11 Spirit of Times beaut engr port of Augusta, not a bit like her. 19 L writes on The Apollo Association, maybe a press release, Page (Prisoners Last Interview), Cranch Chapman, Thompson, Brown. Loves Knick. 20 puffs gallery on Barclay st. regularly notices Atwill 23 splendid pic by Morse in London, now in collection of Haywood, Broadway and Chambers, Jupiter, West thought he should have won the prize. glad for women to work as seamstressses, as salesgirls 27 critic in france loves Rachel 30 Shegogue’s port of Hi Constable Hays met most decided approbation, represented as standing in Court, expect the well known Hear Ye Hear Ye, bold and manly in char, faithful as likeness, admirable in expression, Shegogue estab his rep

April 1 1839 Anelli opened exhib of private gall of historical ptgs and portraits etc 74 Chambers st his studio, will become a school, disting Ital ptr 2 sale of Paff’s engr 5 puffs Catherwood’s thebes pano, excitement abt forthcoming Life in NY, editor is qual to write it 9 v supportive of Willis 16 notices Morning Dispatch, Col Stone lecture, Hon Henry Clay, having heard the full length by Linen spoken of in hi terms, called at store of Linen & Fennell, 389 Broadway, intimate acquaintance have seen him in alm every position, true delienation of Clay’s char as well as a likeness. You see the man, the mind, that broad expansive forehead, and tho differing in that respect with the generality of his potraits, it is one of his most prominent features. In small ports Linen w/o equal in US, pic will do much for his rep, clear in color well drawn, to be engraved. 19 Gems of Art: unique splendid drwgs by first masters belonging to Catherwood, for sale at Levys. Want Clay rather than Webster or Harrison. 25 covers St George Society 30 black borders for death of Thom Gill. still no NAD ad

1839 AAS hard copy

Apr 2 p.2 Mr Paff’s Engravings, valuable old line engr late Mr Paff this evening, on exhib 204 Fulton st, attn of lovers of fine arts  (Nov 19 1838 an ad for sale 6 Spruce st of his highly prized cabinet gems, Aaron Levy) Apr 15: p. 2 regrets that a benefit for Willis didn’t produce anything; it’s a good play; puffs superb collection at Dubufe’s gallery on Barclay which is closing; Peale’s Museum a pleasant evening lounge, pretty ladies; benefit coming for deserving Mr Wallack; and notes Life in New York is being published

May 1839 NYPL film

10 Amer sculptors, Cinti an Athenian school, Greenough, Powers, Clevenger, Brackett so admired Clevenger has taken it up 11 Fine Arts fr Paris corresp, Daguerre’s Diorama burned, along with his experiments, sale of de Sommarina coll with Canova’s Magdalen, lots of bidding, stayed in France. 14 Dixon convicted of libel on Dr. Hawkes, press has taken to slander, morbid appetite. praise Leggett. dislikes dogs. May 21 NAD, disappointed in exhib, egotism in opulent leads to portraits, only Mount by doing comic could do historical pics of real life. Inman. Durand (Hoxie’s likeness is inimitably fine), Powell (loves him), DW Field, Page’s port of Stone (to the life), C Deas’ Hudibras, Marsiglia, Nims, Sully, Parker, Richardson, Weir (Indian Captives, attitudes and composition truth to nature so obvious), Selous, Watson, FR Spencer (one of the best portraits), Dickinson (too much broken masses), James Freeman (dawnings of true genius), Doughty Bronson Browere (great deal of spirit)  Hamilton Huntington (excellent) Cooper Quidor (Corlear before Stuyvesant, infinite fund of humor, delineated with surprising tact). 24 Robinson’s Clifton 29 West’s ptg. 31 Colman’s free pic gall his window

June 1839 4 Geo P Morris letter denying (as per Corsair, Spirit of Times (Porter in with Willis on Corsair) and New Yorker attacks on Mirror) he wrote Life in NY. 5 Praises the Infernal Regions. 6 likes Harry Franco. 8 says gman fr England named Mills wrote pamphlet Life in NY 10 Stephens good, catlin open 12 Sully’s Victoria noe exhib, finished and gifted, position makes her taller than she is, small pretty feet, face of plump blooming English girl, large blue eyes, chidlike expression, prominent Roman nose, boldness of outline, strong enthusiasm, rather dowdy figure, not beaut but comely and pleasing, Anglo Saxon and guelphic blood strongly marked, admirably exec accessories. Orig sketch fr life better coloring. go and see. 20 approve VB’s literary appointments 21 Robinson beaut litho of Tree 25 notices Colman has ptg of Vale neath Swansea by Selous, delightful. Reel ends on 29th.

NAD advertises. Signor Capelli teaching ptg at young lady’s school.

Eve Star NYPL Jul-Dec 1839

July 1 1839 A Fine Subject for an Artist: the following sketch in one of W Irving’s exquis stories in Jun Knick, pictque nd beaut, alm painted to the artist’s hands—the Alcayde ride out and spot a Moorish cavalier of lofty rank mounted turban scimitar, gazing on the moon and singing 2 puffs Catlin 3 lists among the amusements of the 4th, the NAD and Apollo as well as Ital ptgs at Acad of FA; they are all advertising.

Sully’s Victoria advertises in Eve Star in 1840; among amusements for July 4th 1839 are listed Catlin’s splendid Indian Gallery, the Statue of Victoria by Stout also at the Stuyvesant, pano of Thebes/jerusalem in Prince st, magician, infernal regions, Apollo Gallery of Ptgs Broadway, NAD Clinton hall, Ital ptg at Acad of FA Barclay st, see ads. Catherwood’s Jerusalem also advertises.

13 Griswold and Park Benj does Tattler and Bro Jon 18 junior editor at Commercial dislikes Liverpool corresp Mackenzie, critized him some years ago 23 critical of Leggett, better to give his widow money than spend it on a monument, judgment weak 25 Donald McLeod is assoc editor of the Times with Eldridge, sound demo views 26 recommends Sully’s Victoria. And from Rome correspondent:won’t say anything of sculp and ptg, every one plays the critic and fool on them, better educ than year in University, art pervades Eternal City, elevates mind by familiarity, imibe a taste for it, and when you quit Italy, and see the inferior works of home-artists, you are able at a glance, to see that they are inferior, and you know why they are. I would no vie a dollar for the man not spent time in Rome.

skipped to September 1839 Sept 7 Evening Tattler—I like your paper, writings, whole clique, novelty and easy impudence, but don’t like harsh attacks on actresses, swaggering in support of one daily and 7 weeklies and ride rough shod 9 puffs great sale of Italian statuary at the Academy, Clarke, John of Boulogne (maybe). Catlin. 17 David’s statue of Armand Carrel inaugurated in cemetery, bronze but not classical, in costume of present day, holding the National (paris corresp). Mech Fair and Am Inst. puffs Clarke. 24 Clarke again. Hostile to Amistad as criminals and property of Spanish. 30 sad Dunlop dead.

Oct 1839: 1 dislike cash system for penny papers, want credit/subscriptions 2 loves Audubon, ladies should improve themselves in art of drwg by going. 3 dislikes Price of the Park, prefers Wallack. Recommend fair at the Apollo, fancy work of Landing of Columbus etc 8 notice of Ladies drwg lessons, Mrs Mears 24 White st, soft and skilful. Hiram Powers has mantle of immortal Thorwaldsen 10 Seager dags 11 New Era: Bell says Locke is no longer editor, he was able and civil, Prosper M Wetmore spoken of a new editor, with JW Edmonds of Hudson. 12 C&E and Rudd’s Reformer support Price of the Park. More Audubon. Benjamin and Giswold starting Evening Signal and New World, leaving Tattler. Stopped there.

Eve Star NYPL Reel Jan-June 1840

Jan 3 1840 Powell’s gallery, young artist of the ‘Cinti school’ making great progress, much improvement in grace spirit and nature, nothing tame, cold or awkward in Powell. Imagination is advancing to fancy pieces and grouping of characters with accessories, Greek brigand, costume of ports exceedingly beaut and rich, 30 Chambers st. Like engr of Halleck inEvergreen. 4 Tattler libelled Epes Sargeant? Puffs Clarke’s gall of foreign ptgs 7 Fine Arts Lewis P Clover doing plates for Burnet’s treatise on ptg, was a pupil of Durand. Burnet recommended by Morse, Inman, Durand etc pub by Linen and Fennell of 229 Broadway, Inman doing preface. Star’s Wash corresp is Watchman. 13 Arts and Artizans by Symons attracting attn, too much free trade in it. Painter Jarvis dead—best port ptr of his age, greatest wit of his time, man of kind feelings, boon companion, only his own enemy, should have been prudent and discreet. Grimes is right that phreno is true. 16 approves of ornamenting Girard College bldgs 19 love Tasistro 21 Frelinghuysen a colonizationist. Takes Gouraud’s side in daguerreotype war. 30 puffs new exhib of Euro ptgs

Feb 1840 7 don’t approve of bloodhounds, but makes excuses. Vernet uses daguerreotypes. engr ports of Jesse Buel avail. 13 notices Wm H Hudson’s Morn Chron. J Clark’s galleries of ancient and modern Orig Ital Ptgs has big ad. 14 ok to use dogs on Indians. 15 likes Poe. Tattler and Dispatch unite. 18 takes feature on Jarvis fr NY Mirror p. 1 20 mostly like Willis new book 24 Saml B Morse writes ed of Star to say that he did not study with Gouraud, 27 Gouraud says he can produce witnesses that say he did 28 Apollo Gallery: Wreck of the Medusa, celebrated pic, many other old masters, decided ly most interesting exhib we’ve seen in city, advertises.

March 1840 5 T signs a puff for Clark’s gallery 10 Robt C Wetmore is Pres of Whig convention Apollo gallery advertises, so does Clark’s, NY Mirror has big one. covers St Pat banquet 28 G writes Sculp and ptg: Cinti! awakened the arts, of disting merit, hi moral worth, Powers, Clevenger, Brackett now in NY. great diff is to embody mixed expression, Brackett eminently successful and has brought him before the public. second bust he made is excellent likeness, expr beaut combines gentleness, benignity and benevolence, all characteristic of the man, has also done Chas F Grim, Rufus Dawes, Grimes the phreno lecturer, and gman I dare not name lest he take offence, for he put out his hand, and art, which drooped her head, received new life and round a lustre shed. Powell winning golden opinions, excellent likenesses and v spirited, improving, gentle and refined in manners and dispositions, moral and intellectual excellence in soil of Cinti. exclusive to men? in Apollo Gall are specimens of all the cinti artists, and exquis little pic on ivory ptd by lady living in Cinti, ornaments, bouquet of flowers. Go see it.

April 1840 loves bloodhounds 4 p1 drawing for schools, starting with geometry and ending with flowers 8 Zionist Splendid Ptgs at Pine’s Coffee house, full length of Empress Josephine by Lefevre, rare merit, cognoscenti, gem, amateurs shld embrace 21 season for sale of Ptgs, v choice coll, connoisseur, Corregio, Dolce, gems in lscapes and originals, confidently recommend 23 Fine Arts in France, English school far inferior to France, froidure of character checks the arts, Wellington should never have allowed the Louvre to send its rich treasures back to Italy or Dresden for ancient ptgs and sculp. Not prob generlaly known among artists of our country that there is an annual exhib at the Louvre in March, young artists should go. This year disting for many beaut p but inferior to 1836 and 1839 as Vernet, Scheffer, Delaroche Winterhalter, Dupre et al were absent and committee excluded many that good judges had pronounced worthy, and goes on to give review 24 Hite the miniature ptr at Astor hse 28 The Gallery have not had a fair chance at the ptgs yet, but will soon, said to be much better than usual, wwe have A Chief among them taking names, and faith! he’ll present it!

May 1840 American Institute has been reporting, gets covered. 5 p2 (OTIS) The Pictures at Clinton Hall: some pics compare favorably with best fo former, but school of famous Flemish ptr Daub furnishes too large a porttion, princip portraits, subj no beauty or artist o great proficient. Frothingham, Harris, Inman May 6 NAD review continues: Spencer, Flagg, lots more on Harris, Ingham, Alexander, Marsiglia, Nims. & notice continues: G Thomson, Elliot, Freeman, Linen 8 cont, Acad of Des, miniatures, Miss Frothingham, Harvey, Baker, Hite, Seager, Weinedel, Cole,Audubon, and doesn’t like Page. May 11 continues, The Academy, Clinton Hall, Havell, Audubon, Hunt, Pringle, Dick, Cole’s dream of architecture, already commented on his White Mtn Notch, Bingham, Chapman, Oliver, Richardson, Grain, Freeman. 14 Acad’s Exhib continues: Freeman, E White, Boggs, Durand great pics,   15 Willis is now editing Bro Jon. Likes Elssler. 16 Acad’s Exhib cont: now in small saloon, Durand lscape meritless, Havell, capital Deas, Oddie, Lanman, clever Mount, Capt Eastman, Edmonds. 20 p. 2 Pics at Clinton Hall: Edmonds exceedingly clever, Bleecker, Mount, Miss Clifton, Whitley. 22 Colman’s window. 23 p.2 Exhib of the Acad, clinton h: Miss Stuart, Ingham, Havell, Durand 25 long positive review of Catherwood pano  27 notices genuine and correct bust of Harrison by Brackett, gone to North Bend. 28 attack on Herald, all foreign

June 1 1840 NY Herald attack. I never saw his promised last review of NAD criticism. 6 it continues as  A Noble Appeal, from another journal, addressed to gmen of corps editorial of NY, denies that women acually read Herald, the writer is a woman, though “there may be a class among us with whom the Herald finds ready readers” and careless thoughtless introduced it into most families. Respectable papers hoping to be more acceptable with the mass have followed its path and suffered descriptions of parties, fancy balls, auctions, shameless police reports and anunwarrantable exposure of vice in individuals before unsuspected of immorality to appear. Women have been reidiculed, their persons described. Go to Colman’s to see Fine Arts, busts of Harrison, Webster Clay and Everett (Gov of  Mass), sculp by Clevenger fr life, excel any thing we have before seen. Harrison the best we have seen, Clay a perfect facsimile, Webster not so striking iproves on acquaintance. good for phrenologists. 8 Bennett must stop attacking ministers, seminaries of learning, charitable institutions. 9 shameful attack by a caricaturist on French Consul general, combine slander, libel and personifications, public rights invaded. Bust of Harrison by Brackett, one of the best specimens ever, admirable likeness, expr of forehead eyebrow and mouth exquistiely caught, absence of countenance scarcely felt. from a Cinti paper. 15 Gouraud dags. likes Poe, and Atwill, Negroes of the Amistad in wax at Peale’s museum, murdering on the schooner 17 Lossing’s outline hist of the FA, pop character for general reader, useful, ed of Fam Mag 25 Marchant, artist long favorably known, member of NAD, has new ports in studio in Park Place, Harrison Clay Jackson Beecher Hammond etc fr tour of the West, Harrison hero in a plain overcoat wrapper, strong and energetic lines in his features, hard and honorable worn deep in the cheek, deep set and keen eye bespeak strong impulses, well devd forehead tho hair worn down, denotes as well as attitude and aspect, modest, firm and hi minded, port of Clay happiest hits, noble orator and commanding head towering above all ordinary men, speaking piercing eye and expr mouth Jackson countenance mild and subdued. NY Mirror not a single word at variance with good taste, most refined and delicate could not blush 27 Audubon

Jul 21, 1840,  p. 1 Foreign Extracts, Raphael’s handwriting: peculiar and beautiful as could be expected, round, bold, clear and graceful, feeling for the beautiful present in the formation of every letter. P. 2 critical of govt issuing shinplasters, on road to a national bank; admires a Dutch Reformed Church in the Gothic style reminding him of Hugo, Atwill’s music saloon has his bust as well as those of other French notables. Notes Cinti Mechanics’ Fair made $2000 in profits.

Jul 24, 1840: p. 3 (Weds Jul22) reviews Ogle’s expose of Van Buren’s furniture, Ogle a Pennsylvanian who knew his German farmers with their oaken stone houses, wooden chairs, oaken tables, earthenware, tiled chimney pieces would find a singular contrast with magnificence of a democratic Palace, antithesis of republican simplicity. Van Buren shd have insisted everything be of American manufacture, reward home ingenuity and taste, exposes he doesn’t practice what he preaches.

“Rich Treat” advises visit Brackett’s rms No. 11 corner of Chambers and Broadway, masterly bust of Harrison, recd superb fancy female bust from Powers, for Col Preston of S Carolina, . Brackett following in the wake of the ruling and noble passopm pf the upimg ,asons of Cinti has burst the fetters of a rude mechanic employment and is in line for Rome. Powers’ chiseling exquisite, silken fineness an delicacy of tresses contrast with imperial outline and admirable simplicity of drapery. Powers also doing busts of Clay, calhoun and Granger.

July 28, 1840 Banner includes Harrison and Tyler for President

Reel has August too, then ends.

Evening Star subscriber list 1833-40, NYHS

Arcade Baths

Apprentices Library

American Museum

American Institute

Atwill, Jos

Apollo Assoc

Dr Brandreth

AD Baker on Peck

Barnum, PT

Bleecker, A and Alex and James

Many Beekmans, Henry et al

Thomas Bell

Beach  (several)

Bogardus, Robt

Bloodgood, J

Bowery Theatre

Clark, Aaron

Catherwood, F

Casilear, John W on Grand st

Cinti Chronicle

Cilley, Washington

Custis, Geo and James

Coleman, WK

Cozzens, WB

Coleman, S

Delafield ? and others

Delmonico, Brother

Delevan, Chas and others


Dunlap, Gen (Saratoga Springs)

Duyckinck, EA on Houston st

Endicott, Geo 359 Broadway

Francia, John

Freeman, lots


Gardner, Asa

Gwathney, R&J in Virginia

Grinnell, Hnery

Grinnell & Minturn

Griswold, RS  on Bridge st

Haggerty & Sons

Herbert, HG

Henriques, Geo and J

Hecksher, Chas 515 Broadway

Hosack, J?P

Hone, Philip

Inglis, Wm 1 Nassau st

Imlay ? M, Oearl st

Kermit, Robt

La Farge, Jno 59 Clinton Place

Lee, Gideon


Levy, Aaron

Leggett, Wm

LeCompte, Mad

Loomis, JM

Meigs, Henry

Mechanics Institute

Mechanics Society

Minturn, RR and others

Niblo, John and Wm

New Era office

 National Theatre

New York Society & Library

NY & Erie rrd

Oddie, Walter U and WB 8 Mer Exchange  1838-40

Lots of Ogdens and Oakleys

Olmstead, F 3 College Place (and a George in Princeton NJ)

Olympic Theatre

Palmo, J

Pinckney several

Phoenix House

Porter, WJ

Purdy, Elijah

Quakcnbos, M

Riker, Richard

Ruggles, Robt and AA

Rogers, Nehemiah, Greenwich

Swartwout, S on Chambers (and others)

Schermerhorn Bankers and others

Seward, WH in Albany

Stetson, Chs A

Suydam, Henry

Spofford, Tilotson

Stuyvesant Institute

Snowdon, Wm on Fulton

The Herald on Ann St

Tallmadge, JA

Tappan, Abraham?

Tiletson, Wm on Broadway

Tiffany and Young on Broadway

Tallmadge, NP on DC

Terhune, GW

The Alhambra on Water St

Union Club House, on Broadway

Union Bank

Underhill, RJ and others

Verplanck, G

Vose several

Van Norden

Varian ?

Wallack, JW

Ward, Saml


Wagstaff, lots

Wisner, W fourth st

Windust E Athenaeum

Catherwood is 1838-40 and Casilear is 1839-40