HomeKatz's Unofficial Index to Antebellum New York City NewspapersKatz's Notes on Antebellum New York City NewspapersNew York Organ (Washingtonian and Organ, NY People's Organ)

New York Organ (Washingtonian and Organ, NY People's Organ)

NYPL misc The Washingtonian and Organ, Jan 28, 1843, James Burns, 128 Fulton st, 3 cents. Whitman story Mad Man written for the Washingtonian.

            By June 24, 1843, it’s The Organ and Washingtonian and edited by John W Oliver, pub Ephraim L Snow, Ann and Nassau

New York Organ, Devoted to the Washingtonians, Sons of Temperance, and Genearl Literature, John W Oliver, Nassau and Fulton, three cents  NYPL

March 7, 1846. March 14, A Peep at Pinteux, marble tables occupied, playing dominoes for liquor, promiscuous audience, walls everywhere garnished with magnificent ptgs, dazzling mirrors, fruit and flowers, youthful bartenders male and female, gallery for music played by young women.

Supports free school. May 16 Banvard’s pano

Read thru June 1846.

July 1847

Has family gathering masthead, and no Washingtonians in the motto, And Temperance Safeguard, T Trall and JW Oliver, editors. Skipped to August 28, 1847

Oct 2 1847 cites Demo Review

Skipped from Nov 20 to March 4, 1848 

April 29 anecdote of Pitti Placae statue in mirrored saloon, such is Truth all look towards it, all seeit fr diff angle. HW Beecher excerpts. May support nat Wash Monument Assoc

Thru June 1847

New-York Organ, Oliver & Brother, 128 Fulton, Ten cents pictorial for 4th of July June 30, 1849, vol 9, no. 1. Masthead has dad in armchair no beard reading paper to his family gathered attentively around. Three cents.

            Tudor Horton & Co doing the engravings or the designs. Has a Lyman Beecher portrait

July 14 notice portrait of L Gaylord Clark of Knick, and Fowlers and Wells Spirit of the Age. 21 Admire the Italians

Skipped rest of July and August

JW Orr also does engravings for them

Oct 13 notices Poe’s death as an awful warning Oct 20 TB Read poem, notices Merc Lib, Am Inst fair and the dinner where there were calls for Mr Fillmore 27 praise 18th ward police for breaking up model artist exhibition run by Pesch, noted men fr polit world among the audience

Notices Attree’s death. Has at least one illus per issue, usually for a fiction story.

Dec 29 notices Am Art Union distrib at Niblo’s, also the Intl Art Union prizes


Jan Likes Gov Fish, hates model artists.

Feb 16 Horace Greeley poem, Port of a Lady, and Longfellow. Fairly symp to women and women’s rights.

March Likes Phoebe and Alice Cary. Defends Barnum agst the uptown aristocracy. Notices a pano of Europe.

April 6 next number will have CG Foster, author of NY in Slices etc furnish a sketch of Sunday life in NY April 13 p.338 Moral Intemperance, pic of family with Dad reading murder monger newspaper aloud to family gather close around, slovenly, Bible on the floor, portraits of killers Wood and Hellman and the gallows on the mantel. Foster writes: take a good look at our pictur, if you are endowed with that peculiar facility of apprehending and translating forms and lines of expression into their proper meaning, you will be enabled to derive at a single glance, the chief points. But this faculty only at present time active in ptrs, designers, critics, etc, among great majority is latent. So will let reader into the secret of the drawing-room and show him the operation of the artist’s mind while composing.

            The first thing to be ascertained ina  ptg is the characters and rlns of the persons who figure in it—next, whether the action is unitary or diverse—in other words, whether all the char are acting in concert and under the influ of the same sentiment, or whether there are two parties, acting in oppos or hostility to ea other.

            Newspaper stands for ones like Nat Police Gazette, as well as the newspapers, perverting natural appetite for knowledge. Artist is John Leech

May 4 poem re we are all sculptors of ourselves/souls

Skipped July and August

September 1850—new more allegorical masthead, with bible in center, new publisher, Brognard & Co, 150 Fulton. Excited re Jenny Lind. 28 p. 99 foreign corresp fr The Tuilleries, finest collection of statuary, pained by utter nudity, in almost all the male pieces, blush for ladies gazing with any quantity of gmen around them, a friend of mine, an artist there, claimed it must be so, fault is in heart, and in rambling thru Louvre learned pics of nudity that cld never awaken an impure thought, so much purity, but also may be a sensual one, and at least half are and should never be exhibited. Among the statues struck with life and energy of The Wrestlers, one statue I cannot forget, a prisoner with cruel handcuffs binding his wrists, sunk in agony of sorrow, quivering of limbs, the victims of slaveruy thruout the world, trying in vain for liberty, in Europe and US

November 16 can’t justify cowhiding, even of Bennett. Powers statue of Eve bought by Prince Demidoff, for more than Robb of N Orleans would pay

Dec 28 notice Am AU distrib


March 22 notices the Atlas April 5 likes Hawthorne

Finished thru June.


New York People’s Organ: A Family Companion. Our Motto: Virtuous, Temperate and Happy Homes, the Nurseries of a Great andProsperous People. Charles Hoover, ed. $1/yr 118 Nassau

Vol. XIV no 1, July 8, 1854 small paper, with small vignette illustrations,not very frequently

July 15 Wall st speculator is not necessarily a rogue, but faces so much temptation and debasing moral tendency of system of gambling, that suffer demoralizing effects p. 12

22 Quotes Kossuth approvigly. Interested in working women

Aug 5 p. 40 The Characteristics of Young America, fr speech by Millson of VA in Congress, it can’t wait, perpetually screaming Progress, course of nature altogether too slow, Nature is a superanuated driveller and old fogy, all that is wise it calls fogyism, it would plunge into Nigara

Aug 12 mad at Herald for changing its mind on the  Maine law Aug 19 anecdote of John Martin re Deluge

Sept 23 anecdote of Miss Hosmer’s industry, clothes and horsemanship

Dec 2 poem is Save the Newsboy, noble natures oft adorn a mean attire, and earlier praises JC Derby’s novel the Newsboy (Derby has a small ad, as do phreno)

Mock HJ Raymond and editor of C&E a little.

December 30 1854 Hoover disposed of interest to James MacKean

Jan 20 American Pick comic weekly advertises

Feb 3 1855 p. 241 has story by Metta Victoria Fuller (also does Fanny Fern, Mrs Stowe, as well as TS Arthur etc)

March 1855, extra edition, has portraits of Geo Hall, Mayor of Brooklyn and Fernando Wood, praise both of them hugely

            Ends there.